2014-02 Candlelight - Congregational Church Of New Fairfield


2014-02 Candlelight - Congregational Church Of New Fairfield
From the Pastor
I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should
love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples,
if you have love for one another. John 13: 34-35
Almost before the Christmas decorations came down, the Valentine decorations were already in
place in many retail stores. What most people don’t realize is that Valentine’s Day began, not as the
celebration of romantic love, but as the recognition of the martyrdom of two Christians, both named
Valentine, who were put to death because of their faith. The origin of the holiday is not completely
clear, but what is clear is that the modern celebration has no connection to the Christian roots of this
holiday. Today it has more to do with Hallmark, florists, and confectioners raking in profits. There is
nothing wrong with showing your love for someone with a greeting card, bouquet, or box of
chocolates, but real love takes much more than that. And the kind of love that Jesus commanded was a
love that has nothing to do with romance and everything to do with treating others with care and
compassion. It was that example set by the first Christian communities that caught people’s attention
and attracted followers. It was their love for each other and the way they extended that love to others,
even the least and lowly, that showed the power of their faith. As a Christian community of faith we
are still called to live that kind of love today, not just on Valentine’s Day, but every day. In this month
of February, with the trappings and symbols of love all around us, may we be reminded to reach out to
those in need as well as to those we love.
Blessings, Pat
Church Vitality Program
The Vitality Program is in full swing. Here are a few comments from people who attended the Church
Vitality Conference in January:
When I was invited to attend the Vitality Conference with the Vitality Team in Southbury, I
was not sure what to expect. I was excited to see that 24 members of our church would be part
of the Conference. We had a good cross section of our congregation. We had seasoned
members, teen members, and recent members. The most important thing that the leader talked
about was that we need to reach out to people we know in the community. We just have to
invite them to have a cup of coffee with us. We need to start building relationships with people
and have them get to know us. He also talked about how important it is to have Reverend Pat
out in the community. If you see her working out at the gym or having a cup of coffee at
Starbucks, she is doing her job being available to members of our New Fairfield community.
We can all benefit from reaching out to others, and we can all use a new deeper friendship with
someone. We are all a part of the Vitality Team of the Congregational Church of New
Fairfield! Go ahead and pick up the phone, or text a friend!
Our church was so well represented – it not only impressed the other churches in attendance,
but impressed me as well. One of the ideas that was brought up by all the groups was to invite
outsiders to church events. Speaking on behalf of the Women’s Ministry, we always welcome
the ladies to bring their friends to our events and will continue to do so.
The thing that stands out in my mind about Southbury is the size and the age of our group. We
had the largest and youngest group there. We also had many more men than any other group.
These are all signs of a growing and vital church.
We are pleased to welcome 9 new members of the Congregational Church of New Fairfield. They
were received as “official” members on Sunday, January 12, 2013. Look for their photos and more
information on the bulletin board in Pilgrim Hall.
Adrian & Debbie Bing-Zaremba
(Caitlin and Lauren)
Brian & Dawn Peddie
(Sienna and Victoria)
Steve Cunningham
Alexandra Scalera
(Emily Wilt)
Bob & Gail Ketcham
Grace Scalera
Thank You for Keeping the Faith.
To-date we have gratefully received 47% of our 2014 Pledge objective providing $121,948 in Stewardships fund
for 2014. These funds provide valuable services to our Faith Community and warmth, comfort and support for
those in need. Over the next couple of weeks the Stewardship Committee will be reaching out to those we have
not heard from in an effort to increase the number of pledges that are so very much needed if we are to meet our
Church objectives for 2014.
If you have not yet pledged but would like to do so, please take a few minutes now to send your faith offering to,
Congregational Church of New Fairfield
20 Gillotti Road,
New Fairfield, CT 06812
Attn: Financial Secretary, Mrs. Sally Kile
Or put your pledge in the offering plate at the Sunday service.
Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and through grace gave us eternal
comfort and good hope, comfort your hearts and strengthen them in every good work and word. – 2 Thessalonians
Michael Iadarola, Michael Carneiro and Jeremy Hutchings
The Stewardship Committee
members of the Executive
Council for your very generous
Christmas gift. It was a wonderful
surprise! But more than any gift, I
want to thank all the members of the Executive
Council, church staff, and leaders for the many gifts
they give all year long – gifts of time, talent,
creativity, perseverance, dedication, caring, and
love to so many through a variety of ministries,
outreach, and activities here at CCNF. Thank you
all!!! – Rev. Pat.
To find out more about
membership and
information about the church, please contact Rev.
Pat at 203-746-2865, or
pastor@nfcongregational.org, or Betsy Schalkham
at 203- 512-5366, or betschattee50@yahoo.com.
Moderator’s Report for February 2014
As we begin a new year I have a feeling of hope,
love and anticipation of great things to occur in our
Church in 2014. There appears to be a spirit of
sharing and community service that is contagious.
While many groups and organizations are struggling
with volunteers and members, we continue to
expand our programs and services and somehow
continue to find individuals willing to step up and
spend their precious free time in service to help
Let’s all make it a goal this year to perform one
act of kindness, a positive greeting or nice, friendly
comment to try and make someone feel better or
pick up the spirits of a person down on their luck
and feeling despair. You never know what can
make a difference in a person’s life. It would be
nice if it was I.
Make it a great year!
Tom Harkins, Moderator
Please plan to attend worship and
stay for the Quarterly Meeting.
Items on the agenda include an
update on the capital campaign
projects, current financial information, and the
Annual Report. We need a quorum of 50 – so we
need YOU!
Paving The Way, Project Status , Feb. 2014
Through the end of December we have collected
$127,612 on a pledge total of $209,564, leaving
$81,952 to go. Final payments on the doors are
being made as the final adjustments are preformed.
There should be project totals available for the
March Candlelight. We are moving into mostly a
holding pattern of capturing funds for the Parking
Lot repaving scheduled for the end of the Summer
after the Play has concluded.
As ever, please contact any of the Trustees or
myself if there are any questions, concerns or
thoughts on any of the projects, past, present or
future. Stay tuned for updates!
Submitted, Jerry Gay, Capital Committee
Project Liaison
FORMING – We are excited
about how well our church vitality
initiative is going so far, but we are
just at the beginning of a long
process. No matter how well we are doing, we
know that we can’t do it alone. So I am asking for
prayer volunteers to pray for our church and our
Vitality efforts on a daily basis. This is a powerful
way that you can be involved in the vitality efforts.
If you would like to be part of this prayer team
please contact Rev. Pat at
pastor@nfcongregational.org or 203-746-2865.
meets for a practice session on
Tuesday, February 4th from
7:30 – 8:30 p.m. There is no
charge for the practice
sessions. This month the
Drumming lesson with instructor Jan Gregory will
be on Monday, February 17th. The cost for the
class session is $20.00. Come and give it a try. Our
group goes from very beginners to more
experienced drummers – all are welcome! You
don’t need a drum to start. If you want more
information, please contact Rev. Pat at 746-2865 or
email pastor@nfcongregational.org.
meets every Thursday at 6:45 p.m. in
the balcony. All are welcome at any
time. If you have questions, please call
or text Brian Bass at (203) 417-5059.
The Thrift Shop will be open on
Fridays Feb. 7th and 21st from
1pm to 4pm, & Saturdays Feb. 1st
and Feb. 15th from 10am to 2pm.
Thanks to all for your donations.
Wednesdays at 9:00 a.m.
In this DVD study, best-selling
author Kathleen Norris provides a
unique viewpoint of “what matters
most,” including:
•The Bible Matters: The Bible is our collective
story. How is that story reflected in our daily lives?
What is it about the Bible that always seems to
address our present moment?
•Community Matters: In community, individualism
and imperfection meet grace and acceptance. What
is our part in the Body of Christ?
•Place Matters: In what ways is faith set within the
physical space of home, church, land and people?
•We Matter: What it means to remain in God’s
image and to counter our selfishness by embracing
the world and its needs?
ready in Pilgrim Hall for 2014!
Don’t forget to sign up for a Sunday
to have flowers in the sanctuary.
You may put flowers in memory, or
in honor, or in celebration of a person or persons.
The flowers may be of your choice. You can supply
your own flowers or order them yourself, or I can
order them for you. Please contact Janice Zackeo at
746-1078 if you have any questions.
Please get together with a few
friends and/or families and pick
a Sunday to host coffee hour.
Many thanks to those who have
contributed to our supplies, i.e., drinks, cookies,
coffee . . . P.S. Leftover party goodies are always
happily received.
Tired of the Winter Blues?
Want to laugh and have fun?
Come to the Women's Ministry
Game Night!
On Saturday, February 1st at
7:00 PM, Sue Monshaw will be
hosting our entertaining night of games.
Please let us know what games you would like to
play. Bring your favorite games and teach us a new
game. A couple of ideas for games are Apples to
Apples and Bunko. Let us know if you would like
to bring an appetizer, dessert, or a beverage to
share. Feel free to bring a friend with you. RSVP to
Cille Grabert at dgcgngbg@aol.com
"Do not neglect to show
hospitality to strangers, for by
doing that some have entertained
angels without knowing it" Hebrews 13:1-2
On Friday, December 6th, church members and
friends hosted another delicious afternoon meal at
Dorothy Day. A great big thank you goes out to the
crew who served that day.
With wonderful team work, we were able to feed
65 people a delicious holiday meal of baked ham,
mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, plenty of
desserts and hot drinks to go round.
A HUGE thank you also goes out to all those who
have generously donated to the Dorothy Day
offering on the first Sunday of the month. This
good will offering has enabled us to purchase items
not always available at Dorothy Day – fresh fruits
and vegetables to name of few.
Our next luncheon is Friday, February 7th. If you
are interested in sharing this experience with church
members, family, and friends, please contact Rev
Pat at (203)746-2865 or Barb Coelho at (203)7466917.
Thanks again to Paul Aspesi, Brian Bass, Barb
Coelho, Irene Howard, Eileen Pate, Donna Pierpont,
Linda Seiler, Betty Swan and Stephanie Theussen.
Don’t forget – mark this date – February 7th - on
your calendar!! Signup sheets can be found in
Fellowship Hall. Thank you.
“If all of life were sunshine, Our face would long to
gain. And feel once more upon it, the cooling
splash of rain.” Henry Jackson Van Dyke.
In some realms of nature, shadows or darkness
are the places of greatest growth. In this snowy
winter which seems to be dragging on, the Worship
and Ministry team hope you are finding your very
own source of brightness to warm you on these cold
winter days. May this church be a beacon of light
for you. We welcome you all to join us on
Communion Sunday, February 2nd.
A highlight of our holiday was making and
delivering Christmas fruit baskets on a snowy
December 14th as our ‘Act of Service’ to those on
our Compassionate Connections list. Over thirty
baskets were assembled and delivered, to let them
know we care about them here at CCNF. Thanks to
the W&M team and the many volunteers who took
time out of their very busy holiday schedule for this
wonderful mission.
While we are still in the snow season, and if you
have a question about worship service taking place,
tune into WTNH (8) or WFSB (3). Any Sunday
cancellations will be posted here.
If you are also interested in becoming a member
of the church, please see Rev. Pat or a team member
of W&M for information. Also please visit our
Welcome Table located in the Narthax that has
printed information and handouts on our church, or
please seek out our assigned Welcome Usher at the
start or post service.
If you have any questions on Worship and
Ministry, or should a need arise, please contact the
office at 746-2865 or our Chairperson of the month,
Janice Donnelly.
Tuesday, February 25, 2013 at
7:00 pm is our next meeting.
Please join us to knit or crochet.
If you need any info you can call
Dot Bass 746-2855 or
dcbass@sbcglobal.net, or Sue St. Hilaire 778-1474
or sshilaire@sbcglobal.net. If you would like to
request a shawl, please contact Sue or Dot.
The Mission Team would like to
thank the congregation for their
generous donations, and along with
what Missions was able to put in, we
were able to give the Adams family
a check for $650.00 to help them get back on their
feet due to a fire in their home.
February’s special offering will be for Ann’s
Place, as we all know the great work that they do to
help everyone who is touched by this illness. Ann’s
Place touches the hearts of many.
Just a quick heads up - on Saturday, April 12th at
2:00 p.m., the Mission Team, with the help of many
others, are having our very first major fundraiser.
For just $15.00 a ticket you can come and sit and
enjoy the best desserts and beverages anywhere and
relax to tunes of Broadway brought to you by none
other than Irene and Jay Howard. Please help us
raise money to continue to be able to help others.
Also, many, many thanks to everyone who made
the lives of someone else brighter this holiday
season. The thank you’s are coming in, and just to
hear about how we were able to touch so many lives
is priceless. Thank you again!
Sue Webb
LIFE is June 7, 2014
Unlike a 5K where the distance
you walk is a focal point, Relay for Life is a walk of
the heart measured by donations received and love
given. Whether you can walk one lap or 20 miles,
whether you've brought in $100 or $1000, you have
made a difference in someone's life. If you want to
raise money and come together with your
community to celebrate life, contact: Sue or Amber
St Hilaire. sshilaire@sbcglobal.net or call us 203778-1474. Or, to sign up and join or team, the
Direct link to our page is:
As of now we have 16 team members; there is
always room for you! This is the 5th year our
church has been part of this event.
The Mission Statement of the Christian Education Team
Through an active Christian Education program, we look to encourage all members to grow in faith. We
will provide opportunities to learn, teach, and share the Word of God to enable all to use their gifts and
talents to more fully serve God in our daily lives.
“Faith Formation for our Children”
The CE Team is looking for adults interested in
working with the children of our church as they learn
the stories that we base our faith on. Our current
rotations require just a 2 week obligation, but we need
more people willing to make that commitment to our
children. Thank you to our workshop leaders in
January as we studied Elijah– Debbie Bing-Zaremba
and Dawn Peddie who led a cooking workshop
learning about the widow’s faith and the miracle
performed by Elijah, Heidi Finlay and Lori Opsal who
led an art workshop about the story of the ravens that
faithfully provided food for Elijah, Tracy Yoho who
led a movie workshop about putting our trust and faith
in God and Brandon Yoho who led a comic book
workshop about listening to the still small voice as
Elijah did on the mountain top. In February, we will
be learning about David, with workshops titled “Big
Giant, Big Challenge, Big Faith,” and in March we
will move to the story of Creation, “God’s Work in
Progress”. Please speak with Liz Yoho or stop by our
table in Pilgrim Hall to look over our curriculum
options and see where your
gifts and willingness will
match our needs.
Thank You!
Register for the SILVER LAKE
summer camp! The schedule of
conferences, for youth entering 4th
grade and up through high school, is
posted on the CE bulletin boards
upstairs and downstairs. Look over
all the options that are available for an unforgettable
summer experience. We have many youth that would
be happy to share their experience at Silver Lake with
you and your child. Scholarships are available to help
cover the cost. Please see Rev. Pat or Liz Yoho.
Lenten Liturgy in Worship We are signing
up children to read and extinguish candles
each Sunday during Lent. If you would like
your child to be involved, please speak with
Liz Yoho or the CE Team.
Sunday, Feb 9th
We will be recognizing our
youth who have completed the God and Me and God
and Church programs in worship on Feb 9th. Both
classes began in October and they have learned many
stories from the Bible and about our church. This
program is also recognized by both the Boy Scout and
Girl Scout programs. Please join us in congratulating
the following recipients.
God & Me
God & Church
Ashton Albert
Taylor Albert
Charlie Gruetzner
Michael Iadarola
Ryan Gruetzner
Brian Sacco
Nathan Johannssen
Meredith Yoho
Zachary Peterson
Kaitlyn Surovy
Matthew Surovy
Compassionate Kids
little hands ~ loving hearts
Sunday, Feb 9th 11:30 – 12:15pm
We will be sorting our ARC Care
Kits and helping to sort the food drive collection that
the MSYG had for the Souper Bowl of Caring.
Sunday, Feb 16th 11:30 – 2:15pm
We will be visiting the seniors at The Gardens with
the MSYG.
The CE Team will be hosting a
special coffee hour on the Sunday
before Lent, March 2nd. Everyone is encouraged to
attend and enjoy a time of fellowship and fun.
Pancakes with a variety of toppings will be served.
We will have activities for all as a way to prepare
ourselves for Lent and the coming of Easter. We hope
you make this luncheon part of your Lenten
We have Children’s Offering Envelopes
if your child does not have them already.
Our Children’s offering in February will
benefit the New Fairfield Fuel Bank.
Middle School & Senior High Youth Group
Sun, Feb 2nd & Feb 16th C3 - Christian Conversation and Cocoa at 10:30 a.m
Youth in grades 9 – 12 are welcome to participate in their own gathering time during church school.
This is your time to talk and connect with each other. We meet in the upstairs conference room.
Sun, Feb 2nd –Worship & Coffee Hour - Souper Bowl of Caring
The members of the MSYG will be collecting loose change and non-perishable food
items for the NF Food Bank, ARC Comida Program and Dorothy Day Hospitality
House. We will also be hosting coffee hour and serving our delicious homemade soup
and bread. Church members will be asked to also consider contributing the cost of this
simple meal, as part of their donation to the soup pot.
At 11:30, the MSYG will head to Stop & Shop to continue the food drive in our
community. Stop by and purchase something extra for people in need.
Pick up a shopping list and add your donation to our “Wall of Food” in Fellowship Hall downstairs.
