NEWSLETTER - Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas


NEWSLETTER - Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas
May 2015
33rd Annual Native American Finance Officers Association (NAFOA) Conference in Austin, Texas.
This annual event brings together tribes from
across the United States for a two-day conference
with breakout sessions filled with topics of discussion ranging from policies impacting Tribal Governments, Tribal business sustainability, Capital
infrastructure financing development, Fundamentals of treasury operations and management, Succession planning and much more.
“April showers bring May flowers” and with it a
feeling of renewal. From the dogwood blooms of
early April to the greener and warmer days of May,
we are gearing up for another month filled with
Council Member work sessions, State and Federal
legislative appointments, Departmental meetings
and community services.
Last month, a birthday reception (April 2) was held
for Second Chief, Mikko Skalaaba Herbert Johnson,
Sr. in the Cultural Center. Many well-wishers, along
with Principal Chief Mikko Colabe III Clem Fain
Sylestine, were in attendance. A big thank you to all
who were involved in the planning and setting up of
this special occasion. We ask for continued prayers
of strength and improved health to both Mikko Colabe III and Mikko Skalaaba.
We would like to extend our appreciation to former Tribal Councilman Kyle Williams, former
Tribal Council Secretary Melanie Battise, Treasurer Pete Polite, ACT Holdings, LLC CEO Bryan
Small, ACT Holdings, LLC Board Member Andy
Evans and Tribal Administrator Stephanie Williams for accepting the Host Tribe responsibilities
for the 2015 conference.
Final planning, scheduling and preparation of special programs was executed by ACT Holdings Executive Assistant Yolanda Poncho, Tribal Media/
Communications Director Carlos Bullock and Cultural Programs Director Tobine Alec. Mikko Skalaaba Herbert Johnson, Sr. and Councilman Clint
Poncho offered the Opening Prayer for the first
and second mornings of the conference. The Flag
Song was sung by Obrey and Tobine Alec. Welcoming remarks were made by Chairperson Nita
Battise. Special Dance Performances by Stephanie
Williams, Yolanda Poncho, and Portia Alec
(Basket Dance & Swan Dance), Tobine Alec
(Eagle Dance) and Preston Johnson (Hoop Dance)
were well received by all. Alabama-Coushatta
Tribal Princess Camille Johnson offered the Lord’s
Prayer in Indian sign language with Miss Whitney
Williams singing the Lord’s Prayer. Elliott Abbey
shared his pine needle basket making skills alongside a cultural display by Carlos Bullock. The
hospitality given to conference participants from
our tribal representatives were made known to the
NAFOA Board of Directors who were very
pleased with the overall program.
On Monday, April 6, Tribal Council hosted a community reception for the Big Sandy Boys Basketball
team recognizing their achievements during the
2014-2015 basketball season. The team achieved
District 24 Champion recognition, Class 2A Region
3 Championship and Class 2A Conference State
Runner-Up in the U.I.L. Boys Basketball State Finals in San Antonio, Texas. Representatives of Tribal Council, Polk County Judge Sydney Murphy, Big
Sandy Superintendent Diane Holbrook and Coach
Kevin Foster shared words of praise and appreciation to the commitment, dedication and hard work of
the team. A Proclamation in Recognition of
Achievement & Excellence was read by Chairperson
Battise and signed by herself and Chief Colabe III
Clem Fain Sylestine. Congratulations to Coach Kevin Foster, Trent Williams, Laine Langley, Angel
Bullock, Benson Williams, Joseph Williams, Samuel
Richard, Steven Renfro, Seth Maze, Zach Dickens,
Preston Cain, Ryan Brown, Managers Cole Foster,
Kaden Foster, Kyle Hathaway, and Case Sutherland.
Special Recognition was given to Gabe Bullock for
his tireless and continuous commitment to the team
throughout the year.
Monday afternoon (April 20), Tribal Council proceeded to the State Capitol Building to offer support to HJR (House Joint Resolution) 129 before
The week of April 20 was quite an event-filled time.
The Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas hosted the
TRIBAL COUNCIL (continued)
Chairperson Battise offered transportation to participants throughout the morning. Congratulations to Tribal Council Secretary Johnny Stafford
and Joe Hourigan (General Counsel to the Tribe)
for placing 1st and 2nd in their respective divisions.
Members of the Licensing and Administrative Procedures Committee. HJR 129 was filed by Representative Senfronia Thompson on March 12. This
bill proposes a constitutional amendment authorizing the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas and the
Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Tribe to conduct all forms of
gaming on tribal lands only and requiring the tribes
to annually pay five percent of net proceeds from
gaming to the comptroller of public accounts for
deposit in the general revenue fund. Chairperson
Battise submitted both written and oral testimony in
support of HJR 129 on behalf of the Tribe. Tribal
Council members in attendance were able to electronically submit their approval of HJR 129 prior to
the committee hearing.
