May 2015 - Golden Gate Railroad Museum


May 2015 - Golden Gate Railroad Museum
May 2015
Mainline steam in Niles Canyon featuring SP #2472
May 23 & 25, 2015 from Sunol Depot at 11am, 1pm and 3 pm
Relive the age of great trains behind a 1921 steam locomotive as it winds
through historic Niles Canyon from Sunol to Niles and back on a 90minute journey. The Golden Gate Railroad Museum's restored steam locomotive Southern Pacific 2472 will be accompanied by vintage equipment
of the Niles Canyon Railway, re-creating a historic train - and creating
memories for tomorrow.
Tickets are available online at
Buy in Advance—March trips sold out!
Round trip tickets are $20 for adults. Tickets for children 12 and under are
$10. A special family fare is available that includes two adult and two child
tickets for $45. Reserved Lounge Tickets are $30. Lounge service is available for adults 21 and over.
From the Head End…..
By Garret Brisbee
I'd like to say "thank you" to each
and every one of you that sent me
an e-mail following last month's
Head End article.
Looking back at the GGRM's
past, we have done some amazing
things since our inception at the
San Mateo Fairgrounds. We have
brought a mainline steam
locomotive back from the dead
(repeatedly). We have saved other
equipment from certain demise,
and restored some of it as
well. Throughout all of this, something important has happened as a by-product:
we have shared and learned priceless knowledge from those very folks that made
a living operating steam in it's final days. Sometimes younger members shy away
from helping out for fear of not having enough knowledge to be of help.
Younger members should remember that we all had to start somewhere, even the
most experienced of railroaders. So if you're young and unsure if you want to get
involved, look no further than in our past to see that one day you might be the
experienced person everyone looks up to!
Our current focus is, of course, the upcoming events featuring the
2472. This requires lots of time and expertise, as the old girl required an annual
this past month. There is no shortage of work to do in a railroad museum, and
there's much more to do with a mainline steam loco. Add to that the ongoing
diesel work, the Oakland getting a new electrical system and A/C, the UP 5901
restoration and other various projects and you can see why we're seldom bored in
the yard. I read online the "the GGRM hasn't done much since Hunters
Point". Obviously written by someone with no clue as to how much we're up
to. Unfortunately for us, we will have to rely more on volunteer labor to do this,
as our long-time Operations Manager, Dave Roth, is departing the position (see
separate story). He will still volunteer when health allows. Dave's hard work
during our last move and throughout our stay at Brightside has been appreciated,
and his volunteer efforts will ensure continued success for the GGRM.
And our future? It's going to be a tough road ahead while we move. But
it's a good thing for us. Every time we move we become stronger and more
focused. Regardless of where we end up, we will have a shelter for the 2472 and
those who tend to her. We will have a place to run the 2472 more often for
different types of events. We will have a place to show off our accomplishments
to enthusiasts and the public alike. There are so many positives to look forward
to that I'd run out of room in this newsletter before I covered it all. As a
member, look back at where we have been and relate that to where we are
now. Then look forward to where and what we will soon be. While there is lots
of work ahead, our future is very bright.
Dave Roth photo
Farewell, But Not Goodbye
As a member of the Golden Gate Railroad Museum for 25 years,
I've enjoyed my time as both a volunteer and as Operations Manager.
Sharing our passion and love for trains and history, I worked alongside
so many of you on what we needed to do to keep the museum going. It's
what we do.
At this point in time, I need to resign my position as Operations
Manager for medical reasons. I will continue as a committed volunteer
with GGRM and will be working closely with the Board of Directors
through this transition.
It has been so rewarding for me to work with all of you. We've
shared many memorable times, and I know we will have a bright future
and incredible opportunities ahead with a new home and location for the
museum. Looking forward to seeing you at the yard and at events!
With sincere thanks and appreciation,
Dave Roth
5901 RPO Progress
Another milestone in the restoration of the UP 5901 RPO progress was
quietly achieved over President's Day weekend, when one end of the car
had its top coats of paint applied. While painting the end of a car may not
seem like a huge undertaking, the ends of this car had the vast majority of
rot and damage (as seen in the "before" photo). A few different methods
were used to attach the patch panels to the car, but the aluminum would
always show hairline cracks at the repair site due to the material's expansion and contraction rates in the changing temperatures outside. Attention is now being focused on the other end of the car, where the doorway
will be painted in the UP "caramel" tan color, followed by the grey on the
end and diaphragm exterior. I'm crossing my fingers for a Labor Day
completion (though what year that might be is up for debate).
Jay Jacobs
- Garret
Aluminum Corrosion and rust of UP5901 car end as received and
before restoration and painting by GGRM volunteers.
- Garret Brisbeephoto
Belated thanks to Doug Debs and Laura Bajuk who provided
help during the Spring Steam Special Trips.
