HO Drag Racing Makes Appearance In Car Craft Magazine!
HO Drag Racing Makes Appearance In Car Craft Magazine!
Vol. 1 No. 2 SPRING APRIL 2011 HO Drag Racing Makes Appearance In Car Craft Magazine! 2011 ROCKY MOUNTAIN THUNDER NATIONALS Inside this edition. • • • • • • • • • Car Craft Magazine Lions Drag Strip Mr. Wizard’s Curse Rock Mtn Thunder Nat’ls. Coming Events. Tech Tips. shoes Customizing by KDog Silicone Tires - How To For Sale HairyCanary’s ‘ACES WILD’ lines up against Bondoman’s ‘PISTONATOR’ for promo shot. A weekend’s worth of HO drag racing soaked up the bandwidth at NitroSlot.com between March 11-13, 2011. Inside this edition, find out who won what classes. Also, see which cars were the best lookers among their class. All this and more from the ‘ 2011 ROCKY MOUNTAIN THUNDER NATIONALS’. Car Craft Magazine In case you haven’t heard, HO drag racing has received another fifteen minutes of fame courtesy of Car Craft Magazine and LIONS Drag Strip Trackmaster Rick Voegelin. In addition to improving awareness of HO drag racing in general, subtle plugs here and there gave boost to the NitroSlots forum and the NTRA. The article appears in the May 2011 issue. First edition printings seem to have sold very quickly as some NitroSlot members were hard pressed to find a copy. Myself and other members pitched in by purchasing extra copies and sending them to those who could not obtain one. If you are still in need of a copy, you may want to make in know on the NitroSlots forum so members can be on the lookout for extra copies. If you wish to read the article and not in need of the full magazine, it can be down-loaded here: Get Car Craft pdf: http://www.ninjatekprojects.com/PDF/rvCC_article.pdf -NTRA Scale Auto Racing News Magazine Check out a previous magazine appearance at : Scale Auto Racing News Magazine. http://www.nitroslots.com/index.cgi?board=gnat&action=display&thread=681 Vol. 1 No. 2 LIONS DRAG STRIP SPRING APRIL 2011 A BREIF HISTORY By JOHN BALICH OPENING DAY, 1955 October 9th 1955 was a day that has never been forgotten. It was the opening day at Lions Drag Strip in Wilmington, California. With Mickey Thompson as the track manager which happened to be the only paid staff that the track had. All other help was on a volunteer basis. With the facility being accommodated to entertain 2500 people and the likes of 50 cars they were greatly overwhelmed when 10,000 people swarmed the grounds. Over 400 cars showed which a large amount had to be turned away due to unsafe conditions found during tech inspection. Foundation for the track was based on a long struggle to bring legalized drag racing to the Los Angeles area. Local officials were concerned about the amount of street racing. Mickey Thompson and members of a chapter of the Lions Club raised the money along with leasing an unused railroad yard. With Thompson’s ingenious ideas and promoting skills the track became the standard for all others to follow with even having lights installed in and a “Christmas Tree” starting system. The track always had great tractions and air conditions were some of the most sought after in the country. Some of drag racing’s legendary people got their start right there at Lions. With the likes of Tom McEwen, Stone, Woods & Cook and Tommy Ivo became the regular draw at Lions on Saturday night. The legend of Lions continued to grow throughout the sixties with C.J. “Pappy” Hart taking over for Mickey Thompson in 1965 who moved on to concentrate on his business. Hart presented the first eight car fields in Top Fuel, Top Gas, Fuel Altered and Competition every Saturday night. In its prime there was one day where 72 Top Fuel dragsters showed up to do battle on the 1320. Hart was a innovator of his time introducing bracket and grudge racing along with the ever popular Junior Fuel. Traction technology continued to grow with several different compounds being researched along with a racing surface that was copied from San Gabriel drag strip when it closed in 1963. A Call For Host Tracks As the title above mentions, NTRA is looking for responses from Nitroslot members to volunteer their track and time to host NTRA proxy races. An ideal track system would include features like early start detection, RT calculation, ET calculation, speed, and win detection. Other luxury features like 60’ not required. Your track not quite ideal? Let us know what you have, there may still be place for you yet. Drag strips without these features may be considered for a ‘Flashlight’ series of drag racing (start light and win detection at minimum). If interested send PM to ninjatek or send email to: ninjatech@verizon.net. Mr. Wizard’s Curse The Harbor Commission and Lions Board cited for action at the strip to be limited due to increasing population. In December of 1972 the era came to an end when the permit in which the track was operated under was revoked after constant noise complaints. It was rumored the complaints were exaggerated so that the City of Long Beach could sell the land for development. This article was taken from the archives of Nitroslots.com. Originally written February 2009. Did you take the NTRA Survey? During the month of March, NTRA