2012 annual report - California State Parks Foundation
2012 annual report - California State Parks Foundation
2012 annual report Emerald Bay State Park © Steven Castro (Photo of the Year 2012) Our Mission With over 130,000 members, California State Parks Foundation (CSPF) is the only statewide independent nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting, enhancing and advocating for California’s magnificent state parks. Since 1969, CSPF has raised more than $209 million to benefit state parks. CSPF is committed to 2 improving the quality of life for all Californians by expanding access to the natural beauty, rich culture and history, and recreational and educational opportunities offered by California’s 280 state parks – the largest state parks system in the United States. Pismo State Beach © Susan Taylor 3 Our Message 2012 will probably be seen as a turning point for 4 state parks. It was a year that started with the complex responses to the park closure crisis, with California State Parks Foundation (CSPF) and the broader parks community all across the state focused on preventing as many closures as possible. It transitioned to the mid-summer revelations of undisclosed funds at the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR). The summer and early fall brought to a head the ultimately successful efforts by CSPF to get those funds returned and used to keep parks open. It was a rough ride. But at the end of the year, a new state parks director, Major General Anthony Jackson, had been appointed and the parks community was eagerly awaiting new direction. There is some significant evidence that we ended 2012 at a crossroads for state parks that might indicate a Park Advocacy Day 2012, Sacramento © Diana Casanova fundamental shift for our nearly 150-year-old state parks system. The full implications and consequences of this new situation aren’t yet clear. But we are optimistic that we are through the worst of it and what lies ahead is change and progress. are going to get to the more high-minded concepts like vision and excellence. Additionally, key elements of a new dialogue amongst the community, funders, and DPR seem to be taking shape. We welcome this. We hope you will participate as this dialogue evolves. Reasons for Optimism What’s Next for CSPF At CSPF, we are ready to turn to the future. It is time to recapture a new outlook for state parks that is not only bright but sustainable. This is an important opportunity for improvement in the state parks system, and we at CSPF believe positive changes can and will be made. This will take diligence, hard work and partnerships throughout the parks community. Basic tools are being put into place to help understand the shortfalls and needs of the state parks system in a new way. This is critical if we Through strategic planning, long-term visioning and political advocacy, CSPF plans to continue our work of protecting, enhancing and advocating for state parks. Together with our supporters, we must bring a strong voice to Sacramento with the unpleasant truth that this state parks system remains in danger – perhaps even more so than in recent years. We must also remind our elected leaders and policymakers that in this danger is great opportunity. Thank you for your ongoing support through 2012. We look forward to working with you to bring about the change that is needed to make our California state parks excellent again. Sincerely, Elizabeth Goldstein Donald J. Robinson PresidentChairman 5 Protecting State Parks Parks Legislation AND BUDGET in 2012 Through advocacy, lobbying and grassroots engagement, CSPF works in Sacramento to ensure state parks have a voice in park-related legislation and the budget. In 2012, California State Parks Foundation (CSPF) focused its legislative priorities on ways to support keeping parks open, establishing a path toward improving the fiscal and management picture of parks for the future, securing budget relief to avoid closures, and responding to the summer financial scandal at the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR). 6 Kicking off the legislative session in early 2012, CSPF sponsored Assembly Bill 1589 (Huffman), a bill that began as an expansive effort. The bill was narrowed throughout the legislative process; largely because several key provisions of the bill were either adopted in the state budget signed in July or transferred to other bills. As passed by the Legislature and signed into law by the governor, the bill contained provisions that included: • R ecommendation to create a master plan for California’s state parks system, • R ecommendation to form a multi-disciplinary advisory council to provide recommendations for sustainable funding for state parks, • R equirement for DPR to produce an action plan by July 1, 2013 to increase revenues, • E xemption for non-profits that are operating parks from possessory interest (i.e. property tax) on state property they are operating. …what lies ahead is change and progress. CSPF took the lead on all lobbying for the bill throughout the year, and coordinated lobbying and education of other park advocates on its provisions and potential implications for state parks. Of particular note is that several parts of the bill were built on recommendations that were in CSPF’s The Vision for Excellence for California’s State Parks report issued in 2011. Although there were a variety of revenue ideas in AB 1589, CSPF and then-Assemblymember Huffman were clear throughout the legislative process that it does not substitute for a broader, sustainable funding source for state parks. CSPF’s other sponsored bill, Senate Bill 580 (Wolk), which sought to institute a principle akin to “no net loss of park lands,” unfortunately failed to advance out of the Assembly in August 2012. SB 580 was the second time CSPF sponsored this legislation (previously SB 679 in 2009, which was vetoed by Governor Schwarzenegger). Earlier in the summer, CSPF overcame intense opposition to gain successful passage from a critical Assembly policy committee, where it had languished for a year. That hard-fought victory came even as additional opposition emerged. Unfortunately, the bill did not ultimately have sufficient support from the Assembly Appropriations Committee to advance in the late summer. 7 Throughout the first half of 2012, CSPF worked with legislators to identify state funding to avoid the impending July 2012 closure of 70 state parks. Throughout the spring, CSPF worked with Senate leaders, particularly former Senator Joe Simitian (D-Palo Alto), to secure legislative support for a patchwork of funding that provided temporary relief from closures. The Legislature passed a budget that San Simeon State Park © Ronald Marvin (Photo of the Month June 2012) included some short-term, one-time funding stopgaps for state parks, several of which were preserved by Governor Brown in the final budget. That funding, along with the year-long work of community groups to find local funding or operational solutions to keeping their parks open, was the key to avoiding statewide park closures on July 1, 2012. 8 The celebration over keeping parks open was dampened, however. On July 20, the Sacramento Bee reported that DPR had not properly disclosed more than $54 million in two accounts, some of which could have been used to avoid the crisis of proposed park closures altogether. In addition to responding with a statement reacting to the news about the undisclosed money, CSPF penned a letter to Governor Brown, Senate President pro Tem Darrell Steinberg and Assembly Speaker John Perez outlining four key recommendations for legislative action in response to the scandals. Those recommendations included our support for: • An independent audit of DPR by the State Auditor, • A ppropriating the “found” funds to the park purposes for which they were intended, • D irecting “found” funds to match or leverage donations already made to help keep parks open and support efforts to encourage enterprise activities in state parks, • S trengthening the State Park & Recreation Commission (SPRC) or developing a qualified, independent body to provide better oversight for DPR. The recommendations in CSPF’s letter became a major source for legislative efforts that culminated in the August 21 introduction of Assembly Bill 1478 (Blumenfield) as a trailer bill to the state budget. The trailer bill made reforms to the SPRC, established a two-year moratorium on park closures, and, most importantly, appropriated $20 million of “found” funds into two pots in the State Park and Recreation Fund from which “match” funding will be provided to parks threatened with closure. Specifically, the first $10 million pot provided a dollarfor-dollar match for all financial contributions given by a donor for the 2012-13 and 2013-14 state fiscal years. The second $10 million pot is not required to be spent in the same dollar-for-dollar match way, but is more generally available to DPR to direct to parks that remain at risk of closure and/or to keep parks open. CSPF was the lead organization supporting AB 1478 and mounted a significant and constant effort in the last four weeks of the legislative session to generate constituent, grassroots, and organizational support for the legislation. As the Legislature barreled toward the end of the session during the month of August, CSPF successfully activated more than 4,500 park supporters to contact their legislators urging support for the bill, which was ultimately signed by Governor Brown in October. Throughout 2012, CSPF also worked with the Little Hoover Commission, which initiated a study in late 2011 into the challenges facing California’s state parks. The Commission held several public hearings, conducted extensive staff analysis and convened small-group meetings to delve into the current crisis facing state parks and strategies for change, particularly governmental or governance changes, that could ameliorate these challenges. CSPF worked with staff of the Commission to help inform their agendas for public hearings, provided background information about park closures and park issues, testified on behalf of CSPF in hearings and subcommittee meetings, and more. The Commission’s report was released in early 2013. Park Advocacy Day 2012, Sacramento © Diana Casanova 9 Park Advocacy Day 2012 On March 20, more than 160 park advocates gathered in Sacramento to participate in CSPF’s 10th Annual Park Advocacy Day, helping to send Capitol policymakers a strong message of support for California’s 280 state parks. Park advocates started the day by attending the Assembly Water, Parks & Wildlife Committee to show support for AB 1589 (Huffman). The attendance and testimony from park advocates contributed to the unanimous passage of this bill. The afternoon was filled with meetings to all 120 legislative offices at the Capitol. During these visits – in light of the impending closure of 70 parks – advocates urged legislators to keep state parks open, oppose additional cuts to state parks, support local efforts to keep state parks open and ensure that state parks are protected from non-mission uses by supporting SB 580 (Wolk). In addition, advocates shared important new CSPF fact sheets highlighting data on the statewide and regional economic impacts of California’s 280 state parks with policymakers. They also delivered petitions and letters on behalf of over 40,000 Californians who were unable to attend PAD. CSPF’s annual speaker series featured a bipartisan lineup of freshmen lawmakers: Assemblymember Kristin Olsen (R-Modesto) and Assemblymember Roger Dickinson (D-Sacramento). The day wrapped up with the Legacy Award Reception to honor the 2012 Legacy Award recipient Assemblymember Jared Huffman (D-Marin). He was recognized for his outstanding leadership on state park issues spanning many years. 10 Save Our State Parks Campaign Technical Assistance Center As much of 2012 focused on impending park closures, CSPF kept up its major outreach and awareness campaign to motivate organizations and individuals to speak out and help keep parks open. CSPF also continued specific outreach to the business community to gain their support for state park issues with the “Closing Parks is Bad for Business” campaign under the Save Our State Parks (SOS) campaign. On Park Advocacy Day 2012, CSPF released a sign-on letter to Governor Brown from over 200 businesses opposing park closures. In 2012, CSPF convened the first in-person meeting of organizations receiving assistance from CSPF’s new Technical Assistance Center (TAC). The TAC is a key part of CSPF’s response to proposed park closures and is intended to increase the capacity, ability and effectiveness of organizations receiving technical assistance and increase opportunities for and success of new management and funding models to achieve excellence in California’s state parks. As part of the “Closing Parks is Bad for Business” campaign, CSPF also worked on op-ed pieces to place in newspaper outlets statewide. On July 15, the San Francisco Chronicle published an SOS-drafted editorial signed by John Severini, president and CEO of the California Travel Association, and a strong partner in the SOS Campaign. The editorial, “State Parks’ Reprieve is Temporary,” outlined the importance of state parks to the economy of California and urged the development of “a realistic plan that will ensure stability for parks and the businesses that surround them.” Related to our work with the business community, CSPF devoted efforts in 2012 to synthesizing data from a state-level report on the economic benefit of state parks. CSPF developed information resources that articulate the statewide and regional economic benefits of California’s state parks. Fact sheets were distributed to the state Legislature, Governor’s office, and each business that signed on to the business letter, and continue be used in ongoing SOS Campaign outreach. …establishing a path toward improving the fiscal and management picture of parks for the future… CSPF’s TAC will achieve its mission by: • F unding and providing external consultants and experts directly to organizations to assist efforts to keep parks open and sustainable, • I mplementing trainings and disseminating best practices to guide park partners’ work, • P roviding access to a network of providers and consultants with relevant expertise, 11 • M aking available additional resources, research, and information to assist park partners’ work, • F acilitating networking and information-sharing among technical assistance-receiving organizations. On March 21, the day after Park Advocacy Day, CSPF hosted twelve organizations as part of the first TAC convening. Attendees heard from the first of CSPF’s TAC consultants who offered legal assistance to organizations negotiating operating agreements, as well as operations analysis, business plan development, and pro forma assistance. Throughout 2012, CSPF continued planning for additional expertise to add to TAC and spent the latter part of the year planning a second in-person convening for January 2013, focused on fundraising assistance. Empire Mine State Historic Park © Claire Toney Defending State Parks Defend What’s Yours In order to be citizens’ voice for state parks, CSPF focused its communication work in 2012 on informing the public of the challenges facing state parks. When the governor and the Legislature announced the closure of 70 California state parks, CSPF decided it was time to take action and create some hard-hitting Public Service Announcements (PSAs). In January 2012, CSPF launched a series of PSAs and a public awareness campaign called “Defend What’s Yours” to inform Californians about the impending park closures. 12 To create our PSAs we turned to the creative team at San Francisco-based Nice Advertising. The Defend What’s Yours PSAs are the creative brainchild of Kelly Nice, co-founder and partner of the firm. Kelly is a dedicated park advocate and environmentalist. Creative Director Michael Boychuk, who is an avid mountain biker and state park supporter, oversaw the creation of the pieces and directed the voiceover sessions. Working with Nice was Jannie Matheson Gerds on concept development, creative direction, and writing, and Susan Alvarez who also helped with concept development and art direction. The PSAs featured stunning cinematography from awardwinning filmmaker and park advocate Josh Murphy of Unparalleled Productions. Josh was accompanied in the field by Director of Photography Lincoln Else and Gaffer Alan Steinheimer. These pieces were shot in three California state parks on the closure list: Jug Handle State Natural Reserve, Hendy Woods State Park, and Garrapata State Park. The English voiceovers were recorded by Steven T. Kearney. The Spanish language versions featured David Cruz, former television anchor of KNBC-TV in Los Angeles and now syndicated news talk anchor. They began airing across California in January 2012. Additionally, between August and November, over 400 park supporters took CSPF’s Defend What’s Yours Challenge. During the challenge, participants set a goal to complete at least one activity for each of the Top 5 Ways to Defend State Parks: •Be a Defender •Visit •Volunteer •Speak Out •Share After signing up online, each participant received a Defend What’s Yours Challenge kit, which included a checklist, window decal and “Speak Out” shield to assist them with completing the challenge activities. CSPF’s Save Our State Parks Campaign partners also helped distribute challenge kits at events at their local state parks. Thousands of these shields were delivered to policymakers later in the year. The Magnificent 70 Also in response to the announcement of park closures, CSPF created an interactive website featuring the 70 state parks on the closure list. The site, called The Magnificent 70, is a celebration of those 70 parks and a reminder of what would be lost if they were closed. The site features original stories written by Sol Editions, and original video by ConverganceMedia Productions. Visit the site at mag70.calparks.org. Films About State Parks The First 70 When Jarratt Moody and Lauren Valentino, founders of Heath Hen Films, learned about the proposal to close 70 parks, they felt inspired to take action. Joining with their friend and cinematographer Cory Brown, they embarked on a 3,000 mile journey throughout California to visit the parks slated for closure. The result of their journey is The First 70, a short documentary that chronicles not only the beauty and importance of the state parks system, but also the stories of people and communities who stood to lose from closing state parks. Throughout the spring and summer of 2012, Heath Hen Films worked with CSPF and dozens of groups throughout the state to show the film to as many Californians as possible. Through their efforts, Heath Hen Films helped spread the word about park closures and motivated individuals throughout the state to become personally involved in efforts to keep parks open. CSPF was an Executive Producer of the film. 13 California Forever Filmmakers David Vassar and Sally Kaplan of Backcountry Pictures spent years creating a beautiful and important documentary called California Forever: The Story of California State Parks. This two-episode television documentary aired on PBS stations in the fall of 2012 and well in to the next year. Episode I highlights the history of California state parks through an inspiring account of the struggles and achievements that built our state parks system. Episode II brings to light the challenges parks face now and into the future, for California and across the country. CSPF helped support this multi-year project. “My hope is that The First 70 will be a reminder that doing what’s right is always more important than doing what looks good on paper.” – Jarratt Moody, Director Improving State Parks Capital Projects CSPF worked directly on a handful of capital projects in 2012 at state parks that are in particular need of restoration, development or rehabilitation. 