7:30 AM, 9:00 - NativityStStans.org
7:30 AM, 9:00 - NativityStStans.org
101-41 91st Street, Ozone Park, New York, 11416 Tel: 718.845.3691 • Fax: 718.845.8978 Email: nativityststans@verizon.net Website: www.nativityststans.org Fr. Paul C. Palmiotto, Pastor Rev. Angelo B. Pezzullo, Parochial Vicar Rev. Andrzej Salwowski, Parochial Vicar Rev. Reinaldo Saldarriaga, Parochial Vicar Deacon Andrew A. Marchello, Retired Deacon Edward J. Guster, Jr. Mrs. Elizabeth Perretta, Religious Education Director Michael Zabrocki, Director of Music Ministry Marylou Bermingham, Parish Secretary MASS SCHEDULE Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church Sunday Masses: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM (Italian), 10:30 AM 12:00 PM, 1:30 PM (Filipino 3rd Sunday of ea. month) & 6:30 PM Daily Mass: 7:00 AM, 8:00 AM & 9:00 AM (No 8:00 Mass in July & August) Saturday Mass: 9:00 AM • Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:30 PM, 7:00 PM (Spanish) Holy Days of Obligation: As announced in the bulletin St. Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr Church Location-Rockaway Bld. & 88 Street Sunday Masses: 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM (Polish) & 12:30 PM RECTORY OFFICE HOURS: Daily 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM, 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM & 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM Saturday and Sunday by appointment only SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: We celebrate this sacrament on the 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month at Nativity and the 2nd & 3rd Sundays at St. Stanislaus (must have original birth certificate). Please call the Rectory to make arrangements. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Parishioners who are intending to marry must contact the Rectory at least six months before the date on which they wish to marry to begin their pre-marital preparation for this sacred event in their lives. ANYONE WHO INTENDS TO RECEIVE THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM OR MATRIMONY MUST BE A PARISHIONER WITH ENVELOPES (FOR AT LEAST 6 MONTHS) . SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: This Sacrament is offered every Saturday from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM at Nativity only. For confession at other times please contact one of the priests, for an appointment. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Please notify a priest whenever anyone is seriously ill and wishes to receive this special sacrament. Anyone can receive this sacrament on the First Saturday of each month during the 9:00 AM Mass at Nativity BVM RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE: This office provides for the Religious formation, and also the sacramental preparation for children of our parish who wish to receive First Penance, First Eucharist and Confirmation must be a parishioner (receive envelopes.) To register or for any further information, please call the Religious Education Director (718-845-1524). SCHOOL: Divine Mercy Catholic Academy 101-60 92nd Street, Ozone Park, NY 11416 Tel: 718-845-3074 • Fax: 718-845-5068 Sister Francis Marie, C.S.F.N., Principal Mary Romanello, Secretary, Ext. 110 Mission Statement: The Parish of Nativity of the BVM –St. Stanislaus B&M is a community of diverse cultures and backgrounds. Our purpose is to evangelize and to provide a home for all who seek to deepen their Faith . We will continue to respect our cultural traditions while responding to the changing needs of our community. Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Saturday, June 22nd–Sts. Paulinas, John Fisher, Thomas More 9:00am Frances Smith Helen Ficalora 5:30pm Maria Gloria Coelho By Gaspar & Maria Amorin 7:00pm Intentions of the Priest St Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr Sunday, June 23rd-Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00am 11:00am 12:30pm Sunday, June 23rd-Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30am 9:00am Kai Save & Family– By son Donato DeVito By daughter & family 10:30am Paticia Geremia By Sr. Francis Marie 12:00noon Salvatore & Nancy Azzaro By Gloria Catellesa 6:30pm Celine Joseph Koechupura By family Monday, June 24th– Nativity of St. John the Baptist 7:00am Intentions of the Priest 8:00am Frances Vulpetti By Joan & Allan Wells 9:00am John Welnicki, Sr. By freiends Tuesday, June 25th7:00 am Intentions of the Priest 8:00am Virginia Holly By Hobbs family 9:00am John Contino (Anniversary) By wife, Ann Wednesday, June 26th– 7:00am Intentions of the Priest 8:00am Intentions of the Priest 9:00am Claire Colamaria By Frank, Jennifer and Fr. Frank Thursday, June 27th-St. Cyril 7:00am Intentions of the Priest 8:00am Lydia Mercado By sister-in-law 9:00am Mary DeBenedittis By Maria Pacella Friday, June 28th– St. Irenaeus 7:00am Intentions of the Priest 8:00am Intentions of the Priest 