Midian Shrine Topics July 2011 - Midian Shrine Center Wichita
Midian Shrine Topics July 2011 - Midian Shrine Center Wichita
vol. 66 issue 7 Potentate’s Message MTopics IDIAN July, 2011 Congratulations to Midian’s 25 and 50 Year Members! Wichita, Kansas Eureka Days see more, page 4 Welcome New Nobles of Midian! Butler County Chuckwagon Feed DAVID PATE Well, here it is, July has snuck upon us. June was not quite as busy as the previous months and July will be about the same. Reminder that Midian’s Stated Meetings will NOT go dark in July and August. We have planned activities for the two Stated Meetings. In July our Midian Chef’s will prepare a Hamburger/Hot Dog, Chips & Beer meal before the meeting. And of course there will be a meal in August before Stated as well. Details of this meal are currently being worked on as we speak. Congratulations to Noble Ed Day and Lady Marilyn for the great job they worked on getting Midian’s Family Day together with the pass and the hamburger/hot dog luncheon. Depending on your visit at the Zoo, most were able to see some of the animals being fed early in the morning. Then the heat set in and boyo-boy was it HOT!! But from what I was able to see, the Family Day was a great success at the Zoo. Did you get to see all of the newborn animals? Really cute! And the mothers were very protective of the babies too. June Stated Meeting was Midian’s 25 and 50-year member recognition and Emblem presentation. Thanks to all of our Nobles in attendance supporting these men that have given so much to the Shrine during their distinguished tenure in Midian Shriners. Thank you Nobles, and a very special thanks to our 25 and 50 year Nobles. We trust all enjoyed the dinner before Stated Meeting as well! Imperial in Denver, July 3rd thru 7th will be enlightening and very productive. There are several items on the agenda that may prove See Potentate, page 3 A warm welcome our newest Nobles created during Stated Meeting with a Short Form - Tye Pameticky (left) and Brendan Gelinas (right) Southwest Shrine Club Picnic Foster Smith, President and other members of Midian Bowlers presented a check to the Plane of Mercy from the Bowlers for just over $9,000.00 at Stated Meeting, June 15, 2011 Topics Reporters: YOUR ARTICLE FOR THE AUGUST TOPICS IS DUE JULY 15, 2011 e-mail to jfrazier@midian.kscoxmail.com 300 words or less in lower and upper case (not all capitals) Topics Contents: Pg 2 Midian Officers, Annual Schedule; Pg 3 Plane of Mercy; Pg 4 25-50 yr Members; Pg 5 Clubs Articles; Pg 6 Units Articles; Pg 8 Current Month Calendar; Pg 14 Ladies Articles; Pg 15 Event Photos Midian Shrine Topics Page 2 Midian Shrine member Noble Jerry Smith an Imperial Ambassador spoke to the membership and several ladies of his experience at Shriners Hospitals for Children when he was a child in the 1950’s. Jerry lived at the hospital for several years as he was being treated because of the distance from his home making traveling a hardship on his family. Noble Jerry just recently completed a bicycle trip from Newton, KS to Washington DC. This is not the first bicycle trip Noble Jerry has taken and completed. Not too long ago, he bicycled from Bozeman, Montana to Alaska! Occasionally, Jerry’s Lady Shirley will accompany him on a distance bicycle expedition. Now we know why Noble Jerry is an Shrine Imperial Ambassador! JULY, 2011 2011 APPROVED PARADE LIST JULY Sat. 2..............Park City Parade – LU starting at 8am – Parade 9am - Staging area South of 61st St Sat. 2..................................................................................Toronto, Ks Parade – Parade @ 10am Sat. 2......................................Lewis Days Parade, Lewis, KS - LU 9:00am - Parade 10:00am Mon. 4..................Hutchinson Parade – LU 9:00am – Parade 10am – Hospitality @ Lodge 124 Mon. 4.....American Legion July 4 Parade, Sterling, KS – LU 12:15pm – 1:45pm – Parade 2:00pm Thurs. 7.....Sedgwick Co Fair Parade, Cheney, KS – LU 6:00pm Cheney High School Parade 7:00pm Fri. 8.....................................Wellington Wheat Festival Parade – Parade 8pm Sat. 23..................................Chautauqua County Parade, Sedan, KS, - Parade at 10:00am Sat. 30........Shrine Bowl Parade – Hays, KS – Form at 9am, north end of Main and will start at 10am AUGUST Sat. 6.........................................Sumner Co. Fair Parade, Caldwell at 6:30pm – LU at 5:30pm Sat. 6.......Harvey County Fee Fair Parade, Newton, KS – LU 5:15pm 9th & Main – Parade 6:00pm Sat. 13..........................................Halstead Old Settlers Day Parade – Parade at 10:00am Sat. 20...................................................Mulvane Old Settlers Day Parade at 11:00am SEPTEMBER Sat. 17..............Sedgwick Fall Festival Parade – Parade 10:00am –LU 9:00am 4th & Commercial Sat. 17.....................................Harvest Home Festival Parade, Leon, KS - Parade 10:30am Sat. 24.............................................Conway Springs Fall Fest Parade at 11:00am Sat. 24..........................................Valley Centers Fall Festival Parade at 10:00am Sat. 24.................................................Burrton’s Fall Festival Parade at 2:30pm Sat. 24...................................Medicine Lodge Peace Treaty – Parade 10:00am OCTOBER Sat. 1..................Augusta Homecoming Fest Parade - LU 9:00am - Parade 10:00am Sat. 1.....................................Goddard Fall Festival Parade – Parade 10:30am Sat. 8....................................................Douglass Frontiers Day Parade – Parade 10:00am Sat. 8..................................................Towanda Days Festival Parade - Parade 10:00am Sat. 15...............................Haysville Fall Festival Parade – LU 8:00am – Parade 9:00am Fri. 22..........................................Clearwater Fall Festival Parade – Details to follow Fri. 22.......................................Ark. City Arkalalah Parade – Parade 2:00pm NOVEMBER Sat. 5..........................Fall Ceremonial Parade – Details at a later date – Mandatory – no other parades Sat. 17 ..........Hutchinson Christmas Parade – LU 9:00am – Parade 10am – Hospitality at Lodge 124 Fri. 25.........................“Light Up Anthony” Christmas Parade at 6:00pm – LU at 5:00pm Sat. 26.....................Santa Day Parade – Norwich, KS – LU 3:00pm – Parade 4:00pm NOTE: All Motorized Unit Leaders please see that all your members that parade have a current liability insurance certificate. MIDIAN TOPICS The Fourth of July, our Independence Day, Freedom. Who is paying the price today and who has paid the price for each of us in the past? to any and all of them we offer up our honor and give thanks. To all Active Personnel, Vetrans, Patriots, alike - rememberance. O-ver hill, o-ver date, we will hit the dust-y trail.... An-chors a- weigh, my boys. An-chors aweigh... From the Halls of Mon-te-zu-ma to the shors of Trip-o-li.... We-re al-ways read-y for the call, we place our trust in Thee... Off we go, in-to the wild, blue yon-der, climb-ing high in-to the sun. These wonderful Hymns from each branch of our Armed Forces touch our memory and our heart. Music speaks what cannot be expressed, it soothes the mind and gives it rest, it heals the heart and make is whole, and flows from Heaven to the soul. “But it never sounds with such seraphic harmony as when employed in singing gratitude to the Creator of the Universe. There with it we are to remain until the trumpet shall sound on the resurrection morn. Until then we can cheerfully leavet it in the hands of a Being who does all things well.” O say can you see A-mer-i-ca, A-mer-i-ca, my home! A-mer-i-ca! In GOD we trust. John W. Stewart, Chaplain Midian Shrine Tentative Schedule of Events Subject to change JULY Jul. 3-7 Imperial Session – Denver, CO Jul. 9 Automobilia Jul. 12 BOD Meeting – 5:00 pm Jul. 16 Midian Golf Stag Jul. 20 Stated Meeting – Relaxed Jul. 23 Theme Party – “Midian’s Got Talent” – Auditions Jul. 29 Shrine Bowl Parade – Banquet Jul. 30 Shrine Bowl Game AUGUST Aug. 9 BOD Meeting – 5:00 pm Aug. 13 Theme Party – “Midian’s Got Talent” (conclusion) Aug. 17 Stated Meeting – Relaxed Aug. 27 Midian Stag SEPTEMBER Sep. 1-3 CSSA – Overland park, KS Sep. 10 Post CSSA Party / Trophy Presentations Sep. 13 BOD Meeting – 5:00 pm Sep. 17 Casino Night Sep. 21 Stated Meeting Sep. 30 - Oct 4 Albuquerque Balloon Festival – Bus Trip OCTOBER Sep. 30 - Oct 4 Albuquerque Balloon Festival – Bus Trip Oct. 11 BOD Meeting – 5:00 pm Oct. 19 Stated Meeting Oct. 29 Keystone Kops Halloween Party NOVEMBER Nov. 4 Pre-Glo Nov. 5 Fall Ceremonial / Ladies Fall Luncheon Nov. 8 BOD Meeting – 5:00 pm Nov. 16 Stated Meeting Nov. 19 New Nobles Party Nov. 20 AIDES Appreciation and Temple Christmas Decorate Dec. 10 Dec. 13 Dec. 17 Dec. 18 Dec. 21 DECEMBER Children’s Christmas Party/Scottish Rite BOD Meeting – 5:00 pm Midian’s Christmas Party/Dance Children’s Christmas Fantasy Century II Stated Meeting JANUARY 2012 Jan. 7 Awards Banquet Jan. 10 BOD Meeting – 5:00 pm Jan. 14 Hey! We’re Through and What A Crew! Party Jan. 18 Annual Meeting – Election of Officers “I pledge allegiance to my flag and country for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.” Midian TOPICS (USPS 347-600). Published monthly by the Midian Shrine, 130 N. Topeka, Wichita KS. Printed by Valley Offset, PO Box 298 Valley Center, KS 67147. Under the auspices of Midian Shrine, A.A.O.N.M.S. Periodicals postage paid at Wichita, Kansas. SUBSCRIPTION RATE...