During the Tribal Council Meeting held on Monday, April 27, 2015, Tribal Council approved
ACITC Resolution #2015-29 establishing the
position of Chief Law Enforcement Administrator for the Alabama-Coushatta Police Department (ACPD). The Chief Law Enforcement Administrator will be the highest ranking member
of the ACPD and will report directly to the Tribal
Mr. Henry Patterson, former Liberty County
Sheriff, has been selected to serve in this capacity. He will be responsible for evaluating the department and making recommendations to improve the efficiency of the ACPD. The Tribal
Council are committed to making this department
more efficient and importantly, to improve the
relationship between our tribal community and
the ACPD.
In addition to HJR 129, Vice-Chairman Thomas
offered approval and support of HB535 before the
House Elections Committee. HB535 relates to acceptable forms of voter identification for Tribal
Members. This bill was authored by Representative
Poncho Nevarez.
On Tuesday, April 21, Chairperson Battise and
Tribal Administrator Stephanie Williams drove to
Conroe, Texas for The Unveiling of Texas Lady
Liberty in the Spirit of Texas Plaza. The unveiling
was to commemorate The Battle of San Jacinto. A
Tribute to the Fallen Soldiers from the Battle of
San Jacinto was observed. The lighting of the Spirit
of Texas Eternal Flame at Taysha Park by descendants of Sam Houston, The Daughters of the Republic of Texas and The Sons of the Republic of Texas
was quite impressive. Chairperson Battise participated, along side Sam Houston IV (great-great
grandson of General Sam Houston), in the lighting
on behalf of the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe.
Despite the challenging weather on the morning of
Saturday, April 25, The Super Hero Dash was held
with both a 5K & 10K Run and Walk. Sponsored
by Polk County District Attorney Lee Hon and his
department, this event is a popular fund-raising
event for Safe Haven of Polk County.
On Thursday, April 30, The 50th Anniversary Vietnam War Commemoration and reception was
held in the Cultural Center to recognize, remember, honor and “WELCOME HOME” our Viet
Nam Veterans. Twenty-five Alabama-Coushatta
and Coushatta Tribal members answered the call
of duty to serve and protect Our Country during
one of the most challenging eras we have ever
faced as a nation. The afternoon program was
filled with personal stories shared by our Veterans, heartfelt memories from family members
and an inspiring message shared by Guest Speaker Roy James, American Legion Post 78 Commander & State Director for Texas Honor & Remember. During the Vietnam War, our tribal
community suffered the loss of Marvin Ray Robinson on September 11, 1969. His service and
sacrifice to Our Country was honored with a
presentation of a Pendleton blanket by the family
of the late Jack Battise, Sr. (World War II Veteran) to Wynema Robinson Williams, Marvin’s
TRIBAL COUNCIL (continued)
January Director of the Month:
Veteran) to Wynema Robinson Williams,
Marvin’s sister.
Jackson Langley
During the month of April, the following
action were taken at the tribal council meetings
Approved ACITC Resolution #2015-23 –
Prosperity Bank
Approved ACITC Resolution #2015-24 –
Citizens State Bank
Approved ACITC Resolution #2015-25 –
Private Investments
Approved ACITC Resolution #2015-26 –
Authorization with Office of Special
Trustee for American Indians (OST)
Approved ACITC Resolution #2015-27 –
Signature of Authority-Citizens State
Approved ACITC Resolution #2015-28 –
WIA/WIOA Program Renewal
Approved ACITC Resolution #2015-29 –
Chief Law Enforcement Administrator
February Employee of the Month:
Monica Parkinson
March Employee of the Month:
Jeralyn Mullins
April Employee of the Month:
Michelle Polite
Members of Tribal Council taking a photo with State
Representative Senfronia Thompson and Tigua Governor Carlos Hisa. The Tribal Council showed support for two bills on that day (HJR 129, and HB 535)
5/5/15—Tuesday Crockett Resource Center-learn the basics of computer skills, nutrition class,
LUNCH PROVIDED, and play different games to get the brain stimulated. Sign up sheet at
the senior citizens center. Wil be leaving the senior citizen parking lot at 8:15 AM.
5/6/15—Wednesday “MINI HEALTH FAIR” COMMUNITY WELCOME …..begins at 10
AM to 2 PM.
5/12/15—5:30 PM Tuesday “Scrapbooking Class” at the Library. *Door Prize* dinner provided. Please sign up at the senior citizen center.
Requesting volunteers for this day please let Ida Langley or Cindi Flores know. Need
four volunteers. **as a reminder please do not park in the senior citizen parking lot area** We greatly appreciate your cooperation.
5/17/15—Thursday 10 AM “May Fest” in Lufkin. Sign up sheet is available at the senior citizen center. We will be leaving the senior citizen parking lot at 8:30 AM.
Upcoming activities: 6/2/15 Crockett Resource Center, 6/11/15 “Diabetic Self-Management
Class” begins, Ever y Thur sday beginning at 5:30 PM at the senior citizen center, five
The senior citizen department had two day trips on Wednesday April 22nd-Golden Corral Restaurant for the homebound and April 24th Salt Grass Restaurant and movie afterwards. This
was a great turn out! New senior citizens attended the Friday night dinner and Movie! Next
day trips scheduled: 7/15/15-HOMEBOUND LUNCH & 7/17/15-SENIOR CITIZENS.
