Scottie Quarterly November 14.indd - Tri


Scottie Quarterly November 14.indd - Tri
In This Issue
Superintendent’s Message . . . . . . Pg 2
TVHS Student Services . . . . . . . . . . Pg 3
Contacts for Winter Sports . . . . . . Pg 4
Homecoming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg 4
Camp Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg 5
Elementary Happenings . . . . . . . . Pg 6
High School & Middle School . . . . Pg 8
Scotties in the Spotlight . . . . . . . . Pg 9
Academic All A’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pg 10
Washington DC Fundraiser. . . . . Pg 11
Important Dates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg 12
5th Grade
Camp Ohio
Issue #2
Frazeysburg & Nashport Elementaries
October 8 - 10, 2014
Adamsville & Dresden Elementaries
October 15 - 17, 2014
Tri-Valley Local School District
November 2014
A message
from the superintendent . . .
It is hard to believe that the first grading period is over, but we have
begun the second quarter of school and the beautiful fall season has
indeed arrived.
Congratulations to the Tri-Valley Marching Band on qualifying for state
competition for the 33rd consecutive year. They will be performing on
Nov 1st at the OMEA State Final at Hilliard Bradley Stadium.
Congratulations also to the Scottie football team on their 6th consecutive
playoff appearance. Playoff details will be available at the conclusion of
the regular football season on October 31st.
There are several state and federal education issues that have become
controversial in the last few months that I would like to discuss briefly in
this month’s newsletter. One of these issues is the shifting of public dollars
to private charter schools. While losing students to private and charter
schools is not really a problem here at Tri-Valley, losing state revenue to
support these schools around the state is a problem. The shifting of state
tax dollars to pay for private institutions simply means that there is less
money to pay for public education. High performing school districts like
Tri-Valley, where there is little to no demand for private education, are
losing state dollars because of the many failing districts around the state
where there is a demand for educational alternatives.
The same type of pushback to failing schools is happening in terms of
curriculum. While Tri-Valley students are performing at a high level on
all of the state assessments and on the ACT/SAT’s, that is not the case in
many of the large urban centers around the state. The state and
federal government solution to this problem has been a monumental shift
in educational standards, major changes to teacher evaluation
requirements, and federal oversight of everything from school lunch to
field trips. I am not optimistic that these changes will do anything to help
failing schools, and I am 100% certain they are not going to be a benefit
to Tri-Valley.
We have attempted to minimize the impact of these changes to our
students, while also complying with all of the new state and federal
mandates concerning education. I assure all Tri-Valley residents that we
will continue to prepare our students academically for the real world with
the high quality education they will need to be successful adults.
Mark K. Neal, Superintendent
Tri-Valley Dual Enrollment
TVHS Student Services
Tri-Valley’s dual enrollment program gives
qualifying juniors and seniors the
opportunity to not only receive college
credit, but to also remain on the high
school campus. The courses are taught by
Tri-Valley teachers who are also certified to
teach college level classes. Some features of
the dual enrollment program are:
The Tri-Valley High School Guidance Office has a new name . . .
it is now the office of Student Services. Two new counselors and a
new secretary will be working with students this year.
Classes are college level and challenging
Students earn high school and college
credit simultaneously.
Dual enrollment credits are transferable
to most two - or four-year colleges
in the state of Ohio
The tuition cost is paid for by our school
Students earn college credits without
leaving their high school campus
Student athletes can continue to compete
in their chosen sport without college
classes interfering with practices or
Available Dual Enrollment Courses
l Anatomy/Human Physiology
l College Algebra
l Composition 1 & Composition 2
l Macro Economics
l Mandarin Chinese
l Micro Economics
l Pre-calculus
l Robotics
l Western Civilization
Distance Learning
Distance Learning provides Tri-Valley
students the opportunity to take classes via
computer. The courses are taught by certified teachers, and students communicate
with their teacher live during their
scheduled class time(s).
