Wall Tile - EBS Building Supplies
Wall Tile - EBS Building Supplies
colorbody wall tile porcelain ™ P R O D U C T: right & Matte in Biscuit, Mushroom and B Nutmeg in 4-1/4 x 4-1/4 L O C AT I O N : D Ameritrade Park T Omaha, NE D I S T R I B U T O R : Midwest Tile Marble & Granite DESIGN: 158 HDR 159 color coordinates Use this guide to find cross-coordinating color options MOSAIC tile WALL TILE FLOOR TILE among our various product lines. 160 Black Charcoal Light Smoke R964 Smoky Quartz Burgundy R941 Storm Gray Eggplant Grape Soda Sapphire Sky Summer Rain Bimini Blue Peacock Blue Ocean Tide Glacier Dill Pickle Artichoke Basil Shamrock Green Green Apple Spearmint Chili Pepper Ruby Red Red Watermelon Sorbet R942 Urban Tones FLOOR TILE p.94 R940 R944 R968 R965 R961 R984 R985 R981 0047 0049 0028 0064 Urban Tones Salt & Pepper p.94 Bright p.162 Q070 0121 Q074 0071 Q076 Q078 0063 0083 0069 0066 Q084 0081 0070 Q079 0042 0040 Matte WALL TILE p.162 0062 0060 0085 0004 Linea p.164 Q074 0063 Urban Canvas Gloss / Matte 0081 0040 0063/ 0069 p.166 0042/ 0004 0049 0047/ 0028 0049/ 0064 Profiles Gloss / Matte 0049/ 0064 p.164 p.208 R26 A80 A71 A63 A83 A62 A60 A08 A81 R08 A43 A22 A09 A04 A06 A33 A34 MOSAIC tile Unglazed Mosaics Speckled p.208 A74 A85 Satinglo p.212 D80 D83 D85 D81 D42 D40 D35 Y80 Y83 Y85 Y81 Y42 Y40 Y64 Satinbrites p.213 FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION® Unglazed Mosaics 161 wall tile University of Nebraska Devaney Center - Lincoln, NE: Urban Canvas in Ice White in 4-1/4 x 12-3/4 and Bright & Matte in Ruby Red in 4-1/4 x 4-1/4 on the wall. T I L E S I Z E S Pieces/Ctn 6 x 6 Field Tile 12.5 50 12.5 100 (15.2 cm x 15.2 cm) 4-1/4" x 4-1/4" 4-1/4 x 4-1/4 Field Tile (10.8 cm x 10.8 cm) a ppli c ations Floors/Patios: Covered & Uncovered s Walls/Backsplashes Countertops Q Pool Linings Pool Decking 162 Shape P R O D U C T I N F O R M AT I O N INTERIOR EXTERIOR LT RES COM COM RES COM TILE THICKNESS: 5/16" RECOMMENDED GROUT JOINT: 1/16" RELATIVE PRICING: Low to Medium SHADE VARIATION: Low (V1) Wet C.O.F. Dry Moisture Absorption Breaking Strength MOH's Chemical Resistance Bright Sq.Ft./Ctn 6" x 6" N/A N/A <20.0% 120-230 lbs. 4.0-6.5 Resistant Matte Size perform a n c e c h a r a c teristi c s <0.50 ≥0.80 <20.0% 120-230 lbs. 4.0-6.5 Resistant u Available in Chair Rail and Corner. v These colors/items are special order, extended lead time may be required. s Subject to crazing, not for exterior use. s Matte finish suitable for residential bathroom floors only, not subject to outdoor foot traffic. Q Darker colors on countertops may show scratches. : These items are special order (excluding colors 0025,0090, 0091), extended lead time may be required. 6 Not available in 0045. H Only available in 0049. NOTES: • Suitable for exterior applications in non-freezing climates when proper installation methods are followed. • All or select items within this series are made in the U.S.A. For more information visit www.americanolean.com. For information on Test Results & Classifications, see page 262. For Installation Considerations, Care & Maintenance information, see page 270. W A L L T I L E • bright & matte field tile Ice White 0025 (1) Matte Designer White 0061 (1) u White 0090 (1) Snow Mist 0095 (1) Biscuit 0091 (1) u Matte Biscuit 0092 (1) Salt & Pepper 0045 (1) Gloss Almond 0012 (1) Cappuccino 0078 (1) Matte Cappuccino 0009 (1) Mushroom 0038 (2) Matte Mushroom 0041 (2) Nutmeg 0037 (2) Matte Nutmeg 0039 (2) French Roast 0015 (3) v Matte French Roast 0026 (3) v Sand Dollar 0050 (1) Matte Sand Dollar 0067 (1) Marshmallow 0065 (1) Lemon Chiffon 0044 (1) Autumn Leaves 0027 (3) Chili Pepper Q074 (4) v Antique Rose Q073 (4) v Pomegranate Q072 (4) v Spearmint 0071 (2) Artichoke 0063 (1) Matte Artichoke 0069 (1) v Dill Pickle 0083 (2) v Matte Dill Pickle 0066 (2) Matte Glacier 0062 (1) Matte Ocean Tide 0060 (2) Matte Bimini Blue 0085 (2) v Summer Rain 0081 (1) Sapphire Sky 0070 (3) s Light Smoke 0042 (1) Matte Light Smoke 0004 (1) Storm Gray 0040 (2) Smoky Quartz 0047 (2) v Matte Smoky Quartz 0028 (2) v Gloss Black 0049 (2) Lemon