KITTEN SALES CONTRACT PET - Cats from your wildest dreams


KITTEN SALES CONTRACT PET - Cats from your wildest dreams
Date of Birth:
Breeder or Pet:
Reference Litter
Worming Dates:
Kayleigh Lowrie/ Stylisticat: TICA26673
6 weeks, 8 weeks and 11 weeks
12 weeks
Pet Plan Policy No:
Health Test Guarantee
*We guarantee the results of these tests until you leave our premises where
contact with sources out with our controlled environment can introduce
infections and diseases. See 4 below.
* Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV)
*Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV):
Sales Agreement binds both parties as follows:
“You” – The buyer &
“We, Our, Us”– The Seller &
Kitten, Cat – The subject being sold
1. Resale
If for any reason the buyer can no longer offer a home to the kitten, the buyer agrees to obtain permission to sell
the named kitten from the seller and offer it back to the seller before proceeding with a sale or be liable for the
full purchase price named above in “Price” to the seller.
2. 72 Hour Health Check
You are required to take your kitten to your own Veterinary Surgeon within 48 hours of leaving our premises. The
purpose of this visit is to ensure you and your vet are satisfied that the kitten is in perfect health; the kitten is fit
for purpose i.e. breeding and there are no visible genetic faults. If your VS finds any fault or issue that our own
VS has not been aware of then we will happily accept your kitten back and give you a full refund, provided that
the kitten is back with us within 3 days after departing at the buyers expense. Failure to return the kitten within
this time period will mean no refunds will be offered. If your kitten should fall ill after 72 hours then we request
that you contact your VS in the first instance and then us to discuss an action plan. We will not be held
responsible for any veterinary fees incurred after you have left the premises. After you have owned the cat for 72
hours, we will not accept the cat back for a replacement when the next kitten becomes available unless there is
proven HCM or structural abnormality with the kitten and only IF the kitten is tested for an upper respiratory
panel and a faecal panel via our laboratory IDEXX. The kitten must be negative on both tests for us to take the
kitten back and validate a replacement guarantee. There must be a microchip validated for the tests. Proof was
Seller Initial:
Buyer Initial:
KITTEN SALES CONTRACT PET given that your kitten was clear on departure so we cannot accept it back with anything other than a reflection of
the test results given. All scan documents and any xrays/ vet reports must be submitted to our VS for review
before we will commit to a return and replacement. We will honour the HCM and structural abnormality
guarantee for the life of your kitten.
3. Indoor Only or in a protected cat run
We will only sell kittens to indoor only homes. Your cat can live a long and happy life indoors providing you give
them toys, annual vet checks and vaccination boosters, companionship and a good diet. They can have the best
of both worlds with an outdoor cat run. We do stipulate that if you do want to let your cat outside into a cat run
then it MUST be protected from the ground to 1 metre in height with Perspex or other similar barrier. If you have
anything otherwise, pets that do get outside who will be mixing with your kitten or choose not to place a barrier
from potential infection then you MUST vaccinate against FeLV ANNUALLY or BI-ANNUALLY for the health
guarantee to be valid. Failure to install 1 metre from ground Perspex on the run also voids health guarantees.
4. Health Guarantee
Your kittens parents have been tested as outlined above and has been proven clear of any problems. We
carefully manage infection control and regularly test all our cats to try and ensure we have the cleanest, safest
breeding and pet cats in the world. Your kitten has been vaccinated twice against FPV, Chlamydia, Herpes and
Calicivirus. Once you leave our premises the kitten may become exposed to various infections or diseases shown
above through the air, other pets or from your clothes or shoes when travelling in and out of your home. We will
not be responsible for any kitten who should fall ill that has been let outside in the open world. If your kitten
goes on to develop any genetic fault within 2 years of age and it proves to be fatal, we will replace the cat at no
cost to the buyer when the next one becomes available. A post mortem will be required and the buyer must
cover expenses. Your VS must be willing to discuss their findings with our VS to validate this guarantee. No cash
refund will be given under any circumstances.
5. Pet/ Show Agreement
Your cat has been brought up in a very social environment with children, TVs, Music, Vacuum cleaners, visitors
etc. Your kitten should not be nervous after a week in it’s new home with you. Remember that Savannahs are
hybrid cats and can be picky with who they decide to bond with. They usually form a parent/child type bond with
one person but that is not to say that your kitten will not be approachable by anyone else. Encourage visitors to
talk to your cat and pet them but do not force people or children on your kitten as it may deter them from people
in future. Gradual is a key word we use for just about everything as cat breeders. Introduce them gradually to
both you and your new home. Your Royal Canin Kitten Pack contains a book, which gives you top tips on bringing
your kitten home.