put together a survey to solicit from the users of the NitroSlots forum, information that could assist in determining a direction which the organization should pursue. The survey was a necessary tool used in order that we may provide the best that proxy HO drag racing can offer. It also provided an opportunity for users to anonymously voice opinions of how they felt things were going. Be sure to review the survey results and responses in the EXTRA!! sec. Much anticipation was generated when Mr. Wizard announced he would create an add-on timing system for the AW drag strip. After many late nights and much testing and re-testing, the prototype was working to Mr. Wizard’s satisfaction. A tweak here and there was needed but “Eureka”, it’s working. Now, there was still an obstacle to overcome, the dreaded ‘price tag’. So, Mr. Wizard configured and reconfigured, and summoned all the magical powers he had within and still the spell of the price tag could not be broken. Having conjured up the device, but unable to remove the spell, Mr. Wizard must sadly withdraw the device from the idea of production. The UCW, give to Mr. Wizard much praise for his ambitious efforts. As far as we know, his device would be the only stand-alone unit at any price for any HO drag system. Trackmate sells you full featured software for which you must have a computer. Mr. Wizard has managed to capture those features and commit them to a single unit, no computer required, and at half the price. Now, that’s magic! Though intended for AW drag strips, I think the device would be ideal for custom and home built tracks. What do you think Mr. Wizard? Wizards across the universe raise their wands to salute Mr. Wizard. -a statement from the UCW (Universal Council of Wizards) Vol. 1 No. 2 SPRING APRIL 2011 RESULTS FROM MM/PS Entries #2 SST1610'S Pontiac Firebird #3 Ninjatek's Corvette #4 TGM2054's Corvette #10 Eddiebee's Corvette #15 Rapid Richard's Dodge #16 Dirty Demon. Vol. 1 No. 2 SPRING APRIL 2011 ROCKY MOUNTAIN THUNDER NATIONALS RESULTS con’t MM/PS Qualifying Results - March 11, 2011 Rank 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name/Car SST1610 / Firebird Elapsed Time (Sec.) .3573 Speed (MPH) 42.88 Eddiebee / Corvette .4097 34.61 Demon / Dodge .4112 39.18 Ninjatek / Corvette .4219 33.75 Rapid Richard / Dodge .5019 33.42 TGM2054 / Corvette .8373 16.79 MM/PS Round 1 SST Vs. TGM Eddie vs. Richard Demon vs. Ninja SST runs a .3584 @ 42.88 mph to TGM's .7384 @ 26.22 SST advances to Round 2 Eddie pulls it off running a .4185 @ 34.44 mph to Richard's .5661 @ 33.10 mph. Your driver went for it and cut a better reaction at .0033 Richard, but it just didn't have enough. great race!!!!!! Ninja's driver gets off the line (.0148) a little better than Demon's (.0230) and doesn't look back. Ninja advances with a .4321 @ 33.42 mph to Demon's .4336 @ 33.42 mph. Eddie goes to Round 2! Ninja goes to round 2. MM/PS Round 2 SST Gets a bye run into the finals. Eddie vs. Ninja SST runs a .3605 @ 41.83 mph Ninja cuts a light but Eddie pulls around him about 3/4 down the track. Eddie is going to the final running a .4045 @ 35.70 mph to Ninja's .4217 @ 33.75 mph Vol. 1 No. 2 SPRING APRIL 2011 ROCKY MOUNTAIN THUNDER NATIONALS RESULTS con’t MM/PS Finals SST vs. Eddie and the winner is???????? SST cuts a .0045 and runs .3627 @ 41.83 mph to Eddie's .0099 R/T, .4038 ET @ 34.97 mph. Nice job SST. This car is a rocket. Congratulations to SST as Top Eliminator of MM/PS Class at this event. Also makes best ET and fastest speed with .3573 @42.88mph during qualifying. Qualifying Results - March 12, 2011 RAT ROD Qualifying Results Rank 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Name RV Racing Elapsed Time (Sec.) .6561 Speed (MPH) 20.65 SST1610 .7322 20.54 Ninjatek .7373 19.21 Eddiebee .8737 15.32 Scottman . .9300 15.02 TGM2054 1.6987 8.05 Bondoman 1.8854 7.22 Name R/T Racing Elapsed Time (Sec.) .5064 Speed (MPH) 27.06 Falcon .5166 28.29 SST1610 .5286 25.44 RV Racing .5346 26.43 Ninjatek .5475 24.35 Scottman . 6207 21.58 Bondoman .7797 19.25 Charley .8860 14.69 Eddiebee Broke Gear Broke Gear Gasser Qualifying Results Rank 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Vol. 1 No. 2 SPRING APRIL 2011 ROCKY MOUNTAIN THUNDER NATIONALS RESULTS con’t Door Slammer Qualifying Results Rank 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Name/Car Bondoman Elapsed Time (Sec.) .6660 Speed (MPH) 21.04 RV Racing .7607 20.29 Ninjatek .7990 16.16 SJ Racer .8196 17.76 TGM2054 .8574 15.78 Hairy Canary .9244 14.35 Eddiebee 1.1714 11.44 Scottman Broke Gear Broke Gear RAT ROD Entries #2 SST1610 Firebird #3 Ninjatek's Nomad #4 TGM2054 Corvette #5 RV Racing Hot Rod #8 Scottman Rat Rod “Viewer’s Choice” #10 Eddiebee Panel #12 Bondoman Willys #2 SST1610 - Willys #3 Ninjatek – Willys #4 Charley – Willys #5 RV Racing - 55 Chevy #8 Scottman - Henry J #10 Eddiebee - Corvette #11 Falcon - Willys #12 Bondoman – Falcon “Viewer’s Choice” R/T Racing - Henry J Invisible User Invisible User Invisible User GASSER Entries Vol. 1 No. 2 SPRING APRIL 2011 ROCKY MOUNTAIN THUNDER NATIONALS RESULTS con’t DOOR SLAMMER Entries Entrant #3 Ninjatek - Cuda #9 SJ Racer - Corvette #4 TGM2054 - Pontiac #5 RV Racing - Camaro #8 Scottman - Corvette #10 Eddiebee - Camaro #12 Bondoman - Cuda #14 HairyCanary–Willys “Viewer’s Choice” ELIMINATIONS – March 12, 2011 DOOR SLAMMER ELIMINATIONS Door Slammer Round 1 Bondo's Cuda VS Scottman's Corvette SJRacer VS TGM RVRacing VS EddieBee Ninjatek VS Hairy Canary Scottman cuts a better reaction time but, Bondoman's Dodge Power pulls him on the big end! Ron barely escapes catastrophe in the first round. WOW! Looked like a peddle fest! RV gets the hole shot but, a lot of noise coming out of his rear end. Sounds like gears!!!!!!!! RV still runs pretty well but, Eddie pulled off an upset running .7636 @ 16.96 mph to RV's .8017 @ 20.41 mph. This would have been a close one if the gears would not have gone. Both drivers leave the line with almost identical R/T's. Hairy pulls ahead about 1/2 track & doesn't look back! Hairy runs a .8455 @ 13.94 mph to Ninja's .8878 @ 13.75 mph. Scottman runs a .7376 @18.53 mph to Ron's .6704 @ 20.42 mph Scottmans tuneup just about gave a big upset in round 1 Both cars were hopping from the get go & SJRacer's never settled down. It deslotted and hit the wall. TGM advances to round 2 running a .9347 @ 12.86 MPH Eddie goes to round 2 Hairy goes to round 2 Vol. 1 No. 2 SPRING APRIL 2011 ROCKY MOUNTAIN THUNDER NATIONALS RESULTS con’t Door Slammer Round 2 Bondoman VS TGM EddieBee VS Hairy Canary Again TGM hops & runs a .9298 @ 12.79 mph to Bondo's .6880 @ 20.11 mph Bondo is heading to the finals Hairy cuts a good light! Eddie's Camaro runs him down and keeps going. Eddie loses his right rear tire going through the speed trap & avoids disaster. Eddie goes to the finals running a .7636 @ 16.96 mph to Hairy's .8484 @ 13.72 mph. Coming up next.... Door Slammer Final Finals with Eddie VS Bondo Bondo's driver cuts a good light as well and powers by the Chevy for the win! Bondo runs a .6826 @ 20.12 mph to Eddie's .7594 @ 17.09 mph Congratulations Ron! Your Dodge was dominant throughout this event. Bondo's driver stages first. Eddie's driver is trying to ice Bondo's driver & burn down his car. Doesn't work. Track starter waves them in. Tree lights up. Eddie cuts a .0009 light!!!!!!! Vol. 1 No. 2 SPRING APRIL 2011 ROCKY MOUNTAIN THUNDER NATIONALS RESULTS con’t ELIMINATIONS – March 13, 2011 Rat Rods Round 1 RV Racing with a bye run. Eddiebee vs. Scottman Firebird Vs. Bondoman Willys Ninja's Nomad vs. TGM's Corvette Rick runs a blistering .6670 @ 20.54 mph Eddie goes .7768 @ 16.55 mph to Scotts .8872 @ 16.83 mph. Eddie advances to round 2. Scott did receive the Viewer’s choice award for his Rat Rod. Nice job Scott. Whoaa Looks like Bondo needs to tune up the Rat to this altitude. SST advances running a .8446 @ 17.13 mph to Ron's 1.1123 @ 11.16 mph TGM has problems from the start and has a gear let go. Ninja advances running a .7428 @ 18.89 mph. Rat Rods Round 2 RV Racing rod vs. Eddie's Panel Eddie also runs into problems and slows from his previous run. RV Racing advances to the final with a .6688 @ 20.41 mph to Eddie's .8791 @ 15.64 mph. Rick's car is running consistent .66's SST Firebird vs. Ninja's Nomad Great Race!!!!! SST gets the jump off the line but Ninja runs him down and narrowly takes the victory by .0167. SST runs a .7978 @ 18.94 mph to Ninja's .7702 @ 18.18 mph. Ninja advances to the final! Rat Rods Final RV Racing's Rod vs. Ninja's Nomad Ninja runs a .7995 @ 17.35 mph to Rick's .6610 @ 20.48 mph. Congratulations Rick!!!!!!!!! RV continues his .66 streak and powers effortlessly to a victory. Vol. 1 No. 2 SPRING APRIL 2011 ROCKY MOUNTAIN THUNDER NATIONALS RESULTS con’t Gassers Round 1 A bye run, it is Demon driving for RT Racing Ninja's Willys vs. Scottmans Henry J Falcon's Willys vs. Eddiebee's Corvette Demon slows a bit from his qualifying number. He runs a .5228 @ 26.02 mph. Ninja moves on with a .5690 @ 23.59 mph to Scott's .6117 @ 24.26 mph. Falcon is hooked up and goes .5183 @ 28.29 mph (low et of round so far) to Eddie's .6680 @ 21.04 mph. SST's Willys vs. Charley's Willys RV Racing 55 Chevy vs. Bondoman's Falcon Invisible User vs. Invisible User Charley runs into problems and slows to a .9117 @ 15.08 mph. SST with another great pass running a strong .5302 @ 25.16 mph. Round 2 is shaping up to be a doozy. RV Racing makes the Ford look like it sitting still running a .5607 @ 24.88 mph to Bondo's .8343 @ 14.41 mph. Gassers Round 2 Falcon with a bye run. Demon vs. Ninja SST Vs' RV Racing Falcon goes .5253 @ 27.49 mph. Good looking pass. Demon cuts a .0122 RT to Ninja's .0194. The little Henry makes another strong pass running .5243 @ 26.22 mph to Ninja's .5669 @ 23.59 mph Wow!!!!!!! Just a great drag race. RV Racing upsets SST by running a .5408 to SST's quicker .5407. RV's driver cuts a .0042 Reaction Time to SST'S .0267. This race was won from the reaction time. Buy that driver a beer Rick. Demon advances Rick (RV) moves to round 3!!!! Vol. 1 No. 2 SPRING APRIL 2011 ROCKY MOUNTAIN THUNDER NATIONALS RESULTS con’t Gassers Round 3 RV Racing's 55 Chevy, bye run. Demon vs. Falcon WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! WHat a battle. This was the race of the day so far. RV Racing runs a .5501 @ 25.83 Falcon trees Demon