case drips - 356 Registry


case drips - 356 Registry
Boh G u m m o w . Rockton. IL; Bud West,
Batavia. OH; Bill Durland, New C a n a a n ,
CT: Vic Skirmants. Warren. MI; J e r r y
Keyser, Westerville. OH: a n d Bob Raucher.
Van Nuys. CA.
Part I1 of Art Director Joe Colford, Jr.'s series of special
cover art.
President: J e r r y Keyser, Westerville. OH;
Vice-president: Vic S k i r m a n t s . Warren. MI:
Secretary: Bill Durland. N e w C a n a a n , CT;
a n d Treasurer: loel Horvitz. Gloucester,
technical . . . miscellaneous
suggestions, opinions and
prejudices with toe in, toe out thrown in at no extra charge
.................................. Vic Skirmants, editor
membership chairman
T o m Oerther. 5035 Salem Rd.. Cincinnati.
O H 45230 (513) 232-1909
restoration . . . by popular demand, paint information! The
w r a p up of the chassis section with the engine compartment ..............................Brett Johnson, editor
legal advisor
Bud West. 3750 S.R. 132. Batavia, O H 45103
recommended workshop chairman
G a r y Solem. 25 North St.. Healdsburg. C A
photo essay . . . Llew continues his series with a n essay of
the 1960 Carrera 1600 GSIGT ........ Llew Kinst, editor
holiday advisory committee
(chairpersons emeritus)
Mike Moran. Bob King. Brenda Perrin, Fred
Moor a n d Bill Durland
raveviews . . . Vo ist der Gmund?!? Please note Bob's n e w
address for your submittals for review .................
..................................Bob Lawrence, editor
editorial and production staff
editor: lerry Keyser. P.O. Box 07845,
Columbus. O H 43207 (614) 443-9709
tech editor: Vic S k i r m a n t s . 27244 Ryan.
Warren. MI 48092
historian: J i m Perrin. 2041 Willowick Dr..
Columbus, O H 43229
restoration editor: Brett Johnson, 3628
Glencairn Ln., Indianapolis, IN 46205
reviews editor: Bob Lawrence. 257 Middle
Country Rd., Middle Island, N.Y. 11953
photo editor: Llew Kinst. 310 Donohoe, Palo
Alto. C A 94303
case drips writer: Dick Pike. 9 2 1 Cloud
Ave., Menlo Park. CA 94025
four cam forum: David Seeland, 47 Flower
St.. Denver, C O 80226
classifieds: Brenda Perrin. 2041 Willowick
Dr.. Columbus, O H 43229
art director: Joe Colford. Jr.. 143 Kanan Rd..
Agoura. CA 91301
asleep at !he wheel: Pat Ertel. 115 Davis St..
Yellow Springs. O H 45387
The 356 RECISTRY is the publication of 356
REGISTRY. Inc.. an organization oriented exclus i v e l y to the interests, needs and unique prohlems
of the 356 Porsche o w n e r and enthusiast. Our
mission is the perpetuation of the vintage (19481965) 356 Series Porsches. The 356 REGISTRY i s
the central forum of the exchange of itleas, experiences and information, enabling all to share t h e 3 5 6
experience of o n e another.
The 356 REGISTRY. Inc.. is a non-affiliated nonprofit educational corporation, chartered under the
statutes of the State of Ohicr, by and for the memhers. Membership d u e s . $IOlyr. I1.S. and Canatla:
Foreign $20/yr. fnr airmail. All prices are in U . S .
Contributions are welcome. All submittals should
he typed or printed, preferably double spaced.
Color photos generally do not reproduce well: artwork should h a v e good contrast. If yvu require the
return of anything suhrnitted. please incluttr! a self
addressed and stamped envelope. The right to edit
or refuse puhlicalion is reserved: nut responsible
for errors or omissions. All c o p y must he received
3 0 d a y s prior to scheduled mailing date. The 351;
11EGISTHY i s a hi-monthly puhlicatiim, mailing
ahnut the first of the ndd numbered months.
This issue: press run of 3000 copies
@ 356 REGISTRY, Inc., 1980
P.O. Box 07845, Columbus, OH 43207
All rights reserved
case drips . . . Dick's "The Rough Running Red Reck" keeps
us near our literary high water m a r k . . ....... Dick Pike
four-cam forum . . . the 1959, 356A, 1600 GSIGT Carrera
featuring photos by James Labrenz, David Seeland, editor
asleep at the wheel.. . w h y do you own a 356? Find out w h a t
our roving reporter found out at the last Holiday .......
....................................... Pat Ertel, editor
The Egg That Hatched a Sports Car. . . John Moyer, T o m
Oerther, Bud West and Business Week team u p to bring you
this piece of history.
commercial advertising rates
effective decem ber
Full Page
Half Page
One-t hird Page
One-sixt h Page
50 word maximum
Commercial For S a l e
Request for special placement will be honored
whkre possible. centerfold a n d inside covers
m a y not a l w a y s be available.
All display advertising must be camera ready.
Ad preparation is available at additional cost
through a n outside agency with whom the Registry h a s a working agreement. If layout is
provided for the Registry to provide finished
art: layout must be size f o r size to book page. All
layouts forwarded not in format will be subject
to deleted copy o r merchandise pictures a s
s p a c e permits. Acceptance of non-format layout
by the Registry will result inadditional charges
by the customer to scale advertising space.
Details available unon request. T h e a b o v e r a t e s
a r e for black ink, per insertion. Commercial for
sale advertising MUST be typed.
Terms of payment: payment in full must accompany a d unless prior arrangements h a v e
been made. All advertising must he received by
the first of the even numbered month prior to
t h e month in which it is to appear.
T h e 356 Registry is a hi-monthly publication.
mailing about the first of the odd numbered
advertising specifications
All advertising space is available a s vertical or
horizontal placement. T h e a r e a s areequivalent.
Measurements a r e provided in inches
116 Vertical
4% x 2%
116 Horizontal
23/16X 451a
113 Vertical
9'14 x 2%
113 Horizontal
3x 7
112 Vertical
4% x 6%
112 Horizontal
451nx 7
Full page
9% x 7
Rloc!tl c~vtrilohlco s full pngc only
8% x 10114
memo from
der keyser
. . . editor
Unannounced, unexpected a n d une x ~ l a i n e d : one recent day, Harry
book, The A, B, -CIS (and
912's) of Porsche Engines or Porsche
Engines a n d the Future of the Human
Race, Revision 11showed up. Certainly
a pleasant surprise, even more so a s I
began reading. I knew that there w a s
a good reason w h y I drive to the post
office faithfully three times a week!
I am just getting into it now, certainly
not far enough to pass a n y sort of
judgement. Besides, my critical qualifications are suspect. . .keep in mind
that I am not the brains of the outfit,
our editors obviously are. I will s a y
that I like what I've read so far. I like
Harry's style and I admit to clapping
with glee on more than one occasion
in his delightful introduction and preface. Anyone that says, "You would
be surprised how accurate one can
predict the future maintenance schedule of a 356 Porsche based only on the
condition (i.e. running or not) of the
clock.", h a s the right attitude in my
opinion! I shall keep you updated with
my progress (unless one of our editor's
reviews the book) with this almost
356 page work. (P.S. Please see the
announcement of the release of
Revision I1 in a full page a d elsewhere
in this issue.)
You may have noticed a couple of
things about our last issue out of the
ordinary. . .five extra pages, c/o four
inside plus the use of the back cover
(good) but since it w a s a last minute
addition to the issue to get everything
in that had to go in (bad), the pages
didn't get numbered, sorry Dick Pike
and Jim Breeden. Nor did the continued-on-page-17 get in at the end of
Pat Ertel's story. . .oh well, w e really
did try.
The recent and probably last attempt to resurrect the 1980 West Coast
Holiday w a s aborted when the instigator of the movement, Jack Ogden,
was notified by his company of a job
transfer which meant a quick move
to Colorado. Well we gave it a shot. .
maybe next year? It wouldn't hurt to
start talking to your friends if you
think you want to try i t for 1981. It's
too bad about 1980, but then again the
sun will continue to appear daily on
the eastern horizon.
You've all no doubt heard about the
impending 3 3 1 postal increase. . .perhaps we will be forced to implement
the pre-authorized ( b y the trustees)
dues increase, although a s our numbers increase, it seems to stabilize our
financial position. We are still the best
deal in town by far and a w a y , agree?
I've been hearing from some of our
contributing editors and the message
(or plea) is pretty much the same:
"Although the 356 REGISTRY may
look professional, we are not-we
NEED material. . .our material is drying up, help!" Put yourself in a contributing editor's position of coming
up every other month with a n informative, useful, meaningful and interesting column. Just a s k ME, I know how
tough it is to try and write this column
on cue and I'm just the generalist!That
item you submit to the editor may
seem insignificant but it probably
isn't. I will be appreciated by a grateful editor if it does no more than to
show him someone out there cares.. .or
it may just stimulate a long forgotten
idea for a column. And you know from
your own reading experience how
appreciative you are for each editor's
efforts. Taken ten minutes and send
that letter-addresses of all our editors are on page 2 (the inside front
cover) of each every issue. . .even a
thank you post card I a m sure would
be encouraging.
Jim Breeden where are you? For
those of you that have written to Jim
with cross-word puzzle contest entries and had your entry returned a s
"not deliverable a s addressed, unable
to forward", sorry for the foul-up.
Jim's notification of address change
did not make it to me-perhaps he
skipped town to avoid the mail bags
full of entries?!? When he does surface,
I will forward to him the entries that
were sent to me-watch for details.
So much for the free-to-a-goodhome section idea. . .the announcement of same in last issues' Memo
brought one response and that w a s a
letter requesting a free part! I'll be
ready when you are.
I hope to see a lot of you at the
Cincinnati Bull Session on May 18,
the premier 1980 356 event for der
keyser. As before (1977 & 1979), a
beautiful midwestern spring d a y is
promised so let those open and sunroof cars roll!
Vol 2: No 1, 2, 3
Reprints @ $2.50 ea U.S. ppd
Vol 3: No 2, 6
Vol 4: No 3
Originals @ $2.00 ea U.S. ppd
Very limited supply-most less
t h a n 25 copies.
More coming soon-watch for
"Please allow 4-6 weeks delivery"
full color 356 REGISTRY
pressure sensitive decals (stickum
on front or back, specify which)
21$1 U.S. ppd
Dazzling yellow high quality Tshirts w i t h vivid red and black
a r t w o r k of the 356 REGISTRY
crest (specify size s / m / l g / x l )$5 ea.
U.S. ppd
Water transfer full color decals
of the 356 REGISTRY crest, a steal
at 4/$1.00 U.S. ppd
Embroidered jacket patches of
the full color REGISTRY crest
$2.50 ea. U.S. ppd
Fruitcake & Co.
Box 20285
Indy, IN 46220
Ofticia1 356 REGISTRY
authorized products
of interest
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . letters and other miscellany
We have received a letter from
Germany where a n e w 356 club h a s
started, Porsche 356 Interessengemeinschaft. Her Werner Otto, Chairman, writes: "Compared to w h a t I
found in your magazine, we in Germany have few sources for 356 restoration parts. In the German oldtimer
clubs, money counts much, and there
is little help for each other. This is the
reason for founding our organizationto practice good fellowship with each
other." We a r e exchanging newsletters
a n d will keep you advised of the
German 356 happenings.
We have received a n offer from
Motorbooks International to sell u s
their books, etc. a t discounts of u p to
46% if w e meet their club order terms
and conditions, i.e., on club stationery
and prepaid with one club check. Any
interest in this? Anyone interested in
gathering the orders? Let me know.
In Vol. 6 No. 2 in the "Of Interest"
section there w a s a letter concerning
the organization of a 356 crisis network. I feel the best w a y to d o this
would be to have all the information
sent to one person who would organize
it a n d send it to the inserter to put in a
later issue of the Registry. I a m willing
to put this thing together.. . interested
people send name, address, phone no.
a n d area of expertise (engines, t r a n s
etc.) to David Goree, Rt. 1 Six Mile Mt.,
Six Mile, S.C. 29682.
"Last week I purchased materials
for our PCA newsletter. The clerk rang
u p the individual items a n d then a n nounced the total a s $3.56. T h e week
before, a project at work required the
use of a binary code system that represented a three digit number. The
coded d a t a w a s picked by other
means, but when translated, turned
out to be - you guessed it - 356!!
Well, now I've purchased a new
attache case that h a s one of those combination locks you can pre-set for a n y
three digit number. Naturally, I've set
it for our favorite number. Any other
numerologists out there?"
"The last issue of the REGISTRY
w a s super-mainly because of the rotisserie piece-THAT'S
the sort of
thing I like. The issue before that w a s
a literary high-water mark. What a
bunch of talented people this outfit
has!" Dick Pike, Menlo Park, CA.
"If you have the space and/or inclination, a request for contributions,
either whole completed articles or bits
a n d pieces that could eventually be
used a s part of a n article or might inspire a n uninspired editor would be
worthwhile. Because, a s I mentioned
to you on the phone, people think the
editors have unlimited topics to write
about (and the knowledge) but they
don't. We don't have meetings (often)
s o the best w a y a member can be active
is bv contributing ideas a n d words
photos. Vic said people have nearly
stopped sending him material. If a
letter is too much work, even phone
calls help."
David Seeland,
4 Cam-Forum Editor
"In the last issue of the Registry, you
mentioned a new publication 'Gmund',
a n d that Registry subscribers should
be receiving a sample copy. Since I
haven't received anything yet I would
like to write for additional info. Can
you supply the address?"
Mike Schoss,
The address is: Barnes Publishing
Inc., 2 Spencer PI.. Scarsdale, NY
"I appreciated your ideas on having
a "Free-to-a-Good-Home" section.
In addition, can you do something
about policing the current a d s ? There
is a person who runs a d s which a r e not
"non-commercial", a n d is in the Los
Angeles area. He is in the business of
purchasing parts from other members
who use th classified, a n d then he readvertises those parts in the Registry.
Such members caught at these practices should be denied advertising in
the Registry when their sole purpose
is that of making a profit a n d hoarding
Ted Leno,
Gilroy, C A
Spemlmng in the maintenance, modification and repair of P d e automobiles.
1804 Reliance Park Way
Bedford, Texas 76021
(817) 267-4451
Editor's Note: We are currently investigating the specifics on Mr. Leno's
allegations. Come on you guys!! Can't
w e keep things in the spirit of which
the Registry w a s founded?!
"Many insurance companies now
offer u p to 10% discount on comprehensive (theft) insurance if you have
a n anti-theft device installed in your
car. If you o w n a 356 B or C you already have one of the most effective
anti-theft devices built into your floor
shift mechanism. With a t least one
insurance company that I k n o w of
(Liberty Mutual) this transmission
lock device qualifies for the discount.
Just send a copy of the page in your
owner's manual that s h o w s the lock
to your local agent along with a letter
requesting the discount - what do you
have to lose?"
Paul Odegard,
Vernon, CT.
"In the summer of '72 I w a s involved
in a n enterprise that involved considerable travel a n d visiting f a r flung
spots to see sport c a r afficianados. A
rare breed indeed. T h e whole assignment w a s quite enjoyable a n d I would
a l w a y s get the chance to have my e a r
bent by some fanatic with the tale of
the one "I almost got". And occasionally the story of the one that "is still
around the area somewhere". Sure.
Well this is one of those stories a n y way. I know, you probably a r e skeptical just a s I was, the mere sound of
it smells of hoax or fraud. But here it is.