14 Yosemite Slough at Candlestick Point State Recreation Area, San Francisco In June 2012, workers completed Phase I of a key wetland restoration project at Candlestick Point State Recreation Area, nearly one year ahead of schedule. Key elements of the $14.3 million restoration included clean-up of contaminated soils, the creation of seven new acres of tidal wetlands, re-vegetation of the site with native plants to increase local bio-diversity, and the removal of existing structures and debris on the north side of the Yosemite Slough. A segment of the Bay Trail along the north shoreline was also completed. Nearly a decade in the planning, the project has been a successful collaboration between public and private partners including the State Coastal Conservancy, the Wildlife Conservation Board, Bay Area Development Commission, the City of San Francisco, Bay Area Rapid Transit, the Richard and Rhoda Goldman Foundation, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 9 – San Francisco Bay Water Quality Improvement Fund/San Francisco Estuary Partnership, the S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation, the Barkley Fund, the California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) and the San Francisco Bay Trail Project. Subsequent phases of the project will include development of the north side upland area for community use, design and construction of a new interpretive center, and wetland restoration on the south side of Yosemite Slough. Pigeon Point Lighthouse, San Mateo County Located 50 miles south of San Francisco, Pigeon Point Light Station State Historic Park is home to one of the oldest remaining lighthouses on the West Coast and is a superb example of classic 19th century American have been focused on maintaining and beautifying Silver Strand State Beach and providing comprehensive educational tours for all beach visitors. Park staff are also in the midst of completing several projects, including dune rehabilitation and construction of a boardwalk and coastal pedestrian path. Visit Silver Strand for yourself and witness the power of public and private partnerships. lighthouse architecture. However, more than 100 years of severe coastal weather has taken a toll on this beacon. In order to restore it to its full glory, California State Parks Foundation (CSPF), in partnership with DPR, took on the restoration of Pigeon Point Lighthouse as a capital project. In the fall of 2012, restoration specialists successfully completed interim stabilization at the lighthouse as the first part of a $9 million, multi-phase effort to restore the majestic structure. Work was conducted over a three-week period and included repair work at the lantern curtain wall, gallery brackets and upper and lower lighthouse belt courses. A comprehensive Historic Structures Report, required for further restoration work, was also completed. Support for the interim stabilization was generously provided by the Hind and American Express foundations. CSPF will actively continue working on this project. Los Angeles State Historic Park, Los Angeles Located in the heart of central Los Angeles near downtown and the Los Angeles River, as well as neighborhoods such as Chinatown, Solano Canyon and Lincoln Heights, Los Angeles State Historic Park is an example of cuttingedge urban park development. Plans that have been underway for years to fully build out this park will come to fruition in 2014, when DPR breaks ground on a new park. The project will include two elements that CSPF is actively working on. The first is a Storytelling Area in the north part of the park, which will provide a place for youth and community educational programming. The second is a Children’s Exploration Zone located in the more urban south end of the park, which will create a playground that will interpret the rich history of the site for kids and their parents. These efforts began in 2012 and will continue until both projects are fully funded. Silver Strand State Beach, San Diego CSPF’s partnership with Loews Coronado Bay Resort and DPR for the benefit of neighboring Silver Strand State Beach continues to be a wonderful success. The Loews Environmental Fund, begun in early 2007, surpassed the $1 million mark in December 2012. In 2012 alone, the partnership raised $197,369 from a 1 percent environmental fee on hotel guests’ bills. With these funds, efforts …working with you to bring about the change that is needed to make our California state parks excellent again… Future Broadway Connection Metro Gold Line Archaeology Discovery Site Great Meadow Community Meadow Roundhouse Plaza Story Telling Center Picnic Grounds Roundhouse Overlook Children's Exploration Zone Maintenance Welcome Pavilion & Restrooms Concession Rail Line Plaza & Green Observation Deck River Station Plaza 75 Car Parking Seasonal Wetland Natural Habitat Freight House Gardens 75 Car Baker Street Entry Portal N. Spring Street N. ing Spr et Stre Los Angeles State Historic Park Acquisition and Development Division - Service Centers Candlestick Point State Recreation Area © Diana Casanova River Connection Park Operations & Restrooms Parking 15 CSPF supported several volunteer, education and community programs in 2012 at state parks across California. Park Champions Program CSPF’s Park Champions Program was created in 2010 in response to the unprecedented budget cuts and closures in California state parks. In partnership with DPR, Park Champions provide consistent, sustainable volunteer support in the areas of park maintenance and beautification with volunteer work days held in state parks across California. Park Champions projects improve the quality, safety and preservation of our state parks. Projects in 2012 included trail repair, invasive plant removal, habitat restoration, the rehabilitation of a historic orchard, fence construction, bridge construction, and re-painting park structures. In 2012, a total of 1,163 Park Champions volunteered 7,264 hours at 97 workdays in 20 different parks across the state. Program Highlights: 16 Before After Burleigh Murray Ranch Since 2011, Park Champions have been working to rehabilitate the historic orchard at Burleigh Murray Ranch. Early in the project, CSPF hired an arborist-historian to help us understand the historic value of the orchard, and develop a plan for its long-term care. Our team held many workdays clearing brush to make the site more attractive and accessible for the park visitors, and pruning and mulching to bring neglected fruit and nut trees back to Earth Day 2012 Park Champions Core Leader Suzanne Siegel © Victor Leung health. In 2012, they were able to see the literal fruits of their labor. The orchard is now more beautiful than ever, and will continue to improve after the continued care of its Park Champions team. Rio de Los Angeles In February of 2012, Park Champions began holding regular volunteer workdays at Rio de Los Angeles to remove invasive plants along the hiking trail and marshes, and install native plants near the Community Room and Artist’s Bench. In cooperation with the Rio Seniors Group, Las Abuelas, and other community groups active in the park, Park Champions efforts made tangible improvements to the attractiveness and environmental impact of a heavily-used urban state park. Through volunteer trainings and the constant support of a native plant specialist, the Park Champions Program continues to empower local community groups to care for their favorite parks. Park Observation Program A pilot version of the “Park Observation Program” (POP) was launched in the Santa Cruz district in the fall of 2012. POP allows park visitors to observe maintenance issues within parks, like eroded trails or a fallen tree blocking the path, and share those observations digitally, either on their smart phone or on CSPF’s website by uploading photos and GPS coordinates. This information helps state parks staff identify maintenance issues quickly and efficiently. Information shared by park visitors creates a database that can be used by DPR and CSPF to help better understand the park visitor experience. The pilot version included the option for DPR staff to provide feedback on park visitor observations, using a fully-automated and simple web interface. A link to POP was also included for all Santa Cruz area parks on CSPF’s smart phone app, and a training video created and posted for all POP users on the CSPF website where anyone can upload an observation. 17 PARKS ONLINE RESOURCES FOR TEACHERS AND STUDENTS (PORTS) PORTS had an extremely successful second year in 2012. PORTS enables participating teachers and park staff to team up and provide an enhanced science education through the use of videoconferencing technology. It’s a virtual field trip to the park. PORTS at Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook Toyota USA Foundation’s generous $558,000 grant remains an invaluable resource for the sustainability of PORTS at Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook in Culver City. The grant funds supplied many new technologies for the videoconferencing studio at Baldwin Hill Scenic Overlook including computers, video and still cameras, and microscopes; as well as high speed internet; plus a videoconferencing vehicle (a fully equipped golf cart) equipped with the similar items as the studio. 18 To date, PORTS at Baldwin Hills has served over 8,200 students in Southern California through 275 video presentations. PORTS at Anza-Borrego Desert State Park Thanks to the generous $50,000 grant from the Employee Community Fund of Boeing California and a vehicle and satellite equipment donation from the Anza-Borrego Foundation, the existing PORTS program at Anza-Borrego Desert State Park thrived in the 2011-2012 school year. With this generous grant support, PORTS staff was able to not only continue the program in the studio at Anza-Borrego, but also expand it to neighboring Cuyamaca Rancho State Park with the Desert Rover expedition experience. The Desert Rover uses a fourwheel drive vehicle equipped with satellite and videoconferencing technology to show the students in the classroom the actual desert animals and desert environment they are studying. The PORTS staff finished the school year with 13,700 students participating in the studio presentations at the park and in the remote presentations at Cuyamaca Rancho State Park. Bay Youth for the Environment Now in its ninth year, The Bay Youth for the Environment (BYE) program, through its sponsoring organization and CSPF partner, Literacy for Environmental Justice, employs local youth from the Bayview-Hunters Point community in a science-based, after-school work program at Candlestick Point State Recreation Area. Youth interns in the program have cultivated more than 5,000 plants for the Yosemite Slough wetlands restoration project and learned wetlands ecosystem ecology while promoting local park stewardship. BYE has partnered with CSPF’s Park Champions program volunteers to plant native species at the restoration site and to complete a variety of maintenance projects at the park. Grants from the S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation, the State Coastal Conservancy and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 9 – San Francisco Bay Water Quality Improvement Fund/San Francisco Estuary Partnership supported this program in 2012. FamCamp® FamCamp® introduces camping and the benefits of outdoor recreation to underserved communities by working in partnership with schools, churches, group homes and mentor organizations. Group leaders, many of whom have never camped themselves, are trained in outdoor recreation skills, team building, program planning and assessment through DPR’s Outdoor Recreation Leadership training. Once trained, leaders are eligible to take groups of up to 40 camping and have all of the necessary equipment provided, at no cost. Sixteen FamCamp® trailers are housed at state park sites throughout California. More than 1,500 people participate in the FamCamp® program annually. Outdoor Youth Connection Underserved youth ages 13 to 18 enjoy outdoor recreation and learn to organize and lead adventure outings and community service projects with their peers through Outdoor Youth Connection. In 2012, youth from 27 different community organizations participated in weekend overnight camping trips to Lake Perris and Calaveras Big Trees state parks, as well as San Luis Reservoir and Silverwood Lake state recreation areas. The partnership, including DPR, CSPF and San Francisco State’s Pacific Leadership Institute, was supported in part by a grant from the Save the Redwoods League. Packard Summer Enrichment Program Completing its successful fourth year in 2012, the Summer Enrichment Program is designed to introduce the educational and outdoor benefits of state parks to urban youth in Oakland, San Francisco, Gilroy, Sacramento, Fresno, Whittier, Los Angeles, Santa Ana, San Bernardino and Glenn County. The David & Lucile Packard Foundation worked with CSPF and DPR to build relations and extend resources to these underserved communities where kids are often at risk of a “learning gap” during the summer months. The program has made it possible for more than 5,000 youth – most of whom have never visited a state park or gone camping – to engage in a variety of learning experiences related to science, natural resources, ecology and more, all designed to improve their academic performance during the school year as well as to have fun. Annenberg Grant for Native Anabolic Garden at Los Angeles State Historic Park This project continues to be immensely beneficial to Los Angeles State Historic Park and the park visitors. With a $200,000, two-year grant from the Annenberg Foundation, the Native Anabolic Garden is continually maintained by a cadre of dedicated volunteers led by consultant Olivia Chumacero. Chumacero also provides educational programs for the local community through workshops, nature walks and cultural campfire events. These programs highlight the native plants in the garden, as well as explore the history of the native people through drum making and candle making, culinary classes and native medicine. Earth Day 2012 Nearly 2,000 volunteers spent the better part of Saturday, April 14, 2012 digging in the dirt, installing drip irrigation, restoring historic structures and renovating campgrounds as part of CSPF’s 15th Annual Earth Day Restoration and Cleanup presented by PG&E. At 18 participating state parks, volunteers planted over 1,800 native plants and trees, removed 271 bags of trash and recyclables, restored miles of trails and removed thousands of non-native plants from habitats and meadows. Bale Grist Mill State Historic Park in St. Helena now has a functioning water wheel; San Onofre State Beach in Orange County has new stairs; and Millerton Lake State Recreation Area in Fresno has a refurbished campfire center. These and many other long overdue projects would not have been possible without our incredible volunteers’ support and participation. Special thanks to our Earth Day presenting sponsor Pacific Gas and Electric Company; associate sponsors Edison International, Chevron and Oracle, and grant provider Virgin America. Thanks as well to our in-kind donors Chipotle Mexican Grill, Two Degrees Food and Re:newal Premium Spring Water, and to our local donors including Starbucks, Peet’s Coffee & Tea, and Gott’s Roadside Grill. Their invaluable support was integral to the enormous success of Earth Day 2012. Summer Enrichment Program © 2009 California State Parks 19 CSPF Grants Program CSPF’s competitive grants program was created to benefit state parks and the partner organizations that work on their behalf. In 2012, CSPF offered two competitive grant programs: Park Partnership Grants and Discretionary Grants. 20 Park Partnership Grants When 70 parks were threatened with imminent closure in 2012, CSPF created a new grants opportunity to support those organizations that stepped up to help keep parks open. Park Partnership Grants were intended to promote new, collaborative models of park management, leadership and operations that have the potential to improve and sustain our state parks over the long term. In 2012, 23 Park Partnership Grants totaling $678,606 were awarded to the following organizations: • A nderson Marsh Interpretive Association for Anderson Marsh State Historic Park, $5,450 • A nderson Valley Community Services District for Hendy Woods Community and Hendy Woods State Park, $25,000 • B enicia State Parks Association for Benicia Capital State Historic Park, $45,000 • C uyamaca Rancho State Park Interpretive Association for Friends of Palomar and Palomar Mountain State Park, $20,000 • E ast Merced Resource Conservation District for McConnell and Hatfield State Recreation Areas, $20,000 • Friends of Pío Pico for Pío Pico State Historic Park, $10,000 • I de Adobe Interpretive Association for William B. Ide Adobe State Historic Park, $20,000 • M arin State Parks Association for Friends of China Camp and China Camp State Park, $50,000 • P oppy Reserve/Mojave Desert Interpretive Association for Saddleback Butte State Park, $10,000 • S ea and Desert Interpretive Association for Salton Sea State Recreation Area, $15,000 • Shasta Historical Society for Shasta State Historic Park, $19,000 • Sonoma Ecology Center for Sugarloaf Ridge State Park, $54,000 • S outh Yuba River Citizens League for Malakoff Diggens State Historic Park, $25,000 • S tewards of the Coast and Redwoods for Austin Creek State Recreation Area, $56,000 • V alley of the Moon Natural History Association for Jack London Park Partners and Jack London State Historic Park, $20,000 • W eaverville Joss House Association for Joss House State Historic Park, $10,520 The California State Parks Foundation entered into agreements with DPR to distribute the funds outlined below to keep parks open: • M endocino Area Parks Association for Standish-Hickey State Recreation Area, $45,000 • Greenwood State Beach, $7,136 • N apa County Regional Park and Open Space District for Bale Grist Mill State Historic Park and Bothe-Napa Valley State Park, $26,000 • Los Encinos State Historic Park, $150,000 • Jug Handle State Natural Reserve, $9,500 • Santa Susana Pass State Historic Park, $21,000 © Julianne Bradford Supporting State Parks • P lumas Eureka State Park Association for Plumas Eureka State Historic Park, $15,000 Grantee Profile: Palomar Mountain State Park When Palomar Mountain was listed as one of 70 state parks slated for closure, a committed group of people who love this park swung into action and formed Friends of Palomar Mountain State Park. This group of dedicated folks recognized it was up to them to save this park – no knight in shining armor was going to appear. Friends of Palomar went on an education campaign and fundraising blitz and successfully entered into an agreement with DPR to raise the necessary funds to keep the park open. Friends of Palomar’s first order of business was to make much needed improvements to the park’s campground in order to attract more park visitors and generate much needed revenue. Friends of Palomar installed new barbeque grills and worked hand in hand with community volunteers to renovate campground bathrooms and showers. Garrapata State Park © Chris Murdoch (Photo of the Month July 2012) 21 Grantee Profile: Salton Sea State Recreation Area 22 For more than three decades, the Sea and Desert Interpretive Association has been providing educational and interpretive programs to promote a better understanding of the Salton Sea and its unique desert habitat. The Salton Sea’s remote location is both a blessing and a curse: a blessing in that the Salton Sea serves as an important source of recreation and a critical stop for migratory birds making their way north along the Pacific Flyway; a curse because the sea’s remote location likely contributed to it being one of 70 parks slated for closure. When the park’s closure was imminent, the association kicked into high gear and successfully raised the necessary funds to keep the park open. The Salton Sea has since become one of CSPF’s newest Park Champions sites. Volunteers gathered for three work days in March and November 2012 and completed the installation of a drip irrigation system in the discovery garden, removed invasive plants, and repaired the interpretive Ironwood Trail. In 2012, CSPF awarded the following 46 Discretionary Grants: Volunteer Efforts and Recognition • B enicia State Parks Association, $6,000 to support the expansion of its volunteer program • Boosters of Old Town San Diego, $2,000 for a volunteer recognition event • DPR, $1,800 to purchase jackets and vests for volunteers who staff the Butterfly Grove and Nature Center at Pismo State Beach • DPR, $1,000 to support a volunteer appreciation event for volunteers serving Carpinteria State Beach • Save Mt. Diablo, $10,000 to support volunteer engagement and park improvement projects • Save Our Shores, $10,000 to support volunteer engagement and coastal cleanups • South Yuba River Citizens League, two grants totaling $8,000 to support the pilot of its River Ambassadors Program which recruits and trains volunteers to educate visitors on river safety and stewardship • Torrey Pines Docent Society, $1,900 to support its 2012 Docent Appreciation Event • TreePeople, $6,000 to support a training for volunteer supervisors who lead teams in tree planting and restoration work in Malibu Creek and Topanga state parks Education and Interpretation • A nza-Borrego Foundation, $2,000 to support its Sonoran Desert Conservation, Ecology and Natural History Research Symposium • DPR, $7,000 to support the purchase of name badges and patches for its Volunteers in Parks Program • DPR, $5,000 to support the creation of educational brochures to help visitors identify native plants in the Butterfly Grove and around Pismo State Beach • D PR, $4,000 to print a new visitor guide for parks in the North Coast Redwoods District • Fort Ross Conservancy, $2,228 to cover equipment purchases for a new Marine Mammal Monitoring and Education Program • Ide Adobe Interpretive Association, $6,000 to support the Adobe Homecoming Living History and other educational programs • Nature of Wildworks, $5,000 to support wildlife education presentations in a number of Southern California state parks • Outdoor Foundation, $6,000 to support Outdoor Nation’s Youth Summit in Los Angeles State Historic Park • Point Lobos Foundation, $6,000 to support Summer Adventures for children and youth • Redwood Parks Association, $6,000 to install Native American Tolowa Indian cultural protection and trailhead signage in Tolowa Dunes State Park • Sonoma Petaluma State Historic Parks Association, $5,500 to support the Petaluma Adobe Environmental Living Program • South Yuba River Park Association, $2,500 to support a Sesquicentennial Celebration in honor of the park’s historic barn and covered bridge • Stewards of the Coast and Redwoods, $6,000 to support the expansion of its educational interpretive programming • Valley of the Moon Natural History Association for Jack London Park Partners, $5,592 to support a one-day teaching training workshop on Jack London • Valley of the Moon Observatory Association, $4,000 to purchase a solar telescope for the observatory in Sugarloaf Ridge State Park • William C. Velasquez Institute, $6,000 to support Earth Day Latino in Los Angeles State Historic Park Natural and Cultural Resource Protection • A nderson Marsh Interpretive Association, $5,820 to support repair of the Cache Creek Nature Trail Boardwalk • DPR, $2,250 for fencing to protect the Pismo Beach Monarch Butterfly Grove • Friends of Palomar, $4,750 to support campground restoration and upgrades • Napa Valley State Parks Association, $3,500 to purchase equipment for campground maintenance and transportation • Plumas Eureka State Park Association, $10,000 to support the repair and painting of the historic museum, assay office and blacksmith shop • University Corporation at Monterey Bay, $5,000 to support dune habitat restoration • Ventana Wilderness Alliance, $4,000 to support trail improvements © Eliya Selhub © Thomas Haraikawa Discretionary Grants Every year CSPF awards approximately $200,000 in Discretionary Grants to California’s state parks, governmental entities or nonprofit organizations working to protect, enhance and preserve our parks. Discretionary grants primarily support four of CSPF’s core areas of interest: Volunteer Efforts and Recognition, Education and Interpretation, Natural and Cultural Resource Protection, and Capacity-Building for Cooperative Associations and Park Partner Organizations. Grantee Profile: Bale Grist Mill State HISTORIC Park and Bothe-Napa State Park In 2012, the Napa Valley State Parks Association and the Napa County Regional Park and Open Space District joined forces to take over the operation of Bothe-Napa Valley State Park and Bale Grist Mill State Historic Park – successfully removing the latter park from the official closure list. These two parks are geographically contiguous and the operations of each had been highly interwoven in the past, making a partnership between the association and the Open Space District a natural. This burgeoning partnership has resulted in significant improvements to both parks, including the cleanup and restoration of a historic orchard, hazardous tree removal, repair of a dilapidated 30-foot section of boardwalk on the History Trail, the pumping of multiple septic tanks, and a facelift of the toilet and shower facilities in the campground. New park accommodations – seven yurts – are coming soon and will be available for rental. Mount Diablo State Park © Susan Taylor 23 © John Dotta Capacity-building for Cooperating Associations and Park Partner Organizations Grantee Profile: Sugarloaf Ridge State Park 24 Located in the heart of Sonoma County’s picturesque wine country, Sugarloaf Ridge State Park’s listing on the closure list came as a shock. The silver lining was that this news precipitated the formation of Team Sugarloaf – a unique partnership of five nonprofit organizations that joined together to keep the park from closing. Partners include the Sonoma Ecology Center, United Camps Conferences and Retreats, Sonoma County Trails Coalition, Valley of the Moon Observatory Association, and Valley of the Moon Natural History Association. These partners bring an impressive range of expertise to bear in operating Sugarloaf Ridge, including resource management and administration, campground management, observatory operations, trail maintenance, and volunteer recruitment and coordination. Team Sugarloaf became the official operator of Sugarloaf Ridge State Park in June, and is now tackling critical deferred maintenance issues and making improvements to the park to enhance the visitor experience. • A damson House Foundation, $2,000 to support a board development workshop • Angel Island Conservancy, $5,000 to support the hiring of an executive director • Benicia State Parks Association, $6,000 to support the creation of marketing and fundraising materials • Friends4Picacho, $10,000 to support start-up costs and the launch of a kayak rental program in Picacho State Recreation Area • Friends of Allensworth, $2,635 for a technology upgrade for its park store • Friends of Channel Coast State Parks, two grants totaling $15,000 to strengthen the organization’s capacity to support the seven state parks in its district • Los Encinos Docent Association, $1,830 to expand its membership, outreach and fundraising capacity • Mendocino Area Parks Association, $5,350 to improve its financial and accounting systems • Mountain Parks Foundation, $8,000 for a new donor management system to increase its capacity to raise funds for Henry Cowell and Big Basin Redwoods state parks • Napa Valley State Parks Association, $1,000 to support an upgrade of its website • Shasta Historical Society, $5,995 to develop materials in support of its Save Old Shasta fundraising campaign • Valley of the Moon Natural History Association, $6,000 to develop a new website Sponsorship and Partnership Funding Every year CSPF provides a limited amount of sponsorship funding to support park partners in their important work. The following organizations received sponsorship support in 2012: Anza-Borrego Foundation Bay Area Open Space Council California Department of Parks and Recreation, Mt. Diablo District California League of Conservation Voters California League of Park Associations California Parks Hospitality Association California State Parks Rangers Association California Trails Conference C.A.S.T. for Kids Foundation City Parks Alliance Crystal Cove Alliance Documentary Film California Forever Documentary Film The First 70 Fort Ross Conservancy Los Angeles County Parks Los Angeles Neighborhood Land Trust Planning and Conservation League Mountain Parks Foundation 25 Carlsbad State Beach © Julianne Bradford Promoting State Parks The California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) engages in statewide, regional, and local partnerships with a number of America’s finest corporations. The corporate partners share the commitment to provide for the health, inspiration and education of the people of California. Corporate partners exemplify leadership and innovation in their stewardship of our state’s cultural and natural resources. 26 In partnership with the California State Parks Foundation (CSPF), DPR developed the Proud Partner program to allow corporations and businesses to reach out to the more than 70 million people that visit California’s 280 state parks each year. Partners may align themselves with an individual park, or with the entire state parks system. These partnerships generate critical financial support that improves the park visitor experience, and helps to ensure that future generations will continue to enjoy the treasures of the Golden State. Here are the corporate sponsors that supported parks in 2012: Coca-Cola Refreshments and Stater Bros. Market 2012 was the fourth year that the Coca-Cola Refreshments and Stater Bros. Markets teamed up to initiate environmental stewardship programs through the raising of muchneeded funds for California state parks. The 2012 campaign was called “Preserve Our Parks: So They Are Here Tomorrow.” The six-week campaign raised over $700,000 for support of Southern California parklands. Coca-Cola’s retail cause marketing program with Southern California retailer Stater Bros. Markets is recognized by Coca-Cola senior executives as “best-of-breed” and held out by many as the gold-standard of retail cause marketing for a consumer product. This multi-year program encouraged consumers to join Coke in supporting environmental causes including the “Reforest California” campaign, the “Preserve our Parks” campaign and the “Care for Our Coast” campaign with a donation to parks triggered by a purchase, generating over a 200 percent return on investment. The program has resulted in over $2.5 million in donations to California state parks to date, and well over 700 million positive press impressions. Renova Fort Ross Foundation Loews Hotels Loews Hotels has understood for nearly 60 years that with success comes responsibility to the community. They still believe that success is a result of strong relationships with partners that lead to empowered employees, satisfied customers and an improved community. Created in 1990 by Jonathan Tisch, Loews Hotels Chairman and CEO, the Loews Good Neighbor Policy is the company’s formal commitment to a long-standing tradition of understanding their responsibility to the communities where they own and operate hotels. Loews Hotels addresses various issues of social concern and supports charities corporately. Each destination is required to conduct specific activities, like their California state parks beach cleanup program at Silver Strand State Beach (see page 15) and extensive recycling campaigns. Loews Hotels seek every reasonable opportunity to incorporate “green” standards and practices into all aspects of their business. They identify and mandate specific brand-wide practices that embrace their responsibility and make prudent investments in technologies and programs that will allow them to do well and do well at the same time. The Renova Fort Ross Foundation was created by the Renova Group of Companies to serve as a key organization in raising private and public funding for Fort Ross State Historic Park. The historic site preserves the Fort Ross Settlement, a Russian colony founded in 1812 by members of the Russian-American Company. Never before has DPR entered into such an agreement with a foreign business group for such a partnership. This public-private partnership has resulted in the creation of a cutting-edge program that serves the people of California and opens an important cross-cultural exchange between Russia and California. Beyond the financial help, the Renova Fort Ross Foundation partnership is especially fitting because this park is Russian in its origins and therefore there is a strong attachment to the park from the Russian community living in California. The Foundation is making a significant donation to the park for repair of the “Rotchev House,” a National Historic Landmark. Fort Ross celebrated its bicentennial in July 2012. CalParks App The newest version of the CalParks App went live June 2012. This revision unveiled our partnership on the app with DPR. The app offers visitors a detailed, media-rich, interactive, and location-aware experience, complete with over 250 state parks descriptions and 75 trail guides. The app will eventually include the ability to book hotels, flights, car rentals, tours, and RV rentals. There has been over 165,000 downloads of the app and 75,000 downloads of the trail guides. The CalParks App was promoted in the State Parks Welcome Kit map that is distributed to over 1 million park visitors. Over 105 countries have accessed the App, including most states in the U.S. The CalParks App was awarded the Most Valuable App at the Government Mobility Forum in March 2012. 27 Financial Statements Statem ent o f activities Statem ent of Finan cial Position Year Ended June 30, 2012 (Comparative totals for 2011) 2012 TemporarilyPermanently 2011 UnrestrictedRestricted RestrictedTotalTotal Revenues and Support Contributions and Services Membership dues Donated goods and services Investment Income (loss) Planned gifts Events Other income Net assets released from restrictions 28 Total revenues and support 8,857,913 6,858,210 15,716,123 5,059,697 5,984,331 5,984,331 4,789,003 1,134,422 1,134,422 888,790 269,404 115,352 4,050 388,806 479,752 160,278 300,000 460,278 63,539 113,557 38,560 152,117 291,638 228,450 20,762 249,212 355,969 3,989,220 (3,989,220) 20,737,575 3,343,664 4,050 24,085,289 11,928,388 Assets Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents held on behalf of others Contributions, grants and other accounts receivable, net Investments Planned gifts Other assets Total assets Change in Net Assets from Operations 14,748,863 1,471,996 2,424,211 18,645,070 9,040,452 1,311,736 1,922,441 12,274,629 2,092,505 3,343,664 4,050 5,440,219 (346,241) (192,587) (58,910) (15,829) (267,326) 558,707 Change in Net Assets 1,899,918 3,284,754 5,172,893 212,466 Net Assets - beginning of year 6,698,781 4,168,834 2,004,574 12,872,189 12,659,723 Net Assets - end of year 8,598,699 7,453,588 1,992,795 18,045,082 12,872,189 Other Changes (11,779) The amounts presented here are derived from the California State Parks Foundation’s audited financial statements for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2012 and 2011, respectively. A copy of the full audited financial statements are available from CSPF by calling 415-262-4400. Año Nuevo State Park © Charles Tu 10,405,081 June 30, 2011 8,270,409 1,121,725 1,113,840 3,001,822 7,221,079 699,566 777,512 1,027,110 7,110,711 701,674 853,513 23,226,785 19,077,257 5,091,228 Liabilities and Net Assets Expenses Program services in support of State Parks 14,748,863 Management and General 1,471,996 Fundraising 2,424,211 Total expenses 18,645,070 June 30, 2012 revenue & support Liabilities 4,059,978 Funds held on behalf of others 1,121,725 1,113,840 Net Assets Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted 8,598,699 7,453,588 1,992,795 6,698,781 4,168,834 2,004,574 Total net assets 18,045,082 12,872,189 Total liabilities and net assets 23,226,785 19,077,257 Government 25% Individuals 39% foundations 11% corporations 21% other 4% 29 allocation of resources Management & general 8% fundraising 13% program services in support of state parks 79% Donors The California State Parks Foundation is grateful to the individuals, foundations, corporations, and government agencies that provided financial support from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012. William Penn Mott Jr. Legacy Society 30 Robert and Beverly Avery Michael Bankert Stella A. Bates Katherine Bernhoff Richard J. Boberg James C. Brice Carol Brody Brian Callihan Helga Campbell Chase Chakeris Meredith Ditmore Steven Dungan Naomi Epel Lela and Wallace Garard J Geahry Margaret L. Gensel Henry and Jane Goichman Maureen and Mitchell Gorsen Teresa A. Griffin Charlie and Ginger Guthrie Kevin Hamilton Felicity Hammer Traci and David Hanson Margaret M. Hooson Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Houtz Donna E. Huggins Cynthia Jackson Stan Kamin Mrs. Bonnie M. Killip Lillian Lessler Don Lowrey Danny and Elizabeth Markoe Ed McComb Linda McDonald Roger and Holly Meininger Joseph F. Melichar Ann Pardini Mary A. C. Parks Sandra Petty-Weeks Ronald F. Pierpoint Delos Ransom and Mary Larsen Ransom Simone Renaud Ms. Carolyn W. Reynolds Ms. Carlene Rona Gerard and Candace Roney Elizabeth B. Ross Robert Ryon Ms. Judith M. Siegel Carol G. Smith Mr. Peter Smith and Dr. Helen H. Smith Leslie Stepanek and Kaylah Sterling Duane and Donna Stevens Christine Summers John Thompson James and Emily Thurber Sandra J. Tillin Mari Tustin Suzanne Weakley Mr. William C. Williams $100,000 - $499,999 The Barkley Fund The Boyle Family Trust California Coastal Conservancy $50,000 - $99,999 Leilani Lattin Duke $25,000 - $49,999 Association of Bay Area Governments Frances Hellman and Warren Breslau Hoefer Family Foundation Nancy P. Weston $10,000 - $24,999 Anonymous Galo Acosta Donald and Diane Cooley Rosalind and Tom Nieman Mark and Bonnie Overgaard Rowland Rebele Alice Ross Jim and Linda Scilacci Mr. Peter Smith and Dr. Helen H. Smith $5,000 - $9,999 Steve and Beth Bangert Adrian and Olivia Bellamy Robert and Patricia Biery Brian and Sally Biles The Bright 2003 Charitable Remainder Trust Michael and Patricia Brill Jeffrey and Susan Campbell Jeffrey Dahlgren Barbara Demere William and Nancy Doolittle Diana and Gareth Evans William and Jennifer Fain Lynn Ferrin Catherine and James Fisher Jeff Goodby and Jan Deming John H. Harrington and Ida Baugh Mary Israel Stephen A. Johnson and Josephine L. Chien Alice Kawash Caroline P. Kindrish Barry Lowitz MD Kathryn K. McNeil Dean and Lavon Morton John and Heather Mozart Charles and Anne Olsen Julie Packard and Robert Stephens Stanley and Georgene Pasarell Barry and Judy Pfeil Alexander and Heloise Power Elizabeth B. Ross Kenneth and Marjorie Sauer Seth and Diana Teich The Robert Vorwith Trust John and Gale Vocke The Honorable Paul J. Witt $2,500 - $4,999 Michael and Nancy Alvarez Elizabeth B. Ames Peter and Kate Archer Bryce and Darla Beck Kathleen A. Becker Patrick Callahan Ms. Jennifer Chaiken and Ms. Sam Hamilton Lon Chapman Stephen and Patricia Chazen Yvon and Malinda Chouinard Morton and Barbara Cohen Jean A. Coyne Daniele and Janine De Iuliis Joseph Feigenbaum Enid P. Gleich Manny Grace and Casey Caffee James Hackett Jerry and Maralou Harrington Ben Hemmen David H. Jacobs David Jacobson Wendy and Michael James Johannes G. Klem Neil Koris Elizabeth Lake and Daniel Francis Michael and Claudia Langley Renee Linde and Nicholas Sands Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Lurie Matthew and Susan Mackowski Mark E. Merritt and Lorena Barrientos Gary J. Miller John and Carol Nootbaar Maidie Oliveau Harriett Orchard Robert and Christina Patterson Joan B. Pauloo Michael and Meili Pinto Christine A. Reitinger Helen and Allan Ridley Dennis A. Roach Donald and Betsy Robinson Gaile B. Russ Michele and Dennis Schoville Roger and Delsie Schrimp Michael L. Shannon and Kimberly L. Rose Joanne E. Spetz Saidin and Zain K. Saidin Steven and Cindy Springsteel Gina M. Trinchero Paul and Elizabeth Tucker Jim Upchurch John R. Upton, Jr. and Janet Sassoon Upton Oldrich and Silva Vasicek Peter H. Weiner Peter Booth Wiley and Valerie Barth Mrs. Barbara H. Wilson $1,000 - $2,499 Keith Abeles and Amy Levin Linda Adams Robert and Elizabeth Adams William and Marsha Adler Denise and Robert Aitken John Alvarez Robert and Angela Amarante Anthony Angellotti Susie Armstrong A Arnheim Brian Ashe and Cynthia Rigatti Allan and Jyl Atmore Jon Aymon Guilford and Gwen Babcock Gary D. Backens Robert and Jean Baer Alan Bagley Priya Balasubramaniam Marilyn Bancroft Susan K. Barnes Kristen Barron Paul A. Bartlett and Yumi Nakagawa Pamela and Roger Bass Andrew B. Becker Duane Behrens Max and Jean Bell Cassandra Benjamin Bryant and Inga Bennett Butch Biendara Diane Bigler Lavonne Blasche Corey Block Shirley Bogardus Craig S. Boreta Susan and Timothy Bottoms Richard Bouthiette Sarane T. Bowen Brad and Jennifer Bowers Kenneth and Cheryl Branson Mark and Linda Brewer Jane E. Brickey Winslow and Ann Briggs Marilee Brooks Matt and Tracy Brotze Lucy Butler Kris Byrne Andrew and Marilyn Calciano Gordon and Heath Campbell Lynne P. Cannady Laura Carns John D. Carter David K. Ching Philip and Lynn Christie Geoff Clarke Ben G. Clay Linda Clifford Kit and Osten Colbert Ruth and Michael Coleman Cathy Colloff David and Rebecca Conant Edward Conner Michael W. Conner and Catherine Dorian-Conner Joseph W. Cotchett Alain A. Couder Jessie S. Cowley Kirby B. Creel Lois and John Crowe James Cuthbertson Cindy Dankberg Bryant and Judith Danner Donald and Leona Davis Will Davis Joan Dayton Thomas Debley Colette M. Delong Trudi Devine Carolyn DeVinny and Phillip Williamson Susan R. Dickey Harry and Margaret Dickinson Dean and Margaret Donaldson Jessica E. Donovan Diana Doyle Matthew Dreisbach Cecilia and Jim Dudley Howard and Joy Dudley Jim Dumanowski Jane B. Dunaway Melissa Dunlap Theresa Dunn James T. Eager Anthony F. Earley, Jr. Steve and Sharon Edelman Gary and Naomi Edwards Joan Egrie Thomas Eisenberg Sandy Emerson Mike Evans Mark and Jean Farmer Max Feinglass Dianne Feinstein Fredric R. Feldner Elizabeth L. Fennell Mark and Tracy Ferron John Fiddes and Karen Talmadge John and Theresa Fistere John and Georgina Flaherty Cynthia Forsthoff Fred and Jean Fox Lori Francis Uta Francke Jim Frank Elsa Freud Al and Pat Friedrich Robert and Michelle Friend Margaret Frost Guilherme and Issao Fujiwara Alison C. Fuller John and Diane Furlan Mitchell and Leesa Gagos Christian Gainsley 31 Sugarloaf Ridge State Park © Mike Ryan (Photo of the Month November 2012) 32 Richard Galland and Anne C. Callaway Ellen Garber James and Jan Gardner George and Mary Garvey Nathan Gaylinn Clinton and Mary Gilliland Bob Gilliom and Patricia Schifferle Martha and Howard Girdlestone Madelyn and Bruce Glickfeld Earl L. Goldberg Edwin and Donna Gookin Gary and Mary Gordon Alan Gorenberg Kay Sprinkel Grace Nicholas and Mary Graves Ms. Jennifer Gregory and Mr. Brian P. Strope George E. Grimes Eric Grosse and Brenda Baker Pamela and Elmer Grossman Garrett Gruener and Amy Slater Yvette and John Gurley Robert and Martha Guthrie Cornelia H. Haag-Molkenteller Peter and Laura Haas Lisa N. Hall and William Arnold Virginia Hammerness Jack and Deyea Harper Ken Harrison Hugh Harsh Davida Hartman Bruce Hartsough Sara S. Hartwell David Hartwig Remy Hathaway Jeff Hawkins and Janet L. Strauss Catherine Hazelton and Andrew Greenstein Rebecca and Pete Helme Paul Henkart Jamie A. Henson P. J. Higgins Peter Holden Joachim Hollstein Douglas Hopkinson and Sara Lively Jane Horgan Silvio and Darlene Hoshek Shigeko Hosokawa Vera Jane Howley Human Race Jeannette Hung and Ashok Singhal Larry and Rita Hunter Joshua Hutchins Ida C. Murray Trust Pam and Curt Inman Margaret Inokuma and Eugene Veteska Elliott C. Insley Nick Jabbour Herrick and Elaine Jackson Meri Jaye Lee and Wini Jebian John and Margaret Jeffers Kenneth Johnson Patricia Johnson Mary F. Jourdan Bruce Kabakoff Derry and Charlene Kabcenell Mark A. Kadzielski Robert and Marjorie Kaplan Kevin and Janey Kaster Bonnie Kellogg and Tim Cannard Roy Kerckhoffs Pearl Kim Robert L. Kissick Pismo State Beach © Susan Taylor Nancy Kittle Joan and Peter Klatt Edward Kleinbard Marjorie and Ralph Koldinger Jeanne and Doug Korns Robert Kustel William and Jeanne Landreth Mrs. Joan F. Lane Heather Lattanzi James and Sharon Lawrence Nancy Layton Travis Leach Patricia C. Lee Esther Levandoski Andy and Debra Lewandowski Louise M. Lewis Barbara and Paul Licht Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Robert and Eliane Long Sarah Loughran Lillian Lovelace Gary and Barbara Luboff Bruce A. Lutz John K. Lyddon Marilyn MacGregor Anthony and Bernice Malizia David Mandelkern and Terilyn Hanko Wendy Mantikas Sylvia and Robert Mapel Steve Markoulis Paul Martin, M.D. P. Tanzy Maxfield Jason and Linda May Jonathan Mayer Rafe R. Mazzeo Marilyn Mc Closkey Stephen W. McCallion and Christophe Diani James and Anne McCammon J. McCarthy James McClenahan George E. McCowen Gwen McDougal Jennifer M. McLaughlin Denman K. McNear John A. McQuown Carmen McReynolds Kenneth and Vera Meislin Kurt Menning Candice Miller Janine and Jon Miller The Mitchner Family Philanthropic Fund Ms. Harriet Mitteldorf Frederick and Isabell Morris Mr. John Patrick Morrison John and Marsie Mott Jerome and Carol Muchin Linda and John Muckel Robert J. Mueting Jeffrey and Deborah Mulligan Rebecca Munoa Mary Murphy and Mark C. Stevens Paul and Antje Newhagen Joyce Nicholas Margery and Iain Nicolson Donald Nielsen Joanne Nissen Rhoda A. Noall North Star Academy Mary W. Novak Peter and Gail Ochs Martha H. Oehler Julia O’Keefe Kathleen O’Kelly Cindy Olander William and Lorelei O’Neill Erna Ordeman Linda Oster Jon and Laurie Owyang Victor and Anne Parachini Diane E. Parish and Paul Gelburd Elita M. Park Michael and Ann Parker Elizabeth and David Partridge Sheridan Pauker Katrina Pelto Patricia Perez Cynthia Phillips Ms. Meredith Phillips Brian and Dawn Piantanida Julie Pifer James