PLEASE SIGN UP!!!!!!!!!!
I welcome volunteers to lead activities or projects. Supplies can be provided. Share your ideas
and creativity!
Thank you for scheduling your doctor appointments with us ahead of time. This makes our job
so much easier and our goal is to provide the best services possible.
If you have any questions please call Cindi Flores, Title VI Coordinator at 936-563-1337 or
Hello Tribal Members, we hope everyone is having a
great spring season so far. First of all, we’d like to invite
you to the Information Meeting on Monday, May 4,
2015. The first meeting will be at the Senior Citizen dining room at 11:30 a.m. and the evening meeting will be at
6 p.m. at the Special Events Center. We will provide updates on Ochana and other activities from ACT Holdings.
On April 1, 2015, we made a presentation to the Land Use Committee to designate a portion of Leggett land
for ACT Holdings, LLC. Our request was approved pending environmental assessment. On April 13 th, Tribal Council approved our request to use a portion of the southeast side of Leggett land as a permanent facility
for ACTH and Ochana Industries, LLC.
This month, the staff at Ochana Industries, LLC has been busy with the evaluation process for the Assembly
and Kitting Technicians. The evaluation process for the technicians included several factors. First, the applicants must submit a complete application to be considered. Secondly, the application must complete an assessment test that included a battery of tests such as a grit test, mechanical reasoning, perceptual speed and
accuracy, numerical ability, spatial relation and kitting and assembly. The applicants who passed the assessment test have moved on to the interview process.
This year, the Tribe co-sponsored the Native American Finance Officer Association (NAFOA) 33rd Annual
Conference which was held in Austin on April 20-21, 2015. ACTH assisted with the cultural program along
with Tribal Administrator and the Cultural Program Director. We would like to thank the following people
who participated in the cultural pieces: Mikko Skalaaba Herb Johnson, Sr., (opening prayer), Tribal Princess
Camille Johnson (Indian sign language), Whitney Williams (singer for Lord’s Prayer) Obrey Alec (singer/
drummer), and tribal dancers Tobe Alec, Portia Alec, Bucky Johnson, and Stephanie Williams. The dancers
performed the Basket Dance, Swan Dance, Eagle Dance and the Hoop Dance. We’d also like to give a special thank you to Elliott Abbey who demonstrated the art of pine needle basketry and to Carlos Bullock for
designing the beautiful conference logo which included our pine needle baskets and the Lake Tombigbee in
the background. Many tribal members from across Indian Country complimented the cultural program so
thank you to Tribal Council for letting us being a part of this special event.
Opening prayer by Mikko Skalaaba
Lord’s Prayer by Tribal Princess
Camille Johnson & Whitney Williams
Eagle dance by Tobe Alec
Basket dance by Stephanie Williams,
Portia Alec & Yolanda Poncho
Finally, we’d like to announce Ochana Industries, LLC is now HUBZone certified. HUBZone is a U.S. S.B.A.
(Small Business Administration) program for small companies that operate and employ people in HUB
(Historically Underutilized Business) Zones. Ochana Industries, LLC qualifies for the program because
Ochana will maintain a principal office in a HUBZone and will ensure that at least 35% of its employees reside in a HUBZone. We are excited for this news as it will allow Ochana to receive large competitive advantage in winning federal contracts.
For more information on ACT Holdings and Ochana Industries, LLC, we invite you to come visit us at our
offices or give us a phone call or email. We look forward to seeing you at our office or at the Information
Meeting. Aleelamoloo!
Bryan Small
Yolanda Poncho
Executive Assistant
Historic Preservation
Lake Tombigbee
Tribal Environmental GAP
Oil & Gas
Tribal Environmental Water
Solid Waste
Tribal Elders are invited to come out an hear presentations given by
Tribal Cultural and Natural Resources Programs.
Filed trip to Long Leaf Pine Project.
Questions? Contact Cecilia Flores @ (936) 563-1145
The Communications/Media Relations Office is pleased
to announce that Emma Abbey has joined our team as
the new Communications/Media Relations Coordinator.
Emma is married to Elliot Abbey and they have one son,
7th & 8th Grade Students from the Santa Fe
Indian School visit the Reservation during their
Spring Break
Members of a Pueblo perform their Buffalo
As the Summer begins this office will be engaged in
many different activities. Last month we gave presentations to a group of 7th & 8th grade students from the
Santa Fe Indian School in Albuquerque, a group of exchange students from New Zealand, a group of Senior
Citizens from Houston, and Baylor University students.
This department set up a display of the Tribe at the National American Finance Officers Association, helped
the District Attorneys Office in preparing for the Super
Hero Dash, prepared for the Big Sandy Boys Reception.
There were many activities that we were involved in last
month and the next few months will be even busier with
the Annual Powwow and July 4th event coming up.