9:00am Intentions of the Priest Saturday, June 29th-Sts. Peter & Paul, Apostles 9:00am Vito Gualtieri (Birthday) By daughter Teresa 5:30pm Paul Magula By Caroline Catapano & family Gino Sferrazza By sister, Beatrice 7:00pm Intentions of the Priest Sunday, June 30th-Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12:00noon 6:30pm Intentions of the Priest Fortunato LoBello By wife & children Catholic War Veterans Patricia Geremia By Connie & Jane Aly & Theresa Merola By Woods family Monica Martuscello Birthday Blessings By Grandma & Aunt Barbara Czeslaw Malyszko By wife & children Krysia & Slawek Wanta(10th Anniversary) Blessing and Good Health Sunday, June30th-Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00am 11:00am 12:30pm Patricia Geremia By Alina Aniela Podgorczk By Maria & Tadeusz Dworniczak & rodzina Mr. & Mrs Jan Lizak (50th Anniversary) By Children & Granchidlren Stewardship Collection for the weekend of June 15th & 16th Nativity Church Saturday 5:30pm 7:00pm Sunday 7:30am 9.00 am 10:30am 12:00pm 1:30[pm 6:30pm Total Donations 602 234 767 229 815 1,157 132 St Stanislaus Church Sunday 9:00am 11:00am 12:30pm Total Donations 527 646 136 $ 1,309 271 $4,207 Altar Bread In loving Memory of Anna Kuhn Donated by daughters Next Week is the Collection for Peter Pence there are extra envelopes in the back of the churches. The Collection enables the Holy Father to respond with emergency funds to aid the neediest throughout the world; those who suffer as a result of war, oppression and natural disasters. It likewise provides the faithful with a tangible opportunity to not only empower the weak, defenseless and voiceless, but also sustain those who suffer. The Sick of Our Parish Tara Sanfillipo John Moretto Alexander Brook John Croce Anthony Madonna Autilia Polisi Angela Barillaro Anthony Cappiello Virginia Conti William Sepe Gladys Helguero Adele Milano Nicole Carlino Mary Kiely Anne Zaremski Joseph Kellen Desirene Gomez Anne Liotta Concetta Grabowski Patricia Popik Vito Vendegna Haven Hobbs Marie Costigliola BOOK FAIR Holy Child Jesus Cafeteria 111-02 86th Avenue, Richmond Hill Friday,June 28th –4- 9pm Saturday, June 29th -11am -7pm Sunday June 30th—10am-3pm Thousands of Books for $5.00 or less To Benefit the Teen Drama Group, and Cub Scout Pack 177 (books donated by Austin Book Shop) TACHS EXAM St. John Preparatory School (21-21 Crescent St, Astoria 11105). TACHS 2013 Program begins Saturday, Sept 21. In September St. John’s will be offering 7 review classes for the 2013. TACHS exam that will be given on November 9, 2013. These classes will review the mathematical & English concepts covered in the TACHS exam as well as test taking Strategies . It will also include timed tests so that students become comfortable with the timing of the exam. There is a deposit of $100 non-refundable needed paid by July 19 and the balance due of $175 on August 23. You can register on line and pay with a credit card by going to Emily Gargiulo Marianne Puglia Alfonsina Miller Mary Kinsky Stella Viscardi Mary Maletta Barbara Martuscello Eleanor Martuscello Anthony Marsicano Elizabeth Smith Cecylia Frankowska Linda Greco Ed Szarek Anne Marie Vayda Isha Omrow Mary Ann Franzese Freida Pastore Wailani Torres J Christian Burial Please pray for those recently passed, Joan DeRosa, Richard Pastore, Lucille Quinn SAVE THE DATE Nativity Church Hall Blood Drive Saturday, August 24 From 3:30pm to 8:00pm Eligibility Criteria: ID with signature or photo Minimum weight 110lbs. Age 16-75 (16ys old need parents permission) Over 75 need doctors note. Eat well & drink fluids No tattoos for past 12 months If you would like to donate Blood on August 24th, please fill out the pledge form to the left and drop in box at the back of the Church. Someone will then contact you to make an appointment. For more information contact Ms. Patricia Kistner at 718-835-6853 11th Community Family Barbeque Picnic Saturday , June 29, 2013 (12noon-5pm), Nativity B.V. M. Church Grounds Children Games, Face Painting, Bingo, Raffles & Door Prizes Basketball contest, DJ Music and Delicious Foods Food includes a BBQ Lunch of Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Chicken cutlets and sausage and peppers, corn on the cob , Salads and more. Price $10per adult, $5.per child or $25. per family Family is determined as parents and their children under 3yrs are free of charge. You can come and go all day long. This is hosted by : Knights of Columbus Family of Nativity Church For tickets call the following: Steve Jasiak (718) 551-2333 Vinny Blandino (347) 551-6369 Jim Monforte (646) 610-3546 John McCormack (718) 843-2064 Ruben Martinez (718) 751-5911 Eddie Boes (718) 845-7914 COME JOIN US FOR A DAY OF FAMILY AND FIENDSHIP 2013 Annual Catholic Appeal Nativity of the BVM/St. Stanislaus B&M is once again please to participate in the Brooklyn diocesan Annual Catholic Appeal. Our goal for this year is $58,850. To date our Parish has achieved : Pledged $45,145- 77.0% Received $35,399– 30.1% Donors 238 –24.6% of Parishioners Thank you The collection for the victims of the Oklahoma Tornados was $1, 875. Thank you to all who donated for you generosity. EWTN’s extensive coverage of World Youth Day 2013 Join Fr. Mark and Doug Bary f “Life on the Rock” as EWTN brings coverage of Wol Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro, July 23-28. This year’s theme _”Go an Make Disciples of all Nations”- takes on new meaning as Pope Francis returns to South America fo the first time as the Vicar of Christ. You can find EWTN on you TV. radio. Compute and mobil device. For more infomation, go to www.ewtn.com. Society of St.Vincent de Paul Gives Back Nativity of the BVM-St. Stanislaus B&M should share in the profits. For each car, truck or van running or not the Society will give back to our church $50/$100 per vehicle. Maybe you don’t have a vehicle, but a family member or friend or neighbor has an old or neglected vehicle in their driveway that they would like to dispose of. Call the Society of St. Vincent de Troop 588 does it all Hiking, Camping, Canoeing and Repelling We meet in Nativity’s rectory on Friday’s at 7:30pm This is an opportunity for you and your son to go to Summer, Camp, Canoe, Kayak, Fish, Rappel, Camp-out, build Camp fires and make new friends and memories. For more information on Scouting and how you can get involved call James Bleakney at 718-641-4332 or 917-658-9594 Very Important In order to give letters of recommendation, letters attesting to character, sponsor/godparent certificates and other documents that may have legal or religious purposes, it is required that persons requesting these documents be registered parishioners and be active participating members of Nativity and St. Stanislaus Parish. We cannot give any of these documents to persons not registered. Muy Importante Dar cartas de recomendación, las cartas que atestiguan al carácter, certificados de patrocinador/padrino y otros documentos que pueden tener propósitos legales o religiosos, es requerido que personas que solicitan estos documentos son registradas a parroquianos y son participar activa a miembro de Natividad y S. Parroquia de Stanislaus. Nosotros no podemos dar cualquiera de estos documentos a personas no registró con la Parroquia. The Next Meeting of the Altar Rosary Society will be on Monday, June 17th at 12 noon Mass . End of the Year Party ( paid in advance ) Votive Candle Name: Address: Phone No. Intention: 6mos. _____ 12mos.____ There are votive candles available in the Sacred Heart, and Madonna Chapel sections. The price is $35.00 for six months and $70 for a year. It is a way to remember your loved ones. Family, Marriage and Individual Therapy Provided by New York State licensed therapists and are available to our parishioners at 147 other parishes. This program under the direction of Dr. George Giuliani, has been conducted in the diocese for the past 39 years for the convenience of Parishioners. It is provided by the Catholic Counseling Center, a proprietary professional corporation , which is independent of and not controlled or supervised by the parish or diocese. Most insurance policies including Medicare are honored. For confidential information and appointments, please call Dr. Giuliani at the Catholic Counseling Center at (631) 243-2503 or go to our websites at: www.thecatholiccounselingcenter.com FYI Father Daly’s trip to Peddlers Village on Saturday, June 29. Join us for an enjoyable trip to Lahaska Pa. This quaint village has lots of interesting shops where you can buy gifts. Across the road is an Outlet Mall. We will also enjoy great lunch at the “Cock & Bull Restaurant”. The cost is $62pp including transportation and lunch. For more information to sign up, please call the rectory Office 718-8431212 “As for you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God.” If you are considering a vocation to the Priesthood, diaconate or consecrated life; contact the Vocation office at (718) 827-2454. All Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors . Please pick up your schedule from the Sacristy. The Parish of Nativity BVM –St. Stanislaus B&M will be having a Ministry Fair on Sunday, September 22nd in the Nativity church hall. WAŻNE: Parafia Nativity BVM-Św. Stanisława B&M organizuje Kiermasz Duszpasterski (pod patronatem wszystkich Grup Parafialnych - Organizacji i Stowarzyszeń) - Termin: 22 wrzesień St. Mary Gate of Heaven is hosting a Pilgrimage to : Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine Litchfield, Conn. Sunday, August 11 Price $38.pp Price includes Lunch and transportation bus departs at 8:20am in Front of the Church. Check should be made out to Blessed Virgin Mary Society and Left at the rectory. For additional information call 718-4416022 . Checks can also be mailed to Ida Hillmeyer, 105-17 103rd Avenue, Ozone Park, NY 11417 Another successful “Luau” party was celebrated by the Columbiettes. Food, Music & Prizes were plentiful. From L-R , President Patricia Kistner, Teresa Gualtieri, Fr. Paul Palmiotto and host Annette Curran. Photo by Jennie Stuart La Misericordia de Jesús Lucas 7, 11-17, Jesús va entrando a la ciudad de Jerusalén y de pronto se encuentra que llevaban a enterrar a un joven muerto, todas las personas estaban muy consternadas por el suceso, más aún su madre, ya que era una viuda y lo único que tenía era su hijo. Jesús al ver la inmensa tristeza de esta viuda, se conduele, la misericordia de Jesús se manifiesta para esta mujer. En el relato se ve con claridad que existen dos desfiles, uno que lleva al muerto y el otro liderado por Jesús, en un desfile hay tristeza y llanto, en el otro hay alegría y gozo. ¿En qué fila te encuentras tú?, vas caminando triste, desesperado, apegado al pasado, con resentimientos y odio, o estas caminando junto a Jesús, alegre, feliz, lleno de esperanza. Queridos hermanos, en la vida existen 2 caminos, el uno representado por la tristeza de vivir una vida alejada de Dios, una vida en donde tenemos que cargar con un ataúd, el ataúd de de nuestros pecados y vicios que nos llevan al cementerio. El otro camino representa una vida en completa armonía y comunión con Jesús, en esta senda caminamos sin ninguna carga, completamente libres ya que Jesús nos acompaña. La misericordia de Jesús es infinita, él viene a nuestras vidas y nos devuelve la esperanza, recuerda que donde abunda el pecado sobreabunda la gracia, la misericordia de Jesús se ve manifestada en la vida de esta viuda ya que ella representa a aquellas personas que habiendo perdido a un ser querido se visten de luto para toda la vida, son personas que no encuentran esperanza, piensan que lo han perdido todo. Cuando nos encontramos en esta situación, Jesús sale al encuentro y nos dice, “todavía no lo has perdido todo, todavía te quedo yo”. Queridos hermanos debemos entender que ese ser querido que ya no está con nosotros, está en los brazos del Señor, está mucho mejor con El, por supuesto que a nosotros nos duele su ausencia sobre todo si se trata de un hijo, pero por esa razón La misericordia de Jesús es tan grande que él nos enseña su rostro en la fortaleza, en la paz, ¡No lo hemos perdido todo!, al contrario lo tenemos todo, Jesús nos acompaña. El Joven muerto representa nuestros vicios, cuando estamos esclavos de nuestros vicios estamos muertos, este joven representa a aquellas personas que son una carga para sus seres queridos, un padre de familia que es alcohólico, es una carga para su esposa y sus hijos, los mismo un hijo hundido en el vicio de las drogas es una carga para su padres, en lugar de ser un motivo de alegría se convierte en motivo de llanto. Pero bendito sea el Señor, la misericordia de Jesús también se manifiesta en este joven, ¡Jesús lo resucita! Queridos hermanos Jesús viene y toca nuestro féretro de los pecados y vicios y nos devuelve la vida. Y como dice el texto bíblico Jesús devuelve al joven a su madre, así también si tú y yo nos abrimos al Señor, El hará el milagro y también seremos devueltos a nuestros seres queridos, sanos y salvos, llenos de vida. Por Victor Hugo Redrovan BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP Missionary Sunday July 6 & 7th To be held at St. Elizabeth’s Church, 94-20 85th Street, in the rectory basement (enter through the passageway to the right of the rectory front door) Beginning in September 2013-1:30-2:30pm, on the fourth Sunday of each Month. Sept. 22nd-Oct. 27th-Nov. 24thDec.22nd-Jan 26th-Feb. 23rd March 23rd-April 27th-May 25th and final June 22nd. For more information call Sister Jareth at 718-296-4900 Fr. Grzegorz Ruszaj, CSsR. will speak on behalf of the Redemptorists ministries in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan; sharing his experience of the missionary work, praying with you and asking for support. The are planning to build a church and a parish pastoral center in Togliatti (Central Russia)almost 1 million people live there and there is no Catholic Church in this city. The Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer was founded in Scala near Naples, Italy in 1732 by St. Alphonsus Liguori. At present there are 5300 Redemptorists, as we are commonly called, serving people across the world in 78 countries. Our motto is :Copiosa Apud Eum Redemptio” meaning “With Him there is Plentiful Redemption.
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101-41 91st Street, Ozone Park, New York, 11416
Tel: 718.845.3691 • Fax: 718.845.8978
Email: nativityststans@verizon.net
Website: www.nativityststans.org
Fr. Paul C. Palmiotto, Pastor
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101-41 91st Street, Ozone Park, New York, 11416
Tel: 718.845.3691 • Fax: 718.845.8978
Email: nativityststans@verizon.net
Website: www.nativityststans.org
Fr. Paul C. Palmiotto, Pastor
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