Young Life Newsletter 4-2010 - Seattle


Young Life Newsletter 4-2010 - Seattle
C LY D E ’ S C O R N E R
Blaine Clyde
This summer our family took a road trip to visit
friends in California. On the way, we took time to
travel through Redwood National Park. We loved
taking short hikes through the Redwoods. We were
all amazed to see how huge these trees are. We
even drove our van through a giant Redwood – the
kids loved that!
Permit No. 203
I love our family vacations. It’s always so good
to get away as a family. Both of our kids, Anna
and Evan, are great travelers. They have such
good attitudes and are troopers when Susan or I
want to stop and enjoy the scenery. Of course,
being aware that Disneyland was one of our stops
helped a little with the positive outlook.
The beginning of fall actually started off
with me taking a fall and needing to have surThe Clyde family (Blaine, Susan, Anna, and Evan)
gery on my shoulder. I will be in a sling for
6 weeks and am slowly recovering.
is definitely a frustrating way to start out a new school year, but I am very thankful for everyone who has pitched in and helped me out. Our student staff, Chris Tomoson, has really played a big role in
recruiting leaders this fall; he and a few of our veteran leaders are putting together an awesome team of
As a family, we’re really excited to get mom back; Susan just completed work on her master’s in Special Education!
However, on the flip side, I started work on a master’s in Disability Studies through an online program this fall!
I am so excited about it, but now the family will have dad practically gone for awhile! I am doing the extension
program through Cal Baptist. I have
been involved in Disabled Ministry for
nearly 20 years and know that working with people with disabilities is truly
my life calling. This master’s program
is going to deepen my understanding of Disabled Ministry, but more
importantly, I believe God is going to
use these studies for His Kingdom.
With this program and my experience
working with Young Life Capernaum,
coupled with Susan’s master’s in
Special Education, I believe that we are
a stronger team in helping Young Life as
a mission, and the church as a whole, in
reaching kids with disabilities and their
families more effectively.
Drove our van through a giant redwood tree.
Being a Friend to a Person with a Disability
Eyes Wide Open -
By B la ine C l yd e
hen befriending someone with a disability, our approach should be to check our attitude and be in anticipation of what
God might show or teach you through this person. I believe that initially, many of us might think the relationship is
going to be a one-way street, that our thinking is, “I’m here to help them.” This especially seems to happen as you encounter
someone with a more severe disability. But if you slow down enough and truly pay attention to the other person and to how
God can really shine through him/her, you’ll be pleasantly surprised and humbled at how God is speaking to you through your
friend. I would go as far as to say that people with special needs are here more for us than we are for them.
Summer/Fall 2010
Volume 18, Issue 2
We wish to acknowledge and thank the following for their generous donations to our silent
auction last spring. (Please patronize the businesses of these wonderful donors!)
AllStar Fitness
Argosy Cruises
Bear Creek Country Club
Belle Epicurean
Chopstix Duelling Piano Bar & Steakhouse
Clearly Lasik
The Crab Pot Restaurant
Elemental Massage Therapy
Gregg’s Cycles
Greg Hudgins – Pacific Capital
Inn at Port Gardner
Ivar’s Restaurants
Kirkland CrossFit
Legendary Properties
McCormick & Schmick’s Restaurant
NW Outdoor Center
Salty’s Seafood Grills
Stereo Warehouse
Seattle Weekly Club: Monday Nights
Weekly Club Beyond: Monday Nights
Shoreline Weekly Club: Thursday Nights
Parent Meeting: Once a Quarter
Oct. 8-9
Oct. 11
Oct. 14 Oct. 25 Nov. 1 Nov. 7 Nov. 14
Dec. 3 Leader Retreat
Azteca Dinner Party - Seattle & Club Beyond
Pagliacci Pizza Party - Shoreline Club
Halloween Party @ UPC - For Everyone
Parent Meeting
Concert & Speaker @ Key Arena - For Everyone
Bowl-A-Thon @ Lynnwood Bowl - For Everyone
Christmas Party @ UPC - For Everyone
Kathy & Jerry Clyde
Deborah & Greg Hudgins
Christopher Martin
Scott & Neva Kulp
Erik & Tamara Nelson
Joan Neville
Art & Susan Stella
Bonny & Frank Stuart
Sylvia Young & Dan Simmons
Online Giving
Online Giving: A Quick & Easy Way
to Make a Difference
Just go to our web site and select
“Donors” from the menu. Then click
on “Giving” and follow the steps for a
one time or monthly donation. Our
area number is WA73. Thanks for
partnering with us!