with a reaction time of .0053. Demon's RT wasn't far off with a .0076. Both cars look dead even down the track with Demon getting a nose on Falcon at the line. Demon advances running a .5176 @ 26.22 mph to Falcon's .5248 @ 27.94 mph/ Win margin was only .0049 mph to take him to the finals. Gassers Final Demon vs. RV Racing Great race! Rick trees Demon with a .0123 to Demons .0270 and Rick also runs his best ET of the day with a .5386 @ 25.83 mph to Demons slowing .5405!? Rick wins Gasser by a .0166 win margin. Congratulations Rick!! You didn't have the quickest car of the event but it was good enough for a win. Points by Event (for now) 2011 ROCK MOUNTAIN THUNDER NATIONALS CHAMPIONSHIP POINTS RESULTS Last year NTRA implemented a points system that would choose Top Eliminator and Points Champion based on points accumulated across a series of races run for the year. The idea at the time was that the championship point’s leader would not necessarily always be the same as the top eliminator. The assumption was that there would always be a B/Class bracket allowing a B/Class racer to accumulate as many or even more wins than the point’s champion which will always come out of the A/Class bracket group of racers. But, as participation waxes and wanes, there isn’t always a B/Class bracket and that tends to lend to the points leader also being top eliminator or vice versa. Now being aware of this, a new points system needs to be created. Simplicity led us to use the current system which rewarded vehicles strictly on performance. Not realizing the flaw, it basically resulted in two systems tracking the same thing. A new system of scoring is being considered. Until a new scoring system is announce we will continue to track points using the current system. Under this system the points champion and top eliminator winner(s) are to be recognized as such for the event only and not as winners of the yearly series. In other words a new points champ and top eliminator can emerge with every event held. In the new point’s championship scoring, points may be separated by class and/or by division (eg. Sportsman, Pro, etc) while eliminator points track all races run. With a system like this there will be two or three points champions based on class or division and one top eliminator based on all races run. Using current scores, results may look like this: Pro Div.(MM/PS, DS) – Eddiebee, leader. Comp Div.(Gas, RR) – RV Racing, leader. A little complicated, but more fair. Check NitroSlots.com for new points system details to be announced prior to the next race. ENTRANT -NTRA RV Racing Eddiebee Ninjatek SST1610 Bondoman Demon (R/T Racing) TGM2054 Hairy Canary Falcon Scottsman Rapid Richard SJRacer Charley MM/PS 810 400 600 DOOR SLAMMER 200 400 200 810 200 200 RAT ROD 810 400 600 400 200 400 600 200 200 200 GASSER TOTAL 1010 200 400 400 200 800 2020 1810 1600 1400 1210 1000 800 600 600 600 200 200 200 600 200 200 200 200 2011 ROCK MOUNTAIN THUNDER NATIONALS TOP ELIMINATOR POINTS RESULTS ENTRANT RV Racing Eddiebee SST1610 Ninjatek Bondoman Demon Hairy Canary Falcon TGM2054 Rapid Richard Scottsman SJRacer Charley MM/PS 31 20 10 DOOR SLAMMER 10 RAT ROD 31 10 10 20 GASSER TOTAL 41 72 51 40 40 31 30 20 20 10 10 10 31 30 20 20 10 Vol. 1 No. 2 SPRING APRIL 2011 ROCKY MOUNTAIN THUNDER NATIONALS RESULTS con’t Ladder Charts This article on the ROCKY MOUNTAIN THUNDER NATIONALS is slightly abbreviated. Full coverage including more photos which were omitted here due to space, can be found on the http://www.nitroslots.com/index.cgi?board=rmtn web forum. If you missed this event, be th th sure not to miss the next one. Next event to be held July 4 weekend. Test & Tune to be held May 8 . See more details in coming events section or to sign up go to http://www.nitroslots.com/index.cgi?board=ntra&action=display&thread=2323 . Vol. 1 No. 2 SPRING APRIL 2011 Coming Events Full Weekend Of Racing!!!!!!!! MANUFACTURERS FUNNY CAR CHAMPIONSHIP Test and Tune: May 8 Qualifying: July 2 Eliminations: July 3-4 This is TEAM race to determine bragging rights in Nostalgia Funny Car, modeled after the Manufacturers Funny Car Championship that was held at Orange County International Raceway in the '70s. All cars must conform to NTRA Nostalgia Funny Car rules. Entries are subject to inspection and teardown at the discretion of the race director. Track power will be 13.8 VDC. NF/C rules are posted at: http://www.ninjatekprojects.com/images/NFC_Rules_2011sm.jpg Each team will consist of four cars representing the following manufacturers: Chevrolet Chrysler (Dodge/Plymouth) Ford (Ford/Mercury) Independents (Pontiac, AMC, Jeep, all others) Entries: Each racer can enter up to two cars; however, only the car with the quicker qualifying time will race on the respective manufacturer team. Qualifying: The four quickest qualifiers representing each of the four manufacturers will qualify for the respective teams. Cars that do not qualify for the manufacturer teams will compete in open competition. If a manufacturer team does not have four entries, any open spots will be filled by the quickest qualifiers that are not already on a team. (For example, if there are three Ford entries, the