March 2005 - Scottish Rite of Freemasonry


March 2005 - Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
Scottish Rite News
For the Valley of Dallas
Spring Reunion
The Spring Reunion is just around the corner!
March 12th – Day 1
4th through 16th Degrees
April 2nd – Day 2
17th through 29th Degrees
April 9th – Day 3
30th through 32nd Degrees
April 9th - One Day Class
4th, 24th, 18th, 30th, 31st and 32nd Degrees
(See page 2 for detailed time schedule)
Now is the time to contact your prospect for the
Spring Reunion. There are prospects all around
you. In any group of Masons only one in four is a
Scottish Rite Mason.
The Valley of Dallas is the largest Scottish Rite
Valley in the Southern Jurisdiction. We’re also the
only Valley that confers all 29 Degrees twice a
year in full costume. This is a wonderful opportunity to give a friend an opportunity to have a great
Masonic Experience at our Scottish Rite!
Hamilton MacFarland, 33°
Hamilton “Mac” MacFarland was born on October 11, 1919 in
Ardmore, Pennsylvania and died on August 30, 2004. He was
a graduate of Lower Merion High School. He served in World
War II and was honorably discharged in 1944 as a 2nd Lt.
Platoon Leader. He worked as a sales representative for D.
E. Shipp Belting Company of Waco and retired after 42 years
with the company.
He was a member of the Oak Cliff
Presbyterian Church where he served many years as an
ordained Elder.
Brother MacFarland was raised to the Sublime Degree of
Master Mason in Sam P. Cochran Lodge No. 1335 in 1960.
Brother MacFarland was invested with the honor of Knight
Commander of the Court of Honor in October of 1969 and
was coroneted a Thirty-third Degree IGH in November of
An active Scottish Rite Mason, Brother MacFarland was also
a member of Hella Temple A.A.O.N.M.S. of Garland, Knights
of Mecca, The Royal Order of Scotland, Knights Templar of
Texas and the Order of the Eastern Star (Mike Thomas
Chapter No. 951).
14, 2005
Thomas Graves Keithly,
32o KCCH
Wise Master
Dallas Chapter of
Rose Croix
March 10, 2005
Ceremony at 6:30 P.M.
Followed by Mystic Banquet
Ceremony of
And Renewal
March 10, 2005
The first written record of a
Maundy Thursday service is a
ritual of the Eighteenth Degree,
which Charles de Ladebat
prepared and published in 1856
in New Orleans. The Code of
Statutes adopted in 1966 lists
Maundy Thursday as a feast
day, and as of 1878, the
Statutes indicated its
observance as obligatory.
In deference to the Maundy
Thursday rites of churches,
however, it was deemed
appropriate that a Scottish
Rite nonobligatory “Celebration
of Remembrance and renewal”
should replace the traditional
Maundy Thursday observance
and be held near the vernal
equinox, which is March 21st.
This year we will have the
observance on March 10th.
The words of this ceremony
speak to the heart and minds
continued on page 14...
Page 2 -
Scottish Rite News for the Valley of Dallas
Petition for Initiation
Non-Refundable Down Payment of $35.00 Must Accompany Your Petition
Return to: Dallas Scottish Rite Bodies, 500 S. Harwood Street, Dallas, TX 75201-6210
To the Officers and Members of Dallas Lodge of Perfection, Dallas Chapter of Rose Croix, Dallas Council of Kadosh and Dallas Consistory of the
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, located at Dallas, Texas: I, the undersigned, respectfully petition to receive the Scottish Rite
Degrees 4o - 32o, and hereby certify to the following:
If so required, have you passed a Blue Lodge perficiency examination in the Master Masons Degree?
Do you promise to bear true Faith and Allegiance to the Supreme Council, 33o S.J.U.S.A.?
Do you approve of “The Inculcation of Patriotism and Respect for Law and Order?” “The entire separation of Church and State?” “Opposition to every
attempt to appropriate public monies - Federal, State or Local - directly or indirectly, for the support of sectarian or private institutions?
Have you ever held or expressed opinions contrary to the foregoing or been affiliated with any organization which has?
If you answer “yes” to this question, give details on a separate sheet.
I am a Master Mason in Good Standing in _____________________________________Lodge, Number: ____________________________, located at
_____________________________________ under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of ____________________. Year raised ________________.
Signature (in full): ____________________________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________
Full Name (Please type or print): ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________ Country: __________________________________
City: ____________________________________________________________________ State: ___________ Zip: _______________-_____________
Daytime Telephone Number: (__________) __________-_________________
E-mail Address: ______________________________________________
Date of Birth: _____/_____/________
Fax Number: (__________) __________-_______________
Social Security Number: __________-__________-______________
Place: ______________________ Spouses Name & Date of Birth mm/dd _______________________________
Occupation (Please be specific): ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Employer: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
______ ______ ______ ______ - ______ ______ ______ ______ - ______ ______ ______ ______ - ______ ______ ______ ______
Expiration: ______ ______ / ______ ______
Amount: $_______________________________
Recommended By: (Please Print) _________________________________________________ SR ID Number: _________________________________
Membership Committee: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 2005 – DAY 1
7:00 am – 7:45 am………………………………………………………REGISTRATION
7:15 am
………………………………………………….OPENING OF BODIES
7:45 am
………………………..…….....……………OPENING CEREMONIES
8:00 am
4º………………………………...……………..……..Ray F. Grisham, 32º
8:40 am
5º………………………………………….James R. Green, 32º KCCH
9:25 am
6º………….……………………….Herbert Garon, Jr., 32º KCCH
9:40 am
………………………………………..………………………COFFEE BREAK
9:55 am
7º…………………………………………………………James R. Fry, 32º
10:25 am
8º……………………………..…………….…Richard S. Lissauer, 32º
10:55 am
9/10 º………….…………John J. MacGregor, II, 32º KCCH
11:55 am
11º……………………….Herbert E. Wellborn, Jr., 32º KCCH
12:15 pm
1:00 pm
12º…………………………….………………….James C. Key, Jr., 33º
1:25 pm
13º………………….…………………..David G. Rogers, 32º KCCH
2:00 pm
14º…………………………….……Jerrold S. Jacobs, 32º KCCH
2:40 pm
….……………………………………………………………COFFEE BREAK
2:55 pm
15º…………………………………….Wendel T. Hulse, 32º KCCH
4:25 pm
16º…………………...………………………………Jerry R. Garey, 32º
All times are approximate
Concludes approximately 5:15 pm
7:00 am
7:10 am
8:10 am
9:30 am
9:45 am
10:35 am
11:25 am
12:05 pm
.……………………………..……………………………..CALL TO ORDER
17º…………………………..…………………….T. Don Ivy, 32º KCCH
18º……………………………..……….Michael L. Posey, 32º KCCH
……………………………………....……………………….COFFEE BREAK
19º…………….………..........................…Greg Lyndon White, 32º
20º………………………..……………………….Malcolm L. Shaw, 33º
21º………………………..……………..Richard M. King, 32º KCCH
12:50 pm
1:20 pm
1:55 pm
2:50 pm
3:10 pm
3:25 pm
4:00 pm
5:00 pm
5:55 pm
Saturday, April 2, 2005, cont’d...
22º…………………..…..……….……………..…..Edwin G. Dailey, 32º
23º……………………………………………......…….G. Clay Smith, 32º
24º……………………………….…….Jeffrey Joseph Miller, 32º
25º……………………….……………….Hugh M. Smith, 32º KCCH
..……………………………………………………….....…..COFFEE BREAK
26º……………………………………........................Max F. Gilley, 32º
27º…..…………………………….Thomas W. Snyder, 32º KCCH
28º……………………………James C. Mutzabaugh, 32º KCCH
29º………………………………………………..William A. Bilsing, 33º
All times are approximate
Concludes approximately 6:30 pm
6:30 am – 7:35 am………………………………………………………REGISTRATION
7:35 am
..………………………..…..………………OPENING CEREMONIES
7:50 am
4º…………………….……………………………James E. Higgins, 33º
8:30 am
14º………………….………………Jerrold S. Jacobs, 32º KCCH
9:10 am
……………………………………………..………………..COFFEE BREAK
9:25 am
18º……………………….……………Michael L. Posey, 32º KCCH
10:45 am
30º………………………………..……….Thomas A. Little, Jr., 32º
12:15 pm
1:25 pm
31º………............................……………….….Robert L. Harris, 32º
2:25 pm
…………………………………………….…………………COFFEE BREAK
NOTE: Candidate must turn in Questionnaire on return to
2:40 pm
32º…….………………………Richard E. Davies, Sr., 32º KCCH
All times are approximate
Concludes approximately 3:55 pm -
Scottish Rite News for the Valley of Dallas
Page 3
For The Valley of Dallas
Scottish Rite News for the Valley of Dallas is published monthly by the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry,
Valley of Dallas, 500 South Harwood Street, Dallas, Texas 75201-6210.
Subscription rate is $1.00 per year.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to SCOTTISH RITE NEWS, 500 South Harwood Street, Dallas, Texas 752016210. 214-748-9196.
ALLEGIANCE: The Bodies of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, sitting in the Valley of Dallas, Orient of Texas,
acknowledge and yield alliance to the Supreme Council (Mother Council of the World) of Inspectors General Knights Commander
of the House of the Temple of Solomon of the Thirty-Third and last degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of
Freemasonry for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America, whose See is at Charleston in the State of South
Carolina (now sitting in Washington, D.C.), of Ill. Ronald A. Seale, 33o, is Soverieign Grand Commander, Ill. John E. Moyers, 33o,
Grand Secretary General; and Ill. Jack Hightower, 33o Sovereign Grand Inspector General in Texas, Supreme Council, Southern
PRESIDING OFFICERS: Hon. M. Douglas Adkins, 32o KCCH, Personal Representative of the Sovereign Grand Inspector
General and Chairman of the Executive Committee, Valley of Dallas; Hon. Lester Robert Smith, 32o KCCH, Veneral Master, Dallas
Lodge of Perfection (4o-14o); Hon. Thomas Graves Keithly, 32o KCCH, Wise Master, Dallas Chapter of Rose Croix (15o-18o); Hon.
Wendell Paul Miller, 32o KCCH, Commander Dallas Council of Kadosh (19o-30o); and Ill. Herman Houston Bennett, 33o, Master of
Kadosh, Dallas Consistory, Masters of the Royal Secret (31o-32o).
EDITOR: Ill. Fred E. Allen, 33o, to whom all letters pertaining to the items or articles for the Newspaper should be addressed
at 500 South Harwood Street, Dallas, Texas 75201-6210.
STATED MEETINGS: Stated Meetings are held on the Second Monday of each month at 12:15 P.M., except for December and
it is held on the Third Monday at 12:15 P.M., at the Temple, Harwood Street at Young (500 South Harwood Street), Dallas, Texas.
Thoughts From
M. Douglas Adkins,
32o KCCH,
Personal Representative of the Sovereign
Grand Inspector General and Chairman of
the Executive Committee, Valley of Dallas
in honoring the moral and spiritual values that built our great
Country and in stepping up to membership challenges with
new ideas and unflappable courage. We should not ask what
has the Scottish Rite done for us, but what each of use can
do for the Scottish Rite. I look forward to working with
each of you as your servant-leader and covet your prayers.
The Valley of Dallas has experienced many landmark changes
in its recent history: the deaths of Joseph W. Regian,
Clyde Howard and Harry Post, III - all Inspectors General
Honorary and all actively involved in masonry and in
particular the Valley. Then our Chairman, Fred E. Allen,
33º, elects to retire making it the first time our Valley has
had a sitting Chairman Emeritus. Life is a transition in
every facet and it is incumbent upon each of us to adapt to
the transition and seize the moment.
Your new Chairman is truly humbled by his appointment and
the confidence that both S.G.I.G. Jack Hightower and Fred
Allen have demonstrated. The shadows of Brothers Robert
E. Dillard and Fred E. Allen past Chairmen, continue to
stalk the halls of our Cathedral; their accomplishments are
I solicit your support as together we continue to build our
Valley into a fraternity whose membership is highly desired
by young masons. Our Valley, our fraternity, yes even our
Country, needs for each of us to stand tall and be counted
at a time when malicious unchecked forces are attacking
our foundational, personal, patriotic and spiritual beliefs
for which our forefathers unhesitatingly paid the supreme
price. I pray not for the financial outpouring in our Valley,
not for the increase in numbers of members in our Valley,
not for the power and glory of our Valley, but for the
sacred principles and values that are traditional and
historically embedded in our fraternity.
Our challenge is to revive the passion that rightfully
establishes masonry as a leader in making good men better,
Help us!!
We need help identifying the people in this photo. It
was taken in November of 1957 when Audie Murphy
came into the Scottish Rite and the Shrine on the same
If you can identify any of these people, please call
Cindy Scholander in the office 214-748-9196 and give
her the names of the gentlemen in the picture.
Page 4 -
Scottish Rite News for the Valley of Dallas
Committee Meetings, Club
Meetings, Degree Rehearsals, etc.
214-616-2015 (H)
972-414-1813 (H)
214-748-9196 (H)
6:15 A.M.
TIME:7:00 P.M.
3/07 - 6:00 P.M.
3/10 - 6:00 P.M.
Please have your information into
the office by the 10th of the
current month to guarantee it
will be posted in the upcoming
month. Please give specific
dates, times and locations for a
more informative notice to your
club/committee members. Cards
and letters are no longer being
sent out.
3/19 - 6:30 P.M.
903-882-4245 (H)
903-253-1934 (C)
3/31 - 6:30 P.M.
214-823-8281 (H)
972-226-6496 (W)
3/08 - 8:00-9:00 P.M.
3/31 - 7:00 P.M.
903-967-7420 (H)
214-321-5695 (W)
3/18 - 6:30 P.M. (DINNER)
903-786-2760 (H)
903-786-3355 (W)
3/02 - 7:00 P.M.
3/23 - 7:00 P.M.
8/3 - 7:00 P.M.
214-532-9144 (C)
972-307-3229 (W)
3/9 - 6:30 P.M.
972-262-1117 (H)
972-237-2311 (W)
3/08 - 5:30-7:30 P.M.
