June 2007 - Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Georgia


June 2007 - Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Georgia
The Official Publication of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Georgia
Volume No. 07
Issue 01
June 2007
Leon Brown, DDGM
Tyrone L. Hendry, ADDGM
Arcie Dekle, DWM
Frances Thompson, ADWM
Shubert Lane, DWP
To: Ramsey Davis, Jr, Most Worshipful Grand Master, Douglas Jones, Deputy Grand Master, All
Past Grand Masters, Leon Brown, District Deputy Grand Master, All elected and appointed Grand
Lodge Officers Past and Present; Worshipful Masters, Wardens, Past Masters, Vashit G. Pullen,
Grand Worthy Matron; Aarron Kent, Grand Worthy Patron, Arcie Dekle, District Worthy Matron, All
elected and appointed Grand Chapter Officers past and present, Worthy Matrons, Associate Matrons,
Past Matrons, Brothers, Sisters, Family, and Friends:
Prince Hall Day Celebration Weekend
September 7th -9th, 2007
May 05, 2007
Be ye strong therefore, and let not your hands be weak: for your work shall be rewarded.
(2 Chronicles 15:7 )
Greetings Brothers and Sisters:
Statesboro Masonic District No. 18 proudly announces that our District will host the 2007 Prince Hall Day Celebration in
Statesboro, GA on September 7 th – 9th weekend.
Our District has planned many wonderful activities for the membership of the Prince Hall Jurisdiction of Georgia. Activities include
a Welcome to Statesboro Social Reception and Dance Party on Friday September 7th at 8:00 pm until 1:00 am to receive all Grand
Lodge and Grand Chapter Officers and the members of the Jurisdiction of Georgia, a Prince Hall Golf Tournament on Saturday
morning tee time 8:00 am at Southern Links Golf Course, A Prince Hall Family and Friends Cookout on Saturday afternoon at Mill
Creek Park from 11:30 am until 3:00 pm, A Gospel Extravaganza on Saturday evening at GSU from 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm and A
Prince Hall Social Dance on Saturday night from 9:00 pm until 2:00 am. The Prince Hall Day Celebration Program will take place at
Georgia Southern University on Sunday morning at 9am at the new state of the art Nesmith Lane / Performing Arts Center.
Reservations rates for all hotels are listed under the name Prince Hall Day or Masons and Eastern Stars.
LaQuinta Inn
Hampton Inn
Howard Johnson
Holiday Inn Express
Trellis Garden Inn
72.99 + 12% sales tax
69.00 + 12% sales tax
54.00, 64.00 74.00 + 12% sales tax
79.00 + 12% sales tax
60.00 + 12% sales tax
Please visit http://www.visit-statesboro.com/accommodations.html for more hotel information and attractions in Statesboro.
We look forward to seeing you in the BORO.
Tyrone L. Hendry
Assistant District Deputy Grand Master
Statesboro Prince Hall Day Celebration Chairman
Statesboro Masonic District No. 18
Volume 07 Issue 01
Inside The Digest
Grand Master Speaks……………..4
Greetings from
Grand Chapter……………….........6
Youth Chapter….……………........21
Technology Department………….6
50 Year Member Award
Page 19
Vidalia District No. 24 Awards Banquet
Page 40
Spotlight Feature
Brother York Singleton II giving back
page 33
S.G.I.G.Willis Brown Jr, 33°
Testimonial in Atlanta
Page 17
Message from the
Grand East
Brothers and Sisters,
Here we are again at the end of another Masonic year. So often times we take things for granted - our family, friends,
organizations, our health, and life in general. So often times we fail to tell others that we love them or we forgive what
ever others might have done to us.
Let me be the first to say I love you all and that I am proud to be a part of our Organization and to have all of you as
family. If I have offended anyone it was not my intent and I ask that you forgive me. If you think you have offended me
know that I forgive you.
This Masonic year has been simply wonderful. We have acquired a place to call home and renovations are well
underway. In fact, within the next six months 330 Auburn Ave. will be a show place. The most expensive items to be
dealt with are the elevator, the electrical system, the heat and air system, and the complete rehabilitation of the
basement. Your Grand Board of Trustees has done an outstanding job and the best is yet to come.
Many of us attended the Conference of Grand Masters held in Denver, Co. One of the key issues was the Protective
Order issued by the Imperial Potentate, Brother Dr. Ralph Slaughter. It was decided that the whole thing was about
respect and I agree. We all agreed to do a better job of respecting each other's position. In short, one house can not
dictate to another house how to handle its business. As long as the fabric of peace and harmony is not disturbed, things
should go well in any Jurisdiction. I am most pleased at the way all the houses in Georgia get along. Can we do better?
Of course we can but we are so much better off compared to other Jurisdictions. What an opportunity we have to model
what a jurisdiction should be like. I can tell you this; Georgia is being recognized more and more. So let us continue to
do those things we do well and improve in those areas where we need improving.
Finally as we meet and greet at out Grand Session, let us be mindful that we are Brothers and Sisters working together to
better ourselves, our Organization, our communities, our State, and hopefully the world.
Yes, we are going to have an excellent time; the Augusta District will make sure that happens but let us make every
effort to have healthy dialogue in our meetings. Trust me there are so many who need us to do all that we can to move
our society on to the next level.
In closing my Brothers and Sisters, we are all that we have; therefore, it behooves each of us to help bring out the best in
each other.
Ramsey Davis, Jr. MWGM
Words From The Editor
Perseverance, persistence, courage- these are anchors that we should
cling to during the storms of life. Even in the worst storm have faith and
be steadfast, unmovable and always abounding, that you will find peace
in your storm and peace creates the power that gives you courage and
the ability to persevere. Wilma LeRoux
Tyrone L. Hendry, ADDGM
Editor - in- Chief
“Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season
we shall reap if we do not lose heart” (Galatians 6:9)
My Brothers and Sisters again I would like to thank each of
you for your continued support of the Masonic Digest. The
Masonic Digest has been well received by our membership. I
can not tell you how many calls and emails I receive on a
regular basis about when the next issues will become
available to our membership. I apologize for any delays you
may have experienced in receiving your copy of the current
issue of the Masonic Digest or previous issues.
Indeed we as editors are trying to produce the best
informational tool to inform the Prince Hall Family of the
Jurisdiction of Georgia the happenings and events of our
beloved organization in a timely manner. If your Lodge or
Chapter has not received any issues of the previous Masonic
Digest please inform your Worshipful Master or Worthy
Matron and have them contact your District Deputy Grand
Master. If you still are unable to get your issues please send
me an email and I will check into the matter personally. You
may send your request to editor@mwphglga.org Please
allow 3-5 days to receive a response.
You may submit your articles to any editor of the Masonic
Digest. It is the goal of the Masonic Digest Team to produce
the Masonic Digest in a timely manner. It is the hopes and
goals of the Masonic Digest Team to publish and distribute
the issues at Mid-winter meeting, Grand Session, and Prince
Hall Day. Please do not be discouraged if we are unable to
reach our published dates. I can assure everyone in the
Jurisdiction that your Digest Team is working diligently to
honor this obligation to the membership.
As we prepare for our Annual Grand Session let us remember
the hard work that our leadership has done for the Prince Hall
Jurisdiction of Georgia. Grand Master Ramsey Davis, Jr. is a
very dedicated individual who is trying to take our
Jurisdiction to the next level. I pray that you will continue to
support our Grand Master and his Officers as he guides this
Jurisdiction and its members. Our Annual Grand Session will
be held in Augusta, Georgia from June 19 – 24.
My Brothers and Sisters, as with time, change comes in the
morning. We as a Jurisdiction are on the eve of electing a
new Grand Worthy Matron for the Jurisdiction of Georgia.
Please take the time to enjoy the pictorial reflections of our
current Grand Worthy Matron Vashti Pullen on page 30 of
this issue. She indeed served this Jurisdiction with the class
and dignity befitting such a humble and honorable Grand
Worthy Matron. She enjoyed the support of not just Sisters,
but Brothers as well throughout the Jurisdiction. We as
Masons and Eastern Stars should support the new Grand
Worthy Matron as she takes office at our Grand Session to be
held in Augusta, GA.
Brothers and Sisters we are also on the eve of the 2007 Prince
Hall Day Celebration which is to be held in Statesboro, GA
on September 7-9 weekend. Statesboro Masonic District No.
18 has planned several activities to assure that the
membership will enjoy their stay in the “Boro”.