Available Distance Learning Classes
American Sign Language
l German
l Mandarin Chinese
l Theater
Tom Crowley (counselor for students A-L) is a graduate of The
University of Virginia where he earned his Bachelor of Arts in
Psychology. Mr. Crowley was previously a school counselor at
Bishop Rosecrans High School. Mr. Crowley, who also has many
years of coaching experience, is currently the JV Boys Soccer
Tammy Hanby (counselor for students M-Z) has thirteen years
of educational experience in teaching and school counseling.
Mrs. Hanby received her Bachelor of Science in Education from
Otterbein University, and her Master of Science in School
Counseling from the University of Dayton. Mrs. Hanby was most
recently awarded Florida High School Counselor of the Year
Erin Welker (Student Services Secretary) has been employed by
Tri-Valley Local Schools for five years. Mrs. Welker previously
worked at TVMS and has also been employed as a caseworker at
Job and Family Services.
School Counselor Vision:
The Tri-Valley High School Counselor Office will provide students with academic, college/career, and personal/social
direction. We will reach each student to guide them toward
attaining their highest academic potential and becoming their
personal best.
School Counselor Mission:
The school counselors will provide students with the knowledge
and support to attain their goals. We will encourage students
to challenge themselves academically and help them to find the
resources necessary to be successful. Our students will be
knowledgeable of what they need to not only meet their
graduation requirements, but to also achieve their goals beyond
Tri-Valley. Students will come to the school counselor office to
better prepare themselves for their academic and career lives
beyond high school.
As professional school counselors, we will create a welcoming
atmosphere in the office. We will foster a positive sense of self in
our students to help them to become confident and
contributing members of our society. By working with outside
resources, parents, teachers, and faculty we will provide students
with a network of knowledge and help. We will recognize each
student’s individual strengths and help them build upon those to
achieve their dreams.
Contacts for winter
Questions for winter sports and
extracurricular activities may be
addressed to the following
Boys Basketball
Todd McLoughlin
Girls Basketball
Marty Bice
Kelly Lawler
Jennifer Martin
Nick Beach
Stephen Sommer
Concert/Jazz Band
Amanda Blevins
2014 Homecoming
ocal S
5th Grade
A Busy Fall in Our Elementary Buildings!
Our elementary students have done a
fabulous job this fall of settling into a routine,
building rapport with their teachers and working
hard in their classrooms. There have also been
many opportunities this fall to learn from outside
Dresden and Frazeysburg kindergarten students
took the annual kindergarten “walk around town” to
meet with community helpers. Each community helper
took time to explain their jobs, responsibilities and how going
to school prepared them for their profession.
Adamsville, Frazeysburg and Nashport elementaries sponsored a
Grandparents Day where students could share what they were
learning with “a very special person” in their lives. Frazeysburg had
over 400 visiting Grandparents and Grand “Friends” join them for
breakfast and a live program.
Dresden Elementary had a visit from author, Jarrett J. Krosoczka and held
The Ned Show Assembly for Positive Behavior. Nashport Elementary held
assemblies on bullying.
Dresden PTO volunteers have begun building an outdoor shelter on their
Adamsville students have explored the local area; visiting the fire department, The John and Annie Glenn Museum and McDonald’s Greenhouse.
Patriot Day was held at Frazeysburg in memory of the events that took place
on September 11, 2001. Constitution Day was held at Adamsville Elementary
and Nashport 4th graders participated in a field trip to the Statehouse.
Third grade students took the 3rd grade reading OAA. Dresden Elementary is
proud to say they had 100% of their 3rd graders in attendance on that day!
Nashport’s Fall Festival was a huge success! Thanks to all who volunteered and
Frazeysburg Elementary held motivational assemblies with a
message. Basketball Jones visited the school and shared
lots of great advice and showed some amazing tricks.
Ron Derry visited fourth graders with his message of
being “GOOD” which means when the going gets
tough, the tough go on, not defeated. This speaker sponsored by the Frazeysburg Lions’ Club also
speaks on good work and work habits, good grades
and good citizenship.
