uncle henry`s bullsheet
uncle henry`s bullsheet
"One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his greatest surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn't" — Henry Ford APRIL 2015 U N C L E H E N RY ’ S B U L L S H E E T Early Ford V-8 Club of America 2015 OFFICERS PHONE ZIG ZUNIGA, PRESIDENT 999-5543 santoszuniga2@att.net DAVE SCROGGINS, VICE PRESIDENT 435-2806 PAT DIETZ, SECRETARY 908-2430 PAT NICHOLS, TREASURER 453-0750 VERNON PURSELL, HISTORIAN 907-1498 JEANNETTE MECCA, SUNSHINE 439-0950 GAIL ZUNIGA, EDITOR/ROSTER/WEB 824-8593 BOARD OF DIRECTORS GORDON DIETZ BURYL NICHOLS PAT DIETZ PAT NICHOLS REUBEN DOGGETT MD VERNON PURSELL DAVE SCROGGINS ZIG ZUNIGA In this Issue President’s Message ......Page 1 Minutes ............................Page 2 Calendar ..........................Page 3 Member Notes .................Page 4-6 Central San Joaquin Regional Group 29 Volume 45, Issue 4 President’s Message That time is here again - time for the 44th ANNUAL BLACK BART TOUR! Stu Slattery has taken over the task of coordinating this tour and has a five star program lined up for everybody’s entertainment and enjoyment. If you haven’t signed up for this tour, there is still time; but, the deadline of April 11 is fast approaching. Take the opportunity now to send in the registration located on the last page of this newsletter. The club has been asked to participate once again in the Clovis Farmers Market! Everyone is invited to come join the fun on Friday, May 15th. What will it take to bring you and your cool ride? Come to the next meeting on April 14th and vote on a a possible monetary incentive. Many thanks to Vice President, Dave Scroggins, for the fine tour he organized to Tulare in March. Those who attended could not say enough about the food, cars, friendship and camaraderie. A big thank you also to the hosts, Vic and Linda Groah. Sincerely, Zig Zuniga Classified .........................Page 7 Black Bart Registration ..Page 8 Early Ford V-8 Club of America * CSJ Region 29 * www.sanjoaquinv8.com * P.O. Box 33, Clovis, CA 93613-0033 Page 2 Uncle Henry’s Bullsheet TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 2015 6:30 p.m. (come a little earlier for dinner) GUESTS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME AND ENCOURAGED! March 10, 2015 CALL TO ORDER: President Zig Zuniga called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Gorden Dietz. MEMBERS PRESENT: There were 23 attendees as follows: Paul & Becky Armendariz Gordon & Pat Dietz Ron Hults Bill & Barbara Jones Bill & Carole Laverty Jim McKoane Vernon Pursell Dave Scroggins & Carol NEW MEMBERS/GUESTS: No guests or new members. Reuben Doggett, MD Mike Keith Mike & Jeanette Mecca Stu & Suzie Slattery Brian Garren Chet Kistler Jack Morril Zig Zuniga MINUTES: A motion was made by Jeanette Mecca to approve the February minutes as stated in the Bullsheet. Reuben Doggett, M.D. pointed out the dates the San Jose club visits Fresno was in error. It should read Friday, June 12th, not the 13th. He seconded the motion to approve minutes with correction. CLASSIC CARS DRIVEN: Mike Keith drove his 1930 Model A & Bill & Carole Laverty rode in their 1948 Ford! TREASURER’S REPORT: The club is solvent! SUNSHINE: Jeanette Mecca reported that Joe Pendley had triple bypass heart surgery. Sandy Hults is in therapy for a broken hand. Virginia Alberta is still struggling with sciatica. PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE: OLD BUSINESS: Nothing reported. NEW BUSINESS: April 19th is the Cherry Auction. Chet Kistler has a hydraulic lift for sale for $1,000. It came from Michael Chevrolet. If interested, call his cell - 647-8499. TOURS/BREAKFASTS: The March breakfast will be held on Tuesday, March 17th at Manna Café (Maple/Beheimer). On the weekend of June 12th - June 14, there will be a conjoint tour with the San Jose car club (Mission Trails Chapter) is to the Sequoias. Reasonable and safe lodging is needed. Stu Slattery reported on the BLACK BART TOUR and said there were 27 reservations (51 people). It will be a very interesting tour and everyone will be excited about going. TOUR BAGS: Donations always appreciated. It was agreed the club can spend $300 on items and members were reminded to bring 3 dozen cookies to be included. Kathy & Kooky (Bob Kevorkian’s daughters) will donate the actual bags. Stu Slattery is in charge of providing name tags. Jack Morril donated a wonderfully illustrated book entitled “Woodies” for the Saturday night