September - Turner`s Rod and Reel
September - Turner`s Rod and Reel
Septe ember 2008 2 Newslettter Treasurer's s Report This Month's M Pro ogram Ourr speaker forr the month of Septembe er is Report is available from Ron Co oleman We elcome New w Members The e club currentlyy has 55 paid members. m Club Cale endar President's Mes ssage Well the t year is winding w down n. Angler of the year will be decided d in a few months. m The banquet is Wednesday W y Decemberr 10, 2008 so o get your whopper w boa ard photos in for conside eration and mark your calen ndar. The ye ear has gone e by very quickly, but the ere are still trips t to loo ok forward to o DVL is com ming up follow wed by Piru and Castaicc. The final Tak tripss are Octobe er 25 and No ovember 29, 2008 and Amerrican Angler long range trip t is sched duled for Sep ptember 22 to t 27, 2008.. Angler of th he Year is ye et to be deciided! In Occtober we ha ave nominations for club officers. If you y want to help h build your club, consider runn ning for an office, o volunteering for th he Christmas Banqu uet, helping find f speakerrs, or assistin ng with the raffle. r November is election of offic cers for 2009 9. Early renewal of membership p begins now w and one off the prizes at a the Christmas banquet if for mem mbers who re enew early. The trips I went on o this year were w a lot off fun. I learne ed from mem mbers and speakers s the e finer details s of rigging fishing f for different speccies and knots. k We alsso learned of o environme ental and fish hing limitatio ons conce erns. The kid ds trip, alway ys my favoriite because I got to spen nd most of the day with w someon ne who had never gone fishing. He told t me ho ow he learne ed patience and really enjoyed e himsself. He caug ght severral fish and was w very exc cited, wantin ng to go again as soon as a possible. The volunteer v opportunities still s abound with w Friends of Rollo, 97 76Tuna and Dan He ernandez Yo outh Founda ation trips on n Septemberr 13, 2008,, October 11 and 18, 20 008 and Novvember 22, 2008. 2 If you did not vo olunteer thiss year, I hope e you will fin nd time to inttroduce som meone to ourr sport I know w it is early but b I need to o thank the board b for the eir hard workk Clu ub Meetings Date D 1 1/09 2 2/13 3 3/12 4 4/09 5 5/14 6 6/11 7 7/09 8 8/13 9 9/10 10 0/08 11/12 12 2/10 Speaker Tom Le ee Owner of Freedom George Smith from Maxiima Line Cesar Chang C from Ca al Star Election ns Banque et Fre esh Water Ev vents Evvent 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Date 2/09 3/08 4/21 5/17 6/14 7/19 8/1-31 9/12 10/11 11/15 Location Sat – Bolsa Chicca Sat – Bolsa Chicca Mon - DVL Sat - Silverwood d Sat - Castiac Sat - Breakwate er OPEN Fri - DVL Sat - Piru Sat - Castiac Sa alt Water Cha arters Trrip 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Date 3/14 4/14 5/24 6/21 6/29-7/01 7/26 8/03 8/23 9 10 1 1 11 9/22-9/27 10/25 11/29 Boat Pacific Dawn Pacific Dawn Island Tak Island Tak Pacific Dawn Island Tak Ultra Island Tak American Angler Island Tak Island Tak Cost $137.50 $137.50 $110 $110 $394 $110 $47.50 $110 $1,625 $110 $110 dedication to the club and support this year which made my job a lot easier. Getting speakers, some on short notice, coordinating membership, being charter master and keeping up with all the additions and cancellations, keeping the books, buying and running the raffle every month, coordinating the freshwater events and making sure the club runs in as smooth a fashion took teamwork. Warren keeping the peace and Wil and Don notifying us of volunteer opportunities during the year is appreciated. I want to thank everyone who took time to help the club. I hope and pray we can continue to operate at this level. Hope to see you fishing soon and at the banquet in December. William Whopper Board Standings YTD STANDINGS Aug 2008 Fresh Water Trout 1st 2nd 3rd Rich Jenkins Fred Berthal Rone coleman 6.4 5.0 4.4 Salmon / Steelhead 1st 2nd 3rd Large / Small Mouth Bass 1st 2nd 3rd Ed Cazares Fred Berthal Rich Jenkins 1st 2nd 3rd Denise Florin 7.75 4.0 3.3 Striped Bass As of February 20, 2008 they are still debating the proposals for Northern California. Once done, can Southern California be far behind. The timeline for Southern California’s Marine Protected Act appears to b about 2 months behind that of Northern California and should start in late spring to early summer. Another concern this year is the proposed ban on personal watercraft because of the infestations seen in local freshwater lakes. So far I have only heard rumors proposing a ban. If the invasion of mussels and none domestic species continues those with boats will have very expensive lawn ornaments. If you look at the rising cost of fuel, permits, licenses and such, our sport is costing more each season and the areas we are allowed is ever decreasing. The elimination of fishing areas, the proposed bans or restrictions should alarm us all. The sport we love is being attacked on many fronts and our future