open spot will be filled by the quickest non-qualifier from another manufacturer; see below for "blocker" scoring.) Team Eliminations: There will be three rounds of eliminations. Each team will race every other team once, with the No. 1 qualifier vs. No. 1 qualifier, No. 2 vs. No. 2, etc. Each win scores one point; the team with the highest point total after three rounds will be the Manufacturer Champion. In the event of a tie, the team with the better head-to-head record will win the tiebreaker, followed by the quickest e.t., followed by the fastest speed. If a team has a spot filled by a car from another manufacturer, that car will not score a point for a victory – however, this car is a "blocker" that will prevent the other team from scoring a point if it wins. Individual Championship: The two cars with the quickest elapsed times during eliminations will race in a "winner-take-all" Chicago-style Individual Championship. Highest Points Scorer: The entry with the highest total of points scored will be recognized as the Top Gun. In the event of a tie, the Top Gun award will go to the entry with the higher (i.e., slower) qualifying position, followed by quickest e.t in eliminations, followed by fastest speed. Open Competition: Cars that do not qualify for the Manufacturers Championship will race in single-round Open Competition. Pairings will be based on qualifying times (Example: No. 5 qualifier vs. No. 6; No. 7 vs. No. 8, etc.) Click on poster to sign-up. Track Specifications Track: Lions Drag Strip, Aptos, Calif. Length: 15' 3" timed section, 8' shutdown with dynamic braking TKO CNC-routed Sintra Rail height/shape: .012"-.015"/rectangular Power supply: 0-30VDC, 10 amp Timing: Trackmate DP2000 Vol. 1 No. 2 Coming Events (con’t) July 2 – 3* Lion’s Dragstrip, California Manufacturers’ Funny Car Challenge Featuring NF/C (4-Gear) & NP/S Test & Tune will be 05/8/2011 SPRING APRIL 2011 Below is a stock Autoworld chassis. To help demonstrate this "tweak", one shoe has been replaced with an original copper Aurora T-Jet shoe for comparison. With the shoes unhooked and resting on the springs, notice how much higher the silver AutoWorld shoe (in back of photo) sits: October 15 – 16* Lion’s Dragstrip, California The pictures above shows the sloppy AutoWorld bend compared to the sharp, more pronounced bend in the Aurora shoe. 2011 NTRA Finals NTRA Stock & Ratt Rod Classes Test & Tune will be 09/11/2011 *This is the schedule as of 12.29.2010 and is subject to change. For more info about proxy racing and events check out http://www.nitroslots.com . ____________________________ The problem is the last bend before the hook: . Tech Tips Taming the Wild JL/AW T-Jet Revisited: Shoes by SwamperGene To fix the AutoWorld shoes, you have to sharpen this bend. To do so, simply grab the shoe tightly at the bend and push the hook down. You only need to go a very little bit to make a big difference. The "after" pic is a little too much, but it demonstrates the direction you need to go. If you go too far you will end up will too little spring tension, resulting in a loss of speed. Like front contact patch setup, this area has a sweet spot that you'll find with a little practice. The following is taken from the SlotMonsters forum. It is a PU shoe how-to by SwamperGene on shoe adjustments. It's been a few years now since the release of the Johnny Lightning (now AutoWorld) Thunderjet reproduction, and it seems we've pretty much found most of the ways to make these quirky little cars drivable. One of the problems has always been that when they do run good, the front end is very jumpy. Full throttle on the straights can often lead to a deslot as the car starts doing "wheelies", in part due to the torque but as many of us who've raced them know the cars seem to be "over sprung", leading many of us to resort to shoe restricting and cutting or compressing springs to help alleviate the problem. Looking closer at the shoe/spring setup, we can see where the real problem lies....in the rear bend leading to the shoe's hook. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words, so hear is another pictorial to demonstrate. The angle of this bend affects the "preload" of the spring as the shoe is installed. As you can see below, with the shoes flush with the front tires, the Autoworld shoe (now in the front of the photo) has the spring fully compressed and that's not even accounting for rail height, which would put even more pressure on this spring's coils. Notice how with the Aurora shoe, in the rear, the coils are still slightly separated, allowing the spring to function. As you can see, the result leaves you with a spring that can do its job correctly. It's very clear in this side by side before/after picture. After trying this on a few cars, all I can say is wow! With sticky tires the cars are still a little jumpy due to torque, but the overall handling improvement is phenomenal and the cars are much smoother on the track! by SwamperGene Vol. 1 No. 2 SPRING APRIL 2011 The Body Shop KDOGs’ Door Slammer – ’56 Pick-Up by KDOG PART I I have been meaning for a while, to show you guys what I go through, and my thought process when I decide