972-731-6283 (H)
972-495-9554 (W)
3/09 - 7:00 P.M.
3/02 - 7:00 P.M.
3/16 - 6:30 P.M.
214-821-5801 (H)
214-221-6888 (W)
817-461-2610 (H)
469-853-8682 (C)
3/08 - 6:00 P.M.
214-358-5017 (H)
3/30 - 7:00-8:30 P.M.
512-868-3809 (H)
512-864-2511 (W)
3/15 - 7:00 P.M.
3/22 - 7:00 P.M.
3/28 - 7:00 P.M.
3/28 - 7:00 P.M.
4/04 - 7:00 P.M.
Scottish Rite News for the Valley of Dallas -
Page 5
January Birthdays
Robert Melvin Bane, 33°
Richard E Barbour, 33°
Herman H Bennett, 33°
Wylie B Dugger, 33°
Leonard P Harvey,33°
James E Higgins, 33°
James F Hollingsworth,
David Uell Jones, 33°
Meinard Leroy King, 33°
William A McKenzie,
Elmer Murphey, III, 33°
Kenneth W Ogan, 33°
Harry Cecil Post, 33°
James Asa Puckett, 33°
Joe P Barnes, 32° KCCH
Nathan A Bickley,
32° KCCH
Charles Troy Brodnax,
32° KCCH
Frank Richard Brown,
32° KCCH
Ronald L Carter,
32° KCCH
Gene Conley, 32° KCCH
Kenneth Earl Cooley,
32° KCCH
Richard Edwin Davies,
32° KCCH
Herbert Garon,
32° KCCH
Gerald Wilborn Gorman,
32° KCCH
Robert Franklin Haver,
32° KCCH
Donald Elmer Higgins,
32° KCCH
Clarence E Jennings,
32° KCCH
Joe David Julian,
32° KCCH
Howard Dwayne Kurtz,
32° KCCH
Herman Allen Mann,
32° KCCH
John Donald McCarthy,
32° KCCH
Ronald Dean Park,
32° KCCH
Troy Leland Price,
32° KCCH
Martin Sandberg,
32° KCCH
Winston Allen Spoonts.
32° KCCH
-AJ D Abell
Marion Cole Acker
Jack William Adams
Roy Adams
Eli Greenville Alcorn
Gerald M Alexander
Donald Keith Allen
Falton Rex Allumbaugh
Bennie Moore Alsobrook
Bernie Michael Aman
Mikal Louis Anawaty
Aldo William Anderson
Randal Glenn Anderson
Charles Russell Fuller
Benjamin David Arata
Mark E Armstrong
William Racine Arwood
Ray Allen Ashcraft
-BBruce Roger Babcock
Roger Earl Bailey
Larry Gene Baker
Robert Michael Baker
Russell Keith Baker
Harvey Gill Baldwin
Matt Ballard
Raymond E Barber
Wendell Odell Barber
Cecil Don Barfield
Kenneth Dean Barker
Curtis Lee Barnes
Chester C Barnette
Donald Murrell Barry
Jerry Marvin Barshop
Albert Lee Bartley
William Loye Bass
Henry Claude Battle
Frank James Beard
Ronald Lynn Bellah
William Dean Benson
Kelly Richard Bettis
Craig James Bevil
R C Bischofhausen
Jerry Dwight Blackburn
Kenneth Dean Blackburn
Raymond Wesley Blair
James Bedford Blanton
Charles William Blau
Ronald Wesley Blaylock
Ted Olen Bledsoe
Arthur Willis Bonner
Jimmy Dale Bowman
Terry Glenn Box
Leroy Glynn Boyd
Howard E Brandon
Terry Kent Brasseur
Morris Radford Bratton
Wallace W Bravenec
Benny Lee Brazier
Stephen Lewis Breeden
Richard George Brett
Kenneth Wayne Brewer
Jimmy Wayne Bright
Robert W Brinkerhoff
Patrick Kevin Briody
Jimmy Dale Brookshire
Joseph Browder
Joseph Brantley Brown
Kenith Eddfield Brown
Lonnie Lee Brown
Lynn Frank Brown
Robert Jackson Brown
Jerry Dean Brownen
John Wesley Bruce
Bobby Joe Brunson
Kenneth Gerald Bryant
Fred Harry Burdett
Selwyn Rayford Burgin
Charles Fred Burley
Arthur Carl Burnett
Earl Lloyd Burns
Ernest Edward Burns
Homer Ned Burrows
Clarence Carlton Burt
Billy Glenn Burton
Emmitt Vernon Burton
Charles Michael Buss
David Lee Butts
James Martin Bybee
Tod Glen Byrd
-CTed Cain
Troy Mcginnis Cain
Gene Paul Calton
Allen Leslie Calvert
Donald James Camp
Robert Porter Cannon
Billy Joe Cansler
James Marvin Cantrell
Calvin M Caraway
Carlos Carballo
Tom Onis Carroll
Harold Dee Carter
Robert P Carter
Corey Dale Case
Bernard Rudolph Casey
Forrest Wendell Casey
Huitt Daniel Caster
Henry H Catlett
Harold Vernon Caver
Jimmy L Chambers
Lindy Lewis Chandler
J W Chastain
Joe Dana Cheak
Marvin Lloyd Cheek
William W Childers
Harrell Weston Chism
Bobby A Christall
George Alfred Christian
William A Chumbley
Randall Mark Clark
Rex Clay
Alfred Rufus Clayton
Robert Wayne Cleere
Clarence T Clem
Ronald Walter Clement
James R Cleveland
John Delano Click
Glen Edmond Cobern
Lucas Burgan Cochran
Billy Gene Coe
Roland Glenn Coldwell
James Emerson Cole
Monte Lynn Cole
Lee Orval Collins
Jack Shelby Colties
Billy Houston Combest
Robert Perry Conley
Newt Albert Cook
Loy Eldon Cornett
Ralph Edward Cornish
Kenneth Wright Corry
Isaac Carrelton Counts
Marvin Lee Crabb
John Howard Creel
Patrick Wayne Crocker
Doyle G Crow
Ronald Glenn Crowder
Jim Allen Culp
John E Cummings
Richard Neil Currin
Cecil R Curry
Robert Ward Curry
-DMalcolm Dade
Clarence Wilson Dagnal
Keith Allen Dancer
David Kayne Darnell
William Bert David
Roberto C Davila
Cleave Alford Davis
Jeffrey Alan Davis
Jerry Carl Davis
Michael Wayne Davis
Pat Danny Davis
Robert Lee Davis
W Scott Davis
Cloyce Levi Dawson
Floyd Glen Day
Weaver Griggs De Hay
James M Deaton
William M Decker
Tommy Joe Denson
Norman Lon Denton
Jimmy Lee Dickerson
Cleburne Eugene Dillon
Bobby Wayne Dobson
David Michael Dodgen
Ronald Wayne Doerler
Ronnie Lewis Dollgener
Brian Charles Domian
Fletcher Driskell
Weldon Ray Duff
Ernest Norris Duncan
Barry Burdette Dyson
-EFrederick Russell Edgar
Bobby Earl Edge
George E Edmonds
Raymond Alvin Edwards
Leonard Charles Eitle
Bobby Ray Eldred
Tarlton A Elless
Cleo Hamilton Elliott
Charles Van England
Christopher K Ensley
Scott James Epperson
David L Ethington
Danny Ray Eudy
Anthony Evans
Von Ray Evans
Cecil Gounah Ewing
-FHerbert D Fain
Ralph W Fairrington
Michael Lloyd Faries
Malvin Marex Faulkner
Joseph Marion Ferree
James Carter Ferrell
Melvin Lynn Fife
William Leslie Fikes
Danny Reid Fisher
Robert Douglas Fisher
Paul Martin Flinn
Brian Glenn Flood
Donald B Fortenberry
Dales Young Foster
Jeff Foster
Daniel Garrett Fox
Kenneth Edwin Frady
Robert Wayne Frazier
William Lee Free
Charles Ray Freeman
Donald Shaw Freeman
Larry William Fry
Roy Dale Fry
-GRobert Oliver Gable
Rex Allen Gage
Cammie Gainey
Mitchell L Gammill
Irwin William Gart
Israel Cesar Garza
Jimmie Homer Gaunder
David Eugene Gentry
Bueal V George
William Maritt Gilbert
Ronnie Lee Gilley
Joseph Waller Gilliland
James Allen Glasscock
Harold Leland Glaze
Billy Frank Godfrey
Guinn Ferrell Godwin
W J Goings
Herbert Louis Goldberg
Eddie Paul Good
James Valton Gossett
George Findley Gould
Ralph Warren Gould
William Edward Gowan
Garry Dwain Graham
Jack Harold Graham
Richard Dale Graham
Joe Earl Gray
Michael Lee Gray
Robert C Gray
William Andrew Gray
William Scott Green
Donald Kenneth Greer
Arthur Blane Gresham
Claude Ida Grider
Daniel Frank Griffin
David Morris Griffin
Clarence W Griffith
William Lee Griffith
Terry S Gross
Robert L Groves
Lynn Henry Guilloud
Murray Gordon Gurentz
-HGeorge William Haggard
Walter Sharpe Hailes
Ronnie K Halcomb
Forrest Dean Hall
Ira Halliburton
George Albert Hallman
Gerald Abel Hallmark
Qunion B Hammontree
Robert Perry Hanley
Bryant L Hardcastle
Clifford Oliver Harris
Lloyd Douglas Harris
Marshall Jay Harris
W Majors Harris
Benjamin Lee Harrison
Ron E Harrison
Danny Hartschuh
June Elwyne Hatchel
David Lynn Hatley
Jay Bill Havenhill
Billy Gene Hawkins
Clifford S Hawkins
Ray Hawkins
Robert Emerson Head
Vernon Lloyd Heaton
Drue Rodger Hellums
Hubbard W Henderson
Maxim D Henderson
Mike Jake Hendricks
Merrell Carter Hendrix
Alan Phillip Henig
Steve Herrick
George William Hicks
George Bryan Higgins
George C Higgins
Burness Ray Higgs
Daniel Todd Hill
Edward Haynes Hill
Frank Clifton Hill
Billy Paul Hindman
Royal Hines
Harold J Hirschfeld
Freddie Earl Hislip
Warren Thomas Hodges
Charles Landis Hoffman
Robert Emmett Hogan
William Leon Hogan
Bobby Wendell Hogue
Wayne Frank Holbrook
George Holland
Marshall D Holland
Spencer Terry Hollis
Bobby Gene Holloway
Maurice E Holloway
Gene Stephen Holm
Richard Wayne Hooker
Tommy Jack Hooper
Dale Ray Horton
Robert Wade Horton
Jacques Houssou
Paul Gene Howard
Billy Gene Howe
Kenneth Edward Howe
Larry Gene Howerton
Robert Buss Huber
Billy D Hudgins
Thomas J Huff
Alvin Raymond Hugghins
Albert Ray Hughes
Ronald Wesley Hughes
William Freddie Hughes
Daniel Warren Hughson
Bert Wright Huls
William Noble Hurley
-ICharlie Joe Inga
Gordon Chester Isbell
Grady Allen Jackson
James Eugene Jackson
Jimmie Fred Jackson
Gregory Ronni Jacobs
Melvin Lee James
Danny Ross Janes
Todd Phelix Jenkins
James B Jensen
James W Johnson
Troy William Johnson
Bobby Loyd Jones
Robert Vance Jones
William Robert Jones
William Jones
Donald Edward Jordan
Elmer Maurice Jordan
John David Jordan
William Allan Juergens
Leonidas N Julian
Glenn Willie Justice
-KMarvin Leon Kellam
David L Keller
James William Kendrick
Page 6 -
Scottish Rite News for the Valley of Dallas
January Birthdays
Billy Edward Kerlee
Jessie Don Kesler
William Michael Kewin
Thomas Lee Kight
Howard Cecil Killgore
Arthur Allen Kimbro
Alex M Kimbrough
Elmer Joseph King
Floyd Allen Kirk
Josh Randall Kirkland
Joseph Daniel Kitchings
Michael D Kitchings
Louis William Klingman
Gene Kimble Koonce
Milferd John Korbuly
Jerry Kriss
J W Kuether
-LPaul Mitchell Lachnitt
John Paul Lamar
Paul Heyward Lance
Ray Ralph Landin
David Webster Lane
Robert Owen Lane
Waylan Dean Langford
Oscar Walter Largin
Billy Jarvis Latham
Alan Dean Lathrom
Haskell Truman Lawley
Burl Elmer Lawson
Edwin Glen Leach
Raul S Leal
Tommy Joe Lear
Mitchell Houser Lee
Harry Aaron Levy
Daniel Warren Lewis
Ford Cassell Linderman
William Clyde Lindsay
Tracy Preston Little
James Haze Littlefield
Floyd S Livingston
Roger Wayne Locke
James Anthony Loria
Johnny Earl Lowery
Clifford Wade Lumpkins
Herman Harry Luschar
John Clark Lusk
-MRoger Jack Mangum
William Charles Manning
Charles M Mapes
Gary Albert Marks
Allen Lynn Martin
Henry Smoak Martin
John M Martin
Robert Wayne Mason
Olen Noles Massey
Sammy N Massey
Joe Thurston Matheny
Roland Price Matthews
Wilbur F Matthews
Charles E Mattingley
Scotty Andrew Mauldin
John Michael May
Freddie F Mayhall
Edward T Mazurek
Stanley M Mc Anelly
Howell Day Mc Carley
Larry E Mc Carroll
Donald E Mc Clain
Floyd H Mc Coin
Ronald Joe Mc Cuine
R L Mc Donald
Edwin Lewis Mc Ever
Horace C Mc Farland
Joel R Mc Gee
George C Mc Glamory
Loy Duncan Mc Kenzie
David Bryant Mc Kinnon
Ray Franklin Mc Kissack
John R Mc Kissick
Alexander Mc Lachlan
Clifford W Mc Lerran
Garwood S Mc Manus
Johnny Ray Mc Neely
Olen Wayne Mc Rorey
Raymond Earl Mc Vay
Sam Alexander Meade
Harrison R Melbourn
Ysidro M Mendoza
Joseph Solomon Metz
George Robert Michaels
R Wesley Miles
D Dwayne Miley
Marion Miles Millender
Donald Lewis Miller
William Devanny Miller
John Cecil Mills
Johnny Lee Mitchell
Richard Eugene Mitchell
Alfred Roy Mock
Hershel Louie Moffett
Harold D Montgomery
Allen Sheridan Moore
John Henry Moore
Ralph George Morell
Gary L Moresco
Bill Darwin Morgan
Eugene Horton Morrison
James H Morrison
