NEWSLETTER Issue No 3 May 2016 2016 Term Dates: Term 1 03 February - 15 April Term 2 02 May - 08 July INSPIRING PEOPLE Dear Parents/Caregivers I recently had the pleasure of travelling to Tawa College in Wellington to attend our annual sports exchange where 125 of our students were competing across a wide variety of sports including, for the first time, debating. This is now the eighth year the exchange has taken place which is a credit to both schools, especially when billets are required for so many students. Our students were wonderfully behaved and did us proud with their achievements. While I was away with the group I spent some time speaking with various coaches and managers of the teams involved. Unfortunately, the message I heard is one that I have heard consistently from a wide range of school activities over the past year; that there is a persistent minority of students who believe their talent overrides the need to be a committed team member. Being a team member means that everyone, regardless of ability, contributes and supports. I have made it clear to all staff and volunteers that it is now time to remove students who do not contribute positively to team attitude and culture, even if it means outcomes may suffer in the short term. I am positive that parents will support me with this directive. Over the past year I have been involved in setting up a new “Community of Learners” (CoL) for the Stoke region. Communities of Learners are groups of schools and kura that come together to raise achievement for children and young people through sharing expertise in teaching and learning, supporting each other and strengthening the pathway from primary to secondary. The following schools are working together to form the Ākonga Whakatū Community of Learners: • Birchwood School • Broadgreen Intermediate School • Enner Glynn School • Nayland College • Nayland Primary School • Nelson Christian Academy • Stoke School We hope to welcome further schools into our cluster in the near future. Our cluster of schools has been successfully working together over a number of years and this latest initiative will enable further government resourcing to meet our local challenges. Some ways in which the cluster may work together include skilled teachers and principals sharing their expertise and ideas with their colleagues, supporting teachers and principals to collaborate and learning from each other how best to raise the quality of teaching and learning. Term 3 25 July - 23 September Term 4 10 October - 09 December Nayland School Hours: Mon, Wed, Thur, Fri - 8.50am start 3.10pm finish Tuesday 3.00pm finish Breakfast Club Mon, Wed, Fri 8.30am start Block 3 Contact Us: Nayland College 166 Nayland Road Stoke, Nelson 03 5479 769 Reception - 0 Absences Line - 1 Nga mihi nui Daniel Wilson Principal The first official CoL event will be a combined staff only day on Tuesday, 7 June. We have amended dates later in the year to accommodate this day. I look forward to working closely with these fantastic local schools over the coming years. Board of Trustees Election - Declaration of Parent Election Results At the close of nominations, as the number of valid nominations was equal to the number of vacancies required to be filled, I (Bev Williams) hereby declare the following duly elected: Janice Bromell John Crabtree Pat Davidsen Margie Meleisea Vicki Reid Page 1 NEW SCHOOL BRANDING The kuaka or godwit fly non-stop for 11 ½ thousand kilometres from New Zealand to Alaska in a matter of days. Their resilience, persistence and local connection provide a rich metaphor for the vision and values we aspire to at Nayland College. We want our students to be connected, engaged and resilient, we want them to have purpose and self-belief and to be confident adaptable contributors in what is a rapidly changing world. We want our students to aim for success and personal excellence, we want our students to recognise opportunities and take these to achieve their goals. We believe in the power of ako – reciprocal learning that is engaging, innovative, collaborative and relevant and we expect that our students are respectful – that they have concern for learning, for others, for themselves and for the environment and that they have whanaungatanga – connection and belonging to this amazing institution. So as we move into our second half-century, Nayland College is taking the best of our past and merging it with a fresh vision for our future. We have a clear professional focus and a vision for meeting the learning needs of young adults in the 21st century. To