You are not allowed to breed from this cat unless it has been registered by us, Stylisticat, on the active register
with TICA. If your cat has been sold on the inactive register then it MUST be neutered or spayed by the time it is
5 months of age and certainly before we will transfer them into your name through TICA. Please see our Code of
Ethics below as to why we follow this rule.
6. DWA, Code of Ethics & Cattery of Excellence
We work extremely hard to develop an excellent breeding standard. We are inspected annually from a Veterinary
Surgeon and the local council to receive our Cattery of Excellence by TICA and renew our Dangerous Wild Animal
Licence, which is required to have Servals and F1’s.
If you are buying a DWA you MUST have suitable housing and provide us with a copy of your DWA before we will
sell you one. We are required to keep a log of DWA sales by the local council as part of our licence.
We are certified as “Responsible Breeders” by The International Cat Association and have signed
the Voluntary Code of Ethics. We abide by these rules as follows:
Seller Initial:
Buyer Initial:
KITTEN SALES CONTRACT PET 1. We will remain in good standing of TICA and have a registered cattery.
2. We will breed discriminately and ensure we find appropriate homes who can provide a life-long
commitment of love.
Any cat
sold as a pet or show will be sold under the following conditions:
We guarantee the cats in good health at the time of sale.
We urge the buyer to have the cat examined by his or her own vet.
We require the cat be neutered or spayed.
We have explained the dangers of the outdoors.
We have provided a written sales agreement.
We will only provide the TICA registration/ pedigree for the kitten ONLY AFTER we have received written
confirmation from a licenced VS that the cat has been neutered or spayed.
7. We encourage you to contact us if you have questions and will respond in a timely manner.
8. We will not release a kitten, which hasn’t been inoculated twice against at least: Rhinotracheitis,
panleukopenia and calicivirus.
7. Diet
Your kitten has been brought up on:
Applaws is a complete diet supplied in tubs or pouches. You are purchasing a luxury cat and to keep it in the best
condition possible, we recommend high quality foods that are not filled with unnecessary additives. You will see
we have supplied you with a sachet. NEVER give your kitten MILK unless it is from a Pet store and labeled as
kitten milk. Cats cannot tolerate lactose as they cannot digest it properly.
8. Settling In
Your new baby kitten will take a few days to come round and feel back to their usual self. They have been used
to litter mates jumping on them, playing at all hours of the night and best of all – Mummy! Now with no friends,
no mum and being taken to a strange place you new baby will be feeling a bit scared and sorry for itself. Try to
put them in a room on their own such as a utility room. Ensure you remove all chemicals and close toilet lids if
you decide to place them in their for two weeks. Coax them out, if hiding, with their new feather stick (they all
love these) and ball tube toys are also great. We recommend you buy a scratch post, as this is what they are
used to playing on and will bring some home familiarities.
Your kitten may exhibit stress signs through a funny tummy, sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes and/ or
constipation with all the stress of coming to their new home and could have diarrhea for the first week. This
should settle down by the first week. As we’ve said above – your cat has been fully tested for everything so if
there are any runny bottoms then it will be down to the move or if you have changed their diet. Please ensure
you have fresh water available at all times for your new kitten and change twice daily.
Once you get your kitten home try and give them some time alone. A couple of days of the various visits to their
room will help your kitten realize that everything it okay and there is nothing to be scared of. Once the kitten is
settled with you and demonstrates a happiness to see you with purrs, puffy tail and back, along with possibly
chatting to you, they are ready to explore the rest of the house. DO keep an eye on them on stairs as they are
still babies.
Try not to move the litter tray and DO introduce a few more if you have a large house. This may result in
confusion and accidents. Your kitten is used to: Wood Litter Pellets.
Always introduce other pets to your kitten gradually and ALWAYS supervise. It is natural for your
kitten to puff up and growl or spit to show they are defending themselves and your pet may do this
also. Try not to intervene heavily and keep a calm, encourage voice telling them it is okay. It CAN
take a few MONTHS for your kitten to be fully accepted in a house with pets already there. Animals
Seller Initial:
Buyer Initial:
KITTEN SALES CONTRACT PET do have a hierarchy system and is a natural process for them to let each other know where they
belong in that system! Try to be confident and calm as animals do feed off our actions and energy.
Try and babyproof your home. We call it Savannah-proofing. They will knock of your favourite ornaments by
accident when whizzing around playing, may disappear behind the fridge, squeeze out a window, fall down the
toilet (and possibly drown!), eat a plant or flowers, which may be poisonous to cats. Also select good toys which
do not have chokable items which could come loose.
Please note – we can supply you with cat food, litter, bedding and toys at discounted prices so do get in touch if
you require anything.