$4.00 PER YEAR $4.00 of the Annual Membership Dues is paid as a Year’s Subscription to the Midian “TOPICS” POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Midian Topics, 130 N. Topeka, Wichita, KS 67202. Official Publication of Midian Shrine A.A.O.N.M.S, Wichita, Kansas 67202 MIDIAN SHRINE, 130 NORTH TOPEKA jfrazier@midian.kscoxmail.com Recorder’s Office........................................................................................265-9676 ext 204 and 205 Oasis............................................................................................................................265-9676 ext 209 Circus Office.................................................................................................................265-9676 ext 206 JULY, 2011 Vol. 66, No. 7 ELECTIVE DIVAN David Pate..................................Illustrious Potentate Terry Schrant.......................................Chief Rabban Jodie Mosier........................................Assistant Rabban Lonnie Nichols................................High Priest & Prophet Ed Day........................................................Oriental Guide Bob Bulman......................................................Treasurer Michael J. Kelley, PP.........................................Recorder APPOINTIVE DIVAN Larry Wilson..............................First Ceremonial Master Christopher Hawn...................Second Ceremonial Master Fred Smith....................................Ceremonial Director Ray Richecky.......................................Marshal Wayne Price Jr..............................Captain of the Guard Randy Pierce...........................................Outer Guard John Stewart................................................Chaplain HONORARY DIVAN Gary D. Denniston ~ William L. Cozine TRUSTEES Robert Giesen ~ Bob Baker ~ Randy Brown CEREMONIAL DIRECTOR EMERITUS Ron Van Etten, P.P. EDITORIAL STAFF Darren Schopf - Editor LIVING PAST POTENTATES Judge Tom Raum........................................................P.P. 1969 Les H. Brown.............................................................P.P. 1970 James K. Steele..........................................................P.P. 1973 Leslie D. Hostetler......................................................P.P. 1978 W. Nolan Artz..........................................................P.P. 1981 V.E. “Gene” Lygrisse.................................................P.P. 1982 Verne F. Thornton........................................................P.P. 1983 James B. McNerney...................................................P.P. 1984 Stephen A. Wolf...........................................................P.P. 1985 Jack U. Russell..........................................................P.P. 1989 Douglas G. Roland..........................................................P.P. 1990 Tonk Mills, D.D.S..........................................................P.P. 1992 William K. Himebaugh...................................................P.P. 1993 Berkley Conn...............................................................P.P. 1995 Warren R. Rensner D.D.S...............................................P.P. 1998 Martin L. Sharp............................................................P.P. 1999 Roger G. Snellen...........................................................P.P. 2000 Michael J. Kelley............................................................P.P. 2001 Ron L. Capps...............................................................P.P. 2002 David A. Schopf............................................................P.P. 2003 Jeffrey L. Sowder.........................................................P.P. 2004 Gary K. Gates...........................................................P.P. 2005 John Auch..............................................................P.P. 2006 Ron Van Etten....................................................P.P. 2008 David Byerley....................................................P.P. 2009 Richard C. Schopf....................................................P.P. 2010 ENDOWMENT/WILLS/GIFTS HUGH GILL, IV PUBLIC RELATIONS JOHN AUCH, P.P. , DAVID PATE & DERRICK KELLER STATEMENTS OF THE OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRCULATION, ETC., required by the Act of Congress of August 12, 1970, Section 3685, Title 39, United States Code of MIDIAN SHRINE A.A.O.N.M.S. of Wichita, Kansas, for October 1, 1988 State of Kansas, County of Sedgwick Midian Shrine Topics JULY, 2011 ”PLANE OF MERCY” DONATIONS MAY 15, 2011 - JUNE 15, 2011 Donations Remington High School Midian DixieKatz Anonymous BOB BULMAN CHAIRMAN Midian-Provost Guard Jeff Drehl Jack Bender Shrine Ladies Purse Auction Kohls Otto & Melissa Stuber We respectfully hope that no errors are made listing these donations. It is never our intent to make errors, but they can happen. Each donation is important for the Plane of Mercy to exist and is deeply appreciated. MEMORIAL DONATIONS IN MEMORY OF Jack Ocy Connell Betty Newton Emerald Court Reporting LLC Michael & Pat Maloney Praire Rose Funeral Home Gary Dunn PP Roman Kerschen Joe Patton Wayne & Ann Kiser Ed Kimminau Dr. Dale Hague Dan & Beth Farmer Pat Sauble Reiford & Judy Acord Lesa Ogden Gordon Wayne Harnden Kay McKaig Karen Hare Tom & Chris Tharp Bea Thurman Harper County Shrine Club Irma Hays Greg & Cheryl Thurman Robert Hottman Raymond & Anne Barber Larry & Shirley Stranathan Wayne & Donna Palsmeier Gene Gregory Lois Hofmeier Walter & Nancy Porter Daniel Bird Donna Collins Orin Hilton Jack & Chelsea McCreery Karen Sherar Shirley Schwerdtfeger Randy & Becky Newberry Charles John Maechtlen Deborah Harnden Gary & Lana Elwick Rex Gates Jeff & Diana Capps Bud Moon Brenda Carpenter Harper County Shrine Club Joyce Welshans Harper Lodge NO. 206 A.F. & A.M. Kenneth & Brenda Dixon John & Shirley Stewart Floyd Kendall Seaman John & Kathy Eck Pat & Lurlene Seaman Gary & Pam Green Larry & Bette Jo King Gene & Shirley Martin Mr & Mrs Eugene Alexander Darrel & Nancy Trantham Charles & Glenda Sill Jerry & Ruth Vanlandingham Vicky & Keith Grant Gary & Connie Peetoom Robert & Feryl Giesen Lana Barkman William & Eva Murphy Mr & Mrs RW Watt Robert Conley Fred & Deanna Mott Dolores Seaman-Turnquist Ruth Carr Joe & Bonnie Cooke Curtis & Gayle Slagell Keith R Hanshaw Jason & Kris Calvert Glenn & Carol Holmes Bryce & Carol Hayes Ray & Delores Schapansky Howard & Debra Hatfield George & Lila Miller Ernest, Verla & Tricia Niquette Tony & Bridget White James & Theresa Frey Rob & Susan Hughes Susie Regan David Jabara Lloyd & Diana Klein Toni Gerleman Wray & Pauline Skinner Clyde Wehling El Paso Teachers Hospitality Fund Margery Wohlgemuth Art & Carolyn Busenitz Glenn & Judy Berg Harry & Kathy Baker Cindy Friesen The Dalton Family Frank & Marty Hopkins Larry & Rita Smith Jim & Jane Johnson Max Whitson John Meyersick Theodore Graham Richard & Nancy Miller Gerald & Janet Duncan Deak & Cleta Ralston Bret & Julie Mosiman Fred & Shelley Hopkins James & Leanna Hefley Patrick & Nancy Tucker Darryl & Marsha Meyersick Patricia G Rank Eunice P Wohlgemuth Garry & Dona Pack Kenneth & Judy Guthrie Furley United Methodist Church Mildred Hicks Dale, Ginny & Rod Wohlgemuth Kenneth & Michelle Wilkerson Hospital Van Drivers June 2011 Farold Hoover & Clayton Scott ~ Ed Miller & Landon Williams Howard Malone & Glen Taul ~ Steve Towns & Maurice Knepp Harvey & Carol Owens ~ Lynn & Ina Sage Lee & Robby Humbolt Thank you to these men and women for their dedicated service to Midian and the St Louis Hospital for Children. They, as all concerned persons of the Shrine, volunteer for the sake of the children. Thank you for your support. Howard Malone, Van Unit Commander 2011 NAME Charles David Holt Jerry Lynn Griffith Donald Lee Berger Wendell R. Johnson Donald Weldon Henry Jack Ocy Connell Daniel Harry Birr May 15, 2011 - June 15, 2011 CREATED BORN 01/09/2006 12/17/1938 05/21/1960 01/26/1931 11/07/1987 10/02/1937 04/24/1954 04/09/1929 11/15/1975 02/21/1938 05/23/1959 04/20/1917 11/08/1990 04/21/1924 DECEASED 05/14/2011 05/25/2011 05/27/2011 05/25/2011 05/29/2011 06/2011 06/12/2011 Page 3 Membership By BART OGDEN Greetings Brother Nobles, As we move into the summer months we MUST keep working for MEMBERSHIP! In fact, RIGHT NOW is the time we must focus and amplify our efforts to find new nobles and masons. There will be some great opportunities to bring your friends to Midian as the July and August Meetings will be “Open”, the “Midian’s Got Talent” Auditions and Finals Competition (complete with plenty of Camel’s Milk) will be happening. BRING YOUR FRIENDS – they’ll see how much fun Shiners have! All Masonic Information Nights will be held on the following dates: July 15th, August 23rd, September 12th at 7pm in the Isis Room. We will have light snacks and sodas for all who attend and we will do an excellent job with the recently updated Masonic Information Presentation! There will also be an