It has been a pleasure to serve as the 2007 Prince Hall Day
Chairman for my District. I would like to take this moment
to thank all the committee members of Statesboro Masonic
District for bringing their fresh and innovative ideas in hopes
of being the best hosts we can be for the Jurisdiction of
Georgia. It is under the leadership of DDGM Leon Brown
with the assistance of DWM Arcie Dekle and their officers
that this 2007 Prince Hall Day Celebration Weekend will be
Please remember what we are truly celebrating as you travel
the highways and byways of our State. Prince Hall was a
man of vision and a leader to the masses. We pay tribute to
him and the Brethren and Sisters who have paved the way so
that each of us may enjoy all the rights and benefits this
ancient institution of Masonry. Masonry is one of the last
institutions in our predominately African American
communities that still have the luster and lure to attract our
young men and women in our various communities. Please
strive to be that guiding light that will lead those who need us
the most. Remember we are our Brothers Keeper!!!
I pray that each member and their family have a blessed and
safe upcoming holiday season. Thank you again for your
support of the Masonic Digest. If you have any ideas or
suggestions for our publication please do not hesitate to
contact me. The next Masonic Digest publication deadline
for submitting articles is September 30, 2007.
Prince Hall Grand Chapter O.E.S. Jurisdiction of Georgia
Vashti Pullen, GWM
Aaron Kent, GWP
Greetings Sisters and Brothers,
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thy own
understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy
path. Proverbs 3:5-6
I take this opportunity to say Thanks for a fantastic Prince Hall Day
Celebration. Columbus District No.4 you left no stone unturned. You were
superb. My appreciation to all the members who attended. Because of your
attendance, we can continue to be strong force in our community. Why?
Well, I am so glad you ask. Because we are Eastern Stars: Striving for
Excellence Through Unity and Love.
Grand Lodge Technology Department
Prince Hall Family,
Since our recent Prince Hall Day weekend on Sept. 11th, 2006, your Grand Lodge Technology
Department has aggressively made improvements on our internal network and operations systems
at 330 Auburn Avenue to serve you better. As of December 2006, we launched the new website for the Jurisdiction,
which can be found at www.mwphglga.org. As promised during our Prince Hall Day meeting, the website would be
available and functional for the brothers, sisters, and many others that take the time to learn about our jurisdiction via
the World Wide Web. We hope that we have and will continue to meet all of your requests and concerns in regards to
your website.
Many of you have already taken the time to register on the website to access our SECURED SITE, which serves as
the repository for proclamations, Grand Lodge Constitution Bylaws, and many other pertinent forms/documents
pertaining to the Grand Lodge and your welfare. Remember, when registering on the site to access the secured
portion, you must submit your membership number with the registration, which is located on your dues card. We are
currently engaged in the important task of upgrading the Grand Lodge reporting system, which includes membership
management and software accounting processes, in efforts to improve our internal operations so that we can better
serve you. Stay tuned for more details pertaining to this project in future correspondence. We encourage those in
district leadership positions to send pictures of district-level events and for the local lodges to do the same regarding
your events to post on the website’s photo album. Be mindful that all pictures must consist of your lodge performing
community service or philanthropy efforts.
When sending 20 or more pictures, please burn them to a CD and mail them to:
Corey Shackleford
Grand Director of Technology
2123 Caneridge Drive
Marietta, GA 30064
Page 6
Community Activities Around the Jurisdiction
The Valley of Newman On May 19, 2007, the members of John L.
Martin Consistory No. 367 along with collaborative efforts from the
City of Newnan embarked on our initial park clean up within the
Charlie Neal Holmes housing community. In our efforts to continue
the on-going relationship with the city, we adopted the park as our
catalyst community service project for the John L. Martin Consistory.
John L Martin Consistory No. 367
From left to right: PCIC , Grady Vaughn, 33°, SP Derrick
Swint, 32°, PCIC Larry Satterwhite, 32°, CIC: Corey
Shackleford, 33° and SP William King, 32°
Under the leadership of Commander In Chief Corey D. Shackleford,
33° and with the support of the membership, we have been able to
propel our community involvement, increase our visibility, and
reinforce our relationship with the residents that reside in the area by
demonstrating that we are woven in the fabric of the community.
Our presence has been physically demonstrated by our efforts to
clean the park, participating in local annual parades, and providing
volunteer work during the community’s annual cook-out hosted by
the city.
Below, are various pictures of the members volunteering their time and
energy to fulfill our commitment to the community and the park. The
park was in need of extensive grounds work, repainting the lines on the
basketball courts, nets for the goals, and mending the fence. Below, SP
Derrick Swint, 32°, our Community Chairperson facilitated our initial
clean up. He is pictured repairing one of the many holes in the fence that
secure the basketball courts.
Our future endeavors will consist of a series of weekend clean ups at the
park to keep it safe for the neighborhood kids to enjoy. It has gone
unattended to for several years, becoming an eye sore for the community.
With the support of the city, community leaders, residents, and our
Deputy of the Orient, SGIG Primis T. James, 33° (Active), to maintain the
park, our efforts to uplift the community will not be in vain over the years
to come.
As the summer months approach, we seek additional
opportunities to broaden our community awareness and to do God’s will
by giving back to the less fortunate with the many blessings that He
bestows upon us.
Page 7
Mt. Zion Chapter No. 207
WM Bertha Moore
Bringing Christmas Cheer!!
Athens, GA December 17, 2006 The members of
Mt. Zion Chapter No. 207 O.E.S. enjoyed a pre
Christmas Dinner with their adopted family, a single
mother and her four children.
The members of the Chapter voted to buy Christmas
gifts for the children of their adopted family instead
of the traditional exchanging of gifts among each
Greensboro Lodge No. 223
Giving A Helping Hand!!
On Saturday, December 30, 2006 Greensboro Lodge
No. 223 built a handicap ramp for a family in the
Siloam Community. This was done to help make it
possible for a family member living in a home in the
community to move around with ease.
Brothers: Lonnie Webb, DDGM John Gilliam,
Flenard Rowland, Johnny Kilpatrick taking a
needed break after building ramp.
Page 8
John Wesley Lodge No. 161
On Friday March 9, 2007, the Brothers of John Wesley Lodge No. 161
participated in the Bulloch County American Cancer Society Annual
Relay for Life Fund Raising and Awareness Event in Statesboro,
Georgia. The "Team John Wesley" set up donation tables and a
information booth in the Statesboro Mall and handed patrons in the Mall
information about Breast Cancer, Colon Cancer, Cervical Cancer, Lung
Cancer, and Prostrate Cancer. The Brothers were able to walk in the
Cancer Walk held on Friday Night April 20, 2007 at the Ogeechee Fair
Grounds in Statesboro, Georgia from 7pm until 7am. Many of the
Brothers who participated in the event walked several laps but PM Ray
Mosley walked for twenty laps in support of the Relay for Life and
memories of the men and women who have succumbed to Cancer.
Worshipful Master Humphries gives information to Past
Matron Mildred Allen of New Starlight Chapter No. 44
Senior Deacon Brad Smith was
Chairman of the Relay for Life
Committee for John Wesley Lodge 161
Bro. Walker hands out Pamphlets to patrons
WM Tonio Humphries and PM Don Johnson
Brothers pictured (l to r ) LaMario Primas, Brad Smith,
Michael Walker, and Adrian Watson
Page 9
Macon Masonic District No. 5
Macon District Supports Ronald McDonald House
On Tuesday, December 12, 2006 Macon Masonic District No. 5 members
donated items to the Ronald McDonald House “Wish List.” The donated items
were for occupants who reside at the Ronald McDonald House while medical
attention is provided to a loved one.
Masons and Eastern Stars from Macon, Warner Robins,
Fort Valley, Milledgeville, Gray, and other surrounding
counties brought an assortment of items to include some
toys for tots, canned goods, laundry items, breakfast foods,
cleaning supplies, drinks and many more goodies. There
were smiles on all faces as the staff and residents expressed
appreciation for the shared gifts. It is estimated that the
donations were valued in excess of $4000.00
Baldwin Chapter No. 486
WM Geraldine Dennis
Annual Christmas Parade
Baldwin Chapter No. 486 participated in the Milledgeville GA, Baldwin County
Annual Christmas parade on December 3, 2006. The Chapter was represented with
four entries with the 1st car being our WM Geraldine Dennis with WP Ronald
Stevenson driving. The 2nd vehicle was Baldwin Youth Chapter No. 340 driven by
asst. youth director Kim Washington. The 3rd car was Macon District No. 5 DWM
Patricia Watkins with PM Annie Taylor driving. The 5th participant was our Grand
Worthy Matron Vashti G. Pullen Who was our special guest. She was driven by
Baldwin Lodge No. 159 Worshipful Master Melvin Hamilton. We were so happy to
have our GWM attend our parade so we could introduce and present her to the city
of Milledgeville.
