Jessieville High School
Jessieville High School
Jessieville High School 2014-2015 Student Handbook Table of Contents SECTION I – INTRODUCTION – Page 4 Telephone Numbers................................................................................................................................... 4 Daily Time Schedule .................................................................................................................................. 4 A Note to Students and Parents ................................................................................................................ 5 Student Handbook — 4.42 ......................................................................................................................... 5 Forms ......................................................................................................................................................... 5 SECTION II- PARENT RESOURCES AND INFORMATION - Page 6 Parent Responsibilities............................................................................................................................... 6 Attendance (Parents) ................................................................................................................................. 6 Number of Allowable Absences ................................................................................................................. 6 Steps to Follow when Student is Absent .................................................................................................... 6 Check In/Out Procedures ........................................................................................................................... 6 Complaints and Grievances ....................................................................................................................... 7 Guidance Counselors................................................................................................................................. 7 Immunization Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 7 Medications ................................................................................................................................................ 7 Messages or Lunch Deliveries to Students ................................................................................................ 7 Parent-Teacher Conferences ..................................................................................................................... 7 Reporting Students No Longer in School ................................................................................................... 8 Visitors to the School – 6.5 ........................................................................................................................ 8 Parental Involvement Plan - 3.30 ............................................................................................................... 8 SECTION III - STUDENT RESOURCES AND INFORMATION - Page 11 Assemblies and Other Events .................................................................................................................. 11 Care of Textbooks .................................................................................................................................... 11 Lockers..................................................................................................................................................... 11 Vehicles (Students) - 4.33 ........................................................................................................................ 11 Dress and Grooming (Student) - 4.25 ...................................................................................................... 12 School day or school-sponsored events .................................................................................................. 12 Physical Education ................................................................................................................................... 12 Proms and Dances................................................................................................................................... 12 Graduation Dress Code ........................................................................................................................... 13 Visitors (Student) - 4.16 ........................................................................................................................... 13 SECTION IV - ADMISSION ELIGIBILITY - Page 14 Equal Educational Opportunity - 4.11 ...................................................................................................... 14 Residence Requirements - 4.1 ................................................................................................................ 14 Entrance Requirements — 4.2 ................................................................................................................. 14 Compulsory Attendance Requirements - 4.3 ........................................................................................... 15 Student Transfers - 4.4 ............................................................................................................................ 16 Withdrawal from School ........................................................................................................................... 16 School Choice – 4.5 ................................................................................................................................. 16 Home Schooling - 4.6............................................................................................................................... 17 Extracurricular Activity for Home Schooled Students - 4.56.2 ................................................................. 18 Students who are Foster Children - 4.52 ................................................................................................. 18 Homeless Students – 4.40 ....................................................................................................................... 19 Special Education Students – 4.49 .......................................................................................................... 20 Placement of Multiple Birth Siblings - 4.53 .............................................................................................. 20 SECTION V - ATTENDANCE - Page 21 Requirements for 9-12 students - 4.44 .................................................................................................... 21 Absences - 4.7 ......................................................................................................................................... 21 Excused Absences................................................................................................................................... 21 Unexcused Absences .............................................................................................................................. 22 Make-up Work - 4.8.................................................................................................................................. 22 1 Tardies- 4.9 .............................................................................................................................................. 23 Sign-in and Check-out Procedures .......................................................................................................... 23 College Days ............................................................................................................................................ 23 SECTION VI - ACADEMICS - Page 24 Academic Integrity.................................................................................................................................... 24 Smart Core Curriculum and Graduation Requirements for Classes 2015, 2016, AND 2017 .................. 24 Graduation Requirements (Class of 2015) .............................................................................................. 25 Classes of 2015 and 2016 ....................................................................................................................... 26 Class of 2017 ........................................................................................................................................... 27 Class of 2018 ........................................................................................................................................... 28 Arkansas Challenge “Lottery” Scholarship ............................................................................................... 29 Classification of Students ......................................................................................................................... 29 Homework Policy ..................................................................................................................................... 29 Grading System ....................................................................................................................................... 30 Advanced Placement Courses - 5.21 ...................................................................................................... 30 Concurrent Credit - 5.22........................................................................................................................... 30 Eighth Grade Algebra I............................................................................................................................. 31 Honor Roll ................................................................................................................................................ 31 National Park Technology Center ............................................................................................................ 31 Summer School Credit/Repeating Courses ............................................................................................. 31 Correspondence and Transfer Credit ...................................................................................................... 31 Course Enrollment Out of District............................................................................................................. 32 Dropping Courses .................................................................................................................................... 32 Exemption from Semester Exams ........................................................................................................... 32 Report Cards ............................................................................................................................................ 32 Student Acceleration - 4.54 ...................................................................................................................... 32 Student Promotion and Retention - 4.55 .................................................................................................. 33 Student Organizations and Equal Access - 4.12 ..................................................................................... 34 Technology............................................................................................................................................... 34 Internet Safety and Electronic Device Use Policy – 4.29 ......................................................................... 34 Cell Phones and Other Devices – 4.47 .................................................................................................... 37 Electronic Device Addendum ................................................................................................................... 38 SECTION VII - DISCIPLINE - Page 39 Student Discipline – 4.17 ......................................................................................................................... 39 Discipline for Disabled Students .............................................................................................................. 39 Prohibited Conduct – 4.18 ....................................................................................................................... 39 Bullying- 4.43 ........................................................................................................................................... 40 Detention Hall........................................................................................................................................... 42 In-School Suspension .............................................................................................................................. 42 Out-of-School Suspension – 4.30 ............................................................................................................ 43 Expulsion - 4.31 ....................................................................................................................................... 43 Conduct to and from School and Transportation Eligibility - 4.19 ............................................................ 44 Disruption of School - 4.20 ....................................................................................................................... 44 Assault and Battery on a Student - 4.21 .................................................................................................. 44 Weapons and Dangerous Instruments - 4.22 .......................................................................................... 45 Gangs and Gang Activity - 4.26 ............................................................................................................... 45 Tobacco and Tobacco Products - 4.23 .................................................................................................... 46 Tobacco Policy ......................................................................................................................................... 46 Drugs and Alcohol – 4.24 ......................................................................................................................... 47 Reporting Student Felonies to Local Law Enforcement ........................................................................... 47 Search, Seizure, and Interrogations- 4.32 ............................................................................................... 48 Sexual Harassment (Student) - 4.27 ........................................................................................................ 48 Truancy .................................................................................................................................................... 49 Laser Pointers - 4.28 ................................................................................................................................ 49 Corporal Punishment – 4.39 .................................................................................................................... 49 10-Step Discipline Plan ............................................................................................................................ 50 2 SECTION VIII - GENERAL POLICIES - Page 52 Privacy of Students’ Records/Directory Information – 4.13 ..................................................................... 52 Permanent Records - 4.38 ....................................................................................................................... 53 Video Surveillance and other Student Monitoring - 4.48 .......................................................................... 53 Student Publications and the Distribution of Literature - 4.14 .................................................................. 54 Student Participation in Surveys - 5.24 .................................................................................................... 55 Contact with Students while at School - 4.15 ........................................................................................... 55 Emergency Drills - 4.37 ............................................................................................................................ 56 Closed Campus – 4.10............................................................................................................................. 56 Pledge of Allegiance - 4.46 ...................................................................................................................... 56 Dances and Junior/Senior Prom .............................................................................................................. 56 Organizations/Clubs ................................................................................................................................. 56 Mandatory Drug Testing........................................................................................................................... 57 Student Drug Testing Policy..................................................................................................................... 57 Extracurricular Activities - 4.56................................................................................................................. 60 Extracurricular Eligibility ........................................................................................................................... 60 Academic Requirements: Junior High ...................................................................................................... 60 Academic Requirements: Senior High ..................................................................................................... 61 Individual Education Program .................................................................................................................. 61 Arkansas Activities Association................................................................................................................ 61 Extracurricular Classes ............................................................................................................................ 61 Addendum to Extracurricular and Athletics Participation ......................................................................... 61 Holding an Office...................................................................................................................................... 62 School Sponsored Trips ........................................................................................................................... 62 Fund Raising Activities ............................................................................................................................. 62 SECTION IX - SCHOOL SERVICES - Page 63 Guidance Services ................................................................................................................................... 63 Health Services ........................................................................................................................................ 63 Student Wellness Policy........................................................................................................................... 63 Communicable Diseases and Parasites – 4.34 ....................................................................................... 65 Medications (Student) - 4.35 .................................................................................................................... 65 Illness/Accident (Student) - 4.36 .............................................................................................................. 67 Physical Examinations or Screenings - 4.41 ............................................................................................ 67 Bus Transportation ................................................................................................................................... 67 Food Service ............................................................................................................................................ 68 Library ...................................................................................................................................................... 68 Selection of Library and Media Materials - 5.7 ......................................................................................... 68 Telephone ................................................................................................................................................ 69 Lost and Found ........................................................................................................................................ 69 3 Jessieville High School The mission of Jessieville High School is to graduate all students prepared for success in life. SCHOOL INFORMATION Jessieville High School PO Box 4 7900 Hwy 7 N Jessieville, AR 71949 Website: School hours: 7:50 AM to 3:15 PM Office hours: Monday – Friday, 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM School colors: Blue and White Superintendent: Principal: Administrative Assistant: Counselor: Office Staff: Mascot: Lion Andy Curry Toby Packard Don Phillips Debbie Oswalt Vicki Heath and Rhonda Applegate Telephone Numbers Superintendent 984-5381 High School Principal 984-5011 High School Counselor 984-5625 High School (Fax) 984-4200 Curriculum/Fed Prog 984-4225 EAST 984-4214 Instructional Music Bldg.984-5615 Parent Involvement Coord.984-5011 Sports Arena Field House Special Education Vell Meredith Library Vocal Music Building Volunteer Coordinator 984-4209 984-5617 984-5011 984-5624 984-4226 984-4210 Daily Time Schedule st 1 Period nd 2 Period rd 3 Period th 4 Period th 5 Period Lunch th 6 Period th 7 Period th 8 Period 7:50 - 8:40 8:45 - 9:30 9:35 -10:20 10:25 -11:10 11:15 -12:00 12:00 -12:30 12:35 - 1:20 1:25 - 2:10 2:15 - 3:15 th * There is no 8 period on Wednesday. School dismisses at 2:10. 4 The Jessieville School cannot assume responsibility for students who arrive at school prior to 7:00 AM. After a student arrives on campus in the morning he/she must remain on campus unless permission is granted to leave. A NOTE TO STUDENTS AND PARENTS The STUDENT/PARENT HANDBOOK is intended to answer questions regarding policies, practices and procedures of the Jessieville High School. The information contained in the handbook is a valuable guide to both parents and students. We would encourage parents to please call a school administrator if they have a question. After reviewing the handbook please complete, sign, and return the Student/Parent Handbook Verification Page confirming that you have received a copy of the handbook, either via website or in hard copy, and accept the terms of its contents by Friday, August 22. Student Handbook — 4.42 It shall be the policy of the Jessieville school district that the most recently adopted version of the Student Handbook be incorporated by reference into the policies of this district. In the event that there is a conflict between the student handbook and a general board policy or policies, the more recently adopted language will be considered binding and controlling on the matter provided the parent(s) of the student, or the student if 18 years of age or older have acknowledged receipt of the controlling language. Principals shall review all changes to student policies and ensure that such changes are provided to students and parents, either in the Handbook or, if changes are made after the handbook is printed, as an addendum to the handbook. Forms Copies of all state-required and/or recommended forms will be available to view on the Jessieville High School website. 5 Section II. PARENT RESOURCES AND INFORMATION Parent Responsibilities 1. Make every effort to provide for the physical and emotional needs of your child. 2. Teach your child to obey the rules and support disciplinary measures if they become necessary. 3. Ensure your child’s compliance with school attendance requirements and promptly report and explain absences and tardies to the school office. 4. Encourage your child to develop effective study habits at home. Enforce a consistent study time and place where your child will be away from distractions. 5. Participate in parent-teacher conferences to discuss your child’s school progress and welfare. Feel free to call or email teachers with questions or concerns. 6. Keep informed of school policies and academic requirements of school programs. 7. Be sure your child is appropriately dressed at school and school related activities (see Dress and Grooming in Student Section). 8. Discuss report cards and school assignments with your child. 9. Bring to the attention of school authorities any learning problems or conditions that may relate to your child’s education. 10. Maintain up-to-date home, work, and emergency telephone numbers and other pertinent information for school records. Attendance (Parents) Regular attendance at school is important for successful academic progress. Regular attendance is also required by Arkansas State Law 6-18-221. Please become familiar with the full attendance policy in regards to absences and tardies elsewhere in the handbook. NUMBER OF ALLOWABLE ABSENCES As amended by the Arkansas School Board Association, a student may have a maximum of ten (10) total absences of which no more than five (5) are unexcused absences in a semester. Please read the attendance policy in Section V. STEPS TO FOLLOW WHEN STUDENT IS ABSENT 1. Parent or guardian should notify the school of the absence by calling 984-5011 or emailing the school via the school website stating the date and reason for the absence. Notes signed by the parent or guardian may be brought by the student. 2. Parents may send notes to excuse up to 5 absences in any class. Parents must notify the high school office (either written, or by phone) within 48 hours of the student returning to school. Notification after this date will not be accepted. (see attendance section) 3. Students may make up missed work due to an absence including absence for reasons of truancy and out of school suspension. When requesting absentee work for your child, please pick it up from the office at the end of the school day. Parents may request assignments in advance, or during an absence, by notifying the office or emailing the teacher directly. CHECK IN AND CHECK OUT PROCEDURES Jessieville High School campus is a closed campus. The students may not leave campus after their arrival until the end of the school day or until checked out by a person listed on their information sheet. • Students who must leave school for any reason, including illness, must officially check out through the front office. • Parents picking up their child during the school day are required to come into the front office to sign the student out and may need to show their driver’s license. • Parents are discouraged from checking students out of school for lunch or other non-essential reasons. Parents must physically check out students for lunch and the student should be returned by the parent. Notes or phone calls will not be accepted. This applies to lunch time only. • Students will not be allowed to check out from school with ANY PERSONS that are not listed on their EMERGENCY/INFORMATION SHEET. 6 Complaints and Grievances Whenever there is a problem in a class, it should first be handled and addressed with the classroom teacher. Please call the teacher to schedule a conference or to discuss the issue. If a student and/or parent/guardian is/are not satisfied with the outcome of the decision of the teacher, then the complaint should be brought to the attention of the principal. If the principal does not satisfactorily resolve the complaint, then an appeal may be made to the Superintendent. If the superintendent does not satisfactorily resolve the complaint, then an appeal may be made to the school board. If the problem is a disciplinary matter, then the decision of the principal is final. Guidance Counselors Our counselor is in her office daily during school hours to assist students and parents with academic, social, and personal concerns. She also offers help with the following: • Organizational & time management issues • Class scheduling • College and career information • Scholarship information • Individual counseling • Assistance with school supplies & personal needs The counselor’s office is located directly across the hall from the high school office. Immunization Requirements Arkansas law (A.C.A. 6-18-702) requires the following immunizations before a child is to be admitted to public schools. See the school nurse for specific dosages and time requirements. HEPATITIS B OPV/IPV (polio) DTP, DTaP, DT, Td MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) VARICELLA (chicken pox) Medications Parents should administer prescription and non-prescription medications to their students at home whenever possible. Students who are required by their physician to take medication during the academic day must have that medication administered by the school nurse. Students requiring prescription medication of any kind during the school day must have a medication request form signed by their parent or guardian annually. These forms can be obtained from the nurse and must be completed before any medication can be given. Please see HEALTH SERVICES under SCHOOL SERVICES section. MESSAGES OR LUNCH DELIVERIES TO STUDENTS Our office is not staffed to accommodate parents making lunch deliveries to students. Additionally, state and federal nutritional guidelines prohibit schools offering other food options prior to and immediately after lunch. Students should bring a lunch with them in the morning or eat lunch at school. Should a parent or guardian need to drop off a lunch, they may deliver lunch to their child outside the high school office from noon to 12:15pm only. Only emergency messages will be delivered to students. Locating and paging students in the classroom disrupts the learning environment. Parents should communicate with parents prior to coming to school regarding transportation home. We ask that parents not text their child during the school day. Rules are in place for student use of phones during the school day. Refer to the section on Cell phone use in General Policies. For safety and security reasons, wrapped packages (i.e., birthday), balloons or flowers cannot be accepted for delivery to students. Parent-Teacher Conferences Individual teacher conferences may be scheduled by calling the school office and requesting the teacher return your call to set up a time for the conference. Scheduled Parent-Teacher conferences will take place in the fall and in the early spring. 7 Reporting Students No Longer in School Each local school district must notify the Department of Finance and Administration whenever a student 14 years or older is no longer in school. Visitors to the School – 6.5 Parents, grandparents, legal guardians, business, and community members are welcome and encouraged to visit District schools. To minimize the potential for disruption of the learning environment, visitors, for a purpose other than to attend an activity open to the general public, are required to first report to the school’s main office. Parents and legal guardians are encouraged to participate in regularly scheduled visitation events such as school open houses and parent/teacher conferences. Additional conferences are best when scheduled in advance. Conferences shall be scheduled at a time and place to accommodate those participating in the conference. Visits to individual classrooms during class time are permitted on a limited basis with the principal’s prior approval and the teacher’s knowledge. Parents wishing to speak to their children during the school day shall register first with the office. The District has the right to ask disruptive visitors to leave its school campuses. Principals are authorized to seek the assistance of law enforcement officers in removing any disruptive visitors who refuse to leave school property when requested to do so. Jessieville School District Parental Involvement Plan (3.30) Act 603 of 2003 The Jessieville School District values parental involvement and continues to seek input from parents. Our school conducts annual meetings, solicits parents input, and communicates the school’s plan to improve parental engagement by including actions in the school’s Arkansas Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (ACSIP). The NCLB federal education law requires we inform parents of how we are addressing accountability and improving student achievement. Our school parental involvement plan addresses the following components: Challenging and Preparing Our Students—We believe that a partnership must exist between our parents and our school. We promote positive communication between the school and our students’ homes. The school provides a variety of opportunities for parents to be involved in activities supporting our school. We believe teachers have a responsibility to provide the needed framework for parents to nurture their child’s formal instruction at home. We will provide materials that can successfully be used at home to reinforce the academic success of children. It is our goal to provide an atmosphere where parents are able to express their views and to assist in problem solving. We want parents to understand that we view them as joint policy and decision makers and plan to emphasize their roles as advocates. Gathering Information to Support the Parental Education and Involvement Plan—The Title I Parental Involvement Committee, consisting of teachers, administrators, parents, and community members, meet to analyze data from surveys and discussions with teachers, administrators, parents, and community members. This committee is known as our school ACSIP committee. Using this data, the committee led a process to develop the following list of services and activities to promote parental involvement and provide additional support for student learning: 1. School staff will use a variety of communication strategies to provide additional information to parents and to increase parental involvement in supporting classroom instruction. Ø Monthly information to parents that is developed with participation of the parent–school organization, principal, staff, and parent volunteers is available on the website. It includes school news, a calendar of school activities, and parenting tips relating to school achievement such as homework tips, organizational skills, and study skills. Ø The school will create a Web page to house classroom information for each teacher. Homework assignments and pertinent classroom information will be available on the Website. Also, parents can access their child’s grades through HAC using a PIN number they receive at the beginning of the school year. Parents may use e–mail to communicate with members of the school staff. Ø Teachers will make available a weekly newsletter which contains classroom information, assignments, Accelerated Reader information, and announcements, which can be accessed on the web site. Ø Teachers will routinely contact parents on an individual basis to communicate about their child’s progress, and will make parents aware of after school tutoring schedules. 8 Ø The school will provide to parents progress reports and report cards every nine weeks with information regarding their child’s academic progress and upcoming classroom and school events. Ø The school will send parents a parent–friendly letter in the first report card that explains their child’s test results and standardized test scores. Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø The school will hold parent meetings each year on the school’s approach to school improvement. The school will send brochures home with students, post notices in school facilities and public buildings, and provide information for local newspapers and radio stations about parent meetings. The school will use the student handbook, school Web site, School Reach, signage at the school entrance, and parent orientation meetings about the School wide Title I Plan and how to get a copy upon request. ACT, Benchmark, End of course exams and AP testing information is made available prior to testing in the Spring. The school will promote “Family Nights” to provide parents and community with the opportunity to view students’ learning. 2. The school will hold parent meetings, conferences, and activities regularly throughout the year to increase parental involvement and build staff and parent capacity to engage in these types of efforts. Ø These meetings will include parent–training sessions to help parents understand how to enhance their child’s education. Ø These meetings will include a series of family reading opportunities that provide an opportunity for parents and their child to experience the school situation in a positive and helpful manner while school staff may provide any needed assistance or encouragement. Ø The meetings will be held at various times during the day or evening to better accommodate parents. Ø Outside speakers will provide parents with more information concerning ways to make their child’s academic life more successful. Ø The school will hold an orientation for parents at each grade level to inform them about the school’s participation in the state parent involvement initiatives. Parents participate in the review of the school’s ACSIP. Ø Teachers will hold conferences individually with parents of children in their classrooms. Parents will be given a summary of the student’s test scores and an explanation of the interventions teachers are using to assist the child in reaching achievement goals. Parents will be asked to engage in discussion of how they can support these efforts. Parents will also be given suggestions for coordinating school-parent efforts and explanations of homework and grading procedures. Ø The school will offer parents a special workshop each year to provide an explanation of the statewide assessment systems, standards, and other accountability measures. Parent Friendly Brochures explaining NCLB, SES, and accountability will be distributed and explained. Ø The school will engage parents in the following types of roles and activities to increase their involvement and support for student learning: Parent Education Workshops Orientation Presentations Open House Parent-School Organizations Red Ribbon Week Seasonal Parties Book Clubs Parent Nights Various Committees Mentor Teacher Assistant Tutors Choir Concerts Volunteer Appreciation Band Parents Athletic Booster Club Awards Ceremonies Athletic Events Award’s Assemblies Presentations Field Day/Field Day Volunteers PTO Meetings/Fall Carnival Grandparent’s Day CAPS Academic Planning 3. The school will provide information to parents about volunteer opportunities. Ø The school will provide opportunities for parents and community members to support the instructional program through such programs as Classroom Moms/Dads, tutoring, and special friends. Ø The school will provide a list of volunteer opportunities and solicit ideas for other types of volunteer efforts during orientation of parents. Teachers will explain the requirements to parents and encourage them to become involved 9 Ø Ø in the school. Volunteer training sessions will provide parents and community members with the information they need to participate as school volunteers. Information covered will include schedules, discipline, confidentiality, and a volunteer “code of ethics”, in order to put them at ease and make the experience pleasant and successful. The school will work with area institutes of higher education to help provide a smooth transition from one school to the next by raising parent awareness of procedures and related activities. The school will host special orientation programs for parents and students to help with the transition. A “Volunteer Resource Book”, which teachers can use for classroom speakers, is available with parent talents, interests and pertinent information for guest speakers and supporting learning projects and activities. 4. The school will work with parents to create a School– Parent–Student Compact. Ø School staff, parents, and students will develop a school–parent–student compact. This compact will outline how parents, school staff, and students share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership to help children achieve the state’s high academic standards. All stakeholders will sign the compact. Ø The Compact will be included in the student handbook and posted on the school website. 5. The school will provide an opportunity for parents to engage in decision–making processes. The high school is a non-title school. Ø The school will involve parents on school improvement planning committees. To support this process, the school will offer both school staff and parents training on how to contribute to this process in a meaningful way. Ø The school will ask parents to serve on curricular and instructional review committees. To support this process, the school will offer both school staff and parents training on how to contribute to this process in a meaningful way. 6. The school will provide a parent resource center for parents. Ø Parents may check out materials, use the computer to check grades, and visit educational Web sites such as the ADE “tools for parents”. Parents will be encouraged to view the parent involvement and ACSIP Plan located in the parent resource center, media center or on the school’s website. A suggestion sheet will also be available for parental input. The school will open the resource center at hours that are convenient to parents. 7. The school will engage parents in an evaluation of parental involvement efforts. Ø The school will engage parents in the annual evaluation of the parental involvement efforts through an annual evaluation using comprehensive needs assessment filled out by teachers, parents, and school staff. The ACSIP Committee, made up of teachers, parents, and school staff, will determine the effectiveness of the parental involvement plan and make changes if warranted. While collecting evidence about satisfaction with the program and the school’s efforts to increase parental involvement will be a part of the evaluation, the survey will also collect specific information on the (1) growth in numbers of parents participating in workshops and meetings; (2) specific needs of parents; (3) effectiveness of specific strategies; and (4) engagement of parents in activities to support student academic growth. Ø These questions may be addressed through the school’s annual parent surveys (via “Survey Monkey”) at parent/teacher conferences in the fall and spring each year. Surveys are available in English and Spanish. When surveys are tallied, they will be reviewed by ACSIP committee. The complete Parental Involvement Policy is available at under the Parents tab. 10 Section III. STUDENT RESOURCES AND INFORMATION Assemblies and Other Events In assemblies, your conduct will show the pride you have for yourself and the school. Loud talking, whistling, and general bad behavior show a lack of respect for the speaker or performer, yourself, and your school. Good Sportsmanship is expected from all participants and fans at all athletic events. Please keep feet and legs off of seats in the Performing Arts Building. Offenders may be dismissed. Care of Textbooks All textbooks are issued to all students at no charge. Each student is expected to take responsibility for proper care of his textbooks. As set forth by the State Department of Education, the life expectancy of text is five years. A student losing a textbook or damaging a textbook other than wear through normal use will be expected to pay for the value of the text. Care of School Furniture The school furniture and equipment have been placed in the school for the convenience of the students. The quality of citizenship of a student body is on display in the care given to furniture and equipment at its disposals. Let’s show that we rate high in citizenship by refraining from cutting or marking or writing names on the walls and furniture. Care of School Grounds An attractive school ground makes a good first impression. Littering cannot be permitted if we strive to maintain an attractive campus. Your assistance and cooperation is requested. Lockers Each student will be assigned a locker. Locker numbers will be assigned in the principal’s office. Should a student desire a combination lock, one will be issued. Students using locks must keep them locked when locker door is closed. Students are responsible for locks and replacement value is $6.00. Vehicles (Students) - 4.33 Uncontrolled usage of automobiles around large groups of children creates a safety hazard. Strict rules regarding the entering and leaving of school grounds with cars must be observed. A student wishing to drive and park on campus must register with the high school office where they will be issued a parking sticker to be eligible to park in the student lot. A student parking without a sticker risks losing their driving privileges on campus. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Cars must be parked upon first arrival in the morning and not moved until school is dismissed unless special permission is granted by the principal. Students are not allowed to sit in cars during school hours. All drivers must observe the 15 MPH speed limits around school zone. Do not drive through bus loading areas before and after school. Repair to automobiles is not to be done during school hours. Students must obtain a pass from the office before going to vehicles during school hours. Student parking is across the street from the Rock Building or in the main parking lot of the Sports Arena. Parking in any other location may cause you to lose driving privileges on campus. Students that wish to park on campus should realize that they will be entered into the random drug testing pool. Penalties: st 1 violation- Warning. If a parking violation, student will move the vehicle to designated parking area. Lost class time will result in an unexcused absence or tardy. nd 2 violation- Student will lose on-campus driving and parking privileges for 1 week. rd 3 violation- Student will lose on-campus driving and parking privileges for the rest of the semester (90 calendar day minimum) 11 th 4 violation- Student will lose driving and parking privileges for the remainder of the school year. If a student drives and/or parks on campus while under suspension of privileges, disciplinary action will be applied according to school handbook. Dress and Grooming (Student) - 4.25 School day or school-sponsored events Students shall not practice a mode of dress, style of hair or standard of personal grooming which will present a health or safety hazard or cause disruption or disturbance to the educational process. The following dress code is prescribed for all students, grades 9-12: Student clothing must be able to meet the following requirements: • All tops must have sleeves. o Muscle shirts or tank tops as a primary garment worn by a male or female are prohibited o Off the shoulder tops, are prohibited • All clothing must cover the 4 B’s: back, belly, breasts, and buttocks. Students will not be permitted to wear: • Tube tops, spaghetti strap tops (strap must be minimum of 1 inch wide), tank tops, cut-off T-shirts, midriff shirts/blouses, netted shirts, muscle shirts, or similarly revealing clothing. This includes any type of shirt with loose armholes. • Shirts, hats, buttons, etc. displaying obscene or inappropriate printing; or advertising of alcohol, drugs, or tobacco products, either explicit or implied. • Offensive clothing and offensive writings and drawings on the body, books and clothing • Rips, tears, or holes in clothing that exposes skin higher than just above the knee (generally the width of a dollar bill). Tape is not a solution to covering holes. • Short shorts or dresses/skirts, including splits that end higher than just above the knee (generally the width of a dollar bill). Track shorts do not meet this requirement. • Head coverings worn by males or females during the school day in the building or on campus (unless it is a religious or military requirement). Caps must be kept in lockers or vehicles during the school day and may not be carried in the classrooms. • Sunglasses unless medically required. • Clothing which sags (the waistband of pants, shorts, skirts, or jeans must be above the hip bones). • Clothing which exposes underwear or lack thereof, buttocks, or the breast of a female when doing normal school activities or at school-sponsored events. • Costuming for high school students is not permitted unless authorized by the campus administration. • Pajamas or any other sleepwear. If a student is sent to the counselor or principal by a teacher judging clothing to be in violation, then the student is considered to be in violation. The final decision regarding wearing apparel will be at the discretion of the principal or designee. Students that violate the dress policy will be provided scrubs or alternate clothing. Students will not be allowed to go to their vehicles or borrow clothing from another student. Classes missed during this time will be unexcused. Consequences: st 1 offense- Warning and student will be required to be compliant with dress code nd 2 offense and beyond- Disciplinary referral according to handbook Physical Education Students will be expected to dress out each physical education period. Students will be issued a basket and a padlock and asked to lock up their valuables, etc. during PE classes and athletics. Proms and Dances Prom is a formal occasion and attire should reflect the same. Gentlemen should wear a suit, tuxedo, or similar attire and attire should be worn properly. Ladies should wear a formal gown or cocktail type dress. Dresses must not be worn that exposes buttocks or breasts. Other school dances will follow the same dress code as the school day. 12 Graduation Dress Code Appropriate dress is required in order to participate in the ceremony. Faculty line leaders will check each senior for proper dress. No decorations should be added to the cap and/or gown. Students who do not follow this policy may be removed from the line. The cap and gown stress unity. The overall impression should be of blue and white: Ladies Dress or slacks (no jeans please) Dress shoes or sandals (no flip-flops) Mortar Board Leave purse at home, in car, or with family Men Slacks (no jeans please) Button up shirt and tie Mortar Board Dress socks and dress shoes Visitors (Student) - 4.16 Student visitors in the classroom can be disruptive to the educational process. Student visitation is strongly discouraged. Any visitation to the classroom shall be allowed only with the permission of the school principal. Permission must be requested in advance or visitation may not be granted. 13 Section IV. ADMISSION ELIGIBILITY Equal Educational Opportunity - 4.11 The Jessieville School District complies with federal requirements required by Title VI, Title IX, and Section 504, which state that the Jessieville School District shall, on the grounds of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, or disability be excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity sponsored by the district. Jessieville School is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Kendal Glomski serves as the Equity Coordinator of the Jessieville School District. If you have questions, contact Mrs. Glomski at 984-5665. Debbie Oswalt serves as the Homeless Liaison for the district and may be reached at 984-5625. Leigh Ann Back serves as the high school’s Parental Involvement Coordinator and may be reached at 984-5011. Residence Requirements - 4.1 “Reside” means to be physically present and to maintain a permanent place of abode for an average of no fewer than four (4) calendar days and nights per week for a primary purpose other than school attendance. “Resident” means a student whose parents, legal guardians, persons having legal, lawful control of the student under order of a court, or persons standing in loco parentis reside in the school district. “Residential address” means the physical location where the student’s parents, legal guardians, persons having legal, lawful control of the student under order of a court, or persons standing in loco parentis reside. A student may use the residential address of a legal guardian, person having legal, lawful control of the student under order of a court, or person standing in loco parentis only if the student resides at the same residential address and if the guardianship or other legal authority is not granted solely for educational needs or school attendance purposes. The schools of the district shall be open and free through the completion of the secondary program to all persons between the ages of five (5) and twenty one (21) years whose parents, legal guardians, or other persons having lawful control of the person under an order of a court reside within the district and to all persons between those ages who have been legally transferred to the district for educational purposes. Any person eighteen (18) years of age or older may establish a residence separate and apart from his or her parents or guardians for school attendance purposes. In order for a person under the age of eighteen (18) years to establish a residence for the purpose of attending the district’s schools separate and apart from his or her parents, guardians, or other persons having lawful control of him or her under an order of a court, the person must actually reside in the district for a primary purpose other than that of school attendance. However, a student previously enrolled in the district who is placed under the legal guardianship of a noncustodial parent living outside the district by a custodial parent on active military duty may continue to attend district schools. A foster child who was previously enrolled in a District school and who has had a change in placement to a residence outside the District, may continue to remain enrolled in his/her current school unless the presiding court rules otherwise. Under instances prescribed in A.C.A. § 6-18-203, a child or ward of an employee of the district or of the education coop to which the district belongs may enroll in the district even though the employees and his/her child or ward reside outside the district. Entrance Requirements — 4.2 To enroll in a school in the District, the child must be a resident of the District as defined in District policy (4.1— RESIDENCE REQUIREMENTS), meet the criteria outlined in policy 4.40—HOMELESS STUDENTS or in policy 4.52— STUDENTS WHO ARE FOSTER CHILDREN, be accepted as a transfer student under the provisions of policy 4.4, or participate under a school choice option and submit the required paperwork as required by the choice option. Students may enter kindergarten if they will attain the age of five (5) on or before August 1 of the year in which they are seeking initial enrollment. Any student who has been enrolled in a state-accredited or state-approved kindergarten program in another state for at least sixty (60) days, who will become five (5) years old during the year in which he/she is enrolled in kindergarten, and who meets the basic residency requirement for school attendance may be enrolled in kindergarten upon written request to the District. Any child who will be six (6) years of age on or before October 1 of the school year of enrollment and who has not completed a state-accredited kindergarten program shall be evaluated by the district and may be placed in the first grade if the results of the evaluation justify placement in the first grade and the child’s parent or legal guardian agrees with placement in the first grade; otherwise the child shall be placed in kindergarten. 14 Any child may enter first grade in a District school if the child will attain the age of six (6) years during the school year in which the child is seeking enrollment and the child has successfully completed a kindergarten program in a public school in Arkansas. Any child who has been enrolled in the first grade in a state-accredited or state-approved elementary school in another state for a period of at least sixty (60) days, who will become age six (6) years during the school year in which he/she is enrolled in grade one (1), and who meets the basic residency requirements for school attendance may be enrolled in the first grade. Students who move into the District from an accredited school shall be assigned to the same grade as they were attending in their previous school (mid-year transfers) or as they would have been assigned in their previous school. Home-schooled students shall be evaluated by the District to determine their appropriate grade placement. The district shall make no attempt to ascertain the immigration status, legal or illegal, of any student or his/her parent or legal guardian presenting for enrollment. Prior to the child’s admission to a District school: 1. The parent, guardian, or other responsible person shall furnish the child’s social security number, or if they request, the district will assign the child a nine (9) digit number designated by the department of education. 2. The parent, guardian, or other responsible person shall provide the district with one (1) of the following documents indicating the child’s age: a. A birth certificate; b. A statement by the local registrar or a county recorder certifying the child’s date of birth; c. An attested baptismal certificate; d. A passport; e. An affidavit of the date and place of birth by the child’s parent or guardian; f. United States military identification; or g. Previous school records. 3. The parent, guardian, or other responsible person shall indicate on school registration forms whether the child has been expelled from school in any other school district or is a party to an expulsion proceeding. The Board of Education reserves the right, after a hearing before the Board, not to allow any person who has been expelled from another school district to enroll as a student until the time of the person's expulsion has expired. 4. The child shall be age appropriately immunized from poliomyelitis, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, red (rubeola) measles, rubella, and other diseases as designated by the State Board of Health, or have an exemption issued by the Arkansas Department of Health. Proof of immunization shall be by a certificate of a licensed physician or a public health department acknowledging the immunization. Exemptions are also possible on an annual basis for religious reasons from the Arkansas Department of Health. To continue such exemptions, they must be renewed at the beginning of each school year. A child enrolling in a district school and living in the household of a person on active military duty has 30 days to receive his/her initial required immunizations and 12 months to be up to date on the required immunizations for the student’s age. A student enrolled in the District who has an immunization exemption may be removed from school during an outbreak of the disease for which the student is not vaccinated at the discretion of the Arkansas Department of Health. The student may not return to the school until the outbreak has been resolved and the student's return to school is approved by the Arkansas Department of Health. Compulsory Attendance Requirements - 4.3 Every parent, guardian, or other person having custody or charge of any child age five (5) through (17) years on or before August 1 of that year who resides, as defined by policy (4.1 RESIDENCE REQUIREMENTS), within the district shall enroll and send the child to a district school with the following exceptions. 1. 2. 3. 4. The child is enrolled in private or parochial school. The child is being home-schooled and the conditions of policy (4.6 HOME SCHOOLING) have been met. The child has received a high school diploma or its equivalent as determined by the State Board of Education. The child is age sixteen (16) or above and is enrolled in a post-secondary vocational-technical institution, a community college, or a two-year or four-year institution of higher education. 5. The child is age sixteen (16) or seventeen (17) and has met the requirements to enroll in an adult education program as defined by A.C.A. § 6-18-201 (b). 15 Students are expected to be in attendance at school at all times when school is in session. When pupils are absent, they are likely to miss work that will seriously affect their educational progress. Regular attendance in school is one reliable predictor of success both in school and later life. Many of the forms inquiring about former students specifically ask for school attendance records. Students may be dismissed from school by the principal to attend programs and affairs which the parents think important in the development of the pupils upon written request by a parent stating the exact period of absence. Any student absent for reasons other than illness or emergencies during scheduled nine-week or semester exams must have administrative approval for make-up work. Student Transfers - 4.4 The Jessieville School District shall review and accept or reject requests for transfers, both into and out of the district, on a case by case basis at the July and December regularly scheduled board meetings. Any student transferring from a school accredited by the Department of Education to a school in this district shall be placed into the same grade the student would have been in had the student remained at the former school. Any student transferring from home school or a school that is not accredited by the Department of Education to a district school shall be evaluated by district staff to determine the student’s appropriate grade placement. The Board of Education reserves the right, after a hearing before the Board, not to allow any person who has been expelled from another district to enroll as a student until the time of the person’s expulsion has expired. Except as otherwise required or permitted by law, the responsibility for transportation of any nonresident student admitted to a school in this district shall be borne by the student or the student’s parents. The district and the resident district may enter into a written agreement with the student or student’s parents to provide transportation to or from the district, or both. Guidelines for New Students Entering School Under any of the below situations, a student may need to be referred to ALE (Alternative Learning Environment) for a Screening Transition time period to include review, screening and appropriate placement decisions. Situations Which May Warrant Referral may include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Prior Homeschooling Private School ( non-accredited) Current Court Involvement Lack of Current School Records Poor attendance history. If referred, the student will be screened, all records requested and reviewed and determination will be made for appropriate placement of the student. If the student is court involved, a representative of the court will be contacted for additional information. All of the above shall be completed in a timely manner to assure that the student is in the most appropriate program placement. Withdrawal from School All students who withdraw from school must secure a withdrawal form from the counselor’s office and secure the required signatures. When a student plans to withdraw from Jessieville High School, the legal guardian must notify the counseling office at least one day prior to the last date of attendance. On the last date of attendance, the student is required to obtain a withdrawal form from the counselor’s office. The student is required to get signatures from all seven teachers, the librarian, the cafeteria manager, and the school principal. All fines must be paid in full before withdrawal is completed. The withdrawal form must be returned to the counselor’s office before the student leaves campus. School Choice – 4.5 Standard School Choice The superintendent will consider all applications for School Choice postmarked no later than the July 1 preceding the fall semester the applicant would begin school in the District. The superintendent shall notify the parent or guardian and the student’s resident district, in writing, of the decision to accept or reject the application within 30 days of its receipt of the application. The District shall advertise in appropriate print and broadcast media to inform students and parents in adjoining districts of the range of possible openings available under the School Choice program. The public pronouncements shall 16 state the application deadline and the requirements and procedure for participation in the program. Such pronouncements shall be made in the spring, but in no case later than June first. When considering applications, priority will be given to applications from siblings or stepsiblings residing in the same residence or household of students already attending the District through school choice. The District may reject a nonresident’s application for admission if its acceptance would necessitate the addition of staff or classrooms, exceed the capacity of a program, class, grade level, or school building, or cause the District to provide educational services not currently provided in the affected school. The District shall reject applications that would cause it to be out of compliance with applicable laws and regulations regarding desegregation. Letters of rejection shall state the reason(s) for the rejection. The Board of Directors reserves the right, after a hearing before the board, not to allow any person who is currently under expulsion from another district to enroll in a District school. Students admitted under this policy shall be entitled to continued enrollment until they graduate or are no longer eligible for enrollment in the District’s schools. Any student admitted to this district under the provisions of this policy who chooses to return to his/her resident district during the school year voids the transfer and must reapply for a school choice admission if desiring to return to this district in the future. Opportunity School Choice Unless there is a lack of capacity at the District’s school or the transfer conflicts with the provisions of a federal desegregation order applicable to the District, a student who is eligible for transfer from a school identified as a category level 1 school under A.C.A. § 6-15-2103(c)(1) may enroll in the District’s school closest to the student’s legal residence that has a performance category level 3 or higher as defined by A.C.A. § 6-15-2103(a) provided the student’s parent or guardian, or the student if over the age of eighteen (18), has successfully completed the necessary application process by July 30 preceding the year of desired enrollment. If the District rejects the application, the District shall state in the notification letter the specific reasons for the rejection. For the purposes of this section of the policy, a “lack of capacity” is defined as when the receiving school has reached the maximum student-to-teacher ratio allowed under federal or state law, the Rules for the Standards of Accreditation, or other applicable rules. There is a lack of capacity if, as of the date of the application for opportunity school choice, ninety-five percent (95%) or more of the seats at the grade level at the nonresident school are filled. A student’s enrollment under the opportunity school choice provision is irrevocable for the duration of the school year and is renewable until the student completes high school or is beyond the legal age of enrollment. The District may provide transportation to and from the transferring district. If a District school has been identified as a category 1 school under A.C.A. § 6-15-2103(c) (1), the District shall request public service announcements to be made over the broadcast media and in the print media at such times and in such a manner as to inform parents or guardians of students in adjoining districts of the availability of the program, the application deadline, and the requirements and procedure for nonresident students to participate in the program. Home Schooling - 4.6 Parents or legal guardians desiring to provide a home school for their children must give written notice to the Superintendent of their intent to do so and sign a waiver acknowledging that the State of Arkansas is not liable for the education of their children during the time the parents choose to home school. Notice shall be given: 1. At the beginning of each school year, but no later than August 15; 2. By December 15 for parents who decide to start home schooling at the beginning of the spring semester; or 3. Fourteen (14) calendar days prior to withdrawing the child (provided the student is not currently under disciplinary action for violation of any written school policy, including, but not limited to, excessive absences) and at the beginning of each school year thereafter. The parents or legal guardians shall deliver written notice in person to the Superintendent the first time such notice is given and the notice must include: 1. The name, date of birth, grade level, and the name and address of the school last attended, if any; 2. The location of the home school; 3. The basic core curriculum to be offered; 4. The proposed schedule of instruction; and 5. The qualifications of the parent-teacher. 17 To aid the District in providing a free and appropriate public education to students in need of special education services, the parents or legal guardians home-schooling their children shall provide information which might indicate the need for special education services. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITY ELIGIBILITY FOR HOME SCHOOLED STUDENTS 4.56.2 Home-schooled student means a student legally enrolled in an Arkansas home school and who meets or has met the criteria for being a home-schooled student, as established by A.C.A. § 6-15-503. Interscholastic activity means an activity between schools subject to regulations of the Arkansas Activities Association that is outside the regular curriculum of the school district, such as an athletic activity, fine arts program, or a special interest group or club. Each school in the District shall post on its website its schedule of interscholastic activities, including sign-up, tryout, and participation deadlines, at least one semester in advance of those activities. A hard copy of the schedule shall be available upon request. Home-schooled students whose parents or guardians are legal residents of the school district will be permitted to pursue participation in an interscholastic activity in the student's resident school zone as permitted by this policy. Although not guaranteed participation in interscholastic activity home-school students who meet the provisions of this policy, AAA Rules, and applicable Arkansas statutes shall have an equal opportunity to try out and participate in interscholastic activities without discrimination. To be eligible to try out and participate in interscholastic activities, the student or the parent of a student shall mail or hand deliver the student's request to participate to the student's school's principal before the signup, tryout or participation deadline established for traditional students. Additionally, the student shall demonstrate academic eligibility th by obtaining a minimum test score of the 30 percentile or better in the previous 12 months on the Stanford Achievement Test Series, Tenth Edition; another nationally recognized norm-referenced test; or a minimum score on a test approved by the State Board of Education. A student who meets the requirements for eligibility to participate in an interscholastic activity is required to register for no more than one course in the District's school where the student is intending to participate in an interscholastic activity. The student shall regularly attend the class in which the student is registered beginning no later than the eleventh (11) day of the semester in which the student's interscholastic activity participation is desired. The student must attend the practices for the interscholastic activity to the same extent as is required of traditional students. A home-schooled student who has met the try out criteria; and who has been selected to participate in the interscholastic activity shall meet the following criteria that also apply to traditional students enrolled in the school: • • • • • standards of behavior and codes of conduct; attend the practices for the interscholastic activity to the same extent as is required of traditional students; required drug testing; permission slips, waivers, physical exams; and participation or activity fees. Students who participate in extracurricular or athletic activities under this policy will be transported to and from the interscholastic activities on the same basis as other students are transported. A student who withdraws from an Arkansas Activities Association member school to be home-schooled shall not participate in an interscholastic activity in the resident school district for a minimum of three hundred sixty-five days after the student withdraws from the member school. Students who are Foster Children - 4.52 The District will afford the same services and educational opportunities to foster children that are afforded other children and youth. The District shall work with the Department of Human Services (“DHS”), the ADE, and individuals involved with each foster child to ensure that he/she is able to maintain his/her continuity of educational services to the fullest extent that is practical and reasonable. The Superintendent or his/her designee shall appoint an appropriate staff person to be the local educational liaison for foster children and youth whose responsibilities shall include ensuring the timely school enrollment of each foster child and assisting foster children who transfer between schools by expediting the transfer of relevant educational records. The District, working with other individuals and agencies shall, unless the presiding court rules otherwise, ensure that the foster child remains in his/her current school, even if a change in the foster child’s placement results in a 18 residency that is outside the district. In such a situation, the District will work to arrange for transportation to and from school for the foster child to the extent it is reasonable and practical. Upon notification to the District’s foster care liaison by a foster child’s caseworker that a foster child’s school enrollment is being changed to one of the District’s schools, the school receiving the child must immediately enroll him/her. Immediate enrollment is required even if a child lacks the required clothing, academic or medical records, or proof of residency. A foster child’s grades shall not be lowered due to absence from school that is caused by a change in the child’s school enrollment, the child’s attendance at dependency-neglect court proceedings, or other court-ordered counseling or treatment. Any course work completed by the foster child prior to a school enrollment change shall be accepted as academic credit so long as the child has satisfactorily completed the appropriate academic placement assessment. If a foster child was enrolled in a District school immediately prior to completing his/her graduation requirements while detained in a juvenile detention facility or while committed to the Division of Youth Services of DHS, the District shall issue the child a diploma. Homeless Students – 4.40 The Jessieville School District will afford the same services and educational opportunities to homeless children as are afforded to non-homeless children. The Superintendent or his/her designee shall appoint an appropriate staff person to be the local educational liaison for homeless children and youth whose responsibilities shall include coordinating with the state educational liaison for homeless children and youth to ensure that homeless children are not stigmatized or segregated on the basis of their status as homeless and such other duties as are prescribed by law and this policy. Notwithstanding Policy 4.1, homeless students living in the district are entitled to enroll in the district’s school that non-homeless students who live in the same attendance area are eligible to attend. If there is a question concerning the enrollment of a homeless child due to a conflict with Policy 4.1 or 4.2, the child shall be immediately admitted to the school in which enrollment is sought pending resolution of the dispute. It is the responsibility of the District’s local educational liaison for homeless children and youth to carry out the dispute resolution process. To the extent feasible, the District shall do one of the following according to what is in the best interests of a homeless child. (For the purposes of this policy “school of origin” means the school the child attended when permanently housed or the school in which the child was last enrolled.) 1. continue educating the child who becomes homeless between academic years or during an academic year in their school of origin for the duration of their homelessness; 2. continue educating the child in his/her school of origin who becomes permanently housed during an academic year for the remainder of the academic year; or 3. enroll the homeless child in the school appropriate for the attendance zone where the child lives. If the District elects to enroll a homeless child in a school other than their school of origin and such action is against the wishes of the child’s parent or guardian, the District shall provide the parent or guardian with a written explanation of their reason for so doing which shall include a statement of the parent/guardian’s right to appeal. In any instance where the child is unaccompanied by a parent or guardian, the District’s local educational liaison for homeless children and youth shall assist the child in determining his/her place of enrollment. The Liaison shall provide the child with a notice of his/her right to appeal the enrollment decision. The District shall be responsible for providing transportation for a homeless child, at the request of the parent or guardian (or in the case of an unaccompanied youth, the Liaison), to and from the child’s school of origin. For the purposes of this policy, students shall be considered homeless if they lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence and (a) are sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason; are living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camping grounds due to the lack of alternative adequate accommodations; (b) are living in emergency or transitional shelters; are abandoned in hospitals; or are awaiting foster care placement; (c) have a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as an accommodation for human beings; (d) are living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or similar settings; (e) are migratory children who are living in circumstances described in clauses (a) through (c). 19 Special Education Students – 4.49 The district shall provide a free appropriate public education and necessary related services to all children with disabilities residing within the district, required under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (“IDEA”), Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Arkansas Statutes. It is the intent of the district to ensure that students who are disabled within the definition of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 are identified, evaluated and provided with appropriate educational services. Students may be disabled within the meaning of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act even though they do not require services pursuant to the IDEA. For students eligible for services under IDEA, the district shall follow procedures for identification, evaluation, placement, and delivery of services to children with disabilities provided in state and federal statutes which govern special education. Implementation of an Individualized Education Program (IEP) in accordance with the IDEA satisfies the district’s obligation to provide a free and appropriate education under Section 504. The board directs the superintendent to ensure procedures are in place for the implementation of special education services and that programs are developed to conform to the requirements of state and federal legislation. The superintendent is responsible for appointing a district coordinator for overseeing district fulfillment of its responsibilities regarding disabled students. Among the coordinator’s responsibilities shall be ensuring district enforcement of the due process rights of disabled students and their parents. Placement of Multiple Birth Siblings - 4.53 The parent, guardian or other person having charge or custody of multiple birth siblings in grades pre-K through 6 may request that the multiple birth siblings are placed in either the same or separate classrooms. The request shall be in th writing not later than the 14 calendar day prior to the first day of classes at the beginning of the academic year. The school shall honor the request unless it would require the school to add an additional class to the sibling’s grade level. If one parent of multiple birth siblings requests a placement that differs from that of the other parent of the same multiple birth siblings, the school shall determine the appropriate placement of the siblings. The school may change the classroom placement of one or more of the multiple birth siblings if: • • There have been a minimum of 30 instructional days since the start of the school year; and After consulting with each classroom teacher in which the siblings were placed, the school determines the parent’s classroom placement request is: 1. Detrimental to the educational achievement of one or more of the siblings; 2. Disruptive to the siblings’ assigned classroom learning environment; or 3. Disruptive to the school’s educational or disciplinary environment. If a parent believes the school has not followed the requirements of this policy, the parent may appeal the multiple birth siblings’ classroom placement to the Superintendent. The Superintendent’s decision regarding the appeal shall be final. 20 Section V. ATTENDANCE Requirements for 9-12 students - 4.44 Students in grades nine through twelve (9-12) are required to schedule and attend at least 360 minutes of regularly scheduled class time daily. Part of this requirement may be met by students taking post-secondary courses. Eligible students’ enrollment and attendance at a post-secondary institution shall count toward the required weekly time of school attendance. Each credit hour shall count as three (3) hours of attendance time. This means a three (3) hour course shall count as nine (9) hours of the weekly required time of attendance. ABSENCES - 4.7 If any student’s Individual Education Program (IEP) or 504 Plan conflicts with this policy, the requirements of the student’s IEP or 504 Plan take precedence. Education is more than the grades students receive in their courses. Important as that is, students’ regular attendance at school is essential to their social and cultural development and helps prepare them to accept responsibilities they will face as an adult. Interactions with other students and participation in the instruction within the classroom enrich the learning environment and promote a continuity of instruction which results in higher student achievement. Excused Absences Excused absences are those where the student was on official school business or when the absence was due to one of the following reasons and the student brings a written statement to the principal or designee upon his/her return to school from the parent or legal guardian stating such reason. A written statement presented for an absence having occurred more than two (2) school days prior to its presentation will not be accepted. 1. The student’s illness or when attendance could jeopardize the health of other students. A maximum of six (6) such days are allowed per semester unless the condition(s) causing such absences is of a chronic or recurring nature, is medically documented, and approved by the principal. 2. Death or serious illness in their immediate family; 3. Observance of recognized holidays observed by the student's faith; 4. Attendance at an appointment with a government agency; 5. Attendance at a medical appointment; 6. Exceptional circumstances with prior approval of the principal; or 7. Participation in an FFA, FHA, or 4-H sanctioned activity; 8. Participation in the election poll workers program for high school students. 9. Absences granted to allow a student to visit his/her parent or legal guardian who is a member of the military and been called to active duty, is on leave from active duty, or has returned from deployment to a combat zone or combat support posting. The number of additional excused absences shall be at the discretion of the superintendent or designee. 10. Absences granted, at the Superintendent's discretion, to seventeen (17) year-old students who join the Arkansas National Guard while in eleventh grade to complete basic combat training between grades eleven (11) and (12). Students who serve as pages for a member of the General Assembly shall be considered on instructional assignment and shall not be considered absent from school for the day the student is serving as a page. 21 It is the Arkansas General Assembly’s intention that students having excessive absences be given assistance in obtaining credit for their courses. Excessive absences may, however, be the basis for the denial of course credit, promotion, or graduation. Unexcused Absences Absences not defined above or not having an accompanying note from the parent or legal guardian, presented in the timeline required by this policy, shall be considered as unexcused absences. Students with six (6) unexcused absences in a course in a semester shall not receive credit for that course. At the discretion of the principal after consultation with persons having knowledge of the circumstances of the unexcused absences, the student may be denied promotion or graduation. Excessive absences shall not be a reason for expulsion or dismissal of a student. When a student has three (3) unexcused absences, his/her parents, guardians, or persons in loco parentis shall be notified. Notification shall be by telephone by the end of the school day in which such absence occurred or by regular mail with a return address sent no later than the following school day. Whenever a student exceeds six (6) unexcused absences in a semester, the District shall notify the prosecuting authority and the parent, guardian, or persons in loco parentis shall be subject to a civil penalty as prescribed by law. At any time prior to when a student exceeds the number of unexcused absences permitted by this policy, the student, or his/her parent, guardian, or person in loco parentis may petition the school or district’s administration for special arrangements to address the student’s unexcused absences. If formal arrangements are granted, they shall be formalized into a written agreement which will include the conditions of the agreement and the consequences for failing to fulfill the agreement’s requirements. The agreement shall be signed by the student, the student’s parent, guardian, or person in loco parentis, and the school or district administrator or designee. Students who attend in-school suspension shall not be counted absent for those days. Days missed due to out-of-school suspension or expulsion shall be unexcused absences. The District shall notify the Department of Finance and Administration whenever a student fourteen (14) years of age or older is no longer in school. The Department of Finance and Administration is required to suspend the former student’s operator’s license unless he/she meets certain requirements specified in the code. Applicants for an instruction permit or for a driver's license by persons less than eighteen (18) years old on October 1 of any year are required to provide proof of a high school diploma or enrollment and regular attendance in an adult education program or a public, private, or parochial school prior to receiving an instruction permit. To be issued a driver's license, a student enrolled in school shall present proof of a “C” average for the previous semester or similar equivalent grading period for which grades are reported as part of the student’s permanent record. A student missing more than ten minutes of any part of a class period will result in an absence. Make-up Work - 4.8 Students who miss school due to an absence shall be allowed to make up the work they missed during their absence under the following rules. 1. Students are responsible for asking the teachers of the classes they missed what assignments they need to make up. 2. Teachers are responsible for providing the missed assignments when asked by a returning student. 3. Students are required to ask for their assignments on their first day back at school or their first class day after their return. 4. Make-up tests are to be rescheduled at the discretion of the teacher, but must be aligned with the schedule of the missed work to be made up. 5. Students shall have one class day to make up their work for each class day they are absent. 6. Make-up work which is not turned in within the make-up schedule for that assignment shall receive a zero. 7. Students are responsible for turning in their make-up work without the teacher having to ask for it. 8. Students who are absent on the day their make-up work is due must turn in their work the day they return to school whether or not the class for which the work is due meets the day of their return. 9. As required/permitted by the student’s Individual Education Program or 504 Plan. Work may not be made up for credit for absences in excess of the number of allowable absences in a semester unless the absences are part of a signed agreement as permitted by policy ABSENCES-4.7. 22 Tardies- 4.9 Promptness is an important character trait that district staff is encouraged to model and help develop in our school’s students. At the same time, promptness is the responsibility of each student. Students who are late to class show a disregard to both the teacher and their classmates which comprise potential student achievement. Each two tardies in any given class is equal to one absence for purposes of test exemptions. 3rd tardy – Warning th 4th and 5 tardy – In-school suspension (1 day) th th 6 and 7 tardy – In-school suspension (2 days) th 8 and 9th tardy – After-school detention (3:20-5:20pm) th 10 tardy – Saturday school (7:30-11:30am) th 11 tardy – Two (2) Saturday schools (7:30-11:30am) and may result in loss of credit for class. * The principal or his designee may assign community service (trash pick-up or bus cleaning) in lieu of, or in addition to the above penalties. Students who fail to serve their punishment will have a discipline referral. Tardies are exempt from the 10-Step st Discipline Plan (unless students are chronically late to 1 period, in which case a FINS petition may be filed). Sign-in and Check-out Procedures When an emergency arises, a student may leave the campus only by special permission obtained through the principal’s office. Before a student is granted permission, his/her parents will be contacted to get their approval. You should sign out in the principal’s office. Only the principal or his/her designee may give you permission to sign out. Jessieville High School campus is a closed campus. The students may not leave campus after their arrival. • • • Students who must leave school for any reason, including illness, must officially check out through the front office. Students must call home from the office phone. Parents picking up their child during the school day should come into the office to sign the student out and may need to show their driver’s license. Parents are discouraged from checking students out of school for lunch or other non-essential reasons. Parents must physically check out students for lunch and the student should be returned by the parent. Notes or phone calls will not be accepted. This applies to lunch time only. Students will not be allowed to check out from school with ANY PERSONS that are not listed on their EMERGENCY/INFORMATION SHEET. College Days College days are special days for students exploring colleges and majors. Seniors may request to take up to two (2) college days during their senior year and juniors may take one (1) during the course of the school year. Requests and approval must be made through the counselor’s office in advance. Students must pick up a college day form from the counselor; get it signed by a parent explaining what college what day the student will be visiting must be presented to the counselor’s office prior to the absence. The student will be required to bring proof of the visit back to the counseling office in the form of a signature of an official at the college visited. If a student does not follow all th requirements, the absence may be counted as an absence. College days may not be granted after April 15 . College days will be considered as School Business for attendance purposes. 23 Section VI. ACADEMICS Academic Integrity Students must work to be successful in the classroom with each student’s success based upon his/her own merit. To this end, academic misconduct of any kind is unacceptable. The definition of academic misconduct can include but not be limited to: • giving or receiving of unauthorized aid on examinations or in the preparing of notebooks, themes, reports or other assignments; • knowingly misrepresenting the source of any academic work; • unauthorized changing of grades; • unauthorized use of school approvals or forging of signatures; • plagiarizing of another’s work; • otherwise acting dishonestly in the classroom. Any breach in the academic integrity policy will require the student to be placed on the STEP Discipline Plan at a level that is no lower than Step 3. The assignment will receive a zero and the parent/guardian will be notified at that time. Repeated offenses may jeopardize the student’s ability to successfully complete the course. Additionally, students may be placed on probation or suspended from BETA Club or National Honor Society according to the organizations by-laws. Examples Which Violate Academic Integrity CHEATING – giving, using, or attempting to see unauthorized materials, information, notes, study aids, or other devices in any academic exercise including unauthorized communication of information. FABRICATION AND FALSIFICATION – unauthorized alteration or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise. PLAGIARISM – knowingly presenting the work of another as one’s own (i. e., without proper acknowledgement of the source). This includes the use of internet sources. The sole exception to the requirement of acknowledging sources is when the ideas or information is common knowledge. FACILITATING ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT – giving or attempting to help another commit an act of academic misconduct. TAMPERING WITH MATERIALS, GRADES, OR RECORDS – interfering with, altering, or attempting to alter school records, grades or other documents without authorization from an appropriate school official for the purpose of changing, falsifying, or removing the original information found in such records. COPYRIGHT LAWS – all applicable copyright laws will be in effect. SMART CORE CURRICULUM AND GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSES OF 2015, 2016, AND 2017 - 4.45.1 All students are required to participate in the Smart Core curriculum unless their parents or guardians, or the students if they are 18 years of age or older, sign a Smart Core Waiver Form to not participate. While Smart Core is the default option, both a Smart Core Informed Consent Form and a Smart Core Waiver Form will be sent home with students prior to their enrolling in seventh grade, or when a 7-12 grade student enrolls in the district for the first time and there is not a signed form in the student’s permanent record. Parents must sign one of the forms and return it to the school so it can be placed in the students’ permanent records. This policy is to be included in student handbooks for grades 6-12 and both students and parents must sign an acknowledgement they have received the policy. Those students not participating in the Smart Core curriculum will be required to fulfill the Core curriculum or the requirements of their IEP (when applicable) to be eligible for graduation. Counseling by trained personnel shall be available to students and their parents or legal guardians prior to the time they are required to sign the consent forms. While there are similarities between the two curriculums, following the Core curriculum may not qualify students for some scholarships and admission to certain colleges could be jeopardized. Students initially choosing the Core curriculum may subsequently change to the Smart Core curriculum providing they would be able to complete the required course of study by the end of their senior year. Students wishing to change their choice of curriculums must consult with their counselor to determine the feasibility of changing. This policy, the Smart Core curriculum, and the courses necessary for graduation shall be reviewed by staff, students, and parents at least every other year to determine if changes need to be made to better serve the needs of the district’s students. The superintendent, or his/her designee, shall select the composition of the review panel. 24 Sufficient information relating to Smart Core and the district’s graduation requirements shall be communicated to parents and students to ensure their informed understanding of each. This may be accomplished through any or all of the following means. • • • • Inclusion in the student handbook of the Smart Core curriculum and graduation requirements; Discussion of the Smart Core curriculum and graduation requirements at the school’s annual public meeting, PTA meetings, or a meeting held specifically for the purpose of informing the public on this matter; Discussions held by the school’s counselors with students and their parents; and/or Distribution of a newsletter(s) to parents or guardians of the district’s students. Administrators, or their designees, shall train newly hired employees, required to be licensed as a condition of their employment, regarding this policy. The district’s annual professional development shall include the training required by this paragraph. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS (Class of 2015) Jessieville High School offers the college preparatory and the core programs as established by the State Board of Education. Jessieville High School requires 24 credits for a student participating in either the Smart Core or Core curriculum for the class of 2015. A student will have to successfully complete the smart core curriculum and acquire 26 credits with a 3.25 GPA on a 4.0 scale to be classified as an honor graduate. The valedictorian and the salutatorian must successfully complete the smart core curriculum. The determination of the valedictorian and the salutatorian is made by the averaging of eight (8) semester grades - ninth through twelfth grade. The final four semesters of these eight must be obtained from Jessieville High School. Should there be more than one student with the same grade point average, the tie will be honored. All grades will be averaged on a 4.0 scale. There are some distinctions made between Smart Core units and Graduation units. Not all units earned toward graduation necessarily apply to Smart Core requirements. Unless exempted by a student’s IEP, all students must successfully pass all end-of-course (EOC) assessments they are required to take or meet the remediation required for the EOC assessment to receive academic credit for the applicable course and be eligible to graduate from high school. Students must take eight (8) subjects each semester attended. Any variation from this must be approved by the administration. One credit of Physical Education is required for all high school students. A student who is unable to participate must present a current physician's statement. A student unable to participate in P.E. must take a full unit to complete the necessary units required for graduation. Only one of the credits can be PE or Athletics. All seniors will be expected to pay for graduation caps and gowns, the cost of any class jewelry, the cost of any commencement invitations, and the cost of other materials used individually. However, the school bears the cost of both the diploma and the cover. The senior class will select ushers for baccalaureate and commencement from the junior class based on class rank. Only seniors who have completed all academic requirements for graduation and owe no fines will be permitted to participate in the commencement exercises. Smart Core and Core requirements for classes 2015-2018 have been outlined on pages 26-28. 25 Classes of 2015 and 2016 Jessieville requires 24 credits for graduation (this is a rollback from 27). Honor graduates have additional requirements as described at the bottom of this page. Classes of 2015 and 2016 Smart Core (with additional Jessieville requirements) -Recommended for unconditional admission to college. -Required curriculum for honor graduates. -Required to be eligible for Lottery Scholarship Core -Curriculum for conditional admission to college or just for high school diploma -Not generally Lottery Scholarship eligible # of Credits # of Credits 4 English 4 English 4 Math - Algebra I - Geometry - Algebra II - Choice of: Algebra III or PreCalculus/Trig or Coll. Alg/Trig or AP Calculus 4 Math - A two-year algebra or two year geometry equivalent may be counted as two units of the four units math requirement for graduation. 3 Science (2 options) Regular - Physical Science - Biology - Chemistry or Physics 3 Science Advanced -Biology -Chemistry -Physics - Physical Science - Biology - Environmental Science or other science 3 Social Studies - Civics/Economics - World History - American History 3 Social Studies - Civics/Economics - World History - American History 1 ½ ½ 1 1 6 Physical Education Health and Safety Oral Communication Fine Arts (Art, Band, Choir) Computer Business Applications or EAST Career Focus Electives 1 ½ ½ 1 1 6 Physical Education Health and Safety Oral Communication Fine Arts (Art, Band, Choir) Computer Business Applications Career Focus Electives 24 credits 24 credits Honor Graduates: Honor graduates are required to earn 26 credits in the Smart Core curriculum, maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.25 and must have had 2 years of the same foreign language. Honor graduates in the top 5% of the class will be designated Summa Cum Laude. Honor graduates in the next 5% will be designated Magna Cum Laude. Honor graduates in the next 5% will be designated Cum Laude. Note: The top ranking juniors (or more if a tie) will be presented all options entering their senior year. The school board approved in 2013 to make top students aware that co-valedictorians and and/or co-salutatorians are possible even without identical grade point averages to encourage students to take the most rigorous course and not opt for an easier schedule to gain a competitive advantage. (Ex: Student A holds a 4.086 g.p.a. and Student B holds a 4.078. Students B could take an easier non-weighted or non-credit course and jump over Student A, even though Student A made straight A’s with college and regular courses, creating an unfair competitive advantage.) 26 Class of 2017 Jessieville requires 24 credits for graduation (this is a rollback from 27). All students must take at least one on-line course before graduating. Honor graduates have additional requirements as described at the bottom of this page. Class of 2017 Smart Core (with additional Jessieville requirements) -Recommended for unconditional admission to college. -Required curriculum for honor graduates. -Required to be eligible for Lottery Scholarship Core -Curriculum for conditional admission to college or just for high school diploma -Not generally Lottery Scholarship eligible # of Credits # of Credits 4 English 4 English 4 Math - Algebra I - Geometry - Algebra II - Choice of: Algebra III or PreCalculus/Trig or Coll. Alg/Trig or AP Calculus 4 Math - A two-year algebra or two year geometry equivalent may be counted as two units of the four units math requirement for graduation. 3 Science (2 options) Regular - Physical Science - Biology - Chemistry or Physics 3 Science Advanced -Biology -Chemistry -Physics - Physical Science - Biology - Environmental Science or other science 3 Social Studies - Civics/Economics - World History - American History 3 Social Studies - Civics/Economics - World History - American History 1 ½ ½ 1 1 6 Physical Education Health and Safety Oral Communication Fine Arts (Art, Band, Choir) Computer Business Applications Career Focus Electives 1 ½ ½ 1 1 6 Physical Education Health and Safety Oral Communication Fine Arts (Art, Band, Choir) Computer Business Applications Career Focus Electives 24 credits 24 credits Honor Graduates: Honor graduates are required to earn 26 credits in the Smart Core curriculum, maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.25 and must have had 2 years of the same foreign language. Honor graduates in the top 5% of the class will be designated Summa Cum Laude. Honor graduates in the next 5% will be designated Magna Cum Laude. Honor graduates in the next 5% will be designated Cum Laude. Note: Valedictorian and salutatorian have been reinstated for the class of 2017 and beyond. The top ranking juniors (or more if a tie) will be presented all options entering their senior year. The school board approved in 2013 to make top students aware that co-valedictorians and and/or co-salutatorians are possible even without identical grade point averages to encourage students to take the most rigorous course and not opt for an easier schedule to gain a competitive advantage. (Ex: Student A holds a 4.086 g.p.a. and Student B holds a 4.078. Students B could take an easier non-weighted or non-credit course and jump over Student A, even though Student A made straight A’s with college and regular courses, creating an unfair competitive advantage.) 27 Class of 2018 Jessieville requires 24 credits for graduation. All students from the Class of 2018 and beyond must receive CPR training. These students must also have an online class before graduating (Act 1280 of 2013). Honor graduates have additional requirements as described at the bottom of this page. Classes of 2018 Smart Core (with additional Jessieville requirements) -Recommended for unconditional admission to college. -Required curriculum for honor graduates. -Required to be eligible for Lottery Scholarship Core -Curriculum for conditional admission to college or just for high school diploma -Not generally Lottery Scholarship eligible # of Credits # of Credits 4 English 4 English 4 Math - Algebra I - Geometry - Algebra II - Choice of: Algebra III or PreCalculus/Trig or Coll. Alg/Trig or AP Calculus 4 Math - A two-year algebra or two year geometry equivalent may be counted as two units of the four units math requirement for graduation. 