Foreign Rights Food - Verlag Anton Pustet


Foreign Rights Food - Verlag Anton Pustet
Foreign Rights
Austrian Cuisine
Pircher, Nastasja: The Peasant’s Cookbook
Gschwendtner, Herbert: Delicacies in Mountain Huts
Gschwendtner, Herbert: Alpine Specialities
Special Cookbooks
Zauner, Manuel: Direct from Farm
Wöhrl, Irmgard: The Trapp Cookbook
Geiblinger, Elfi: The „Schranne-Market“ Cookbook
Delicious Recipes
Kaufmann/Haderer: Heavenly Savoury
Kaufmann/Haderer: Sinnfully Sweet
Mooslechner, Walter: Good for you and good to eat
Waltl, Inge: wild & delicious
Top Level Cuisine
Winkler, Vitus: The food-creator
Rauch, Richard: Simply good cooking
Food and History
Schöchl, Josef: Dinner is Served
Schöchl, Josef: Food stories
Kichler/Reiner: Rye and black bread
Austrian Cuisine
The Peasant’s Cookbook
[Das Kochbuch der Bäuerin]
Fine Alpine country cuisine
ISBN 978-3-7025-0810-4
Publication: August 2015
320 pp, 24 x 17 cm
Price: € 24,-
Nine editions of this work have already appeared and
more than 50.000 copies have been sold. “The Peasant’s
Cookbook” has long been established as the definitive
work on Alpine country cooking. In this revised tenth
edition this bestseller has a new look, but its character
remains fundamentally unaltered. Delicious recipes for
everyday eating and tried-and-proven classic dishes
show you what natural, authentic rural cuisine is like. The
emphasis is on regional and seasonal products, home
cooking for daily meals and delicacies for holidays and
festivities. You will also find valuable tips for purchasing,
storing and preserving fruits and vegetables. The book
combines modern nutritional findings with traditional
peasant lore. All of these features make it indispensable
for every kitchen.
Language: German
Nastasja Pircher (born 1979 in Salzburg) attended the Tourism College for
Marketing in Salzburg and studied Nutritional Sciences in Innsbruck. Since 2003
she teaches at the agricultural college in Klessheim (cooking, serving, nutrition,
health and social services, horticulture). As a mother of two children, she cooks
fresh every day and uses every ingredient her garden bears.
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Austrian Cuisine
Delicacies in Mountain Huts
Where the chamoises (wild mountain sheep) lay eggs
ISBN 978-3-7025-0775-6
colour illustrations throughout
160 pp, 24 x 21 cm
Price: € 25.Language: German
The author’s last book, “Almschmankerl. Wandern und
genießen im Salzburger Land” was in great demand. That
is why Herbert Gschwendner decided to write another
book of the same kind, featuring hearty fare.
As the former host of a mountain hut he is familiar with
the worries and hardships, but also the joys, of a
mountain summer. This book primarily features trails
that lead to mountain huts and inns, as well as to touristic
Alpine huts. Of course, the focus is on the scenic
splendor, the life of the hut proprietors and the delicious
Herbert Gschwendtner does not confine himself to the
mountains of Salzburg, but allows himself (culinary)
escapades to the neighboring regions. He invites us to try
Bavarian steamed dumplings and Carinthian pound cake.
We are curious about some dishes with odd names:
“Schottsuppe” (Scottish soup - white cheese and bread
soup), “Gamseier” (chamois eggs - eggs and schnitzel in
a potato nest) and “Alpine meadow grasshoppers” (fried
donut balls with rum).
The author adds a humorous touch - a little amusing
verse for each of the huts:
Coffee rain showers
And croissant snow.
Please Lord, let that storm go
On for hours!
Herbert Gschwendtner comes from a mining family; he spent his childhood
in Mühlbach am Hochkönig. Following his apprenticeship as painter and
decorator, he went travelling and tried out various occupations. After an
operation, he endeavoured to overcome cancer by writing poems and short
stories. Since the 1980s he has organised folk-music programmes for the
Salzburg studio of Austrian Broadcasting; his favourite pastime remains
writing poems in the vernacular.
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Austrian Cuisine
Alpine specialities
Tasty rambles - Produce from the Alpine pastures
ISBN 978-3-7025-0704-6
Herbert Gschwendtner has spent decades visiting the
Alpine pastures of Salzburg Province, doing reportage for
Austrian Broadcasting and the Salzburg Krone daily
newspaper. He knows not only the landscape and the
huts, but also the herdsmen, dairymen and farmers who
cater for hikers with their produce. Herbert
Gschwendtner is familiar with the way they live in
harmony with the natural world. He is a true gourmet of
the Alpine produce and the various specialities – recipes
often handed down over many generations.
colour illustrations throughout
160 pp, 24 x 21 cm
Price: € 25.-
Here he describes the routes to Salzburg's Alpine huts,
with the tastiest dishes; he presents the huts with their
special features and traditions, and reveals the recipes
entrusted to him. Bon appétit!