represent our focus into the future at the 50th jubilee we officially launched a new logo to sit alongside our school crest, representing the wonderful kuaka (taken from our school crest) in full flight, adorned by a koru designed by Jane duFeu that signifies powerful community partnerships. UNIFORM UPDATE HOUSE POINT UPDATE A uniform committee made up of students, parents, staff and board members has been working through proposals from a number of suppliers to produce and sell the Nayland College junior and senior uniform for 2017. The committee is excited by the quality of proposals put forward and is confident that a large range of items will be available for 2017. The uniform will include a range of choices for senior students (year 11 only in 2017), introduce a number of new or updated items for the junior uniform and will be available for retail sale at certain times of the year as well as online sales throughout the year. We will keep parents updated moving forward and hope to have samples available to view in the coming months. Draco Pegasus Phoenix Aquila 424 429 455 453 BOARD CONSULTATION SURVEY 2016 Our 2016 survey is based on the school values/ beliefs of SUCCESS, OPPORTUNITY, AKO (LEARNING) and RESPECT. We value the input of parents and caregivers as we work through our planning processes. Please follow this link to complete the short questionnaire: Page 2 Phoenix are leading a closely contested race for the house trophy, but the race is far from over. Congratulations to Aquila who took out the competition for the most respect tickets last term. The house relay competition was a great success with lots of fun had by everyone. Aquila and Phoenix were 1st equal, followed by Pegasus and Draco. There will be lots of opportunities for everyone to get involved in a variety of different activities this term. The house leaders and captains are currently busy planning the A and P Show on Friday 3rd June, with other events such as Pi Competition and the Winter Festival which are fast approaching. TERM 1 FINAL ASSEMBLY - “RESPECT” Our final school assembly in term 1 was a chance to celebrate and reward students for their efforts in showing “Respect”. “Respect” was the value we focused on as a school and if students demonstrated appropriate behaviours then they earned tickets that put them in a draw for prizes such as a laptop donated by PC Media and a boom box from Noel Leeming. Other prizes included footballs, McDonald vouchers, water bottles and even the chance to use the student leaders as their PA for a day! Students also got canteen vouchers for gaining 5 tickets and some students got letters home from the principal for collecting 10+! More than 1600 tickets were awarded to students over the term. The top junior students were Adam Catling (20), Philip Kinzett (15), Baylee Fahy (13) and Trinidy Lloyd-Takimoana (13). The seniors were Jason Nicholas (11), Rae Tilsley (10) and Adam Guerin (10). In term 2 our focus is on “Opportunity” so students will be rewarded for taking opportunities in class and in extra-curricular activities. Brodie Hounsell receiving his laptop TERM 2 FINAL ASSEMBLY Prize Donaltions Wanted Following the huge success of our last assembly for Term 1, we are seeking prize donations. All donations gratefully accepted. Please bring them in to reception marked for the attention of Brennan Geddes. Left to right: Philip Kinzett, Baylee Fahy, Trinidy Lloyd-Takimoana and Adam Catling Movie Passes Baylee Fahy with his boombox! Interschool Chess Tournament Click…Click…Click…That is the sound of chess and one that is well known now here at Nayland. On Wednesday 25 May we hosted one of the two 2016 Chess Power interschool tournaments in the Nelson region. There were seven schools represented including intermediate and college students, with a total of 56 players competing. Players were able to compete in 6 games through the day to test their skills and enjoy the comaraderie of different opponents. The competition has been held over the past five years in the region and Nayland has been an integral part of its growth and success. The national tournament was held in Nelson in 2014 due to the region’s amazing response and interest in the game. This year was as exciting as ever! We had 13 Nayland students participate from year 9 through to year 13. Tane Turner, who was determined to win the tournament, tied for first place resulting in a 2nd place at the tournament due to previous rankings. Our Nayland A team (Tane Turner, Felix Chrysostomou-Koed, Daniel Kirby, Ben Kirby) came in 3rd overall. We are