j:877,-ASK--ROSE - Clinton Central High School


j:877,-ASK--ROSE - Clinton Central High School
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Need help with math and science homework?
Call the Homework Hotline. IT'S FREE!Tutors are
Rose-Hulman college students who are trained
to help with math and science homework.
Sunday - Thursday
7 p.m. -10
p.m. (Eastern Standard Time)
September through May
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The Homework Hotline is open from 7
p.m. to 10 p.m.
Eastern Standard T
following Eastern D~;~h~t~~ents
cal~~g from counties
should p Ian accordingly.
Ime and'A;nti'al
Daytime office contact information:
5500 Wabash Avenue, CM 82
Terre Haute, IN 47803-3999
Ph: (812) 877-8319
Fx: (812) 877-8175
E-mail: office@AskRose.org
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What;s the Homework Hotline?
Rose-Hulman InstU.te OfTecJuwlogy's Homewo,* Hotl/ne is,
ITee motb and science tutoring sorvi" for IndIan, mIddle 'nd hIgh
school studenls. A community servke since I 991, the prog"'m
provIdes tutoring via a toll-ITee phone call. The Homework Hotl/ne
reInforces math 'od science eonOCpts, helps studenls develop bett"
on their OWn.
skills, and guld"
them toward aus'vcring slmi/m-
Who can Use the Homework Hotline?
rndlana studenls In gmdes 6-12 who need math or scien" homewo,*
belp can call. It Is a gre't toor for students of all "'ademlc levels.
the Homework Hotline free?
Yes! Bnth
a" phone
call and the Homework Hotl/ne tutoriog 50rvice
are free. Rose-Hulman values community "rvi" and is committed
to supportIng the Homework Hotline. Lilly Endowmenr, Inc. and
bave provided SUpport.
3M CoCPomoon also see the educaOonal valUe of the prog"'m and
When is the Homework Hotline open?
Tutors answer calls between 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. (Eastern Standard
Time), Sunday through Thursday, from September through May.
For more information about hours, see the back panel.
What resources do
tutors have available?
Homework Hotline tutors have access
to current state-adopted math and science
textbooks, as well as computers and the
Will the tutors give students the answers?
Internet, when helping students understand
No. Homework Hotline tutors guide students in learning more about
and solve homework problems.
a subject but do not do the work for them. Tutors are trained to ask
the right questions to help students analyze problems and find their
own solutions.
Does the Homework Hotline
offer online resources?
Resource materials and educational
What do the students need when calling?
tools for students and educators are
Before calling the Homework Hotline, students should have the
available on the Homework Hotline
following items handy:
Web site - www.AskRose.org. Homework
Homework assignment
*" Textbook
(if available)
Pencil or pen
*- Calculator (if needed)
Students will be asked to provide their first name and the name
of their school when they call.
questions can also be submitted via the Homework Hotline
Web site. A student will receive a response from a tutor during
the Homework Hotline hours of operation.