Language: German
Herbert Gschwendtner comes from a mining family; he spent his childhood
in Mühlbach am Hochkönig. Following his apprenticeship as painter and
decorator, he went travelling and tried out various occupations. After an
operation, he endeavoured to overcome cancer by writing poems and short
stories. Since the 1980s he has organised folk-music programmes for the
Salzburg studio of Austrian Broadcasting; his favourite pastime remains
writing poems in the vernacular.
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Special Cookbooks
Direct from the Farm
[Ab Hof]
A culinary journey to Austria’s small suppliers
Austria's farms and market gardens offer a wide range
of produce. Manuel Zauner made a culinary journey
through Austria in search of hidden treasures. He
portrays one farm for each item of food, talking to the
producers to find out why the diversity in our fields and
stalls is now under threat. Together with Alexander
Rieder, familiar from the media, he presents from each
farm or garden five ideas for recipes, prepared, cooked
and photographed on site.
‘Ab Hof‘ is intended to encourage readers to visit such
smallholdings in their own area. The 60 recipes
demonstrate exciting experiments with the incredible
diversity of foodstuffs to be found on sale only from
small suppliers.
ISBN 978-3-7025-0777-0
colour illustrations throughout
256 pp, 29.7 x 24 cm
Price: € 35.-
Interesting stories, fantastic recipes, mouth-watering
Language: German
Manuel Zauner
Alexander Rieder
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Special Cookbooks
The Trapp Cookbook
[Das Trapp-Kochbuch]
Original Recipes from the Family Kitchen
Imagine the delicious aromas that must have wafted
from the kitchen when Johanna Raudaschl cooked
for the Trapp family. The finest soups, roasts and
sweet buns were daily fare in the Salzburg villa.
Johanna Raudaschl lived there almost as part of the
family, as she recalls vividly in her memoirs. She
began collecting her recipes – for both food and life
– where she grew up, an illegitimate child, in the
modest rural surroundings of the Salzkammergut.
Her grandmother taught her the secrets of cooking
and baking.
ISBN 978-3-7025-0676-6
colour illustrations throughout
108 pp, 21 x 21 cm
Price: € 19.Language: English
(also available as German Edition)
During her apprentice years she refined her
culinary skills, and the Trapp family then benefited
from her resourcefulness in the kitchen. She
handed down her treasured recipes to her granddaughter Irmgard Wöhrl, who tried them out and
now, together with journalist and biographer
Caroline Kleibel, reveals them in the context of the
moving story of Johanna Raudaschl's life.
Irmgard Wöhrl (born1961 in Linz) has enjoyed a successful career in banking
in Salzburg for over thirty years. Granddaughter of Johanna Raudaschl, who
worked as cook in the Trapp household, her main hobbies are cooking and
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Special Cookbooks
The "Schranne market" Cookbook
[Das Schrannen-Kochbuch]
ISBN 978-3-7025-0625-4
colour illustrations throughout
152 pp, 21 x 21cm
Price: € 22.Language: German
Eating is more than mere food intake. Perfect proof of
this are the many visitors from near and far that flock
to the Schranne market in Salzburg every Thursday.
On good market days around 9000 people stock up on
the delicacies the largest Austrian weekly market has
to offer. They look, smell, taste and enjoy the
countless regional treats that make the Schranne so
colourful. The vendors know their long-standing
regular customers' quirks and special demands and
readily provide useful tips on the preparation of their
fish, meat or vegetables.
For over 20 years now, Elfi Geiblinger has been
reporting the latest news from the Schranne every
Thursday for Salzburg local radio. She has come to
know and love the market with its history of over 100
years, and has many a story from this wellestablished Salzburg institution. The best recipes
from Schranne chefs Josef Illinger and Michael
Pratter, combined with photos old and new, offer an
impressive overview of the lively, bustling market.
Elfi Geiblinger came for her studies to Salzburg in 1972 and stayed ever since.
In 1979 she started her career at the ORF (Austrian broadcasting), firstly as an
editor. Later, in 2007, she became Programme Director of Radio Salzburg. Her
shows discuss socio-political issues, health issues, concerns of consumers
and of course cooking.
