The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009
The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009
The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 Vision and commitment fill the hearts of our people Contents 06 Bidfreight 08 Bidserv 10 Bidvest Europe 12 Bidvest Asia Pacific 14 Bidfood 16 Bid Industrial and Commercial Products 18 Bidpaper Plus 02 Our group in brief 20 Bid Auto 04 Global footprint 22 Bidvest Namibia 04 External appraisals 24 Corporate 26 Business directory 51 Product and services directory 59 Administration 60 Our company logos Second edition 2009 PROUDLY 21 years 1 of infinite possibilities We are an international services, trading and distribution company, listed on the JSE, South Africa and operating on four continents. We employ more than 103 000 people worldwide, but our roots remain South African. In a big business environment we run our company with the determination and commitment evident in a small business heart. We believe in empowering people, building relationships and improving lives. Entrepreneurship, incentivisation, decentralised management and communication are the keys. We subscribe to a philosophy of transparency, accountability, integrity, excellence and innovation in all our business dealings. We turn ordinary companies into extraordinary performers, delivering strong and consistent shareholder returns in the process. But most importantly, we understand that people create wealth, and that companies only report it. Bidvest’s vision lies in the realm of possibility. In this context the Bidvest arrow points the way forward. It is an equilateral triangle, a statement of balance and confidence behind which the organisation can rally. The people of Bidvest are the force. The collective energy of their forward thrust is concentrated at the arrow’s very tip. The arrow proudly faces the future. Inspirational leadership becomes the vanguard pointing the way, while the combined passion and commitment to a shared vision by all our people provides the impetus that drives Bidvest forward with ever-increasing momentum. The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 Our group in brief Description of business 2 The Bidvest Group Limited Bidfreight International services, trading and distribution company The leading private sector freight management group in sub-Saharan Africa, consisting of several independent businesses focusing on terminal operations and logistics, international clearing and freight forwarding and marine services. Bidserv Offers a full range of outsourced services including cleaning, laundry, hygiene, security, interior and exterior landscaping, aviation services, industrial supplies, travel, banking and foreign exchange services, office automation, e-procurement and online travel in southern Africa. Bidvest Europe Comprises market leading foodservice product distributors in the United Kingdom, Belgium, The Netherlands, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, sourcing and processing highly regarded own brands, providing products, quality ingredients, finished products and equipment to the catering industry. Bidvest Asia Pacific Bidfood Bid Industrial and Commercial Products Comprises Bidvest Australia, Bidvest New Zealand, Angliss Singapore and Angliss Hong Kong and China. Bidvest leads the foodservice industry and offers a full end-to-end national distribution service. A leading multi-range manufacturer and distributor of food products and ingredients. Bidfood operates through strategically located independent business units in southern Africa, aimed at servicing the catering, hospitality, leisure, bakery, poultry, meat and food processing industries. A leading manufacturer and distributor of electrical products, appliances and services, office stationery, office furniture, packaging closures and catering equipment in southern Africa with a small presence in the United Kingdom. A leading manufacturer, supplier and distributor of commercial office products, printer products, services and stationery and packaging products, through a wide network of outlets in southern Africa. Bidpaper Plus Bid Auto One of South Africa’s largest motor vehicle retailing and service groups. Bid Auto offers leading motor brands through over 120 dealerships and service outlets, backed by financial and fleet services, a loyalty programme and the country’s leading online retailer of new and pre-owned vehicles. Bidvest Namibia is the holding company for Bidvest’s interests in Namibia, which include fishing and similar commercial businesses to those of Bidvest in South Africa. Bidvest Namibia Corporate The Group’s corporate office, based in Melrose Arch, Johannesburg with offices in the United Kingdom, provides strategic direction and services to the Group, houses investments, adding value through identifying opportunities and implementing Bidvest’s decentralised and entrepreneurial business model. The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 Incorporating 3 Bidfreight, Bidserv, Bidvest Europe, Bidvest Asia Pacific, Bidfood, Bid Industrial and Commercial Products, Bidpaper Plus, Bid Auto, Bidvest Namibia, Corporate The Bidvest Group Limited Chief executive Brian Joffe Bulk Connections, Island View Storage Bidfreight Port Operations, Rennies Distribution Services, SACD Freight, South African Bulk Terminals, Naval, Safcor Panalpina, Marine Services, Manica Africa Bidfreight Chief executive Anthony Dawe (page 6) Prestige Cleaning Services, TMS Group Industrial Services, Laundry Services, Steiner Group, Bidserv Industrial Products, Green Services, Aviation Services, Bidrisk Solutions, Global Payment Technologies, Office Automation, Bidtravel, Business Solutions and Group Procurement, Banking Services, Bureau De Change Services, Hotel Amenities and Accessories Bidserv Chief executive Lindsay Ralphs (page 8) 3663 First for Foodservice – United Kingdom, Deli XL – Belgium, Deli XL – Netherlands, Nowaco – Czech Republic, Nowaco – Slovakia, Farutex – Poland, Horeca Trade – United Arab Emirates, Al Diyafa – Saudi Arabia Bidvest Europe Chief executive Fred Barnes (page 10) Bidvest Australia, Bidvest New Zealand, Angliss Singapore, Angliss Hong Kong and China Bidvest Asia Pacific Chief executive Bernard Berson (page 12) Caterplus, Bidfood Ingredients, Speciality Bidfood – Caterplus – Bidfood Ingredients – Speciality Managing director Chief executive Managing director Brent Varcoe Charles Singer Masly Notrica Voltex Electrical Distribution, Berzacks, Eastman Staples, Catering Equipment, Stationery, Office Furniture, Packaging Closures Bid Industrial and Commercial Products Chief executive Myron Berzack (page 16) Printing and Related, Stationery Distribution, Alternative Products, Packaging and Label Products Bidpaper Plus Chief executive Neil Birch (page 18) McCarthy Motor Holdings, Import and Distribution, Financial Services, Car and Van Rental, Support Services Bid Auto Chief executive Brand Pretorius (page 20) Bidvest Fisheries Holdings, Bidvest Commercial Holdings Bidvest Namibia Chief executive Sebby Kankondi (page 22) Bid Corporate Services, Bidvest Properties, Ontime Automotive Corporate Chief executive Brian Joffe (page 24) (page 14) The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 Global footprint U N ITE D K IN GD OM A N D E U ROP E Edinburgh Dublin Amsterdam London Meppen Szczecin Lódz Thuin Luxembourg Prague 4 Nove Mesto S OU TH E R N A FR ICA Lilongwe Lusaka Blantyre Harare Beira Windhoek Mauritius Maputo Johannesburg Durban Cape Town External appraisals Empowerment rating 2008 Bidvest, a level 5 contributor, with an unconstrained operational capacity, has a “BBB” empowerment rating from Empowerdex. Fitch Ratings The ratings agency affirmed the national long-term rating at AA(AA minus)(zaf) and short-term rating at F1(zaf). AA- (zaf) ratings denote a very strong credit risk relative to other issuers in the same country. JSE Social Responsibility Investment Index Based on an assessment of the Group’s policies, performance and reporting on economic, social and environmental sustainability, the JSE has reaffirmed Bidvest as a founding constituent of the SRI Index. Bidvest ranked within the top 21 performers out of 103 listed companies included in the research. The index is the first of its kind in an emerging market and the first to be launched by a stock exchange. The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 Carbon Disclosure Project 2008 The United Nations-sponsored Carbon Disclosure Project provides investors with information about carbon emissions and climate change exposure of the world’s major corporations. Bidvest’s disclosure was measured in the top 10 in its category. Forbes Global 2000 – the world’s 2 000 largest public companies Forbes Global 2000 is a list of the world’s largest and most influential companies in terms of US dollars based on a composite ranking which includes sales, market value, assets and profits. Bidvest is currently ranked at 1 102nd. FTSE/JSE Africa Index Series ranking In the June 2009 FTSE/JSE Africa Index Series quarterly review, Bidvest was ranked 24th in both the FTSE/JSE All Share Index and Top 40, 8th in the FTSE/JSE Industrial 25, with a total market capitalisation of R32,5 billion. Morgan Stanley International Emerging Market Index 2009 Bidvest is considered to have a 90% free float for the MSCI SA Index and a weighting of 2%. AU STRA LIA A N D N E W ZE A LA N D Darwin Brisbane 5 Sydney Perth Auckland Melbourne Hobart AS IA A N D TH E MID D LE E AST Beijing Shanghai Dubai Saudi Arabia Mumbai Guangzhou Hong Kong Shenzen Kuala Lumpur Singapore WBS management excellence award The business school of the University of the Witwatersrand awarded Brian Joffe the management excellence award for 2008. The award is made to those who have demonstrated a combination of distinctive leadership ability, ethics and commitment to the challenges of society. Business Day corporate website awards Bidvest achieved 2nd place for their 2008 interim results and 3rd place for the best corporate website category. Ask Africa Trust Barometer 2008 The 2008 Ask Africa Trust Barometer, run in conjunction with Finweek magazine, voted Bidvest as the “most trusted company in entrepreneurial/founder companies”; 7th overall among the 375 companies measured; 1st in the industrials and chief executive Brian Joffe the 2nd most trusted CEO. Company confidence predictor Bidvest performed well with its ratings across the total of 28 characteristics ensuring a ranking in the top order of Industrial companies; also placed in the top order of “company basics”, “people” and “ethics”. acquisitions or joint ventures” and in the face of a general decline of most companies in “maintains a reassuring balance between risk and return” it has held its position. As for “people” it has strengthened its position in “is a well managed company” and “impressed with the quality of its people” and is in the top three companies for having “an effective chief executive”. In “ethics” Bidvest does well to be among the top three companies in “is reputable, honest and trustworthy” and “lives up to promises – company results match expectations”. Again in “communications” Bidvest has performed well for “chief executive is a straight talker” and “communicates well with the investment community”. Importantly in an era of labour unrest the company shows relative strength in “has a good record of labour relations” in the “social relations” category of characteristics. Within “future prospects”, it is encouraging that Bidvest is a top performer in “is alert to new ideas to improve profitability”. In “company basics” Bidvest has the confidence of the market in “makes effective use of capital” and “shows good judgement in The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 6 The leading private sector freight management group in sub-Saharan Africa, consisting of several independent businesses focusing on terminal operations and logistics, international clearing and freight forwarding and marine services. The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 7 BULK CONNECTIONS SOUTH AFRICAN BULK TERMINALS A multi-product bulk mineral terminal in the port of Durban, South Africa’s largest bulk grain handler, with two world- specialising in the handling of degradation-sensitive class terminals based in the port of Durban. Specialises cargoes. Uniquely adapted container equipment enables in the handling of all dry bulk products including grains, the high speed import and export of bulk materials. fertilisers, metal ores and minerals. ISLAND VIEW STORAGE NAVAL The foremost independent storage service provider for Provider of port services in Mozambique including gases, chemicals, edible and inedible oils, fats and lube stevedoring, container packing and unpacking, tallying, oil additives in southern Africa. lashing and securing of cargo, caulking and cleaning of rail trucks. BIDFREIGHT PORT OPERATIONS Specialist provider of port warehousing, transport and SAFCOR PANALPINA stevedoring services located in every port in South Africa. Offers specialist international supply chain management and consulting services, system integration, customs RENNIES DISTRIBUTION SERVICES A dynamic national supply chain and logistics specialist clearing, forwarding, logistics and financial services, with 400 offices in 74 countries. with a large number of distribution operations offering dedicated and professionally managed undercover MARINE SERVICES storage. Provides a complete range of commercial, port agency and surveying services at all South African ports to SACD FREIGHT A leading provider of customised import and export container carriers, non-liner ship owners, charterers and cargo owners. management solutions specialising in container packing and unpacking, warehousing and transport logistics. MANICA AFRICA National representation through strategically located Offers a full range of freight and marine-related services in operations. southern Africa, having the network and facilities to meet all the logistics requirements of regional agricultural and mineral cargo flows. The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 8 Offers a full range of outsourced services including cleaning, laundry, hygiene, security, interior and exterior landscaping, aviation services, industrial supplies, travel, banking and foreign exchange services, office automation, e-procurement and online travel in southern Africa. The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 PRESTIGE CLEANING SERVICES Prestige offers specialised cleaning services to healthcare, hospitality, commercial, retail, mining and industrial sectors, to mention but a few. In addition Prestige offers waiters, barmen and related services through their First in Staffing Solutions Division. GLOBAL PAYMENT TECHNOLOGIES Offers sophisticated and reliable payment products and services to organisations with high volumes of financial transactions. TMS GROUP INDUSTRIAL SERVICES Offers a comprehensive range of outsourced services to the industrial sector nationally and internationally. It includes providing products, maintenance, solutions, support and expertise to clients in the petrochemical, oil, gas, mining, engineering and construction industries. It currently operates through eight divisions – SPI (Scaffolding, Painting & Insulation), Industrial Cleaning, Manpower Facilitation, Topflight Hydraulics & Pneumatics, Specialised Services, AYTB-TMS, Insulation Division and Scaffolding Division. OFFICE AUTOMATION/PRODUCTION PRINTING Konica Minolta South Africa imports and distributes bizhub digital multifunctional devices, laser printers and fax machines. Océ South Africa imports and distributes Océ digital production printing equipment and wide format printers. Both companies have an operational stance of consultative business partnering, the companies provide clients with holistic document management solutions through pre-sales analysis and customer needs audits, to sales, installation, ongoing onsite technical and software management, as well as supply of spare parts and consumables. LAUNDRY SERVICES Takes care of all laundry needs of the healthcare, hospitality and corporate world from uniforms to bedroom and table linen. BIDTRAVEL Provides travel-management services to corporate and leisure clients through its extensive local, regional and international networks. STEINER GROUP Range of products and services designed to improve the away from home experience and enhance working environments through improved hygiene and image. Hygiene rental equipment and consumables, deep clean and pest control