fishing rights are at risk. 5.31 Catfish 1st 2nd 3rd Salt Water Calico / Sand Bass 1st 2nd 3rd Ron Coleman Garg Gillingham Fred Berthal 1st 2nd 3rd Fred Berthal Gary Gillingham 4.5 4.25 3.9 Bonito / Barracuda 7.5 7.19 Yellowtail / Dorado / White Sea Bass 1st 2st 3rd Gary Gillingham Ed Cazares Ron Berry 1st 2nd 3rd Gary Gillingham Ed Cazares Paul Burrows 34.63 22.44 33.12 Tuna I hope when you went to Fred Hall you will considered joining United Anglers. Not only would you have gotten into Fred Hall free, but your donation would help in our battle to keep fishing areas open. United Anglers is in the forefront in protecting our rights. Finally, I hope you invite someone to join the club, volunteer at a youth fishing event, take a child fishing to introduce them to the sport and talk about these subjects. We need dialogue and action, if our sport is to survive. 297.0 41.13 31.13 Bottom Fish 1st 2nd 3rd 3rd Dennis Dickson Paul Burrows Jim Clough 16.0 10.5 9.0 Angler of the Year Salt Water YTD Standings Aug 2008 Resources For more information about California’s Marine Life protection Act and access issues please contact or any agency listed below: West Coast Governor’s Agreement on Ocean Health U S Fish and Wildlife Service United Anglers of Southern California American Sportsfishing Association 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th Gary Gillingham Fred Bernthal Ed Cazares Rich jenkins Dennis Dickson Paul Yazaki Ron Berry Rone Coleman Paul Burrows William Davis 664.25 408.0 400.13 297.2 204.0 188.4 179.0 178.0 172.13 159.75 California Department of Fish and Game California Marine Life Protection Act Initiative Coastside Fishing Club Southern California Marine Association Northern California Kayak Anglers National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Marine Fisheries Association Sportsfishing Association of California National Marine Protected Areas Center National Marine Manufacturers Association Angler of the Year Fresh Water YTD Standings Aug 2008 1st nd 2 rd 3 th 4 5th 6th Thank you, 7 Keep fishing, and if you don’t put one back for the next guy, at least bring me a piece of it. 8 th th th 9 William Don Udlock Glenn Bummer Dave Graig Ron Hall Randy Mindoro William Davis Denise Florin H Gutierrez Fred Bernthal Lany Hackman Mike Maurizio Christine Taueaud Joel Taueaud Herb Mitchell Sam zanrosso Fresh Water Report AUGUST RAFFLE Thanks to Wayland Yu for his help with the August Raffle. Mystery Prize-Izorline Ernie Branch Albacore Reel Case Will Ebersman Spin Rod/Reel William Davis 100# Flouro Doug Townsend Spectra Wayland Yu Ron Coleman Ed Cazares Salt Water Charter Update Turner Rod and Reel Club Charters 2008 Stren 25# Ron Berry Date Landing Boat Departure Price Spots Maxima 10#Dennis Dickson $1625.00 4 Guys, it's time to give Lynn Adams some suggestions for the Awards Banquet Raffle. Write down a few specific items you would like to see at that particular raffle. Maybe it's something new on the market or something you didn't win in the monthly raffles. But be specific, don't just put line for example, but write down what brand/size of line you would like to see there. 9 Sept 22nd-27th San Diego American Angler 12:00 PM Sept 22nd 10 Oct 25th Oxnard Island Tak 4:30 AM $110.00 Full 11 Nov 29th Oxnard Island Tak 4:30 AM $110.00 6 Charter Master Richard Jenkins (818) 246-4723 Home (818) 939-2654 Cell 130 115 90 65 60 50 30 20 10 Advertisements Custom Rods Make your old rods look like new Call Herb at H&E Enterprises 909-984-4937 Classified Add American Angler 5 Day Trip I have four new, never used, still in the box reels for sale. #1 Accurate 870CLE Limited Edition #2 Shimano Calcutta 700 #3 Avet MXL 4.7 #4 Newell 229-5 Give me a call if you are interested in any of the above reels Dave Craig 626-447-5729 Tackle Box for sale please put it in the next News Letter. Use what pictures you think are the best. Boat American Angler Landing Point Loma Departure 12:00 PM Monday SKB Tackle Box bought two years ago never used. Price paid $249.99 will let go for $150.00. If interested see Rich Jenkins at the next meeting. September 22nd Website Update Arrival 8:00 AM Saturday September 27th Point Loma 1403 Scott St San Diego Ca 92106 (619) 223-5414 Check in time will be from 7 to 9am at the office and departure time will be between 10am and noon. You will need to check in with Lori to get your boarding pass and Square up on your bill. Any questions contact Chartermaster Richard Jenkins (818) 246-4723 Last Months Statistics Unique Visitors – 480 Hits - 6100 All of the updates have been entered into the Website. If you have anything you would like to add, e-mail it to MEETING LOCATION Marie Callender's 2300 E. Foothill Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91107 626-792-3109 | FAX 626-792-2034 Our Meeting Location team has secured the upstairs banquet room for our meetings. They serve their standard menu and also serve beer and wine. Support Marie Callender’s by purchasing your meal prior to the star the meeting. Meeting