Raymond Earl Morse
Grady Carnell Moss
Michael Kumler Mund
Forest Erwin Murley
James Phillip Murphy
Joe Grady Murrah
-NArnold Delk Nalls
Timothy Lee Nazworth
John William Nelson
Stroud Ben Nesbitt
David W Nethery
Raymond E Newman
William Milton North
Everette Jackson Noth
Julius Nussbaum
Keith Victor Nylander
-OCharles Lester O Neill
Joseph Felix O Neill
Halil Ilhan Oktay
Michael Tim Oliver
William Tim Oliver
Gerald E Olscher
Edward Paul Olson
Henry Houston Orr
David Allen Owen
Jimmy Gene Owen
Richard Wynn Owen
-PRandal Wayne Pardue
John Gordon Parham
Joe Michael Parnell
William Marshel Parris
Roy Olen Parrish
James Earnest Paschal
Jerry Olear Passmore
Harvey E Patterson
Clarence Cary Patton
Daniel B Pearson
John Behrns Peddie
George H Pennington
Gary Dean Pennycuff
Clinton T Perkins
Gregory L Perkins
William Canning Perry
David H Pettijohn
Paul Thomas Phillips
Bill Tom Pierce
Penn Waylon Pierce
Thomas Edward Pinto
Tommy Edward Poole
Floyd Leslie Pope
Thomas Joe Porterfield
John Craig Pos
Charles Edwin Postle
Michael Clayton Potter
Donnie Powers
Max Phillip Pratt
Frank Hamilton Price
Gary B Price
Charles Eugene Prickett
Jesse Raymond Proffer
Carl Ray Propes
George F Pulaski
Olen Ray Pyles
-QHumberto Quintanilla
-RRoger Clay Randolph
Donald Elroy Rardin
Michael W Redding
Charles Don Reed
Earl Bryan Reed
Larry Jack Reese
J C Reneau
Dale Luther Rentfrow
Billy Wayne Reynolds
George Augusta Rice
Thomas P Richardson
Luther Ples Riley
John Lafayette Roady
Michael Joe Roan
Virgil E Robbins
Donald Lee Roberts
Jack Francis Roberts
James W Robertson
Ray Robertson
Sam P Robinson
Jay Douglas Rodgers
Manuel R Rodriguez
Kenneth Edwin Rogers
Wesley Ray Rogers
Jack Charles Rollins
John Robert Roman
Kenneth W Roper
Joe Mike Ross
Joseph W Rowell
George Hardy Rudd
Arthur Ball Ruff
Elmer Leon Russell
Max Alonza Rutledge
Thomas Alan Ryan
-SSaul Perez Sanchez
Billy Frank Sanders
Henry H Satterwhite
Robert Wayne Saunders
Curtis Lynn Sawyer
Roscoe C Schwab
Paul Dempsey Seastrunk
James Preston Sharp
Keith Elvin Shaw
Jerry W Sheaks
David Monroe Shelley
Thomas Gale Sherman
V O Shockey
Robert Eugene Shook
Carl Henry Shubert
Howard Young Sigler
Zelward Lynn Simpson
Doyne Edward Sizemore
Gordon D Skauge
Raymond Oren Skinner
Gerald Lane Sliger
David Larry Smith
David Smith
James Ralph Smith
Jewel Truman Smith
Jimmy Michael Smith
Rhonald Rudolph Smith
Robert Alan Smith
Robert Oren Smith
Vernon Ray Smith
William Eugene Smith
Joe Ray Snow
Glen Russell Sommers
Michael W Sorensen
Norman Neil Sparks
Raymond M Spaugh
Freddie Marvin Spencer
Joe Spiritas
Blair Nunnery Spring
Leroy Stahl
Kenneth M Stamper
Morris Steinberg
William G Steinhilber
John Paul Stephens
Ronald Huston Stephens
Bobby Lee Stevens
Marion A Stevens
Dale H Stevenson
Billy Lee Stewart
James Walter Stewart
Roy Jefferson Stewart
Scott Douglas Strange
Alvin Alfred Streder
Joe Bob Stuart
Verney Sullivan
Forrest Eugene Sutton
Larry L Sutton
-TCarl Norman Takle
John Estle Talley
Kenneth Tapp
Arthur Dale Tate
Jerry Lee Taylor
Mearl D Taylor
Granvil F Tedder
Anthony E Teichman
Douglas Dee Thomas
Eddie Gene Thomas
J C Thomas
Charles Ray Thomason
Frank Reed Thomason
William H Thomason
Billy Joe Thompson
James Harold Thompson
Donald Ray Thornbrue
Terry Gene Thornhill
Bowden D Tidwell
Ronald Tilmon
Thomas Jordan Tinney
Steven Mark Tinsley
Marvin Burt Toler
Alvin Paul Tolliver
Norman R Tompkins
James Weldon Torian
Tom Touchstone
Bobby Sam Townley
Wayne E Townsend
Jack Royce Trammell
Scott A Transou
John Rufus Turbyfill
Johnnie C Turnbow
Thomas Turner
-UJames B Underwood
Earl Howard Upton
Jeffrey R Urban
-VJason M Valentine
Edward Charles
Van Der Woude
John Blaine Van Patten
Robb Morris Vance
Roy Eugene Vaughn
Cameron Brett Vestal
C Tim Villasana
Otto Sherman Vittrup
Allen R Voss
-WRichard Bradford Wade
James Earl Waisath
John Marion Walden
Bobby Gene Waldon
Jack George Walker
James Thomas Walker
Joseph Walter Walker
Ollis Leon Walker
Oscar Walker
Bobby J Wallace
Donald Ross Wallace
William Creo Walters
David C Wardlaw
Jack H Warren
William Albert Warren
Woodrow W Warren
George J Warringer
Sam Washington
Thomas Eugene Wathen
Carl Gene Watson
James Melvin Watson
John Wayne Watson
John William Watson
Willie D Watson
Billy R Weaver
William Sterl Weaver
Michael Lee Weed
Bryan Daniel Welch
Billy Bob Wells
Jack Jordan Wendling
Benjamin Edward West
Charles Robert West
Richard Westhafer
James Stephen Wheeler
Charles Ray Whetstone
Raymond R Whipple
Eugene Clay White
Theodore M White
Lawrence D Whiteside
David F Whitmire
Tommy Joe Whitten
Joyce Mack Whittiker
Walter K Wilemon
Carl Wright Williams
David Roth Williams
Davis C Williams
Desmond L Williams
Douglas F Williams
Hiram Wesley Williams
James Edwin Williams
Ralph Gene Williams
Travis Scott Williams
John G Williford
Joe Lewis Wilson
Russell Bruce Wilson
Calvin W Winchester
Paul Wayne Winters
Gary Doty Witherspoon
Bill Wood
James T Woodruff
David Earl Woodson
Gerry Neal Wren
Earl Wright
Eric Keith Wright
Seth Dowell Wyatt
-YBenjamin Thomas Yager
Clarence Linton Young
Khaled David Zahr
Henri Karl Ziesemer
Scottish Rite News for the Valley of Dallas -
Page 7
Endowed Members
Is your NAME on the following pages?
If not, then you should become an ENDOWED MEMBER!
If you are an Endowed Member and
your name is not listed, then please give Cindy in the office (214-748-9196) a call to discover the problem.
Endowed members are very essential to the Legacy of our Valley of Dallas Scottish Rite. Become part of that Legacy!
James A Abbott
Willis Ray Abbott
Albert Abraham
Sidney Abrams
Charles Irvin Acker
Marion Cole Acker
Elmer Ackerman
Jesse Ray Adam
Alvino G Adame
Jack William Adams
John Bell Adams
John Erwin Adams
Lunsford G Adams
William H Adamson
Perry Roman Aday
James Paul Adcock
M Douglas Adkins
Robert Dale Agee
Erbie Aikin
John William Akin
Eli Greenville Alcorn
Gerald M Alexander
James R Alexander
Richard H Alexander
Jimmie Lee Alford
Frank Curtis Allday
Billie Allen
Fred Edwin Allen
Jordon Frank Allen
Robert Steven Allen
Samuel Lawton Allen
Jasper Emet Allison
Roy Conrad Allman
V Samuel Allsbrooks
Frank W Amadon
Albert A Anderson
Dean Bell Anderson
George Paul Anderson
Lester Otto Anderson
Thomas R Anderson
William Carl Anderson
Morris Apple Benjamin
David Arata
Arvle J Armstrong
Bobby P Armstrong
Buford D Armstrong
J D Armstrong
Billy Leonard Arnold
Buck Arnold
Roscoe Taylor Arnold
Melvin S Aronoff
Holley Mac Ashcraft
James E Ashcraft
Yannis G Athanassiades
Sam Pete Athas
Albert L Ayer
Earl Murphey Ayles
Terry Martin Bachran
Hulen Rex Bagwell
Clifford Leon Bailey
Kenneth Eugene Bailey
Lavell Esteen Bailey
Lawrence Leo Bailey
Eddie Jacquith Baker
John Brent Baker
Waller S Baker
Earl Leon Baldwin
Harvey Gill Baldwin
Steven F Baldwin
Brian Craig Ball
W C Ballard
Cooper R Ballenger
Newton H Ballou
Tasso Anastas Bandak
Lee Strong Bane
Robert Melvin Bane
William Fowler Bane
Edwin G Banning
Frank Banning
Raymond E Barber
William B Barber
Maurice A Barbettini
Richard E Barbour
Arnold B Barfield
Allen Barker John
Melvin Barker
Rassie E Barker
John M Barksdale
Rufus Polk Barnard
Billy Edwin Barnes
Charles K Barnes
Curtis Lee Barnes
Joe Horn Barnes
Joe Patrick Barnes
Ray Dean Barnes
Cecil Elbert Barrow
Simon B Barshop
Herbert Buell Bartee
Roy Arthur Barz
Campbell O Basham
George F Bashara
William Loye Bass
A B Bates
Lon Bruce Bates
Walter J Baudoin
Benjamin B Bauer
Carl Adron Bauer
Glenn Harris Beadles
Roy Charles Beam
Bruce Brady Bean
James Franklin Beard
Michael E Bearden
Vance Keith Bearden
Willie Carl Beasley
Walter J Bechtol
Floyd Eugene Bedell
Larry D Beerer
Billy Hobert Bell
Billy Ray Bell
Carl Wayne Bell
Charles E Bell
Herbert Lee Bell
Howard Garth Bell
Luther Edward Bellah
Andrew J Bellomy
Hubert Little Bender
Garry G Bennett
Grant Lowell Bennett
Herman H Bennett
Carroll C Benson
William Dean Benson
Ira Buel Bentley
L O Bentley
Lee Henry Berg
George R Berger
Harold B Berman
Israel Bernstein
Aubrey Q Berry
Claude R Berry
Sherley Berry
William L Berryman
Lesley Betts
Perry Allen Beville
Walter Berry Bibby
Jimmy Cliff Bickley
Gus Bierman
Tolbert Tyris Biggar
Robert Charles Bills
Dean Gerald Bilsing
William A Bilsing, Sr
William A Bilsing, Jr
Jeffrey Lynn Black
Robert Wilson Black
William Eugene Black
Ben Dode Blackburn
Bruce E Blackmore
Tobey J Blackshire
Roland B Blackstock
William H Blackstock
Robert Emmett Blair
Raymond A Blalack
Myron Geer Blalock
Dewitt L Blanchard
Larry A Blanchard
Bruce Lavelle Bland
Erwin G Blankenmeister
James B Blanton
Ted Olen Bledsoe
Robert W Blevins
William Clark Blevins
Zola Bernard Blicker
Gerald Henry Bluhm
Samuel D Bobbitt
Billy Gene Bockmon
Bennett Boggess
E S Bogue
Harold W Bolding
Theodore J Bolf
Sylvester Bolton
George D Bond
Tommie John Bond
Wayne Loyal Bond
Weldon E Bond
John Bee Bonds
Gregory P Bonham
Willie W Bonham
Roland C Borden
Comer Riden Born
Lewis Hunt Bostick
Glenn A Botsford
Joe Forest Bourn
Cecil Edward Bourne
Cecil Eldridge Bourne
Charles H Bowen
Stephen H Bowen
Johnnye M Bowers
James Carl Bowles
David C Bowman
Nolan H Bowman
Donald Ray Box
George Alvin Boyce
Dwayne Calvin Boyd
Elmer Loyd Boyd
Joe Edwin Boyd
Samuel C Boynton
William R Bozman
Jess W Bradberry
George Ray Bradley
Gerald C Bradshaw
John Lee Bradshaw
Hubert Joseph Brady
Joe Lynn Brady
John Wheaton Brady
Roy Lee Bragg
James Donald Braham
John Everett Branch
Joseph Stuart Brand
James E Brandenburg
Howard E Brandon
Roy Lee Brannon
Spurgeon T. Brannum
Dovard M Brantley
Phillip Tod Brashears
William C Brasher
Donald E Brendlinger
William C Brenholtz
Charles C Brewer
Jerry M Brewer
Lee Roy Brewster
Cleve Daniel Brey
Cleve Vinson Brey
Cletus G Bridges
James N Bridges
Robert D Bridges
Lowell H Bridwell
Gordon D Brindley
Robert W Brinkerhoff
Floyd Brizendine
George M. Brocker
Jimmy Don Brockway
Howard P Broders
Charles Troy Brodnax
George B Brodnax
Ted Eulius Brogdon
Morris H Brooks
Delmon W Brookshire
Fred Lorin Bros
Scott Curtiss Brosi
Donald W Broughton
Robert R Brousseau
Carlton C Brower
Thomas Edgar Brower
Albert Edward Brown
Albert R Brown
Ben Charles Brown
Billy Jack Brown
Daniel Gene Brown
David John Brown
David Walton Brown
Elmer Phelps Brown
Glenn Orville Brown
Harold Brown
Harry Oron Brown
Jackson W Brown
Jesse Lee Brown
Jimmie Earl Brown
Jimmie E Brown, Jr
Kenith E Brown
Kenneth James Brown
Lonnie Lee Brown
Norman Simon Brown
Ray Weldon Brown
Russell Clay Brown
Walter W Brown
Martin G Browne