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Delicious Recipes
Heavenly Savoury
[Himmlisch Pikant]
Secrets from Monastery Kitchens
ISBN 978-3-7025-0765-7
colour illustrations throughout
180 pp, 21 x 21 cm
Price: € 25.-
Reading through this book one immediately feels
that food in Monastery Kitchens is about joy, finesse
and pleasure. We learn about nourishing soups,
delicious meat recipes and tasty savoury side dishes.
This second volume of the ‘Secrets from Monastery
Kitchens’ reveals almost forgotten delicacies like the
‘Queen’s Soup’, ‘Duck in Pepperrock’, or ‘Turkey on
Chestnut’. Beyond that the authors provide plenty of
ideas for hearty aspics, mouth-watering pies and
further meat specialties. The fine tradition of
preparation as well as the seasoning with herbs may
offer some surprises.
This book invites to a world full of real treats.
Language: German
Günther Haderer was born in the same year as Elvis released his song
‘Jailhouse Rock’. Contemplating about Elvis as a competitor he resigned on a
career as a musician. Already as a young boy he enjoyed cooking and loved to
be ‘chef the cuisine’, so it was obvious that this will be his profession one day.
After his education he worked as a chef for 17 years. During that time he also
established his reputation as a barman in the ‘to-be places’ in the city of
Vienna. For his mixed drinks (to date well-protected secrets) he even received
international awards.
Ernst Kaufmann (born in Vienna) studied music and literature; he worked as a
writer and director at the theatre and in film-making. To date he supervised
more than 40 productions on cultural topics and wrote several scripts. On his
travels he enjoyed trying flavours and dishes of foreign countries, yet all the
journeys would only lead him back to his roots – the Austrian Cuisine.
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Delicious Recipes
Sinfully Sweet
[Sündig süß]
Secrets from Monastery Kitchens
In monasteries and abbeys, life has always had its
sweet side – just like the cuisine. Fasting rules were
often circumvented in the most ingenious ways.
ISBN 978-3-7025-0720-6
colour illustrations throughout
168 pp, 21 x 21 cm
Price: € 25.Language: German
This book does not discuss whether sins were
committed in the monastery, but rather the "sweet
sins" that have always emerged from monastery
kitchens. Ernst Kaufmann and Günther Haderer
have unearthed ancient manuscripts in abbeys and
monasteries, revealing some old baking secrets –
elaborate traditional recipes for "sinful" sweets
using butter, sugar and distinctive spices.
Quantities have been adapted to modern cooking.
Just succumb to the temptation of plum strudel,
quark dumplings or chestnut pudding and indulge
guiltlessly in the "sweet sins".
Günther Haderer was born in the same year as Elvis released his song
‘Jailhouse Rock’. Contemplating about Elvis as a competitor he resigned on a
career as a musician. Already as a young boy he enjoyed cooking and loved to
be ‘chef the cuisine’, so it was obvious that this will be his profession one day.
After his education he worked as a chef for 17 years. During that time he also
established his reputation as a barman in the ‘to-be places’ in the city of
Vienna. For his mixed drinks (to date well-protected secrets) he even received
international awards.
Ernst Kaufmann (born in Vienna) studied music and literature; he worked as a
writer and director at the theatre and in film-making. To date he supervised
more than 40 productions on cultural topics and wrote several scripts. On his
travels he enjoyed trying flavours and dishes of foreign countries, yet all the
journeys would only lead him back to his roots – the Austrian Cuisine.
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Delicious Recipes
Good for you, and good to eat
[G’sund und Guat]
Herbs and fruits of earth and forest
A ranger in the mountainous Province of Salzburg,
Walter Mooslechner lives close to nature, its
treasures and its secrets. His family home was an
Alpine inn in Grossarl, and he soon came to
understand the links between nature – food –
ISBN 978-3-7025-0646-9
colour illustrations throughout
160 pp, 24 x 17 cm
Price: € 24.Language: German
His mother – an excellent cook, both of traditional
dishes and haute cuisine – taught the children what
surrounding nature had to offer in the way of healthgiving delicacies – you only have to know where and
how to look. This skill has been passed down and
improved on over generations, showing how nature
can stock our larders and our medicine cabinets
and help us to live long and healthy lives.
Walter Mooslechner has compiled into this book
knowledge gleaned from his wide circle of friends
and colleagues – country folk and fellow-musicians
who have generously shared their secrets with him.
Local photographers opened up their archives for
him and were with him while he made preserves
and pickles, served tasty dishes and even distilled
Now this treasure trove is available to all those who
enjoy a simple, healthy life and are keen to try the
recipes for themselves.
