Midian Shrine Topics April 2013 - Midian Shrine Center Wichita


Midian Shrine Topics April 2013 - Midian Shrine Center Wichita
vol. 68
issue 4
Potentate’s Message
April, 2013
25 and 50 Year Awards
Wichita, Kansas
25 and 50
Year Awards
Last night at the March Stated meeting I had the honor as your Potentate
to present the 50 and 25 year pins to
many deserving Nobles. They have
proven themselves to be outstanding
Shrine Masons. Congratulations to all
the Nobles that have earned this award.
On a lighter note it was an honor to be
involved in roasting Ill. Sir Michael J.
Kelley. Mike has served Midian Shrine
for many years; as your Potentate in
2001 and as your Recorder for the last
ten years. I know Mike will be around
to continue helping where ever he can.
Thank you Mike for all you have done
for Midian.
I want to thank Second Ceremonial
Master Greg Stobart and his Lady
Lesley for a great After Circus Party and
Chaplain Kent Butz and his Lady Linda
for a great Spring Break Festival. With
the help of all the aides these parties were
a huge success.
On March 12 we had our second
Masonic Information Night at Midian.
The Isis room was full of prospects and
their sponsors. Membership chairman
Brian Byrd did a great job explaining
to them what Shrine Masonry is all
about and many of them have started
their journey by signing their petition.
Thanks to all of the Nobles that showed
your friend what a great organization we
are. We all need to continue working on
See Potentate, page 3
Topics Reporters:
APRIL 15, 2013
e-mail to jfrazier@midian.kscoxmail.com
300 words or less in lower and upper case (not all capitals)
Topics Contents: Pg 2 Midian Officers, Annual Schedule; Pg 3 Plane of Mercy; Pg 4 Clubs Articles; Pg 5 Units Articles; Pg 8 Current Month Calendar; Pg 12 Business Directory; Pg 13 Ladies Article; Pg 14-15 Divan Photos
Midian Shrine Topics
Page 2
APRIL, 2013
Sat. 27...............................................................Benton Day Parade - Details to follow
Sat. 4.............................................................Spring Ceremonial - Mandatory - No other parades
Sat. 11.......................................................Anthony Sunflower Balloon Fest - Parade 2:00 pm
Sat.1............................................................................................Eureka Days Parade
Sat. 22............................................................................................Kechi Fair Parade @10:00am
Thur. 4..........................................................Hutchinson’s 4th of July Parade - No details
Sat. 6..........................................................Toronto Days Festival Parade - no other details
Sat. 12..........................................................Wellington Wheat Festival Parade @ 8:00 pm
Sat. 27...............................................Ks. Shrine Bowl Parade - Mandatory - No other parades
Sat. 3..............................................Harvey County Free Fair Parade, Newton, Ks @ 6:00pm
Sat. 3........................................................Sumner Co. Fair Parade, Caldwell - Parade 6:30pm
Sat. 28.................................................Conway Springs Fall Fest Parade - Parade 11:00 am
Sat. 9.................................................Fall Ceremonial Parade - Mandatory - No other parades
Sat. 23.........................................................................Hutchinson’s Holiday Parade - No details
Pre – Glow May 3
Come early for the Annual
Greenwood County Steak Feed
5:00 pm – 7:30pm
$15.00 per person
Midian Shrine Tentative Schedule of Events
Subject to change
Apr. 9 BOD (Elected Officers & Trustees
Apr. 10-12 Shrine Directors Staff Convention
Apr. 13 Potentates Ball - Airport Double Tree
Apr. 14 Pote’s Breakfast---Midian Mecca Room
Apr. 17 Divan Meeting - 5:00 PM, Stated Meeting - 7:30 PM
Apr. 20 McConnell Membership Seminar
May 3 Pre-Glow
May 4 Shrine Ceremonial & Para
May 11 Theme Party
May 14 BOD (Elected and Trustees)
May 15 Divan Meeting – 5:00, Stated Meeting – 7:30
May 18-19 Winfield Golf ?
Jun. 8 Midian’s Float Trip
Jun. 11 BOD (Elected and Trustees)
Jun. 15 Midian Shrine/Touchdowners
Kansas Shrine Bowl Golf Tournament
Jun. 19 Divan Meeting – 5:00,
Stated Meeting – 7:30
Jun. 30-Jul. 4 Imperial Shrine Session Indianapolis, Indiana
Jul. 9 BOD (Elected and Trustees)
Jul.14 Divan Retreat
Jul. 17 Divan Meeting – 5:00, Stated Meeting – 7:30
Jul. 18 Masonic Information Night-Hutchinson
Jul. 20 Family Day
Jul. 26 Shrine Bowl – Banquet – Topeka
Jul. 27 Shrine Bowl – Parade and Game – To
Aug. 13 BOD (Elected and Trustees)
Aug. 17 Sportsmen’s Raffle
Aug. 22 – 24 CSSA – Branson, Mo
Sept. 4 Masonic Information Night @ Midian
Sept. 7 Post CSSA Party
Sep. 10 BOD (Elected and Trustees)
Sep. 18 Divan Meeting – 5:00, Stated Meeting – 7:30 PM
Sept. 22-Oct. 1 Potentates Trip-Shades of Ireland
Oct. 8 BOD (Elected and Trustees)
Oct. 10 – 13 SCAFRA
Oct. 11 Theme Party
Oct. 16 Divan Meeting – 5:00, Stated Meeting – 7:30 PM
Oct. 26 Halloween Party
Nov. 8 Pre-Glow
Nov. 9 Fall Ceremonial & Parade
Nov. 12 BOD (Elected & Trustees)
Nov. 16 New Nobles Party
Nov. 17 Aides Appreciation and Decorate Midian
Nov. 20 Divan Meeting – 5:00, Stated Meeting – 7:30
Nov. 30 Christmas Xpress-Orpheum Theater
Dec. 10 BOD (Elected & Trustees)
Dec. 14 Childrens Christmas Party-Scotish Rite
Dec. 18 Divan Meeting - 5:00
Stated Meeting (PR) – 7:30 PM
Dec. 31 Midian’s New Years Eve Party
Jan. 3 Awards Banquet
Jan. 14 BOD (Elected and Trustees)
Jan. 15 Divan Meeting – 5:00
Annual Stated Meeting – 7:30 PM
Jan. 23 Installation Practice at Scottish Rite – 5:30 PM
Jan. 24 Public Installation at Scottish Rite – 5:00 PM
NOTE: All Motorized Unit Leaders please see that all your members
that parade have a current liability insurance certificate on file at
Midian and a parade sticker for their vehicle.
Stickers are available at Midian at the time proof of insurance is submitted.
“I pledge allegiance to my flag and country for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.”
Midian TOPICS (USPS 347-600). Published monthly by the Midian Shriners, 130 N. Topeka, Wichita KS.
Printed by Valley Offset, PO Box 298 Valley Center, KS 67147.
Under the auspices of Midian Shriners. Periodicals postage paid at Wichita, Kansas.
$4.00 of the Annual Membership Dues is paid as a Year’s Subscription
to the Midian “TOPICS”
POSTMASTER: Send address
changes to Midian Topics, 130 N. Topeka, Wichita, KS 67202.
Official Publication of Midian Shriners
Wichita, Kansas 67202
Recorder’s Office........................................................................................265-9676 ext 204 and 205
Oasis............................................................................................................................265-9676 ext 209
Circus Office.................................................................................................................265-9676 ext 206
APRIL, 2013
Vol. 68, No. 4
Lonnie Nichols............................Illustrious Potentate
Ed Day...................................................Chief Rabban
Wayne Wells.........................................Assistant Rabban
Alvin “Bart” Ogden...................High Priest & Prophet
Reiferd Acord.........................................Oriental Guide
Bob Bulman......................................................Treasurer
David Byerley, PP.........................................Recorder
Gary Gelvin...............................First Ceremonial Master
Gregory Stobart.....................Second Ceremonial Master
Fred Smith....................................Ceremonial Director
Brian Byrd....................Marshal/Membership Chairman
Jay Danler....................................Captain of the Guard
Gary Mason..............................................Outer Guard
Kent Butz...........................................................Chaplain
Gary D. Denniston ~ William L. Cozine
Robert Giesen ~ Randy Brown ~ Lynn Ungles
Ron Van Etten, P.P.
Darren Schopf
Richard C. Schopf P.P.
Michael J. Kelley, P.P.