services, health care risk waste management and chemical manufacturer. BUSINESS SOLUTIONS AND GROUP PROCUREMENT Offers sophisticated electronic procurement and online travel solutions. BIDSERV INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS Manufactures and distributes a complete range of industrial supplies including workwear, safety equipment, industrial footwear, cleaning chemicals and paper products. GREEN SERVICES Provides contracting, maintenance and irrigation landscaping services to the commercial, hospitality, industrial, sports turf and golf course markets. AVIATION SERVICES Provides the support services required by commercial aviation, including aircraft cabin cleaning, fixed-base operator services, aviation security, cargo management training, ground handling services and airport lounge facilities. BIDRISK SOLUTIONS Provides guarding, security technology and process management services to businesses. BANKING SERVICES Bidvest Bank Limited is a registered commercial bank offering a full range of both foreign exchange and banking products and services. Foreign exchange offerings include travel foreign exchange, corporate foreign exchange, spot and forward exchange contracts, trade services, foreign money transfers and exchange control services. BUREAU DE CHANGE SERVICES Rennies Foreign Exchange South Africa is the travel foreign exchange division of Bidvest Bank Limited and is one of South Africa’s leading specialist providers of travel foreign exchange and related services through its retail branch network of over 85 branches in southern Africa. HOTEL AMENITIES AND ACCESSORIES Hotel Amenities Suppliers is the leading supplier of guest amenities and accessories to the South African hospitality industry and incorporates Promo Sachets which is the largest liquid sachet contract packer in South Africa. Steri Pic packaging enjoys the majority share of the wrapped toothpick market in South Africa. The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 9 10 Comprises market leading foodservice product distributors in the United Kingdom, Belgium, The Netherlands, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, sourcing and processing highly regarded own brands, providing products, quality ingredients, finished products and equipment to the catering industry. The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 11 3663 FIRST FOR FOODSERVICE – UNITED KINGDOM FARUTEX – POLAND A leading United Kingdom foodservice product distributor The leading national multi-temperature foodservice which is made up of Trading (Multi-Temperature and distributor in Poland. Frozen) and Logistics (Central Distribution). HORECA TRADE – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES DELI XL – BELGIUM Pioneered the one-stop-shop approach in the United Supplies a wide range of fresh and frozen food items to Arab Emirates by offering a product range of more than institutions such as hospitals and company canteens, as 3 500 items, including exclusive big name brands. well as to contract caterers and restaurants. Al DIYAFA – SAUDI ARABIA DELI XL – NETHERLANDS A sister company to Horeca Trade in Dubai, providing a One of that country’s largest suppliers of dry, fresh and range of foodservice products to the Kingdom of Saudi. frozen foods servicing healthcare, catering, hospitality, leisure and related industries. NOWACO – THE CZECH REPUBLIC AND SLOVAKIA The number one delivered wholesaler to the foodservice and independent retail markets in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, supplying close to 6 800 items including its own consumer brands. The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 12 Comprises Bidvest Australia, Bidvest New Zealand, Angliss Singapore and Angliss Hong Kong and China. Bidvest leads the foodservice industry and offers a full end-to-end national distribution service. The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 13 BIDVEST AUSTRALIA ANGLISS SINGAPORE Bidvest is the leading multi-temperature foodservice Formed in 1986, Angliss is firmly established in Singapore products distributor in Australia, offering a broad and recently in Malaysia, with over 140 staff and more than range of products throughout the continent. Bidvest 5 000 customers, including foodservice, subdistributors, Australia operates three standalone divisions: Bidvest supermarkets, hypermarkets, minimarts and airlines, First for Foodservice, Bidvest Hospitality Supplies and offshore rigs, camps, export arrangements and cruise Bidvest QSR. liners. BIDVEST NEW ZEALAND ANGLISS HONG KONG AND CHINA Bidvest New Zealand is the leader in the foodservice Angliss sources high-quality food from leading suppliers and hospitality wholesale and distribution market. With around the globe and has a comprehensive range of branches across both North and South Islands, Bidvest frozen, chilled and dry products from over 30 countries. New Zealand services the requirements of the market Angliss has extensive expertise in meat, poultry, seafood, through its three divisions: Bidvest First for Foodservice, dairy products, pastry, bakery, premium foodstuffs, fruit Bidvest Logistics and Bidvest Fresh. and vegetables handling and operates from facilities in Hong Kong, Macau, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzen. The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 14 A leading multi-range manufacturer and distributor of food products and ingredients. Bidfood operates through strategically located independent business units in southern Africa, aimed at servicing the catering, hospitality, leisure, bakery, poultry, meat and food processing industries. The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 15 CATERPLUS SPECIALITY A leading supplier of groceries, seafood, vegetables, Local and imported premium quality food products are poultry, red meat, dairy and allied products to the marketed under Goldcrest and other major local and catering, hospitality and foodservice industry. international brand names. BIDFOOD INGREDIENTS Manufactures and distributes quality products to the food ingredients industry in sub-Sahara Africa. Crown National supplies the meat and poultry markets, with Chipkins Bakery Supplies and NCP Yeast as top suppliers to the baking industry and Bidfood Solutions focused on the General Foods sector. Bidfood Technologies, the technical and manufacturing arm of Bidfood Ingredients, offers all necessary technical support and expertise to the Group. The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 ")$ ).$5342)!, !.$#/--%2#)!,02/$5#43 16 A leading manufacturer and distributor of electrical products, appliances and services, office stationery, office furniture, packaging closures and catering equipment in southern Africa with a small presence in the United Kingdom. The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 17 VOLTEX ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION STATIONERY Offers a comprehensive range of well-known local Wholesalers and distributors of a wide range of stationery and international electrical brands through 80 outlets products, computer consumables and promotional goods. throughout southern Africa. OFFICE FURNITURE BERZACKS Manufacturers and distributors of a wide range of office Distributes industrial machinery and accessories to the furniture and associated products for the corporate dealer clothing, luggage, upholstery and embroidery industries, and retail markets. as well as domestic appliances to leading chain stores. PACKAGING CLOSURES EASTMAN STAPLES Afcom is a leading distributor and manufacturer of Based in the United Kingdom, Eastman Staples supplies packaging, strapping, fastening and stretch film systems. industrial sewing machines and related items to the garment industry. CATERING EQUIPMENT Vulcan Catering Equipment is South Africa’s leading manufacturer, marketer and exporter of foodservice equipment. The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 18 A leading manufacturer, supplier and distributor of commercial office products, printer products, services and stationery and packaging products, through a wide network of outlets in southern Africa. The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 19 PRINTING AND RELATED PACKAGING AND LABEL PRODUCTS The core of the division comprises a number of Manufactures and distributes a broad range of product production units which supply the national sales identification labels used on many consumer products and operations located in all the main centres around the data labels used in many commercial tracking processes. country. The product range covers all imaginable The range of tissue and flexible packaging products is commercial print products. The national distribution continually expanding to suit the demands of this market footprint facilitates a broad fulfilment service offering sector. storage and distribution of numerous consumable items over and above those products produced. The specialist “print to post” business comprises three operations strategically located in the main centres. These operations offer a full laser personalisation and mail fulfilment service for direct mail and transactional billing as an outsource service. STATIONERY DISTRIBUTION Silveray Statmark is the home of the tried and tested Croxley brand. A national distribution network and exclusive access to key stationery brands are aimed specifically at the trade and retailers. Paper-based stationery products are produced within the division’s own production facilities and held in warehouses in all the main centres. ALTERNATIVE PRODUCTS Available in tandem with conventional printed products, we offer some innovative electronic solutions such as bulk e-mail bill presentment and document repositories. Electronic forms and work flows are available to replace traditional paper flows. A fully fledged local hub supports the new digital writing product – the use of a digital pen that instantly captures written images and enters them into the back office system. The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 Bid Auto 20 One of South Africa’s largest motor vehicle retailing and service groups. Bid Auto offers leading motor brands through over 120 dealerships and service outlets, backed by financial and fleet services, a loyalty programme and the country’s leading online retailer of new and pre-owned vehicles. The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 21 MOTOR RETAIL More than 120 wholly owned motor dealerships nationwide offering sales, parts and service. Vehicle franchises include: Alfa Romeo, Audi, BMW, Mini, Land Rover, Volvo, Nissan, Fiat, Peugeot, Jeep, Chrysler, Dodge, Mercedes-Benz, Smart, Mitsubishi, Chevrolet, Opel, Isuzu, Renault, Toyota, Lexus, Volkswagen, Foton, Mahindra, Chery and Suzuki. Truck franchises include: Mercedes-Benz, Nissan Diesel, Hino and Freightliner. ¼ Burchmores – South Africa’s leading vehicle auctioneer, selling wholesale to the public. ¼ McCarthy Call-a-Car Direct – sales outlets for quality used vehicles. IMPORT AND DISTRIBUTION ¼ Amalgamated Automobile Distributors: Importers of Foton and Chery vehicles from China. ¼ Yamaha Distributors is the sole importer and distributor of the full range of Yamaha products and parts in South Africa. ¼ McCarthy Heavy Equipment is the sole distributor for the Shantui, SANY and Yuchai ranges of heavy equipment, and Nissan forklifts. FINANCIAL SERVICES A one-stop service that provides customers with tailormade finance packages, short-term insurance products and client protection policies. CAR AND VAN RENTAL Budget Rent a Car operates from over 91 car rental locations in South Africa, Namibia and Botswana, supported by sub-licensee franchises in Lesotho and Mozambique. Budget Van Rental offers a wide selection of vehicles for short-term rental through its branches in the major cities across South Africa. Door2Door Transfers and Chauffeur Drive Services operates in KwaZulu-Natal, Western Cape and Gauteng, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. SUPPORT SERVICES McCarthy Call-a-Car is South Africa’s leading online virtual motor retailer. Club McCarthy offers loyalty programme members a broad range of special benefits. Corporate Marketing provides specialist advice and services to national and multi-franchise clients regarding all aspects of transportation, including finance and fleet management systems. Eliance offers leading edge software and digital marketing solutions to a variety of clients. McCarthy Fleet Solutions is a specialist division catering for the leasing and finance needs of corporate customers as well as the management of outsourced state-owned vehicle fleets. The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 22 Bidvest Namibia is the holding company for Bidvest’s interests in Namibia, which include fishing and similar commercial businesses to those of Bidvest in South Africa. The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 23 BIDVEST FISHERIES HOLDINGS Bidfish houses Bidvest Namibia’s fishing interests, operating as Namsov. Namsov consists of specialised fish and fish processing businesses and are large suppliers of quality horse mackerel, fishmeal and oil, canned pilchards and other fish products, monkfish and oysters. Through an investment in Pesca Fresca, Namsov are also suppliers of small pelagic fish in Angola. BIDVEST COMMERCIAL HOLDINGS Bidcom holds Bidvest’s non-fishing interests in Namibia. These include freight and integrated supply chain solutions, vehicle hire, travel and touring services, cargo services, perishable foods distribution (the leading Namibian distributor of frozen food), suppliers of electrical equipment and consumables, stationery, office equipment and furniture. The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 Corporate 24 The Group’s corporate office, based in Melrose Arch, Johannesburg with offices in the United Kingdom, provides strategic direction and services to the Group, houses investments, adding value through identifying opportunities and implementing Bidvest’s decentralised and entrepreneurial business model. The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 25 BID CORPORATE SERVICES Provides strategic direction, financial, risk and sustainability management, marketing, investor relations, corporate communications, corporate finance, houses investments and provides executive training to the Group. Investments in MSCSports and Bidvest Wits Football Club. The corporate centre adds value by identifying opportunities and implementing Bidvest’s decentralised, entrepreneurial business model. ONTIME AUTOMOTIVE Based in the United Kingdom, provides European-wide logistics solutions for the world’s motor manufacturers. Ontime’s automotive services include parking solutions, breakdown assistance, technical services (new and used car preparation), enclosed transportation, worldwide containerised distribution and open-transporter distribution. BIDVEST PROPERTIES Manages the Group’s property portfolio, provides property management and property development services and gives specialist assistance in areas such as lease scrutiny, lease negotiation and feasibility studies. The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 Business directory THE BIDVEST GROUP LIMITED 26 For Group information refer to Corporate on page 50 BIDFREIGHT Title Name Telephone Chief executive Financial director Commercial director Financial manager Accountant Internal audit Anthony Dawe Mike Steele Nosi Mbongwa Deon van Staden Estelle Brown Prashan Premchand +27 +27 +27 +27 BIDFREIGHT TERMINALS Financial director Business development director BULK CONNECTIONS (31) (11) (31) (11) 274 517 274 517 Location 2400 6800 2400 6800 Durban Johannesburg Durban Johannesburg +27 (31) 328 0400 Durban Mark Steyn Alastair Lax +27 (31) 274 2400 Durban Managing director Financial director Commercial director Operations director Iain Geldart Shivani Nunan Tutu Shange Bruce Deghaye +27 (31) 466 1960 Durban ISLAND VIEW STORAGE Managing director Financial director Commercial director Operations director Human resources director Kobus Ehlers Sandy Heera Gavin Schafer Johannes Joubert Brian Ndlovu +27 (31) 466 9000 Durban BIDFREIGHT PORT OPERATIONS Managing director Financial director Commercial director Operations director Operations director Operations director Operations director Jannie Roux Ravind Sukdeo Rob Carson Brian Carey Mike Symes Jackie Goodwin Wandile Mzamo +27 (31) 274 2400 Durban RENNIES DISTRIBUTION SERVICES Managing director Financial director Operations director Operations director David Leisegang Arika Gengan Stephen Smith Tom