Page 10
Statesboro Masonic District No. 18
2007 Great American Clean –up
On April 14, 2007 members of Statesboro Masonic District No. 18 participated in the
Great American Clean Up Day in Bulloch County, GA. The Great American Cleanup
event allows volunteers to come out and clean Bulloch County of all trash in efforts of
beautifying the community. This event helps promote a clean community, as well as an
emphasis on recycling. Items that were not deemed as trash such as aluminum cans,
plastic soda bottles and glass bottles were all recycled at the recycling collection center.
Statesboro Masonic District participants included Truthful Lodge No. 375, John Wesley
Lodge No. 161, Cape Jessamine Chapter No. 86, New Starlight Chapter No. 44 and
Helpful Chapter No. 210.
Brother LaMario Primas (161)
Truthful Lodge No. 375
New Starlight Chapter No. 44 O.E.S.
Helpful Chapter No. 210 O.E.S.
Brother Brendan “Big Baby” Reynolds (161)
Sis. Judy McBride (86) and
Sis. Linda White (86)
John Wesley Lodge No. 161
Cape Jessamine Chapter No. 86 O.E.S.
Page 11
Rehab Court No. 1 HOJ
MAM Yvette Love
Supporting Our Troops
Rehab Court No. 1, Heroines of Jericho, Jurisdiction of
Georgia would like to share with our Masonic Family one of
its prized activities. For the past few years, Rehab Court has
supported our U. S. Troops in their endeavors while serving
our Nation. We honor these young men and women. In
December 2006, we sent a care package that consisted of
phone calling cars, dry-powdered packets of Gatorade, and
many other items. We the Court encourage all Masonic
affiliations to not forget our Troops. They are our own. Let
us pray for them in their daily struggles. May God’s will be
done. Please continue to pray for them as well as our Court,
pray that we may grow stronger in faith and grace. Help us
to do what is sufficient unto the Lord as we pray for you as
well. May God shed His light on us all as well as the
Masonic Digest. Take care and God bless our Family, our
Church Family, our Community and our Chapters and
Lodges throughout our District and throughout our world.
Page 12
Central City Chapter No. 46
Yvonne White
Greetings to the Prince Hall Family of the Jurisdiction of Georgia. We pray
that all is well and we pray this communication finds you and your families in
God’s grace and mercy. Faithfully, the Lord allows our Chapter to meet every
first and third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 P.M. at Central City Lodge Hall
No. 12 in Macon, Georgia. We would like to share some information on our
various Chapter activities throughout the past year. 0n 21-23 June 2006,
Sisters Lula Harris, Grand Health Directress, as well as Sisters Mary Stephens,
Shirley Lowe Harris, and Yvonne White ran the Grand Ruby C. Clayton’s OES
Health Fair. After enjoying the festivities of Grand Session we attended St.
John’s Day at East Mt. Zion Baptist Church at 3:00 P.M. in Barnesville,
Georgia in support of our Brothers. Also, on 16 July 2006, Sisters and Brothers
aided the Macon Masonic Health Fair which was hosted by Baldwin Chapter
No. 486. We gave school supplies, provided child identification kits and aided
in the voter registration drive.
Central City Chapter No. 46 attends Putnam’s Joint
Anniversary Program in Eatonton, Georgia.
On the 17th of September, the Chapter supported Amy R.
Dunn Chapter No. 82 in its Anniversary Program and Pride
of Forsyth’s Joint Anniversary Program on the 29 October
2006. We have also attended, just to mention a few,
anniversaries of Warner Robins Chapter, Pride of Fort Valley
Chapter, Jones County Chapter, Baldwin County Chapter and
Putnam County Chapter. Out of the 14 Chapters in Macon
District No. 5, Central City Chapter had a representative at
each Chapter Anniversary within our District.
Many members within our Chapter actively support our community in various ways.
Several of Central City Chapter members are breast cancer survivors and actively
raise funds and walk in the Susan B. Komen Breast Cancer Walk. Many members
support the National Kidney Walk, AIDS Walk and the American Heart Association
5k Walk. The month of October is a special time for our Chapter; we celebrate our
Chapter anniversary alongside our Brothers in a joint Anniversary program. This year
marks 88 years of existence for Central City Chapter. After our anniversary, it is a
trademark for Central City to actively start preparing for our needy families during the
Holiday events. We give baskets to needy families for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Doing what the Lord requires is what we aim to do.
Please continue to pray for our Chapter, pray that it may grow stronger in faith and
grace. Help us to do what is sufficient unto the Lord as we pray for you as well. May
God shed His light on us all as well as the Masonic Digest. Take care and God bless
our Family, our Church Family, our Community and our Chapters and Lodges
throughout our District and throughout our world.
Central City Chapter No. 46 attends the Macon District Queen of the South in Fort Valley, Georgia.
Central City Chapter No. 46 Worthy Patron, Brother
Larry Harden escorts PMAM Marilyn Moore. She is
also the GAM of the Jurisdiction of Georgia.
Page 13
Baldwin Chapter No. 486
WM Geraldine Dennis
On November 9, 2006, Baldwin Chapter No. 486 held its second annual Veterans
Day Appreciation honoring the veterans in Baldwin Chapter No. 486 and
Baldwin Lodge No. 159. Other visiting chapter and lodges participated in this
celebration as well as some guest veterans from the community.
There were many veterans attending with each giving their ranks and branch of
service and words of expressions regarding their experience while serving and
continuing to serve their country. Many gave thanks to God, their families,
communities and others for taking the time to remember the sacrifice that was
made during their tour of duty.
A wonderful program was prepared, of
which the Masonic Veterans served as the
“Honor Guard”. During the ceremony of
the Pledge of Allegiance and singing the
National Anthem, several swept. The
Worthy Matron expressed words of why
the occasion of celebration was so
important to the many veterans we
honored for their unselfish service to their
Country and moments of memory to those
who did not survive for their bravery and
A wonderful meal was prepared for the
veterans, (foods of their choice). Everyone
ate and was merry. All who attended gave
many expressions of thanks.
Star of Georgia Lodge No. 492
WM Roderick Jones
On November 27, 2006 members of Star of Georgia Lodge No. 492 and Star of Georgia Chapter No. 378 volunteered for the
Georgia Public Broadcasting Television Station for their Annual Call-A-Thon. The Lodge and Chapter did an excellent job and
were invited to return for a future broadcast. The Broadcast was televised live. Leading the event was Worshipful Master of Star
of Georgia Lodge Roderick Jones and Worthy Matron Shirley Worthy.
Page 14
Butler Lodge No. 226
WM Willie searcy
Butler, Georgia - Butler Lodge No. 226 honors two Past Masters of the Lodge as they receive Honorary Life
Membership Certificates. Past Master Nelson C. Gray served faithfully as a member of Butler Lodge No. 226 for
over 60 years.
Brother James Sherten has served as a member of Butler Lodge No. 226 for 55 years. The
certificates were presented by Worshipful Master Willie Searcy and Junior Warden Stanley Howell.
Worshipful Master Willie Searcy (l) presents Brother James
Sherten (center) his Life Membership Certificate with Junior
Warden Stanley Howell (r)
Worshipful Master Willie Searcy (r) presents PM Nelson
Gray (center) his Life Membership Certificate with Junior
Warden Stanley Howell (l)
Fidelity Chapter No. 45
WM Coretta Green
The Sisters of Fidelity Chapter No. 45 held their annual Prayer Breakfast in Dublin,
Georgia. The event is held in the Landmark Lodge No. 64 Lodge Hall. The Chapter
invites members of the various communities to participate in the annual event. Guests
included Grand Associate Matron Marilyn Moore and Grand Associate Patron
Richard Baker.
Page 15
Atlanta Masonic District No. 3
On April 21, 2007, in Carrollton, GA, history was made in the Atlanta Masonic District No. 3, for the first
time a District Deputy Grand Master was elected. The incumbent, DDGM Charles Truitt was elected by the
brothers of the Atlanta Masonic District No. 3 at its annual district meeting. DDGM Truitt has led the
Atlanta Masonic District No. 3 for the past 7 years with distinguished service to add to his already
impressive Masonic resume. He is a member of William Charles Lodge No. 112, which is the home of the
Honorable Ramsey Davis, Jr, Most Worshipful Grand Master.
A man known for his extensive wisdom, having a keen eye for ritualistic work, and for his down-to-earth
humor, DDGM Truitt has served this district and jurisdiction well. Over the past 7 years as DDGM, he was
instrumental in and a verbal supporter of chartering Foundation Lodge No. 592 in Smyrna, GA (Cobb
County). He was also the focal point in healing non-Prince Hall members from Smooth Ashlar Grand Lodge
in Atlanta, GA. Upon healing these members under the Prince Hall umbrella, they later, under his leadership, formed the
following lodges: Exodus Lodge No. 593, Truth and Union Lodge No. 594, and True Level Lodge UD. He also has the
awesome responsibility of managing 21 lodges and 18 O.E.S. chapters within the district with the assistance of the appointed
ADDGM Matthew Lewis.