Judge Tom Raum........................................................P.P. 1969
Les H. Brown.............................................................P.P. 1970
Leslie D. Hostetler......................................................P.P. 1978
W. Nolan Artz..........................................................P.P. 1981
V.E. “Gene” Lygrisse.................................................P.P. 1982
James B. McNerney...................................................P.P. 1984
Stephen A. Wolf...........................................................P.P. 1985
Jack U. Russell..........................................................P.P. 1989
Douglas G. Roland..........................................................P.P. 1990
Tonk Mills, D.D.S..........................................................P.P. 1992
William K. Himebaugh...................................................P.P. 1993
Berkley Conn...............................................................P.P. 1995
Warren R. Rensner D.D.S...............................................P.P. 1998
Martin L. Sharp............................................................P.P. 1999
Roger G. Snellen...........................................................P.P. 2000
Michael J. Kelley............................................................P.P. 2001
Ron L. Capps...............................................................P.P. 2002
David A. Schopf...........................................................P.P. 2003
Jeffrey L. Sowder........................................................P.P. 2004
Gary K. Gates...........................................................P.P. 2005
John Auch..............................................................P.P. 2006
Ron Van Etten.......................................................P.P. 2008
David Byerley........................................................P.P. 2009
Richard C. Schopf....................................................P.P. 2010
David Pate...............................................................P.P. 2011
Terry Schrant............................................................P.P. 2012
STATEMENTS OF THE OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRCULATION, ETC., required by the Act of Congress of August 12, 1970, Section 3685, Title 39, United States
Code of MIDIAN SHRINERS of Wichita, Kansas, for October 1, 1988 State of Kansas, County of Sedgwick
Midian Shrine Topics
APRIL, 2013
May 4, 2013
Lonnie Nichols
Fred E. Smith
Illustrious Potentate
Ceremonial Director
(H) 620-583-6203 (C) 620-583-4237
(C) 558-1094
7:30 – 8:30 Registration of Novices
Novices Report to Class Room at Consistory
Band Concert (Consistory Auditorium)
Ceremonial Director explains Fez Protocol and
Pledge of Allegiance.
Arab Patrol forms Honor Guard
(Rap 3 times for audience to stand)
Divan enters and remains standing
Imperial Officer is escorted to the stage (if present)
Patrol presents Colors
Pledge of Allegiance led by First Ceremonial Master
(Gary Gelvin)
Band plays National Anthem immediately after
Pledge of Allegiance.
Arab Patrol Color Guard posts Colors and retires
Director introduces Chaplain (Kent Butz) for invocation.
(Director raps to seat audience after prayer)
Director welcomes Guests, Novices, and Nobles and
explains the day’s activities.
(Rap 3 times) Director introduces Ill. Sir Lonnie Nichols.
Potentate addresses audience, introduces Divan, Guests,
Visiting Nobles
(Rap 3 times) Potentate introduces Imperial Officer
(If present) . Imperial officer addresses audience
Potentate turns meeting back to Ceremonial Director who
dismisses the Divan. Outer Guard or Chaplain leads Divan
off stage to designated area.
Dismiss Ladies and Guests from Auditorium
9:30 – 10:45 First Section {Nobles Only}Auditorium
11:00 – 2:00 Ladies Luncheon Social, Hosted by First Lady Melinda Nichols
Divan and Past Potentate Introductions (Ladies Luncheon)
11:00-12:30 Lunch at Shrine Center
Class back in Pyramid Room
Second Section in Mecca Room
Class Directors leads novices to the Class Room
at Consistory. Meet their ladies
Band plays several numbers while audience arrive
Hospital Film
Arch Ceremony with Fezzing of New Nobles
End of Arch Ceremony
Shrine Parade
Afterglo – Shrine Center.
Introduction of New Nobles and Ladies
Ballyhooing by Oriental Band
Entertainment by DJ
Page 3
FEBRUARY 15, 2013 - MARCH 15, 2013
$1,000 Club
Gary & Lana Elwick
$100 Club
Robert & Judith Hill
Keystone Kops
We respectfully hope that no errors are made listing these donations. It is never our
intent to make errors, but they can happen. Each donation is important for the
Plane of Mercy to exist and is deeply appreciated.
Anna “Maxine” Hilton
Jack & Kay Feiden
Kenneth & Judith Peterson
Ron & Carol Boese
Gary & Janet Harris
Antique Autos
Larry & Glenda Peterson
Ed & Shelia Hanshew
Corky Edminster
Gene & Joann Hutto
Ambassadors of Midian
Art Van Dresser
Bob & Mary Maze
Bill & Ruth Demain
Donna Chippeaux
Mrs. Bill Kendall
Mel & Phyllis Smith
Ron & Mary Jane Duling
Kenneth & Ester Simons
Chester & Ruth Cremeen
Barry & Cynthia Schwan
Denver & Donna Bland
Marvin & Mary Barnes
Robert & Rosalie Goebel
Chris & Mary Goebel
Ward Marrs
Bill & Shelia Moore
Gary Edmisister
Janet Himebaugh
Linda Hoobler
Doug Roland, P.P. &
Lady Sharon
Ward Marrs
Sharon Whipple
Laurence & Patricia Krueger
Ken & Angela Cross
James McNerney, P.P. &
Lady Allison
Betty Jo Hoobler
Dale & Bonnie Jones
Talilanos Pizza
Lonnie Voth
Betty Fetrow
Pat Sauble
Isobel Gray
Pat Sauble
Richard Kemmerly
Ronald & Mary Young
Frank Little
Pat Sauble
Lois Sage
Max Pennington
Ivy Leaf Chapter #75 O.E.S.
Gene Payne
Wichita Lodge #99, AF & AM
Donna & Tara McClain
Amanda & Anthony Dockans
James McNerney, P.P. &
Lady Allison
Rick & Sheana Godwin
Les Unrein
James McNerney, P.P. &
Lady Allison
February 15, 2013 - March 15, 2013
Kenneth D. Galloway
James W. Hollenback
Ralph W. Corn
Hospital Van Drivers March 2013
Don Bush & Lynn Sage ~ Harvey & Carol Owens
Lee Humbolt & Doug Bogart ~ Ken Dainty & Tom Wilson
Jerry Buller & Ken Bradford ~ Vance Burns & Wally Payne
John Parker & Mary Parker ~ Don Bush & Myron Frick
Landon Williams & Farold Hoover
Thank you to these men and women for their dedicated service to Midian and the St Louis Hospital for
Children. They, as all concerned persons of the Shrine, volunteer for the sake of the children.
Thank you for your support. Ed Miller, Van Unit Commander 2012
membership. It’s everyone’s job.
By the time you read this the Easter
Bunny will have arrived. I’m sure that
Orchard Park will be full of eggs and
all the kids will have made short work
of picking them up. This event wouldn’t
be possible without the Aides and all the
units helping. My Lady Melinda and I
want to thank all of you.
T h i s A p r i l 1 3 t h i s M i d i a n ’s
P o t e n t a t e ’s B a l l a t t h e A i r p o r t
Doubletree Hotel. Melinda and I hope
you can come. The next morning the
Pote’s Breakfast will be at Midian. That
is always a fun time. You can get all of
From page 1
your tickets at Midian.
Everyone needs to reserve the dates
of May 3rd and 4th on their calendar.
That weekend will be our annual Spring
Ceremonial and we all need to come
and support the new candidates. All
of you that have top lined a candidate
need to help your prospect by making
sure their journey was a great one. If
we all work together membership will
be successful.
Yours in the Faith
Lonnie Nichols
Potentate 2013
Page 4
Midian Shrine Topics
Sumner County
Harper County
March Madness in Harper
County doesn’t have too much to do
with basketball, heck it really doesn’t
have too much to do with March if
you think about it. Sometimes it’s
just continual madness. We did have
a great March meeting, attendance was up
this meeting, as most members are trying
to piece together all of the activities, events
and meeting dates in the coming months. It
appears that most of the Units or Clubs in
Midian Shrine are looking forward to some
new events as well as some of the standard
annual club fundraisers. The Annual Harper
County Turkey Shoot is scheduled for April
20th at the Gun Club at Anthony Lake, only
Greenwood County
I don’t know where the time goes.
Seems like I just typed the last article
and here we go again! The 3-Wheelers
under the direction of our new Captain
Andrew Porter are planning for the
parade season. It is time to get the bikes
out of mothballs and get ready. Not sure
what our first parade of the season will be,
but we can count on Spring Ceremonial
on May 4th. We will also be busy with our
steak cookout at Pre-Glow the Friday before
Ceremonial, and we will be parking cars
again at Midian’s Car Show on April 28th at
WSU. If not before, that will be a good time
to get the bikes out and run some fresh gas
through them. As always, we will need lots
of help for both of these events. If you have
questions, or plan to help, get with Captain
Andrew, he will have all the answers!
Our very own Illustrious Sir Lonnie
Nichols discussed Midian’s Sportsman’s
Raffle and how it will benefit Midian and our
local group as a fund raiser. Tickets are 20
Kingman Couny
The 2nd Annual Kingman
County Shrine Club Bowling Party
was a good time. Over 30 people were
in attendance at the Kingman Lanes, in
Kingman on St Patrick’s day Sunday.
A casual format of Fun and Family was
working well. Two petition we secured and
maybe more for the Masonic Family later. We
hope to host another fun time later this year.