Kid’s Hope, a mentoring program, is up and running
in Frazeysburg and Dresden Elementaries. Together with
partners (Meadow View Church in Frazesyburg and the
United Methodist Church in Dresden), the idea is one mentor, with
one child, for one hour per week. Volunteer mentors are trained by a
project coordinator and understand the required separation of church
and state. During the mentoring hour, students may read, work on
class assignments, play an academic game, study spelling words or
complete whatever task the child may need. Students are recommended to the program by the school staff or by parent request.
Adamsville Elementary recently held auditions for their school play. This
year’s production will be Annie, with the performance date being December
10 at 7:00 p.m. Please plan to attend!
Accelerated Reading is a program utilized at all Tri-Valley Schools.
Students read books throughout the year and take quizzes on books
in their reading range, based on the Star Reading Test which
is given at the beginning of each quarter. In addition, AR
Nights are hosted at our Title I Schools which are
Dresden, Adamsville and Frazeysburg. The evening
activities vary a bit from building to building, but
parents can come in with their children, read great
books, and take quizzes to earn AR points toward
each reader’s individual quarterly goal. Check at your
school’s office to find out dates and times for upcoming
months and plan to join in the fun.
Tri-Valley Middle School
Mr. Brillhart’s American History Class
is working on a project about the
abuses of English colonists’ rights
by the British government and will
soon analyze the Declaration of
Independence. Mrs. Smart’s class
will be doing a Taxation without
Representations Skittles Activity to
help teach the students what it would
have felt like to be a colonist being taxed
without representation in Parliament.
8th Grade students recently visited
the Mid-East Career Center.
Miss Burris and Mrs. Hendershott’s 7th grade English classes
visited Dresden Elementary to
share books they created with
some kindergarten and first
grade students.
7th grade math classes are currently
solving real life word problems, finding
actual distances on maps and scale
drawings, and comparing similar
figures while using proportional
skills. We’ll soon see how they
Mr. Ripple’s 7th grade science
classes are studying chemistry; using the periodic table, learning the
difference between elements, compounds and mixtures and learning
about chemical reactions.
Mr. Timm’s 7th grade science classes
are completing their annual scientific
inquiry to determine the best brand of
paper towel. Ask your child to hear
their conclusions as to which brand
you should buy.
Middle school students showed their
support in October by wearing pink for
Breast Cancer Awareness.
Tri-Valley High School
Mr. Johnson’s physics/robotics students
are working on their competition robots
for the Zane State competition this December. This year’s challenge is called
Skyrise and the job is to build towers
with their robots.
Students in Mr. Stillwell’s
AP Chemistry class have
been doing lab work with
two new spectrophotometers, a device that
measures the amount
of light that a sample
absorbs. They have
also been working on
titration, calorimetry
and many other concepts
in preparation for the AP
test in May.
Mrs. Moore’s Spanish students
presented a project and cultural food day based on the
holiday in Mexico called
“El Dia de los Muertos”.
The assignment incorporated the Mexican culture, and
the Spanish language.
Juniors took the ASVAB test
in early October and received
interpretation of their results on
Nov. 9.
Students 16 and older recently
participated in the TVHS Annual
Blood Drive.
Sophomores will visit the Mid East
Career Center on November 21.
Representatives from numerous
colleges and universities have
visited the Student Services Office,
giving prospective students a look at
their institutions and what they have to
Scotties in the Spotlight
Featured Staff: Melissa Smalley
Graduated from Shenandoah High School in 1996.
Melissa earned an Associate Degree in Early Childhood
Education from Muskingum Technical College. She then
attended Muskingum University and Ohio University,
earning a Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education.
She has also completed a Masters Degree in Assessment
and Curriculum K-12 from Marygrove College.
Melissa taught preschool at the Longaberger Family Center for six years before coming to Tri-Valley. She worked
as a kindergarten aide for a year before taking over her
own classroom. She has been a kindergarten teacher at
Frazeysburg Elementary since 2006.
Melissa states that she has always felt called to work with
children. Her grandmother was a teacher and her sister
also chose to become a teacher. Throughout the years
there have been many wonderful individuals and teachers who have helped guide and support her in her chosen
Melissa believes in the importance of building a “connection” with her students by getting to know them, their
families and their interests. She looks forward each year
to meet her students. She states, “I truly love my students,
they are “my kids”, and I love them like they are my own!”