Zest Q075 (4) v Mandarin Orange Q077 (4) v Watermelon Sorbet Q070 (4) v Green Apple Q076 (4) v Shamrock Green Q078 (4) v Peacock Blue Q084 (4) v Ruby Red 0121 (5) s Grape Soda Q079 (4) v s Almond 0087 (1) Matte Black 0064 (2) u (1), (2), (3), (4) & (5) notations indicate price group, (1) being the least expensive. T R I M Size Pieces/Ctn Shape Group Description Size Pieces/Ctn Surface Bullnose S-4269 2x6 100 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Cove Base Corner SCR/L-3401 Bullnose Outcorner SN-4269 2x2 250 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Surface Bullnose S-4449 4-1/4 x 4-1/4 100 Surface Bullnose Outcorner SCRL-4449 4-1/4 x 4-1/4 Surface Bullnose S-4669 Surface Bullnose Corner SCRL-4669 Shape Group 4-1/4 x 4-1/4 30 1, 2, 4 Cove Base A-3601 6x6 44 1, 2, 4 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Cove Base Corner SCR/L-3601 6x6 20 1, 2, 4 100 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Sanitary Cove Base S-3419T 4-1/4 x 6 60 1, 2, 4 6x6 50 1, 2, 4 Sanitary Cove Base Corner SCR/L-3419T 4-1/4 x 6 20 1, 2, 4 6x6 50 1, 2, 4 Sanitary Cove Base S-3619T 6x6 40 1, 4 Radius Bullnose A-4402 4-1/4 x 4-1/4 84 1, 4 Sanitary Cove Base Corner SCRL-3619T 6x6 20 16 , 4 Radius Bullnose Corner ACRL-4402 4-1/4 x 4-1/4 30 1, 4 V-Cap WA-8262 2x6 66 16, 2H Radius Bullnose A-3602 6x6 44 1 V-Cap Outcorner WAC-8262 2x2 40 16, 2H Radius Bullnose Corner ACRL-3602 6x6 20 1 V-Cap In-Corner WAM-8262 : 2x2 200 16 Radius Bullnose A-4200 2x6 100 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Quarter Round A-106 3/4 x 6 152 1, 2, 4 Radius Bullnose Outcorner AN-4200 2x2 200 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Quarter Round Outcorner AC-106 3/4 x 6 120 1, 2, 4 Cove Base A-3401 4-1/4 x 4-1/4 84 1, 2, 4 Quarter Round Corner AU-106 v 3/4 x 3/4 200 16 Cove Base Corner ACRL-3401 4-1/4 x 4-1/4 30 1, 4 FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION® Description 163 wall tile 164 W A L L T I L E • profiles ™ GLOSS Ice White 0025 (2) Biscuit 0091 (2) Sand Dollar 0050 (3) u v Matte Biscuit 0092 (1) Matte Sand Dollar 0067 (3) u v Matte Cappuccino 0009 (2) v Cappuccino 0078 (2) v Nutmeg 0037 (3) u Gloss Black 0049 (3) u Matte Nutmeg 0039 (3) u Matte Black 0064 (3) u m atte Designer White 0061 (1) (1), (2) & (3) notations indicate price group, (1) being the least expensive. T I L E S I Z E S Size Sq.Ft./Ctn 8 x 10 Field Tile : 8 x 8 Field Tile : 6 x 8 Field Tile : 3 x 6 Field Tile 3 x 6 Harlequin Field Tile v 8" x 10" (20.3 cm x 25.4 cm) 8" x 8" (20.3 cm x 20.3 cm) 6" x 8" (15.2 cm x 20.3 cm) 3" x 6" (7.5 cm x 15.2 cm) 3" x 6" (7.5 cm x 15.2 cm) Pieces/Ctn 11 20 11 25 11 33 12.5 100 5.25 84 Shape Floors/Patios: Covered & Uncovered s C.O.F. N/A Dry N/A P R O D U C T I N F O R M AT I O N INTERIOR EXTERIOR LT RES COM COM RES COM TILE THICKNESS: 5/16" RECOMMENDED GROUT JOINT: 1/16" Walls/Backsplashes RELATIVE PRICING: Medium Countertops H Pool Linings SHADE VARIATION: Low (V1) Pool Decking perform a n c e c h a r a c teristi c s Wet a ppli c ations Moisture Absorption Breaking Strength MOH's Chemical Resistance <20.0% 120-230 lbs. 4.0-6.5 Resistant uAll Harlequins are made to order. These items are special order, extended lead time may be required. : Only availalble in Ice White 0025 and Biscuit 0091. s Matte finish suitable for residential bathroom floors only. H Darker colors on countertops may show scratches. NOTES: • Suitable for exterior walls in non-freezing climates when proper installation methods are followed. For information on Test Results & Classifications, see page 262. For Installation Considerations, Care & Maintenance information, see page 270. trim Description Size Pieces/Ctn Surface Bullnose S-4369 3x6 100 Surface Bullnose S-4639 3x6 100 Surface Bullnose Corner SCR/L-4369 3x6 100 Surface Bullnose S-4289 2x8 100 Cove Base A-3361 : 3x6 33 Cove Base Corner SCR/L-3361 : 3x6 36 : Shape PAGE 164: Bright & Matte Profiles in Ice White 3 x 6, 2 x 6 shelf rail and 3 x 6 harlequin; Gloss Black in 3 x 6 harlequin and Linea in Ice White 2 x 6 chair rail and 1/2 x 6 liner. W A L