In one of these backlot little VW
shops I met Henri. The proprietor of a
venture that may have been in its
waning years but nonetheless, it w a s
a place one could feel at home. T w o
friendly German Shepards a n d a
greasy Brown a n d white cat would
occasionally get u p a n d amble through
the jumbled heaps of c a r remains to
greet the customer w h o by now w a s
quite impressed with this beautiful,
yet quaint shop. Henri w a s fairly lowkey a n d w a s apparently the oracle of
great wisdom a n d would expound at
great length on the blessings a n d failures of teutonic engineering. Well
Henri told me about this car that he
said w a s the strangest thing he ever
s a w . A w h a t ? Simply it w a s a c a r that
w a s the outcome of a little known
alliance of German and English engineers in the late '50s. Yeah, Simply. He
said that the t w o groups failed miserably in their effort of co-inspiration
a n d the Germans eventually threw u p
their h a n d s a n d left. And politely I'm
sure. A n y w a y the Englishmen finished the car, but more a s a reminder
to the Germans that the English were
the better engineers and would not be
outdone. I told Henri that I'd heard
enough. Where is it? "It's in the back
a n d it r u n s real fine". Well it sure
looked like hell but w h y not. Out for a
spin I got some interesting glances
a n d after a bit, it began to grow on me.
Well I'm a little embarrassed, but I did
buy that c a r a n d I'm sure Henri chuckled a s I drove off. But I must s a y it's
the only english c a r you can drive in
the rain a n d not get wet. I know it
doesn't look like much, but to me, it's
the best of both worlds. Doen handle
kind of funny though . . ."
Ed Stahlz
"I a m really frustrated! Once again
it's over the 356 p a r t s biz. As soon a s
it got over 40' outside I began rebuilding the brakes on my coupe. The front
wheel cylinders were marginal so I
investigated buying n e w ones. God!
the prices!! - $42.00 each from Stoddard (the c a r takes 41, $52.50 ea. from
Electrodyne, a n d a n absured $79.00
each from Performance Products! Are
356ers such fools that we stand still
for such blatant price gouging? How
can they justify such huge differences
in price? Performance Products could
b u y them from Stoddard at full retail,
mark them u p a reasonable amount,
a n d still sell them for less than $79.00.
After I gave u p on the wheel cylinders
I went shopping for some Silicone
brake fluid. One place that advertised
real good prices never answered the
phone after numerous attempts at all
hours of the day. So w h y do they
bother to advertise? Again, huge price
variations, $35 - $65 per
Selling Wrecked
and Stripped
'Ve stock new, used, rebuilt and reproduction
parts and accessories for 356-91 1-912-914
and 924.
One of the largest stocks of wrecked 356's.
Inside storage of Cars and Parts.
8171 Monroe Ave., Stanton, CA 90680
Monday- Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday, 9 a.m. to I p.m.
A s you know, I placed a couple of
a d s in the Registry last issue a n d I've
gotten 3 responses -all unsatisfactory.
I think the letter that disappointed me
most w a s this one. It's only t w o sentences long s o I'll repeat the whole
"Dear Mr. Ertel:
In Vol. 3 p.22 your 'free to a good
home' a d mentioned a "C" interior. Do
you have the rear firewall panel, if s o
s h i p U.P.S. t o . . ." (then it included a n
No "Hi, how are you", no "Please" or
"Thanks" or a n y attempt to qualify
that the port is going to a good home.
Most of all - no bucks for shipping! I
suppose it doesn't really matter - I AM
getting it out of the garage. But, one of
the reasons I offered this stuff w a s to
help foster a sense of fraternity among
356 owners. Especially u s low bucks
guys. ( I need a feeling of brotherhood
or shared misery or something like
that. It's lonely laying under those
cars). My induction notice from Uncle
Sam w a s friendlier than that letter.
It w a s almost a demand!
Then I got a letter from a guy who
w a s willing to part with his rusty seat
rail with the spring missing for "only"
$10. I'll be polite when I decline the
offer. I promise.
Then I got a letter from a guy w h o
wanted to sell a n engine case at a reasonable price but he neglected to include a n y kind of description of the
merchandise. If he had described the
part, he m a y have gotten a check in the
mail tomorrow. A s it is, all he'll get is
a request for more information.
I refuse to give into cynicism or become a recluse or anything of that sort
and I still believe in the basic good
nature of 356 enthusiasts, but this conclusion is unavoidable - there's alot of
-heads out there!
S o much for all the good news. I
don't mean to burden you with my
problems, but a s the Ayatollah of
Tubdom, you are the official bitchee
that all u s bitchers get to bitch at.
Hope you enjoy it."
Pat Ertel,
Yellow Springs, O H
"Every couple of months when my
Registry arrives, I a m more impressed
with it than ever. I have been in PCA
for 8 years and the Registry for t w o
a n d thought everything there w a s to
be said about Porsches had been said.
Apparently that isn't so. You continue
to put together a very interesting a n d
professional looking magazine. I suppose I a m impressed most by the fact
that it is published by a staff of "volunteers". I w a s a regional editor for a
newsletter and I know how big the job
T h i s issue I'd like to cover some
miscellaneous suggestions, personal
opinions, and prejudices.
I'll start with the prejudices. A
couple of years back I wrote about
how to tighten the flywheel gland nut.
I mentioned using a four-foot pipe a n d
312' drive handle a n d putting most of
one's weight on it. I have used this
technique for 16 years a n d never had a
problem; never lost a flywheel, a n d
only t w o very used old gland n u t s
started to yield. You can feel this a s
you tighten. Simply unscrew that one
a n d install another one. I w a s glad to
hear from other w h o agreed with my
method. A s f a r a s replacements go, the
only gland nut to use is a n original
Porsche replacement. There are others
on the market, but I wouldn't recommend them. They might work fine if
you use the torque specs for a n old
Normal, but they will stretch if you
over-torque them a s I do; I personally
wouldn't use the Normal torque specs
on a Volkswagen, let alone a Porsche.
Also a while back I talked about
the rear axle boots, mentioning that
the split seam should be parallel to the
ground, not vertical, because the seam
w a s not designed to flex in that direction. Recently I found another reason
for not putting the seam vertically, at
least on the driver's side. A customer
complained of a sticking throttle after
he had re-installed his transmission,
with new axle boots. One of the problems I found w a s that the throttle rod
from the transmission bellcrank to the
engine w a s rubbing on the rubber
seam of the axle boot. There w a s
plenty of room when the car w a s on
s t a n d s with the axles drooping, but
when on the ground, there w a s interference. In this case, a very noticeable
notch had started to wear in the seam.
Moving right along, let's talk about
transmission installation. For those of
you w h o hadn't noticed yet, your
transmission is part of your rear suspension. No, it doesn't move u p a n d
down; unless your mounts a r e really
bad! In which case you'd better replace
them soon. Anyway, the transmission
can be just on a local level. O n a n international level, it just gets more complex. The aricles are fresh and have a
new twist to them, but all seem interconnected with the feeling that this is
fun a n d w e shouldn't take the whole
whole "Porsche madness" too seriously.
I think the idea of giving a w a y some
p a r t s that a person may no longer
need, but are too good to throw a w a y ,
is a great idea. I plan to be at the S w a p
Meet in Harrisburg to do just that with
some of the items I have collected over
the years. T h e rest I guess I will have
to sell at reasonable prices to someone
who really needs the parts.
Mail order people: here is one I'm
s u r e the people who use Koni shocks
would like to know about (McAfeeMcKenzie Enterprises, Inc. 7550 S a n
Fernando Road, S u n Valley, C A
91352). They rebuild Koni schocks at
112 the price of the prevailing retail
selling price. All you have to d o is pack
them u p in a box and ship them off to
California. In about 10 d a y s they a r e
back. They do not take credit cards,
but they ship UPS-COD. I sent them
four off my 356Cand it cost $114. T h e y
paint them Koni orange a n d they work
a n d look great. All you have to do is
buy some Koni decals from T w e e k s ,
stick them on, spray a couple of coats
of clear lacquer (spray can type) on
them to protect the decals a n d you a r e
in business. They also do Weber carburetors, but I don't have a n y experience with that part of their service
yeat. When I do, I'll p a s s the word
along for all those people who have
modified engines.
Rush L. Workman,
Wayland, MA.
Vic Skirmants, Editor
position determines the location of the
inner pivots of the swing exles. There
a r e shims at the front mounts (only on
dual-mount models) to move the t r a n s
either forward or backward, depending on whether they a r e installed between the chassis mounts a n d the
t r a n s mounts, or on the nut side of the
chassis mounts. You will also notice
a steel cup over the rubber t r a n s
mounts from mid-1957 through 1965
(not counting .those wild-and-crazy
single front mounts on the first few
hundred of the "B" models; whose
s t u p i d idea w a s that, Ferry?). T h i s
c u p lends additional support to the
rubber mounts in shear, thereby decreasing flex under acceleration without going to a stiffer rubber. This cup
is at least a s thick a s the spacing
shims; don't just t h r o w these cups on
y o u r 1956-57 c a r a n d re-install the
t r a n s a s usual! By effectively moving
back the transmission in this w a y , you
have increased your rear wheel toe-in.
A worse case is to leave these cups off
of a c a r that once had them. Without
compensating for the decreased thickness of the mount, you will thereby
move t h e t r a n s forward; this will decrease the rear toe-in, maybe even
putting the rear suspension into a n
actual toe-out situation. This is not
very conducive to good handling!
All of the above is predicated on
your having re-installed the axle tubes
in the trailing a r m s exactly where they
originally were. You will notice three
large bolts a n d n u t s holding the axle
tube to the trailing arm. There is a
fourth identical bolt holding a large,
thick washer. T h i s is strictly a marker
to tell you where to re-install the axle
tube. T h e tube should be pushed right
u p against the washer.
If your c a r is original a n d none of
this h a s been altered, your rear alignment is probably alright. If things
have been changed a n d your SC
handles like a 1952, you will have to
check the rear toe-in. If you can take
it to a shop, fine. If not, you can check
it pretty easily yourself. Borrow a
friend, a piece of chalk, a n d a tape
measure. Put the c a r on a fairly smooth
surface. Put a chalk mark in the center
of the tread of each tire forward of t h e
ground contact patch, a n d a s high u p
a s you can get a n d still run the tape
measure under the c a r without contacting something. Measure the distance between the t w o chalk marks.
Now push the c a r forward until the
chalk m a r k s are to the rear, a n d about
a s high u p a s they were at the front.
T a k e this measurement a n d compare
to the first. You w a n t the rear measurement to be about 1/16 to 118" more
than the front measurement. A larger
difference means too much toe-in, a
smaller difference means not enough
toe-in. If the rear measurement is
smaller than the front, then you've got
the dreaded toe-out! If you have toeout, move the axle tubes forward in
the trailing arms. If you have too much
toe-in, move the tubes rearward.
How d o you know if the rear wheels
are symetrically toed-in in relation to
the centerline of the car? Now you
have to check the rear wheels to the
front wheels. T h e w a y to do this is to
r u n a string parallel to a rear tire forw a r d to the centerline of the front
wheel a n d measure the string's distance from the front hub. Do this on
both sides. If the dimensions are identical, you're all set. If one is larger,
that side is toed-out in relation to the
centerline of the c a r a n d the other is
toed-in. You then have to move one
axle tube one w a y a n d the other the
opposite way. Fine. Now how d o you
r u n those parallel strings? You s a y
there's a body i n t h e way. I made a n
H-shaped bracket that fits against the
edges of the wheel. The t w o a r m s of
the H are equal length. T h e string is
then r u n against the a r m s s o a s to clear
the body. I said you could check the
toe-in easily; I didn't s a y the complete
operation w a s easy. It takes a lot of
fiddling, adjusting, measuring, readjusting, a n d re-measuring.
Restore your
valuable Porsche
from the bottom up.
356 MODEL $525.00
Bottom Restorations
356 & 900 Models
TEL 503-779-2863
1980 calendar of 356 & related events
May 15, 16, 17
Euroclub 356 Meeting, Holland.
May 18
Clean Air Concours for the benefit of the Georgia Lung
Association. Macon Jr. College 12 noon to 3 pm, 1475 at
U S 80, Macon, GA. Don Bower, 2595 Ingleside ST.,
Macon, G A 31204
May 18
4th Annual 356 Bull Session, 1:00 pm at the John Parlin
estate, Cincinnati. Free beer, food, etc. Bring your 356
slides for our traditional slide show. Sponsored by
dedicated REGISTRY members-all
welcome! For
directions, call or write Tom Oerther, 5035 Salem Rd.,
Cinti, OH 45230, (513) 232-1909
May 18
Porsche Ice Cream Social, Afton City Park, Afton,
MN., 30 miles east of the Twin Cities. A low pressure
event that will offer fun for all. Information: Bob Cox,
133 E. Larpenteur, St. Paul, MN 55117. (612) 489-6467
or 533-2211.
May 31 & June 1
Concours, swap meet & tech seminar; classes for 356,
356A, 356B, 356C & Ltd. production to '65. Porsche
Audi Eastern, Orangeburg, N.Y. Information: John
Paterek, 33 Minton Ave., Chatham N.J. 07928, (201)
FRONT - $165.
July 20
3rd Annual Swap Meet and gathering of the faithful,
sponsored by the 356 REGISTRY, CIR, MIR and
Ramme regions, PCA. Location: p.b. tweeks ltd., 4410
N. Keystone Ave., Indianapolis. Info: Dick Naze (317)
June 20, 21, & 22.
2nd Annual = 356 Campout", Indian Cave State Park,
14 miles south of Brownville, Nebraska on the
Missouri River. Sponsored by the Lincoln 356 group.
For more info., call or write Bill Brown, 901 W. Pioneer
Blvd. Lincoln, Nebraska 68522. (402) 423-8701
August 30, 31 & September 1 (tentative)
6th Annual 356 REGISTRY East Coast Holiday, the
Philadelphia area. Details pending; watch for full information next issue.
Event chairpersons: Send us information on your 356 related event for a no charge listing. We reserve the right to
edit a s required. Please note that our deadline for copy is
the first of the month in which it is to appear.
June 5, 6, 7 & 8
1st International Porsche Meeting, Darmstadt,
Germany. Sponsored by the Porsche-Club Darmstadt,
information from Eberhard M. Jakob, Heidelberger
Landstrasse 147, 6100 Darmstadt-Eberstadt, W.
We have in stock Front Wood Headers and Rear Bows for A, B, &
C Cabriolets. Pre-trimmed, ready to install. A Quality reproduction
made from maple. We build them and install them so we know they
Carpet sets available for most models of 356 and 900 series
Porsches. Made from an American made imitation of German carpet
in cut pile (for 9 11/912 Series) or Loop Pile (for 356 Series). German
carpet also available. We make them and install them so we know
they fit - Free samples.
356 Coupes to 65
Roadsters & Cariolets
911/912 66-68
91 1/912 69 on
We can handle most of your interior needs from tops to carpets - call
148 N. Cedros
Solana Beach, CA. 92075
(714) 481 -9383
A s s u m m e r rolls around there seems to have been a resurgence in paint information requests. When I initially
printed the color chart info in Feb.-May of 1977,I left one
piece of information out, the Reutter numbers used from
1957-1963.Due to this I thought it would be nice to print
the color list with respective Porsche and Reutter numbers.
