Approved Ironmongery for the Railway Environment
Approved Ironmongery for the Railway Environment
Approved Ironmongery for the Railway Environment Version 5 A division of Turentek Contents Introduction Hinges Door Furniture Door Closers Lockcases Electric Strikes Speech Panels with Call Button Panic Bolts Secure Suite Deadlock Collapsible Gate Device Miscellaneous Key Cabinets and Boxes Typical Doorset Arrangements Suppliers Manufacturers Page ii 1 2 4 20 29 41 42 45 50 51 54 58 59 65 65 Introduction DOOR FURNITURE METHODOLOGY This catalogue has been compiled in response to the requirements of the Fire Precautions Act (Sub-Surface Railway Stations) Regulations1401:1989, The EC Construction Products Directive and the Loss Prevention &RXQFLO·V/RVV3UHYHQWLRQ6WDQGDUG/36,VVXH6SHFLÀFDWLRQIRUWHVWLQJDQGFODVVLI\LQJWKHEXUJODU\ resistance of building components, strong points and security enclosures. The catalogue must be read in conjunction with Section P21 Ironmongery of the project General BuilderVZRUN6SHFLÀFDWLRQZKLFKGHÀQHVWKHSHUIRUPDQFHFULWHULDWREHPHW 7KHVSHFLÀFDWLRQRIGRRUIXUQLWXUHWREHXVHGRQWKH8QGHUJURXQGVKRXOGPHHWWKHIXQFWLRQDOUHTXLUHPHQW RIWKHURRPIRUZKLFKLWLVEHLQJVSHFLÀHG$Q(TXLSPHQW5RRPZLWKRQHDFFHVVPHDQVRIHVFDSHZLOO require a door that opens out, if into a public area has a vision panel and a panic function lock (not a panic EROWDVIRUSXEOLFPHDQVRIHVFDSH$QRIÀFHPD\UHTXLUHDPRUWLVHODWFKPRUWLVHORFNLQJODWFKRUGHDG bolt depending on the function, location and security requirement Lockcases are all mortised into the door leaf, rim locks offer little physical security and their use should be avoided. All lockcases are of steel construction, no component part shall have a melting point of less than 850c. The access, escape and security function of each lockcase is fully described. The hand required must EHGHVFULEHGDVYLHZHGIURPWKHKLQJHEXWWVLGHRIWKHGRRU/+5+ )DFHÀ[HGIXUQLWXUHKDVEHHQFDWDORJXHGLQWZRYDULHWLHVJUDGHVWDLQOHVVVWHHOIRUSRVWZDUFRQVWUXFtions and BMA gunmetal for pre-war, listed and heritage constructions. 2SWLRQVIRUWKHVL]HRISXOOKDQGOHDUHJLYHQIRUVSHFLÀFDWLRQDFFRUGLQJWRGRRUOHDIVL]H Closers are shown to cater for the varying conditions with adjustable power sizes. The selection must be appropriate to the requirement. $OOFORVHUVVKDOOEHÀWWHGWRWKHQRQSXEOLFVLGHRIWKHGRRUWRSUHYHQWYDQGDOLVP.LFNLQJSODWHVDUHVKRZQ for pre and post war constructions. The selection must be appropriate for the chosen furniture. %DUUHOEROWVLQFOXVLYHRIGXVWH[FOXGLQJVRFNHWVIUDPHVRFNHWVDQGWRSUHFHLYLQJSODWHVDUHVKRZQIRUXVH on the inactive leaf of double door sets. Hinges are shown; the number to be used on each door leaf is dependent on leaf size and weight. Design weight loading must be taken into consideration in conjunction with the selected closer. )XUQLWXUHDQGVLJQVVKDOOEHÀWWHGWRGRRUVDQGIUDPHVLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKHLQFOXGHGLOOXVWUDWLRQV 0DQXIDFWXUHUVDQGVXSSOLHUVQDPHGZLWKLQWKLVFDWDORJXHDUHLGHQWLÀHGDVFDSDEOHRIPHHWLQJWKHSHUIRUmance requirements described herein. The Part No. reference should be used in conjunction with a Door and Ironmongery Schedule. 5TH EDITION - 2013 'RRU&ORVHUUDQJHH[SDQGHGWRDFFRPPRGDWHVHOHFWLRQE\GRRUZLGWK1HZ&ROODSVLEOH*DWH'HYLFHV DGGHG$'LJLWDO$FFHVV.H\3DGKDVEHHQDGGHGIRUURRPVQRWVXEMHFWWRSXEOLFDFFHVVDQGRWKHU.H\SDGV updated. This edition has been prepared with assistance from Suppliers and Manufacturers without whose detailed understanding of functional requirements and knowledge of architectural ironmongery, assembly of this LQIRUPDWLRQZRXOGEHH[WUHPHO\GLIÀFXOW 7KHFDWDORJXHPD\QRWEHH[KDXVWLYHRIDOOUHTXLUHPHQWVDGYLFHDQGDVVLVWDQFHZLWKWKHSUHSDUDWLRQRI VFKHGXOHVPD\EHREWDLQHGLQWKHÀUVWLQVWDQFHIURPWKH'LVFLSOLQH'HVLJQ(QJLQHHU Page 1 Hinges Part No. A1 High performance door hinge with concealed bearings Size: PP[PP[PP Material: $XVWHQLWLFVWDLQOHVVVWHHO*UDGH(1 Finish: 6WDQGDUGÀQLVK6DWLQEUXVKHGVWDLQOHVVVWHHO Alternative: Electrophoretic simulated bronze. Standards: Independently tested to EN 1935 *UDGH&HUWLÀUHDSSURYHGDQG&(PDUNHGIRUÀUHGRRU usage. (17HVWFHUWLÀFDWH1R7&& &(FHUWLÀFDWH&3'$&66 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ 0D[LPXPDGMXVWHGGRRUZHLJKWNJV Minimum door thickness 44mm 25 year performance guarantee. Maintenance free concealed bearings. Precision template drilled for use on steel or timber door sets. 6FUHZVL]HPP[1R7ZLQIDVW3R]LKHDG0[PP for metal doors. Markings: TfL-A1 on hinge leaf. Radius corners to special order. Advisory: Select finish complimenting chosen furniture. Select A1 for design loads up to 120kgs and high frequency application. Page 2 Hinges Part No. A4 High performance door hinge with concealed bearings Size: PP[PP[PPRYHUVL]HGRRUV Material:$XVWHQLWLFVWDLQOHVVVWHHO*UDGH(1 10088 Finish: 6WDQGDUGÀQLVK6DWLQEUXVKHGVWDLQOHVVVWHHO Alternative: Electrophoretic simulated bronze Standards: ,QGHSHQGHQWO\WHVWHGWR(1*UDGH&HUWLÀUHDSSURYHGDQG&(PDUNHGIRUÀUHGRRUXVDJH 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ 0D[LPXPDGMXVWHGGRRUZHLJKWNJV Minimum door thickness 44mm 25 year performance guarantee. Maintenance free concealed bearings. Precision template drilled for use on steel or timber door sets. 6FUHZVL]HPP[1R7ZLQIDVW 3R]LKHDG0[PPIRUPHWDOGRRUV Markings: TfL-A4 on hinge leaf. Radius corners to special order. Advisory: Select finish complimenting chosen furniture. Select A4 for design loads up to 160kgs and high frequency application. Page 3 Door Furniture Part No. F01 Lever/lever latch furniture – un-sprung on un-pierced backplate with solid spindle and security EDFNWREDFN7RU[KHDGÀ[LQJVFUHZV Size: /HYHUKDQGOHPP[PPGLD %DFNSODWHPP[PP[PP 6SLQGOHVROLGPP[PPVT Material: /HYHUEDFNSODWH(1VWDLQOHVVVWHHO Spindle: Mild steel case hardened Fixings: VWDLQOHVVVWHHOPDOHDQGIHPDOHEDFNWREDFNEROW WKURXJKÀ[LQJVZLWK7RU[KHDG*UXEVFUHZVSLQGOHÀ[LQJ Finish: Lever and backplate: Satin polished Spindle: Zinc passivated Standards: From approved manufacture list. 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ To suit L01 latch. Advisory: Use in intercommunicating office doors where no security is required. Requires L01 L/R mortise latch. Page 4 Door Furniture Part No. F04 Lever/lever latch furniture – un-sprung on euro pierced backplate with split spindle and security EDFNWREDFN7RU[KHDGÀ[LQJVFUHZV Size: /HYHUKDQGOHSLHFHPP[PPGLDP %DFNSODWHPP[PP[PP 6SLQGOHPP[PPVT Material: /HYHUEDFNSODWHVWDLQOHVVVWHHO Spindle: Mild steel case hardened Fixings: PDOHDQGIHPDOHEDFNWREDFNEROWWKURXJKÀ[LQJVZLWK 7RU[KHDG*UXEVFUHZVSLQGOHÀ[LQJ Finish: Lever and backplate: Satin polished Spindle: Zinc passivated Standards: From approved manufacture list. 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ To suit L03 and L04 panic locks. Advisory: Use in secure staff accommodation areas, e.g.: offices, cash handling rooms. Requires L03 L/R or L04 L/R panic lock cases. Page 5 Door Furniture Part No. F04X Lever/lever latch furniture – un-sprung on euro pierced backplate with solid spindle and security EDFNWREDFN7RU[KHDGÀ[LQJVFUHZV Size: /HYHUKDQGOHPP[PPGLDP %DFNSODWHPP[PP[PP 6SLQGOHVROLGPP[PPVT Material: /HYHUEDFNSODWHVWDLQOHVVVWHHO Spindle: Mild steel case hardened Fixings: VWDLQOHVVVWHHOPDOHDQGIHPDOHEDFNWREDFNEROWWKURXJK À[LQJVZLWK7RU[KHDG*UXEVFUHZVSLQGOHÀ[LQJ Finish: Lever and backplate: Satin polished Spindle: Zinc passivated Standards: From approved manufacture list. 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ To suit L12 sash locks Advisory: Use on office, cupboard or storeroom doors where panic escape is not required. Requires L12 L/R mortise sash lock. Page 6 Door Furniture Part No. F04WC Lever/lever latch furniture – un-sprung on thumb turn and release backplate with solid spindle DQGVHFXULW\EDFNWREDFN7RU[KHDGÀ[LQJVFUHZV Size: /HYHUKDQGOHPP[PPGLDP %DFNSODWHPP[PP[PP 6SLQGOHVROLGPP[PPVT Material: /HYHUEDFNSODWHVWDLQOHVVVWHHO Spindle: Mild steel case hardened Fixings: PDOHDQGIHPDOHEDFNWREDFNEROWWKURXJKÀ[LQJVZLWK 7RU[KHDG*UXEVFUHZVSLQGOHÀ[LQJ Finish: Lever and backplate: Satin polished Spindle: Zinc passivated Standards: From approved manufacture list. 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ To suit L13 bathroom locks. Advisory: Use in staff and public WC doors. Requires L13 bathroom lock. Use in conjunction with L17 mortise deadbolt and F05A escutcheons to allow for isolation during maintenance. Page 7 Door Furniture 3DUW1R)VXIÀ['IRUDGGLWLRQDOSXOOKDQGOHIRUGRXEOHGRRUVHW Lever/pull furniture – un-sprung on euro pierced backplate with threaded solid spindle and secuULW\EDFNWREDFN7RU[KHDGÀ[LQJV Size: /HYHUKDQGOHPP[PPGLDP /HYHUEDFNSODWHPP[PP[PP 3XOOKDQGOHPP[PPGLDP 3XOOKDQGOHEDFNSODWH)PP[PP[PP )PP[PP[PP )PP[PP[PP )PP[PP[PP 6SLQGOHPP[PPVTWKUHDGHG Material: /HYHUEDFNSODWHVWDLQOHVVVWHHO 3XOOKDQGOHEDFNSODWHVWDLQOHVVVWHHO Spindle: Mild steel case hardened Fixings: VWDLQOHVVVWHHOPDOHDQGIHPDOHEDFNWREDFNEROWWKURXJK À[LQJVZLWK7RU[KHDG Finish: Lever & back plate: Satin polished Pull & back plate: Satin polished Spindle: Zinc passivated Standards: From approved manufacture list 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ 7RVXLW/SDQLFORFNV/DXWRÀUHSDQLFORFNV// lockcases or L01 lockcase Advisory: Use on equipment room and public facing doors. Requires L02 L/R mortise sash lock with panic function E deadbolt and latch, L14 L/R mortise sash lock auto-fire panic action deadbolt and latch. or L01L/R, L16 L/R or L19 for security access systems.. Different backplates, sizes and configurations are available in this range. Consult supplier. Page 8 Door Furniture Part No. F14 Handle arrangement to suit drivers ‘J’ key on plain un-pierced lever handle plate and lipped exterQDOSODWHZLWKFRQLFDONH\VKURXGÀ[HGZLWKVHFXULW\EDFNWREDFN7RU[À[LQJVFUHZV Size: /HYHUKDQGOHPP[PPGLDP %DFNSODWHPP[PP[PP 6SLQGOH6SHFLDOWDSHUHGVROLGPP[PPVT Material: /HYHUFRQHEDFNSODWHVWDLQOHVVVVWHHO Spindle: Mild steel case hardened Fixings: VWDLQOHVVVWHHHOPDOHDQGIHPDOHEDFNWREDFNWKURXJK À[LQJVZLWK7RU[KHDG Finish: Lever & back plates: Satin polished Spindle: Zinc plated Standards: From approved manufacture list 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ To suit L01 latch Advisory: For use on auto-phone kiosks, driver’s toilets and access. Requires L01 latch. Page 9 Door Furniture Part No. F15 Lock Bezel to suit driver’s J key, on plain plate with conical key shroud Size: 3ODWHPP[PP Material: VWDLQOHVVVWHHO Finish: Satin polished. Fixings: PP[1R7RU[KHDGFRXQWHUVXQNVFUHZV Standards: From approved manufacture list. Advisory: To act as guide for key on hinged doors and gates to protect keyway. For use on auto phone kiosks, driver’s toilets and access. Alternative when F14 door furniture unsuitable. Page 10 Door Furniture Part No. WC1 DDA compliant mortice bathroom door furniture /HYHUODWFKIXUQLWXUH'RXEOHVSLQGOH''$FRPSOLDQWVHFXULW\ EDFNWREDFN7RU[KHDGÀ[LQJVFUHZV 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ Lever latch furniture, unsprung with backplates, solid spindle DQGUHGJUHHQRFFXSLHGYDFDQF\EROWLQGLFDWLRQH[WHUQDOWRRO release provision in case of emergency. Entry: Free entry in the case of vacancy by lever handle, internal handle provides lifting to vertical position securing WC bolt during occupancy. Exit: Internal single handed action downward to release bolt and ODWFKHQDEOLQJH[LW external view 6L]H/HYHUKDQGOH[GLD Finish: Lever handles Plascoat PPA571 colour compliant with DDA requirement (select from Plascoat range) %DFNSODWHV[[ Backplate Satin polished 6SLQGOH6ROLG[VT6SLQGOH=LQFSDVVLYDWHG Material: /HYHUDQGEDFNSODWHVWDLQOHVVVWHHO 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ7RVXLWEDWKURRPORFNV Spindle Mildsteel )L[LQJV VWDLQOHVVVWHHOPDOHDQGIHPDOHEDFNWREDFNEROWWKURXJK À[LQJVZLWK7RU[KHDG internal view Advisory: use in DDA WC’s. Requires L18 L/R mortise bathroom lock. Use in conjunction with L17 mortise deadlock and F05 A escutcheons to allow for isolation of toilet during maintenance Page 11 Lock with Emergency Override Part No. LEO1/LEO2 Key entry lock, compliant for use on BS EN 1125 and BS EN 179 panic and emergency exit doors /(2VXUIDFHPRXQWHG Material: Bronze body, stainless steel inner components Finish: Chrome plated Cylinder: Round /(2UHFHVVÀWWHG Material: Stainless steel body, stainless steel inner components Finish: Bright polished Cylinder: Round LEO1 - surface mounted 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ Operation: By inserting key and turning, then turning lever KDQGOHWRUHOHDVHPXOWLSOHSDQLFEROWVÀWWHGWRWKHLQQHU face of door. /(2UHFHVVÀWWHG Advisory: Use in conjunction with PES2 Panic Exit System and CGD1A active gate lock requiring key access. Key retained facility available, ensures auto-relocking Page 12 Lock with Emergency Override Part No. LEO3/LEO4 Key entry lock, compliant for use on BS EN 1125 and BS EN 179 panic and emergency exit doors /(2VXUIDFHPRXQWHG Material: Bronze body, stainless steel inner components Finish: Chrome plated &\OLQGHU(XURSURÀOH /(2UHFHVVÀWWHG Material: Stainless steel body, stainless steel inner components Finish: Bright polished &\OLQGHU(XURSURÀOH LEO3 - surface mounted 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ Operation: By inserting key and turning, then turning lever KDQGOHWRUHOHDVHPXOWLSOHSDQLFEROWVÀWWHGWRWKHLQQHU face of door. /(2UHFHVVÀWWHG Advisory: Use in conjunction with PES2 Panic Exit System and CGD1A active gate lock requiring key access. Key retained facility available, ensures auto-relocking Page 13 Door Furniture Part No. F05 A/B/C/D 3DLURI(XURSURÀOHSLHUFHGHVFXWFKHRQVFRPSOHWHZLWKEROWWKURXJKÀ[LQJVFUHZV Size: $%PPGLD[PP&PPGLD[PP'PP[ 2mm Finish: F05A - Satin polished F05B - RBMA )&'666 Material: VWDLQOHVVVVWHHO or RBMA Gunmetal Fixings )$%0DOHDQGIHPDOHEDFNWREDFNEROWWKURXJKÀ[LQJV ZLWK7RU[KHDGVFUHZV )&'6XLWDEOHÀ[LQJVWRVXLWGRRUVHW F05A F05C Page 14 F05B F05D Advisory: To be used when no lever furniture is required, RBMA on listed heritage sites. Use in cupboard or passage doors where panic escape is not required. Use with L17 mortise deadbolt. F05A/B bolt through back to back. F05C/D supplied as single items when only external key access required. Door Furniture Part No. F08 ([WHUQDODFFHVVGHYLFHZLWK(XURSURÀOHDSHUWXUHDYDLODEOHZLWKHLWKHUNQRERUOHYHUKDQGOH Compliant for use on BS EN179 and BS EN 1125, panic and emergency exit doors. Advisory: Use in conjunction with Panic Bar F07 and optional free or locked configuration is required. Access from outside available either by inserting key and turning knob or, in unlocked mode, by turning knob only. Page 15 Door Furniture Part No. F22 /HYHUOHYHUIXUQLWXUHXQVSUXQJOHYHUKDQGOHVRQURVHVFRPSOHWHZLWKSODLQVSLQGOHDQGÀ[LQJ screws. Size: /HYHUKDQGOHPP[PP 5RVHPPGLDP[PP 6SLQGOHVROLGPPVT[PP Material: Lever handle: Gunmetal Rose: Gunmetal Spindle: Mild steel Fixings: 0DOHDQGIHPDOHEDFNWREDFNEROWWKURXJKÀ[LQJV ZLWK7RU[KHDG Finish: Lever handle: RBMA Rose: RBMA Spindle: Zinc passivated Standards: From approved manufacture list 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ To suit L01 latch locks Advisory: For listed/ heritage/ pre-war constructions. Use in intercommunicating office doors where no security is required. Requires L01R/Lmortise latch. Page 16 Door Furniture Part No. F25 /HYHUOHYHUIXUQLWXUHXQVSUXQJOHYHUKDQGOHVRQURVHVFRPSOHWHZLWKVSOLWVSLQGOHDQGÀ[LQJ VFUHZVSDLUHXURSURÀOHSLHUFHGHVFXWFKHRQVFRPSOHWHZLWKÀ[LQJVFUHZV Size: /HYHUKDQGOHPP[PP 5RVHPPGLDP[PP 6SLQGOHPPVT[PP SLHFH(VFXWFKHRQPPGLDP[PP Material: Lever handle: Gunmetal Rose: Gunmetal Spindle: Mild steel Escutcheon: Gunmetal Fixings: 0DOHDQGIHPDOHEDFNWREDFNEROWWKURXJKÀ[LQJVZLWK7RU[ head. Finish: Lever handle: RBMA Rose: RBMA Spindle: Zinc passivated Escutcheon: RBMA Standards: From approved manufacture list 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ 7RVXLW//5RU//5PRUWLFHVDVKORFN Advisory: For listed/ heritage/ pre-war constructions. Use on office, cupboard or storeroom doors where panic escape is required. Requires L03 L/R or L04 L/R mortice sash lock Page 17 Door Furniture Part No. F25X /HYHUOHYHUIXUQLWXUHXQVSUXQJOHYHUKDQGOHVRQURVHVFRPSOHWHZLWKVROLGVSLQGOHDQGÀ[LQJ VFUHZVSDLUHXURSURÀOHSLHUFHGHVFXWFKHRQVFRPSOHWHZLWKÀ[LQJVFUHZV Size: /HYHUKDQGOHPP[PP 5RVHPPGLDP[PP 6SLQGOHVROLGPPVT[PP (VFXWFKHRQPPGLDP[PP Material: Lever handle Gunmetal Rose Gunmetal Spindle Mild steel Escutcheon Gunmetal Fixings: 0DOHDQGIHPDOHEDFNWREDFNEROWWKURXJKÀ[LQJVZLWK7RU[ head. Finish: Lever handle Real BMA Rose Real BMA Spindle Zinc passivated Escutcheon Real BMA Standards: From approved manufacture list 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ To suit L12 sash locks Advisory: For listed/ heritage/ pre-war constructions. Use on cupboard or storeroom doors where panic escape is not required. Requires L12 L/R mortise lock deadbolt and latch. Page 18 Door Furniture Part No. F44/1/2/3 /HYHUOHYHUIXUQLWXUHXQVSUXQJOHYHUKDQGOHVRQURVHVFRPSOHWHZLWKVSOLWVSLQGOHDQGÀ[LQJ VFUHZVSDLUHXURSURÀOHSLHUFHGHVFXWFKHRQVFRPSOHWHZLWKÀ[LQJVFUHZV8VHVXIÀ['IRUDGditional pull handle for double leaf doorset. Size: Finish: /HYHUKDQGOHPP[PP Lever handle: Real BMA 5RVHPPGLDP[PP Rose: Real BMA 6SLQGOHVROLGPPVT[PP Spindle: Zinc passivated 3XOOKDQGOHPP[PP Pull handle: Real BMA (VFXWFKHRQPPGLDP[PP Escutcheon: Real BMA Material: Standards: Lever handle: Gunmetal 7R7I/VSHFLÀFDWLRQIURPDSSURYHGPDQXIDFWXUHOLVW Rose: Gunmetal Spindle: Mild steel 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ Pull handle: Gunmetal 7RVXLW/SDQLFORFNV//DXWRÀUHSDQLFORFNVRU/ lockcase Escutcheon: Gunmetal Fixings: 0DOHDQGIHPDOHEDFNWREDFNEROWWKURXJKÀ[LQJVZLWK7RU[KHDG Advisory: Use on equipment room and public facing doors. Requires L02 L/R mortise sash lock with panic function E deadbolt and latch, L14 L/R mortise sash lock auto-fire panic action deadbolt and latch. or L01L/R, L16 L/R or L19 for security access systems.. Different backplates, sizes and configurations are available in this range. Consult supplier. Page 19 C6 DOOR CLOSER Cam Action slide arm door closer for door mounting pull side of door &DPDFWLRQGRRUFORVHUZLWKIXOOFRYHUFRQFHDOHGÀ[LQJVDQGFXVKLRQHGOLPLWVWD\ Standards: &(PDUNHGWR(1&HUWLÀUHDSSURYHGIRUWLPEHUÀUHGRRUVKRXUVDQGPHWDOÀUHGRRUV hours). Size: power adjustable size EN 2-4 to suit doors up to 1100mm Finishes; silver (ses), stainless steel (sss) Marking: &ZLWKURXQGHO Page 20 Advisory: Closers are always to be fixed to the inside (unprotected) face of door leaf. C7 DOOR CLOSER Cam Action slide arm door closer for door mounting push side of door &DPDFWLRQGRRUFORVHUZLWKIXOOFRYHUDQJOHEUDFNHWFRQFHDOHGÀ[LQJVDQGFXVKLRQHGOLPLWVWD\ Standards: &(PDUNHGWR(1&HUWLÀUHDSSURYHGIRUWLPEHUÀUHGRRUVKRXUVDQGPHWDOÀUHGRRUV hours). Size: power adjustable size EN 2-4 to suit doors up to 1100mm Finishes; silver (ses) stainless steel (sss) Marking: C7 with roundel Advisory: Closers are always to be fixed to the inside (unprotected) face of door leaf. Page 21 C8 DOOR CLOSER Cam Action electro-magnetic hold open slide arm door closer for door mounting pull side of door &DPDFWLRQGRRUFORVHUZLWKIXOOFRYHUHOHFWURPDJQHWLFKROGRSHQVOLGHFKDQQHODQGFRQFHDOHGÀ[LQJV Standards:&(PDUNHGWR(1&HUWLÀUHDSSURYHGIRUWLPEHUÀUHGRRUVKRXUVDQGPHWDOÀUHGRRUV hours). Size: power adjustable size EN 2-4 to suit doors up to 1100mm Finishes; silver (ses), stainless steel (sss) Marking: C8 with roundel Page 22 Advisory: Closers are always to be fixed to the inside (unprotected) face of door leaf. Use on doorsets that are likely to be otherwise wedged open e.g. intercommunicating doors in frequent use. Needs wired into fire alarm system and the Fire Engineer should be advised. C9 DOOR CLOSER Cam Action electro-magnetic hold open slide arm door closer for door mounting push side of door &DPDFWLRQGRRUFORVHUZLWKIXOOFRYHUHOHFWURPDJQHWLFKROGRSHQVOLGHFKDQQHODQGFRQFHDOHGÀ[LQJV Standards: &(PDUNHGWR(1&HUWLÀUHDSSURYHGIRUWLPEHUÀUHGRRUVKRXUVDQGPHWDOÀUHGRRUV hours). Size: power adjustable size EN 2-4 to suit doors up to 1100mm Finishes; silver (ses), stainless steel (sss) Marking: C9 with roundel Advisory: Closers are always to be fixed to the inside (unprotected) face of door leaf. Use on doorsets that are likely to be otherwise wedged open e.g. intercommunicating doors in frequent use. Needs wired into fire alarm system and the Fire Engineer should be advised. Page 23 C10 DOOR CLOSER Cam Action slide arm door closer for door mounting pull side of door &DPDFWLRQEDFNFKHFNDQGGHOD\HGDFWLRQGRRUFORVHUZLWKIXOOFRYHUFRQFHDOHGÀ[LQJVDQGFXVKLRQHGOLPLW stay Standards: &(PDUNHGWR(1&HUWLÀUHDSSURYHGIRUWLPEHUÀUHGRRUVKRXUVDQGPHWDOÀUHGRRUV hours). Size: power adjustable size EN 2-5 to suit doors up to 1250mm Finishes; silver (ses), stainless steel (sss) Marking: C10 with roundel Page 24 Advisory: Closers are always to be fixed to the inside (unprotected) face of door leaf. C11 DOOR CLOSER Cam Action slide arm door closer for door mounting push side of door &DPDFWLRQEDFNFKHFNDQGGHOD\HGDFWLRQGRRUFORVHUZLWKIXOOFRYHUFRQFHDOHGÀ[LQJVDQGFXVKLRQHGOLPLW stay Standards: &(PDUNHGWR(1&HUWLÀUHDSSURYHGIRUWLPEHUÀUHGRRUVKRXUVDQGPHWDOÀUHGRRUV hours). Size: power adjustable size EN 2-5 to suit doors up to 1250mm Finishes; silver (ses), stainless steel (sss) Marking: C11 with roundel Advisory: Closers are always to be fixed to the inside (unprotected) face of door leaf. Page 25 C12 DOOR CLOSER Cam Action slide arm door closer for door mounting pull side of door &DPDFWLRQEDFNFKHFNDQGGHOD\HGDFWLRQGRRUFORVHUZLWKIXOOFRYHUFRQFHDOHGÀ[LQJVDQGFXVKLRQHGOLPLW stay Standards: &(PDUNHGWR(1&HUWLÀUHDSSURYHGIRUWLPEHUÀUHGRRUVKRXUVDQGPHWDOÀUHGRRUV hours). Size: power adjustable size EN 5-7 to suit doors up to 1400mm Finishes; silver (ses), stainless steel (sss) Marking: C12 with roundel Page 26 Advisory: Closers are always to be fixed to the inside (unprotected) face of door leaf. C13 DOOR CLOSER Cam Action slide arm door closer for door mounting push side of door &DPDFWLRQEDFNFKHFNDQGGHOD\HGDFWLRQGRRUFORVHUZLWKIXOOFRYHUFRQFHDOHGÀ[LQJVDQGFXVKLRQHGOLPLW stay Standards: &(PDUNHGWR(1&HUWLÀUHDSSURYHGIRUWLPEHUÀUHGRRUVKRXUVDQGPHWDOÀUHGRRUV hours). Size: power adjustable size EN 5-7 to suit doors up to 1400mm Finishes; silver (ses), stainless steel (sss) Marking: C13 with roundel Advisory: Closers are always to be fixed to the inside (unprotected) face of door leaf. Page 27 C14 DOOR CLOSER Tandem mounted door closers for door mounting pull/push side of door Tandem mounted backcheck door closers with mounting plate and tandem spindle connection. Standards: &(PDUNHGWR(1&HUWLÀUHDSSURYHGIRUWLPEHUÀUHGRRUVKRXUVDQGPHWDOÀUHGRRUV hours). Size: SRZHUDGMXVWDEOHVL]H(1WRVXLWGRRUVXSWRPP Finishes; silver Marking: C14 with roundel Advisory: Closers are always fixed to the inside (un-protected / fire protected) face of door leaf, fitted transom to push side of door – consult supplier’ Auxiliary brackets for restricted soffit conditions may be required - consult with supplier. Page 28 Lock Cases Part No. L01 L/R Mortise latch. Latch bolt operated by lever handle from inside or outside. Size: )DFHSODWHPP[PPUDGLXVHQGPPEDFNVHW Material: Case: Heavy duty mild steel )DFHSODWHVWDLQOHVVVWHHO 6WULNHSODWHVWDLQOHVVVWHHO Finish: Case: Galvanised or Hammerite Faceplate: Satin brushed Strikeplate: Satin brushed Standards: DIN 18 250 and 180 251 0RGXODUORFNUDQJHWHVWHGWR(1DQGHVFDSHIXQFWLRQ (1&(PDUNHG)LUHWHVWHG(1 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ Latch case body to be enclosed. Solid follower to accept 9mm sq. bar spindle. To be operated by F01 or F022 furniture sets and F13 or F44 for security access systems. Marking: TfL-L01 0XVWEHXVHGLQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWK0/66.VWDLQOHVVVWHHOER[ VWULNHU ,/,QWXPHVFHQWSDUWORFNSURWHFWLRQSDFNDYDLODEOH ARROW INDICATES DIRECTION OF TRAVEL OR ESCAPE ',1/HIWSDQLFRSHQLQ ',15LJKWSDQLFRSHQLQ ',15LJKWSDQLFRSHQRXW ',1/HIWSDQLFRSHQRXW Advisory: Use in intercommunicating office doors where no security is required. Requires F01 or F22 lever/lever furniture - F13 or F44 for security access systems. F14 or F15 for drivers ‘J’ key. Page 29 Lock Cases Part No. L02 L/R Mortise sash lock with panic escape function E. Escape: Escape from inside at all times by depressing lever handle. Access: Access from outside only available by inserting key and turning to withdraw deadbolt on turns one and two with the latch bolt on the third Security: Re-entry after escape only possible with key. Size: )DFHSODWHPP[PPUDGLXVHQGPPEDFNVHWFHQtres 72mm Material: Case: Heavy duty mild steel )DFHSODWHVWDLQOHVVVWHHO Finish: Case: Galvanised Face plate: Satin brushed Standards: DIN 18 250 and 180 251 0RGXODUORFNUDQJHWHVWHGWR(1DQGHVFDSHIXQFWLRQ(1&(PDUNHG)LUHWHVWHG(1 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ Latch case body to be enclosed. Solid follower to accept 9mm sq. bar spindle. To be operated by F13 and F44 furniture sets. Marking: TfL-L02 on face plate 0XVWEHXVHGLQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWK0/66.VWDLQOHVVVWHHOER[ VWULNHU ,/,QWXPHVFHQWSDUWORFNSURWHFWLRQSDFNDYDLODEOH ARROW INDICATES DIRECTION OF TRAVEL OR ESCAPE Page 30 ',1/HIWSDQLFRSHQLQ ',15LJKWSDQLFRSHQLQ ',15LJKWSDQLFRSHQRXW ',1/HIWSDQLFRSHQRXW Advisory: Use in equipment room, store room and public facing doors. Requires F13/1/2/3/4 or F44/1/2/3/4 pull/lever handle furniture. Requires correct MLSSK 44/55 strike. Lock Cases Part No. L03 L/R 0RUWLVHVDVKORFNZLWKSDQLFHVFDSHIXQFWLRQ%RSHQRXW Escape: Escape from inside at all times by depressing lever handle. Access: Access from outside only available by inserting key and turning to withdraw deadbolt on turn one and turn two activates the outside lever. Free access when unlocked. Security: Re-entry after escape only possible with key turned to activate lever handle. Size: )DFHSODWHPP[PPUDGLXVHQGPPEDFNVHW centres 72mm Material: Case: Heavy duty mild steel )DFHSODWHVWDLQOHVVVWHHO 6WULNHSODWHVWDLQOHVVVWHHO Finish: Case: Galvanised or Hammerite Face plate: Satin brushed Strike plate: Satin brushed Standards: DIN 18 250 and 180 251 0RGXODUORFNUDQJHWHVWHGWR(1DQGHVFDSHIXQFWLRQ (1&(PDUNHG)LUHWHVWHG(1 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ Latch case body to be enclosed. Euro cylinder cut-out. Split follower to accept 9mm sq. bar spindle. To be operated by F04 and F25 furniture sets. Marking: TfL-L03 on face plate 0XVWEHXVHGLQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWK0/66.VWDLQOHVVVWHHOER[ VWULNHU ,/,QWXPHVFHQWSDUWORFNSURWHFWLRQSDFNDYDLODEOH ARROW INDICATES DIRECTION OF TRAVEL OR ESCAPE ',15LJKWSDQLFRSHQRXW ',1/HIWSDQLFRSHQRXW Advisory: Use in internal staff accommodation. Requires F04 or F25 lever/lever furniture. Requires correct MLSSK 44/55 strike. Page 31 Lock Cases Part No. L04 L/R 0RUWLVHVDVKORFNZLWKSDQLFHVFDSHIXQFWLRQ%RSHQLQ Escape: Escape from inside at all times by depressing lever handle. Access: Access from outside only available by inserting key and turning to withdraw deadbolt on turn one and turn two activates the outside lever. Free access when unlocked. Security: Re-entry after escape only possible with key turned to activate lever handle. Size: )DFHSODWHPP[PPUDGLXVHQGPPEDFNVHW centres 72mm Material: Case: Heavy duty mild steel )DFHSODWHVWDLQOHVVVWHHO 6WULNHSODWHVWDLQOHVVVWHHO Finish: Case: Galvanised Face plate: Satin brushed Strike plate: Satin brushed Standards: DIN 18 250 and 180 251 0RGXODUORFNUDQJHWHVWHGWR(1DQGHVFDSHIXQFWLRQ(1&(PDUNHG)LUHWHVWHG(1 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ Latch case body to be enclosed. Euro cylinder cut-out. Split follower to accept 9mm sq. bar split spindle. To be operated by F04 and F25 furniture sets. Marking: TfL-L04 on face plate 0XVWEHXVHGLQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWK0/66.VWDLQOHVVVWHHO ER[VWULNHU ,/,QWXPHVFHQWSDUWORFNSURWHFWLRQSDFNDYDLODEOH ARROW INDICATES DIRECTION OF TRAVEL OR ESCAPE ',1/HIWSDQLFRSHQLQ ',15LJKWSDQLFRSHQLQ Advisory: Use in internal staff accommodation doors Requires F04 or F25 lever/lever furniture. Requires correct MLSSK 44/55 strike. Page 32 Lock Cases Part No. L12 L/R Mortise sash lock. Escape: Only possible when the deadbolt is not engaged, latch bolt operated by depressing lever handle. Access: Access from outside only