Mount St. Joseph Garden Continues to Grow Ministry includes love


Mount St. Joseph Garden Continues to Grow Ministry includes love
2011 Edition
News from 137 Mount St. Joseph Road, Wheeling, West Virginia
Mount St. Joseph Garden
Continues to Grow
The community garden at Mount St. Joseph in Wheeling continues
to thrive in its second season. The vegetable and flower garden is
being cared for by several sisters and the kitchen staff. This year’s
garden promises to yield organic vegetables such as specialty
peppers and tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, soybeans, cantaloupes,
pumpkins, and a variety of herbs. Jeff Freshwater, Director of
Dining Services, and his staff will be using the vegetables and herbs
daily in all the meals this summer and fall. Interns from West
Virginia Northern Community College’s Culinary Arts Program
will also be working in the garden this summer. This year Jeff
and his staff will be tracking exactly how much produce from the
From left to right: Sister Peggy Sinnott, CSJ; Sister
garden is used in the daily meals. A new composter (see left) has
Alicia Weiskircher, CSJ; and Jeff Freshwater and
been installed next to the garden. It provides a way to recycle the
Todd Hager of Cura Hospitality.
natural kitchen waste and reuse it to feed the garden. Continuing
the tradition from last season, this garden enables the sisters and employees to show devotion to the promise of taking
steps to strengthen, heal, and renew the face of the Earth.
Ministry includes love of all
God’s Creatures
When the alarm clock goes off at 6:30 a.m. every morning, Sister
Rita Marie von Berg, CSJ, energetically begins her day on the 15.5
acre farm she lives on in Torch, Ohio, just outside of Parkersburg,
West Virginia. She greets her two beloved dogs, a large lovable
9-year old German Shepherd named Sergeant and a beautiful old
Collie named Mickey. After feeding and playing a little catch with
“Sarge,” it’s time to stroll down to the barn to feed her three cats,
Matthew, Luke, and Chance, and their barn mates, three spunky
goats named Mary, Elizabeth, and Merv.
“After decades of an active ministry in health care, my ministry
now is making animals happy,” proclaims Sister Rita Marie. “If I can help people along the way, that’s good too.” Help is
what she does best. After taking care of many animals over the years, including pigs and 56 goats, and providing goats’
milk and homemade goat cheese to the locals, Sister Rita Marie now volunteers at St. Ambrose Catholic Church lending
a hand with dinners and blood drives, listening to people, and performing clown ministry.
continued inside
Inside: 2011 Jubilarians Obituaries In The News Annual Report
This year at Mount St. Joseph, eleven local
sisters will celebrate Jubilees, the anniversary
of their entrance into the Congregation of
St. Joseph and religious life.
They join with 59 other sisters from across
our congregation who are also celebrating
jubilees this year.
We Remember
We Believe...
Sister Mary Ann
Rosenbaum, CSJ
Sister Virginia
Yeager, CSJ
Sister Mary Jean
Colombo, CSJ
Sister Carol
Hannig, CSJ
Sister Catherine
Mullooly, CSJ
(formerly Sister
Mary Bernard)
Sister Elizabeth Sullivan, CSJ
(formerly Sister Mary Lawrence)
Entered into eternal life
on January 7, 2011 after
66 years of religious life.
Sister Martina Staud, CSJ
Entered into eternal life on
November 2, 2010 after
72 years of religious life.
Sister Marianne
Carroll, CSJ
Sister Angelina
Cavallaro, CSJ
Sister Ruth Klein,
Sister Norberta
Myers, CSJ
Sister Mary David
Senek, CSJ
(formerly Sister
St. Michael)
Sister Mary Thomas
Camilletti, CSJ
Entered into eternal life
on July 12, 2010 after
62 years of religious life.
Sister Rose
McBreen, CSJ
(formerly Sister Rose
We celebrate the lives of all our
sisters who passed away this year.
To view their biographies, log on
to and
click on “Newsroom”
To view biographies of all sisters celebrating, log on to and click on “Newsroom”
or call 304.232.8160 to learn more.