All Masonic Information Night held in Hutchinson, KS on October 7th, 2011, at the Plaza Truck Stop on Highway 50. Social Hour will be at 6pm, there will be a short business meeting followed by a Masonic Membership Presentation. For information, please call Bob Hannigan at 620-663-7373. You are responsible for your prospect’s meal at the reasonable cost of $12.50. The presentation will conclude by 8pm. There will be a Chance to Advance Class held on October 22nd. Your candidate MUST have taken his 1st degree in his home lodge and show satisfactory proficiency in his first degree. Please check with your individual lodges immediately to find out what their proficiency requirements are and what the timetable is for getting their Entered Apprentice Degree completed PRIOR to October 22nd! Nobles, I must have your help. On page 14 of this issue of the Topics is a step-by-step guide on how to become a Midian Virtual Mentor. PLEASE sign up to help! We need 100 Mentors signed up ASAP to cover Midian’s jurisdiction. Right now, we’re about halfway there. We are in the middle of doing outreach to all the Masonic lodges in Midian’s jurisdiction and we need people in place who are ready and able to talk to Masons and those who are interested in becoming Masons and Shriners. I am extremely puzzled by something that was related to me. It seems that there are actually Clubs and Units out there that aren’t participating in the Virtual Mentor Program because “they only want to recruit for their Club or Unit”. Nobles, that is extremely shortsighted. We will have a “brand new, fully energized fraternity and every unit will surely reap the benefits!” We ALL must pitch in and find Nobles for Midian.. Whether or not they join your Club or Unit is absolutely irrelevant. The goal is to make Masons and Nobles, then to get them placed in a Club or Unit that interests them. I urge and implore ALL of you to get on board for MEMBERSHIP. If we don’t get on board NOW, we will continue to see declines. Want to create some excitement? Want to fill your Clubs and Units? Want to MAX OUT attendance at Midian’s Parties and Events? Want to totally change the face of Midian in the next 6 months? MEMBERSHIP will do ALL these things. MEMBERSHIP really is the solution! Nobles, I absolutely, positively, unconditionally guarantee you that if we put in 80 – 100 nobles in the Fall Ceremonial, we will have a brand-new, fully energized fraternity. We CAN do this, but ONLY if EVERYONE does their part. I personally challenge you to the following: Simply find 1 person that is not a Noble and bring them to the next All Masonic Information Night and we will help YOU top-line that person. Nobles, if you cannot make it to one of our All Masonic Information Night, call me and we will arrange for someone from the Membership Committee to personally meet with you and your friend and introduce them to the Shrine Mason Fraternity. Midian’s future is in YOUR hands… Yours in the Faith, Bart Ogden - Midian 2011 Membership Chairman Potentate to be really tough and thoroughly discussed. Whatever the decisions, we are sure there will be positives and progress. Thanks to Captain Rocky McWilliams and members of the Motor Patrol that will be attending Imperial and driving the Divan in the Imperial Parade! Automobilia. Thanks to all Nobility that intend to entered in this event. Thanks to the promoter, he again allowed Midian an early sneak into the parking area in front of Midian. What a better way to showcase Midian Shrine Temple! This event grows more and more each year and Midian is proud of our Clubs/Units that showcase their vehicles and to be part of the Automobilia activity. Midian’s Golf Stag, Saturday, July 16th a winner for all Shriners who participate. Golf, cart, lunch, and beverages throughout the day at Hidden Lakes Golf Club. This will be a new location for the golf stag and from the comments made, we will most likely return to Hidden Lakes again! Thanks to Assistant Rabban Jodie Mosier and 1st Ceremonial Master Larry Wilson for making the Golf Stag a fun time for all! From page 1 Although our Midian’s Got Talent (and we can prove this!) Audition has not arrived as of this publication; I predict it to be a ROUSING success. You do not want to miss this talent by fellow Shriners!! Our planners are working very hard on the TWO shows. July 23rd and August 13th. ALSO, our Midian Chef’s will prepare dinner before both of the Midian’s Got Talent shows. Meals will be served from 5:00 pm until 7:00 pm. A Pork Loin and all the fixings will be the menu for July 23rd. And all of this for only $8.00!! Midian Chef’s will also prepare the meal for the Midian’s Got Talent Show-Conclusion, Saturday, August 13th as well. The menu for August is being prepared and will be shared in the Topics and emails. Reminder of Midian’s Stag on August 27th. This event promises to be fun along with lots of fellowship with various competitions! Together, We Can Achieve! Fraternally, David Pate, Your Potentate 2011 Midian Shrine Topics Page 4 JULY, 2011 CONGRATULATIONS! Midian’s 50 Year Shriners for 2011 Marvin B Collins, Melvin L Davis, Ronald G Fisher, Edward A Fry, Eddie E Harrison, Wallace M Hill, Donald E Jenkins, Arylan D Siebert, Norman C Vickers, Ted M Waggoner, C W Womack Jr 50-Year Member Arlyn Siebert 50-Year Member Ron Fisher 50-Year Member Norman Vickers 50-Year Member Wallace Hill 50-Year Member Marvin Collins Midian’s 25 Year Shriners Roger W Chrislip, Clair E Evans, Leslie W Evans, John S Fetherston ,Edward J Hakenholz Lewis F Hoobler, Robert A Houston, Robert J Martin, Charles U McVay Jr, Charles A Morgan III Sherman B Parry, James M Rasnic, Patrick R RobinsonBobby J Shanks, Harold R Thomson, Lee E Vangieson 25-Year Member Roger Chrislip 25-Year Member Bobby Shanks 25-Year Member Sherman Parry JULY, 2011 Midian Shrine Topics Page 5 Harvey County Club & Hobo Unit Butler County Happy Birthday America. Thank you to all that have contributed in whatever way to the freedoms that we enjoy. We quickly recognize those on the front lines, but the support of family, friends and neighbors is important too. President Chris Nelson tried to scare up some support to get the fire engine to Eureka, but couldn’t get a quorum. Even our most stalwart Noble Ken Dainty wasn’t available, plus he ran into some doctor trouble. Noble Harold Brewer, a.k.a. Mr. Photographer, was focused on taking pictures at the River Festival. I wonder if he has entered another contest. The June Chuck Wagon feed was fantastic! Good weather prevailed and the food was excellent. August Ponte entertained us with a wonderful mix of songs that helped cement the sentiment that wells up when you are among friends that you find in the Shrine. Like family, you may not see everyone every day, but the spiritual ties of common good Sumner County Can the weather get any hotter? I know summer is a great time for us but I sure would like to have some cooler weather. Oh well, at least we know the heat means lots of parades. Speaking of parades, several SCSC members attended the Eureka Days Parade. This was a great event and we also want to take the time to thank Lonnie and his Lady for the fine hospitality after the parade. The pool was warm and everyone had an excellent time. As I mentioned last month, we are still dark until August. There will not be a meet- Southwest Shrine Club The June Southwest Shrine Club meeting was held on June 6th at Arkalan Park. Noble Mike Brack was available to cook the prime rib steaks that were provided by National Beef at no cost to the club. Thank you National Beef. Thanks go to the ladies who brought side dishes and deserts to go with the meal. Midian Potentate Dave Pate and Lady Pat, Ceremonial Master Larry Wilson and Lady Jackie were able to make the trip from Wichita to be with us. Steve Leete (Music Man) was again on hand to entertain the Nobles, Ladies and honored guests with his repartee of songs. ARV KRUMINS Reporter and common purpose carry on. Those that have been with BCSC for some time can remember and reminisce of other fun events. Mine are limited to events at the campground of Noble Jim Brewer and Lady Loriene or the home of Noble Kenny King and Lady Ruth. From time to time, I hear our members speak of other good times with a smile on their face. We can fondly appreciate those that have previously provided the fun venues despite my not knowing who to include by name and we can once again give thanks to Noble Jim Reeves and Lady Sally for providing this fine hospitality this year as in the past. Thank you! Nobles Ray Kennedy and Myron Frick may be plotting another steak feed to show off their cooking talents. They did it last year and we can only hope that they will be able to put it together again this year. The July meeting heads out to the Benton Airport Grill. This should be a good time starting at 6pm on July 13th. See you all there. JEREMY WOODSON Reporter ing until August 3rd. I also want to remind everyone about the SCSC Hog Roast that will be coming up in October. Remember that Gene has decided he will allow dry camping so start thinking about attending this event. It will be a blast. Not much else to report. Many of our members are busy with parades and