Midian’s Chaplain, Noble Kent Butz
was very helpful with our membership drive.
Nobles Shane Bales and Tom Archer with
family, the Secretary and the Treasurer of
Ninnescah Lodge #230 AF&AM as well as
Past Master, Dr. Rudy Sasina with his lady
and family . Noble Russell Walker & myself
a few short miles south of
Harper. See any member of The
Harper County Bucking T’s for raffle
tickets or further information. The
winning ticket holder does not need
to be present to win this years $500.00
Visa Gift Card. As always, the great shooting
events will be accompanied with fantastic
bar b que available to anyone who comes.
Captain Jack will not be in Harper County
in April for the next meeting, but he did warn
the T’s that Hurley would be navigating the
ship in his absence. LAND HO
Bonus, I come from down in the valley
where mister when you’re young they bring
you up to do like your daddy done.
bucks each, which fits right in
our mantra that everything we do is
20 bucks! Right Lonnie? If you would
like tickets to sell, contact Lonnie, or
if you would just like to buy some and
take a chance at winning, many of us
have the raffle tickets we would gladly sell
you. Not only do you have a shot at winning
50 guns, but a portion of the sales comes back
to Greenwood County as a fund raiser.
We also discussed coming up with some
form of a fun degree for the 3-Wheelers to
host. Not sure what it will be, but we have
a committee working on ideas. Lots of units
have come up with these lately and they
always prove to be fun. I wonder what our
group will come up with?
By the time you are reading this spring
will be right around the corner. I don’t know
about you, but I’m looking forward to the
warmer weather. Now if we could just get
some rain! News is pretty light this month.
If you know of any, please send it my way.
coordinated the event, and
the refreshments were provided
by Noble Leroy Meisenheimer . The
Worthy Matron, Melissa Stuber &
Worthy Patron, Noble Otto Stuber of
Della Chapter of Order of Eastern Star
was in attendance for this all Masonic event.
I ventured to Wichita for the St Patrick
day festivities. I was glad to see Midian’s units
in the parade. It was fun to go to the Oasis for
lunch and camels milk & fellowship. It has
been sometime since I had ventured to the
land of Midian. I will be Looking forward
to Spring Ceremonial this May 3rd & 4th at
Midian. Hope to see all there for a good time
Noble Otto, off to the Oasis.
The Turkey Fries at The Turkey
Fry Stag, was a great success at Belle
Plaine, on Mar. 8. For those that missed
it, you made a mistake.
The day before the cooking was done,
we had the Fry Slicing event, so many
good stories from the past, kind of shows we
have some old cusses with great experiences
involved. Lots of kitchen help is always a
good thing. Those present for preparing
the feast were Bill Griffin, Myron Frick,
Gene Alexander, Casey Gardner, Jackie
Broyles and yours truly. Everyone noticed
Jackie Broyles needs to be watched when
he is talking with his hands and holding a
knife. After reading the instructions Scotty
and Casey figured they could run a deep fryer
like a pro. Lots of hard work in getting this
feed ready and it paid off.
The cooking and preparation started
at approximately 3:00 P.M. on Friday.
Cool and cold fries had to be breaded and
cooked to be ready by 7:00 P.M. Beans
and the other goodies were being prepared
also. Those working on kitchen detail were
Gene Alexander, Jackie Broyles, Myron
Reno Couny
Reno County Shrine Club
President, Noble Donald Carlson
opened the meeting by introducing our
new Liaison Officer, Midian Chaplin,
Noble Kent Butz and his Lady Linda.
The Midian Shrine has been very good to
the Reno County Shrine by providing us top
notch Liaison Officers for many years; they
must have an endless supply of good Nobles.
President Carlson expressed his appreciation
for the good turn out of Nobles, Scottish Rite
members and ladies .. The President called
upon Midian Chaplain, Noble, Kent Butz to
give the opening invocation. He then led the
group in the pledge of allegiance to our flag
and dismissed us for a fine meal.
President Don Carlson called us from
refreshments to labor, and request that
Noble Bob Hannigan, Secretary read the
minutes of the Shrine Club and the Scottish
Rite Clubs of Reno County for the month
of January. The minutes being approved he
called upon Acting Treasurer Noble Dennis
Regier for a treasurer report for the Reno
County Shrine Club and the Reno County
Scooter Patrol. The Treasurer report was
APRIL, 2013
Frick, Hank Wright, Casey
Gardner, Scotty Clark, Larry
Papps, Mark Sorensen, Bob Nelson,
Bob Hermann with his custom made
stag apron, and myself. Everyone
done a great job on making almost an
assembly line type food preparation. Many
compliments were given on a job well done
by those consuming the well planned meal.
The dignitaries present were 1st
Ceremonial director Fred Smith and 2nd
Ceremonial Director Greg Stobart. Club
President Bret Woodson made the introductions and club 1st Vice President Gene
Alexander led us in a prayer of thanks.
I did not catch the winner’s name of the
50/50 drawing, but he was good hearted and
donated his winnings back to the club.
Upcoming feeds you may desire to
indulge in are; April 26, ladies and guest
welcome, Fish fry at Belle Plaine. The biggie
Hog Roast with ladies and guest welcome
on Oct. 19 at Gene Alexander’s farm, there
may be live entertainment also, the gears are
turning toward more fun with a band in mind.
approved; we are in good
financial condition.
President Carlson called up Noble
Kent Butz for the Liaison report.
Kent gave a very thorough report
on the many up corning events that
the Midian Shrine has undertaken for the
corning months. He covered everything from
the recently Shrine Circus to the up corning
Hockey Night and everything in between.
“Look like the Midian Shrine has already
geared up for another successful year”.
Shrine President Carlson turned the
meeting over to Noble Jerry Rodman 33deg,
President of the Reno County Scottish Rite
Club so as to conduct Scottish Rite business.
President Rodman called upon Treasurer,
Bob Hannigan, 32nd for a financial report,
which was given and approved.
The Meeting was adjourned with a closing prayer by Midian Chaplin, Kent Butz.
Visitors are always welcome and reservations are not required, just show up, however
if you wish to get on the calling list, just call
Noble Don Carlson @ 620-665-0384.
APRIL, 2013
Dodge City
Shrine Club
A long time ago – people use to
say to each other “I wish you enough”
– We wanted the other person to have a
life filled with just enough good things
to sustain them.
The whole statement is:
“I wish you enough sun to keep your
attitude bright. I wish you enough rain to
appreciate the sun more. I wish you enough
happiness to keep your spirit alive. I wish you
enough pain so that the smallest joys in life
appear much bigger. I wish you enough gain
to satisfy your wanting. I wish you enough
loss to appreciate all that you possess. I wish
you enough hellos to get you through the final
They say it takes a minute to find a special
person. An hour to appreciate them. A day to
love them - and - an entire life to forget them.
Be Blessed Of Divine Light.
The Dodge City Shrine Club held their
March 2013 meeting at Casy’s Cowtown Club
on Wednesday, the 13th March 2013. We had
a really super turnout for this third meeting of
the year. This was the wrap up meeting of our
Shrine Circus in early February.
Yes, even our Liaison from the Wichita
Midian, Oriental Guide, Reiferd Acord, and
his lovely wife, Lady Judy, made the drive
out from Harper, Kansas to share time and eat
with us. Brother Reiferd also talked about
how the Shrine Circus did in Wichita and the
upcoming events at the Midian in Wichita in
the upcoming months. It is always a pleasure
and joy to have the two of them come out and
fellowship with us. I know it is quite a drive
from Harper to Dodge and return on the same
day. Thank you so very much.
The Dodge City Shrine Club’s yearly
“Circus” is over for another year. From all
aspects, the Circus and attendance were probably one of the best in several years.
The officers of the Dodge City Shrine club
would like to “THANK ALL” of our members,
Nobles and Ladies who helped during the
pre-work for the Circus, during the Circus and
the wrap-up for the 2013 Circus here in Dodge
City. Thank you so much for all the time and
energy that YOU gave to help make this 2013
Harvey County Club
& Hobo Unit
Two hundred eighty years
of Masonry were represented
recently as five Newton Lodge
#142 Brothers, four of them
long-time Nobles and members of our Club,
were honored with Kansas Grand Lodge
membership emblems.
In a ceremony at the Lodge February
23rd, Nobles Jack Bliss, sitting Master and
Guy Wright, Newton past Master, past
Harvey County Shrine Club President and
past District Deputy Grand Master, joined in
presenting the special emblems, Noble Bliss
handling the certificates and Noble Wright.
Receiving a 25 year emblem was Brother
Gene Watt. Noble Mervin Deschner
was given a 60 year emblem and Noble
Tom Petersen a 65 year pin. Noble Gene
Shepherd had also earned the 65 year award
and received his certificate, but was told
the jewel itself had been lost in shipment.