Wilkinson +27 (31) 452 1900 Durban SACD FREIGHT Managing director Financial director Commercial director Regional director Regional director Regional director Graham Peinke Nazneen Bray Frank Nkomo Ross Buchanan Mike Martin Dennis Trotter +27 (21) 418 1650 Cape Town +27 +27 +27 +27 Johannesburg Cape Town Durban Johannesburg The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 (11) (21) (31) (11) 405 418 466 405 2000 1650 8200 2000 27 Title Name Telephone Location SOUTH AFRICAN BULK TERMINALS Managing director Financial director Hampie Lourens Mandy Bessick +27 (31) 327 5000 Durban NAVAL Managing director Luis Goncalves +258 (21) 430 595 Maputo SAFCOR PANALPINA Managing director Financial director Human resources director Sales and marketing director Supply chain director IT director Regional director Regional director Regional director Regional director Managing director Operations director Financial director Pete Williams Charles Speed-Andrews Sean McSweeney Muzi Nkosi Anthonie Verploegh Fergus Woodthorpe Browne Maria du Preez John Cummins Bruce Thoresson Alex Moir Ntokozo Mogorosi Francois van Wyk Khulekani Mkhize +27 (11) 922 9600 Johannesburg +27 (11) 570 6000 +27 (31) 302 3811 +27 (41) 501 3200 +27 (21) 935 7523 +27 (11) 571 0600 Gauteng KwaZulu-Natal Eastern Cape Western Cape Johannesburg Managing director Financial executive Port operations director James Reddy Joanne Haarhoff Grant Stevenson +27 (31) 328 0400 Durban Managing director Rainer Breckwoldt +27 (21) 421 4150 Cape Town Managing director Alan Reid +27 (31) 368 5050 Durban Managing director James Reddy +27 (31) 328 0404 Durban MANICA AFRICA Managing director Finance director Mark Günther Jacques Le Roux +27 (11) 417 5500 Johannesburg 4Manica South Africa Managing director Finance manager Paul Carter Johan Nel 4Manica Malawi Managing director Finance director Ray Barford Marlon Jere +265 (91) 876 566 Blantyre 4Sebenza International Clearing and Forwarding MARINE SERVICES 4Rennies Ships Agency 4Marine Insurance Rennie Murray P & I Associates Freightbulk 4Manica Botswana General manager Paul Carter +27 (11) 417 5500 Johannesburg 4Manica Zambia General manager Finance David Doyle Chrisford Lukumba +260 (21) 127 3486 +260 (21) 221 3941 Lusaka 4Manica Zimbabwe Managing director Finance director Albert Kamhunga Paul Mudiwa +263 (4) 661 524 +263 (4) 665 552 Harare The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 BIDSERV 28 PRESTIGE CLEANING SERVICES 4Prestige Group 4First for Service Title Name Telephone Location Chief executive Lindsay Ralphs +27 (11) 519 8430 Johannesburg Financial director Commercial director Services director Financial operations director Peter Meijer Lionel Jacobs John Taylor Kevin Wakeford Managing director Financial director Operations director Marketing and sales director Human resources director Corporate affairs director Northern operations managing director Central operations managing director Southern operations managing director Healthcare and Hospitality operations managing director KwaZulu-Natal and Cape Coastal operations managing director Finance divisional director Finance executive Finance executive Finance executive IT executive HR and training executive Operations executive Operations executive Operations executive Operations executive Divisional sales executive Gauteng/Northern Divisional sales executive KwaZulu-Natal/Cape Coastal Divisional sales director KwaZulu-Natal Divisional sales director Projects/Pretoria/West Rand/ East Rand Divisional sales director North Rand/South Rand/Midrand Divisional sales director Healthcare/Hospitality/ Food/ Hygiene/Fiss Divisional sales director Southern/Northern Cape/ Free State Divisional sales director Cape Coastal Danie Otto Bina Gosai Johan du Toit Rob White Paul Roux Mpumi Madisa +27 (11) 796 0000 Johannesburg Abrie Pretorius +27 (12) 665 3182 Pretoria Shawn Fulton +27 (11) 671 8600 Johannesburg Clint Labuschagne +27 (11) 288 1100 Johannesburg Sue Bell +27 (11) 451 7200 Craig Maguire Erzanne Steyn Indranie Neermal Sarel Greyvensteyn Brett Cubitt Raymond Shepherd Leon Steyn Theo van Zyl Grant Durose Corine Goss Ernest de Kok +27 (31) 267 4600 +27 (11) 796 0000 KwaZulu-Natal Johannesburg +27 (31) 267 4600 +27 (11) 796 0000 +27 (11) 796 0000 +27 (31) 267 4600 +27 (31) 267 4600 +27 (11) 451 7200 +27 (21) 556 7066 KwaZulu-Natal Johannesburg Johannesburg KwaZulu-Natal KwaZulu-Natal Johannesburg Cape Town Anton Dippenaar +27 (12) 665 3182 Pretoria Wayne Bowen +27 (31) 267 4600 KwaZulu-Natal Zoë Botha +27 (31) 267 4600 KwaZulu-Natal Edwin van den Bergh +27 (11) 796 0000 Johannesburg Riëtte Dunn +27 (11) 796 0000 Johannesburg Tony Valentine +27 (11) 451 7200 Johannesburg Johan Nel +27 (11) 288 1100 Johannesburg Xanthé Axsel +27 (21) 556 7066 Cape Town Training Manager Belinda James +27 (11) 796 0000 Johannesburg The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 29 Title Name Telephone Location TMS GROUP INDUSTRIAL SERVICES 4TMS Group 4SPI (Scaffolding, Painting and Insulation) Managing director Michael Dreyer +27 (11) 579 1000 Johannesburg Financial director Group marketing manager Divisional director: Industrial relations and corporate social investment Divisional director: SPI Pieter van Zyl Lizette Klingenberg Dumisani Mathonsi +27 (11) 579 1000 +27 (11) 262 3828 +27 (11) 262 3828 Johannesburg Johannesburg Johannesburg Henry Stopforth +27 (11) 579 1000 Johannesburg 4Industrial Cleaning and Specialised Services Divisions Director: Industrial Cleaning and Specialised Services divisions Johnny Venter +27 (11) 579 1000 Johannesburg 4Manpower Facilitation Division Divisional director: Legal and Manpower divisions Director: Topflight Hydraulics and Pneumatics division Divisional director: Business development, Saudi Arabia Lydia Moreno +27 (11) 579 1000 Johannesburg Johnny Venter +27 (11) 579 1000 Johannesburg Jan Huisamen +27 (11) 579 1000 Johannesburg Xanthé Dresser +27 (11) 579 1000 Johannesburg Xanthé Dresser +27 (11) 579 1000 Johannesburg +27 (11) 398 5300 Johannesburg 4Topflight Hydraulics & Pneumatics 4AYTB-TMS (Saudi Arabia Joint Venture) 4Insulation Division 4Scaffolding Division General manager: Scaffolding and Insulation divisions General manager: Scaffolding and Insulation divisions LAUNDRY SERVICES Managing director Financial director Hans Hunink James Wilson 4Boston Launderers Divisional director Regional manager Regional manager Regional manager Regional manager Regional manager guest laundry Regional manager Hans Hunink Jonathan Lowings Chrisna Botha Collin Field Denise Khan Sias Jacobs Paul Barros +27 (31) 508 0500 +27 (14) 555 5815 +27 (21) 535 2866 +260 (21) 332 0134 +27 (11) 336 6608 +27 (11) 398 5300 Durban Sun City Cape Town Zambia Modderfontein Spartan 4First Garment Rental Divisional director Regional manager Regional manager Regional manager Regional manager Carl Gibbins Colleen Verster Damian Bellairs Lesley de Beer Agilan Naidoo +27 +27 +27 +27 +27 5300 5300 2866 0500 1781 Johannesburg Inland Cape Town Durban Port Elizabeth 4Montana Laundries Divisional director General manager Brian Shirley Andrew Coates +27 (11) 398 5300 Johannesburg STEINER GROUP Managing director Financial director Sales and marketing director Human resources director Logistics director Alan Fainman Trevor Scruse Rika van Rooyen Louis Roux Diedre van Tonder +27 (11) 923 9490 Johannesburg (11) (11) (21) (31) (41) 398 398 535 508 486 4Steinmed Managing director Eugene Barnard +27 (11) 390 7074 Johannesburg 4Steiner Environmental Solutions Managing director Roger Hagerty +27 (11) 923 9490 Johannesburg 4Steiner Group – Botswana Managing director Sales director Richard Wakefield Brad Read +267 (3) 975 389 Gaborone Maputo 4Steiner Group – Mozambique Managing director Cecilia de Gouveia +258 (21) 310 518 4RMI General Manager Braam Koch +27 (11) 394 7074 The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 BIDSERV 30 Title Name Telephone Location Managing director Financial director Managing director Branch manager Area manager Branch manager Branch director Branch manager Savvas Xenophon Alan Muir Rob Cohen Ian Krain Jack Kukard Helen Axsel Kuben Murugan Rickey Prins +27 (11) 417 9300 Johannesburg +27 +27 +27 +27 +27 +27 9300 2178 2402 3660 0200 6315 Johannesburg Port Elizabeth Middelburg Cape Town Durban Polokwane 4Clockwork Clothing Managing director Financial director Operations manager Savvas Xenophon Alan Muir Rob Sparks +27 (11) 417 9300 Johannesburg 4Giant Clothing Managing director General manager Production director Operations manager Savvas Xenophon Jay Hall Thushara Ariyaratne Rob Sparks +27 (11) 417 +265 (18) 40 +265 (88) 95 +27 (11) 417 9300 198 900 9300 Johannesburg Malawi Malawi Johannesburg Non-executive chairman Managing director Finance director Gauteng landscape contracts manager North West branch manager KwaZulu-Natal branch manager Irrigation manager Dave Kirkby Paul Kirkby Allen Kotze +27 (11) 606 2911 +27 (11) 606 2521 Johannesburg Johannesburg +27 (14) 552 1296 +27 0861 000 706 +27 (11) 606 2521 Sun City Durban Johannesburg BIDSERV INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS GROUP 4G. Fox & Company (11) (41) (13) (21) (31) (15) 417 453 246 551 274 297 GREEN SERVICES 4TopTurf Group Jonathan Ferguson Chris Smith Marcus Govender Wayne Reed TopTurf Mauritius and Seychelles Managing director Jonty Kirkby +230 727 7196 Belle Mare TopTurf Botswana Managing director Paul Kirkby +27 (11) 606 2521 Gaborone TopTurf Swaziland Managing director Paul Kirkby +27 (11) 606 2521 Manzini TopTurf Zambia Managing director Paul Kirkby +27 (11) 606 2521 Livingstone Rod Tyack Graham Finch Robbie Strang +27 (11) 397 7800 Johannesburg 4Execuflora Managing director Financial director Managing director +27 (11) 691 9933 Johannesburg Financial manager Carol Garland 4Silk by design Managing director Sue McNair +27 (31) 569 6665 Durban 4Bidair Group Managing director Finance director Francois Wolmarans Cheryleen Nel +27 (11) 383 9420 Johannesburg 4Bidair Services Managing director Finance director Marketing director Kobus van Niekerk Sandra Alfaiate Bob Gurr +27 (11) 383 9420 Johannesburg 4Puréau Fresh Water Company AVIATION SERVICES 4Bidair Hospitality Managing director Thomas Overbeck +27 (11) 390 8660 Johannesburg 4Express Air Services Managing director Commercial director Garry Marshall Roy Solomons +27 (11) 390 3751 Johannesburg The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 31 Title Name Telephone Location Managing director Financial director Human resources director Operations director Sales and marketing director Managing director Financial director Operations director Sales and marketing director Human resources director Managing director Financial director Regional director Regional general manager Regional general manager Regional general manager joint operations centre Regional director Regional general manager Dave Crichton Alf Still Chris Laubscher Roy Clarke Dave Mitchell Gustav Gericke Connie Oleastro Corne Basson Helene Honey Vimla Naicker Bruce Spence Yugen Chetty Sean Reid Chris Tarbuck Trevor Crinall +27 (11) 555 4949 Johannesburg +27 (11) 805 7650 Johannesburg +27 (11) 608 1744 Johannesburg +27 (11) 608 1744 +27 (41) 373 9722 +27 (31) 562 0022 Gauteng Eastern Cape KwaZulu-Natal Pierre Rheeder Ferdie Schmidt Graeme Trompeter +27 (11) 347 6600 +27 (12) 665 0110 +27 (21) 671 6504 Pretoria Western Cape Managing director Financial director Sales director Trevor Chamberlain Zameer Tayob Wanda van Vuuren +27 (11) 997 6600 Johannesburg Managing director Operations manager Sales director IT director Philip Katz Paul Morel Wayne Muirhead Barry Painting +27 (11) 731 7600 Johannesburg 4Bidvest Procurement Managing director Director Derek Kinnear Ravi Govender +27 (11) 731 7600 Johannesburg Managing director Finance manager Technical manager Business unit manager Managing director Chief finance officer General marketing and sales manager National service manager Alan Griffith Ivan Keshwar Adelino Barbosa Marianna Gdanis Keith Dix-Peek Vincent Chetty +27 (11) 661 9000 Johannesburg +27 (11) 661 9555 Johannesburg BIDRISK SOLUTIONS 4Magnum Shield 4Vericon Outsourcing 4Provicom Risk Solutions GLOBAL PAYMENT TECHNOLOGIES BUSINESS SOLUTIONS AND GROUP PROCUREMENT OFFICE AUTOMATION 4Konica Minolta South Africa 4Océ Peter Enslin Gary Hall The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 BIDSERV 32 BIDTRAVEL 4Carlson Wagonlit Travel S.A. 4BCD Travel 4Ebony Travel 4Harvey World Travel 4HRG Rennies Travel HRG Rennies Travel and Foreign Exchange Malawi HRG Rennies Travel Zimbabwe 4Travel Connections 4Travelwise Botswana 4World Travel BANKING SERVICES 4Bidvest Bank Limited Title Name Telephone Location Managing director IT director Group financial manager Commercial director Managing director Key account management director Human resources director Senior manager coastal region Senior manager rail Senior manager traveller and transaction services National sales and marketing manager Senior IT manager Managing director Chief financial officer National sales and marketing manager National operations manager Business information solutions manager Managing director Financial director Sales, marketing and operations manager Allan Lunz Dawood Tagari Colin Mitchley Gillian McMahon Ben Langner Maria Martins Sageri Naidu Debbie Duncan Debbie Duncan +27 (11) 532 8000 Johannesburg +27 (11) 628 2300 Johannesburg +27 (11) 274 4000 Johannesburg +27 (11) 305 4800 Johannesburg Sharon Burgers Ingrid von Moltke Pine Nel Kananelo Makhetha Stephan van Staden Eugene Venter Arthur Wilmore Sandor Peto Shirley Figlan Rob Delahunt Herman Bosch General manager Managing director Financial director Business development director Human resources director Rosemary Moss Kathy Harris Antony Greene Bronwyn Philipps Hadifele Mofokeng +27 (11) 407 2800 Johannesburg Operations manager Birgitt Whyte +265 (1) 77 4144 Blantyre Managing director Louise Valler +263 (4) 703 423 Harare Joint managing director Joint managing director Managing director Finance director Managing director Geraldine Zilk Lindy Preston Fred McDonald Rob Vinen Ben Langner +27 (11) 722 3500 Johannesburg +267 (3) 903 244 Gaborone +27 (11) 628 2300 Johannesburg Managing director Financial director Alan Salomon Lydia de Waal 0860 11 11 77 +27 (11) 407 3000 Johannesburg Head: retail operations Head: treasury and corporate banking Head: corporate foreign exchange Head: payments and settlements Head: corporate and consumer cards Head: investments and deposits Head: lending Craig MacFarlane The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 Gavin Bower Graham Megaw Jill Murtagh Neil Capazorio Darren Abrahams Gary Bloch 33 Title Name Telephone Location 4Rennies Foreign Exchange South Africa Head: retail operations Craig MacFarlane +27 (11) 407 3000 Johannesburg 4Rennies Foreign Exchange Botswana Managing director Rob Vinen +267 (3) 903 244 Gaborone BUREAU DE CHANGE SERVICES 4Rennies Foreign Exchange Malawi Supervisor Birgitt Whyte +265 (1) 182 4749 Blantyre 4Namibia Bureau de Change Area manager Susan van der Westhuizen +264 (61) 229 667 Windhoek 4Hotel Amenities Suppliers Managing director Sales director Financial manager Operations director Cliff Leibbrandt Cornelia Vas-Diass Margaret Coates Max Melville +27 (11) 234 6550 Johannesburg 4Promo Sachets and Steri Pic Managing director Financial manager Nathan Taitz Margaret Coates +27 (11) 974 9224 Johannesburg HOTEL AMENITIES AND ACCESSORIES The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 BIDVEST EUROPE 34 BIDVEST EUROPE 3663 FIRST FOR FOODSERVICE Wholesale Title Name Telephone Location Chief executive Managing director wholesale Group commercial director Group sales director Managing director logistics Group finance director Chief operating officer Managing director Deli XL Netherlands Managing director Deli XL Belgium Corporate finance Fred Barnes Alex Fisher Ian Crawford Andy Kemp Andrew Selley Ian Uren Hans van der Ster +44 (20) 7493 4733 London Managing director Finance director Group commercial director Director of operations Group sales director Freetrade sales and business development director Director of client services Director of buying Alex Fisher Alison Brogan Ian Crawford Dave Hodgson Andy Kemp +44 (131) 535 2007 Edinburgh +44 (117) 972 3665 Bristol +44 (148) 088 0125 +44 (1295) 20 8818 Banbury +44 (161) 652 8734 Manchester Regional directors Catering equipment Fresh produce Fine foods Wines Logistics Central Services Managing director Director of Swithenbank Foods Giffords Vivas Managing director logistics Director of client relations Director of operations Director of finance Group finance director IT director HR and development