501 Lacquer
504 Lacquer
Fish Silver-Grey
505 Lacquer
Adriatic Blue
509 Lacquer
Radium Green
510 Lacquer
Azure Blue
522 Lacquer
Pascha Red
523 Lacquer
S t r a w b e r r y Red
524 Lacquer
Palm Green
526 Lacquer
S a n d Grey
527 Lacquer
Medium Grey
531 Lacquer
501 Lacquer
Turkish Red
538 Lacquer
Graphite Metallic
537 Lacquer
504 Lacquer
Jade Green Metallic
536 Lacquer
Silver Metallic
535 Lacquer
Azure Blue
522 Lacquer
Terra Cotta
533 Lacquer
Adriatic Blue Metallic
509 Lacquer
Speedster Blue
602 Enamel
Signal Red
601 Enamel
603 Enamel
Pearl Grey
534 Lacquer
701 Enamel
Polyantha Red
604 Enamel
Graphite Metallic
737 Enamel
Sahara Beige
605 Enamel
Lago Green Metallic
606 Enamel
Silver Metallic
608 Enamel
Aquamarine Metallic
607 Enamel
701 Enamel
Ruby Red
702 Enamel
Meissen Blue
703 Enamel
704 Enamel
Fjord Green
705 Enamel
Silver Metallic
608 Enamel
Aquamarine Blue
707 Enamel
Stone Grey
710 Enamel
711 Enamel
Auratium Green
712 Enamel
Glacier White
713 Enamel
Slate Grey
741 Enamel
Ruby Red
702 Enamel
Aetna Blue
740 Enamel
738 Enamel
Fjord Green
705 Enamel
Silver Metallic
608 Enamel
Heron Grey
739 Enamel
Condor Yellow
743 Enamel
Signal Red
601 Enamel
Royal Blue
742 Enamel
701 Enamel
Slate Grey
741 Enamel
R u b y Red
702 Enamel
Oslo Blue
745 Enamel
738 Enamel
Champagne Yellow
747 Enamel
Silver Metallic
608 Enamel
Heron Grey
739 Enamel
S m y r n a Green
744 Enamel
Signal Red
601 Enamel
Bali Blue
746 Enamel
701 Enamel
Slate Grey
- Enamel
Ruby Red
- Enamel
S k y Blue
- Enamel
Light Ivory
- Enamel
Champagne Yellow
- Enamel
Irish Green
- Enamel
Signal Red
- Enamel
Dolphin Grey
- Enamel
Togo Brown
- Enamel
Bali Blue
- Enamel
- Enamel
One code i s left off of this list. It i s the code for special
colors. You k n o w , the ones you t r y to convince the judge
your c a r w a s a l w a y s painted. Any one owning a car that
actually had custom paint please let me know w h a t number i s found on your paint plate. Thousands of potential
concours winners desire this information.
Another problem everyone seems to be having w i t h
paint i s finding someone to mix it. In this part of the world
I can have enamel mixed for '57a n d later colors by Ditzler,
Dupont and R-M. Only R-M will mix these colors in acrylic
T h e above information i s well a n d good providing you
don't o w n a 1956 o r earlier car. All of you have run into a
common problem. . .no paint i s available.
/ y 7 0
, To
New Patented Energy Saving Lubricant
containing TEFLONo and FLUONo for 4 cycle engines
Proven-ten years of development and testing over millions of miles
Patented-an exclusive process that maintains permanent dispersion of the super slippery
PTFE particles
Guaranteed-full refund with proof of purchase, if user not satisfied
Insured-for product liability, when used according to directions
WHAT IS TUFOIL7-It's a major breakthrough in automotive lubrication
technology. The basis for this oil additive is a crystalline polymer known as
'polytetrafluoroethylene,' PTFE lor short, marketed under the "Fluon" and
"Teflon" trademarks by ICI Americas and DuPont respectively. PTFE has an
extremely low coefficient of friction which has been generally recognized for
quite some time. Unitl now, however, no one had been able to market it
successfully in a conventional liquid lubricant carrier without having the PTFE
particles clustering into gum-like substances. The breakthrough was a
method by Tufoll's inventor to neutralize the PTFE's clustering tendency.
thus unilormly dispersing the Teflon solid lubricant particles throughout the
fluid lubricant carrier which functions in the environment of rubbing surfaces
to develop a layer of sohd lubricant on theses surfaces.
HOW DOES IT WORK?-Any typical rubbing surface (even one that is
highly polished) contams microscopic pits, voids, and projections which
induce resistance when one surface shifts relative to the other: e.g.. the
metal-to-metal contact such as is found in your internal combustion engine.
generating heat build up and friction wear and tear. Tufoil, when added to the
standard crankcase oil in a diesel or conventional engine, impregnates these
rough spots to form a smooth, bonded, solld lubricant layer that IS extraordinarily slippery (slipperier even than ice on ice). This hybrid lubrtcant has many
slgnificant advantages, not the least of which is reduced wear and tear: up to
about 20% better gas mileage for a given amount of fuel (depending on your
drlvlng h a b ~ t s and
the engine's condillon); quicker lhrottle response;
smoother and quieter operation; easier cold-weather starting, and extended
intervals between o!l changes.
TUFOlL A RESEARCHED PRODUCT WITH A 10-YEAR TEST RECOROSeveral teflon-based additives have hit the market with a mixed degree of
success-their technology ~nmost cases is outdated, the cost is hlgh, and
their savings are questionable . . . as of this writing Tufoll is the only such
one bearing patents ~nthe U.S. (U.S. Pat. 4,127,491) and abroad . . . it
carries with it the track record of its inventor, and endorsements from dozens
of testing laboratories and independent users. (Complete copies available on
Tufoll has been tested i n police fleets, providing reduced costs and
increased fuel e f f i c i e n c y 4 really works! Its patented process makes it far
superior to the non-patented oil additives. Its initial cost makes it more
affordable than synthetic oils and this is more than offset by its gas and oil
savings. Find out today what another group of air-cooled engine car owners
are learning (we won't mentlon any names). Fully guaranteed and covered by
product liability insurance. It's new, it works, and once you've tried it, you'll
become a believer!
SHED ROW LAWE. Dept. R-280
P. 0. Box 211
Nespelem. WA 99155
OSounds interesting, but please send me some additional informatlon on Tufoll. Enclosed is $1.00 (refundable
with order). I understand I am under no obligation.
O l ' m convinced! Enclosed is my check or money order for
bottle(s) of Tubll
@ $12.95 each, plus $1.50 for postage, shipping and handling. I understand that I may return the bonle within
45 days and receive a full, prompt refund, including postage, If I'm not completely satisfied.
There are a number of alternatives. Usually one sits
down with a color book at the old body a n d paint supply
store a n d pick one that looks about right. John Peterek of
Chatham, N.J., sent me a n alternative to this. You can send
off a piece of your c a r if it has original paint to:
Bill Hirsch, Inc.
396 Littleton Ave.
Newark, New Jersey
(201) 243-2858
L n
'A' parts manual, illus. 49
'A' parts manual, illus. 50
1 9 a m n m
'55 parts manual, illus. 28
'B' parts manual, illus. 513
'55 parts manual, illus. 29
They will match it in nitrocelulose lacquer for $31.50
per gallon, minimum purchase 3 gallons. Red a n d Maroon
cost $4.00 more per gallon a n d Metallic $1.00 more. Color
match is done on a spectro graph so it should be exact.
This leaves only one problem remaining. The one when
your c a r is devoid of original paint but you wish to paint
it the original color. Surely someone at one point in time
will require all of the colors on the list. It seems reasonable
to me that all of this information should be compiled along
with the information on special parts a s w a s suggested
by Ken Daugherty, so it can be of use to everyone. I will be
happy to be storehouse for this information, making it
available when required or printing it up if enough people
are interested. I would be interested to hear from a n y of
you on this point. Continuing in this vein, Ken Daugherty
sent the following info:
Luggage Rack
Plasti Kote Grey #213
(spray c a n )
Jack Base Blue
VW C 360.1 See Blau (1965)
356 A Steering Column ( t a n ) G M #7063 '70-'71 Chevy
Headlight Bucket
Ford FM in Dove Grey
(Use s p r a y can lacquer. Do
Not r u b out - to give semigloss effect.)
Changes can be seen in the illustrations, most were not
terribly significant. They occured at:
Cabriolet '571'58
change in forward most piece
All open cars share common inner structure except the
forward most piece, shown a s number 7 in illustration 50.
Cabriolets and SpeedsterIRoadsters due to their different
lines have slightly different shaped pieces here.
Rear Inner Wheel Arch
The changes here again are best followed with the
changes in illustrations. Coupe, Cabriolet and Roadster
were all different throughout this area.
'B' parts manual, illus. 514
T-6 'B' parts manual, illus. 513A
No others have responded to the initial inquiry by Ken,
although a number have echoed requests for these colors.
John Calvin inquired about optional instrumentation in
the 356 C. Was it available and if so where were the instruments located? On 356 A's, I've been told the clock w a s a
dealer installed option and placement w a s left open to
the dealer.
Bob Heacox sent the following information on Carrera
rear lids. An early '57 1500 G S Deluxe featured a steel lid
resembling a n y '57 Coupe.
1959 G S Deluxe had the steel twin vent lid with no under
structure. GT's have aluminum single grille with Louvers
and ducting on the inner lids.
Well, that about finishes u p old business. I've got about
one hundred completed questionnaires a t this point and
expect the other 2600 to arive shortly. Oddly enough I
haven't received a n y from Columbus, Ohio.
Engine Compartment
About the only thing left untouched a s of yet in the
chassis section is the upper sheet metal of the engine compartment and firewall.
As can be seen in illustration 1 7 of the '53 book, the rear
wall and sides are separate pieces. This continued to be
true in open cars beyond this point, however, they were
combined into a single stamping before '55, a s shown in
illustration 28 of the '55 book.
No mention is made in the '53 book, of these pieces being
different between Coupe and Cabriolet, although this is
obviously the case.
T-6 'B' parts manual, illus. 514A
There will be two categories this year, humor and non-humor. Emphasis in each category should be creativity and obviously, they should
be 356 oriented. (Photos of 914's, Corvairs, Blazers and such ilk need not
apply!) Laudatory letters to the editors and/or large purchases of parts
and accessories or any other attempts at influencing the judges will be
duly reported to the ABSCAM investigators, after, of course, grateful
humor category
**** F. Scott Baker, internationally acclaimed fashion photographer
**** Brett Johnson, famous REGISTRY restoration editor a n d nationally acclaimed mercenary magazine writer
**** Peter Johnson, famous brother of Brett (see above), veterenarian
(can better spot the dogs) and acclaimed sheep rancher
**** Jerome Keyser, infamous editor of yet another famous Columbus,
Ohio publication, the 356 REGISTRY.
first Car cover
second Porsche hat & scarf
(similar to the famous
Porsche sweaters)
third 356 key ring
Send your photos to 356 REGISTRY Photo Contest 111, c/o P.B.
Tweeks Ltd . . .4410 N. Keystone Ave., Indy, IN46205. If you require the
return of your entries, include a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Clue:
put your name on the back of each ~ h o t o .
non humor category
Ludvigsen's P.E.W.E.
America Roadster model
1 year renewal, 356 REGISTRY
THE WHEN entries must be postmarked no later thcln
August 31, 1980.
PLUS prominent mention and feature of the prize winning photos in
future REGISTRY issues.
CB&E interior kits include fully assembled door panels, side panels and rear panel
ready to mount in your Porschel" Seats are sewn and filled, ready to mount on your
frames. CB&E kits also include material and padding for dash and rails, and are
available in fine leather as well as vinyl.
CB&E also offers carpet kits, headliners and convertible tops. Send $1.OO for
Porsche Comes To Indy
Whether o r not the factory s e n d s a car, our very o w n "Dougy O.", will be at the Brickyard. T o commemorate the event w e have some deals that a r e hotter t h a n Ma Unser's chili. Special Note: w e will
deliver a n y merchandise free to the Third Annual Bull Session on May 1 5 in our twin-turbo
Snake Pit Special
Third Turn Treat
356 C Master Cylinder: $26
Rubber Kit List
Gasoline Alley Goodies
Transmission Gasket Set: $77.50
1 set Brazilian Moon $6.00 each
1750 cc Piston and
Cylinder Kit
for SC and 912 engines only
1953-1954 Coupe - 194.49
1954 Coupe - $196.74
1955 Coupe - $196.29
1956 Coupe - $196.92
1956-1957 Coupe - $195.57
1957-1959 Coupe - $194.62
1960-1961 Coupe - $211.37
1962-1963 Coupe - $222.80
1964-1965 Coupe - $222.35
1952-1953 CAB - $147.66
1956-1957 CAB - $148.74
1958-1959 CAB - $180.24
1960-1961 CAB - $164.09
1962-1963 CAB - $173.72
1964-1965 CAB - $173.27
1954-1955 Speedster - $126.09
1956 Speedster - $126.99
1957-1958 Speedster - $127.62
Convertible D 1959 Kit - $129.42
Roadster - $118.22 (T-5) $118.85 (T-6)
Karmann H a r d t o p - $182.12 (T-5)
$182.75 (T-6)
The Registry's longest continuous ndvcrtisc!r
Door Block: $ 3 . 5 0 each
Short Chute Super Deals
Oil (haler: $ 7 5 . 0 0
1 Stebro Extractor 555.00
BIC Defogger Vents:
$4.00 each
Valve Springs:
Valve Stem Seals:
$4.50 each
$1.00 each
AIB Chrome Wheels
Pully Halves: $4.80 each
Hub: $12.00
Nut: $5.50 each
$45. each
$49.50 each
Carb Rebuild Kits
Reflector Bases
Zenith: $15.00 each
Solex: $9.00 each
$20.00 per pair
Spacers: $ 2 0 each
B/C Muffler: $85.00
S Pipes $35.00
Lug Bolt: $1.10
Lug Nut: $1.10 each,
Alloy Nut: $2.00 each
Fuse Cover,
Washer Bottle S t r a p
$3.50 each
5, 8, 16, 25 Amp. . l O C each
Axle Boots $1.43 each
Hardware Kits $1.13 each
356 Model $40.00
4410 N. Keystone Avenue, Indianapolis,Indiana 46205
(317) 5456223
b k r s o u f h
1434 Mayson St. N.E.,Atlanta, Georgia 30324
(404) 873-6958
No. Saturday Lunch
No. for Banquet
0 Philadelphia Tour
0 Concours
a t $35.00
at $38.00
Check out time - before 1 2 noon
M a i l check directly to:
Valley Forge Hilton
King Of Prussia, PA 19406
check in time - after 4 p.m.
toddard inmorted cars, inc.
(illustrated left)
(illustrated right)
Biral Cylinders
9.3:l Compression Ratio
$399. set
356 C
Cast Iron Cylinders
8.5:l Compression Ratio
Cast Iron Cylinders
8.5:l Compression Ratio
$197.60 set
$197.60 set
-.-..a-- 7
Balanced a n d Matched Sets
New German SC-912 Type
616.103.012.03 $349. set
Reconditioned Sets to New Specs
356A 912 $180. set
Normal, Super Intake
Super-90 only Intake
356C Intake
Latest version for all
356A. B, C, SC, 912
539.05.210 $11.50 each
Normal, Super, S - T ~ x h a u s t
616*105.405.01 19-50
3 5 6 c Exhaust
356C-Sodium Filled Exhaust
Original German Wire,
Soldered Brass Terminals, Beru Plug
Connectors, and Correct Wire Holders.
NLA.109.952.00 $24.50 set
Ground seats, reamed guides
[No valves)
Super: 616.104.032.00 $159 ea.
SCl912: 616.104.036.03 $199 ea.
IMPORTANT-th~s catalog
supersedes all prevlous e d ~ t ~ o n s
($6.00 Overseas Via Air Mall)
Carpet-Binding-Conv. Tops-Headliner-Etc.
$3. U.S.
Authentic, Original & correct German material $4. overseas
Finest Silicon Bronze Alloy
Standard and Oversize O.D.'s Avail.
616.104.321.00 $4.50 each
SEND 53.00
toddard imported cars, inc.
E Since
- .
mm BORE: 356, 356A, 356B
(T-5) 644.628.291292.00
$4.00 PAIR
- -
Six Required Per Car
644.41.602 $4.90 EACH
12 BORE: 356B (T-6) 356C
644.628.291.12 $5.80 PAIR
Hella "Symmetric" Unit now supplied with special H-4
Quartz-Iodine Bulb - Specify 6 Volt or 12 Volt
644.631.101.01 hdlite wlbulb
900.631.202.90 $18.50
Bulb Only, 6 Volt
356B (T-6) - 356C
50 Liter Capacity
Top Mount Sender
Late 356, 356A, Early 8
644.201.801.00 $28.50
Late 356B
- Bottom Tank Position
644.201.801.06 $34.50
Late 356B - 356C Top Tank Position
Limited Availability
644.201.801.07 $29.00
Shipped by truck, freight collect.
Rubber pad included
644.23.011 $28.50
644.721.010.00 $19.50
Correct Black Vinyl
Proper Hardward
and Rivets
Vinyl Storage Bag
original Olive Green Vinyl
Grained Leather Strap
German Buckle
- Replace Your Rusty One Now!