9. Insurance
Your cat has been insured for 4 weeks FREE insurance via Pet Plan. Please try to insure your cat once this expires
as unexpected vet bills can be thousands of pounds.
10. Legal Jurisdiction
If there are any disputes arising regarding this contract or in relation to the above mentioned animal, then the
legal proceedings must take place in Scotland and comply with Scottish Law. If the Seller must pursue the buyer
if they become in breach of this contract then the Buyer agrees to pay the Sellers costs in relation to any fees
associated with pursuing the case.
11. Declawing
This animal MUST NOT be declawed under any circumstances. If the Buyer declaws the kitten then by doing so
they are giving up ownership of the kitten in favour of the seller. The buyer agrees not to declaw or fulfill this
12. Quarantine
It is important that you give your kitten time to adjust to it’s new surroundings and of course it’s new parent(s)
too! The buyer agrees to quarantine the animal in a safe, quiet room for a minimum period of 2 weeks from
the date of sale completion and the animal being taken home/ delivered. Failure to quarantine will void the
health guarantee. Quarantine equals:
Room with no other animals,
No gaps to touch noses or paws with other animals i.e. under doors,
Shower and full change of clothing before touching animal after tending to own cattery or other
Separate food bowls, food preparation facilities from other animals,
Quarantine slippers (shoes only for use in kitten room)
13. Anaesthesia/ Veterinary Care
The buyer agrees that the cat will receive NO Ketamine under any circumstances and make their VS aware of this
at the first appointment where the kittens record is made. The buyer also agrees to treat the kitten with
Advocate (Only) at 5-week intervals, deworm with Panacur or similar quality every 3 months and take the kitten
for a health check at 6 months of age, 1 year old then annually for a check up. If the buyer is unable to afford
health care for the animal then they will contact the Seller to make them aware of the known issue and offer the
animal back to the Seller.
14. New Breeders
If this kitten is your first Savannah kitten or perhaps your second or third, for breeding, then we will be more
than happy to help you construct a breeding program/ plan your future goals. We are good at answering e-mails
within a few hours so feel free to contact us via e-mail and we will give you the best response possible to our
Seller Initial:
Buyer Initial:
KITTEN SALES CONTRACT PET knowledge. We are within a network of brilliant breeders and can help you with anything you wish to ask! We
can help you set up record keeping, health testing, enclosure construction support, supplier contacts etc.
15. Contacting us for advice
Please do! For anything at all!
If you have any questions regarding your kittens integration, diet, health or breeding program then please e-mail
us at:
We will get back to you within 24 hours. If you would prefer to call us then we do ask that you call between
730pm and 930pm GMT if possible on: +44 (0) 7863 628 916.
If you have an emergency then in the first instance call your Veterinary Surgeon. If it is something you would
rather discuss with us then please pick up the phone and call us immediately. Please remember that we are NOT
Veterinary Surgeons and the BEST advice you can ever receive is from your VS.
16. Confidentiality/ Privacy
The buyer and seller agree to keep the details of this contract confidential. Either party may seek damages of up
to £5,000 if this agreement is breached. The buyer also agrees to keep any information in relation to the seller,
including information about their premises, amount/ type/ breed of cats confidential. Unspecified Damages can
be pursued if buyer breaches this confidential information.
17. Payment
Your Kitten Deposit Amount is:
deposit of the final balance is due to reserve
your kitten.
1. Cheques must clear before collection.
2. We have “Pay by Link” set up for instant invoice payments via WorldPay. This is the quickest and most
secure form of deposit. Once you have paid via Worldpay – the World Leading Card Payment Processor
your kitten will be secured instantly. 1.5 % charge for credit cards.
3. Bank Transfers go to The Royal Bank of Scotland –
Account Name: Stylisticat
Sort Code:
Account Number:
4. Payment by installments is available. The following option is in place:
a. Pay deposit.
b. !/4 of full price cleared at 4 weeks old.
c. ½ of full price cleared at 10 weeks old.
d. ¾ of full price cleared at 14 weeks old.
e. Full balance cleared by 16 weeks of age and collection/ delivery made by this date.
18. Collection dates
Collection is around 12 - 16 weeks, not earlier and the full balance is due on collection or prior unless you are on
a payment plan.
We may keep your kitten longer if we feel it needs some extra time to ensure it is completely healthy and ready
for departure!
Seller Initial:
Buyer Initial:
We may ask you for feedback on your kitten and reserve the right to use feedback on our testimonials section of
our website. Please specify if you would like your name to be kept private.
I agree to be bound by the terms in this agreement:
Seller(s): Kayleigh Lowrie
Buyer(s): Sign here>
Buyers address:
Please note we will have two copies made available at the time of collection. Please sign and
scan a copy to us. Thank you.
Seller Initial:
Buyer Initial: