Abbey of St. Walburga Utility Plan - North Front Range Water Quality
Abbey of St. Walburga Utility Plan - North Front Range Water Quality
UTILITY PLAN FOR THE ABBEY OF ST. WALBURGA October 2009 Revised March 18, 2010 Prepared For: THE ABBEY OF ST. WALBURGA 1029 Benedictine Way Virginia Dale, CO 80536-7633 Prepared By: JR ENGINEERING 7200 South Alton Way Centennial, CO 80112 (303) 740-9393 Job # 13754.02 The Abbey of St. Walburga Utility Plan 3/18/2010 Table of Contents and North Front Range Water Quality Planning Association (NFRWQPA) Suggested Utility Plan Checklist I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY......................................................................................4 I.a. Background......................................................................................................4 I.b. Facilities Plan Summary ..................................................................................4 I.c. Implementation ................................................................................................8 I.d. Summary of Utility Plan Structure ...................................................................8 II. GENERAL PLANNING .........................................................................................9 II.a. Feasibility of Consolidation of Facilities Reg. 22 @ 22.8 (1) (b) ......................9 II.b. Wastewater Reuse............................................................................................9 II.c. Environmental Components .............................................................................9 II.d. Environmental (NEPA) Information.................................................................9 III. WASTEWATER CHARACTERIZATION .......................................................10 III.a. Service Area Designations .............................................................................10 III.b. Population Datasets and Forecasts..............................................................10 III.c. Wastewater Flow Projections .........................................................................10 III.c.i. Infiltration and Inflow Analysis..............................................................11 III.c.ii. Character of Influent ..............................................................................11 III.c.iii. Industrial Pretreatment Program .........................................................13 III.d. Treatment Works .......................................................................................13 III.d.i. Process System.......................................................................................13 III.d.ii. Infrastructure Sizing and Staging............................................................15 III.d.iii. Location and Siting ............................................................................16 III.d.iv. Biosolids Handling .............................................................................16 III.d.v. Schematic of Treatment Works ..............................................................16 Odor Control Considerations ..............................................................16 III.e. Air Quality Permit .........................................................................................17 III.f. Stormwater Management Plan........................................................................17 III.g. Site Characterization Report.......................................................................17 III.h. Collection System ......................................................................................17 III.h.i. Major Lift Stations .................................................................................17 III.h.ii. Interceptors ............................................................................................17 III.i. Maps..............................................................................................................18 III.i.i. Treatment Plant Site Envelope................................................................18 III.i.ii. Service Areas .........................................................................................18 III.i.iii. Collection System ..................................................................................18 IV. WATER QUALITY CHARACTERIZATION...................................................18 IV.a. Water Quality of Receiving Water..............................................................18 IV.b. TMDLs and/or Wasteload Allocations .......................................................18 IV.c. Watershed Issues........................................................................................19 IV.d. Preliminary Effluent Limitations (PELs) ....................................................19 IV.e. Maps ..........................................................................................................20 IV.e.i. Watershed and Receiving Waters ...........................................................20 2 The Abbey of St. Walburga Utility Plan 3/18/2010 IV.e.ii. Impaired Waters.....................................................................................20 V. ALTERNATIVE ANALYSIS ...............................................................................20 V.a. Treatment Works ...........................................................................................20 V.b. Level of Treatment.........................................................................................20 V.c. Public Participation in Selection Process........................................................21 VI. MANAGEMENT AND FINANCIAL PLANS ..................................................21 VI.a. Management Structure and Agreements .....................................................21 VI.b. Wastewater Management Plan ...................................................................21 VI.c. Financial Management Plan .......................................................................22 VI.d. Revolving Loan Interest .............................................................................22 VI.d.i. User Charge Summary ...........................................................................22 VII. REFERENCES ..................................................................................................23 VIII. TECHNICAL SUPPORT APPENDICES ..........................................................24 Table of Figures Figure 3.1 Typical primary septic tank profile ...............................................................14 List of Tables Table III.1 – Wastewater Flow Calculations ..................................................................11 Table III.2 – Total System BOD5 ...................................................................................12 Table III.3 – Septic System Design................................................................................16 Table VI.1 – Capital, Replacement, Operation and Maintenance Costs..........................21 Table VI.2 – Planned Revenue for 20-Year Planning Period..........................................22 3 The Abbey of St. Walburga Utility Plan 3/18/2010 I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY I.a. Background The Abbey of Saint Walburga (Abbey) is a small convent of Benedictine Nuns of the Roman Catholic Church. It is situated in a remote stream valley in Northern Colorado, southwest of US Highway 287, near the community of Virginia Dale as shown in Figure 1 of Appendix B. Fish Creek runs along the north side of the property and combines with Dale Creek, which runs along the east side of the property from north to south. Dale Creek is a live stream that runs year-round. The property covers portions of Sections 4, 5, 8, and 9 in Township 11 North, Range 71 West, of the Sixth Principal Meridian. The intersection of these four Sections is located approximately 50 feet north of the convent. A vicinity map, labeled Figure 1, is included in Appendix B of this report. The facility is comprised of a main building, with living and meeting quarters and kitchen facilities, and some smaller free-standing garages and root cellars. The property is served with public power and phone service, but it has private gas, water, and sewer service. The existing sewer service for the Abbey is made up of a combination septic/recirculation tank with textile media filters, which discharges effluent at a point approximately 300 feet to the south of the main building. Figure 1 in Appendix B shows the existing facility and discharge locations with the general layout of the land. Water supply is drawn from groundwater wells onsite, and wastewater treatment is accomplished through a small treatment train consisting of a septic tank, biofiltration process, and a leach field. This report describes proposed upgrades to the sanitary sewer system, which will include the expansion of the on-site wastewater treatment works. I.b. Facilities Plan Summary The Abbey is currently served by an AdvanTex Wastewater Treatment system, which was installed in 1999. The current system receives and treats approximately 3,000 gallons per day (gpd). The Abbey of Saint Walburga wishes to expand the main living 4 The Abbey of St. Walburga Utility Plan 3/18/2010 and meeting quarters and kitchen facilities of the main building, which would generate a new wastewater treatment design average flow totaling approximately 6,000 GPD. Additionally, the Abbey wishes to gain additional nitrogen removal based on a recommendation by the Colorado Department of Health and Environment (CDPHE) issued during a previous discharge permit renewal. The proposed system will increase the nitrogen removal to 70%, up from 50%, before subsurface discharge to groundwater. The existing treatment system will be upgraded to accommodate additional flow, and an enhanced denitrification system will be implemented. The current system depends on the subsurface flow through the ground to remove the remaining nitrates in the effluent before the effluent reaches the property boundary to the required effluent limitation of 10 mg/l maximum concentration. The current Abbey discharge permit is included in the Appendices and does not require groundwater monitoring based on a groundwater modeling study included in the appendices that was performed for the current renewal of the discharge permit. The modeling study was performed by drilling 4 monitoring wells and analyzing the groundwater and soil to obtain input for the model. Two of the monitoring wells were made permanent downstream of the existing and proposed infiltration galleries and near the property boundary about ½ mile from the infiltration galleries. No detectable nitrate concentrations were found in any of the monitoring wells. The average nitrate concentration level found from testing the existing system that remove around 50 per cent of the total nitrogen was 35 ppm. The modeling analysis was performed using this subsurface discharge nitrate concentration for flow rates of 3000 gpd and 5000 gpd effluent discharge into the infiltration galleries and under normal rainfall conditions and drought conditions. The normal rainfall model showed no detectable nitrate concentrations at the monitoring wells. The drought model showed nitrate levels of 5-7 ppm at the monitoring wells for the 3000 gpd and 5000 gpd flow rates respectively. The calculated nitrate level for a flow rate of 6000 gpd was around 8 ppm. Installing an enhanced nitrogen removal system that would increase the removal to around 70% removal would lower the drought model concentration to 5 ppm for 6000 gpd flow rate. The enhanced removal option was selected to improve nitrogen removal and keep the nitrate levels well below the 10 ppm limit at the property boundary. 5 The Abbey of St. Walburga Utility Plan 3/18/2010 The proposed Abbey expansion will include a new central dining room, complete with a commercial kitchen. The proposed treatment system upgrade will include the installation of a 2,500-gallon grease interceptor for kitchen wastewater. The proposed wastewater treatment system improvements involve the addition of two new tanks and three new textile media filters to the system, as well as a retrofit conversion of the existing tank and removal of the existing textile media filters. Based on the tank manufacturer’s design recommendations, the treatment system will provide a total system capacity of four times the estimated peak flow, distributed among the three tanks. Considering the proposed peak flow of 9,000 GPD, a minimum combined tank capacity of 36,000 gallons will be required. A site plan showing the proposed treatment process is shown in Figure 3 of Appendix B. Refer to Appendix G for the agreement with Orenco Systems, Inc. and additional manufacturer information, including typical performance of the proposed system. Orenco does not guarantee the performance of the equipment since they do not operate the equipment but has published documentation of existing plant performance that their equipment can meet effluent discharge limitations if the equipment is operated in accordance with their guidelines and procedures. The first tank in the proposed treatment process will be a new 22,000 gallon septic tank for solids and scum separation and anaerobic digestion of solid matter. The septic tank removes approximately 50% of the total nitrogen. The septic tank discharges into a proposed 10,000 gallon anoxic tank. The anoxic tank, in conjunction with the textile media filters, is intended to additionally reduce the nitrogen content of the sanitary effluent another 20% to a total removal of around 70%. The anoxic tank is placed after the septic tank to ensure a lack of dissolved air in the influent, resulting in the anoxic microbes obtaining oxygen from nitrate and creating additional denitrification through the decomposition of nitrate into oxygen and nitrogen gas. This tank is sized to accommodate, at minimum, a retention time of 1 peak day, or 9,000 gallons. The proposed system incorporates the existing 7,000-gallon combination septic/recirculation tank to serve as the third tank in the treatment process for 6 The Abbey of St. Walburga Utility Plan 3/18/2010 recirculation through the textile media filters. The baffle in the existing tank will need to be removed, and two new recirculation pumps will be installed in this tank. After filtration, the filtered effluent will be split and a portion will return to the recirculation tank and the rest will be cycled back through the anoxic tank for additional denitrification. When full, the recirculation valve on the tank will close and the portion of the filtered effluent that would return to the recirculation tank will bypass on to the effluent pump station, near the infiltrator galleries. The existing pump in the 500-gallon tank will remain and the treated effluent will be discharged into groundwater via the existing infiltrator gallery, in addition to a new, slightly larger infiltrator gallery. This new infiltration leach field (3,317 square feet) is to be used in conjunction with the existing field (1,922 square feet). To maintain equivalent effluent dispersion, the new infiltration gallery will be installed next to the existing gallery to more than double the area of the leach field, resulting in a total combined leach field area of 5,239 square feet. Groundwater will be monitored downgradient of the leach field to ensure compliance with Preliminary Effluent Limitation (PEL) parameters. The existing treatment system does not require groundwater monitoring, but the facility expansion will require monitoring in accordance with the PEL letter in Appendix A. This proposed system is very similar in process design to an approved treatment plant in Trinidad Colorado at Pioneer Natural Resources. The plant operates at a capacity of 9800 gpd and was approved by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. The plant is operated by Ramey Environmental (Wayne Ramey) and Mr. Ramey can address any questions about the operation of the plant and its performance. The proposed treatment system improvements include three new AdvanTex AX100 textile media filter assemblies for denitrification. To achieve the recommended filterloading rate of 25 GPD per square foot, a minimum of 206 square feet of textile fiber is required, and the three AX100 filters would provide a total of 300 square feet. The oversized area is intended to allow for a conservatively light loading rate for the filters. 7 The Abbey of St. Walburga Utility Plan 3/18/2010 The existing wastewater treatment system is operated by three separate control panels. These include one panel for the AdvanTex system, one for the effluent discharge system, and one for the drain field dosing system. The proposed system upgrades include the utilization of a single control panel for the entire system with a dedicated phone line for alarms and monitoring by the facility operator and the equipment manufacturer. Additionally, because the Abbey experiences frequent intermittent power outages due to its remote location, a propane-powered emergency generator for the treatment system will be installed to ensure continuous operation of the system in the event of a power outage. A process flow diagram showing the proposed treatment process is presented as Figure 4 in Appendix B. I.c. Implementation Project permitting is expected to last from August 2009 until February 2010. Construction is expected to begin in March 2010, with completion of new structures and the expanded wastewater treatment facility by June 2010. I.d. Summary of Utility Plan Structure This report is prepared in accordance with the North Front Range Water Quality Planning Association (NFRWQPA) Utility Plan Guidance document originally approved June 22, 2000, and amended on June 28, 2007. More specifically, this report adheres as closely as possible to the suggested outline and checklist named “Utility Plan Format Checklist” provided in Section VI of said Guidance document. Sections determined to be “not applicable” for the Abbey’s system are noted as such, and accompanied by a brief description of reasons for their exclusion. As recommended by NFRWQPA, Chapter 2 of this report contains information pertaining to General Planning of the proposed wastewater treatment system upgrades. Chapter 3 consists of Wastewater Characterization, which includes sections describing wastewater flow projections and the proposed treatment works. Chapter 4 discusses 8 The Abbey of St. Walburga Utility Plan 3/18/2010 characteristics of the receiving water bodies and issues pertaining to affected waters. Chapter 5 discusses alternatives of treatment, followed by a description of Management and Financial plans in Chapter 6. The report concludes with a list of references in Chapter 7 and relevant Technical Support Appendices in Chapter 8. II. GENERAL PLANNING As previously discussed, the Abbey of St. Walburga’s sanitary sewer is currently served by an on-site wastewater treatment facility designed to treat approximately 3,000 gpd of wastewater influent. The proposed expansion of the Abbey includes an enlarged dining facility and commercial kitchen, which is expected to increase wastewater production to an estimated 6,000 gpd. The proposed upgrades to the wastewater treatment system are designed to process the increased flow resulting from the expansion. II.a. Feasibility of Consolidation of Facilities Reg. 22 @ 22.8 (1) (b) Rural mountain locations such as that of the Abbey of St. Walburga often prove difficult to consolidate with existing wastewater treatment facilities. Cost is the primary reason for limitation of consolidation efforts. Factors affecting cost of consolidation include large separation distance between communities, extreme elevation differences and difficult subsurface conditions such as bedrock, all of which cause conveyance pipe installation issues. In the case of the Abbey, we have determined that the remote location makes consolidation efforts imprudent. II.b. Wastewater Reuse No reuse is planned for wastewater effluent treated at the Abbey. II.c. Environmental Components Because the wastewater effluent will be discharged to groundwater, there will be no impact on plant or animal species in the area. II.d. Environmental (NEPA) Information 9 The Abbey of St. Walburga Utility Plan 3/18/2010 According to the NFRWQPA Guidance document, NEPA requirements apply only if a wastewater provider intends to apply for a state-revolving loan. The proposed improvements to the Abbey of St. Walburga wastewater treatment system will be entirely privately funded, making preparation of an Environmental Assessment or Environmental Impact Statement unnecessary. III. WASTEWATER CHARACTERIZATION The proposed expansion of the Abbey will result in daily flows of approximately 6,000 gpd. This chapter describes wastewater characteristics, and contains a discussion of the proposed expansion to the treatment works designed to process the increased flow. III.a. Service Area Designations The proposed wastewater treatment works expansion will serve only the Abbey. III.b. Population Datasets and Forecasts Approximately 30 sisters are full-time, permanent residents at the Abbey. Additionally, there are accommodations for 14 overnight guests and 30 day guests that will also use the kitchen and bath facilities. Overnight guests were divided into two categories: those that will utilize bath accommodations (6) and those that will use a common bathroom (8). Furthermore, flow calculations include an estimated use for guest laundry accommodations (10). Occasional special events were also taken into consideration, assuming 150 people in attendance. The resulting total maximum daily population is 264 persons. This conservative estimate allows the septic system to accommodate special events and functions, though the actual number of persons present would routinely be much lower. III.c. Wastewater Flow Projections Wastewater flow projections were calculated using per capita daily flow data provided by “Table 1” of the Larimer County Department of Health and Environment Individual Sewage Disposal System Regulations. Results of the flow calculations can be seen in Table 3.1. 10 The Abbey of St. Walburga Utility Plan 3/18/2010 Table III.1 – Wastewater Flow Calculations USE NO. OF PERSONS Permanent Residents Overnight guests w/ Bath Overnight guests w/o Bath Day Guests Kitchen (Day Guests) Special Events Work Sinks (Laundry) Total= 1 30 6 8 30 30 150 10 264 PER CAPITA DAILY FLOW (GPD) 75 75 50 15 50 5 20 290 TOTAL DAILY DESIGN FLOW (GPD) 2250 450 400 450 1500 750 200 6,000 FLOW (GPD) 3375 675 600 675 2250 1125 300 9,000 1 Based on Larimer County Dept of Health and Environment Individual Sewage Disposal System Regulations Table 1 As illustrated in the table, the system was designed for peak flows of 150% of the average daily flow, resulting in a design capacity of 9,000 gpd. III.c.i. Infiltration and Inflow Analysis No infiltration and inflow analysis is necessary for the wastewater treatment expansion, due to the fact that the system is completely enclosed and its relatively small size. III.c.ii. Character of Influent Wastewater collected for treatment at the Abbey of St. Walburga will be consistent with typical residential domestic sewage. However, because of the proposed expansion to the Abbey, including a large commercial kitchen, the wastewater will have elevated levels of nitrogen. In addition to nitrogen, the wastewater will contain a significant amount of BOD5. Table 3.2 illustrates estimated levels of BOD5 based on the population estimates discussed earlier in this report. Again, calculations in the table are based on Larimer County Department of Health and Environment Individual Sewage Disposal System Regulations Table 1. 11 The Abbey of St. Walburga Utility Plan 3/18/2010 Table III.2 – Total System BOD5 USE Permanent Residents Overnight guests w/ Bath Overnight guests w/o Bath Day Guests Kitchen (Day Guests) Special Events Work Sinks (Laundry) Total= NO. OF PER CAPITA PERSONS DAILY BOD 5 30 6 8 30 30 150 10 264 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.12 0.06 0.06 0.037 0.727 1 TOTAL DAILY DESIGN DAILY BOD 5 BOD 5 4.5 0.9 1.2 3.6 1.8 9 0.37 21.37 6.75 1.35 1.8 5.4 2.7 13.5 0.56 32.06 1 Based on Larimer County Dept of Health and Environment Individual Sewage Disposal System Regulations Table 1 Colorado Analytical Laboratories, Inc. conducted tests of wastewater influent at the Abbey in October 2008. They measured nitrogen levels ranging from approximately 58 mg/L to 63 mg/L of ammonia nitrogen and 61 mg/L to 72 mg/L of total Kjeldahl nitrogen. The results of these tests are included in Appendix D of this report. JR Engineering compiled a “Nitrate Model Analysis Report: Abbey of St. Walburga,” dated March 5, 2009. The report analysis concludes that current and future wastewater discharges would likely result in a nitrate concentration well below the 10 mg/L discharge permit limit without the proposed improvements to the wastewater treatment system. However, the planned expansion of the Abbey, which will result in increased nitrate loading, coupled with the possibility of drought, not uncommon in this area of Colorado, may result in nitrate levels that exceed the maximum allowed by the discharge permit. Consequently, the proposed wastewater treatment system expansion has been designed for 70% nitrogen removal, an increase of 20% over the 50% removal achievable by the current system. According to the report, at 70% removal, the wastewater discharge would have a nitrate level at the property line of 3.3 mg/L with a discharge of 5,000 gpd. Subsequent calculations estimate the average daily discharge to be approximately 6,000 gpd. Though this likely would increase the nitrate level in the discharge to some degree, we do not feel that the increase will be significant enough for concern, as the modeled level of 3.3 mg/L includes a safety factor of 3 considering the permitted level of 10 mg/L. The Nitrate Model Analysis Report is included, in its entirety, in Appendix D. 12 The Abbey of St. Walburga Utility Plan 3/18/2010 III.c.iii. Industrial Pretreatment Program The Abbey is not required to pretreat its wastewater, as it will not be discharged to a municipal sewer system. Also, the treatment works will not process over five million gallons per day, nor will it receive discharges from industrial sources. For the aforementioned reasons, no industrial pre-treatment is required. III.d. III.d.i. Treatment Works Process System The proposed expansion is comprised of a Commercial AdvanTex treatment system. Generally, these systems are configured such that a combination of septic tank effluent and filtered effluent is blended and then applied to filter media in small, frequent doses. System components of the proposed wastewater treatment system, including expansion, for the Abbey of St. Walburga include the following: 2,500-gallon Grease interceptor 22,000-gallon primary septic tank 10,000-gallon anoxic blend tank 7,000-gallon recirculation / blend tank (existing) Duplex pump system (existing) AX100 AdvanTex filter assemblies Control panel upgrade Infiltration Galleries (One existing and one proposed) A process flow diagram showing the proposed treatment process is presented as Figure 4 in Appendix B. 13 The Abbey of St. Walburga Utility Plan 3/18/2010 Pre-treatment Because the Abbey’s kitchen will be considered commercial grade, they will be required to install a grease interceptor on the dishwashing discharge. The food preparation sinks will not have garbage disposals and will bypass the grease interceptor. Organic solid waste from the food preparation area will be collected and placed in on-site composting bins for agricultural use. Primary Treatment Primary treatment will be achieved by the 22,000-gallon septic tank, located first in the designed tank configuration. In this tank, raw wastewater will separate into three layers. Heavy solids will settle to the bottom of the tank, forming the sludge layer. Lighter materials float to the surface of the liquid, accumulating to form the scum layer. The formation of both the upper scum layer and the lower sludge layer result in relatively clear layer in the middle portion of the tank. It is this layer that subsequently makes its way to the anoxic tank for denitrification. A typical primary septic tank profile is illustrated in the Figure 3.1 below. Figure III.1 Typical primary septic tank profile 14 The Abbey of St. Walburga Utility Plan 3/18/2010 Both the scum and the sludge are digested through processes known as facultative and anaerobic digestion. These processes convert organic matter to gases through a two-step process. First, facultative microbes convert complex organic material to soluble volatile organic acids. Anaerobic microbes then ferment the volatile organic acids to gases, including methane and carbon dioxide. Secondary Treatment (Denitrification) As previously mentioned, effluent from the clear layer of the septic tank will travel to the 10,000-gallon anoxic tank where it will undergo a secondary treatment process known as denitrification. In this process, nitrate is reduced to through anoxic bacterial action to nitrogen gas, which is then emitted into the atmosphere. Initially, nitrate (NO3-) is reduced to nitrite (NO2-), which is further reduced to nitrogen gas (N2) by heterotrophic bacteria. The final stages of wastewater treatment involve filtration and discharge. Additional nitrogen is removed through both of these processes. Furthermore, in an effort to increase denitrification efficiency, a portion of treated effluent is recirculated through the system. It is this recirculation process that ultimately achieves targeted nitrogen levels in the effluent. III.d.ii. Infrastructure Sizing and Staging As discussed earlier, the Abbey’s wastewater treatment system was sized based on a projected average daily flow of approximately 6,000 gpd, with the ability to handle peak flows of 9,000 gpd. The septic tank and absorption bed were designed according to these flow parameters and criteria listed in Section V of the Laramie County Department of Health and Environment Individual Sewage Disposal System Regulations, resulting in the calculations shown in Table 3.3. 15 The Abbey of St. Walburga Utility Plan 3/18/2010 Table III.3 – Septic System Design DESCRIPTION REQUIRED DESIGN DAILY FLOW (GPD) 9,000 MIN. SEPTIC TANK SIZE (GAL) 11,250 TOTAL ABSORPTION BED AREA (SQ. FT.) EXISTING ABSORPTION BED AREA (SQ. FT.) # OF EXISTING INFILTRATOR CHAMBERS REQUIRED PROPOSED ABSORPTION BED AREA (SQ. FT.) 5,229 1,922 124 # OF PROPOSED INFILTRATOR CHAMBERS NOTE 150 % OF DAILY FLOW 30 HOURS AT 150% OF ESITMATED DAILY AVERAGE FLOW NOT LESS THAN 1000 GAL. A=0.6X(Q X (t)^0.5 X 1.25)/5, PERCOLATION RATE IS 15 MIN/INCH REDUCED 40% FOR INFILTRATOR CHAMBERS 15.5 SQ. FT. ALLOWED PER CHAMBER 3,307 338 9.8 SQ. FT. ALLOWED PER CHAMBER III.d.iii. Location and Siting The majority of the existing wastewater treatment system and proposed expansion components are located immediately south of the Abbey building, while the infiltration basins are located an additional 200 feet to the south. III.d.iv. Biosolids Handling The wastewater treatment system will produce sludge, also known as biosolids, which will require periodic removal. The Abbey will be responsible to retain a properly licensed contractor for pumping and routine maintenance of the system, including biosolids handling. The Abbey has contracted with Alberts Water and Wastewater Services, Inc., a qualified operator, to be the certified system operator. As the operator, Alberts will ensure that biosolids will be trucked off-site as necessary. III.d.v. Schematic of Treatment Works A schematic of the proposed treatment works is located in Appendix B of this report. Odor Control Considerations The system will produce limited odor emissions, as the ventilation is located only at the effluent end of the treatment process, after the raw sewage has been sufficiently treated and the gases have passed through charcoal filters. Also, the system is buried, 16 The Abbey of St. Walburga Utility Plan 3/18/2010 minimizing the amount of odors released into open air during the treatment process itself. Furthermore, the system is of notably small scale, treating only 6,000 gpd. III.e. Air Quality Permit Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) may require wastewater treatment facilities with a design capacity of at least 10 MGD to obtain an air quality permit. Because of the small size of the Abbey’s proposed treatment works it is not anticipated that any significant change in the air quality emitted from this area will occur. Consequently, the Abbey will not be required to obtain an air quality permit. III.f. Stormwater Management Plan The area of disturbance will be considerably less than 1 acre, precluding the need for a stormwater management plan. III.g. Site Characterization Report The site of the treatment works improvement is not within a floodplain. A FEMA floodplain map of the area is shown in Appendix E. Geotechnical information is included in Appendix F. III.h. Collection System Additions to the Abbey’s wastewater collection system include approximately 150 feet of 6” PVC pipe and 360 feet of 4” PVC pipe, which will transport raw wastewater from building additions while connecting the existing system to the proposed system expansion. Also, 54 feet of 6” PVC will be removed from the existing system. III.h.i. Major Lift Stations The system has no major lift stations. III.h.ii. Interceptors The system has no interceptor sewers. 17 The Abbey of St. Walburga III.i. Utility Plan 3/18/2010 Maps A map titled “Figure 1: Abbey Location Map”, is included in Appendix B of this report. III.i.i. Treatment Plant Site Envelope The proposed site plan for the expanded wastewater treatment system is included as Figure 3 in Appendix B. III.i.ii. Service Areas Service area for the system expansion consists of only the Abbey compound. The area is illustrated on the Location Map included in Appendix B of this report. III.i.iii. Collection System The collection system is illustrated on the Utility Map, also included in Appendix B, labeled Figure 2: Existing and Proposed Treatment System. IV. WATER QUALITY CHARACTERIZATION IV.a. Water Quality of Receiving Water The receiving water is an alluvial groundwater basin adjacent to Dale Creek, which is tributary to the Cache la Poudre River. The treated effluent will be released into the shallow infiltration galleries for discharge into the aquifer, and preliminary effluent limits for the treated domestic effluent are governed by CDPHE. IV.b. TMDLs and/or Wasteload Allocations There are no wasteload allocations (WLA) or total maximum daily load (TMDL) limitations associated with the discharge. 18 The Abbey of St. Walburga Utility Plan 3/18/2010 IV.c. Watershed Issues The Abbey’s wastewater treatment system will discharge to groundwater, and downgradient groundwater monitoring will be performed. IV.d. Preliminary Effluent Limitations (PELs) A PEL request was submitted to the CDPHE on August 24, 2009. The PELs were received from the CDPHE on October 21, 2009, and are included in Appendix A with a clarification email message regarding the total coliform compliance point. A summary of the PELs is provided in Table IV.1 below. The proposed point of compliance is “Compliance Point 001A” (WWTP effluent discharged to infiltration galleries) for the upper five parameters listed in the table, and at the downgradient monitoring wells for the lower five parameters, including total coliform. 19 The Abbey of St. Walburga Utility Plan 3/18/2010 IV.e. Maps A Location Map, showing the proposed groundwater discharge location and groundwater monitoring wells is included as Figure 1 in Appendix B. IV.e.i. Watershed and Receiving Waters The receiving water is an alluvial groundwater basin adjacent to Dale Creek, which is located in the Cache la Poudre River watershed. IV.e.ii. Impaired Waters No waters impacted by wastewater effluent are classified as impaired. V. ALTERNATIVE ANALYSIS V.a. Treatment Works There are no existing wastewater treatment facilities in the vicinity; therefore all expansion options considered were for on-site wastewater treatment. Alternatives available include wetland treatment systems, full treatment plant systems, and septic systems. Since the existing system has been approved and exceeds groundwater discharge standards, expansion of the existing septic system was determined to be the most feasible and economical. Replacement of the existing system with another conventional system would be too costly, so bids were collected from companies with similar technologies for septic treatment with added filtration and nitrate treatment. V.b. Level of Treatment It was determined that the proposed expansion will meet or exceed all effluent standards. JR Engineering evaluated the ease of operation and requirements for implementation with the existing sanitary sewer system. The proposed system expansion must be able to meet effluent criteria during average and peak flows. The system was sized to adequately treat peak flows. 20 The Abbey of St. Walburga V.c. Utility Plan 3/18/2010 Public Participation in Selection Process The Abbey’s system is privately owned, thereby eliminating the need for public participation. VI. MANAGEMENT AND FINANCIAL PLANS VI.a. Management Structure and Agreements The Abbey is sole owner and user of the system. The owner will continue to fund all construction and maintenance of the facility. See Appendix H for a letter detailing the $2 million pledge designated for improvements at the Abbey. VI.b. Wastewater Management Plan The Abbey has engaged a licensed operator and contractor, Alberts Water and Wastewater Services, for operation and maintenance of the system. The Abbey will be responsible for any capital, replacement, operation and maintenance costs. Anticipated costs for the 20-year planning period are summarized in Table 6.1. Table VI.1 – Capital, Replacement, Operation and Maintenance Costs EXPENDITURE DESCRIPTION COST ($/YR) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 1 Capital Expenditure - System Upgrade1 $256,800 Operation & Maintenance2 $5,926 $6,104 $6,287 $6,475 $6,670 $6,870 $7,076 $7,288 $7,507 $7,732 $7,964 $8,203 $8,449 $8,702 $8,963 $9,232 $9,509 $9,795 $10,088 $10,391 Based on maximum upgrade quote from SCG Enterprises, Inc. 2 Based on 2009 O&M costs, assuming 3% annual increase 3 Replacement Parts based on Orenco AX System Life Cycle Estimate Replacement Parts3 $200 $800 $1,000 $2,000 Totals $262,726 $6,104 $6,287 $6,475 $6,870 $6,870 $7,076 $7,288 $7,507 $7,732 $8,764 $8,203 $8,449 $8,702 $8,963 $10,232 $9,509 $9,795 $10,088 $12,391 $420,030 21 The Abbey of St. Walburga Utility Plan 3/18/2010 VI.c. Financial Management Plan The Abbey, as sole owner and user of the facility, will be responsible for financing the project. Table 6.2 shows planned revenue for the 20-year planning period. See Appendix H for the 2008 financial statement that recurring revenue was based on. The projected revenues are higher than the financial statement for the previous four years from 2005 to 2008. This is due to the proposed expansion of the facility will allow for more retreats, seminars, and services at the Abbey which will generate more revenue. Table VI.2 – Planned Revenue for 20-Year Planning Period REVENUE DESCRIPTION COST ($/YR) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 1 2 Recurring Revenue $539,669 $555,859 $572,535 $589,711 $607,402 $625,625 $644,393 $663,725 $683,637 $704,146 $725,270 $747,028 $769,439 $792,522 $816,298 $840,787 $866,011 $891,991 $918,751 $946,313 1 Non-Recurring Revenue $2,000,000 Based on 2008 recurring revenue of $508,690, assuming 3% annual increase $2 million donation from Saeman Family Foundation for improvements in 2010 2 Totals $2,539,669 $555,859 $572,535 $589,711 $607,402 $625,625 $644,393 $663,725 $683,637 $704,146 $725,270 $747,028 $769,439 $792,522 $816,298 $840,787 $866,011 $891,991 $918,751 $946,313 $16,501,114 VI.d. Revolving Loan Interest The system is privately funded, and will not require a state loan. VI.d.i. User Charge Summary Only the Abbey will use the facility. 22 The Abbey of St. Walburga Utility Plan 3/18/2010 VII. REFERENCES “AdvanTex Design Criteria for Commercial and Multi-Family Applications.” Orenco Systems, Incorporated. Revision 1. May 2003. “Individual Sewage Disposal System Regulations.” Larimer County Department of Health and Environment. January 26, 2004. “Nitrate Model Analysis Report.” JR Engineering, LLC. March 5, 2009. “North Front Range Water Quality Planning Association Utility Plan Guidance.” North Front Range Water Quality Planning Association. June 28, 2007. “North Front Range Water Quality Planning Association Utility Plan Policy.” North Front Range Water Quality Planning Association. December 11, 2008. 23 The Abbey of St. Walburga Utility Plan 3/18/2010 VIII. TECHNICAL SUPPORT APPENDICES 24 Appendix A PEL’s for the Proposed Abbey of St. Walburga WWTF Page 1 of 1 Agee, John From: Agee, John Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2010 2:01 PM To: '' Subject: Clarification of PEL Table for Proposed Abbey of St. Walburga WWTF Eric: I would like to confirm that the total coliform criteria highlighted in Table 1 below goes with the "Limits Applied at Downgradient Monitoring Wells/Lysimeters MW050B and MW050C or at Compliance Point 001A." Is it correct that the applicant may choose between meeting this criteria either prior to ground water discharge or downgradient of ground water discharge with appropriate monitoring wells? Thanks for your clarification! John M. Agee, EI Project Engineer | Water Resources | J R ENGINEERING 7200 South Alton Way, Suite C100 | Centennial, CO 80112 Direct: (303) 267-6173 | Office: (303) 740-9393 | Fax: (303) 721-9019 1/23/2010 Agee, John From: Sent: To: Subject: Eric Oppelt [] Tuesday, January 19, 2010 9:05 AM Agee, John Re: Clarification of PEL Table for Proposed Abbey of St.Walburga WWTF Hi John, Yes it is correct. The discharger may choose between monitoring at a point prior to GW discharge or at the appropriate GW monitoring well location. Contact me if you have further questions. Talk with you later, Eric Eric T. Oppelt, P.E. CDPH&E, WQCD Permits Section (303) 692-3608 >>> "Agee, John" <> 01/14/10 2:00 PM >>> Eric: I would like to confirm that the total coliform criteria highlighted in Table 1 below goes with the "Limits Applied at Downgradient Monitoring Wells/Lysimeters MW050B and MW050C or at Compliance Point 001A." Is it correct that the applicant may choose between meeting this criteria either prior to ground water discharge or downgradient of ground water discharge with appropriate monitoring wells? Thanks for your clarification! John M. Agee, EI Project Engineer | Water Resources | J?R ENGINEERING 7200 South Alton Way, Suite C100 | Centennial, CO 80112 Direct: (303) 267-6173 | Office: (303) 740-9393 | Fax: (303) 721-9019 <> 1 Appendix B Location and Layout Maps HW Y 287 Da le Cr ee k US Facility Location Discharge Location (Compliance Point 001A) H MW050B ! H MW050C ! Legend Existing Ditch Existing Road Proposed Road Proposed Structure Existing Structure H ! Monitoring Well Figure 1: Abbey Location Map Job No: 13754.02 Ü Client: The Abbey of St Walburga 0 500 1,000 2,000 Feet 7200 South Alton Way, Suite C100 Centennial, CO 80112 (303) 740-9393 Fax: (303) 721-9019 Drafted By: JMA Sheet 1 of 1 X:\1370000.all\1375402\Drawings\Presentations\Site Application\Existing and Proposed Treatment Exhibit.dwg, 100Sc, 3/18/2010 1:14:41 PM, AgeeJ A Westrian Company Appendix C Discharge Permit Appendix D Wastewater Influent Data And Nitrate Modeling Appendix E Site Characterization The Abbey of St. Walburga Project Site Appendix F Subsurface Exploration Report Appendix G Manufacturer Information Innovative Onsite Wastewater Products and Services P.O. Box 1411, Conifer, CO 80433 Office: (303) 697-9404 Fax: (303) 697-9434 Alternative Wastewater Systems Product Distribution June 23, 2009 Giles N. Free III, P.E. Lead Project Engineer Water Resources JR Engineering LLC 12195 Mariposa St., Suite 100 Westminster, CO 80234 Subject: Product Support The Abbey of St. Walburga Proposed Wastewater Treatment System Virginiadale, CO Giles, SCG Enterprises, Inc. is pleased to provide recommendations for the use of an AdvanTex® Wastewater Treatment System for the subject project. Installation Assistance Onsite Management Services Maintenance Contracts Effluent Sampling Introduction SCG Enterprises, Inc. provides wastewater treatment products and services throughout Colorado, New Mexico, and southern Wyoming. We specialize in smaller (less than 100,000 GPD), innovative and alternative onsite wastewater systems. We approach each project individually to match appropriate products and technologies to project-specific goals. Our strategy starts with defining design criteria, such as flow rates; water use practices; and wastewater characteristics. We then consider performance criteria, such as treatment efficiencies and discharge limits. We work with engineers, regulators, installers, and operators to develop a treatment process that matches design criteria. A primary component in most of our projects is the AdvanTex® Wastewater Treatment System. The AdvanTex system is a recirculating packed-bed filter, which uses textile media in pre-fabricated fiberglass units. For small to medium flows, the AdvanTex system is often chosen over other treatment technologies for the following reasons: x AdvanTex provides consistently reliable treatment, even with inconsistent and variable incoming flows. The treatment process is stable, reliable, low-cost, and low-maintenance. The Abbey of St. Walburga Proposed Wastewater System Page 2 x AdvanTex does not rely on an activated sludge process, making the system easier to operate, with less operator attention than other technologies. x AX100 filters are factory-built, providing a higher quality construction over sand filters, and the textile media is much more efficient than sand, requiring a smaller footprint. Unlike other packed-bed filters, AdvanTex filter media is accessible and serviceable. x No buildings are needed to house the system. With most of the components below grade, the system maintains a very low profile. x Less land area, odors, and aesthetic concerns that are often associated with lagoons. x Low horsepower pumps with intermittent dosing are used as opposed to high horsepower blowers that run for several hours per day. This leads to lower ongoing energy and component replacement costs. Typical Commercial AdvanTex Treatment System Layout The following recommendations are based on our experience; the information you have provided; and design criteria developed by applicable product manufacturers. Background The wastewater system is to serve The Abbey of St. Walburga. This is community of Benedictine nuns with accommodations for guests. The existing facility includes an AdvanTex Treatment system installed in 1999. The existing system receives approximately 3000 gallons per day (GPD). An expansion to the Abbey is proposed, with a new wastewater treatment design flow of approximately 5150 GPD average. The Abbey of St. Walburga Proposed Wastewater System Page 3 We have been provided one set of test results as follows: Parameter TKN (mg/l) Ammonia (mg/l) Nitrate (mg/l) BOD (mg/l) Influent 70 35 0.85 438 Effluent 6 3 33 17 A revision to the existing ground water discharge permit is proposed. The new system (upgrade) is to remove approximately 70% total nitrogen. Based on this background information, we propose the following: Proposed Treatment System Grease Interceptor – A new, central dining area with a commercial kitchen is proposed. We recommend the installation of a 5000 gallon grease interceptor for the kitchen wastewater. Septic Tanks – Orenco recommends a minimum septic tank capacity of three times the estimated flow based on peak flows. With an average daily flow of 5,150 GPD, and using a 1.5 peaking factor, a total septic tank capacity of 23,175 gallons will be needed. Large capacity fiberglass septic tanks manufactured by Xerxes. The Abbey of St. Walburga Proposed Wastewater System Page 4 Anoxic Tank – For denitrification, we recommend incorporating an anoxic tank into the system. A portion of the treated effluent will be cycled back to the anoxic tank for denitrification. The anoxic tank should be sized at about 1-day retention. This tank capacity can be part of the total septic tank capacity. Typical schematic illustrating the use of an anoxic (blend) tank. Proposed Tank Configuration – A 7,000 gallon combination septic/recirculation tank currently exists. We recommend installing a nominally sized 20,000 gallon septic tank ahead of the existing tank, and then using the existing 7,000 gallon tank as an anoxic tank for the new system. A 4-inch PVC outlet pipe tee will need to be installed in the existing tank. Recirculation Tank – A recirculation tank is sized at approximately 80% of the peak flow. We recommend the installation of a 7,000-gallon recirculation tank. A duplex pump system, with associated controls, will be needed to circulate the septic tank effluent through the textile filter assemblies. AdvanTex Filter Assemblies – For this application, we recommend a filter loading rate of 25 GPD per square foot based on the average daily flow of 5150 GPD. We will need at least 206 square feet of textile filter. We recommend using three AX100 textile filter assemblies for an area of 300 square feet. This will provide a conservatively light loading rate to ensure as much nitrification as possible. The Abbey of St. Walburga Proposed Wastewater System Page 5 AdvanTex filter assemblies before and after burial. Discharge Dosing System –An effluent pumping system will be needed to dose the subsurface dispersal system. The upgraded system will dose to an existing drain field, and to an additional drain field. The existing 500 gallon dosing tank, and pump system, should be adequate for the new system. Control Panel Upgrade – The existing system uses three separate control panels. One for the AdvanTex system, one for the effluent discharge system, and one for the drain field dosing system. The upgraded system will utilize a single control panel for the entire system. Nitrogen Discussion – We believe the recommendations contained in this proposal will provide a system capable of meeting the prescribed nitrogen limits. However, by providing these recommendations, we are not guaranteeing the proposed system will meet the limits. There are too many uncontrollable variables. These variables include the following: 1. Influent total nitrogen concentration –Nitrogen concentrations in wastewater tend to be highly variable, especially in smaller systems. In domestic wastewater, nitrogen concentrations are typically diluted with “greywater” sources such as laundry and showers. Nitrogen concentrations in typical residential wastewater will vary daily from 30 mg/l to 120 mg/l. For a commercial development, dilution sources are often limited, and nitrogen concentrations can range from 30 mg/l to 200 mg/l. The recommendations in this proposal are to reduce the influent total nitrogen concentration by approximately 70%, and then to less than 10 mg/l in the down gradient monitoring wells. Nitrogen reduction at the source, and greywater contributors, should be encouraged. 