DDGM Truitt is a tree of knowledge that has gained his wisdom from years of service and his personal travels in masonry.
From the members of the Atlanta Masonic District No. 3, we congratulate and salute you for maintaining a job well done.
Foundation Lodge No. 592
Truth and Union Lodge No. 594
Exodus Lodge No. 593
True Level Lodge UD
Page 16
Warner Robbins Chapter No. 25
WM Mary Williams
On December 5, 2006 the members of Warner
Robbins Chapter No. 25 were fortunate enough to
have an opportunity to aid the Salvation Army’s
Annual Stockings and Bears drive. The Chapter
managed to decorate 9 bears and fill 11 stockings to
be given to needy families for the Christmas
holiday. Families from Houston, Bibb and Pulaski
counties were able to go to Salvation Army on
Christmas Day and choose an item for each child of
their household. The Chapter members had a great
time doing this project and will do even more next
year. It truly brought out the kid in all of us.
On December 18, 2006 the Chapters giving spirit
continued as we headed to the Elberta Nursing Home
of Warner Robins Georgia and had Christmas dinner
with those who did not have family. We enjoyed their
company and lifted many patients’ spirits with our gift
bags provided by the sisters of our Chapter.
On October 14, 2006 Warner Robbins Chapter No. 25
O.E.S. held its first annual Miss Patriotic City pageant. The
pageant was held in an effort to provide scholarships for
college bound students in the spring. A scholarship was
awarded to Miss Patriotic City winner, Rebecca Wilson of
Warner Robins, Ga. Six young ladies were crowned teeny,
tiny, little, junior, teen and Miss Patriotic City who will
represent the chapter throughout the year at various
community events and help us promote our pageant for this
fall. It was a great success and gave us a great head start for
raising scholarship funds.
Page 17
Truthful Lodge No. 375
The Brothers of Truthful Lodge No. 375 paid honors to
Brother Tommy Burroughs, age 93 who is the oldest
living member of Truthful Lodge No. 375. Brother
Burroughs enjoys a visit from the brothers of Truthful
Lodge 375 who visited him at the Nursing Home he
resides. Mr. Burroughs served as Lodge Secretary for
42 years. Mr. Burroughs loves to talk about baseball
and the older days of the Lodge.
From L to R (Front Row) Worshipful Master Larry Davis, Bro. Tommy
Burroughs, Past Master Andre Waters From L to R (Back Row) Bro.
Michael Alleyne, Bro. Chris Smith, and Bro. Renaldo Spells.
King Solomon Chapter No. 42
WM Deidre Nail
The Sisters of King Solomon Chapter No. 42 celebrated their 104th Chapter
anniversary along side the Brethren of Eden Lodge No. 46 who celebrated their
Lodges 111th Anniversary A joint Banquet was held to commensurate this joyous
occasion in Atlanta, Georgia.
WM Deidre Nail presents awards at Banquet
Page 18
Brother George Thompson
50-Year Membership Award
On Thursday March 01, 2007 Brother George Thompson
was honored and presented a 50 yr Service Award by
John Wesley Lodge 161. Brother George Thompson was
born and reared in rural Statesboro, Bulloch County,
Georgia by late James and Bessie Thompson. He
received his primary and secondary education in the
Bulloch County School system. In 1952, at the age of 18
he began working for Bulloch County Board of
Education as a mechanic. While working at the Board of
Education he received numerous awards and letter of
commendation. Though hard work and dedication he
later earned the title of Lead Mechanic.
The Lodge Officers along with Grand Master Davis Pictured (l to r )
Senior Warden Marcus Burden, GM Davis, Brother George Thompson,
WM Tonio Humphries, Junior Warden Sheldon McClendon.
Brother Thompson was raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master
Mason in 1957. Upon his retirement in June 2000, he had the
honor of having a bus garage named in his honor “George’s
Place.” As well as being a proficient mechanic, he is also a
master licensed barber. Brother Thompson is also an active
member at Piney Grove Missionary in Denmark, Georgia; where
he is a faithfully member for over 50 years. In addition to the
Deacon Ministry, he serves on the Board of Trustees & the
Finance Committee. Brother Thompson has been married to the
beautiful Arabell Williams Thompson for 48 years. They have
lovely girls Kathy Ann Mikell, Karen L. Nunnally (WM Cape
Jessamine #86) and Wendy T. Shipp(PM Magnolia #411) and 1
handsome son Kenneth Thompson and eight grandchildren. In
Brother Thompson’s spare time he enjoys traveling, fishing, and
gardening; but most of all enjoys spending with his family.
Grand Master Ramsey Davis, Jr. 33°and Worshipful Master Tonio
Humphries present Brother Thompson his Gold Card for having
faithfully served his Lodge and the Jurisdiction of Georgia.
Pictured: (l to r ) GM Davis, Brother Thompson, WM Humphries,
Past District Deputy Grand Master Louis Harper.
Sickle Cell Charity Ball
On Saturday September 30, 2006
The Nobles of Al Sarra Shrine Club
of Omar Temple No. 21 Oasis of
Savannah hosted the 1st Annual Otis
Charlton and Warren Jones Sickle
Cell Charity Ball at Club Stewart /
Hunter in Hinesville, GA. Noble
Edward Russell serves as Shrine
Club President and Tyrone Ball
serves as the Illustrious Potentate of
Omar Temple No. 21.
Noble Tyrone L. Hendry the Sickle
Cell Committee Chairman was
emcee for the evening. Brown Sugar
provided the entertainment as the
Nobles and guest danced the night
Page 19
Magnolia Chapter No. 411
WM Tracy Canty
Albany, Georgia On March 17, 2007 Magnolia Chapter No. 411celebrated its 20th anniversary with a theme of: “20 Years
of Excellence”. The event was marked by visitation of our Grand Worthy Matron, Vashti G. Pullen. The speaker was none
other than Sis. Brenda little, who delivered a riveting speech.
Sister, Brenda Little, Speaker (l), Sister, Shelia Redding Choir
Director(c) and Vashti Pullen, Grand Worthy Matron(r)
The Sisters of Magnolia Chapter No. 411 at
Anniversary Celebration at Church in Albany, GA
Albany Masonic District No. 11
Black History Month
Energy Lodge No. 145, Baconton returns to the
location in Albany where the movement begun to
hold its “1st Annual Black History Program.
Reverend Brother, Boyd delivered the message.
Worshipful Master Kennedy McCray, District
Deputy Grand Master Horace Thompson, and
Assistant District Deputy Grand Master Derwin
Canty all were a witness of this awesome program.
Blooming Star Youth Chapter No. 369, Albany
Youth dressed and deliver a brief account of Black Americans
they chose to emulate during the Youth celebration of the Black
History Month.
Page 20
Page 21
Perline Hazel Youth Chapter No. 104
Traci Turner Director
Albany, GA Perline Hazel Youth Chapter No. 104 held its
“1st Kiddie Ball” March 31. Youth ages 0-13 gathered in
attire for music, food and fun. All proceeds from the
1adult/1child admission price went towards the youth
scholarship fund
Members of: Pearline Hazel Youth Chapter No. 104
Youth from age 0-13 enjoy themselves at the Kiddie Ball
Queen, Kaloni Dixon and King, Demetrius
Oliver, crowned at 1st Kiddie Ball.
The Grand Youth President of the Prince Hall Youth Chapter
Order of the
Eastern Star Jurisdiction of Georgia, S’oterica Tift.
The Albany Masonic District would like to take this opportunity
to express its approaching to the Youths for the trust and
confidence shown to S’Oterica Tift by electing her as the Grand
Youth President for the jurisdiction of Georgia. Along with
Amaya Robinson, Grand Marshal both of Perline Hazel Youth
Chapter No. 104 Albany. Jessica Hunt was elected as Grand
Marshall, West and Jamilya Wilson, Grand Alternate Officer
both are members of Blooming Star Youth Chapter No. 369
S’oterica Tift.
Grand Youth President of the Prince Hall Youth Chapter
Order of the
Eastern Star Jurisdiction of Georgia
Page 22
Electa Youth Chapter No. 1
Savannah Masonic District No. 1
Youth King and Queen Crowned
Electa Youth Chapter No. 1 and the parent Chapter,
Electa Chapter No. 1 O.E.S. were elated to have both the
King and Queen represent the First Masonic District and
win the crowns. The King, Gerrard is a ninth grade
student at Alfred E. Beach High School. He is a member
of the football team, JROTC and the Upward Bound
Program. Gerrard is affiliated with Butler Presbyterian
Church where he sings in the Youth Choir, participates
with the Youth Group and the Youth Usher Board. His
interests are website designs and designing computer
games. He was the reigning 2006 King and was ecstatic
to win the crown for the second year.