L T I L E • linea ™ Ice White 0025 Biscuit 0091 Cappuccino 0078 Nutmeg 0037 French Roast 0015 Autumn Leaves 0027 Chili Pepper Q074 v Antique Rose Q073 v Pomegranate Q072 v Artichoke 0063 Summer Rain 0081 Storm Gray 0040 Black 0049 T I L E S I Z E S Size 1 x 6 Rope Accent 1 x 6 Rope Corner 3/4 x 12-3/4 Liner 1/2 x 8-1/2 Bead Accent 2 x 6 Chair Rail u Sq.Ft./Ctn 1" x 6" (2.5 cm x 15.2 cm) 1" x 6" (2.5 cm x 15.2 cm) 11/16" x 12-3/4" (1.7 cm x 32.5 cm) 9/16" x 8-1/2" (1.5 cm x 21.8 cm) 2" x 6" (5.2 cm x 15.2 cm) Pieces/Ctn ––– 16 ––– 16 ––– 70 a ppli c ations Shape Floors/Patios: Covered & Uncovered P R O D U C T I N F O R M AT I O N INTERIOR EXTERIOR LT RES COM COM RES COM TILE THICKNESS: 5/16" RECOMMENDED GROUT JOINT: 1/16" Walls/Backsplashes RELATIVE PRICING: Medium Countertops Pool Linings ––– 152 ––– 80 SHADE VARIATION: Low (V1) Pool Decking v These colors are special order, extended lead time may be required. u Available in 0025, 0061, 0091, 0092, 0049 and 0064 only. NOTES: • Suitable for exterior application in non-freezing climates when proper installation methods are followed. For information on Test Results & Classifications, see page 262. For Installation Considerations, Care & Maintenance information, see page 270. FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION® field tile 165 wall tile 166 W A L L T I L E • urban canvas ™ B ri g h t Ice White 0025 (1) Gloss Biscuit 0091 (1) Gloss Cappuccino 0078 (1) Gloss Mushroom 0038 (2) Gloss Artichoke 0063 (1) Gloss Light Smoke 0042 (1) Gloss Smoky Quartz 0047 (2) Gloss Black 0049 (2) Designer White 0061 (1) Matte Biscuit 0092 (1) Matte Cappuccino 0009 (1) Matte Mushroom 0041 (2) Matte Artichoke 0069 (1) Matte Light Smoke 0004 (1) Matte Smoky Quartz 0028 (2) Matte Black 0064 (2) Gloss Nutmeg 0037 (2) Gloss French Roast 0015 (2) Matte Nutmeg 0039 (2) Matte French Roast 0026 (2) FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION® m atte PAGE 166: Urban Tones in Light Smoke 6 x 6 and Unglazed Porcelain Mosaics in Charcoal 2 x 2 on the floor. Urban Canvas in Gloss Smoky Quartz 4 x 12, Ice White 4 x 12, Multi-Gray/Black 2 x 8 Hypnotic Accent and Ice White 4 x 8 cove base are shown on the wall. 167 wall tile D e c or ative T ile Designer White 0061 1/2 x 8-1/2 Ellipse Accent 168 u Multi-Brown UC01 2 x 8 Hypnotic Accent Multi-Gray/Black UC02 2 x 8 Hypnotic Accent Multi-Brown UC01 2 x 8-1/2 Matrix Accent Multi-Gray/Black UC02 2 x 8-1/2 Matrix Accent Multi-Brown UC01 2 x 8-1/2 Circuit Accent Multi-Color UC08 2 x 8-1/2 Circuit Accent Multi-Brown UC01 2 x 8-1/2 Zen Accent Multi-Gray/Black UC02 2 x 8-1/2 Zen Accent Brown/Cappuccino UC05 3 x 8-1/2 Galaxy Accent Gray/Artichoke UC07 3 x 8-1/2 Galaxy Accent Brown/Mushroom UC06 3 x 8-1/2 Galaxy Accent Multi-Gray/Black UC02 3 x 8-1/2 Galaxy Accent Multi-Brown UC01 1 x 12 Eden Accent Multi-Gray/Black UC02 1 x 12 Eden Accent Multi-Brown UC01 1 x 12-3/4 Henna Accent Multi-Gray/Black UC02 1 x 12-3/4 Henna Accent Polished Bronze UC03 1-1/2 x 12-3/4 Tempo Accent Polished Stainless UC04 1-1/2 x 12 Tempo Accent W A L L T I L E • urban canvas ™ D e c or ative T ile Multi-Brown UC01 1-1/2 x 12-3/4 Modules Accent Multi-Gray/Black UC02 1-1/2 x 12-3/4 Modules Accent Multi-Brown UC01 2 x 12-3/4 Zodiac Accent Multi-Gray/Black UC02 2 x 12-3/4 Zodiac Accent Ice White 0025 2 x 12-3/4 Chair Rail : (1) & (2) notations indicate price group, (1) being the least expensive. T I L E S I Z E S Sq.Ft./Ctn Pieces/Ctn 4-1/4" x 12-3/4" 4-1/4 x 12-3/4 Field Tile (10.8 cm x 32.5 cm) 4-1/4" x 8-9/16" 4-1/4 x 8-1/2 Field Tile (10.8 cm x 21.8 cm) 11-7/8" x 11-7/8" sheet 2 x 4 Mosaic n (30.2 cm x 30.2 cm sheet) 2" x 12-3/4" 2 x 12-3/4 Chair Rail (5.35 cm x 32.5 cm) 2-1/8" x 12-3/4" 2 x 12-3/4 Zodiac Accent (5.4 cm x 32.5 cm) 1-5/8" x 12-3/4" 1-1/2 x 12-3/4 Tempo Accent (4.1 cm x 32.5 cm) 1-1/2 x 12-3/4 Modules Accent 1 x 12-3/4 Henna Accent 1 x 12 Eden Accent 3 x 8-1/2 Galaxy Accent 2 x 8-1/2 Circuit Accent 2 x 8-1/2 Matrix Accent 2 x 8-1/2 Zen Accent 1/2 x 8-1/2 Ellipse Accent 2 x 8 Hypnotic Accent 1-9/16" x 12-3/4" (4 cm x 32.5 cm) 1-3/16" x 12-3/4" (3.0 cm x 