2. As explained in the attached Process Description, a primary limiting condition for nitrification will be the availability of alkalinity. Theoretically, it takes 7.14 mg/l alkalinity to remove 1.0 mg/l ammonia. If the influent wastewater is alkalinity-limited, then alkalinity may need to be added to the treatment process. A denitrification step The Abbey of St. Walburga Proposed Wastewater System Page 6 has been added to the treatment process. Theoretically, we can regain 3.57 mg/l alkalinity per 1.0 mg/l nitrate converted to nitrogen gas. 3. Temperature has a significant effect on nitrification. Nitrification rate decreases with decreasing temperature. Although not anticipated, an addition of a heat source to the system may be required during the winter. 4. The system will need to be maintained by an operator knowledgeable with the system’s operation, the treatment process, and factors affecting the nitrification and denitrification processes. Scope of Supply – SCG Enterprises, Inc. is primarily a product supply company. However, we also provide the following “value-added” services. Design - SCG Enterprises provides design assistance to engineers by providing recommendations on appropriate products and technologies, and by providing manufacturer CAD drawings and some project specific CAD details as needed. However, we will not be the “engineer of record” for the project. Installation – Prior to installation, SCG provides technical assistance and installation manuals to the installer. We typically perform a pre-construction visit with the installer and engineer. We also perform one or two construction visits as needed for technical assistance to the installer. We do not perform any excavation or laborer services. If an installer is needed, we can provide recommendations, and/or training as needed. Maintenance – SCG Enterprises always participates in system start-up to insure all components are operating properly and as designed. We provide operation and maintenance manuals, and operator training as needed. We also perform a follow-up site visit 3-6 months after placing the system into operation. And, we are available for troubleshooting and technical assistance for the life of the system. If a system operator is needed, we can provide recommendations, and/or training as needed. The attached estimate includes a material price range for various system components. Since there are site conditions that may affect material requirements, such as anchoring requirements, metering requirements, control panel options and engineering preferences, a final quotation cannot be prepared until a system design is complete. Also, the installation and maintenance services are estimated for budgeting purposes only. The total treatment system cost (including installation) is estimated at $166,100 $256,800. The entire system will be controlled by a TCOM telemetry panel with a dedicated telephone line. This greatly improves operator response time in event of a problem, and it also allows remote access to the panel for the operator, SCG Enterprises, and/or Orenco Systems to diagnose any problems and make adjustments. The Abbey of St. Walburga Proposed Wastewater System Page 7 The AdvanTex Treatment system is to be installed by a Certified Installer, and maintained by a Certified Service Provider. Prior to delivery of the system, the system installer and operator will need to be identified and trained. SCG has completed numerous similar projects of this size. Attached is a Project List with contact names and numbers, which may be used as references. For additional information on these projects, or about SCG, please visit our Website at Once you have had a chance to review this information, call me with questions. Sincerely, SCG Enterprises, Inc. Roger J. Shafer Copy to: Orenco Systems, Inc. – Richard Jex and Chris Helliwell Attachments: x AdvanTex AX100 Treatment System Brochure x AdvanTex Design Criteria x AdvanTex Process Description x AX100 Data Sheet x Typical Layout Drawing x Commercial AdvanTex Project List x System Cost Estimate x O&M Cost Estimate x AdvanTex Bibliography Ideal for: • Multi-family residential properties • Cluster systems, community systems • Subdivisions, resorts, golf course developments • Mobile and manufactured home communities • Parks, RV parks, rest areas • Truck stops, restaurants, casinos • Schools, office buildings Orenco Systems® Incorporated Changing the Way the World Does Wastewater® 800-348-9843 We’ve Written the Blueprint for the Decen The Product Orenco’s AdvanTex® Treatment Systems utilizing the commercial-sized AX100 can make raw wastewater up to 98% cleaner, meeting stringent regulatory requirements. It can also reduce nitrogen significantly, depending on influent and configuration. And the AX100 offers all the benefits of Orenco’s residential-sized AdvanTex Treatment Systems: • • • • • Consistent, reliable treatment, even under peak flows Compact package, small footprint, for small sites Premanufactured package, including textile medium, for quality control Low maintenance requirements; low life-cycle costs Production of clear, odorless effluent that’s ideal for reuse The Program It takes more than a product, however, to solve onsite wastewater problems. It takes a comprehensive program … one that ensures a successful project every time and provides support for the life of the system. That’s what Orenco Systems® has done. We’ve engineered a program, not just a product. Orenco’s commercial AdvanTex program includes … • Trained and authorized Dealers, Installers, and Service Providers • Training and plans review for Designers • A comprehensive project checklist for successful system design, installation, start-up, and follow-up • Round-the-clock system supervision via Orenco’s remote telemetry controls • A commitment to ongoing O&M, signed by system owners • Web-based tracking of site and performance data on Dealer extranet • Ongoing manufacturer support through Orenco’s Engineering Department * NOTE: Covered by U.S. patent numbers 6,540,920; 6,372,137; 5,980,748; 5,531,894; 5,492,635; 5,480,561; 5,360,556; 4,439,323 AX100 filter pods can be installed above ground or partially bermed, depending upon site conditions. ntralized Wastewater Treatment Industry Decades of Research, Thousands of Installations Orenco’s patented* AdvanTex Treatment System is a recirculating filter that’s configured like a recirculating sand filter — a packed bed filter technology that Orenco engineers have helped to perfect since the 1970s. Like recirculating sand filters, AdvanTex is reliable and low-maintenance. It is superior to other packed bed filters, however, in its serviceability and longevity. It is also superior in its treatment media. AdvanTex uses a highly efficient, lightweight textile that has a large surface area, lots of void space, and a high degree of water-holding capacity. Consequently, AdvanTex Treatment Systems can provide treatment equivalent to that of sand filters at loading rates as high as 25-50 gpd/ft2 (1000-2000 L/d/m2). That means AdvanTex can treat high volume commercial and multi-family flows in a very compact space. Our textile-based, multi-pass treatment technology has undergone third-party testing and evaluation to ANSI Standards. About 10,000 residential-sized AdvanTex filters have been installed since 2000. And about 1,000 of our new, commercial-sized AX100 units are now in operation, including the installations described on the back page. Textile Media The treatment medium is a uniform, engineered textile, which is easily serviceable and allows loading rates as high as 50 gpd/ft2 (2000 L/d/m2). Spray Nozzles Efficient distribution is accomplished via specially-designed spray nozzles. Laterals and Lids Isolation valves, flushing valves, and hinged lids with gas springs allow easy access and servicing by a single operator. Telemetry Controls Orenco’s telemetry-enabled control panels use a dedicated phone line and ensure round-theclock system supervision and real-time, remote control. AdvanTex® AX100 Treatment Systems Carefully Engineered by Orenco Oregon Riverside Community Twelve AX100s are providing advanced secondary wastewater treatment in Hebo, Oregon, for a small community collection system that discharges directly into Three Rivers, after UV disinfection. The average annual design flow is 17,000 gpd (64,400 L/d) with a peak daily design flow of 80,000 gpd (303,000 L/d) to account for I&I contributions from the collection system. Effluent BOD5 and TSS are averaging 4.4 and 4.5 mg/L, respectively. Orenco Systems has been researching, designing, manufacturing, and selling leading-edge products for small-scale wastewater treatment systems since 1981. The company has grown to become an industry leader, with about 275 employees and with more than 100 distributors and dealers representing most of the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and parts of Europe. Our systems have been installed all over the world. Orenco maintains an environmental lab and employs more than a dozen civil, electrical, mechanical, and manufacturing engineers, as well as wastewater treatment operators. Orenco’s systems are based on sound scientific principles of chemistry, biology, mechanical structure, and hydraulics. As a result, our research appears in numerous publications and our engineers are regularly asked to give workshops and offer trainings. Malibu, California Restaurant Ten AX100s at the top of a Malibu bluff are treating high-strength waste from a large (200+ seat) beachfront restaurant, 100 feet (30 m) below. This high-visibility tourist destination requires reliable, odor-free operation. Effluent sampling indicates excellent treatment, including nitrogen reduction. At an adjacent housing development, another system, consisting of 20 AX100s capable of treating up to 60,000 gpd (227,000 L/d) peak flows, is under construction. Mobile, Alabama Utility-Managed Subdivisions Orenco Systems® Incorporated Changing the Way the World Does Wastewater® 814 Airway Avenue Sutherlin, OR 97479 South Alabama Utilities (SAU) in Mobile County, Alabama, has become the subject of nationwide classes, presentations, and tours because of its ambitious and innovative solution for serving 2,500 new customers in nearly 30 new subdivisions and commercial Champion Hills is one of the many subdivisions in rural properties northwest of Mobile. How? By installing 18 miles (29 km) Mobile County served by Orenco’s effluent sewers and treatment systems. of interconnected Orenco Effluent Sewers that, by full build-out, will be followed by 100 AdvanTex AX100s to treat half a million gpd (1.9 million L/d) of effluent, at better than 10 mg/L. Under SAU’s program, developers, builders, homeowners, and the utility all share the cost of extending wastewater infrastructure. With nearly 200 dwelling units currently on line and treatment for 230,000 gpd (871,000 L/d), total costs are averaging about $8,000 per home (for infrastructure, tanks, STEP systems, and treatment) . . . roughly half the cost of conventional sewers. ABR-ATX-AX100-1 Rev. 1.5, © 05/06 Orenco Systems®, Inc. To order a complete design/engineering package for Orenco’s Commercial AdvanTex Treatment Systems, contact your local Commercial AdvanTex Dealer. To find a Commercial Dealer, go to www. and click on “Advanced Treatment Systems,” “AdvanTex® Treatment Systems,” and “Authorized AdvanTex Dealers.” Or call 800-348-9843 and ask for Systems Engineering. T • 541-459-4449 800-348-9843 F • 541-459-2884 ® AdvanTex Design Criteria For Commercial and Multi-Family Applications System Description and Treatment Process Commercial AdvanTex® Treatment Systems are a multiple-pass, packed bed aerobic wastewater treatment technology specifically designed and engineered for long-term processing of domestic strength wastewater. Figure 1 shows a standard layout for the secondary treatment system (primary treatment and dispersal not shown). Fig.1 Standard Commercial AdvanTex Treatment System: Top View AdvanTex Treatment Systems are capable of processing typical commercial AdvanTex influent wastewater (see Table 1) to better than “secondary standards.” Prior to the AdvanTex Treatment System, primary treatment of raw sewage is accomplished through appropriately sized primary septic tanks. After primary treatment, the effluent enters the recirc-blend tank, where it blends with the contents of the tank. ProSTEP™ pump packages in the recirc-blend tank transport blended effluent to a distribution manifold in the AdvanTex filter pod. Effluent percolates down through the textile media, where it is treated by naturally-occurring microorganisms that populate the filter. After passing through the filter media, the treated effluent flows out of the filter pod through the filtrate return line that returns the NDA-ATX-COMM-PKG-1 Rev. 1.0, © 5/03 Page 1 of 10 effluent to the recirculating valve (RSV or MM). The valve automatically splits or diverts the flow between the recirc-blend tank and the final discharge and controls the liquid level within the tank. During extended periods of low forward flow into the system, 100% of the treated effluent is returned to the recirc-blend tank. The recirc-blend tank is set up so that incoming effluent from the primary septic tanks and filtrate from the AdvanTex system pods enter opposite the pump discharge to the pods so that mixing, blending, and dilution of the effluent occurs before being dosed onto the AdvanTex filter pods. System Selection: Configuration The AdvanTex Treatment System is typically configured as shown in Figure 1. Excellent results with regard to cBOD5 and TSS should be achieved, and in addition, total nitrogen reduction will typically exceed 60% on average, assuming sufficient alkalinity is available. If additional nitrogen reduction is desired, a specialty mode in which a portion of the filtrate is routed to recirculate through the primary tank may be considered. This option allows for improved denitrification to enhance the overall nutrient removal. There are several other factors that influence the nitrogen process, and each of these should be considered when developing a plan for achieving significant reductions in this area. System Requirements: Typical Commercial AdvanTex Influent Wastewater Strength As in residential applications, commercial wastewater strengths must remain within typical influent limits as shown in Table 1, below. Consult Orenco or an authorized Dealer for higher waste strength applications. Table 1. Typical Commercial AdvanTex Influent Wastewater Strength 1 Characteristic BOD5 TSS TKN G&O Average2 Weekly Peak Rarely Exceed mg/L mg/L mg/L 150 40 65 20 250 75 75 25 500 150 150 30 1 Maximum allowable wastewater strength entering the Recirc-blend Tank of an AdvanTex Treatment System is “Typical Commercial AdvanTex Influent Wastewater Strength.” 