golf as both of these activities are in full swing. Please get out and participate as much as you can. I hope to see everyone at as many activities as possible. Have a safe and fun summer. GARY McCARTY Reporter The Vidalia onion sales were another success this year thanks to the leadership of Noble Bill Larrabee. Noble Jim Odom was the top Vidalia onion salesperson again this year. A big thank you goes to Carl Lynn and Lady Chris for e-mail and cards sent out to keep us informed about our upcoming meetings. The Southwest Shrine Club will go dark until September. The September meeting will be held on the 5th at Ruffinos Italian Restaurant. Ruffinos is located at 2 Rock Island Rd. in Liberal. Start time will be 6:30 p.m. Have a great summer! Congrats to Unit Treasurer Noble Byron Brittain on his 92nd birthday. Lady Jan furnished table decorations for our May meeting, and then both supplied free birthday cake to the members. We understand Noble Byron can still “shoot his age” on the golf course.. or so he tells us! Noble Guy Wright, Hobo Unit Treasurer, Club VP, District Deputy Grand Master and Junior Steward of Newton Lodge #142 has found still another chore as he has had to preside over our recent meetings in the absence of Club President Noble Marvin Harman. Noble Marvin has been moving from this area to Wellington and had to take a couple of meetings off. As our May dinner was the last until Fall, hopefully Noble Marvin will be back behind the gavel by then. Circus Chairman Noble Donnie Anderson tells us our share of the Circus ticket and JOHN HECKMAN Reporter advertising sales was well over four-thousand dollars; not our all-time best, but a very close second, particularly in view of the sluggish economy. He thanks all who helped to make this effort a successful one! Hobo President Noble Don Dody reminds us the next parade will be June 25th at 10:00 A.M. for the Newton Chisholm Trail festival. We won’t go to the Shrine Bowl outing, so next parade will again be in Newton August 6th at 6:00 P.M. for the Harvey County Fair. Welcome back to Masonry Brother Leslie Hybsha, son of Newton Lodge Past Master the late John Hybsha. Brother Leslie dropped out of Masonry and the Shrine several years ago as he was on the road a great deal. Now he’s retired and hopes to resume his Masonic affiliations. Until next month, come smile with us, the fun-iest Club in Midian. Greenwood County How nice it was to have our Eureka Days Celebration back to the first weekend in June and to share the day with all of our Shrine friends. Thanks to the 3-Wheelers who pulled it all together. Nobles Allen Hall and Eldon Teter headed up the hospitality and as always it was a huge success. Also thanks to Noble Lonnie Nichols for the brisket for lunch and then opening up his house for the afternoon and evening “fez”tivities which included his pool. We had a good showing of 3-Wheelers and other local shrine members along with a large contingent of our Wichita shrine buddies. We got our picture taken for the new calendar page and what a great looking group! The weather was perfect and everyone had a great time. Our next big event is our July steak cookout at Eureka Lake. Mark your calendars for July 23rd. This will be an extra special cookout as we are having an all Masonic Prospect Night. Bring your Blue Lodge and your Shrine Prospects and they will eat free. Contact President Noble Leroy Moreland or Worshipful Master Noble Robert Kurtz for the details. This is sure to be a great evening for Shrine and Masonic fellowship. Noble Carl Shewmaker and Lady Em- CARL “C.F.” COX Reporter ily have had quite a rough spell lately. Reports are that Lady Emily fell and broke her hip, had surgery to fix it, then had a stroke after the surgery. She is now recovering at the Kansas Masonic Home in Wichita. Noble Carl has also moved over there to be near her and is living in the assisted living section of the Masonic Home. I know they would appreciate hearing from their Greenwood County Shrine friends. Cards can be sent to Emily in care of Carl at 400 S. Martinson #308, Wichita, KS. 67213. Let’s hope Lady Emily makes a speedy recovery and they can both come home soon. Another one of our long time members has been taken by the Black Camel. Noble Jack Connell died June 6th at the ripe old age of 94. He loved the Shrine and even though his eyesight has been gone for many years, he loved to sit and visit with anyone who stopped by. He was always a big supporter of the Shrine Circus and loved to tell tales from the Shrine days of long ago. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Lady Virginia and the Connell family. Remember, if I don’t know it, I can’t report it… Please keep the news coming! You can send it to me at cfcox@fox-net.net or give me a call. www.dignitymemorial.com Midian Shrine Topics Page 6 Dodge City Shrine Club “Though the clown is often a deadpan face, the clown is truly a connoisseur of laughter & fun” The Dodge City Shrine Club held their June meeting at Central Station on Wednesday, 8th June. We had a great turn out for this month with it being so hot out here in western Kansas and the fields the way they are right now. The fellowship this month was extremely great in getting to meet old friends and new ones too. Larry Wilson who is the 1st Ceremonial Master and our Liaison for 2011 made that drive out from Wichita again in the heat to talk with us and tell us what is going on with the Midian in Wichita. It is always a pleasure to have him come out and fellowship with us. Just to let you know, there is a raffle going on and you can still buy your tickets for this at $20.00 a ticket. The winner will get a Lifetime Membership. This is a great deal and all the proceeds go to Sunshine Fund. Upcoming events are as follows: 2nd July – Parade at Lewis, Kansas – 10:00 am 16th July – Parade at Fowler, Kansas – 8:30 am “Doc” McCosh Reporter 21st July – Parade at Ashland, Kansas – 4:00 pm 29th July – Parade at Dodge City – Dodge City Days – 10:00 am 6h Aug – Parade for Dodge City Children – 10:00 am Remember about the Fall Ceremonial in Wichita on the 5th Nov. Get your name and reservations made for this, because this is a wonderful time to fellowship with your Noble brothers. The next Dodge City Shrine Club meeting will hold their meeting of 2011 on the 13th of JULY 2011. The meeting will be held at Central Station Club and Grill at 207 E. Wyatt Earp Blvd. Social time starts at 6:30 pm. Dinner is at 7:00 pm. NOTE: Please come to the July meeting, we are going to have a guest speaker to talk about the upcoming Shrine Bowl. Well folks, that is just about it for another month. Good night America wherever you are. “I remain just one thing, and one thing only, and that is a clown. It places me on a far higher plane than any politician.” “May All Your Days Be Circus Days” Hospital Van Drivers The past month has been busy with transporting our Shrine Childern to St. Louis Shrine Hospital. We also had our Van Drivers Picnic at Boeing Lake. Vice Commander Glen Taul reported that more than 50 Van Drivers and families attended. Illustrious Sir Dave Pate and his Lady Pat also joined us in the festive afternoon. We thank Noble Tommy Wilson and his Lady Michele for getting the building and helping set up and clean-up also Dennis and Tommy Malone for doing the cooking. We thank all the Ladies for the dishes they brought. The food was outstanding and enjoyed by all. Also Noble Glen Taul and his Lady Marty for all their help. St Louis has been named by U.S. News as one of the top pediatric hospitals in America. Gerald Buller Reporter The hospital is co-listed with St Louis Childern’s Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine due to their partnership in providing pediatric orthopedics. Chief of Staff, Perry L. Schoenecker M. D. said the ranking confirms that pardnership between the three entities brings the nations best in orthopedic care to childern and families in St Louis. We welcomed Noble Don Bush as our new Hospital Van Driver, welcome aboard Don. We could use more van drivers! We pray for continued healing for Noble Ken Dainty also continued prayers for Judi Smith. Travel safe with our Shrine Children. Cartoon The Cartoon Unit wants to again thank the Hospital Van Unit for the lift they gave us during the Spring Ceremonial Parade and we are proud to announce that the repairs of our parade tractor came in under budget, and it is ready to roll, as we are looking forward to other parades throughout the season. We are pleased to announce our Cartoon Unit Fund Raiser will be an All You Can Eat- TACO FEED/RAFFLE on New Nobles KURT SIEGRIST Reporter Night, Saturday, November 19, 2011. More details to be announced, our members will be selling tickets late this summer until the event. Happy July Birthday wishes to: Dean Lauterbach, Lawrence & Lady Donna Lee, Ladies Kami Berry & Julie Ward. Happy June Anniversary wishes to: Unit President, Kurt & Lady Kim Siegrist; July Lawrence and Donna Lee’s 55th! As always, having fun & helping children! SOUTHWEST NATIONAL BANK •Main Bank, Douglas & Topeka •Motor Bank, First & Emporia •Towne East Bank, 225 S. Armour •Towne West Bank, Tracy & Taft Member IBBA Member FDIC Antique