32.5 cm) 1-3/8" x 12-3/8" (3.5 cm x 31.3 cm) 2-13/16" x 8-9/16" (7.2 cm x 21.7 cm) 1-15/16" x 8-9/16" (5.0 cm x 21.7 cm) 2-1/8" x 8-9/16" (5.4 cm x 21.7 cm) 1-7/8" x 8-9/16" (4.8 cm x 21.7 cm) 5/8" x 8-9/16" (1.7 cm x 21.8 cm) 1-15/16" x 7-13/16" (5.0 cm x 19.8 cm) 10.64 28 10.63 42 10 10 ––– 28 ––– 10 ––– 21 ––– 8 ––– 51 ––– 18 ––– 5 ––– 27 ––– 8 ––– 28 ––– 176 ––– 11 Floors/Patios: Covered & Uncovered s LT RES COM COM RES COM TILE THICKNESS: 5/16" RECOMMENDED GROUT JOINT: 1/16" wall, 1/8" mosaic Walls/Backsplashes Q RELATIVE PRICING: Medium Countertops s SHADE VARIATION: Low (V1) mos a i c a ppli c ations Floors/Patios: Covered & Uncovered 6 INTERIOR EXTERIOR LT RES COM COM RES COM Walls/Backsplashes Q Countertops s Pool Linings Pool Decking trim Description Moisture Absorption Breaking Strength MOH's Chemical Resistance WALL Dry EXTERIOR Pool Decking N/A N/A <20.0% 120-230 lbs. 4.0-6.5 Resistant MOSAIC 6 Wet P R O D U C T I N F O R M AT I O N INTERIOR Pool Linings perform a n c e c h a r a c teristi c s C.O.F. field tile a ppli c ations Shape ≥0.50 ≥0.65 <3.0% >250 lbs. 6.0-7.5 Resistant nMosaic tile is dot-mounted on 12 x 12 sheets. Can be produced with ≥0.60 COF Wet through special order. s Matte finish suitable for residential bathroom floors only, not suject to outdoor foot traffic. s Darker colors on countertops may show scratches. Q Wall accents suitable for wall use only. u Available in all field tile colors. : Only available in 0025, 0061, 0091, 0092. 6 Matte finish only. Office building restroom floors and hotel baths only. Not for use on shower stall floors. Size Pieces/Ctn Surface Bullnose S-4489 4-1/4 x 8-1/2 42 Surface Bullnose S-4849 4-1/4 x 8-1/2 42 Surface Bullnose Outcorner SCR/L-4449 4-1/4 x 4-1/4 100 Surface Bullnose S-44C9 4-1/4 x 12-3/4 28 2x4 180 Cove Base A-3481: 4-1/4 x 8-1/2 40 Quarter Round A-108 1 x 8-1/2 150 Surface Bullnose (Mosaic) S-4249 Shape NOTES: • Field and mosaic tile suitable for applications in non-freezing climates when proper installation methods are followed. For information on Test Results & Classifications, see page 262. For Installation Considerations, Care & Maintenance information, see page 270. FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION® Size 169 wall tile 170 W A L L T I L E • designer elegance ™ 171 wall tile 172 W A L L T I L E • designer elegance ™ c l a ssi q ue White DE0149 DECO 4 x 9 English Ivy Accent Beige DE0249 DECO 4 x 9 English Ivy Accent White DE0129 DECO 2 x 9 English Ivy Accent Beige DE0229 DECO 2 x 9 English Ivy Accent Gold DE0349 DECO 4 x 9 English Ivy Accent Noce DE0449 DECO 4 x 9 English Ivy Accent Gold DE0329 DECO 2 x 9 English Ivy Accent Noce DE0429 DECO 2 x 9 English Ivy Accent Torre Venato TN8939 DECO 2 x 9 Accent Natural Stone Gloss Almond/Noce DE12412 LIST 4 x 12 Accent T I L E S I Z E S Size 4 x 12 N atural Stone Accent 4 x 9 English Ivy Accent 2 x 9 Torre Venato Accent 2 x 9 English Ivy Accent Pieces/Ctn 4-1/4" x 12-1/4" (10.8 cm x 31.1 cm) 4" x 9" (10 cm x 22.8 cm) 1-7/8" x 8-7/8" (4.5 cm x 22.6 cm) 2" x 9" (5 cm x 22.8 cm) Shape 10 20 10 24 For information on Applications, Product Information and Shade Variation, see page 179. For information on Test Results & Classifications, see page 262. For Installation Considerations, Care & Maintenance information, see page 270. PAGE 170: Legacy Glass in Powder 2 x 4-1/4 glass tile with Designer Elegance Illusions Accent in Angel on the wall PAGE 172: Pozzalo in Coastal Beige 10 x 13 tile with Designer Elegance English Ivy 4 x 9 Accent in Noce on the wall FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION® Natural Stone Ice White/Travertine DE25412 LIST 4 x 12 Accent 173 wall tile m a j esti c Rosa Rilievo DE66413DECO 4 x 13 Accent Botticino DE57312DECO 3 x 12 Spiral Swag Accent Unglazed Porcelain Mosaics in Ice White, and Volcano Rock in Graphite Black 12 x 24 tile with Designer Elegance Empress Accent in Carbon Blend on the the floor. Botticino DE57112DECO 1 x 12 Spiral Swag Accent Beige DE45110DECO 1 x 10 Caspian Accent Botticino DE5728DECO 2 x 8 Damascus Accent Florence