Robertson T Bruce
Jerry Don Brumfield
James Floyd Brumit
Frank W Brundrett
Bobbie Joe Bruner
Harold E Brunson
Joseph Cullen Bryant
Ellis Clark Buckley
Jaikishan C Budhrani
Jiten Jay Budhrani
William C Buerger
Bryan Gray Bukin
Charles Irvin Bukin
Matthew T Bukin
Hal Henry Bunch
Albert Ross Bunt
William W Burch
James Carol Burford
Charles Allen Burge
Romus Ray Burgin
Selwyn R Burgin
Jack L Burkarth
Frank Jacob Burke
Joseph E Burks
Robert Alan Burks
Rowe Gene Burks
Wilson Leon Burleson
Charlie E Burnett
Bobbie Lee Burns
Charles Ray Burns
Clyde Ralph Burns
Ernest E Burns
Robert W Burns
Sherman K Burns
Lawrence R Burnside
Harry George Burr
Homer Ned Burrows
Billy Glenn Burton
Tommy Earl Burton
Bill Carl Burwick
Robert L Bush
William S Bush
Dan Coy Butler
Byron Ross Byars
William Truett Byars
Howard Cecil Byers
Jerome Leon Byers
Donald Arthur Byrd
Kenneth Kee Byrd
Kyle Scott Byrd
Wallace Oscar Byrd
Charles Reasor Cain
Clarence Elmer Cain
Donald Wayne Cain
Lance Alan Cain
Orloe Orsiner Cain
Ted Cain
Fred Leo Caldwell
Walter Robert Calk
Charles W Callaway
Harold M Callaway
James L Callaway
Kenneth O Callaway
Harold W Calvert
Raymond B Cameron
Roy Nazro Cameron
Charles Wayne Camp
Egbert Ernest Camp
Marvin Allen Camp
Raymond P Campbell
Robby Keith Campbell
Royce T Campbell
Harry Campsey
Larry Gene Canada
Roscoe L Canada
Joe Monroe Canafax
Roger Thomas Canard
Charles L Cannon
Chester Jay Cannon
Frank Caraway
Robert Elmer Carl
Jack Howard Carlisle
J Sydney Carnes
Bruce D Carpenter
Raymond R Carpenter
Charles S Carrell
Kenneth Lee Carrell
Teddy H Carrington
Paul Sheppard Carroll
Tom Onis Carroll
Donald Joseph Carter
Earnest Earl Carter
Harold Dee Carter
Horace Edgar Carter
James Henry Carter
Jesse Neil Carter
Ronald L Carter
William Earl Carter
Ivil Lee Carver
Paul F Casey
Ben Alvin Cash
James Ivison Cash
Matthew T Cason
James A Cavalleri
Harrison B Cave
Harold V Caver
Fredrick D Cearley
Guy Shaw Chaffin
Eugene A Chambers
Frederick L Chambers
James F Chambers
Richard K Chambers
Loyd Leo Chance
Don David Chancellor
Lindy Lewis Chandler
David Glenn Chaney
Don Ray Chaney
Noel Ray Chapin
J W Chastain
Charles D Chasteen
Elbert Benj Chatham
Page 8 -
Scottish Rite News for the Valley of Dallas
Endowed Members
John B Chauveaux
Joe Dana Cheak
Robert Neal Cherry
Melvin Byrd Chesnut
Nelson P Chesnutt
Sidney Chessher
Troy Lee Childress
Harrell Weston Chism
Angelo P Chiusano
Edgar Poe Chrisman
Rogers D Christal
James R Christensen
George A Christian
Gerald W Christian
William A Chumbley
Charles D Chumley
Jack W Chumley
James Arthur Church
John Ray Clanton
Clarence W Clark
Edward Benton Clark
Randall Mark Clark
Robert Willard Clark
Gene Francis Clarke
Merlin Randall Clary
Charley Clay
Rex Clay
William R Claypoole
David Eldridge Clegg
Earl C Clevenger
John Clinton Clewlow
Frank C Clinesmith
David Ross Cobb
Hymie Cobbel
Lucas B Cochran
Leon Benjamin Cohen
Carroll C Coker
Benoia W Coldwell
Howard Lafe Coldwell
Roland Glenn Coldwell
Isaac Paul Cole
Alfred C Coleman
Roy Coleman
William C Coleman
Alvy Leon Collins
Glen Michael Collins
Homer Love Collins
Leroy Combest
Roy Lee Conder
D. Gene Conley
Dick I Conley
Robert Perry Conley
Victor Conley
James Allen Connell
James H Connelly
George R Conway
Francis Orville Cook
Frederick Lyle Cook
Joe Stephens Cook
Lewis Dale Cook
Wade Dyer Cook
Wayne Edward Cook
Kenneth Earl Cooley
Kenneth Ray Cooper
Marion W Cooper
Edward Cope
Allen G Copeland
Charles C Coppedge
Irven Coppenger
Joe F Corpening
Kenneth W Corry
James Donald Cotton
Jack Couch
Walter David Counts
Robert T Coursey
D R Covey
Burnis L Covington
Bartley Ben Cowart
Irby Reuline Cox
James Ralph Cox
James Weldon Cox
John Willard Cox
Robert Coleman Cox
Tommie Joe Cox
Philip Randall Craig
Herman L Craighead
Grady Crain
Robert S Cranford
Forrest C Cranor
Benjamin J Crawford
W D Crawford
William E Crawford
Leray Joe Creekmore
John D Crichton
William Robert Crim
Eugene Crisp
Garland I Crocker
Harold Ford Crocker
Nelson D Crockett
Max Frank Croley
Doyle G Crow
Henry Proctor Crow
Walter Herbert Crow
William James Cuddy
Nesto Allen Cuesta
Christopher J Cullen
John Bell Cullen
Charles E Cumming
Bobby Joe Cummings
Jack M Cummings
William G Cunningham
Eugene S Cuny
Cecil R Curry
Robert Ward Curry
Oscar Wayne Cypert
Donald Ray Dacon
Jimmie G Dailey
Walton M Dallas
J Thomas Daniel
Robert Elwyn Daniel
Steven Daniel
Joe Carroll Daniels
Edsel Roy Darby
Sammy Lee Darr
Don E Daugherty
William S Daum
William Bert David
Zachery S Davidchik
Jimmy W Davidson
Johnny R Davidson
Lewis J Davidson
Jerry Paul Davies
Richard E Davies
Bennie Bernard Davis
Billy Jack Davis
Donald Steve Davis
Eugene Laffett Davis
Fred H Davis
George Randall Davis
Grover Niles Davis
Henry Edward Davis
Jack Arnold Davis
James Warren Davis
Lloyd Franklin Davis
Mont Lewis Davis
Robert Earnest Davis
Vetis Archie Davis
W Scott Davis
Howard Earl Davlin
Marcus D Dawkins
James E Dawson
Floyd Glen Day
Lorenzo Dow Day
William Clifford Day
Howard K DeOrnellas
Roy Jos DeSilvey
Joseph M. Dealey
Bill David Dearing
Maurice B Decker
Truman F Decker
William M Decker
Raymond B Deming
John Robert Denman
James O Denning
Alvin D Dennis
Alvin Reagan Denton
James T Denton
Alguien Odell Devoll
Jessie Everett Devoll
David Benton Dibrell
Richard A Dickerson
Kenneth M Dickson
Pius Pete Diehl
Loyd Clifton Dillard
Robert L Dillard
Kenneth J Dillingham
Cleburne E Dillon
C B Disman
Gary Dwane Dixon
Homer L Dixon
Hugh Rudolph Dixon
John Thomas Dixon
William Robert Dixon
James E Dolezalek
Willa D Donaldson
Richard H Donley
Carl Walter Dorety
Harvey S Dorman
Rhudolph L Dorrough
Ramon George Doss
Danny L Douthit
Frank George Dowell
Charle Ed Downing
O Lee Drain
Vincent J Drain
Joseph Dranguet
Asher Dreyfus
Billy Joe Driggers
James Scott Driver
Costine Alfred Droby
Charles B Dryden
Murray D DuVall
N L Dubin
Mack Donald Duce
Robert W Dudley
Brian Russell Duff
James Lavon Duffy
Waymond N Dugger
Howard L Duhan
Albert Monroe Duke
James Frank Dukes
J Fred Duncan
Lavon H Duncan
Elliott Edmond Dunlap
Claude Edward Dunn
Philipp Michael Dunn
Robert C Dunn
Virgil Ivan Dunn
William Morris Dunn
Ben E Dunsworth
Joseph H Durbin
Marcus Lee Durden
Ralph S Durham
Robert Elmer Dwight
John Logan Dyer
Winford Blake Dyer
Lee Marvin Eastburn
George Easterling
Warren Byron Eaton
Lee E Eberhardt
Carl Earl Eckman
Marvin W Edgmon
James H Edmondson
Frank W Edwards
Martin Elvin Edwards
Richard A Edwards
Paul Harold Eich
Spencer J Ellard
Cleo Hamilton Elliott
Herman Robert Elliott
James Roy Elliott
Charlie Dee Ellis
Graydon Jack Ellis
Ira Eugene Ellis
James Willis Ellis
Newnie Wesley Ellis
Raymond Pittman Ellis
Van Calvin Ellis
Verne Richard Ellis
Dewitt Ellison
Leslie Heath Elmore
Lester Cooper Elmore
Roy K Elmore
Robert Edgar Elwell
Charles Henry Ely
Howard Jerry Ely
Leslie Owen Embree
Billy Emerson
William G Emmett
Benny Joe Emmons
Jimmy Don Emmons
Harry Englert
T J Epperson
Earl Monroe Erickson
Eddy Gene Erickson
Robert Lynn Essary
Emmett M Essin
Morris Ethridge
Danny Ray Eudy
Arch Clarence Evans
Bobby Gene Evans
Von Ray Evans
Harry Guy Everett
William C Everitt
Frank Everts
Herbert Leon Evett
William Carl Ewert
Cecil Gounah Ewing
Bruce Doyle Fagan
Herbert D Fain
Jay A Fairchild
Ralph W Fairrington
Oda Fred Fanning
Billy Buck Farish
Billard Mirrion Farr
David Loyd Farr
Richard Lee Farr, Jr
Richard Lee Farr, III
Floyd Fuller Farragut
Boyce F Farrar
Don Paul Farris
Larry Don Farris
Nickie Wayne Farris
Leonard A Faulkner
Robert Othal Feather
Nikolaus L Fehrenbach
Emanuel Feiger
Harry H Feltman
Walter D Fenoglio
Benjamin B Ferrell
Bradley Leon Ferrell
Lewis Albert Fetzer
George W Fields
Rufus Ramsey Fields
Hugh Gordon Findlay
Robert Roland Fine
Harold Moses Finley
John Fletcher Finnell
Leland Oran Finney
William O Fischer
Brady Fisher
Danny Reid Fisher
Leroy Aquilla Fisher
Robert D Fisher
William M Fitch
James E Fitzgerald
Paris M Fitzhugh
Lawrence D Fleming
Don Sander Flesher
Jack William Flock
Tully Roland Florey
William Cecil Flowers
Richard Clifton Fogle
Peter Donald Fonberg
James Allan Foote
Billy Frank Ford
George Wiley Ford
Jimmy Morris Ford
Robert Ray Fordyce
Joseph M Forman
Glendon R Forrester
Franklin L Fosdick
Chester E Foster
James Wilson Foster
Kenneth Hoye Foster
Paul Byers Foster
Roscoe L Foster
Philip Evan Fox
Kenneth Edwin Frady
Jack Laverne Franks
Cecil Ray Franzina
Johnny L Freelen
Byron Alex Freeman
Donald W Freeman
Fred Arthur Freeman
George T Freeman
John Earl Freeman
Kenneth B Freeman
Luther W Freeman
Jack W Frost
Joe Wayne Frye
Roderick Lowe Frye
Fred Fuentes
Jack Warren Fulcher
Roger Absalon Fuller
Lawrence J Fulton
Carl Walter Funke
Lynn Edward Fussell
Charles Wayne Futch
James Edward Gable
Rockie Lee Gaddie
Wayne M Gaddis
Rex Allen Gage
Edward O Gaines
James W Galloway
Albert James Galvani
Duel Oscar Gambill
Norman R Gammon
Cecil Morris Gandy
Lewis Lavall Gann
Jose Manuel Garcia
Thomas L Gardner
Herbert Garon
George Haley Garrett
Gerald Bryan Garrett
Harold H Garrett
Ottis B Garrett
Raymond R Garrett
Weldon W Garrett
George Sim Garriott
Carl Howard Garrison
Irwin William Gart
Kyle Dewitt Garver
Maxwell I Gathings
Reginald O Gattis
John Alan Gaulding
Roy Paul Gay
Joseph W. Geary
Thomas Edwin Geddie
Dwayne M Gentsch
Billy Ralph George
Everett George
Gus George
Claude P Germany
James Alvin Gibbons
Joe Bernard Gibson
Carl August Giesen
Alvis Eugene Gilbert
Bobby Joe Gilbert
Michael D Gilbert
Lionel Emile Gilly
Richard M Gilman
Joseph C Gilmore
Thomas W Gilmore
James R Gilstrap
James Polk Gipson
Vernon Glasgow
Jerry Ronald Glass
Marvin D Glover
Lee Ray Godbey
Floyd W Godfrey
Jack Corbin Godfrey
James G Godfrey
Oliver F Godfrey
Donald E Godwin
Guinn Ferrell Godwin
Oscar Nollie Goff
Allen Jay Gold
Corless Wayne Gold
Herbert Aaron Gold
Robert Evan Gold
Arthur S Goldberg
Herbert L Goldberg
Oren Kenneth Golden
Lawrence S Goldman
George L Goldsberry
Eddie Paul Good
Delbert T Goodlett
Harold A Goodman
William M Gordon
Zane Edward Gore
Gerald W Gorman
Hal W Gorman
Ralph Warren Gould
Warren Olin Gould
Jack Lin Gower
Derek Zane Gracy
James Guy Grady
Delbert Lewis Graem
David W Graham
Ed Graham
Charles Platter Grant
Richard Clifton Grant
Wesley Graum
Jewel F Graves
Forrest Wayne Gray
Gene Daniel Gray
James Ralph Gray
James E Grayson
Bennie Harold Green
Cecil Edward Green
Homer C Green
James R Green
Jasper W Green
Jerry Glenn Green
Walter Cannon Green
Scottish Rite News for the Valley of Dallas -