In actuality it was held by daughter Janet
Soukup, to be installed as Grand Guardian
at the Job’s Daughters Grand Bethel session
this summer. She had made arrangements for
the Kansas Grand Master to do the surprise
pinning at that event.
Midian Shrine Topics
“Doc” McCosh
Shrine Circus of Dodge City
such a success.
The Shrine Circus for 2014 will be
held February 7th, 8th, and 9th. So please
put this on your calendar for 2014 and it
will be held at the Dodge City Civic Center
at 2100 Central Ave.
Remember to put the monthly meetings
on your 2013 calendar and come out and help
support these wonderful individuals who give
their time and energy in keeping the Dodge
City Shrine Club and Clown group going.
The April 10th, 2013 meeting will be held at
Central Station Club and Grill at 207 E. Wyatt
Earp Blvd. in Dodge City. Social time starts
at 6:30 pm. Dinner is at 7:00 pm.
NOTE: I had been searching for quite some
time something that was written back in 1945.
It was the day after the Japanese surrendered
and World War II ended:
“The guns are silent now and so are many
of the men whose hands once held them. Never
again will they see their wives or mothers.
Never again will they hear their children
laugh. - and - Never again will they smell the
sweet scents of home - and –
FOR WHAT???? For what did these
husbands and fathers, these brothers and sons,
give their lives so many thousands of miles
from home?
I say it was for one word, and that word is
freedom. The freedom to pray -- To write -- To
speak -- To feel -- To be as we see fit and not
as others would dictate to us. To this freedom,
which has been so dearly bought for us, it is up
to us, the living, to dedicate our lives and our
futures... to its eternal protection.”
I sincerely hope that everyone can find it
in their hearts that all any of us are looking for
here today is… a little freedom, too.
“I wish you enough.”
“Good night America wherever you are.”
“May All Your Days Be Circus Days”
NOTE: Noble Reiferd, yes, since I had not
been able to find Harper, Kansas, I went out
and bought a GPS system so that I could find
where you come from and the GPS system told
me that it exists in the “Land of Oz” and could
not be found. So I am still lost.
But Noble Gene’s health
took a sudden downward turn,
he was hospitalized and the
future looked bleak. A flurry of
phone calls and e-messages resulted in over
twenty Nobles and Brothers arriving at Noble
Gene’s bedside for the special presentation
of the emblem!
And the “rest of the story” is even better; Noble Shepherd’s hospital stay was
brief and lady Ermina reports he’s greatly
improved and happy to be home. Thanks
to all the Nobles and Brothers who helped
make a very special event possible for a very
special guy.
And then there was Noble Vic Daily,
who entered Masonry the same time as
Noble Petersen. Both received 50 and 60
year emblems together as the years passed,
so Noble Vic was perplexed when Noble
Petersen was pinned and he was not. A
Grand Lodge clerical error was quickly corrected, and Noble Vic’s son, Newton Police
Chief Noble Jim Daily did the honors at the
March Lodge meeting.
Stories to make you smile, so come smile
with us, the fun-iest Club in Midian.
Butler County
It seems that everywhere I go,
they offer service with quality, speed
and good price. The only problem is that
I only get to choose two. So which two
do you choose?
The March meeting was a little light
on attendance. No reports of illness and Lady
Thelma Rountree and her knee continue to
do well. Treasurer Rocky McWilliams was
back from travels to warm places such as
California and Florida. I hope he brought a
little warmth back for us. We are working to
get our banking worked out. It seems there
is a little more bureaucracy to it than there
used to be. Our Divan liaison, Chaplain
Kent Butz, brought to our meeting his Lady
Linda and also news from Midian.
Our March meeting was a good
one, we had about half the crew on
deck. Topics discussed were upcoming
parades, the success of the circus and
upcoming events. We will be getting
together within the next few weeks to
service our bikes and get them ready for
the nearing parade season. Also discussed
was our upcoming Memorial Day Party!
Nobel Roger Smith will be sending out the
invitation and organizing the entire party!
From what he had to say at the meeting this
should be a grand event. Steak, keg beer,
party favors and fellow ship, all the things
every good Shriner appreciates. Watch your
mail box for your invitation! Roger, thank
Welcome to April and spring!
After a winter with more snow and
cold temperatures than we’ve seen in
many years, we are all ready for great
days and great events. The time for
outdoor activities and parades are fast
approaching, will you be ready?
The Yoshi unit had a new future member
added last month. Noble Cruz Rosalio Alaniz
and his Lady Jessie are proud parents of baby
Josiah. Congratulations Cruz and Jessie!
Yoshi also had a new member that is already
able to parade join us. Noble Nick Young and
family joined our ranks last month. We hope
you enjoy our unit, parading and contributing
to Yoshi and the Shrine. Welcome aboard!
The newlyweds, Noble Brian Chestnut and
bride Lady Becky made it back from their
honeymoon. It sounds like they had a great
time visiting California and seeing the sites.
Congratulations again to everyone.
Page 5
Hope all the children you
know made it to the Easter Party
and Easter Egg Hunt. What a great
opportunity to enjoy some games
and hunt for eggs. Coming up is the
Potentate’s Masquerade Ball, which will
include some mystery, intrigue and fantasy.
Will you know who is behind the mask and
which personality is the real one? You don’t
have to have a mask to join in the chicanery,
but wouldn’t it be fun? As for this club, set
the evening of June 8 th aside for a good time
at our Chuck Wagon Feed. More information
to come later. The April 10 th meeting will be
at the Stearman Bar and Grill on the Benton
Airport at 6pm. See you all there.
you and your lovely lady for
volunteering your time and efforts,
this should be a dandy! As usual it was
our pleasure to see Nobel Fred Smith
as he has been cursed with being our
Liaison officer once again. Fred, we
appreciate your patience, humor, advice and
updates at every meeting. Jimmy we hope
all is well in the tax business, Mike we hope
all is well in the airplane business, and hope
to see both of you at the next meeting. We
are always looking for new prospects, so if
you are a new noble looking for a fun active
unit. Come check us out. We meet on the
second Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm.
Thanks again from the Yoshi
unit members to all who helped at the
circus this year. We had a good turn
out and enjoyed ourselves as well as the
circus. Rumor control has mentioned this
could be Midian’s best circus year yet, that’s
fantastic news! We are lucky to have missed
the great snow storm of 2013 by a week, let’s
be thankful for that.
Changes to the by-laws for Yoshi are still
being worked on. Look in next month’s Topics
for an announcement from us. We hope it
will boost membership, participation, and
enjoyment in the unit. Plans for a Yoshi
practice are still in work also. We’d like
to get a time together to go over our karts,
parade procedures and rules, practice, and
plan for CSSA.
Have you paid your dues yet? You can’t
parade until you have so let’s get that done.
Hope to see you out there!
Page 6
Midian Shrine Topics
Antique Autos
First a big thank you to all who
came to the Circus and lent a hand. I
do not have all the names but thank you
all. We were told this may be a record
for income from the Circus, so great job
to all who helped. I also want to thank
all our Ladies who were able to help with the
cotton candy again this year; again great job!!
Welcome back to the parade season, our
first parade will be March 16th , the Delano
Saint Patrick’s day parade. The next parade
will be Benton Days on April 27th, May 4th
Spring Ceremonial Parade, May 11th will be
Anthony and on June 1 is Eureka. We have
Randy’s car show Klassic N Kustom Car Show
on April 27th at Davis Moore West and Home
Depot parking lots. We will need help with
everything we have been asked to do again
this year. Just so we begin to look forward,
next year the Klassic N Kustom Show may be
a two day event. April 13th is the Potentates
Ball, followed by the Potentates Breakfast April
14th and Midian Car Show on April 28th. We
will need your input to decide what parades to
attend so come out and let us know which you
would like to participate in.
Our Midian Easter Egg hunt for the children
in our area will be March 30th so come out and
March saw things popping for
the Ambassadors now that we have
the Shrine Circus behind us and parade
season begins. Anxiously we crossed
our fingers that there would be enough
gas for the Riverboat to make in through
the St. Patrick’s Day parade in Delano and
back to the barn.
Noble Ambassador Berkley Conn, P.P,
was back in town from Texas. He slipped in
to accept the presentation of his 50 year pin.
Congratulations Berkley, most well deserved
and earned.
We’ve all heard of things carrying a kick.
Certain adult beverages and TNT, etc. Well,
a new one came our way. Noble Ambassador
Gene Lygrisse, P.P. found a sock that had
a kick. (Word has it that it once belonged to
John Wayne). The darn thing put Gene on
crutches and then a walker for a few weeks.
Can’t blame Betty for this.
Ward Marrs has the waitresses at the
Beacon trained. He can’t drink any coffee
until they first pour it for him, add two doses
of creamer, stir -not shaken, medium sweet
and then give him a big hug. (007 style).
Ward says that he is willing to share the
service with the entire unit, but the rest of us
are just plain scared. Recovery from rocking
chair cuts - last.