We Live by Faith, Not by Sight
2 Corinthians 5:7
Financial Update for the Month of Sept.
Expenses: ....................................... $12,124
Revenue/Giving: ............................. $13,450
Current Year Balance: ..................... $4,267
Young Life Capernaum Greater Seattle
P.O. Box 55998 w Seattle, WA 98155 w Phone: (206) 361-1234
E-mail: w Web Site:
Best Week for Kids & Leaders
Ben, Andy, Zack
by Chris Tomoson, YL Leader
Ridge Runners
As the first few days of camp came and went,
I had the pleasure of personally connecting
with one of our campers named Zack. I first
got to know Zack at club and was extremely
excited when I found out he was coming to
camp. Zack was so thrilled when we arrived at
Washington Family Ranch; it wasn’t even until
the end of camp that I fully realized the extent
of the joy he had for being there. I never once
saw Zack with a frown on his face – at any
point during the week when I was feeling less
than excited, I would find Zack lifting my mood
with his enormous smile. Zack’s joy was seen
in his friendliness towards others as well. The pinnacle of Zack’s cheerfulness, excitement and friendliness was seen toward
the end of the week. Wherever we went throughout the entire camp property, there was always someone who knew Zack,
and he or she would be extremely happy to see him. It seemed as if Zack knew everyone’s name! He really showed me that
being enthusiastic and joy-filled rubs off on others.
Ropes Course
nbelievable…an often-shared reflection of Washington Family Ranch Young Life summer camp! From the beginning, God
blessed us with a strong leadership team. To prepare, we met weeks in advance to familiarize ourselves with the campers
and to pray over them, as well as each other. In a blink of an eye, camp was upon us, and we were leaving for the hot sun
of Antelope, Oregon. When we arrived at camp we were welcomed with spirit-finger tunnels and shouts of joy and gladness!
Among the chaos and excitement, we were rushed to the pool to see leaders from all areas jumping in, fully clothed! The
campers loved it, but were reluctant to receive
hugs after one of our leaders joined in and
took the plunge! Eventually, all of us settled
down and processed what the upcoming week
would hold.
Club in the evenings was among the most memorable activities at camp. The speaker shared This was where
the message of Christ in a new and refreshing way which the campers really connected with. we saw God doing
After club, we gathered in our respective cabins (girls/guys) to discuss with the campers what incredible
moved them at club. This was where we saw God doing incredible work! Each night there
were new boundaries crossed and old barriers broken. We’re very excited to report that of the ten kids who came to camp,
eight either recommitted or made a first time commitment to give their lives to Christ. All of the leaders shared in this gracefilled blessing from God! The entire week’s fantastic activities – rope swing, ropes course, rock climbing, field games, etc.
– was just icing on the cake to this joyous and memorable week of summer camp.
Alissa, Amber, and Kay on the rock wall.
Round-Up Banquet
Jumping in the pool fully clothed!
oy-Howdy – If you weren’t at our Young Life
Banquet last spring you missed out on some good
ol’ fashioned fun. Our Western Round Up brought over
350 friends of Young Life Capernaum together for our
annual auction and banquet fundraiser. Mike Ashburn,
retired Young Life staff, was our speaker and he truly
brought the house down. “We were laughing at Mike
and Blaine’s western skit, and then moved to tears by
Mike’s stories of young people who experience the love
of Jesus through Young Life”, shared a Young Life
We hope you plan to join us next spring for our auction
and banquet. Mark your calendar for Friday, April 29th.
We guarantee you will be blessed!
Taylor sharing about his life at the Round-Up
Cosmic Bowl-A-Thon
ow would you like to spend a Sunday afternoon being inspired? Then
come and watch some very special kids have a great time knocking down
pins at our annual Bowl-a-thon on Sunday, November 14th, 2:00-4:30 p.m. at
Lynnwood Bowl. It’s always a thrill to see the kids’ big smiles and contagious
enthusiasm when they get a strike or a spare as they help raise money for
Bowling buddies: Eric, Ben, and T.L.
our weekly clubs at the same time! We’d love to have you join us; this is a
great opportunity to meet some of the kids we serve. You can even bowl alongside them and get a taste of what Young Life
Capernaum is all about! You are welcome to form a team and get pledges. We’d also love to have you help check kids in or
hand out t-shirts. Contact our office (206-361-1234 or for more information on how you can
get involved in this fun and worthwhile event that helps raise money for our club program.