Autos Wow, half the year is nearly gone. We have been to several parades already with more in the coming weeks. Please keep in mind that Midian needs your insurance cards if you are going to parade. If you do not have the sticker letting the parade marshal know you have it on file you will not be allowed to participate. Guys this is a mandate from Imperial that we must follow if we are to be allowed to continue participating. Now that the important, must relay information is out of the way on to the fun. I know there were four of our vehicles at the Argonia Parade, great going. The parades in the near future that we are looking at participating in are the following parades. Most of these will be before the next Antique Autos meeting. June 25, Kechi parade with meeting at the Highway Patrol parking lot at K96 and Hillside. July 2, Park City parade with the meeting at 7:30 at 61st and Broadway across the street from the Sonic. July 4, Hutchinson parade with line up at 9:00 and parade at 10:00. On July 23 the Sedan Parade at 10:00 and July 31 Shrine Bowl Parade in Hays. We will discuss these at the July meeting on the 11th. I almost forgot to mention this CSSA is coming up and will be in Overland Park so be thinking about going to that. I have not been, but understand there is fun for all who attend. Please let Curtis or Kent know if you are planning to attend. We had one inspection on Noble Randy Chippers Here we gather, the hopeful, the wanna-bes, the would be golfers, for the annual Chippers photo, prior to beginning the first round of competition. After 5 rounds of spirited competition, the leader board reads as follows: A-Flight: 1st place team Nobles Sage & Sage, 2nd place team Nobles Wilson & Electraglide Elite Brothers and fellow Nobles Summer is here. We are having a Past Capt ride the 18th of June to CY’s Hoof and Horn, this will be an awesome time of fellowship and great food. At out meeting in June we had 3 Brothers that were looking at the unit to join possibly, and we hope they will. They will be welcomed with open arms. September 11 is just around the corner this is our annual POKER RUN. This year JULY, 2011 dale gibson Reporter Edward’s new car which has passed. Hope you have fun at the parades. On June 25th we will have our next outing and will be going to Lumber Yard in Zenda, KS. Guys those that have made the trip for other groups say the food is excellent. Let’s get out and support our group, these are the kind of things that build a good group. We have fun and fellowship so let’s have a great turn out. By the way the ones we have had have all been a goodtime. Keep in mid the stated meeting and our Scimitar points as we work toward that goal. Noble and Ladies on a sad note the Black Camel has visited our group, please keep the families of Noble Jim Smith and Noble Larry Light in your prayers. Noble Jim lost his father and 50 Year lodge member Brother Merrill Ralph Smith on May 13 and Noble Larry and Lady Barbara lost their mother Bertha M Light on May 14th. Please remember them in your prayers. Birthday wishes to: Noble Dale Daniel, Noble Jerry Elsoctt, Noble Grant Richecky, Noble Bill Weber, Lady Trish Gilbert and Lady Chris Roach. Sorry I missed part of the meeting in June I got hung up talking with a friend and then could not get away from him. He was letting me know about work in their lodge coming up. Do not forget that is where we need to be looking for new members as half the work is done, they are already brothers. Mel Graves Reporter West, 3rd place team Nobles Clark & Broyles B-Flight: 1st place team Nobles Bailey & Craft, 2nd place team Noble Payne & Chief Rabban Terry Schrant, 3rd place team Nobles Tomes & Traylo. Any bets on standings after round 10? WILDMAN Reporter it is very special, we have the cancer awareness. Fire Truck that is PINK will be with us from start to finish. Brother Nobles we need your help getting support and door prizes for this very special run, it is the 10th anniversary of 9/11 we need to show support for those that gave some and for the ones that gave all. It will be such an awesome time. Ride safe and often JULY, 2011 Provost Guard The Provost recent trap shoot was a great success. Due to the hard work by the Nobles of Midian Shrine, we had a great turn out. This project allows the Provost to make our annual gift to The Plane of Mercy. Also the drawing for the SKB shotgun was held and the winner chose to take the $l,000.00 in cash. This allows us to again have the gun to raffle off next year. On a personal note I have a spot in my gun case for that shotgun. Many of the winners of cash payouts made a gift to the Plane of Mercy. Because of these gifts we were able to give $364.00 to the Plane of Mercy. The Officers and Nobles will be reviewing the final numbers and a decision will be made in the near future on the size of the gift we can give to the Plane of Mercy for 2011. On Mini-Cycles Four! We are glad to say that our golf tournament was a success! I would like to thank every member of the Mini-Cycles for all the hard work put into the tournament. That is truly what makes it a success. We ended up having 11 teams this year in our tournament, it was probably the smoothest one that we have ever had. No carts were damaged very badly and I never saw one cart in the pond or creek this year. That my have had to do with the lack of water but never the less it was a plus. As always we appreciate all the support that we receive from our fellow brethren in the shrine and all of our sponsors. We will be sending out the appropriate “Thank You” notes in the coming weeks. Noble Fred Smith was Ambassadors Hello to you all! On May 26, we all met at the Wind Swept Winery outside of Udall. The tasting began at 6:00 followed by a fine meal at 7:00. Thanks to Noble Glen Holmes and Lady Carole for putting on this affair. Everyone enjoyed all the wine tasting, the wine information and the food. Noble Art VanDresser kept insisting that he hates wine but he drank every taste! What a trooper! It has come to my attention that Noble Orlin Wagner hospitalized sometime in early Midian Shrine Topics RICHARD BENNETT Reporter behalf of the Provost we would like to thank all the people who gave of their time and money to help us. Because of this project we were able to have some fun and give hope to some very special children. New Uniforms have been ordered and should be here soon. The guard will be one of the best dressed units at Midian. Also the Guard is committed to the membership of the Shrine. We have open meetings at the Shrine on the 1st Wed. of the month and target practice at the Bullet Stop on West Pawnee on the Third Tuesday of the month. If anyone is interested in joining Midian’s gun unit please get in contact with us in order to get the full story on our unit. TAYLOR DURR Reporter a true Joy to have about at the tournament, I hope he found some aloe vera lotion for his torso sunburn! I think all enjoyed Fred’s heckling! We are now looking forward to the remaining summer parades and ceremonies. Keep an eye out for us at the parades and if you are looking for a fun active unit to join come and see us at the Midian. We meet the second Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm. We can usually be found making a monetary donation to the Kansas Lottery via Keno and enjoying each others company in the Oasis prior to the meeting. Once again thank you to all the Mini Cycles for all the hard work to make our golf tournament a success! IVEN KELTY Reporter June but may now be home. Feel better quickly, Orlin! This month’s activities and “goings on” will be brief. Your editor was out of commission and hospitalized last week so he gathered not much news. He had a small stroke (TIA) but all is better now. Our next outing will be June 17 at Cowtown at the The Empire House. It will be hosted by Noble Art VanDresser. We are all looking forward to the evening. Talk to you all next month. Motor Patrol Captain Rocky McWilliams led the May Motor Patrol meeting at Tommies. Divan Liaison Asst. Rabban Jodie Mosier, Nobles, PP John Auch, PP Jim McNerney, PP Ron Capps, Norm Conley, Dick Dennis, Dave Johnson, Paul Morris, Bob Ragsdale, PP Doug Roland, Ron Stowell, Les Unrein, Roland Belcher, and Frank Galbrath, enjoyed fellowship. Asst. Rabban Jodie Mosier reported on the near term events. Captain Rocky promoted Imperial in Denver and CSSA in Overland Park. The MP raffle at Fall eremonial is going to give away a ½ a cow, second place gets a ½ pig and third prize cwill be a turkey in a box. Past Captain Reiferd Acord will custom cut the cow or the pig. I suppose you can designate the ½ of the animal you would get. A turkey is a turkey. Get your chances now from a MP number. Our treasurer was on business in Mexico, Hope he makes it through Airport security on the way back. Rajah PP John Auch reported sales perfor- Tin Lizzies Hi-de-ho neighbors, well here we are past the middle of the year and all is well in the world of the Tin Lizzies. Birthdays and Anniversaries start with my wife Lady Rita’ Birthday on the 25th. Claude Thompson’s on the 26th, Lady Ruth Bender o the 16rh and Claude and Shirley’s anniversary on the 25th. As you all know our main fundraiser