2 Commercial systems will occasionally elevate in strength based upon changes in flow characteristics or ownership. As the average influent strength approaches 80% of the weekly peak levels, consideration must be given to providing supplemental pre-treatment or additional treatment units. System Requirements: Recommended Primary Tankage Typical Primary Tank sizing will be based on Preferred HRTs (Hydraulic Retention Times) as described in the Primary Tank Sizing Chart* (NDA-TNK-1) provided as an Appendix to this document. Recommendations assume that peak weekly flows are typically two times normal average daily flows. In the primary tank(s), the raw sewage separates into three distinct zones: a scum layer, a sludge layer, and a clear layer. Heavy solids settle to the bottom to form the sludge layer, while the lighter material floats to the top to create the scum layer. Facultative and anaerobic digestion converts the organic matter to volatile organic acids while strict anaerobes ferment the volatile organic acids to gases (methane, carbon dioxide, etc.). Effluent from the clear zone is then passed through a Biotube® effluent filter before being transported to the recirc-blend tank. See Figure 2. For the system to operate properly, NDA-ATX-COMM-PKG-1 Rev. 1.0, © 5/03 Page 2 of 10 all tanks must meet minimum structural requirements, be completely watertight, and pass a watertight test including the riser/tank connection. For detailed specifications, see structural and watertightness criteria in Orenco’s Material Specifications (NDA-ATX-COMM-SPECS-1). Fig. 2 Typical Primary Tank When the required tank size exceeds available premanufactured tank capacities, cast-in-place meander or multiple FRP or precast tanks as shown in Figures 3a and 3b are preferred configurations. Two separate documents, Septic Tank Sizing for Large Flows, (NTP-TNK-TRB-2) and Design and Performance of Septic Tanks, (NTP-TNK-TRB-3), provide significant background information specific to the primary tank design and configuration. Fig. 3a Cast-in-Place Primary Meander Tank Fig. 3b Multiple Primary FRP tanks Recirculation-Blend Tankage The recirculation-blend tank is sized to equal at least 80% of the peak flow (Qp). A larger tank may be recommended based on the expected organic or peak design hydraulic loads, or to accommodate special surge capacities or operator response capabilities. NDA-ATX-COMM-PKG-1 Rev. 1.0, © 5/03 Page 3 of 10 For nitrogen sensitive areas requiring greater than 60% nitrogen reduction, the recirc-blend tankage is sized to equal at least 100% of the peak flow and greater primary tankage is recommended. Where access to a primary waste source is unavailable, this may be provided as two separate tanks, typically an 80% recirc-blend, preceded by a 20% denitrification tank. Consult with Orenco’s Systems Engineering Department for details. Design Loading Rates Typical loading rates are based on the AdvanTex Loading Chart for Commercial and Multi-Family Applications, (NDA-ATX-4) provided as an Appendix to this document. Orenco’s suggested design loading rates are based on typical per capita flow rates and average strength characteristics expected as listed in Table 1. Performance is a function of the expected typical loads with periodic weekly peaks. Orenco Systems, Inc.’s AX100 AdvanTex Treatment Systems packed bed media is configured in the same manner as our ANSI/NSF Standard 40 Class I treatment units. Typically, the daily mass loading is based on the expected daily flows and parameter strength. Figures 4a and 4b show average loading capacity at 95% confidence level. Fig. 4a – cBOD5 Fig. 4b - TSS The base AdvanTex AX100 hydraulic load is 25 gpd/ft2 with a base organic loading rate of 0.04 lbpd BOD/ft2 (AX100: 2500 gpd — 4.0 lbpd). At these loading rates “actual” design criteria targets a 5/5 effluent quality in the discharge effluent. Discharge levels may be projected at a 95% confidence level relative to the hydraulic loading rate. Peak hydraulic loads of 5000 gpd and peak organic stress loads of over 8 lbs per day can be handled for short periods of time with little effect on performance. Higher loading rates may be applicable relative to higher discharge limits or sufficient operating documentation, but would not be allowed to exceed 50 gpd/ft2 at the typical average characteristics presented in Table 1. A thorough evaluation of all the typical wastewater characteristics will guide design limits. High oil and grease concentrations may require pretreatment to ensure maintenance frequencies are not excessive. If the loading rate (or mass load) needs to be reduced to meet discharge limits, it’s a simple matter of adding additional modular units. Operationally, the module’s flexible and easily serviceable features make AdvanTex units an ideal, efficient, and effective solution for all wastewater treatment applications with domestic waste characteristics. NDA-ATX-COMM-PKG-1 Rev. 1.0, © 5/03 Page 4 of 10 Venting Commercial AdvanTex filters may come with either an active or passive vent system, depending on application type and desired treatment levels. An active vent system utilizing a low wattage fan will typically be used, except for small systems with residential quality influent waste strengths. The internal volume of an AX100 is about 350 ft3; typically, air changes occur every other hour. The inlet plumbing to the recirc-blend tank should allow for natural ventilation back through the building sewer and vent stack. Building sewer lines provide a natural conduit for air movement and exchange throughout the recirc-blend tank and treatment system. The passive vent provided contains a carbon filter material to mitigate odors. However, a small amount of odor may still occur during a dosing event, as air from the pod is displaced by the dosed effluent. This should be taken into consideration before siting or locating a passive ventilated system in areas where this occasional odor may be perceived as a nuisance. Typical Effluent Quality Effluent quality is dependent on a number of factors, including influent characteristics and loading rates. Third party ANSI/NSF 40 testing results are shown in Figures 4a and 4b. The results demonstrate that low-to-moderate loading rates can produce cBOD and TSS of <5 mg/L, while higher loading rates produce cBOD and TSS in the range of 15-25 mg/L. Nitrogen reduction in the standard configuration will typically exceed 60 percent. Using a specialty mode, nitrogen reduction will typically exceed 70 percent, depending on wastewater strength and other characteristics like BOD5, grease and oils, pH, tankage (HRT), temperature, and alkalinity concentrations. Nitrification can be inhibited if the natural buffering capacity (alkalinity) is too low. On a theoretical basis, 7.14 mg/L of alkalinity as CaCO3 is needed to nitrify 1 mg/L of NH4+. For more information on nitrogen reducing systems, contact Orenco Systems Engineering. Pumping Equipment The integrated treatment package includes an Orenco ProSTEP™ pump package. Typically a single pump is necessary to energize the distribution manifold in the AX100 treatment pod. There are eight laterals in each filter with 4 nozzles each. The flow can be varied by adjusting the pressure at the pod inlet; however, our baseline operational flow is about 1.57 gpm/nozzle, which puts the pumping rate at about 50 gpm per each AX100. Model P5007 pumps are used for the AX100 units. Duplex or sufficient multiple pumps are required in all commercial applications to ensure operational integrity with one or more pumps out of commission. Distributing Valves Typically, Orenco automatic distributing valve assemblies are used to alternate doses to up to three AX100 pods utilizing a duplex ProSTEP pump package. This allows for a 4:1 recirc-blend ratio during periods of peak hydraulic loading without exceeding the maximum daily cycle rating of the pumps. Orenco automatic distributing valve assemblies should be located at the high point between the recircblend tank and the AdvanTex AX100 pod to ensure proper operation of the valve. For more details on this product, please refer to Orenco Automatic Distributing Valve Assemblies for Wastewater Effluent Systems (NTP-VA-1). NDA-ATX-COMM-PKG-1 Rev. 1.0, © 5/03 Page 5 of 10 Residual Pressures The residual pressure will typically be set to 4.5 psi to attain the desired 1.57 gpm/nozzle. Each pod is supplied with a gauge tap and valve assembly to allow for pressure measurement at the pod inlet. Recirculation-Blend Ratios and Timer Settings Typical operating recirculation-blend ratios will vary between 2:1 and 4:1, and the “off” time varies as a function of the recirc-blend ratio. The AdvanTex Treatment System controls are initially set to a 4:1 recirc-blend ratio and initial timer settings are established based on the expected average daily flow. A typical dose event will vary between 1 and 2 minutes and will deliver about 1-1/2 to 3 gallons per nozzle per dose. If flows vary significantly from expected flows, timer settings should be recalculated. AdvanTex Control System Critical to the success of the AdvanTex Treatment System is the method in which the effluent is loaded onto the AdvanTex filter. Over the past three decades, timer controlled applications have proven to play an essential role in optimizing the performance of both fixed and suspended growth biological systems. A timer-controlled pump in the recirc-blend tank periodically doses effluent to a distribution system on top of the AdvanTex filter media. Each time the filter is dosed, effluent percolates through the filter media and is treated by naturally-occurring microorganisms that populate the filter. During periods of high flow, a timer override float will temporarily adjust the timer settings to process the additional flow. Remote telemetry control panels connected to a dedicated phone line are an integral part of all commercial AdvanTex Treatment System equipment packages. Remote telemetry control panels give wastewater system operators and maintenance organizations the ability to monitor and control each individual system’s performance remotely. This also allows Orenco to contact the panel directly to assist the operator in system evaluation and troubleshooting. Remote telemetry control panels also provide additional alarm functions to automatically page the operator in the event that trend data indicate potential problem conditions (e.g. high flows). Surge Volume AdvanTex tankage design is consistent with that of other packed bed filters. Flow equalization should be designed into the primary tanks with controlled (metered) feed to the recirc-blend tank. If surging needs to be done in the recirc-blend tank, then sizing and timer controls will be programmed to optimize performance and surge capacity. Churches, schools and assembly halls, are typical applications where weekly surge control practices provide optimum filter sizing. Other Design Considerations AdvanTex AX100 pods have been designed for installation in areas that are free of water. If a project requires placement of the pod in a high-water area, contact Orenco Systems Engineering for options. For cold weather applications, AX units are available with insulation attached to the bottom of the lid (1inch thick; R-5 or 0.2 BTUs/hr/ft2/°F/inch thickness). Installing insulation around the sides of the filter pods themselves is optional and is done onsite as needed. Other cold weather considerations include standard practices used with most onsite pump systems, such as allowing all lines to drain, insulating processing tank lids, and backfilling risers with pea gravel if frost-heave is a concern. For extreme climates with long periods of subfreezing weather, a warm air source may be required. Consult Orenco if supplementary options need to be considered. NDA-ATX-COMM-PKG-1 Rev. 1.0, © 5/03 Page 6 of 10 Primary Tank Sizing At Orenco Systems, we believe a structurally sound, watertight, and well-maintained septic tank is one of the most effective and economical wastewater treatment devices available. Adequate septic tankage will anaerobically digest organic material, remove settleable and floatable solids, help modulate flow, and consistently discharge effluent that meets “primary treatment” standards. The Primary Tank Sizing Chart on the next page lists Orenco’s tank sizing recommendations for various applications. The table includes minimum and preferred tankages for a dozen common types of facilities. We acknowledge that both the minimum and preferred tankages listed exceed EPA minimum sizes. After conducting extensive research on septic tankage, we are convinced that the smaller tankage arrived at using the EPA formula will result in suboptimal performance. Moreover, although smaller tanks may cost less initially, long-term cost of ownership is greater when their higher maintenance costs are taken into consideration. From an economic standpoint, ensuring adequate tankage of onsite wastewater treatment systems is an effective way to reduce operational costs. Consequently, we base our numbers on long-term performance satisfaction with regard to nominal (minimum) and high quality (preferred) effluent. Here are a few tips on how to use this chart: • To calculate the appropriate tank size for your job, multiply the design flow in gallons per day specified by your regulatory commission (according to facility type) by the hydraulic retention time (HRT) in days, listed in the Minimum and Preferred columns. For example, if local regulations require a 10,000 gpd system design for an office facility, Orenco recommends tankage of 30,000 gpd (minimum) or 40,000 gpd (preferred). • Because grease and oil can inhibit microbial action and seal the pores in a packed bed filter or soil absorption system, Orenco recommends a grease tank for any facility with a commercial kitchen. A grease tank, which provides the longer retention time required to cool grease and oil to a point at which separation is possible, is an economical means of cooling and removing grease and oil before integrating the kitchen flow into the primary tankage. • Several types of facilities--such as churches, schools, weekend campsites, etc.--may experience large fluctuations in daily flow; some may even receive all of their weekly flow over the course of one or two days. For facilities like these that need surge control, flow equalization should be included in the tank design. • For facilities in the upper portion of the table with restrooms and kitchen, primary tankage volume is determined by multiplying the total flow of the restrooms and kitchen combined by the factor in the Primary Tankage cell. For larger facilities, such as the bottom three categories on the chart, the values are intended to be cumulative. This table should be used as a general guideline for decentralized wastewater treatment designs. If you have questions about special cases where larger tankage or other measures may be necessary, or if you have general questions about flow equalization, please call Orenco Systems at (800) 348-9843 and ask for Systems Engineering. NDA-ATX-COMM-PKG-1 Rev. 1.0, © 5/03 Page 7 of 10 Primary Tank Sizing Chart Facility Minimum Preferred Primary Tankage HRT (days) Grease Tankage1 HRT (days) Primary Tankage2 HRT (days) n/a 3 n/a 4 3 4 5 5 n/a 3 n/a 4 2 33 4 43 n/a 3 3 4 3 n/a 5 43 n/a 2.5 + Surge4 n/a 4 + Surge4 4 4 + Surge3,4 n/a 4 + Surge4 5 4 + Surge3,4 Grease Tankage HRT (days) 1 2 Office/Manufacturing/Light Industrial a) restrooms only Restaurant/Deli a) restrooms and kitchen Convenience Store/Gas Station a) restrooms only b) restrooms and kitchen/deli Hotel/Motel/Multiple Dwelling Units a) restrooms only b) restrooms and restaurant/kitchen 3 Church a) restrooms only b) restrooms and kitchen School a) restrooms only b) restrooms and kitchen 2 2.5 + Surge n/a 3 + Surge4 3 3 + Surge 3,4 3,4 Dog Kennel/Veterinary Clinic a) restrooms only b) restrooms and floor drains RV Park n/a 3 n/a 4 n/a 3 + Surge3,4,5 n/a 4 + Surge3,4,5 a) RV spaces n/a 3 n/a 4 b) dump station n/a 8 n/a 10 a) gaming floor b) hotel/motel n/a n/a 3 3 n/a n/a 4 4 c) restaurant/deli 3 4 5 5 n/a n/a 3 3 n/a n/a 4 4 2 3 4 4 Casino Resort/Camp a) bunk houses b) main houses c) kitchen 1. Grease tankage HRT is based on a separate kitchen peak flow, which is integrated into the main flow prior to introduction to the primary septic tanks. 2. Primary tankage HRT is based on total peak flow. 3. For facilities with restrooms and kitchen, primary tankage volume is determined by multiplying the total flow of the restrooms and kitchen combined by the factor in the Primary Tankage cell. 4. To determine surge volume for flow equalization purposes, please call Orenco Systems at (800) 348-9843 for assistance. 5. To reduce septage pumping in these and other specialized applications, we recommend using multiple tanks: The first should be small (0.5 to 0.75 HRT); subsequent tanks should provide the remaining HRT requirements. NOTE: Tankages are based on long-term performance satisfaction (with respect to septage removal) and nominal (minimum) to high-quality (preferred) effluent. If effluent strength is higher than the expected level or if a higher level of treatment is required, greater tankage will be necessary. To enhance total nitrogen reduction, primary tankage should be increased for AdvanTex™ Mode 3 systems. Consult Orenco Systems for specifics. NDA-ATX-COMM-PKG-1 Rev. 1.0, © 5/03 Page 8 of 10 ® AdvanTex Loading For Commercial and Multi-Family Applications We at Orenco Systems have spent more than two decades researching packed bed filters, a proven wastewater technology. Based on our research, we developed the AdvanTex® Treatment System, which has been in use since the mid-1990s. AdvanTex Treatment Systems work like recirculating sand/gravel filters, which treat wastewater through a combination of physical, chemical, and biological processes. AdvanTex produces effluent that exceeds “secondary” treatment standards. The difference between AdvanTex and sand/gravel filters is AdvanTex Treatment Systems use an inert nonwoven textile material instead of granular media such as sand or gravel. Textile has several advantages over granular media: • • • • Textile has a larger surface area—five times greater than an equivalent volume of sand—so installations have a much smaller footprint than sand filter systems. Textile’s higher absorption capacity allows loading rates five to twenty times higher than sand (as high as 50 gpd/sq. ft.). Textile media weighs considerably less than granular media, so AdvanTex systems can be prepackaged, which results in reduced installation costs. Textile media is washable, allowing for a relatively quick and easy rejuvenation of the treatment system in cases of abuse or overloading. Designing an AdvanTex Treatment System is similar to designing a recirculating sand filter (RSF). As with an RSF, an AdvanTex system requires a recirculation-blend tank with approximately a one-day hydraulic retention time (HRT). Most commercial AdvanTex systems also require a ventilation fan (typically rated at 90 watts). However, the power required to operate this fan twenty-four hours per day is significantly less than the power required to operate packaged treatment systems. AdvanTex systems have performed well in residential applications where nitrogen removal is necessary. In commercial applications, nitrogen reduction is much more complex than BOD and TSS reduction, and consequently harder to predict. Nitrogen reduction will be dependent on incoming TKN levels, water and air temperatures, alkalinity, pH and a number of other factors. While commercial AdvanTex systems can be optimized for nitrogen removal, meeting stringent nitrogen limits on a continuous basis cannot be guaranteed. The AdvanTex® Loading Chart on the next page lists Orenco’s loading rate recommendations for various applications. It includes loading rates for both actual and peak design flows for AdvanTex filters used in commercial and multi-family applications. The loading rates used in the table are based on screened primary-treated residential strength effluent from properly sized septic tanks. 