When asked about a favorite memory in her career she
recalls a time when she was assessing a student on their
colors. She asked the child, “What is this color?” The
child replied, “Why are you asking me, don’t YOU already
know?” Out of the mouths of babes!
Melissa and her husband, Gus, have two children, Reece
who is twelve and Xander who is seven. Anyone who
knows her knows that she loves to shop and decorate! She
also loves to read a good book and watch movies with her
Advice or words of wisdom she would give to
“Make the most of the time you have. It’s the little things
that matter most!”
Featured Alumni:
Susan Montgomery McDonald
Graduated from Tri-Valley High School in 1992
Earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Public Affairs and
Speech Communication in 1996 and a Juris Doctorate in
2002 from Capital University Law School.
She was admitted to the practice of law in Ohio in 2002
and is also admitted to practice in the U.S. District Court,
Northern and Southern Districts of Ohio.
Susan is a member of the Muskingum County and Ohio
State Bar Associations. Her major practice areas include
Estates and Estate Planning, Agricultural Law, Family Law
and General Practice. Prior to joining the firm of Gottlieb,
Johnston, Beam & Dal Ponte, PLL in 2003, she served as the
director of environment and health care policy at the Ohio
Chamber of Commerce. From 1996 - 1998 she served as
a legislative aide in the Ohio House of Representatives in
Columbus and a Legislative Service Commission intern.
Susan and her husband James (a 1992 TVHS graduate)
live on the family farm and own/operate McDonald’s
Greenhouse & Corn Maze. The McDonalds state that their
interests lie with rearing their young sons, who attend
Adamsville Elementary; Supporting the 4-H program and
producing future leaders for our community; and Educating
the public about Ohio’s agricultural heritage. When asked
about awards or distinctions earned, Susan’s comment was
that she wants to be known for working toward raising
God-fearing, hard-working, respectable children.
Two since-retired Tri-Valley High School teachers inspired
Susan in her educational goals: Mr. Rotella and Mr. DeHaven. She states that “Mr. Rotella was a fun-loving English
teacher who gave me better appreciation for literature and
pretty good writing skills and Mr. DeHaven believed in me,
pushed me through Geometry class and National Honor
Advice she would give today’s students:
“Practice self-discipline. Look for a mentor in every walk of
your life. Get a skill or education before you start a family.”
at the time of publication
Grade 6
Marlee Bennett
Grade 2
Samantha Cross
Dyllon Ault
Kiley Devoll
Audri Cramer
Cyrus Dittmar
Marriah Cummings Hannah Moore
Felicity Grable
Bradley Morris
Taylor Green
Gavin Sherley
Haven Herbst
Caiden Hogue
Amelia Koenig
Wyatt Martin
Grade 2
Aaron McConnell Sydney Abele
Jack McDonald
Baylee Baker
Taylyn Mitchell
Delaney Bell
Nick Moore
Jordyn Boals
Katelyn Paxson
Jack Cameron
Cydney Ray
Mikie Churchill