DE63412DECOB 4 x 11-3/4 Accent Giallo DE5828DECO 2 x 8 Damascus Accent Tivoli DE622512DECO 2-1/2 x 11-3/4 Accent Botticino DE5718TOR 1 x 8 Torello Accent Siena DE60212CR 2-1/4 x 11-3/4 Chair Rail Giallo DE5818TOR 1 x 8 Torello Accent T I L E S I Z E S Size 4 x 13 Rosa Rilievo Accent 3 x 12 Spiral Swag Accent 1 x 12 Spiral Swag Accent Botticino DE5748DECO 4 x 8 Persian Accent 4 x 11-3/4 Florence Accent 2-1/2 x 11-3/4 Tivoli Accent 2-1/4 x 11-3/4 Siena Chair Rail 1 x 10 Caspian Accent 4 x 8 Persian Accent 2 x 8 Damascus Accent Mocha DE5948DECO 4 x 8 Persian Accent 174 1 x 8 Torello Accent Pieces/Ctn 4" x 13" (10.8 cm x 30.2 cm) 2-7/8" x 11-7/8" (7.4 cm x 30.1 cm) 1" x 11-7/8" (3.6 cm x 30.1 cm) 3-15/16" x 11-13/16" (10.0 cm x 30.0 cm) 2-3/8" x 11-13/16" (6.0 cm x 30.0 cm) 2-3/16" x 11-13/16" (5.6 cm x 30.0 cm) 15/16" x 9-7/8" (2.4 cm x 25.0 cm) 4" x 8" (10.2 cm x 20.3 cm) 1-7/8" x 8-1/16" (4.8 cm x 20.6 cm) 1" x 8-1/16" (2.5 cm x 20.6 cm) For information on Applications, Product Information and Shade Variation, see page 179. For information on Test Results & Classifications, see page 262. For Installation Considerations, Care & Maintenance information, see page 270. 8 9 30 10 20 12 80 40 22 22 Shape W A L L T I L E • designer elegance ™ N AT U R A L S T O N E Carbon Blend DE81412DECO 4 x 12 Emperor Accent Heartstone Blend DE82412DECO 4 x 12 Emperor Accent Carbon Blend DE8358RNDM 4 x 12 Empress Accent (5/8 x random) Heartstone Blend DE8458RNDM 4 x 12 Empress Accent (5/8 x random) Meteor DE05 2 x 9 Accent Penny Wheel DE85212DECO 2 x 12 Accent Beige DE87212DECO 2 x 12 Sidewalk Accent Penny DE85411DECO 4 x 11 Diamond Accent Brown DE87212DECOA 2 x 12 Sidewalk Accent Mosaic Stone Travertine/Noce DE56 1 x 12 Accent Q Penny DE85411DECOA 4 x 11 Square Accent Horizon DE86312DECO 3 x 12 Accent T I L E S I Z E S 4 x 12 Emperor Accent 4 x 12 Empress Accent (5/8 x Random) 2 x 12 Penny Wheel Accent 2 x 12 Horizon Accent 2 x 12 Sidewalk Accent 1 x 12 Mosaic Accent 4 x 11 Penny Diamond Accent 4 x 11 Penny Square Accent 2 x 9 Meteor Accent Pieces/Ctn 4" x 12" (10 cm x 30 cm) 3-3/4" x 11-3/4" (9.7 cm x 29.8 cm) 1-7/8" x 11-7/8" (4.8 cm x 22.6 cm) 2" x 12" (5 cm x 30 cm) 1-7/8" x 11-7/8" (4.2 cm x 30 cm) 1-3/16" x 11-15/16" (3.0 cm x 30.4 cm) 3-15/16" x 10-7/8" (9.9 cm x 26.9 cm) 3-15/16" x 10-7/8" (9.9 cm x 26.9 cm) 2-7/8" x 8-5/8" (6.5 cm x 21.9.8 cm) 30 30 30 10 30 20 30 30 10 Shape FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION® Size Q Mosaic Stone only in residential applications. Wall accents suitable for wall use only. For information on Applications, Product Information and Shade Variation, see page 179. For information on Test Results & Classifications, see page 262. For Installation Considerations, Care & Maintenance information, see page 270. 175 wall tile Alysse in Blanc 2 x 2 mosaic with Designer Elegance Bronze Emblems 2 x 2 Dots on the wall. C O M B I N AT I O N S Beige ST22212DECO 2 x 12 Structure Accent Cafe ST21212DECO 2 x 12 Structure Accent Light DE881512DCO 1-1/2 x 12 Petals Accent Dark DE891512DCO 1-1/2 x 12 Petals Accent Station DE941511DECO 1-1/2 x 11 Accent Wood DE94211DECO 2 x 11 Woodstock Accent Light DE94211DECOA 2 x 11 Woodstock Accent Dark DE94211DECOB 2 x 11 Woodstock Accent T I L E S I Z E S Size 4 x 12 Night Watch Accent 2 x 12 Structure Accent 1-1/2 x 12 Petals Accent Night Watch DE80412MS 4 x 12 Accent 176 For information on Applications, Product Information and Shade Variation, see page 179. 2 x 11 Woodstock Accent 1-1/2 x 11 Station Accent Pieces/Ctn 4" x 12" (10 cm x 30 cm) 1-7/8" x 11" (4.8 cm x 27 cm) 1-1/2" x 12" (3.7 cm x 30 cm) 1-3/4" x 10-5/8" (4.3 cm x 26.8 cm) 1-1/2" x 11" (4.1 cm x 27 cm) 30 30 30 10 30 Shape W A L L T I L E • c er a mi c a c c ents designer elegance ™ O pa les c en c e Ice White 002536DECOA 3 x 6 Swirl Accent Biscuit 009136DECOA 3 x 6 Swirl Accent Ice White 002536DECO 3 x 6 Curl Accent Biscuit 009136DECO 3 x 6 Curl Accent Ice White/Tiger’s Eye/Azteca DE2575411LST 4 x 11 Accent Gloss Almond/Smoky Topaz/Mocha DE1274411LST 4 x 11 Accent Ice White 002526SRA 2 x 6 Shelf Rail