Retreat Center Hosts
Spring Events...
St. Joseph Center in Wheeling is a retreat center
sponsored by the Congregation of St. Joseph. Many
programs and retreats are held at the center each
year for persons of all faiths. Two popular
programs this year included the Annual French
Dinner and a Lenten Day of Prayer and Renewal.
The French Dinner was
held on March 31,
2011. The evening
began with a traditional champagne,
Kir Royale, and tasty
palmiers. Authentic
French cuisine was
served and prepared by
Sarah Lydick, Director
Sister Mary Clark, CSJ, (second from
of Sandscrest Retreat
left), and Sarah Lydick (in red), plus
and Conference Center, some of the dinner crew get ready to
located just a few miles greet guests at the Annual French
from St. Joseph Center. Dinner in Wheeling.
Sarah studied in France at the L'Ecole Superieur de Cusine
Francaise. Over 50 guests attended the dinner.
A Lenten Day of Prayer and
Renewal was held on April 14,
2011. Nearly 60 participants
gathered to hear Rev. Bonnie B.
Thurston, Ph.D., speak on the
theme “The Our Father: Life
with God, Life Together.” Rev.
Thurston, regarded as a gifted
poet, theologian and spiritual
director, has written or edited
16 theological books. After many years as a university
professor, she now lives in solitude in the hills of West
Virginia. The day was co-sponsored by St. Joseph Center
and the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston.
To request a brochure of programs and retreats
scheduled at St. Joseph Center, contact Sister
Mary Clark, CSJ, at 304.232.8160. Or you may
download a copy from our website at, and click on “Spirituality.”
Join the Congregation of St. Joseph
Heritage Society
Remember the Congregation of St. Joseph
in your will or estate plan and help us
continue our mission to work and pray for
the dear neighbor.
Your gift to us through your will, life insurance
policy, trust, or gift annuity automatically enrolls
you as a member of our Heritage Society.
To learn more, visit us at
or contact Gary Mulhern at 304.232.8160, or
All information is kept in strict confidence.
continued from cover
A graduate of Catholic University with a Bachelor of Science
Degree in Nursing and a Master’s Degree in Counseling
from Ohio University, Sister Rita Marie spent decades in
administration at several hospitals throughout West Virginia
including Wheeling Hospital, where she served as the
Administrator and Director of Nursing; St. Mary’s Hospital
in Clarksburg, where she served as a nurse and educator;
and St. Francis Hospital in Charleston, where she was the
Director of Nursing Service and Nursing Education. She
was also at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Parkersburg, where she
was the administrator and later became Chairman of the
Board of Directors.
From 1989 until 1993, Sister Rita Marie was a member of
the Leadership Team of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Wheeling,
Inc. In 1994, she retired and moved to the farm that she
shares with Asunta Damron. Sister Rita Marie even lends a
hand in Asunta’s specialty gift shop, “My Favorite Things,”
baking cookies, cakes, and breads.
Sister Rita Marie is a life member of the American
Association of Health Care Workers, American Dairy Goat
Association, and the Wheeling School of Nursing Alumni
Association. Her creative retirement adventures bring
her much joy down on the farm and in the surrounding
Dear donors and friends,
It seems that each time we asked for help or just whispered a need under our
breath, the help we needed arrived. Your encouragement and donations came in
the way of prayer, annual fund gifts, memorials and gifts in honor of another,
bequests and estate gifts, special event and special project support. Your love warms
us and your generosity inspires us as we live each day to extend our mission of
unity – one with God, one with neighbor, and one with all creation - throughout the world. On behalf
of the sisters, associates, and the thousands of people engaged with our centers and our ministries this
year, I extend our heartfelt thank you.
Love and blessings,
Pat Milenius
Director of Mission Advancement
January 1 - December 31, 2010
Development Income: $215,549.49
*This reporting documents the revenue received in the Congregation’s mission advancement office in Wheeling.