We still want to encourage Tribal Members to sign up to
receive up to date information, Newsletters, news articles, pictures of Tribal Events, notices and other information via email. You can sign up by emailing this department with a message titled Information Sign Up to:
Student from Santa Fe Indian School sings a traditional song and plays the drum for the crowd
Carlos Bullock:
Emma Abbey:
Please contact our office for more information at (936)
563-1120 or (936) 563-1131.
Reception on behalf of the State Finalist Big
Sandy Wildcats
Carlos Bullock with students from Central Pollock
Finish that Sewing Project, repair the mocs and finish up that new beadwork because its Pow-wow Time!
This year has gone by so fast that its hard to believe Annual is just about here. Thank You to all those who
have helped us at our Benefit Pow-wows whether you helped sell Raffles, Donated Dough, or even just
bought an Indian Taco. Special thanks to the Finance Dept. for all of your donations this year. Thanks to A/C
Woodland and Buffalo Boys for setting up each month in making sure we had good singing. Without our
Drum, we would never had some successful Benefit Pow-wows.
We would like to say thank you to Camille Johnson & Raegan Battise for all your representation to various
Pow-wows. You ladies walked in beauty and never missed a beat when and if our Pow-wow Committee was
called upon. We wish you the best and Thank You!
It is so moving when we asked all our Head Staffs this past several months and each graciously return their
pay back to our committee. Just World Class that our tribal members have for the Annual Pow-wow. Again
Thank you all for your Support.
And Now Annual
Just a reminder All A/C Tribal Members get in free but Non-Tribal have to pay to Enter. This has been in
effect for many years so please make sure you understand. Have CDIB upon Request so that our Gate Keepers Will know ( Our Volunteers Might be outside Guests)
If you plan to have Arts & Crafts or Food Booth please pick up your Application at the Tribal Court or also
Front Desk of the Cultural Center. More Information please call Teresa Battise 563-1288
Days of the Annual, please be aware traffic will be One Way and Exit out the Top of the Pavilion Area. This
to ensure good traffic flow
Needs: Volunteers for Raffles for both Nights, Gate Attendants, Assistance in serving/
Cleaning Dinner Saturday, Volunteers to help Set-up during the Week of Pow-wow and After. Water
Donations for our Guests, Raffle Items, Trash Crew, Registration
Any Help will be very appreciated
Early Registration will be held Thursday June 4 at the Ballpark from 6:00pm-9:00pm to beat the rush
In Case of Rain Veteran's Pavilion will be the Standby Location
Lets All work together to ensure a Safe and Fun time for all our Tribal membership and Visitors that will
come celebrate our 47th Annual Pow-wow. Any questions about the Annual Pow-wow please let us know
Safe Travels and See you at the 47th Annual Pow-wow
A/C Pow-wow Committee Members
Herb"Chickdog" Johnson Jr (936)442-8706
Tobine Alec (936)933-0836
Rochelda Sylestine
Teresa Battise Arts N Crafts (936)563-1288
Sharon Miller
Emma Abbey
Frances Battise
The Alabama-Coushatta Tribe held a Vietnam War Era Commemorative Event on April 30, 2015-a date that marked the end
of the Vietnam War after Saigon Falls to the Communist on April
30, 1975. Although the United States had some involvement in
Vietnam dating back as early as 1945, in a letter from the Office
of the Secretary of Defense Historical Office states, “A fter 28
July, 1965 it became equally clear that the United States had indeed become engaged in the war”.
The year 1965 has been designated to commemorate the 50th year
from the start of the Vietnam War for the United State’s direct
To our Tribal Vietnam Veterans we say thank you for your service, valor, and sacrifice to your Country, Tribe and Family. We
are forever grateful to all who answered the call of duty. Special
appreciation goes to those who shared their letters home and personal experiences.
In Special Honor and Remembrance:
Marvin Ray Robinson
July 10, 1946 to September 11, 1969
Specialist Five, Combat Engineer
Army of the United States
Start Tour:
Incident Date:
Casualty Date:
Age at Loss:
Quang Nam Province, South Vietnam
Special Appreciation to the family of Marvin R. Robinson, although there are no words worthy of
your family’s sacrifice, we acknowledge a fallen hero and pay tribute to his ultimate sacrifice.
May you find peace in knowing your loved one is not forgotten.
The following is a list of Alabama-Coushatta and Coushatta Tribal Members
who served on active duty during the Vietnam War Era.
Larry Abbey
Lloyd Abbey* (d)
Donnis Battise*
James Battise (d)
McClamroch Battise
Paul Battise*
Glendon W. Bullock*
Michael Bullock*
Leon Celestine* (d)
Austin Johnson
Jack Langley (d)
Donald Obe
Floyd Poncho*
Roland Poncho
Marvin Ray Robinson** (d)
Gordon Sylestine* (d)
Lowell Sylestine* (d)
Kenneth Thompson* (d)
Lloyd Thompson
Norrie Thompson* (d)
Victor Thompson*
Eugene Williams (d)
Leslie Williams
Perry Williams* (d)
Sherman Williams
US Air Force
US Marine Corps
US Army
US Air Force
US Air Force
US Army
US Army
US Army
US Army
US Army
US Army
US Air Force
US Army
US Army
US Army
US Army
US Marine Corps
US Marine Corps
US Army
US Army
US Army
US Marine Corps
US Navy
US Army
US Army
*Denotes Vietnam Tour(s) of Duty
**Killed in Action
(d) deceased
Alabama-Coushatta and Coushatta Tribal members who valiantly served during the Vietnam War Era stateside or other
overseas duty stations in support of the United States Armed Services
Thank you to everyone in attendance at this long overdue tribute to our Tribal Vietnam Veterans and for
everyone who displayed pictures and posters in support of our Tribal Heroes.