Aziah Smith
Charity Clark
Izabella Smith
Brant Cox
Gavin Spiker
Matthew Cox
Ethan Stotts
Christopher Garbrandt
Hayden Weck
Callie Hardbarger
Grade 3
Caden Bryson
Eva Dittmar
Michael Ellis
Rian Girton
Maci Hiles
Brylee Miller
Tanner Newton
Clara Pettit
Kaid Smith
Karleigh Stotts
Mila Thompson
Shianne Williams
Grade 4
Jenna Ashcraft
Cameron Davis
Darci Liston
Mazie Mallet
Jaydon Thomas
Kaila Smith
Jacob Harvey
Mackenzie Harvey
Helena Hastings
Colin Horton
Daniel Huffman
Xavier Jenkins
Gabrielle Jordan
Laetyn Keffer
Austin Lynn
Jared McNerney
Dylan Newell
Leah Patrick
Jacie Rollison
Rebecca Schneider
Micah Shupert
Josiah Sipe
Jenna Smith
Grade 3
Olivia Abele
Kenzie Albertson
Kyler Brennen
Wyatt Buchanan
Grade 5
Quinn Buttermore
Maison Crawford Alexis Conrad
Arissa Drake
Addison Davis
Breeze Foster
Sylvie Devore
Kyleigh Hatfield Timothy Doyle
Aiden Henning
Elle Folden
Logyn Jeffries
Sandra Gill
Kortney LeMaster Eli Grimes
Seryna Mann
Nevaeh Hood
Derrick Palmer
Destiny Hottinger
Sarah Paxson
Savannah Hurst
Jeremiah Pletcher Ellison Jones
Hannah Pollock
Kylee Kennedy
Faith Ramsey
Norah Kline
Conner Ray
Elizabeth Mjolhus
Trevin Rush
Jaxon Moore
Dylan Pierce
Maranda Prouty
Braxton Rhodes
Haley Rutan
Emerson Sandbrink
Lillie Schott
Sam Schott
Rochelle Squires
Evan Unger
Nathan Welsh
Landon Wilson
Grade 4
Alyssa Bice
Cody Colborn
Lauren Cox
Kelynn Drummonds
Cadence Hendershott
Makayla Hutchison
Karly Markin
Joul Moore
Matthew Murphy
Arpen Parekh
Michael Park
Willow Perry
Ethan Pettit
Owen Pettit
Emma Pickens
Rachael Ratliff
Timothy Romine
Anna Scheurman
Jake Slaboden
Ciara Spence
Kelsea Williams
Jackson Wilson
Jaxson Wood
Grade 5
Alyssa Ashcraft
Saxton Baker
Mia Bartolli
Ava Bice
Cooper Brown
Doak Buttermore
Blaine Cox
Elyssa Dabila
Amanda Druckenbrodt
Aubrey Fritter
Jalen Goins-Chandler
Samantha Huffman
Josey Johnson
Emilee Kemp
Taylor Kendrick
Cody Kincer
Keira Lacy
Janie McLoughlin
Rachel Meadows
Tyler Rector
Alicia Ritchie
Andrew Robertson
Molly Shupert
Reece Smith
Abigail Stanford
Trinity Tippet
Grade 6
Riley Albertson
Haeley Barr
Alyssa Bruns
Rachael Cox
Garrett Folden
Aidan Fritter
Caylen Hardbarger
Jadyn Hendershott
Reily Jacobs-Bell
Mason McDaniel
Cameron Scott
Clare Waggle
Lauren Wells
Haylee Whyde
Grade 5
Abby Baldwin
Johnathan Barker
Kendall Baughman
Lacey Carroll
Anna Krupa
Truxton Marshall
Brayden Moran
Hunter Smith
Emma Spencer
Alex Williams
Olivia Zeman
Grade 6
Jeremy Barnett
Austin Curtis
Abbey Denman
Hayley Durant
Emily Finan
Grade 2
Nicole Harper
Darrian Campbell
Mindi Honabarger
Landon Clapper
Baylee Johnson
Abby Conley
Schawn McDonald
Gillian Hockenberry Emma Meadows
Kaden Lankford
Brynn Miller
Kaleigh Marshall
Kiley Reffitt
Jack Meadows
Alyssa Sensibaugh
Kaelyn Mohler
Reece Smalley
Paiton Murphy
Payton Stires
Zachary Pierce
KayLynn Reffitt
Alexis Shepler
Colton Stires
Grade 2
Addison Stivison
Elexis Ankrom
Ava Vensil
Nash Baughman
Heaven Vernon
Madelyn Baumbach
Cydnee Wolford
Yuvraj Bastola
Carly Bice
Grade 3
Connor Briggs
Brody Bailey