incredibly lucky this year to have Dan Dolejs helping to tutor students and challenge their learning. Dan plays one-onone with the students as well as teaching them about different aspects of the game. Our club meets every Monday at lunchtime and is open to all students who wish to come along and play one of the oldest games in the world. Page 3 NAYLAND HOSTS WRITERS’ DAY Jubilee Gala Concert THURSDAY 15 SEPTEMBER 2016 7PM THE THEATRE ROYAL, RUTHERFORD ST, NELSON FEATURING: TALENTED NAYLAND COLLEGE PERFORMING ARTS GROUPS INCLUDING THE DANCE COMPANY, CONCERT BAND, JAZZ BAND, BOYS AND GIRLS CHOIRS AND SONGS FROM THE 2016 SCHOOL PRODUCTION “ANNIE GET YOUR GUN”. TICKETS AVAILABLE JUNE 2016 FROM NAYLAND COLLEGE OR TICKETDIRECT.CO.NZ The Nayland College year 10 extension English class spent weeks preparing themselves for a swathe of primary and intermediate aged literati as they opened their doors for Nayland College Writer’s Day, Tuesday, 12 April. Participants took part in workshops, did quizzes, and listened to invited special guests who included publisher Robbie Burton from Potton and Burton Publishers, childrens book illustrator and writer Tracy Duncan, as well as multisport champion Nathan Fa’avae speaking on his recent biography release. The concept for the day came from studying the heritage of Poets’ Corner in Stoke, and morphed into a celebration of the writers’ craft. Students have been learning about famous writers, creating displays, event organization, teamwork, and self-management. Ruben Castaing explained the benefits to his learning were around getting out of the classroom. “I have enjoyed the actual experience of going out into the world. For example, when I went to a neighbouring intermediate and spoke to their assembly. That was a valuable experience.” Zarrie Wood’s task was to find sponsorship. This meant meeting up in person with potential sponsors. At first she found this a bit daunting but has learned, “You have to have a plan and a clear idea. You can’t just turn up and say ‘Oh we might do this…we might do that.’ You need to be clear about what you want.” Oliver Stark is hopeful that participating schools: “… were captivated by the day, and got a good impression of Nayland College.” Sponsors for the event were Potton and Burton Publishers; Page and Blackmore; Office Max; Fitzgerald Construction and Paper Plus. Students, Sport and the Stoke Loop Have you got games or practice at Saxton Field after school? Why not get there on the NBus Stoke Loop service? There’s a bus travelling down Nayland Road at around 3.20pm and it’ll have you at Saxton Field just after 3.30pm. Plus it only costs $2 for students per trip (even less if you buy a multi-trip ticket). The Stoke loop is a “hail and ride” service so you don’t even need to wait at a formal bus stop. Just look out for a spot where there is room for the bus to pull over and put your arm in the air to signal the driver when you see the bus approaching. It’s a quick and easy way for you and your team mates to get to Saxton Field so give it a try this week. Check out the timetable online at: Page 4 SCHOOL UNIFORM - JEWELLERY / JACKETS Junior: - A plain black jacket may be worn for additional warmth outside but must be removed inside. - Shoes need to be plain black. - Jewellery is not to be worn other than one pair of matching ear studs. - Hair needs to be of a natural colour. Senior: - Tights need to be covered by a top that reaches fingertip length. - Ripped clothing is not permitted. - Boys need to be clean shaven. TEEN HEALTH FEST Youth Week 23 May to 3 June, 2016 This year the theme for Youth week is: “Aroha Mai Aroha Atu: Giving Back is Giving Forward”. It’s all about giving: whether it’s the way you support your family, your friends or your community, whether you it’s the volunteer work you do, the help you give to your neighbours or the way you create space for others who are different from you, whether it’s about sharing your opinions, your voice, your stories or casting your vote when you have the opportunity. For the older generation it’s about how we engage with the young people in our lives - whether it’s sharing our stories, supporting them to achieve their dreams or being a listening ear when life gets tough. It’s also about celebrating what all the people who work with young people bring to support our young people and our communities in Aotearoa. Ara Taiohi Over the last 2 years the team has seen 500 young people who come with many great questions about their health. This FREE clinic staffed by Doctors, Nurses and Physiotherapists