Biscuit 009126SRA 2 x 6 Shelf Rail Smoky Topaz DE7422DOTS 2 x 2 Dots Tiger’s Eye DE7522DOTS 2 x 2 Dots D ots Ice White 0025 4-1/4 x 4-1/4 Diamond Insert Gloss Almond 0012 4-1/4 x 4-1/4 Diamond Insert : : Bronze DE9222DECO 2 x 2 Emblems Dot (4 piece set) Pewter DE9322DECO 2 x 2 Emblems Dot (4 piece set) Ice White Diamond Insert with Bronze Dot Gloss Almond Diamond Insert with Floral Dot T I L E S I Z E S Size 4 x 11 O palescence Accent 4-1/4 x 4-1/4 Diamond Insert 3 x 6 Swirl Accent 3 x 6 Curl Accent 2 x 6 Shelf Rail 2 x 2 Dots 2 x 2 Opalescence Dots Pieces/Ctn 4" x 10-11/16" (10.1 cm x 27.2 cm) 4-1/4" x 4-1/4" (10.8 cm x 10.8 cm) 3" x 6" (7.6 cm x 15.2 cm) 3" x 6" (7.6 cm x 15.2 cm) 2" x 6" (5.5 cm x 15.2 cm) 1-7/8" x 1-7/8" (4.8 cm x 4.8 cm) 1-7/8" x 1-7/8" (4.8 cm x 4.8 cm) For information on Applications, Product Information and Shade Variation, see page 179. For information on Test Results & Classifications, see page 262. For Installation Considerations, Care & Maintenance information, see page 270. 10 30 16 16 8 6 sets of 4 6 sets of 4 Shape Floral DE3522DOTS 2 x 2 Dots (24 piece set, 6 sets of 4 dots) FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION® Artifacts ST2022DECO 2 x 2 Accent Dot (24 piece set packaged randomly) 177 wall tile 178 W A L L T I L E • designer elegance ™ C O M B I N AT I O N S Skyline DE901512DCOA 1-1/2 x 12 Accent Shoreline DE911215DCOB 1-1/2 x 12 Accent ILLUSIONS Dali AC611RANDM 4 x 12 Illusions Accent (5/8 x Random) Angel AC621RANDM 4 x 12 Illusions Accent (5/8 x Random) Copperfield AC641RANDM 4 x 12 Illusions Accent (5/8 x Random) Escher AC601RANDM 4 x 12 Illusions Accent (5/8 x Random) Blackstone AC631RANDM 4 x 12 Illusions Accent (5/8 x Random) Platinum AC675858MS 4 x 12 Elements Accent (5/8 x 5/8) Silicon AC685858MS 4 x 12 Elements Accent (5/8 x 5/8) Radon AC705858MS 4 x 12 Elements Accent (5/8 x 5/8) Iron AC665858MS 4 x 12 Elements Accent (5/8 x 5/8) a ppli c ations Floors/Patios: Covered & Uncovered P R O D U C T I N F O R M AT I O N INTERIOR EXTERIOR LT RES COM COM RES COM TILE THICKNESS: Varies Size RECOMMENDED GROUT JOINT: 1/8" to 1/16" wall 1-1/2 x 12 Skyline Accent Walls/Backsplashes u RELATIVE PRICING: Medium to High Countertops SHADE VARIATION: Pool Linings Pool Decking T I L E S I Z E S Low (V1) (Ceramic) Medium (V2) Random (V4) (Majestic) (Opalescence) NOTES: • Suitable for exterior application in non-freezing climates when proper installation methods are followed. • S trong random shading is a part of the natural beauty of this product. To achieve the maximum intended results, tile should be pulled from multiple cartons and placement decided upon prior to installation. 1-1/2 x 12 Shoreline Accent Pieces/Ctn 1-7/8" x 11-7/8" (4.8 cm x 29.8 cm) 1-7/8" x 11-7/8" (4.8 cm x 29.8 cm) 4 x 12 Elements Accent (5/8 x 5/8) n 4" x 12" 4 x 12 Illusions Accent (5/8 x Random) n 4" x 12" (10 cm x 30 cm) (10 cm x 30 cm) Shape 10 10 20 20 n Accents are mesh-mounted. u Wall accents suitable for wall use only. FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION® elements For information on Test Results & Classifications, see page 262. For Installation Considerations, Care & Maintenance information, see page 270. PAGE 178: Torre Venato in Crema 3 x 3 mosaics with Legacy Glass in Sable 1 x 1 mosaic, Skyline 1-1/2 x 12 accent and Torre Venato in Crema 2 x 6-1/2 counter rail on the wall. 179 wall tile 180 W A L L T I L E • caché ™ F ield T ile ( g loss ) Ice White CC25 Gloss Biscuit CC11 v Vellum CC35 v Celadon CC32 v Mink CC33 v Smoky Sky CC34 v Matte Biscuit CC51 v Moss CC38 v Chamois CC39 v Rattan CC40 v F ield T ile ( m atte ) Designer White CC61 v de c or ative w a ll T ile Rattan CC40 v Rattan CC40 v 6 x 6 Fiore Accent 4 x 12 Lily Concave Accent a ppli c ations Rattan CC40 v 4 x 8 Grapevine Accent Rattan CC40 v 3 x 8 Celtic Knot Accent Floors/Patios: Covered & Uncovered s P R O D U C T I N F O R M AT I O N INTERIOR EXTERIOR LT RES COM COM RES COM TILE THICKNESS: 3/8" RECOMMENDED GROUT JOINT: 3/16" Walls/Backsplashes Q RELATIVE PRICING: High Countertops s SHADE VARIATION: Medium (V2) to