3 Science (2 options) Regular - Physical Science - Biology - Chemistry or Physics 3 Science Advanced -Biology -Chemistry -Physics - Physical Science - Biology - Environmental Science or other science 3 Social Studies - Civics/Economics - World History - American History 3 Social Studies - Civics/Economics - World History - American History 1 ½ ½ 1 1 6 Physical Education Health and Safety Oral Communication Fine Arts (Art, Band, Choir) Computer Business Applications Career Focus Electives 1 ½ ½ 1 1 6 Physical Education Health and Safety Oral Communication Fine Arts (Art, Band, Choir) Computer Business Applications Career Focus Electives 24 credits 24 credits Honor Graduates: Honor graduates are required to earn 26 credits in the Smart Core curriculum, maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.25 and must have had 2 years of the same foreign language. Honor graduates in the top 5% of the class will be designated Summa Cum Laude. Honor graduates in the next 5% will be designated Magna Cum Laude. Honor graduates in the next 5% will be designated Cum Laude. Note: The top ranking juniors (or more if a tie) will be presented all options entering their senior year. The school board approved in 2013 to make top students aware that co-valedictorians and and/or co-salutatorians are possible even without identical grade point averages to encourage students to take the most rigorous course and not opt for an easier schedule to gain a competitive advantage. (Ex: Student A holds a 4.086 g.p.a. and Student B holds a 4.078. Students B could take an easier non-weighted or non-credit course and jump over Student A, even though Student A made straight A’s with college and regular courses, creating an unfair competitive advantage.) 28 ARKANSAS CHALLENGE “LOTTERY” SCHOLARSHIP The Lottery Scholarship is a state-funded scholarship open to high school graduates that are bonafide residents of Arkansas. The requirements for this scholarship change from year to year. The current requirements are: 1) student must complete the Smart Core curriculum; 2) student must complete one on-line course 3) student must have a 2.5 GPA and 19 ACT Score *Students who qualify will receive $2,000 the first year, $3,000 the second year, $4,000 the third year, and $5,000 the fourth year. Classification of Students To be classified as a freshman, a student must have completed the eighth grade; as a sophomore, 6 units of course work; for a junior, 13 units of course work; for a senior, 19 units of course work. Only seniors who have completed all requirements for graduation will be permitted to participate in the commencement exercises. All seniors will be expected to pay for the graduation caps and gowns, the cost of any class jewelry, the cost of any commencement invitations, and the cost of other materials used individually. However, the school bears the cost of both the diploma and the cover. The senior class will select ushers for baccalaureate and commencement from the junior class. Homework Policy Homework is a necessary component of the learning process. Practice, research, writing, and other activities require more time than can be provided during the school day. Most students will have an opportunity to have extended th time for homework during enrichment period 7 period every day. This period has been established to provide specific time for reading, working on homework or projects and also as a period for students to be assigned to teachers when they fall behind with their work. It will NOT be used for recreational or technology time (e.g., phones). The procedure is as follows: 1. Student falls one or more assignments behind in a class: a) Teacher notifies student and assigns student to that teacher’s room for the next enrichment period. th b) Student checks in with regular 7 period teacher and then reports to assigned teacher. th c) Student completes work satisfactorily and returns to regular 7 period class the next day. Unless due to an excused absence or school business, student will receive 75% of what he or she would normally earn. 2. Student does not complete work or is a no show: th a) Student will be assigned lunch detention for the following day and possible next day 7 period. If student work is completed properly, he or she will earn 50% of what he or she would normally earn and return to regular class. 3. Student doesn’t complete assigned work after the above have occurred: a) Student will be reassigned or assigned to after-school detention. If work is not completed by the end of this time, the student may be reassigned to after school detention to complete the work. If the work is not completed at the end of this period, the student will receive a grade of zero and lose any opportunity to make up the grade. 4. If the student misses after-school detention for practice or other extra-curricular event, the student may be required to miss the next practice or activity to make up the assignment. These actions will not be deemed disciplinary, but essential to the academic success of the student. Parents will be notified of the pending afterschool detention when it occurs. Lunch detention: Student will report to supervising staff person in cafeteria to get a lunch line pass. Student gets lunch and is seated on old side of the cafeteria and begins working on the missing assignment(s). 29 Grading System Parents or guardians shall be kept informed concerning the progress of their student. Parent-teacher conferences are encouraged and may be requested by parents, guardians, or teachers. If the progress of a student is unsatisfactory in a subject, the teacher shall attempt to schedule a parent-teacher conference. In the conference, the teacher shall explain the reasons for difficulties and shall develop, cooperatively with parents, a plan for remediation which may enhance the probability of the student succeeding. The school shall also send timely progress reports and issue grades for each nine-week grading period to keep parents/guardians informed of their student’s progress. The evaluation of each student’s performance on a regular basis serves to give the parents/guardians, students, and the school necessary information to help affect academic improvement. Students’ grades shall reflect only the extent to which a student has achieved the expressed educational objectives of the course. The grading system for all schools in the district shall be as follows: A= 100-90 B= 89-80 C= 79-70 D= 69-60 F= 59 and below The Letter "I" means incomplete. Any student having an "I" on their record must make up the work or the "I" becomes an "F”. For the purpose of determining grade point averages, the numeric value of each letter grade shall be: A= 4 points B= 3 points C= 2 points D= 1 point F= 0 points The grade point values for Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), and approved honor courses shall be one point greater than for regular courses with the exception that an F shall still be worth 0 points. The final grades of students who transfer in for part of a semester will be determined by blending the grades earned in the district with those earned outside the district. Each final grade will be the sum of the percentage of days in the grading period transferred from outside the district times the transferred grade from outside the district plus the percentage of days in the grading period while in the district times the grade earned in the district. For example: The grading period has 40 days. A student transferred in with a grade of 83% earned in 10 days at the previous school. The student had a grade of 75% in our district’s school earned in the remaining 30 days of the grading period. 10 days is 25% of 40 days while 30 days is 75% of 40 days. Thus the final grade would be .25(83) + .75(73) = Advanced Placement Courses - 5.21 The Advanced Placement Rules (3.06) stipulate that students must take the applicable AP exam to receive weighted credit for the course. The state now pays the total cost of the AP exams and the student’s score on the exam does not affect the student’s grade for the course, therefore, students will participate in testing. Students who take Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate, or honors courses approved for weighted credit by the Arkansas Department of Education shall be graded according to the following schedule: A = 5 points B = 4 points C = 3 points D = 2 points F = 0 points Students who transfer into the district will be given weighted credit for the Advanced Placement courses, International Baccalaureate courses, or honors courses approved by the Arkansas Department of Education, and concurrent college courses taken for weighted credit at his/her previous school(s) according to the preceding scale. CONCURRENT CREDIT- 5.22 A ninth through twelfth grade student who successfully completes a college course(s) from an institution approved by the Arkansas Department of Education shall be given credit toward high school grades and graduation at the rate of one high school credit for each three (3) semester hours of college credit. Unless approved by the school’s principal, prior to enrolling for the course, the concurrent credit shall be applied toward the student’s graduation requirements as an elective. A student who takes a three-semester hour remedial/developmental education course, as permitted by the ADE Rules Governing Concurrent College and High School Credit, shall be the equivalent of one-half unit of credit for a high school career focus elective. The remedial/developmental education course cannot be used to meet the core subject area/unit requirements in English and mathematics. Participation in the concurrent high school and college credit program must be documented by a written agreement between: 30 • • • The District's student, and his or her parent(s) or guardian(s) if the public school student is under the age of eighteen (18); The District; and The publicly supported community college, technical college, four-year college or university, or private institution the student attends to take the concurrent credit course. Students are required to seek pre-approval for any credit recovery course. Failure to do so may result in credit not being granted. Students are responsible for having the transcript for the concurrent credit course(s) they’ve taken sent to their school in order to receive credit for the course(s). Credit for concurrent credit courses will not be given until a transcript is received. Transcripts for students who take concurrent credit courses as partial fulfillment of the required full day of class for students in grades 9-12 (see Policy 4.44) are to be received by the school within 10 school days of the end of the semester in which the course is taken. Students may not receive credit for the course(s) they took or the credit may be delayed if the transcripts are not received in time, or at all. This may jeopardize students’ eligibility for extracurricular activities or graduation. Students will retain credit earned through the concurrent credit program which was applied toward a course required for high school graduation from a previously attended, accredited, public school. Any and all costs of higher education courses taken for concurrent credit are the student’s responsibility. Eighth Grade Algebra I In accordance with the guidelines set forth by the Arkansas State Department of Education, Algebra I may be taken in the 8th grade. A student may receive credit for this course with a passing grade which will count both as a credit towards graduation requirements and in the student's cumulative grade point average (GPA). Students must make at least a C each semester. Students not meeting this requirement may be required to repeat Algebra I in the ninth grade. If a student repeats Algebra I, the grade from the 8th grade will remain on the transcript, but only the Algebra I grade earned their ninth grade year will calculate in the GPA. Honor Roll To be eligible for the Honor Roll, a student must have all A’s and B’s and have no unsatisfactory conduct grades (3’s). Honor Roll lists will be provided for newspapers for each nine weeks period and each semester. National Park Technology Center National Park Technology Center is a secondary area center and technical center that provides training to high school students. Eleventh and twelfth grade students are eligible to enroll in the following programs: • Advertising Design • Automotive Service Technology • Criminal Justice • Engineering • Machine Tool Technology • Medical Professions Education • Wood Technology The school counselor coordinates enrollment in technology programs. Summer School Credit/Repeating Courses All summer school work which is accepted for credit must be done with prior approval of the principal and counselor. This work must be completed in an accredited high school or college program. Correspondence and Transfer Credit The Jessieville School has the right to accept or deny credits as authorized by the Arkansas State Department of Education, from another school, or courses taken by correspondence. Any correspondence courses taken toward fulfillment of a high school diploma or for the use as make-up credit must have the prior approval of the principal and/or counselor. The cost of a course will be at the student’s own expense. As of August 1, 1996, a maximum of 2 credits may be taken by correspondence towards high school graduation. 31 Course Enrollment Out of District Enrollment and attendance in vocational-educational training courses, college courses, school work programs, and other department-sanctioned educational programs may be used to satisfy the student attendance requirement even if the programs are not located at the public schools. Attendance in such alternative programs must be pre-approved by the school’s administration. The district shall strive to assign students who have been dropped from a course of study or removed from a school work program job during the semester into another placement or course of study. In the instances where a subsequent placement is unable to be made, the district may grant a waiver for the student for the duration of the semester in which the placement is unable to be made. In rare instances, students may be granted waivers from the mandatory attendance requirement if they would experience proven financial hardships if required to attend a full day of school. For the purpose of this policy, proven financial hardships is defined as harm or suffering caused by a student's inability to obtain or provide basic life necessities of food, clothing, and shelter for the student or the student's family. The superintendent shall have the authority to grant such a waiver, on a case-by-case basis, only when convinced the student meets the definition of proven financial hardships. Dropping Courses th No student will be allowed to drop a course after the 5 school day of each semester. If a student wishes to drop a course at the beginning of a semester, the student must request a drop/change form from the counselor. The form will require the necessary teacher signatures as well as a parent/guardian signature, before a request will be granted. th Schedule change requests after the 5 day in the fall will be permitted only for the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. When a student completes a course during summer school. When a student fails a course prerequisite. When a change is required due to a clerical error. When a teacher recommends a change in the level of the course. A student that does not have at least a “C” average at the end of the first nine weeks will be removed from the AP class and placed in the regular comparable class. Exemption from Semester Exams Students who have an average of 85% or better during the spring semester and have not been absent more than three times in a semester in a given class may be exempt from that comprehensive semester test. Two unexcused tardies in an individual class count as one absence. Students who leave class due to school functions are not counted absent. Students who become exempt through the above criteria may choose to take their semester test to try to raise their letter grade. AP and college courses are excluded from this policy. Students who have been assigned ISS or OSS will not be exempt from that semester exams. Report Cards Report cards will be given to students at the end of each of the nine week periods except for the end of the second semester. The second semester report cards will be mailed to the parents. STUDENT ACCELERATION - 4.54 The Board believes that acceleration is an effective and research-based intervention for the academic growth of students who are ready for an advanced or faster-paced curriculum. It can allow a student to move through the traditional educational setting more rapidly, based on assessed readiness, capability and motivation. At the same time, the Board understands that acceleration is not a replacement for gifted education services or programs. Generally, acceleration can occur through one of two broad categories: content based and grade based. Grade based acceleration shortens the number of years a student would otherwise spend in K-12 education, while content based acceleration occurs within the normal K-12 time span. Either form of acceleration can be triggered by a parent/guardian, student, or community member's request or by the referral of school personnel. In either case, the process of determining the appropriateness of the request shall be under the direction of the district/school Gifted and Talented Program Coordinator who shall convene the individuals necessary to make an informed decision which shall include the student's parents or guardians. While the needs of the student should dictate when acceleration decisions are considered, the Board believes the optimal time for referrals is in the spring which gives adequate time for working through the determination process and for preparing those concerned for a smooth transition to the acceleration beginning in the following school-year. The District's Gifted and Talented Program Coordinator will create a written format to govern the referral and determination process which shall be made available to any parent or staff member upon request. 32 The parents/guardians of any student whose request for acceleration has been denied may appeal the decision, in writing to the District's GT Coordinator. The Districts GT Coordinator and the Acceleration Placement Committee will again thoroughly review the case study that was completed on the student. Upon completion of the review, the Committee will either request additional new testing be conducted to help the Committee make its determination or it will uphold the initial decision. The Committee's decision may not be further appealed. STUDENT PROMOTION AND RETENTION - 4.55 A disservice is done to students through social promotion and is prohibited by state law. The District shall, at a minimum, evaluate each student annually in an effort to help each student who is not performing at grade level. Parents or guardians shall be kept informed concerning the progress of their student(s). Notice of a student’s possible retention or required retaking of a course shall be included with the student’s grades sent home to each parent/guardian or the student if 18 or older. Parent-teacher conferences are encouraged and may be held as necessary in an effort to improve a student’s academic success. Promotion or retention of students, or their required retaking of a course shall be primarily based on the following criteria. If there is doubt concerning the promotion or retention of a student or his/her required retaking of a course, a conference between the building principal, the student’s teacher(s), counselor, a 504/special education representative (if applicable), and the student’s parents shall be held before a final decision is made. The conference shall be held at a time and place that best accommodates those participating in the conference. The school shall document participation or non-participation in required conferences. If the conference attendees fail to agree concerning the student’s placement or receipt of course credit, the final decision shall rest with the principal or the principal’s designee. Regardless of the student having earned passing grades, a student who falls under one of the following categories shall be considered for retention or shall not receive credit for the course associated with the assessment. The student: • • does not take the State mandated assessment for the student’s grade level or course within the time frame specified by the State; takes the State mandated assessment but does not put forth a good faith effort on the assessment as determined by the assessment administrator/proctor. The Superintendent or designee may wave this provision when the student’s failure was due to exceptional or extraordinary circumstances. Students who do not score proficient or above on their grade level Benchmark Exams shall be required to participate in an Academic Improvement Plan (AIP). Each AIP shall be developed by school personnel and the student’s parents and shall be designed to assist the student in attaining the expected achievement level. The AIP shall also state the parent’s role as well as the consequences for the student’s failure to participate in the plan, which shall include the student’s retention in their present grade. All students must successfully pass all end-of-course (EOC) assessments they are required to take unless exempted by the student’s individualized education program (IEP). To receive academic credit on his/her transcript in a course requiring a student to take a EOC assessment, the student must either receive a passing score on the initial assessment or successfully participate in the remediation program identified in his/her Individualized Academic Improvement Plan (IAIP) which shall focus on the areas in which the student failed to meet the necessary passing score. Additionally, the lack of credit could jeopardize the student's grade promotion or classification. To the extent required by the State Board of Education, students in grade eleven (11) and below who do not meet the required score on a college and career readiness measurement shall participate in the remediation activities prescribed in his/her IAIP which may include additional opportunities to retake the measurement. Such remediation shall not require the student to pass a subsequent college and career readiness measurement in order to graduate from high school. Promotion/retention or graduation of students with an IEP shall be based on their successful attainment of the goals set forth in their IEP. In addition to the possibility of retention or withholding of course credit, students who either refuse to sit for a State assessment or attempt to boycott a State assessment by failing to put forth a good faith effort on the assessment as determined by the assessment administrator/proctor, or whose parents do not send their student to school on the dates the assessments are originally administered or scheduled as make-up days shall not be permitted to participate in any non-curriculum related extracurricular activity, including school dances, prom, homecoming, senior events, and may be prevented from walking or participating in graduation exercises. The student shall remain ineligible to participate until the student takes the same or a following State mandated assessment, as applicable, or completes the required remediation for the assessment the student failed to put forth a good faith effort on. The Superintendent or designee may wave this paragraph's provisions when the student’s failure was due to exceptional or extraordinary circumstances. Students falling under the provisions of this paragraph shall be permitted to attend curriculum related field trips occurring during the school day. 33 Student Organizations and Equal Access - 4.12 Noncurriculum-related secondary school student organizations wishing to conduct meetings on school premises during noninstructional time shall not be denied equal access on the basis of the religious, political, philosophical, or other content of the speech at such meetings. Such meetings must meet the following criteria: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The meeting is to be voluntary and student initiated; There is no sponsorship of the meeting by the school, the government, or its agents or employees; The meeting must occur during noninstructional time; Employees or agents of the school are present at religious meetings only in a nonparticipatory capacity; The meeting does not materially and substantially interfere with the orderly conduct of educational activities within the school; and 6. Nonschool persons may not direct, conduct, control, or regularly attend activities of student groups. All meetings held on school premises must be scheduled and approved by the principal. The school, its agents, and employees retain the authority to maintain order and discipline, to protect the wellbeing of students and faculty, and to assure that attendance of students at meetings is voluntary. Fraternities, sororities, and secret societies are forbidden in the district’s schools. Membership to student organizations shall not be by a vote of the organization’s members, nor be restricted by the student’s race, religion, sex, national origin, or other arbitrary criteria. Hazing as defined by law is forbidden in connection with initiation into, or affiliation with, any student organization, extracurricular activity or sport program. Technology Internet Safety and Electronic Device Use Policy – 4.29 Definition For the purposes of this policy, "electronic device" means anything that can be used to transmit or capture images, sound, or data. The Jessieville School District makes electronic device(s) and/or electronic device Internet access available to students, to permit students to perform research and to allow students to learn how to use electronic device technology. Use of district electronic devices is for educational and/or instructional purposes only. Student use of electronic device(s) shall only be as directed or assigned by staff or teachers; students are advised that they enjoy no expectation of privacy in any aspect of their electronic device use, including email, and that monitoring of student electronic device use is continuous. No student will be granted Internet access until and unless an Internet and electronic device use agreement, signed by both the student and the parent or legal guardian (if the student is under the age of eighteen [18]) is on file. The current version of the Internet and electronic device use agreement is incorporated by reference into board policy and is considered part of the student handbook. Technology Protection Measures The District is dedicated to protecting students from materials on the Internet or world wide web that are inappropriate, obscene, or otherwise harmful to minors; therefore, it is the policy of the District to protect each electronic device with Internet filtering software that is designed to prevent students from accessing such materials. For purposes of this policy, “harmful to minors” means any picture, image, graphic image file, or other visual depiction that: (A) taken as a whole and with respect to minors, appeals to a prurient interest in nudity, sex, or excretion; (B) depicts, describes, or represents, in a patently offensive way with respect to what is suitable for minors, an actual or simulated sexual act or sexual contact, actual or simulated normal or perverted sexual acts, or a lewd exhibition of the genitals; and (C) taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value as to minors. Internet Use and Safety The District is dedicated to ensuring that students are capable of using the Internet in a safe and responsible manner. The District uses technology protection measures to aid in student safety and shall also educate students on appropriate 3 online behavior and Internet use including, but not limited to: • • • interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms; Cyberbullying awareness; and Cyberbullying response. 34 Misuse of Internet The opportunity to use the District’s technology to access the Internet is a privilege and not a right. Students who misuse electronic devices or Internet access in any way will face disciplinary action, as specified in the student handbook and/or Internet safety and electronic device use agreement. Misuse of the Internet includes: • The disabling or bypassing of security procedures, compromising, attempting to compromise, or defeating the district’s technology network security or Internet filtering software; • The altering of data without authorization; • Disclosing, using, or disseminating passwords, whether the passwords are the student’s own or those of another student/faculty/community member, to other students; • Divulging personally identifying information about himself/herself or anyone else either on the Internet or in an email unless it is a necessary and integral part of the student's academic endeavor. Personally identifying information includes full names, addresses, and phone numbers. • Using electronic devices for any illegal activity, including electronic device hacking and copyright or intellectual property law violations; • Using electronic devices to access or create sexually explicit or pornographic text or graphics; • Using electronic devices to violate any other policy or is contrary to the Internet safety and electronic device use agreement. JessieNet Appropriate Use Policy August 11, 2004 The Jessieville Computer Network, JessieNet, has been developed under the guidance of the Arkansas Public School Computer Network (APSCN). The primary purpose of JessieNet is to support and enhance learning and teaching by providing a means to share information and data across the school district, among other Arkansas schools, and with state agencies. Students and staff have access to vast amounts of information through email accounts and the Internet. Jessieville School District wishes to make these online services accessible to legitimate users while protecting the network and computer systems from unauthorized access and abuse. Users must be informed of their responsibilities for proper conduct and the possible consequences for misuse. In accordance with the Arkansas State Board of Education, the following policy sets forth the appropriate use of the Jessieville School Computer Network, JessieNet. Violations of these guidelines will result in disciplinary action that may include, but not be limited to, temporary or permanent suspension of network use privileges. This policy will be reviewed in a timely manner by the Jessieville School District. The Jessieville School Board hereby makes it known that it will use its authority to assist state and federal authorities in enforcing copyright, intellectual property rights, and network abuse laws. 1.1 • • Students will be supervised during online activities. The Jessieville School District recognizes that students and staff will have access to computers and people all over the world. The district supports resources that will enhance the learning environment with directed guidance from the faculty and staff. However, it is impossible to control all materials on a global network, and an industrious user may discover inappropriate information. To minimize the possibilities for accessing this kind of information, the following actions will be taken: 1. Student access to and use of the Internet will be under direct teacher/staff supervision and will be monitored as any other classroom activity. 2. Students will be instructed in the proper use of the Internet and will be guided to appropriate research locations. 3. Students will be made aware of the disciplinary consequences of willful and purposeful seeking out of inappropriate material. 4. Internet filtering software is in place at the DIS (State) level of access. 1.2 Users are responsible for following local, state, federal, and international laws. The Jessieville School District declares unethical and unacceptable behavior just cause for taking disciplinary action, revoking networking privileges, and/or initiating legal action for any activity through which an individual does any of the following: • Uses JessieNet for illegal, inappropriate, or obscene purposes or support of such activities. Illegal activities are defined as a violation of the intended use and purpose of the school network. Obscene activities are defined as a violation of generally accepted social standards for use of a publicly owned and operated communication tool, which can be accessed by children. 35 • Uses JessieNet for any illegal activity including plagiarism and violation of copyright. Copyright-illegally copying software, which is licensed. Plagiarism-copying another person’s assignment. 1.3 Users are responsible for their own network accounts and are solely responsible for actions taken while in use. • All faculty, students, staff, and associates are responsible for use of district computing resources in an effective, efficient, ethical and lawful manner even in the absence of reminders or enforcement. Users are expected to follow normal standards of polite conduct in their use of the computing resources. Responsible behavior includes consideration for other users, as well as efficient use of the allotted computing time and materials. The district cannot be held liable for any losses including lost revenues or for any claims or demands against the user by any other third party. The district cannot be held responsible for any damages arising from the misuse of the district’s computer facilities. • Faculty cannot be held liable for a student’s misuse of the network. The Faculty is responsible to instruct the student on acceptable use of the network and proper network etiquette and for directly supervising students in the educational use of network resources. 1.4 Users are responsible for working in a moral and ethical fashion that supports educational goals. Users will abide by the following regulations: 1. A computer or JessieNet will not be used to harm other people. 2. Downloading from the Internet or playing Internet games, accessing streaming audio or video, visiting chat rooms, webcams, weblogs, or music/video downloading sites is not allowed. 3. A user will not interfere with other people’s computer work or snoop in their files. 4. Computer resources will not be used to steal either other people’s written work or software. 5. Computer resources will be used in ways that show consideration and respect. 1.5 Users are responsible for respecting the policies of other networks, which they access and to adhere to them. As a user of JessieNet, you may be allowed to access other networks (and the computer systems attached to those networks). Each network or system has its own set of policies and procedures. Actions, which are routinely allowed on one network may be controlled, or even forbidden, on other networks. It is the user’s responsibility to abide by the policies and procedures of these other networks. Just because users can perform a particular action does not mean that they should take that action. 