644.201.001.07 $325.00
NLA 531.001.00
$99.50 PAIR
(216) 951-1040
Bob Lawrence, Editor
"Vo ist der GMUND?", seems to be
the question concerning our readers.
Especially those of you in the Northwest. I only know that here in the
salty, humid Northeast not only did
w e receive the first issue in the mail,
but those of u s who attended PCA
meetings all received extra copies.
"Vo ist der Gmund issue #2 (& #3)?". 1
haven't received mine and I sent my
subscription in right away. I did receive a brief note from Susan Miller
on her beautiful Speedster illustrated
note paper (is that considered a stationery Raview?) saying that there h a s
been a distribution foul up, a n d suggesting I write directly to Barnes
Publishing Co. I have done so and included in my letter the names a n d
addresses of those of you who wrote
to me. The address is: Barnes Publishing Inc., 2 Spencer Pl., Scarsdale, NY
10583. S u s a n is to be guest of honor at
our next PCA meeting so I anticipate
getting more info at that time. Speaking of addresses my new address is
257 Middle Country Rd., Middle
Island, NY 11953. My phone number
is area code 516-924-3366 in case any
of you want to give me a call and stop
by on your w a y to the Hamptons this
summer. The beautiful Porsche pushing season is upon us. In my new digs I
no longer have the luxury of a three
Porsche garage. Instead I am sharing
a garage which forced me to finally use
my car cover. Can't wait to dig her out
and fire her up.
the dust of moving has settled I have
finally had a chance to peruse that
bible of Porsche Catalogs the new 1980
STODDARD (NLA) Catalog. A s good
a s it w a s it is even better this edition.
Still only three bucks it has enough
new items to make you drool, and your
wallet groan. It is to catalogs what
LUDVIGSEN'S book is to Porsche
literature. And it is cheaper than a n
X-rated movie.
BOOKIE LOOKIE: While ordering
the Stoddard Catalog I also ordered
translation of the Groose Buch der
Porsche Typen previously reviewed
(to some degree) in a prior issue.
Translated by Paul Frere all the wonderful photos finally come to life now
that it is no longer just a picture book.
(No I never got my ex-wife to translate
it for me). If it wasn't for P.E.W.E. by
Ludvigsen (here w e go again) this
would be THE Porsche book. So, if you
hesitated (like I didn't) I would suggest that you add this tome (472 pages)
to your bookshelf. Incidentally "der
Grosse Buch" w a s 549 pages. Was
something lost in the translation?
in the December issue started a series
by Brett Johnson (familiar name) entitled IN SEARCH OF THE AFFORDABLE PORSCHE. In this issue Book 1
starts out with the 356 (naturally) the
author (Brett) being who he is, I won't
even review the article but rather just
want to bring it to your attention a s
virtually "must" reading. Subsequent
articles delve into later Porsche
models in case you are interested in
a "second" car.
re-run season is upon u s you might
want to keep an out for the following
Porsche quick flicks submitted by
Bill Haggerty of S a n Diego: "Dick
Clark's made for TV - Elvis movie had
a segment depicting Elvis's Army days
in Germany around 1958. One scene
had Elvis courting his wife-to-be at a
picnic. Parked on the hillside next to
the idyllic German scene w a s his
speedster. The TV movie ASPEN of a
couple of season's ago had one of the
leading characters driving what
looked like a 356 C coupe. Some years
ago the movie "The Quiller Memorandum" had a 356 B or C Cabriplet a s the
leading man's mode of transportation,
a s he tracked the bad guys through
Europe." Thanks Bill we'll be looking
for these reruns. Let's all keep our orbs
glued to the tube Porsche peekin' style
and see who spots the next 356 flick.
Ciao for now.
Dick Pike, Editor
verse psychology: drive a real mutt,
something you just throw oil and gas
into and never fix up, and you'll never
get hit. It worked like a charm for
about 12 hours.
The first day I parked ARFOUR at
work, some pus-head raked the starboard side from stem to stern, right
down to the primer, with his open
door. It didn't matter much, and I
didn't care. ARFOUR isn't the kind of
car that could care either. Most everything about this late '58 coupe w a s or
is tacky and disreputable. From the
in-toto transplant of clapped-out S C
mechanicals, interior, a n d instrumentation to the two homemade bumpers.
From the super-cheapo guaranteedto-fade red paint job that would make
Earl Scheib blush with shame to the
unbelievably leaky glass fore and aft,
the car bespoke neglect and hard use.
The engine w a s so bad, I immediately
exchanged it for the '56's. The transaxle literally oiled the road, and both
rear brake lines were rubbing grooves
in themselves because of the idiotic
case drips
the rough-running red (w)reck
"Be kind to thine ass
f o r it bears thee"
[Old Testament ?I
Earl got hit again the other day. That's twice within the last year or so, and
Earl is angry, really angry. Regretting having sold his red Roadster a long time
back, he looked around from something 356 to drive. Several years ago he bought
a very sweet B coupe, made it even more so, and now the car seems to attract
every road-toad in northern California. That lovely gun-metal grey lacquer
seems to beg, "Hit me, I'm new!" Earl thinks maybe his 356 is too nice for even
occasional commuting to work now, so what to do? How can you bear not to
drive a car you love so? Not a new or strange dilemma these days, but I didn't
envy him.
Nor did I have his problem. Oh I did six months or s o it would take to put it
for a while, but that w a s all taken care right. I took the insurance money a n d
of by a 79-year old blue-rinse bi3ch in ran, to the bus stop. Screw this coma Caddy Coupe-de-Ville. She ran a mute scene, I decided, and rode the
stop sign in front of me, leaving all of city bus to work. That lasted about six
15 feet to stop from 35 mph. It wasn't months, until I couldn't stand it any
enough. My '56 coupe w a s a nice longer and began to itch for something
Southwestern car with all new mech- to drive. Before long, the pranged '56
anicals and pretty respectable every- w a s matched with something that,
thing else. I had worked long and hard although 356, couldn't possibly comon it, and suddenly the whole front end mand s o much emotional investment.
w a s junk. I hadn't time to wait out the In short, Folks, I'd applied some re-
carelessness w i t h which they'd been
installed. I figured I had about 5000
miles before one of them got s a w e d
through a n d killed me. I fixed those
quick. Some ingenious dude had torched a neat hole through the rear torsion
b a r tube s o that the 741 gearbox could
be fitted without the usual s w i t c h to a
644 o r 716 nose and shift rails. T h e
fuel tank leaked, both doors h a d terminal rust coming through the lower
edges ( y a w n . . .), a n d the brake p a d s
were only a kiss a w a y from the metal
backing plates. H a d enough? I've
saved the best for last: one rear torsion
a r m w a s a full 1 0 degrees higher t h a n
the other. T h e outcome of a decamber
attempt by someone w h o could neither
count nor tell clockwise from counter,
I suppose, but w h y even bother to
wonder w h y . Incredible handling you
s a y ? You bet! I gave in a n d fixed that,
But ARFOUR runs. It i s a great
street car. It gets me the three miles
to work. It carried four of u s to Oregon
for the '78 West Cost Holiday. A n d
like all the other 356s, it's a lot of fun.
When I drive the Friday noon carpool,
all five of those kindergarteners pile
in with their muddy shoes a n d chipping ARFOUR's fading paint w i t h
their tin lunchboxes. I don't care. They
just love that old car. And of course,
other 356s flash me just the same.
Only one trouble, though. I can't
leave the damned thing alone. Its
shortcomings fairly cry out for rem-
edy. A n d s o I have begun to s t r a y from
my utilitarian resolve. Reluctantly I
caulked the glass, replaced the wierd
bumpers w i t h rust-pocked nerfs
picked u p a t local s w a p meets, a n d
pulled t h e most repulsive of the nonstock trim off the body. It still looks
plenty tacky. T h e m a n y electrical
faults vanished without exception
after all non-original wiring w a s ripped out a n d the factory wires reconnected - it w a s that simple (and
there's a lesson there somewhere). I
got t h e local paint store t o mix u p a
q u a r t of ARFOUR-red enamel a n d
n o w the car i s entirely one color (only
on the outside). Fortunately the match
wasn't to hot, and even better, the t w o
reds oxidize differently. Very tacky,
you might s a y even bordering on
crummy. Random thoughts of body
work have crossed my mind, I confess,
but I haven't let them get the better
of me.
Lately, though, ARFOUR h a s resorted to mechanical treachery to get
and benign neglect. T h e t r a n n y , never
a silent partner in this venture, h a s
gotten a good deal noisier, especially
in second. When normal conversation
w i t h the w i n d o w s u p became impossible a n d a gear tooth appeared clinging to the drain plug, I relented a n d
went into the gearbox. O r rather, I replaced it w i t h another swap-meet
refugee - but that's a whole s t o r y in
itself (Grrrr!). A s a further s o p to
ARFOUR's not-so-subtle insistence
on better treatment, I even replaced
the old 32mm Solex c a r b s w i t h Zeniths
while the motor w a s out. Gee, it idles
now. I got the message pretty quick:
no burnt offering o r anything like t h a t ,
but the motor got a stock muffler, latetype blower impeller, some painted
tinware, a n d all n e w electricals everything. Now the motor doesn't
miss anymore, a n d f o r some totally
unfathomable reason, it doesn't leak
oil anymore, either. It's spooky, all
this improvement for s o little effort
a n d capital outlay. I'm concerned
where it might eventually lead.
Just to s h o w ARFOUR who's still
boss, though, I slapped a pair of
chromed air cleaners on the Zeniths
( a really high-quality job on factory
originals; strange, strange). Boy, i s
that ever tacky! Real Kal Kustom
Koach flash, forsurereally Man! T h e
c h a r m must remain unbroken, because
despite all these changes for the better
no one h a s run into t h e car, o r at least
not yet, a n d I'm still on the street in a
356 d a y in a n d d a y out. Not Earl,
though. Completely fed u p w i t h the
vicissitudes of s u b u r b a n commuter
traffic, he sold his jewel ( t h e only 356
I've ever seen with absolutely no engine oil leaks whatever) a n d currently
is into a hot-rodded Japanese pick-up.
But I suspect that if a t a t t y old 356
came his w a v he'd give in and d o it all
again. wouldn't you?
David Seeland,
Carrera GT doubling the "double nickle"
1959 356A CARRERA
Photography by James Labrenz
Hood strap and headlight guard
on Carrera GT coupe
Installing t h e Engine
Engine performance and fuel consumption.engine type 1600 6 s
(Sport exhaust system2)
ZOO0 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Engine: T y p e 69213, 1.6 liter G T model with plain bearing
crankshaft, oil cooler, no c a r heater, A-10 clutch, carburetor
heater, t w o dual downdraft Weber 40 DCM 2 carburetors, oil
p u m p 692, a n d distributors driven b y worm drive from the
crankshaft. Dynamometer horsepower on this engine - 152
Differential: 6:31
Body: Aluminum doors a n d lids, rear lid is louvered with air intake
- ..
funnels, no side trim, bumper trim i s "c" cross-section aluminum
strips on regular steel bumper shells,
factory hood s t r a p s a n d headlight covers,
Speedster-type seats w i t h aluminum
shells, plexiglass door a n d rear windows,
frameless plexiglass rear vent windows,
21 gallon g a s tank, 19 mm a n t i s w a y bar,
4% x 1 5 inch aluminum rim wheels.
Restored by T i m Herman, Hickory, N.C.
ort exhaust system I1
"sorry i asked"
Why d o otherwise normal human
beings s o happily subject themselves
to the hardships of owning a 356?
What kind of person willfully surrenders himself (herself) to the financial, emotional, a n d physical torture
required to obtain a n d restore one of
these automobiles? T h e possible ans w e r s to these a n d other similar questions have intrigued me for some time
a n d in September I had the perfect
opportunity to find them. T h e 356
Registry, a group of people banded
together to insure themselves of their
sanity (or their mutual insanity), held
a meeting a n d I availed myself of the
opportunity to a s k some of them some
pertinent questions. I o w n t w o 356's
myself a n d I hoped knowing w h a t , if
much of anything, goes on in the heads
of other 356ers might help me unders t a n d w h y I subject myself to the exquisite torture of owning them.
A s I entered the parking area of the
motel I w a s greeted by a whole lot full
of 356's a n d their owners. There were
356's of every type a n d condition.
Some looked like they had long since
driven their last mile a n d others didn't
appear to have traveled their first yet.
T h e type a n d condition of the owners
seemed to be just a s varied, though
under 40 a n d middle class seemed to
predominate. I approached a man
leaning relaxedly against his coupe.
"Excuse me, I w a s hoping you might
tell me w h y you own 356."
". . . URP!"
"I'm sorry, I seem to have put my
foot under that stream of beer you're
pouring. I see you can fit several cases
of Strohs' in there with the seat out.
Is that w h y you o w n a 356?"
". . . BERRURP!"
"You see I a m confused a s to w h y
people o w n these cars a n d I w a s hoping you might. . ."
". . . ZZZZ!"
Obviously this man's condition w a s
a little too relaxed. Probably the result
of a long drive to get here today. I then
spotted a young gentleman in a brown
corduroy suit, smoking a pipe a n d
standing next to a mediocre cabriolet.
"I w a s wondering, sir, if you could
explain to me w h y you o w n a 356?"
"Well, it is a very progressive automobile, at the vanguard of the back to
nature movement." He answered. With
hand in pocket a n d a flourish of his
pipe he continued. "Look at all that
rust. All that steel is getting back to
its natural state of pure iron oxide,
releasing its carbon to the trees a n d
plants so they can produce clean, pure
oxygen. Notice the w a y the tires are
slowly releasing their cargo of precious air, allowing the car to settle
back to the earth from whence it came.
Very poetic, very beautiful, the Nature
Car! And it doesn't screw u p the atmosphere! Do you realize that this c a r
only r u n s on 21% of attempted startings? A non-running c a r is a nonpolluting car. T h e E.P.A. loves it!"
Strongly suspicious that this guy
w a s Ralph Nader's brother in l a w I
headed out to look for someone w h o
might be getting some enjoyment out
of driving cars. I suspected that that
might be where some of the 356's
allure w a s found. After a few steps I
spotted something looking vaguely
human standing in a pile of apparent
"Hey in there," I yelled, "do you o w n
a 356?"
"Yea, probably," it answered.
"What d o you mean, 'yea probably'?
I asked.
"I mean yea I probably got enough
stuff piled u p here to make a whole
356, stupid! Hey, do you need a n y
S u p e r hubcaps? I got some good ones
here, just a couple a dents a n d some
rust holes, twenny bucks a hit."
"Well, I. . .uh. . ."
"Fifteen! Hey, watch out; that guy
behind you,. . .he's a maniac! He wanted to take this valuable, precious, bent
u p deco s t r i p from me for fourty bucks.
He's liable to d o anything!"
?J %
Offered to a serious collector:
PORSCHE, 1951 Cabriolet
Type 356 Serial No. 100 75
One of the oldest cabriolets in existance; completely restored.
SSAE for information, photos, price.
Serious inquiries only.
John Moyer, 3905 Hiawatha Drive,
Michiana Shores, IN. 46360
I turned around to find a normal
looking young man staring wistfully
at the pile of parts.
"Are you the maniac?" I asked.
"Yes, I'm the one he's talking about
all right. I needed a deco s t r i p to make
m y coupe a little nicer but this guy
w a n t s fifty bucks f o r a bent one with
no s t u d s left. I've got m y coupe nearly
on the road but parts are s o high I
can't afford to finish it. My alternatives are to drive around in a n unfinished c a r or sell it at a loss to someone
like him. I guess I just can't afford a
"Chin u p kid," I said, "waiting for
the right part at the right price is part
of the game." (HEY, file that one!)
Later in m y wanderings I came across a beautiful Speedster being a t tended b y a balding m a n in white coveralls. I walked over for a chat a n d a
cl2ser l ~ o k .
Boy, I said, "this c a r is gorgeous!"
"Yes I know," the owner replied,
"don't touch it."
"Does it r u n a s good a s it looks?"