Down at the Beacon where many
Ambassadors regularly meet to observe the
time and keep the affairs of the Shrine in
help if you are able.
Our Christmas party will be
December 7th at Prairie Rose Chuck
Wagon cost will be $29.00 per person.
We have been asked to make sure all
who intend on joining a parade will have
their current insurance on file with Midian
Once again we are emphasizing, our
Antique Autos group would really like to see
all the members that would like to attend meetings to be able to do so. Please call me (Dale
Gibson) at 361-0758 or 993-4463 and leave a
message. I will make the arrangements to get
a ride provided.
Birthday wishes go out to Nobles Gary
Cox, Wayne Orr, and Ray Richecky and
to Ladies Barbara Smith and Charlene Van
Burkleo. Please let me know of any birthdays
I am missing and I know I am missing several.
Well looks like we are all fairly healthy at
this time.
Our next meeting will be Monday, April 1st.
Let’s try to be represented at as many
parades as possible during the year, and have
as much fun as we legally can; however, be
ever mindful that everything we do is for our
Shrine kids.
Mild Mannered Reporter
check. Noble Ambassador Bob
Norris, M.D. had set a record of six
straight losses where he had to pick up the
ticket for all present. Following Noble
Ambassador Kenny Loffland’s custom
of matching the management “double
or nothing” for the tab, .. poor Doc lost an
additional four times. With anxiety running
high, finally, the loss fell to Gene. The coffee
doesn’t taste the same. We’ve all declared to
beware going to the casino with Doc Norris.
On March 15th our Noble Ladies had a
delightful luncheon at Rolling Hills Country
Club. Liz Piper and Kathy Roberts hosted the
affair. All of the latest styles, recipes, etc. were
shared. And big note was taken of the absence
of Jan Kelty who is enjoying her new home
overlooking the pacific coastline out in Palm
Desert, CA. We miss you Jan.
35 of our membership enjoyed a nice
evening at the Candle Club hosted by our
Director General Al Bass and Lady Retta on
the 16th. The attendance was low due to the
exhaustion of our Ladys from the day before.
Noble Ambassador John Stewart and
Lady Shirley attended Arch Madness in St.
Louis. Granddaughter Laura Powers, on the
WSU dance team, heightened the experience.
Go Shocks.
Let’s all take time to say thanks to our
Chief of Council Art Van Dresser for all
the organizing of the details involving our
unit that he controls.
APRIL, 2013
Woohoo, its camping time
Nomads! It is that wonderful time of
year when we get to spend one weekend
a month with our shrine family at the
lake. I don’t know about you, but this
turtle is ready to break out of the winter
shell and enjoy warmer weather and camping! Our first campout of the 2013 season
is April 19th and 20th at Lake Afton shelter
#1. If you’re not able to make the entire
weekend to camp, join us Saturday afternoon
Hillbilly Band
We should be known as the “Hardy
Boys,”(you’re getting old if you remember that literary group) braving
cold and blustery winds to entertain
at the Delano District annual St.
Patrick’s Day parade. Drummer Noble John
Heckman played with gloves on; brassmen
Nobles Wilbur Geeding, Bob Wambold
and Al Brumbaugh said they could have
used “horn-heaters,” but vetoed an offer from
“sax-man turned designated-driver” Noble
Cecil Goldsmith to re-route the Model T’s
exhaust! Bassman Noble Bob Bergman and
guitarist Noble Jim Malia said the cold and
wind made “tuning” a four-letter word.
While the weather could have been better,
and some other groups packed up and went
home before the event, the response from the
large and enthusiastic crowd as we rolled by
made the decision to “go for it” seem (mostly)
We then adjourned to Noble Geeding
and lady Grace’s home for their annual
corned-beef-and-cabbage dinner celebrating St. Patrick’s Day and Noble Wilbur’s
Directors Staff
birthday. Thanks to them for a warm
and wonderful ending to a cold and
dreary day!
Our schedule continues to be a
busy one: April 2nd it’s the Scottish
Rite Pancake feed from 5 to 7 PM, the Masonic
Home at 6:30 on the 4th, and the lobby mixer
for the Potentate’s Ball on the 13th . Then
it’s Midian’s Stated Meeting warm-up April
17th, another “Fourth-Thursday” event at
Newton’s Carriage Factory Art Gallery 6-8
PM Thursday the 25th , Newton Presbyterian
Manor “Apple Blossom Festival” kick-off
5-5:30 PM Friday the 26th, and the Benton
Days parade April 27th, weather permitting.
We look forward to five performances in
May, then we’ll back-off a little through the
Summer to rest up and practice for what’s
already looking to be a lively Fall.
We’re old pros having a lot of fun with
an ad-lib, improvisational style; good music
performed with a flair. If you used to play, and
wonder if it might be fun for you too, drop by
our May 2nd 6:30 PM Mecca Room rehearsal
and get acquainted.
The Directors Staff continues to roll in 2013. We had a
great showing for the Harlem
Shake Video shoot prior to the After Circus
Party. If you haven’t seen it yet, you should.
Check it out on YouTube and search for
Midian Harlem Shake. You may even
recognize a few of the people in the video.
The video is proof that Midian is on top of
the latest treads and is getting Midian and
all Shriners into the public’s eye. Thank
you to all that made it out to the filming to
participate, what a great time we all had.
Shoot the night wasn’t over either as the
Village Idiots made an Encore performance
of the YMCA, we even had a Director Staff
Member from out of state with SCAFRA
join in. Again the Directors Staff is always
working to set the bar a little higher or lower
depending on your point of view.
Knoxville TN, be warned! The Midian
Shrine Directors Staff, the Number One
Directors Staff in the Universe, is about
to invade, and you can be assured that
Knoxville will never be quite the same.
•Main Bank,
Douglas & Topeka
•Motor Bank, First
& Emporia
•Towne East Bank,
225 S. Armour
•Towne West Bank,
Tracy & Taft
Member IBBA
at 2 p.m. for the white elephant
auction to help us raise money for the
Midian Plane of Mercy. While you’re
having fun you just might want to stick
around for the potluck dinner and maybe
fellowship around the campfire. So pack
the camper and head to the lake for a great
family weekend. If you would like additional
information please contact Noble Roscoe
Taylor, Wagon Master at (316)841-4569.
See you at the lake!
Member FDIC
Don’t forget to offer up a
prayer of safe passage for
the Directors Staff Members
as they travel to Knoxville, TN, April 10th
through the 13th for the SDA (Shrine
Directors Association) competition. As
always we will do Midian Proud by putting
ourselves and others through numerous trials
of Strength, Courage, and maybe a little
Humility, in the hopes of returning with the
coveted SDA Trophy, a Trophy that Midian
has had in its possession more than any other
Shrine Center’s Directors Staff. Wish them
well and maybe even offer up Prayer for
The Directors Staff held their first Social
of the year at the West Acres Bowling Center
and even the bowling scores were, well
let’s just say, not as high as some IQ’s at
a certain often made fun of discount retail
outlet, we all had a great time. We can
say that the bowling styles may not have
been the best moves in the place, but the
Dance moves were, as members took to the
floor for the Cupid Shuffle. Directors Staff
Members, mark your calendars, the next
Social, Themed after the Popular TV show
Minute-to-Win-It, is planned for April 27th at
the Kansas Masonic Home Auditorium, 401
S. Seneca St. in Wichita at 2:00pm. The meal
will be a Salad Dinner and everyone is asked
to bring a Salad (Pasta, Fruit, Leafy, Etc.).
Don’t Forget that Spring Ceremonial
will be upon us before we know it (May 4th,
2013). The keys to a successful and enjoyable
Ceremonial are Membership, Membership,
and you guessed it Membership.
APRIL, 2013
Golden VIPS
We at the Golden VIP’s are
deeply saddened with the loss of our
President H. Gene Payne. He is sorely
missed by us as well as all Masons in
our area. God Bless Gene, rest in peace
until we meet again.
The VIP’s meeting was called to order
by Vice President Bill Weber on Valentine’s
Day, February 14th. The invocation was
given by Joann Harris; the Flag salute was
led by David Pate, PP. We had 24 members
and 2 guests with us this day.
A most tasty lunch was prepared by the
Chefs of the Masonic Home and all enjoyed
the meal and the comradery.
Our guest speaker for the program was
Mr. Cory Long of the Carpenter Place,
formerly known as Maude Carpenter
Children’s Home. The Children’s home
actually began 67 years ago in a church in
downtown Wichita. From there it blossomed
out into one of Kansas’ respected facilities
for young girls. Carpenter’s Place prides
itself with their teaching the young girls selfdependency from within their own schooling,
Independent Life Skills and mentoring.
Several of the young girls are in a sewing
class taught by volunteers and are sewing
dresses for young girls in Africa.