Page 9
Endowed Members
Charles F Greene
Ronald Ray Greene
Roland Greenwald
John A Greenway
Glynn S Gregory
Lamar Hallam Griffin
Clarence W Griffith
Thomas N Griffith
George S Grimes
Henry Lee Grimes
Kerry Ellis Grimes
Elmer E Grisham
Clarence V Groomer
Jerome Louis Grossie
John William Groth
James Tildon Groves
Robert L Groves
John G Grubbs
Mance D Grubbs
William W Guffey
Lynn Henry Guilloud
William A Gunn
Murray G Gurentz
Gerald R Gwaltney
Joseph Marshall Haas
Eddy P Hackney
Bobby Gene Hagar
George W Haggard
William Walter Hair
Alton Byron Hale
Herbert Cleveland Hale
James R Hale
Acie Frederic Haley
Archie Amos Hall
C Ray Hall
Fleetwood Hall
James Wayne Hall
Larry Van Hall
Ray Delaine Hall
Royse E Hall
Thomas Ray Hall
William Nelson Hall
William Robert Hall
Ernest Leroy Hallman
Wendell L Halpin
Wallace Hamill
William E Hammer
James G Hammett
William F Hammonds
Winfred W Hammonds
Qunion B Hammontree
Bowden Hampton
Bryan W Hampton
Charlie W Hampton
Michael C Hampton
Eugene S Hancock
James F Hancock
R D Haney
James Carl Hanley
Calvin T Hansen
Donald E Hansen
Richard Mark Hansen
Ole Vernon Hanson
William Paul Hanson
Hilton A Harbison
Dee J Harchas
Bryant L Hardcastle
Henry Ford Hardee
Billie Joe Hardin
Robert Lee Hardin
Warren Doyle Hardin
Charles F Harding
Warren G Harding
Dolan K Hargrove
David V Harkness
Bill Rufus Harper
Willie Joe Harrel
George G Harrington
Samuel M Harrington
Allison Hyden Harris
Charles J Harris
Elbert Melvin Harris
Grady Lee Harris
James Carlyle Harris
James Logan Harris
John Michael Harris
Marshall Jay Harris
Val Morrie Harris
W J Harris
Duran Harrison
Luther C Harrison
Roscoe B Harrouff
G B Hartman
Roy Adair Hartwell
Doyle Ross Harvey
Leonard P Harvey
Michael E Hasty
Lacy Milton Hatchell
Carl Ray Hatcher
Neal W Hatcher
George R Hatfield
Mancel W Hatley
Hugo Charles Hauter
Jeffrey Kaye Haven
Robert F Haver
Donald Leroy Hawkes
Raymond Roy Hawthorne
James Franklin Hayes
John D Haygood
Ben C Haynes
Arvol Delmer Hays
Lawrence H Head
Paul Fredrick Healy
Bobby Wayne Heard
Jack Tunny Hearn
Edwin Dale Heath
Carlos A Hedstrom, Jr
JerryWayne Heflin
Obe A Hefner
John Riddle Hefton
Grover Lee Heiskell
Charles W Helton
Daniel Hemedinger
Hubbard W Henderson
Johnnie M Henderson
William W Henderson
James W Hendrix
Merrell C Hendrix
Carroll B Hendrixson
Charles G Henger
Hal Houston Henry
Herman Henslee
Donald W Henson
Jimmy Lonzo Henson
Harry Mark Hermann
Steve Herrick
Herbert J Herring
Robert Lee Hersey
Dale Charles Hess
Ardelle D Hetrick
William G Hewgley
Marcus R Hickerson
David W Higginbotham
Darmon C Higgins
Donald Elmer Higgins
George B Higgins
James E Higgins
Winford T Higgins
Burness Ray Higgs
James C Highfield
Guy Darrel Hight
Donald Ennis Hilburn
Byron N Hildebrand
Andy Lee Hill
Daniel Todd Hill
David Lee Hill
Edward Haynes Hill
John Terrell Hinds
Norman Peters Hines
Royal Hines
Edward R Hinson
Charles Minor Hinton
Rabon Odis Hitt
Billy Hoagland
Louis Ray Hobbs
Richard E Hobson
Fred Phillip Hodge
Robert Donald Hodge
Charles W Hodges
Gerald H Hodges
James Elbert Hodges
Raymond H Hodges
Lacey Lee Hoffman
Leonard E Hoffman, Jr
Leonard E Hoffman, III
Paul F Hoffman
J B Hogan
William Leon Hogan
Donald L Hogston
Bobby Wendell Hogue
Vernon Oland Hogue
Clarence R Holcombe
Alvin D Holdcraft
Michael Lynn Holden
James Paul Holder
Elbert Daniel Holland
George Holland
Allen Craig Holleman
Marvin S Hollenshead
Damon Mark Holley
James F Hollingsworth
Spencer Terry Hollis
William Delbert Holm
Alvin Russell Holman
Ernest Loyd Holman
Glenn E Holmans
Kenneth M Holmes
Ira Charles Holt
Donald Edward Hood
Ralph Frazier Hood
Billy Charles Hooker
Claude L Hooker
James Loy Hooker
Thomas H Hooker
James H Hoorman
Edwin Sealy Hoot
Burleson A Hopkins
Clinton E Hopkins
Davis Elry Hopkins
Theodore Henry Horn
Hugo H Hornberger
Clarence W Hornbuckle
Robert Floyd Horne
Dennis M Horner
Carl Vaden Horton
Jon Eric Horton
Raymond K Horton
Willie G Horton
Cecil Edward House
Howard Joe House
Jerry Lynn House
Jacques Houssou
Ronald H Houston
Earl Ray Howard
Herbert B Howard
Kenneth W Howard
Billy Gene Howe
Haskell J Howell
Laud Erwin Howell
Thomas Dwain Howell
Vernon Canon Howell
Donald M Howze
Leslie E Hoxworth
Joe K Huckabay
William D Huddleston
Albert Clyde Hudson
Charles P Hudson
Guy Harold Hudson
William L Hudson
Wesley D Hudspeth
Thomas J Huff
Edgar Giles Huffman
Jesse Lee Huggins
Archibald Hughes
Arthur M Hughes
Lon Olen Hughes
Wurlington W Hughes
James H Hughey
Charles Nolian Hull
Wendel Thad Hulse
Thomas Joe Hulsey
Chas E Humphries
Raymond L Hunley
Charles Thomas Hunt
Chester Ross Hunt
Edwin Cole Hunt
Archie Edwin Hunter
Francis Elmer Hunter
Leonard H Hunter
Ronnie Keith Hunter
Lawrence E Hurley
William Noble Hurley
Calvin Jacob Hurlock
James Robert Hurt
Billy Wayne Huse
Foy Carl Huskey
Herbert A Hussey
Jack W Hutcherson
Tom Ragsdale Hymer
Billy Gene Iker
Roy Joseph Iles
Juan R Imperial
Robert H Ingram
William M Ingram
Carroll James Innmon
David Wayne Irvin
Joseph Derek Irvin
Kenneth C Irvin
William Perry Irving
Gordon Chester Isbell
Arthur Lee Isom
Robert Malcom Ivey
Terry Don Ivy
Robert Jacks
Clarence G Jackson
Herman L Jackson
James W Jackson
Lonnie Lee Jackson
O C Jackson
Glenn Dale Jaco
Marc Reece Jaco
Roger Lee Jacobs
William R Jacobs
George V Jaeger
John W James
Philip W James
John Earl Jaques
Donald Linous Jarvis
Donald Edwin Jean
Corbin E Jeffries
Clarence E Jennings
Robert Lee Jensen
Joe Glidewell Jeter
Joe Roland Jeter
William A Jobson
Billy Bob Johnson
Carlton G Johnson
Earl Brewer Johnson
Frank D Johnson
Jack D Johnson
James T Johnson
Paul C Johnson
Robert G Johnson
Samuel E Johnson
Bobby D Johnston
Robert J Johnston
Troy E Jolley
Carl E Jones
Charles Edwin Jones
Charles E Jones
Eldo Manning Jones
Gary Wayne Jones
Gibson Dudley Jones
J R Jones
Jerry Wayne Jones
Joseph Earl Jones
Marion Luther Jones
Marley Calvin Jones
Marvin F Jones
Millard E Jones
Mitchell Ray Jones
Olan W Jones
Ruben Calvin Jones
Stephen Dugan Jones
Ted Newton Jones
Teddy Michael Jones
Thomas Arthur Jones
Tommie Lee Jones
William R Jones
Cletus Ray Jordan
Elmer M Jordan
Robert Ryon Joyner
Clarence N Judd
Harold Jarvis Judd
Joe David Julian
Glenn Willie Justice
Alan Linz Kahn
Michael C Kaplan
Clemens A Kathman
Abe Katz
Aaron Samuel Kaufman
James Davis Keasler
Zachariah J Keathley
David Francis Keeler
James Willard Keene
Joe Thomas Keesee
Frank Leland Kehr
Thomas Graves Keithly
Jack William Kellam
David Neal Kelley
Jackson Clay Kelley
Samuel Charles Kelly
Euell Randol Keltner
Terrance Dwain Keltner
Charles Wesley Kemp
Lelen Verl Kennard
Howard Vernon Kennedy
William Arthur Kennedy
Jack Woinder Kenner
Glen Kenyon
Jimmie Kepler
Alga Junior Kerbo
James Douglas Kester
Lawrence H Kester
Jack Harold Key
James Carl Key
William Bailey Killen
William Riley Killian
Charles Bryan Kimmel
Billy Henry King
Bruce Oron King
C Richard King
Grady O’Neal King
Perry Mark King
William Forrest King
Zeno Phillips King
James Arthur Kinnaird
Roy Frank Kinnan
Jerry Nelson Kirby
David Bruton Kirk
John Walton Kirkley
Pat Carroll Kissel
Leo Kissinger
James Oscar Kitchen
Wilson M Kitchings
Harold Scott Kite
James Mackerl Kizer
Dave Klimist
Clarence B Kloppe
James Edward Knight
Perry Joseph Knippa
Samuel Earl Knox
William Bruner Koch
Earle George Krause
Andrew Fritz Krauss
Leonard Krauss
Lewis Jerald Kravetz
Marvin Dean Krebsbach
James Alfred Krodel
Duane Edward Krueger
Kenneth Ray Kruse
William John Kugler
Konrad Adam Kurp
Randy Kuykendall
Louis Gene LaBarbera
Timothy M LaVergne
Elvis Ray Lam
John Paul Lamar
Alvin J Lambert
Carrol Philip Land
Melvin Land
Robert Dale Landrum
Isadore Landsberg
Harles Glendel Lange
Jon Paul Lannom
O V Lantrip
Howard Smith Lard
Oscar Walter Largin
Cecil Frederick Lashley
Lavoy Edward Lasiter
Walter F Lasiter
Harvey Clyde Laster
Merlin Laubhan
Lemuel Rogers Law
James Doyle Lawler
Gerald Ray Lawson
James Elmer Lawson
J D LeFlore
Bates LeGrand
Edmond Mose LeRoux
Robert Lee Leach
Johnny Eugene Leathers
Roy Alfred Leatherwood
J C Ledbetter
James Ledbetter
Hollis Condred Lee
Melvin Royce Lee
Merlin Ellsworth Lee
Roy Stanley Lee
Willie Amos Lee
Oliver S Leinart
Wayne Lemaster
Otis Floyd Lenhart
Allen Francis Leonard
Mickie Randell Lester
Steven Glenn Leverett
Page 10 -
Scottish Rite News for the Valley of Dallas
Endowed Members
Eugene Levin
Harold Eliot Levine
Mike Levine
Harry Aaron Levy
Billy Charles Lewis
David Ray Lewis
James Clifford Lewis
James Edwin Lewis
Tom Goslee Lewis
William Arthur Lewis
Roy Antonio Liberto
Jerrel Neil Liebrum
George Crockett Lindsey
Richard S Lissauer
Oscar Ingvald Listol
Jimmy Don Litchfield
David Fred Little
John Terrell Little
Thomas Arthur Little
Robert Wayne Littrell
James Elbert Loar
Carl Lemuel Lohman
Charlie Fred London
Charles William Long
Robert Eugene Long
Jack Truman Longmire
Douglas Allan Lord
Jere Paul Lord
Ralph Darling Lough
Raymond Lowe
George David Luby
Kenneth Jack Ludwig
Levertis David Lummus
James Givens Lumpkin
Clifford Wade Lumpkins
John Clark Lusk
John Edward Lyell
Theodore Lyman
Claude Wilson Lyon
William Fowler Lyon
D. Hamilton MacFarland
John Joseph MacGregor
Ernest D MacIver
Fernando Maciel
Leon Edlow Mack
Richard Lewis Mackay
Walton Dockery Macken
Jack Ervin Mackey
Samuel Fueston Madison
Jack Magness
Ernest Andy Mahard
Vernon Mike Mahoney
Jerry Bryant Mainord
Clarence Harold Maize
Thomas Robinson Malin
John Thomas Mallams
A Q Maloney
Fred George Maluf
Arnold Mandel
J T Manes
Marlin Roy Mann
Truett Ward Mann
Robert Arthur Mantle
Daniel Joseph Marder
Douglas Morris Markley
John William Marsh
Lewis H Marshall
Louis Frederick Marshall
Ronald Curtis Marshall
William N Marshall
Buford Clifton Martin
Elvis Birl Martin
Frank H Martin
Hall Talmadge Martin
J D Martin
Orville Wesley Martin
Tony Martin
Pete Martinez
C B Mason
Dal Walter Mason
Jim Cherry Mason
Paul Bateman Mason
Robert Lawrence Mason
Davis Ray Massey
Thomas Leslie Massey
Arnold Kim Matheson
Dean Stevens Mathews
Robert Lee Mathis
David Gordon Matthews
Frank M. Matthews
Charles E Mattingley
Edd C Maxcey
William Chesley Maxey
Johnnie Alton Maxwell
William Monroe Maxwell
Clarence C May
Sterling R May
John Henry Mayes
William Brooks Mayfield
James Junior Mays
Milford Jim Mays
Thomas Mays
Edmond O McAdams
Carlton Leroy McAlister
Richard Dale McAllum
Thomas Foree McArthur
Cloyce Efton McBride
Billy Si McCaleb
Robert Lee McCalip
Lester B McCarley
Billie Mack McCarter