1.6 Users may not take any deliberate action, which damages or disrupts a network or computer system, changes its performance, or makes it malfunction. Vandalism will result in cancellation of network privileges. Vandalism is defined as any malicious attempt to harm or destroy data of another user, JessieNet, or the APSCN Internet backbone. This includes, but is not limited to, the uploading or creation of computer viruses. Users must scan disks or other storage media, which are used off-campus for viruses before using them on a JessieNet computer. 1.7 No network or computer system will be used to intimidate or harass. Jessieville School District has a behavior code for all students explained in the student handbook that details appropriate school behavior, outlines rights, and sets expectations for students. JessieNet functions as a part of the instructional environment of Jessieville School District; therefore, the network use policy is an extension of the school’s behavior code. These rules apply to vandalism of computer equipment, unauthorized access to information, computer piracy, hacking, and tampering with hardware and software. You may not use the network to annoy, harass, or offend other people. 1.8 Use of the network or computer system is a privilege, not a right. 1.9 Network/Internet use may be revoked for abusive conduct. The use of JessieNet is a privilege, not a right, which may be temporarily or permanently revoked at any time for abusive conduct. Such conduct could include, but not be limited to the following: 1. Placing unlawful information on a system. 36 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Using abusive or otherwise objectionable language in either public or private messages. Sending messages that are likely to result in the loss of recipient’s work or systems Sending “chain letters” or “broadcast” messages to lists or individuals Intentionally seeking out inappropriate material from Internet sites Using District computing resources to intimidate or create an atmosphere of harassment based upon gender, race, religion, ethnic origin, creed, or sexual orientation. 2.0 Specific actions, which will result in disciplinary action and could result in loss of Internet privileges: Students and/or staff MUST: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 3.0 have your teacher’s permission before using the Internet or e-mail. not use a password that is so like your personality that others could easily guess it. not tell anyone your password or let someone see your type it into the computer. follow the rules of Netiquette when using e-mail. not forward mail to more than one person at a time. not search any inappropriate sites on the Internet. If you accidentally happen upon such a site, quickly click “Home” to leave it or click on the BACK button to take you out of it. Also, report such a site to your teacher. If you receive an inappropriate email, report it immediately so that action can be taken to deal with the situation. not download anything from the Internet or install any software on a computer without the supervision of the technology staff. not enter any chat rooms, play games on the Internet, shop online, or go to joke sites. never give out any personal information that could be traced to find your physical location other than your school. not use any photographs you find on the Internet to change your wallpaper or screen saver. Do not install any screen savers, themes, or policies that may affect the appearance of the desktop or change the Internet browser homepage. (All computers must be set to as the homepage.) not e-mail your teachers without permission. log out of your user name when you leave your computer unattended. remember, your password is only for you to use the Internet and e-mail. Do not access either of these for another student. not use the Internet or e-mail for any illegal activity including plagiarism and violation of copyright or inappropriate, or obscene purposes or support of such activities. not access streaming audio, video, or other real-time applications such as webcams, weblogs, etc. not change the body of any email message that someone sends you and pass it off as the sender’s original message. not use the JessieNet system to harm other people. not perform any deliberate actions which may damage or disrupt a network or computer system, change its performance, or make it malfunction. not use the JessieNet system to intimidate, harass, annoy, or offend other people. not send “chain letters” or broadcast messages to one or a list of individuals. Rights of Jessieville School District and the network supervisor: 1.1 Access to users’ accounts: 1. The network supervisor may periodically check users’ email accounts and/or home directories for appropriate use violations. 2. The checking of accounts will only occur at the direction of an administrator and with just cause to suspect inappropriate behavior. 1.2 Monitoring lab and classroom computers: The administration reserves the right to periodically check content saved to local hard drives, including Internet history files. Cell Phones and Other Devices – 4.47 Students are responsible for conducting themselves in a manner that respects the rights of others. Possession and use of any electronic device, whether district or student owned, that interferes with a positive, orderly classroom environment does not respect the rights of others and is expressly forbidden. 37 To protect the security of state originated tests that are administered as part of the Arkansas Comprehensive, Testing, Assessment and Accountability Program (ACTAAP), no electronic, device as defined in this policy shall be accessible by a student at any time during test administration unless specifically permitted by a student's IEP or individual health plan,. This means that when a student is taking an ACTAAP assessment, the student shall not have his/her electronic device in his/her possession. Any student violating this provision shall be subject to this policy's disciplinary provisions. As used in this policy, “electronic devices” means anything that can be used to transmit or capture images, sound, or data. Misuse of electronic devices includes, but is not limited to: 1. Using electronic devices during class time in any manner other than specifically permitted by the classroom instructor; 2. Permitting any audible sound to come from the device when not being used for reason #1 above; 3. Engaging in academic dishonesty, including cheating, intentionally plagiarizing, wrongfully giving or receiving help during an academic examination, or wrongfully obtaining test copies or scores; 4. Using the device to take photographs in locker rooms or bathrooms; 5. Creating, sending, sharing, viewing, receiving, or possessing an indecent visual depiction of oneself or another person. Use of an electronic device is permitted to the extent it is approved in a student’s individualized education program (IEP) or it is needed in an emergency that threatens the safety of students, staff, or other individuals. Before and after normal school hours, possession of electronic devices is permitted on the school campus. The use of such devices at school sponsored functions outside the regular school day is permitted to the extent and within the limitations allowed by the event or activity the student is attending. The student and/or the student’s parents or guardians expressly assume any risk associated with students owning or possessing electronic devices. Students misusing electronic devices shall have them confiscated. Confiscated devices may be picked up at the school’s administration office by the student’s parents or guardians. Students have no right of privacy as to the content contained on any electronic devices that have been confiscated. Students who use a school issued cell phones and/or computers for non-school purposes, except as permitted by the district’s Internet/computer use policy, shall be subject to discipline, up to and including suspension or expulsion. Students are forbidden from using school issued cell phones while driving any vehicle at any time. Violation may result in disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. Jessieville High School Electronic Device Addendum In addition to the aforementioned state policy, high school students will be required to place cell phones in a basket, phone holder, or other container as it is available, when entering the classroom. The phone holder will be mounted on or near a teacher’s desk for security. Students will be allowed classroom access to their personal devices as the classroom teacher deems necessary during class time. All teachers and students will be expected to abide by these guidelines. 38 Section VII. DISCIPLINE Student Discipline – 4.17 The Jessieville Board of Education has a responsibility to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the District’s students and employees. To help maintain a safe environment conducive to high student achievement, the Board establishes policies necessary to regulate student behavior to promote an orderly school environment that is respectful of the rights of others and ensures the uniform enforcement of student discipline. Students are responsible for their conduct that occurs: at any time on the school grounds; off school grounds at a school sponsored function, activity, or event; going to and from school or a school activity. The District’s administrators may also take disciplinary action against a student for off-campus conduct occurring at any time that would have a detrimental impact on school discipline, the educational environment, or the welfare of the students and/or staff. A student who has committed a criminal act while off campus and whose presence on campus could cause a substantial disruption to school or endanger the welfare of other students or staff is subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. Such acts could include, but are not limited to a felony or an act that would be considered a felony if committed by an adult, an assault or battery, drug law violations, or sexual misconduct of a serious nature. Any disciplinary action pursued by the District shall be in accordance with the student’s appropriate due process rights. The District’s licensed personnel policy committee shall review the student discipline policies annually and may recommend changes in the policies to the Jessieville School Board. The Board has the responsibility of determining whether to approve any recommended changes to student discipline policies. The District’s student discipline policies shall be distributed to each student during the first week of school each year and to new students upon their enrollment. Each student’s parent or legal guardian shall sign and return to the school an acknowledgement form documenting that they have received the policies. It is required by law that the principal or the person in charge report to the police any incidents the person has personal knowledge of or has received information leading to a reasonable belief that a person has committed or threatened to commit an act of violence or any crime involving a deadly weapon on school property or while under school supervision. If the person making the report is not the Superintendent, that person shall also inform the Superintendent of the incident. Additionally, the principal shall inform any school employee or other person who initially reported the incident that a report has been made to the appropriate law enforcement agency. The Superintendent or designee shall inform the Board of Directors of any such report made to law enforcement. Discipline for Disabled Students Disabled students who engage in misbehavior are usually subject to normal school disciplinary rules and procedures so long as the treatment does not abridge the right to free appropriate public education. The individualized education plan (IEP) team for a disabled student should consider whether particular discipline procedures should be adopted for that student and included in the IEP. Prohibited Conduct – 4.18 Students and staff require a safe and orderly learning environment that is conducive to high student achievement. Certain student behaviors are unacceptable in such an environment and are hereby prohibited by the Board. Prohibited behaviors include, but shall not be limited to the following. 1. Disrespect for school employees and failing to comply with their reasonable directions or otherwise demonstrating insubordination; 2. Disruptive behavior that interferes with orderly school operations; 3. Willfully and intentionally assaulting or threatening to assault or physically abusing any student or school employee; 4. Possession of any weapon that can reasonably be considered capable of causing bodily harm to another individual; 5. Possession or use of tobacco in any form on any property owned or leased by any public school; 6. Willfully or intentionally damaging, destroying, or stealing school property; 39 7. Possession of any paging device, beeper, or similar electronic communication devices, on the school campus during normal school hours unless specifically exempted by the administration for health or other compelling reasons; 8. Possession, selling, distributing, or being under the influence of an alcoholic beverage, any illegal drug, unauthorized inhalants, or the inappropriate use or sharing of prescription or over the counter drugs, or other intoxicants, or anything represented to be a drug; 9. Sharing, diverting, transferring, applying to others (such as needles or lancets), or in any way misusing medication or any medical supplies in their possession; 10. Inappropriate public displays of affection; 11. Cheating, copying, or claiming another person's work to be his/her own; 12. Gambling; 13. Inappropriate student dress; 14. Use of vulgar, profane, or obscene language or gestures; 15. Truancy; 16. Excessive tardiness; 17. Engaging in behavior designed to taunt, degrade, or ridicule another person on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, or disability; 18. Possess, view, distribute or electronically transmit sexually explicit or vulgar images or representations, whether electronically, on a data storage device, or in hard copy form; 19. Hazing, or aiding in the hazing of another student; 20. Gangs or gang-related activities, including belonging to secret societies of any kind, are forbidden on school property. Gang insignias, clothing, “throwing signs” or other gestures associated with gangs are prohibited; 21. Sexual harassment; and 22. Bullying. The Board directs each school in the District to develop implementation regulations for prohibited student conduct consistent with applicable Board policy, State and Federal laws, and judicial decisions. Consequences for violation of this policy are found under Jessieville High School 10-Step Plan found at the end of this section. Bullying- 4.43 Respect for the dignity of others is a cornerstone of civil society. Bullying creates an atmosphere of fear and intimidation, robs a person of his/her dignity, detracts from the safe environment necessary to promote student learning, and will not be tolerated by the Board of Directors. Students who bully another person shall be held accountable for their actions whether they occur on school equipment or property; off school property at a school sponsored or approved function, activity, or event; going to or from school or a school activity in a school vehicle or school bus; or at designated school bus stops. A school principal or his/her designee who receives a credible report or complaint of bullying shall promptly investigate the complaint or report and make a record of the investigation and any action taken as a result of the investigation. 40 Definitions: Attribute means an actual or perceived personal characteristic including without limitation race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, socioeconomic status, academic status, disability, gender, gender identity, physical appearance, health condition, or sexual orientation. Bullying means the intentional harassment, intimidation, humiliation, ridicule, defamation, or threat or incitement of violence by a student against another student or public school employee by a written, verbal, electronic, or physical act that may address an attribute of the other student, public school employee, or person with whom the other student or public school employee is associated and that causes or creates actual or reasonably forseeable: • Physical harm to a public school employee or student or damage to the public school employee’s or student’s property; • Substantial interference with a student’s education or with a public school employee’s role in education; • A hostile educational environment for one (1) or more students or public school employees due to the severity, persistence, or pervasiveness of the act; or • Substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the school or educational environment; Electronic act means without limitation a communication or image transmitted by means of an electronic device, including without limitation a telephone, wireless phone or other wireless communications device, computer, or pager that results in the substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the school or educational environment. Electronic acts of bullying are prohibited whether or not the electronic act originated on school property or with school equipment, if the electronic act is directed specifically at students or school personnel and maliciously intended for the purpose of disrupting school, and has a high likelihood of succeeding in that purpose; Harassment means a pattern of unwelcome verbal or physical conduct relating to another person’s constitutionally or statutorily protected status that causes, or reasonably should be expected to cause, substantial interference with the other’s performance in the school environment; and Substantial disruption means without limitation that any one or more of the following occur as a result of the bullying: Cyberbullying of School Employees is expressly prohibited and includes, but is not limited to: a. Building a fake profile or website of the employee; b. Posting or encouraging others to post on the Internet private, personal, or sexual information pertaining to a school employee; c. Posting an original or edited image of the school employee on the Internet; d. Accessing, altering, or erasing any computer network, computer data program, or computer software, including breaking into a password-protected account or stealing or otherwise accessing passwords of a school employee; making repeated, continuing, or sustained electronic communications, including electronic mail or transmission, to a school employee; e. Making, or causing to be made, and disseminating an unauthorized copy of data pertaining to a school employee in any form, including without limitation the printed or electronic form of computer data, computer programs, or computer software residing in, communicated by, or produced by a computer or computer network; f. Signing up a school employee for a pornographic Internet site; or g. Without authorization of the school employee, signing up a school employee for electronic mailing lists or to receive junk electronic messages and instant messages. Examples of "Bullying" may also include but are not limited to a pattern of behavior involving one or more of the following: • • • Necessary cessation of instruction or educational activities; Inability of students or educational staff to focus on learning or function as an educational unit because of a hostile environment; Severe or repetitive disciplinary measures are needed in the classroom or during educational activities; or 41 • Exhibition of other behaviors by students or educational staff that substantially interfere with the learning environment. Examples of “Bullying” may include but are not limited to a pattern of behavior involving one or more of the following: 1. Sarcastic comments “compliments” about another student’s personal appearance or actual or perceived attributes, 2. Pointed questions intended to embarrass or humiliate, 3. Mocking, taunting, or belittling, 4. Non-verbal threats and/or intimidation such as “fronting” or “chesting” a person, 5. Demeaning humor relating to a student’s race, gender, ethnicity or actual or perceived attributes, 6. Blackmail, extortion, demands for protection money or other involuntary donations or loans, 7. Blocking access to school property or facilities, 8. Deliberate physical contact or injury to person or property, 9. Stealing or hiding books or belongings, and/or 10. Threats of harm to student(s), possessions, or others, 11. Sexual harassment, as governed by policy 4.27, is also a form of bullying, 12. Teasing or name-calling based on the belief or perception that an individual is not conforming to expected to gender roles (Example: “Slut”) or conduct or is homosexual, regardless of whether the student self-identifies as homosexual (Examples: “You are gay.” “Fag”, “Queer”). Students are encouraged to report behavior they consider to be bullying; including a single action which if allowed to continue would constitute bullying, to their teacher or the building principal. The report may be made anonymously. Teachers and other school employees who have witnessed, or are reliably informed that, a student has been a victim of behavior they consider to be bullying, including a single action which if allowed to continue would constitute bullying, shall report the incident(s) to the principal. Parents or legal guardians may submit written reports of incidents they feel constitute bullying, or if allowed to continue would constitute bullying, to the principal. The principal shall be responsible for investigating the incident(s) to determine if disciplinary action is warranted. The person or persons reporting behavior they consider to be bullying shall not be subject to retaliation or reprisal in any form. Students found to be in violation of this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. In determining the appropriate disciplinary action, consideration may be given to other violations of the student handbook which may have simultaneously occurred. Copies of this policy shall be available upon request. Detention Hall Students may be assigned to campus before normal school hours, during lunch, or after school hours as a corrective device for certain unacceptable behavior. Students assigned Detention Hall must report to the detention area promptly at the designated time. Students will be confined to Detention Hall by the principal only except that the principal may grant an individual teacher the right to confine students to detention in very unusual or specific cases. Students confined to Detention Hall are responsible for their own transportation to school and from school on days they are scheduled in the Detention Hall. After school detention is set on select days from 3:20 – 5:20pm. Lunch detention will be during normal lunch time. Student(s) will still eat lunch at the regular time, but will be seated away from the rest of the student population. Detention Rules: 1. 2. 3. Be on time, be seated, and have materials ready to work. No talking or bothering other students. Perform educational tasks at all times. In-School Suspension In-school suspension will be assigned to students usually after other disciplinary methods have been applied or when the need for more serious punishment arises. Students will be required to bring all books and supplies to ISS. Students will be allowed to do all work for full credit while in ISS. 42 Out-of-School Suspension – 4.30 Students not present at school cannot benefit from the educational opportunities the school environment affords. Administrators, therefore, shall strive to find ways to keep students in school as participants in the educational process. There are instances, however, when the needs of the other students or the interests of the orderly learning environment require the removal of a student from school. The Board authorizes school principals or their designees to suspend students for disciplinary reasons for a period of time not to exceed ten (10) school days, including the day upon which the suspension is imposed. The suspension may be in school or out of school. Students are responsible for their conduct that occurs: at any time on the school grounds; off school grounds at a school-sponsored function, activity, or event; going to and from school or a school activity. A student may be suspended for behavior including, but not limited to that which: 1. Is in violation of school policies, rules, or regulations; 2. Substantially interferes with the safe and orderly educational environment; 3. School administrators believe will result in the substantial interference with the safe and orderly educational environment; and/or 4. Is insubordinate, incorrigible, violent, or involves moral turpitude. The school principal or designee shall proceed as follows in deciding whether or not to suspend a student. 1. the student shall be given written notice or advised orally of the charges against him/her; 2. if the student denies the charges, he/she shall be given an explanation of the evidence against him/her and be allowed to present his/her version of the facts; 3. if the principal finds the student guilty of the misconduct, he/she may be suspended. When possible, notice of the suspension, its duration, and any stipulations for the student’s readmittance to class will be given to the parent(s), legal guardian(s), or to the student if age 18 or older prior to the suspension. Such notice shall be handed to the parent(s), legal guardian(s), or to the student if age 18 or older or mailed to the last address reflected in the records of the school district. Generally, notice and hearing should precede the student's removal from school, but if prior notice and hearing are not feasible, as where the student's presence endangers persons or property or threatens disruption of the academic process, thus justifying immediate removal from school, the necessary notice and hearing should follow as soon as practicable. It is the parents’ or legal guardians’ responsibility to provide current contact information to the district which the school shall use to immediately notify the parent or legal guardian upon the suspension of a student. The notification shall be by one of the following means, listed in order of priority: • • • A primary call number o The contact may be by voice, voice mail, or text message An email address A regular first class letter to the last known mailing address The district shall keep a log of contacts attempted and made to the parent or legal guardian. During the period of their suspension, students serving out-of-school suspensions shall not be permitted on campus except to attend a student/parent/administrator conference. During the period of their suspension, students serving in-school suspension shall not attend any schoolsponsored activities during the imposed suspension nor shall the student participate in any school-sponsored activities. Suspensions initiated by the principal or his/her designee may be appealed to the Superintendent, but not to the Board. Suspensions initiated by the Superintendent may be appealed to the Board. Expulsion - 4.31 The Board of Education may expel a student for a period longer than ten (10) school days for violation of the district’s written discipline policies. The Superintendent may make a recommendation of expulsion to the Board of Education for student conduct deemed to be of such gravity that suspension would be inappropriate, or where the student’s continued attendance at school would disrupt the orderly learning environment or would pose an unreasonable danger to the welfare of other students or staff. The Superintendent or his/her designee shall give written notice to the parents or legal guardians (mailed to the address reflected on the district’s records) that he/she will recommend to the Board of Education that the student be 43 expelled for the specified length of time and state the reasons for the recommendation to expel. The notice shall give the date, hour, and place where the Board of Education will consider and dispose of the recommendation. The hearing shall be conducted not later than ten (10) school days following the date of the notice, except that representatives of the Board and student may agree in writing to a date not conforming to this limitation. The President of the Board, Hearing Officer, or other designated Board member shall preside at the hearing. The student may choose to be represented by legal counsel. The hearing shall be conducted in open session of the Board unless the parent, or student if age 18 or older, requests that the hearing be conducted in executive session. Any action taken by the Board shall be in open session. During the hearing, the Superintendent will present evidence, including the calling of witnesses that gave rise to the recommendation of expulsion. The student, or his/her representative, may then present evidence including statements from persons with personal knowledge of the events or circumstances relevant to the charges against the student. Formal cross-examination will not be permitted. However, any member of the Board, the Superintendent, or designee, the student, or his/her representative may question anyone making a statement and/or the student. The presiding officer shall decide questions concerning the appropriateness or relevance of any questions asked during the hearing. The Superintendent shall recommend the expulsion of any student for a period of not less than one (1) year for possession of any firearm or other weapon prohibited on school campus by law. The Superintendent shall, however, have the discretion to modify the expulsion recommendation for a student on a case-by-case basis. Parents or legal guardians of a student enrolling from another school after the expiration of an expulsion period for a weapons policy violation shall be given a copy of the current laws regarding the possibility of parental responsibility for allowing a child to possess a weapon on school property. The parents or legal guardians shall sign a statement acknowledging that they have read and understand said laws prior to the student being enrolled in school. The Superintendent and the Board of Education shall complete the expulsion process of any student that was initiated because the student possessed a firearm or other prohibited weapon on school property regardless of the enrollment status of the student. Mandatory Expulsion Act 567 or1995 (State Law) requires expulsion for a period of not less than one (1) year for possession of any firearm or other weapon prohibited upon the school campus by law, however the superintendent shall have discretion to modify such expulsion requirement for a student on a case-by-case basis.. Conduct to and from School and Transportation Eligibility - 4.19 Students are subject to the same rules of conduct while traveling to and from school as they are while on school grounds. Appropriate disciplinary actions may be taken against commuting students who violate student code of conduct rules. The preceding paragraph also applies to student conduct while on school buses. Students shall be instructed in safe riding practices. The driver of a school bus shall not operate the school bus until every passenger is seated. Disciplinary measures for problems related to bus behavior shall include suspension or expulsion from school, or suspending or terminating the student’s bus transportation privileges. Transporting students to and from school who have lost their bus transportation privileges shall become the responsibility of the student’s parent or legal guardian. Disruption of School - 4.20 No student shall by the use of violence, force, noise, coercion, threat, intimidation, fear, passive resistance, or any other conduct, intentionally cause the disruption of any lawful mission, process, or function of the school, or engage in any such conduct for the purpose of causing disruption or obstruction of any lawful mission, process, or function. Nor shall any student encourage any other student to engage in such activities. Disorderly activities by any student or group of students that adversely affect the school’s orderly educational environment shall not be tolerated at any time on school grounds. Teachers may remove from class and send to the principal or principal’s designee office a student whose behavior is so unruly, disruptive, or abusive that it seriously interferes with the teacher’s ability to teach the students, the class, or with the ability of the student’s classmates to learn. Students who refuse to leave the classroom voluntarily will be escorted from the classroom by the school administration. Assault and Battery on a Student - 4.21 A student shall not threaten, physically abuse, or attempt to physically abuse, or behave in such a way as to be perceived to threaten bodily harm to any other person (student, school employee, or school visitor). Any gestures, vulgar, abusive or insulting language, taunting, threatening, harassing, or intimidating remarks by a student toward another person that threatens their well-being is strictly forbidden. This includes, but is not limited to, fighting, racial, ethnic, religious, or sexual slurs. 44 Furthermore, it is unlawful, during regular school hours, and in a place where a public school employee is required to be in the course of his or her duties, for any person to address a public school employee using language which, in its common understanding, is calculated to: a) cause a breach of the peace; b) materially and substantially interfere with the operation of the school; c) arouse the person to whom it is addressed to anger, to the extent likely to cause imminent retaliation. Students guilty of such an offense may be subject to legal proceedings in addition to student disciplinary measures. Weapons and Dangerous Instruments - 4.22 No student shall possess a weapon, display what appears to be a weapon, or threaten to use a weapon while in school, on or about school property, before or after school, in attendance at school or any school sponsored activity, in route to or from school or any school sponsored activity, off the school grounds at any school bus stop, or at any school sponsored activity or event. A weapon is defined as any firearm, knife, razor, ice pick, dirk, box cutter, numchucks, pepper spray or other noxious spray, explosive, or any other instrument or substance capable of causing bodily harm. For the purposes of this policy, "firearm" means any device designed, made, or adapted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive or any device readily convertible to that use. Possession means having a weapon, as defined in this policy, on the student’s body or in an area under his/her control. If, prior to any questioning or search by any school personnel, a student discovers that he/she has accidentally brought a weapon, other than a firearm, to school including a weapon, other than a firearm, that is in a vehicle on school grounds, and the student informs the principal or a staff person immediately, the student will not be considered to be in possession of a weapon unless it is a firearm. The weapon shall be confiscated and held in the office until such time as the student’s parent/legal guardian shall pick up the weapon from the school’s office. Repeated offenses are unacceptable and shall be grounds for disciplinary action against the student as otherwise provided for in this policy. Except as permitted in this policy, students found to be in possession on the school campus of a firearm shall be recommended for expulsion for a period of not less than one year. The superintendent shall have the discretion to modify such expulsion recommendation for a student on a case-by-case basis. Parents or legal guardians of students expelled under this policy shall be given a copy of the current laws regarding the possibility of parental responsibility for allowing a child to possess a firearm on school property. Parents or legal guardians shall sign a statement acknowledging that they have read and understand said laws prior to readmitting the student. Parents or legal guardians of a student enrolling from another school after the expiration of an expulsion period for a firearm policy violation shall also be given a copy of the current laws regarding the possibility of parental responsibility for allowing a child to possess a firearm on school property. The parents or legal guardians shall sign a statement acknowledging that they have read and understand said laws prior to the student being enrolled in school. The mandatory expulsion requirement for possession of a firearm does not apply to a firearm brought to school for the purpose of participating in activities approved and authorized by the district that include the use of firearms. Such activities may include ROTC programs, hunting safety or military education, or before or after-school hunting or rifle clubs. Firearms brought to school for such purposes shall be brought to the school employee designated to receive such firearms. The designated employee shall store the firearms in a secure location until they are removed for use in the approved activity. Gangs and Gang Activity - 4.26 The Board is committed to ensuring a safe school environment conducive to promoting a learning environment where students and staff can excel. An orderly environment cannot exist where unlawful acts occur causing fear, intimidation, or physical harm to students or school staff. Gangs and their activities create such an atmosphere and shall not be allowed on school grounds or at school functions. The following actions are prohibited by students on school property or at school functions: 1. Wearing or possessing any clothing, bandanas, jewelry, symbol, or other sign associated with membership in , or representative of , any gang; 2. Engaging in any verbal or nonverbal act such as throwing signs, gestures, or handshakes representative of membership in any gang; 3. Recruiting, soliciting, or encouraging any person through duress or intimidation to become or remain a member of any gang; and or 4. Extorting payment from any individual in return for protection from harm from any gang. Students found to be in violation of this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. 45 Tobacco and Tobacco Products - 4.23 TOBACCO POLICY Tobacco is the number one killer and the leading cause of preventable death in Arkansas. Act 854 of 1987 prohibits the use of tobacco or possession by students in public schools. To support and model a healthy lifestyle, to be consistent with state and federal laws, and to protect the health and safety of all students, employees, and the public, the Jessieville School District establishes the following tobacco-free policy: The Jessieville School District and all of its school properties shall be tobacco-free 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. This includes all days when school is not in session and all functions taking place on school grounds, such as athletic events and other activities not associated with or sponsored by the school. Smoking or use of tobacco or products containing tobacco in any form (including, but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, and snuff) in or on any real property owned or leased by a District school, including school buses owned or leased by the District, is prohibited. Students who violate this policy may be subject to legal proceedings in addition to student disciplinary measures. With the exception of recognized tobacco cessation products, this policy’s prohibition includes any tobacco or nicotine delivery system or product. Specifically, the prohibition includes any product that is manufactured, distributed, marketed, or sold as e-cigarettes, e-cigars, e-pips, or under any other name or descriptor. DEFINITIONS For purpose of this policy, “tobacco” is defined to include any lit or unlit cigarette of any type, cigar, pipe, and any other smoking products and smokeless tobacco (such as dip, chew, and snuff) in any form. With the exception of recognized tobacco cessation products, this policy’s prohibition includes any tobacco or nicotine delivery system or product. For purpose of this policy, “tobacco use’ includes smoking, which means carrying or having in one’s possession a lighted cigarette, cigar, pipe or other object giving off or containing any substance giving of smoke, and chewing spit tobacco (also known as smokeless tobacco, dip, chew, and snuff) in any form. The term “use” means the chewing, lighting and smoking of any tobacco product. Faculty/Staff Faculty and Staff (any person employed or volunteering to provide services for the operation of the school) may not use tobacco products on school property at any time. Violation of this policy by faculty or staff may result in written warning by appropriate administrator and/or referral to cessation program. Repeated violation of this policy may result in a formal reprimand and letter to be placed in personnel file or a meeting with school board and possible leave without pay or dismissal. Visitors Visitors to the district facilities must comply with the regulations. Smoking or use of tobacco products by visitors is prohibited. This includes non-school hours and all functions of the school, athletic or otherwise. Anyone found smoking or using tobacco products will be asked by the appropriate school official to refrain from smoking or using tobacco while on school property. They will be informed of the school’s tobacco-free policy. If the visitor does not comply, he/she will be asked to leave. If he/she refuses to leave, district security personnel and/or local law enforcement will be notified. Advertising Advertising of tobacco products is prohibited in school buildings, on school property, at school functions, and in all school publications. This includes clothing that advertises tobacco products. Prevention Education Tobacco prevention education will be incorporated into the Jessieville School District’s K-12 comprehensive health curriculum so that students will be aware of the health and social consequences of use/no-use of tobacco products. Teachers whose instructional assignments include tobacco use prevention education will be trained in order that students will be afforded the most effective delivery of the district’s classroom-based tobacco prevention education. Communication of Tobacco Policy This policy will be printed in both employee and student handbooks and posted in highly visible places both inside and outside the schools of the district. Signs will be posted at entrances of school buildings, school playgrounds, and 46 athletic facilities. Parents and guardians shall be sent notification in writing, and the local media will be asked to communicate this tobacco-free policy community-wide. Enforcement of Tobacco Policy - High School/Middle School Students Act 854 of 1987 prohibits the use of tobacco by students in public school. Jessieville students will not be allowed to possess, smoke, chew, or dip while at school, while riding a school bus, or during any school-sponsored function. Any student possessing or using tobacco at school, on a bus during normal school hours, or during any school sponsored function may be placed on at least Step 5 of the Jessieville Discipline Plan, serve a minimum 5 days of ISS, be subject to extracurricular activity suspension, or other punishment as set forth by the Discipline Plan at the discretion of the principal. Violation of this policy may also result in any or all of the following: confiscate tobacco products, notify parents, notify police, meeting and assessment with substance abuse educator or designated staff, participation in tobacco education program and/or detention. Student will be informed of resources for available cessation programs. Repeated violation of this policy will result in any or all of the above. In addition, a student may be assigned to school service and/or a mandatory education program and a conference may be held with parents or guardians. Drugs and Alcohol – 4.24 An orderly and safe school environment that is conducive to promoting student achievement requires a student population free from the deleterious effects of alcohol and drugs. Their use is illegal, disruptive to the educational environment, and diminishes the capacity of students to learn and function properly in our schools. Therefore, no student in the Jessieville School District shall possess, attempt to possess, consume, use, distribute, sell, buy, attempt to sell, attempt to buy, give to any person, or be under the influence of any substance as defined in this policy, or what the student represents or believes to be any substance as defined in this policy. This policy applies to any student who; is on or about school property; is in attendance at school or any school sponsored activity; has left the school campus for any reason and returns to the campus; is en route to or from school or any school sponsored activity. Prohibited substances shall include, but are not limited to, alcohol, or any alcoholic beverage, inhalants or any ingestible matter that alters a student’s ability to act, think, or respond, LSD, or any other hallucinogen, marijuana, cocaine, heroin, or any other narcotic drug, PCP, amphetamines, steroids, “designer drugs,” look-alike drugs, or any controlled substance. Selling, distributing, or attempting to sell or distribute, or using over-the-counter or prescription drugs not in accordance with the recommended dosage is prohibited. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES Any student who has been drinking alcoholic beverages and attends school or school functions will be suspended for ten (10) days and will be recommended to seek counseling or attend a Drug/Alcohol Education Program. Knowingly possessing such beverages will also result in ten (10) day suspension and recommendation for counseling. Any student with a repeat violation of this policy will be suspended for the remainder of the semester and must show proof of attendance in a Drug\Alcohol Rehabilitation Program before applying to return to school the following semester. ILLEGAL DRUGS NARCOTICS, STIMULANTS, DEPRESSANTS, HALLUCINOGENS, INHALANTS, AND NONPRESCRIBED DRUGS Any student guilty of selling (accepting or planning to accept money, services, or property) or providing illegal or non-prescribed drugs at school, on school property, or at school functions and/or students under the influence of or in possession of such drugs or drug paraphernalia will be recommended for suspension for up to ninety (90) school days (this may include days in separate semesters and/or school years). Possession of such items and claiming not to know what the items are is not excusable. Legal authorities will be notified as required by law. A student who has been suspended under this policy may choose to apply to Summit School in Hot Springs for credit recovery. Student must seek counseling and attend a Drug/Alcohol Education Program and provide proof of attendance before returning to school the following semester. Reporting Student Felonies to Local Law Enforcement Principals of the Jessieville School District shall report incidents that may constitute felonies to local law enforcements agencies for investigation and to the Jessieville Board for adjudication. A principal shall make such a report when he/she has direct knowledge or has received information leading to a reasonable belief that a student has 47 committed a felony on school property, a felony while under school supervision or a violent criminal act against a teacher, principal, employee or student. Search, Seizure, and Interrogations- 4.32 The district respects the rights of its students against arbitrary intrusion of their person and property. At the same time, it is the responsibility of school officials to protect the health, safety, and welfare of all students enrolled in the district in order to promote an environment conducive to student learning. The Superintendent, principals, and their designees have the right to inspect and search school property and equipment. They may also search students and their personal property in which the student has a reasonable expectation of privacy, when there is reasonable suspicion to believe such student or property contains illegal items or other items in violation of Board policy or dangerous to the school community. School authorities may seize evidence found in the search and disciplinary action may be taken. Evidence found which appears to be in violation of the law shall be reported to the appropriate authority. School property shall include, but not be limited to, lockers, desks, and parking lots, as well as personal effects left there by students. When possible, prior notice will be given and the student will be allowed to be present along with an adult witness, however, searches may be done at any time with or without notice or the student’s consent. A personal search must not be excessively intrusive in light of the age and sex of the student and the nature of the infraction. The Superintendent, principals, and their designees may request the assistance of law enforcement officials to help conduct searches. Such searches may include the use of specially trained dogs. A school official of the same sex shall conduct personal searches with an adult witness of the same sex present. State Law requires that Department of Human Services employees, local law enforcement, or agents of the Crimes against Children Division of the Department of Arkansas State Police, may interview students without a court order for the purpose of investigating suspected child abuse. In instances where the interviewers deem it necessary, they may exercise a “72 hour hold” without first obtaining a court order. Other questioning of students by non-school personnel shall be granted only with a court order directing such questioning, with permission of the parents of a student (or the student if above eighteen [18] years of age), or in response to a subpoena or arrest warrant. If the District makes a report to any law enforcement agency concerning student misconduct or if access to a student is granted to a law enforcement agency due to a court order, the principal or the principal’s designee shall make a good faith effort to contact the student’s parent, legal guardian, or other person having lawful control by court order, or person acting in loco parent is on student enrollment forms. The principal or the principal’s designee shall not attempt to make such contact if presented documentation by the investigator that notification is prohibited because a parent, guardian, custodian, or person standing in loco parentis is named as an alleged offender of the suspected child maltreatment. This exception applies only to interview requests made by a law enforcement officer, an investigator or the Crimes Against Children Division of the Department of Arkansas State Police, or an investigator or employee of the Department of Human Services. In instances other than those related to cases of suspected child abuse, principals must release a student to either a police officer who presents a subpoena for the student, or a warrant for arrest, or to an agent of state social services or an agent of a court with jurisdiction over a child with a court order signed by a judge. Upon release of the student, the principal or designee shall give the student’s parent, legal guardian, or other person having lawful control by court order, or person acting in loco parentis notice that the student has been taken into custody by law enforcement personnel or a state’s social services agency. If the principal or designee is unable to reach the parent, he or she shall make a reasonable, good faith effort to get a message to the parent to call the principal or designee, and leave both a day and an after-hours telephone number. Sexual Harassment (Student) - 4.27 The Jessieville School District is committed to having an academic environment in which all students are treated with respect and dignity. Student achievement is best attained in an atmosphere of equal educational opportunity that is free of discrimination. Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination that undermines the integrity of the educational environment and will not be tolerated. Believing that prevention is the best policy, the district will periodically inform students and employees about the nature of sexual harassment, the procedures for registering a complaint, and the possible redress that is available. The information will stress that the district does not tolerate sexual harassment and that students can report inappropriate behavior of a sexual nature without fear of adverse consequences. The information will take into account and be appropriate to the age of the students. It shall be a violation of this policy for any student to be subjected to, or to subject another person to, sexual harassment as defined in this policy. Any student found, after an investigation, to have engaged in sexual harassment will be subject to disciplinary action up to, and including, expulsion. Sexual harassment refers to unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other personally offensive verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature made by someone under any of the following conditions: 48 • • • Submission to the conduct is made, either explicitly or implicitly, a term or condition of an individual’s education; Submission to, or rejection of, such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for academic decisions affecting that individual; and/or Such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual’s academic performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive academic environment. The terms “intimidating,” “hostile,” and “offensive” include conduct of a sexual nature which has the effect of humiliation or embarrassment and is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive that it limits the student’s ability to participate in, or benefit from, an educational program or activity. Actionable sexual harassment is generally established when an individual is exposed to a pattern of objectionable behaviors or when a single, serious act is committed. What is, or is not, sexual harassment will depend upon all of the surrounding circumstances. Depending upon such circumstances, examples of sexual harassment include, but are not limited to: unwelcome touching; crude jokes or pictures; discussions of sexual experiences; pressure for sexual activity; intimidation by words, actions, insults, or name calling; teasing related to sexual characteristics or the belief or perception that an individual is not conforming to expected gender roles or conduct is homosexual, regardless of whether or not the student self-identifies as homosexual; and spreading rumors related to a person’s alleged sexual activities. Students who believe they have been subjected to sexual harassment, or parents of a student who believes their child has been subjected to sexual harassment, are encouraged to file a complaint by contacting a counselor, teacher, Title IX coordinator, or administrator who will assist them in the complaint process. Under no circumstances shall a student be required to first report allegations of sexual harassment to a school contact person if that person is the individual who is accused of the harassment. To the extent possible, complaints will be treated in a confidential manner. Limited disclosure may be necessary in order to complete a thorough investigation. Students who file a complaint of sexual harassment will not be subject to retaliation or reprisal in any form. Students who knowingly fabricate allegations of sexual harassment shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. Individuals, who withhold information, purposely provide inaccurate facts, or otherwise hinder an investigation of sexual harassment shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. Truancy Any unauthorized absence from school, including any unauthorized absence from an individual class and leaving a classroom or a school campus without permission. Students that are truant will be placed no lower than Step 3 on the 10-Step Discipline plan. Laser Pointers - 4.28 Students shall not possess any hand held laser pointer while in school; on or about school property, before or after school; in attendance at school or any school-sponsored activity; en route to or from school or any school-sponsored activity; off the school grounds at any school bus stop or at any school-sponsored activity or event. School personnel shall seize any laser pointer from the student possessing it and the student may reclaim it at the close of the school year, or when the student is no longer enrolled in the district. Corporal Punishment – 4.39 • • • • Corporal punishment may only be authorized and administered by the principal. The Jessieville School Board authorizes the use of corporal punishment to be administered in accordance with this policy by the Superintendent or his/her designated staff members who are required to have a state-issued license as a condition of their employment. Prior to the administration of corporal punishment, the student receiving the corporal punishment shall be given an explanation of the reasons for the punishment and be given an opportunity to refute the charges. All corporal punishment shall be administered privately, i.e. out of the sight and hearing of other students, shall not be excessive, or administered with malice, and shall be administered in the presence of another school administrator or designee who shall be a licensed staff member employed by the District. Three strokes is the maximum to be administered. Age of student should be considered when administering the paddling. Judgment must be used to assure that it is a paddling and force of stroke could not be classified as a “beating”. 49 • • A student may refuse a paddling. In that case, the student will be placed on Step 1or 2 of the 10-Step Discipline Plan. A decision as to any form of punishment will not be made or the administering of punishment not to be done should the staff member be unusually upset or emotional. Jessieville High School 10-Step Discipline Plan • • • • • • • CRIB (Classroom Record of Inappropriate Behavior) Sheets are used by the classroom teacher for minor infractions in the classroom. The Teacher gives a warning for the first infraction, calls the parent for the second infraction and emails the principal. On the third classroom infraction from any one teacher, students will immediately be sent to the principal’s office with the CRIB sheet, where the student(s) will be placed on the step plan. For each minor infraction after they have been placed on the step plan, the student will move up a step. Teachers will immediately send any student who has committed a serious or severe infraction to the principal’s office. Serious infractions will result in the student being placed on STEP 5 as well as the possibility of immediate/temporary removal from the school setting. Severe infractions will result in an immediate 10-day suspension from school and may also include a recommendation for expulsion or alternative learning environment. Once a student begins the STEP process, the discipline will be progressive as the student moves up the STEPS of the discipline plan. The STEP Plan is a year-long plan. It does NOT start over at semester. For each step, the minimum penalty is listed below. These may be increased at the discretion of the principal or his designee to a maximum of ten (10) days OSS with possible recommendation for ALE or expulsion. STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 STEP 6 STEP 7 STEP 8 STEP 9 STEP 10 1 day ISS 2 days ISS 3 days ISS 1 after school detention 2 after school detentions 1 Saturday school 2 Saturday schools 1 day OSS 2 days OSS minimum 3 days of OSS and up to 10 days of OSS with possible recommendation for ALE or expulsion (A parent conference must be held before Step 6 or next offense may result in OSS). On STEP 10, a review of the individual’s case will be conducted during the suspension to ensure all appropriate disciplinary remedies have been utilized before making a recommendation for placement in the ALE program or recommendation to the Superintendent for expulsion. ALE placement may also reduce the OSS time depending on the severity of the infraction. A Family in Need of Services petition may also be filed with the court. **Failure to comply with the assigned discipline will result in the next level of the STEP PLAN. These are minimum penalties and may be increased at the discretion of the principal. MINOR INFRACTIONS (placed on STEP 1 after 3 minor infractions) • Actions or misbehaviors interrupting a student’s right to learn • Including, but not limited to the following infractions: • Failure to abide by other district, campus, or classroom rules and procedures of which the student has been given notice, including specifically any limitations on dress, jewelry, or possession of prohibited items. • Use of profane language that is not directed toward an individual • Disrespectful language or actions • Dishonesty • Insulting to others • Lack of cooperation • Damage to school property 50 • • • • • • Restlessness/Inattentive Excessive talking Disruptive to class Any other disciplinary action deemed appropriate Solicitation of unapproved items (drinks, candy) On campus truancy (skipping class) [Step 3 and ISS] SERIOUS INFRACTIONS (placed on STEP 5, as well as the possibility of immediate/temporary removal from the school setting by being suspended out-of-school. The infraction may be reported to the appropriate authorities – police departments, DHS, etc.) Including, but not limited to the following infractions: • Bullying, Sexual Harassment, Threatening • Truancy (leaving campus without permission) • Fighting (Battery) • Theft • Vandalism • Gang Activities • Gambling • Serious acts of disorderly conduct • Possession or use of tobacco products including matches and /or cigarette lighters • Profanity directed at an individual • Altering records • Possession, usage, or distribution of electronic or published material that is pornographic or obscene or which threatens others or incites others to violence. • Extortion or blackmail • Inappropriate behavior as determined by the administration SEVERE INFRACTIONS (placed on STEP 10, may also include a recommendation for expulsion) including, but not limited to the following infractions: • Tampering with or setting off a fire alarm • Possession or use of firearms or look-alike firearms (including toy firearms) • Possession or use of fireworks or other explosive devices • Possession, use, sale, or being under the influence of methamphetamines, cocaine, barbiturates, ecstasy, amphetamines, speed, marijuana, or any other controlled substance or look-alike controlled substances • Possession or use of drug paraphernalia, including specifically but not limited to any item used to smoke, snort, shoot, weigh, package, or otherwise handle, use, or traffic in drugs • Possession, use, sale, or being under the influence of alcohol • Rioting, group disobedience, or group disturbance • Inappropriate behavior as determined by the administration. 51 Section VIII. GENERAL POLICIES Privacy of Students’ Records/Directory Information – 4.13 Except when a court order regarding a student has been presented to the district to the contrary, all students’ education records are available for inspection and copying by the parent of his/her student who is under the age of eighteen (18). At the age of eighteen (18), the right to inspect and copy a student’s records transfers to the student. A student’s parent or the student, if over the age of 18, requesting to review the student’s education records will be allowed to do so within no more than forty five (45) days of the request. The district forwards education records, including disciplinary records, to schools that have requested them and in which the student seeks or intends to enroll, or is already enrolled so long as the disclosure is for purposes related to the student's enrollment or transfer. The district shall receive written permission before releasing education records to any agency or individual not authorized by law to receive and/or view the education records without prior parental permission. The District shall maintain a record of requests by such agencies or individuals for access to, and each disclosure of, personally identifiable information (hereinafter "PII") from the education records of each student. Disclosure of education records is authorized by law to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A personal record kept by a school staff member is not considered an education record if it meets the following tests. • • • it is in the sole possession of the individual who made it; it is used only as a personal memory aid; and information contained in it has never been revealed or made available to any other person, except the maker’s temporary substitute. For the purposes of this policy a school official is a person employed by the school as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member (including health or medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel); a person serving on the school board; a person or company with whom the school has contracted to perform a special task (such as an attorney, auditor, medical consultant, or therapist); or a parent or student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. For the purposes of this policy a school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility, contracted duty, or duty of elected office. The District discloses PII from an education record to appropriate parties, including parents, in connection with an emergency if knowledge of the information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals. The superintendent or designee shall determine who will have access to and the responsibility for disclosing information in emergency situations. When deciding whether to release PII in a health or safety emergency, the District may take into account the totality of the circumstances pertaining to a threat to the health or safety of a student or other individuals. If the District determines that there is an articulable and significant threat to the health or safety of a student or other individuals, it may disclose information from education records to any person whose knowledge of the information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals. For purposes of this policy, the Jessieville School District does not distinguish between a custodial and noncustodial parent, or a non-parent such as a person acting in loco parentis or a foster parent with respect to gaining access to a student’s records. Unless a court order restricting such access has been presented to the district to the contrary, the fact of a person’s status as parent or guardian, alone, enables that parent or guardian to review and copy his child’s records. If there exists a court order which directs that a parent not have access to a student or his records, the parent, guardian, person acting in loco parentis, or an agent of the Department of Human Services must present a file-marked copy of such order to the building principal and the superintendent. The school will make good-faith efforts to act in accordance with such court order, but the failure to do so does not impose legal liability upon the school. The actual responsibility for enforcement of such court orders rests with the parents or guardians, their attorneys and the court which issued the order. A parent or guardian does not have the right to remove any material from a student’s records, but such parent or guardian may challenge the accuracy of a record. The right to challenge the accuracy of a record does not include the right to dispute a grade, which must be done only through the appropriate teacher and/or administrator, the decision of whom is final. A challenge to the accuracy of material contained in a student’s file must be initiated with the building principal, with an appeal available to the Superintendent or his designee. The challenge shall clearly identify the part of the student’s record the parent wants changed and specify why he/she believes it is inaccurate or misleading. If the 52 school determines not to amend the record as requested, the school will notify the requesting parent or student of the decision and inform them of their right to a hearing regarding the request for amending the record. The parent or eligible student will be provided information regarding the hearing procedure when notified of the right to a hearing. Unless the parent or guardian of a student (or student, if above the age of eighteen [18]) objects, "directory information" about a student may be made available to the public, military recruiters, post-secondary educational institutions, prospective employers of those students, as well as school publications such as annual yearbooks and graduation announcements. “Directory information” includes, but is not limited to, a student’s name, address, telephone number, electronic mail address, photograph, date and place of birth, dates of attendance, his/her placement on the honor roll (or the receipt of other types of honors), as well as his/her participation in school clubs and extracurricular activities, among others. If the student participates in inherently public activities (for example, basketball, football, or other interscholastic activities), the publication of such information will be beyond the control of the District. "Directory information" also includes a student identification (ID) number, user ID, or other unique personal identifier used by a student for purposes of accessing or communicating in electronic systems and a student ID number or other unique personal identifier that is displayed on a student's ID badge, provided the ID cannot be used to gain access to education records except when used in conjunction with one or more factors that authenticate the user's identity, such as a personal identification number (PIN), password or other factor known or possessed only by the authorized user, A student’s name and photograph will only be displayed on the district or school’s web page(s) after receiving the written permission from the student’s parent or student if over the age of 18. The form for objecting to making directory information available is located in the back of the student handbook and must be completed and signed by the parent or age-eligible student and filed with the building principal’s office no later than ten (10) school days after the beginning of each school year or the date the student is enrolled for school. Failure to file an objection by that time is considered a specific grant of permission. The district is required to continue to honor any signed-opt out form for any student no longer in attendance at the district. The right to opt out of the disclosure of directory information under FERPA does not prevent the District from disclosing or requiring a student to disclose the student's name, identifier, or institutional email address in a class in which the student is enrolled. Parents and students over the age of 18 who believe the district has failed to comply with the requirements for the lawful release of student records may file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education at Family Policy Compliance Office U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20202 Permanent Records - 4.38 Permanent school records, as required by the Arkansas Department of Education, shall be maintained for each student enrolled in the district until the student receives a high school diploma or its equivalent or is beyond the age of compulsory school attendance. Student records of attendance and graduation shall be retained permanently. A copy of the student’s permanent record shall be provided to the receiving school district within ten (10) days after the date a request from the receiving school district is received. Video Surveillance and other Student Monitoring - 4.48 The Board of Directors has a responsibility to maintain discipline, protect the safety, security, and welfare of its students, staff, and visitors while at the same time safeguarding district facilities, vehicles, and equipment. As part of fulfilling this responsibility, the board authorizes the use of video/audio surveillance cameras, automatic identification technology, data compilation devices, and technology capable of tracking the physical location of district equipment, students, and/or personnel. The placement of video/audio surveillance cameras shall be based on the presumption and belief that students, staff and visitors have no reasonable expectation of privacy anywhere on or near school property, facilities, vehicles, or equipment, with the exception of places such as rest rooms or dressing areas where and expectation of bodily privacy is reasonable and customary. Signs shall be posted on campus building and in district vehicles to notify students, staff, and visitors that video cameras may be in use. Parents and students shall also be notified through the student handbook that cameras may be in use in school buildings, on school grounds and in school vehicles. Students will be held responsible for any violations of school discipline rules caught by the cameras and other technologies authorized in this policy. The district shall retain copies of video recording until they are erased which may be accomplished by either deletion or copying over with a new recording. Other than video recordings being retained under the provisions of this 53 policy’s following paragraph, the district’s video recordings may be erased any time greater than 72 hours after they were created. Videos, automatic identification, or data compilations containing evidence of a violation of student conduct rules and/or state or federal law shall be retained until the issue of the misconduct is no longer subject to review or appeal as determined by board policy or student handbook; any release or viewing of such records shall be in accordance with current law. Students who vandalize, damage, disable, or render inoperable (temporarily or permanently) surveillance cameras and equipment, automatic identification, or data compilation devices shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action and referral to appropriate law enforcement authorities. Student Publications and the Distribution of Literature - 4.14 Student Publications All publications that are supported financially by the school or by use of school facilities, or are produced in conjunction with a class shall be considered school-sponsored publications. School publications do not provide a forum for public expression. Such publications, as well as the content of student expression in school-sponsored activities, shall be subject to the editorial control of the district’s administration whose actions shall be reasonably related to legitimate pedagogical concerns and adhere to the following limitations. Advertising may be accepted for publications that do not condone or promote products that are inappropriate for the age and maturity of the audience or that endorse such things as tobacco, alcohol, or drugs. Publications may be regulated to prohibit writings which are, in the opinion of the appropriate teacher and/or administrator, ungrammatical, poorly written, inadequately researched, biased or prejudiced, vulgar or profane, or unsuitable for immature audiences. Publications may be regulated to refuse to publish material which might reasonably be perceived to advocate drug or alcohol use, irresponsible sex, or conduct otherwise inconsistent with the shared values of a civilized social order, or to associate the school with any position other than neutrality on matters of political controversy. Prohibited publications include: • Those that are obscene as to minors; • Those that are libelous or slanderous, including material containing defamatory falsehoods about public figures or governmental officials, which are made with knowledge of their falsity or reckless disregard of the truth; • Those that constitute an unwarranted invasion of privacy as defined by state law, • Publications that suggest or urge the commission of unlawful acts on the school premises; • Publications which suggest or urge the violation of lawful school regulations; • Hate literature that scurrilously attacks ethnic, religious, or racial groups. Student Publications on School Web Pages Student publications that are displayed on school web pages shall follow the same guidelines as listed above plus they shall: 1. 2. Not contain any non-educational advertisements. Additionally, student web publications shall; State that the views expressed are not necessarily those of the School Board or the employees of the district. Nonschool Publications A student of group of students who distribute ten (10) or fewer copies of the same nonschool literature, publications, or materials (hereinafter “nonschool materials”), shall do so in a time, place, and manner that does not cause a substantial disruption of the orderly education environment. A student or group of students wishing to distribute more than ten (10) copies of nonschool materials shall have school authorities review their nonschool materials at least three (3) school days in advance of their desired time of dissemination. School authorities shall review the nonschool materials prior to their distribution and will bar from distribution those nonschool materials that are obscene, libelous, pervasively indecent, or advertise unlawful products or services. Material may also be barred from distribution if there is evidence that reasonably supports a forecast that a substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the school or educational environment will likely result from the distribution. Concerns related to any denial of distribution by the principal shall be heard by the superintendent, whose decision shall be final. 54 Distribution of Literature The school principal or designee shall establish reasonable regulations governing the time, place, and manner of student distribution of nonschool materials. The regulations shall: 1. Be narrowly drawn to promote orderly administration of school activities by preventing disruption and may not be designed to stifle expression; 2. Be uniformly applied to all forms of nonschool materials; 3. Allow no interference with classes or school activities; 4. Specify times, places, and manner where distribution may and may not occur; and 5. Not inhibit a person’s right to accept or reject any literature distributed in accordance with the regulations. 6. Students shall be responsible for the removal of excess literature that is left at the distribution point for more than (10) days. The Superintendent, along with the student publications advisors, shall develop administrative regulations for the implementation of this policy. The regulations shall include definitions of terms and timelines for the review of materials. Student Participation in Surveys - 5.24 No surveys shall be administered without the prior approval of the school principal. Contact with Students while at School - 4.15 Contact by parents Parents wishing to visit their children during the school day shall register first with the office. Contact by non-custodial parents If there is any question concerning the legal custody of the student, the parent shall present documentation to the principal or his/her designee establishing the parent’s custody of the student. It shall be the responsibility of the custodial parent to make any court ordered “no contact” or other restrictions regarding the non-custodial parent known to the principal by presenting a copy of a file-marked court order. Without such a court order on file, the school will release the child to either of his/her parents. Non-custodial parents who file with the principal a date-stamped copy of current court orders granting visitation may eat lunch, volunteer in their child’s classroom, or otherwise have contact with their child during school hours with the prior approval of the school’s principal. Such contact is subject to the limitations outlined in Policy 4.16, Policy 6.5, and any other policies that may apply. Contact by law enforcement, social services, or by court order State law requires that Department of Human Services employees, local law enforcement, or agents of the Crimes Against Children Division of the Department of Arkansas State Police, may interview students without a court order for the purpose of investigating suspected child abuse. In instances where the interviewers deem it necessary, they may exercise a “72-hour hold” without first obtaining a court order. Other questioning of students by non-school personnel shall be granted only with a court order directing such questioning, with permission of the parents of a student (or the student if above eighteen [18] years of age), or in response to a subpoena or arrest warrant. If the District makes a report to any law enforcement agency concerning student misconduct or if access to a student is granted to a law enforcement agency due to a court order, the principal or the principal’s designee shall make a good faith effort to contact the student’s parent, legal guardian, or other person having lawful control by court order, or person acting loco parentis identified on student enrollment forms. The principal or the principal’s designee shall not attempt to make such contact if presented documentation by the investigator that notification is prohibited because a parent, guardian, custodian, or personal standing in loco parentis is named as an alleged offender of the suspected child maltreatment. This exception applies only to interview requests made by a law enforcement officer, an investigator of the Crimes Against Children Division of the Department of Arkansas State Police, or an investigator or employee of the Department of Human Services. In instances other than those related to cases of suspected child abuse, principals must release a student to either a police officer who presents a subpoena for the student, or a warrant for arrest, or to an agent of state social services or an agent of a court with jurisdiction over a child with a court order signed by a judge. Upon release of the student, the principal or designee shall give the student’s parent, legal guardian, or other person having lawful control by court order, or person acting in loco parentis notice that the student has been taken into custody by law enforcement personnel or a state’s social services agency. If the principal or designee is unable to reach the parent, he or she shall make a reasonable, good faith effort to get a message to the parent to call the principal or designee, and leave both a day and an after-hours telephone number. 55 Emergency Drills - 4.37 All schools in the District shall conduct fire drills at least monthly. Tornado drills shall also be conducted not fewer than three (3) times per year with at least one each in the months of September, January, and February. Students who ride school buses, shall also participate in emergency evacuation drills at least twice each school year. The District shall annually conduct an active shooter drill and school safety assessment for all District schools in collaboration with local law enforcement and emergency management personnel. Students will be included in the drills to the extent that is developmentally appropriate to the age of both the students and grade configuration of the school. Drills may be conducted during the instructional day or during non-instructional time periods. Other types of emergency drills may also be conducted to test the implementation of the District's emergency plans in the event of an earthquake or terrorist attack that might include the use of biological or chemical agents. Students shall be included in the drills to the extent practicable. Closed Campus – 4.10 All schools in the District shall operate closed campuses. Students are required to stay on campus from their arrival until dismissal at the end of the regular school day unless given permission to leave the campus by a school official. Students must sign out in the office upon their departure. Pledge of Allegiance - 4.46 The Pledge of Allegiance shall be recited at the beginning of 3rd period each school day. Those students choosing to participate shall do so by facing the flag with their right hands over their hearts, or in an appropriate salute it in uniform, while reciting the Pledge. Students choosing not to participate shall be quiet while either standing or sitting at their desks. Students shall not be compelled to recite the Pledge, but students who choose not to recite the Pledge shall not disrupt those students choosing to recite the Pledge. Students choosing not to recite the Pledge shall not be subject to any comments, retaliation, or disciplinary action. DANCES AND JUNIOR/SENIOR PROM There can be five dances each year. Students in grades 9 through 12 are eligible to attend dances as well as students in grades 9 through 12 from other schools. A junior or senior may invite (one) date who is not in school to accompany them to Jr.-Sr. Prom. Juniors and seniors must register prom dates in the high school office no later than two weeks before prom. There may be a fee charged to attend the Junior-Senior Prom. Students may also invite a date who is not in school to the Homecoming Dance. Students wishing to bring an out of school guest as a date are required to pick up an Out-of School Guest Form in the high school office. It must be completed in its entirety and submitted via the instructions of the form two weeks prior to the event. See dress and grooming requirements in Student Resources section. ORGANIZATIONS BETA CLUB The Jessieville High School BETA Club is affiliated with the National Beta Club. The purpose of the club is to promote the ideals of character, service and leadership, to reward academic achievement and to encourage students in continuing their education after high school. Potential members are selected on the basis of their selected course of study, cumulative grade point average, enrollment at Jessieville High School (grades 9-12), character, and recommendation of their teachers. To be eligible for membership in Beta Club, a student must be enrolled in a college prep course of study (Arkansas Smart Core) and must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.4 on a 4.0 scale for at least 2 consecutive semesters in all subjects. The five-member faculty committee will give final approval to all proposed new members. Students in Beta Club must maintain at least a 3.4 GPA and maintain satisfactory conduct grades in all classes. Students receiving a 3 (unsatisfactory) or more than one 2 (needs improvement) in their conduct or a school suspension in any semester will be placed on probation. That student will then have one semester to raise his/her GPA or conduct grades. If these requirements are not met, the student will be permanently dropped from Beta Club. The faculty committee has the responsibility of placing a Beta member on probation or expelling a member who conducts himself contrary to Beta standards. The staff sponsor of the Beta Club serves as chairman of the faculty committee. A new student may transfer honors membership to our school if they can give evidence of membership in another Beta Club. Seniors wishing to wear the Beta stole during graduation ceremonies must have been a non-probationary Beta member during their entire senior year. The Beta Club is responsible for service projects. Any student who fails to participate in service projects will also be subject to expulsion. 56 NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY The National Honor Society (NHS) is an organization established to recognize outstanding high school students. More than just an honor roll, NHS serves to honor those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. NHS offers more prestige and national recognition. Students qualifying for an honor society will be inducted into NHS and not BETA FCA All athletes at Jessieville High School are encouraged to join and participate in the Fellowship of Christians Athletes Organization. KEY CLUB The Key Club is for students (grades 9-12) who are interested in a service organization for their school and community. It also develops leadership potential. Key Club is sponsored by the Hot Springs Village Kiwanis Club. STUDENT COUNCIL The Student Council provides democratic representation for the student body. The Student Council promotes school spirit, encourages participation in school activities, develops student leadership, promotes scholarship and increases total school communication. The Student Council is charged with fundraising and producing Homecoming each year. Jessieville High School Student Council is affiliated with the National Association of Student Councils and Arkansas Association of Student Councils which further leadership and service opportunities. The relationship of the Student Council to the school is advisory in nature and develops a good communication link within the school. The influence of recommendations made by the Student Council depends entirely upon the logic, strength and rationale of student concern. FUTURE BUSINESS LEADERS OF AMERICA FBLA is a national organization consisting of high school students who are taking or have taken a business course. Students may compete for awards in state and national contests. The overall goal of FBLA is to train individuals for a business career. FAMILY, CAREER AND COMMUNITY LEADERS OF AMERICA The FCCLA is a national organization made up of high school girls and boys who are taking or have taken Home Economics. The overall goal of FCCLA is to help individuals improve personal, family, and community life, now and in the future. Mandatory Drug Testing Jessieville School District is conducting a mandatory drug testing program for the students involved in all extracurricular activity programs, grades 7-12 and any student wishing to drive and/or park on campus. Each student wishing to participate in any extracurricular activity program and the custodial parent or guardian will consent in writing to drug testing pursuant to the district’s drug testing program. No student shall be allowed to participate in any extracurricular activity absent such consent. Students that refuse to sign the random drug testing policy will not be allowed to park on campus. Student Drug Testing Policy Definitions: Drug: Any substance considered illegal by Arkansas Statutes or which is controlled by the Food & Drug Administration unless prescribed by a licensed physician. Activity Programs: Any activity that meets the guidelines of the Arkansas Activities Association. These activities are listed below: Art Club Band Baseball Basketball Beta Club Book Club Bowling Cheerleading Choral Cross Country FBLA FCA FCCLA Football Golf Key Club 57 Nat’l. Honor Society Quiz Bowl Softball Student Council Tennis Track Trap Shooting School Year: From the first day of classes in the fall, unless the activity begins prior to the first day of classes, in which event from the first day of practice through the last day of classes in the spring. Policy Statement: Jessieville School District (“the District”) is conducting a mandatory drug testing program for students in all Activity Programs grades 7-12. Purpose: The purpose of this policy is: 1) Concern for the total well-being of all students at Jessieville Schools. 2) Emphasize the health and safety of students, as well as addressing the long-term effects of chemical use on their health. 3) To undermine the effects of peer pressure by providing legitimate reason for students in activity programs to refuse to use illegal drugs. 4) To encourage students in activity programs who use drugs to discontinue and participate in drug treatment programs. 5) Establish a standard of conduct for students representing Jessieville Schools who are considered leaders and standard bearers among their peers. 6) Work with parents to assist in keeping their children drug free. 7) Assist students who need to be referred for assistance or evaluation regarding their use of illegal drugs. PROCEDURES FOR STUDENTS IN ACTIVITY PROGRAMS CONSENT: Each student wishing to participate in any activity program and the student’s custodial parent or guardian will consent in writing to drug testing pursuant to the District’s drug testing program. Written consent shall be in the form attached to this policy. No student shall be allowed to participate in any activity program absent such consent. STUDENT SELECTION: At the option of the District, all students in activity programs may be drug tested at the beginning of the school year, or at the beginning of their activity. In addition, random testing shall be made up of a sufficient number of students in activity programs to create a probability in favor of each student being randomly tested during the school year. Selection for random testing will be lottery drawing from a “pool” of all students in activity programs in the District at the time of the drawing. The Drug Abuse Prevention Coordinator shall take all reasonable steps to assure the integrity, confidentiality, and random nature of the selection process, including, but not necessarily limited to, assuring that the names of all participating students in activity programs are in the pool, assuring that the person drawing names has no way of knowingly choosing or failing to choose particular students for the testing, assuring that the identity of students drawn for testing is not known to those involved in the selection process and assuring direct observation of the process by the least intrusive means possible while assuring brevity and privacy. SAMPLE COLLECTION: Samples will be collected at a mutually convenient time on the same day the student is selected for testing or, if the student is absent on that day, on the day of the student’s return to school. If a student is unable to produce a sample at any particular time, the student will be allowed to return later that same day to provide the sample. All students providing samples will be given the option of doing so alone in an individual stall with the door closed. TESTING AGENCY: The District will choose a qualified agency for the purpose of monitoring sample collection, processing sample results and maintaining privacy with respect to test results and related matters. PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION: The existence of lawfully prescribed medication in the student’s sample is not a violation of this policy when taken in accordance with a physician’s recommendation or prescription to a specific student. Some over-the-counter medications may have similarities to unlawful drugs when tested. Students who are taking prescription medication may provide a copy of the prescription or a doctor’s verification in a sealed envelope to school personnel at the time a sample is collected. The specific name of the over-the-counter medication should also be disclosed and provided in a sealed envelope. That envelope will be forwarded unopened to the testing lab to consider the student’s use of such medication to assure the accuracy of the result. Such information provided by the student will not be disclosed to any school official. Students who refuse to provide verification and test positive will be subject to the actions specified below for the “positive test.” 58 SCOPE OF TESTS The testing lab will be instructed to test for one or more illegal drugs. A Drug Abuse Prevention Coordinator (“the Coordinator”) appointed the District, shall decide from week to week which illegal drugs will be screened: but in no event shall that determination be made after selection of students for testing. Student samples will not be screened for the presence of any substance other than illegal drug or for the existence of any physical condition other than drug intoxication. LIMITED ACCESS TO RESULTS The testing lab will be authorized to report results only to the Coordinator or to such person as the Coordinator may designate in the event the Coordinator is absent. PROCEDURES IN THE EVENT OF A POSITIVE TEST Whenever a student’s test result indicates the presence of illegal drugs (“positive drug”), the following will occur: 1) The student will be asked to provide another sample as soon as possible. If the student refuses to provide another sample, or unduly delays in providing such sample, the result of the first sample shall be accepted as accurate. 2) The second sample will be submitted to the testing lab for testing. 3) If the second sample tests negative the student will be notified and no further action will be taken. If the second sample tests positive, a custodial parent or legal guardian will be notified and a meeting will be scheduled with the Coordinator, the student, the custodial parent or legal guardian, and the student’s principal. FIRST POSITIVE RESULT For the first positive result, the student will be given the option of participation in a drug assistance program and submission to weekly drug testing for the remainder of the time the student is involved with the current activity; or suspension from participation in activity programs for the remainder of the school year and, if occurring for the spring semester, for the following fall semester as well. The cost associated with the drug assistance program will not be covered by the District and must be paid for by the student, his/her parents or legal guardian. The Drug Abuse Prevention Coordinator shall maintain a list of agencies and programs available in this community and refer the student to such programs. The Coordinator, in his/her sole discretion may instead approve a private program presented by the student if such program is reasonably designed to assist the student with drug abuse prevention and such private program agrees to reasonably provide the Coordinator with acceptable expertise program management and verification of participation by the student. Again any such cost shall be paid for by the student, his/her parents or legal guardian. Also, all cost associated with weekly drug testing shall be paid for by the student, his/her parent or legal guardian. SECOND POSITIVE RESULT For the second positive result in the same year, the student will be suspended participating in any activity programs for the remainder of the year. For the second positive result in any two consecutive school years, the student will be suspended from participating in any activity programs for the remainder of the current school year and the following school year. THIRD POSITIVE RESULT For the third positive result in any two consecutive school years, the student will be permanently suspended from participating in any activity program for the remainder of his/her enrollment with the school unless, following suspension for all or part of three consecutive school years, the student requests reinstatement before the school board and the school board approves reinstatement. NON-PUNITIVE NATURE OF POLICY No student shall be penalized academically for testing positive for illegal drugs. The results of any drug test pursuant to this policy will not be documented in any student’s academic records. Information regarding the results of drug tests will not be disclosed to criminal or juvenile authorities, absent legal compulsion by valid or binding subpoena or other legal process, which the District shall not solicit. In the event of service of any such subpoena or legal process, the student and the student’s custodial parent or legal guardian will be notified at least 72 hours before response is made by the District. OTHER DISCIPLINARY MEASURES The District by accepting this policy is not precluded from utilizing other disciplinary measures set forth in the Student Discipline Policy and this policy does not preclude the District from taking disciplinary procedure and resulting action when founded upon reasonable belief and suspicion that a student has participated in drug related activities. End of Policy 59 EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES – SECONDARY SCHOOLS - 4.56 Definitions: “Academic Courses” are those courses for which class time is scheduled, which can be credited to meet the minimum requirements for graduation, which is taught by a teacher required to have State licensure in the course or is otherwise qualified under Arkansas statute, and has a course content guide which has been approved by the Arkansas Department of Education (ADE). Any of the courses for which concurrent high school credit is earned may be from an institution of higher education recognized by ADE. If a student passes an academic course offered on a block schedule, the course can be counted twice toward meeting the requirement for students to pass four (4) academic courses per semester as required by this policy. “Extracurricular activities” are defined as: any school sponsored program where students from one or more schools meet, work, perform, practice under supervision outside of regular class time, or are competing for the purpose of receiving an award, rating, recognition, or criticism, or qualification for additional competition. Examples include, but are not limited to, inter/intrascholastic athletics, cheerleading, band, choral, math, or science competitions, field trips, and club activities. “Field Trips” are when individual students or groups of students are invited to programs or events when there is no competition and the students are not interacting with each other for the purpose of planning, qualifying, or arranging for future programs or for the purpose of receiving recognition. “Interscholastic Activities” means athletic or non-athletic/academic activities where students compete on a school vs. school basis. “Intrascholastic Activities” means athletic or non-athletic/academic activities where students compete with students from within the same school. “Supplemental Improvement Program (SIP)” is an additional instructional opportunity for identified students outside of their regular classroom and meets the criteria outlined in the current Arkansas Activities Association (AAA) Handbook. Extracurricular Eligibility The Board believes in providing opportunities for students to participate in extracurricular activities that can help enrich the student’s educational experience. At the same time, the Board believes that a student’s participation in extracurricular activities cannot come at the expense of his/her classroom academic achievement. Interruptions of instructional time in the classroom are to be minimal and absences from class to participate in extracurricular activities shall not exceed one per week per extracurricular activity (tournaments excepted). Additionally, a student’s participation in, and the District’s operation of, extracurricular activities shall be subject to the following policy. All students are eligible for extracurricular activities unless specifically denied eligibility on the basis of criteria outlined in this policy. Any student who refuses to sit for a State assessment or attempts to boycott a State assessment by failing to put forth a good faith effort on the assessment as determined by the assessment administrator/proctor, or whose parents do not send their student to school on the dates the assessments are administered or scheduled as make-up days shall not be permitted to participate in any non-curriculum related extracurricular activity. The student shall remain ineligible to participate until the student takes the same or a following state mandated assessment, as applicable, or completes the required remediation for the assessment the student failed to put forth a good faith effort on. The superintendent or designee may wave this paragraph's provisions when the student’s failure was due to exceptional or extraordinary circumstances. Students falling under the provisions of this paragraph shall be permitted to attend curriculum related field trips occurring during the school day. Interscholastic Activities Each school in the District shall post on its website its schedule of interscholastic activities, including sign-up, tryout, and participation deadlines, at least one semester in advance of those activities. A hard copy of the schedule shall be available upon request. ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS: Junior High A student promoted from the sixth to the seventh grade automatically meets scholarship requirements. A student promoted from the seventh to the eighth grade automatically meets scholarship requirements for the first semester. The second semester eighth-grade student meets the scholarship requirements for junior high if he/she has successfully passed four (4) academic courses the previous semester, three (3) of which shall be in the core curriculum areas specified by ADE’s Standards for Accreditation of Arkansas Public Schools. 60 The first semester ninth-grade student meets the scholarship requirements for junior high if he/she has successfully passed four (4) academic courses the previous semester, three (3) of which shall be in the core curriculum areas specified by ADE’s Standards for Accreditation of Arkansas Public Schools. The second semester ninth-grade student meets the scholarship requirements for junior high if he/she has successfully passed (4) academic courses the previous semester which count toward his/her high school graduation requirements. Ninth-grade students must meet the requirements of the senior high scholarship rule by the end of the second semester in the ninth grade in order to be eligible to participate the fall semester of their tenth-grade year. ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS: Senior High In order to remain eligible for competitive interscholastic activity, a student must have passed (4) academic courses the previous semester and either: 1) Have earned a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0 from all academic courses the previous semester; or 2) If the student has passed four (4) academic courses the previous semester but does not have a 2.0 GPA the student must be enrolled and successfully participating in an SIP to maintain their competitive interscholastic extracurricular eligibility. 