Jamie Bright
Mia Claypool
Terrell Darden
Genna Dennison
Stephen Krupa
Julie Miller
Ethan Whittaker
Wyatt Williams
Zoey Zeman
Grade 4
Katerie Barnett
Trystyn Conklin
Gabby French
Audrey Gee
Landon Harney
Ethan Helms
Kayte Honabarger
Jade Keith
Casey Lemley
Lilly Skinner
Jayden Walker
Jack Winland
Falon Wolford
Garrett Brocklehurst
Case Burkhart
Dominic Dale
Gwyn DalPonte
Ashlyn Davis
Anna Derwacter
Carter Dinan
Nora Dunn
Kaden Durant
Sam Finck
Nick Flarey
Emily Founds
Olivia Frampton
Derek Frueh
Xander Hinds
Jaiden Johnson
Camryn Kaercher
Kaden King
Mckynlie Maurer
Makenna McClary
Bode McCullough
Nina McIntire
Hayley McPeck
Aiden McWhorter
Grace Moore
Jackson Morehouse
Tyler Ochs
Connor Preston
Lauren Renaud
Alya Roe
Hallie Rounds
Chance Rowley
Ayden Schultheis
Abby Searls
Elise Spiker
Molly Spiker
Eric Timm
Kara vanRooyen
Lylean Williams
Olivia Williams
Zoey Worden
Grade 3
Brady Allen
Josh Allen
Landyn Andrews
Alexis Ardelian
Nathan Better
Autumn Bailey
Justin Bowman
Kylan Brock
Kiah Bryant
Kate Burkhart
Sydney Byers
Sami Cameron
Zoey Coakwell
Eric Durant
Elijah Felumlee
Lyla Fisher
Ian Freed
Jesi Fuhriman
Mia Fuhriman
Landon Fuller
Daylan Glosser
Matt Griffith
Joe Hendershot
Cash Helser
Traiain Hinds
Noah Jolicoeur
Ashlynn Jones
David Knipe
Jerin Lacy
Izabella Lazar
Ada Lorenz
Rachel Lowe
Kate Martin
Ethan McClellan
Haili McMannis
Peyton Moore
Erik Neal
Madison Nalbach
Ben O’Rourke
Gael Oseguera
Alaina Paul
Alaliyah Reed
Savannah Rexroad
Karlee Rose
Alivia Ross
Caleb Ross
Bryce Rushing
Alivia Sims
Matt Stevens
Andrew Tackett
Kaileanna Tolliver
Nicholas Tolliver
Devyn Thompson
Jaci Talbot
Olivia Whitney
Michael Wright
Camren Zimmerman
Grade 4
Jana Abu-Baker
Ethan Ankrom
Zayne Andzelik
Tyler Bailey
Brooklyn Baker
Ally Barclay
Belle Baughman
Jake Bowman
Gaige Brailer
Logan Brocklehurst
Wyatt Brocklehurst
Eden Bryan
Carolyn Buckliew
Madison Burtnett
Makena Burtnett
Landon Butcher
Mya Butler
Luke Cameron
Jessalyn Carpenter
Julia Cetrone
Alex Dale
Makenzie Dickson
Paiten Dimond
Ashley Dinan
Hannah Doyle
Avery Dunn
Noelle Flarey
Emma Flint
Aaron Frueh
Dylan Gonzalez
Gavin Hale
Madyson Hannahs
Anna Harris
Ava Harris
Soul Holbein
Zack Hollingshead
Slade Huston
Mercedese Knipe
Noah Kobunski
Abby Kopcho
Caden Leckrone
Emma Lewis
Bladen Loudermilk
Kaleb Lyons
Ely Maddox
Keely McCall
Jakob McIntire
Emma McMillen
Keyona Murphy
Emmaleigh Newell
Jason Patterson
Atlanta Pennington
Emma Pratt
Mason Prouty
Olivia Rapol
Sarah Rapol
Kailey Ross
Arwyn Rowley
Emma Rush
Abby Saling
Lahney Searls
Ty Shawger
Connor Shoenleben
Madeline Smith
Raegen Smith
Rylee Smith
Cassie Spiker
Truman Tarbert
Kailey Ross
Kirsten Thomas
Leah Thomas
Iliana Tracy
Seth Wasson
Maddie Watton
Ashlynn West
Jacie West
Luke Wilkinson
Brody Williams
Casen Wilson
Taylin Woerner
Alison Yingling
Grade 5
Aidan Brannan
Rogan Brown
Cooper Fuhriman
Kaleb Hindel
Haddie Hunter
Alexandra Ikenberry
Janessa Jewell
Caiden Kinneer
Charlie Lorenz
Jackson Luthi
Mason Maxwell
Oliver Oseguera
Anna Paul
Nick Rushing
Emma Smeltzer