available by inserting and turning key to unlock the deadbolt Free access when unlocked.. Security: Re-entry after escape possible by depressing lever handle Size: PP[PPUDGLXVHQGPPEDFNVHWFHQWUHVPP Material: Case: Heavy duty mild steel )DFHSODWHVWDLQOHVVVWHHO 6WULNHSODWHVWDLQOHVVVWHHO Finish: Case: Galvanised Face plate: Satin brushed Strike plate: Satin brushed Standards: DIN 18 250 and 180 251 0RGXODUORFNUDQJHWHVWHGWR(1&(PDUNHG)LUH WHVWHG(1 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ Latch case body to be enclosed. Euro cylinder cut-out. Solid follower to accept 9mm sq. bar spindle. To be operated by F04X and F25X furniture sets. Marking: TfL-L12 on face plate 0XVWEHXVHGLQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWK0/66.VWDLQOHVVVWHHOER[ VWULNHU ,/,QWXPHVFHQWSDUWORFNSURWHFWLRQSDFNDYDLODEOH ARROW INDICATES DIRECTION OF TRAVEL OR ESCAPE ',1/HIWSDQLFRSHQLQ ',15LJKWSDQLFRSHQLQ ',15LJKWSDQLFRSHQRXW ',1/HIWSDQLFRSHQRXW Advisory: Use in cupboard, store room or office doors where panic escape is not required. Requires F04x or F25x lever/lever handle. Requires correct MLSSK 44/55 strike. Page 33 Lock Cases Part No. L13 L/R Mortise bathroom lock. Escape: Only possible when the deadbolt is not engaged, latch bolt operated by depressing lever handle. Access: Access from outside only available by depressing lever handle,deadbolt can be withdrawn in an emergency by turning external release. Security: None. Size: PP[PPUDGLXVHQGPPEDFNVHWFHQWUHVPP Material: Case: Heavy duty mild steel )DFHSODWHVWDLQOHVVVWHHO 6WULNHSODWHVWDLQOHVVVWHHO Finish: Case: Galvanised Face plate: Satin brushed Strike plate: Satin brushed Standards: DIN 18 250 and 180 251 0RGXODUORFNUDQJHWHVWHGWR(1DQGHVFDSHIXQFWLRQ (1&(PDUNHG)LUHWHVWHG(1 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ Latch case body to be enclosed. No cylinder cut-out. Solid follower to accept 9mm sq. bar spindle. To be operated by F04WC and F25WC furniture sets. Marking: TfL-L13 on face plate 0XVWEHXVHGLQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWK0/66.VWDLQOHVVVWHHOER[ VWULNHU ,/,QWXPHVFHQWSDUWORFNSURWHFWLRQSDFNDYDLODEOH ARROW INDICATES DIRECTION OF TRAVEL OR ESCAPE ',1/HIWSDQLFRSHQLQ ',15LJKWSDQLFRSHQLQ ',15LJKWSDQLFRSHQRXW ',1/HIWSDQLFRSHQRXW Advisory: Use in staff and public WC’s. Requires F04WC or F25WC lever/lever handle. Can be used in conjunction with L17 mortise dead lock to allow isolation of toilets for maintenance. Requires correct MLSSK 44/55 strike. Page 34 Lock Cases Part No. L14 L/R 0RUWLVHVDVKORFNZLWKDXWRÀUHSDQLFHVFDSHIXQFWLRQ( Escape: Escape from inside at all times by depressing lever handle. Access: Access from outside only available by inserting key and turning to withdraw deadbolt and latchbolt. 6HFXULW\ 2QFORVLQJWKHGRRUWKHODWFKEROWDXWRÀUHVWKHVHFRQGDU\ODWFKEROWLQWRGHDGEROW function, re-entry only possible by inserting and turning key from outside. Size: PP[PPUDGLXVHQGPPEDFNVHWFHQWUHVPP Material: )DFHSODWHVWDLQOHVVVWHHO Case: Heavy duty mils steel Finish: Case: Galvanised Face plate: Satin brushed Strike plate: Satin brushed Standards: DIN 18 250 and 180 251 0RGXODUORFNUDQJHWHVWHGWR(1DQGHVFDSHIXQFWLRQ(1&(PDUNHG)LUHWHVWHG(1 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ Latch case body to be enclosed. Euro cylinder cut-out. Solid follower to accept 9mm sq. bar spindle. To be operated by F13 and F44 furniture sets. Marking: TfL-L14 on face plate 0XVWEHXVHGLQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWK0/66. VWDLQOHVVVWHHOER[VWULNHU ,/,QWXPHVFHQWSDUWORFNSURWHFWLRQSDFNDYDLODEOH ARROW INDICATES DIRECTION OF TRAVEL OR ESCAPE ',1/HIWSDQLFRSHQLQ ',15LJKWSDQLFRSHQLQ ',15LJKWSDQLFRSHQRXW ',1/HIWSDQLFRSHQRXW Advisory: Use in access doors to staff accommodation, equipment and secure rooms e.g.: lobby, fire exit or where additional security is required Requires F13/1/2/3/4 or F44/1/2/3/4 lever pull furniture. Requires correct MLSSK 44/55 strike. Page 35 Lockcases Part No. L16 Mortise auto deadlatch Escape: Escape from inside at all times by depressing lever handle. Access: Access from outside only available by inserting key and turning to withdraw dead bolt and latchbolt. Security: On closing the door the deadlatch/latchbolt operates. Re-entry only possible by inserting and turning key from outside. Size: PP[PPUDGLXVHQGPPEDFNVHWFHQWUHVPP Material: )DFHSODWHVWDLQOHVVVWHHO Case: Heavy duty mild steel Finish: Case: Galvanised Face plate: Satin brushed Strike plate: Satin brushed Standards: DIN 18 250 and 180 251 0RGXODUORFNUDQJHWHVWHGWR(1DQGHVFDSHIXQFWLRQ(1&(PDUNHG)LUHWHVWHG(1 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ Latch case body to be enclosed. Euro cylinder cut-out. Solid follower to accept 9mm sq. bar spindle. To be operated by F13 and F44 furniture sets. 0DUNLQJ7I//RQIDFHSODWH 7REHXVHGLQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWK('6VWDLQOHVVVWHHODQWLWKUXVWVQLESUHYHQWVODWFKEROWPDQLSXODWLRQ ,/,QWXPHVFHQWSDUWORFNSURWHFWLRQSDFNDYDLODEOH ARROW INDICATES DIRECTION OF TRAVEL OR ESCAPE ',1/HIWSDQLFRSHQLQ ',15LJKWSDQLFRSHQLQ ',15LJKWSDQLFRSHQRXW ',1/HIWSDQLFRSHQRXW Advisory: Use in office door where access control is required Requires EDS1 (2013) electronic release, F13/1/2/3/4, F44/1/2/3 or F14 door furniture. Requires correct MLSSK 44/55 strike. Page 36 Lockcases Part No. L17 Mortise dead lock Escape: Only possible when the deadbolt is not engaged. Deadbolt operated by turning the key to unlock. Access: Access from outside only available by inserting the key and turning to withdraw the deadbolt. Security: The deadbolt functions only through the use of the key. Size: PP[PPUDGLXVHQGPPEDFNVHW Material: )DFHSODWHVWDLQOHVVVWHHO Case: Heavy duty mild steel 6WULNHSODWH6VWDLQOHVVVWHHO Finish: Case: Galvanised Face plate: Satin brushed Strike plate: Satin brushed Standards: DIN 18 250 and 180 251 0RGXODUORFNUDQJHWHVWHGWR(1DQGHVFDSHIXQFWLRQ (1&(PDUNHG)LUHWHVWHG(1 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ Latch case to be enclosed. Euro cylinder cut-out Marking: TfL-L17 on face plate IL1 intumescent 3 part lock protection pack available Advisory: Use in cupboard doors or doors where panic escape is not required. Use with F05 A/B/C/D escutcheons. Can be used in conjunction with L13 mortise bathroom lock to allow isolation of toilets for maintenance. Requires correct MLSSK strike - consult supplier. Page 37 Lockcases Part No. L18 L/R Mortise bathroom lock Escape: Access: Security: Latch and deadbolt operated by depressing lever handle. Access from outside only available by depressing lever handle, deadbolt can be withdrawn in an emergency by turning external release. None Size: )DFHSODWH[EDFNVHWFHQWUHV Material: Face plate Stainless steel Case Heavy duty mild steel Finish: Face plate Satin brushed Case: Mild steel Hammerite Standards: BS 8300 Document M 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ Latch case body to be enclosed No cylinder cut-out )L[LQJV6ROLGIROORZHUWRDFFHSWVSLQGOH ARROW INDICATES DIRECTION OF TRAVEL OR ESCAPE ',1/HIWSDQLFRSHQLQ ',15LJKWSDQLFRSHQLQ ',15LJKWSDQLFRSHQRXW ',1/HIWSDQLFRSHQRXW Advisory: Use in staff and public WC’s. Requires WC1 lever/lever handle. Requires correct MLSSK 44/55 strike. Page 38 Lock Cases Part No. L19 L/R Mortise sash lock with deadlocking latch panic escape function E Escape: Access: Security: Escape from inside at all times by depressing lever handle. Access from outside only available by inserting key and turning to withdraw deadbolt, when fully key secured. Normal action is latch turn to open, when manned. re-entry after escape only possible with key. Size: )DFHSODWHPP[PPUDGLXVIRUHQGPPEDFNVHW centres 72mm. Material: Face plate Stainless steel Case Heavy duty mild steel Finish: Face plate Satin brushed Case: Galvanised Standards: DN 18250 and 180251 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ Modular lock range CE marked and tested to EN 12209 and panic escape EN 179. )LUHWHVWHG(1 Compliant to BS 8300 Document M ARROW INDICATES DIRECTION OF TRAVEL OR ESCAPE ',1/HIWSDQLFRSHQLQ ',15LJKWSDQLFRSHQLQ ',15LJKWSDQLFRSHQRXW ',1/HIWSDQLFRSHQRXW Advisory: Use on public facing doors to staff accommodation, where additional security is required. Dead latch prevents unlawful manipulation and deadbolt gives additional ‘out of office’ security. Requires EDS1 (2013) electric strike, deadlock version or MLSSK manual strike - consult supplier. Page 39 Mortice strike plate Part No. MLSSK 44/54 Size: [ Material: VWDLQOHVVVWHHO Fixings: 8VHVXLWDEOH7RU[KHDGVFUHZV Finish: Satin brushed 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ Anti-rattle adjustment available on 54mm size. Advisory: Powder coated antique bronze for heritage doors opening outwards in public areas only. Use with all mortice lockcases. Page 40 Electric strikes 3DUW1R('6 High Security Escape: By using internal lever handle Access: Access from outside only available by inserting key and turning to withdraw the latchbolt. Security: Self locking. For use in areas with electronic access systems. Size: 6WDLQOHVVSODWH[ Material: Stainless steel face plate and steel and cast release Fixings: [QR[PPWLPEHUVFUHZV ('6%3EULGJLQJSODWHVHWVDYDLODEOHIRUVWHHO door sets Finish: Satin Stainless Steel Standards: )LUHUDWHGGRRUVWULNHDYDLODEOHZLWKDEUHDNRSHQSUHVVXUH RI1HZWRQ·V1ZLWKDGMXVWDEOHODWFKVOLGHWRHQVXUH WKHGRRUFDQFORVHWLJKWO\)DLOORFNHGVWULNHVRSHQZKHQWKH FXUUHQWLVDSSOLHGDQGORFNDXWRPDWLFDOO\ZKHQWKHSRZHULV UHPRYHG 6WULNHVDUHRSWLRQDOO\DYDLODEOHZLWKDEXLOWLQPLFURVZLWFKWR PRQLWRUODWFKEROWHQJDJHPHQWDGMXVWDEOHSRZHUFRQVXPSWLRQYROWV²YROWVJLYLQJGXW\UDWLR 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ 7RVXLWIUDPHVDQGUHSODFHDSSURYHGVWULNHV²0/66.IRU doors requiring access control and door entry systems e.g. PDQQHG&RQWURO5RRPVDQGRIÀFHV Advisory: Use with L02 or L16 lockcases for latch only, deadlocking available using L02 or L19 lockcases when office is left unmanned. Consult supplier for alternative models. Page 41 Digital access key pad Part No. DKP 6L]HZPP[KPP )L[LQJVXVHVXLWDEOH[QR[PPWRU[KHDGVFUHZV Finish: satin brushed 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ 12 SWG stainless steel vandal resistant key pad,. 7RÁXVKPRXQWRUGHU3DUW1R'.3RQO\ )XOÀOOLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVDQGGXWLHVUHTXLUHGXQGHUWKH(TXDOLW\$FWE\VDWLVI\LQJWKHUHFRPPHQGDWLRQVRI%6 8300 and Approved Document M. Advisory: Used for access to ‘back of house’ areas by staff and others where non key access is required, in conjunction with EDS1 (2013) electric strike. Electrical Engineer of requirement and take advice of lock release requirement. Available flush fitted or with Stainless Surface Housings, add SSH, consult supplier Page 42 Speech panels with call button Part No. ASP/ASVP Size: [ Material: VWDLQOHVVVWHHO Fixings: 8VHVXLWDEOH[1RPP7RU[KHDGVFUHZV Finish: Satin brushed 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ 12swg stainless steel vandal-resistant audio, surface mount, LQFOXGHVLOOXPLQDWHGWDFWLOH¶&$//·EXWWRQ¶63($.12:·/(' DQG¶'22523(1·/(')XOÀOOLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVDQGGXWLHV required under the Equality Act by satisfying the recommendations of BS 8300 and Approved Document M. Part No. VRVDDA1 video entry panel Part No. ASP audio entry panel Part No. ASVP - audio video entry panel Advisory: Use adjacent to Control Room doors in conjunction with EDS 1 (2013) electric strike. Advise HF Engineer and Electrical Engineer of requirement and take advice of speech transfer/lock release requirement. Available flush fitted or with Stainless Surface Housings, add SSH, consult supplier Page 43 Speech panels with call button Part No. AVKPSP/AVACSP Size: $9.363[$9$&63[ Material: VWDLQOHVVVWHHO Fixings: 8VHVXLWDEOH[1RPP7RU[KHDGVFUHZV Finish: Satin brushed Part No. AVKPSP - audio video entry panel with keypad 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ 12swg stainless steel vandal-resistant audio, surface mount, LQFOXGHVLOOXPLQDWHGWDFWLOH¶&$//·EXWWRQ¶63($.12:·/(' DQG¶'22523(1·/('IXOÀOOLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVDQGGXWLHV required under the Equality Act by satisfying the recommendations of BS 8300 and Approved Document M. Part No. AVACSP - audio video entry panel with access control Advisory: Use adjacent to Control Room doors in conjunction with EDS 1 (2013) electric strike. Advise HF Engineer and Electrical Engineer of requirement and take advice of speech transfer/lock release requirement. Available flush fitted or with Stainless Surface Housings, add SSH, consult supplier Page 44 Panic Bolts Part No. F06 Mortise panic actuator &ODVVLÀFDWLRQ 3 7 B 1 3 2 2 A A 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ 6XUIDFHPRXQWHGSDQLFODWFKDFWXDWRUZLWKHXURSURÀOHPRUtise nightlatch to BSEN 1125 C.E.N Compliant and C.E. marked Self handing )L[LQJNLWVIRUERWKWLPEHUDQGVWHHOGRRUVHWVDYDLODEOH )LUHGRRUWHVWHG0XVWEHXVHGZLWK/8,/,LQWXPHVFHQWSDUW lock protection pack) Finish: satin stainless steel Material: chrome passivated and stainless steel coat effect ARROW INDICATES DIRECTION OF TRAVEL OR ESCAPE ',15LJKWSDQLFRSHQRXW ',1/HIWSDQLFRSHQRXW Advisory: Use on single escape door open out or active leaf of double door set External access by external single cylinder and pull or, where free access is required on internal doors, by external access device F08 Page 45 Panic Bolts Part No. F07 Single panic bolt &ODVVLÀFDWLRQ 3 7 B 1 3 2 2 A A 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ 6XUIDFHPRXQWHGVLQJOHSDQLFEROWZLWKDXWRÀUHWRSWULSFDWFK to BSEN 1125 C.E.N Compliant and C.E. marked Self handing )L[LQJNLWVIRUERWKWLPEHUDQGVWHHOGRRUVHWVDYDLODEOH )LUHWHVWHGWR(1 Finish: satin stainless steel Material: chromium passivated and stainless steel coat effect ARROW INDICATES DIRECTION OF TRAVEL OR ESCAPE ',15LJKWSDQLFRSHQRXW ',1/HIWSDQLFRSHQRXW Advisory: Use on passive leaf of double leaf fire exit in conjunction with F06. Page 46 Emergency Exit Device Part No. EED 1 Surface mounted, single-point emergency escape device to BS EN 179, CE marked &ODVVLÀFDWLRQ 3 7 B 1 4 5 1 A B 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ For use on a single leaf or the active leaf of double doors ZKHUHDVLQJOHSDQLFHVFDSHOHDIRQO\LVUHTXLUHG.HHSVDQG À[LQJVDUHDYDLODEOHIRUWLPEHURUVWHHOGRRUV Escape: Escape from inside at all times by depressing lever handle. Access: Optional access from outside available by inserting key and turning to withdraw deadbolt. Security: Re-secures each time upon door closure. Handing: Handing and opening direction required. ARROW INDICATES DIRECTION OF TRAVEL OR ESCAPE ',1/HIWSDQLFRSHQLQ ',15LJKWSDQLFRSHQLQ ',15LJKWSDQLFRSHQRXW ',1/HIWSDQLFRSHQRXW Standard keeps 2XWZDUGRSHQLQJ Advisory: Use on non-public escape doors and gates with cylinder or J key. Page 47 Panic Exit Latch Part No. PEL 1 L/R Surface mounted panic latch actuator with 9mm follower operating a mortice latch, accredited to BS EN 1125, CE marked &ODVVLÀFDWLRQ 3 7 0 1 3 2 1 A A 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ For use on a single leaf or the active leaf of double doors where a single panic escape leaf only is required. Supplied FRPSOHWHZLWKSDQLFH[LWODWFKPPVSLQGOHÀ[LQJVDQGNHHS IRUDWLPEHUGRRUÀ[LQJVIRUVWHHOGRRUVDUHDYDLODEOH Escape: Escape from inside at all times by depressing panic bar. Access: Optional access from outside available by inserting key and turning to withdraw latch. Handing: Handing is required Security: Re-latches automatically upon door closure. ARROW INDICATES DIRECTION OF TRAVEL OR ESCAPE ',15LJKWSDQLFRSHQRXW ',1/HIWSDQLFRSHQRXW Advisory: Use in conjunction with L01 and L16 lockcases Page 48 Panic Exit System Part No. PES 2 L/R Surface mounted, 2-point panic escape device to BS EN 1125, CE marked &ODVVLÀFDWLRQ 3 7 B 1 3 2 1 A A 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ For use on a single leaf or both the active and inactive leaf of GRXEOHGRRUVZLWKSODLQPHHWLQJVWLOHV6XSSOLHGZLWKÀLQJV DQGNHHSVIRUDWLPEHUGRRUÀ[LQJVIRUVWHHOGRRUVDUHDYDLOable). Escape: Escape from inside at all times by depressing panic bar. Access: Optional access from outside available by inserting key and turning to withdraw deadbolt then to turn lever hand to release the bolts. Security: Re-secures each time upon door closure. Standard keeps Top keep & strike 'XVWIUHHÁRRUNHHS ARROW INDICATES DIRECTION OF TRAVEL OR ESCAPE ',15LJKWSDQLFRSHQRXW ',1/HIWSDQLFRSHQRXW Advisory: Use on final exit requiring high security and leading to a public space.. Can be used on the passive leaf of double leaf fire exit in conjunction with PEL 1 Page 49 Secure Suit Deadlock Part No. SSD 3 Surface mounted, encased 3-point deadlocking device to BS EN 179, CE marked 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ .H\UHOHDVHGHDGORFNDQGOHYHUKDQGOHHQWU\ZLWKDQLQWHUQDO OHYHUKDQGOHWRSURYLGHDRQHKDQGHGPHDQVRIH[LWIRUVLQJOH OHDIGRRUV6XSSOLHGZLWKÀ[LQJVDQGNHHSVIRUDWLPEHUGRRU À[LQJVIRUVWHHOGRRUVDUHDYDLODEOH Escape: Escape from inside at all times by depressing lever handle. Access: By inserting a key and turning to unlock then turning the lever handle to release the multiple bolts. Security: Re-secures automatically each time the door reaches it’s closed position. Handing: Handing and opening direction is required (see chart below) Standard keeps Top keep & strike ARROW INDICATES DIRECTION OF TRAVEL OR ESCAPE ',1/HIWSDQLFRSHQLQ ',15LJKWSDQLFRSHQLQ ',15LJKWSDQLFRSHQRXW ',1/HIWSDQLFRSHQRXW Centre keep Protected external key cylinder and handle entry 'XVWIUHHÁRRUNHHS Page 50 Collapsible gate device Part No. CGD 1A L/R 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ $OOVWHHOFRQVWUXFWLRQÀWWHGWRPDLQHQWUDQFHH[WHUQDOJDWHVVOLGHWULJJHUVHWIRUÀQDODXWRORFNLQJJDWH Escape: Single handed emergency escape inside by depressing lever handle (red). Access: 2SWLRQDODFHVVIURPRXWVLGHRIDXWRÀUHDFWLYHOHDIXVLQJOHR Security: 7ZRSRLQWPDQXDOORFNLQJRQVHFRQGDU\JDWH$XWRÀULQJWKUHHSRLQWORFNLQJRQÀQDOH[LWHQWUDQFHJDWH Optional: Single and double gates can use combination of either option Finish: dark grey hammerite lockcase and saddles, sss bars and bolts red handles. Handing: Handing and opening direction is required (see chart below) Size:[[ Material:0LOGVWHHOZLWKVWDLQOHVVVWHHOURGVEDUV Fixings:/RFNFDVH0KH[6DGGOHV0KH[ Right hand inside Left hand inside Advisory: Optional external key and LEO 1/2/3/4 Internal handle sprung hinged door box shrouds and cover plates available for standard additonal security located in stainless housings. When open secured with budget / key suited locks designed installed, consult supplier Page 51 Collapsible gate device Part No. CGD 1B L/R 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ $OOVWHHOFRQVWUXFWLRQÀWWHGWRPDLQHQWUDQFHH[WHUQDOJDWHVVOLGHWULJJHUVHWIRUÀQDODXWRORFNLQJJDWH Escape: Single handed emergency escape inside by depressing lever handle (red). Access: 2SWLRQDODFHVVIURPRXWVLGHRIDXWRÀUHDFWLYHOHDIXVLQJOHR Security: 7ZRSRLQWPDQXDOORFNLQJRQVHFRQGDU\JDWH$XWRÀULQJWKUHHSRLQWORFNLQJRQÀQDOH[LWHQWUDQFHJDWH Optional: Single and double gates can use combination of either option Finish: dark grey hammerite lockcase and saddles, sss bars and bolts red handles. Handing: Handing and opening direction is required (see chart below) 6L]H[[ 0DWHULDO0LOGVWHHOZLWKVWDLQOHVVVWHHOURGVEDUV )L[LQJV/RFNFDVH0KH[6DGGOHV0KH[ Right hand inside Left hand inside Advisory: Optional external key and LEO 1/2/3/4 Internal handle sprung hinged door box shrouds and cover plates available for standard additonal security located in stainless housings. When open secured with budget / key suited locks designed installed, consult supplier Page 52 Collapsible Gate Device Part No. CGD 2 L/R Deadlocking twin-hook lock for securing collapsible sliding gates Size: )DFHSODWH[[ /RFNERG\[[ %R[NHHS[[ Material: Case: Heavy duty mild steel Face plate: Heavy duty mild steel %R[NHHS+HDY\GXW\PLOGVWHHO Finish: Case: Zinc passivated Face plate: Zinc passivated %R[NHHS=LQFSDVVLYDWHG Fixings: Lock body: M8 Hook lock body to be enclosed. 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ $OOVWHHOFRQVWUXFWLRQIRUUHWURÀWWLQJWRFROODSVLEOHJDWHV handles can be provided on one or both sides providing an HPHUJHQF\HVFDSH6XSSOLHGZLWKÀ[LQJVDQGER[NHHS Escape: Single handed emergency escape from inside by depressing emergency lever handle (green). Access: Optional, access from outside is available by inserting key and turning to withdraw deadbolt then to turn lever handle to release the bolts. Security: The twin-hook locks latch and deadlock automatically upon gate closure. 2SWLRQDO )RUJDWHVZKLFKGRQRWUHTXLUHDQHPHUJHQF\H[LWNH\F\OLQGHUVFDQEHÀWWHGRQRQHRUERWKVLGHVZLWKQDWXUDOÀQLVK stainless steel handle(s), to provide key controlled operation. Right hand inside Left hand inside Advisory: Optional external key and lever handle entry. Green lever handle for emergency release. Page 53 Miscellaneous Part No. G3/G4/G2A Barrel bolt set. 