Gerrard Spaulding and Jasmine Lawrence both of Electa Youth
Chapter No. 1 were crowned King and Queen 2007 at the
Savannah First District King and Queen Contest held April 1,
2007. Winning the First District title entitled both contestants
to compete at the 31st Grand Youth Session in the Wilma S.
Wallace King and Queen Grand Youth Chapter Extravaganza
April 27th and 28th. The coronation program was held at the
New Zion Baptist Church in Augusta, Georgia.
Queen Jasmine Lawrence is a ninth
grade student at Robert W. Groves
High School.
Jasmine favorite
subject in school is English. For
the past three years she has played
on the AAU Basketball team. She
is a member of Second Arnold
Missionary Baptist Church where
she sings in the Youth Choir,
serves on the Youth Usher Board,
performs with the Praise
Dance Team. Her interests are
dancing, skating and wants to
become a model. She is a new
member of the Electa Youth
Chapter and desires to follow the
footsteps of her mother.
Grand Worthy Matron Vashti G. Pullen declared the Grand
Youth Chapter King and Queen Contest will be named the
“Wilma S. Wallace Grand Youth Chapter King and Queen
Extravaganza.” The announcement was made at the Grand
Youth Officers Workshop and Training held in St. Marys, GA
on January 27, 2007. Past Matron Wallace is a life member of
Electa Chapter No. 1 O.E.S.
She was appointed Electa
Chapter Youth Directress in 1972 succeeding Past Matron
Mollie Hewitt who was elevated to the position of Grand Assist
Youth Directress. Past Matron Wallace continues to work
faithfully with the Youth Chapter. She also served for
numerous years as a Grand Assistant Youth Directress.
Page 23
Vidalia Masonic District No. 24
Christmas Gala
On December 16, 2006, Vidalia Masonic District No. 24 Christmas Gala was held. All
guests and members in attendance enjoyed Gospel entertainment, food and fellowship. All
guests and members were presented with gifts and served dinner prepared by the O.E.S.
Chapters. Entertainment was by the Toombs County Community Choir, Uvalda Community
Choir, and Rev. Lehman Smith and Sister Marjorie Byrd Johnson, Past District Matron.
December also marked the loss of two of our members. On December 14, 2006 Sister Willa
Bentley age 94 of Vidalia died after a short illness. Funeral services were held at St. Paul
AME Church of Vidalia on Wednesday on December 20, 2006 at 1:00 p.m. with the Rev.
James Days officiating. Sister Bentley was a Past Patron of Violet Chapter No. 18. Brother
Alfred Jackson, age 76, died Thursday December 14, 2006. Funeral service was held on
Friday December 22, 2006 at 1:00 pm at Popular Spring Baptist Church in Vidalia, GA.
with burial in the church cemetery. Brother Jackson was the husband of Sister Lillie
Jackson, Past Matron of Violet Chapter No. 18.
PDWM Sharie Johnson gives
remarks at Gala
DDGM Tanner (r) and ADDGM
Jackson (l) prepare presents
Members enjoy Gala Dinner
Uvalda Community Choir performs at Gala
Statesboro Masonic District No. 18
Christmas Dinner Party
Mabel Jones
Past District Worthy
On Wednesday December 20, 2006 the members of
Statesboro Masonic District No. 18 held its annual
Christmas Dinner at RJ’s Restaurant in Statesboro, GA.
The Dinner was attended by several District Officers and
members of the District. Happy reflections of the
Statesboro Masonic District Year of events were
discussed and giving thanks for being allowed to serve
one another for another year. DDGM Leon Brown gave
inspirational words of encouragement for Statesboro
Masonic District to continue to due the wonderful works
the membership is doing within the various communities.
Lennie Lee
Past District Worthy
Members enjoy fellowship at dinner
Page 24
Savannah Masonic District No. 1
DDGM Joseph Hymes, Sr.
District Deputy Grand Master Elected
On Saturday January 13, 2007 the first elections for District Deputy
Grand Master of the Savannah Masonic District No. 1 was held in
Savannah, Georgia. This marked the first elections in the new
policies and procedures of District Officers of the Prince Hall Grand
Lodge of Georgia. DDGM Joseph Hymes, Sr. was elected to serve as
the District Deputy Grand Master and ADDGM Everett Tolbert was
appointed as the Assistant District Deputy Grand Master. Sister
Patricia Jones was elected as the District Worthy Matron and Brother
Marvin Knight was elected as District Worthy Patron.
ADDGM Tolber (l) and DDGM Hymes (r)
Past DDGM Enos Garvin (r) with Past
Master Robert Pluitt (c) with ADDGM
Tolbert (l)
Sister Eddie Lee Marsh
District Treasurer
Larry O Jackson , Grand Marshall
and Past Master Newsome attend
District Meeting
Page 25
X. L. Neal
Holy Royal Arch Chapter No. 118
Birdie L. Jones
Heroines of Jericho Court No. 14
Edward Russell
Most Excellent High Priest
On March 17, 2007 X.L. Neal Chapter No. 118 & Birdie L. Jones
Courts No. 14 Heroines of Jericho held their Annual Red & White
Banquet at Bethel AME Church, Hinesville, Georgia. During the
banquet Edward P. Russell, The Most Excellent High Priest and Tynisa
A. Jones; Most Ancient Matron shared with the public all the
accomplishments of the Chapter & Court and made financial donations
to both Bethel AME Church and Baconton Missionary Church. The
Chapter and Court made donations of 52 scented bears to the tenants of
the Ludowici Nursing Home during their annual visitation; made
financial donations to the youths of Hinesville AAU Track & Field
Team; The Southeast Elite Rockets Track Club.
Guest in attendance for the banquet we were blessed with the presence
of our Grand Most Ancient Matron: Marilyne Gibbs, the Grand
Secretary H.R.A.M. Kenneth Gibbs and Grand Captain of the Host:
Emmit L. Johnson. Our guest of honor for the evening was the Pastor of
the Bethel AME Church; Rev. Richie & Dessa Williams. The grand
officers made remarks on how well the Chapter and Court is supporting
the Jurisdiction and they were glad to see us supporting our community
thru donations and church visitations. The evening was filled with
plenty of foods and singing by Rev. Williams and his wife. On behalf
of Most Excellent Grand High Priest of Holy Royal Arch Masons; John
A. Robinsons, Sr. and Grand Most Ancient Matron; Marilyne Gibbs;
X.L. Neal Chapter No. 117 and Birdie L. Jones Court No. 14 we like to
thank all Chapters and Courts for their support and look forward to
seeing you next year.
Page 26
United Supreme Council
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
Prince Hall Affiation, Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America
S.G.I.G. Primis T. James, 33°, Active
Deputy of the Orient of Georgia
7490 Ambassador Drive
Riverdale, Georgia 30296
Orient of Georgia Honors
S.G.I.G. Willis Brown, Jr.
Illustrious Deputy of the Orient Willis Brown, Jr. was born in Charleston,
South Carolina to the Rev. and Mrs. Willis Brown, Sr. Brother Brown
attended the public schools of Charleston, and received his baccalaureate
degree at Benedict College with a major in Chemistry. He served in the
United States Army and was honorably discharged. He retired after
serving 36 years as a science educator. He was a member of the African
Methodist Episcopal Church. He held membership in a number of civic,
community and social organizations. He was a member of the St. Mary’s
Kiwanis Club and had been named “Outstanding Kiwanian” for three
consecutive years. He was a District Council member of Omega Psi Phi
Fraternity, Inc. and a member of the Navy League of the United States. He
was a charter member of John Wesley Dobbs Consistory No. 302 and
Independence Lodge No. 69. He also served as District Deputy Grand
Master in the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Georgia and Deputy of the Oasis
of Woodbine, GA. A.E.A.O.N.M.S. He received his thirty-third degree in
1962 in Jackson, MS. He was the advisor of the Class of 1959. S.G.I.G.
Brown was appointed the Illustrious Deputy of the State of Georgia in
October 1982. He served as Deputy of the Orient of Georgia for 24 years,
and passed on his wealth of knowledge in Scottish Rite Masonry to the
current Deputy Primis James. He was married to the former Bertha Adams
for over 50 years. They had one daughter Mrs. Angela Cassandra Alford.
S.GI.G. Willis Brown honored at Testimonial by
S.G.I.G. Primis James
The Testimonial was held on Saturday November 11, 2006 at the
Renaissance Concourse Hotel Atlanta Airport in Atlanta, Georgia. S.G.I.G
Brown was honored by many dignitaries from throughout the United
States. Job Well Done.
Page 27
Vidalia Masonic District No. 24
Vidalia Masonic District No. 24 Order of Eastern Star held its Annual Education
Day Program on Sunday, April 15, 2007 at Alamo Chapel Baptist Church in
Alamo, GA. The event was organized and hosted by Worthy Matron Grace
Dawkins and Wingfield Chapter No. 6 O.E.S. of Glenwood, GA. Sister G. J.