this year is a dive into the golf tournament realm. Our golf tournament is Aug. 13, 2011. I hope it is not too hot but we’re going to have a ball anyway. Two person scramble with a $10,000 hole in one prize, other hole in one prizes, lunch, payout and trophies for 1st and 2nd place. Flights will depend on teams, Register by Aug. 1. Call Fred @ 617-2628 or Tommy @258-6289. Cost is $65.00 a Yoshi Page 7 NORM CONLEY Reporter mance of over $29,000 including credit for the MP from Brother Gene Mudd who I exercise with every morning at the West Branch YMCA. Hope we get some help for the Special Olympics. Our thoughts and prayers are with PP Jack Russell in ICU at St. Francis. Glad to hear PP Kenny Steele got his ring back after being robbed in his house at gun point allegedly by his ex-house cleaner’s boyfriend. The ‘purp’ tried to sell the Past Potentates ring at a local pawn shop for $400. What a rube to do that. Noble Charlie Kelley had back surgery. He will be down for 8 weeks. Jill took off for Seattle TDY. Actually she is waiting for Charlie to get well enough he can travel. Good fortune friends. Noble Archie Moon is not doing well. Noble Paul Morris took a “Cat House” over to Archie for his ..a.. cat. The Jeepster history and pictures of our activities and some lies are found on the www.motorpatrol.us website as listed on the new Midian website. FRED THOMPSON Reporter person. Please visit our sponsors listed below. Speaking of golf, Tommy and myself finally were able to play the Kops tournament with our female partners of course. We had a blast I would recommend it to anyone. I would like to welcome back Cal and Lady Sharon who have been off vacationing for quite some time. They sure do make retirement look inviting; to bad I’m to young and poor to join the ranks of the retired class. Sponsorship List: Lafarge NA, M6 Concrete Acc., Charlie’s Famous Burgers, Danny Boys Liquor and Smokes, A Plus Heating and Air, Shurts Logo and Apparel, Judy’s Club, VFW in Hutchinson. DAVID FINLEY Reporter There was a good turnout for the Unit barbeque on May 21st. We will be hosting the Hospitality at Ed Parker’s House after the Kechi Parade on June 25th. We would like to welcome TRANSMISSION INC. ONE OF MIDWESTS OLDEST & LARGEST (316)263-8232 All Transmission PARTS 1730-1746 E. Douglas, Wichita, KS 67214 (316) 263-8484 RON FISHER President new Noble Bruce and Lady Judi to the unit and look forward to parading with him soon. Keep the wheels greased and we will see you at the next meeting on Monday, July 11th. Page 8 Midian Shrine Topics Scotch and Cigars Coming in July! JULY, 2011 JULY, 2011 Midian Shrine Topics Page 9 Page 10 Hillbilly Band So much done and so much yet to do; it’s hard to know where to begin. As you read this we will have made a zany debut at Reflection Ridge Retirement Center June 14th, pleased and proud to have resident and Veteran fiddler Noble Bill Boggs joining us on stage as featured performer! And perform he did, stroking that old white fiddle with stage presence and skill that had the audience toe-tapping from start to finish, and the rest of us just trying to keep up! Noble Bill still “gots lots of chops:” it was a privilege and a pleasure to work with him again. Another new opportunity for us was the Old Town Farmer’s Market June 25th, where we provided outdoor entertainment as part of a Midian membership drive For the first time in recent memory the Hillbillies will compete in the Festival of Music part of the Imperial Shrine session in Denver early in July. As we now share musicians with several other Midian Band Million Dollar Band Mark your calendar right now, July 21. At 7:00 that evening the Million Dollar Band is sponsoring a Concert to benefit the Plane of Mercy and the Shriners Hospitals for Children. One of our groups will start things off and will be followed by the Senseney Music Community Band, an outstanding group of woodwind, brass and percussion musicians playing a varied and entertaining program. The free will offering will be used to help our favorite two charities named above. Much to our regret, drum-thumper Noble Iven Kelty, spent a couple of days in the hospital in June. As we write this, he’s recuperating at home. We don’t know yet whether he will be with us in Denver at Imperial. We hope so. Hill Billy beater of things rhythmical, Noble John Heckman, has filled in nicely in our rehearsals. Both he and bass player Noble Bob Bergman have helped at several. Bergman played bass with the Jazzkatz at the Old Town Farmers Market on May 28. Midian Classics Oh, that glorious lunar orb in full glory tonight, beaming in preparation for the mystique of the summer solstice on June 21st at 12:16 PM. For car howling hounds, the growl of muscle cars and the sweet sight of classics and vintage vehicles can mean only one thing: AUTOMOBILIA, coming July 9th! Staging on the north side parking of the Scottish Rite, the barricades moved at 3:35 PM for line up on Topeka south of 1st street. All Shriners welcome, but you can bet the Midian Classics will be there. The party goes on till whenever and the Midian Temple will be open. This is an awesome summer blast!!! Lordy, how spring took to flight – as well as the memory of this reporter. The City of Benton parade had a few unmentioned nobles belonging to the Midian Classics. I was specifically instructed to mention the presence of a “potbellied stallion,” Noble Gary Harris. Razing aside, it was a great and well attended parade by our unit. Thanks to all. The phrase, “edge of town” can only Midian Shrine Topics JOHN HECKMAN Reporter units who were already planning to compete, drummer Noble John Heckman signing up filled our roster. From being almost “dis-banded” (pun intentional) last year to rehearsals, frequent performances and participation in a national competition; “we’re baack!” Thanks to “crossover” Million Dollar Band Nobles Al Brumbaugh, Rick Milhon and Jim Malia for their help in making this transition possible. July the 9th our Model T will be on display as part of the Automobilia car show and we may have a brief show on it, weather permitting. Saturday the 16th we’ll perform at Unity Lodge in Clearwater for the 50th anniversary Keel Pit Moonlight Lodge steak feed. The 30th finds us trying another new venue as we entertain patrons of the “Hitchin’ Post Café in beautiful downtown Matfield Green. RICK MILHON Reporter June was a light month as far as performances were concerned. We could focus most of our efforts to prepare for Imperial. The DixieKatz played by the stairway before the Stated Meeting June 15. July will be busier. Once we’ve returned from Mile High City we have a lot of work to do preparing for the Benefit Concert. In addition, the Polkatz play before Stated Meeting, and the DixieKatz will play for the good folks at Reflection Ridge Retirement Center on July 27. If you play a woodwind, brass or percussion instrument, we would love to have you sit in at a rehearsal. That goes for your spouse or high school age kids, too. Monday nights the DanceKatz rehearse at 7:00, the Concert Band at 8:30. On the first and third Tuesday evenings the Polkatz rehearse at 7:30. On the second and fourth Thursday nights the DixieKatz rehearse at 7:00 and the Jazzkatz at 8:30pm. ANDREW SNOW Reporter mean the Eureka parade, with 1st class hospitality inclusive of the renowned shindig put on by Noble Lonnie Nichols and Lady Melinda. The Midian Shriners showed up to parade and party; the Midian Classics showed up in force to do their part. The classics will be going back to Branson with a stop at the Downstream Casino on the road trip down June 24th . Another memorable trip in the making. Anniversaries and Birthdays: Congrats to Noble Andrew Snow who is one year older June 23rd. Noble Lou and Lady Sue Sheets celebrate an anniversary June 28th. Lady Deb Feekes has a birthday July 8th and Lady Sue Sheets has a birthday on July15th. Congrats! We have a bunch of fun and welcome new members. If you like sports cars or classic cars, check us out. Call Bob Giesen at 316-721-4178, or just show up at our next meeting the 2nd Wednesday of the month. Arab Patrol It’s been a little slow for May and June. There was a good turnout at the Patrol Stag that was held on May 20th at the VFW. Patrolman Dave Bailey served as the grill master for the steaks, sausages and hot links. As always, the shrimp cocktails were great. I think I ate three bowls of shrimp and I don’t believe we had any leftovers this year. Either that or I missed the sale of the extra bags. Probably was done when some of us had to leave early to visit the Great Mandarin at the Shrine Center where the Mandarin Degree was conferred upon Patrolmen Brian West, Devon Olson, and Rob Pohlman. Did I miss anyone? The Birthday and Anniversary was held at Boeing Lake on Sunday, June the 5th. The turnout was well attended but a little less than last year due to the extremely hot weather and the Midian Shrine Family Day at Sedgwick County Zoo. Again Dave Bailey served as the grill master with the excellent sausages, beef kabobs, hot dogs and hamburgers. Also thanks to Kyle Rhorer and Loyd Geist for the set up and clean-up. For the second straight Chefs Saturday morning (May 14) a goodly group showed at 9:00AM at the Shrine Center to start preparations for the Winfield Golf tournament. By 1:00PM or shortly after the Beans, Slaw, Bread, and Taters were done, loaded, and ready for those hungry golfers. Duane, Cuffy, Richard, Chuck, Tom, Kurt, and Rex all headed south. Guthrie had to go to work, and Wright had another steak feed to get started on. They were supposed to be replaced in Winfield. (W.W.