High (V3) Pool Linings Pool Decking Rattan CC40 v 6 x 6 Scroll Accent Rattan CC40 4 x 12 Scroll Accent Rattan CC40 v 4 x 8 Botanical Accent Rattan CC40 v 3 x 7 Botanical Cap (Botanical 3 x 3 Corner available) perform a n c e c h a r a c teristi c s Wet Rattan CC40 v 6 x 6 Sylvan Accent Rattan CC40 v 4 x 12 Garland Accent Rattan CC40 v 4 x 8 Sylvan Accent Rattan CC40 v 3 x 3 Iris Dot C.O.F. Dry N/A N/A Moisture Absorption Breaking Strength MOH's Chemical Resistance <20.0% 500 lbs. 5.0 Resistant trim Rattan CC40 v 3 x 3 Crest Dot T I L E S I Z E S 6 x 6 Field Tile v 3 x 6 Field Tile v 3 x 6 Harlequin v 6-1/4" x 6-1/4" (15.9 cm x 15.9 cm) 3-1/8" x 6-1/4" (7.9 cm x 15.9 cm) 3-1/8" x 6-1/4" (7.9 cm x 15.9 cm) 6 x 6 Fiore, Scroll & Sylvan Accents v 6-1/4" x 6-1/4" 4 x 12 Lily Concave, Scroll & Garland Accent v 4-1/8" x 11-7/8" 4 x 8 Sylvan & Botanical Accent v 4-1/4" x 8-1/4" 4 x 8 Grapevine Accent v 3 x 8 Celtic Knot Accent v 3 x 7 Botanical Cap v 3 x 3 Botanical Corner v 3 x 3 Crest and Iris Dots v (15.9 cm x 15.9 cm) (10.5 cm x 30.2 cm) (10.8 cm x 21.0 cm) 4-1/16" x 8" (10.3 cm x 20.3 cm) 2-7/8" x 8-3/8" (7.3 cm x 21.3 cm) 2-5/8" x 7-5/8" (6.7 cm x 19.4 cm) 2-5/8" x 2-5/8" (6.7 cm x 6.7 cm) 3-1/16" x 3-1/16" (7.8 cm x 7.8 cm) Size Pieces/Ctn Surface Bullnose S-4669 v 6x6 40 Sq.Ft./Ctn Pieces/Ctn 10.8 40 Surface Bullnose SCR/L-4669 v 6x6 40 10.8 80 Surface Bullnose S-4639 v 3x6 80 11 132 Quarter Round A-106 v 1x6 270 ––– 36,42,42 Quarter Round Corner UC-106 v 1x1 27 ––– 16,26,24 ––– 40,36 Sink Cap A-8372 v 3x7 36 ––– 24 Sink Cap Corner AC-8372 v 3x3 24 ––– 54 ––– 24 ––– 36 ––– 184 Shape Shape v Made to order. Extended lead time may be required. s Matte colors only; bathroom floors only. The coefficient of friction for this product is less than 0.50; Check local building codes prior to installation. Q Wall accent pieces for wall use only. s Darker colors on countertops may show scratches. NOTES: • Suitable for exterior applications in non-freezing climates when proper installation methods are followed. • Decorative tile available in all colors. Decorative tile is glazed to the edge and can be used as a finished piece. For information on Test Results & Classifications, see page 262. For Installation Considerations, Care & Maintenance information, see page 270. PAGE 180: Caché in Gloss Biscuit 3 x 6 Harlequin on the wall with Rattan Lily Concave Accent and Gloss Biscuit 6 x 6 on the vanity. FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION® Size Description 181 wall tile 182 W A L L T I L E • bath accessories resin b at h a c c essories Q Travertine 0001 Tub Soap Dish BA725 6-5/8" x 4-3/4" x 3-1/2" Travertine 0001 Paper Holder with Plastic Roller BA777 6-3/8" x 5-1/4" x 3-1/2" Travertine 0001 Large Corner Caddy BA780 8-3/4" x 2-3/5" x 8-3/4" Travertine 0001 Towel Bar Brackets with clear Acrylic Bar BA730 2-3/4" x 4-7/8" x 3-15/16" Noce 0002 Tub Soap Dish BA725 6-5/8" x 4-3/4" x 3-1/2" Noce 0002 Paper Holder with Plastic Roller BA777 6-3/8" x 5-1/4" x 3-1/2" Noce 0002 Large Corner Caddy BA780 8-3/4" x 2-3/5" x 8-3/4" Noce 0002 Towel Bar Brackets with clear Acrylic Bar BA730 2-3/4" x 4-7/8" x 3-15/16" Medium Corner Caddy BA765 6-3/4" x 2-3/8" x 6-3/4" Towel Bar Brackets with White Plastic Bar BA730 2-3/4" x 4-7/8" x 3-15/16" c er a mi c b at h a c c essories u Paper Holder with Plastic Roller BA777 6-3/8" x 5-1/4" x 3-1/2" bri g h t & m atte c olors a ppli c ations Floors/Patios: Covered & Uncovered Ice White 0025 (1) Almond 0087 (2) Designer White 0061 (2) Snow Mist 0095 (2) Gloss Black 0049 (2) (1) & (2) notations indicate price group, (1) being the least expensive. Gloss Almond 0012 (1) Walls/Backsplashes Countertops P R O D U C T I N F O R M AT I O N INTERIOR EXTERIOR LT RES COM COM RES COM TILE THICKNESS: Flange on back of accessory is 5/16"; this allows it to be used with both stone and standard tiles. RECOMMENDED GROUT JOINT: 1/8" Pool Linings RELATIVE PRICING: Medium to High Pool Decking SHADE VARIATION: Medium (V2) Low (V1) (Resin (Ceramic Accessories) Accessories) Q Resin bath accessories coordinate with more