"I don't know. I have enough money
in this c a r to finance the entire defense
departments of several third world
countries a n d I don't intend to indanger a n investment like that by
driving it."
"What kind of soap do you w a s h it
with to keep it s o shiny?"
"Soap? I never use soap, or water.
This c a r gets rubbed d o w n with fresh
grape leaves a n d live culture yogurt
once a d a y and. . . STAND BACK! T h e
w a y you talk you're liable to get spit
on it!"
"Yes, you're right," I said, "I'd better
get a w a y . What if my deodorant
should fail? I would hate to be responsible for stinking u p your pretty
car. Probably detroy it."
Dejected, I moved on. I didn't k n o w
just w h a t pleasure that fellow got
from owning his car but I w a s s u r e it
had nothing to do with me. T h e next
individual to catch my eye w a s considerably different from the others.
With a beat-up coupe, lots of hair, a n d
greasy jeans a n d tee shirt this man
w a s definitely not a s t a t u s seeker.
"Excuse me," I asked. "I w a s wondering w h y you o w n a 356?"
"Well, uh, everybody's got to have
his thing, man, an' this ole' bathtub
here is mine." He replied.
"And that's all there is to it?" I asked
"Well, there is the unique advantage
of having dozens of little storage compartments hidden all over the car,
man. I mean, lookman, under the door,
innocent looking jagged rust holes
leading to long, tunnel shaped com-
partments. Fantastic! And here behind
the front wheels!! And my speakers!!!
Half the time it doesn't even run, man.
T h e nirvana car, perfectly motionless,
serenly communing with the cos,
mos. . .
"Wait a minute, do you mean you
keep this c a r around just because it
h a s holes in it? It doesn't even run?"
"Well, it r u n s SOMETIMES, man,
but more important are the storage
compartments for the various herbs
a n d vegetable material I find helpful
to keep with me. I mean, you can't
exactly carry this stuff on the ROOF
RACK, man, the cops '11. . ."
I gingerly glanced around for men in
unforms a n d beat a hasty exit from
the area of the rolling drug stash.
Somehow I didn't think it had anything to offer in my quest for the big
I wandered around the area looking
a t cars a n d wondering w h a t special
magic each one possessed for its
owner. It w a s obvious I w a s getting
nowhere fast. Everyone I spoke to had
his o w n reason for owning a 356 and
no one seemed to share a n y sentiments
of mine. If I w a s going to find out w h y
I endured 356 ownership I w a s not
going to do it by talking to strangers.
I w a s going to have to go right to the
source, so I grabbed a beer and sat
d o w n to interview myself.
"Tell me Patrick, w h a t caused you to
spend all that money on a decrepit
pile of junk like that?"
"Well Howard," I replied. "I like its
looks, it's easy to park, gets good gas
mileage, h a s a clean efficient shape,
easy to repair, and oh yes, there's a
place at about 5,000 RPM where the
exhaust sound will just set your heart
free a n d my girlfriend thinks it looks
"Patrick, those first five 'reasons'
are exactly w h a t Motor Trend said
about the Buick Regal. Are you sure
that's not erudite rationalization?"
"You caught me. I can't seem to stop
myself from fabricating a socially
acceptable excuse."
"Which leaves u s with the sound of
the exhaust a n d your girlfriend's description a s 'cute'. Do you really expect
me to believe those are reasons enough
to spend all that time a n d money on a n
"Well, there's a guy over there who
h a s spent thousands on his 356 and it
is still scattered all over his garage.
T h a t bald man standing there just uses
his 356 a s a ticket to get in to the
Holiday's so he can drink free beer a n d
argue. I hear some fellow bought one
a s some kind of tax dodge a n d the guy
there in the three piece, doubleknit
suit bought his because he heard they
were 'in" this year. He doesn't even
know which lid to lift to find the
motor. When you a d d u p all the wacko
excuses people have for keeping a 356
chained in the garage my reasons look
plenty good enough. Have a beer
Howard a n d I'll tell you about the time
I s p u n my Speedster on Grinnel Rd.
a n d my girl got out and walked the
four miles back to town."
Replacement Parts - Accessories Racing Equipment Custom Engine Bldg. Used
Engine Parts Available.
912 Exhaust Valves $19.95
S90 Intake Valves $4.00 each
S90 Main Bearings $15.00
708 Broadway
Massapequa, L.I. N.Y. 11758
(516) 799-1430
IF you have PROBLEMS, questions, changes, etc. WITH your MEMBERSHIP status please WRITE directly to TOM OERTHER, membership
chairman, 5035 SALEM RD.. CINCINNATI. OH 45230.
the egg that hatched a sports
The following article "The Egg That Hatched a Sports Car" from
Business Week was brought to my attention by fellow member John
Moyer, and was obtained for me by volunteer secretary and Gal Friday,
Ada Smith, and reprint permission obtained by our legal advisor Bud
West. I sincerely hope that you all enjoy this piece of the past.
(Reprinted from the Dec. 8,1951 ieeue of "Bueiness Week" by special permieeion, @ 1951 by McGrawHill, Inc., New York, N.Y. 10020. All rights reserved.)
British, Italian, a n d French sports
c a r s have recently made a big hit with
U.S. motorists who hanker after the
unusual. Now the Germans have come
u p with their entry-the Porsche 356.
This new car looks a lot like a
poshed-up version of the German
Volkswagen. T h e similarity is no coincidence. T h e Porsche, like the Volkswagen, is the brainchild of a n outstanding father a n d son engineering
team-the late Dr. Ferdinand Porsche
a n d his 42 year old son, Ferdinand, Jr.,
known a s Ferry (picture, above). An
egg, incidentally, provided the starting point for the Volkswagen's design.
Handmade-The Porsche, strictly a
handmade custom job, is produced in
a factory no larger than the average
Ford dealer's showroom in Iowa. T h e
plant consists of 500 sq. meters of the
Reuter bodyworks at Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen. Designers, executives, a n d
office help are housed in a one-story
barracks of the types used for veterans' housing on many a U.S. campus
after the war. T h e firm h a s 150
About 30 yeards d o w n the road from
this makeshift plant is the former
Porsche works-15,000 sq. meters of
factory a n d office space. T h i s plant is
still requisitioned by the U.S. Army.
It s t a n d s a s mute evidence of former
Porsche successes.
These successes had their beginning
when Dr. Porsche joined the Viennese
firm Lohner & Co. a n d invented the
gear-hub motor in 1899. By 1906 Dr.
Porsche w a s technical director of
DaimIer Vienna-Neustadt, by 1916 executive director of Astro-Daimler, a n d
between 1923 a n d 1928 technical director of Daimler-Benz in Stuttgart. In
this last job, he made numerous improvements on c a r compressors.
*Fashionable-In 1930 the Porsche
firm itself w a s founded in Stuttgart.
From then until 1939, Dr. Porsche a n d
his son Ferry hit their stride a s c a r designers a n d builders. Before long they
made the name Porsche fashionable in
European sports c a r circles. In this
period, too, they designed the Volkswagen, the "peoples car" of the Hitler
World War I1 found Porsche hastily
switching to military work. The firm
designed a n d built the German version
of the U.S. jeep. Dr. Porsche also designed the German Tiger tank. Only
the end of the w a r put a timely s t o p to
his most massive creation: a 180-ton
monster tank, named the Mouse. Before that time, though, Allied bombing
had made Stuttgart a pretty "hot"
town. In 1944 the German government had ordered Porsche to move to
the small Austrian town of Gmund.
Aftermath-The end of the w a r left
Porsche and his staff facing the usual
problems found in a defeated nation.
T h e company improvised to s t a y in
business. It produced a handy little
pushcart for the Austrians a n d repaired farm implements. Volkswagen
s p a r e parts were made a n d sold f o r
flour, canned milk, candy, cigarettes.
At this time, too, Dr. Porsche w a s
jailed a s a w a r criminal by the French
occupation authorities. In 1947 a
French court found him innocent.
Once free, Dr. Porsche got his team
together again a n d started work on a
design for a small, two-seater sports
c a r that would appeal to racing enthusiasts a s well a s to families w h o
could afford a second car.
T h e result w a s the Porsche 356, a n
85 mile a n hour job powered by a fourcylinder, air-cooled engine in the rear.
T h e first limited edition of 50 c a r s
w a s built in Austria late in 1948. T h e
next year Dr. Porsche a n d Ferry returned to Stuttgart. Here they rented
their present makeshift factory, made
arrangements with contractors for
parts, a n d got down to work once
*Luck-The first f e w months were
difficult, although Porsche had started
with one great stroke of luck. T h e firm
had still been in Austria at the time
of West Germany's currency reform.
T h u s Porsche escaped the moves that
left most companies without investment capital. However, it faced a serious shortage of steel a n d other materials. Only 20 cars a month could be
produced in the spring of 1950. Today
the rate is u p to 100 to 130 a month.
Porsche today uses 50 tons of steel
Tom Oerther, Membership Chairman
a month, but h a s no guarantee of a
steady supply. Bottlenecks can easily
develop in the industries that supply
it with components. For example, the
Volkswagen works suplies Porsche
with its front axle, steering column,
a n d gears; Bosche supplies the electrical equipment; Reuter furnishes the
body, upholstery, and paint job.
Initials-Ferry Porsche, who took
over a s head of the firm when his
father died last year, is one of the few
c a r makers in the world who can truthfully claim that his product is handmade. Each Porsche 356 motor is assembled by one worker, w h o s t a y s
with the job until the motor i s ready
to be installed. The worker s t a m p s his
initials into the block. If a customer
returns the motor because of a n y basic
defect, the foreman checks the initials
on the block, then says: "Schmidt!
This is one of your motors! You will
be good enough to explain to the gentleman w h y this horrible thing w a s
allowed to leave your bench."
Today 4O0/0 of all Porsche c a r s a r e
exported. Switzerland, Portugal,
France, a n d Belgium are the top markets. But Porsches are beginning to
reach the U.S. in increasing volume.
Hoffman Motors of New York City h a s
been getting about 1 0 or 12 a month,
sells them a s fast a s they come in. (The
U.S. price is about $4,000.) Porsche
sells all it can produce so easily that it
doesn't bother with advertising.
for sale
plete, needs major restoration, i.e., floor,
l '53 coupe #50148, restoration project,
have many new p a r t s (carpet set, lights,
rubber, etc.). No engine - $2500. Walter
Fulford, 1829112 22nd Ave. N.. St. Petersburg, FL 33713. 8131531-0152 wk. d a y s
1 0 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
$ '53 Devin S p y d e r a60083 - $1200. '55 1300
coupe #53856 - $1500. '60 Cabriolet #I52996
w l h a r d t o p - $1000. '61 knotch back
#20022,1 - $1000. '64 coupe body - $750.
Engine parts (anything), body parts, interior parts, have 1 5 parts cars. Send S A S E
for list. Specify your needs. Gary L.
Kempton, 1919 Chuli Nene, Tallahassee,
FL 32301, 9041222-3516 d a y s , 90418782466 eves.
0'55 Continental coupe, good s h p e for restoration o r parts, no engine. Call Norman
Saks. 5161826-1943 eves. please. Will trade
for late model 356 engine. $700. 2841
Wilson Ave., Bellmore, NY 11710.
0 '55 Speedster #80787, 1500S, 90% com-
long. members, etc., new motor, trans.,
paint, interior, rubber a n d trim - $7500 o r
trade. Bill Perrone. 15421 Stanford Ln.,
Huntington Beach, C A 92647, 71418983966.
0'61 Cabriolet, considering sale a s is o r for
parts, h a s fender a n d bottom rust, needs
top a n d interior work, runs, inquiries invited. Earle S . Dashiell, 815 Ritchie Hwy.,
Severna Pk., MD 21146,3011544-0152 eves.
l '61 coupe #I16528 with orig. engine
#P605821 recently rebuilt, red lacquer with
red interior, solid c a r throughout with
m a n y new parts, drive anywhere with complete confidence - $6500. Joel Horvitz, 112
Blueberry Ln., S. Hamilton, M A 01930,
6171468-1374 o r 6171281-2639.
0 '61 1600 coupe, strong engine & trans.,
new brakes, very complete but poor body &
some rust, driven daily - $2400. Richard
McClure, 1 1 E. Ingram, Stockton, CA
95204. 2091464-9987.
The for sale and wanted sections are longitudinals, etc. - $3000. Phil Saari. 3374
exclusively for members' non-com- O w a s s o St.. St. Paul. MN 55112, 6121
mercial usage. Try to limit your ads to 484-0303.
50 words or less and please have your 0'57 coupe DRF98255 shite slblack interior,
ad typed if at all possible. (We reserve new paint, rebuilt transaxle. 'B' 1500 s u p e r
the option to reject illegible ads or engine, custom wood steering sheel, AM/
even worse, to guess at your meaning.) FM radio, cocoa mats, Koni shocks, radial
The right to edit or refuse publication tires, chrome wheels, bra & cover - $4500.
is reserved; not responsbile for errors, Disassembled but complete 'A' 1600 s u p e r
engine. crank & case need rework - $700.
omissions or misrepresentations.
CONDITIONS OF SALE AND PUR- Richard Hutchinson, 1602 Hanson Ln.,
Ramona, CA 92065, 7141789-1645.
1. Seller will shiu item within 10 l 1957 Speedster #a2953 - Silver - Nearly
days of receiit of payment. If 1,00 hours spent on fanatical concours resbuyer pays with personal check, toration, underside detailing a n d painting.
seller will ship within 10 days Project still not completed, potentially one
after check is honored.
of best speedsters in existance. Price
2. If buyer is not satisfied with item, negotiable. Chuck Schank, 1123 Park Lane,
buyer may return item at buyer's Western Springs, Illinois 60558 (312)
expense within 10 days of return 246-6355.
of item to seller in same condi- 0 '57 Carrera Speedster, near zero rust, 'S'
tion a s received b y buyer, seller engine, drives nicely. rear deck severely
will refund the price.
customized, doors welded, missing 4-Cam
3. Seller assumes risk of non-de- engine, bumpers, windshield, top. '59
livery when item is shipped to coupe, totally original a n d unrestored inbuyer. Buyer assumes risk of cluding paint & interior, 's' engine, very
non-return to seller.
minor rust, 76,000 miles, garaged a n d 1
4. Unless otherwise stated, cost of o w n e r last 12 years. Asking $5500 for
shipping will be in addition to Carrera a n d $4500 for coupe (U.S. $).
price of item.
Offers considered (See Wanted). Photos
5. By placing advertisements in the & full details to serious persons. David
356 REGISTRY, sellers agree Trower, 242 Supple St., Pembroke, Ontario
to these conditions. By ordering, K8A-3G9, Canada, 6131735-0035.
buyers agree to these conditions.
In offering a car please include your l 1958 356A Cabriolet, titled, restorable
asking price to save someone a cross o r possible parts car, no engine, complete
country phone call; chassis serial transmission and brakes, good upper body,
numbers also would be helpful. All p a r t s a n d top, $500. Jim Winckler, 741
ads must be received by the first of the Sadie, Lansing, MI 48906. (517) 321-0461.
month in which they are to appear. 0'59 coupe#106164, new Ruby Red, to trade
PLEASE limit your ads to 356 items. for 912, 911 o r $5500. John Sandrock. 528
911s,914s, etc. are all nice but they are Cadieux, Grosse Pointe, MI 48230, 3131
out of place here! If your ad arrives 886-1319.
after the deadline, w e will hold it until l '60 #112949, red, placed LimeRock Conthe next issue unless you instruct tours, needs little to perfections, mechanotherwise. Send your free member ads ically "A-1" - $9500, Lin Jacinto. 87-41
to Brenda Perrin, 2041 Willowick, 118 St., Richmond Hill. NY 11418, 2121
Columbus, OH 43229. (Do NOT send 847-6137.
commercial advertising to t h i s 0 '61 1600 S coupe. silverlblack interior.
no rust, original floor pan, batterybox,
l 1962 356-B #210805 2nd owner California
c a r absolutely no rust 64,000 Mi. engine
rebuilt at 52,000, n e w radials carpet.