Special thanks to everyone who help with the Commemorative Event:
Emma Abbey
Andrea Poncho
Carla Kowena
Tribal Council Members:
Obrey Alec
Nita Battise, Tribal Council Chair
Tobine Alec
Johnny Stafford, Tribal Council Secretary
Lawrine Battise & Family
Roland Poncho, Tribal Council Member
Yolanda Poncho
Michelle Polite
Holly Robicheaux
Craig Battise
Troy Langley
Stephanie Williams
Valerie Robinson
Honor Guard:
Victoria Battise
Stewart Poncho
Amon Sylestine
Floyd Poncho
Stewart Poncho
Jimmy Young
Elder Debbie Battise-Kleinman
Cecilia Flores
Pastor Steve Parker
Bryan Torres
Roy A. James
Roy James
American Legion #78 Post Commander
(Sincere apologies if I have missed anyone)
We would like to extend our appreciation to Ms. Camille Johnson for serving as the 46th Annual Tribal Princess. She did an outstanding job during her reign and she served the tribe well at all the functions she attended. She plans to run for Miss Indian World next year so be on the look out for her many fundraisers to show
your support. We wish her well and again say “Thank you” for fulfilling her duties as Tribal Princess.
We would like to congratulate Ms. Crailee Ida-Willeen Battise for serving as our 47th Annual Tribal Princess. She is the daughter of Jenna Battise and Craig Battise both of the Indian reservation. Her maternal
grandparents are Ida Little Charley Bullock and Foster Bullock, Jr. Her paternal grandparents are the late
Winfred Battise and Weaver Battise.
She attends Woodville High school and is completing her junior year. Her accomplishments include making
it state for choir competition in solo division. Her future plans are to study criminal justice, join the K9 unit
or to become a fire fighter. She dedicates this reign to her late brother in law, Damien Horace.
When asked why she would like to become Tribal princess she replied “to represent the Tribe, to travel and
to meet new people”.
On behalf of the Alabama-Coushatta Tribal Princess Committee, we would like to express our sincere appreciation for the on-going support everyone has given us over the years. We fundraise every year to cover our
expenses related to the crowning… this includes purchasing of supplies for handmade items made uniquely
and especially for the incoming and outgoing Princess– sash, shawls, tote bag with traditional patchwork design, etc. So we say, “alelamolo” for all the donations, encouragement, love and support.
Attached you will find a list of the winning bidders for our Silent Auction. Thank you.
Committee members, Tina Battise, Rochellda Sylestine, Missy Thompson Janis, Sheila Alec, Monica Williams, Makesha Young and Kisha Sylestine
Outgoing Princesses
Princess Camille Johnson
Junior Tribal Princess Raegan Battise
2015-2016 Tribal Princesses
Junior Tribal Princess Christiana Johnson
Tribal Princess Crailee Battise
Junior Tribal Princess Raegan
Battise with Miss Indian World at
Gathering of Nations Powwow
Silent Auction WINNING Bidders
Sponsored By
Tribal Princess Committee
***** (1) photo session by Skye Breese Photography (10 pictures on CD)
***WINNER: Lilly Ann Alec
***** Chicken & Dumplings w/ Frybread & Fixin’s
***WINNER: Deanna Maldanado
Donated by Victoria Johnson in honor of her daughter current Children’s Powwow Princess Aaliyah Johnson
Donated by 7th Annual Princess Judy Walker Williams in
memory of her daughter 32nd Annual Princess Lindsey
***** (1) photo session and photo editing
***WINNER: Jerilyn Mullins
***** Black Studded Dress Boots
***WINNER: Judy Williams
Donated byTanisha Sylestine in honor of her sister 41st
Annual Princess Debrina Sylestine
Donated by Jo Ann Battise
***** (1) Pineneedle Basket
***WINNER: Henry Patterson
Donated by 44th Annual Princess Sequoia Wind Obe
***** (1) Mary Kay Makeup Compact Set
***WINNER: Angie Battise
Donated by Family - in memory of 5th Annual Princess
Mary Sylestine Alec
*** Mother’s Day Basket **WINNER: Billie Sue Williams
***** Black Suede Dress Boots
***WINNER: Teresa Battise
Donated by Jo Ann Battise
***** Pendleton Mug Bundle- Coffee mug, coffee, cream,
snack cakes
***WINNER: Deanna Maldonado
Donated by Former Miss Indian OU (University of Oklahoma) Jonelle Battise and Children’s Powwow Princess Tyniah Battise
*** Father’s Day Gift Basket **WINNER: Henry Patterson
***** Handmade Shawl –Blue
***WINNER: Deanna Maldonado
Donated by Holly Robicheaux
Donated by Jo Ann Battise
***** Yard Cutting Service ***WINNER: Johnny Stafford
***** (1) Red Velvet cake made by Sidney/Grace
***WINNER: Frances Battise
Donated by Holly Robicheaux