to do a tear down / scratch build project. Some may remember the Rat Rod Willy's I did as a give away a couple of years back. Next I drill a 1/16" hole in all 4 corners, I have used battery drills all my life at work so I am comfortable using them on small work as well, but a simple pin vise hand drill will get the same results. With the chopped top and the handmade aluminum injection pipes, it was a cool build, and I was glad to see it at a recent Nitro event. This time I am building a 56 Ford 4 Gear Door Slammer for the upcoming race at Sam's. I will start with a new Auto World 56 Ford 4 Gear body from Auto World. As you can see I have removed all the glass & chrome. I use a Dremil tool with a round grinding bit for this, carefully grind away the melted plastic.....WITHOUT......burning through the body. Don't ask I have been there; an easy touch works here.... Next I use an exacto keyhole saw to connect the dots, work slowly here. In the photo the truck is sitting on the tires, so the finished truck will be somewhat higher.... Next my favorite part, the Cutting...... PART II For the next installment I had planned to do the chassis mountings until I realized the front screw post on the Aurora 4 Gear chassis will interfere with the hole I'm making in the hood for the blower, so I'll do that step first. You can see the stock body mounts in this photo that will also be removed. Next the body sitting on a New Old Stock (NOS) 4 Gear chassis. I chose this chassis over the AW one for better tolerances in the gears and the way it will mount for a Slammed look. I picked out this blower, and set it on the hood to mark the size hole I want to make.... Once the hole is cut I use these narrow sanding sticks I got at the Hobby shop to smooth the rough edges, here are the sticks with the keyhole saw I used... Now you see the finished hole for the blower. I now need to put the backer under the hood to support the blower. Vol. 1 No. 2 SPRING APRIL 2011 The Body Shop (Part II cont’) You can see I traced the size of the inside of the hood on sheet plastic, cut it out, trimmed it to fit, and glued it under the hood. I cut it large enough to go fender to fender so it won't be tight under the hood. When the blower is dropped in it will show detail below the hood line very cool. Here is the truck body with the blower trimmed and dropped in place. Next I'll mount the body to the chassis... PART III I placed the tubing in the truck bed and glued it in the truck bed. Now is time for the front screw mount. For this I used square styrene cut roughly to length, (a bit long is better). I drill a 1/16 hole in the center, than screw it to the chassis.... Today I am going to get the body mounts built and prep the body for some of the detail parts I will be adding. After the glue cures you can unscrew the front post and remove the body. Here you will see the finished mounts. Notice I added another at the rear tail gate area for a future Wheelie Bar... Before the body goes to the paint shop I want to prep it for a few detail parts I will add in final assembly. I want to drill holes for the, exhaust pipes, and the roll bars, than I prep the tail gate for the spoiler... I start with the rear bracket; I tried a few different pieces of styrene till I found this piece of tubing that provides the correct ride height. I first placed it on the chassis and marked each side. I than cut 2 short pieces of plastic and glued them on the marks... Set the body on the chassis and adjust the front ride height by sanding the post till you have what you want. Put your favorite glue on the screw post and set the body on, being careful to get it centered and level before the glue dries. At this point I should say the Dog likes Gap filling CA (instant glue) the best, buts that's me, 5 Minute Epoxy gives you more time if you are trying this for the first time.... This next step isn't for the faint of heart, one slip of the saw and you start over, so go slow here. I slice the tail gate with a razor saw, once finished I cut another piece of Styrene for the spoiler Vol. 1 No. 2 The Body Shop (Part III cont’) SPRING APRIL 2011 Now I start on the block I drill holes through 3/32 x 3/32 plastic bar, both directions, one slightly higher than the other. Next you need to find room for the last hole for the Brass wire that will attach the block to the blower. Here is the ‘56 attached to the chassis ready to go to paint. The last installment to this build will be a custom made Wheelie bar, with a parachute bracket built in. PART V Ok I know it's been a bit.....but I'm back to finish the 56 Ford Door Slammer Build..... This last installment is a 2fer; I finish the truck, & show how I build a wheelie bar! First the parts.... Next up I add the final detail parts to the finished truck! I use 1/16 for the main frame, 1/32 for the axle, 3/32 for the tubing, 1/4x1/4 for the angle, & 5/16 flat stock. After I spray the block black, I cut a piece of thin blue wire around 3/4" long and glue them in place. You will also see the brass wire bent for the linkage... PART IV After a great Christmas holiday I'm back to work on the Door Slammer 56 Ford pickup..... I didn't really spend any