Teresa Smeltzer
Jaret Talbot
Emily Ward
Brynna Wolford
Hope Wollard
Grade 6
Logan Butler
Kaiden Carpenter
Olivia Combs
Abigail Derwacter
Jakob Frueh
Tate Fuhriman
Aubrey Harris
Trevor Hollingshead
Daylin Mercer
Riley Moore
Jordan Pantaleo
Laura Rickett
Audrey Rose
Braden Smith
Dontae Stotts
Reagan Whitaker
Bailey Wilson
Middle School
Grade 6
Christian Williams
Grade 7
Jaxon Baker
Alyssa Baughman
Daisy Beale
Tracy Beale
Brayden Better
Jared Birkhimer
Bo Buttermore
Owen Campbell
Mackenzie Clark
Madaline Conkle
Maia Garbrandt
Dylan Hill
Emily Hutcheson
Curtis Huy
Ellie Kidwell
Lauren King
Megan Knicely
Kamryn Kreis
Cade Lemley
Skyler Lewis
Jordyne Little
Jack Lyall
Serenity Mallett
Berry Mason
Tyler McClellan
Connor McIntire
Bret Mohler
Megan Myers
Andrew Richert
Camden Ross
Karsan Ross
Michael Sciance
Marissa Sees
Matthew Sheets
Kenaniah Sipe
Audrey Spiker
Laine Stanchin
Emily Welsh
Dylan Williams
Keaton Williams
Lauren Wood
Seth Zeman
Shelby Zimmerman
Grade 8
Heather Abele
Eric Allen
Dalton Anker
Wyatt Arnold
Reagan Baughman
Brayden Beardsley
Chad Bell
Jayleen Bennett
Ashley Bobb
Hudson Brown
Tucker Bruns
Cy Burkhart
Isaiah Byers
Nickalas Carpenter
Anna Curtis
Janessa Dawson
Dustin Dilts
Faith Dressler
Karleigh Dudas
Makenna Ellis
Ethan Evans
Luke Fargus
Bailey Gray
Megan Hall
Kirsten Handley
Gabriel Hehr
Dakota Higgins
Taylor Horton
Brooke Hunter
Emily James
Ashley Knicely
Stephen Kopcho
Noah Krupa
Sean Lacy
Shayna Laudner
Kaden Lawler
Kailey Lindsley
Savanna Moran
Madeleine Moyer
Ivie Nicholas
Belle Norman
Zane Paisley
Landyn Phipps
Thomas Reiss
Dylan Repuyan
Wyatt Riggle
Christina Rozsa
Kristina Scheurman
Hanna Sensibaugh
Carson Simpkins
Samuel Slaboden
Cade Sterling
Emma Swartz
Ryan Thomas
Ethan Timm
Tanner Vernon
Taya Woerner
Nicholas Wolverton
Hannah Worthington
Jared Myers
High School
Madeline Myers
Emma Palko
Grade 9
Desire Patterson
Morgan Anderson
Raeanna Payne
Cameron Bailey
Sophie Perrine
Lacey Batross
Haley Phipps
Slade Blizzard
Amanda Pierce
Chelsea Brown
Tara Prouty
Hannah Brown
Devin Repuyan
Cooper Cass
Kylee Ritchie
Caleb Craig
Jennifer Dannemiller Aaron Ross
Zachary Sanford
Keylan Dilly
Aubrey Schofield
Kaelee Dingey
Franchesca Emerson Elloria Shaw
Colin Slaboden
Shelby Engle
Jessica Smith
Dawson Grubbs
Madeline Spiker
Jobin Harney
Taya Titchenell
Hannah Harris
Jennifer Walker
Sheyenne Harris
Lauryn Wolverton
Kira Hindel
Aaron Jadwin
Grade 11
Hannah Jenkins
Shelby Awalt
Makayla King
Mollie Baker
Callie Kirkbride
Remington Beardsley
Nathan Lawler
Alivia Bice
Colin Lee
Abbey Colopy
Kaleb Long
Austin Dalessandro
Morgan Martin
Brage McCutcheon Brianna Dawson
Taylor Farrand
Kieranda McGee
Brittany Huffman
Jake McLoughlin
Meagan Humphreys
Cameron Mercer
Ashley Mitchell
Kristofor Mesaros
Cheyenne Nason
McKenzie Nezbeth
Christian Nezbeth
Gregory Nolder
Mckensea Pape
Ankur Parekh
Sydney Prince
Alyssa Prince
Kinsey Roberts
Cassady Rankin
Karagan Ross
Alyssa Shawger
Caitlin Trickett
Levi Steele
Nathan Strohacker
Grade 12
Scott Thompson
Alexis Adams