$10,500 OBO. Jacqueline Hansen, 503-7792863 o r 772-9044.
0 62 notchback coupe #202014, whitel
black, discs. 1750 kit, coolers, balanced,
many e x t r a s & '68 91215 to trade for clean
'C' coupe, Cabriolet o r early 911. Will sell
outright 2 for $8000 o r separately. Ed
Tolentino. 6171567-5151 days.
0 62 356B (T-6) Cabriolet, rare righthand
drive, serial #56233 excellent interior.
Vehicle is from London a n d h a s repairable
rust. Asking $4000 wlo Porsche engine.
David Nishihara 744 Barcelona Drive,
Fremont, CA. 94536 (415) 793-5340.
l '62 coupe complete & running, fairly
rusty, driveable & restorable, asking $1500
o r trade. John Appuhn, 626 S. Harlan Ave.,
Evansville. IN 47714, 8121424-7293.
062 coupe (60),recent complete restoration
of rust free chassis, now virtually new, exceptionally nice car, replies to all serious
inquiries, offers near $10K, Hal Mallett,
1479 Hudson Way, Livenmore, CA, 4151
443-5581 eves.
0 63
S-75 Cabriolet #157497, engine
#P704375, good condition - $7600. Andrew
Getrie, 6918 Crestview Dr., Ft. Wayne, IN
46815. 2191485-4787.
ROOF COUPE (415) 731-7659 8 p m - lOpm
PST. Rolling Polonitzaski, 50 Ravenwood
Dr., S a n Francisco, CA 94127.
l 1964 356C Cabriolet #161456. Graylblack,
interior in good condition, rust in usual
locations, but excellent for restoration.
all original p a r t s still on car, new tires,
96.000 miles, AMIFM, good mechanicals.
$4,250 or best offer. Hurry - last of the convertibles. Also, 1600 s u p e r engine, balanced a n d rebuilt 5.000 miles ago. #31530,
zenith's, with P.P. a n d fly-wheel, $750.
Also, 1970 914, new orange paint, freshly
rebuilt engine, mags, sway-bars front and
rear, spoiler, late model shifter, etc. etc.
$3,150. Call Jim Comer, 111, P.O. Box 220,
Gastonia, N.C. 28052. (704) 865-9655 night.
0'64 Cabriolet #159072, whitelred leather,
European heater, chrome sheels, AMIFM.
h a s floor and body rust - $3600. '61 Roads t e r S-90, orig. floor, new orig. looking
leather interior, excellent condition $8500. Cabriolet factory hardtop fits 'A'.
'B'. 'C' - $350. Ansen aluminum wheels fit
'A' & 'B', like new - $200. Roadster roll bar $50. Speedster steering wheel - $50. New
'C' hubcaps with unpainted crests - $60.
F. Lanzetta, Jr., E. Landis Ave., Vineland.
NJ 08360. 6091692-8882 o r 7031525-9078.
l 1964 356 S C Coupe. #216323; Completely
Restored 1978: a l w a y s garaged; first place
concours winner; Serious inquiries only.
$15,500. Includes pictures taken throughout restoration, call receipts, records, and
assorted 356 parts. Chris Christopher
Ulmer 803-884-7301 after 6:00 p.m.
l '64 coupe running, needs bottom work,
complete/original - $4500. '59 N needs
bottom, complete - $1695. '56 sunroof,
restorable original body, stripped ready
t o w o r k - $2475. $54 with rebuilt 'C'engine,
used daily, excellent pre-A example $2975. Tom Glans, 3 Charbet. Westport.
C T 06880. 2031259-5275.
l 1964 2000GS Carrera Coupe - #I29714 31K original miles, all original, interior
like new, exterior excellent, engine perfect.
$22,500 or best offer. Rus Hapgood, Post
Office Box 8744. Durham, North Carolina
27707 - (9191 493-4511.
0 '64 sunroof
(electric) tt128131, rolling
chassis minus motor, interior, etc - $1200
o r will cut top off - $500. '65 coupe for parts.
complete disc brake set-up ready to bolt
on a n y 'A' or 'B' - $250. Leitz luggage rack $75. ZF steering boxes - $70 each. Interiors
for 'C' coupes in black, red & brown. 5
panels each - $100. Factory 'B'I'C' wooden
wheel, doors, lids, bumpers, trans., & much
more. See Wanted. Buyer pays shipping.
Bill Brown, 901 W. Pioneer, Lincoln, NB
68522, 4021423-8701.
0'64 coupe ~ 1 5 6 , 0 0 0miles. 2nd at Northeast Region concours, 3rd at Connecticut
Holiday, complete 2-year restoration by
top pros, silver lacquer paintlgreen interior, detailed engine (all new p a r t s ) . Michelin tires, 5 % wheels wlcrested hub caps.
front s w a y bar, rear H & H Z bar, electric
fuel pump, tinted glass, 14K gold Porsche;
& 'C', AM radio, all new rubber, absolutely
no rust, all new brake lines, car runsgreat $12,000. Rush L. Workman, 18 Rich Valley
Rd., Wayland, MA 01778. 6171358-4003
after 7:30 p.m. weekdays & 12 p.m. wknds.
0 1964 Carrera 2 3 5 6 c cabriolet #159162.
2 tops, 2 engines, s p a r e parts, Excellent
That fits under hood of all A&B
Models. A s shown on page 90 of
your brochure and sales literature
book. By Richard F. Merritt. All
materials used, are the finest
available. White leather trim &
handles. T h e outer shell is GreenBlack plad of 10O0/0 wool from
England. Pre shrunk & weather
proofed. Red lining is made of rip
stop nylon, to give it strength &
beauty. Priced a t $59.95 plus
shiping & handling of $5.50. Remember a lot of hoods have been
bent because of improper luggage.
J & C Enterprises
P.O. Box 25
Union City, Ca. 94587
condition, 36,000 miles shown Seattle
Parade. European car, pictured AuglSep
'78 REGISTRY. Irish green, black interior.
25K or partial trade your clean 356. Larry
Skoglund 612-888-0064 days. 612-8699589 home.
0'64 2000 G S Carrera 2 coupe#124876 with
totally rebuilt 912 engine (2 Liter engine not
included) oil coolers incl., great body, excellent mechanical. Blaupunkt Frankfort
AMIFM stereo & many extras, needs only
cosmetic work & 2 Ltr. engine to be worth
much more than $9000 (firm]. Contact Jim
Wellington, 320 Martin Ave.. S a n t a Clara,
CA 95050, 4081727-3052 or M. Greenhut,
#208 1436 S . LaCienega Blvd.. Los Angeles.
CA 90035, 2131659-5471.
l 1964 356 S C Reutter Coupe #129006.
European model throughout. Ground up
restoration. Signal red, black interior.
Everything, inside a n d out including engine, is new or reconditioned. Far too many
d e t a i l s ~ e x t r a s to list. A real class 356.
$9,700. Lt. Col. A.J. Orlando, 956 Nevada
Oval. Plattsburgh AFB, N.Y. 12903 (518)
0 '65 coupe, excellent in every respect, refinished in #6407 red several years ago,
stored since, no rust a n y place, mechanicals are perfect, h a s 5%" Porsche chromes,
camber compensator, Koni's Dunlops,
engine is newly rebuilt, carpeting & leadlinder new, price reduced this month only $8000. Should be inspected by persons
familiar with 356 models to verify excellent
condition. A. Raymond Neal, 5514 Hollister
Dr., Speedway, IN 46224, 3171293-4013.
0 '65 S C Cabriolet
European model, a
worthwhile restoration project, needs complete interior and exterior attention, not a
rust out, solid floors & wheel wells, special
long ratio transmission, correct original
wiring, sound engine - $4000. Stephen
Demosthenes, 3171844-8664 or 253-1708.
0 '65 S C sunroof coupe #131273, white/
black, new suspension, recent major engine
work, 6" chrome wheels wlenamel crest
caps, total complete car in first rate condition. Asking $12,500. Also, mens Orfina
Porsche watch in black - $375. Bill Patton,
4181 Observatory Ave., Oakland, CA
94619. 4141543-9360 days. 4151530-0609
0 Discover your o w n stunning one-owner
Sf90 coupe safely barn-stored in the
Rockies. Navy with redlwhite interior.
Extensive recent major work. Many extras.
Well-loved a n d driven daily 1963-1979.
Cosmetic and other minor work needed.
$6700 o r offer. Rocking R Ranch. Box 665,
Tijeras. N.M. 87059. Albuquerque ( d a y s ]
l '65 S C #220987, hole in driver's floor.
needs left door, otherwise complete & potentially restorable without maior work.
27 mpg - $5000 o r trade toward open 356.
Books: The ABC's (&912's] of Porsche 4
cylinder engines - $18; Porsche Cars 195256, 1957-59 - $6.40; '60-'64. '64-'68. '68-'72,
Racing Cars - $8.80 o r trade. Many Christos
a n d Panos from the mid '60s for trade and
Christo 115-119 for sale - $4 each. William
A. Block, 5 Widener Way, Orange Park,
$ '65 coupes: whitelblack & greenfblack 43,000, 48.000 miles. Both original perfect
cars - $13,000 & $14,000. '64 S C coupe
white/black, 26.000 miles, fine a s new $17,000. '60 coupe ruby redltan. 29,000
miles. perfect - $16,000. 4 % chrome 'C'
wheels - $95 each. L. 1. Foote, P.O. Box
11995, Salt Lake City, Utah 84147, 8011
0 3 356 motors complete running; 2 X ' s .
1 early 'B'. 2 'Cs'recently rebuilt - S800each
o r make offer. Also, misc. 356 heads, cases
cranks, rods, accessories. Call Peter at
6171438-9657 Stoneham, MA or work 6171
944-2607 Wilmington. MA.
0 Blaupunkt 6V AMIFM radio, works fine $40. 'B' T-6 owner's manual, almost new $15. Richard Walton, RD 4, Box 225.
Quarryville. PA 17566, 7171786-4559.
l 'B' sales folder with red coupe on cover,
8 pages - will sale or trade for Porsche
poster or sales literature. lim Perrin, 2041
Willowick Dr.. Columbus, O H 43229, 6141
882-7625 eves.
l '61 T-5 fuel tank - $30. '61 bumper, left
door shell, coupe in poor cond. - free to anyone who wishes to pick them u p in New
Jersey. Dave Flanagan, 2801 Sunset Dr.,
Flint. MI 48503, 3131232-9155.
l 1965-356C coupe #219184, a s original,
one owner, slate gray, red interior. Appearance and runability near perfect. Many
valuable extra parts included. $7.000. Nels
Smedberg. 129 Crescen Beach Drive.
Packwood. WA 98361. 2061494-4460.
0 Cabriolet top, '58-'62. excellent bows $350. Roadster top - $175. 'C' engine - $750.
Disc brakes - $400 set. Bumpers - $250 pair.
Roadster b r a s s windshield posts, frame $175. 200 KPH speed - $50. 'A', 'B', 'C' hood
handles - $25. G a s tanks. '52 dashoard &
gauges. 'B'. 'C' shifter wlkey - $25. Doors,
glass, brakes, other parts. Mark Eskuche,
4033 N. Prospect Ave., Shorewood. WI
53211. 4141962-4304.
.Front & rear bumpers ( u s e d ) for'A's & 'B's.
Carrera 2 horn ring & button (very good).
T w i n grille rear deck lid for Cabriolet or
Roadster. One pair new 'A' front bumper
guards (for high overrider bar]. Merritt
& Miller literature 63. 75, 81. 109, 215, 257.
Want to trade any of above listed for
CHRISTOS 1, 3, 4, 5. 7-12. 14, 15. 20. Tom
Oert her. 5035 Salem. Cincinnati, O H 4,5230.
0 4 50019:20X15 plus 4-8 tubes Goodyear
B17e Streak vintage race tires R-5 compound, fair-good tread left, used on EIP
Speedster in late '60's. Trade for Nikon
lenses Yamaha B-2 amp. TV stereo receiver. CB, shotgun-rifle, 1800' audio tape.
old car magazines, books, etc. You pay
IJPS. Rest offer. Marty Goree, 1422 North
St., Boulder. CO 80302, 3031447-8720.
0 356 motor parts: blocks, heads, cranks,
sheet metal. Transmission parts: motor
ttP63055. '56, 60 hp, complete & running.
never apart. Send list with bid for and 356
parts needed - it's spring cleaning time.
Ken Daugherty, 1611 Russell Ave.. Louisville. KY 40213. 5021451-3425.
'C' parts & literature [all original): new
coupe door glass, perfect tool bag, original
oatmeal carpet material, king & link sets,
air cleaner, jack, rear quarter windows,
bag full of misc. rubber & chrome parts
(many NLA), mint color showroom literature, heater boxes, accessory catalog, price
list, service book, more. Ken Ward, 521
Henry Clay Ave., New Orleans, LA 70118,
4 4112X15 drumbrake wheels in partial
trade for 4 or 5 5112X15's or $15 each. Becker
AM radio for '62-'63 wloriginal transformer - $65. '54 1300N P-21750, needs
major overhaul, will part out, price negotiable. 4 Super hubcaps w / o crests, need
replating - $4 each. David Goree, Rt. 1 Six
Mile Mtn., Six Mile, S C 29682. 80318682526.
FUSE BOX DECALS for T-2 thru T-5
Models, improved duplication, you can't
get burned, only a buck Business SASE
Henry Walker 6390 Kimi Ln.. La Mesa.
Calif. 92041.
*New heater muffler 356-55-015, left hand
for '54 coupe - $30 or will trade for right
hand 356-016. Hand operated windshield
washer pump, near new cond. - $25. Modified shift lever, lower half fits 356 or 'A',
upper portion from later model, black knob
$20. Bob Downie, 3931 Declaration Ave.,
Woodland Hills, CA 91364, 2131346-6675.
m'B1fuel tank w-sending unit - $20.2 painted wheels 41/2x15 - $10 ea. New door seals
644.551.915 - 2 for $5. 1 bumper license
light unit - $5.4 luggage bakts. wlscrews $1 ea. 4 side deco strips wlo insert - $4 ea.
1 turn signal lens beehive clear - $1.50. 1
right tear drop tail light assb. red - $10. 1
chrome grab bar - $6.2 S C hubcaps - $3 ea.
1 Reutter badge large - $3. '50 hood latch
- $4. Gasloilltemp gauge - $20. Blue window washer bag - $2.50. Arno Weddendorf,
143 Lawrence Rd., Westerville, OH 43081,
6141438-4731 days. 6141890-8817 eves.
T r a d e pair of Solex 40 P I 1-4's for Zeniths
for 1600 SC, '64, or sell outright - $100 each.
Roy P. Endersby, 766 Villa Ave., San Jose,
CA 95126, 4081287-4386.
1500 cc roller crank 4-Cam motor
#P90606. Sold less carbs, ignition & sheetmetal, heads removed for your inspection.
Offers. Bill Currie, 436-Marrett Rd.,
Lexington, MA 02173, 6171862-6700.
Speedster seats (2) in good cond. - $250.
Engine lid - $100. 'A' front & rear bumpers $100 ea. Complete set brake drum, wheel
cylinder & back plate $125. Joe Allen
Cook;Rt. 3. Box 305, Strawberry Plains,
TN 37871, 6151933-4861,
*'A' front right fender including right nose
& closing panel, fender brace & headlight
bucket. All 1piece, not new but solid - $400
or best offer. Complete 'C' engine, disassembled. SC crank .0201.020 undersize
& Solex 40 P I 1 carbs - best offer. Alex
Wendorf, 3729 W. Marwood Ct., Tucson,
AZ 85704, 6021744-1102.
*Cabriolet right door, excellent - $80. Very
good 'A' hood - $65. Very bad 'B'hood- $15.
Extractors: loud - $35, louder - $30, loudest
- $25.
Roadster rear deck lid - $25. 1600 S
engine #081211, very low mileage, new
crank, half together - $400. No shipping.
Dan Barbush, 2656 Mt. Royal Rd., Pittsburgh, PA 15217, 4121521-4326.
m'53 coupe dash panel (no gas gauge hole).