1 This table should be used as a general guideline for decentralized wastewater treatment designs. If you have questions about special cases where different loading rates or other measures may be necessary, or if you have general questions about the AdvanTex Treatment System, please call Orenco Systems at (800) 348-9843 and ask for Systems Engineering. 1. For assistance with sizing primary tanks, see Orenco’s Primary Tank Sizing document (NDA-TNK-1). NDA-ATX-COMM-PKG-1 Rev. 1.0, © 5/03 Page 9 of 10 ® AdvanTex Loading Chart For Commercial and Multi-Family Applications Facility Recommended Commercial AdvanTex Loading Rate1 Actual Design2 gpd/sq.ft. Peak Design3 gpd/sq.ft. Subdivisions/Multiple Dwelling Units 25 50 Office/Manufacturing/Light Industrial a) restrooms only Restaurant/Deli 25 50 10 25 15 10 40 25 25 15 50 35 25 15 50 40 25 15 50 40 25 15 50 40 a) restrooms and kitchen Convenience Store/Gas Station a) restrooms only b) restrooms and kitchen/deli Hotel/Motel a) restrooms only b) restrooms and restaurant/kitchen Church a) restrooms only b) restrooms and kitchen School a) restrooms only b) restrooms and kitchen Dog Kennel/Veterinary Clinic a) restrooms only b) restrooms and floor drains RV Park a) RV spaces b) dump station Casino a) gaming floor b) hotel/motel c) restaurant/deli Resort/Camp a) bunk houses b) main houses c) kitchen 25 50 Not recommended 25 25 10 50 50 25 25 25 10 50 50 25 1. AdvanTex loading rates assume properly sized primary tankage, as outlined in the Primary Tank Sizing document (NDA-TNK-1). Loading rates are based on nominal wastewater characteristics as described in the AdvanTex Design Criteria For Commercial Applications document (NDA-ATX-COMM-2). 2. Actual design is the expected daily flow (based on a 30-day average). 3. Peak design is the maximum daily flow a facility is expected to produce (over a week's time). NOTE: Loading rates shown are for systems expected to perform secondary standards like ANSI/NSF 40. Higher performance systems will require special review and will generally feature lower loading rates. NDA-ATX-COMM-PKG-1 Rev. 1.0, © 5/03 Page 10 of 10 Commercial AdvanTex® Treatment System Process Description TREATMENT PROCESS The AdvanTex® Treatment System is configured in a typical recirculating treatment fashion such that a mix of septic tank effluent and pre-filtered effluent is blended and then applied in small, frequent doses to the media surface. Primary treatment of raw sewage is accomplished through appropriately sized primary septic tanks. After primary treatment, the effluent enters the R/B tank, where it blends with the contents of the tank. ProSTEP™ pump packages in the R/B tank transport blended effluent to a distribution manifold in the AdvanTex filter pod. Effluent percolates down through the textile media, where it is treated by naturally-occurring microorganisms that populate the filter. After passing through the filter media, the treated effluent flows out of the filter pod and passes through a filtrate return line that returns the effluent to the recirculating splitter valve (RSV). The RSV automatically splits or diverts the flow between the R/B tank and the final discharge and the direction of the return or discharge flow is governed by the level of the liquid within the R/B tank. Fig.1 Standard Commercial AdvanTex Treatment System: Top View PRIMARY TREATMENT Raw sewage from commercial facilities will first be treated in a primary septic tank. In domestic residential applications, typical raw norms are as shown below: Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5): 450 mg/L Total Suspended Solids (TSS): 500 mg/L Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN): 70 mg/L Source: Crites and Tchobanoglous 1998, pp. 180 and 183. Based on 50 gpcd. These are values expected at the building sewer leaving the home based on 50 gpcd. In individual settings, like restaurants or other high-strength applications, BOD5 may be three for four times greater and Total Nitrogen (TN) may be two or more times greater. To ensure successful end results are accomplished, it is necessary to quantify all the other characteristics of the influent stream that will influence the outcome. In the primary septic tank heavy solids settle to the bottom of the tank where they accumulate in the sludge layer, and digest; while the lighter material floats to the liquid surface and accumulates in the scum layer, and digests. Facultative and anaerobic digestion converts the organic matter to gases. Facultative microbes solubilize the complex organic material to volatile organic acids while strict anaerobes ferment the volatile organic acids to gases (methane, carbon dioxide, etc.). For the system to operate properly and in compliance with local regulations, it is essential that all tanks be appropriately sized and watertight. The primary septic tank provides a significant level of treatment when appropriately sized and in most applications the typical wastewater strength exiting the primary septic tank can be characterized as follows: Table 1. Typical Commercial AdvanTex Influent Wastewater Strength1 Characteristic BOD5 TSS TKN G&O 1 Average2 Weekly Peak Rarely Exceed mg/L mg/L mg/L 150 40 65 20 250 75 75 25 500 150 150 30 Maximum allowable wastewater strength entering the Recirc-blend Tank of an AdvanTex Treatment System is “Typical Commercial AdvanTex Influent Wastewater Strength.” 2 Commercial systems will occasionally elevate in strength based upon changes in flow characteristics or ownership. As the average influent strength approaches 80% of the weekly peak levels, consideration must be given to providing supplemental pre-treatment or additional treatment units. RECIRCULATION-BLEND TANK Effluent from the primary septic tank flows into a R/B tank where it blends with the returning filtrate from the AdvanTex filter pod(s) and is diluted. The R/B tank is sized to equal at least 80% of the peak flow (Qp). A larger tank may be recommended based on the expected organic or peak design hydraulic loads, or to accommodate special surge capacities, operator response capabilities, or needs for greater nutrient removal . For nitrogen sensitive areas requiring greater than 60% nitrogen reduction, the R/B tankage is sized to equal at least 100% of the peak flow and greater primary tankage is recommended. Where access to a primary waste source is unavailable and/or supplemental carbon addition is necessary, alternate tank configuration may be necessary. Alternate tank configurations will be discussed later. TEXTILE TREATMENT PROCESS - ORGANIC REMOVAL The R/B tank is configured so that incoming effluent from the primary septic tanks and filtrate from the AdvanTex filter pod(s) blend together at the front of the R/B tank. The filter recirc-pumps are located at the opposite end of the R/B tank to ensure mixing, hydraulic retention time, and blending/dilution of the effluent occurs before being dosed onto the AdvanTex filter pods. The R/B tank's blended substrate concentration may be determined directly by the following expression: Sb = (Si + RbSe) / (Rb +1) where: Si is the inflow substrate concentration, mg/L Se is the filtrate substrate concentration, mg/L Sb is the blended substrate concentration, mg/L Treatment within an AdvanTex filter pod includes: filtration and trapping, adsorption, biological decomposition, and biochemical transformations. The textile media supports a fixed film of organisms active in the treatment process. At the surface and top 6 inches (more or less), matter is trapped and the biofilm grows. In this nutrient rich upper zone, most of the organic material is trapped, decomposed, and digested. As the blended wastewater filters (percolates) slowly down through the media, it comes in contact with organisms. Both heterotrophic and autotrophic bacteria are found in these biofilms in populations respective of each other and of their individual needs for available free oxygen. The water holding capacity of the media and of the biofilm are important for ensuring sufficient moisture is available for maintaining healthy microbial environments. The frequent dosing and percolating of effluent through the media in stages ensures an unsaturated state through the media. With each dose, the physical action of the effluent percolating down through the media and over the biological surfaces draws fresh air into the media’s unsaturated pores. Oxygen (from the air) is then transferred by diffusion into the thin film of water that spreads over the media surfaces. In the organic film attached to surfaces, residing organisms consume the free oxygen. Therefore, the dominant biological activity is that of aerobic digestion of both organic and inorganic constituents, thus reducing contaminates and changing the form of the wastewater characteristics. Multiple-pass systems, recirc-systems, are capable of sustaining greater loading capacities than single-pass systems because hydraulic, biological, and chemical surges are blended and diluted with a portion of the aerobically treated filtrate. The process tank provides significant primary treatment by separating and treating the gross solids and fats, oils, and greases. The continual recirculation and intermittent dosing to the media ensures a moist environment and stable diet for the biota. The critical factors in controlling the environment for the biota are the recirculation ratio and time-controlled dosing. Typical multiple-pass recirculating filter design criteria Recirculation (recirc-blend) Ratio (Rb) is defined as the ratio of the daily flow returned (Qr) to the R/B tank to blend with the daily inflow (influent or forward) wastewater flow (Qi) as shown in the following expression: Rb = Qr/Qi Qr = Rb Qi Where: Rb is the recirculation (recirc-blend) ratio Qr is the daily flow returned to the recirc tank, gpd, Qi is the actual daily inflow (or forward flow), gpd. Typically, the Rb control range is between 2:1 to 6:1. It’s important to understand that there are both high and low Rb limits to watch for. Higher ratios may be preferred to prevent odor problems, but generally should not exceed 6 or 7; ratios of 2 or 3 – with normal strength influent – are typically sufficient for controlling odors and providing treatment. The function of the Rb is as critical to process management for multiple-pass attachedgrowth packed bed filter systems as return sludge, waste sludge, and air management are to suspended-growth processes. Proper management of the Rb assures aeration and wetting needs, but most importantly it establishes equilibrium with respect to the desired endogenous respiration rate by maintaining food-to-microorganism (F/M) ratios relative to influent hydraulic and biological loads. The recirculation ratio is well documented in textbooks and design manuals. The dosing frequency is related to the Rb as well as particular features of the media, such as its texture, void ratio, water holding capacity etc. Considerable academic work has been done to establish relative dosing frequencies for various media. It’s well established that small frequent doses improve filter performance. Increasing the dosing frequency (number of occurrences over a given time period) reduces the volume of wastewater applied per dose and increases coliform removal. By adjusting the Rb, the dilution and blend concentrations within the R/B tank can be balanced. By varying the R/B ratio (Rb) within the limits of the applications wastewater characteristics, optimization of the hydraulic retention time (HRT) and substrate concentrations within the R/B tank can be accomplished. Biological respiration rates tend to adjust according to the available food and oxygen. Therefore, to ensure the best performance and sustain the most efficient and effective working environment, the R/B ratio typically needs to be kept between 2:1 to 6:1, depending on the design considerations. TEXTILE FILTER SIZING AdvanTex® effluent waste strengths are dependent on hydraulic and organic loading rates. Orenco Systems, Inc.’s AX100 AdvanTex Treatment Systems packed bed media is configured in the same manner as their ANSI/NSF Standard 40 Class I treatment units. Typically, the daily mass loading is based on the expected daily flows and parameter strength. Figures 2a and 2b show average loading capacity at 95% confidence level. Fig. 2a – cBOD5 Fig. 2b – TSS Orenco’s suggested design loading rates are based on typical per capita flow rates and average strength characteristics expected as listed in Fig. 2. Discharge effluent quality may be projected at a 95% confidence level relative to the hydraulic loading rate. The base AdvanTex actual daily hydraulic load is 25 gpd/ft2 and the base actual daily organic loading rate is 0.04 lbpd BOD/ft2. This design methodology is supported by performance testing that has been performed on the AdvanTex Treatment System as represented in Table 2. Table 2: Average BOD5 & TSS Performance Results Testing Period (months) # of Samples Per Site Average Hydraulic Loading Rate (gpd/ft2) Average Organic Loading Rate (lbpd BOD/ft2) Average Effluent BOD5 (mg/L) Average Effluent TSS (mg/L) Hebo 23 23 25 .04 4 5 Pines Nursing Home 5 8 24 .03 13 9 Blue Jay Café 18 18 9 .04 13 10 ANSI/NSF Standard 40 6 109 29.1 .04 5 4 Average: 12 40 21.7 .04 8 7 Project The average testing period is 12 months (range, 5-23 months) with an average of 40 samples. All systems, except one, were close to the average design hydraulic loading rate of 25 gpd/ft2 used for the AdvanTex Treatment System. The average effluent quality from all systems is 8 mg/L BOD5 and 7 mg/L TSS. The Blue Jay Café was loaded at a lower hydraulic loading rate but it is important to note that it is being loaded at the average design organic loading rate of .04 lbpd BOD/ft2. This is consistent with the AdvanTex Commercial Design Guidelines as detailed above. Each AX100 unit may be designed based on actual average daily loads or peak daily loads. The actual average hydraulic loading rate (Qa) is 2500 gpd (based on 100 ft2 nominal footprint area). A peak hydraulic load of 5000 gpd and peak organic stress loads of over 8 lbs of BOD per day can be sustained for short periods of time (weeks and even months) with little effect on performance. Higher loading rates may be applicable relative to higher discharge limits or sufficient operating documentation, but would not be allowed to exceed 50 gpd/ft2 at the typical average influent characteristics outlined in the AdvanTex Design Criteria for Commercial and Multi-Family Applications. Performance results from systems loaded at these higher loading rates are represented in Table 3. Table 3: Average BOD5 & TSS Performance Results Under Increased Loading Testing Period (months) # of Samples Per Site Average Hydraulic Loading Rate (gpd/ft2) Average Organic Loading Rate (lbpd BOD/ft2) Average Effluent BOD5 (mg/L) Average Effluent TSS (mg/L) Imboden 12 11 23 .086 3 3 Novatec TVP 14 101 54 .076 21 17 Snow Road 6 61 60 .19 26 19 Average: 10 57 45 .12 17 13 Project The average hydraulic and organic load for all systems was 44 gpd/ft2 and 0.12 lb BOD/ft2•d. This is close to double the recommended design hydraulic loading rate and three times the recommended design organic loading. Even under these increased hydraulic and organic load conditions the AdvanTex System effluent quality averaged 17 mg/L BOD5 and 13 mg/L TSS. It is important to note that while the Imboden system was loaded lower than the average design hydraulic loading rate it was loaded at more than 2 times the average design organic loading rate. NITROGEN REMOVAL Nitrogen reduction occurs in the AdvanTex Treatment System through a biochemical process in which ammonia is converted to nitrate (Nitrification) and then reduced through anoxic bacterial action (Denitrification) to nitrogen gas, which harmlessly replenishes the natural atmospheric nitrogen concentration. The reduction in total nitrogen occurs under the same hydraulic and organic loading design parameters detailed above. Total nitrogen reduction in the standard mode configuration will typically exceed 60 percent. Using an enhanced denitrification mode, total nitrogen reduction will typically exceed 70 percent. Nitrification Nitrification occurs primarily in the middle and lower region of the textile media where conditions (highly aerobic, low organic concentration) favor this process. Nitrification is a two-step biochemical process where ammonium (NH4+) is converted to nitrate (NO3-). Autotrophic bacteria accomplish nitrification by oxidizing