Chasity Turner
Logan Bash
Emily Untied
Dylan Bryan
Madison Walcott
Andrew Bugglin
Hannah Watson
Allison Farmer
Nicholas Ford
Grade 10
Alex Gergely
Emily Allen
Jacob Harper
Brecklin Baker
Lauren Hartnell
Annie Brock
Layne Hartnell
Alizza Bonifield
Olivia Kerekes
Sierra Brown
Cameron Little
Makenzie Embrey
Garrett McDermott
Samantha Engle
Tristan McDermott
Bryce Farmer
Abby Mohler
Mollie George
Jarred Morlen
Ethan Harris
Megan Penrose
Mackenzie King
Aubrey Richards
Kinley Kreis
Siena Shirer
Samantha Lawler
Nicholas Slaboden
Kailey Lowe
Alaina Swope
Lexanne Lynch
Kirstyn McLoughlin Kyle Valentine
Larah Waite
Avery Miller
Rebecca Wheeler
Genna Murphy
Important Dates!
Washington DC Trip
8th grade students will once again have
the opportunity to tour our nation’s capital. Departing early morning on May 13,
2015, the first stop will be Gettysburg for
a full afternoon of touring the battlefield.
Thursday and Friday, students will have
two full days absorbing all that D.C. has
to offer. A few stops included on the tour
will be: The Capital Building, Smithsonian Museums, George Washington’s
Mount Vernon, and the Jefferson, Lincoln,
WWII, Vietnam War, Korean War, and
Pentagon Memorials. A stop at Arlington
Cemetery will include the Changing of
the Guard Ceremony. The Washington
D.C. trip always provides our students
an educational, fun filled, three days of
touring and learning. Please consider
supporting our students and defraying
the cost of their trip by purchasing a
ticket for the annual D. C. Raffle. Prizes
are given daily throughout the month of
Students are in session ALL DAY - the 2 hr.
early release listed on the calendar is incorrect
26 - Dec. 2
Thanksgiving Break - No school for Students
Holiday Parade
County Choir Festival at Secrest Auditorium
Last day before Christmas Break
22 - Jan. 2
Christmas Break - No School for Students
Tickets are available from middle school
students or at the TVMS office. Check
out the list of great prizes on the TVMS
End of the 2nd Grading Period
No School for Students
Grade Cards Distributed
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
No School for Students
Annual TVHS Choir Discount Card Sale
FFA Annual Fruit
& Cheese Sale
If you haven’t ordered
fruit from the FFA you
still have time.
Orders will be taken until
November 25.
Fruit will be delivered the
first week of December.
Call Mr. Merce at
754-1820 to order.
High school choir members are once again selling their popular discount cards.
For only $7.00 you can use your card to save at a variety of businesses for a full
year. The more you use your card, the more you save. The following businesses
are listed on this year’s card:
Creno’s Pizza
Dairy Queen
Squiggly’s Car Wash
Bill’s Real Pit BBQ
Burger King
Auntie Anne’s
Papa Johns
The Depot Restaurant
El Maguey Mexican Restaurant
A & W Rootbeer
Visions Hair & Tanning Salon
MC Sports
Great New China Buffet
Contact any high school choir member or Mrs. Briggs at
to purchase a card.
They make great stocking stuffers!