UP 5901 RPO car
end with repaired
Aluminum siding
and new paint in
Garrett Brisbee
GGRM operations manager
Dave Roth during the Spring
Steam Special preparations in
March. Although Dave is retiring for medical reasons, he is
volunteering to be Train Manager again for the Memorial Day
Steam operations.
Michael Price photo
GGRM Field Trip
GGLS Spring Meet and Open House
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Join us for an early bird tour of the Golden Gate Live Steamers (GGLS) in Tilden Park, Berkeley. GGRM/GGLS member Jim McDaniel has helped set up a 9 am
tour as the GGLS prepares for their Spring Meet and Open House.
The GGLS operates a large scale miniature railroad. The organization dates back
almost 80 years, including almost 40 years at their current location. Facilities include
7.5", 4.75" dual-gauge ground level track and a 1,100 ft long high-track loop consisting
of 4.75", 3.5" and 2.5" triple-gauge track. Rides will be available during the day. See
Directions: The GGLS track is located in Tilden Park in the hills above Berkeley.
Get on Highway 24 and head towards the Caldecott Tunnel. Take the Fish Ranch
Road exit. If you are going East, it is the first exit after the tunnel; if going West, it's
the last exit before the tunnel. Take Fish Ranch Road up the hill and turn right on
Grizzly Peak Blvd. Continue on Grizzly Peak Blvd until you come to Lomas Cantadas.
Turn right on Lomas Cantadas. About 100 yards up turn left into the Corporation
Yard driveway. Follow that until you see the GGLS area. Park outside the fence. If
you arrive later, you can park in the Redwood Valley Railroad parking lot or at one of
the nearby parking lots.
GGRM Field Trip Calendar
June 21, Sunday
Tour of NWP historical Society restoration facility in Petaluma to see restored P&SR
#1 Caboose donated from GGRM collection and the other Historic NWP wooden
cars under restoration. Then on to Sturgeon's Mill Restoration Project, a steam powered saw mill located in a redwood grove. More details in the June issue of the Dispatcher's Sheet. See also:
July (Date TBD) Pampanito SS-383
GGRM member Jim Kyser will give a tour of the four Fairbanks-Morse 10-cylinder
opposed piston diesel engine powered submarine at Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco. See also:
From the Membership Desk
Renewal letters have been sent to catch us up to the present date. We are
in the process of transferring to a new database and hope to have the work
completed soon. I've been working with Dave Hensarling, Dave Roth, and
Jay Jacobs to get the online renewal system going. A few of you might
have already paid your dues, yet still receive notices in the mail. Send me
an email to and we will correct the new database to
reflect it. Thank you for you patience and support.
Linda Jacobs
Membership Secretary
GGRM Calendar:
Member Meetings: Usually the Second Tuesday of the month. Member
meetings are at Peter’s Café in Millbrae at El Camino and Millbrae Ave next
to the Caltrain and Bart Station. Dinner at 6:30pm, Program at 8:00 pm
 May 12, Member meeting, West Coast Railroad Logging Vol. 2
 June 9 , Member meeting
 May 23 & 25
Memorial Day 2472 Steam
GGRM Board Meetings:
GGRM Board meetings are on the Third Thursday of each month at 7:30pm,
GGRM Office 1755 East Bayshore 19A, Redwood City, CA 94063 (XEI Scientific). Next meeting is May 21, 2015.
equipment restoration:
Takes place on Wednesdays & Saturdays from 9am until dark at the NCRy
Brightside Yard in Sunol, CA. Please come and join us! No skills required!
Help Support Historical Preservation!
Share your support of GGRM with a friend or loved one. Your support enables the
Museum to complete special projects. The GGRM is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization,
IRS #94-2844499.
Friend $25 (newsletter only), Regular $40, Family $65,
Sustaining $75, Patron $150+
Please accept my tax-deductible gift to the GGRM:
Address: __________________________________________
City: _______________________ State: _________ Postal Code: _________
Email: ___________________________ Phone: _________________
___Check enclosed
___ Visa or Master Card
CC#__________________________ Expiration: ___ / ___ CVV: ____
Send to: GGRM Membership Secretary,
1755 East Bayshore Road, Suite 19A, Redwood City, CA 94063
. Office: (650) 365-2472
Staff & Project Managers
Vacant: Operations Manager
Dave Varley, Chief Mechanical Officer
Jim Prettyleaf, Diesel Shop Manager
Severn Edmonds, SP2979 Lounge Car Project
Jim Bunger, SP141 “Oakland” Project
Dave Varley, SP2472 Project
Jim Prettyleaf, SP6378 F7 Project
Ron Vane, Editor and Publisher –Dispatcher’s Sheet
Vacant: Concessions Manager
Board of Directors
Garrett Brisbee, President
Dave Varley, Vice President
Jim Prettyleaf ,Secretary
Ron Vane, Treasurer (650) 369-0133
Laura Bajuk
Jim Bunger
Doug Debs
Cris Hart
David Hensarling,
1755 E Bayshore Rd. Ste.19A
Redwood City, 94063