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ +HDY\GXW\PPEDUUHOEROWZLWKÁRRUVRFNHWDQGÁXVKGRRU staple for open-in or open-out passive leaf of double door set. Finish: 0LOGVWHHO33&ÀQLVKRUEODFN+DPPHULWH )L[LQJVWREHDSSURSULDWHWRWKHGRRUVHWFRQVWUXFWLRQ Advisory: Specify keeps as required from below G3 Barrel bolt G4 Dust excluding socket G2A Flush door staple Page 54 Miscellaneous Part No. K4/K5 Kick plates 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ .0DWHULDO %6(1JUDGHVWDLQOHVVVWHHO[PPGRRU ZLGWKOHVVVWRSV[PPWR%6VHFXUHE\7RU[KHDG screws. .0DWHULDO 5HDOEURQ]HPHWDODQWLTXHRQJXQPHWDO[PPGRRUZLGWK OHVVVWRSV[PPWR%6VHFXUHE\7RU[KHDGVFUHZV Page 55 Miscellaneous Part No. F1/F2 Finger plates 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ )VWDQGDUG Material: VWDLQOHVVVWHHO[[FRPSOHWHZLWKÀ[LQJVIRU timber )ODUJH Material: VWDLQOHVVVWHHO[[FRPSOHWHZLWKÀ[LQJVIRU timber Advisory: Please specify when ordering: 316 stainless steel, radius corners, satin finish, etc. Other sizes and finishes are available Page 56 Miscellaneous Part No. K1/K2/K3/K6 Door stops, coat hook and door selector 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ .:DOOGRRUVWRS%6(1JUDGHVWDLQOHVVVWHHO .)ORRUGRRUVWRS%6(1JUDGHVWDLQOHVVVWHHO .'RRUPRXQWHGKDWDQGFRDWKRRN%6(1JUDGH VWDLQOHVVVWHHO .'RRUVHOHFWRUHQDEOHVDSDLURIVHOIFORVLQJGRRUVZLWKUHEDWHG meeting stiles or overlapping astragal to close in the correct sequence DXWRPDWLFDOO\QRPDWWHUZKLFKGRRULVRSHQHGÀUVW7HVWHGWR%6 (1%6(1JUDGHVWDLQOHVVVWHHO6XLWDEOHWLPber doors of any width up to 1220mm (4’0”) per door and all standard thicknesses and rebate sizes. K1 wall door stop .ÁRRUGRRUVWRS K3 hat and coat hook K6 door selctor for double doors with rebated meeting stiles Page 57 Key Cabinet and Boxes 6SHFLÀFDWLRQ &$% 6L]HPP[PP[PP Standard capacity 100. Other sizes available. &$% 6L]HPP+[PP:[PP([FOXGLQJF\OLQGHUSURWUXVLRQ .H\ER[ZLWKVLQJOHKRRNIRUUHVWULFWHGDFFHVVNH\NH\V &$% 6L]HPP[PP[PP %UHDNJODVVER[IRUHPHUJHQF\DFFHVV CAB 2 single hook for restricted access key CAB 1 100 key capacity CAB 3 break glass box for station emergency keys Advisory: Key access can be under Site Master System, keyed alike or differs. Page 58 Typical Doorset Arrangements SINGLE LEAF FD60 EQUIPMENT ROOM DOOR WITHOUT GLAZING APERTURE Furniture • L02R mortise sash lock with panic function E deadbolt and latch or L14R mortise sash lock autofire panic action deadbolt and latch • F13/1/2/3/4 on pierced backplates or F44/1/2/3/4 on escutcheons and roses pull/lever handles • A1/SS/BGMA or A4/SS/BMA hinges • C7 overhead door closer • K4 or K5 kick plates note wall finishes and architraves omitted for clarity Furniture - refer to Approved Ironmongery for the Railway Environment for specific door requirements Signs - follow the heirarchy laid down in the LUL Signs Manual section 6.8 Page 59 Typical Doorset Arrangements SINGLE LEAF FD60 EQUIPMENT ROOM DOOR WITH GLAZING APERTURE Furniture • L02R mortise sash lock with panic function E deadbolt and latch or L14R mortise sash lock autofire panic action deadbolt and latch • F13/1/2/3/4 on pierced backplates or F44/1/2/3/4 on escutcheons and roses pull/lever handles • 1.5 pair A1/SS/BGMA or A4/SS/BMA hinges (for doors in excess of 910x21oo use 2 pairs) note wall finishes and architraves omitted for clarity Furniture - refer to Approved Ironmongery for the Railway Environment for specific door requirements Signs - follow the heirarchy laid down in the LUL Signs Manual section 6.8 Page 60 Typical Doorset Arrangements DOUBLE LEAF FD60 EQUIPMENT ROOM DOOR WITHOUT GLAZING APERTURE Furniture • L02R mortise sash lock with panic function E deadbolt and latch or L14R mortise sash lock autofire panic action deadbolt and latch • F13/1/2/3/4(D) on pierced backplates or F44/1/2/3/4(D) on escutcheons and roses pull/ lever handles • 3 pair A1/SS/BMA or A4/SS/BMA hinges (for door in excess of 910x2100 use 4 pairs) • 1 pair C7 overhead door closers • 1 pair G3/G4/G2C barrel bolt sets • K4 or K5 kick plates note wall finishes and architraves omitted for clarity Furniture - refer to Approved Ironmongery for the Railway Environment for specific door requirements Signs - follow the heirarchy laid down in the LUL Signs Manual section 6.8 Page 61 Typical Doorset Arrangements DOUBLE LEAF FD60 EQUIPMENT ROOM DOOR WITHOUT GLAZING APERTURE Furniture • L02R mortise sash lock with panic function E deadbolt and latch or L14R mortise sash lock autofire panic action deadbolt and latch • F13/1/2/3/4(D) on pierced backplates or F44/1/2/3/4(D) on escutcheons and roses pull/ lever handles • 3 pair A1/SS/BMA or A4/SS/BMA hinges (for door in excess of 910x2100 use 4 pairs) • 1 pair C7 overhead door closers • 1 pair G3/G4/G2C barrel bolt sets • K4 or K5 kick plates note wall finishes and architraves omitted for clarity Furniture - refer to Approved Ironmongery for the Railway Environment for specific door requirements Signs - follow the heirarchy laid down in the LUL Signs Manual section 6.8 Page 62 Typical Doorset Arrangements SINGLE LEAF FD60 FINAL EXIT Furniture • mortise panic action deadlatch • F06 panic bar assembly with or without europrofile pierced cylinder pull. • 1.5 pair A1/SS or A4/SS hinges (for door in excess of 910x2100 use 2 pairs) • C7 overhead door closers • K4 or K5 kick plates note wall finishes and architraves omitted for clarity Furniture - refer to Approved Ironmongery for the Railway Environment for specific door requirements Signs - follow the heirarchy laid down in the LUL Signs Manual section 6.8 Page 63 Typical Doorset Arrangements DOUBLE LEAF FD60 FINAL EXIT Furniture • mortise panic action deadlatch • F06 & F07 panic bolt assembly with or without europrofile pierced backplate • 3 pair A1/SS or A4/SS hinges (for door in excess of 910x2100 use 4 pairs) • 1 pair C7 overhead door closers • K4 or K5 kick plates note wall finishes and architraves omitted for clarity Furniture - refer to Approved Ironmongery for the Railway Environment for specific door requirements Signs - follow the heirarchy laid down in the LUL Signs Manual section 6.8 Page 64 SUPPLIERS 63(&,)<,1*,521021*(56672&.,676 $6*+DUGZDUH Suite D4 .QLJKWV&RXUW Archers Way %DWWOHÀHOG(QWHUSULVH3DUN Shrewsbury SY1 3GA 7HO)D[ E-mail: Contact: Andrew Harris A trading division of Turentek (AI) Ltd. 0$,17(1$1&($1',167$//$7,216672&.,676 MLS Rail Ltd 8 Hillstone Court Empson Street London E3 3LT 7HO )D[ E-mail: Contact: David Watkins MANUFACTURERS 352'8&7 0$18)$&785(5 &217$&71R Hinges Royde & Tucker Cooke Brothers 0192 274 0001 lnstinct Hardware 0121 459 2358 Pristine Engineering 'RRU)XUQLWXUH%URQ]H Frank Allart & Co. Ltd 0121 454 2277 'RRU&ORVHUV ([LGRU'RRU&RQWUROV Dorma Door Controls Guardian Locks Schulte-Schlagbaum Group Surelock McGill Ltd *8%.6 00 49 2051 201485 Surelock McGill Ltd ([LGRU 'RUPD8. Surelock McGill Ltd 0118 977 2525 ([LGRU Davis Architectural Services Ltd 0208 853 5997 Securikey 01252 311 888 'RRU)XUQLWXUH666 /RFNV 6DIH([LW'HYLFHV %DUUHO%ROWV 0LVFHOODQHRXV Page 65 7KLVGRFXPHQWKDVEHHQSUHSDUHGXVLQJ$GREH,Q'HVLJQ&61HZ-RKQVRQDQG3.D]3URW\SHIDFHV,OOXVWUDWLRQVKDYHEHHQDVVVHPEOHGXWLOLVLQJ069LVLR &RUHO'HVLJQHU;$&'&DQYDVDQG$GREH,OOXVWUDWRU&6 Page 66