Williams, Associate Matron of Wingfield Chapter No. 6, who is a counselor and
educator, gave an inspiring and dynamic message entitled, “Training Wheels are
Grace Dawkins
Worthy Matron (6)
Rosetta Summersett
Vidalia Masonic District Worthy Matron
More than 50 youths, Vidalia District Brothers, Sisters and many supportive adults
enjoyed this motivational message. The Spalding Grove Youth Choir and the
Alamo Chapel Hallelujah Angels added even more excitement and enthusiasm to
the program through their praise dances and singing. The Vidalia District is
looking forward to continuing the success in other endeavors throughout the year.
G.J. Williams
Associate Worthy Matron (6)
Page 28
Statesboro Masonic District No. 18
On Sunday April 15, 2007 the Sisters of Statesboro Masonic District No. 18 held its
Annual Education Day Program at New Hope Baptist Church in Register, GA. The
event was hosted by New Starlight Chapter No. 44 where Sister Julie Anne Lee
currently serves as the Worthy Matron. The five O.E.S. Chapters of the District,
including New Starlight Chapter No. 44, Rose Metter Chapter No. 249, Helpful Chapter
No. 210, Cape Jessamine Chapter No. 86 and Sweet Evening Breeze Chapter No. 269
raised over six thousand dollars towards student scholarships. WM Karen Nunnally
served as the Mistress of Ceremonies for the event and performances were done by
Rose Metter Chapter No. 249 Choir of Metter, GA and Gentle Breeze Youth Chapter of
Sweet Evening Breeze Chapter No. 269 in Claxton, GA. Sis. Wanda Parrish was
crowned the new Statesboro District 18 Queen at the event.
Worthy Matron Karen Nunnally (86)
Mistress of Ceremonies
WM Chiryleen Kilcrease (249) leads
devotional services at program
Shining Stars Youth Chapter
of Claxton, GA
Sister Wanda Parrish Crowned as the New
2007 Statesboro District Queen
Brother Shubert Lane escorts District Queen Wanda
Parrish for her Stroll down the red carpet.
Rose Metter Chapter No. 249 Choir of Metter, GA performs
Page 29
Much can be said about your tenure as Grand Worthy Matron for the Prince Hall Jurisdiction of Georgia. You
brought love, understanding and compassion to all those who were privileged to be in the presence of your humble but
larger than life personality. You represented and served the Jurisdiction and O.E.S. Sisters with Grace, Beauty, Integrity,
Devotion and Thoughtfulness. We know you will be successful in all your future endeavors. The words that come to mind
when your name is mentioned “Job well done”. We love you and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.
Page 30
Dublin Masonic District No. 19
DDGM Joesph Coates
The Dublin Masonic District No. 19 and District Deputy Grand Master Joe L. Coates sponsored a
Benefit Banquet on May 19, 2007 in Soperton Georgia. The District consists of 6 Lodges and and
Chapters in the cities of Dublin(City), Irwinton, Soperton, Eastman, Dublin(County), and Cochran.
Our guest speaker for the ocassion was Rev. Dr. Bro. Marvin J. Howard, Sr. Dr. Howard is a Prince
Hall member of the Baxley District No. 17 and he is a lodge member of Vandahoss Lodge # 89. Also,
he is a Past Patron of the Earnest Chapter No. 17 OES. He is currently the pastor of St. John AME
Church in Ailey, Georgia. The Dublin Distrcit 19 Masonic Scholarship Committee is PM Royce J. Hall
- Chairman, PM Reginald Rozier, PM Prince Dawson.
DDGM Joe Coates
Dublin District No. 19
Miss Tochuku Ikedionwu Dublin District
Scholarship Winner
Dublin Distrcit 19 Masonic Scholarship for 2007 was awarded to the Eastman, Georgia area. The chosen recipient is Miss Tochuku
Ikedionwu. She will be attending the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia. She is seeking to be a doctor. Please pray for her
as she continues her education. Pictured from left to right: D.D.G.M Joe L. Coates, PM Reginald Rozier, Miss Tochuku Ikedionwu,
PM Prince Dawson, and PM Royce J. Hall - District Scholarship Chairman
Landmark Lodge No. 64
WM Royce J. Hall
Landmark Lodge No. 64 and Worshipful Master Royce J. Hall
gave another scholarship to another scholarship recipient in
December 2006 to Miss Jessica McCune in the amount of $500.
Pictured Left to Right: SW Jeffrey Edmond(Now Worshipful
Master), Brother Henry Davis Jr, Worshipful Master Royce J.
Hall(Now Past Master), Brother Earl Jones, Miss Jessica
McCune, Rev. Brother Henry Davis Sr, Carolyn McCune
(Mother), Brother J.W. Brown, and Brother O.J. Hall
(Scholarship Committee Chairman).
Dublin District Queen
Dublin District No. 19, Order
of the Eastern Star has as its
Queen for 2007-2008 Mrs.
Grace Hall. She is a member
of the Fidelity No. 45 and
Past Matron.
Brother York Singleton II is a 5th Degree black
belt in Ju-Jitsu .Brother Singleton has studied the
martial arts for over 27 years. Brother Singleton
also formed a Martial Arts company in Atlanta
SELF DEFENSE. He provides private lessons,
VIP Protection, seminars, and teaches young
women self defense classes. Brother Singleton
currently serves as a member of the Grand Lodge
Security Department for the Most Worshipful
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Georgia. Brother
Singleton is also a member of the Imperial
Photography department for the Imperial Council
of A.E.A.O.N.M.S. Prince Hall Shriners.
Brother Singleton offers “free” self defense
lessons for children of disadvantaged
neighborhoods in the local Atlanta areas.
Brother Singleton also gives back to the
community by mentoring young boys and
providing safe environments for the boys to
meet and discuss their daily activities. Brother
Singleton is a loyal and dedicated member of
Star of Georgia Lodge No. 492.
St. James Lodge No. 4
Supports Past Master Glover at
his trial sermon.
P.M. Glover has been called to
the service of spreading God’s
MRA Policies
As each brother becomes a member of the Grand Lodge of Georgia he is issued a MRA number and policy. It is the
responsibility of the Lodge Secretary and the newly initiated Brother to make sure he is in the records of the Grand
Lodge of Georgia. The Grand Lodge has updated many records and has improved its filing systems. A startling fact is
that well over 80% of the Brothers in the Jurisdiction do not have beneficiaries listed on record at the Grand Lodge
Office. This causes a problem in the event of a brother’s death. If you do not name a beneficiary, then your policy will
pay any monies only to the estate of the deceased brother. If a Brother has a change in beneficiary and does not alert
the Grand Lodge then the policy will only pay to the list name on record. Brothers please update your records to unsure
that your wishes are carried out correctly
Grand Lodge Office Staff Spotlight
Sister Mary O. Williams
Sister Mary O. Williams a native of Hartwell, Ga., is the daughter of
the late Mr. & Mrs. James Oliver and the youngest of seven children.
She is the mother of one daughter-Keri Williams.
Sister Williams started her career after graduating from Morris Brown
College as a Payroll Supervisor for Dobbs Houses at the Atlanta
Airport. During her tenure with Dobbs she held several managerial
positions; After 11 years she was transferred to the Sister Company
Carson Pirie - Scott
at O’Hare International Airport
in Chicago, as the first African-American Department Head for
Carson’s. She then transferred to Lambert-St. Louis International
Airport as General Manager of the airport and hotel retail shops, and
warehouse distribution center; after the contract ended at Lambert
she served as Assistant General Manager of Food and Beverage
and Commissary at the Douglas International Airport in Charlotte,
North Carolina, with the Marriott Corporation. After Charlotte she
was appointed General Manager of the Piedmont-Triad International
Airport for Food & Beverage and Retail Operations in Greensboro,
After moving around, Sister Williams decided it was time to return to
GA. She did this by accepting the position of General Manager for
the Hudson-Retail Group at the Atlanta Airport where she worked
until her retirement.
Sister Williams began working for Prince Hall Grand Chapter and
now Prince Hall Grand Lodge as Administrative Secretary. She was
a member of Gate City Chapter no. 48 until she demitted to the reChartered Star of Georgia Chapter No. 378.
She is a member of East Point First Mallalieu United Methodist
Church where she is part of the Usher Board, Children Church,
United Methodist Women and Chair of the Outreach Ministry.
Her Motto: No matter what you are going through or trying to
achieve, “LET GO AND LET GOD!’