Pine Robert and Norma Placensia Massimiliano and Kara Poletto Edward V. Pollack William L. Price Yvonne Provaznik and David A. Schatzki Maryann Rainey Ruth Reeves Bruce Reiss Randolph K. Repass and Sally-Christine A. Rodgers Stephen C. Richards The Grace Jones Richarson Trust Mary Ellen Richey Kathryn Riddell Arthur Riggs Jerome and Joanne Robertson Alan Robinson Pauline R. Robinson Judy Rodgers Herb and Margarita Rosenthal Eric Ross and Nicole Macneel Richard and Niki Rothman Edward Rounds and Callae Walcott-Rounds Charles Rubey Mr. Kenneth J. Ryan Tom Safran Melinda and Roy Samuelson San Francisco Bay Joint Venture Devin Sandoz Lloyd Santy Greg J. Schaner Zachary Scheiner and Ashley Webb Cindy Scherer David Schrader and Brett Robertson Nancy Schunke and Steve Sappington Judith Scotchmoor and Roland Gangloff Nadya K. Scott Mary A. Shafer Patrick C. Shea Robert and Nancy Sheets Alexandra J. Sheldon Ruth O. Sherer Stephen and Susan Shortell John and Lucretia Sias John Sigenfuse Gary Siler Joe Silva David E. Simon and Lynn Gordon Robert and Barbara Simpson Kirby and Frances Slate Derek and Janice Slayton Mary Sliwkowski Anne C. Smiley David Karol Smith and Colleen Whitney Henry and Kerry Beth Smith Jim and Mary Smith Susan M. Sogard Carla Soracco Linda Sparr Peter and Harise Staple Michael Star and Debra Golden-Star Nancy Steinhaus Desiree Stuart-Alexander Daniel F. Sullivan Michael and Erika Swimmer Debra Szecsei Audrey A. Terras Michelle Thomsen Gregory Tibbles Terri Tienken Gregory and Ann Timm Marion Trentman-Morelli and Robert Morelli Katie C. Treu Roger Trinchero Greg and Cath Trindle Victor and Karen Trione Andrew M. Trombatore Gary E. Troyer TRUIST David and Susan Tunnell Shirley Turner Frances L. Tuttle Amy and Horacio Valeiras Ken Vils Kim Vorrath Gretchen Wallerich Allen Ward Kenneth and Barbara Warner Robert and Martha Warnock Vica M. Weber Lisa Webster Arlin Weinberger Clarence J. Weinmann Marilyn A. Weiss Ken and Muriel Wemmer Mariquita West Effie E. Westervelt Patricia Wheeler Howard and Zohreh Whitaker Judy White Tod and Linda White Keith R. Wieland and Maureen Daley-Wieland Sharon Wilensky Rodney Williams Rick C. Wilmer Stan and Nancy Wilson Alida P. Wind Terry Winograd and Carol Hutner Winograd Kim Wisckol Lara Witter and Curt Sigfstead Anna D. Wolf Ron and Pam Woll Patricia Woolley Kim Worsencroft and Dennis L. McEvoy Roger and Ann Worthington Kenneth and Mary Wright Peg Yorkin Doug Yule Anna M. Zara and Robert M. English $500 - $999 John Adcock Kaveh Aghevli William and Margaret Albrets Mark Alderdice Jane H. Allardt Gracia J. Allen Harry B. Allen American Eagle Outfitters Clifford and Virginia Anderson E. N. Anderson Nancy Anderson Sigrid Anderson-Kwun and Michael S. Kwun Sheila Andres Alan and Helen Appleford Argonaut Charitable Foundation Dianne Armer Kathleen Armstrong Carol S. Arnoldy Ron and Judy Arrants John C. Arthur Alan and Monica Arvin Scott Atthowe and Patricia Thomas Sideman & Bancroft Larry and Suzie Augusta Matthew Austern Wilma Austern John and Mary Ann Avera Janet Bachand Lucy Bacigalupo Awad Baddour Suzanne Badenhoop and Guy Lampard Robert Baesman Phil and Tina Bailey Brandon Bailo Lawrence and Ida Baker Paul and Betty Baldacci Alfonso F. Banuelos and Suzanne Wittrig Celeste S. Baranski James and Deborah Baratta Chris Bard Pennie Barger Jeff Bargman Richard and Sharon Barlow Charles L. Barndt Jean Barnier Ronald Barr Karen Bartholomew Alan and Janet Baumann Kimberly and Smoky Bayless Craig and Kristin Beacock Marie Beall Sharon Beard John C. Beck Bruce and Patricia Becker Anthea Beletsis and Gary Danielsen Ricki R. Bell Eugene Belogorsky Pamela M. Bendich Cassandra Benjamin John Bennetts Caroline H. Bergh Jack Bergman Jonathan Berkeley and Lauren Britt Martin Berman Vania Bernatsky Susan Bernstein and Stacey Miller Richard Bertelsen Robert F. Biehler Carolyn Bierman Emelda M. Biggs Wendy Bilanski Janet F. Birenbaum Norbert Bischofberger Black Advocates in State Service Michael Blackford Kenji Bleicker Regina M. Blus Terry and Gayle Bohlmann Stephen Boles Jean Bonini Thidwick Books Caroline Booth B. F. Borthwick Brittany Bottorff Chip Bouril James Bourne Keith Bowers Barry and Emma-Jean Bowman George W. Bowman John and Shannon Gaughan Bowman Jane Boyd Franklin M. Boyden Margaret and James Brady Gregory Brandeau Larry Brasher Ida Braun Jennifer Braun and Raymond J. Ryan Patricia Brenn Patti Brennan M. Brewster and Deborah Smith Ralph Britton Robert L. T. Brower Bruce F. Brown C. H. Brown Charles Brown Faye Brown Shirley Brown Sidford Brown Lynne Bruner Julia A. Brungess Mrs. Brunner-Gyr Wendy Buchen Richard Budenz and Tracy Rodgers Lois Bueler Jude Buglewicz Paul Burnett Beth Burnside Brian C. Burton Gretchen Burton and David Schwab Lauren Burton Pamela Butler William D. Byrne Gerald Cahill and Kathleen King Christopher and Pamela Cain Michael Caldwell California State Parks Patricia Callahan and David Dee Heather A. Campbell Amy Campion Patty and Craig Carlson Eric T. Carson Art Carter Pamela Caryl Colleen Cassidy Sue and Chris Castellucci Peter Cellarius and Heather Shelvey Lucy Cesar Sharon Chadha Sumir Chadha Erich and Tracei Champion Geoffrey Chandler Martin S. Checov David Chen Patricia Cheng Polly Cherner Ellen Chi and Jeff Babcock Charles Chiara Katie and Margaret Chilton Patrick Ching Donna Chinn and Gerard Hanley Joan and Andrew Chitiea Robert Chittenden Thomas Christy and Vera Nicholas David Chyan Natalie A. Cilurzo Aaron Clark Harrison and Carol Clark Susan Clark Juliet Clarke Chris and Ronald Closser Mary Ann Cobb Suzanne Coberly Lisa J. Cogar Marcia Coleman Colette Collester Dwight M. Collins Jessica Colman Roberta Conroy Kathleen A. Cook Robert T. Cook Molly Cooke Paul Cooley and Lee Freehling Thomas P. Coombs Hahn Ursula Cooney Barbara Cooper Gerald Corsi Mary and Paul Cosper Ann Cottrell Ralph Countryman David and Catherine Cowles Phoebe Cowles Dick and Jane Crable John and Ruthmary Cradler Charles M. Crane and Wendy Breuer Allan Crawford Rose Crimi Alan K. Crockett Carol A. Crofoot Lee and James Crowley Steve and Jean Cuff Anita Cushing Cyclists For Cultural Exchange Jennifer Cygan Virginia A. Czarnecki David and Christina Dahl Mark Ellen Daly Patricia D. Daly Jan Darter Susan and Jeffrery Davidson William E. Davis Shirley B. Dawson Pieter J. De Jong and Christine Jung Clarke De Maigret Joyce De Martini Mauricio De Oliveira Hans De Veer Blair Dean and Robert Cooter James G. Dean Susan Deffenbaugh Anita DeFrantz Tara Delaney David Dempsey and Rebecca Douglass Laura and Raymond DePole William Dewolf Ronald and Kristin Dick Patricia Dickinson DO Oriental Medical Group Leland W. Doan Katherine F. Dollard Laura Donar Richard G. Dooley Michael Doyle Michael and Lucrucia Dressel Bettina Duval Stacy Duval Sharon Duvall Noel Dybdal Kristin Dyer and Eric Lechner Neva Dyer Philippe and Jacqueline Eberhard Jonathan Ebinger Leslie Edgerton Frank Edie and Lynn Ursic Allen D. Efron M. Linda Eller David and Erin Elliott Frank W. Ellis Donald and Margaret Emery Marjorie Engel Jack and Jennifer Eskenazi John and Nancy Etchemendy Robert Fabela Jane and Gary Facente Nicholas Fain Jansie Farris Jim Farschon Meryl A. Faulkner Sydney Feeney Laura Felzer Douglas and Jane Ferguson Jennifer Fernandez John Fielden Virginia L. Fifield Denise Filakosky and Richard Bergmann Patrick and Joan Fitzgerald Polly Fleming Theresa and Standish Fleming Joseph and Leslie Floren Leslie Floren Michael J. Flynn Reginald Fogg Karen Fond Lauren Fondahl Suzanne Forman M Claire Fortier Jerry Franklin Patricia Frantz Erling W. Fredell Jane Freet Arthur and Carol Freilich Anne French Jeff and Gisela Friedman Andrea Frome Kimberly Fullerton Charla Gabert Susan Gainey Nancy Galloway and Andrew Morse Andrew Ganahl Stephen Garber Martha Gates and Spencer Commons Pete and Elaine Geffen Mary Gessay Aileen Getty Maurice H. Getty Elizabeth Giambone Diane Gibson Christopher Gilkerson and Susan Mathews Nick Giori Dana Goldman Robert Goldspink Douglas and Eunice Goodan Mark Gordon Pamela L. Gordon Kathlyn Grabenstein and Steven M Papian Herb Greenfield James and Margo Griffin H D. Grunbaum Birgit and Grant Grundler William and Barbara Guensche Shawn Guerin Cathy Gunn and Steve O’Connor David and Deanna Gustavson Tim Guth A. Guthrie Charlie and Ginger Guthrie Danelle Guthrie-Buresh Ida M. Hackett Francis Hagan Harry H. Hall Robert C. Hall Victoria Hall Robert and Tim Hallem Donald and Deborah Halliday Tomas Hallin Coke and James Hallowell Robert Halperin Quentin Hancock Susan J. Handy and Matthew Richter Margaret P. Haneberg Douglas Hanks Alison Hannah Rondell B. Hanson Gary and Stephanie Hargrave John Harris and Lisa Palermo Larry Harris Ruth Harris Sean Harris Curtis and Joanne Harrison Gloria Harrison Hertzel Harrison Eugene Harsh Brit and Jamie Harvey Salah Hassanein Russell and Jo-Ann Hatch Robert J. Hawley Charles and Ruth Haynes Susan Hayward Sandra Hazel Paul Helgerson and Jill Carroll Stephen Hely William J. Henderson Kim Henry Stephen Henry Robert and Alva Herr Spence and Anne Hiatt Amanda Y. Hicks Patricia E. Hill Lois Hinck Myron Hinrichs Fredrick G. Hoeptner Jean Holden and Jim Sanford Barbara Holland Christopher Holle Ida M. Holmes Derek K. Holstein Vanessa Homewood David Hopkins James C. Hormel Claire E. Horn Corinne Horowitz Nancy Howard and Tim Scott Sarah and Dan Hrdy Eugene and Sandra Huff Keith Hughes Mary E. Humphrey Christine S. Hunt Warren Hunt William E. Hurrell Claire Husaruk Jane Hussain Janet Huston Paul Hutchinson Carolyn M. Hyatt Robert Hyman Ben Irons Kristi Iverson Rebecca and Lee Jackrel Sharad Jain Richard and Lessia Jarboe James S. Jaworski Marilyn A. Jensen Elizabeth Jewell Gerald R. Johnson Jeffrey D. Johnson Samuel Johnson John and Donna Joldersma Garth Jolly Corrina Jones Douglas F. Jones Richard Jones James Joye Eugene and Daisy Jung T. Kane Jo Ann Kaplan Stephen Kasierski Katz Family Foundation Sandor E. Kaupp Jim and Barbara Kautz Dennis and Joanne Keith Sharon Keith Elizabeth Keithley Mark and Gina Keller Katherine Kelly Thomas and Susan Kempe James Kent Tressa Kentner Larry and Patti Kenyon Joyce and David Kim Arti Kirch and Cynthia L. Siegel Jenny and Jim Kirk Arnold E. Kirkewoog Carrie Kirtz Paula Kislak Michael Klein Mike and Miyoung Kleine Alison Kline Patricia Kline Alex Klyce Kim Kochaver Joseph G. Kotzin Kevin Kranzusch Patricia J. Kriegler Kamala Krishna Curtis Kroeker Steve Lacher Michelle Lagrandeur Gloria Laird Peter C. Lambert Ormond S. Lamson Todd W. Lane Jalyn and Lance Lang Linda Langford Cathy Langridge Sally M. Lappen William and Jacquelynn Larsen Richard and Joyce Lashof Francis Y. K. Lau Kathy Lawhun Elizabeth Lawson Fred and Elizabeth Layn Edward A. Lazarus Genevieve Lee and Paul Mann John and Kathleen Lee Florence And Yanay Lehavi William Leininger Norman and Kathy Lescure Leslie Lessenger William and Laura Leszinske Jr. Mark F. Lieb Gerald and Grace Lieberman Henry and Karen Lien Robert Ian Lister and Ana Chang Paul Liu Karen L. Lively Janet Lloyd John and Kim Lloyd 33 34 Luciana Lombardi Adrienne R. Long Dave and Diane Luders William Luffee Stanley Lukezic Gregory and Leanne Luna Susan Lundy Wolfgang and Patricia Lusse Myra Lyle Allison MacKenzie Christine R. Madsen Steve Magee Jeff and Liz Malone Roger A. Mann Linda and William Manry Carol and Daniel Marcus Margot Fraser Fund Christine L. Martens Kenneth R. Marti D.D.S. and Brenda Woltering Donna Martin Katharine A. Martin Linda L. Martin Megan R. Martinelli Samantha Marx Joseph E. Mason Jr. and Kathy Sue Vita Dottie Massey Katie Matchett Fred H. Matthews Claire Max Kyle Maxwell Robert Maxwell Martha Mayo and David Magnuson Tom and Barbara Mazzetti Carol McCallum and Susan Sadowski Milton McClaskey Michael Mcdonald Patrick McGrew Michael McGuigan Allison and Mark McKee Trisha McMahon Laurie Lee McMurray Susan McNear Ellen L. McNeil Janice McNeilly Tessa A. McRae Deborah McReynolds Jack Meier Harry and Ruth Metzger John Metzger Elizabeth J. Meyer Jesse Meyer S Meyer and D Papponz Richard Micek Fred A. Middleton Lorna Miles Kathleen Milich Gary S. Miller and Karla Maree Jason Miller Mark and Anne Miller Phillip Miller Steve Miller Edwina Mindheim Carol A. Mirenda AnnaMarie Mitchell James Mitchell Pete Moffat Vibiana Molina Chris Monser Kenneth and Kris Moore Stephen Moore Linda Morasch Scott Morgan Mary P. Morris Mt. Tam Interpretive Association John Moussouris and Jessica Valdespino Katherine Mulholland Karen and Paul Munninghoff Edward Munyak Michael Murphy Andrew Myrick Varun Nagaraj Kenneth Narahara Brad and Candace Naylor Laurence D. Nelson Howard Nenno Patricia Neuray Jay Newburgh Leslee and Steven Newton-Reed Margie M. Nicholson Alexandra Niederauer Milo Nittler Shirley Nootbaar Robert Norris Thomas Novak Stanley C. Oberg Helen Ogden and Frederick McGarrity Craig Olson Kent Olson and Donna Foliart Thomas Olson Tama Olver David Omara Charles and Teresa Orth Ana-Maria Osorio and Leogil Rosas John Pakula Mihai Parparita Gary Parsons David Paterson Richard Paterson Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Patterson Robert G. Patterson David and Diane Paul Jeanne Payne Robert Pellissier Gabriel Pena Jacquelin Perry Marian L. Perry Pamela Perry Julie S. Petersen Gayle Peterson Fredrick Petri Sandra Petty-Weeks Catherine Pfister Dawn L. Phillips Glynn and Nancy Phillips Gary Phipps Wesley Phoa The Piedmont Garden Club John and Nuri Pierce Tony and Jill Pietrini David V. Pietromonaco and Rena M. Takahashi Patricia and Thomas Pinkos Thelma D. Pitsch David Pletcher Wendy Pollitz Tak C. Poon Robert and Marcia Popper Deborah and Christopher Post Christopher and Lori Potter Darwin and Donna Poulos Craig Power Charlotte C. Prather John R. Presley and Patricia A. Hughes Florence E. Purdy Suzanne Quentin Howard Raff Barbara C. Rafferty Kenneth and Joanne Rankin Richard Rapoza Cynthia Rask Thomas Ray Shirley J. Read Mary E. Reese Carrie Regazzi Donald Reichert Careth B. Reid Gloria Reid Kathy Reid Teresa S. Renaker Roger Restaino and Miriam G. Martinez Karen E. Reynolds R H. Richards Rudolph Rico Terasa Ridgway D D. Ring James T. Ringland Sandy Rintoul Rio Hondo Education Consortium Beth Robb Pamela Roby Robert Rodert Helena Roeber Steve and Sally Rogers Mark Rojas Carrie S. Rolfes William D. Rosenbaum Jacob Rosenberg Bernard and Shelley Ross Glen Roth Dr. Rothschild and Dr. Baouendi Cynthia Runstrom Mr. William J. Rush Nancy Ruskin Virginia and Gary Russell Kay Ryan Coleen Salsbery Sean and Caitlin Samenfeld-Specht Marco Samuele Jean Sanchirico Mary Schaner Volker and Ute Schellenberger James Schleicher Katharine Schlinger Paul Schmidbauer Brian F. Schmidt Robert Schooley John A. Schroeder Richard Schwenkmeyer Curtis Scribner Maggie Seely Amanda Seigle Edwin A. Seipp, Jr. Jack R. Sells Randolph Seton Ron R. Shapiro Richard and Patti Shavelson Regina Shaw Diane and Dennis Shew Elise Shibles Brian Shul Beverly Shulman Dan and Cindy Shulstad David and Sandra Siegmund William Singleton Cherise Skeba Kenneth and Deanna Slagle Peter Slattery R.G. Smalley Arthur L. Smith Joanne Smith Mildred Smith Grant Sohn Scott and Carol Sokol Todd W. Soller Alan Soneda Erik Soule Deborah A. Spaine Nancy and Bernard Speckman Mark Speiser Nancy and Tim Spellman James Spiegel and Sharon R Tapper Debra Spinelli Valley Spokesmen Jim Stagg Fred and Nancy Stanke Mark and Lori Stanley Lila Staples Kathy Stark and Christophe Aoki Marynell Steburg Janet Stensaas Carol Stern Joshua T. Stern James C. Stillwell Max and Mary Diane Stites Marian Stocking Marjorie K. Stoddard Laura Stokes Steven I. Stone Mark Stott Jeffrey and Rachel Street Robert and Teri Strickland Joann Strickley and David Amlin Jean and Kurt Stromberg Gordy and Pam Stroud Bonnie Stuppin Kristof Subryan Christine Sullivan Eileen J. Sullivan Joy Sumabat-graff Kenneth Sun John and Elouise Sutter Chris and Cathy Swanson David and Sally Swenson Malcolm Swift Margaret Swink and Robert Saliba Marie Switkes Wendy L. Symon Ann and Edward Taintor Malcolm and Alice Talcott Gloria Tapanes Marianne Tauber Ph.D. Helen Taylor Stephanie R. Taylor Zackary Taylor Robert and Marjorie Templeton Dr. Marilou Terpenning Elizabeth and Martin Terplan John Thomas Peter F. Thomas William and Leslie Thompson Mike Thornburg Samuel and Julia Thoron Marilyn Tiaven and Raphael Guzman Megan Tillisch Clay and Barbara Timon Andrea and Jeffrey Tobias H. W. Toensfeldt Jim and Ginger Tolonen Laura and Michael Torresan Andrea Toscano De Souza Becky Trowbridge John Tuma Pete and Janet Turnbull Jean Turner Mary Turner Timothy and Eileen Tutt Mai Tuyen-Calapini William C. Valaika Jamielyn Valdes Robert Van Duinen Van Eck Enterprises Scott W. Van Tyle Martin Vandervoorn Rita L. Vasquez-Myers Jim Vassaka Sally Vedros Ann Vercoutere Peter G. Vincent Robert and Barbara Violante Gwynned Vitello Susan Vivell Paul and Stacey Von Berg Bernard Vyzga Joan and Jon Wactor Gregg Wagener Paul and Eve Wagner Morrissa Walbeck Richard E. Walton James D. Ward Donna Warnken-Brill Linda C. Wasson Pamela Waterman Catherine Way Lorna Way Kevin Weiberg Jill Weinberger Ellen Weiner Janet E. Weiss Cara Weitzsacker Gregory R. Werner Jennifer Werner Susana Wessling Robert West David Wexler Eleanor A. Whisman Tom Whitaker and Debora Kane Mary and James White Patricia Wiechelman John Wiechman and Patricia Emard Richard J. Wiesner Amy Sullivan Wilcox and Kirby Wilcox Margaret and Stephen Wilcox Brad and Linda Wiles Jason Wilkie David S. Wilkinson Thomas Willett Madrone Williams Renee and Brian Wilson Barbara Winiarski Terry Winograd and Carol Hutner Winograd Karen Wise Marilyn and Ed Wojcik Laurie A. Wolff Ingrid Woods and Steven Cummings Myrna B. Wosk Ann Wright George Wright John M. Yates Muh-ching Yee Janet York Chris Yragui Edward M. Yu Harry and Janet Zanville Heidi Ziegler Diane D. Ziering Peter Zimmerman Chris and Carolyn Zona 35 Salt Point State Park © Mike Shoys (Photo of the Month December 2012) 36 $250 - $499 James Abbott Mike Abbott Joanne A. Abey Keren Abra Debra D. Abram E. and J. Absher Maurice Acevedo George Adamik Patricia Adams Samuel Adams Patricia Addleman Michael Adduci AFT College Staff Guild, Local 1521A John Agnew Jill Aguilar William and Carolyn Ahern Megan and Thomas Ahn John and Tanya Ahrendt Joanna and Ben Aiken Michael A. Aja Ingrid Akerblom Mona K. Akerblom Randle Akerson William Akey Ray and Janette Akin Paul Albert Natalia P. Aleskovski Carolyn Alexander Jennifer Alexander Karen and Peter Alexander Jean Alford Amjad Alhaidari Gary Alinder Brent N. Allen Greg Allen and Zinaida Beynon Helen Allen Howard and Ann Allen Judith Allen and Susan Seaburg Michael and Edith Allen Les L. Allgier Cecille Allison Marigene B. Allison Daniel and Diane Alspaugh Donald and Anne Amerine Gerald T. Ames Jeffrey W. Ames Bruce H. Amesbury Richard M. Amlin Adonna J. Amoroso David and April Ancel David Anders Scott Andersen Carol Anderson Chris Anderson Frank and Lill Anderson Laurie Anderson Steven and Lisa Anderson Kathleen Andrade Bob Andrews Paul C. Andriese J Andrus Jerry Angove Lauren Ankersmit John A. Annee Christopher Aoki and Kathy T. Stark Lynne C. Aoki Annaliza Apostol and Ruud Noordzij R Applebaum William Apt Theresa Aranda Jorge Aranguren Jane Ardley Edward Arens Leah E. Argue Noah Armstrong John R. Arnold Elaine and Arthur Aron Fred Arth Carolyn T. Arthur Richard Arvesen Frank Ascatigno and Marie Egolf Ascatigno Abraham Askenazi Roderick V. Asmundson Robert Asnard Dennis and Carol Atkinson Sam and Shereen Attisha Patrick and Carol Atwater Jerry and Barbara August Carol N. Avenmarg Robert and Beverly Avery Dean and Agnes Babcock Joan C. Bacci and Peggy Thompson Virginia Baclit Charles and Cynthia Bacon Rosemary Bacy Valorie Bader Stefan Baeurle and Judith Steger Dino Bagatelas Elizabeth S. Bagby Helen Bahr James and Karen Baigrie Holly Bailey Thomas and Janet Baillie Rummy Bains David Baird Susan Baird Daniel W. Baker Deanna Baker Lisa Baker Mark Baker Nancy Lynn Baker and Cathy Hauer Robert J. Baker Susan Baker Tanya Baker David M. Balabanian Earl W. Balch Anne N. Baldwin Edward Baldwin Dhiraj Ballal Roberta Ballard Bruce B. Ballentine Linda Ballsmith Paula J Banda and Connie Melvin Ray Baptista Connie Barker Nancie Barker Michael A. Barkhurst Debra J. Barnes Teresa Barnes C. R. Barnhart Barbara Barrett Sergio Barros John Barrows Susan Barrows Michael J. Barry Jeff and Allison Bart Joyce E. Bartlett David Barton Todd Barton Joseph Bartush Abi Basch Patricia Bashaw and Eugene Segre Michael and Jenean Bass Matthew Bateman Richard Bates Elisabeth Bathgate Robert Battalio Walter Battistella and Chris Meredith James and Evelyn Baughman Bryan C. Baum Steve Baum Olive L. Bavins James W. Baxter Carolyn and Richard Beahrs David Beard Doris Beard Georgene Becerra Jordan and Shawna Beck Margaret Y. Beck Michael Beckage Judith A. Becker Sharon Beckman John H. Beebe Mary Beebe Judith Beech Laurel Beecher Shirley and George Bekey Nina T. Bell Chris Benemann Laurie and Bill Benenson Thomas Benet Magnus Bennedsen Bette J. Benner Barbara Beno Jon and Janet Bensick Leonard and Mary Benson Marc R. Benson Peter J. Benvenutti Mary Bergen Adam and Julia Bergman Robert and Wendy Bergman Brad Berman David Bernal Sara Bernard Constance Bernstein David L. Berry Kathryn Berry Pamela W. Berry William G. Bertonneau Craig Bestwick Steve Beuerman John Beviacqua Jim Beyster Ashish Bhutani John Bieda Barbara Biggs William Bigler Robert Bilikas Bruce J. Bilodeau Fawn Bin Ford Pete and Tricia Biocini Ray Bircher Maryellen Birkland Elmer Bischoff Cheryl L. Bizar William H. Black John M. Blackmore Charles Blair Charles E. Blair Marianne Blair John Blake Kathleen J. Blake Sandy Blake Sumner Blanchard Alan and Jacqueline Blank Stephen Blank Michael and Pamela Bless Erlan S. Bliss Robert Blitzer Maria Bloomfield Richard B. Blum Kayli Blundell Richard and Jackie Boberg Xan and Al Bodey Ethan Bodle Barry and Sharla Boehm Randy Boelsems James Boettcher David and Cheryl Bogart Lisa Boner John Bongiovanni Lorna Bonham Amanda Book Shelley Bookspan Charles Borden Sara Borden Linda Borgeson Elizabeth Borland Christian Borman Scott Bossinger Lynn Bossone Gary Botto Richard J. Boubelik Gerald and Kathleen Bowden Malcolm and Sylvia Boyce Linda Boyd Paige Braddock Sheila Braden David Bradford Brent Bradley Helen and James Brady