will start at 7:30 pm. Invite a fisherman to the next meeting or bring a frien Get involved in our monthly raffles and sign up for ou monthly charters and our monthly freshwater events. There is always a lot going on at the Turner’s Rod and Reel Club. Come early and hav dinner or a dessert before the meeting. See you ther 2008 Membership Drive ANNUAL AWARDS BANQUET Annual Awards Banquet And Holiday Party Wednesday, December 12, 2007 Cocktails – 6:00 pm Awards – 7:00 pm Buffet Dinner – 7:30 pm Raffle for 2008 Club Charters and The Fantastic Fishing Tackle Starts After Dinner. The 2008 Membership Drive is on!!!! Pierre will have preprinted forms Just bring your check or cash and validate your personal information on the pre-printed forms. The dues haven’t changed: $40 for an individual and $50 for a family membership. The data on the pre-printed forms comes from the club database. This is the best time to verify and update your information. (Please make every effort to use the pre-printed forms rather than fill out a blank form. I have had instances when people supplied “new” or “revised” information (or I couldn’t read their writing), only t have to change the information back at a later date! Thank for your consideration and cooperation.) Membership Card Reminder Santa Anita Golf Course Country Club Upstairs Banquet Room 405 S. Santa Anita Ave., Arcadia 626-447-6813 PLEASE SIGN UP SOON - AT LEAST BY NOVEMBER MEETING! I DON’T WANT TO HAVE TO CALL EVERYBODY THIS YEAR! $35.00 Per Person All members are reminded that your club membership enti you to a 10% discount on NON-SALE fishing tackle items a Turner’s Outdoorsman stores. This discount is not availab for guns or ammo. You are also reminded that after Janua 2008, your current membership card is void. In order to receive the discount, a current 2008 membership card will required. All store managers are aware of this and there a NO EXCEPTIONS. Bring A Guest Reservations Being Taken At the Meetings By Ron Coleman Checks Payable to : Turners R&R Club Mail Reservations To: Ron Coleman 520 Fairview Ave. Sierra Madre, CA 91024 REMEMBER,TO WIN TRIPS AND RED TAG ITEMS, YOU MUST BE A CLUB MEMBER. There will be an early renewal Raffle for those who renew their member ships prior to December 10, 2008 6:00pm! FRIENDS OF ROLLO will have a separate raffle. WIVES, GIRLFRIENDS, SIGNIFICANT OTHERS: There will be a mystery prize table just for the ladies who attend Angler of the year will be announced. There will be rod, reels and mystery gifts to win, so mark your calendar for Wednesday December 10, 2008 and attend our CHRISTMAS BANQUET. Details will follow in next month’s newsletter and at club meetings in September, October and November. Catch a Special Thrill C.A.S.T. FOR KIDS Captains and Boats Needed!!! Pontoon, Bass and Ski boats are all welcome. Come and spend just half of your day and contribute a once-in-a-lifetime experience for a disabled/disadvantage child. October 4, 2008 Castaic Lake 6:30 a.m. - 1:30 PM For more information please contact: Linda Showalter, Los Angeles County Parks and Recreation, (661) 257--4050, or lsh howalter@pa Eve ent Coordina ator: david In nouye, Depa artment of Water W Resourrces Southerrn District, (8 818) 500-1645 extension n 246 or david Members Reports Island Tak Trip August 23 By Wayland Yu This Island Tak trip was great just like the rest of the Charters that Turners R&R put together. This time around I’ve decided that I was going to do something a little bit different. I’ve decided to get some sleep at home the night before and drive out to the landing. I got to the dock at 3:30 AM. Everyone was all sleeping in the cabin by then. Around 4:15 AM Steve and Johnny show up and started to set up the boat and we were out of the dock around 4:45AM. We stopped to get some bait and off we went. It was about a two and a half hour run out to the Islands with the seas amazingly not too bumpy. So about 7AM like clockwork the guys started to wake up. It’s amazing how you guys know when to get up without an alarm clock waking you guys up! So we arrived at the Island at 7:30AM or so. I believe it was Santa Cruz Island and Steve got on the horn and told us to fish the Dropper loop or the sliding sinker rig with anchovies. I went and grabbed my Dropper loop rig and was ready with Paul next to me. Paul noticed that I was using a Owner circle hook and he told me that Steve hated circle hooks especially name brand ones, and he went on to say that I didn’t have enough leader on my rig to Steve’s satisfaction. From then on I was worried that Steve was going to see it and make fun of me. Thanks… Paul for putting that in my head!!! So we arrived at our first location “Yellow Wall” and some were fishing the sliding sinker and I was fishing my dropper loop. Within a couple of minutes of my bait in the water I was hooked up!!! Then a couple of the other guys were on shortly. Steve also mentioned that some of the fish were suspended as well and the guys that were fishing the sliding