is for all young people, and if you would like your young person to be seen please make contact with the school prior to the event or they can simply show up on the day. It is anticipated that young people are likely to present with a range of health issues and our plan is to be prepared and to be flexible. Health advice and treatment will be offered and referrals to their GP for follow-up care will be made. Young people will also be given an opportunity to provide feedback of their experience. The evaluation will be made available should you request this information. Should you require more information, please contact me on: lee-ann.o’ or 027 353 2088. Thanks Lee-ann O’Brien-Coordinator of the Teen Health Fest. Nelson Bays Primary Health Annette Milligan-INP Medical Clinic/NMDHB, Karen Winton-Mental Health Manager, Nelson Bays Primary Health Thank you to our sponsors for the 2016 Teen Health Fest. Copies are still available; contact the office to order yours now! $45 each SCHOOL REPORTS PTA News Progress reports for all students will be emailed home at the end of Term 2. At our last meeting we discussed new fundraising ideas and would welcome any new ideas and input. Due to increased costs and reduced efficiency of the postal service, we are no longer posting physical copies home, although a printed copy of the report will be given to the students. Please ensure we have your current email address on file by forwarding to Upcoming Event - Hypnotist, Andrew Newton, 7 July, 7pm - $20 per ticket Put this in your diary now! PTA Fundraiser, “What Next? Life beyond the parenting years”, $10 per book (every book sold earns the College $4). A copy can be viewed at Reception, or see the flyer attached for more details: You’ve coached, car pooled, fundraised, parent helped and chased up homework and now the kids are gone, .... If you are interested in getting involved in the PTA please contact our secretary, Joy Sheehan, at Next Meeting: Wednesday 8 June at 7:00pm. Page 5 SportSport Waimea Combined Schools 1st XV Update: Annual Tawa College Winter Sports Exchange Congratulations Arahi Raumati on his selection in the Waimea Combined Schools 1st XV competing in the UC Championships. The team have won 3 out of their first 5 games beating St Thomas’s of Canterbury College, Marlborough Boys’ College and Ashburton College. Recently they narrowly lost to last season’s winners St Bede’s College 10-12 in the last minute so the team are performing very well. Get along and support Arahi and the team! The 8th Annual Tawa College Winter Sports Exchange was held at Tawa College, Wellington from 15-17 May. This year Nayland took away 123 students representing our college in 8 different sports. These comprised B a d m i n t o n , Basketball, Football, Hockey, Netball, Rugby, Volleyball and Debating. The excitement for this exchange increases as the years go on and needless to say, it was a fun event. After departing Nayland College early on Sunday morning, we arrived at Tawa College mid afternoon where our students were billeted out to families. Billeting can be challenging for many students but Tawa staff managed to house all 123 which is no mean feat. The first event on Sunday night was the girls’ Volleyball match which we won 2-1, getting off to a good start. This was followed by a very strong performance by the Tawa Senior A Netball team who defeated our girls 46-12. Football 1st XI The Nayland 1st XI Football team coached by Jon Escreet and managed by Braden Fa’avae will be playing their NZSS Lotto Premier Football Tournament qualification games soon, starting with Waimea College at home on May 31st. Get along and support our team. Team: Cody Barker-Aiken, Kazuki Burrows, Ricky Gilmour, Aayush Kumar, Jasper Lavington, Jacob Lovell, Son Nyugen, Kohei Nishiyama, Daymon Nuhaj, Zachary Pellowe, Sean Rae, Josh Ryan, Josh Smith, Daniel Stocker, Oscar Symonds & Daniel Toa. Nayland College School Cross Country Results Boys Champion - Kalani Sheridan (Pegasus) 2nd - Oliver Stark (Aquila) 3rd - Ruben Castaing (Pegasus) Girls Champion - Ella Holmes (Phoenix) 2nd - Dayla Schmutzer-Ward (Phoenix) TSS Cross Country Championships, Rabbit Island 25 May Well done to Kalani Sheridan who placed 2nd in the Senior Boys race. Thanks go to Brennan Geddes and the 11 students who helped organise this event - awesome work! Despite the weather, they got on with the job with no complaints. Glennie Girls High School Sports Exchange 21 June Our Australian cousins will be visiting Nayland on Tuesday, 21 June to play our girls’ Volleyball, Football and Netball