time on the aluminum exhaust pipes or roll bar as all you need to do is cut them to length and glue them in place. The blower was a different story this time, as I wanted to add some linkage, and plumbing detail. Here is the finished blower... I start by drilling the hole for the linkage on the left side of the blower as you face it. I'm not sure of the size but it was the smallest Brass wire the shop had, than pick a drill bit the same size. Next a hole on the right below the scoop for the collector block... Here they are cut up, and drilled. I use blue wire with a red strip painted just leaving a bit of blue showing to look like the blue and red fittings on modern blowers. You will also see the Brass linkage glued in place and trimmed... Next I paint the rest of the blue wire silver to look like the braided section of the hose, and add the brass wire to the block... Last just bend the wires to shape and trim / glue the brass wire the hold below the scoop... And there you go Blower Detail!!! Next, a bit of an overview on soldering. I used to be intimated by soldering, than I watched a friend/master do it. I use a steel plate screwed to my work bench as a starting point, next I use sheet magnets to help hold parts in place.... I make sure to have flux on the parts, clean my tip and add a small bit of solder, than just touch it to the joint you are working on, and let it flow. Practice is the key here if it doesn't work melt it and try once more. Now the first 3 parts assembled ready for beads.....Here lies the issue for some guys, walking into a craft store and asking for glass beads... No Problem the DOG can help here to! I just scratch my fingernails on an old engine block for the black nail look, than put your best "wife beater" (sorry ladies) tee shirt on your Pit bull for a few laps around the back yard, now you have "the Look". Next open a can of BUD and massage into your scalp..... You can now walk into any Craft Store and not have your manliness questioned....I Think. Vol. 1 No. 2 SPRING APRIL 2011 The Body Shop (Part V cont’) Anyways I glue 1 bead to the axle, than the next, and you are almost ready to roll. You see I have also made a bracket to hold a parachute, as you can see I tossed the angle bracket for one made of wire, I solder it onto the wheelie bar as well. Wow this has been a LONG, but FUN build, I hope everyone enjoyed it as well as I did. -Dog This tutorial created by KDOG and was taken from the NitroSlots forum. A complete downloadable PDF is available at: http://www.ninjatekprojects.com/PDF/KDOGsDOORSLAMMER.pdf How To Make Silicone Tires By Trek Lawler Ever wondered if you could make your own silicone sponge tires and save some of the expense plus create custom sizes? Well, thanks to Trek Lawler you might be able to. “OK here go some instructions on how the tires are made now. You'll need to go down to your local O'Reilly auto parts and get some flowable silicone, it's made by Versa Chem and is type 750 made for windshield and glass sealer. You will also need some Pliobond contact cement; this is industrial grade and should be available from most hardware stores. You'll then need to find some foam rubber that is comparable to the kind used in the Wizzard tires. Since I don't know anything about this I simply took off a foam rubber from a Wizzard tire that was no longer any good and took it to my local rubber and foam dealer. In my case it was to a place here in K.C. called Hanna Rubber. These guys looked at it and we found a comparable match. After you get good at this you can experiment with softer or harder compounds of foam rubber. Okay now that we have some of the vital components. You will need to make a tool to cut out a circle in the foam. In my case since I have a lathe I simply turned down a piece of tubing that was approximately .250 of an inch and put a knife edge on it. I then chuck this up in a dremel (everyone has a dremel tool don't they) and cut out the inner circle that the wheel will go into. I also made a tool to cut out the outer circle to complete the tire donut, but I suppose you could just cut it out and true it up later after mounting it on the wheel. I then take the wheel (in most cases I re-use Wizzard wheels, and in some cases will use flanged .250 wheels with the flanges turned down) coat it and the inside of the rubber donut with the Pliobond, this doesn't need to be excessive just a little will do, and press the wheel inside the donut. I usually wait overnight to provide a good tight glue bond. Once this crude donut and wheel are made I mount it squarely in an old T-jet axle (see these are still good for something) using a JW's tire press, I then chuck it up in my Dremel tool. You'll need to turn this at a fairly high rate of speed around 20,000 RPM. Take an exacto knife and trim the outer edges of the tire so that they are close to the edge of the wheel (don't cut them to close as you'll be able to sand them true later). Use a piece of sandpaper around 200 grit (in my case I simply got some of the stiff finger nail sanding files, I'm sorry I don't know exactly what they are called but they work very well and provide a stiff support and are somewhat