ammonium to nitrite (NO2–) first, and then by rapidly converting (oxidizing) nitrite to nitrate. The total oxidation reaction is: NH4+ + 2O2 ——> NO3– + 2H+ + H2O For complete oxidation, the process requires 4.57 parts oxygen to convert one-parts ammonium to nitrate (the majority of that is consumed in the nitrite oxidation). Since cell synthesis provides oxygen, the actual amount of free oxygen consumed is about 4.33 mg/L. So, depending on the concentration of ammonia, a considerable amount of air may be needed. Sufficient air is provided within the filter unit, either through passive or active (ventilation fan) venting. The decision of whether to passively or actively vent the AdvanTex pods is dependent upon a number of factors (application, influent waste strength, effluent limits/requirements, system capacity/oxygen needs, tankage/configuration and venting, etc.) and is decided on a case-by-case basis. In an abundance of air, all the aerobic or facultative microbes compete for their oxygen needs. When the organic concentration is high, the microbes that oxidize organic matter, primarily the heterotrophic bacteria, typically thrive first because of their aggressive growth rate, hearty nature, and ability to readily utilize the available oxygen. The oxidation of ammonium is accomplished by autotrophic bacteria, which do not have as aggressive a growth rate and also have a tendency for being more sensitive to their environmental conditions/changes. Consequently, the nitrification process usually lags until the organic concentration is depleted, or until sufficient oxygen is present. At a 2.5:1 BOD/TKN ratio the nitrifiers may only make up about 10 percent of the microbial population ... at 0.5:1 BOD/TKN the nitrifiers make up about 35 percent of the population. Under normal operating conditions nitrification will take 30 to 60 days from system start-up to initiate. Systems started-up in cold climates, however, may show no signs of nitrification until late spring or summer temperature conditions are reached. On average, after normal operating conditions have established, the nitrification within the AdvanTex Treatment System will reduce ammonia more than 90% (typically higher). Table 4: Average Ammonia Performance Results Average Organic Loading Rate (lbpd BOD/ft2) Average Influent Ammonia (mg/L) Average Effluent Ammonia (mg/L) Average Percent Ammonia Reduction Project Testing Period (months) # of Samples Per Site Average Hydraulic Loading Rate (gpd/ft2) Snow Road 33 61 34 .19 80 18 78% Pines Nursing Home 5 8 24 .03 13 3 77% Imboden 12 11 23 .086 27 1.4 95% Novatec Nitrogen Testing 5 16 29.1 .039 22 .87 96% Average: 13 24 27 .08 35 6 87% The average testing period is 13 months (range, 5 to 33 months) with an average of 24 samples. All systems were loaded at or above the average design hydraulic and/or organic loading rate. The average effluent Ammonia concentration is 6 mg/L. The Snow Road system has a higher than expected ammonia concentration in the effluent which is expected because the system is being loaded at more than 4 times the average design organic loading rate. Excluding this system, the average Ammonia concentration is 1.7 mg/L and the average percent removal for ammonia is 90%. Although the table addresses Ammonia concentrations it should be noted that there is an organic faction of nitrogen which when added to ammonia equals TKN. Denitrification Denitrification is a process where nitrate (NO3–), under anoxic conditions, is reduced to nitrite (NO2–), and the nitrite is further reduced to nitrogen gas (N2gas) typically by heterotrophic bacteria. Denitrification occurs within anoxic conditions that exist primarily in the recirculation tank, or a subsequent anoxic tank/unit. A carbon source is needed, and typically the carbon source is the systems natural cBOD, but it may also come from a supplemental input such as methanol, acetate, or other carbon-based compounds. NO3– ——> NO2– ——> NO ——> N2O ——> N2gas The "nitrified" filtrate from the AdvanTex filter unit is returned into the R/B tank or denitrification tank. As the dissolved oxygen is depleted within the tank the heterotrophic bacteria reduce the nitrates to nitrites and finally nitrogen gas, which is released into the atmosphere. A carbon source is needed for this process and approximately 4 g BOD will be consumed per g NO3 reduced. This carbon can be made available in the recirculation tank (but may need some supplemental augmentation) or in the denitrification tank (with or without carbon augmentation) depending on the configuration and/or characteristics. Table 5: Average Total Nitrogen and Nitrate Performance Results Project Novatec Nitrogen Testing1 Canyon Creek School1 Imboden1 Novatec Nitrogen Testing2 Pines Nursing Home - Partially Enhanced Denitrification Mode Average: Testing Period (months) # of Samples Per Site Hydraulic Loading Rate (gpd/ft2) Organic Loading Rate (lbpd BOD/ft2) Influent Total Nitrogen (mg/L) Effluent Total Nitrogen (mg/L) Percent Total Nitrogen Reduction Effluent Nitrate (mg/L) 6 27 29.1 - 34 12 65% 9 21 10 17 .05 109 42 61% 21 12 11 23 .086 32 3 91% 0.34 11 17 15 - 32.9 9.0 72% 5 5 8 24 .03 34 15 56% 4 11 15 22 .05 48 16 69% 8 1 Standard Mode Enhanced Denitrification Mode 2 The average testing period was 11 months (range, 5 to 21 months) with an average of 15 samples taken per site. The first two systems represent the standard mode configuration which reduced total nitrogen by 65% and 61% respectively. The Imboden system reduced total nitrogen by 91% on average. This is a higher reduction than typically expected when operating in this configuration. The ANSI/NSF system represents performance of an enhanced denitrification configuration and achieved a 72% reduction in total nitrogen (when recirculation of the filtrate was passed through the primary chamber). The Pines system is configured so that 20% of the AdvanTex filtrate is returned to the denitrification tank and based on the results it appears that a greater percentage needs to be returned in order to increase denitrification. The percentage of split can vary from site to site depending on wastewater characteristics and permit requirements. The total nitrogen on all sites, except Canyon Creek, is lower than the 65 mg/L TN utilized in the calculations later on in this document. We have chosen 65 mg/L TN to be conservative and knowing that it is realistic for some homes to produce this. It is also understood that in reality the influent concentration of TN from multiple homes will be lower than 65 mg/L, probably in the 45 to 65 mg/L range. The Canyon Creek system was included here to show the capability of the AdvanTex System to reduce higher than normal total nitrogen concentrations. Factors Affecting Nitrification/Denitrification Process Alkalinity is a characteristic that, more often than suspected, limits nitrification. Alkalinity is not a specific polluting substance, but a combination of factors. It is the ability of water to neutralize an acid, and is due primarily to the presence of carbonate (CO3). Alkalinity is essential for nitrification; for each part ammonia that is nitrified, 7.14 parts alkalinity are consumed (buffering the acidity). Therefore, about 428 mg/L of alkalinity would be consumed in nitrifying a concentration of 60 mg/L of ammonia. It is also important to note that during the denitrification process 3.57 parts of alkalinity are formed for every part of nitrate that is converted. So, in a properly functioning nitrifying/denitrifying system, approximately 214 mg/L of alkalinity would be needed as a base usable quantity, plus an additional concentration to ensure the pH remains in the neutral range. Many wastewater streams may not have sufficient alkalinity to support complete nitrification. And, if the alkalinity drops too much (<50 mg/L±), the pH can correspondingly drop to levels that will cause the microbial activity to degrade (<6). This is typical in all wastewater processes. In applications where the alkalinity may be limited, a chemical feed system can be incorporated into the design to increase and/or control the concentration. Temperature is also a critical factor that can limit the process. Wastewater temperatures that fall below 40° F will inhibit the process. In applications where this may be a limiting factor, heated ventilation can be incorporated into the design; although this is considered expensive for limited seasonal needs and in all likelihood unnecessary. Dissolved Oxygen concentration of the water in the AdvanTex filter unit should be between 2.5 - 6 mg/L for the nitrification process to be carried out. The concentration of dissolved oxygen in the denitrification tank needs to be between 1-2 mg/L to allow for denitrification to start. Carbon is necessary for the denitrification process to be completed. Approximately 4g BOD is needed to per g NO3– consumed. In applications where the carbon may be limited, a chemical feed system can be incorporated into the design to increase and/or control the concentration. Toxic chemicals introduced into the wastewater stream can kill, or seriously degrade the activity, of the bacteria that are carrying out this process thus reducing the treatment systems performance. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION Relative only to the amount of denitrification needed there are two different AdvanTex configurations utilized; Standard Mode and Enhanced Denitrification Mode. Nitrification performance of the AdvanTex Treatment System as detailed above is equal no matter what configuration is used. Standard Mode The standard mode is the most common configuration utilized. The recirculation tank is sized between 80 to 100 percent of design flow. Return filtrate from the AdvanTex filter pods is returned to the recirculation tank through a recirculating ball valve. The recirculating ball valve splits the flow to either return into the recirculation tank or be discharged from the system. The following figure shows a standard mode configuration: Fig.3 Standard Commercial AdvanTex Treatment System: Top View The AdvanTex System, in the standard mode configuration, will typically yield over 60% total nitrogen reduction. Denitrification occurring in the R/B tank is limited because, after dilution, the carbon source is weak (typically 25 to 35 mg/L BOD5), and at a 4 or 5:1 recirc-ratio, the hydraulic retention time (HRT) through the R/B tank is too short for the microbial oxygen uptake rate (OUR) to adequately deplete the filtrate DO level to establish anoxic conditions sufficient for denitrification beyond what's needed to reduce total nitrogen by more than 60%. Enhanced Denitrification Mode The enhanced denitrification mode is utilized in areas that require denitrification rates of greater than 60%. In this configuration, a portion of the filtrate effluent (Typically 20%) is split and returned to a denitrification tank (labeled as a blend tank in the below diagram). The following figure shows the enhanced denitrification mode configuration: Fig.4 Enhanced Denitrification Commercial AdvanTex Treatment System: Top View The denitrification tank has a more favorable environment (anoxic, high carbon source, increased retention time) over the R/B tank for the process of denitrification to take place. As a result, the denitrification is enhanced. Typical denitrification in this configuration is 65% to greater than 75% removal. Enhanced Denitrification Mode - Carbon Feed Option Separate Denitrification − Carbon Feed Option pQ mQ 50% (m-p)Q AX Treatment 50% Q Primary Tankage (3 to 5Q) Recirc-Blend (Q) AX Anoxic Treatment Q Final Dispersal Carbon Feed (with or without) Managing Nitrogen Reduction in Onsite Wastewater Systems 12/16/05 #58 Fig.5 Enhanced Denitrification (Carbon Feed) Commercial AdvanTex Treatment System: Top View Evaluation of Nitrogen Cycle within an AdvanTex Treatment System: Enhanced Denitrification Mode Calculate Nitrification: Where: TKN: 45 to 65 mg/L - use 65 mg/L Nitrification efficiency: Greater than 90% - use 90% Denitrification efficiency: Greater than 70% - use 70% (Enhanced denitrification mode) Calculate Nitrification from TKN to Nitrates: (65 mg/L TKN)(0.10) = 6.5 mg/L TKN Nitrified effluent Nitrate concentration = 58.5 mg/L NO3 – N* This is assuming no denitrification. Once the denitrification process is established, actual nitrate concentration in the effluent will be less. Calculate Denitrification: Calculate Denitrification and Total Nitrogen: (58.5 mg/L NO3 – N)(0.30) = 17.55 mg/L NO3 - N Nitrate concentration = 17.6 mg/L NO3 – N Total Nitrogen (6.5 mg/L TKN) + (17.6 mg/L No3 – N) = 24 mg/L **Calculate Nitrification and Denitrification based on observed percent removal averages: (48 mg/L TKN)(.09) = 4.32 mg/L TKN, and Nitrates = 43.68 mg/L NO3 - N (43.68 mg/L NO3 – N)(0.28) = 12.23 mg/L NO3 – N Total Nitrogen = 4.32 mg/L TKN + 12.23 mg/L NO3 – N = 16.55 mg/L **Provided as a conceptual calculation only, based on observed performance results. SCG Enterprises, Inc. - Commercial Projects Project Town of Hartville Hartville, WY Devil's Thumb Housing #1 Tabernash, CO Devil's Thumb Housing #2 Tabernash, CO GCC Rio Grande Pueblo, CO La Pradera Subdivision Santa Fe, NM Norbertine Community Albuquerque, NM Primero School Weston, CO Rancho Encantado Santa Fe, NM To'Hajiilee School Canoncito, NM Town of Cordova (2) Cordova, NM Vista De Sangres Santa Fe, NM Vista Verde Ranch Clark, CO Watkins Retail Center Watkins, CO Cornerstone Ouray, CO IXP Man Camp Boulder, WY Mack Energy Artesia, NM Pioneer Natural Resources Trinidad, CO Pueblo Pojoaque Santa Fe, NM Skyline Industrial Park Commerce City, CO Black Mountain Apts. Conifer, CO Canoncito Health Center, Canonocito, NM Page 1 System* Design Flow Installed County AX 12,000 2009 Platte AX 2,000 2008 Grand AX 2,000 2008 Grand AX 4,800 2008 Pueblo AX 27,318 2008 Santa Fe AX 3,095 2008 Bernalillo STEP / AX 7,910 2008 Las Animas AX 20,000 2008 Santa Fe AX 8,000 2008 Bernalillo STEP / AX 10,000 2008 Rio Arriba AX 8,250 2008 Santa Fe AX 2,900 2008 Routt AX 1,400 2008 Adams RSF 22,000 2007 Ouray AX 2,000 2007 Sublette RSF 6,000 2007 Eddy AX 7,613 2007 Las Animas AX 5,376 2007 Santa Fe STEP 6 connections 2007 Denver AX 2,000 2006 Jefferson AX 1,500 2006 Bernalillo Engineer Contractor WWC Engineering (307) 742-0031 Church & Associates (303) 463-9317 Church & Associates (303) 463-9317 Stantec (970) 482-5922 Integrated Water Serv. (720) 207-5052 Souder Miller (505) 473-9211 Ed Hawley Const. (307) 532-7331 Tabernash Const. (970) 887-3660 Tim DeLong Exc. (970) 531-1948 Bassett Construction (719) 240-5095 Integrated Water Serv. (720) 207-5052 Rodger's Plumbing (505) 243-9703 Operator Curt Taufen (970) 724-1271 Devil's Thumb Ranch (970) 726-5632 GCC Rio Grande (915) 526-6879 Integrated Water Serv. (720) 207-5052 American Pumping (505) 344-7667 NorthStar Engineering (719) 544-6823 Integrated Water Serv. (720) 207-5052 Ramey Env. Compliance (303) 838-5505 Integrated Water Serv. (720) 207-5052 Planetary Engineers (505) 792-1200 Souder Miller (505) 473-9211 Living Design Group (505) 751-9481 Church & Associates (303) 463-9317 W.W. Enterprises (719) 775-9314 Integrated Water Serv. (720) 207-5052 Saigon Construction (505) 792-2918 EC Basset (505) 264-5626 Integrated Water Serv. (720) 207-5052 Mannon Construction (970) 879-9099 Backhoe Services (303) 644-4130 Allen Environmental (505) 988-7453 Planetary Engineers (505) 792-1200 EC Basset (505) 264-5626 Integrated Water Serv. (720) 207-5052 Vista Verde Ranch (970) 879-3858 Backhoe Services (505) 644-4130 Buckhorn Geotech (970) 249-6828 IWS, Inc. (720) 207-5072 Alpine Water Works (970) 626-3683 Robert E. Johnson (307) 367-2482 Bohannan Huston (505) 532-8670 IXP Personnel (307) 749-0717 Crouch Plumbing (505) 746-3782 IXP Personnel (307) 749-0717 Crouch Plumbing (505) 746-3782 NorthStar Engineering (719) 544-6823 A & R Construction (719) 544-2834 Ramey Env. Compliance (303) 838-5505 Indian Health Service (505) 946-9579 J.W. Knudsen (303) 697-2123 Church & Associates (303) 463-9317 JEL & Associates (505) 823-1556 Tribal Works (505) 469-4369 Brannan Construction (303) 853-5150 R.A.M. Trax (303) 838-1006 TLC Plumbing (505) 944-9534 Tribal Works (505) 469-4369 ECO Resources (303) 307-3230 Peak to Peak Septic (303) 618-6566 EC Basset (505) 264-5626 Town Of Hartville 3/17/2009 SCG Enterprises, Inc. - Commercial Projects Diversion Dam Rest Area Lander, WY Echo Mountain Ski Area Evergreen, CO Fall Creek Village Telluride, CO Grant Motel Grant, CO Patrick Construction (307) 349-1441 Integrated Water Serv. (720) 207-5052 Mericana Corp. (970) 728-7018 Valley Precast (719) 395-6764 WY DOT - owner (307) 856-1341 Peak to Peak Septic (303) 618-6566 Alpine Water Works (970) 626-3683 Valley Precast (719) 395-6764 Garfield GAMBA & Assoc. (970) 945-2550 Corey Nielson - owner (970) 876-2443 Corey Nielson - owner (970) 876-2443 2006 Jefferson Church & Associates (303) 463-9317 Renaud Excavating (303) 761-5822 Peak to Peak Septic (303) 618-6566 Three Systems 2160 GPD 1620 GPD 2475 GPD 2006 San Miguel Buckhorn Geotech (970) 249-6828 Ridgway Development (970) 626-9856 Alpine Water Works (970) 626-3683 AX 3,000 2006 Sandoval JEL & Associates (505) 823-1556 