16" rims. Very old Blaupunkt 3 band push
button tube type car radio, complete, original, works good. Walter Bacon, 562 N. 8th
St., Grover City, CA 93433.
New 'B' SPG roller bearing crank - $525.
Turbo unit for 356 - $600. 741 LSD trans BBC3C just rebuilt - $1000. Larry Chmura.
1701 Ridgewood Rd., Alamo, CA 94507,
Original catalog for 150 GS, workshop
manual for 'A', Oct. '62 Carrera 1500 G S 1600 G S 2000 GS Montageanlertug. All
dusty, oily smell of years of service but
original. Offers. Dan Proudfoot, 252 Scarborough Rd., Toronto, M4E 3M8, Canada.
All 6V electrical parts from '57 coupe &
'60 Cabriolet. All priced to sell fast. Buyer
pays shipping. Allen I. Nubile, 527
McKinstry Ave., Chicopee, MA 01020.
356 Parts. Send SASE for new list with
additional items. Brooks Griggs, P.O. Box
386, Columbus, GA 31902. Days 4041
T5 left front fender (used) cut 6" behind
headlight & extends to door, good a s you'll
find at $115. I'll pay shipping. Steve
Proctor, 201 W. Carment Ln. #17, Santa
Maria, CA 93454.
'B' parts including engine lid (single) $45. Leitz luggage rack - $25. Engine case $50. Numerous others. Send SASE for list.
All FOB Richard Meyerson, P.O. Box 2614,
Newburgh, NY 12550, 9141561-5396.
356 scale models, 1143 & 1125 available.
Replicas of 'A' coupe & Speedster. For more
info write Jeff Gamble. 929 N. Swan Suite
B, Tucson, AZ 85711.
New 'A' owners manual in German. 6V
Empi solid state ignition system complete
w/coil. Photocopies of illustrated section of
'55 parts catalog (51 pages) - $7. Other
misc. parts. SASE. Will consider trades.
See Wanted. D. Downs, 106 Cedar Ct.,
Schaumburg. IL 60193, 3121893-7414.
'65 S C coupe parts: hood, glass, black interior, suspension, 3 steel wheels, dash
parts, etc. Fair bumpers & doors. Most anything e x c e ~ tengine, transmission & bodv
shelL ~ e a s o n a b i eprices. Write needs or
call. A.R. George. 105 Upson, Ithaca, NY
14853, 6071273-2877 eves.
Roadsterlconvertible windshield frame
wlposts & new PPG clear glass, no base
rubber. Supposedly fits '59-'61 but can't
identify. Will send pic's on request for $5.
returnable if I get pics back. Buyer pays
shipping - $185. Chrome is good on frame &
fair on posts. Cabriolet door, right side wl
side vent & roll-up flass, very little surface
rust from chips, etc., no dents, fits my '60
Cab T-5 - $75. Buyer pays shipping. Jerry
Bubolz. 7226 E. 73rd St. Tulsa. OK 74133,
9181494-7929 after 6 p.m.
Original luggage rack from 'B' double
grille, excellent cond. - $60 or trade for 912
parts. Mick Michelsen, 548 Chatham Dr.,
Roseburg, OR 97470. 5031672-6601.
Send SASE for incredible list of everything 356 from a '60 Roadster to blue leather
seats to Hazet tools, literature & much more
Too numerous to list. Fantastic stuff! All
must go. C.L. Stevenson, 1402 Brookside
Dr., Norman, OK 73069, 4051321-2311.
New 356 body panels. Front hood, T-5,
644.511.010.05, $300. Left front fender, T-5,
644.503.033.05, $225. Nose panel right
213rd.s. T-6, 644.503.011.06, $250. Nose
panel right 1/3rd, T-6, $150. Many more
new and used parts. Buyer pays shipping.
Sid Gibson, 229 Deloraine Ave., Toronto,
Ontario Canada, M5M 2B2.1-416-483-3785
PORSCHE ENGINES - one S90 for $750
and one S75 for $450. Both are complete,
but both have crank problems and would
require general rebuilding. Eugene F.
Peters, P.O. Box 515, Cambridge, MA 02138
GARAGE SALE: Pr. 356AlB wire mesh
air cleaners. exc. $251pr.; 3561356A Bra,
$25; Pr. 356 (all) split rubber axle boots,
new, $51pr.; 356BlC green tool bag, decent,
one clip broken, $12; 356C1912 black tool
bag, decent, $10; 356BlC Blaupunkt AM
radio a s original equip., $35; 356 (pre-A)
sun visor, green plastic warped, good
frame, $20; 356 B/C inside d a y ~ n i g h trear
view mirror, exc. $35; 356 Veigel speedo,
$20; 356 VDO tach, for Normal, $15; 356
rubber shift boot, new, $3; 3561356A front
bumper brackets, new 4 pieces, $15 all;
complete 356 headlight assembly, $10; "60"
emblem, faded. $2; 3561356A straight fuel
cock, $7; 2 356BIC rear reflector bases, fair.
$4 both; 356C hubcaps wlunpainted crests,
$25/set of four. Phil Reese, 838 Piropo Ct.,
Camarilla, CA 93010 (805) 484-2681.
Set of original Porsche Mag wheels, with
4112" rims. Will fit C. SC. 912's. Excellent
condition. Mounted with Pirelli Cinturatos
with less than 1000 miles. $600 total. Don
Zook, 13000 Harriet Ave. S. #225, Burnsville, MN 55337 Tp; 612-890-9342 eves.
'61 S90 coupe: no engine but the rest of
car is useable from the dashboard back,
prefer to sell a s is but will consider parts,
make me an offer I can't refuse. Marc Speed,
1808 35th Ave., Meridian, MS 39301, (601)
693-4315 eves. Car is victim of head-on
collision with Sheriff's kid's Olds 98!
A parts: Speedster Hardtop. BBAB transaxle, rebuilt 1750 engine and misc. A parts.
Willing to trade. Mike Miura 682 Kalanikoa
St., Hilo, Hawaii 96720. 8081961-2766.
1960 S-90 Roadster #88613, yellow~black,
new cloth top, new muffler & 'S' pipes,
chrome wheels, solid street car with all
parts. $9000. Dennis Winter. home - 4081
996-1770, office - 408125510900, ext. 3307.
356 Exploded-view part diagrams, complete set including 356 Pre-A, 356-A, 356-B
T-6, and 356-C, 285 pages spiral bound$55, copy 1953 parts manual-$25, copy
1954 workshop manual-$45, copy 1955
parts manual-$45, part diagram sets: 356
Pre-A 51 pages-$14, 356-A 72 pages-$17,
356-B 74 pages-$17, 356 B T-6 (Sup. t o B)
4 6 pages-$14, 356-C (Sup. to B) 42 pages$14. Christo ttl to trade. Charlie White,
4801 E. Calle Del Media. Phoenix. Arizona
85018. 6021949-8096.
0 '66-912 engine $1050, '65-356-c engine.
$800. Copius esoterica a n d erotica. Jim
Cowen, 29 Rear W. 3rd Ave., Cols. Ohio
43201 (614) 291-7713.
0 10 years of collecting must go! 356 B
coupe and Cabriolet rearclips. doors, seats,
brakes, t r a n s , wheels, etc. Also A, B, C 81
912 engine parts, cranks, heads. etc. Also
914 body a n d engine parts. Write or call for
3B, 4C, 4D, $45 @. 741 1B gear with mainshaft $75. 741 shift sleeves and spiders,
$10 @. Many more engine. t r a n s a n d skirmants. 27244 Ryan, Warren. MI 48092.
'54 Porsche Continental Coupe #51897
with 69,495 miles. Excellent original
pan. Body professionally redone 4
years ago - $6,750.00. '55, 1500 N
engine #35318 with n e w pistons, cylinders and valves; '51,1300 N engine
#20555, rebuilt; Pair of 356 AIB front
spindles, drums, backing plates a n d
complete brake assemblies; pair of
356 B, red & black vinyl front seats;
pair of 16" rims a n d many misc. parts.
Best offer. Daniel L. Schaut, Schofield,
Wisconsin, 1-715-359-7588evenings.
4 cylinder engine
i n c l u d e s c l u t c h and muffler
Quality restoration work complete or partial to suit every budget. Our work includes
all mechanical repairs a n d overhauls, electrical a n d wiring, interiors and tops, rust
repair a n d body work, painting and final
detailing for s h o w cars.
For information call or write:
Brook A v e . , Deer Park, N.Y. 11729
p a r t s list a n d prices. Duane Spencer, 603
S h a s t a Ave., Yreka, California 96097. (916)
0 European heater boxes, fan housing, yconnector for 356, $125. Timing covers,
most models, $25 @. Brake d r u m s , all
models, $35 @. S C rocker a r m stand, $14.
Generator s t a n d AIB, $8. Rocker a r m
assembly. complete normal. $25. A/B Axle
tubes, $15 @. Brake backing plates. AIB,
$5 @. Valve covers. $4 @. T r a n s nosepieces, 519 Dual-mount. 741. $15 @. 644
gearsets, 2B, 3B 4C, $25 @. 741 gearsets,
Members: For instruction and conditions for submitting a wanted ad, see
the introduction to the for sale section.
New or used head lamp switch for a 1958
sunroom coupe. Bob Stone, 32 Robin Hill
Ln.. Belleville. IL 62221.
oPre-1954 Road 6 Track magazines to complete my reference collection: will buy outright or trade for 356 series literature duplicates a n d contemporary Porsche factory
posters. J. Keyser, P.O. Box 07845, Cols.,
O H 43207.
.Pair of 1600 S Heads, oil cooler, Engine lid
single grill 58 Vintage. Jerome J. Malinowski,
RD 1 Erieville. New York 13061. (315) 6627975.
05~12d r u m brake wheels see For Sale. Information from former owners of: 1963 Karmann Coupe (1600s) #212990,1953 Reutter
Coupe tt50172, close-up wiring diagram of
turn signal switch for B-C. David Goree.
Rt. 1 Six Mile Mtn., Six Mile S.C. 29682.
(803) 868-2526.
0 Cabriolet top bows, wood must be good.
Gary L. Kempton, 1919 Chuli Nene, Tallahassee, FL 32301, (904) 222-3516 days,
(904) 878-2466 nights.
0 For '55 (pre 'A') Speedster: set of Speedster seats, owner's manual, tools, script,
plus information on the color Speedster
Blue Ruetter Nos. 602, i.e. current domestic
cross reference, etc. See For Sale. Denis
Downs, 106 Cedar Ct., Schaumburg, IL
60193, (312) 893-7414.
0 Factory of dealer post c a r d s with 356's.
Also, pre '65 factory cancelled envelopes.
Gene Babow. 116 Laurel Grove. Kentfield,
CA 94904.
0 Complete heater box set up for '58 Speedster with '62 engine, windshield center tensioning rod and knurled nut for same, front
left wedge-type turn signal unit, rear Nerf
b a r crossbrace. Bob Kraft, 225 N. Garfield
St., Arlington, VA 22201, 7031524-3887.
0 For Speedster: seat ( s ) , carpet kit, tonneau, front floor mat, '56 Cabriolet tonneau
cover ( w l o vent window). Tom Glans, 3
Charbeth, Westport, C T 06880, 203/2595275.
0 Roadster solid rear clip in good shape.
Rue Prince, 102E Belvedere Rd., Norfolk,
VA 23505, 8041489-3935.
0 For '59 Convertible D: %piece windshield
molding & shifter knob in good cond. Jim
Malott, 17907 Taylor, Bloomington. CA
92316. 7141877-3325 or 7141885-4001.
0 906 Carrera 6 or 904 GTS. Dale A. Dries,
44 Brookside Rd., Macungie, P A 18062.
0 Very good 'A' front bumper (high overriders), good 'A' rear bumper with overriders, good 'A' front bumper (no overriders). 'B' o r 'C' complete horn ring very
good condition. Want to trade for CHRIST O S 1. 3 , 4 . 5,7-12, 14, 15.20. Tom Oerther,
5035 Salem, Cincinnati, O H 45230, 5131
0 1 usedlnew Lee 500x16 4-ply super deluxe pass. tire. I have 4, need 1 for spare.
Also, looking for original pair of German
license plates for '55. Steve McPherson,
5318 46th Ave. SW. Seattle, WA 98136.
0 For late '57 coupe, T-2 body, driver's and
passengers side doors with or without
glass, trim & regulators.
.Cabriolet top frame, usable top, boot, part
or all. Jim Larsen, 1324 S. 40, Lincoln, NE
68510,4021489-4951. eves 4021471-5363 ofc
1 right hand thread "Rudge" knock-off
spinner. Have left hand thread spare to
trade or purchase. Steven W. Hunter, 720
Revel Rd.. Healdsburg, CA 95448. 70714336301.
.For -63 (late model) coupe: 1 front bumper
in good condition. Lou Frankel. 1420 Hopeland Rd., Wyncote, P A 19095.6091345-1 164
0 Alloy door, driver's side. 69213A intake
camshafts - lobes not required. Bob
Garretson, 1641 Kalispell Ct., Sunnyvale,
CA 94087, 4151969-2369 days, 40817390404 eves.
0 Hood handle for '53 coupe. Walter Bacon.
562 N. 8th St., Grover City. CA 93433.8051
481-0115. No collect calls, please.
0 Poster issued by Porsche especially with
356 or early race cars. Will purchase or
have duplicates or trade. Also want
Porsche factory tools for 4-Cam or pushrod
engines. Jim Perrin, 2041 Willowick Dr.,
Columbus. O H 43229. 6141882-7625 eves.
.Original wooden wheel for'A', have'B'1'C'
factory wooden wheel to trade. Wire mesh
a i r cleaners for Solex PII-4's. Bill Brown,
901 W. Pioneer. Lincoln. NB 68522, 4011
0 For late '52 coupe tt11652: 4 16" slotted
wheels, Telefunken radio or Porsche badge
for opening in d a s h , 2 rear rails (go over
rear side panels), interior light. 1 interior
door panel hand pull, a n y '52 documentation, i.e., sales catalog-parts manual-
service manual-owner's manual-color
chips, etc. C.B. Hutcherson, Jr., 899 Burns
Dr., Marietta. G A 30067, 4041971-8117.
l 'C' (1965) parts: wood rim BIC steering
wheel #9520, w a n t color match information
for fan housing a n d oil filter canisters. Will
exchange information. See For Sale. Ken
Daugherty, 1611 Russell Ave., Louisville,
KY 40213. 5021451-3425.
e'50-'53 Porsches, early gauges, front clip,
bumpers or a n y interesting early parts.
Will buy o r trade. R.J. Obeid, 13907
Cohasset St., Van Nuys, CA 91405, 2131
e ' 6 5 running lights & complete tool kit &
owner's manual (must be in good cond.).
Barry Hanses, 1309 E. Kessler Blvd.,
Indianapolis, IN 46220. Call collect d a y s
l 550 R S or RSR S p y d e r complete i n excellent condition, engine conversion 0.k.
'B' body, no rust, any style. Ray Setteur,
6917 Regency Dr., Parma, O H 44129, 2161
l Convertible D parts: chrome (squeegee)
s t r i p along top of driver's door; chrome
s t r i p along bottom edge of windshield. Call
Bob Bowen (206) 322-3235 home o r (206)
543-4368 work. O r write 1928 East Blaine
St., Seattle, WA 98112.
l 718 5 speed ring & pinion, a n y cond. Have
4-Cam parts to trade. Mark Eskuche, 4033
N. Prospect Ave., Shorewood, WI 53211,
4141271-2929 days.
l Used copy of: Porsche, Excellence Was
Expected by Ludvigson. Dennis M.