James Wesley McCarty
Elmer L McCauley
Donald Ted McClain
Carl McClendon
Charles Arthur McClure
Byron Berne McComas
Cecil W McConnell
James S McConnell
James Vincent McCool
Clifton W McCormick
Jack Alonzo McCoy
L Z McCoy
L Z Mc Coy, Jr
Roger T McCracken
C LMcCuistion
Byron John McDaniel
Earl Loren McDaniel
John B McDonald
William Floyd McDonald
Harold Ray McDowell
Ralph Lynn McDowell
Bruce E McEwin
Thomas Claudell McGee
Charles M McGehee
Robert Welton McGinnis
William Wayne McGinnis
William Walter McGrew
Benjamin F McHenry
Clarence W McIlveene
Thomas M Kamy
Charles Earl McKay
Louie Bill McKay
Norman Scott McKay
Billy C McKee
Lawson S McKelvey
Barney Allie McKenzie
Loy Duncan McKenzie
William Allen McKenzie
Laton D McKinley
William Lane McKinney
Ray Franklin McKissack
Thomas Rufus McKnight
Virgil Raymond McLarry
James Auber McLaughlin
Martin McLemore
William Joel McLendon
Paul Edward McLin
Elby Wright McMichael
Travis Haden McMurray
Virgil Lee McNary
James Blair McNeely
Charles Lee McNeese
Lloyd Ray McNeil
Carroll Geo McNeill
Daniel Howard McRae
Robert C McReynolds
Robert F McReynolds
Patrick R McShane
Ronald L McVey
Miles Ira Meador
Leonard P Meadows
William Meadows
William Lee Means
James Richard Megason
M T Meharg
Oliver K Meininger
Edward Meise
Roger Sharon Mellow
John Freeman Melton
Neal N Menon
William B Merchant
William Merryman
William Norbert Meshkin
Delbert M Messner
Jesse V Metcalf
Edward William Metters
George Willard Meyers
Jack Miars
Lois Raymond Michael
Leland Ian Miche
William Ronald Michel
James Lenard Middleton
Jeffrey Blake Middleton
Vester John Mikell
Charles Louis Mikulas
William Roy Milam
Lynn Clyde Miles
R Wesley Miles
Clarence E Miller
David Valentine Miller
Donald Bryant Miller
Edmond Dean Miller
Gene Paul Miller
Henry Sam Miller
James Carl Miller
John Elton Miller
John Elton Miller, Jr
John Kilbourn Miller
Malcolm Welch Miller
Robert Arthur Miller
Rosser Preston Miller
Wendell Paul Miller
William Orrin Miller
Wynne Hickey Miller
Edward Allen Millican
Winton Milliff
Venson Lebo Milliken
Brian Charles Mills
Charles Oscar Mills
John Cecil Mills
Reuben Gay Milton
Claude Jay Minnerly
William Thos Minor
Charles W Minshew
Burns Littleton Mitchell
Elzie N Mitchell
Glenn Carrell Mitchell
Gober Lee Mitchell
Herman Eugene Mitchell
George Franklin Mixon
John Joseph Mizera
Lou Laverne Mode
Hershel Louie Moffett
Thomas Wesley Monroe
Carl B. Montgomery
Harold D Montgomery
J C Alvin Montgomery
John Calvin Montgomery
Norman F Montgomery
Edward W Monzingo
Ivan Bruce Mooney
Luke Elmo Mooney
Clyde W Mooneyham
Allen Sheridan Moore
Bedford Forrest Moore
Doyle Thomas Moore
Harley Ray Moore
Harold David Moore
James Allen Moore
James Patrick Moore
Leonard Ralph Moore
Wayne John Moore
Richard K Moores
Ralph George Morell
Alexander Moreno
Jaime Moreno
Hilton E Morgan
J R Morgan
James William Morgan
John Morgan
Edward Lucain Morris
Harold Gene Morris
Jack Morris
Johnny Edward Morris
Robert Hawfield Morris
Wayne Eugene Morris
James H Morrison
James Troy Morrison
Merle Messer Morrow
L B Morse
Raymond Earl Morse
Elbert William Morton
Horace Millard Morton
Lloyd Emerson Moseley
Raymond Odell Moseley
Walter Floyd Moseley
B H Moss
Grady Carnell Moss
Edward Milford Motley
Jack Motley
Joe Bailey Motley
John Robert Motley
Nathan Love Mott
Larry Gene Moyer
Mark C Mueller
Russell Calvin Mullan
Billie Joe Mullins
Hulen Preston Munn
Elmer Murphey, III
James Phillip Murphy
James C Murray
Milton Dee Musick
William O Muxworthy
Franklin David Myers
William H Myre
Arnold Delk Nalls
Winfred N Nash
John Powell Nasworthy
Nathaniel Bony Nation
Henry Jack Naumann
Edward Leon Naylor
Milton Roy Naylor
Doyle Raymond Neal
Kenneth P Nedderman
John William Nelson
Roy Arch Nesbitt
Stroud Ben Nesbitt
Charles W Neville
O Theodore New
Adolphus Ray Newman
Theodore J Newnam
Marion Hicks Newsom
Weldon H Newsom
John Robert Newsome
Jan William Ney
Charles E Niblett
Gilbert W Nicewarner
Holmes Lee Nichols
James Brad Nickels
Jimmie Joe Nicks
Michael D Nied
Jon Allen Niemuth
James Russell Nix
Clifton Wayne Noble
Billy Ray Nobles
Pierre G Normand
Elmer Rudolph Norris
Justice Burton Norris
Walter Lewis Norris
Jerry Wayne Norvell
Ira Quintern Norwood
James Donald Noska
Edwin Lee Numbers
George James Nunn
Merril Edwin Nunn
Scott C O’Brien
Robert D O’Connell
Edward E O’Donnell
J W O’Neal
Charles Lester O’Neill
Orville Lee O’Neill
Brian P O’Shea
Edward Joseph Ochs
James Wesley Odell
James William Offield
Kenneth William Ogan
Millidge H Oglesby
Tommie E Oglethorpe
Billy A Ohl
Halil Ilhan Oktay
Sidney Earl Oliver
Warren Willard Olson
James Paul Ord
James Efurd Orms
Floyd Edwin Ormsby
George Hardy Osteen
Carl Wesley Overman
Donald Richard Owen
Richard Wynn Owen
Audry Burl Owens
Freddie Earl Owensby
Paul Edward Oxley
Albert Amory Page
Derrell F Palmer
James Beverly Palmer
Leslie Allen Palmer
Leslie Lloyd Palmer
David W Palmlund
Carl Dane Panter
Michael Richard Pappas
John Ray Paramore
Randal Wayne Pardue
Stephen Ray Pardue
William Don Pardue, Jr
William Donald Pardue
Carlos Paredes
Hubert Ewing Paris
Collis Roy Parker
George Gilbert Parker
James Erwin Parker
Richard Louis Parker
Walton Cleburne Parker
William Russel Parker
Alvin Lavergn Parks
Ward George Parks
David Monroe Parr
William Marshel Parris
Donald Maltby Parrish
Gerald David Parrish
John Herman Parrish
Bobby J Parsons
James Ellis Parsons
Joseph Calvin Parsons
Thomas Anderson Parsons
Edwin Leroy Partridge
Willie Keith Pate
Elbert Kirby Patrick
Jack Dean Patterson
Jacob Edward Pattison
Charles Edward Patton
Anton Pavelka
James Martin Payne
William Kent Payne
Douglass Cecil Peabody
Pete Atkins Peabody
Ben Franklin Peacock
Daniel B Pearson
George William Peck
Sam Joseph Pedro
Elbert Quincy Peel
Gayle Peery
Wilbur Dean Penick
Lloyd Wesley Perkins
William Carroll Perkins
Earl Edwin Perry
James Durwood Perry
Max Leroy Perry
James Steven Peterson
David H Pettijohn
Robert Sinclair Peveto
Gene Larue Pflug
John Russell Pflug
Charles Richard Phariss
William Phelps
Wayne Stell Phifer
Herman L Philipson
Jessie Zin Phillips
Kenneth Wayne Phillips
Robert Hoyle Phillips
Michael Kenny Pickens
Rex Andrew Pickens
Jerry Lamon Pickerill
Jesse Robert Pickle
Loyd Eugene Pickle
Bill Tom Pierce
William Arthur Pierce
Lonnie Alfred Pilgrim
Fred Ray Pilkilton
Nat Allen Pinkston
Charles Craig Pinnell
John A Piper
James Anton Pipkin
James Anton Pipkin, Jr
George W. Pirtle
Edwin Earl Pledger
Howard Vaughan Plough
Gail Arthur Plume
Virgil Edgar Plumlee
Robert Conlee Plunk
Edward Marion Polan
Melvin Patterson Polen
Todd William Polk
James Edward Pollock
Samuel Theodore Pool
Sidney Johnson Pool
Scottish Rite News for the Valley of Dallas -
Page 11
Endowed Members
Floyd Leslie Pope
Francis Glenn Pope
Bode Owen Porter
David Vernon Porter
Marvin Blaine Porter
Berry Doug Post
Harry Cecil Post
Donald Ralph Postell
T Burrel Poston Robert
Lee Potts
Walter Eugene Potts
Billy Wayne Powell
Harold Kay Powell
Joseph Blakemore Powell
Robert Allan Powell
Wiley John Powell
John Bethel Powers
Willie Edwin Pratt
David Edward Preston
Charles Robert Price
Earl Ross Price
Gary B Price
Troy Leland Price
George W Pricer
Horace B Pritchett
Lemuel Orbie Proctor
William Howell Proctor
John Douglas Prude
Denard Swain Pryor
Thomas Henry Puckett
Lee Roy Purselley
Albert Haney Putman
Jack Willard Pyland
Patrick John Quinlan
E Jason Rabe
Lawrence J Rabeck
Bobby Earl Raborn
Michael John Radcliff
Daniel Legrande Rader
James Clinton Rader
Fred B Ragsdale
James Douglas Ragsdale
James Haskell Rains
Eugenio Ramos
Buck Bryan Ramsey
William Jasper Ramsey
William Raymond Ramsey
Thomas C Rankin
Billy Ransom
Alton Reece Rape
Jesse Thelbert Rasure
Ronald Wayne Rather
Karl Eric Rathjen
Leslie Alfred Ratliff
Bobby Dan Ray
E J Ray
Lee Roy Ray
Nolan Okley Ray
Norman Ray
Daniel A Raye
Wilford Paul Rea
Joseph Aubry Reagh
Thomas W Reardon
George William Rector
J C Redd
Earl Bryan Reed
Billy Seago Reese
Martin Sylvester Reese
Charles Bolden Reeves
Edwin Dale Reeves
James Alfred Reeves
William Leo Reid
Jacob F Reinhardt
James Ross Relyea
Spencer C Relyea
Jean-philippe Renaud
J C Reneau
William E Revis
Michael Eugene Reynolds
Thomas Alvin Reynolds
Robert Allen Rhoden
Benjamin F Rhodes
Donnell Rhody
Joel David Rich
Thomas Julian Rich
Eddie Aaron Richard
Robert Eldon Richard
Bruce David Richards
Curtis F Richards
Joseph Defoe Richards
Kenneth Leroy Richards
Billy Marvin Richardson
Ira Donald Richardson
Jessie Gene Richardson
John Allen Richardson
Thomas H Richardson
Thomas P Richardson
Galen B Richcreek
James Hunter Richey
Carlton Riddell
David Laughlin Riddle
James Elliott Rider
Ray Frank Ridings
Jerry Thomas Ridnour
James Pershing Riggs
James Randolph Riley
Jerry Norman Riley
Clyde Edgar Rimes
James Robert Risinger
Robin Ray Ritchie
Ottis Jean Roach
Scott Powell Roach
William Laverne Roach
John Lafayette Roady
Donald Ennis Robbins
James Madison Roberson
William Elmore Roberson
Carlos Junior Roberts
Chris Butler Roberts
Donald Lee Roberts
Dorris Glen Roberts
James Tate Roberts
Leonard Wyatt Roberts
Russell L Roberts
Wilford Vernon Roberts
Billy Eugene Robertson
James Alan Robertson
James W Robertson
Needom A Robertson
Bennie L Robinson
Billy Ross Robinson
Bronnie Pat Robinson
F Gene Robinson
George H Robinson
John Hershell Robinson
Leonard C Robinson
Daniel Guinn Robison
Marcus Lee Roden
Lawrence G Rodgers
Tommy Rea Rodgers
Rafael Rodriguez
Robert M Rodriguez
Phillip C Roebuck
Bryan Austin Rogers
David Gene Rogers
Edwin Mason Rogers
Joel Elmo Rogers
Jack Charles Rollins
Thomas Hunter Romine
Kenneth Woodrow Roper
Raymond Donald Rose
Ben Hyman Rosenthal
Joe Mike Ross
Turner Edgar Ross
James Thomas Rosson
Richard M Roth
Stanley Gilbert Roth
Paul Olan Roundtree
William Merrill Rountree
Leroy Alden Rousseau
Erven Y Rovinsky
Stewart Franklin Rowe
Bobbie Ray Roycroft
George Buel Royston
Marvin Perry Rudd
George Fullen Rudy
Arthur Ball Ruff
Carl Russell
Conner X Russell
Elmer Leon Russell
Thomas Arthur Russell
Victor Maborn Russell
Woodson Reid Russell
Donny Mack Rutherford
John Cooper Rutherford
John Sabow
Joe Frank Sagnibene
Charles Lee Saling
Douglas Eugene Sam
Martin Sandberg
Jeffrey Ray Sanders
William F Sanderson
Jimmy Lee Sandifer
Milton Monroe Sandlin
Sam Sankary
James DSatterwhite
Dwain F Saunders
Earl Edward Sawyer
Lonnie Lee Scarborough
Paul Ferdinand Scheibe
Alexander R Schell
Harmon Schepps
Barton F Schoeneman
John T Schoonmaker