auction. ADJOURNMENT: A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Reuben Doggett, M.D. and seconded by Bill Laverty. Meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Pat Dietz, Secretary Paul Armendariz won the $20 drawing! Early Ford V-8 Club of America * CSJ Region 29 * www.sanjoaquinv8.com * P.O. Box 33, Clovis, CA 93613-0033 Page 3 Uncle Henry’s Bullsheet mark your calendar EVENTS, TOURS, and SWAP MEETS MAY APRIL 3 Good Friday (Fri) Happy Birthday Don 5 (Sun) 1 (Fri) Happy Birthday Bill 3 (Sun) Turlock Spring Swap Meet Laverty Singleterry Happy Easter 6:00 am - 2:00 pm Happy Birthday Jim Loyd 10 (Fri) Happy Birthday Galyn 11 (Sat) DEADLINE: Nichols 9 (Sat) Pendley 10 (Sun) 12 (Tues) 12 (Sun) Happy Birthday Bryanette CLUB MEETING 6:30 P.M. Denny’s Restaurant - Clovis Tower Classic Car Show Tower District (details on page 6) 15 (Fri) Bring your classics to Clovis Farmer’s Market 4:30 P.M. 14 (Tues) Denny’s Restaurant - Clovis 21 (Tues) Pollasky/Third CLUB MEETING 6:30 P.M. 17 (Sun) CLUB BREAKFAST 9:00 “Ladies” Luncheon at Yosemite Falls Café 4020 N. Cedar (Ashlan) Hosted by Mike & Jeanette Mecca 2015 ANNUAL BLACK BART TOUR 24 (Fri) 25 (Sat) 26 (Sun) Happy Birthday Ernest “Guys” Tour to 19 (Tue) CLUB BREAKFAST 9:00 More information in next month’s Bullsheet Pino 25 (Mon) To CARAVAN to Black Bart, meet at the NW corner of Herndon & Golden State Blvd. (near Starbucks) at 9:00 a.m. Don’t’ forget to bring raffle prizes AND 3-4 dozen cookies. Memorial Day 22 (Fri) Happy Birthday Gerald 22 (Fri) Happy Birthday Gene Stoltenberg Clarey Early Ford V-8 Club of America * CSJ Region 29 * www.sanjoaquinv8.com * P.O. Box 33, Clovis, CA 93613-0033 Page 4 Uncle Henry’s Bullsheet 2015 ANNUAL BLACK BART TOUR Dear Ford Members (Friends), Thank you for the cards and the donations to Hinds Hospice in Claude’s memory. Love, Marjorie & Family Sunday - April 12th 10:00 am - 5:00 pm April 24, 25, & 26 Cost is $105 per person ($35 per child under 17) The Agenda is listed in the Flyer/Registration Form on page 8. Complete the Registration Form and submit by: April 11th Be sure to call the Amador Inn (209-223-0211) for reservations by: April 1st To CARAVAN to Black Bart, meet at the NW corner of Herndon & Golden State Blvd. (near Starbucks) at 9:00 a.m. Don’t’ forget to bring raffle prizes AND 3-4 dozen cookies. Tower District (Olive & Wishon Avenues) Over 400 cars on display including Street Rods, Fat Fenders, T-Buckets, Roadsters, Muscle Cars, Pickups, Modifieds, and Nostalgia Rods dating from 1931 to 1972. Awards presented to 20 different classes of autos. For questions or concerns, call: Stu Slattery (661) 477-2367 E-mail: sandsslattery@hotmail.com This event also features dozens of vendor booths, live music, raffle prizes and lots of fun for the whole family. FREE to attend! If you would like to enter your classic, contact Hotrodsfresno.com for entry fees. Early Ford V-8 Club of America * CSJ Region 29 * www.sanjoaquinv8.com * P.O. Box 33, Clovis, CA 93613-0033 Page 5 Uncle Henry’s Bullsheet Please note Paul & Becky Armendariz’ new contact phone numbers. Paul’s Cell 906-9952 Becky’s Cell 349-5993 Delete the Home Phone (559) 299-3847 listed in the 2015 Directory. Hopefully, you will join us for a delicious lunch and good conversation at the Fresno Breakfast House. Maybe shopping or a movie after? Details are in the making and will be printed next month. The guys will be at Eagle Field, so why let the them have all the fun! March Breakfast at Manna Hosted by Paul & Becky Armendariz Early Ford V-8 Club of America * CSJ Region 29 * www.sanjoaquinv8.com * P.O. Box 33, Clovis, CA 93613-0033 Page 6 Uncle Henry’s Bullsheet The Vice Prez Sez I 'd like to thank all who helped make our March Tour to Tulare a success. We had an impressive turnout, thanks in large part to our good friends in the Model A club. I hope my old V-8 didn't hold them back too much - ha ha! We began with coffee & donuts in Fowler, before a leisurely back roads drive to the home/ shop of Vic & Linda Groah. We were met there by members of the Chevy & Horseless Carriage clubs. The previous weekend Vic & Linda had 70 Woody's from the Visalia Woody Show in their backyard. Vic made his hoist and ace mechanic available to us and a couple of our members took advantage. The ladies rummage sale was a big hit, but the main attraction was Vic & Linda's diverse collection of 13 cars. The cars range from Model T's to Early V-8's with a Corvette and Mustang thrown in for good