Donated by Foster Bullock, Jr. in honor of his daughters
21st Annual Princess Jenna Bullock Battise, 26th Annual
Co-Princess Dynna Bullock, 30th Annual Princess Fawn
Bullock, former Jr. Miss Indian Lawton Holly Bullock, and
granddaughter In Coming Princess to be crowned 47th
Annual Princess Crailee Battise
***** (1) Pancake Breakfast/Supper Meal-Pancakes, bacon,
sausage juice or soda
***WINNER: Charlotte Thompson
Donated by 9th Annual Princess Debbie Battise Kleinman
Donated by 7th Annual Princess Judy Walker Williams in
honor of her daughter 39th Annual Princess Alma Meagan
***** Red Avon Purse ***WINNER: Billie Sue Williams
Donated by 14th Annual Princess Cheryl Downing who
also served as Miss American Indian Center of Dallas and
Miss Indian Texas
***Yard Cutting Service *WINNER: Terrah Langley
Donated by 22nd Annual Princess Makesha Morris Young
***** (1) Chicken Dressing Dinner – Dressing, Corn, Roll, Des- *** Basket of Goodies
sert ***WINNER: Lilly Ann Alec
****WINNER: Deanna Maldonado
Donated by Carol Battise – aunt to 5 Annual PrincessMary Alec, 11th Annual Princess Phyllis Battise Richard,
and great aunt to 33rd Annual Princess Wendy Richard
Lighten and 40th Annual Princess Portia Cheyenne Alec
Donated by 20th Annual Princess Michelle Janis
Donated by 10th Annual Princess Teresa Battise and in
honor of her daughter 42nd Annual Princess Leslie Long
***** Gasoline ***WINNER: Rhea Battise
Donated by Frances Battise in honor of her granddaughter
***** (1) Chicken Gumbo Dinner - Gumbo, Potato Salad, Rice, 36 Annual Princess Dayrah Yellowfish Elizondo
Dessert ***WINNER: Allison Poncho
***** Picket House Dinner for 2
***WINNER: Frances Battise
Donated by Indian Club Princesses- Sheila Alec and Tina
*** Stainless Silver Pot ****WINNER:
Michelle Polite
Donated by Jo Ann Battise
On April 11th your Volunteer Fire Department attended the East
Texas Fireman’s and Fire Marshall’s Association District Spring
Convention in Huntsville. Two of the Officers were elevated in
chair for the District Board during the convention, Fire Chief Willo
Sylestine was elevated to 1st Vice-President and Ladies Auxiliary
President Rashyal Sylestine became the Past President. The business
meetings were held that morning and the friendly rivalry of the
Pumper Races were held that afternoon. Our guys participated in
the Pumper Races and returned with hardware from the competition.
They return with 3RD PLACE trophy in the 3-man competition and
1ST PLACE in the 6-man. Normally the 6-man competition is done
with 6 firefighters, but since our guys are in the best of shape they
competed with 4 firefighters. The competitors were, Fire Chief Willo Sylestine, Assistant Chief Frank Sylestine and Firefighter Reggie
Sylestine. Our team ran the 6-man competition with some Mutual
Aid assistance from Livingston Firefighter Brad Williams. We have
the District Convention twice a year and the next one will be in October at the Madisonville Fire Department.
We will be attending the State Convention of the Texas Fireman’s and
Fire Marshall’s Association in Galveston this June. Hopefully our guys
will be ready to run again in that
We are always looking for new recruits. If you want to come and join
us or just see what it all involves,
speak to one of the members and we
will greatly appreciate your presence and volunteerism. Everyone is
always welcomed.
April is designated as National Child Abuse Prevention Month. On Friday, April 10th we were able to gather
by the Annex building to release blue balloons and hand out cupcakes/cookies to anyone who wore a blue
shirt. In conjunction with the AC Tribal Youth Department, we were able to show our stand against child
abuse. We would like to take this time to thank all departments who displayed a homemade wreath this month
made by these children/youth.
The Indian Village Assembly of God Church extends an invitation to join us in our worship. Sunday School
begins at 6pm and Wednesday night service at 7pm. Royal Rangers and Missionettes (teens) meet at 6pm on
Sunday evening. Worship Warriors and Missionettes (younger girls) meet at 7pm on Wednesday. The Women’s Ministry meets on the 2nd Monday of each month. The theme for the next meeting will be “Hats off to the
Ladies.” Bring your favorite hat or design your own and wear it to the meeting. Men’s Fellowship will be held
on May 16th at 8am.
Bro. James Martin will be preaching the services on May 17th.
For a Spirit filled time with the Lord, come and join us when you can.