teams. Games are scheduled for after school, but it would be great to have students and our Nayland Community come along and support us. Page 6 The sport continued on Monday with strong performances from our boys’ Badminton, Debating and 10A Netball team. The best results for us, however, came from our Hockey teams. The boys team played a strong Tawa team but dug deep with strong work in goal by Nelson Kinzett and managed to put a goal in at the other end for a 1-0 win. Our mixed team followed this by winning their match 3-2. The students came away very proud of their efforts and you couldn’t take the smile off their faces! Our boys’ Basketball team came up against a strong opposition and were pushed right to the end, pulling away for a 72-63 win. On the whole, the exchange was a successful and enjoyable event even though Tawa won overall 13.5 to 7.5. Our students behaved very well and were a credit to Nayland College. Thank you to the coaches and staff who supported our students on this trip; without you all these exchanges just wouldn’t happen. Those people were Jacqui de Jong, Jo Cotton, Jo Chapman, Leah Keown, Jon Escreet, Moira Raumati & Daniel Wilson. I know we all came back happy but exhausted! TSS Swimming Championships, ASB Aquatic Centre Friday, 20 May 2016 Congratulations to Oliver Stark who won all six U14 Boys events he entered - simply fantastic results! Congratulations to Nayland College year 13 student Mae Merritt on her selection as a non-travelling reserve in the New Zealand junior women’s development Volleyball team. Congratulations to Ella Holmes who was recently selected to participate in a team racing sailing training camp in Rarotonga during the July school holidays. Her selection came from participation in both Regional and National Sailing Regattas. Shout out to our former Nayland College students: Jeremy Brockie for being recalled into the All Whites Liam Malone who has been named as part of the team heading to Rio di Janeiro for the Paralympic Games in September. For full results of all our sporting events, check out our facebook page: Page 7 CAREERS CORNER Key Dates Term 2 and 3 2016 Tertiary Planning Careers Road Show Year 12 & 13 students considering tertiary options for 2017 are encouraged to check entry requirements, application processes and dates, attend information evenings/open days and plan course financing and accommodation. On Thursday 19 May Nayland hosted the annual Careers Road Show. We had 29 providers from universities, polytechnics, industry training organisations, private institutions and the defence force. Career Interviews All Year 12 students will be scheduled a 1:1 interview slot with Mrs McCorkindale in Term 2 to discuss their career planning and subject selection for 2017. Career Planning Term 2 Year 11 will have computer career research with Mrs McCorkindale via their Maths classes and Year 10 via their Social Studies classes. Minimum Wage From the 1 April 2016 the minimum wage increased to $15.25 per hour and the starting out and training minimum wage increased to $12.20 per hour. Useful Research Websites: Page 8 Students were able to receive up-to-date information on course content, entry requirements and possible employment opportunities in the areas of Trades, Tourism, Design as well as university degrees. All Y11, 12 and 13 students were scheduled a visit to the Road Show. Our thanks go to all these wonderful providers for their willingness to support our school and community. 01 Jun NMIT Open Day 02 Jun Teen Health Boost, 1:30 pm - 3:10 pm, Student Support Centre 03 Jun 06 Jun A&P Show Day 07 Jun Staff only day Chamber Music Competitions 10 Jun Otago University Law Career 11 Jun Senior Ball 14 Jun Board Meeting 21 Jun ICAS Maths Competition, Glennie Girls HS Sports Exchange 22 Jun Big Sing 01 Jul Pi Competition 08 Jul Reports out, Winter Festival, Term 2 ENDS 25 Jul First day of T3 26 Jul Board Meeting 28 Jul Australian Maths Competition 02 Aug ICAS English Exam 03 Aug Golden Bay High School Sports Exchange 04 Aug Jubilee Exhibition (4 Aug - 15 Sept) 05 Aug Annie Get Your Gun (5-7 Aug, 9-11 Aug) 15 Aug Gala Concert Theatre Royal 16 Aug Board Meeting 29 Aug Winter Tournament Week 31 Aug Vast Dance Festival, Theatre Royal 01 Sep Staff only day 02 Sep Mid-term break 07 Sep School Exams, Hall (7-13 Sept) 15 Sep Naylands Got Talent (15-16 Sept) Auditions 20 Sep Naylands Got Talent (20-21 Sept) - Heats 23 Sep Last day T3, NGT Final Queens Birthday SPORTS EVENTS: See the Sports Calendar. Changes can occur; see the Nayland College facebook page or our website.