director Director of business systems Director of business change Director of technical food services Director of finance Director of op services Director of transport Director of premier client relationship – Compass Director independent vendors Head of management services The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 Dick Slootweg Thierry Legat Stephen Bender Norman Wemyss Carole Lewis-Burling Andrew Roberts Keith Jackson Steve Rich Bob Rogers Paul Knight Andrew Tiplady Caroline Taysom Paul Scarrett Andrew Selley Helen Wilkinson Shaun Foley Colin Jones Ian Uren Jane Scott Heather Angus Abigail Brierley Chris Carter Martin Forsyth Wayne Hope David Morgan Graham Rennie Martin Holmes Andrew Watson Mark Rowlands 35 Title Name Telephone Location DELI XL – BELGIUM Managing director Sales director Operations manager Buying director Finance director Thierry Legat Laurent Delaude Phillipe Delsaert Vincent Lacassin Laurent Lioulas +32 (71) 25 6812 Thuin DELI XL – NETHERLANDS Managing director Finance director Chief operations officer Director of institutional/national accounts Director of buying and merchandising Director of marketing and e-commerce Manager IT and business planning Manager supply chain development Manager controlling Manager accounting Manager fresh and frozen Manager personnel and organisation Regional directors Dick Slootweg Boudewijn Heinemann Hans van der Ster +31 (31) 867 8755 Ede +420 (315) 706 199 Kralupy NOWACO – CZECH REPUBLIC Frans Dankers Patrick Laenens Martin van Dam Rene van Gelderen Tom Berk Peter van Baak Monique Mooibroek Hans Luiten Veronique Wiersma Arian Heijligers Wim Stroes Peter Karnebeek General manager Finance director Director of logistics and development Sales director Purchasing director IT director Production director Gastrostella director Antonin Rubáš Jan Tajovskŷ Jan Valečka Roman Žičař Jan Vilímec Milan Jacik Director Petr Sekula FARUTEX – POLAND Chief financial logistics & IT director Purchasing director Sales director Paweł Świechowicz Jarosław Ruci ński Jarosław Turkowiak +48 (91) 460 2019 Szczecin HORECA TRADE – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Managing director Finance director Sales director Hisham Al Jamil Ragesh Chirukandath Charles Dabdoub +971 (4) 340 3330 Dubai AL DIYAFA – SAUDI ARABIA Managing director Operations manager Hisham Al Jamil Elie Fares +971 (4) 340 3330 Saudi Arabia NOWACO – SLOVAKIA Bohumil Volf Martin Vastl Prague Nove Mesto The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 BIDVEST ASIA PACIFIC 36 BIDVEST AUSTRALIA Title Name Telephone Location Chief executive Bernard Berson +61 (2) 8584 3222 Sydney Peter Crowe +61 (7) 3823 8710 Brisbane National marketing and purchasing manager National corporate accounts general manager Foodservice and hospitality general manager Operations support manager QSR operations general manager Information systems manager Chief financial officer Financial controllers National credit manager Foodservice Logistics/Importing Hospitality Supplies QSR Bidvest Meat Services The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 Lisa Vorano Melbourne Rachel Ruggiero Laurie Redfern Roy Wainer Guy de Sylva Barry Plit Rocky Romano Paul Crupi Alan Daniel Nancy Murray Barry Boreham Karenza Poynter Tom Murdoch Tony Lewis Anthony Hawkins Michael West Peter North Manuel Moullakis Paul Tucker Ron Walker Sam Ackland Rohan Barnes David Lloyd Glen Convery Darren Jarvis Stephen Tomlinson Stuart Welsh Anita Sprigg Stuart Collins David Hay Colin Miller Ricky Prasad Paul Moore Frank Renda Adelaide Sydney Sydney Brisbane Sydney Kathy Dodd Damien Kippin Craig Files Marc Mertens Allan Scholes Greg Cordingley Peter Douglas David Lanyon Jason Lawecki Ian McKinnon Nathan Colgan Chris Lillicrap David Leibowitz Johnny Manca Nigel Opbroek Ricky Packham Duncan South Adelaide Adelaide JLFS Albury Armidale Brisbane Cairns Canberra Central Coast Coffs Harbour Darwin Geelong Gold Coast Hervey Bay Hobart Ipswich Mackay Melbourne Newcastle Pambula Perth Sunshine Coast Sydney Sydney Stephensons Tamworth Townsville Toowoomba Wollongong Sydney Adelaide Melbourne Brisbane Sydney Geelong Perth Sydney Melbourne Adelaide South Queensland Townsville Brisbane 37 Title Name Telephone Location Managing director Finance manager General manager national accounts General manager national procurement General manager IT Operations manager fresh Nigel Boswell Peter Ballantine +64 (9) 520 8050 Auckland 4Logistics General manager Greg Crean 4Foodservice Branches General manager Phil Struckmann Martin Wright Greg McGale Brendon McPhee Gavin McGregor Wade Fern Ray Oosterbroek Norm Rapson Andy Hay Norm Rapson Jeremy Sinclair Ken Buckthought Nicola Johnson Dan Magrath Simon Hunt Auckland Christchurch Dunedin Hamilton Hawkes Bay Invercargill Nelson New Plymouth Palmerston North Queenstown Rotorua Timaru Wellington Whangarei Chris Stafford Rory Hallissey Michael Slack Gus Tissink Liz Magrath Brendon Wilson Auckland Christchurch Hamilton Rotorua Wellington Wanaka BIDVEST NEW ZEALAND 4Fresh Justine Hopkinson Margaret Simpson Campbell Such Steve Kent Managing director Finance director Senior manager – Products management Senior manager – Exports sales Senior manager – Country sales Senior manager – Procurement Senior manager – Processing HR/Administration manager Beng Fong Loke Yu Fen Yeo 4Angliss Seafood General manager Randall Hong 4Amosco General manager Raymond Chong 4Avid Foodservices Malaysia Sales marketing manager Sanm Yen Cheang ANGLISS SINGAPORE +65 6778 8787 Singapore Angie Watt Colin Ong Edmond Kok Jackie Teo Freddie Peng Lawrence Chen Kuala Lumpur The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 BIDVEST ASIA PACIFIC 38 ANGLISS HONG KONG Title Name Telephone Location Managing director Finance director Human resources and administration manager Logistic manager Customer Service manager IT manager Marketing and PR manager Manager purchasing Food service general manager Consumer general manager Bulk Sales and Wholesale manager Business development manager Production manager Pastry and Confectionery manager Grocery sales manager Gourmet Fine Foods manager Johnny Kang Anthony Fok +852 2494 2238 Hong Kong Peter Lam Tony Chau Felicia Leong Wilde Ho Ceilla Chow Michael Yipp Winny Burg Paula Cheung Peter Wong Johnson Chan Denny Cheung Maritna Chan Henry Ng Michelle Cheng 4Pastry Global Food Service General manager Christina Wong +852 2494 1908 Hong Kong 4Him Kee Food Distribution General manager – Foodservice Wilson Cheng +852 2455 4148 Hong Kong 4Angliss Macau Food Service General manager Roger Chan +853 2886 2886 Macau 4Angliss Beijing Food Service General manager Ding Peng +86 (10) 8586 4886 Beijing 4Angliss Shanghai Food Service General manager Jack Zhang +86 (21) 6436 4712 Shanghai 4Angliss Guangzhou Food Service General manager Cindy Ou +86 (20) 8363 1150 Guangzhou 4Angliss Shenzhen Food Service General manager William Wong +86 (755) 2580 3848 Shenzhen The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 BIDFOOD 39 CATERPLUS 4Catersales 4CCW Catering Supplies 4Chipkins Catering Supplies 4Chipkins East Cape Foods 4Chipkins RFS Catering Supplies 4Chipkins Seaworld 4D & R Lowe Catering Supplies 4First Food Distributors 4Lou's Wholesalers 4M & M Quality Choice 4Caterplus Botswana 4Blue Marine 4Sea World 43663 First for Foodservice BIDFOOD INGREDIENTS 4Bidfood Technologies Title Name Telephone Location Managing director Financial director Operations director: Gauteng and outlying region Operations director: Western Cape and Free State region Operations director: Eastern Cape region Operations director: KwaZuluNatal region Human resources director Procurement director Managing director Brent Varcoe Mandy Nienaber +27 (11) 553 9600 +27 (11) 553 9600 Johannesburg Johannesburg Roy Seaward +27 (11) 553 9600 Johannesburg Dawie Smit +27 (21) 927 2000 Cape Town Ava Roberts +27 (41) 486 1900 Port Elizabeth Nick Yeats Mike Lockley Ebrahim Hasrod Eddy Eagar +27 (33) 345 4505 +27 (11) 553 9600 Pietermaritzburg Johannesburg +27 (12) 377 0158 Pretoria Managing director Operations director Operations director Managing director General manager General manager General manager General manager General manager General manager Lenny Govender Nick Yeats Dawie Smit Rick Lowe Erich Latzelsberger Richard Lyon Clint Lee Moffat Mtika Frans Bekker Ava Roberts +27 (35) 787 0536 +27 (33) 345 4505 +27 (21) 555 8500 +27 (31) 461 2222 +27 (43) 736 1403 +27 (11) 553 9300 +27 (13) 755 1038 +27 (15) 292 1471 +27 (44) 874 0717 +27 (41) 486 1900 Empangeni Pietermaritzburg Cape Town Durban East London Johannesburg Mpumalanga Polokwane George Port Elizabeth General manager General manager Managing director Ricky van Vlaanderen Andre Rheeder Colin McCormack +27 (21) 552 9970 +27 (51) 409 1000 +27 (11) 804 3663 Cape Town Bloemfontein Johannesburg General manager Charmaine Webb +27 (21) 927 9100 Cape Town Managing director Ed Webster +27 (11) 479 2600 Johannesburg Managing director Fatima da Silva +27 (11) 801 3144 Johannesburg General manager General manager General manager General manager General manager General manager General manager General manager General manager General manager General manager Bennie Pieterse Theresa Prinsloo Craig Murray-Rawbone Graeme Bain Stefan van Doorn Les Fouche Kai Kohler Arnold Brower Nico Myburgh Andre Rheeder Theo Ferreira +267 392 4284 +27 (21) 927 2000 +27 (31) 569 2078 +27 (11) 601 9600 +264 (61) 258 313 +27 (21) 551 5893 +27 (11) 553 9000 +27 (13) 758 1381 +27 (15) 297 4200 +27 (51) 409 1000 +27 (31) 571 2400 Gaborone Cape Town Durban Johannesburg Windhoek Cape Town Johannesburg Mpumalanga Polokwane Bloemfontein Durban Chief executive Financial director Commercial director Managing director Financial director Technical product director Operations director Charles Singer Ryan Licht Gavin Fasser John Morris Aubrey Forbes Gavin Keeling Riaan Oosthuizen +27 (11) 201 9100 Johannesburg +27 (21) 527 5000 Cape Town The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 BIDFOOD 40 4Bidfood Exports 4Crown National 4Crown National Trading Branches Title Name Telephone Location General manager Chief executive Financial director Key accounts director Regional managing director John Manthey Charles Singer Dirk van Zyl Roy Maasdorp Tony Lombard +27 (11) 201 9100 +27 (11) 201 9100 Johannesburg Johannesburg +27 (21) 527 5000 +27 (11) 201 9100 Cape Town Johannesburg Managing director Managing director Managing director General manager Managing director Managing director Alan Jochens Tony Cleghorn Mike Critien Charl Swart Peter Nordejee Herman Pheiffer +27 +27 +27 +27 +27 +27 Johannesburg Western Cape KwaZulu-Natal Eastern Cape Mpumalanga Free State (11) (21) (31) (41) (13) (51) 201 527 263 484 752 430 9100 6100 0533 3221 2040 0240 4Crown National Equipment Managing director Manfred Jacob +27 (11) 201 9100 Johannesburg 4Crown National Casings General manager Managing director Kobus Geldenhuys Ivan Horowitz +27 (11) 201 9100 +27 (11) 201 9200 Johannesburg Johannesburg Managing director Financial director Key accounts manager – Sales Key accounts manager – Technical Procurement director Logistics director Nigel Phillips Carl van der Velden Edwina Lincoln +27 (11) 201 9400 Johannesburg Managing director Managing director General manager Managing director General manager Managing director Managing director Managing director Managing director National sales and marketing director Financial director Logistics director Production director Paul Bennett Allen Smit Joe Matthasen Bruce McClean Meryl McCleod James Cunningham Tony Aspeling Jurgen Wolter Cobus Grové +27 (11) 201 9100 +27 (31) 574 7400 +27 (21) 551 4521 +27 (43) 736 3580 +27 (41) 453 2976 +27 (51) 435 3502 +27 (15) 293 2777 +27 (13) 758 1069 +27 (11) 201 9500 Johannesburg KwaZulu-Natal Western Cape East London Port Elizabeth Free State Polokwane Mpumalanga Johannesburg Gavin Goschen Koos Jacobs Ash Singh Farid Mohammed +27 (11) 201 9400 Johannesburg +27 (31) 337 5242 Durban Managing director Financial director Human resources director Marketing director National sales manager National operations manager Purchasing manager Sales manager General manager Sales manager General manager General manager Sales manager Masly Notrica Henry Angove Phumeza Ngxiki Priscilla Wessels Con de Smit John Inglis Desrae Cheary Tofie Chidrawi Charles Schoeman Stuart Kallis Peter Whitton Errol Mossop Kerrin McAlpine +27 (11) 226 8800 Johannesburg +27 (21) 551 1663 Cape Town +27 (31) 700 5181 +27 (41) 487 0790 Durban Port Elizabeth 4Bidfood Solutions 4Chipkins Bakery Supplies 4Chipkins Trading Branches 4NCP Yeast SPECIALITY 4Patleys The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 Paul Kyriakides Bill Forbes Ash Singh BID INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS 41 VOLTEX ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION North East Region branches Electric Centre Globe Electric Keens Electrical Voltex Electrical North West Region branches Electric Centre Globe Electrical Keens Electrical Voltex Electrical Gauteng West branches Electric Centre Keens Electrical Litecor Electrical Voltex Electrical Title Name Telephone Location Chief executive Commercial director Myron Berzack Sibongile Thwala +27 (11) 879 2000 Johannesburg Chief executive Marketing and procurement director Legal director Financial director Administrative director Administrative director Commercial director Myron Berzack +27 (11) 879 2000 Johannesburg Coen Esterhuizen Stanley Green Eric Immermann Dave Mare Navin Chiba Sibongile Thwala Regional manager Branch manager Branch manager Depot manager Depot manager Branch manager Branch manager Depot manager Depot manager Branch manager Branch manager Tommy Flaherty Eugene Sam Christo Stols Allan Robertson Lee Oren Mervin Cameron Peter Schuurman Wouter du Toit Smiley van der Watt Leon van Heerden Herman Schoeman +27 (12) 322 1641 +27 (12) 322 1641 +27 (13) 692 8536 +27 (12) 548 6737 +27 (12) 991 2028 +27 (12) 330 0211 +27 (12) 653 3090 +27 (13) 737 6844 +27 (13) 235 4706 +27 (13) 753 3641 +27 (13) 753 3641 Pretoria Pretoria Witbank Montana Olympus Pretoria Centurion Hazyview Lydenburg Nelspruit Nelspruit Regional manager Depot manager Branch manager Branch manager Branch manager Branch manager Branch manager Colin Alley Johan Boshoff Harry Steyn Jan van Niewenhuizen Pieter Potgieter (acting) Carl Heyneke Pieter Potgieter +27 +27 +27 +27 +27 +27 +27 1311 6401 1213 6177 1517 1311 5520 Rustenburg Phalaborwa Tzaneen Polokwane Klerksdorp Rustenburg Potchefstroom Regional manager Branch manager Branch manager Depot manager Branch manager Branch manager Branch manager Branch manager Branch manager Ahmed Baig Andre Lightfoot Umesh Ranchod Mark Storer Garth Cunningham Amien Lambey Ahmed Baig Gary Jacks Johnny Murphy +27 (11) 792 3380 +27 (11) 951 5780 +27 (11) 951 5780 +27 (11) 315 5800 +27 (11) 434 1108 +27 (11) 434 1108 +27 (11) 792 3380 +27 (11) 887 1308 +27 (11) 887 1308 Johannesburg West Rand West Rand Midrand Springfield Springfield Randburg Bramley Bramley (14) (15) (15) (15) (18) (14) (18) 597 781 307 297 462 597 297 The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 BID INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS 42 Title Name Telephone Location Regional manager Branch manager Branch manager Depot manager Depot manager Depot manager Branch manager Technical manager Branch manager Branch manager Andre Botha Shayne Reynolds Andries Boshoff Tony de Jesus Alistair Phillips Andre Strydom Ken Pearman Tony Turnbull Gerrie Nel Jaycee Richards +27 (11) 616 1350 +27 (11) 918 5220 +27 (11) 616 1350 +27 (11) 970 3290 +27 (11) 622 3416 +27 (11) 907 3752 +27 (11) 434 3800 +27 (11) 434 3800 +27 (34) 315 4150 +27 (16) 422 4761 Johannesburg East Rand Benrose Kempton Park Kensington Alberton Reuven Reuven Newcastle Vereeniging Regional manager Depot manager Branch manager Depot manager Branch manager Branch manager Branch manager Branch manager Branch manager Branch manager Keith Draper Abdool Sheik Gary Paterson Raj Maharaj Ram Ramdhin Gary Elliott Stuart Ross Vasi Pillay Keith Draper (acting) Tony Hablutzel +27 (31) 573 9200 +27 (32) 946 3966 +27 (31) 573 9200 +27 (31) 765 9350 +27 (33) 345 4545 +27 (31) 702 0831 +27 (35) 789 7970 +27 (31) 310 7900 +27 (31) 573 9350 +27 (31) 319 5400 Durban Ballito Briardene Hillcrest Pietermaritzburg Pinetown Richards Bay Durban Durban Durban Free State branches Globe Electrical Litecor Electrical Regional manager Branch manager Branch manager Branch manager Gordon Grant Bruce Dallas Leon Oort Estelle Johnston +27 +27 +27 +27 Bloemfontein Welkom Bloemfontein Kimberley Western Cape branches Voltex Electrical Electric Centre