engine oil - Cornwall Nissan
engine oil - Cornwall Nissan
ENGINE OIL Change your oil regularly. One of the ways you can keep your vehicle in top operating condition is to change the engine oil as outlined in your Nissan Recommended Maintenance Schedule. Oil lubricates the moving parts of your engine, preventing harmful metal to metal contact, minimizing friction, and carrying away excess heat. By doing these things, oil enables your engine to operate more efficiently, providing you with increased performance and fuel savings. IN-CABIN MICROFILTER Most Nissan vehicles are equipped with an in-cabin microfilter that filters out dust, pollen, sand, bacteria, cigarette smoke and other minute airborne particles. A dirty in-cabin microfilter may restrict air-flow volume and cause a drop in the overall performance of your heating and cooling system. Replace your in-cabin microfilter every 18 months or 24,000 km. OIL FILTERS Technology in design and manufacturing are the primary differences between oil filters. Genuine Nissan filters incorporate the following features into each filter we sell: The anti-drainback feature minimizes oil drainage from the filter when the engine is turned off; when the engine is turned on later, oil is immediately supplied to all engine components. The high-quality paper is finer and resists clogging and tearing. Combined with up to 33% more area of the filter paper, the Genuine Nissan oil filter is the best choice for removing impurities and ensuring lasting engine life. SHOCKS & STRUTS Shocks and struts influence the control and handling characteristics of your vehicle by holding the tires to the road. They control the action of the spring to resist bottoming out – like when you hit a pothole – and keep the movement of the springs under control when they rebound. Worn shocks or struts prevent required contact when coming out of a dip, or compression in the road. Without shocks and struts, a vehicle would continually bounce and bound down the road making driving hazardous. BRAKING SYSTEM TIRE ROTATION Be familiar with the braking system your car uses (eg., drum, disc, ABS, etc.). Ask your Nissan Dealership if you’re not sure. If you have Anti-Lock Brakes (ABS), there is no need to “pump” them to avoid skidding. Simply apply the brakes firmly. Regular tire rotation prolongs tire life. Tires are inspected for wear, improper alignment, inflation pressure, and steering/suspension concerns. Cornwall Nissan Services Available: Recommended Maintenance Schedule Cornwall NISSAN 1107 Brookdale Avenue Cornwall, Ontario K6J 4P6 (613)933-7555 or service@cornwallnissan.ca Your vehicle may require more or less maintenance depending on use, driving conditions, and special equipment or options. Price for these operations can vary according to vehicle model. We therefore reserve the right to modify these prices without any prior notice. Prices quoted before applicable taxes. Nissan Canada 5290 Orbitor Drive, Mississauga, ON L4W 4Z5 PRINTED IN CANADA BY C.J. GRAPHICS INC. Know the Difference Genuine Nissan Parts | Factory-Trained Technicians | Advanced Diagnostics Tire Basics 101 What is the best engine oil for my Nissan? Tiresprovidetheonlyfourpointsofcontactbetween yourvehicleandtheroad,andtheycontributeimmensely todriverandpassengersafety.Tiresaffectacceleration, traction,steeringstability,comfort,noise,braking, cornering,load-carryingcapacity,fueleconomy,and overallhandlingandperformance. Forsuperiorperformance,usesyntheticoils–man-made lubricants–formulatedtohaveplannedandpredictable properties. Theyprovide: • Superiorhighandlowtemperatureperformance • Aloweroilconsumptionrate • Betteroverallengineprotection Nissan Tire Advantage AlltirespurchasedthroughtheNissanTireAdvantage arerecommendedforuseonyourNissanvehicleto maintaincorrectfactoryspecificationsandperformance. NissanreliesonpremiumMobilSuper1000engineoilsforyour scheduledoilchange.AskyourServiceAdvisorwhatisbestfor yourNissan. Year 1 MAINTENANCE PROGRAM Service Visit Kilometers Months Year 2 Year 3 Fuel Savings Tips • Makesureyourvehicle’stiresareproperlyinflatedto manufacturer’srecommendations.Each2psidropin pressureincreasesyourfuelcostsbyabout1%. • Maintainyourvehicleproperly.Poorlymaintained vehiclescansignificantlyincreasefuelconsumption andproducemoreemissions. • Nissanfactory-trainedTechniciansandService AdvisorsthatdealprimarilywithNissanvehicles andknowyourvehicle’sspecificmaintenance servicerequirements • Athighwayspeed,drivewithyourwindowsclosed. Evenwithairconditioning,fuelsavingsaresignificant. • GenuinePartsthatmeetNissan’sdemanding standards • Useyourcruisecontrolwhenconditionspermit. • Nissan-specializeddiagnosticandrepairtools • Haveyourvehicle’ssparkplugsinspectedand/or replacedattherecommendedserviceintervals. • Themostup-to-dateNissanproducts,parts andserviceinformation Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 • Immediateaccesstowarrantyservicehistory andfactorytechnicalinformation Year 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8,000 16,000 24,000 32,000 40,000 48,000 56,000 64,000 72,000 80,000 88,000 96,000 104,000 112,000 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 REPLACE Engineoilandfilter Replacebrakefluid Engineairfilter Replacein-cabinmicrofilter Rotatetires(exceptall370Z) Replacemanualtransmissionoil (frontieronly) 2 3 4 5 6 • 12month/20,000kilometrespartsandlabour limitedwarrantywhenGenuinePartsare installedbyyourdealer • Lifetimelimitedwarrantyonselect replacementparts 5 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 • Clear,up-frontestimates • Over185locationsnationwide • NissanExpressService(atselectdealers) INSPECT Automatictransmissionfluid Axle&suspensionparts Brakelinesandcables Brakepads,rotors,drums,&linings CVTfluid Differentialoil Driveshaftboots Enginedrivebelts Exhaustsystem Frontsuspensionballjoints Fuellines/connections Fueltankvapourventsystemhoses Manualtransmissionoil Propellershaft(4WD,AWD,RWD) Steeringgear&linkage Steeringlinkageballjoints Transfercaseoil(4WD/AWD) 2 2,6 2 2,6 2 2,6 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4,6 4 4,6 4 4,6 4 6 6 • Shuttleservice/Courtesyvan(atselectdealers) Genuine Nissan Parts and Service are the best choices for your Nissan vehicle • SpecificallybuilttosuityourparticularNissan 6 model,chassisandpowertrain 6 $43.34 $98.95 $43.34 $146.95 6 $43.34 $198.95 $43.34 $98.95 6 $43.34 $146.95 $43.34 $198.95 $43.34 $98.95 *Please see Cornwall Nissan for all the details. Prices shown are subject to change at any time and apply to light trucks and cars only. Synthetic oil is subject to an andditional cost. 1 Only Cornwall Nissan offers you… Checkandadjusttirepressures. Automatictransmissionfluidexcept370ZandNV1500/2500/3500. CVTFluidoncube®,Murano,Altima,AltimaCoupe,Maxima,Rogue,NV200,Pathfinder,Quest,SentraandVersa. Differentialoilon370Z,Armada,Frontier,RogueAWD,PathfinderAWD,Titan,Xterra,MuranoAWD,NV1500/2500/3500. StandardEquipmentoncube®,Murano,Altima,AltimaCoupe,ArmadaPlatinum,Pathfinder,FrontierLEandPro-4XOff-Road,Maxima,TitanCrewCabLE, Quest,Rogue,SentraandXterra.Optionalaccessoryonallothermodels. Replace(notinspect)oil/fluidiftowingatrailer,usingacamperorcar-topcarrier,ordrivingonroughormuddyroads. Equipment varies by model. Perform only those operations that apply to your vehicle. What You Should Know: Yourvehiclemayrequiremoreorlessmaintenancedependingonuse,driving conditions,andspecialequipmentoroptions.Pricefortheseoperationscan varyaccordingtovehiclemodel.Wethereforereservetherighttomodify thesepriceswithoutanypriornotice.Pricesquotedbeforeapplicabletaxes. • ManufacturedtostringentNissanengineering andqualitystandards • DesignedtoensurethatyourNissanvehicle continuestofunctionatoptimumlevels • Betterfitting,longerlastingandhelptoensure agreaterresalevalue SeeCornwall Nissanformoreinformationaboutmaintainingandservicing yourvehicle..Cornwall Nissan reservestherighttomakechangesatany time.TheNissannames,logos,productnames,featurenamesandslogans aretrademarksownedbyorlicensedtoNissanMotorCo.,Ltd.and/orits NorthAmericansubsidiaries.©2014NissanCanadaInc.Allrightsreserved.