Dale Schoonover
Wilbern R Schouweiler
Anthony L Schuman
Raymond E Scoggins
Troyce Scogin
Andrew Nelson Scott
Thurman Ebbney Scott
William C Scott
James Allan Scrimshire
Billy Wayne Scroggins
Michael Thomas Seabolt
Doc Courtney Seale
Abner Rogers Sealy
Charles Eugene Seay
Charles Eugene Seay, Jr
C E Sebastian
Neil Leonard Seefeldt
Cecil Elton Self
Scott Lawrence Self
Willie Walter Selman
John Edward Selph
Charles W Selvidge
Malcolm Kenneth Sexton
Toy Sexton
Albert Jessy Seymour
Victor G Shackelford
Billy Jack Shafer
William Travis Shafer
Sam Shalette
Rex Byron Shannon
Wade Russell Shannon
Gary Wayne Sharp
James Preston Sharp
John S Sharrer
James M Shaw
Malcolm Lee Shaw
Milton Amos Shaw
Dale Louis Shebilsky
Tom Jordan Sheffield
Elmer E Shelhamer
David Monroe Shelley
Jerry Randall Shelton
Lenox Edward Shelton
Ricky Lynn Shelton
Robert Leslie Shelton
Warren Odel Shely
Benjamin C Sheppard
Foey Melvin Shiflet
Roland M Shiflett
Roy Dean Shipley
Clifford Lee Shipp
L J Shirley
Joseph Shoaf
Bobby Lee Short
James Lynn Shortnacy
James Paul Shugart
Robert Wayne Shytles
James F Siebenthal
Calvin Cecil Sieg
Robert Paul Siegmund
Howard Young Sigler
Bobby Harold Sikes
Lonnie Berry Sikes
John Burl Silk
James Clemmons Sills
Elbert Ephraim Simmons
James Hiram Simmons
William F Simmons
Gilbert V Simpkins
Vernon Lee Sims
Frank Singer
John Siotos
Ronald Lloyd Skaggs
George M Skinner
Liston Worth Slack
Robert Augusta Slack
Robert Cleveland Slagle
David Henry Slaton
Ellison King Slaughter
Billy Mac Slayton
William Edward Sligar
Edis Ray Sluder
Ricky Langston Smiddy
Charles Frank Smith
Dennis Fred Smith
Edgar Livingston Smith
Everett Coleman Smith
Francis Edwin Smith
Freddie Ray Smith
G Clay Smith
Gean Oliver Smith
Glen Eldon Smith
Grady Jearld Smith
Henry Frank Smith
Hill Gardner Smith
Hugh Montgomery Smith
James Dallas Smith
James Donald Smith
Jewel Truman Smith
Joe Daniel Smith
John Harry Smith
Kelly Bryan Smith
Lester Robert Smith
Marion Smith
Marvin Lore Smith
Paul Smith
Rodney Curtis Smith
Sam Irby Smith
Sam Morris Smith
Troy Lilburn Smith
William Douglas Smith
Jimmy Andrew Smulcer
Tom F Sneary
Joseph Soffer
Robert L Solender
Glen Russell Sommers
Robert Scott Songer
Clyde Ruben Souther
Charles M Southerland
Malcom A Southerland
W C Southers
Joe Ernest Sparks
Lamar Q Sparks
Alden B Sparman
Morris Eugene Spears
Worth Montyque Speed
Ennis Taylor Spence
Charles Henry Spencer
Thomas Lesslie Spencer
Eugene Euclid Spillman
Joe Spiritas
Thomas James Spivey
Raymond G Splawn
Winston Allen Spoonts
Willard S Sprague
Jerry Lynn Sprinkle
John Francis Stack
James M Stafford
Joseph Albert Staley
John Robert Standley
Robert Ernest Standley
Robert S Stanford
Marvin Andrew Stark
Ollie Vernon Stark
Richard Victor Stauble
Thelston Lundy Steele
Murray Morris Stein
Morris Steinberg
Richard G Stephens
Walter Lee Stephens
William Eugene Stephens
A D Stephenson
Shawn Stephenson
Arthur Herman Stern
Donald Lynn Sterrett
Mead D Sterrett
Robert Eugene Sterrett
Billy Eugene Stevens
Lynn Leverle Stevens
Marion A Stevens
Milton Roy Stevens
Thomas Dean Stevens
James Hogg Stewart
Roy Jefferson Stewart
Thomas Stewart
William Leo Stewart
Donald William Stiner
Mcleod Stinnett
James Emmett Stockard
William A Stockdale
Jesse W Stogsdill
Glyn Walton Stokes
Melmoth Young Stokes
Joe Storey
Robert Lee Storm
Eugene R Straach
Norman Joseph Strange
Norman Seamon Strange
Mark E Strawbridge
Matthew B Strickland
Robert Louis Strong
Curtis Calvin Strother
Jud D Strother
Kendall Calvin Strother
Joseph Dale Stroup
Ray Bernard Stroup
Ben Clayton Stubbs
Charles Howard Stubbs
Robert Glenn Stucker
Travis Oneal Sullivan
Tom Edward Summerlin
George Gustave Susat
Beril Susman
Charles David Sutton
Craig Anderson Sutton
Donald Harry Swango
Thomas Eugene Swanson
Ross Ray Swift
Reezin Rufus Swilley
Evan Eugene Swinford
Russell Lowell Switzer
Troyce Boyd Sword
Ralph Simon Szabo
David Richard Tacke
Roy Edward Tackel
Donald Wayne Talasek
James Newton Tallant
Charles Wayne Talley
Joseph Obie Talley
William W Tanton
J L Tanzy
Leonard Henry Tavern
Coleman Taylor
Doyle Walter Taylor
Edwin Daniel Taylor
Gary Evans Taylor
James Major Taylor
James William Taylor
Levoy Dee Taylor
Mathis Swain Taylor
Odes Uvaldor Taylor
Paul Peak Taylor
Roy Lee Taylor
Thomas Allen Taylor
Clifton Eugene Teague
William Charles Teaquist
Granvil F Tedder
Raymond H Teeters
Anthony E Teichman
Mark Steven Tenalio
W T Terrell
Ralph Terry
Sidney Gaston Terry
Elmer James Tew
Denton Ramon Thomas
William Steve Thomas
Richard A Thomason
David Dean Thompson
Edward P Thompson
James B Thompson
James H Thompson
Michael T Thompson
Richard F Thompson
Robert J Thompson
Timothy M Thompson
William H Thomson
George C Thornton
Robert Bryan Thurman
George Watson Tidmore
Don Arthur Tidwell
Matthew Glawn Tidwell
Harold Daniel Timm
Charlie Alexander Tims
Richard Lee Tims
David Weldon Tindle
Jimmie Rowe Tinsley
Steven Mark Tinsley
Franklin Howard Todd
Beacham Pat Toler
Byron Clinton Tollett
Louis Wesley Tolliver
Paul Melvin Tolliver
Page 12 -
Scottish Rite News for the Valley of Dallas
Endowed Members
James Coy Tomlinson
Thomas M Tomlinson
Bruce Irving Topletz
Harold Myer Topletz
Andrew Toth
Russell Millard Tower
Frank H Townsend
Louis Atkins Townsend
Wayne E Townsend
Homer Eugene Trabits
Newt Shands Trail
Harold J Trammell
Plez A Transou
Scott A Transou
Eddie Frank Traughber
Jerry E Traughber
Manning B Trewitt
Edward Frank Trieb
James Richard Trimuar
Robert Goodyear Tromly
James Thomas Trotter
Dennis Ray Tubb
Odus Cullen Tubbs
Arch Lee Tucker
Argyle William Tucker
Loal George Tucker
Allen Henry Tuell
James Arthur Turman
William Mallard Turnage
Charles Neal Turner
James Clinton Turner
O Wayne Turner
D Wayne Turnipseed
Loyal Devon Tutle
Earl Edward Tweed
Leslie Thomas Twomey
Joe Henry Tydlaska
David Ackarman Tyler
Gerald Bailey Tyler
Roland Wyndell Tyler
William Eugene Tyler
David Ray Tyson
Bruce Albert Umstead
Harold Clifton Urschel
James Eugene Ussery
Marcus Walton Ussery
Alvin R Van Alstine
Ronald G VanDeilen
Thomas A VanHoose
Marvin L VanHoozer
John Calder Vance
Robb Morris Vance
James L Vandagriff
Monty Ray Vandergriff
William T Vandergriff
Roland Carlisle Vaughan
William James Vaughn
William Preston Vaughn
Franklin Delano Vaught
Paul D Veach
James Howard Veal
Aaron Odell Ventress
J D Vinson
Richard Bradford Wade
William Emil Wade
William Alfred Wadkins
Edgar D Wafford
Kenneth Reed Waggoner
Benjamin Paul Wagner
Matthew H Wagner
Charles Earl Waidelich
Lucius Waites
Bilbrey Dyer Wakeland
John Harrison Waldie
Wesley F Waldrep, Sr
Wesley F Waldrep, Jr
Ora W Walk
Charles Leroy Walker
Dee Brown Walker
Frank Newton Walker
Herbert James Walker
Jack George Walker
John A Walker
Oscar Walker
Robert L Walker
Allen Ott Wall
Bill Dell Wall
Charlie Eugene Wall
John Edward Wall
Larry Scott Wall
Roy Edward Wall
Delmar Eli Wallace
John Ray Wallace
Travis T Wallace
John Milton Walsh
Odis Dee Walsh
Sydney A Waltzer
Robert A Walz
Charles R Wampler
Darrell Roy Wanker
Ottis William Ward
Lloyd Olan Warden
James Sherman Warnick
Melvin D Warnock
Jack Harrington Warren
Joe Bob Warren
William Albert Warren
Ross Dupey Washam
Delton Ira Washington
Sam Washington
Everett Gaither Wasson
Douglas Daniel Waters
Herman Jarrell Waters
Robert Henry Waters
Thomas Eugene Wathen
James Alfred Watkins
Walter F Watkins
Carl Gene Watson
Jimmy Boy Watson
John William Watson
Travis Lee Watson
William F Watson
Eugene Edward Watts
George M Weatherford
Frank Hudson Weaver
Inos Weaver
Ralph Jack Weaver
Brian Lockwood Webb
Frank Burns Weber
Bradley Mark Weddle
Donald Frederick Weeks
Wilson Eugene Weems
George F Weinreich
Walter Clinton Weldon
Herbert Edwin Wellborn
George Neil Wells
Richard Alan Wells
Jack Jordan Wendling
Paul George Wendte
Eldon Todd West
John Lee West
Mitchell Alan West
E Truman Wester
Jackie Ralph Weston
Don Forest Whan
James C Wheatley
William Guy Wheeler
Dennis Emmett Whiddon
Raymond R Whipple
Glenn Gloyd Whitaker
Wilson B Whitaker
Billy Wayne White
Gerald Wayne White
Greg Lyndon White
Ivan Dale White
J P White
John Truitt White
Newton Oliver White
R W White
Shelby S White
Theodore M White
Albert R Whitehead
Arris Bryan Whitehead
Ronald B Whitehead
George Warren Whitham
James Ray Whittiker
Joyce Mack Whittiker
James Hoyt Whittle
Raymond Dean Whittle
Charles Robert Wible
Jerry Wayne Wicker
Henry Frank Wicks
Randy Wayne Wicks
Willie Wallace Wilburg
Otis Vernia Wilder
Clifton Wilderspin
John Monroe Wilkerson
John Paul Wilkerson
Zolon A Wilkins
Everett Vean Willard
James Morriss Willbanks
Harley Major Willey
Arthur Berri Williams
Billy Woodrow Williams
Chalmer Lee Williams
Charles Richard Williams
Desmond Loftin Williams
Frank Harden Williams
Jack Bruce Williams
James Douglas Williams
James Edwin Williams
Orville Allen Williams
Philip Jacob Williams
Riley Craig Williams
Ronny Lee Williams
Thomas Colquitt Williams
Thomas L Williams
Kinzer Varner Willis
Reginald William Willis
James McCrorry Willson
Billie Edward Wilson
Claude Daniel Wilson
Deloy Wilson
Earl William Wilson
Etheridge Geo Wilson
Eulis Verne Wilson
Fred Noble Wilson
Jack Forrest Wilson
John Charles Wilson
Leon Orville Wilson
Robert Bruce Wilson
Robert Harlin Wilson
Russell Bruce Wilson
Waymon W Wilson
Clifford James Wilton
Calvin W Winchester
Buster Wilson Winder
Ted Laverne Wineinger
Lawrence A Winkle
George Harvey Winter
Barry O Wirth
Paul William Wisdom
Al Thornhill Witcher
Robert G Witherspoon
Wendell L Withrow
Eugene Aaron Wolcott
Archie Leonard Wolfe
J W Wolfe
Floyd Womack
C Jack Wood
Charles Michael Wood
Robert Harris Wood
James Austin Woodard
R B Woodard
James T Woodruff
William Everett Woods
Robert Louis Wooldridge
Orval Gibson Wooley
Edward Paul Woolley
Thomas Alan Wooten
William Kerry Wootten
Joseph Francis Workman
Billy Doyen Worley
Ellis Merle Worley
William H Worthington
Paul Kevin Woznuck
Arthur A Wright
Bernard Wright
David A Wright
Donald Gene Wright
Earby Aubrey Wright
Elbert Lewis Wright
John Robert Wright
Michael Tanner Wright
Robert Frank Wright
Sam Lytton Wright
Raymond S Wunsch
Benjamin A Wyatt
Joe Carl Wyatt
Thomas Charles Wyatt
Buddy Wynne
James Robert Wynne
Coy Yancey
Kenneth Wayne Yancey
Ralph Ervin Yancey
Frank Duke Yetter
Chester R Young
Granville Grady Young
John Roy Young
Paris Franklin Young
Frank J Zabokrtsky
Adolph E Zeithammel
William John Ziegler
Henri Karl Ziesemer
Frank Ephimiou Zoys
Please check the
Endowed Member List.