Walter Mooslechner (born 1944 in Großarl, Salzburg) was forest ranger until
his retirement. He was honorary curator of the Museum Association
‘Denkmalhof Kösslerhäusl‘ in Großarl. Numerous publications in journals
such as; ‘Salzburger Volkskultur‘, ‘Salzburger Bauernkalender‘, the hunting
magazine ‘Anblick‘ and local chronicles. These writings show his enthusiasm
for regional history and culture. Walter Mooslechner shares a long history with
Verlag Anton Pustet and his books (Winterholz (1997), Almsommer (2002),
G'sund und Guat (2011)) have been very successful.
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Delicious Recipes
wild & delicious
[wild & köstlich]
Delicious dishes with wild plants
You just can't get rid of weeds...
ISBN 978-3-7025-0672-8
colour illustrations throughout
168 pp, 21 x 21 cm
Price: € 22.Language: German
... so rather than throwing up your hands in despair,
learn to make use of them. Your own garden,
meadows or forests – everywhere you can find a
multitude of plants that are unjustly ignored or even
branded as weeds. They deserve better: some of
them taste quite delicious and make perfect
ingredients for haute cuisine. This book shows you
all the magnificent dishes you can conjure up with
ground elder, dandelion, juneberry etc.
Inge Waltl has compiled detailed descriptions to
help identify the plants, as well as delicious recipes
and gourmet serving suggestions. Give your native
weeds a chance to please your plate.
Inge Waltl (born 1955 in Carinthia) grew up on a mountain farm. Her
knowledge of wild plants she acquired from her grandmother, the joy of
cooking she got from her mother. After getting married at a young age she
initially practiced her cooking at home. As a Scout Leader she’s always spent
a lot of time in forests and made sure to pass on her knowledge to the Scout
Troop. To enhance her skills on wild plants she worked with Jean Marie
Dumaine – an expert on this field – in the ‘Vieux Sinzig’ in Sinzig am
Rhein/Germany. Today she works in the restaurant of ‘M32’ of the Museum
of Modern Art at the Mönchsberg in Salzburg.
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Top Level Cuisine
The food-creator
[Der Essenmacher]
Delicious dishes with wild plants
ISBN 978-3-7025-0670-4
colour illustrations throughout
216 pp, 22.5 x 22.5 cm
Price: € 25.Language: German
Vitus Winkler is one of a kind – and an excellent
chef. Barely 30 years old, he has already cooked his
way to two Michelin stars and strives relentlessly to
perfect his skills. He learned to cook at his parents’
restaurant in St. Veit im Pongau, as well as in
several Michelin-starred kitchens worldwide. His
dishes are down-to-earth and sophisticated, simple
and complex, refined and traditional – in short:
simply delicious! Eckhart Witzigmann confirms this
in his preface.
In some 100 recipes, Winkler has collected his
favourite dishes, kitchen basics and classics for you
to cook. Each recipe comes with a level of difficulty,
timing and a recommendation for accompanying
drinks. So your gourmet meal will be a guaranteed
Vitus Winkler (born 1983 in Schwarzach/Salzburg). He is the son of an awardwinning chef and a professional ski racer. Already when he was a child his
grandmother let him in on secret family recipes, while his mother taught him
about exquisite cuisine. Consequently his choice of profession was made at a
very young age. Vitus Winkler attended a school for hotel management and
travelled around the world to gain experiences as a chef in four and five star
hotels. During his educational years he enjoyed the guidance of great mentors
and colleagues. Meanwhile he is a sommelier and an award-winning chef
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Top Level Cuisine
Simply good cooking
[Einfach gut kochen]
The Steira Wirt restaurant in Trautmannsdorf
ISBN 978-3-7025-0719-0
colour illustrations throughout
192 pp, 22.5 x 22.5 cm
Price: € 29.Language: German
In the quiet village of Trautmannsdorf in south-east
Styria, young chef Richard Rauch has cooked his
way into the hearts of gourmets far and wide. In the
picturesque 120-year-old restaurant run by his
sister Sonja, he presents – with enormous energy
and unparalleled creativity – cuisine regarded as
among the best in Austria. Gault Millau attests
Richard Rauch "breathtaking talent", awarding him
17 points and a third toque in 2012, and naming him
Chef of the Year for 2015.
Here, for the first time, he reveals his best recipes,
ranging from starters through main dishes to
desserts, fittingly portrayed by distinguished
photographer Herbert Lehmann.