TLC Plumbing (505) 944-9534 EC Basset Const. (505) 264-5626 AX 1,000 2006 Elbert 8,000 2005 Grant RSF 30,000 2005 Grand RSF 9,000 2005 Rio Arriba RSF 30,000 2005 Douglas STEP / AX 2,000 2005 Rio Arriba Olkjer & Sons, Inc. (303) 475-2671 Smithco Construction (505) 894-6161 Tabernash Const. (970) 887-3660 IWS, Inc. (720) 207-5072 Friedland Construction (303) 793-0263 EC Basset (505) 264-5626 Owner (303) 838-0611 RSF JAZCO, Inc. (303) 816-9121 Anderson Engineering (801) 972-6222 Church & Associates (303) 463-9317 Bohannan Huston (505) 532-8670 TST, Inc. (303) 792-0557 Souder Miller (505) 473-9211 AX 5,000 2004 Garfield Church & Associates (303) 463-9317 Integrated Water Serv. (720) 207-5052 Alpine Environ. Services (970) 945-5919 Church & Associates (303) 463-9317 Church & Associates (303) 463-9317 Kiowa Engineering (719) 630-7342 Saylor and Sons (303) 838-1810 D. Johnson Const. (303) 838-7467 SRC Excavating (303) 838-4446 Shirley Septic Service (303) 947-3902 Peak to Peak Septic (303) 618-6566 AquaTest (719) 687-2386 5,000 2006 Fremont AX Two systems at 2000 GPD each 2006 Clear Creek RSF 3,000 2006 San Miguel AX 1,800 2006 Park Heron's Nest RV Park Silt, CO AX Two systems at 2000 GPD each 2006 Our Lady of the Pines Conifer, CO AX 1,500 Retreat at Log Hill Mesa Ridgway, CO AX Santo Domingo Health Center, Santo Domingo Pueblo, NM Western Trails Steakhouse Kiowa, CO Cliff School Cliff, NM Devil's Thumb Ranch Tabernash, CO Mesa Vista School Ojo Caliente, NM Ponderosa Conf. Center Larkspur, CO Town of Cordova Cordova, NM Bair Ranch Rest Area Glenwood Springs, CO Page 2 WWC Engineering (307) 742-0031 Church & Associates (303) 463-9317 CHURCH OWC (720) 898-3434 JAZCO, Inc. (303) 816-9121 AX School District Staff Todd Conger (970) 887-2850 School District Staff AquaTest (719) 687-2386 EC Basset (505) 264-5626 Conifer Crossings Conifer, CO Conifer Medical Center Conifer, CO Edith Wolford Elem. Colorado Springs, CO AX 1,800 2004 Jefferson AX 600 2004 Jefferson AX 7,875 2004 El Paso Hanging Lake Rest Area Glenwood Springs, CO AX 5,000 2004 Garfield Church & Associates (303) 463-9317 Integrated Water Serv. (720) 207-5052 Alpine Environ. Services (970) 945-5919 Mnt. Views MHP Creede, CO RSF 30,000 2004 Mineral Del-Mont Consultants (970) 249-2251 RW Contracting (719) 658-2711 Ron Carpenter (719) 568-0261 3/17/2009 SCG Enterprises, Inc. - Commercial Projects S. Aspen Park Loaf n Jug Conifer, CO Waltman Rest Area Waltman, WY Wheel-in Cottages Indian Hills, CO AX 1,000 2004 Jefferson RSF 10,000 2004 Natrona AX 600 2004 Jefferson Blue Creek Ranch Carbondale, CO STEG / RSF 20,000 2003 Garfield STEG / RSF 20,000 2003 Grand RSF 6,000 2003 Cibola STEP / AX Three systems at 2000 GPD each 2002 Pitkin AX 2,000 2002 Park AX 1,800 2002 Jefferson STEP / RSF 11,700 2002 Lake AX 1,000 2002 Larimer AX 1,800 2002 Gilpin RSF 20,000 2001 Ouray RSF 15,000 2001 Park STEG / RSF 18,000 2001 Douglas RSF 20,000 2000 La Plata RSF Three systems at 15,000 each 2000 Custer RSF 27,000 2000 Hinsdale AX 600 2000 Clear Creek AX 600 1999 Clear Creek AX 3,000 1999 Larimer C Lazy U Ranch Granby, CO Cubero School Cubero, NM Circle R Ranch Aspen, CO Crow Hill Loaf n Jug Bailey, CO JeffCo Comm. Living Center Morrison, CO Mount Elbert MHP Leadville, CO Sunnydale Cottages Estes Park, CO Taggart's Country Store Black Hawk, CO Elk Meadows Estates Ridgway, CO Indian Paintbrush Conf. Center Lake George, CO YMCA Shady Brook Deckers, CO Camp Kanakuk Bayfield, CO Horn Creek Conf. Wescliffe, CO Lakeview Resort Lake City, CO USFS Work Center Idaho Springs, CO Hidden Valley Treatment Plant Idaho Springs, CO The Abbey of St. Walburga Virginia Dale, CO Page 3 Church & Associates (303) 463-9317 WWC Engineering (307) 672-0761 Barta & Associates (303) 674-1559 Renaud Excavating (303) 761-5822 71 Construction (307) 472-0084 RCD Construction (303) 697-1069 Shirley Septic Service (303) 947-3902 Church & Associates (303) 463-9317 Gould Construction (970) 945-7291 Zancanella & Associates (970) 945-5700 Church & Associates (303) 463-9317 HDR Engineering. (505) 884-6065 Church & Associates (303) 463-9317 Church & Associates (303) 463-9317 Hollingsworth Assoc. (303) 781-5188 J.W. Knudsen (303) 697-2123 CDS Engineering (970) 667-8010 Ikeler Engineering (303) 258-8604 Del Mont Constultants (970) 249-2251 Bruce Janssen (970) 887-3344 AES, Inc. (505) 861-1700 Fenton Construction (970) 920-4623 SRC Excavating (303) 838-4446 Deermont Constructon (303) 697-0794 Satterfield Const. (970) 640-2112 Barnet Excavating (970) 593-8392 McCollum Excavating (303) 258-0887 Skip Huston Const. (970) 249-9726 Bruce Janssen (970) 887-3344 JPS Engineering (719) 477-9429 Mullett's Excavating (719) 783-2056 Church & Associates (303) 463-9317 Church & Associates (303) 463-9317 URS Greiner (719) 531-0001 Church & Associates (303) 463-9317 Church & Associates (303) 463-9317 Integra Engineering (303) 825-1121 SRC Excavating (303) 838-4446 Mountain States Constructors Mullett's Excavating (719) 783-2056 L&N Incorporated (970 944-2401 Mining & Env. Srvs. (303) 689-3421 Jennison Construction (303) 797-3042 Columbia Sanitary (303) 526-5370 JR Engineering (970) 491-9888 Left Hand Excavating (970) 833-3326 Albert's W&W Services (970) 494-1610 WYDOT - owner Peak to Peak Septic (303) 618-6566 owner - School District SCG Enterprises, Inc. (303) 838-0611 SCG Enterprises, Inc. (303) 838-0611 Shirley Septic Service (303) 947-3902 ECO Resources (303) 307-3230 Peak to Peak Septic (303) 618-6566 Peak to Peak Septic (303) 618-6566 Alpine Water Works (970) 626-3683 owner Scott Monroe (303) 901-0804 Rio Vista Water (970) 247-4271 owner Tom Murphy (970) 944-2401 USFS Staff 3/17/2009 SCG Enterprises, Inc. - Commercial Projects Camp Alexander Lake George, CO Camp Illium Telluride, CO Pine Entertainment Pine, CO RSF 18,000 1998 Park Stewart Environmental (970) 226-5500 Buckhorn Geotech (970) 249-6828 Church & Associates (303) 463-9317 Remedial Solutions (970) 593-1894 Reams Construction (970) 865-2886 SRC Enterprises (303) 838-4446 RSF 8,250 1998 San Miguel RSF 3,000 1998 Jefferson Hwy 119 Gas Station Black Hawk, CO RSF 3,000 1997 Moffat Elementary Moffat, CO RSF 6,000 Bear Creek Cabins Evergreen, CO RSF Shwayder Camp Idaho Sprgs, CO RSF AquaTest (719) 687-2386 SCG Enterprises (303) 838-0611 Gilpin Church & Associates (303) 463-9317 D&J Excavating (303) 628-0774 Treatment Technologies (303) 688-7072 1996 Saguache Summit Engineering (719) 589-6147 Rocky Mountain Septic (719) 589-4263 Moffat School District (719) 256-4710 1,000 1994 Jefferson Church & Associates (303) 463-9317 Little Elk Excavating (303) 674-8174 Treatment Technologies (303) 688-7072 13,500 1994 Clear Creek Church & Associates (303) 463-9317 Lane Excavating (303) 569-2278 AAA Operations (303) 567-9500 owner Projects Permitted and/or Under Construction Jemez Red Rock Center Jemez Pueblo, NM AX Big R Commercial Park STEP / AX Rifle, CO Encana Oil & Gas AX Parachute, CO Town of Cordova (3) STEP / AX Cordova, NM Pueblo Encantado AX Santa Fe, NM Broken Arrow Bible Ranch STEP / AX Gallup, NM Spaceport America STEG / AX Las Cruces, NM Nambe Pueblo AX Santa Fe, NM El Dorado School AX Santa Fe, NM Pinion Rest Area AX Pueblo, CO Ute Trail Ranch STEG / AX Lake City, CO * STEG = Septic Tank Effluent Gravity Effluent Sewer STEP = Septic Tank Effluent Pumping Effluent Sewer AX = AdvanTex Treatment System RSF = Recirculating Sand Filter System Page 4 7,500 2009 Sandoval 2,000 2009 Garfield 2,000 2009 Garfield 5,000 2009 Rio Arriba 7,500 2009 Santa Fe 5,000 2009 McKinley 20,000 2009 Dona Anna 10,000 2009 Santa Fe 7,000 2009 Santa Fe 6,000 2009 Pueblo 15,000 2009 Hinsdale Indian Health Service (505) 946-9579 Cronk Construction (970) 245-0577 Hamilton Engineering (303) 733-4702 Souder Miller (505) 473-9211 Integrated Water Serv. (720) 207-5052 Planetary Engineers (505) 792-1200 Molzen-Corbin (505) 242-5700 Indian Health Service (505) 946-9579 Mech. & Elect. Engr. (505) 856-1699 Wilson & Company 505-301-1072 Delmont Consultants (970) 249-2251 Saigon Construction (505) 792-2918 Integrated Water Serv. (720) 207-5052 3/17/2009 SCG Enterprises, Inc. Onsite Wastewater System - AdvanTex Treatment System Project Cost Estimating Worksheet Project Name: Project Location: Design Flow: Peak Flow: The Abbey of St. Walburga Virginiadale, CO 5150 7725 Material Costs 5000 Low $7,500.00 20000 $28,000.00 7000 $9,800.00 2 3 EXISTING $3,200.00 $41,400.00 High $10,000.00 $2,250.00 $36,000.00 $9,000.00 $12,600.00 $3,150.00 $4,200.00 $49,500.00 $9,500.00 $5,300.00 $12,500.00 $6,400.00 $104,700.00 $145,600.00 Low $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $6,000.00 $20,000.00 $8,400.00 $9,000.00 High $15,000.00 $10,000.00 $9,000.00 $32,000.00 $11,200.00 $18,000.00 $8,000.00 $16,000.00 Subtotal - Installation: $61,400.00 $111,200.00 Total Estimated Construction Cost: $166,100.00 $256,800.00 Grease Tank Capacity (gallons): Grease Tank Anchors Septic Tank Capacity (gallons): Septic Tank Anchors Recirculation Tank Capacity (gallons): Recirculation Tank Anchors No. of Recirculation Pumps: No. of AX100 Units Discharge Tank Capacity (gallons) Discharge Tank Anchors No. of Dosing Pumps: Custom TCOM Panel: Magnetic Flow Meter (quantity) EXISTING 1 2 Subtotal - Materials: Installation Costs Mob/Demob Site Prep/Trenching/Grading Grease Tank Capacity (gallons) Septic Tank Capacity (gallons) Recirculation Tank Capacity (gallons) No. of AX100 Units Discharge Tank Capacity (gallons) Electrical 5000 20000 7000 3 EXISTING Notes: For grease tank, septic tank, recirculation tank, and filter sizing, refer to Orenco's Sizing Documents. Tank installation costs include pea gravel backfill material. For dispersal area sizing, refer to soil reports, local regulations, and Geoflow and/or Infiltrator Sizing Documents. Does not include landscaping or fencing. Installation costs are affected by site conditions such as topography and subsurface conditions. Installation estimates include miscellaneous plumbing materials. Does not include freight costs or sales tax (if applicable). Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 AdvanTex Bibliography This bibliography includes articles or textbook references about textile filters in general or one of Orenco’s textile filter systems in particular. Copies of all these papers are on file at Orenco. Ball, E. S., H. L. Ball, and T. R. Bounds. 1999. A new generation of packed bed filters. In 10th Northwest On-Site Wastewater Treatment Short Course and Equipment Exhibition, 353-363. Seattle: University of Washington. Ball, H. L. 1998. Optimizing the performance of sand filters and packed bed filters through media selection and dosing methods. In Southwest On-Site Wastewater Management Conference and Exhibit. Phoenix: Arizona County Directors of Environmental Health Services Association and the Arizona Environmental Health Association. Bounds, T. R. 2002. Performance of textile-based packed bed filters. In 11th Northwest On-Site Wastewater Treatment Short Course and Equipment Exhibition, CD-ROM. R. W. Seabloom, Ed. Seattle: University of Washington. Bounds, T. R., E. S. Ball, and H. L. Ball. 2000. Performance of packed bed filters. In Southwest On-Site Wastewater Management Conference and Exhibit, 6-10. Laughlin, Nev.: Arizona Environmental Health Association. Bradley, B. R., G. T. Daigger, R. Rubin, and G. Tchobanoglous. 2000. The sustainable development case for onsite wastewater treatment. In Proc. 9th National Symposium on Individual and Small Community Sewage Systems. St. Joseph, Mich.: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. Cooperative Extension New England Onsite Wastewater Training Center. 2006. Selecting Appropriate Treatment Performance Goals and Treatment Options, slide 27. Kingston: University of Rhode Island. ( Loomis%20Selecting.pdf) Crites, R., and G. Tchobanoglous. 1998. Intermittent and recirculating packed-bed filters. In Small and Decentralized Wastewater Management Systems, 703-760. Boston: WCB McGraw-Hill. Dix, S. 2002. The fundamentals of onsite wastewater systems pretreatment. In Proc. 1st Northeast Onsite Wastewater Treatment Short Course and Equipment Exhibition, Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission, Appendix-T, CD-ROM. Lowell, Mass.: New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission. Engineering Technologies Canada Ltd. 2004. Advantex™ modular on-site wastewater treatment system. Final report. Bloomfield, Prince Edward Island. Leverenz, H., J. Darby, and G. Tchobanoglous. 2000. Evaluation of textile filters for the treatment of septic tank effluent. Davis: University of California Center for Environmental and Water Resources Engineering. AHO-ATXBIB-1 Rev. 1.1, 6/08 © Orenco Systems®, Inc. Page 1 of 2 Leverenz, H., Ruppe, L., Tchobanoglous, G., and Darby, J. 2001. Evaluation of high-porosity medium in intermittently dosed, multi-pass packed bed filters for the treatment of wastewater. Small Flows Quarterly 1(2). Morgantown, W. Va.: National Small Flows Clearinghouse. ( Loomis, G. W., D. B. Dow, L. T. Green, E. Herron, A. J. Gold, M. H. Stolt, and G. Blazejewski. 2004. Long-term treatment performance of innovative systems. In Proc. 9th National Symposium on Individual and Small Community Sewage Systems, 408-418. St. Joseph, Mich.: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. Loomis, G. W., D. B. Dow, M. H. Stolt, L. T. Green, and A. J. Gold. 2001. Evaluation of innovative onsite wastewater treatment systems in the Green Hill Pond watershed, Rhode Island — A NODP II project update. In On-Site Wastewater Treatment: Proc. 9th National Symposium on Individual and Small Community Sewage Systems, 52-61. St. Joseph, Mich.: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. McCarthy, B., S. M. Geerts, R. Axler, and J. Henneck. 2001. Performance of a textile filter, polishing sand filter and shallow trench system for the treatment of domestic wastewater at the Northeast Regional Correction Center. NRRI Technical Report NRRI/TR-01/34. Duluth: Natural Resources Research Institute, University of Minnesota-Duluth. NSF International. 2007. Orenco Systems, Inc. — AdvanTex AX20N with ultraviolet light disinfection for fecal coliform reduction. Contract no. 06/07A/2015/060. Ann Arbor, Mich.: NSF International. NSF International. 2002. ANSI/NSF Standard 40 - Residential wastewater treatment systems. Final report 01/11/2015/060. Ann Arbor, Mich.: NSF International. Roy, C., R. Auger, and R. Chenier. 1998. Use of non-woven fabric in intermittent filters. In On-Site Wastewater Treatment: Proc. 8th National Symposium on Individual and Small Community Sewage Systems, 500–508. St. Joseph, Mich.: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. Scholes, P. 2006. Nitrogen reduction trials of advanced on-site effluent treatment systems. Whakatane, New Zealand: Environment Bay of Plenty Environmental Publication 2006/12. Shafer, R. J. Use of a recirculating textile filter followed by a polishing sand filter for onsite wastewater treatment in Colorado’s fractured bedrock environment. In Proc. National Ground Water Association Fractured-Rock Aquifers 2002 Conference. Westerville, Ohio: National Ground Water Association. Van Cuyk, S., R. Siegrist, K. Lowe, J. Drewes, J. Munakata-Marr, and L. Figueroa. 2005. Performance of engineered treatment units and their effects on biozone formation in soil and system purification efficiency. Project No. WU-HT-03-36. Golden, Colo.: National Decentralized Water Resources Capacity Development Project. Vassos, T. D., and O. S. Turk. 2002. Orenco AdvanTex™ model AX10 onsite treatment system. Vancouver, British Columbia: NovaTec Consultants Inc. AHO-ATXBIB-1 Rev. 1.1, 6/08 © Orenco Systems®, Inc. Page 2 of 2 AX System Life Cycle Estimate Estimated Component Description Lifetime(yr) Septic Tank FL30-4B 30" (dia) Lid with 4 Bolts (GREEN) 20 RR30-48 30" (dia) x 48" Ultra Rib Riser 30 P500512 Pump max 50' Head 20 HV200BC-H 2" Hose and Valve Assembly for P50 Pumps 30 MF1A Single float (A type) 5 PVU72-1819 Biotube Pump Vault 30 $31.86 Recirculation Tank (4 25,000gal tanks) FL30-4B 30" (dia) Lid with 4 Bolts (GREEN) 20 RR30-60 30" (dia) x 60" Ultra Rib Riser 30 PVU72-1819 Biotube Pump Vault 30 P500712 Pump max 50' Head 15 HV200BC-H 2" Hose and Valve Assembly for P50 Pumps 30 MF1A Single float (A type) 5 RSV4U 4" Recirc/Splitter Valve with U4000S Unions 30 FL30-4B 30" (dia) Lid with 4 Bolts (GREEN) (for V6403A & V6403A) 20 RR30-24 30" (dia) x 24" Ultra Rib Riser (for V6403A & V6402A) 30 FL30-4B 30" (dia) Lid with 4 Bolts (GREEN) (for Flow Splitter Basin) 20 FS RR30-36,60 30" (dia) x 60" & 36" Ultra Rib Flow Splitter Basin (Custom) 30 AX100 Complete AX100 POD 30 Fan Enclosure Fiberglass Ventilation Assembly Enclosure 30 F150 Ventilation Fan 10 $603.09 Carbon Carbon in Ventilation system 5 $90.90 FL30-4B 30" (dia) Lid with 4 Bolts (GREEN) 20 RR30-60 30" (dia) x 60" Ultra Rib Riser 30 PVU72-1819-L Biotube Pump Vault 30 P301512 Pump max 150' Head 20 HV200BC-H 2" Hose and Valve Assembly for P50 Pumps 30 MF1A Single float (A type) 5 Remote monitor panel to operate entire system 30 $756.00 $31.86 AX100 POD Dosing Tank Electrical Control Panel TCOM QDAX/TDAX/DAX PTROCS/PTROCS/ROCS $31.86 Appendix H Financial Statement & Donation Pledge