Sun, Feb 9th, 12:00 – 2:00 p.m. MSYG – ARC Service Project
We have been contacted by the leaders of the Comida Program asking for our help with their
rice and beans supplies. We will be heading down to bag our usual 300 lbs of rice and 300 lbs
of beans to support them. If you would be interest in joining us, please ask. The MSYG is
happy to involve others in this important mission. Remember that on first of the month our
congregation acts as ARC Angels and provides needed items for their program including cans
of tomatoes, fruit and tuna. We also take a monetary collection to purchase the bulk rice and
beans that we bag for them.
Sun, Feb 9th, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
SHYG Mission Training (4pm Leaders Meeting)
Get ready for another evening of preparation for our trip to West Virginia. Please bring $4 for
our dinner fund. We will be sorting through client applications and taking on the role of an
ASP Staffer. Come get a better picture of the housing situations that our families experience.
Sun, Feb 16th, 12:00 – 2:00 p.m. MSYG & Compassionate Kids– Visit to the Gardens
Our two groups will join together to take a trip to the Nursing and Rehabilitation Home,
The Gardens. We will leave church at 12:30 and will spend time with the residents sharing
stories, crafts and a snack. Sign up in Pilgrim Hall or contact Liz Yoho.
Sun, Feb 23rd, 12:00 – 2:00 p.m. MSYG Gathering - Mystery Event
PEROGIES are here! The SHY Mission Team took pre-orders of delicious homemade
perogies. There is a limited supply of additional perogies available for purchase for $7 per
dozen. Stop by our table in Pilgrim Hall before we run out.
Coming up…
Sat, Mar 15th 4:38 – 7:00 p.m.
MSYG Serving at the Corned Beef Dinner
Check out the new mural downstairs
This beautiful mural was done by the youth in ‘God and
Church’; Taylor Albert, Michael Iadarola, Brian Sacco and
Meredith Yoho with the valuable direction and assistance of
Christina Generali. Jesus is welcoming the children and it
quotes Matthew 19:14.
(for those receiving a black and white hard copy of this
Candlelight, you must visit downstairs to see it in person.)
10:00 a.m. – Thrift
Shop Open
7:00 p.m. –
Women’s Ministry
Night of Games
10:00 a.m. – Worship
Service – Communion
10:30 a.m. – C3
11:00 a.m. – Souper
Bowl of Caring Coffee
11:30 a.m. – Souper
Bowl of Caring Food
7:30 p.m. –
Drumming Circle
9:00 a.m. – Bible
7:00 p.m. – Vitality
Team Website
6:45 p.m. –
Centering Prayer
6:45 p.m. – Ageless
7:30 p.m. – Senior
Choir Rehearsal
1:00 p.m. Dorothy Day
1:00 p.m. – Thrift
Shop Open
10:00 a.m. – Worship
Service – God & Me /
God & Church
11:15 a.m. – Silver
Lake Info Meeting
11:30 a.m. –
Confirmation Class
11:30 a.m. – MYSG
ARC Bag Beans &
11:30 a.m. Compassionate Kids –
ARC Care Kits
5:00 p.m. – SHY
Mission Team
7:30 p.m. – Service
Club Meeting
12:00 p.m. –
Women’s Church
3:00 p.m. – ARC
Board Meeting
6:30 p.m. – Worship
& Ministry Team
12:30 p.m. – UCC
Clergy Meeting
6:45 p.m. –
Centering Prayer
7:30 p.m. – Senior
Choir Rehearsal
7:30 p.m. – Vitality
Team Meeting
7:00 p.m. – Trustee
6:45 p.m. –
Centering Prayer
6:45 p.m. – Ageless
7:30 p.m. – Senior
Choir Rehearsal
1:00 p.m. – Thrift
Shop Open
10:00 a.m. – Worship
11:00 a.m. – Annual
11:30 a.m. –
Confirmation Class
7:30 p.m. –
Drumming with Jan
7:00 p.m. – Prayer
Shawl Group
6:45 p.m. –
Centering Prayer
7:30 p.m. – Senior
Choir Rehearsal
10:00 a.m. – Thrift
Shop Open
President’s Day
10:00 a.m. – Worship
10: 30 a.m. – C3
11:30 a.m. – MSYG &
Compassionate Kids
Visit the Gardens
Congregational Church of New Fairfield
United Church of Christ
20 Gillotti Road
New Fairfield, Connecticut 06812
(203) 746-2865