The presentation by Mr. Long was
Midian Shrine Topics
not only interesting but very
informative as well. Mr. Long was
presented with a quickly becoming
collector’s item, a VIP Coffee Cup.
VP Bill Weber shared an informative item with the group; there was a
difference of opinion between a man and
wife about just whose job it was to make
the morning coffee. The man said it was
the woman’s duty to make the coffee; the
lady of course disagreed and said she could
prove it. The husband challenged her to do
so. The wife picked up the bible and opened
it to “Hebrews”. End of story!
There were no anniversaries to report for
the month. Birthday wishes to Noble Art
Van Dresser. The lunch tables were set up
with a Valentine candy heart at each seat to
celebrate Valentine’s Day. Did you know that
85% of Valentine’s Day cards are purchased
by women?
Potentate Lonnie Nichols, our Liaison
sends his regrets as he is very busy helping
prepare for the circus and unable to attend
our meeting. In his absence David Pate, PP
gave the Liaison report to the group.
Noble Andy Roberts informed the VIP’s
that the Million Dollar Band will play at the
beginning of the first performance of each
day at the circus this year.
Keystone Kops
As the Kops round the bend on
the race to Spring we must announce
our annual Spring Birthday Bash. It will
be held on Friday, April 5th. It starts
around 5ish and ends at 11. This year
will be a special birthday celebration,
as we celebrate Bob “with 3 B’s” Baker’s
95th birthday. We ask, “no gifts please”, as
Bob has more than enough “stuff” around his
house already. But I heard Bob likes to have
a little snort ever now and then, so maybe?
It ought to be a fun night for all, but this is a
special party, so you have to buy a ticket from
a Kopper to get in, although if you forget to
get one before then, some will be available at
the door. Hope we see a bunch of you there.
I know “3 B’s” will be excited that you are.
Wow, what a meeting we had in March. I
have never, ever, ever, ever, seen that many
Kops at one of our monthly meetings. The
room was wall to wall Kops. This makes our
Chief, Mark Brown, the most popular Chief
of all time, I guess? Sorry about that Hurley,
but he took you out! Our 2013 Liaison, Chief
Rabban Ed Day, was there also. He was making his first appearance ever at a Keystone
Kop meeting and I could tell he was mighty
impressed. Chief Rabban Ed explained that
he had been kind of busy with the Midian
Shrine Circus and hadn’t been able to get to
one of our meetings until this one. He also
told us the 2013 Circus was very successful
and next year the Shrine would live it up.
That is if he is elected Potentate.
Right then, I heard some comments
by some of the Kops about Ed and his
“Crown” in 2014, but not sure what they
were talking about? Welcome aboard
Liaison Ed Day.
This in from the Circus also: it seems
“Hurley” was stopped by security leaving
the Circus Saturday night with a truck load
of elephant fertilizer without having paid
for it. Hurley was let go after explaining he
didn’t know anything about it being in his
truck, but would look into finding out who
put it there. I would look to the “west”, if I
were you Hurley.
I am proud to announce that one of our
members will be getting a special award this
month. Board Member At Large, Danny
“tree” Oliver is being presented with an
Arbor Award by the city of Wichita. This will
happen on Arbor Day, of course, delaying
Danny’s return trip to the Shell Knob Shrine
fishing tournament, but he vows to make
the tournament. I am told, this award is for
Danny being as old as most trees he planted
while working for the city of Wichita. Or
something like that? Congratulations Noble
Danny on your award!
I Wonder?? Did I hear Ed right?? I
Wonder?? Does “3 B’s” like Crown?? I
Wonder?? Is Mickey’s last name West?? I
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Steven R. Boyd
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316-263-8444 ~ 800-369-2920
Electraglide Elite
By this time you’ve probably
cured the twitch in your throttle hand.
The occasional and uncontrollable tapping of your shifting foot has stopped,
and what just a few weeks ago were
sub-conscious sounds of true-dual exhaust
in among the trains, planes and automobiles
- are real now. Bingo, bike weather is back!
It’s a beautiful thing…but beware…the ghosts
of winter left some stuff behind. My hunch
is several hundred tons of sand and salt were
hauled in to battle the 20 inches of snow and
Ice, and Brothers – lots of it is still there. Not a
good thing on two wheels especially when the
four-wheel folks haven’t seen us for 90 days or
so! You know how it works…nobody cares as
much about you as you.
Some important housekeeping: Special
thanks to 1st Lt. David Ryan for his Circus
efforts! It’s looking like a good one! And
I know the Chief Rabban thanks all of you
that made it up and helped! I don’t remember
anyone diving off the Captain’s trike this year
either. Lt. David and Capt. J. R. have approval
on the Midian Shrine Kid’s Run on Sept. 14 and
there’s plenty of work going on for it. It’ll be
big and if you don’t have some assigned duties
yet – ask David. I promise, he’s got something
for you! Still have some unpaid dues and
Motor Patrol
Captain Lynn Ungles led the
March meeting at the (‘get your car
broken into’) Scotch. A birthday wish for our
captain included ‘Marilyn Monroe singing
“Happy Birthday”… Captain Lynn enjoys
getting his picture taken at the Scotch on his
birthday. Noble Bruce Detwiler, Treasurer,
was taking dues money. Asst. Rabban Wayne
Wells attended the meeting and reported on
Shrine activity. Members were asked to dress
for pictures. The MP is getting new grey
slacks to add to our collection of grey slacks.
MP is going to produce a new directory book
this year and we want current pictures. Circus
is past, but it is time to bring your circus
ticket money, so Circus Chairman John can
get settled with the circus office. Make the
checks payable to Midian Shrine Circus, but
give them to John.
If you missed the circus this year, you
missed a great time with Motor Patrol
fellowship. Noble Terry Williams and
Noble Derrick Metzger were helping at
circus. Noble Terry did good helping park
cars. Noble Derrick was doing ‘hawking’ of
novelties. Derrick is a great Mason. If you
need tree work, call Derrick. We thank Noble
Bob Murdock, honorary member of the
Motor Patrol, for the use of the motor home
for relaxation and outstanding fellowship
during the circus. Combined with much better
weather this year, the Motor Patrol directed
car parking. The object is to park them quick
and orderly. When someone parked outside
of where we directed them, we looked for big
Williams Construction
General Contractor
Commercial - Industrial
New Construction
Allen Williams, President
Page 7
N. B. Forrest, K.G.C.
we’re going to need it all with
the “packed year” ahead. Included
in the year are a number of parades and
that brings another reminder – if you
don’t have a proof of insurance sticker
you’ll need it. Get with Treasurer Dave
Byerley and take care of either one or both of
these right away.
Finally here comes another bump that
none of us take seriously enough Brothers…
Membership! When was the last time you
attended a Masonic info Night? How about
how often over the last say five years have you
visited with a potential prospect about Masonry
or the Shrine? If you’re like me, the answers
aren’t real good. Not trying to go heavy on
you, but it’s serious! We are the best kept
secret around. We have a year ahead that will
offer more fun than a monkey can have with
a hundred foot of grapevine! Tell somebody
about it, you never know when you could be
talking to a biker that would have a blast with
us. Or even if he has no desire to ride, he’s
missing all the good stuff here in the Shrine!
So if you haven’t already, check your oil
and tires, lights and battery (or magneto if
you’re so inclined) and whether you push it’s
button or kick it, let’s get ready to rumble –
there’s bugs to kill!
pickups to park next to the offenders.
(Is that bad?) “Bring that big pickup
right up here”….
Lynn Ungles took the names of MP taking
Jeepsters to Imperial in Indianapolis this year.
Some MP don’t even know they are taking
their Jeepsters yet. The happy band in July
will include Oriental Guide Reiferd Acord,
Nobles Rocky McWilliams, Ron Stowell,
Cy Lampe, Bob Ragsdale, John Auch,
Jeff Breault and the captain Lynn Ungles.
The mix of hauled and driven Jeepsters will
support Potentate Lonnie Nichols and the
Divan. ‘The journey is the reward.’
PP John Auch, circus chair, reported on
the circus. Veteran MP Noble Joe Roland
would welcome unit members dropping
by and helping. Pictures of Joe’s Jeepster
are on line. Noble Reiferd Acord Oriental
Guide missed our meeting as he and his Lady
Judy were at the Oriental Guide Leadership
Meeting in Tampa. Also attending was High
Priest and “Profit” Bart Ogden and his Lady
Lesa, who forgot to pack her underwear. (I
never got that trick to work for me, Lady
Lesa.) Noble Rocky McWilliams still does
not know where his company truck is. We
will see you in the Delano St. Patrick’s Day
The Jeepster pictures and History of our
activities are found on the www.motorpatrol.
us website. Facebook people please “Like”
the Motor Patrols Facebook page. https://
Page 8
Midian Shrine Topics
APRIL, 2013
APRIL, 2013
Midian Shrine Topics
Page 9
Page 10
Holy crap, did you see the
Daytona Nationwide race? Rick
N Bobby here, and I was there. Luckily, I
was on the top row and saw it all unfold.