Voltex Upington Voltex Electrical Regional manager Depot manager Branch manager Branch manager Depot manager Branch manager Branch manager Branch manager Branch manager Branch manager Depot manager Depot manager Branch manager Managing director Lighting director Shawn Roets Slayne Moodaly Robert Ruthenberg Jehan Stadler Charles Ockhuis Wally Smith Angelo Gamba James Arendse Vivian Grovers Tony Smith Clement Mathews Neil Murray Kenny Theunissen Hugh Ward Richard Lowe +27 (21) 530 3460 +27 (21) 982 1404 +27 (23) 342 1795 +27 (54) 332 6211 +27 (21) 905 1877 +27 (21) 531 2033 +27 (21) 531 2033 +27 (21) 872 1554 +27 (21) 853 8511 +27 (21) 931 0370 +27 (22) 713 2371 +27 (21) 761 4599 +27 (21) 534 3979 +27 (21) 440 7100 +27 (21) 440 7100 Gauteng East branches Electric Centre Globe Electrical Litecor Electrical Voltex Electrical KwaZulu-Natal branches Voltex Electrical Voltex Retail Suppliers Waco Industries Voltex Retail Suppliers Bellco Electrical The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 (51) (57) (51) (53) 505 395 505 832 0700 3191 0700 1211 Cape Town Brackenfell Worcester Upington Blackheath Cape Town Cape Town Paarl Strand Tygerberg West Coast Wetton Cape Town Cape Town Cape Town 43 Eastern Cape branches Electric Centre Voltex Coland Voltex Electrical Voltex Retail Title Name Telephone Location Regional manager Depot manager Branch manager Branch manager Depot manager Depot manager Branch manager Branch manager Branch manager Depot manager Branch manager Charles Boltar Sipho Volonti Robin Pillay Mornay Bothma Antoinette van Niekerk Elmarie Gendy Henry Mollentze Cecil Jones Adrian van der Vyver Henry Wilson Robin Pillay +27 (41) 504 8200 +27 (47) 532 4706 +27 (43) 743 3650 +27 (44) 871 2006 +27 (42) 293 1201 +27 (44) 382 1242 +27 (44) 695 0010 +27 (44) 272 0422 +27 (41) 504 8200 +27 (41) 922 7051 +27 (43) 743 3650 Port Elizabeth Umtata East London George Jeffrey’s Bay Knysna Mossel Bay Oudtshoorn Port Elizabeth Uitenhage East London Specialist divisions 4Atlas Cable Supplies General manager Daya Naidoo +27 (11) 864 5255 Johannesburg 4Association Cables Branch manager Depot manager Branch manager Branch manager Brian Taylor Dean Sooknunan Ken de Kock Marius Rall +27 +27 +27 +27 Cape Town Tygerberg Polokwane Johannesburg (21) (21) (15) (11) 534 531 292 864 4493 2033 3330 5255 4Voltex Transmission & Distribution Branch manager George du Plooy +27 (11) 908 8510 Alrode 4Versalec Cables Managing director Director General manager Branch manager Trevor Schmidt Roland Frye Jannie Louw Armin Bodechtel +27 (11) 314 0220 Johannesburg +27 (11) 622 8633 +27 (21) 531 0950 Johannesburg Cape Town Branch manager Marketing manager Sales manager Depot manager Richard Herman Keith Beattie Kelvin Rose Diana van Zyl +27 +27 +27 +27 Durban Johannesburg Johannesburg Pretoria Northern Region Specialist branches Atlas Cable Supplies Supervisor Branch manager Martin van Schalkwyk Ken de Kock +27 (12) 322 1641 +27 (15) 292 3330 Pretoria Polokwane 4Voltex Retail Suppliers Branch manager Assistant branch manager General manager Branch manager Branch manager Branch manager General manager Branch manager Branch manager Branch manager Warehouse manager General manager Marnus Herbst Johan Meyer Julian Lipson Shirley Nicol Robbie Human Peter Louw Bokkie Human Dirk Louw Bernice van Dyk Christo Jansen Norman McCabe Drew Donald +27 (12) 734 5586 +27 (12) 734 5586 +27 (11) 677 2500 +27 (51) 448 0996 +27 (21) 593 1114 +27 (41) 374 1687 +27 (11) 402 0251 +27 (21) 761 4466 +27 (11) 493 9717 +27 (12) 804 7900 +27 (11) 402 0251 +27 (11) 879 2500 Rayton Rayton Johannesburg Bloemfontein Cape Town Port Elizabeth Johannesburg Cape Town Johannesburg Pretoria Johannesburg Johannesburg Branch manager Lucas van der Schyff +27 (11) 314 0620 Johannesburg 4Cabstrut 4Waco Industries 4Sanlic International 4Voltex Lighting 4Voltex Industrial Systems (31) (11) (11) (12) 573 622 622 329 9400 8633 8633 6882 The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 BID INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS 44 Title Name Telephone Location Director Director Director Branch manager Branch manager Branch manager Director Branch manager Branch manager Robert Berzack Colin Gordon Mervan Berzack Ernst Huisamen Tom Allen Alida Cloete Johann Lourens Lorraine Knee Rodney Schnoor +27 (11) 334 7634 +27 (11) 334 7634 +27 (31) 240 9700 +27 (21) 511 7044 +27 (41) 373 4647 +27 (12) 323 3225 +27 (11) 623 1941 +27 (21) 514 3500 +27 (31) 208 5021 Johannesburg Johannesburg Durban Cape Town Port Elizabeth Pretoria Johannesburg Cape Town Durban EASTMANSTAPLES Managing director Area manager Area manager Area manager Colin Werb William McAllister Pat Mahon Sebastian Stawiki +44 (148) 488 8888 +44 (123) 645 1905 +353 (1) 855 7555 +48 (60) 3774 381 Huddersfield Glasgow Dublin Lodz CATERING EQUIPMENT Chief executive Managing director Financial director Director Director Director HR manager Technical and marketing director Branch manager Branch manager Sales manager Branch manager Myron Berzack Margaret Crawford Roger Lucas Colne Moodley Alan Walker Terry van der Merwe Bernice Stevens Rob McMurray Janine Dall Preggie Govender Anthony Mulder Brian Bateman +27 +27 +27 +27 +27 +27 +27 (11) (11) (11) (11) (11) (41) (11) 879 249 249 249 249 453 249 2000 8500 8500 8500 8500 5177 8500 Johannesburg Johannesburg Johannesburg Johannesburg Johannesburg Port Elizabeth Johannesburg +27 +27 +27 +27 (21) (31) (11) (41) 510 569 249 453 5010 7800 8500 5177 Cape Town Durban Johannesburg Eastern Cape Chief executive Director Internal audit manager National managing director National financial director National procurement director National BEE director National imports manager National sales and marketing manager Regional managing director Regional sales and marketing director Regional managing director Regional sales and marketing director Regional managing director Regional sales and marketing director Regional managing director Regional financial director Regional managing director Regional sales and marketing director Myron Berzack Cliff Rostowsky Dawie Conradie John Farrell Francois Reyneke Peter Cronje Elizabeth Arulappen Mark Rubin +27 (11) 879 2000 Johannesburg +27 (21) 442 2700 Cape Town +27 (31) 251 5700 +27 (21) 442 2380 KwaZulu-Natal Cape Town Lana Boyce Riaan Schoonees +27 (21) 442 2700 +27 (51) 410 9800 Cape Town Free State Hein Farber Eugene Kleynhans +27 (11) 620 4000 Gauteng Geoff Logan Mike Frizelle +27 (31) 251 5700 KwaZulu-Natal +27 (41) 393 5000 Port Elizabeth +27 (21) 442 2800 Western Cape BERZACKS 4Berzack Brothers 4Bloch & Levitan 4Vulcan Catering Equipment STATIONERY 4Waltons Stationery Company The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 Dan Choirboli Danie Hugo Paul Knight Richard Bowes Kim Spence 45 4Hortors Title Name Telephone Location Managing director Elize Bungay +27 (11) 620 4800 Johannesburg 4SA Diaries Managing director Peter Honeyman +27 (21) 442 2340 Cape Town 4Kolok Managing director Financial director Director Operations director National sales manager National product manager Corporate channel manager Branch manager Branch manager Branch manager Branch manager Branch manager Allan Thompson Paul Kleynhans Ebrahim Cassim Mohamed Ebrahim Gerard Chappel Linda Stevens Lorraine Naucshutz Lana Klein Steve Galley Michael Thompson Ricky Daniels Delon Pillay +27 (11) 248 0300 Johannesburg +27 +27 +27 +27 +27 4900 2700 1876 9900 2233 KwaZulu-Natal Western Cape Bloemfontein Eastern Cape Nelspruit 4Contract Office Products Managing director Financial director Director Contracts director Director Harold Magid Neville George Harry Elison Ramesh Gopal Bernie Eisenstein +27 (11) 334 5424 Johannesburg OFFICE FURNITURE Chief executive Director Internal audit manager Group national managing director Group financial director Service centre general manager Human resources director Event co-ordinator manager Regional managing director Trainee branch manager Regional managing director Regional managing director Branch director Branch director Branch director Branch manager Branch manager Branch manager Managing director Regional managing director Branch manager Managing director Factory manager HR director Branch manager Branch manager HR director Divisional manager HR director Branch manager HR director Myron Berzack Cliff Rostowsky Dawie Conradie Robbie Bergh Willie du Plessis Marius Rahl Makgopelo Mkhwanazi Angela Bergh Eugene Coetzee Gabri van Kradenburg Herbert Meyer Gavin Bolton Gary Diamond Bertie Kotze Bob Lindesay Ryan Grindlay Delwin Naidoo Cheryl Hornby Robbie Bergh Eugene Coetzee Ryan Grindlay Chris van Wyk Robert Moresby-White Makgopelo Mkhwanazi Karen Steyn Lynn Potgieter Makgopelo Mkhwanazi Simone Mann Makgopelo Mkhwanazi Andrew Coldicott Makgopelo Mkhwanazi +27 (11) 879 2000 Johannesburg +27 (11) 807 9771 +27 (11) 345 1500 Rivonia Bedfordview +27 (11) 807 9771 +27 (51) 430 3921 Rivonia Free State +27 (21) 419 9237 +27 (31) 337 4272 +27 (11) 345 1500 +264 (61) 227 000 +27 (43) 743 1531 +27 (53) 831 1112 +27 (33) 342 8307 +27 (44) 871 0048 +27 (11) 807 9771 +27 (51) 430 3921 +27 (53) 831 1112 +27 (21) 951 6850 +27 (41) 405 1000 +27 (11) 345 1500 +27 (11) 493 7643 +27 (12) 322 7913 +27 (11) 345 1500 +27 (11) 345 1500 +27 (11) 345 1500 +27 (11) 493 7643 +27 (11) 345 1500 Cape Town KwaZulu-Natal Bedfordview Windhoek East London Kimberley Pietermaritzburg George Rivonia Bloemfontein Kimberley Cape Town Port Elizabeth Bedfordview Selby Pretoria Bedfordview Rivonia Bedfordview Selby Bedfordview 4CN Business Furniture CN Rivonia Lounge Lizard CN Manufacturing CN Outlet CN Café ACTA SA (31) (21) (51) (41) (13) 570 597 433 406 758 The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 BID INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS 46 Title Name Telephone Managing director Financial and operations director Sales director Managing director Financial director Sales and marketing directors Isla Galloway Pieter Schutte Shiva Amri Steve Gerber Louis Snyman Thys Dotzler (sales) Clyde Collins (marketing) +27 +27 +27 +27 9888 9182 9888 1393 Johannesburg Industria Johannesburg Johannesburg Managing director Director Financial manager Fastening Packaging Strapping Stretch film Labels Human resources Accounting Strapping factory Marketing Howard Greenstein Brian Kerkhoff Howard Manoim Chris Beeby Mike Hilson Bruce Smith Rodney Trent Wentzel Coetzer Beverley Campbell Mario Berthelot Fred Oudmayer Therese Bezuidenhout +27 (11) 627 7000 Johannesburg Divisional director Managing director Managing director Joint managing director Joint managing director Business unit manager Business unit manager Business unit manager Business unit manager Business unit manager Production director 4Buffalo Executape 4Ramset 4Dauphin Human Design Group 4Seating/Pago PACKAGING CLOSURES 4Afcom Branch distribution (11) (11) (11) (11) 447 474 474 474 Location +27 (11) 627 0800 7000 0800 4758 7000 Bloemfontein Johannesburg Mike Hilson Wentzel Coetzer Don McVean-Nicol Kevin Oliver Denny Poovan Kevin Guess Sean Hadley Theo Nel Michael James Anton de Beer Frans Fremouw +27 (11) 627 0800 +27 (51) 432 4758 +27 (21) 534 3491 +27 (31) 705 6018 +27 (31) 705 6018 +27 (43) 722 6070 +27 (41) 373 0174 +27 (12) 377 0770 +27 (15) 307 1344 +27 (13) 753 3405 +27 (11) 627 7000 Johannesburg Bloemfontein Cape Town Durban Durban East London Port Elizabeth Pretoria Tzaneen Nelspruit Markwell Managing director HR manager/director Sales and marketing manager Trevor Girnun Alma Wilken Wayne Pollak +27 (11) 281 2600 Johannesburg Managing director John East +27 (11) 627 7180 Johannesburg The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 +27 +27 +27 +27 (11) (11) (51) (11) 627 627 432 627 BIDPAPER PLUS 47 PRINTING AND RELATED 4Lithotech Lithotech Afric Mail Cape Lithotech Afric Mail Johannesburg Lithotech Afric Mail Durban Lithotech Manufacturing Cape Lithotech Manufacturing Pinetown Lithotech Listing & Logistics Blesston Printing Globe Stationery Manufacturers Silveray Manufacturing Mobeni Kolok Africa Ozalid Lithotech Corporate Lithotech Sales Title Name Telephone Location Chief executive Financial director Commercial director Financial manager Credit control manager IT manager IS manager Divisional procurement manager Technical project manager Marketing manager Human resources manager Neil Birch Colin Adendorff Mojaki Finger Martines Martens Marna Kuhn Yan Govender Gary Craye Patrick Fick Denys Gilfillan Dave Macfarlane Pieter Breytenbach +27 (11) 706 6751 Johannesburg +27 (21) 507 4100 Cape Town Managing director Financial director Key accounts director Managing director Financial director Managing director Financial manager Operations director Financial director Managing director Financial director Managing director Financial director Managing director Financial manager Managing director Operations director Operations director Financial manager Managing director Financial director Managing director Financial director Managing director Financial manager Managing director Financial manager Export manager Special projects manager Regional managing director Johannesburg Financial manager Johannesburg Regional managing director Cape Town Financial director Cape Town Regional managing director KwaZulu-Natal Financial manager KwaZulu-Natal Regional managing director East London Regional managing director Port Elizabeth Regional general manager Bloemfontein Neil Birch Colin Adendorff Mojaki Finger Hennie Mentz Johann Havenga Pieter Strydom Elrisia le Roux Sean Cleland Johann Havenga Grant McWilliams Paul Rossouw Bob Allan-Reynolds Paul Budhram Don Lewis Zarina Vawda Cilla McGinley Brian Bucknall Michael Schouw Melda Ruiters Niel Speres Prakash Haripersad Valentino Rupping Crystal Pettitt Valentino Rupping Vanessa van der Nest Johann Neethling Simon Bezuidenhout Patrick Camps Ben Sachs +27 (11) 706 6751 Johannesburg +27 (21) 935 3300 Cape Town +27 (11) 474 1554 Johannesburg +27 (31) 208 6132 +27 (21) 935 3300 +27 (21) 507 4100 Durban Cape Town Cape Town +27 (31) 792 7000 Durban +27 (11) 474 1828 Johannesburg +27 (11) 472 3330 Johannesburg +27 (21) 511 3922 Cape Town +27 (31) 462 2081 Durban +27 (11) 680 1460 Johannesburg +27 (11) 975 8141 Johannesburg +27 (11) 706 6751 Johannesburg Louis Avenant Mariana Britz +27 (11) 474 1828 Johannesburg Francis Lundie Pierre Joubert +27 (21) 936 4500 Cape Town Phil Hayes Rolona Singh +27 (31) 700 2577 Durban Clive Saunders +27 (43) 731 1605 East London Brian van der Berg +27 (41) 373 3889 Port Elizabeth Willy Watson +27 (51) 447 7966 Bloemfontein The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 BIDPAPER PLUS 48 Title Name Telephone Location Managing director Operations director Howard Rabinowitz Darryl Richard +27 (11) 786 3116 Johannesburg Managing director Oostewald Immink +27 (11) 706 6751 Johannesburg Managing director Financial director Sales and marketing Branch manager Branch manager Kevin Swan Devika Moodley Colleen Venter Charles Anderson Mike Alberts +27 (32) 459 2279 Isithebe +27 (11) 975 8141 +27 (11) 626 3633 +27 (21) 551 7828 Johannesburg Johannesburg Cape Town Managing director Financial manager Sales and marketing Managing director Financial director Technical director Sales director Kevin Swan Ivan Govender Roger Boulle Wicus Maritz Mandy Beyleveld Greg Gabriels Grant Watson +27 (11) 975 8141 Johannesburg +27 (21) 532 5540 Cape Town Managing director Financial director National sales director Branch manager Branch manager Branch manager Branch manager Branch manager Branch manager Managing director Financial director Hans Servas Toni Harman Jimmy Millinger Eugene Maree Hassina Yunus Guy Baines Gordon Reid James Kinnell John Trefusis-Paynter Brett Alexander Elmarie Bester +27 (11) 677 0000 Johannesburg +27 +27 +27 +27 +27 +27 +27 Bloemfontein Durban Cape Town Johannesburg Port Elizabeth East London Pretoria ALTERNATIVE PRODUCTS 4Electronic Transactions E-Mail Connection 4Consulting Services and IT Solutions Lithotech solutions PACKAGING & LABEL PRODUCTS 4Lufil Packaging 4Lithotech Labels 4Rotolabel STATIONERY DISTRIBUTION 4Wholesale Stationery Distribution Silveray Statmark Company Pretoria Wholesale Stationers The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 (51) (31) (21) (11) (41) (43) (12) 447 462 936 677 391 722 523 4313 2081 5200 0000 8600 3781 1000 BID AUTO 49 Title Name Telephone Location Chief executive Managing director: Motor retail Managing director: Financial services Human resources director Commercial director Brand Pretorius Graham Damp Eugene Roden +27 (31) 268 9200 +27 (12) 368 2000 +27 (31) 268 9200 Durban Pretoria Durban Cyril Khambula Lazola Madikizela +27 (11) 263 6300 Johannesburg Managing