Paul Brailsford Ernest K. Bramblett Linda Branca Louis Branciforte Barbara and Robert Brandriff Norris P. Brandt Kathleen Bransfield Leanna Breese Margie and Fred Breitkreuz Joseph Brennan Charles Bresler Barbara Brewer Nancy Brewster-Kelley Ezio Briasco Edith Bridges and David Cone Peter Brigham Amy Brink Thomas Brocher and Anne Okubo Jarrett Brock Michelle D. Brodie Richard and Marjorie Brody Wendy R. Brody Ted and Karla Broman John Bromberek Amy Brooks Joe and Tracey Brookshier David M. Brown Donald Brown Dorothy D. Brown Doug and Mary Brown Holly Brown Jean Brown and Leslie Brown Joshua Brown Linda Brown Michael Brown and Martha Brown Michael T. Brown Nancy Brown Phyllis Brown Roger Brown Norma R. Brownell Stephen and Stephani Brownell Joanna Brownstein and Carolyn Harley Suzanne Bruce William A. Brueske Joe and Judith Brumbaugh Beth Brummitt William Brungardt Constance Brunig Mary Brunkhorst Jenni L. Bruyn Wanda Bryan Elizabeth Bryant Michael K. Buckland Deborah Buehler Peg Bufford Peter Bulkley and Johanna Merriss Nicholas Bunin Joseph W. Bunn and Deborah Weir Celia B. Burdick Brenda Bureker-Robinson Nina Burgeno John Burket Beth Burnam Mike and Kris Burns Rebecca Burns Stan M. Burns Barbara Burroughs Maria Burt Julianne Burton-Carvajal Joyce Busby Steven Busch Timothy Butcher George and Barbara Butko Ted Buttner Arthur C. Byrne John Cabrinha Mrs. John E. Cahill Jasper Calcara Bernard Caldwell Melanie Call Joseph Callahan Walter Callesen Connie Cameron Bruce F. Campbell Virginia Campbell Jessica Canales and Randy Franks Robert and Janet Canning Lucille Cappas Carl Cardinalli Joyce Carlough Eric Carlson Paul F. Carlton Christofer Carpenter Marguerite M. Carpenter Robert Carr Arthur W. Carroll Lily and Nancy Carter Richard Carver Nancy Cary Smith Ellen Casey Michael and Patricia Casey Bambi Cask Carla Cassani Dennis Cassella Richard and Alice Cassese John and Nancy Cassidy David and Joanne Castro Caterpillar Foundation Barbara Caufield Luc Cayet Marcia Ceccato Donald Cefaloni John Celton Jay and Vicki Chaisson Erin Chalmers Gordon B. Chamberlain Marlee Chamberlin Gordon and Mary Chambers Phillip and Kathy Champion Trudy M. Chan R.M. and Marvin Chaney Elizabeth Chang George Chapman Richard Chapman Susan M. Chaput Clifford A. Char Elinor J. Charleston William R. Cherry Elizabeth Cheung Jonathan R. Childs and Margaret A. Keller Eric and Christy Chin 37 Bodie State Historic Park © Katie Plies 38 Linda Y. Chin and John Parissenti Victor Chin Walter Chirichigno Mark Chotiner Carol Christensen William Christian Michael Christie Richard and Catherine Christo Patricia Churchland Thomas J. Chwalek and Deborah Robertson Virginia R. Cirica Jessica Cissel Charles Clare Mark and Alice Clark Stephen P. Clark Douglas and Sally Clarke Philip S. Clarke Adrian Clausell Lois Clazie Michael Clemence J A Clemensen Tom Clifton Gerald Clow Tom and Nan Clute Marian Coahran Cindy Cobb Don Coberly George Cocks Connie Codding Kristopher K. Coffey Karl Coffield Mary E. Coffin Bill and Patricia Cogen Edward M. Cohen and Anne Bakstad Martin Cohen Laurie Cohn Pamela Coker Nancy and Don Colberg Mary Colby Ellen and Marshall Cole Jane Cole Matthew Cole Stephen Cole Tom and Emily Cole William R. Cole George Coleman Sam R. Coleman Richard Collier Deborah Collins Penelope Collins Richard Collins Sheila Colombana Howard Colover Susan Colvin Megan G. Colwell Huguette Y. Combs Lynn Cominsky Barbara Compton Daniel and Pauline Condrick Shelley Conger Chris Conner Michael Connolly Michael and Pamela Connolly Valerie J. Connor Patsy J. Connors Christopher Conrad Doreen Conte The Contra Costa Hills Club Susan Conway Wm Conwell Dennis Conyers Nancy Conzett Bradford Cook George Cooke Cortis Cooper Vallen Cooper Peter Copen Ellyn M. Corey and Thomas Sartor Jack and Gloria Corey Richard Corgel Richard Corneille Lee and Susan Cornett Brian and Susan Corrigan Ernesto Corte Ramon C. Cortines Carla Corwin Luene H. Corwin Elizabeth E. Cosgriff Karin Costello Irene M Cote and Benjamin J. Harvey Allison P. Coudert Lisa and Chris Couper Steven B. Cowett Mia Cowgill Beatrice Coxhead Jacqueline Craig Constance Crawford Diane Crawford Nancy and Robin Crawford James Creasman Richard D. Creelman Carol Crespo James V. Crews Madeline R. Cripe Steven t. Crocker Jane L. Crone Don and Nancy Crosby George Crowe Bruce Cruikshank Gordon and Carol Cruikshank Olivia Cruz Karen L. Cryan Joanne Culbertson Tom Culligan Joseph Culver Cynthia L. Cummings MD Shirley Cummings Jim Cunningham James Curran Wally Currey Mary Ann Czermak Liz Dakin Susan Dalcamo Judith Dale Trevor T. Dale Gerald I. Dannemiller and Patricia Blanchette Helen S. Darby Jodi Darby Suzanne D’arcy Brian K. Darrock Seth and Sherrie Daugherty Ben Davidson Carolyn Davidson E.C. Davidson Jr. Jeanne Davies Marie L. Davies Alison Davis Carol Davis Charles and Aimee Davis Fehra Davis G and Kathleen Davis Lynden Davis Margaret Davis Mike Davis Ralph and Ann Davis Stephen B. Davis Susan Davis Pat Day-Lollini Carmel River State Beach © Susan Taylor William and Helen De Martini George De Peyster Ana De Vedia J S. Deeming Paul Deering John S. Degrassie Patricia Del Guercio Melanie Dellasantina Nat Dellavalle Sandra Delvin Dino and Joyce Delyani Stephen Dempsey Wesley and Phyllis Dempsey Robert Dennis Joan Denzler Susan Deogracias Daniel Derdula Joe and Donna Dervin Rajnikant and Helen Desai Tushar K. Desai Gena Desclos George Deukmejian Valerie Deva Ann Devereaux Paul Devereux Stephen Devoto Glenn J. Dexter Matthew Dickey C Dickinson Dena Dickinson Janet Diehl Gaeir Dietrich Eileen Dietz David J. Dilling Bob Dills Robert Dilts and Deborah Bacon Dilts Christopher M. DiMaio MD David T. Diosi Dan and Kathleen Dixon Francis and Mary Dobosz Eva Dobrov Joe and Susan Dobson Jeffrey Dohzen Judy Doi Roger and Rochelle Dolan Patricia Dols Barbara A. Domalaog John Donaldson G. Donckels Andrew Donkin Sandra Donnell Cynthia A. Donovan Walt Donovan and Marilyn Lang Kenneth L. Dorking David and Helen Dornbusch Charlotte Doudell Eric Doughty Ronald and Judy Douglass Gene J. D’Ovidio Kenneth Dowell Richard G. Doyle Carrie Drake Judy and Charles Drake Martha Dreier Joann Driggers Bonita J. Drummond Yvonne Dufault Sue Dumller Jim R. Duncan and Francie Cushman Tom Duncanson David and Barbara Dunckel Jon Dungan Katherine A. Dunham Philip Dunlap John R. Dunmire Bob Dunn Kathleen Dunn Kazumi Duran Betty Ann Durham Robert Dweck Paul E. Dybbro Catherine Dycaico Liddy Dye Marlynn R. Dykstra Gary Dylewski Gary Dylina Hammond H. East Cathleen C. Eckhardt Lydia Edison Ralph Edler Burton P. Edwards Cynthia Edwards Michael and Penny Edwards Rosser and Gloria Edwards Steven L. Edwards George M. Egbert Erick R. Egertson Patricia Eggleston Jack Ehnes Ramona Eichhorn Rich Eilbert Gregory Einhorn Randall Einhorn John and Pamela Eisele Frederick A. Eiserling Harald Ekman Marc C. Eldridge Hector Elizondo Linda Elkind Donald T. Elliott Douglas Elliott Jan Elliott Janet M. Elliott John and Susan Elliott Judith Ellisen Helen S. Elson Edith Elvis Mary A. Elwell Hilary Emberton and Don Feil Ann E. Emerson Marlene and Marlene Emerson Robert Emery Sue Emsley Bill Engler Andrea English Robert Enns Denise Epes Elton and Deanna Epley Martin Eramo Alice Erb Richard Erdman Lillian Erickson Robert J. Erickson Philip Ernstrom Emine Erselcuk Paul A. Erskine Dennis Ertsman Kim Ervin Patricia A Erwin and Jane Hillyer Kirk and Kirsten Essenmacher Jose C. Estrada Judith Etheridge Bill Euphrat and Nancy A. Weston Gregory and Betty Evans James Evans Linda Evans Pamela Evans Nancy Beth Even and Joel Ohlgren Norman G. Ewers John Ewing Lucinda Ewing Carol Eyheralde Amy Ezell Barry Faber Phyllis M. Faber Sarah Faber Howard and Myrna Fabrick Babs Fahrney William C. Failing Joseph A. Faimali Kathryn Fairbrother and Michelle Ramos Tom and Michelle Famula Zoe Fan Neil Farber Robert and Cathy Farnsworth Michelle Farragher Michele D. Faura Margaret Faurot Lauren Faust Linda Faust Peter Favero Don and Evelyn Fearon Gerald and Linda Feeney Walter Fehlmann Gerald Feickert Susan Feigenbaum Lewis J. Feldman Roland and Lois Feller David Ferguson James and Arlene Ferguson John M. Ferreira Diana D. Ferris Susie Ferris George and Susan Fesus Terri Fette Michael and Carol Fielding Wendy Fiering and Timothy Kieschnick James L. Filkins Leslie Finch Ruth Finkelstein Katharine A. Finlay Genevieve Firestone Joyce E. Firstenberger and Thomas E. Dienstbier Michael Fischer Glenn Fisher Mary and Bruce Fisher Peter C. Fisher Ruth A. Fisher David and Monica Fishman Thomas Fister and Juliet Martinez Lawrence Fitzgerald Renee Fitzsimons Patrick Flaherty Nathan Fleischer Alex W. Fleming Jain Fletcher Amy S. Flicker Barry Flicker Susan Floore Christa M. Foerchtgott Nancy Fohner Anne-Marie Foley Peg Folta David Fong and Frances Lee Jon D. Fong Donna and Jerry Foote Helena R. Foster Julia Foster Elinor Foulke Lloyd Fountain Mark and Teresa Fowler Murray and Audrey Fowler Joseph and Deanna Fox Pat Fox Steven K. Fox Sarah Franck Susan Frank Joel Franklin Wendy and Jerrold Franklin Alan Franz Jonathan Franzen and Kathy Chetkovich Francis and Mary Frazier Patricia Frazier Lewis and Christiane Frederickson Charles Freebern Jean M. Freedman Leah and Bryan Freeland Gil Freeman John Freeman Beach and Martha Campbell Joseph Fregoso and Carol McGuire Patricia Freitas Barry N. French Beverlee French Renata Frey and Erich Stiger Ellen Friedman Mike and Adrienne Friedman Claude Friedmann Martin Friedrich Robert C. Friese Jim and Janet Frost Craig Fruin Thomas Fugger Stephanie A. Fujimoto Nobuko Fujita Nobusuke and Fumi Fukuda Richard and Jan Fukunaga Dennis M. Fuller Kevin Gahagan Margaret Gallagher Gairel Gandrud Anil Gangolli George Gara Jeffrey Garberson Daniel P. Garcia Jesus R. Garcia and Deanna Gardiner Marco Garcia Jack W. Gardner Stephen and Toni Gardner Gertrude Garfield Albert Garlinghouse Jean Garrett Steve M. Garrison Carole Garton Allyson Gartside Adrienne Gary Holly and William Gastil Marilyn Gaule David Gay Len and Beth Gaydos Joyce F. Gee William Geffeney Anne E. Geisler Alexander J. Gelber and Linda W. Wolf Virginia Gelczis and Mitchell Diamond Damon Genetti E Norman George Gerald George W and S George Robert and Robin Gerard Richard Gerber Mary Gerbic S. Germain Alexis Gershwin Jeanne Gerson Marianne Gerson Jeanne M. Geselbracht George A. Gibbs Nancy Gibbs Charles Gibson Ian Gibson Jerry D. Gibson Judy Gibson Jeffrey Gidley William and Gudrun Gilbert Emily Giles John C. Giles Jeanette Gilkison Steven and Nancy Gill Beth Gillespie Clinton and Mary Gilliland Tullio and Valerie Giudici Steven Glance Susan Glasscock Janice Glasser Michael Glassow and Anabel Ford Frank and Victoria Glavan Beth Gleghorn Billy Glenn Shelly Glennon Neil Glick Debbie Glusker Mateo Go Jr. and Joyce A. Kobori Judith B. Goffe Mark Goldberg David Golden L Goldman Nora Goldschlager Charles and Marian Goldsmith Kristin Goldthorpe Melinda Gong Janice Gonsalves Sarah Gonzales Renee L. Gonzalez Leo G. Goodman-Malamuth Polly Goodson Claire E. Gordon David Gordon Peter Gordon Robert Gordon Patricia L. Gotchall Howdy Goudey Ethel Gould William R. Gould Scott W. Gousha Carolyn Govers Jeffrey and Valerie Goyer Ross and Maiya Gralia David Granadino Richard and Maria Grant Arthur Grantz James Grass Michael Grassel Joyce Graves Wanda L. Graves James Gray Mary Grayson Daniel J. Greaney Edward and Madelyne Greaves Donald C. Green Chuck S. Greenberg and Claire Ellis Ron Greene Richard D. Greenleaf Madelon F. Greenspan Joan Greenwald Linda Gregory Henry and Jane Gregozek Dana Grenier Zane O. Gresham Jean Gretz Eric M. Grey Thomas and Jeanne Grier Michael R. Griesmer Coleen C. Griffin Leslie Griffin Sallie Griffith Rick Groff Arnold A. Grossman Felix and Beverly Grossman John and Kathy Grotting Robert Grubbs Marcia Grumme Richard and Tracey Guardian Melinda Gullen Barbara and Carmen Gullo Nalin Gupta J. Gurbaxani Kris Guy Julie Guyette Mary and Robert Guzy Katherine Gyorfi Darrow Haagensen Candace Haber Rita D. Haberlin Nadine Hack Bob and Gayle Hackamack Martin M. Hadley Donald Hafeman James and Linda Hagan Summer Hagedorn Alan Hagge John M. Haight Thomas E. Haight Natalie Hale Robert and Alisa Haley Yvonne Haley G. Dennis Halkides Arden Hall and Cynthia Kroll E G. Hall Gary and Cheryl Hall Laura M. Hall Mary Hall Matthew and Elizabeth Hall Shoshana Halle Ian Halliwell Wayne Hallman Eulalia Halloran David B. Hambley Helen Hamel-Dolling Joan Hamilton Kenneth R. Hamm Charles Hammond Eugene Hanes Nancy P. Hanson Vic Hanson Kathy Haq Eli and Britt Harari Charles Hardy Marilyn P. Hardy Claire Hargrove Samuel R. Harman James Harper John Harrigan Donald W. Harris Ronald G. Harris Valarie and Michael Harris Elisa Harrison Les Harrison Christina G. Harshell Cary S. Hart David Hartesveldt Anthea Hartig Arlene Hartin Julia Hartman Ruth Hartmann Harriett K. Hartshorn Karen Harvey Susan Harvey Arthur W. Haseltine Katherine Hastings and Catherine Rayhill Susan H. Hatch Kris Hauck Stuart and Gayle Hauck Craig Haught Alexa Hauser and Terry Lamb Robert Hauser D. Havstad Jennifer Hayashi Vickie Hayashigatani Christine B. Hayes Gary H. Hayes Janet and Kenneth Hayes Judith and Al Hayes Elizabeth Hayter Paul Hayward Thomas F. Heafey Kathleen Healy Bill and Beth Hearn David Hearth John Hedley Margaret E. Hegg Anne L. Heigho Joerg Heilig Roberta Heimark Scott and Claudia Hein John Heinsius Helen M. Heller Mary Helmich John C. Henderson T S. Henderson Kathryn Henkens Alexis Henry Morley Hense Sylvia Hensley Catherine Herlihy Hermosa Garden Club Frances Herndon Robert and Claire Heron Jo A. Herr Sylvia Herrick Bruce W. Herriges Joan and Bob Herzberg Lisa Heschong and Douglas Mahone Sondra Hess Bob and Ann Hestand Lucy and Frank Heyming Jane Hiatt David Hibbard Alfred M. Higa Ingrid H. Higdon Robert and Jill Higgins Highlands Consulting Group LLC Belinda Higuera Helen Hill Stephen and Safiyya Hill John Hillerman Pat W. Hillman Max and Ardith Hinkle Bonny Hinshaw Wayne Hiroshima Frank Hislop Jerre and Nancy Hitz Penelope Hodge Clifford Hodges Ronald Hodgson Carol Hoelle Kyle T. Hoffman Steve Hoffman William Y. Hoffman Tad Hofmeister Christine Hofstetter Bruce and Breta Holgers Annette and Dean Holland David and Joan Hollinger Mark Hollingsworth Norma Hollowell Barbara E. Holmes Lydia Holmes Julian B. Holt Robyn B. Holt Neil Holtzman Akiko Honda Mary Hook Dawn Hookano Molly B. Hooper Wayne Hooper Carol and Howard Hoover John Hopkirk Marianne Horn Kendra L. Hornbostel Kelly Horner Richard Hornung and Dawn Hasemann Cici Horrell Richard and Theresa Horrigan Donald and Ann Houck Jon C. Houde Stephany C. Houghton Ann Houle Brett House Carolee Houser Herrell and Fred Houston William Houston Brian Howard Ron and Claudia Howe Robert Howell Jocelyn Hoy William R. Hoyer B J. Hoyt Marcia A. Hoyt Erika Hublitz Sandra Huffman Eric Hughes Keith and Carol Hughes Penn Hughes and Viola Gonzales Meridie Hughes-Games Pat and Tracy Humes Ronald Hummel Karen and Gary Humphreys Pam Hungebuhler Brian and Julia Hunt John and Ruth Hunt Reginald and Ann Hunter Joi Hurd Emily Hurlbert Elgian Hurley Gregory A. Hurt Lucille Hynes Renee D. Idel Kathy Ikeda M T. Ikuta Amanda Imas Virginia Ingham Mary Inouye Mary Ellen Irons Sylvester Irving Bernice Isaak Janice Ishizaka and Carmen Flores Jonathon E. Isken Jane Isomoto iStar Financial Inc Susan Itri Anthony Iwamiya Betty Iwerks Joe Jaber John M. Jacobs Sarah Jacobus 39 Steven and Marilyn Jahr George and Sally Jaksha Raymond James Bonnie and Lee Jameson Muriel N. Jameyson Nancy E. Jamison Marie Janssen Ranae C. Jarman Rob Jarvi Ann and David Jeffrey Eileen Jennings Steen Jensen James and Rosemary Jepson Paul Jessup Earl and Janet Jezek Grace Jimenez Anne Johnson Bryan Johnson and Jocelyn Goldfein Carrie E. Johnson Craig and Carol Johnson David and Karen Johnson Evelyn M. Johnson Janette Johnson Loren Johnson and Gina Heng Lynne Johnson Richard and Eileen Johnson Richard Johnson William Johnston Frank Jolly Adam J. Jonas David Jones David W. Jones Evan Jones Michael D. Jones Dr. Richard Jones Richard and Iva Dora Jones Robert C. Jones Southard and Shelly Jones Tobi Jones and Michael Horner Vern Jones William H. Jones Michael R. Jordan and Elizabeth L. Kerr Mrs. Ruth Alene Jordan Rima Joseph Gabriele Jost Martin and Joann Joye Steven and Katherine Joye K A. Judd Joerg C. Juretzka Amelia Kacena Robert M. Kafka Mary H. Kahn Henry Kahrs Rob Kain Sharon L. Kalina Mildred A. Kalish John Kalucki and Anne Ellis Dennis Kameya Sumiko Kamiya Lawrence Kampel and Ann Rosenberg Sharon Kangas Gabriella Kao William Karg Beth and Peter Karpas Kathryn Kasch Christian G. Kasey Sonja Kassuba Mamiko Kawaguchi Osamu Kawamura Melvin and Stephanie Kay Brian W. Keelan Randolph and Barbara Keim John and Diana Keith Jennifer L. Keller John Keller Max Kelley 40 Mount Diablo State Park © Susan Taylor Joe Kellogg Brian Kelly John and Claudine Kelly Judy Kelly Jerrold Kemp and Edith Ankersmit Susan S. Kemp John Kenehan Helen Kennedy J. P. and Diana Kennett James P. Kenney Thomas Kenney Mary Jo Kenny Douglas B. Kent John and Dolores Kent Nita Kenyon Maria Y. Kern J. Frederic and Sara Kerrest Roger and Doris Ketcham Christine Kibre Kaye R. Kiddoo Judalynn and William Kiefner Ronald Kihara Elizabeth L. Kilb Doris J. Kim Sun and Youngchoon Kim Natasha Kimmell Donna R. King Harriss King Mark C. King Stacey King and Barry Lepore Robert W. Kinsella Kevin Kinsey and David Jones Jeanne S. Kipp Marla Kirby Bruce Kirkpatrick John H. Kirkwood Brian G. Kistler Michael and Micki Klasson Mary Klawiter Anita Klein Christopher and Lizabeth Klein Frank Kleist Stephen Klevens Don Klika John and Ann Klingberg Verna Kloos Joan Klopfenstein Michael and Patricia Klowden Vicki A. Knirck Derek Knudsen Alan and Carol Koch Craig Kochersberger Terryl N. Kocsis Kei and Susan Kodani James D. Koehnen TTEE. L. and Billy Koenig Franz Kohout Lawrence and Marcia Kolb Kenneth and Tamara Kolda Janice Kolodny Nikola Konecna Lisa J. Konie Greg Korelich Allan and Muriel Kotin Stephen Kovac Mary Kramer Peter Krause Carl and Roswitha Kress Jessica Krick George and Raimie Kriste Christine Kroger and Ed Rogan Walter C. Krumm George and Barbara Krusi Kelly Kudla Page Kurnie Emily B. Kushar Deborah P. Kwo David La Roe Steve La Rusch Peter and Sue La Tourrette Georgina Laberge Renee Lafrance Jacques and Charlotte Lagarde Rhea Laird William J. Lambden Catherine A. Lambert Daniel Lamon Gregory Lamp Gregory Lamp Deborah and Thomas Lane Alison Laney Rosalie Lang Stephanie Langley Amosalan Lans Suzanne Lantz Joe Lapenna L. and Diane Larrabee Mark Larsen Lesley L. Lathrop Carol Lattimer Marvin K. Laurence Andy and Amy Lauta Lawrence and Sharon Lavenberg Carolyn Lavine Arthur and Ava Law Desiree Lawhorne Elsann Laws Franklin Lawson Elizabeth Lazaroff Janice Le Pouvoir Deborah A. Le Vine Stephen and Maria Leaf Patricia Leahy Benjamin and Elizabeth Leavy Ian Lebby Kira L. Lebowitz Thomas Ledig Colleen Lee Evelyn Lee Hewlett Lee Keith and Karen Lee Patricia Lee Paul Lee Phyllis E. Lee Stacey Lee Timothy Lee Dennis and Kathleen Lees William M. Leininger Lisa LeJeune and Augie Kuo Lamar Leland Ana Lelescu Elaine Lemke Steve and Kelly Lensing Cheryl Ann and Timothy John Lentini Steve Leon Virve Leps Terry Leuchars Marianna Leuschel Patricia and Steve Levenberg Peter and Olivia Leveque Tommy Kay Levin Zahavah Levine Elisabeth Levy Philip and Victoria Levy Melanie M. Lewert Alan O. Lewis Donald W. Lewis Gregory S. Lewis Kim Lewis Mary T. Lewis Mary Jeanne Lewis Catherine Ley Michael Lichtman Lauren Liden Maximilian Lidl Andrew Lie Holger Liebenstein Sidney and Linda Liebes Henry Lieffers Raymond Lifchez Michael Liftik Janet M. Liggett James T. Lilligren David A. Limberg Keith B. Limberg Alfred Lin James Lin Jon R. Lin Scott Lindberg Doris Lindfors Duane Lindner Carol and Greg Lindstrom Michael W. Lingo Irene Linkhart Brenda L. Lis Wesley Lisker Joseph J. Liss Ann Litke and Michelle Bentcliff Josephine F. Little Mr. Peter Ralston and Ms. Pattie Litton Judi Livengood Barry and Carol Livingston Philip and Kateri Livingston Weldon Lockhart Beverly Loder David Loeb Edward O. Loehrer Peter and Petra Loer Joann Lofgren Thomas Lohner Carolyn L. Lombardi Rudolph Loncke Karen Long Joseph and Marjorie Longo Ralph E. Longway Jan Looney Al Loosli William Lorack W. and Patrice Lortz Maureen Loughney and Shannon Watson Marilyn Love Charlotte Lowe Carolyn Lowenthal L. Lowenthal Sharon A. Lower Brian Lowery Donald and Mary Lynn Lowry Janet Loxley and David L. Fouts Timothy and Linda Luders Scott and Terri Lund Larry L. Lundberg Norman C. Lundberg Melanie F. Lundquist Dana R. Lurie and Dalila Vargas Abigail F. Lutkin Dominique M. Ly Alice S. Lynch Cornelius Lyons Mark L. Lytle Ernest and Janice Maag Melinda Mabray T J. Macalpine Robert Macartney Claudia Macaubas Cindy and Ted MacConnell John and Inna MacDougall Stuart I. Mackenzie William A. Maclaughlin Marina Maclean Andrew MacLeod Neil and Ellen Macneale Jamis and Margaret MacNiven Tom Macrostie Katherine Macvicar John Maddux Tom Mader Merritt Maduke and Eric Lanzeindor Monica Magelky Stanley and Mitzi Reed Magill Laura Mahanes Eric Mahon John Mahon Kathie Maier and Sharon Iriye Steven Maki Rachel Makool Lucinda Malocsay Mark Maloney Russell Mangerie Dmitrii Manin Donald and Elizabeth Manning Don Manuel Cynthia Mar Jerry and Linda Mar Elizabeth Marcellino John E. Marcroft Larry Margerum Anthony and Joyce Marino Joseph Mark Grigor A. Markarian Carl and Kathleen Markham Bonnie Marks Doris A. Marks Susan Cadinha Marks Vivian Marquez Laura Marroquin Michael Marsh and Elsy Palma Randy Marsh William Marsh Mylon Marshall Phillips and Emily Marshall Helene Martel David and Marilyn Martin Jeff Martin Karen and Doug Martin Nancy C. Martin Veronica Martin Kari N. Martone Erin and Ben Maruquin Stan Mashita Phyllis Maslow Megan Mason Bruce Mast Sally Matheson Denise Mathews Fernando Matias Robert Matlin Katherine and Gary Matsumoto Karen Matteson Glenn and Dolores Matteucci Scott Matthews Stephen Matthews Natalie and William Mauskopf William May Susan and Brian Mayall Andre Mayer Dorothy Mayer Elizabeth T. Mayer Lizabeth Maynard and Sidford Brown Richard Maynard Christopher McAuliffe Christy and Stephen McAvoy Eleanor R. McCalla The McAllister Family Thomas McCandless and Nonaca Chavez Margaret R. McCarte