"At the age of only 27, top chef Richard Rauch
absolutely belongs in the Austrian Premier League"
(Gault Millau, 2013).
Richard Rauch trained as a chef in the Steira Wirt restaurant run by Sonja
Rauch. After work experience with leading Austrian and German chefs, he
used all his knowledge and skill to create his own ambitious style of cuisine.
In 2013 he was voted "Newcomer of the Year – Austria" in the San Pellegrino
culinary awards.
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Food and History
Dinner is Served!
[Zu Tisch]
The Culinary World of Historical Personalities
We know about their heroic deeds, their
accomplishments in the areas of art, culture and politics.
But would we have wanted to dine with them if they had
invited us?
ISBN 978-3-7025-0795-4
Publication: August 2015
colour illustrations throughout
160 pp, 24 x 17 cm
Price: € 24,Language: German
As a follow-up to his successful book “Food History and
Food Stories”, Josef Schöchl has researched the favorite
dishes of historical personalities. His results are both
surprising and amusing: Julius Raab would serve us a
knockwurst, a kind of hot sausage, which is sometimes
called “trout for civil servants”. Konrad Adenauer might
try to tempt us with a vegetarian “Cologne Sausage”
made of soybean flour. We would expect Theodor
Fontane to delight us with hearty Berlin dishes and loads
of ham. There would have to be sole on Vladimir
Horowitz’s table. Or would you prefer a risotto dinner
with Maria Callas, fried herring with Martin Luther or
drinking chocolate with Madame de Pompadour? Would
you like to eat cherries with Lucullus or cabbage soup
with Catherine the Great…?
You are invited to dine with 72 historical personalities.
Bon appetit!
Josef Schöchl (born 1959 in Salzburg) is the son of food merchants. He
studied Veterinary Medicine in Vienna and works today as a veterinarian in
Salzburg. He is a veterinarian specialist for food and teaches at agricultural
schools. In 1994 he was appointed the country's Veterinary Director. Author
of numerous articles on veterinary topics, and intense activities in the field of
animal food. Since 2009 representative of the Salzburg Government.
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Food and History
Food stories
Tasty · fascinating · curious
You are what you eat! Josef Schöchl has compiled
culinary legends, curious facts and and interesting
details surrounding the food we eat every day. We
may already know that Russian tea comes from
China – but what links German spekulatius biscuits
with Indonesia is quite a different story.
Entertaining surprises are in store, as you join
Josef Schöchl on a culinary trail. Spiced with
recipes and ideas for tasty dishes.
ISBN 978-3-7025-0703-9
colour illustrations throughout
160 pp, 24 x 17 cm
Price: € 24.Language: German
Josef Schöchl (born 1959 in Salzburg) is the son of food merchants. He
studied Veterinary Medicine in Vienna and works today as a veterinarian in
Salzburg. He is a veterinarian specialist for food and teaches at agricultural
schools. In 1994 he was appointed the country's Veterinary Director. Author
of numerous articles on veterinary topics, and intense activities in the field of
animal food. Since 2009 representative of the Salzburg Government.
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Food and History
Rye and black bread
[Roggen und Schwarzbrot]
grow · mill · bake · enjoy
Who can resist the delicious aroma of warm rye
bread? In gourmet culture, rye – the basic
ingredient of farmhouse and black bread – is
coming back into its own. In an age when speed, of
both production and consumption, has reached an
inglorious peak, Austria fortunately still has an
excellent network of growers, millers and bakers
who preserve traditional methods.
ISBN 978-3-7025-0743-5
colour illustrations throughout
192 pp, 24 x 21 cm
Price: € 25.Language: German
The basic ingredient is natural leaven, or sourdough, which gives black bread its characteristic
flavour. The oven also has a decisive influence on
the quality; ancient ovens are being resurrected and
put back into use. The best bread is baked in a
wood-fired oven.
Rita Kichler and Helmut Reiner write informatively
about the history of rye, the different kinds, how it is
grown, the plant itself and its preparation. 20
recipes are provided, together with suggestions for
combining bread with other foods in order to
achieve a balanced diet.
Rita Kichler, a nutrition scientist, origins from the wine district in the province
of Lower Austria, today she lives in Vienna. For more than 15 years she’s been
active in the field of health promotion.
Helmut Reiner was born in Vorarlberg and lives in Vienna. He is biotechnologist.
Grain, flour and bread became his field of expertise.
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Verlag Anton Pustet
Bergstraße 12
5020 Salzburg
Phone: 0043 662 873507-56
Fax: 0043 662 873507-79
Gerald Klonner, Publisher