If your name
please call the
office and
give your name
and year of
Scottish Rite News for the Valley of Dallas -
The Initiated Eye:
Secrets, Symbols,
Freemasonry, and the
of Washington, DC
Opening at the Octagon Museum
May 18, 2005
Sherry Birk
What do the international bestselling novel The Da Vinci Code
by Dan Brown, the current hit movie National Treasurer, starring
Nicolas Cage, and the upcoming Octagon exhibition The Initial
Eye have in common? All three reveal the little known
contribution of Freemasonry to American culture and history.
In an unprecedented collaboration with the Grand Lodge of Free
and Accepted Masons of the District of Columbia, and artist
Peter Waddell, The Octagon, the Museum of the American
Architectural Foundation is organizing an original exhibition
focusing specifically on the interesting and significant
contributions of Freemasonry to the design and architecture of
Washington, DC.
The tradition of Masonic architecture in the United States is
grounded in a history far older than the establishment of this
country. Many of this nation’s founding fathers were themselves
Freemasons and the Masonic stamp is visible throughout the
city of Washington, DC, the surrounding metropolitan area, and
the entire country.
Featuring 20 original paintings by history painter Peter Waddell
complemented by original Masonic artifacts, the exhibition will
tell the story of the city’s design from a new perspective and
shed light on the Masonic connections of many historic buildings
in the nation’s capital. The intention of the exhibition is to
demystify the role that Freemasons have played in this nation’s
architectural history and to provide a different viewpoint of
various historical events.
Original artifacts from the rich collections of the metropolitan
area’s lodges, many never seen before by the public, will
accompany the paintings. The three ritual silver cups used at
the laying of the Washington Monument’s cornerstone will be
displayed with a colorful painting depicting that historic event.
An exquisite Klismos-inspired chair designed by architect John
Russell Pope for his architectural masterpiece, the House of the
Temple on 16th Street, will be shown with a painting depicting
the interior of that magnificent structure. A selection of Masonic
ceremonial aprons, ranging from plain white example to elaborate
embroidered versions will also be featured. These paintings
and objects will explain some of the secret symbols of
Freemasonry and provide an understanding of how Masonic
symbols were and are used as powerful symbols of this nation.
The exhibition opens to the public on May 18, 2005 and remains
on view through December 31, 2005. Extensive educational
programming is planned to accompany the exhibition, including
walking tours of area Lodges and Temples, musical performances,
lectures and workshops.
Peter Waddell, well-known for his work as a history painter,
has created several series of paintings that have served as the
foundation for popular exhibitions at The Octagon, including
most recently, Inside the Temple of Liberty: 19th-Century
Interiors of the U.S. Capitol Building (2002). A group of masons
is working closely with Mr. Waddell to identify topics for the
paintings and assist in the research necessary to ensure the
accuracy of the work.
Page 13
Freemasonry is one of the world’s oldest and largest secular
fraternal organizations, whose members are concerned with moral
and spiritual values. Freemasonry dates to the Middle Ages as
an organization for stone masons, very similar to other craft
guilds. Implements of architectural craftsmen are used
symbolically in the organization’s system of instruction. Many
American architects and builders have been and are Freemasons
and the ceremonies of Freemasonry are still used at the
dedication of the cornerstones of important buildings.
The Octagon, the museum of the American Architectural
Foundation (AAF), is a nationally recognized museum of
architecture and design located two blocks from the White
House. One of Washington, DC’s earliest residences, the building
is a National Historic Landmark (1960) and is accredited by
the American Association of Museums (1973). The Octagon’s
mission is to educate the public about architecture, design,
historic preservation and stewardship of our architectural
heritage. These goals are accomplished through on-site
exhibitions, traveling exhibitions, collections and a wide variety
of creative public programs.
From The Octagon
The Museum of The American
Architectural Foundation
News Release
National Treasure
The new movie National Treasure, starring Nicolas Cage, opened
in theaters across the nation on November 19, 2004. It quickly
rose to be the highest grossing file ($35.3 million in ticket
sales) of the weekend and has already generated an extremely
wide public awareness of Freemasonry. Most importantly, it
portrays Masonry in a positive light and accents the significance
of the Founding Fathers to our national identity. Many of these
early patriots identified as Masons in the film, like George
Washington and Benjamin Franklin are well known. Only one
reference is not correct. Early in the movie, Charles Carroll,
identified as the last survivor of the 56 patriots who signed the
Declaration of Independence, is portrayed as a Freemason.
Charles Carroll of Maryland was not a member of the fraternity.
(Historically, it is believed the reason he was identified as a
Mason is that he was present at the laying of the cornerstone of
the B&O Railroad).
Most of the movie is entirely fictional. There is no “National
Treasure” as defined by the film, nor were Freemasons as a
group ever involved in collecting and safeguarding valuable
antiquities on behalf of all humanity. Nevertheless, Masonic
principals and values are referenced many times in the film, and
the audience receives a very favorable impression on the Craft.
The movie is rated PG because of “mild violence.” It really is a
family movie, and one all Masons should enjoy. It might even be
fun for a lodge to have a “movie night” and sponsor members and
their families who wish to attend. Discussions about the film
should result in many beneficial insights regarding Freemasonry
among both Masons and the general public.
From Emessay Notes
December 2004
Page 14 -
Scottish Rite News for the Valley of Dallas
Some Good Advice At
No Charge
Read this and make a copy for your files in case you
need to refer to it someday. Maybe we should all take
some of this advice!
A corporate attorney sent the following out to the
employees in his company:
A dog had followed his owner to school. His owner was a
fourth grader at a public elementary school. However, when
the bell rang, the dog sidled inside the building and made it
all the way to the child’s classroom before a teacher noticed
and shoo’ed him outside, closing the door behind him. The
dog sat down, whimpered and stared at the closed doors.
Then God appeared beside the dog, patted his head, and
said, “Don’t feel bad fella…they won’t let ME in either.
Ceremony of Remembrance
and Renewal
(cont’d. from page 1)
of all men. But words alone do not suffice. The Great Master
matched His words to act. He knelt before each of his Disciples
and washed the feet of each, an act of total humility and love.
In this symbolic act of self-sacrifice and service, the message
took on practical form. The truth was given substance.
Intention without action is of little use.
The Ceremony of Remembrance and Renewal, including the
Mystic Banquet, is not a religious observance. It is
neither the Feast of the Passover nor a Sacrament of
Holy Communion, although it commemorates the spirit of
Chapter of Rose Croix traditionally observe the celebration
of the Mystic Banquet as a memorial service honoring the
Knights of their Chapter who have passed on during the
preceding year. This observance strengthens the ties of
brotherly love, past and present. We meet together to break
the bread of fraternity, to reconcile ourselves with those we
may have offended, and to drink the wine of refreshment and
renewal. Thus, we celebrate the lives of our departed Brethren
and promise to abide by the New Lay, The Law of Love, with
our present Brethren and all mankind,
Thomas Graves Keithly, 32° KCCH – Wise Master, Dallas
Chapter of Rose Croix, and his officers invites each of you
and your Ladies to attend this new and beautiful ceremony.
The program will start at 6:30 p.m. on March 10th in the
Auditorium, followed by the Banquet in the Crystal Ballroom.
Please call Cindy Scholander in the office, 214-748-9196,
for reservations.
We look forward to seeing you there.
The next time you order checks have only
your initials (instead of first name) and
last name put on them. If someone takes
your checkbook, they will not know if you
sign your checks with just your initials
or your first name, but your bank will
know how you sign your checks.
When you are writing checks to pay on
your credit card accounts, DO NOT put
the complete account number on the
“Memo” line. Instead, just put the last
four digits. The credit card company
knows the rest of the number, and anyone
who might be handling your check as it
passes through all the check processing
channels won’t have access to it.
Put your work # on your checks instead
of your home phone. If you have a P.O.
Box, use that address instead of your
home address. If you do not have a P.O.
Box, use your work address. Never have
your SS# printed on your checks. You
can add it if it is necessary, but if you
have it printed, anyone can get it.
Place the contents of your wallet on a
photocopy machine. Do both sides of each
license, credit card, etc. You will know
what you had in your wallet and all of the
account numbers and phone numbers to
call and cancel. Keep the photocopy in a
safe place. I also carry a photocopy of
my passport when I travel either here or
abroad. We’ve all heard horror stories
about fraud that’s committed on us in
stealing a name, address, Social Security
number, or credit cards.
Further, here’s some critical information to limit the
damage in case you or someone you know experiences
identity theft:
We have been told we should cancel our
credit cards immediately. But the key is
having the toll free numbers and your card
numbers handy so you know whom to call.
Keep those where you can find them.
File a police report immediately in the
jurisdiction where your credit cards, etc.,
were stolen. This proves to credit providers you were diligent, and this is a first
step toward an investigation (if there ever
is one).
Call the three National Credit Reporting
Organizations immediately to place a
fraud alert on your name and Social Security number. The alert notifies any
company that checks your credit that your
information was stolen, and they have to
contact you by phone to authorize new
If you are willing to pass this information along, it
could really help someone that you care about.
Scottish Rite News for the Valley of Dallas -
Page 15
Members of the Scottish Rite Valley of Dallas
Are deeply saddened to learn that the Supreme Architect
of the Universe has called the Following Brethren
to that Celestial Lodge above...
Clyde Wellington Howard, Jr., 33o June 6, 1921
Harry Cecil Post, III, 33o
March 13, 1940
February 6, 2005 Sam P Cochran #1335
February 23, 2005 Claud L. Austin
Burney Bates McClurkan, 32o
Robert Ernest Standley, 32o
Marvin J. Stone, 32o
Joseph Edward Summerfield, 32o
February 17, 2005
January 25, 2005
April 24, 2001
February 7, 2005
January 13, 1917
July 30, 1955
October 7, 1909
November 27, 1906
Stockyard #1244
Metropolitan #1182
Pampa #966
Polytechnic #925
Lee Roy Hay, 32o
A couple of months ago, we published a letter regarding Brother Hay, written by his wife, Anita Hay. In this letter
she brought us up-to-date on Brother Hay’s health and his love for Freemasonry. With deep regret, we wanted
to inform you of the passing of Mr. Hay. He was born September 3, 1930 and died February 6, 2005 at his home
in Grayson , KY. He was a member of Blossom Lodge #303.
He lived respected and died regretted.
Farewell, my Brother, until we meet again...
Sick Call
John Christian Janssen, 32°
1619 Belmead Lane
Irving, TX 75061-4418
972-254-5945 (H)
Melvin Patterson Polen, 32° KCCH
8945 Flicker Lane
Dallas, TX 75238-3854
214-349-3994 (H)
Bob Heard, 32o KCCH
Chairman, Fraternal Visitation Committee
Mel Polen, 32 KCCH
Vice Chairman, Fraternal Visitation
Dear Family Member:
In the event that one of our Scottish Rite
members goes into the hospital or a nursing
home, or is incapacitated in any way, please
notify our Secretary with that information.
Please call: 214-748-9196
We need help identifying the people
in this photo. It was taken in November
of 1957 when Audie Murphy came
into the Scottish Rite and the Shrine
on the same day.
If you can identify any of these people,
please call Cindy Scholander
in the office 214-748-9196
and give her the
names of the gentlemen
in the picture.
Page 16 -
Scottish Rite News for the Valley of Dallas
(Please type or print)
(City / State / Zip)
(Phone No. / Email Address)
(Scottish Rite ID Number)
Prsrt Std
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 253
Dallas, Texas
Next Stated Meeting:
Monday, 4/11/2005
Time: 12:15 p.m.
Come see what Chef Basil has in
store for you!
A little guy is seated next to a big guy at a bar and asks
his name. The big guy says, “They call me Tex.” The
little guy replies, “Oh, you must be from Texas.” The
big guy says, “Nope, I’m from Louisiana.” “Hmmm,” the
little guy replies, “Then why do they call you Tex?” The
big guy looks down at him and says, “Would you like to
try calling me Louise?”
While visiting St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York and
admiring the glorious architecture, a parent was telling
his son near the alter, “And under here is the place where
all the cardinals are buried.” The youngster looked up
in amazement and asked with great wonder, “You mean
the whole team?”
A man gets a job painting road lines on the highway. At
the end of the day, the foreman comes to him and asks
“How much did you paint?” The man answered, “About
four miles.” “That’s twice the average, good job,” replied
the foreman. The next day the man paints two miles. On
the third day, he paints only one mile, so the foreman
asks why his work keeps decreasing in miles. The painter
replied, “I keep getting farther from the paint bucket.”
People who did their own thing because they
didn’t have a thing to do!
Umpire Bill Guthrie, after a rookie threw his bat into
the air to protest a called strike: “Son, if tha bat comes
down, you’re out of the game.”
Sign at Foot of Ski Lodge:
Strickly Enforced!
A good idea for golfers: Carry an extra pair of shoes
because you never know when you get a HOLE IN ONE!
Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
500 South Harwood Street
Dallas, Texas 75201-6210
With the price of clothing these days, it’s cheaper to
winter in the Bahamas than to buy an overcoat.
Don’t forget......
Spring Reunion
March 12, April 2 and
April 9