Wendy McCartney W. Scott McCaslin Larry and Marlyn McClaskey Belinda McCloskey Peter Mccool Mike McCoy Tim and Patty McCreery Karen McCurdy David McDaniel Hugh and Debbie McDevitt Bonnie McDonell Lee McEachern Doris M. McElroy Larry Mcever Patsy McGaughy Gene and Helen McGill Scott Mcgilvray John Mcguinn Sean McHugh Titus and Elizabeth McInnis Mary McKalson Martha D. McKenna Mitsue Y. McKenna Diana Mckenzie Maureen McKeown Stephan McKeown and Alan and Margaret McKinnon Shannon M. McKinnon Cami Mclaren Shannon Mcmahon James McManigal John P. McManus Linda McManus Wendy McMullin Henry E. McNeely Thomas McNeil Andrew McPherson Donald McPherson Jean McQuown Fawcett Fran McTamaney Peter Meade Robert F. Meade and Joyce Gonzales Theresa Meditch Lisa M. Meline Linus Melliand Robin Mello Mercedes Mendoza Ann Marie Mendrala Jennifer Mengel David M. Merin Andrew Merriam Marshal Merriam James Merrick and Elizabeth Matthews Rachel Metz Elizabeth Meyer Lynn and George Meyer Pamela Meyer Bird Michael Dennis and Linda Michael Ronald E. Michaelson Mary Michelis M J. Middaugh Alfred R. Middleton Carolin Middleton John and Shirley Mignot Robert and Janice Miles John F. Millen Daryl H. Miller Joel and Christina Miller John Miller Judith Miller Lois Miller Lori Miller Mike and Joyce Miller Nancy Miller Nancy C. Miller R. F. Miller Rod Miller 41 42 Shirley S. Miller Nancy A. Milligan Anthony Mills James E. Mills Michael Mills Sandra Mills Carlo Milono Gerald A. Minter and Diane Slusarek Lori Miskell Adam Mittleman Harry and Patricia Mixer Pino Modica and Adriana Kahane Robert Moeckly Leah Moffatt Reka Molnar Bill Monaghan Desda Monaghan D. Monez Vicki Mongan Wendelin Montciel Ben Montoya Clarice Moody Diane E. Moore Dugan L. Moore Gerald and Mary Moore Janet F. Moore Marguerite H. Moore Mary J. Moore Patrick Moore Rex Moore Bernice and Rudolf Moos Barbara H. Morgan Andrew Morris Drew H. Morris Karen R. Morris Melanie Morris Susan Morris Laura Morrison, Ph.D. Richard Morrison Brian and Jennifer Mosel Edward and Stephanie Moses Maureen Moss and Bill Pultz Kenneth and Ruth Mostern Andrea Mostny James A. Mott David L. Moulton Carol and Christina Moyer Edward S. Muehl and Marcella Gilmore Cathy Mueller Jorunn Mueller Karen Mueller Kathy Mueller Marla A. Mueller Mary Mueller Pat Mulleavy Marcia Muller Thomas Mulroney Rex and Jana Mulvaney James and Linda Munroe-Davidson The Munsch Family Robert Munsey James Murad Anna V. Murch James and Karen Murphy Lorraine Murphy Richard and Jacqui Murray Elizabeth Nachman Howard J. Naftzger Reiko Nagumo Randall Nahas F. G. Naranjo Russ P. Nash National Parks Conservation Association Robert J. Naugles Denny B. Nelson Marie Nelson Michael Nelson and Michelle Murray Mark and Danielle Nespeca Ben Neufeld Andrew and Teresa Nevitt Edward and Laura Newbegin Marcie Newby Jane A. Newhard-Parks Jim Newman Mark A. Newman Roberta Newman Donald and Laura Newmark Robert Niederer Janice Nielsen Donald Niemann Patricia D. Nijjar Susan and David Nisenbaum John Niss K Niven and J Jeffry Paul Nixon Philip Nonneman and Dawn Williamson David Noorthoek Deborah A. Norberg Susyn Normington John C. Norris Charles and Kathleen Northcross Thomas and Mary Nowak Dawn M. Nowlin Gregg Nulton Tiffany Oberoi Josephine Oblea Shelia Obrien Rosanne O’Brien Peter and Ellen Obstler Richard E. O’Donnell Suzanne O’Donnell-Llamado Helen E. Oertle Helen M. Ofield Debbie Ogawa Bruce Ogilby Cheong J. Oh Howard Okin Felicia Oldfather Peter and Christine Oliver Jeanette A. Ollivier David Olsher David Olson Eric and Kathleen Olson Rebecca Olson Sieglind E. Olson Keith Olwin Dennis and Whitney O’Neill Patricia Opdahl Edith C. Openshaw Gerald Or and Bat-Ami Cohen Frederic and Patricia Orcutt Kathleen D. O’Riordan Jackie and Thomas Orsi Deborah A. Osborn Diana and Robert Osborn Earl D. Osborn Jonathan Osborne Irene H. Osterbrock Bruce Osullivan Lisa Otis-kisor James and Marilyn O’Toole David Owens Hunter Owens Stanley and Jane Pace Monica Padilla Michael Padore Thomas Page and Karenlouise Johnson-Page Madan Paidhungat Barbara Painter Michael and Susan Painter William Palley Andrew and Laurie Palmer Deborah Palmer Rebecca and Everett Palmer Geoffrey and Keren Pankau Philip M. Papadopoulos Gretchen Paradis Jane M. Paradise Anne Pardee Gary Parker and Francie Pena Jane C. Parker Jeffrey Parker and Cammie Garnero Margaret L. Parker Nancy Parker Sidney and Marilyn Parsley Jeanick H. Pascal Roland G. Pascal Alex Passinsky Manish Patel Richard E. Patenaude Cheryl Patnaik Marlene Patrick Edward Patterson James L. Patterson Kevin Patterson Howard Paules James Paulus John and Kim Pauly PAX Water Technologies, Inc John Payne Anita K. Pearson David and Barbara Peat Teri Pedone Luca Penati Maria Penedo and John Silvester Koon Peng Chua Gustavo Perez Marianne S. Perron Katherine Perrone David B. Perry Michael Perry Robert and Diane Perry William and Leonilla Perry Steven Persh William J. Pesce Andris and Dagnija Peterson Carol Peterson Cynthia Peterson Paul Peterson Thomas Peterson Kira M. Petersons Roger Peyton Wayne Pfeiffer Denise Phan Regina Phelps Donald A. Philipp Andy Philips John D. Philips James Phillips Roy and Nancy Phillips Phoenix Lodge #144 F&AM Elizabeth Piburn Steven M. Pico Robert Pieper William and Susan Piercy Richard Pierson Robyn Pignone Gary Pike Peter Pike Marian Pinces Alan and Sandy Piotter Gregory K. Pischel Thomas A. Pistone and Laura Myers Paula Plesha Susan Plummer Steven Poceta Martha G. Pogue Gary and Jean Pokorny B.J. and Margaret Polak Donald and Flavia Polensky Leslie and Susan Polgar Robert J. Polis Harry Pollack Alan Ponder Paul Popenoe Jr. Carla Porch Ellen Porter-Cheechov Donald F. Potter and Carolyn J. Dietz Judy Potthast Joan Powell David Pratt Salvador Pratts Anthony and Trudy Praxel Randall Presuhn John and Diane Prewitt Richard and Margaret Priver Anthony and Ingrid Probst Daniel Proctor Robert and Cheryl Pruitt John Ptak Mark and Valerie Publicover George and Barbara Purchase Ralph and Leslie Purdy Fred J. Purucker Jr. Justin Putney and Amy Petersen Mingyu Qu Eric Quandt Dell Quick Jeff Quirk Carla Raffetto Shad and Heather Rahman Jeffery M. Raimundo and Rebecca La Vally The Rains Family Sarah Ramsawack Carolyn Ramsey Janet Randall and Bruce Macevoy James A. Rasmussen Jon Rawinsky and Annemarye Brodbeck John and Dawn Rawls Dorothy Rayner Anne C. Read Carolyn S. Read Roger Reading Tom and Melanie Reamy Michael Reaver Robert L Reay and Judith Fan Mitch L. Reback Robert Rebitzer and Miriam Arfin Caleb Raleigh Redus and Estrellita H. Redus Glenn Reed Judith Reed Richard Reed Suzanne and Michael Reed Carol Reed Glow Kim Regan and Daniel Hoth Freda & Joseph and Freda Reid Marilyn Reilly Cynthia Reinecker William and Nora Reinert Melissa Reinhold Roger and Joyce Reinke William Reller Jean W. Reyes Gertrude Reynaud Alison A. Reynolds Cynthia Reynolds James and Ruth Reynolds Jon and Ann Reynolds Deborah J. Rheuark Barbara Rhine Sally Ribble Carolyn Rice Bruce and Shirley Richards Gwen and William Richardson Kennedy and Kathleen Richardson Monte Richardson Alan Richmond George and Mary Richter Josh Richter and Rachel Levin Wallace Rick Mills and Cheryl Ridgway Robin A. Rielley Doug Rigg Dennis D. Riggs Elizabeth Rincon Brian N. Ripley Renee Ripley John Rittenhouse Mariana Rivera Elisabeth H. Rix Mark Roberts and Joanne Uomini Norma Roberts Ron Robertson Susan Robertson Darrell and Jo Mae Robinson Mark Robinson Noemi Margaret Robinson David Roche and Priscilla Stoyanof-Roche Elizabeth Rockefeller Leon and Rodgers Jack W. Rogers James and Diana Rogers Dennis and Theres Rohan Mr. William Roman Benjamin and Ellen Ron Harriet Roop Nicholas Rorick Virginia Rorick Betty Rose Garry A. Rose Geri and Kenneth Rose Suzannah Rose Jodyne F. Roseman Linda Rosen Victoria Rosen and Terry Rosen Michael and Elika Rosenbaum Debra Rosencrance Annemarie Rosengreen Gregg Rosner and Jill Thacker Alan Ross Diane and Dale Ross Nicholas Ross Jack and Lynne Rosser Janet Rossi Nancy B. Roth William Roth Judith Rothman Frank Rothrock Stephen H. Rovno Elaine Rowe Margaret Rowe Charles M. Rowland and Kara S. Aley Donna J. Rowson Mary and Fredrick Roy Werner Rubas Elaine Rubenstein Jan Rubin Michael G. Rucks Paula Rudman Alene Rudy Linda Ruedy Stephen L. Ruggles Rudolfo Ruibal Peter Russel Anne Ruth Ronald Rutherford Jeanette S. Ryan Rebecca Ryan Douglas A. Ryder Diane Ryerson Robert Ryon Rostyslav Ryshko Michelle and Tobias Saalfeld Shereen Sabet David Sacarelos and Yvette Lanza Peter Sager Joanna Sakaldasis Gilbert and Mediha Saliba Susan Salluce Susan Salt Richard and Joyce Salzmann Ellie E. Samadani Albert Sanders Richard and Beverly Sanders David and Hope Sanderson Trudi Sandmeier David M. Sandrich Laura Santana Randolph and Carol Santo David Saperia Jacob and Katherine Sapiro Sherilyn Sarb Pat D. Sarceda Peter Sardellitto Kelley L. Saunders Susan C. Saunders and Kathleen S. Whelan Mrs. Walter Sauter Mariette Sawchuk Ronald Schafer Paul Schaich and Irene Jones George Scharffenberger Sandra Scheler-Mangiapia Stan Scheurman Angela Schillace Pete Schlaman Beverly Schlegel Peter F. Schlenzka Kathryn R. Schlepphorst Milton and Sondra Schlesinger Greg and Joyce Schmid Lisa Schmidt Jeffrey Schneider and Jane Denton Andrew Schnorr Steve Scholl Rena Schonbrun Jeannie M. Schreiber Stephen Schrey David and Laura Schrier Diane I. Schroeder Sally and Steven Schroeder Theodore J. Schuldt Nancy Schulenburg Ed Schuman, M.D. Georgia Schuttish Andrew and Betsy Schutz David and Patricia Schwartz Patricia Schwartz Alice Schwegman and Bala Balachandran Jerry Schweickert J. Schwoerer Susan and Mark Schynert Dolores M. Scott Linda F. Scott Mary Scott Rob Scott Ross and Karen Scroggs Anita Scuri Frederick Seager Pauline M. Seales Susan C. Segal Anna Seliskar Miriam Sellgren Jerry and Doris Selmer 43 Heasrt San Simeon State Historical Monument © Nick Angelis Daniel Seltz Paul and Kay Selzer Lee Sendelbeck Peter Serchuk George Sery Louise D. Seymour K. and D Shachmut Virginia Shaffer Jo Shain Hillel Shaman Parvatha Vardhini ShankaraNarayanan David Shannon Connie Sharp Eugene and Nancy Sharp Patricia Sharp William M. Sharp Jeffrey and Janet Shaw Douglas A. Sheaffer Guillaume Shearin and Jan Fisher Carrie Sheehan Maureen Sheehan John Shepherd Don and Joan Shepley Michael B. Sherman Nischal Sheth Jeffrey B. Shields Katie Shields Margaret E. Shiffer Robert and Judith Shimizu George Shindo Lisa Shoemaker Victoria Shoemaker Jill M. Short Ray Short Ron and Pam Shranko Kathryn Shurtleff Jill S. Sideman Cornelia and Peter Siegenthaler Cumba C. Siegler John and Dawn Siemer Robert Siew Joel Sigala G S. Sikand Stuart L. Silberman Gary Silberstein Brenna Silbory James N. Silva Franklin Silver Mark Silver Elizabeth Silverman Rod Simonds Jade Simonson James Simpson Mary C Simpson and James Reinke Ronald G. Simpson and Rose Knight John Sinclair Michael and Gloria Singer Pawan Singh Jean Sinsheimer Karen Sipprell Dean Sislin Michael Raymond Skelly Martha Skinner Jane Slack Mark E. Slafkes Pamela S. Slate Dana Bowers Slauson Paul Slavik Christine Sleeter Ericka W. Sleight Michael and Margaret Sloan Peggy and Robert Slyker Tammy A. Smecker-Hane Jacob M. Smit Barbara H. Smith David and Marianne Smith Gregory Smith 44 Humboldt Redwoods State Park © Mike Shoys Jacqueline A. Smith Karen V. Smith Leah Smith Linda Smith Marta Smith Mikell M. Smith Tammy Smith Mr. Tim S. Smith Aidan J. Smyth Brad Snedecor Barbara Snell Thomas C. Snell Glenn Snyder SOAR Jill Soffer and Gregory Adler Irwin Solomon Fred I. Sommer Margo A. Sommerfeld Terri Sonoda Addie Soo Leonard Soohoo Robert Soper and Avalon Johnson Eric Sorensen Bill and Helene Spencer Janet and Robert Spidell Marc Spilo Edward Spilsbury Steven Spinola Adrian and Michaela Springer Norma Stadler Ruth Stafford, Ph.D. David M. Stahl Gail and Ruby Stanton Robert Stanton Diana Stark Milt Stark Edward Starr Jeffrey and Linda Starr Clarice Stasz Anne Stauffer Jack L. Stauffer Ralph Staunton Scott Stawicki Laurence Stearns Patsy Stecher Damian Steel James Steelman Kristine A. Steensma Ray Steensma William Stegall Eileen Steigerwald Donna Stein Korn Sandra Steinbeck Kim A Steinhardt and Madelyn Choi Stellar Solutions Foundation Wayne Stelmar Kevin Stepelton Barry D. Stephens Caroline Stephens Frank and Marie Stephens Edward T. Stephenson Terrance Sternberg William R. Stevens Charles Stewart Diane Stewart and David Zezza Jane Stewart Joshua Stewart Peggy and Bruce Stewart Ted Stewart Catherine Stiefel Dennis G. Stobie Cheryl A. Stoddart and Alan Clarkson Phil Stohr Anna J. Stone Daniel G. Stone Karen Stotelmyer Marjorie and Frank Stotenburg George Stourtenburg Edward and Terri Strait Phillip B. Stranahan Stephen A. Straughan Debra Strauss Paul Strauss Deborah C. Streett-Idell Brian Strehlke David Stringer-Calvert Ladd and Patricia Strnad Anne-Marie and Trevor Strohman Lloyd Strong Jean Strouf James Stryker Marietta Stuart Marcella and Mark Stull Cheryl Stults William Sturlaugson Bob and Joan Succa Peggy I. Suckow Curt J. Sugiyama Edward F. Sullivan Gary J. Sullivan and Timothy Lynn Lynn Sullivan and Dan Cheatham Jan Summers Janet L. Summers Thevi Sundralingam Albert Susor Susie S. Sutch Laurance J. Suter Constance Suton Nancy Sutton David Svoboda and Patricia L. Fogarty Katherine Swanson Sally Swarts Stan Swartz Lenita Swedenborg Brian E. Sweeney John Sweeney Rich Sweetapple Patricia Symkowick Deborah B. Symmes Albert Szilvasy Robert W. Szuba Keith and Halina Tabacek Bonnie Tabor Elizabeth D. Taft Randall Talley Lillian Tallman Mr. William Tallon Alice Tanaka Yutaka Tanaka Ryk Tanalski Michael Tanenbaum Marian Tang Claire Tankersley Gavin R Tanner Saksiri Tanphaichitr Denise Tarantino Pierre Tardif Barbara G. Taylor Frances Taylor Kay Taylor Stella Taylor Zackary Taylor Timothy and Lisa Teague Matt Tebbetts Nellis J. Tederick John and Jean Teerlink June Teitsworth G. K. Templeman Joseph and Eileen Tenn George Tennies Mary Tennyson Joanne Terrell Julie Terry Curtis and Caroline Terwilliger Gayle Teter Eduardo Thackeray Lynn M. Tharsing and David J. Daniels Jacquette Theis Paul and Maureen Thiltgen Michael Thomas Michael Tilson Thomas Patrick A. Thomas Nancy Thomas-Terry Cynthia A. Thompson I. Lee Thompson Keeler and Diana Thompson Ralph Thompson Shel Thompson Susan and Carl Thompson Ian and Diane Thomson Scott D. Thomson Vicki Thorland Kay Thornton Heidi Thrasher John and Louise Throne Linda Thurn and Vic L. Byers Mary Tibiatowski Steven R. Tickes Kevin Tien Harry Tierney Robin Tiffney Sandra J. Tillin Susan M. Todaro Debra D. Todd Ken Todoki Erwin Tomash Gordon and Diane Tomaske Justin Tomljanovic Eszter Tompos Steven Toms Bart and Denise Topham Michael Y. Torgov Kyle Torgrimson John and Nancy Tostevin Ronald J. Toth Rene Townsend Adam Trafas Mary Ellen Trainor Bao and Bich Tran Elizabeth Traugott Raymond J. Triplett Susan E. Tripp Roberta Troxell Wallace and Anne Trujillo Eileen Tsai Carol Tuch Dean Tucker J. Tucker Nadine and Jerry Tucker Laura Tuenissen David Tuffy Susan Tully Deniz Tuncer Bryan and Summer Turnbow Melody Turnbow Allison Turner Mari Tustin Ronald and Thelma Tuttle Russell L. Tweet Robert Tygenhof Ronald Tyler Gil Ullery Paul Underhill June Ungeheuer Judy R. Ungerleider Sharon Ungersma Michael Vacheron John Valiska Valley of the Moon Natural History Association Roger V. Van Brunt Robert J. Van Dusen Carel Van Eck Jack W. Van Geem JR Van Groningen Dora Van Loggem Philip M. Van Rijn Mary Van Voorhees Richard R. Vance Thomas G. VanCisin Larry Vandenbos Richard and Barbara Vandervoort Roberto Vanegas Luc Vantalon Thomas Vass David Vaughn Elizabeth S. Velarde Niek Veldhuis Diane and William Velick Michael Velladao George Ventura Mary Vercoutere Paul G. Verellen Anita Vermund and Richard Ferncase James Vernor Christopher Verplanck Ted Vian Rae Victor John and Kim Vidosh Susan Vigano Maria C. Vigil Georgina Vittoratos Maurice and Judy Voce Mary J. Voelker Jennifer and Curtis Vogel Merle J. Vogel Judy Volin Andrea Volpe Charles Volpe Steven Vonderfecht Mary Wachtel Charles and Camille Wade Polly and Curt Wade Marjorie Wagman and Kim Roche Gary Wagner Robert and Diane Wagner Albert Wald Nancy R. Waldman Donna Walker Ellen Walker Jeff Walker Marilyn J. Walker Richard and Ann Walker Wayne Walker Carol Wallisch Mary J. Walsh Marilyn Walter Mary Walters Richard Walton Dan Wanous Charles and Sarah Ward Mildredan H. Ward John Wardle Nancy Warfield and David Gray Bill and Tesa Warren Hillis Warren Judy Warren William Warren Christal Waters Valerie Wathen Calvert Watkins Margaret Watson John D. Watterson Betty H. Waverly Larry and Anne Wayne William M Weatherwax Jeff and Holly Weber Lee and Denise Weber Nancy Wedel Siok Wee H. A. Richard and Mary Wegener William T. Weihman George E. Weiler Howard Weingram Lauren Weingram Edina Weinstein Stefani Weiss Danette Welkom Mean Well Daphne and Stuart Wells Joseph Welsh Virginia and Richard Welsh Todd Werby Matthew Werdegar Birgit Weskamp Bob West and Karen Reinhard Sharon L. Westerfield Richard and Carolyn Weston Bryce and Wilma Wheeler Wendy Wheeler Edgar Whipple John and Marilyn Whitcher David L. White Denise O. White Ed and Patti White Elise White Patricia D. White Mary A. Whitefield Darci Whitley John Whitlow Paula F. Whitney Charles and M. Isabel Whyte Harold Widom and Linda N. Larkin Howard Wieman Howard and Barbara Wiggins Russell Wiitala Marianne and Dennis Wilcox Richard and Louise Wilde Phil and Elaine Wilder Rolla J. Wilhite Liz Wilkes Roberta N. Wilkes Charles Wilkinson and Melanie Ito Robert P. Will Betsy and Gary Willcuts D.C. Willetts D. Evan Williams and Elizabeth Tyree Gail Williams Mary E. Williams Natalie Williams Lara Williamson Clifford A. Willis Arlene and Victor Willits Carolin C. Wills Vivian Wills Jenine Wilson Jim and Harriet Wilson Richard and Marie Wilson Ellen Winder Marge Winkler Martha Kendall Winnacker Kirsten Winter and Charles Van Tassel Cleo L. Wipff Joseph and Michael Wirth Tim Witten Stanley Wojcicki Rex Wolf Valerie A Wolfe and Dave Polgar Susan Wollowitz M. Wallace Wolodarsky R. L. Wolverton Anne B. Wong George W. Wong James K. Wong Steven Wong Rosanne Wood Alan L. Woodman Brian Woods Bruce Wooley Vita Woolson Bill Wortman and Katie Townsend Charles Wright David J. Wright Gail Wright Janet Wright Larry Wright Patricia A. Wright Hope Wynecoop Lawrence J. Yabroff Lawrence Yadao Toni Yaffe Nancy Yamagata June Yamamoto Ron Yamamoto Lawrence and Vanessa Yates Jane B. Yee Helen Yeni-Komshian Warren Yogi Brad J. Yoo Sumiko Yoshii Karen Yoshioka David G. Youmans Connie Young Susan Young Robert Youngs Flora Zagorites Joseph D. Zamboni Margo Zaugg Yvonne Zavoshy Robert Zehntner Marsha M. Zelus Richard Zemba Sharon Ziel Claus Zielke Cyndie Zikmund Andrew and Marguerite Zimbaldi Gary Zouzoulas Lewis and Patricia Zuelow Richard Zukin Ken Zumwalt Jay and Linda Zwagerman Paul and Amy Zwicker 45 46 Touring Members Barbara Aaron Jose M. Abad Cynthia Abram Steve and Suzanne Abrams Bryan A. Ackerman Rod Acord A.T and Susan Acosta Craig R. Adam Richard Adamczyk Barbara Adams Kathy Adams Stan L. Adams Steven and Barbara Adams Kent and Laurie Adamson Marilyn Adcook Mary Adkins Jessica Agramonte and James Principat Robert and Sheryl Ainsworth Masae Aitoku Cindy Akard Patti and Gordon Akers Samira Z. Al-Qazzaz Manula Albuquerque Marc G. Alcser Kate Aldrich Sarah Allen Steve Allen William and Kathleen Allen Christine Alms Michael and Deirdre Alpert Ralph Alpert Leslie Alspach Tania Amochaev Brien Amspoker and Ellen Breitman Cooper and Lynne Amyx Bradley Anderson Donald Anderson Glenda G. Anderson Isa Anderson Lauretta Anderson Robert A. Anderson and Lois Claire Stevens Chris P. Andrian Anthony and Maureen Angelo Wayne Anthony Carol Antle Lowell J. Aplet David K. Appel Bettina Aptheker Julie M. R. Arafeh Jamie Archer Robert Arko and Aura Oslapas Leslie Arlett Henry and Nancy Arnebold Mary A. Arnett Lori Willson Arnold Naoko T. Arter Peter J. Ash Julie and Mark Askelson Pam Augspurger Walter Aulen Douglas Avazian Jeannie Avelar Jake Avilan Frank Axe Karen Axelsson Steve Baele Helga Baer Dolores Bagne Patricia N. Bahnmiller Diane S. Bailey David Bainer Steve Bakaley and Marjory Miller Leeanne Baker Mono Lake State Park © Susan Taylor Beth Baker Grose and John T. Grose Christopher Bakes Richard H. Baldwin Mark Bales Julie Ballard William and Elizabeth Bamattre James Bangert Peter and Sari Banks Richard C. Banks Joel Baranski Stephen Barber James W. Barbour Araceli and David Barclay Steve Bareilles George and Nancy Barfield James Barham A. and Joan Barkan David Barker M. J. Barker Marion Barker Sam E. Barker Jr. Terrance and Jacquelyn Barker Cheri Barlow Marjorie M. Barnebey Juli Barr Joel Barrie Robert and J. Basila Mary Bass Greg Basser and Kiera O’Neill Nicola Batalis Alice Batchelder Louis and Arlene Bates Brigitte Bauer Martin and Judith Bauman Mark Baumohl Lisa Baurmeister Howard and Lynn Bayer Carl Baylor Kristina Bayuk Randall L. Bazz Bill and Kathe Beadle James F. Beatty Lance Beazley Brett Beck Stephen and Terry Beck Frederick and Lynelle Becker Thomas and Lili Beggs Elizabeth C. Behringer John and Victoria Beland James and Catherine Bell Roy Bellhorn Lucinda Ben-Avi Nanette and Tom Benbrook Kathleen Bender Stephen D. Bender Nannette Benedict Alan and Stacey Bennenbroek Albert Bennett Jeffery S. Bennett N. and Sandra Bennett Bob Benning Robert S. Bennion Shirley Bentson Michael Berdine Carol Berendsen JoAnn Bergoffen and Jeff Ehrlich William Bergstrom Stan and Doris Bergum Charles Berrey Janet Bertaina Charles and Paula Bertness Richard Bertolina Dyana Berwin John R. Betancourt J and Jennifer Bevan R. Scott Bevans Michael Bicay Jennifer Bice Claudette Bidgood Dianne Bies Jody Bigalk Gary and Rebecca Biggers Michael and Kasey Biggs John Bigler and Deborah Lidgate Karen F. Bilawski James Bily Connie Bish Debra G. Bishton Marjorie Bissett Eric Bjerkholt Anne Blackman Ian Blackwood Max C. Blades Emily L. Blanck and Daniel Weiss Jon Blanding Margaret Blankenship Peg Bledsoe Aubrey Blue Michael Blum Mike and Theresa Blundell Mike Boesch Scott Bogue and Margi Rusmore Ross Bolton Richard Bon Sharon D. Bonds William Bonis James C. Bonk III David Borger Michael J. Borgerding Irene Borowski Arijit Bose and Deborah Carroll Thomas Bosserman Marie Bourget Robert Bourke Stephen