3) STUDENTS WITH AN INDIVIDUAL EDUCATION PROGRAM In order to be considered eligible to participate in competitive interscholastic activities, students with disabilities must pass at least four (4) courses per semester as required by their individual education program (IEP). ARKANSAS ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATION In addition to the foregoing rules, the district shall abide by the rules and regulations of AAA governing interscholastic activities. AAA provides catastrophic insurance coverage for students participating in AAA governed extracurricular activities who are enrolled in school. As a matter of District policy, no student may participate in a AAA governed extracurricular activity unless he or she is enrolled in a district school, to ensure all students are eligible for AAA catastrophic insurance. Intrascholastic Activities - AAA Governed Activities Students participating in intrascholastic extracurricular activities that would be governed by AAA if they were to occur between students of different schools shall meet all interscholastic activity eligibility requirements to be eligible to participate in the comparable intrascholastic activity. The District will abide by the AAA Handbook for such activities to ensure District students are not disqualified from participating in interscholastic activities. Non-AAA Governed Activities Unless made ineligible by District policies, all students shall be eligible to participate in non-AAA governed intrascholastic extracurricular activities. Intrascholastic activities designed for a particular grade(s) or course(s) shall require the student to be enrolled in the grade(s) or course(s). Extracurricular Classes Students may be assigned to no more than one (1) class period each day for organized and scheduled student extracurricular classes that the student shall be required to attend and participate in for the full class period. Extracurricular classes related to a seasonal activity shall meet for an entire semester whether or not the season ends prior to the end of the semester. Students must attend and participate in the class for the entire semester in order to receive credit for the course. For the purpose of this policy, extracurricular classes is defined as school sponsored activities which are not an Arkansas Department of Education approved course counting toward graduation requirements or classes that have not been approved by the Arkansas Department of Education for academic credit. Such classes may include special interest, fine arts, technical, scholastic, intramural, and interscholastic opportunities. Addendum to Extracurricular and Athletics Participation Students participating in extracurricular activities must be in attendance all day to be eligible to participate in activities on any given day. Medical and court-ordered excused absences are exempt from policy. Parent notes may not be used to excuse an absence for purposed participating on a given day. Specific cases may be approved in advance by the principal. 61 Holding an Office No student may hold office in school, nor office in various clubs, organizations, classes, etc., unless the student has: 1) An average of “C” and no failing grades in any subject for the previous semester. 2) Satisfactory Citizenship. School Sponsored Trips A teacher will be in charge of all students that participate in a school trip away from school. No child will be dismissed from teacher’s supervision until returning to proper destination that was agreed upon in advance by proper school authorities. If parent should call for child in person, teacher may excuse child to accompany parent. Parents will be requested to provide written approval for in school field trips. Fund Raising Activities All classes and organizations that sponsor fund raising activities will submit a request to the principal’s office for approval, indicating the activity, date, time, place, and staff sponsor. No fundraiser will be authorized until procedures are followed and the fundraiser is on the school calendar. A class or an organization is limited to one fundraiser per semester unless approved by the principal. 62 Section IX. SCHOOL SERVICES Guidance Services Jessieville Public School provides a school counselor to assist in meeting the personal, social, educational, and career goals of Jessieville students. The counselor’s office is directly across from the high school office. Services such as the following are available: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Small group or individual counseling. Coordination of provision for physical needs of students such as clothing, glasses, etc. Administration of standardized testing. Scheduling of classes. Coordination and dissemination of scholarship information for high school students. Administration of career assessments at the junior-senior high level. Pre-school parent meetings. Coordination of positive reinforcement programs for students. A complete listing of services provided by the school counselor is available in the counselor’s office. Health Services Jessieville employs a full-time nurse to help insure the health of all students. The school nurse provides health services: 1. To appraise and identify the health needs of students and other school personnel through vision and hearing screenings for all student in first, third, and seventh grades (Referrals by teachers, parents, or the student himself may be made at any time during the year for any student.) 2. To provide first-aid and care of sick and injured in accordance with established procedures, including dispensing medications. 3. To provide assistance in athletic physicals 4. To provide health counseling to students, parents, and school personnel. 5. To present health education both informally and formally in the classroom when necessary. 6. To maintain adequate and up-to-date health records including immunization records and student emergency medical cards. 7. To work with administrators, teachers, and other school personnel to modify the school environment and curriculum for children with health problems and safety hazards. A nurse’s station is provided to enable the nurse to adequately provide health services to all students. Written procedures relating to health services are available upon request. Student Wellness Policy Preamble The Jessieville School District realizes that proper health, nutrition and physical activity directly affect the attendance and the ability of our students to learn. Childhood obesity rates have been on the increase for the past two decades. These same children and adolescents will be at an increased risk when they reach adulthood for health issues such as heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, cancer and diabetes. The problem of obesity and inactivity is established through poor eating and exercise patterns that are learned in childhood. The Jessieville School District recognizes that this is a public health issue that has not occurred overnight and will likely take years to correct. Community participation is an essential element to the implementation of a successful school wellness policy. Therefore, the Jessieville School District is committed to promoting a school environment that addresses children’s health, well-being and their ability to learn by enlisting the support of staff, parents, community and other organizations. Together we will develop, implement and review the nutrition and physical activities of our students in an effort to improve their overall health and physical activity. 63 GOALS In an effort to promote healthy lifestyles and environments that will improve student health and reduce childhood obesity, the Jessieville School District will follow the Arkansas Rules Governing Nutrition and Physical Activity Standards. Adhering to these Rules will include, but is not limited to the districts efforts to: I. School Health Councils The school district will appoint a school health coordinator who shall work within the district to create, strengthen or work with existing school health council members to develop, implement, monitor, review and, as necessary, revise the requirements of this policy. The council shall represent the community and include parents, students, representative of the school food authority, school board, school administrators and other members of the public. II. Nutrition Education Promotion The school district will follow the Arkansas Nutritional Education Frameworks for grades K-12. Implementation of grade appropriate nutrition education program will begin, it will be designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to promote and protect their health. Nutritional education may also be a part of classroom instruction in subjects other than health education, such as math, science, language arts and social studies, when appropriate and may include participatory activities such as contests, promotions and field trips. An emphasis will be placed on promoting healthy foods and balancing caloric intake with physical activity. The staff will not be allowed to use foods or beverages as rewards or punishment for academic, classroom or sports performance. Exceptions to this will be allowed for medical needs or special needs students when it is a part of their IEP (Individual Education Plan). Each school’s (elementary, middle school, high school) principal will establish no more than nine (9) school events which will permit exceptions to the food and beverage limitations. These events will be approved and documented by the principal. III. Physical Activity Promotion Arkansas Physical Education Frameworks for grades K-12 will be followed. The district will enforce existing physical education requirements and work to improve the physical education curricula as well as the training of our physical education teachers and other staff. Physical activity will be incorporated into subject lessons or classes, when appropriate. All students will be encouraged to participate in physical activity through school sponsored sports/activities and through community programs. The district will make available, information pertaining to sports/activities, by posting it on school website, principal’s page, school announcements, or by flyers. IV. Healthy Nutrition/Environment Promotion The district will abide by the guidelines set forth by Arkansas Nutrition Standards Regulations for allowable food and beverage portion standards. All students will have access to the School Breakfast and Lunch Programs. Class schedules and bus routes will be established to allow ample time for meals. Parents will be encouraged to provide breakfast at home or school for their children daily. Cafeteria food will be prepared and served in a clean and healthy environment. The school will ensure that water fountains will be accessible to students. The contracts for vended foods will be reviewed and revised to meet these guidelines. Access to all vended foods and beverages will be restricted per guidelines for each school (elementary, middle, high schools). Elementary students will not have access to vended foods or other foods of minimal nutritional value (FMNV) during the declared school day. Middle School and High School may not have access to these foods until 30 minutes after the last lunch period has ended. The district will monitor all foods to ensure they meet or exceed the requirements set forth by the nutritional standards. All fundraising activities will support the efforts to promote a healthy lifestyle by not involving the selling of foods. All groups sponsoring a fundraiser must have the written permission of their school principal. They will be encouraged to promote activities that involve physical activity. Any snacks served during the day and at after-school programs will make a positive contribution to the consideration of children’s diets and health. Health/Fitness Communication Promotion The district will provide support for parents/guardians to promote a safe and healthy lifestyle for their children. Information on health/fitness will be shared with parents/guardians through school newsletters, websites and announcements. Parents will be encouraged to pack healthy lunches, snacks and beverages. The district will make available a list of foods/beverages that meet nutritional standards. Parents/guardians, students and staff will be encouraged to participate in districts efforts to provide a healthy and physically fit environment. Suggestions for foods and activities are welcomed and may be dropped in the suggestion box located in the cafeteria. 64 Monitoring and Policy Review The superintendent along with the school health coordinator will ensure compliance with the districts nutrition and physical activity wellness policies. Within each individual school (elementary, middle and high school) the principal will monitor their compliance and report to the district superintendent. School food service staff will ensure that food service areas meet nutritional policies and report to the superintendent or school health coordinator. The Jessieville School District will utilize the School Health Index available from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) to assess and implement an effective wellness policy. The school health council will use modules 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8 of the CDC’s School Health Index to monitor and improve the districts progress in meeting the districts wellness policies. This assessment will be done annually and the results will be included in each school’s ACSIP. Each principal and board member will be provided with the wellness policies and will receive any revisions and assessments for review. Communicable Diseases and Parasites – 4.34 Students with communicable diseases or with human host parasites that are transmittable in a school environment shall demonstrate respect for other students by not attending school while they are capable of transmitting their condition to others. Students whom the school nurse determines are unwell or unfit for school attendance or who are believed to have a communicable disease or condition will be required to be picked up by their parent or guardian. Specific examples include, but are not limited to: chicken pox, measles, scabies, conjunctivitis (Pink Eye), impetigo/MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), streptococcal and staphylococcal infections, ringworm, mononucleosis, Hepatitis A, B or C, mumps, vomiting, diarrhea, and fever (100.4 F when taken orally). A student who has been sent home by the school nurse will be subsequently readmitted, at the discretion of the school nurse, when the student is no longer a transmission risk. In some instances, a letter from a health care provider may be required prior to the student being readmitted to the school. To help control the possible spread of communicable diseases, school personnel shall follow the District's exposure control plan when dealing with any blood borne, foodborne, and airborne pathogens exposures. Standard precautions shall be followed relating to the handling, disposal, and cleanup of blood and other potentially infectious materials such as all body fluids, secretions and excretions (except sweat). The District shall maintain a copy of each student's immunization record and a list of individuals with exemptions from immunization which shall be education records as defined in policy 4.13. That policy provides that an education record may be disclosed to appropriate parties in connection with an emergency if knowledge of the information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals. A student enrolled in the District who has an immunization exemption may be removed from school at the discretion of the Arkansas Department of Health during an outbreak of the disease for which the student is not vaccinated. The student may not return to the school until the outbreak has been resolved and the student's return to school is approved by the Arkansas Department of Health. The parents or legal guardians of students found to have live human host parasites that are transmittable in a school environment will be asked to pick their child up at the end of the school day. The parents or legal guardians will be given information concerning the eradication and control of human host parasites. A student may be readmitted after the school nurse or designee has determined the student no longer has live human host parasites that are transmittable in a school environment. Each school may conduct screenings of students for human host parasites that are transmittable in a school environment as needed. The screenings shall be conducted in a manner that respects the privacy and confidentiality of each student. Medications (Student) - 4.35 Prior to the administration of any medication to any student under the age of eighteen (18), written parental consent is required. The consent form shall include authorization to administer the medication and relieve the Board and its employees of civil liability for damages or injuries resulting from the administration of medication to students in accordance with this policy. Unless authorized to self-administer, students are not allowed to carry any medications, including over-thecounter medications or any perceived health remedy not regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration while at school. The parent or legal guardian shall bring the student’s medication to the school nurse. The student may bring the medication if accompanied by a written authorization from the parent or legal guardian. When medications are brought to the school nurse, the nurse shall document, in the presence of the parent, the quantity and type of the medication(s). If the medications are brought by a student, the school nurse shall ask another school employee to verify, in the presence of the student the quantity of the medication(s). Each person present shall sign a form verifying the quantity and type of the medication(s). Medications, including those for self-medication, must be in the original container and be properly labeled with the student’s name, the ordering health care provider’s name, the name of the medication, the dosage, frequency, and 65 instructions for the administration of the medication (including times). Additional information accompanying the medication shall state the purpose for the medication, its possible side effects, and any other pertinent instructions (such as special storage requirements) or warnings. Students with an individualized health plan (IHP) may be given over-the-counter medications to the extent giving such medications are included in the student's IHP. The only Schedule II medications that shall be allowed to be brought to the school are methylphenidate (Ritalin) and amphetamine sulfate (Adderall). To help ensure their safe keeping, any such medications brought to the school nurse shall be stored in a double locked cabinet. For the student's safety, no student will be allowed to attend school if the student is currently taking any other Schedule II medication than permitted by this policy. Students who are taking Schedule II medications which are not allowed to be brought to school shall be eligible for homebound instruction if provided for in their IEP and 504 plans. The district's supervising registered nurse shall be responsible for creating both on campus and off campus procedures for administering medications. Students who have written permission from their parent or guardian and a licensed health care practitioner to selfadminister either an rescue inhaler or auto-injectable epinephrine, or both and who have a current consent form on file shall be allowed to carry and self-administer such medication while in school, at an on-site school sponsored activity, while traveling to or from school, or at an off-site school sponsored activity. Students are prohibited from sharing, transferring, or in any way diverting his/her medications to any other person. The fact that a student with a completed consent form on file is allowed to carry an rescue inhaler or auto-injectable epinephrine, or both does not require him/her to have such on his/her person. The parent or guardian of a student who qualifies under this policy to self-carry a rescue inhaler or auto-injectable epinephrine, or both on his/her person shall provide the school with the appropriate medication which shall be immediately available to the student in an emergency. Students may be administered Glucagon in emergency situations by the school nurse or, in the absence of the school nurse, a trained volunteer school employee designated as a care provider, provided the student has: 1. an IHP developed under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 which provides for the administration of Glucagon in emergency situations; and 2. a current, valid consent form on file from their parent or guardian. Emergency Administration of Epinephrine The school nurse or other school employees designated by the school nurse as a care provider who have been trained and certified by a licensed physician may administer an epinephrine auto-injector in emergency situations to students who have an IHP developed under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 which provides for the administration of an epinephrine auto-injector in emergency situations. The parent of a student who has an authorizing IHP, or the student if over the age of eighteen (18), shall annually complete and sign a written consent form provided by the student's school nurse authorizing the nurse or other school employee certified to administer auto-injector epinephrine to the student when the employee believes the student is having a life-threatening anaphylactic reaction. Students with an order from and a licensed health care provider to self-administer auto-injectable epinephrine and who have written permission from their parent or guardian shall provide the school nurse an epinephrine auto-injector. This epinephrine will be used in the event the school nurse, or other school employee certified to administer auto-injector epinephrine, in good faith professionally believes the student is having a life-threatening anaphylactic reaction and the student is either not self-carrying his/her /epinephrine auto-injector or the nurse is unable to locate it. The school nurse for each District school shall keep epinephrine auto-injectors on hand that are suitable for the students the school serves. The school nurse or other school employee designated by the school nurse as a care provider who has been trained and certified by a licensed physician may administer auto-injector epinephrine to those students who the school nurse, or other school employee certified to administer auto-injector epinephrine, in good faith professionally believes is having a life-threatening anaphylactic reaction. Students who have written permission from their parent or guardian and a licensed health care provider to selfadminister either an asthma inhaler or auto-injectable epinephrine, or both and who have a current consent form on file shall be allowed to carry and self-administer such medication while in school, at an on-site school sponsored activity, while traveling to or from school, or at an off-site school sponsored activity. Students are prohibited from sharing, transferring, or in any way diverting his/her medications to any other person. The fact that a student with a completed consent form on file is allowed to carry an asthma inhaler or auto-injectable epinephrine, or both does not require him/her to have such on his/her person. The parent or guardian of a student who chooses to not carry an asthma inhaler or autoinjectable epinephrine, or both on his/her person shall provide the school with the appropriate medication which shall be immediately available to the student in an emergency. 66 Students may be administered Glucagon in emergency situations by the school nurse or, in the absence of the school nurse, a trained volunteer school employee designated as a care provider, provided the student has: 3. an IHP developed under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 which provides for the administration of Glucagon in emergency situations; and 4. a current, valid consent form on file from their parent or guardian. The school shall not keep outdated medications or any medications past the end of the school year. By this policy, parents are notified that ten (10) days after the last day of school, all medications will be disposed of that are left at the school. Medications not picked up by the parents or legal guardians within the ten (10) day period shall be disposed of by the school nurse in accordance with current law and regulations. Illness/Accident (Student) - 4.36 If a student becomes too ill to remain in class and/or could be contagious to other students, the principal or designee will attempt to notify the student’s parent or legal guardian. The student will remain in the school’s health room or a place where he/she can be supervised until the end of the school day or until the parent/legal guardian can check the student out of school. If a student becomes seriously ill or is injured while at school and the parent/legal guardian cannot be contacted, the failure to make such contact shall not unreasonably delay the school’s expeditious transport of the student to an appropriate medical care facility. The school assumes no responsibility for treatment of the student. When available, current, and applicable, the student’s emergency contact numbers and medical information will be utilized. Parents are strongly encouraged to keep this information up to date. Physical Examinations or Screenings - 4.41 The Jessieville School District may provide from time to time for the administration of physical exams or screenings of its students. The intent of the exams or screenings shall be to detect contagious or infectious diseases or defects in hearing, vision, or other elements of health that would adversely affect the student’s ability to achieve to their full potential. The district shall notify parents, at least annually, of the specific or approximate dates of any non-emergency, invasive physical examination or screening that is: required as a condition of attendance; administered by the school and scheduled by the school in advance; and not necessary to protect the immediate health and safety of the student, or of other students. For the purposes of this policy, “Invasive Physical Examination” is defined as any medical examination that involves the exposure of private body parts, or any act during such examination that includes incision, insertion, or injection into the body, but does not include a hearing, vision, or scoliosis screening. Except in instances where a student is suspected of having a contagious or infectious disease, parents shall have the right to opt their student out of the exams or screenings by using form 4.41F or by providing certification from a physician that he/she has recently examined the student. A student may be required to pass a physical exam before being allowed to participate in certain extracurricular activities to help ensure they are physically capable of withstanding the rigors of the activity. It is understood that students who refuse to take such an exam will not be allowed to participate in the desired activity. The rights provided to parents under this policy transfer to the student when he/she turns 18 years old. FORMS PROVIDED IN THE OFFICE Copies of this policy shall be available upon request. Bus Transportation School buses are owned and operated by the school district for the purpose of transporting students who live too great a distance to walk to and from school. The drivers have the same authority and responsibility on the bus that teachers would have in the classroom. Students will remain seated while the bus is in motion. Students are not allowed to use tobacco. A student that is unruly on the bus may be required to provide transportation to and from school, other than the school bus. Students are not allowed on school buses during the school day without permission of a principal. Students wishing to ride a bus to or from school, other than their normal bus route, must present notification from parent or guardian to the bus driver. Students will provide their own transportation for games and other school activities conducted outside school hours. Transportation will be provided for all activities during school hours. 67 Pick-up points will be established where more than one student lives in a close area. This will cut down riding time for all students. When it is raining or temperatures are extremely low, individual stops will be made. Food Service Jessieville School offers both a breakfast and lunch program. Every effort is made to provide nutritious and appealing meals which will enhance a students' ability to learn. Parents are always welcome to eat lunch or breakfast with their children. Jessieville School District will provide substitute menus to accommodate students with handicapping conditions meeting the definition of a disability as defined by USDA regulations. A parent/guardian wishing to request such a dietary accommodation must submit a Certification of Disability for Special Dietary Needs Form completed by a licensed physician to the district’s School Food Service Director on a yearly basis. Arkansas school districts are not required by law to prepare special menus based upon a family’s religious or personal health beliefs. Lunch Prices Breakfast Student $1.75 Reduced Price $ .30 Adult $2.00 Weekly Lunch Weekly Extra Milk $ 8.75 $ 1.50 $10.00 $2.25 $ .40 $3.10 $11.25 $ 2.00 $15.50 $ .50 $ .50 $ .50 *Jessieville currently provides breakfast and lunches at no charge to students (employees are not eligible). The district does not offer credit for food items purchased in the school cafeteria; payment for such items is due at the time the food items are received. An alternate lunch of cheese or peanut butter sandwich and milk will be substituted for students. Staff, students, or parents may pay for lunches and breakfasts on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Checks may be made out to Jessieville School. Applications for free or reduced-price meals are available and may be filed at any time during the year. These applications are handled in a confidential manner according to strict federal guidelines. Do not hesitate to file an application if you experience job changes or other circumstances which might make your children eligible for this benefit! Mrs. Melinda Losey is the School Food Service Director for Jessieville. Contact her at 984-5665 if you have any questions. Library The library is a place to do research. It is not a study hall. Quiet should be maintained to enable students to concentrate. Library assistants have the authority to ask any student who is misbehaving to leave the library. Any student who fails to obey a request to leave the library will be banned from the library for length of time specified by the librarian. The person whose name is last recorded must pay for books that are lost. Fines will be charged for all books and magazines which are overdue. All fines must be paid before any grades or records will be released. Students using the library must have a library pass from the classroom teacher or study hall teacher they are assigned to for that period. Selection of Library and Media Materials - 5.7 The ultimate authority for the selection and retention of materials for the school’s media centers rests with the Board of Education which shall serve as a final arbiter in resolving a challenge to any media center materials. Licensed media center personnel shall make the initial selections in consultation with school and district licensed staff. Materials selected shall be in accordance with guidelines of this policy. Selection Criteria The criteria used in the selection of media center materials shall be that the materials: 1. Support and enhance the curricular and educational goals of the district; 2. Are appropriate for the ages, learning styles, interests, and maturity of the schools’ students, or parents in the case of parenting literature; 3. Contribute to the examination of issues from varying points of view and help to broaden students understanding of their rights and responsibilities in our society; 4. Help develop critical thinking skills; 5. Are factually and/or historically accurate, in the case of non-fiction works and/or serve a pedagogical purpose; 6. Have literary merit as perceived by the educational community; and 68 7. Are technically well produced, physically sound (to the extent appropriate), and represent a reasonably sound economic value. Challenges The parent of a student affected by a media selection, or a district employee may formally challenge the appropriateness of a media center selection by following the procedure outlined in this policy. The challenged material shall remain available throughout the challenge process. Before any formal challenge can be filed, the individual contesting (hereinafter complainant) the appropriateness of the specified item shall request a conference through the principal’s office with a licensed media center employee. The complainant shall be given a copy of this policy and the Request for Formal Reconsideration Form prior to the conference. The meeting shall take place at the earliest possible time of mutual convenience, but in no case later than five (5) working days from the date of the request unless it is by the choice of the complainant. Telephone The office phones are for school business only and the student should not ask to use them except in case of extreme importance. Only the telephone in the principal’s office will be used by students and they must have permission from the principal. IT WILL NOT BE A PRACTICE TO CALL STUDENTS FROM CLASS FOR CALLS EXCEPT IN CASES OF EMERGENCY. Lost and Found Lost and found items are to be turned in at the principal’s office. These items will be kept for two weeks and then placed in boxes of clothing for persons in need. 69 Jessieville School District #1 2014-2015 School Activities Calendar August 18 August 28 ---- First day of school ---- Join Scouting Night September 1 September 11 September 13 September 18 ---- Labor Day (No School) ---- School picture day (Pre K-11) ---- ACT test date ---- Parent Teacher Conferences / Progress Reports October 17 October 23 October 25 ---- End of 1 nine weeks ---- School picture re-takes (Pre K -11) ---- ACT test date November 20 November 24-28 ---- Progress Reports ---- Thanksgiving Break (No School) December 13 December 17-19 December 19 Dec. 22 - Jan. 2 ---- ACT test date ---- Middle School and High School semester exams nd st ---- End of 2 nine weeks / End of 1 semester ---- Christmas Break (No School) January 5 January 6 January 19 ---- Professional Development (No Students) nd ---- Students return / 2 semester ---- MLK, Jr. Day, Professional Development (No Students) February 5 February 7 February 10 ---- Progress Reports ---- ACT test date ---- Elementary class photos March 9 - April 10 ---- PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College & Careers) Testing for Performance Based Assessment Grades 3-12 rd ---- End of 3 nine weeks ---- Spring photos for Middle and High School ---- CAPS Night for High School ---- Parent/Teacher Conferences for Middle and Elementary School ---- Spring Break (No School) March 13 March 17 March 19 March 19 March 23-27 April 3 April 6-10 April 14 & 15 April 16 April 18 April 22 - May 22 st April 28-29 ---- Good Friday (No School) st nd -----IOWA Testing Grades 1 and 2 ---- Science Benchmark Exam for grades 5 & 7 ---- Progress Reports ---- ACT test date ---- PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College & Careers) Testing for End of Year Grades 3-12 ---- End of Course Biology Exam May 14 May 14 May 14 May 17 May 19 May 21, 22 & 26 May 25 May 27 June 13 ---- Middle School Awards & 8 Grade Recognition - Performing Arts Ctr. ---- High School Academic Awards (grades 9-11) – 5:30 PM - PAC ---- Senior Academic Awards Reception – 6:30 PM – Performing Arts Ctr. ---- Baccalaureate - 2:00 PM – Performing Arts Ctr. ---- Graduation - 7:00 PM – Summit Arena – Hot Springs ---- Middle School & High School Semester Tests ---- Memorial Day (No School) ---- End of second semester / Last day of school ---- ACT test date th 70
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