Millen Masonic District No. 16
DDGM Mace Patrick
Millen Masonic District No. 16 held its Annual
District Meeting on Saturday March 10, 2007
in Sylvania, GA. We were elated to have
DGM Douglas Jones, GJW Curry Alexander,
GWP Aaron Kent, and Grand Lecturer Willie
Mae Douglas in our midst. We thank the
Grand Lecturer for delivering such an
inspirational and instructional lecture. We
appreciate all of their “Words of Wisdom.”
Vidalia Masonic District No. 24
DDGM Charlie Tanner
DDGM Charlie Tanner
Presides over District Meeting
Vidalia Masonic District No. 24 Annual District
Meeting was held on Saturday April 21, 2007 at St.
Paul A.M.E. Church in Vidalia, GA. The Rev. H. W.
Miller of Mt. Horeb Lodge No. 114 presented a
dynamic and inspirational message entitled “God of a
Second Chance” from scripture Luke 13:7-8 and
Matthew 19. Grand Associate Matron Sis. Marilyn
Moore was in attendance and offered welcomed
suggestions and comments to the members. Other
Guest present included Bro. Tyrone Hendry the
Assistant District Deputy Grand Master of Statesboro
Masonic District No. 18 and Grand Junior Warden Bro.
C. E. Alexander of Macon Masonic District No. 5.
The following officers were elected and installed: Sis.
Rosetta Summersett- District Worthy Matron, Bro.
Raymond Turner-District Worthy Patron, Sis. Lillie
Jackson-District Associate Matron, Sis. Cathleen
Sharpe- Secretary and Sis. Shariee Johnson-Treasurer
and Bro. Archie Johnson- Associate Patron. Brother
Charlie Tanner was elected to serve as District Deputy
Grand Master for Vidalia Masonic District No. 24. We
want to congratulate all elected and appointed District
Officers of Vidalia Masonic District No. 24.
Rev. Miller gave the inspirational
GAM Marilyn Moore gives words
of inspiration at District Meeting
GJW C.E. Alexander
Sisters prepare food at District Meeting repast
Central City Youth Chapter No. 75
Betty Andrews Director
Central City Youth Chapter No. 75, Order of the Eastern Star, Prince
Hall Affiliated, would like to inform you of the various activities our
Youth Chapter have nurtured and labored this year. Faithfully, the
Lord allows our Youth Chapter to meet every fourth Saturday of each
month at 3:00 P.M. at Central City Lodge Hall No. 12 in Macon,
Sister Betty Andrews is our Worthy Director. With Sister Andrews’s
perseverance, our Youth Chapter is strong and well. She has put her
heart and soul in making this youth group a success. By possessing the
virtues we strive to emulate, the youth chapter look up to Sister
Andrews and respect her a great deal.
On 12 August 2006, the Central City Chapter and Youth Chapter held a
Back-to-School Fun Day at the park. The Youth Chapter gave baskets
to needy families for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Doing what the
Lord requires is what we aim to do. Central City Youth Chapter held its
annual community service event at Eastview Nursing Home. We
brought cheer and the Christ-like spirit to the ill, elderly and sometimes
forgotten. In January, we attended the Grand Youth Planning Meeting
in St. Mary’s, Georgia on the 27 January 2007. Also, we held our Live
February/Black History Program at the Ruth Hartley Mosely Center on
Saturday, 10 February 2007. God simply blessed the event and we are
thankful. We recently attended the 2nd Annual Grand Youth Session on
28 April 2007. Eleven members of our Youth Chapter members
attended. Central City Youth Chapter No. 75 placed 3rd in the
scrapbook contest.
Central City Youth Chapter No. 75 pictured on December 20,
2006 giving cheer and good will to Eastview Nursing Home.
Cape Jessamine Chapter No. 86
WM Karen Nunnally
On Saturday December 16, 2006 the Sisters of Cape Jessamine Chapter No. 86 along with the Brothers of John Wesley Lodge No.
161 held their first Past Matrons Past Masters Appreciation Christmas Banquet at Second St. Johns Baptist Church in Statesboro,
Georgia. The Past Matrons along with the members of the Chapter were presented awards and certificates by Worthy Matron
Karen Nunnally.
Sis. Cheryl Hill
Sis. Wyomina Timmons
Sis. Juanita Ellis
Sis. Augustine Wells
Sis. Judy McBride
Sis. Elizabeth Wooten, PM
Sis. Linda White
Sis. Frances Thompson, PM
Rose Metter Chapter No. 249
WM Chrilyeen Kilcrease
On Sunday November 19, 2006 the Sisters of Rose Metter Chapter No. 249 of Metter, Georgia
held its Annual Seasonal Tea Program at New Hope Baptist Church in Pulaski, Georgia. The
ladies wore the different Star Point colors as they explained the various “Seasons” of the year.
Seasons represented were Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer. The Mistress of Ceremonies was
Past Matron Lena Brazil of Rose Metter Chapter No. 249. Sister Chiryleen Kilcrease serves as
Worthy Matron of the Chapter. She gave inspirational words to her Chapter and guest. Sister
Lavern McCollum served as the Chairman of the event.
Chrilyeen Kilcrease
Worthy Matron
Lena Brazil, PM
Mistress of Ceremonies
Sister Ruthie George
Grand Asst. Chaplin, O.E.S.
Leads inspirational song and prayer
Sister Lavern McCollum
Chairman of Seasonal Tea Program
Ramsey Davis, Jr. , 33°
Most Worshipful Grand Master
Ramsey Davis, Jr., 33º, is a native of Brewton, AL where he attended and graduated from the local
schools. In 1971, Grand Master Davis graduated from Tuskegee Institute, which is now known as
Tuskegee University in Tuskegee, Alabama. He graduated with a BS in Economics and Political
Science. In 1977, Grand Master Davis earned his Doctorate of Jurist Prudence from Woodrow Wilson
College of Law in Atlanta, GA. Currently he is the owner and principal broker of Ramsey Davis, Jr.,
Realty and Insurance Agency with over 34 years of experience.
Grand Master Davis is a member of Ruth Chapter No. 102, O.E.S., Past Master of W.C. Thomas Lodge
No. 112 , Past Commander in Chief of Atlanta Consistory No. 24, Past Commander of the House of
Kadosh, Past Lecturer of Nabbar Temple No. 128, Past President of the Peach State Commanders of the
Rite, and Past Master of Ceremony for the Georgia Council of Deliberation. He has also served as Right
Worshipful Deputy Grand Master, and Right Worshipful Grand Senior Warden. Currently he serves as
The Most Worshipful Grand Master for the Jurisdiction of Georgia.
Grand Master Davis is a Life Member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. as well as a life member of
The Georgia Council of PTAs. Hi is past president of the Atlanta Tuskegee Alumni Club, serves on the
Board of Young Financial Services, and the Board of Hotlanta Sports and Autos Association.
Grand Master Davis is married to the former Cathy Green and they are the proud parents of four children
and four grandchildren. Grand Master Davis and Sister Cathy are members of Jackson Memorial Baptist
Church, where he sings in the male choir. Grand Master Davis is a man who loves and fears the Lord,
and is desirous of being a friend to all mankind.
Vashit G. Pullen
Grand Worthy Matron
Vashti Grimes Pullen is a native of Macon Georgia. She is the daughter of the late Rev. Val G. and Artella H.
Grimes. She is married to Mr. Johnny L. Pullen, and they are the proud parents of one son, Mr. Christopher L.G.
Pullen and a grandson De'Ante. She is the ninth of ten children. Four (4) Daughters and (1) Son followed in their
parents' footsteps to become Masons and Eastern Stars. She is a faithful member of the New Hope Missionary
Baptist Church. She is a member of the Macon Branch NAACP, Kwanaza Cultural Access Center Committee
for Macon, and United Negro College Fund (UNCF) Ebony Fashion Fair Committee.
Grand Worthy Matron Pullen received her education in Bibb County Public Schools. She attended Macon State
College and received Continuing Education units from Fort Valley State University. She is employed with the
Bibb County Board of Education as an Administrative Secretary. Member of Bibb Association of Educators,
Georgia Association of Educators and National Educational Association. Sister Pullen is a dedicated member
of the Masonic Order. She is Past Matron of Amy R. Dunn Chapter #82 Order of the Eastern Star, Member,
Mary L. Walker Assembly #14 Order of the Golden Circle, Member, Masab Court #174 /Daughter of Isis, Past
Most Ancient Grand Matron Jurisdiction of Georgia of the Most Ancient Grand Court Heroines of Jericho.