----did you actually work and help out)? One side light to the food preparation, without Rosco being there, all of the cans and jars got thrown away without having to be washed, sterilized, and saved. Hopsing greatly appreciated this change. Sorry Rosco. Our June 8th meeting was certainly different. Neither Executive Chef Mitchell, JULY, 2011 LARRY WILSON Reporter year, Past Captain Mike Staats and Patrolman Jay Danler have remained unbeaten at horse shoe. Any takers for next year? And thanks to Devon Olson, the kids really enjoyed the sprinkler. A suggestion was made to start early next year and have a fishing tournament as well. At the June Stated Meeting, Honorary Veteran Ron Fisher received his 50 Year Shrine pin. Congratulations, Ron. It was also the Patrol Ladies turn to supply the snacks after the stated meeting and what a wonderful job they did. Thank you very much, Ladies! By the time the Topics is published, the Kechi parade will be under our belts but looking forward to the Shrine Bowl Parade in Hays. July also means practice, practice, and more practice as we get ready for CSSA competition with the Mulvane parade thrown in. The Captain needs everyone attending the practices. At the last practice, only 12 patrolman were available. That’s only half of that we need out there. We need your support and commitment to make it to an “A” number one A-class. HANK WRIGHT Reporter nor Secretary Phillips made the meeting due to vacation and a funeral. Rosco, being the last Chef to enter the meeting got to be the acting E. C. for the evening. To help out in his confusion the Illustrious Sir visited to cover some up coming opportunities for the Chefs. Seems we will be serving up FOOD for the July Stated meeting, so all you “belly Masons” be sure and show up for an inexpensive meal. Marshal Ray Richecky was also in attendance to make plans for the annual Midian Stag on August 27th. Up Date on the Winfield Golf outing: No one seems to remember WW showing up except to pick up his steak. Without his interference things went smoothly, or at least normal Until next time--------Make it Smoke boys! It’ll taste GREAT-----when we serve it up. JULY, 2011 Oriental Band Another Knee Replacement! OB Musette expert Noble Bill Argyle is the latest member to have a knee or two replaced. I wonder if many years of parading with the OB is hard on the knees, I wonder! Bill is recovering and we expect to have him back in service very soon. The OB is taking a bus to Shrine Bowl this year again. We have some seats available with in- flight service! We will be going out early Saturday morning and returning that evening. If interested contact Director Jerry Craft at 706-5036 or 722-6915. I want to congratulate Illustrious Sir David Pate for stepping-up and meeting the Mandarin. He now enters that elite group of Shriners who go around saying Ah-So...! He was joined by about 20 of his closest friends and a good time was had by all! I understand Horse Patrol Hey Guys, it is hot already, and its only July. Just wait until August. We would like to welcome a new member Noble John Winchell, he is from Medicine Lodge. John, we welcome you with open arms. We will be parading in the Kansas Shrine Bowl this year in Hays. That will be quite a haul at 5:00AM, but it will be worth it for the Kids. Midian Shrine Topics “Out of Town” Reporter all are waiting to enter the Calaboose Degree which I have heard is back on the drawing boards again. Thanks to Lonnie Nichols for his hospitality after the Eureka parade. Not many of the OB took advantage of it, but those of us that did had a good time. The pool was full and the food and camel’s milk was top drawer! We have another new band member. William Reuschel was voted into our group of merry men at the June 14th meeting…. Welcome! Also we had a first reading for new noble Bill Johnson who has some connection to a past OB director? The picture this month is the 3 stooges at Texas Shrine Association meeting last year! Hey Koppers, you need three more members to change units and join you so they can wear stripes? GEORGE FINLEY Reporter I forgot a Birthday in June. Noble Dewane Ewert was on the 25th and Noble Fred Taylor and his bride Marilyn celebrated their Anniversay on June 2nd. Birthdays for July are Lady Nadine Burner on the 11th.and Noble Gary Mason on the 22nd. Our Anniversay for July is Noble Gary and Lady Paula Rice on the 17th. Until next time Page 11 Keystone Kops Hello July! Yes, Shriners and Ladies it is summertime in the good ole USA and the Keystone Kops love it. Right now several Kops and Friends are at Table Rock Lake in the midst of the annual bass tournament we hold near Viola campground. It is genuine shootout and may the best Kopper win! Those of you not there, well you are missing it. It is a Kopper tradition that all Kops and Ladies are invited to attend every year. It happens to be one of the funniest and finest things we do every year. So maybe some of you brand new Kops can make it down next year, as many of the ole Kops just can’t seem to show up. There is a place in a boat for all who attend or bring your own boat. You can come for a month, as some do, or just a few days. I hope we see some new faces next year. Speaking of brand new Kops, we have another one. Noble Danny Oliver has joined the Midian Keystone Kops. We welcome you, Danny, and your Lady Norma. I know you are new to the Kops, but I have seen you at most all the Kopper activities. We love it. Keep it up and you could be the Kopper of the year. Keep it up longer and you could be elected to our Board, then on to stardom as Chief of the Kops. Wow, I can see it now. Us ole Gold Whistles are like visionaries, so if you want to know about your future just ask one of us and we will enlighten you and fill your mind with our vast wisdom and knowledge of all we see in your future! In the mean time, enjoy being a gopher! The Koppers are out there parading. Have you seen us? We had a big turnout for Ceremonial and the Eureka parade. Hey, we even have our hauler fixed. Thanks to some hard work by several of the Kops. Thanks Jackie and Mark for fetching the tranny. I heard it was a long trip Midian Riders “MOON” Reporter through Conway to Anthony and back and kind of pricey. I thought I might see a gas bill or bar bill, but not. Thanks to Tank, Bert and Casey for putting it in. I know others helped, so you can beat me up next time you see me. Our annual golf tournament went off great. We had a couple of prep parties to get ready for it, one at Bill and Sheryl Richards, then another one at Jeremy and Tina Woodson’s. Thanks for hosting them. Then we were off and golfing on a beautiful Kansas morning. We had many winners and everyone walked off with a goodie bag and a prize. We enjoyed having you all attend and look forward to seeing you back next year. Also, a big THANK YOU from the Koppers to all the Koppettes who helped at the golf tournament. You did fantastic! And now for Kopper news: Donnie did not beat up Moon. (Well, not yet anyway). The Broyles lost their ice coolers at Kaw Lake. Moon and Darrin, both rang the “dinner bell” at the Kaw City Marina and boy did they come a runnin”. Lady Merrilee Baker is having trouble with her “pool boy”. He just can’t seem to catch on and really just isn’t worth a plug nickel, so I hear. I guess he is pretty good at tearing up screen doors though! You know Merrilee, you can dress them up, but you just can’t take them out anywhere, now can you? I know, I know, Bob, that door was just waiting for you to show up! But it was a brand new door! I Wonder?? Will Merrilee find a new “pool boy”?? I Wonder?? How much do screen doors cost nowadays?? I Wonder?? Who caught the BIG BASS?? I Wonder?? Did Casey’s super mosquito repellant work at Chetopa?? I Wonder?? Anyone got an ice cooler for sale, cheap, one with wheels?? I Wonder?? Goldwingman Reporter At our last Rider’s meeting Noble OJ Brock’s wife, Lady Bonnie, visited with us. She had brought up some various Shrine hats and pendants for those who wished to have them. She also had some pictures of the burial site where OJ is buried in Arlington. It was great to visit with Bonnie and see the pictures she had taken. Am still on the lookout for new members. If any of you know of someone who may be interested, by all means have them call one of us or come to a meeting. Mentoring is a good way to communicate with others. If you know of a good destination for us to ride to let Noble Lonny Mendenhall hear about it so we can set up a date. Poker run will be here soon enough. Williams Construction Perkins, Smart & Boyd, Inc. General Contractor Commercial - Industrial New Construction Remodeling METAL BUILDINGS Allen Williams, President 316-264-1964 INVESTMENT SECURITIES Steven R. Boyd Sr. Vice President 1050 East