rustic ceramic tiles and natural stone. u Ceramic bath accesories are non-textured, in solid colors that coordinate with these wall tile lines: Bright, Matte, Satinbrites & Satinglo For information on Test Results & Classifications, see page 262. For Installation Considerations, Care & Maintenance information, see page 270. PAGE 182: Bath accessories in Resin Travertine on tub soap dish, corner caddies and towel bar brackets with Tumbled Stone Azteca 6 x 6 field tile and 2 x 12 chair rail; Puerto Gold 6 x 6 field tile, 2 x 12 chair rail and 1 x 1 brick joint; and Azteca/Puerto Gold 2-1/2 x 10-1/2 basketweave border. FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION® Tub Soap Dish BA725 6-5/8" x 4-3/4" x 3-1/2" 183 switchplates wall tile • W A L L T I L E Chiaro SP80 Plain Chiaro SP80 Leaves Chiaro SP80 Geometric Chiaro SP80 Rope Noce SP81 Plain Noce SP81 Leaves Noce SP81 Geometric Noce SP81 Rope T I L E S I Z E S Description Pieces/Ctn Single Switch 24 Single Toggle 24 Double Switch 24 Double Toggle 24 Double Plug 24 Triple Switch 24 Triple Toggle 24 Blank Wall Plate Floors/Patios: Covered & Uncovered Rope Leaves 5-3/16" x 3-1/4" 5-1/2" x 3-1/2" (13.9 cm x 8.8 cm) (12.5 cm x 9.6 cm) (13.8 cm x 8.8 cm) (13.1 cm x 8.2 cm) 4-15/16" x 3-3/16" 5-7/16" x 3-1/2" 5-3/16" x 3-1/4" 5-1/2" x 3-1/2" (12.5 cm x 9.6 cm) (13.8 cm x 8.8 cm) (13.1 cm x 8.2 cm) (13.9 cm x 8.8 cm) 4-13/16" x 4-7/8" 5-1/2" x 5-1/2" 5-3/16" x 5-3/16" 5-1/2" x 5-1/2" (12.2 cm x 12.3 cm) (13.9 cm x 13.9 cm) (13.1 cm x 13.1 cm) (13.9 cm x 13.9 cm) 4-13/16" x 4-7/8" 5-1/2" x 5-1/2" 5-3/16" x 5-3/16" 5-1/2" x 5-1/2" (12.2 cm x 12.3 cm) (13.9 cm x 13.9 cm) (13.1 cm x 13.1 cm) (13.9 cm x 13.9 cm) 4-15/16" x 3-3/16" 5-7/16" x 3-1/2" 5-3/16" x 3-1/4" 5-1/2" x 3-1/2" (12.5 cm x 9.6 cm) (13.8 cm x 8.8 cm) (13.1 cm x 8.2 cm) (13.9 cm x 8.8 cm) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A (12.2 cm x 16.5 cm) 4-13/16" x 6-1/2" (12.2 cm x 16.5 cm) 3-13/16" x 4-15/16" (9.6 cm x 12.5 cm) P R O D U C T I N F O R M AT I O N INTERIOR EXTERIOR LT RES COM COM RES COM RELATIVE PRICING: Medium Walls/Backsplashes Countertops Pool Linings Pool Decking 184 Geometric 5-7/16" x 3-1/2" 4-13/16" x 6-1/2" 24 a ppli c ations Plain 4-15/16" x 3-3/16" For information on Test Results & Classifications, see page 262. For Installation Considerations, Care & Maintenance information, see page 270. SHADE VARIATION: Medium (V2) W A L L T I L E • glass block Decora GB01 v Icescapes GB02 : v Decora GB01 Arque Block v Icescapes GB02 Arque Block : v Decora GB01 Endblock v Icescapes GB02 Endblock : v Icescapes GB02 Hedron Corner : v Decora GB01 Tridron 45º Block v Decora GB01 Tridron 45º Block v Icescapes GB02 Tridron 45º Block : v Decora GB01 Encurve Finishing v Icescapes GB02 Encurve Finishing : v Size Sq.Ft./Ctn Pieces/Ctn a ppli c ations Shape 8 x 8 x 4 Block v 7-3/4" x 7-3/4" x 3-7/8" 18 8 Floors/Patios: Covered & Uncovered 6 x 8 x 4 Block u v 5-3/4" x 7-3/4" x 3-7/8" 27 9 Walls/Backsplashes P R O D U C T I N F O R M AT I O N INTERIOR EXTERIOR LT RES COM COM RES COM RECOMMENDED GROUT JOINT: 1/8" RELATIVE PRICING: High Countertops 6 x 6 x 4 Block u v 5-3/4" x 5-3/4" x 3-7/8" 48 12 4 x 8 x 4 Block v 3-3/4" x 7-3/4" x 3-7/8" 54 12 8 x 8 x 4 Endblock v 7-3/4" x 7-3/4" x 3-7/8" 9 4 8" Arque Block v 5-3/4" x 7-3/4" x 3-7/8" 9 4 8" Hedron Corner v 7-3/4" x 5-3/4" x 3-7/8" 9 4 8" Tridron 45º Block (45 degrees) v 7-3/4" x 3-7/8" 9 4 8 x 8 x 4 Encurve Finishing v 7-3/4" x 7-3/4" x 3-7/8" 9 4 SHADE VARIATION: Low (V1) Pool Linings Pool Decking u Available only in Decora series. : Icescapes series is only available in 8 x 8 and 4 x 8 shapes in 4" thickness. v Made to order. Extended lead time may be required. NOTES: • Suitable for exterior walls in freezing and non-freezing climates when proper installation methods are followed. For information on Test Results & Classifications, see page 262. For Installation Considerations, Care & Maintenance information, see page 270. FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION® S I Z E S 185
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