measure. In fact, the red ‘57 Vette, with dual 4 barrel carbs, was Linda's 1st car when she was in high school. She claims the car caught Vic's eye first but he won't admit it. The weather was perfect! The potluck lunch was fantastic! The cars were amazing! And all of these were surpassed by the friendship & camaraderie we enjoyed!!!! For those who couldn't make the tour, I hope you have an opportunity to meet the Groahs as nicer more gracious people don't exist! Thanks, Dave P. S. A special thanks to Paul Armendariz for the pictures! March Tour to Tulare - Thank you Vic & Linda Groah Thank you Dave for organizing this fun tour! Early Ford V-8 Club of America * CSJ Region 29 * www.sanjoaquinv8.com * P.O. Box 33, Clovis, CA 93613-0033 Page 7 Uncle Henry’s Bullsheet Classified Ads TO PLACE AN AD contact the editor at gail-zuniga47@att.net or call (559) 824-8593. Ads will run for 3 months unless an extension is requested. Deadline to place ads is the 20th of the month. FOR SALE 1950 FORD 2-DOOR SEDAN Asking $5,500.00 “BARN FIND” - completely stock and unmodified excellent mechanical condition & runs well CALL Ron at (559) 233-1461 Capps Powdercoating Co., 4460 So. Chestnut Ave., Fresno, CA. 93725 Would be excellent car for restoration. Must see to appreciate. (1) WANTED 1932 Ford rolling chassis or frame 1930's to 1950's travel trailer 1950's to 1960's race m/c 1956 FORD THUNDERBIRD $25,000 Firm Call Al Engles 559 688-8844 312 c. i. engine Alaska White with Coral Blue/White upholstery Heater & Air-Conditioner Soft Top & Hard Top with Portholes 12V Alternator Cassette Deck/Radio Combo (still has original radio which is included with car) Ford Maintenance Manual included Car is 100% mechanically perfect with no mechanical issues. CALL Reuben at (559) 261-9521 (1) Early Ford V-8 Club of America * CSJ Region 29 * www.sanjoaquinv8.com * P.O. Box 33, Clovis, CA 93613-0033 2015 Annual Black Bart Tour The Early Ford V8 Club of America, Central San Joaquin Region 29 When: Where: Cost: Presents the 44th Annual Black Bart Tour April 24th, 25th, and 26th, 2015 Best Western Amador Inn Jackson, California $105 per person. $35 per child under 17years old. Registration includes: Hors d’oeuvres on Friday, Saturday tour, picture of your car, dash plaque, running board (or lawn chair) lunch, banquet dinner Saturday night, and Sunday brunch/lunch. Proposed Agenda Friday, April 24th Saturday, April 25th Sunday, April 26th Check in 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. hors d’oeuvres and soft drinks in the parking lot Dinner on your own 8:00 to 8:30 a.m. pick up tour bags, tour map and running board lunch 9:30 a.m. Tour instruction given, and begin tour 5:30 p.m. Social hour, no host bar 6:30 p.m. Dinner followed by ladies choice, hard luck and long distance Awards, and the raffle. 10:30 p.m. Short tour to San Andreas and the Pickle Patch for brunch/lunch. Then head for home. Each participant should bring a raffle prize. Thank you. If you have a CB radio please bring it for touring. Use channel 8. Call the Amador Inn (209-223-0211) for reservations by April 1. 2015. Code V8FORDCLUB Complete the Registration Form below and mail with your check to: Stu Slattery, 11315 Mantova Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93312 Make check payable to Central San Joaquin Regional Group #29. ***** DEADLINE is April 11, 2015 ***** --------------------------------------------------------------2015 Black Bart Tour Registration and Liability Agreement Form Name(s) (print) ______________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________________ Phone, home _________________ cell ______________ National Membership Number (can be found on V8 TIMES address label) _______________ E-mail address _______________________________________________________________ # of Adults ____ X$105=$ ______ # of Children _____ X$35= _____ TOTAL $ ________ Liability Agreement: I (print name here) , agree to hold harmless, the Early Ford V8 Club of America, Inc. and the Central San Joaquin Regional Group 29 of the Early Ford V8 Club of America, both collectively and singularly from any and all liabilities resulting from injuries and property damage sustained by me while participation in the tour/functions mention herein. I further declare the I carry a policy for insurance for liability as required by the state of California, Tour/funciont-2015 “BLACK BART TOUR”, Dates- April 24, 25, and 26, 2015. Location: Amador and Calaveras Counties, California. Date