Everyone is invited to the Community Gathering on Sunday, May 31st, at 3pm to be held at the pavilion on
Lake Tombigbee. There will be lots of singing, preaching, and dinner to follow. This will be a “come as you
are” event. Groups such as Quartets, Trios, Duets, and Solo singers are welcome as well as those who just
want to hear singing and the word of God. The Indian Village Assembly of God Church will supply the musical instruments.
The Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas is participating in the Summer Food Service Program. Meals will be
provided to all children without charge and are the same for all children regardless of race, color, national
origin, sex, age or disability, and there will be no discrimination in the course of the meal service. Meals will
be provided at the site and times as follow:
Alabama-Coushatta Multi-Purpose Center
June 8, 2015 through August 7, 2015
11:30 AM – 1:00 PM
To file a complaint of discrimination, write or call immediately to:
Director, Office of Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410
(800) 795-3272 or (202) 720-6382 (TTY)
USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
This is a reminder if you have moved, please contact the enrollment department for an address change.
To apply for Tribal Membership an applicant must meet membership requirements as stated in the Tribal Enrollment Ordinance which coincides with the Constitution and By-Laws, published 2014.For enrollment eligibility the following persons as established by Article II, Section 2 (b)(1), (2) and (3), are deemed eligible for
membership in the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas; (1) All persons whose names appear on the official
census roll of the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas as of June 19, 2013; and (2) All persons who meet all of
the following requirements: (a) the ability to show direct lineal descent from an ancestor whose name appears
on any of the designated official rolls of the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas; (b) at least one-fourth degree
of Alabama Tribe and/or Coushatta blood as referenced in Article II, Section2(b)(1); and (c) applies for and is
granted membership in the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas in accordance with the Ordinance.
All enrollment applicants are now required to take a DNA test as part of the enrollment procedure. Testing
must result in 97% or greater probability of parentage. Only certified lab results from any independent, certified laboratory shall be accepted at the expense of the applicant(s). The Indian Health Service (IHS) on the reservation is capable of taking DNA testing for your convenience. Testing is by appointment only through the
enrollment department. If an applicant wants to take the DNA testing at IHS, a Tribal Membership Application
with all proper documentation has to be turned in to the enrollment office. After it is determined that the application is complete, the applicant may call the enrollment office for an appointment. There is a fee of $60.00 for
EACH person for the DNA testing. All costs associated with the cost of performing the test shall be the responsibility of the applicant or applicant’s sponsor.
The Chief Kina Health Clinic will sponsor its annual kick-ball game at the baseball diamond on May 15th
from 4-6PM. The deadline for registration is Monday, May 11, 2015. For more information and registration, please contact the clinic at 936-563-2058 ext. 317 or via email at
The Chief Kina Health Clinic is announcing its’ annual Back-to-School clinic that will begin in May and
continue through August. We encourage parents to begin scheduling appointments for children to receive
school physicals, vaccinations and dental care services prior to school starting in August. Please contact
the clinic at 936-563-2058 to schedule an appointment.
Monday 8:30-5:30
Tuesday-Friday 7:30-5:30
Saturday 8-4:30
James Stephenson 563-1266
Harold Battise 563-1263
Tribal member Dayrah Michelle Yellowfish was recently sworn in as an Attorney at Law on April 21 during
Admission ceremonies in the Supreme Courtroom at the Oklahoma State Capital.
Dayrah is the daughter of Ricky and Vicki Battise Yellowfish, granddaughter of Frances and the late Lester
D. Battise Sr. Also the great granddaughter of the late Alfred and Velma Battise, and the late Susanna
A 2007 graduate of Dallas ISD/s Talented and Gifted Magnet High School, she then attended the University
of Oklahoma, graduation in 2011. She graduated from the Honors College with Cum Laude distinction, receiving a Bachelors of Arts Science in Native American History. She then attended Oklahoma City University School of Law, graduating in 2014, with certification in Native American Law.
Dayrah is very grateful for all the support she received from the Alabama-Coushatta Tribal Council, the Education Committee, the Education Department, and the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe. In addition, she is especially thankful to all her family and friends for all their love, support and prayers to help her get to where she is
Dayrah will practice in Oklahoma and plans to eventually be licensed to practice in Texas.
Dayrah is married to Michael Elizondo Jr. and they reside in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma with their daughter
Michaela Day.
Our girls have grown up! Good luck to Tristan,
Morgan, and Carlee on your future success!
We love you!
-From your folks!
Congratulations Tahwnee “TBEAR” Williams, on
your upcoming graduation! We are proud of the beautiful young lady you’ve become, you have made us so
happy! We are always praying for you.
We love you so much!
-From your family
Alabama-Coushatta Tribal Teen Steps Down As Lil Miss First Nations
Victoria J. Swift ended her reign as Lil Miss First Nations Princess of the University of Washington on April
11, 2015, at the First Nations Native Undergraduate Student Association Powwow at the University of Washington in Seattle. She not only represented the University, but she also represented two native Nations, the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas, and the Lakota Sioux Tribe of South Dakota.