Managing Managing Managing Managing director director director director director Geoff Jooste Lazola Madikizela Trevor Herbert Anthony Foxcroft Trevor Herbert +27 +27 +27 +27 +27 2300 6300 6600 2000 2000 Johannesburg Johannesburg Pretoria Pretoria Pretoria MCCARTHY MOTOR HOLDINGS Franchises 4Alfa Romeo/Fiat 4BMW/Mini 4Ford/Mazda 4General Motors 4Land Rover/Volvo 4Mercedes-Benz/Jeep/Chrysler/ Smart/Mitsubishi 4Nissan/Nissan Diesel 4Peugeot 4Renault 4Toyota/Lexus 4Volkswagen/Audi 4Call-a-Car 4Burchmore’s Car Auctions 4McCarthy Value Centre (Chery/Foton/Mahindra/Suzuki) Managing director Managing director Managing director Managing director Managing director Managing director Managing director Managing director Trevor Herbert Geoff Jooste Mark Ogram Geoff Jooste Terry Sorour Hendrik Vermaak Lazola Madikizela Darryl Jacobson +27 (12) 368 2000 +27 (11) 437 2300 +27 (11) 800 9300 +27 (11) 437 2300 +27 (12) 807 9900 +27 (12) 309 1700 +27 (11) 263 6300 +27 (11) 258 9898 Pretoria Johannesburg Johannesburg Johannesburg Pretoria Pretoria Johannesburg Johannesburg Managing director Colyn Nel +27 (12) 322 6840 Pretoria IMPORT AND DISTRIBUTION 4Amalgamated Automobile distributors (Chery/Foton) 4McCarthy Heavy Equipment 4Yamaha Distributors Managing director Managing director Managing director Brett Soso Dylan Chicken Ian Pears +27 (11) 561 6300 +27 (11) 306 7300 +27 (31) 710 6400 Johannesburg Johannesburg Durban FINANCIAL SERVICES 4McCarthy Insurance Services 4McCarthy Finance 4McCarthy Fleet Solutions Executive director Managing director Managing director Managing director Eugene Roden Tony Alison Ian Boyd Sutherland Byron Corcoran +27 +27 +27 +27 9200 9300 7000 8600 Durban Durban Johannesburg Johannesburg CAR AND VAN RENTAL 4Budget Rent a Car 4Budget Van Rental 4Chauffeur drive Budget Door 2 Door Managing director Ray Booth +27 (11) 398 0000 Johannesburg Financial director Human resources director Legal adviser Procurement manager Internal audit and risk manager Managing director General manager General manager Commercial director General manager Commercial director Managing director Manager General manager Eugene Roden Cyril Khambula Pieter Smit Ray Bester Deon Pillay Marthinus Strydom Philip Tossel Steve Collins Lazola Madikizela Seelan Govender Lazola Madikizela Marthinus Strydom Iris Francis Ray Northend +27 (31) 268 9200 Durban +27 (31) 584 9682 +27 (12) 348 6088 +27 (12) 807 9900 +27 (11) 314 8775 +27 (11) 263 6300 +27 (31) 583 9500 +27 (11) 263 6300 +27 (12) 348 6088 +27 (31) 268 9200 +27 (31) 268 9200 Durban Pretoria Pretoria Johannesburg Johannesburg Durban Johannesburg Pretoria Durban Durban SUPPORT SERVICES 4Corporate Services ICT Group Parts Group Services 4McCarthy Call-a-Car 4Club McCarthy 4Corporate marketing 4Eliance 4Corporate Social Investment 4Group Properties (11) (11) (12) (12) (12) (31) (31) (11) (11) 437 263 809 369 368 268 268 509 844 The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 BIDVEST NAMIBIA 50 Title Name Telephone Location Chief executive Executive director Financial director Sebby Kankondi Piet Steyn Melanie Hodgson +264 (64) 201 2316 +264 (64) 201 2316 +264 (64) 201 2316 Walvis Bay Walvis Bay Walvis Bay BIDVEST FISHERIES HOLDINGS 4Namsov Fishing Enterprises Managing director Bidfish divisional general manager Jan Arnold Pieter Greeff +264 (64) 219 901 +264 (64) 217 504 Walvis Bay Walvis Bay BIDVEST COMMERCIAL HOLDINGS 4Caterplus Managing director General manager Managing director Hans Werner-Timke Stefan van Doorn Bertie Kotze +264 (64) 201 2000 +264 (61) 258 313 +264 (61) 227 000 Walvis Bay Windhoek Windhoek General manager General manager Monique Roets-Malan Clay Elves +264 (61) 370 500 +264 (61) 233 588 Windhoek Windhoek Managing director Hans Werner-Timke +264 (64) 201 2000 Walvis Bay Operations director Managing director Paulette Scrooby Heike Schulz +27 (11) 398 0211 +264 (61) 260 366 Johannesburg Windhoek General manager Managing director Harald Lingner Johan van Tonder +264 (61) 228 231 +264 (61) 283 8000 Windhoek Windhoek 4CN Business Furniture 4Kolok 4Konica Minolta 4Manica 4McCarthy car hire 4Rennies Travel 4Voltex 4Waltons Stationery Company CORPORATE Title Name Telephone Location Non-executive chairman Chief executive Executive director Group financial director Group financial manager Group commercial executive Group transformation executive Group services Group communications/Academy Bidvest Academy Communications manager Group company secretarial Group internal audit Group taxation Group accounting Group accounting Managing director Company secretary Accountant Managing director Cyril Ramaphosa Brian Joffe Peter Nyman David Cleasby Neil Goodwin Sabelo Mahlalela Gillian McMahon Dave Koff Jack Hochfeld Sue Haynes Junette Davidson Craig Brighten Brian Smith Clem Kourie Yolind Strydom Paul Roberts Justin Unsworth Paul Scott Alex Oliver Stan Whitting +27 (11) 772 8700 +27 (11) 772 8700 +27 (11) 772 8700 +27 (11) 772 8706 +27 (11) 772 8745 +27 (11) 772 8715 +27 (11) 772 8700 +27 (11) 772 8726 +27 (11) 772 8705 +27 (11) 772 8754 +27 (11) 731 7600 +27 (11) 772 8700 +27 (11) 772 8700 +27 (11) 772 8700 +27 (11) 772 8700 +27 (11) 772 8700 +44 (162) 461 1225 +44 (20) 7493 4733 Johannesburg Johannesburg Johannesburg Johannesburg Johannesburg Johannesburg Johannesburg Johannesburg Johannesburg Johannesburg Johannesburg Johannesburg Johannesburg Johannesburg Johannesburg Johannesburg Isle of Man London +27 (11) 726 8781 Johannesburg Joint managing directors Neil Jankelowitz Barney Girnun +27 (11) 646 7340 Johannesburg BIDVEST PROPERTIES Managing director General manager Isaac Menashe Warren Kretzmar +27 (11) 772 8728 Johannesburg ONTIME AUTOMOTIVE Managing director Financial director David Brinklow Stuart Mclaughlan +44 (20) 8867 5551 London BID CORPORATE SERVICES 4Bidvest Isle of Man 4Bidvest United Kingdom 4Bidvest Wits Football Club 4MSCSports The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 The Bidvest Group Limited 51 Product and services directory (South Africa) In our decentralised environment and with the vast array of products and services offered by the Group we have initiated this directory to assist employees and customers in their search for products and services provided by Bidvest companies. A version available on the Bidvest website will be kept updated and will form the basis for an online product enquiry system. Please let Junette Davidson ( or Kate Cunningham ( have your input, comments and suggestions. We hope you find this directory useful. The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 The Bidvest Group Limited Product and services directory (South Africa) 52 A Abrasion resistance Bidserv: TMS Group Abrasive blast cleaning Bidserv: TMS Group Accepting bank – Banks Merchant Bidserv: Bidvest Bank Access control – Equipment and supplies Bidserv: Provicom Risk Solutions Accommodation sourcing and reservations Bidserv: Bidtravel Adding machines – Calculating and adding machines Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Waltons; Contract Office Products Addressing and mailing services Bidpaper Pus: E-mail Connection; Lithotech Afric Mail Adhesives Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Afcom; Contract Office Products; Waltons Advertising and promotional gifts Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Contract Office Products; Waltons Promotions. Bidfood: Patleys Advertising direct mail Bidpaper Plus: Lithotech Afric Mail, E-Mail Connection Aerated waters – see Mineral waters Air blowers – Blowers and blower systems Bidserv: TMS Group Air cargo services Bidserv: Bidair Air charter Bidfreight: Safcor Panalpina Air compressors Bidserv: TMS Group. Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex Air freight services Bidfreight: Safcor Panalpina; Sebenza Forwarding Air transport Bidfreight: Safcor Panalpina Air travel – Reservations and tickets Bidserv: Bidtravel (Carlson Wagonlit) Airline ground handling Bidserv: Bidair Alarm systems – Burglar alarms Bidserv: Provicom Risk Solutions; Vericon Outsourcing Alternators – see Generators alternators, lighting and power plant Anticorrosive coatings Bidserv: TMS Group Antislip treatment Bidserv: TMS Group Appliances – see Electrical appliances – household retail Architect landscape – see Landscape architects Armed response – see Security services and systems Arrestors lightening Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex; Globe Electrical; Waco Industries Artificial plants, trees and flowers – see Indoor plants and trees artificial Artisans for hire – see Labour contractors Asphalt and products waterproofing Bidserv: TMS Group Audio visual equipment Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Waltons; Contract Office Products Bidserv: Vericon Outsourcing Auditors Bidserv: Provicom Risk Solutions Automation systems and equipment Bidserv: Konica Minolta; Provicom Risk Solutions; Vericon Outsourcing. Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Contract Office Products; Waltons Bakers and confectionery supplies Bidfood: Bidfood Ingredients; Chipkins Bakery Supplies; 3663 First for Foodservice; Patleys; Bidfood Technologies; NCP Yeast Batteries Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Contract Office Products; Waltons Belting – transmission and conveyor Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex Bins Bidserv: Steiner Hygiene; Puréau Fresh Water Company Biometrics – see Access control – Equipment and supplies Biscuits Bidfood: Patleys Bitumen products – see Asphalt and products waterproofing Boilers manufacturers and distributors Bidserv: TMS Group Bonds – Mortgage and financing Bidserv: Bidvest Bank Box makers Bidserv: Veriserv (Vericon Outsourcing) Building cleaning exterior Bidserv: TMS Group; Prestige Group Building consultants Bidserv: TMS Group Building maintenance Bidserv: TMS Group Building management systems Bidserv: Provicom Risk Solutions Bulbs electric – see Electrical lamps, bulbs or globes Automobile Bid Auto Aviation Warning Beacons Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Waco Industries B Bakers machinery and equipment Bidfood: Crown National; Chipkins Bakery Supplies; 3663 First for Foodservice Bulk and breakbulk cleaning and forwarding Bidfreight: Freightbulk Bulk handling equipment – see Materials handling equipment Bulk liquid tanktainers Bidfreight: Rennies Ships Agency (Hoyer Global) Bulk mailing – see Addressing and mailing services Banking services Bidserv: Bidvest Bank Bulk storage – see Silos, storage liquid bulk Bathroom and sanitary – see Sanitaryware Bulk tankers – see Tankers Burglar alarms and equipment Bidserv: Provicom Risk Solutions; Vericon Outsourcing Business cards Bidpaper Plus: Lithotech The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 Business communications systems equipment Bidserv: Konica Minolta; Océ; Waltons Business machines Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Kolok Unlimited. Bidserv: Konica Minolta; Océ; Waltons Business support services Bidserv: Bidpaper Plus: E-mail Connection; Lithotech Solutions Butchery equipment and supplies Bidfood: Crown National C Cables Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex Cable distribution accessories Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex Cable glands Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex Cable jointing kit and terminations Bid Industrial and Commercial Product: Voltex Cable management systems Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex Cage controllers Bidserv: Vericon Outsourcing; Provicom Risk Solutions Cake ingredients Bidfood: Chipkins Bakery Supplies; Calculating and adding machines Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Waltons; Contract Office Products Calculators and office supplies Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Waltons; Contract Office Products; Silveray Statmark; Kolok Unlimited Cameras – see Photographic equipment Canned foods Bidfood: Patleys; Caterplus Canteen and kitchen equipment – see Hotel equipment and supplies Car rental Bid Auto: Budget Rent a Car Car – see Motor vehicles Carbon paper manufacturers and distributors Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Waltons. Bidpaper Plus: Lithotech Carbon products Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Waltons. Bidpaper Plus: Lithotech 53 Carbonless paper Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Waltons. Bidpaper Plus: Lithotech Card control systems – see Access control Cargo and freight containers Bidfreight: SACD Freight Cargo handling Bidfreight: Rennies Distribution Services Carpet and upholstery cleaning machines Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Contract Office Products Carpet and upholstery cleaners Bidserv: Prestige Group. Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Contract Office Products Cartage and transport contractors Bidfreight: Rennies Distribution Services. Bidpaper Plus: Lithotech Logistics Cartridges – see Computer equipment support/maintenance and repairs Cash processing machinery equipment Bidserv: Global Payment Technologies Caterers equipment and supplies Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Vulcan Catering Equipment. Bidfood: Catersales; Caterplus; 3663 First for Foodservice Catering equipment hire Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Vulcan Catering Equipment; CN Business Furniture; Contract Office Products. Bidfood: Catersales CCTV – see Closed circuit television Ceiling cleaning Bidserv: TMS Group Central control panels – see Controls/ control systems Cherry pickers Bidserv: Veriserv (Vericon Outsourcing) Compressed air drying equipment Bidserv: TMS Group Chocolates – see Foods Compressors repairs and spares Bidserv: TMS Group. Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex Circuit breakers Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex Circular letter advertising – see Advertising direct mail Clamps Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex Cleaners clothing – see Uniforms Cleaning and polishing materials and supplies Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Contract Office Products; Waltons. Bidserv: Steiner Hygiene; G. Fox & Company; TMS Group Computer equipment support/ maintenance and repairs Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Waltons; Contract Office Products; Silveray Statmark Company; Kolok Waltons Unlimited Computer furniture Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Waltons; CN Business Furniture; Contract Office Products Computer IT outsourcing Bidpaper Plus: E-mail Connection Computer screen – see Audio visual equipment Cleaning and maintenance chemicals Bidserv: TMS Group; G. Fox & Company; Steiner Hygiene. Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Contract Office Products; Waltons; Waco Industries Computer software or solutions Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Contract Office Products; Kolok Unlimited; Waltons. Bidserv: mymarket. com Cleaning equipment – industrial Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: TMS Group Conductor systems – electrical Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex Cleaning products – Office products Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Kolok Conduits and conduit fittings Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex Cleaning products chemical free Bidserv: TMS Group; Contract Office Products Confectioners – see Bakers and confectionery supplies Cleaning services Bidserv: Steiner Hygiene; Prestige Group; TMS Group Cleaning services industrial Bidserv: Steiner Environmental Solutions; Prestige Group; TMS Group Closed circuit television Bidserv: Provicom Risk Solutions Centrifugal pumps – see Pumps Conference and Incentive Organisers Bidserv: Bidtravel Conference facilities and services – see Audio visual equipment Connectors Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex Connectors electric – see Electrical supplies and equipment Cloth labels – see Labels Chairs – see Furniture designers and manufacturers Charter companies – see Air charter Checkers Bidserv: Vericon Outsourcing; Provicom Risk Solutions Clothing manufacturers and distributors Bidserv: G. Fox & Company Coating powder protective Bidserv: TMS Group Cheeses Bidfood: Patleys; Caterplus Cocks and valves Bidserv: TMS Group Chefs clothing manufacturers Bidfood: Caterplus Coils electric Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex Chemical cleaning Bidserv: Steiner Environmental Solutions; TMS Group; Prestige Group Compatible Toners Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Waltons; Kolok Unlimited Consumables Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Kolok Unlimited; Waltons. Bidpaper Plus: Kolok Africa. Bidserv: Konica Minolta; Océ; G. Fox & Company Container handling, storage and transport Bidfreight: Rennies Distribution Services Corporate gifts – see Advertising and promotional gifts Corporate promotions Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Waltons Promotions Corporate training Bidserv: Prestige Group. Corporate: Bidvest Academy Corporate travel specialists Bidserv: Bidtravel Counters mechanical and electrical Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex Couplings Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex. Bidserv: TMS Group Courier services Bidpaper Plus: Lithotech Logistics Customs clearing, shipping and forwarding Bidserv: TMS Group. Bidfreight: Safcor Panalpina; Sebenza Forwarding D Data communications systems and equipment Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Waltons; Kolok Unlimited. Bidserv: Konica Minolta Data Media Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Kolok Unlimited; Waltons Data Tapes Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Kolok Unlimited Decontamination cleaning services – see Cleaning services industrial Decorators – see Painting contractors Delivery services Bidpaper Plus: Lithotech logistics Degreasers – see Chemical cleaning Contact adhesive paper – see Packaging materials and services Desks and chairs – see Office furniture Continuous stationery – see Print origination; Printers supplies Detergents Bidserv: Prestige Group; Steiner Hygiene; G. Fox & Company Controls/control systems Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex. Bidserv: Provicom Risk Solutions Copiers Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Contract Office Products. Bidserv: Konica Minolta; Océ. Bidpaper Plus: Kolok Africa Diaries Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Contract Office Products; Hortors; Waltons promotions. Bipaper Plus: Kolok Africa Digital Archiving Bidpaper Plus: Lithotech The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 54 Digital imaging and printing Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Waltons; Contract Office Products. Bidserv: Konica Minolta; Océ Driver training – Recertification of lifting equipment Bidserv: Training Dynamics (Vericon Outsourcing) Electrical appliances – household retail Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Berzacks Digital office automation/solutions Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Waltons; Contract Office Products. Bidserv: Konica Minolta; Océ. Bipaper Plus: Kolok Africa Dry cleaning and laundry equipment commercial and industrial Bidserv: First Garment Rental; Boston Launderers Electrical conduit manufacturers – see Conduits and conduit fittings Digital Pen Bidpaper Plus: Lithotech Dimmer controls Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex Direct mail Bidpaper Plus: E-mail Connection; Lithotech Afric Mail Direct marketing Bidpaper Plus: E-mail Connection; Lithotech Afric Mail Dispatchers Bidserv: Vericon Outsourcing; Provicom Risk Solutions Distribution Bidfreight: Rennies Distribution Services Distribution consultants and services Bidpaper Plus: Lithotech Logistics Document copying Bidserv: Konica Minolta; Océ; Waltons. Bipaper Plus: Kolok Africa Document management system Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Waltons; Contract Office Products Domestic workers Bidserv: Prestige Group Door and gate operating devices Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex. Bidserv: Provicom Risk Solutions Drain and sewer cleaning Bidserv: Steiner Environmental Solutions; Prestige Group; TMS Group Drain and sewer cleaning equipment Bidserv: TMS Group Dried products Bidfood: Caterplus; Patleys Drilling equipment/accessories Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex Drinking fountains – see Water coolers Drivers hire Bid Auto: Chauffeur Drive; Budget Door 2 Door Drying equipment – industrial Bidserv: First Garment Rental Duct cleaning Bidserv: TMS Group E Edible oils and fats Bidfood: Chipkins Bakery Supplies Electric breakers Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex Electric cable – see Cable Electric controllers – see Controls/ control systems Electric door and gate openers – see Door and gate operating devices Electric drill Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex Electric elements Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex Electric lamps, bulbs or globes Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex Electric light fittings Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Globe electric; Voltex lighting; Keens Electrical; Litecor Electrical Electric motor control gear Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex Electric switches Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex Electric testing instruments Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex Electric tool Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex Electrical accessories Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex Electrical generating sets – see Generators and alternators Electrical power monitoring – see Uninterrupted power supplies Electrical supplies and equipment Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex Electrical supplies and equipment – retail Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Globe Electric; Voltex Lighting; Keens Electrical; Litecor Electrical Electrical supplies wholesale Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Globe Electric; Voltex Lighting; Keens Electrical; Litecor Electrical Electrical switchgear Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex Electrical wholesalers Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex; Waco Industries Electricity distribution boxes Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex Emergency planning and evacuation Bidserv: Training Dynamics (Vericon Outsourcing) Empowerement consulting services Bidserv: First For Service Energy conservation Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex Epoxy coating and linings Bidserv: TMS Group Escalator cleaning services – see Cleaning services Event Management and Organisers Bidserv: Carlson Wagonlit Exporters Bidfreight: Freighting companies Bidfood: Bidfood Exports Express delivery services – see Delivery services Extractor fans – see Fans manufacturers and distributors F Facade treatments – see Building cleaning and exterior Facsimile equipment and supplies Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Waltons; Contract Office Products; Kolok Unlimited. Bidserv: Konica Minolta; Océ Factory cleaners Bidserv: TMS Group Fans manufacturers and distributors Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex Fastening systems Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Contract Office Products; Afcom Fax machines Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Kolok Unlimited. Bidserv: Konica Minolta Océ Filing Bid Industrial and Commerical Products: Waltons Optiplan Filters air and gas and liquid Bidserv: TMS Group Filtration plant – industrial Bidserv: TMS Group Financial management services Bidserv: Bidvest Bank Fire Detection Bidserv: Provicom Risk Solutions Fire fighting training Bidserv: Training Dynamics (Vericon Outsourcing) First aid training Bidserv: Training Dynamics (Vericon Outsourcing) Fish and delicacies – retail Bidfood: Blue Marine; Seaworld Fish and seafood merchants Bidfood: Blue Marine; Seaworld Fish exporters and importers Bidfood: Blue Marine; Seaworld; Patleys Flexible packaging Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Afcom Floor cleaning equipment and materials Bidserv: Steiner Hygiene; TMS Group; Prestige Group Floor coatings, overlays and materials Bidserv: TMS Group Floor scrubbers and polishers and scrubbers Bidserv: Prestige Group; TMS Group; Steiner Hygiene The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 55 Floor sweeping machines Bidserv: Prestige Group Flowers and artificial Bidserv: Execuflora; Silk by Design Fluorescent lighting Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex Folding machines, paper – see Paper folding and machines Foods Bidfood: Caterplus G Generators, alternators Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Globe Electric; Voltex Lighting; Keens Electrical; Litecor Electrical; Voltex Transmission And Distribution. Bidserv: TMS Group Gifts and novelties Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Waltons Promotional; Contract Office Products. Bidfood: Patleys Helmets – safety – see Safety equipment and clothing Industrial painting – see Painting contractors High pressure washing equipment – see Cleaning equipment – industrial Industrial plugs and sockets Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Waco Industries Hire car – see Car rental Hiring Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Office Furniture; CN Outlet Hoists Bidserv: TMS Group Industrial spray painting Bidserv: TMS Group Information technology consultants Bidserv: Bidpaper Plus: E-mail Connection; Lithotech Solutions. Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Kolok Unlimited Gloves safety – see Safety equipment and clothing Home appliances Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Berzacks Goggles industrial – see Safety equipment and clothing Home loans – see Banking services Food distributors Bidfood: Crown National; Caterplus; Bidfood Ingredients; Patleys Golf clothing – see Promotional clothing Hospitality furniture Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: CN Business; CN Cafe; Waltons Food packaging materials Bidfood: Crown National Golf course design and construction Bidserv: TopTurf Hotel booking services – see Travel bookings corporate/personal Food packaging (disposal) Bidfood: Crown National Golf course maintenance Bidserv: TopTurf Food processing equipment Bidfood: Crown National Graffiti cleaning – see Cleaning services Hotel equipment and supplies Bidserv: Hotel Amenities Suppliers; Steiner Hygiene. Bidfood: Catersales. Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Vulcan Catering Equipment Footwear industrial Bidserv: G. Fox & Company Group Travel Specialists Bidserv: Bidtravel Hotels – marketing representation Bidserv: Bidtravel (Carlson Wagonlit) Insulation contractors Bidserv: TMS Group Foreign exchange Bidserv: Bidvest Bank; Rennies Foreign Exchange; Master Currency Group Travel Specialists – conference and incentive travel Bidserv: Bidtravel Hydraulic consultants and services Bidserv: TMS Group Insurance companies Bidfreight: Rennie Murray; P & I Associates. BidAuto Forklift driver training Bidserv: Training Dynamics (Vericon Outsourcing) Guard and patrol services – see Security services and systems Hygiene consultants/services and equipment Bidserv: Prestige Group; Steiner Hygiene Food ingredients Bidfood: Crown National; Caterplus; Bidfood Ingredients; Chipkins Bakery Supplies; NCP Yeast; Bidfood Solutions Forklift drivers Bidserv: Veriserv (Vericon Outsourcing) Formwork – see Scaffolding access platforms and equipment Freight auditors Bidfreight: Freighting companies Freighting Bidfreight: Freighting companies Freight forwarders – see Customs clearing, shipping and forwarding Furniture designers and manufacturers Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Office Furniture; CN Business Furniture; Seating; Pago; Dauphin Furniture – office Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Office Furniture; CN Business Furniture; Contract Office Products; Dauphin; Waltons Fuses Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex Gum boots – see Safety equipment and clothing H Hand dryers Bidserv: Steiner Hygiene. Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Waco Industries Hardware retail Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex Heaters Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex Heavy duty staplers Bidpaper Plus: Kolok Africa. Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Waltons Heavy haulage – see Cartage and transport contractors Heister drivers Bidserv: Veriserv (Vericon Outsourcing) I Identification equipment and supplies – see Access control Import and export agents/traders Bidfreight: Safcor Panalpina; Sebenza Forwarding Industrial cleaning services – see Cleaning services industrial Indoor plants and trees artificial Bidserv: Execuflora; Silk by Design Industrial car utility – see Motor vehicles Industrial floor scrubbers and polishers – see Floor scrubbers Industrial hire/services Bidserv: TMS Group Industrial ovens Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Vulcan Catering Equipment Infra red equipment/services Bidserv: TMS Group; Provicom Risk Solutions; Vericon Outsourcing Ink cartridges and printers Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Kolok Unlimited; Waltons; Contract Office Products Insect killers Bidserv: Steiner Environmental Solutions; Prestige Group. Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Waco Industries Insecticides office services Bidserv: Prestige Group; Steiner Environmental Solutions Internet shopping Bidserv: Ironing and pressing services Bidserv: Laundry Services Irrigation contractors Bidserv: TopTurf IT related products and accessories Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Kolok Unlimited; Contract Office Products; Waltons J Janitor supplies/services Bidserv: G. Fox & Company Jointing and packings Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Afcom K Key ring holders – see Promotional services; Stationery Keyboards – see computer equipment support/maintenance and repairs The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 56 L Label printing Bid Industrial and Commercial Products/ Bidpaper Plus: Lithotech; Contract Office Products; Waltons; Buffalo Executape Labels – fabric, printed or woven, paper Bidpaper Plus: Kolok Africa; Lithotech. Bidserv: G. Fox & Company. Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Contract Office Products; Buffalo Executape; Waltons Labour contractors – see Industrial hire/services Laminators Bidpaper Plus: Kolok Africa Landscape architects and contractors Bidserv: TopTurf Loadbodies – see Motor vehicle trucks Loaders Bidserv: Veriserv (Vericon Outsourcing) Loadshedding solutions – see Generators, alternators Night watchmen control equipment – see Security services and systems Loans cash Bidserv: Bidvest Bank Notebooks Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Kolok Unlimited; Waltons Logistics Bidfreight: Rennies Distribution Services. Bidpaper Plus: Lithotech Logistics Novelties and fancy good – see Advertising and promotional gifts Logistics distribution Bidpaper Plus: Lithotech Logistics M Machine belts Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Berzacks; Voltex Maids – see Domestic workers Laptops Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Kolok Unlimited; Contract Office Products; Waltons Laser Printers Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Kolok Unlimited; Waltons. Bidserv: Konica Minolta; Océ Laundries Bidserv: First Garment Rental Laundries towel services Bidserv: First Garment Rental Laundry consultants Bidserv: First Garment Rental Management development services Bidserv: First For Service Marine services – see Insurance companies Materials handling and equipment Bidserv: Training dynamics (Vericon Outsourcing); TMS Group. Bidfreight: Freighting companies Meat processing equipment Bidfood: Crown National Merchant banks – see Banking services Metal chairs – see Furniture – Office Laundry detergents Bidserv: Steiner Hygiene Legal compliance audits Bidserv: Training Dynamics (Vericon Outsourcing) Legislated training Bidserv: Training Dynamics (Vericon Outsourcing) Lifting equipment operators Bidserv: Veriserv (Vericon Outsourcing) Light fittings – see Electrical wholesalers Lighting controls – see Controls/ control systems Lighting fluorescent – see Fluorescent lighting Liquid storage bulk storage liquid and bulk Bidfreight: Freighting companies N Meters and meter readers Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex Mineral waters Bidserv: Steiner Hygiene, Puréau Fresh Water Company O Occupational health and safety training Bidserv: Training Dynamics (Vericon Outsourcing) Off-site audits Bidserv: Provicom Risk Solutions Office Appliances and equipment Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Waltons; Contract Office Products; Kolok Unlimited. Bidserv: Konica Minolta; Océ Office appliances and equipment repairs Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Contract Office Products. Bidserv: Konica Minolta Office automation/digital – see Digital office automation/solutions Office cleaners – see Cleaning services Office furniture Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Office Furniture; Contract Office Products; CN Business Furniture; Seating; Waltons; Pago; Dauphin Office machine – see Office appliances and equipment Office Projectors Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Kolok Unlimited; Waltons Organisational development services Bidserv: First For Service Outsource or outsourcing services Bidserv: TMS Group Overalls Bidserv: G. Fox & Company Overcoats – see Safety equipment and clothing Overhead cranes Bidserv: Training Dynamics (Vericon Outsourcing) Overseas crating service – see Packaging and crating P Packaging and crating Bidfreight; SACD Freight. Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Afcom Packaging materials and services Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Contract Office Products; Afcom; Buffalo Executape; Waltons Packers Bidserv: Veriserv (Vericon Outsourcing) Paint spraying equipment – see Spray painting – industrial Painting contractors Bidserv: TMS Group Pallets Bidfreight: Rennies Distribution Services Pallet jack operators Bidserv: Veriserv (Vericon Outsourcing) Pallet truck training Bidserv: Vericon Outsourcing Pamphlet Bidpaper Plus: Lithotech Office stationery – see Stationery Paper cutters Bidpaper Plus: Kolok Africa Bid Industiral and Commercial Products: Waltons; Contract Office Products Money detectors Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Waco Industries Oil regeneration Bidserv: TMS Group Paper folding machines Bidpaper Plus: Lithotech Mortgage bonds – see Bonds – Mortgage and financing Oil suppliers Bidserv: TMS Group Motor vehicles Bid Auto: McCarthy. Bidserv: TMS Group Oil waste collectors Bidserv: TMS Group Paper merchants Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Contract Office Products; Waltons Motor vehicle auction Bid Auto: Burchmore’s Car Auctions On-site auditing Bidserv: Provicom Risk Solutions Motor vehicle trucks Bid Auto: McCarthy Heavy Equipment On-site checking Bidserv: Provicom Risk Solutions Mining hats – see Safety equipment and clothing Operators Bidserv: Veriserv (Vericon Outsourcing) The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 Paper products Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Contract Office Products Paper shredding machines Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Contract Office Products; Waltons. Bidpaper Plus: Kolok Africa 57 Papers Bidpaper Plus: Kolok Afria. Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Waltons Process management systems Bidserv: Vericon Outsourcing; Provicom Risk Solutions Parcel deliveries Bidpaper Plus: Lithotech logistics Projectors Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Kolok Limted Partitioning Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: CN Business Furniture; ACTA SA Perforators documents Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Waltons; Contract Office Products Pest control Bidserv: Steiner Environmental Solutions Photocopying machines and supplies – see Copiers Photographic equipment Bidserv: Konica Minolta. Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Kolok Unlimited Projectors and projector screens Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Waltons; Kolok Unlimited Promotional clothing Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Waltons Promotions Promotional products – see Advertising and promotional gifts Promotional services Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Waltons Promotions; Contract Office Products Property consultants Corporate: Bidvest Properties Reflective tape Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Buffalo executape. Bidserv: G. Fox & Company Reflective wear – see Safety equipment and clothing Regulators electrical – see Controls/ control systems Remote control systems Bidserv: Provicom Risk Solutions Restaurants equipment and supplies Bidserv: Hotel Amenities Supplies. Bidfood: Catersales. Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Vulcan Catering Equipment Pickers Bidserv: Vericon Outsourcing Pinning boards – see Stationery Plant hire Bid Auto: McCarthy Heavy Equipment Plastic cups Bidserv: Puréau Fresh Water Company Plastic packaging Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Afcom. Bidpaper Plus: Kolok Africa Portable media players – see Stationery; Computer accessories Pot plants – see Indoor plants Power supplies – see Electrical supplies and equipment Power tools Bidserv: TMS Group Print origination Bidpaper Plus: Lithotech Print to post mailing – see Addressing and mailing services Printer ribbons Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Waltons; Contract Office Products; Konica Minolta Printers supplies and repairs Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Contract Office Products; Kolok Unlimited; Waltons. Bidserv: Océ; Konica Minolta. Bidpaper Plus: Lithotech Printing consultants Bidpaper Plus: Lithotech; Blesston Printing Protective coatings Bidserv: TMS Group Public speaking training and presentation skills Bidserv: First For Service Pumps Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex. Bidserv: TMS Group Purified Water Bidserv: Puréau Fresh Water Company Q Quality controllers Bidserv: Vericon Outsourcing; Provicom Risk Solutions R Radio communication equipment Bidserv: Provicom Risk Solutions Rail and road transport Bidfreight: SACD Freight (Bidfreight Intermodal) Reach truck driver training Bidserv: Training dynamics (Vericon Outsourcing) Re-fill cartridges Bidpaper Plus: Kolok Africa Seating manufacturers/distributors – see Furniture designers and manufacturers Security anti theft Bidserv: Provicom Risk Solutions Security cameras – see Closed circuit television Security checkers Bidserv: Vericon Outsourcing; Provicom Risk Solutions Security personnel and supplies – see Security services and systems Retail cash register equipment Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Waltons Security personnel training Bidserv: Magnum Shield Risk assessment and management Bidserv: Veriserv (Vericon Outsourcing); Provicom Risk Solutions Rug cleaners – see Carpets and upholstery cleaners S Safety equipment and clothing Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Contract Office Products. Bidserv: G.Fox Sanitary towel disposal Bidserv: Steiner Hygiene Sanitaryware Bidserv: Steiner Hygiene Sausage Casings Bidfood: Crown National Sauces and marinades Bidfood: Crown National; Bidfood Solutions Sanitised bottles Bidserv: Puréau Fresh Water Company Scaffolding, access platforms and equipment Bidserv: TMS Group Scanning services and systems Bidserv: Provicom Risk Solutions; Vericon Outsourcing School equipment – see Stationery Reach truck drivers Bidserv: Veriserv (Vericon Outsourcing) Sealants Bidserv: TMS Group Restroom equipment – see Hygiene consultants Photostat prints – see Copying service Protective clothing – see Safety equipment and clothing Seafood merchants – see Fish and seafood merchants Screen printing and services Bidpaper Plus: Lithotech Security services Bidserv: Magnum Shield Sewing machines Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Berzacks Shipping agents – see Customs clearing, shipping and forwarding Shipping agency and liner services Bidfreight: Rennies Ships Agency Shredders Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Kolok Unlimited; Contract Office Products; Waltons Shredding machines – see Paper shredding machines Shrink wrapping – see Packaging and materials Shuttering – see Scaffolding, access platforms and equipment Skills development consulting services Bidserv: First For Service Silk flowers Bidserv: Silk by Design Silos, storage liquid bulk Bidfreight: SACD Freight; Island View Storage; South African Bulk Terminals Slide charts – see Stationery Snack products Bidfood: Patleys Soap dispensers Bidserv: Steiner Hygiene Screening Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: CN Business furniture; ACTA SA; Waltons The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 58 Soap manufacturers and suppliers Bidserv: Rochester Midland Industries; Steiner Hygiene; Prestige Group Software solutions – see Computer accessories Sorters Bidserv: Veriserv (Vericon Outsourcing) Speakers Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Kolok Unlimited T Table favours and gifts Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Waltons Promotions Table Manufacturers Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Office Furniture; CN Business Furniture; Seating; Pago Tankers Bidfreight. Bidserv: TMS Group Speciality Papers Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Waltons. Bidpaper Plus: Kolok Africa Tapes adhesive Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Afcom; Contract Office Products; Waltons Sports good gifts/promotions Corporate: MSCSports Spraypainting – industrial Bidserv: TMS Group Stationery Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Waltons; Silveray Statmark Company; Contract Office Products. Bidpaper Plus: Kolok Africa Stationery Wholesale Manufacturers Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Contract Office Products Water coolers Bidserv: Puréau Fresh Water Company Transport Bidfreight: Rennies Distribution Services Water purifications systems Bidserv: Steiner Hygiene; Puréau Fresh Water Company Travel agencies Bidserv: Bidtravel Web services Bidserv: Travel bookings corporate/personal Bidserv: Bidtravel; Bidtravel (Carlson Wagonlit) Tag Manufacturers – see Label printing Specialised project teams Bidserv: Veriserv (Vericon Outsourcing) Sport hospitality Corporate: MSCSports Transaction handling solutions Bidserv: Global Payment Technologies Telecommunications – see Facsimile equipment and supplies Telemetry – see Radio communication equipment Tickets and coupons – see Label printing Time switches Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex Toilet disinfecting and cleaning Bidserv: Prestige Group; Steiner Hygiene Travel management services Bidserv: Bidtravel; HRG Rennies Travel Two way radio systems – see Radio communication equipment U Uniforms Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Contract Office Products; Clockwork Clothing; Giant Clothing. Bidserv: G. Fox & Company Uninterrupted power supplies Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Contract Office Products; Voltex V Vacuum cleaners – industrial Bidserv: TMS Group Steam cleaning – see Carpet and upholstery cleaners Toner cartridges Bidpaper Plus: Kolok Africa. Bidserv: Konica Minolta. Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Waltons Steam iron Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Berzacks Tools Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Berzacks; Waco Industries Stock controllers Bidserv: Vericon Outsourcing; Provicom Risk Solutions Tools – cutting Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex; Waco Industries Stock take teams Bidserv: Training Dynamics (Vericon Outsourcing) Tools – electric Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex; Waco Industries Storage systems – packaging Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Afcom Tools pneumatic Bidserv: TMS Group Warehouse equipment service and maintenance Bidfreight: Freighting companies Tour consultants Bidserv: Bidtravel; Rennies Travel; Connex Travel; Harvey World Travel Warehouse management and staff Bidserv: Vericon Outsourcing; Provicom Risk Solutions Sweets and chocolate Bidfood: Patleys Toweling services Bidserv: Hotel Amenities Supplies; First Garment Rental Warehousing and storage Bidfreight: Rennies Distribution Services Switches – electric Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex Training Bidserv: Training Dynamics (Vericon Outsourcing); First For Service Water boilers – see Water heaters and hot water cylinders Bidserv: Steiner Hygiene; Puréau Fresh Water Company Syrups Bidfood: Bidfood Ingredients; Caterplus Trains – International Tickets and passes Bidserv: Bidtravel (Carlson Wagonlit) Water chillers Bidserv: Steiner Hygiene; Puréau Fresh Water Company Surge protection equipment Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Voltex The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 Vacuum cleaning systems Bidserv: TMS Group Verifiers Bidserv: Vericon Outsourcing; Provicom Risk Solutions W Wall coatings Bidserv: TMS Group Wholesale distribution: Office and consumable products Bid Industrial and Commercial Products: Kolok Unlimited; Silveray Statmark Company Window cleaning Bidserv: TMS Group; Steiner Hygiene; Prestige Group Wire rope and fittings – see Packaging and materials Wrapping paper – see Stationery Writing boards – see Stationery 59 The Bidvest Group Limited Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa Registration number: 1946/021180/06 ISIN: ZAE000050449 Share code: BVT Secretary Craig Brighton Auditors Deloitte & Touche Legal advisers Edward Nathan Sonnenbergs Ashurst Morris Crisp Maitland & Co Werksmans Inc Bankers The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited Standard Bank London plc Nedbank Limited Investec Bank Limited HSBC Bank plc FirstRand Group Limited Commonwealth Bank of Australia Limited Barclays Bank Limited ASB Bank Limited ABSA Bank Limited Share transfer secretaries Link Market Services South Africa (Pty) Limited 11 Diagonal Street Johannesburg, 2001 South Africa Sponsors Investec Securities Limited Financial director, Group corporate finance and investor relations David Cleasby Communications Jack Hochfeld Registered office Bidvest House 18 Crescent Drive Melrose Arch Melrose Johannesburg, 2196 South Africa PO Box 87274 Houghton Johannesburg, 2041 South Africa Website and intranet Telephone +27 (11) 772 8700 Facsimile +27 (11) 772 8970 e-mail or Bidvest call line 0860 BIDVEST Ethics line Telephone 0800 50 60 90 Facsimile 0800 00 77 88 Freepost Tip-offs Anonymous KwaZulu-Natal 138, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320 South Africa e-mail Bidvest publications Annual report (including sustainable development) Our businesses and products Bidvoice (quarterly) Report to our people Transformation and empowerment at Bidvest Corporate video – Young at heart Bidvest television and print advertisements A practical guide to sustainable development Green office guide All aboard (welcome to Bidvest) Our businesses and products brochure has been printed on paper manufactured from wood from sustainable forests. The paper bleaching process is free of chlorine and acids. These processes reduce the impact on the environment and help conserve natural resources. The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 BULK CONNECTIONS PRESTIGE CLEANING SERVICES BUSINESS SOLUTIONS AND GROUP PROCUREMENT 3663 FIRST FOR FOODSERVICE – UNITED KINGDOM BIDVEST AUSTRALIA DELI XL – BELGIUM BIDVEST NEW ZEALAND CATERPLUS ISLAND VIEW STORAGE ACHIEVING MORE TOGETHER BIDFREIGHT PORT OPERATIONS TMS GROUP INDUSTRIAL SERVICES OFFICE AUTOMATION BIDTRAVEL DELI XL – NETHERLANDS RENNIES DISTRIBUTION SERVICES NOWACO – CZECH REPUBLIC AND SLOVAKIA LAUNDRY SERVICES SACD FREIGHT "OTSWANA FARUTEX – POLAND ANGLISS SINGAPORE STEINER GROUP HORECA TRADE – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES SOUTH AFRICAN BULK TERMINALS ANGLISS HONG KONG AND CHINA BIDFOOD INGREDIENTS NAVAL BIDSERV INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS SAFCOR PANALPINA GREEN SERVICES BANKING SERVICES SPECIALITY MARINE SERVICES FOREIGN EXCHANGE SERVICES Rennies Ships Agency Combine Océan AVIATION SERVICES Rennie Murray HOTEL AMENITIES AND ACCESSORIES MANICA AFRICA BIDRISK SOLUTIONS GLOBAL PAYMENT TECHNOLOGIES The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 Corporate Bid Auto VOLTEX ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION PRINTING AND RELATED MCCARTHY MOTOR HOLDINGS BIDVEST FISHERIES HOLDINGS BID CORPORATE SERVICES Wholesale Corporate Services McCarthy LIMITED McCarthy VA L U E C E N T R E S Specialist STATIONERY DISTRIBUTION McCarthy BIDVEST COMMERCIAL HOLDINGS VA L U E S E R V E IMPORT AND DISTRIBUTION BIDVEST PROPERTIES ALTERNATIVE PRODUCTS McCarthy VEHICLE IMPORTS McCarthy ONTIME AUTOMOTIVE HEAVY EQUIPMENT BERZACKS PACKAGING AND LABEL PRODUCTS FINANCIAL SERVICES McCarthy INSURANCE SERVICES EASTMAN STAPLES McCarthy FINANCIAL SERVICES McCarthy FLEET SOLUTIONS CATERING EQUIPMENT McCarthy LIMITED CAR AND VAN RENTAL STATIONERY SUPPORT SERVICES CONTRACT GROUP McCarthy Call-a-Car McCarthy Call-a-Car Direct OFFICE FURNITURE Club McCarthy PACKAGING CLOSURES BASTION GRAPHICS The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009 The Bidvest Group Limited Our businesses and products 2009
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