sinker were now hooked up as well. Within a couple of minutes of great fishing and a couple of WSB lost the bite turned off and we moved on to our 2nd spot and drifted because the current was to strong to anchor. On that stop no WSB but a couple of legal calicos and Paul landed a monster halibut for the jackpot. Congrats Paul. After that we hit up a couple of more other spots along Yellow wall and Blue wall to pick off Ed Cazares NOTE I wasn’t able to get all picture in this newsletter Well sometimes it doesnt get any better, and sometimes it does.... Today my close friend and former Turners Rod and Reel club member Scott Smith and I decided to go give DVL a look and see if we could find some kind of pattern that would produce results. For those of you who have not visited the lake lately the water level is lower than it has ever been with the exception of course when they first filled the reservoir. All of the once under water structure is high and dry and the launch ramp is a pathetic 2 lane cobble stone block uneven path to what still is the best fishery in Southern California. Today Scott and I had no expectations except to have a good time and get away from the city. That is exactly what we found, a good time forgetting about life if even for an afternoon and slipping into a comatose stage of good music, good friendship and good times. some more legal calico’s and blue perch. Over all it was a fun and beautiful day fishing with friends. These were the anglers on this Island Tak trip. Wayland Yu Rich Jenkins Paul Yazaki Dennis Dickson Ron Coleman Gary Gillingham Laney Hackman Chuck Alnwick Herb Mitchell Joel Tureaud Christine Tureaud Well you never know how your day is going to end up so we decided to take some photos for my Turners R&R report. As we rolled up to our first spot we found the water to be gin clear and about 20’ of good water clearity. I knew with the 79 degree water temp these fish would not be shallow so after a couple of casts into the deep water we found what we were looking for. Many of the fish we caught today needed a 'Fizzing' to release air from their bladder. I am happy to say that all of our fish were released healthy and swam down back to the deep from where they came from with hopes of finding them again in the near future. After launching the boat at 6:15am we were pleasently greeted with a limit of bass in the first 30-40 minutes of the morning but we also knew this lake can shut off like a light switch so we continued not knowing what the day would bring. We thought to ourselves could this get any better? Much to our suprise it did! My friend Scott would throw a variety of baits including top water and cranks as I focused on the Texas rig and a ½ ounce jig targeting 25’-45’. We caught a variety of fish with most fish measuring up to the 15" size limit. I dont think we had maybe 5 or 6 fish today that didnt measure up on the ruler. By the end of the day we estimated between 30-40 fish give or take. It was hard to keep track. We found ourselves with not a wide open bite but a steady bite that never slowed down when we left at 4:30pm. It was very good fishing that provided a constant bite all day long. For a while it got a little bit rediculous. We would catch fish everywhere we went. I hate to say it was wide open but it practicly was. We had several double hook ups and between skipping songs on the IPOD and retieng or unhooking fish the time flew by. These fish ate good today and Scott and I were they're personal chefs. In fact I would say we served it up on a silver platter. It was an awesome time and the weather could not have been any better with a bit cloud cover and a light breeze just perfect for fishing. The quality of these fish was excellent. We didnt find any giants but we had a few good ones that tipped the 4-5 pound mark. Hopefully these fish will hold in their summertime areas where they usually hunker down for the warm water season. I plan on fishing a bass club tournament at DVL the end of September. Im pretty sure they will remain holding in these same areas until the weather starts to cool down at night and that wont happen until mid to late October. Just a footnote: The drop shot bite was on the slow side today. I gave it a good whirl just to see if they would eat it. We had only one taker and that was it for the drop shot. Im glad the fishing today was as good as the catching but like I always say, “Fishing is so much more than catching a fish, Its about getting away and enjoying time with friends and family and just relaxing”! Get out there while you still can and create the good times and the memories that will last forever. I look forward to creating new memories of my own very soon! Tip; Dont wear your cell phone on your hip while hooking up the boat over water and dont try calling my cell phone. On second thought maybe one of those DVL bass will answer. Thanks for listening; Big Ed! Edward Cazares This email was sent by Turner's Rod and Reel Club, P.O. Box 1988, Glendora, CA 91740.