Car parts flyin thru the fence, and a tire flew
over the fence! I ran down to catch the tire,
but I was too late. Some guy stopped it with
his body. He was knocked the ?#*! Out, so
I Helped the guy by grabbin the tire off of
him. Figured the race was over so I took the
tire and put it in the back of my truck and
went home. I may make a table out of it
and sell it on e-bay to help pay for the guys
removal of his GOODYEAR tattoo! I hope
he is ok. Anyway, racin and parading in the
NASCARTS series also. Nascarts started the
year at the home track in Delano. Them guys
did 5 laps around the round -a –bout. We
The Million Dollar Band was
among the many Midian Shriners
lining up for the St. Patrick’s Day
Parade in Delano but chose to cancel
participation. We have several key
players whose immune systems have
been compromised by illness and who have
no business being out in the cold wind. In
addition, have you ever tried to keep a music
stand upright and the music on your stand in a
25 mile per hour wind? Maybe next year. Oh
sure, the Hill Billy Band did play, but they’re
a more primitive group. They don’t use sheet
music and don’t need stands.
The Polkatz played the gathering music for
the Stated Meeting on March 20. Otherwise,
the Million Dollar Band devoted the month
to rehearsals. The DanceKatz rehearse at 7pm
on Mondays, followed by the Concert Band
at 8:30. The Polkatz rehearse on the 1st and
Midian Shrine Topics
are still building karts on Saturdays
when we are not tearing up the parade
scene. A big thanks to HP&P Bart Ogden
and Noble Rusty Suthards for the locations
to build and the welding skills. Also thanks
to Treasurer Randy Pierce for the research
and knowledge, and keeping all the other
yahoos in line during the builds. We should
have our first kart out of the shop and on
the track soon. Good teamwork and good
times. Happy anniversary to Noble Mark
and Melissa Cox May 12, and happy B-day
to Noble Scott Smith April 5, Tasha Young
April 10, President Greg Treadwell on
the 14th and Michelle Powell on the 29th.
See ya on the track, Let’s do this thang !
3rd Tuesdays at 7:30pm. The
DixieKatz rehearse on the 2nd and 4th
Thursdays except when the 1st Tuesday
and the 2nd Thursday fall in the same
week. Then the DixieKatz rehearse on
the 3rd and 5th Thursdays.
In the Monday night rehearsals the
Concert Band is practicing some new acquisitions in sheet music, hoping to debut some at
the Spring Ceremonial on May 4; while the
DanceKatz are making preparations to play
at Botanica on Mothers Day.
I hesitate to tell musician jokes in the
topics because I work with so many of them
at the above rehearsals…but here are a couple
that aren’t too much inside jokes:
AGENT: a character who resents
performers getting 90% of his salary.
ARRANGER: a guy who writes to
support a drinking habit.
APRIL, 2013
The March 13, Chef’s meeting
was well attended with nine members
plus our liaison officer Gary Gelvin.
We were informed that Chuck was not
in Arkansas as thought, but was instead
at home under the weather. WW Wells
was excused due to being out of town on
Divan training. Tampa is good, but I’m not
sure they are that good.
After the formalities were out of the
way we launched into open discussion of up
coming events. Our own thank you party to
celebrate 2012 and Executive Jerry Guthrie
was first, finalizing the number coming and
attentive plans for the day.
A brief discussion of the annual Shrine
Easter Egg hunt followed with plans to do
the normal. Discussion also covered the
upcoming Potentate’s Breakfast and the
Winfield Golf tournament.
Wes Stamper celebrates his birthday April
1st, so guess we all know what
kind of an individual he is. March
birthdays for the Chef’s unit included
Mike Bennett and J.R. Taylor. I forgot
to list February last month probably
because of this being over 20% of the
active Chef’s were Frick, Fuller, Wells,
Wilson, and Wright.
Chefs Frick and Wright were observed
helping with the Sumner County Shrine
nut feed on Mar. 8th. I’m not sure if it was
really helping or simply getting training from
Jackie Broyles. Those that missed the feed
missed a good time and some excellent food.
Word has been received that Past
Executive Chef Bob Krug is not doing real
well at this time. Want you to know the Chefs
are thinking of you and wishing you the best.
Until next time--------Make-IT Smoke boys------It’ll taste great when we serve it up!
Arab Patrol
Happy April, Patrolmen and
Ladies! Hope this article finds
everyone well and in good spirits.
There are a few upcoming events to talk
about. First being the Potentate’s ball
on April 13th. Potentate, Lonnie Nichols
has requested the Patrol provide the honor
guard for the event. The Patrol Golf Stag is
coming up on April 27th. We will be having
a 4 man scramble golf tourney with steak and
shrimp dinner to follow. There will be a flyer
passed out shortly on this event! But mark
your calendars now!
The patrol is doing a raffle for special golf
packages, to help offset our cost of CSSA,
in lieu of working the concession stands
this year. If any of the retired or veteran
patrol men would like to help out with the
raffle, please contact 1st Lieutenant Larry
Tomes. The winners will be announced at
the Winfield Golf tournament.
Special thanks goes out to Sargent Devon
Olson for executing his outstanding selling
skills at our booth at the gun show. We all
enjoyed watching him sell tickets for the
sportsman raffle event. We would like to
Provost Guard
thank Bikers Edge for covering
the cost of the booth space. This
helped us to sell lots of tickets and get
the word out for the event.
It had been brought to our attention
that there was an oversight, from our
February article. Our deepest condolences
go out to the family of Veteran Patrolman
Terry Penninton, as his wife, Lady Judy,
passed in January. You will forever be in our
prayers. Also keep in your prayers, Oriental
Guide, and Patrol Liaison, Reiferd Acord as
he recovers from surgery. On a good note,
I am happy to report that both Lady Janet
Smith and Lady BJ Kaufman are doing much
better. We will continue to keep all of you
in our prayers.
One last note, Patrolmen. If you are
wanting, or as I always tell my wife, “needing” new golf clubs, and are looking for an
excuse to tell your wife, don’t tell her they
were stolen out of your driveway, as you ran
back in to grab a banana…. Past Captain Bill
Stevens already used that one!! Hope you
find them, or at least get to buy some new
ones, Bill!
The Midian Shrine Provost
Guard will host it’s Annual Sporting
clay Fun Shoot on May 11, 2013. The
shoot will be held at Lynn Brooke
Sporting Clays at 1419 SW 120th st,
Augusta, KS 67010. (316) 775-1715.
Cost’s is $40.00 per adult shooter, $25.00
youth shooter. Bring your own shells or shells
an be purchased at the club. There will be
10 stations with 50 Targets. Six man teams
will be pre-squaded. Shooting time will start
at 9:00AM and run to 4:00PM. Dinner will
be catered by Hog Wild BBQ
at 6:00PM. Trophy’s, awards and
prizes presented after the dinner.
The drawing for the SKB 85TSS
Shotgun will be held at the event.
Reservations need to be made and
prepaid by May 11, 2013. $300.00 in added
money to be given away as door prizes.
For information contact Robert Grabb at
(316)943-3855, cell: (316) 250-0332, e-mail:
APRIL, 2013
Legion of Honor
First of all we Nobles of the
Legion of Honor would like invite
all of the Nobles of Midian Shrine in
extending our most sincere condolences
to Noble Jack Ellington, on the passing
of his daughter.
Well Nobles here we are again at the start
of another busy month. The Legion of Honor
has booked “The Prairie Rhythms Band”
for an evening of excellent entertainment,
on May 25, starting at 7 P.M. This group
is definitely outstanding and has played to
sold out performances all over Kansas. They
will be featuring a tribute to Patsy Cline and
Elvis, and the price is $7.50 each. So with
that in mind we cordially extend an invitation
to all Nobles and their Ladies to come and
join us for a truly great evening of fantastic
The Midian Legion of Honor is venturing
into new and unexplored “ground”. With
the great leadership of Commander Noble
Tom Propps, supported by a superb group
of Nobles and Past Commanders, are in the
process of exploring some new ideas that we
First of all we Nobles of the
Touchdowners would like to join our
brother Nobles in the Legion of Honor
and invite all of the Nobles of Midian
Shrine in extending our most sincere
condolences to Noble Jack Ellington,
on the passing of his daughter.
Great Job! allow us at Touchdowners to
congratulate all of your brother Nobles on
a superb and successful Circus. It just goes
to show that when a truly fantastic group
of dedicated Nobles get together nothing is
Now as we start the spring, I am inviting your attention to a couple of new very
important events coming up. The first one is
the Midian Shrine Bowl Banquet scheduled
for Saturday April 27th at 4PM. Ticket
prices and sponsorship information will
be forth coming. As with the Circus we
“Touchdowners” cordially invite you all to
participate in recognizing the West Players
, Coaches, and Managers, who have been
selected for this years’ Shrine Bowl Football
game in Topeka. For more details, check out
the Touchdowners’ Facebook page.
Midian Shrine Topics
feel will have new and far reaching
financial benefits not only to the
Midian Shrine, but also to the Legion of
Honor, such as continuing to Honor our
Great Country, Our Veterans, and last
but not least having the financial ability
to better help the Kids.
Our new and initial program is called
“The Flag” Program, and more details will
soon follow not only in future Topics articles,
but also on our Facebook page. We are also
developing a quarterly Newsletter, which will
provide a more in-depth history of the Legion,
as well as outline our new programs and goals.
We sincerely would appreciate the honor of
having every Noble that is a Veteran to come
and join us in this tremendous effort. Your
Leadership and experience is greatly honored
and appreciated. You have served with honor
and distinction in protecting this fabulous
country, and we are asking you again, to join
us in making these new programs a success.
With your valued support, we will accomplish
what we all started when we each received our
FEZ. “Helping the Kids”.
Page 11
May 18th - 19th, 2013
Quail Ridge GC - Winfield, KS
Two Person Scramble - $90 Per Person - $180.00 Team
Limited to 62 Teams
2 Day of Golf with Carts
Steak Dinner with Hospitality Saturday night at the Comfort Inn
Prizes for all Flights on Sunday
Questions: Contact Jay Danler@ 316-200-5253
or rydethewynd@sbcglobal.net
Hotel Information
Host Hotel - Comfort Inn, Winfield KS # (620) 221-7529
Reservations must be made by April 15, 2013 to guarantee room availability. Let them
know you are with the Midian shrine Golf Outing to receive the discount rate
Overflow - Super 8 # (620) 229-8888
James Graham
Yep, you guessed it, the
second event is the Midian Shrine
Bowl Golf Tournament. As we mentioned in the previous month’s topics,
members of the Touchdowners will be
visiting all of the clubs and units in the
next couple of months to gather your support
in making this year a monumental success,
just like the Circus was. So here’s a suggestion, if you don’t play golf, find someone
who does and help sponsor them. If you do
play, and maybe your score is not like Tiger
Woods that’s okay too, it will be fun, and the
Kids will appreciate it. On the other hand if
you’re are a “scratch” golfer, enough said,
see you there, and bring a team.
Seriously Nobles, we are shooting at doubling our contribution from last year, which
was over $21,000. We are setting up some
fun events, and great prizes for the entire
family to enjoy, so really there’s no excuse,
we’ll even have some “liquid refreshment”.
You all did a tremendous job with the
Circus, so let’s use that same cando spirit
to make this tournament a gigantic success.
Remember, Nobles it’s all about the Kids !!!
All Transmission PARTS
1730-1746 E. Douglas, Wichita, KS 67214
(316) 263-8484
RON FISHER President
Midian Shrine Topics
Page 12
APRIL, 2013
Capps Manufacturing
Ron Capps
212 S Edwards
Wichita, KS 67213
Home Safe Hearth and Chimney
Bart and Lesa Ogden
Come visit our showroom!!
Wood - Gas - Pellet - Electric - Tools - Doors - Caps - Accessories
504 S St. Francis
Wichita, KS 67202
Frick Body Shop
Myron Frick
1346 S. Mosley
Wichita, KS 67211
Dave Johnson Sales “The Gunner”
See Dave, Mike or Rusty Johnson
Tyler & Kellogg
B & B Electric Motor Co.
Bob Giesen
332 Lulu
Wichita, KS 67211
JT Enterprises Inc
John Auch - President
6320 E. Crestmark
Wichita, KS 67220
Realty World Alliance
The John Head Team
8414 W 13th St
Wichita, KS 67212
Signs, Banners, Decals & Graphics
Eagle Financial Services
O J Lichlyter, CLU
1033 N Buckner Suite 1033
Derby, KS 67037
Carey, Thomas, Hoover & Breault
Jeff Breault - Vice President
8080 E. Central Suite 200
Wichita, KS 67206
Direct Mail Printers
Randy Brown
231 S. Ida
Wichita, KS 67211
Joe Self Chevrolet-Cadillac
Used & New Cars & Trucks
“Big Al” Ceynar
8801 E Kellogg
Wichita, KS 67212
Cell: 317-706-6888
Strategic Financial Concepts Inc.
Vance A. Burns
216 N. Waco
Wichita, KS 67202
The Hawkins Group, Inc.
Dan Hawkins
9406 Harvest Ln
Wichita, KS 67212
CW Feed Products
Jeff Sowder
1009 N. Mosley
Wichita, KS 67214
Signs & Design
Mike Janzen
4545 W. Central
Wichita, KS 67212
Roberts Truck Center
Ed Day
5549 Chuzy Drive
Wichita, KS 67219
R & J Discount Liquor
Matt Hess - Manager
3015 E Douglas
Midian Shrine Topics
APRIL, 2013
APRIL – 2013
Every Tuesday
Tues – Apr 2
Donuts & Coffee 8 – 9:30 AM
Everyone is welcome, come and enjoy the fellowship
Elmo Lodge Meeting 7:00 PM
Sun & Mon
Apr 14 & 15
Wichita Signature Theatre – Disney’s Aladdin Junior
Doors Open at 6:30 PM, Show at 7:00 PM
Students $7, Adults $10
Thurs – Apr 18
Knights of Saint Andrew
Meeting at 7:00 PM
All Scottish Rite Masons & Ladies welcome
Pancake Feed
- Open to the Public
Lunch 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Dinner 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
$5.00 per person All You Can Eat
Fri & Sat
Spring Reunion
Apr 19 & 20
Fri – Registration & Meal 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM
4th Degree at 6:30 PM
Sat – Coffee and Donuts 7:45 AM to 8:15 AM
Degrees start at 8:30 AM
Thurs – Apr 25 Page 13
If your Unit, Club, Lodge or any affiliate body had a function you would like in this free listing,
then just get the information to Jody Frazier jfrazier@midian.kscoxmail.com.
other than
derby lodge #365 biscuit & Gravy
4th sat every month - 7am - 10am - 125 E. Market, derby
Free Lunch - 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM
April 13
All you can eat Pancakes & Sausage
Omelets - Made to order $5.00
8:00 AM to 12:00PM
Adults $7.00 - Children $3.00
Proceeds to support the
Rainbow for Girls Service Project
April 26
Fish Fry at Belle Plaine
Ladies & Guest Welcome
Potentate’s Ball
Double Tree by the Hilton
Social Hour 6:00 pm - Dinner 7:30 pm
Dance - 8:30 - 11:30 pm
Cost is $50.00 per person
Potentate’s Breakfast
Midian Shrine
8:30 am for eye openers
9:30 am Breakfast prepared by
Midian Chefs
$10.00 per person - Includes Mug
Stated Meeting 7:30pm
Ladies Meeting 7:30 pm
West Squad Shrine Bowl Banquet
Midian Shrine
2:00 pm
WSU/Midian Car Show
WSU Campus on Hillside
between 17th & 21st
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
$15.00 before April 19 - $20.00
day of show
Arami Ct.
On March 9, 2013, Arami Court
#101 held its’ 31st Annual Installation
of Officers in the Mecca Room at
Midian Center. Lady B J Kauffman
was installed as our High Priestess,
Lady Evelyn Brown, Princess, Lady
Evelyn Atkinson, Associate Princess, Lady
Dianna Clay, 1st Ceremonial Lady, Lady
Carol Hemphill, 2nd Ceremonial Lady
and Lady Nancy Beckner 3 year Trustee.
Congratulations to the Elected and Appointed
Officers. May you all have a fun and successful year.
Time is rapidly approaching for our trip to
Tampa for the 99th Grand Council Session.
Lady Jan Hiebert will be installed on May 25,
2013 as our Grand High Priestess. We are
very proud of her and her accomplishments
and we know that her year will be one of
the Grandest times in her life. Lady Jan
will be traveling from the last week in May
until Arami’s Court official visit
in February 2014 visiting all 74
LOS Courts and as many of the Shrine
Hospitals as she can. She will be home
sporadically and we look forward to
welcoming her to Court. Right around
the corner will be the 100th Grand Council
Session beginning May 26, 2014; Lady Jan
will preside over this session. Arami Court
has been planning for 9 years for this event
and it is almost here. The Formal Opening on
Tuesday May 28, 2014 is open to the public
and we invite everyone to attend.
I know Lady B J has some exciting things
planned for the Court this year so come join
us for the friendship, fun and philanthropy.
Along with our Nobles, we have a great time
as we work for the children and the hospitals.
Until next month, good health and a lot
of laughter.
Page 14
Midian Shrine Topics
25 and 50 Year Awards
APRIL, 2013
APRIL, 2013
Midian Shrine Topics
March 20th Open Meeting & Fiesta Party
Page 15
Page 16
Midian Shrine Topics
APRIL, 2013