Hammond. 415 1 1 t h Ave. S.E., Minneapolis
MN 55414.
l S C o r S-90 engine or crankcase. Red interior for 'C' (all o r pieces). Hood, bumpers,
doors. Blaupunkt radio. Bill Perrone, 15421
Stanford Ln., Huntington Beach, CA 92647,
l 'C' tool kit, complete jack or rubber end
for jack, 2 o r 3 band Blaupunkt 6V radio,
prefer transistor U.S. version. Tom
Harvey, 1970 E. Laguna Dr., Tempe, AZ
85282, 6021839-5505.
l 'B' o r 'C' Cabriolet, original condition,
preferably unrestored, no patched u p rust
buckets, can't afford cream puff, no immediate hurry t o purchase but let's correspond now, leads greatly appreciated, all
letters answered. Dave Trower, 242 Supple
St., Pembroke, Ontario, K8A 3G9, Canada,
l For '54 coupe: right hand heater muffler
356-55-016, both R&L fresh a i r inlet valves
& controls, cigarette lighter (working or
not) beige o r light gray knob, source of
Boge or Monroe shocks. Bob Downie. 3931
Delcaration Ave.. Woodland Hills, CA
91364. 2131346-6675.
.For '65 S C left & right rear bumper guards
with headpiece, hood handle, no repros
please. Ed Tolentino, Host International,
Logan Airport. Boston. MA 02128. 6171
567-5151 days.
l Factory hard top for '64 S C Cabriolet.
desire late type with opening rear vent
windows, paint not important but need all
accessories to mount a n d headliner in good
t o like new condition. It's a perfect c a r in
need of your top. Tom Funk. Lincoln Associates, Ltd., 188 Industrial Dr., Suite 128.
Elmhurst, IL 60126, 3121833-0900.
l CHRISTOS #25-60 in good condition,
Porsche d a s h plague for '64 SC, early
Porsche poster, John Clark, 1984 Beaufort
Ave.. Comox, B.C. V9N 4C3.
l Original exhaust system for early '57
Speedster. 5 % chrome wheels for same. Bill
Patton, 4151543-9360 days, 4151530-8151
l Complete engine, S-90, S C o r 912. Condition unimportant if price is right. Must be
all there including sheetmetal & carbs.
Chuck Forge, 201 Fremont Ave., Los Altos,
CA 94022, 4151941-3084 eves.
l 4112" or 5112" chrome wheels for '65 Cabriolet, very good to excellent condition only.
'65 S C engine in good operating condition cosmetics not a s important a s mechanicals.
Durant rear view mirror, restorable 'B'l'C'
open c a r for project. NYINew England area
if possible. Decent, running cars only, no
terminal rust cases! Jeff Clarke, 96 Volpi
Rd., Bolton, C T 06040, 2031646-8327 eves.
e 0 1 d o r unusual Porsche wheels - not necessarily in sets. Bill Jackson, 2045 Franklin
St., Denver, Colo. 80205. Ph. 303-861-2655.
e l 5 4 Speedster parts; top bows, one seat.
16" wheels, louvered wheel rings, rear view
d a s h mirror, wiper a r m s , rear license light,
headlight grills, engine sheet metal: 1965need 12 volt wiper motor, rear carrera skirt,
LITERATURE: 356 (not A ) P a r t s manual,
1950-54 S h o p manual, '54 and '65 Sales,
colour folders. Gerald Miller, 3679-B
Arlington Ave., Riverside, Calif. 92506
A.M. phone (714) 784-0888.
S C C a b r i o l e t , preferably from West Coast,
Complete a s possible, must be mech.
soundlstrong. Willing to buy cash andlor
trade '60 Cab. Super, both tops, good condition, luggage rack a n d other extras. J.
Graziano, 1191 Fairbrook Dr.. Mt. View.
CA 94040 (415) 968-7828.
l 6 o r 12 volt ( 6 volt preferred) g a s heater
for '64 Cabriolet. David Denton, 401 East
81st St., Apt. 3-L, NY, NY 10028, (212) 7919099 (days). (212) 734-5817 (eves & w k n d s )
l Horn ring for '55 pre A. Coupe. Information on past history of Pre-A Coupechassis
#53064. J a n or JoAnne Skibinski, 7231
Riverside Dr., Richmond, Va. 23225. ( H ) 1804-320-4421, (W) 1-804-780-0091.
l For 356A: wiper a r m gearbox; 2 heater
slides; hood handle; 1 teardrop chrome ring;
1 headlight chrome ring; inboard left rear
bumper bracket; 2 headlight to body
screws; trunk mat; L & R rear floor mats;
left horn 614; 5 piece aluminim windshield
trim; 1 0 male Tonax fasteners; 2 horn
grilles; Aero or Ponto-Stabil mirror; beige
steering wheel (have grey to trade]. All
items should be in good condition. Source
for repro low European bumperettes. Dan
Haden. 544 Warren Ave., Kingston, P A
18704. (717) 287-2570.
l Engine for '64 SC, with o r without carbs.
Contact R. Giessey, 35235 N. Turtle Tr.
(D). Willoughby. O H 44094 (216-953-9321).
l S C Cabriolet or other open 356. Long time
"T" Series MG collector would like to trade
one of t w o outstanding high point, high
dollar MG's. '48 T C or '53 wire wheel TD.
If you are in a similar situation with more
t h a n one outstanding 356 ($16-20,000) perh a p s we can get together. For complete description, contact B.J. Stine, 4348 N.W. 63.
Oklahoma City, OK 73116, AC 405-9420853.
l For 57 Coupe: Hood, Front Bumper, S u n
Roof complete, Side Deco Strips, a n d S u n
Visors. Will buy or trade. Ted Leno, 7540
Westwood Drive, Gilroy, CA 95020. (408)
l 5 %"X15" Alloys Original Parts, works h o p manuals. 4 Cam 2 litre engine complete. 2 litre crankshaft new. A. Hansen,
6484 Pioneer Rd., Medford. Oregon 97501,
l AM-FM-SW Blaupunkt radio for 356-C
(working or not), original shift knob for
356-C, Christophorus magazines through
#80, Porsche owners manual 1954 and
prior, literature on Porsche tractors.
Charlie White, 5801 E. C a l k del Media,
Phoenix. Arizona. 85018. 602-949-8096.
Cincinnati for one orphan 356C, too rusty
to drive - should be trailered, truckled, or
maybe even towed to California. HELPthis c a r h a s been stranded at Tom Oerther's
for years! Rik Beeson, Box 1186, Palo Alto,
CA 94302. (408) 429-1130.
l 10 Years of collecting Porsche p a r t s must
go. Complete 356 Motors. 2 A. 1 B-C. 1
S.P.G. Roller bearing. all motors 90-98%
complete in parts, with factory p a r t s book
photo copy of correct engine model for
$550 each. Extra intake manifolds $25/set,
heads $150/set, J Box $60lset, flap boxes
$60/set, flywheels $40/each, cases $1501
each, fan shrouds $Soleach, 1500 fan
shrouds $60leach, oil filter can $71each.
core s t a r t e r s a n d generators $251each
(Tested a n d working $5O/each), engine
sheet metal $loleach (average price per
piece), no rear filler pans. Doors and door
p a r t s for most a n d some sheet metal for
all. Too much to list. Call or write Ron
Godfrey. 2256 Lakeview Ave.. L.A., CA.
90039, 2131667-3186.
l 4 CAM Carrera I1 o r 904 motor running
o r not - parts for same; o r would like to
trade 1962 Carrera 11, T-6, has some rust,
Electric Sunroof, pushrod motor, d r u m
brakes, coolers, tank, some oil lines, rare
100 liter G T gastank wlfiller thru front
hood, want to trade for restorable Carrera
speedster. B. Michael Foster, 14122 Red
Hill Avenue, Tustin, California 92680,
(714) 731-0511.
6 Volt gas heater for installation in rear of
59 Cabro. Jim Degnan. P.O. Box 1399, S u n
Valley, CA 91352, work no. 213-768-5600,
home no. 213-242-0547.
l Left door for '65 S C coupe, carpets; original s h o p a n d p a r t s manuals a n d supplements; '58 a n d earlier Panos a n d early
Christos - especially 1-17 German issues;
Road & Track June a n d Aug. '48. William
A. Block, 5 Widener Way, Orange Park,
Fla. 32073. 9041264-7819.
for the vintage and 900 series
P.O. Box 3178, Long Beach, California 90803
This is a sampling of p a r t s
offered by International
Mercantile for the month of
April and May. If you need a
complete rubber kit, please
contact the source for price
quote. We guarantee you will
find lower prices nowhere.
Shipping: Please add ~ O / O or $2.00
whichever is greater, Calif. residents please add 6% sales tax. All
products are in stock (as usual)
and can be shipped immediately.
-Blinker Switch Knob '60-'65
-Inner Seal (gray rubber) front turn signal '60-'65
-Porsche Karrosserie # body plaque
-Kunstharzlack paint # plaque
-Drauz Karosserie body # plaque
-Karmann Karosserie body # plaque
-Bosch horn I.D. plaque (2-hole or 1-hole) specify
4 4 Window Frame Seal
-% Window (on body) Seal, R or L
Shroud Rubber Seal for engine compartment complete
Coupe Door Seals, specify year R or L
-Roadster Windshield to Cowl Seal
-Roadster, "d" Top to Windshield Frame Seal
Tool Bag 356/A, early B
Spare Tire Strap
-Floor Mat, pre 10155
-Floor Mat front specify year and serial # 10/55-'65
-Floor Mats rear specify year and serial #
-Gear Shift Tunnel Mat, specify year and serial #, 10/55-'65
-Trunk Compartment Mat, 356/A, early B
Horn Grills, '60-'65 upper R or L
Horn Grills, '60-'65 lower R or L
Rubber Buffer for rear suspension, specify year and serial #
Rubber Buffer for front suspension 10155-9/61
Horn Grill Base Seal, 3561A (Tired of replacing?) Try these!
356A Hood Handle
356BlC Hood Handle
Hood Handle Crest for 356A/B/C hoodhandle
Rubber Bushings
for wiper shafts complete (4-pieces) pre or post 9/62
Rubber Dust Cover
for front wheel bearing, all drum brake cars (2)
Cabriolet top to windshield frame seal
* Many other parts at a substantial savings - please inquire.
"Looking for a Complete rubber
kit? Contact the Source."
1.25 ea
4.90 ea.
12.50 ea.
9.50 ea.
29.95 pr.
5.95 ea.
11.95 ea.
18.75 ea.
15.00 ea.
5.50 ea.
7. 50
7.00 pr.
The ABC's (and 912's) of Porsche Engines
Porsche Engines and the Future of the Human Race!
CONGRATULATIONS356 REGISTRY MEMBERS- Your response to the book has been a factor of 10 greater
than that from the "Panorama" Tribe; Thanks! Because of your support. gentle 356 owners. ADDITIONAL interesting
and informative 3561912 facts and "stories" (or continuations of on-going ones) have been added. and another
Reproduced below is the Table of Contents of Rev. 2. so you can see for yourself what is discussed. (The book is 8
112" by 11". the Table of Contents shown here is reduced in size to fit it in.) In addition. to a VAST reduction in the
number of mis-spelled (sic) words and typos. Rev. 2 also has in it the long-awaited statistical section questionaire on
the 3561912 engine failure modes. I really don't want to toot my own horn. but Mike Robbins. Book Reviewer for the
Central Indiana PCA Region DID say in the Region's Newsletter about Rev. 1: . . . "For those interestedin 356s and
912s. . . . the Book is a must." So allow me to be the first to congratulate you on your wise investment. So folks. to
share in the 356 experience and ah. . . other avenues (alleys?) or human endeavor. here's how to order:
REVISION 2: In Nice 3-Ring Vinyl Binder- $19.95
REVISION 2: In Deluxe Padded Binder with Heavy-Duty Ring- $24.95
REVISION 2: Deluxe Binder. Author Signed- $39.95
REVISION 1: Still Available: In Nice 3-Ring Vinyl Binder- $17.95
ADD $1.95 for U.S. Postage and Handling; $10.00 for Overseas Air Mail. Those speaking Califonian add 6.5% Guru
Tax . Send Check to:
uealcanon ana Acknowledgement ........................................... 2
Preface .............................................................. 5
Introduction ..................................................................
Breakdown in Biloxi ......................................................... 9
Introduction to the Technical Section .......................................... 25
The ABC's (and 912's) of Porsche Eng~nes...................................30
A Case Study .............................................................34
Oil Coolers ............................................................. 39
Crankcase Dowel Pins .................................................. 43
Crankcase Anti-Shuffle Pins ............................................. 44
Oil Pressure Springs. Plungers and Caps ................................ 45
Other Case Trivia ....................................................... 47
Synoposis of Case Types ...............................................48
Table of Distin uishing Features of Cases ............................... 49
Re lacement R s e s ....................................................50
The ~ B C ' of
S Cranks ...................................................... 51
Porsche Crankshaft History ............................................. 57
Crank Grindmg Hints ....................................................62
Crankshaft Hardening ...................................................66
Non-Factory Replacement Cranks ........................................70
Crankshaft Dimensions ..................................................74
Cranks and Cases ........................................................ 76
Main Bearin s ............................................................77
Connecting 10.d.s ......................................................... 87
Rod Recond~t~oning
Flywheels ................................................................94
Flywheels and Clutches ................................................... 97
How to Put a 200MM Clutch into an " A ................................... 100
Flywheel Nuts ............................................................102
Gettin Your Heads Straight ............................................... 105
Heads ....................................................111
Inspecting Heads .......................................................112
Cam Ins ection .........................................................115
cam ~ o l k w e r s.........................................................116
Pushrods .................................................................I18
Pushrod Tubes ...........................................................120
Rockers ..................................................................122
Pistons and Cylinders .....................................................
The Ring-Eating Monster ..................................................133
Carbs and Intake Manifolds ....................................: .......... 137
Fuel Pumps ..............................................................
Gas Lines ................................................................
En ine Sheet Metal .......................................................
f a n Shroud ............................................................
Rear Plates ............................................................152
Front Plates ............................................................
Heater Boxes ...........................................................
Oil Filler Cans ..........................................................
Oil Filter Cans ..........................................................
Oil Filter Can Support
Piece .............................................163
Oil Lines ...............................................................163
Oil Pressure Idiot Light Sender ..........................................165
Cylinder Shrouds .......................................................167
S~deHorizontal Shrouds Under Carbs ................................... 168
Dip Stick Shroud .......................................................169
Pulley Shroud ..........................................................170
Crankshaft Pulley ................ ......................................171
Generator Terminal Shroud ..............................................173
Oil Drain Plates (with Magnet) ...........................................175
Distributors ...............................................................
Spark Plug Wires .......................................................179
Most Common En ine Problems ...........................................181
Conversion of a 9?2 Engine to Fit A. B or C ...............................185
6-Volt to 12-Volt Convers~on...............................................192
The Factory Original ......................................................196
Interesting Diasters
The Strangest Type of Connecting Rod Failure ...........................200
A Little Knowledge IS a Dangerous Thmg ................................203
The STP Engine ........................................................
The Tijuana Special ....................................................
Beware the Ides of VW .................................................210
The Gasoline Hammer Effect ............................................214
The Sucked Valve Guide ................................................217
The Rusty Rose of Texas ...............................................
Factory BOO-BOOS
Magnafluxing .............................................................
Transmissions ............................................................230
Transmission Difficulties ..................................................235
En ine Painting ..........................................................238
1 .................................................................241
Friday the Thirteenth .....................................................245
Seventh and Ei hth Period Porsche .......................................249
What are Your 8hances for a Successful Rebuild? ......................... 255
The Power Source for the Russian Ion Beam Anti-Ballistic Missile System ... 260
The Real Cause of the 1979 Gasoline Crisis ...............................268
The Okio Natural Nuclear Reactor .........................................274
The 11:00 Brainwashing ..................................................279
A Rose b any Other Name is Still a Rose but a Zero (0) is not an OH (0) ... 285
~orscheZngine Numbers .................................................290
The Porsche Polizei Car, or "Your Papers Please" .........................295
The Number of Stars ~nthe Un~verse......................................302
On Instinct ...............................................................307
More Shaggy DoglDuck Stories ...........................................312
TPC .....................................................................
Epilogue .................................................................327
En ine Problem Cross Reference Section ..................................339
0r%er Form ............................................................At End