Bourne Robin Bouwmeester Catherine M. Bove Melanie Bowen Winston and Becky Bowen Walter Bowman Debra Lea and William Bowmer Jason Boyleston Marek and Frances Bozdech Clayton R. Braatz William G. Braden, Jr. R. L. Bradford Sarah J. Bradford Deeann Bradley and Tim Chavez Susan E. Bradley Robert Bradner Margaret Brandon Nicki and Keith Brandt Mike Brandy A. R. Braunmuller Dries Bredenkamp George Breed Mark Breeden Brian Brelje and Susan Frank Gary W. Brendahl Lawrence G. Brenden Beth Brennan Nathan Brennan Patricia Brennan William Brennan Peter and Laura Brewer Jill and Michael Briggs Windus Brinkkord Fred and Janet Brinkop Bryan Brooks Scott Brooks Laura and Dusty Brosius Carolyn Brown Chris Brown Donald E. Brown Doug and Janis Brown Douglas Brown Edwina L. Brown Marian Brown Michael and Rebecca Brown William Brown Michael Bruno Tom Bruns Alf Brunstrom Elizabeth E. Bruton Beverley Bryant John Brydon Richard and Marsha Buchen Keith Buchignani George Buell Iii Gene and Barbara Bullock-Wilson Kathi Bump Joanne and David Burch Diane Burfiend Catherine Burford Carol Burgoa Michael Burik James and Virgina Burke Shawn Burke Teresa Burke Daniel Burkhead Bob Burkle Stephen Burklund Allison V. Burn Jennifer D. Burroughs Bruce Burton Jeff and Janine Bush Keith Bussell Lloyd Butcher Robert Butler David Butner Taira Byrne Michael and Debra Cagle Virginia and Jeff Calcara Anna-Marie Calderwood Victor E. Caldwell Al Caler R. P. Callaghan Ellen Callaway Dana Cameron Richard Campbell Bruce M. Canter Frank Cantrell Loren and Annie Cantrell Shauna Cantrell John P. Capitanio Valeri Cardello Matthew A. Cardozo Kay Carlile Linda A. Carmichael Dennis Carney Jennifer Carole Lisa Caronna-Perley Elizabeth Carr Marc and Linda Carrasco Victor Carrillo III Bruce Carroll Rod Carroll Robert and Ellen Case Fred Caserio Jr. David Casey Steven and Ronda Cashiola Richard Cassel Cathrine Castaldi Lucia Casu Michael Cate Robert and Maureen Cates Tina Cavalcante The Cawley Family William Caylor J. M. Cecka Donna R. Cederlund and Richard C Jones Chris Chaney Richard D. Changnon S. W. Chapman Katherine B. Chappelear Hilary S. Charette C Chartier Sylvia S. Chatagnier Adam A. Chavez Lori Chavis Sue Chen Teresa M. Chen Yihshin Chen Jingli Chen O’Neal Amy Cheng Patrick G. Cheng Ken Cherry Kathy Chiaramonte-Tracy Richard and Linda Chin Wayne Chiu Won Cho B. Choden Steven Choi Henri Chomeau Anthony Chorosevic Cindy Chow Joseph Chrisant Carla C. Christensen Holly Christiansen Veronica Christie Martha Christopher Stephanie Christopher George H. Chu Frank M. Cima Erica Cirigliano Gina Cirone Sharon Cisneros Paul Claiborne III James S. Clark Kathryn S. Clark Rosalee and Bob Clarke John and Gretchen Clatworthy David and Heidi Claypool Susan Cleary and Scott Vyduna Alice Cleveland Hugh M. Clokie Francis Clougherty Mark Cocalis and Lisa Erburu Jennifer Cochran Patricia E. Coffey Jeff Cohan Marsha Cohen Amelia Cole Linda N. Colehower William W. Coleman III Edward T. Colligan Karen Colligan Jennifer Colvin Stephen Combs Lisa Comeau Larry D. Condit Douglas Condon Frederick and Anna Conklin Mike Conley and Susan Steele Anne Connell Michael and Phyllis Connor John Cook Timothy D. Coppedge Charles W. Cooper Robert Cooper Jr. Lew Coppersmith Mary P. Coquillard James Corazza Franklin D. Corbett Jr. John Corcoran Judy Cormier Peter M. Cornyn Tonia Corwin Alice Cottrell Tom and Jane Coulter Richard and Barbara Counsil Marsha Cover Juliette Cowell Luke Cowell Barbara Cox Kenneth Cozad George and Carol Craford Michael R. Crager Colleen Craig L D. Crandall James Crane Judith and Dave Creek Erin Crenshaw Donald R. Croley Richard and Darlene Crook Copley Crosby Tina Crowe Armando Cuellar Chris and Stacey Cullen Gerald B. Cullinane Walter Cullop Theresa Lynne Currier Cynthia Curry June Curtis Gordon Cutts Kevin and Catherine Cwiok Mary Dabbracci The Dadbeh Family Rami and Cathy Dakkuri Mark Dale Tom Daley Arvin Dalnay Joyce Damgaard Timothy Daniels John and Charlice Danielsen Judylynn Danielson J H. Darcey Stephen and Julie Darling Robert and Tracey Darroll Lewis Dauber Adil Daud Gaelen and Mea Daum Robert T. Daunt Anthony Daus Kerry Davidson Robert and Annie Davidson Cynthia Davis Jay and Terry Davison James Dawson Jerome Dayton Lester De Ring and Rusty Hartranft-De Ring Susan Dean Linda DeBonis Norene Debruycker Maria Decker Hillarie Degroot Brittany Deland Dr. J. E. Delehanty David Deleon Dominic Dellamaggiora Michael Delleney Melinda Delp Sanford and Leslie Delugach Andrew and Anne Demar Jim and Nancy Dempsey Elissa Dennis D.J. DeProspero and Gerald Glaser Ravi and Purnima Desu Michael Dever Herman and Catherine Devera Agnes Devin Michael and Kari DeVries Veronica Devries Charles and Diane Deweese C. R. Dickens Shirley Dickinson Robert Dickson Vincent J. Dijanich David DiLeo Jennifer Dill Dion G. Dillon Pamela Dittman Donald Dixon Kathryn P. Dixon Mark Dober Ed Dodd Anthony Dodge James L. Dodson Mary Dombek Lawrence Domino Kevin J. Donahue Jim Donak Kenneth and Chris Doniger Paul Donohoe Daniel Doran Douglas Dority Daniel Dorman Eric F. Douglas Dwayne and Linda Downing Jenny Downing Lawrence G. Downing Terry L. Downs Sandra Doyle Thomas Draeger Anne Drejet Jason Drew Steven Drum Robin Drury Peter A. Dubois Richard J. Dudash June Duet William and Ruth Duff Dan and Judy Dugan Bryan Duggan Jim Dunbar Marge Duncan Stephen Duncan Ingrid M. Dunlap Aidan M. Dunne Sean Dunphy Carlita Durand Melissa Durkin Ms. Carol A. Durst Stan Dutrow Walton Dutton Mark S. Duvall and Anne Demma Aleksey Dvorkin Bill and Dawnine Dyer Walter G. Eades Richard K. Eamer President Richard Earls Connie M. Easterling Robert G. Eastin Shirley W. Easton Kevin and Kelly Eastwood John R. Eaton Robin G. Eber Jan Edgar Martha Edge William and Lydia Edison Andrew and Christine Edwards Gregory and Carla Edwards Erik W. Egan Daniel Eggen Cheryl Ehnisz Michael and Jessica Eisler Paul and Sharon Eklof John Eknoian Hugh and Audrey Elliott William H. Ellis and Carmelita W Ellis Norman Ellstrand Michael Elmore David and Margaret Engel Randall Engler Claire Y. Englund Richard Ensslin and Adele McDaniel Robert Entriken Lois Erbs Leif and Sharon Erickson Alfred and Karin Esser William Essig and Margot Anspach J. Robert and Evanhoe Diane Evans Susan Evans and Jim Hobart Ronald Evens Wendy Everhart Caroline L. Everts Valerie Eviner Leon R. Extrand Richard Fabian Brigitte Failner Thomas Falk Arline B. Fallen Chris Faller David and Julie Farabee Lucille Farber and Jim Bright Paul Farley Gerald Farren Richard Feachem John D. Featherstone John Feazelle Daniella Feightner Beth Fein Jeanne Felber Krista Felbinger Robert and Joyce Feldman Tom and Marilyn Felix William and Aileen Fell James and Bette Felton Ava D. Fender Steve and Shelly Ferguson Steven P. Ferguson Raul Fernandez Anthony and Alexandria Ferrari Jay and Deborah Ferris Thomas Fetter and Helen Chen William R. Fewell Laurie Fialkowski Paul Fife Konstantin and Mariya Filippov Sylvia W. Finger Sharon and Wally Finley Charles and Patricia Finney Nicholas Fintzelberg Barbara Fisher Paul Fleischman Chris Fleischut Dana Fleming Taylor and Florence Catalina Flores Vanessa Flores Paul Floyd Karin H. Flynn Robert J. Fogt Karen Folks Kimberly Fong Angela Fontes Barbara Forcier Paul M. Ford Virginia A. Ford Bonnie Forrester Carolyn C. Forsyth Laurie S. Foster Harriet Fotis Marie Fouts Kenneth Fowkes Alexander Fox Danielle Fox Fred and Cynthia Fox Patricia Fox Richard Fraioli Marion Franck Francis W. Frandsen Alfred and Teri Frank Mary Franklin Charles and Arleen Fraser Marguerite and Bruce Frederick Burton Fredericksen Jeff Freedman and Marie Boylan Susan Freeman A Freisleben Jeffrey Friant Bruce and Diane Friend John Fries Donald H. Friesen Mark Frolli Edward Frymoyer Teresa and Roger Fuller Mei L. Fung Robert Funk Will Furman Jaime Fuster Tricia L. Fynewever Susan Gabriel Jerry and Jeanette Gadt Mark Galinski John F. Ganahl Shawna Gannon William J. Gant Shirley Gantner Margaret Garcia George Gardner Sheeba Garg Gabrielle Garrett and Carl Wakeland Jorge Garza David Gauntlett Keith Gayhart Richard H. Geary Dianne Gelbach Sandra Gelfand Joseph and Ingrid Gennity Jenne M. Geno Rocky W. Gentner Henry J. George Todd George Mary Gerbino Ellen Geringer John Gerken Cathy Gibbs Edwin G. Gibson John and Mary Giebink Dan and Judy Gilbert Greg Gilbert and Deborah Hearing Barbara Gillette Marilynn A. Gilmore John Ginn Lester C. Ginsberg David Ginther Alex Glasscock W. E. and Traute Gleeson Mike Glendinning Jeri Gloege Edward A. Glover Marie Godfrey Marilyn K. Goessel Judith Goff Henry and Jane Goichman Phillip Gold Daryl Anne Goldman Ph.D. and Jeanette Nichols Sam and Snooky Goldman Dan and Tamar Goldmann Alice Goldstein John Goldthwait William Golove Christopher C. Gombatz Erich A. Gombocz Deanna Gomby Leandro Gonzalez Charles D. Goodman Chris Goodman Jonathan B. Goodman Eileen Gordon Elizabeth Gordon Graham and Beryl Gosling Jonathan and Kathryn Goulding Gwen Grabowski Don and Maggi Graf John M. Graham and Kirsten Voss Mary Graham Edith B. Gralla Sandra and Jeffrey Granett Janice Grant John Grant James Grass Genevieve Graves James D. Gray Alice A. Green Millie Green Phil Green and Barbara Leig Colin Gregor Peter and Anne Griffes Jacquelyn Griffith John P. Griffith Allan Grimes Gary and Linda Grodt Gary and Diane Groesbeck Jerome Gross Robert and Jennifer Groth Andrea Grove and Chris Scholl Andrew Grzenia Ted Guarino Rebecca Guess Tom Guidugli Francis Guinney John C. Guirindola David and Laurel Gunderson Greg and Marlene Gurewitz John L. Gurka Elaine Gutteridge David Guzzetta and Carolyn Auker Peter Haas William and Rita Habeeb Carolyn M. Hacker James W. Hadley Heidi Hahn Frank and Barbara Haight Les Hait Rebecca E. Hall Robert Hall Charlotte Hallam Jeanne W. Halleck Brian Hallinan 47 48 Jamie Halsey Margo Halsted Linda J. Hamilton Marvin and Pamela Hammer Megan Hamreus Philip C. Hanawalt David Handt Rick Hanford Don Hansen Rebecca L. Hansen Brigitte A. Hanson Lee and Coraly Hanson Kristi and Rick Harding Richard D. Harley Mike Harmon John Harrigan Jeffrey F. Harriman Robert Harris Susan Harris Amy Harrison Judith and Steve Harrison Gary R. Hart Carol Harter and W. Smith Stuart Hartigan Kate G. Hartley Blayne Hartman Russell P. Hartman Jon Hartmann Sharon and Terry Hartshorn Mark Hasencamp Roger and Marian Haserot J. and Diane Hastings Lula M. Hatfield Judith Haueter Mary B. Hawkins Robert Haxo Randolph Hays Jessica Hazlewood Jim Heckenbach Shirley M. Heger Jeff and Caron Heimbuck Marc Heintz David Heistand Ross and Karen Heitkamp Terry J. Helbush John Heldens Rebeca Helfer Lisa L. Helleland Alison Heller-Ono Stany Helssen Robert E. Hemborg Judith Hendler Trow Hendrick Carl and Deborah Hensler Jonathan Hensley Chris Henson Laurie Henson Quin Henson Amy Herbst William and Sandra Hermann Ron Herrera Pamela Herrington Martin Heth Gary M. Hetherington Theodore Hetherington Terry A. Hewett Robert Heyse Cheryl Hiatt Lynn and Edward Hice Ruth A. Hicks Lynn and Nancy Higbee Warren Higgins John Higuchi David and Marianne Hill Frank Hill Robert P. Hill Richard F. Hillebrecht Mark and Glenda Hilliard Mary Hines John M. Hinkle Moe Hirani Ronald I. Hirohata Lea Hirschfeld and Frank Salmon Sandra and Richard Hitchcock James V. Hittner Melvin and B. Ho Allan and Susan Hoben Nancy Hodges Martha Hoeg Conrad and Marla Hoffmann Astrid Holberg Larry and Margaret Holbrook Katerine Hollblad-Faddiman and Jeffery Faddiman Michael Holler and Jane P. Miller Joel and Rosanne Holliday Susan Holliday James R. Hollingshead Kirsten R. Holmquist George F. Holser Stephen E. Hon William Hopkins and Margaret Blume Patricia J. Hoppe Nathana L. Horn Lawrence and Lenore Horowitz Valene Houdyshell Edward Hoveland Paul Hovsepian Beth E. Howard Joseph C. Howard Jr. Lenette Howard Rebecca Howarth Jane C. Howell Melinda Howell Roman Hryniszak Joe and Cynthia Huber Daniel and Judy Huckabay William Hudson Barbara Huebner Alan Huegli Karen Huether Jim Huffman Jeff Hughes Phyllis Hughes William Hull Michael E. Humphrey Denise Hunter Nicole Hunter Richard and Vivien Huntley Andrea Hurford G. Dan Hutcheson Melissa Hutchinson Toni Hutchinson-Haddad Karen Hyland William and Barbara Hyland The Iantosca Family Jacqueline Ignon Pinon Imamura Alex Ingersoll Richard Ingham Sheila Inserra Pamela Irvine William Isaacson Mikio and Vickie Ishimaru Scott Ispirescu Mario and Margrit Ivanov Kent Iverson Jerome and Nancy Ives Sandra Iwai Gary T. Izumi Kathleen Jablonski Nicola Jack Jay Jackman Mark Jackson David Jacobson Pierre Jacomet Stan Jacques Anna Jaeger Anthony A. James Richard and Mary Ann James Lora Jameson Mark R. Janlois Robbie Janosch Vicki L. Janssen Katy Jenkins Douglas O. Jensen Joel Jervis Paul and Michelle Jewel Ken Jewell Larry Jinks Thomas Job Gordon Johns Mel Johns Brian Johnson Carlene Johnson Catherine H. Johnson Christene Johnson Emilia Johnson Howard Johnson Lane Johnson Marcine M. Johnson Samuel T. Johnson Vicki Johnson John and Lynette Johnston David A. Jolly Amy Jones David Jones Denise Jones Kathleen H. Jones Kathryn C. Jones Mary Jones Nancy M. Jones Pat Jones Robert Jones Steven Jones and Carol Flint Shana Jordan Sara Jorgensen Michael Josselyn and Micki Kelly Eric G. Juline Steven L. Kadel John Kafka and Betsy Frank Elizabeth Kahn Blaine Kaho’onei George A. Kallas Dr. Elaine S. Kamil Song Kang John Kangas Barbara Kanki Jeff Kaplan Nancy H. Karp Anne Kartun David J. Kastanis Eric and Anne Kastner Kathy Katusha Deirdre and Keith Kauer Kunio Kawakami Mike Keefe Julie A. Keeler Martha Kellenberger Bernadette Keller Nils Kelsberg Patricia Kelty Kathryn Kendall Linda Kendall Peter and Penelope Kenez David Kennedy Kelley Keogh Bill Ketteringham William Ketterlin Benjamin T. Kibbe David and Penelope Kiehl Jens Kiesel Max Kile Bill Kilpatrick Rosalind and Sung-Hou Kim James N. Kindig David King Katharine King Webster B. Kinnaird Judith A. Kinnie Richard Kirchner and Jacquelynn Maxon Scott and Karen Kirkman Marydixie Kirkpatrick Eric Kisslinger Takeshi Kitahara Warren Klausner Linda Klepac Michael Klett Brian Kliment Susan Kline Ronald Klinger Kathleen Klug Ruth H. Knapp Nancy Knight Charles and Carolyn Knobler Heather Koch Patricia M. Koch Kris Koerkenmeier Elisabeth Kohnke Borys Kolasa Steve and Margaret Koniniec Richard Korff and Susan Leber Goran Korse Richard Kortum Rudolph Kosits Manish D. Kothari and Carmen Saura John and Sandra Kozero Douglas Kramer Nikki Kratt Hank Kratzer Rebecca K Krisman and Gareth Evans Clare Kristofco Allan Kroeker Paula Kubo Irvin and Doreen Kuhn Michael Kuhn E Kullick and R Brassinga Kelly Kuntz William R. Kuntz Jr. Elaine Kuo Dana Kurtz Laszlo Kurucz Gary D. Kushner The Kutilek Family David and Paula Kuty James Kyle Shelli La Plante Cherry Laforge Tim and Betty LaFranchi John LaGrange Virginia Laibl Johnna and Bill Laird Steve Lampman Charles Landram Mary J. Landrock Jennifer E. Landsberg Diane and Tom Langan Richard and Gayla Langlois Doug Laporte Erica and Scott Larsen C. Philip Larson Jr. Eric Larson Thomas Larson Lawrence Laslett and Laurie Winthers Nick Lattanzio Maryanne Lauderdale and Brett Hasselbring Sara and Eric Lautenbach Peter Lauzon Frank W. Lavac Jonathan Lawlis Robert Lawson Holly E. Lazzerini Kathy and Michael Leavenworth Paula Leblanc Edward Lechner Arlene V. Lee Gary Lee Joey Lee Mark and Julie Lee Sandra J. Lee Steffany Lee Kenneth Leeds Warren Lefort Kurt Lehn Jerome Lehrman Mike and Rebecca Leidner Doreen Leighton John A. Leipold G. and Arlene Leister Darlene Q. Lem Margaret A. Leonard and Clare Sheils Helen Lesnick Valerie Letch Nicole Letellier Wing S. Leung Patrick Levens Alan Levine Leonard Leving B. Levy Donald E. Lewis Douglas Lewis Natalie G. Lewis David E. Lewiston Jody Lewitter and Marc Van Der H Vencent Liang Patrick H. Lickiss Zuzana Licko Stephen Liermann Jeanie Light Michael Light Thomas Lill Thomas and Stephanie Lima Leah Lin Julianne Lindemann and Michael J. Weinberger Sheldon and Alejandra Linderman Vivian Linderman G. A. Lindsay Lorna S. Lindsay Targe and Barbara Lindsay Richard J. Link George O. Linkletter John and Jonatha Linn Donald Lipschutz David Lipsky and Emily Kenyon Bruce and Linda Little Charles and Lorna Little Constance F. Little Alice C. Liu Carol Livingston Jim and Pam Lloyd Andrew Lo John R. Locke Bill Lockett Bill Lockhart Philip Lockyer Aaron Lodge Fred A. Logalbo Christopher W. Loh Donna M. Lohrmann Ginny Long Reginald Long David K. Longaker 49 McArthur-Burney Falls Memorial State Park © David Jennings 50 Lawrence D. Longo Marguerite Longtin Larry and Judith Loos Linda Loper Samuel and Brenna Lord Guadalupe Lorenz and Los Gatos Birdwatcher Roger Lotz and Eva Del Campo David Loughhead and Sandra McNabb Howard D. Loughry Kathryn Love Kathleen Low Michael J. Lubao Joe F. Luby Michael Lucewicz Gottfried Luderer June R. Lufting Lois Lund Lee Lundgren Sondra Lundgren Margarita I. Lupin Debbie Lurtsema David and Julie Lydick Jarmon and Pamela Lynch David Lyon Patricia J. Lyon Ronald P. Lyons David Ma Mr. Gordon MacAulay Catharine MacDonald J. Elaine and Macey Catherine M. MacGregor Robert Machris Anne and Dave Mack Dennis Mackelburg Harold Mackenzie Robert MaClean Catherine Magruder Iraj Mahdavi Charles Maier Cindy Maier Gretchen and James Mair Rosalie Majid Carol Makela Stanley and Janet Maleski Sacha Malin Robert Mallett Avran Mandell Betty D. Mangel Robert Mann and Ellen Holden Felipe Manriquez Charles Manske Michael and Maxine Mantell Thomas Manuel Stephen Maples Shelly Maramonte Michal M. Margalith Leslie Markham S. G. and Margaret Marlow Deana Marquis John and Paula Marsh Howard Marshall James and Norma Marshall John and Judith Martin Andrew J Martinez and Gail Gronert Edward and Donna Martins Gregory L. Martz Hirata and Hiroko Masao M and Alice Masek James and Lucy Masson Jack R. Mathieson Eric Matthews J W. Matthews Learden K. Matthies Amy Mattinson JaneAnn Matulich Ingrid Mau Martin L. Mauch Christophe N. May Rosa May Christopher S. Mayer Guy W. Mayes Steve Mc Donald Julie A. Mc Ghee Karen McCain Kevin McCarthy Joan E. McCauley Victoria McClain Merdyce McClaran-Whelan Jonathan and Terrie McClelland Joy Mcclintock Edward and Lois McCluskey Robert McCommins Erin Mcconnell Sally McCraven Lance McCune Mary L. McCune David McCurry Laurence McDaniel Bruce McDermott Mitsuyo Mcdermott Albert and Rose McDonald Cynthia A. McDonald Dennis McDonald Ann McEnhill Thomas P. Mcgee Martha McGinnis Patricia McGinty Lisa McGraw Mary A. McGuire Scott Mcguirk Carolyn McGurn Gary McIntire John McIntyre William McKaig David D. McKay John Mckay John W. McKenna Christina Mckennerney John McKinley George and Marie McKinney Joyce McKinney Stephanie Mckown Hugh and Anne McMillan James McNally Kevin and Jeanne McNerney Michael and Kimberly McSherry Lee A. Meadows Michael and Karen Medina Patricia and Michael Meiser Suzanne Mello Suzanne B. Mellor Linda L. Melton William R. Meredith Janet B. Merryfield Karl Mertz Jr. Margaret Mette Karin and Scott Meyer Marylee Meyer Marilee D. Mifflin and Richard Smart James Migdal and Victoria Thorp Nancy Milby Frank B. Miles Ron Miles Todd Millam F. Miller Jane Miller Joe Miller Michael Miller Russell Miller and Kirk Pessner Sandra K. Miller Deborah Milligan Tom and Denise Milligan George A. Mills Alex Mintzer Mary Missimer Alyta Mitchell Jerry Mitchell Mary M. Mitchell Ted Mitchell Alexander H. Mittelman Marcus Moawad Thomas Moellering Barbara E. Moely Susan M. Mogilka Richard L. Mohr Christopher Monika Vaughan and Lynne Monnes Martin and Catherine Montoro Barbara C. Moore Brian D. Moore Catherine Moore Polly Moore Thomas Moore Erin Moos Patricia Morehead L. A. Morgan Phillip Morin Michael Morishima Barbara Morley Katherine A. Morris Richardson Morse Christine Morton Peter Morway Barbara J. Mosen Cliff and Elizabeth Moser Mary Moser Sheryl Moss James and Maureen Motteler Cynthia A. Mouw David and Caroline Moyer Bryon Mucklow William and Pauli Muir William Mullaney George and Susi Muller Caitlin Mullins Lettie S. Multhauf Susan M. Munemitsu and Robert Martin Leslie and Keith Murata William and Andrea Murdock Jennifer Murphy John Murphy Susan Murphy John W. Murray Linda S. Murray Norman and Dorothy Myers William J. Myrick Randall and Susan Naess Diane Nakao Gena A. Nason David Navarro Marcia and Larry Neasel William and Joan Neff Jeff Neighbors Erwin Nell and Theres Gruter Frederick and Martina Nelson John and Hortensia Nelson John L. Nelson Linnea Nelson Stephanie Nelson Glen Nemerow Cathy Netz Linda H. Neugass Jim C. Nevill Melvin K. Neville Charles Newcomb Julia C. Newcomb Amy Newell George Newell James H. Newell Robert S. Newton David and Xiuhua Nicholas Donna Nicholas Linda Nicholson Angie Nickoley George and Devereaux Nicoud Anna L. Niederholzer Thomas Niederkofler Hanne Nielsen Jack Nietzsche Ken Niles William K. Nisbet Bonnie Nishkian George Noa Jr. Amy M. Noble Mark D. Nockleby Jennifer Noland Courtney Nolen David Norall Judy Nordberg John and Donna Novitsky Charles Nugent Len Nunney Gabriella Nuttall Tobi and Harold Nyberg Lyn O’ Niel James O’Brien II Liz O’Brien Patrick O’brien Peggy O’Brien Richard O’Connor Sally O’Dell Dermot O’Kelly Jean O’Neil M. B. O’Neil Jr. Patty O’Reilly Elizabeth M. O’Shea Kristine O’Toole Gregory Obranovich Crystal Obregon Margaret Obrien Carolyn Ockels Noah Oden Barbara Ogrey Lipti Oh and Anna Espinosa Natalie T. Oliver Jill Olsen Anne B. Olson Wayne Olts Alicia Ong Catherine Opie Susan Opp Jerry and Kim Orloff Elizabeth A. Orr James and Nancy Osborn Wayne S. Osborne John Oshetski Mark D. Osterstock Inge Ott Thomas and Gloria Otten Amber Otto Carl Otto Steve Ousley and Barbara Voorhies Edmund Ow Sue Owen Bill Owens-Smith and Tom Fleming Karen Pacheco Graham Pairman John F. Palacios Curtis Palm and Nancy Altman Jeffrey and Joan Palmer Janet Papkin Theo Pappas Holly Paquette Steve and Catherine Pardieck Nicholas M. Pardon Donald Park and Melissa Lukes Gerhard H. Parker Ileene S. Parker Ralph and Jane Parks Thomas E. Parrington James Parrish Naresh Parshotam Anita J. Parsons Richard and Mary Patz Rodney Paul Mark C. Paullin Regina F. Paulus William Pavony Richard Paxman Deanna Paxton David Pederson Isobel Pelham Deborah Pember-Lavoie and David Lavoie Herman and Deloris Perez John Perez and Ann Lowry Joseph Perez Barbara L. Perkins Lee Perlman Gregory Peters R. S. Peters