We openly share how gifts received on behalf of the Sisters of St. Joseph are used.
in the
A Legacy of Love
Lives On
Colleen Rowan Photo/Courtesy of The Catholic Spirit
Bishop Michael J. Bransfield blesses the new building at St. John’s
Home for Children in Wheeling on February 9. Sister Kathleen
Durkin, CSJ (center in purple) is a member of the Congregation’s
Leadership Team.
Wheeling Associates Regroup
Associates are lay persons who share the sisters’ mission
to “live and work that all people may be united with God
and with one another.” They have been part of the
Congregation of St. Joseph since its beginnings in 1650
France. Currently, the Wheeling associates are in the
process of being reorganized. Sister Carol Hannig, CSJ,
and Kathy Jeffers, a long-time associate, are co-chairing
this venture. To date, the group has ten to twelve women
and men who are coming together on a regular basis
to pray and learn about the congregation. There are
over 500 associates congregation-wide, including
those in West Virginia. To learn more, log-on to, and click on “How to Join Us”.
Meeting to help
reorganize the
Wheeling Associate
Program are, front
row, left to right,
Georgia Rudoll, Pat
Cancilla, and Sister
Carol Hannig, CSJ.
Back row, left to right,
Lora Bishop, Linda
Burris, and Kathy
In 1853, Bishop Richard V. Whelan, the first Bishop
of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Wheeling, brought
three orphans to the Sisters of St. Joseph for care.
This small step marked the cornerstone of the 155year history of St. John’s and St. Vincent’s Home.
Older than the state of West Virginia, St. John’s/St.
Vincent’s has been home to thousands of boys and
girls in Wheeling. Today, St. John’s is an established
licensed residential program that serves boys, ages
8-14, who have behavioral or emotional difficulties
and/or are victims of abuse and neglect. A new 7,000
square foot home was recently constructed to house
all residential services in one location. The new home
was dedicated on February 9, 2011 by the Most
Reverend Michael J. Bransfield, Bishop of the Diocese
of Wheeling-Charleston. From taking care of the
orphans many years ago to currently sitting on the
Board of Directors, the sisters have gifted their time,
talent, and treasure to St. John’s Home for Children for
a century and a half. Sister Janice Landwehr, CSJ, is
currently a member of the Board of Directors.
Award Winning
Sister Mary Palmer, CSJ
Distinguished President Award
Kiwanis Club of Wheeling
Sister Mary Palmer, CSJ,
received the Distinguished
President award on March
12, 2011, at the Kiwanis
West Virginia District’s
Mid-Year Conference held
in Bridgeport. This award is based on qualitative
and quantitative assessments and service hours of
the club during her term as president of the
Kiwanis Club of Wheeling from 2009-2010.
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers
dedicated to changing the world one child and
one community at a time.
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Spotlight Photo
On August 18, 2010, a fire destroyed the barn
located just off the entrance road at Mount St.
Joseph. The barn was a total loss and four local
fire departments fought the blaze. It was under
control in about an hour, but it burned for
approximately seven hours. The sisters feel
blessed that no one was injured and greatly
appreciate the work of the firefighters. The
barn was rebuilt this past fall.
Stay Connected...
Now there are more ways than ever to stay
connected to the sisters, associates, and
ministries of the Congregation of St. Joseph:
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Upcoming Events
at Mount St. Joseph...
Annual Associates and
Sisters Gathering
September 9-11, 2011
Mount St. Joseph
Advent Evening by the Fire
Thursday, December 8, 2011
7 pm
St. Joseph Retreat Center
Auxiliary Gala
Thursday, October 13, 2011
6:00 pm
Wheeling Country Club
Auxiliary Christmas Luncheon
Sunday, December 11, 2011
2 pm
Oglebay Park, Wilson Lodge
Annual Spaghetti Dinner
and Craft Sale
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Noon - 6 pm
Mount St. Joseph
Holistic Retreat Weekend
November 11-13, 2011
St. Joseph Retreat Center
For more information, call