Millen District No. 16 Awards Banquet
DDGM Patrick Mace
On Saturday November 17, 2006 Millen Masonic District No. 16 celebrated its
31st Annual K.C. Childers Awards Banquet in Sylvania, Georgia. Members of the
Millen District were blessed with the presence of special Grand Officers and Guests
which included Sisters Grand Associate Matron Marilyn Moore, Grand Associate
Conductress Deidra Wilson, and Brothers Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master
Douglas Jones, and Right Worshipful Grand Junior Warden C.E. Alexander. We
also truly appreciated the continued support of our visitors of Statesboro Masonic
District No. 18 which included District Deputy Grand Master Leon Brown,
Assistant District Deputy Grand Master Tyrone L. Hendry, District Worthy Matron
Arcie Dekle, Worthy Matron Karen Nunnally, Worthy Matron Chrilyeen Kilcrease
and other members of Statesboro District No. 18 that attended. DDGM Charilie
Tanner of Vidalia Masonic District No. 24 and his District members also attended
the Awards Banquet.
DDGM Mace Patrick (16)
Gives remarks at Awards Banquet
Worthy Matron Karen Nunnally and Worthy
Matron Chyrileen B. Kilcrease of Statesboro
District No. 18 attend Millen District Banquet
GAM Marilyn Moore (l) and GAC Deidra
Wilson (r) enjoying the District Banquet
DDGM Mace Patrick (standing)
GJW C.E. Alexander (l)
DGM Douglas Jones (r))
Millen District Worthy Matron Shirley Carlyle and Kobe Wilson
the daughter of Grand Associate Conductress Deidra Wilson
Sister Rose M. Bell 2006 Millen District
Queen with husband Brother Willie Bell
Congratulations to all Sisters and Brothers who received awards. They are to be
commended for their dedication and hard work. As we move forward towards
higher heights, may God continue to bless us. Thanks to all of our Sisters and
Brothers for their continued love and support.
Vadilia Masonic District No. 18
District Awards Banquet
On Saturday May 5, 2007, Vidalia District No. 24 Annual Awards Banquet was held.
Special Guest included Grand Master Ramsey Davis and his wife along with other Grand
Lodge Officers and Officers from the Millen and Statesboro District. Entertainment was
provided by The Toombs County Community Choir and musician Billy Mosley.
GM Ramsey Davis, Jr., 33
Giving remarks at Banquet
DDGM Charlie Tanner
Rosetta B. Summersett, District Matron, presented the Star of the Year Award to Sis.
Cathleen Sharpe- District Secretary, the Star Chapter of the Year Award to Star of
Glenville No. 162, Sis Andrea Ashford-Levant, Worthy Matron and The Outstanding
Chapter Award to Wingfield No. 6 of Glennwod , Sis. Grace Dawkins, Worthy Matron.
Also recognized for Outstanding Service Awards for their hard work was Sis. Johnnie B.
Dennard, Sis. Mattie Wiggins and Sis. Beatrice Burley of Silver Chapter No. 23-Lyons,
GA. Worthy Matron Catherine Dixon-Forrest of Violet Chapter No. 18 recognized
members, Sis. Maureen McLendon, Sis. Lillie Jackson and Sis. Gertrude Dixon for their
many years of service to the chapter.
DDGM Charlie tanner presented Tracey Johnson, W.M. of Mt. Temah No. 151 with the
Mason of the Year award. The members of Mt. Horeb Lodge, W.M. W.J. Powell and
members of Enterprise No. 139, Jerry Clark, W.M. were recognized for their outstanding
work. Worshipful Masters, Jerry Clark, Tracey Johnson, Herbert McMillian and Assist
DDGM Melvin Jackson were recognized for their support and outstanding contributions to
the Vidalia Masonic District. W.M. Tracey D. Johnson recognized members of his lodge
and Bro. Johnny Sharpton as Mason of the Year for Mt. Temah No. 151 for their untiring
efforts and outstanding work.
Sis. Cathleen Sharpe
Star of the year
WM Roy Summersett
St. Matthews Lodge No. 585
Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Georgia
Honorable Ramsey Davis, Jr., Most Worshipful Grand Master
Lodge Name & Number
Worshipful Master Name:
Senior Warden Name:
City, State & Zip:
Junior Warden Name:
Date Received:
Date Lodge was Established/Chartered:
Nominators Name:
Nominators Lodge Name & Number:
City, State & Zip:
City, State & Zip:
Telephone Number:
Signature ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
All Applications must be submitted to Bruce James, Grand Senior Warden and Committee
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Postmarked May 31, 2008
Must be viable and visible within the community.
a) List all community activities (i.e., church visitation, Meals on Wheels, etc.)
Must have provided assistance and/or aid (Finance) to Charity (i.e., Meals on Wheels, Senior Citizens, Hospital, Youth Groups,
Schools, Homeless, Habitat for Humanity, etc.)
Must have held or provided Voter Registration Drives, Free Ride to the Pools and/or Voter Education.
Must provide a photograph album containing pictures labeled with location, date and time of events.
Must provide some form of financial assistance (aid, scholarship) to a student who is pursuing higher education.
(Must actively and financially support the goals and objectives of the District.
Must have a Chapter of Knights of Pythagoras or show reasonable cause why one has not been established.
Must file and remit payment for ALL Dues and Assessments (Building Endowment Fund inclusive) in a timely manner to the
Grand Lodge.
Must have had representation at the previous and present Grand Communication.
Base on the criteria given above, please use a separate sheet to explain why you feel the nominee should be recognized as Lodge of
the Year. (Be very detailed and specific in your explanation. Use additional paper for documentation.)
Masonic Digest Submission Policy
Conditions that meet The Masonic Digest requirements:
1. News releases should not exceed one typed, double-spaced page including heading.
2. News release content should be timely, and to the point. Submit your material by the
deadline dates.
3. Use White bond paper for articles submitted via hard copy.
4. Use only one side of paper.
5. Every article is on a separate sheet of paper, with its own heading.
6. Use upper/lower case characters for all copy and normal fonts.
7. Include chapter/lodge name, region, and name and phone number of a contact person on
all news releases, articles and stories.
8. Designate the section for which your article is being submitted:
Features, Around the Jurisdiction, In Memoriam, In Our own words, Letters, Masonic
Potpourri, or Spotlight.
9. Articles, stories or news releases accompanied by a photograph must have an
appropriate caption typed at the end of the article.
10. Professional 4x6 or 5x7 glossy prints are preferred.
11. Apply an adhesive label on the back of the photo with your Lodge’s / Chapter’s name
and the story heading, event, caption or any other identifying information.
12. Protect your photo with cardboard reinforcement.
13. In order to produce a high quality publication, it is not recommended that you send
pictures though the internet. Internet images are not high resolution and do not print
well. We recommend that you send information on a media such as a cd or junk drive.
You may email information but be advised of recommendations.
14. If you want your pictures returned, please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope
with your submission.
Your Articles my not Be Published for these Reasons
1. Handwritten articles, stories, or news releases.
2. Too many submissions from your Lodge / Chapter. Limit to two (2) articles, news
releases or story per section for each issue.
3. Articles sent via fax.
4. Use of all capital letters, strange or ornate fonts that make the article unreadable or
5. Color or black and white copies (Xeroxes) are not photographs!!
6. Avoid sending oddly sized cutouts and Polaroid photographs.
7. Photos damaged by the use of paper clips, tape, roller ball pen or felt markers.
8. The photo appears underexposed or too dark.
It is strongly suggested that Lodges / Chapters consult with the Editors prior to submitting an
All submissions are subject to screening and approval of the Editors and the Grand Master
reserves a right to reject or not publish any and all submissions. A written letter will be sent
with all rejected articles and materials. If your individual Lodge or Chapter would like to
submit an article please submit articles in a word document via email to
masonicdigest@mwphglga.org. You may also mail articles to
Masonic Digest
806 Crane Lane
Statesboro, GA 30461.
2007 Prince Hall Day Weekend
Masonic Digest Guidelines
District Deputy Grand Masters are responsible for getting information pertaining to their District to
the Masonic Digest Editors. It is recommended that District Deputies appoint a brother or sister
from the District to assist them with article submissions and content, but the responsibility for
District articles being submitted rest entirely with the District Deputy Grandmaster.
Each District is expected to submit articles, news releases, stories for every issue of the Masonic
Digest. The Masonic Digest Editor assigned to your District will only contact the District Deputy
initially once a quarter about submissions via email or certified letter. It will be the responsibility of
the District Deputy or the person appointed by the Deputy to contact the assigned editor for future
articles during the quarter for all District Activities and Events.
All Deadlines will be strictly enforced.
It is encouraged that the various Masonic Houses and Shrine Temples and Courts submit articles for
publication in the Masonic Digest if articles are newsworthy.
All submissions are subject to screening and approval of the Editors and the Grand Master reserves
a right to reject or not publish any and all submissions. A written letter will be sent with all rejected
articles and materials. If your individual Lodge or Chapter would like to submit an article please
submit articles in a word document via email to masonicdigest@mwphglga.org. You may also mail
articles to
Masonic Digest
806 Crane Lane
Statesboro, GA 30461
Editor in Chief