Sidney and Nancy Petersen Annkatrin Petersen-Jappelli and Roberto Jappelli Andrew R. Peterson Gary Peterson Patti Peterson Richard and Jean Peterson Val and JoAnn Peterson Patti Petty William J. Pevsner Ralph Pezoldt Julie Phillips Linda Phillips Charles Phillipson Stephanie Phipps Greg Pickert Judith Pierce Tim Pile Robert P. Pinnell Stuart M. Pinto Rudolph L. Pipa Alex Pitschka Paul M. Pittenger and Susan Shankle Valerie and James Pizzio David and Lauri Plunkett Lloyd G. Plymate and Sissee Kurowski Lauren Poe Ann Pogue Steven R. Polcyn Michael and Rosemarie Pollak Frank and Anna Pope M. Popper and J. Evarts Alan Port James C. Potterton Dipu Pramanik Elizabeth Prange John and Sue Prange Doug Prazak Kent Price Bruce Prince Roger Prince and Noelle Schoellkopf Dee Pritchard and Richard Dick Royce and Marian Privett Paige Procter Patricia Proeme David C. Promer Roland and Linda Prydz Rae Pucci Charles L. Purvis Sidney D. Putnam Matthew Pye Eliot Quataert California’s state parks make up the most diverse natural, cultural, and recreational parks system in the nation. Our 280 state parks encompass 1.5 million acres and include 320 miles of coastline, 625 miles of lake and river frontage, 15,000 campsites, and over 4,500 miles of hiking, biking, and equestrian trails. The landscapes range from pristine coastlines, to ancient redwood forests, to expansive deserts. Classified as 51 parks, reserves, state beaches, recreation areas, vehicular recreation areas, points of interest, historic parks, or historic monuments, these places showcase California’s nature, culture, and history. The California Department of Parks and Recreation manages this extensive parks system, which attracts millions of visitors each year. Salton Sea State Recreation Area © Thomas Haraikawa 52 Nicole Queeney Richard and Maria Quint Salomon and Susan Leslie Quintero Jan Rabaey Marianne Rack Brian and Judith Rackohn Jane and Brenda Radelfinger Jeffrey Radigan Marko Radojicic Leonard Radzilowski E Rahn Deborah V. Rambeau Valerie Ramey Kelli Ramirez Michael Ramos Steven R. Ramp Vicki Randall Colin M. Ransdell Richard Ransom James K. Rapattoni Susan L. Ray Vera Raygoza Hank Raymond Greg Raynor Leta Reagan Paul T. Reagan Donald Rediker Catherine Reed Catherine Reed Hamish Reid Michael P. Reid David and Werdna Reigel Diane E. Reilly Ellen R. Reiser Vilena Remley Diane and William Rentfrow Robert and Nancy Renzo Jeffrey A. Rey Olivia Reyes William M. Reynolds Michael Reynosa Cathy Reznicek Bryan R. Rianda Lynn Richardson Jacqueline Richter and Stuart Flashman Sandy Richter John and Julie Richwine Gordon and Judy Rick Christopher Ridley Carl W. Rieger Richard and Margaret Riggs Jamie Riggs-Nagy Robert F. Riley Tom Riley Gregory and Nancy Rimberg Richard Rinck Andrew Risinger Caitlin Ritchey Brian and Sandra Ritchie Deborah Robbins and Henry Navas Frances G. Robbins Bonnie Robertson Richard and Patricia Robertson William G. Robinson C. Robison Kenneth and Sharon Robison Gail Robotta Kathleen Rodegeb and Cliff Babcock Caroline Rodgers Karen Rodman Ray Roeder George Roemer Doug Rogel Jack and Judy Roggenbuck Michael K. Rohan Todd Rohm Matt Rollefson Patrick and Patricia Rollins Sarah and Patrick Rollins Paul P. Romeo Reijer Roodselaar Diana Root Karen Rosa and Robert Benn Alan and Lyn Rosen Laura Rosenbaum Marti Rosenberg Jean Rosenfeld Arthur Rosenstein Deanna K. Ross John and Martha Ross Kay Ross Richard Ross Barbara and Greg Rosston William and Drue Rostel Francis M. Rotella Arnold Roth William M. Rowan Carol and Robert Rowberg Suzanne C. Roy David Royster Vicki Lynn and Ed Rubio Patricia Rudebusch Brian and Eileen Ruder Richard and Jo-Ellen Rudolf Steven Rudometkin Patti Rummel Linda J. Rumsey Corinne Ruokangas Regina Rus Christopher and Genina Russell Theodore R. Rutkowski Christopher Ryan Timothy Ryan Johanna and Kaj Rydman Kody Ryff Byron Ryono Jalal K. Saad and Gabrielle Faddoul-Saad Gail Sabbadini Denise Sacks Michael Sagie Paul J. Saiki Pamela Saint-Pierre Robert and Carol Salatka Paul and Doreen Salmonsen Nancy Sampson Catharine O. Sandbach Maureen Sanders Robert W. Sandison Richard A. Santoni Vladimir Sarenko Jeanne Sargent Marion C. Saroni Janine Sarti and Bruce Kubler Gesine Sass-Scheele Randall W. Sater Edward and Julie Sattler David Saucedo Claire Savage Donald E. Savant M.I. Saworotnow Richard Sawtelle Kathleen A. Sawyer Jerry Saylor Steve Scalise Roger and Kate Schafer Mary Schaffer Stephen J. Schatz Robert J. Schauer R E. Schell Dale and Elizabeth Schenk Janet Scheppler Rich Schermerhorn David and MJ Schetter William and Linda Schieber Jennifer Schiffer Steven Schimmel Keith Schindler David Schlaepfer Gregg and Denise Schlaman Sheila and James Schlee Charlene Schmidt Franz and Mary Schneider Ken Schneider Terry L. Schneider Kevin Schoenfeld Sherrill Schoepe Frederick Schoneman Tammy Schooley Cynthia Schramm Valerie Schreiber Lee Schreiner Jacob B. Schroder Wayne Schroeder Ann Schubert Paul T. Schubert Amy Schuh Ann Schuler Bryant Ellen Schultz Kenneth R. Schultz William and Virginia Schultz Werner H. Schulz Patricia Y. Schumacher Mary Schuyler Daniel Schwartz Marissa Schwierjohn Donald Sciglimpaglia Bruce L. Scott Douglas W. Scott Robert and Elizabeth Scott Shauna Scott Virginia and Dougald Scott Ingrid Scozzafava Stephen Seaborg Mariam Sedman and Ralph Nyffenegger Richard M. Seegers Eliya Selhub Michael and Marja Selna Carol Selvey Carlo and Margareta Sequin Chris Serbia Susan and Jerry Serventi Byron Servies Molly S. Setmire Wendy Sevenandt Ilya Shafir Eugene Shank John and Marilou Shankel Anita Rae Shapiro Laurence Shapiro Peter Shapiro Radha Shapiro Shailendra Sharma and Kirti Verma Richard Sharpe Isabel Shaskan Michael and Wendy Sheeran Dr. Roy A. Shellow Jeremy Shelton Leslie Shelton Barbara Sheng and Brad Cantos Robert Shepherd Jason and Donna Sherr Joan Sherry Sarah Shields and Kirk Thompson Dean Shimek Robert Shinavski Irene Shiu Darrell M. Shively Jay and Pauline Siedenburg Werner Silber Alan Silbergh David Silver Richard and Elizabeth Simms Julie Simone Bill and Mary K Simpson Robert and Susan Sinclair Andrew and Raynette Sincosky Diana W. Singer Mark W. Sipes Martha B. Sizgoric Jake Skaer Joy Skaggs Patrick Skain P. Skelton Gail M. Skinner Jan Skorstad Gerald and Ann Skulley David Slack Lesa Slaughter Jerry Slavonia Wallace Small Cheryl Smith Christopher D. Smith, M.D. Daphne Smith Don Smith Donald Smith Edward Smith Laura Smith Lisa A. Smith Marcia Smith Ralph and Barbara Smith Robin Smith Rose Smith Stephen A. Smith Susan H. Smith W Snow Edward B. Snyder Glenn Q Snyder and Catherine Allman Roger L. Snyder Carol Sobel Marion H. Softky Lisa P. Soiseth C. C. Solarez Gail Soldavini Jason M. Somer Carolyn Souther John R. Spain Dennis R. Spare Anthony Spaulding Roy Spear Zachariah Spellman Arthur G. Spence Annell Spencer Donald and Edna Spencer Andrea Speraw Helmuth and Sigrid Spieler Sherrill Spires and Ted Begenisich Kenneth and Karin Sproul William St Lawrence Mark Stafforini D. L. Stanger Susan Stanger Susan Stangl Laurie Stanley Diana Stanton Deborah R. Stark Harold Stark Harrison and Sandra Starr John R. Staulo Adriane Steinacker Melvin Steinkamp Sharon Stengel Philip J. Stenger Elizabeth and Eric Stephens Gloria L. Stern Elliot and Debra Sternberg Donald R. Sterner Paul Stevens Bernard L. Stewart Kathi Stewart Sande Stewart Richard Stier Georgia Stigall Elizabeth A. Stillman Ralf Stinson II Hilary Stinton Stephen and Linda Stocking Bill and Ali Stockton Robert Stogsdill Todd Stoke Christopher and Mary Stokes Sam Stokes Sonya Stokes Roland Stolt Pat Stoltz Philip Stone Prescott and Susan Stone David Story Robert and Karen Stout Erin Strain Kandice Strako Halstein Stralberg Carl and Jacalyn Stromquist Karen Stroth Erin Stuart-Jennings and Robert Fox Sharon Suarez Dorothy Sumner Richard A. Sundell Maria Sutherland Scott D. Sutorius Michael Svihura Sherry Swayne Ball Swearengin Sara Swenson and David Hopkins Colin Swingler Daniel and Marilda Switlick Raymond Szczesny and Paul Weintraub Richard Tabor Edward A. Taft Akiko Tagawa Leon and Carol Tager Susan H. Talbot Ellen Tamalis Thompson Forrest Tancer Steven J. Taniguchi Bruce Tarbill W and Gerry Tayler David Taylor Helen Taylor John D. Taylor Kenneth Taylor Paul C. Taylor Thomas B. Taylor Jill Teaford Virginia Tebelskis Robert and Dianne Tecco L. Sherman Telleen Joseph Teltser and Maggie Lee John T. Terlesky Trish Terrell Sarah Terribilini William M. Thamm Richard D. Thayer Terry Thiermann Ava Thomas Barbara Thomas David and Dianne Thomas Janet Thomas Brenda Thomason Glenn Thompson Renee Thompson Timothy Thornton Margaret Thorpe Carolyn Tiernan Gary and Mary Tietz Nils Tikkanen Eric and Stephanie Tilenius David W. Tillay Todd Tillman Julie and Philip Tippett Janice L. Tipton David and Jane Tirrell Mary J. Titus Matthew Tobin Peter Todd Lisa Toensfeldt Lee and Bill Tollefson Ralph Tolson Donald Tompkins Tim and Cammy Torgenrud Christopher Toulson Stanley Tracy Ben and Laurie Trainer Paul Travis R J. Tribbett Naomi Trindade Ruth Trotter Frank Trousdale and Helene Hoffman Richard E. Troy Allen Troyer Michele Tsuchiya Naoki Tsukamoto Melissa Tu Patricia Tuck and Geni Bennetts John Tulin Mike and Ellen Turbow John Turner William B. Turner George Turpin David Turturro Herbert Tweedie James Tyler Jim Tyler Ryan Ulyate Elizabeth Uno Sloan and Priscilla Upton Glenn Urban Cindy Vail Jay Vaishnav George and Nancy Valby Shauna Valenzuela Susan A. Valley Marla Van Cleve Steven B. Van Horn D. P. Vanbreda Martin and Patricia Vanderlaan Beverly Vandermeulen Stefan Vanharmelen Ben Vanheyningen and Kelly Vanheynin AnnaMarie Vanni Lawrence K. Vansant John and Ann Varady Cheryl Vaughan Sage Vaughn Julito M. Vea Richard L. Ver Steeg Daniel Vicario Monique and Joseph Viglotti Daniel and Angela Villani Cynthia Vinores and Lars Borresen Paul J. Virgo Hans Vis John P. Vitale Gregory E. Vitz Samuel N. Vodopia Thomas Vogelsang Richard and Joan Volberg Lloyd and Alice Von Der Mehden Karl and Kristi von derLinden Ruth Von Goertz Sim Von Kalinowski Todd Vradenburg Mark E. Vukalcic Marcia Wachna Anne Wadlington Ray and Mary Wagner Todd R. Wagner Roland Wahahabiy S. Lee and Paula Wainscott Eric Waits David and Marvalee Wake Scott Waldon David R. Walker James Walker Judy Walker Robert Walker Judith Wall Barbara A. Wallace Edward Waller Rob and Monika Walsh Susan Walsmith Steven Walstra Kevin Walter James W. Walters Max A. Walters Shipley Walters Tanis Walters Bill and Marie Walton Robert and Karen Wamstad Mary E. Wand Charles Wang Ying Wang Donald K. Ward Gerald Ward Gregory Ward Sid Ward and Sheila Garner Veda E. Ward and David P Henninger Mark Warmbrand Cynthia Warner Kay Warren Walter S. Warthan Richard Wasiewicz H. N. Watkins Stephen and Ginette Watson David and Michaelin Watts David H. Watts John Weatherwax Dale Weaver Jim and Deborah Weaver Paul Webb Peter Weeks Joseph S. Weening Allan and Susan Wegner Gerald and Norma Weil Tony O. Weinress and Christine Kelly Ann Weinstein Robert Welborn and Anna Moloney Becky Welch Ronald Welch and Ellen Watson Victoria Welch Bonnie Wells Deborah Welter Thomas Wendel Barbara Wertin Cornelis G. Wesseling Robert West Susan West Judith Weston Ted and Marilyn Westphal Jack R. Weyland Larry A. Wheeler Jayne Whichello Gretchen Whisenand Evans Whitaker and Deborah Bronstein Barbara White Ted White Trace White Judith Whitledge Claire Whitmer William and Helene Whitson Chris Wicks John M. Wied Bruce Wiener Bob Wierenga Philip E. Wigen Myra Wight Stephanie Wilde Pamela Wiley Steven and Heather Wilkens Betsy Wilkins Michael and Lynne Wilkins Allen Willard Fred Willbanks Miriam C. Wille Karl Willert and Terry Gaasterla Aviva and Jeffrey Williams Bradley and Marilyn Williams Dave Williams Donald and Judy Williams Jeannette A. Williams Peter and Susan Williams Ruth J. Williams and J. William Helton Sam Williams Betty B. Williamson Margaret Willis Kathleen Willott Andrew Wilson Deborah B. Wilson E. and Diane Wilson Janet Wilson Kevin Wilson Rod Wilson Tiana Wimmer Jacob and Cindy Winebaum Janet Wingert Stephen Winiarski The Winn Family Michael J. Winn Mary Wisnewski David Witmer Linda Wobbe Laurence Wohl Fred and Lois Wolcott Cameron and Frances Wolfe Marian and H. Wolff Francisco M. Wong Ki C. Wong Allison Wood Tom Woodbury Daniel Woods Gerald H. Woodward Reid and Karen Woodward Mitchell and Wilma Wool Miranda Worthen Steven and Susan Wray Carolyn Wright E Wright Eric L. Wright Janice A. Wright Walter Wright and Terri Nevins William Wright Gary Wuchner Richard L. Wulfsberg Carol L. Wunder Chris G. Yaldezian Anna Yang Mary Yang Martha M. Yates Ronald and Joanne Yates Dicky and Dotti Yee Cynthia Yepez Ralph Yeramian Nicholas C. Yost Michael Youmans Derek R. Young Gordon R. Young Florence A. Younker Suzie K. Yun Joyce Zaitlin Mark and Fhaye Zamzow Andrew Zaragoza Beth Zelinski Peggy A. Zeller John A. Zolck and Danita Carrillo-Zolck Jay and Juli Zutant Jennifer Zweben Judith Zyskind and Douglas W. Smith Matching Companies Adobe Systems Incorporated Aerojet Aetna Foundation, Inc. AMD Matching Gift Program Ameriprise Financial Amgen Foundation, Inc. Apple Matching Gifts Program Bank of America Foundation BD Matching Gift Program Boeing Matching Gift Program The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation Charles Schwab Corporation Foundation Chevron Clif Bar The Clorox Company Foundation Covidien eBay Foundation Matching Gift Program Electronic Arts Inc. ExxonMobil Foundation FM Global Foundation Gap Foundation GE Foundation Global Impact Google The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Hewlett-Packard IBM International Foundation Intuit Foundation The J. Paul Getty Trust Jewish Community Federation John Wiley & Sons, Inc. JP Morgan Juniper Networks Kaiser Permanente KT Foundation Levi Strauss Foundation Microsoft Motorola Foundation Pacific Gas and Electric Company Pfizer Foundation Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Program Qualcomm Rambus Inc. Roll Giving & Paramount Community Giving Salesforce.com Foundation SAP Starbucks Foundation The Spencer Foundation The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Tyco Matching Gift Program UBS Financial Services Inc United Technologies Corporation Verizon Foundation Virgin America Visa International Willis Lease Finance Corp Yahoo Wilder Ranch State Park © Aaron Meyers 53 Board & Staff FOUNDER William Penn Mott Jr. (1909-1992) OFFICERS Catherine M. Fisher Principal, Fisher Kong LLP Donald J. Robinson Chairman Manuel G. Grace Associate General Counsel The Walt Disney Company David Mandelkern Vice Chairman John Harrington Certified Public Accountant Elizabeth A. Lake Secretary Sanford L. Hartman VP and Managing Director, Law Pacific Gas and Electric Company John Harrington Treasurer Elizabeth Goldstein President Henry F. Trione Chairman Emeritus Shirley Bogardus Trustee Emeritus BOARD OF TRUSTEES 54 William H. Fain, Jr. FAII Partner, Johnson Fain Michael U. Alvarez President and COO First Wind Holdings LLC Douglas Beebe Corporate Manager Administration Services Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A. Inc. Lee Black Executive Managing Director, Principal, Cassidy Turley Michael J. Brill Partner, retired McGuire Woods LLP Kathleen Cochran General Manager Bacara Resort & Spa Donald E. Cooley Ranch Properties Carolyn DeVinny Commute/Trip Reduction Consultant, The DeVinny Group William G. Doolittle Founding Partner, retired Doolittle & Ganos Investment Counsel LLC William T. Duff Toyota Executive, retired Diana Lu Evans Senior Quality Analytics Specialist, The Capital Group Companies, Inc. Wendy James President, The Better World Group Stephen A. Johnson Director, Gnarus Advisors LLC Gail E. Kautz Former Member, California Park & Recreation Commission, Vice President, Ironstone Vineyards Virginia Chang Kiraly Commissioner, California Commission For Economic Development Elizabeth A. Lake Partner, Holland & Knight LLP David Mandelkern Silicon Valley Entrepreneur Rosalind Nieman Educator and Child Specialist Maidie E. Oliveau Counsel, Arent Fox LLP Larry Palmer, CFP Managing Director, Private Wealth Advisor, Morgan Stanley Private Wealth Management Barbara J. Parsky Senior Vice President, retired Edison International Robert E. Patterson Partner, Peninsula Ventures Patricia Perez Principal, VPE Public Relations Michael J. Pinto, Ph.D. Advisory Board Chair, Institute for Nonprofit Education and Research, School of Leadership Education & Science, University of San Diego Frank J. Quevedo Principal, The Quevedo Group, LLC Donald J. Robinson Senior Vice President, retired Bank of the West Staff Roger M. Schrimp Partner, Damrell Nelson Schrimp Michael Bankert Vice President Finance and Administration W. James Scilacci EVP, CFO and Treasurer Edison International Michael L. Shannon Partner The General Counsel Law Firm Elizabeth Goldstein President Sara E. Feldman Vice President, Programs Davida Hartman Vice President, Development Mark B. Smith Business Consultant Traci Verardo-Torres Vice President Government Affairs Steven R. Springsteel COO/CFO, Liquid Robotics Inc. Jerry Emory Director of Communications Seth Teich, CFA Financial Analyst Spring Point Capital Susan Parker Director of Corporate Ventures Kurt F. Vote Partner, McCormick Barstow LLP Peter H. Weiner Partner, Jones Helsley, PC ADVISORY TRUSTEES Rhonda Glasscock Philanthropy Manager, National Education & Environment Programs, Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc Jack F. Harper Personal Management Services of Santa Rosa William Randolph Hearst, III Partner, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers Huell Howser Producer/Host California’s Gold KCET/Los Angeles Connie Lurie CBL Foundation Mary D. Nichols Chair, Air Resources Board Gary Polakovic Make Over Earth, Inc. Alexander M. Power Principal, Real Estate Development & Investments Stuart N. Senator Partner, Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP Greg Zelder Director of Membership Cheryl Brier Executive Assistant Cecille Caterson Program Manager Beverly Clark Information Systems Specialist Elyse Edwards Membership Assistant Linsey Fredenburg-Humes Grassroots Manager Brian Gougherty Major Gifts Officer Forrest Greif Campaign Prospect Researcher Nicole Gutierrez Executive Assistant Travis Hattori Membership Assistant Martha Henderson Major Gifts Officer Kate Litzky Policy & Research Specialist Marygrace Lopez Program Manager Jennifer McLin Ramirez Accountant Erin McNerney Campaign Manager Phoebe Oelheim Program Coordinator Gabrielle Ohayon Technical Assistance Center Manager SUPPORT THE FOUNDATION We value our members, donors, and volunteers who make an enormous difference in helping us carry out our programs and projects for the benefit of state parks. You can support our work in many ways: Justin Otero Web Designer Scott Patterson Development Assistant Bella Podolsky Membership Assistant Luba Podolsky Corporate Ventures Programs Assistant Jonah Punzal Membership Assistant Neshama Rakofsky Receptionist Eleanor Robertson Member Services Manager Hilda Sako Project Accountant Erland Sanborn Database and Website Administrator Allison See Special Events Coordinator Nancy Shillis Institutional Gifts Manager Emily Siegenthaler Senior Member Services Assistant David Slack Accounting Manager Georgia Smith Executive Assistant Alexis Stoxen Communications Specialist Donate Our donors enable us to continue our steadfast and demonstrable support of California’s state parks. We welcome and appreciate gifts from individuals, corporations, and foundations, as well as estate gifts and in-kind donations. Since 1969, CSPF has raised more than $209 million to benefit state parks. Californians’ Leadership Circle This is the premier giving society for individuals who give $1,000 and above. In addition to passes to the parks and periodic publications, the special benefits for our Leadership Circle include insider tours of featured state parks led by dedicated rangers and park docents. In 2012, our donors enjoyed docent-lead tours at Año Nuevo State Park to view northern elephant seals, learned some California history at the Benicia Capitol State Historic Park, and joined us for a Holiday Luncheon at the Menlo Circus Club. Donors at this level are also invited to VIP receptions with community leaders, as well as other special events. William Penn Mott Jr. Legacy Society With a legacy gift individuals preserve and protect the history and beauty of the natural and cultural treasures that comprise the state parks system. Legacy gifts allow many people to support the parks in a way that they may not be able to during their lifetimes. For more information on our giving programs, visit our website, calparks.org, or contact Davida Hartman, Vice President, Development, 415-262-4403. BECOME A Member 55 Membership with CSPF shows your support of our work on behalf of state parks. Our many membership levels offer benefits such as our California Parklands newsletter, day-use state park passes, invitations to special events and insider tours, donor recognition, and more. For more information visit us at calparks.org or contact us directly at members@calparks.org or 1-800-963-7275. Leejay Victor Executive Assistant Elizabeth Zehren-Byers Database Assistant Annual Report Jerry Emory & Alexis Stoxen, Editors Debra Turner, Designer, dtdesign.org Photography Contest CSPF launched a free photo contest in 2008 to generate enthusiasm about California’s state parks. We would like to thank the numerous participants, especially those who donated their stunning photographs for this report. To see the 2012 Photo Contest Winners, and to join, go to calparks.org/gallery. Keep Up With Us Join us on Facebook (facebook.com/CalParks) and Twitter (@CalParks), read our blog (calparks.wordpress.com) and watch our videos on our YouTube Channel. Mount Diablo State Park © Susan Taylor © 2009 California State Parks California State Parks Foundation 50 Francisco Street Suite 110 San Francisco, CA 94133 Phone: 415-262-4400 CSPF Sacramento 1510 J Street Suite 220 Sacramento, CA 95814 Phone: 916-442-2119 CSPF Southern California 448 South Hill Street Suite 601 Los Angeles, CA 90013 Phone: 213-542-2450 Membership members@calparks.org 1-800-963-7275 CSPF Website calparks.org