Victoria is 13 years old, and is the daughter of Cristopher Swift of Phoenix, AZ. and Aimee Decory of Tacoma, WA. She lives in Tacoma and attends Chief Leschi School on the Puyallup Tribe Reservation. She is a
seventh grader and is a member of the Talented and Gifted (TAG) Program at the school. She also is an athlete, playing basketball, wrestling, and as a cheerleader.
She represented the University of Washington at the Stanford University Powwow in Palo Alto, California, and
at the Denver March Powwow in Colorado. There, she met Shoni Schimmel, and proudly displays Shoni’s
autograph on her crown
She fulfilled her duties as a Princess in an outstanding manner during her reign from April 2014 to April 2015.
Her mom says there’s no rest for the weary, because Victoria has said that she plans in a few years to compete
for the Miss Indian World crown at the Gathering of Nations Powwow.
Her ‘Special’ at the powwow, emceed by her great-grandpa Arnold Battise, was three dances: the first was a
Jingle Dress dance by Victoria, the second an Honor dance by the family, and the third was a Jingle Dress contest dance for the girls in her age group, 11-17 years of age. Thirty-one (31) Jingle Dress dancers appeared on
the floor. It was a lively sight to see thousands of jingles moving in unison. It wasn’t easy for the judges to
select three winners out of the group.
Congratulations to Baylee Battise of Sabine Pass High School. In recent weeks, Baylee has competed in UIL ready writing which she
placed 1st in District, and with the Sabine Pass Science Team which
also placed 1st in District. Baylee advanced to Area then to Regionals
at Panola College. The Sabine Pass Academic Team won 1st in Regionals and will be advancing to the State Competition.
Baylee also plays center field in softball which recently made it to Bi
District playoffs. In track and field, she placed 2nd in district and advanced to Area then to Regionals.
As a member of the cast of the school’s One Act Play, Sabine Pass
advanced to Regionals and recently won the competition and will
headed to State competition for the second straight year. Baylee is
also an accomplished artist and her work was recently selected to
complete against other artists in Texas.
Congratulations for all your accomplishments Baylee! Baylee Battise
is the daughter of Darth and Amy Battise of Sabine Pass and the
Granddaughter of Harold Battise and Great Granddaughter of Weaver
Battise. She is an honor student in the 10th grade at Sabine Pass High
From: Chuck McLaurin
I have been involved in ministry here at the Alabama-Coushatta Indian Reservation for over 20 years. I am
currently ministering at the Boys & Girls Club in Livingston, and have been involved at the Dunbar Gym ministry as well. I am a Board Member on the Community of Care at the Reservation and have ministered to prisoners on Death Row at the Polunsky Unit in Livingston.
I am available for one-on-one private spiritual counseling for adults. If you need prayer and support for any
problems such as drug addiction, family violence, alcoholism, or depression & anxiety– please feel free to call
me at 936-327-0911.
May 23, 2015
at Chuck’s Camp on FM 942
Saturday. 1pm to 5pm
Activities include. Volleyball, Basketball, Horseshoes;
Washers, Zipline & Slide, BBGun Target Shooting, Archery.
Students: 6th-12th grade
Door Prize; XBOX 360 We will pick up at the store at 12:45 pm. Pick up at the store at 5:15 pm
Sponsored by Community of Care
Starts: Monday, May 4, 2015
Ends: Monday, June 15, 2015
Starting the Presidential Active Lifestyle Award program will help you:
Commit to daily physical activity—and stick with it.
Commit to making healthier food choices—one goal at a time.
Set realistic goals to encourage fitness and healthy eating habits for a lifetime.
Track your progress with the free personal activity log, which you can access online after
you create an individual account.
Have fun! Yes, you need to be active every day, but participants can choose all kinds of
activities to meet this goal—playing with the kids, gardening, walking, playing basketball,
running, yoga, and more—all while fueling your body with nutritious foods.
How to enter:
1. Go to and create your individual account.
2. After creating your individual account choose PALA from the list and click submit
3. Enter Group number 948293 to join the Nashville Area group for this six week program.
The Chief Kina Health Clinic has teamed up with the Nashville Area office in supporting the Presidential Active Lifestyle Award (PALA) program. The program is a 6 week initiative designed to promote the adoption
of daily lifestyle behaviors deemed conducive to good health. The clinic is encouraging full participation as
we work to improve the health and wellness of all tribal members. The clinic will announce prize winners at
the end of the competition. Please follow the link below to become a registered participant and enter
group number 948293 to join the Nashville Area group.
PALA Link:
Please contact the clinic at 936-563-2058 or should you have any questions regarding the program.
Friday, May 29 BY 5 PM
Email your news to: los@actr ibe.or g or abbey.emma@actr ibe.or g
Fax your news to: (936) 563-1139 Attention: JUNE NEWSLETTER
Call if you have questions: (936) 563-1120 or (936) 563-1131
Drop your news off in the Public Infor mation Inbox or
Stop by the Communications/Media Relations Office (located in the Cultur al Center )
Please submit all information, news, announcements, etc. by the designated time so we can
see you in our next issue!
Alabama-Coushatta Tribe
571 State Park Road 56
Livingston, Texas 77351