First Street, Wichita, Kansas 67214 316-263-8444 ~ 800-369-2920 Member NASD/SIPC Page 12 Directors Staff Spring has sprung, fall has fell, summer is here, and it’s drier and hotter than, “HELLO” everyone. Hope you’re all doing well. We will be going dark for the months of July and August so will not have D.S. meetings these months. However, we will still have the Topics articles so if you have something to put in over the summer please either email or call me. We also will still have our socials so please keep reading your emails for information on them. Our May social was held Saturday, May 14th at Whiskey Creek restaurant. As this was also the first day of the Midian 2 day Golf Tournament at Quail Ridge in Winfield there was still a pretty good turnout. President Dean Lauterbach said good food, good friends, and good fellowship was enjoyed by all. At our June D.S. meeting it was noted by Ceremonial Director, noble Fred Smith that we were well over half way to achieving enough points for receiving the Scimitar Award. However, he would like to do more than that and be the unit with the most scimitar points. So don’t forget that we can still receive these points for our unit when you attend parades even if you’re at the parade for another unit that you also belong to. Just make sure noble Fred is aware of your attendance. Also at the June meeting, new Membership Chairman, noble Bart Ogden said he is seeking nobles that are interested in being mentors. If this is something you would be interested in, please see noble Bart and I’m sure he would be happy to explain to you how to sign up. Our June social was held Saturday, June 11th at Chief Aide, noble J.R. Gelvin and Lady Denises’ home. This is one of our Midian Shrine Topics JULY, 2011 RICK GODWIN Reporter premiere socials for the year as this is a steak cookout, as well as an auction to raise money for our unit. The weather was perfect this year and there was a great turnout. We again had our world famous Chef, noble Ron Fuller cooking up the steaks to perfection. Our auctioneer for the evening was novice, noble Ricky Brotherton. I think noble Ricky may have missed his calling as he did a terrific job. We would like to thank noble J.R. and Lady Denise for all the preparation it took to get ready for this event. Also thank you to everyone who brought side dishes for the meal. It’s always great getting to taste all the different things people bring. Thanks also to noble Ray Scadden and Lady Barbara for bringing the homemade ice cream. It was a big hit. And a BIG thank you to all that brought items for the auction. We took in a little more than $1,500.00. Without your continued support, this event would not be such a huge success. Our next social is scheduled to be at noble Ray Scadden and Lady Barbara’s home on Saturday, July 16th. This is a hamburger cookout with a homemade ice cream contest. Let’s have lots of entries in this event and make this a social we want to keep doing. This should be a lot of fun. Birthday wishes for July go out to Nobles Jim Branstetter, Kevin Coons Sr., Glen Davidson, Dean Lauterbach, Jim Bob Montgomery, Ross Smith, and Ladies, Jeanie Brotherton, Sheana Godwin, Kim Siegrist, and Ruth Lauterbach. Anniversary wishes for July go out to noble Brian Byrd & Lady Hidi, noble Kevin Coons Sr. & Lady Libby, and noble Ron VanEtten & Lady Dorie. Here’s hoping everyone has a super fun and safe summer. See you at the socials!! CSSA RESERVATION DEADLINE IS AUGUST 3, 2011 Midian Shrine Topics JULY, 2011 Page 13 FROM YOUR WICHITA SCOTTISH RITE JUNE – 2011 NO ELMO LODGE THIS MONTH Mon – July 4 Office closed for Independence Day Have a safe and enjoyable holiday! Every Tuesday Donuts & Coffee - 8 - 9:30 AM Everyone is welcome, come and enjoy the fellowship Thurs – July 14 32nd Degree Practice - 6:30 PM If you don’t have a part but like to, come to the rehearsal Sun – July 17 Knights of Saint Andrew Lunch & Movie Open to the public Hot Dogs, Chips & Cookies $5.00 per person Lunch @ 1:00 PM, Movie @ 2:00 PM The movie is FREE Thurs – July 21 Sensensy Band Concert 7:00 PM Sponsored by the Million Dollar Band Donations accepted, proceeds to the Plane of Mercy And Shrine Hospitals Thurs - July 23 Knights of Saint Andrew Meeting at 7:00 PM Open to all Scottish Rite Masons and their Ladies Mon – July 25 32nd Degree Practice - 6:30 PM If you don’t have a part but like to, come to the rehearsal Thurs – July 28 Free Lunch - 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM If your Unit, Club, Lodge or any affiliate body had a function you would like in this free listing, then just get the information to Jody Frazier jfrazier@midian.kscoxmail.com. functions other than midian derby lodge #365 biscuit & Gravy 4th sat every month - 7am - 10am - 125 E. Market, derby HAYSVILLE LODGE #112 200 S. Main, Haysville 2nd Saturday – 7am – 10am each month Menu changes monthly LADIES ORIENTAL SHRINE BINGO EVERY TUESDAY – MINI’S AT 6:30PM – REGULAR GAMES AT 7:30AM BEAR’S BINGO – MERIDIAN & MCCORMICK $499 blackout jackpot, plus 2 progressive jackpots MIDIAN TIN LIZZIES GOLF TOURNAMENT SIERRA HILLS GOLF COURSE SATURDAY, AUGUST 13 AT 9:00AM $65.00 PER PERSON – OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 2 PERSON SCRAMBLE Contact Fred @ 316-617-2628 or Tommy @ 316-258-6289 KRAZY KLOWNS AND CANDY LAND KLOWNS (L.O.S.) MIDIAN HI-LIGHTS FOR JULY JULY 3-7 Imperial Session – Denver, CO JULY 20 Relaxed Stated Meeting - 7:30pm JULY 9 Automobila JULY 23 Midian’s Got Talent Audition JULY 16 Midian’s Annual Golf Tournament Hidden Lakes JULY 29-30 KANSAS SHRINE BOWL Hays, KS Steak Feed before Post CSSA Party on September 10- Starting at 5:00pm Scimitar Room (Dining Room) 39TH ANNUAL SILVERDALE QUARRY LODGE Sat. Sept. 24, 2011 Steak Dinner $10.00 Gates open at 5PM Dinner Served at 6PM 3rd Degree by the Oklahoma Indian Degree Team For tickets contact Dale Morrow, e-mail dmorrow@wheatstate.com FOR SALE 32nd ◦ Diamond Masonic Ring. Center Round Diamond 1.20ct Call 316-772-5306 Page 14 Midian Shrine Topics Arami Court JAN HIEBERT Reporter We caught the “Spirit of Riverfest” parading in the Sundown Parade. The crowd seemed to appreciate our bubble machine and our colorful float. We owe a big thank you to our Trailers who helped us finish off the float décor. And a huge thanks to Noble George Finley for the use of his truck and trailer and his driving expertise. We didn’t win any prizes but we had a great time! Not sure at this time, but we may be in the Kechi parade later this month. Registration packets for the 2011 MidStates Unit Meet went out in June. Now, we have to really get serious about our Fun Night USO Show. And preparations are underway for the 2nd Annual Ya-Ya Sisterhood degree which will be held during the unit meet. At our June meeting we learned that several of our Ladies received Grand Appointments. Ladies Terri Wells, PHP and Billie Whitney, PHP are Honorary Aides. Ladies Maxine Bible, PHP and Diana Richecky, PHP are Honorary Pages. And, Lady Cheryl Ross, PHP is now a member of the LOSNA Daughters of the Nile Hello Nobles and Ladies, summer is here and I hope you are having some fun in the sun! Several of our members will have just had some Sand & Sea Fun in the Sun at Supreme Session in Tampa Florida. Hope all is well upon your return. We cannot wait to hear news about your travels (although I hear what happens at Supreme stays at Supreme). June was a busy month for the Daughters of the Nile. We welcomed 3 new members during our June session. A hearty welcome to Princess Alysha Greer, Princess Lisa Bahruth and Princess Tammy Mosier. We Grand Council Foundation Executive Board. Congratulations, Ladies to you for the honor you bring to Arami Court. Lady Cheryl announced that our LOSNA Foundation will be fully funding the St. Louis Shrine Hospital’s Hand Camp this year. Our next Ceremonial has been moved to August 27. Our initiates and their spouses, we and our spouses will have a carry-in brunch at 11:00am with the initiation ceremonies at 12:30pm. We look forward to welcoming some new ladies into our order. We invite everyone to come join us at Bear’s Bingo every Tuesday for bingo. We play minis at 6:30pm and regular games at 7:30pm. The evening features two progressive jackpot games and a $499 jackpot blackout game. Come on out and play with us. You never know what our caller is going to call besides bingo numbers. One last thing. Be sure to ask Lady BJ Kauffman why she’ll be purchasing a GPS unit before the next big car trip! Until next month, seahorse hugs! PR JULIE WARD Reporter are glad to have you as members of the order. Just as we settle into our new home at the Kansas Masonic home (which I might add is very spacious). We would love to see you during July and August. Please remember that we are dark during those months for session. However we do have an Ice Cream Social this month on July 24th from 2-4pm at the Kansas Masonic Home. Put the date of September 19th as the next session. Stay Cool, Wear your sunscreen and remember to Smile for the Nile. JULY, 2011 JULY, 2011 Midian Shrine Topics Midian Shrine Family Day at the Zoo Page 15 Page 16 Midian Shrine Topics JULY, 2011
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