flat). I then start sanding the tires down, you'll want to sand the tires down to around .010 of an inch smaller then what you want the finished product to be (the silicone will add the remaining diameter to the tire). Be sure you make it as square as you can. After getting it to the diameter you want I then sand the outer and inner edges to the wheel. Now get an adult beverage and clean up all the foam dust you have all over you. OK now you've got the wheel and tire blown off and you're ready to apply the silicone. Chuck the wheel and tire in the dremel, and add just a little of the flowable silicone (just a word of advice, this silicone is FLOWABLE and will drip so don't do it over your wife's good carpeting or counter, yes, I learned by mistake). Work this into the foam and around the outer edges, (don't worry if it's not flat, and just rub it into the foam). Once the first coat of silicone is rubbed in, hold the tire assembly inside a Dixie cup or some other disposable cup and turn the dremel on as fast as it will go. I have an adjustable one and it will turn up to 30,000 RPM. Please do this inside something that will catch the excess silicone flying off of the wheel (yes, I also learned this by mistake. I also have a very understanding track manager. This silicone will eventually dry and peel off of the wall but it's hard to get off of the dog). You'll notice that the silicone will look rough, this is OK. Carefully take the wheel and axle combination and either leave it in the dremel and stand it up right or carefully take it out of the dremel and mount it in something that will support it upright (in my case I took a block of wood and drilled holes in it for the axle/tire assemblies. This silicone takes around 15 minutes to start to gel, I usually wait around 30 minutes and then add another coat. After each coat check the diameter until you achieve the size you want. If you spin the tire at the speed I indicated the silicone will add about .003" of silicone with each coat (I know this doesn't sound like much but 3 or 4 coats will usually get you in the ball park). If you've done everything correctly you shouldn't even need to true the tire up after it dries. The silicone will dry very flat at that thin of a coat. Please be patient when trying this, it's not something you're going to master immediately, as a matter of fact I ruined 2 pairs of tires just the other night because I got to zealous with the sanding block and made the tires to small. I've been running these tires for quite some time now and have been doing very well in our MAHOR races here in K.C. I hope this helps, it's quite a bit of work but very satisfying after you achieve the final goal." Taken from http://www.marioncountyraceway.com/files/Speed_Tips/ Though not mentioned within the article some of the chemicals used may give off toxic fumes. When mixing chemicals always do so within a well ventilated area. Also as a precaution, eye and skin protection should be worn. Anyone from NitroSlots forum familiar with this procedure or one like it, a photo tutorial will be greatly appreciated by all who have considered making their own silicone tires. Just post on site or send article and photos to: ninjatech@verizon.net -NTRA Vol. 1 No. 2 SPRING APRIL 2011 For Sale A page of the newsletter is reserved for NitroSlot members to list any hobby items they may have for sale or may be looking for. As this is the first year of the newsletter I will list some the website and links of NitroSlot members and supporters. Click link below image to go to website (active when viewing online). To list in future issues, send all info and photos to ninjatech@verizon.net. http://www.tsshobbies.com/ http://www.jaghobbies.com/ http://www.lucky-bobs-slot-cars.com/ http://shop.ebay.com/skrcustoms http://slotters.weebly.com/ http://www.rabbitracing.com/ http://www.bracket500.com/ http://www.mobydiditperformance.com/ http://www.scaleauto.com/ http://www.grdracing.com/ http://www.drhoe.net/ http://www.hodra.org/ http://www.sluggercan.com/ http://www.groovinracing.com/ http://hodrags.com/USDRA.html http://nitroslots.com/index.cgi?board=resin&action=display&thread=2288 Visit our friends at: http://shop.ebay.com/merchant/kdog2008_W0QQ_nkwZQQ_armrsZ1QQ_fromZQQ_mdoZ http://nitroslots.com/index.cgi?board=resin&action=display&thread=2289 http://www.ljlrc.com/ http://slotters.weebly.com/ho-drag-racing.html Vol. 1 No. 2 SPRING APRIL 2011 This issues ‘Watermark Car’ Each issue we will feature a car that is used as a watermark. This month’s ‘Watermark Car’ is the red and purple ‘Wicked Willys’ painted by Hilltop Customs. This quarters’ newsletter is so heavily laden with photos that the watermark barely comes through. But, now that you have made it through to the last page, you can now appreciate its true beauty. Equally as detailed as the car, is the shop. Check out the signage, the workers, and even the soda machine with the Geico money on top. Hey, that Corvette is looking sharp also. Hilltop Custom’s does it all. Next issue Vol.1 No.3 SUMMER July 2011 Be sure to check out NTRA Quarterly EXTRA!, for survey results. AVAILABLE MAY 1st AT WWW.NINJATEKPROJECTS.COM/MANUALS.HTM