FoxElixirs! - Achieve Raw Food Diet Success


FoxElixirs! - Achieve Raw Food Diet Success
A Joyful Collection of Laura Fox’s Delectable
Raw, Vegan + Beegan Superfood Beverages
Including Chai Latte’s, Smoothies, Elixirs, Tonics & Juices.
My Taoist teacher, friend and fitness trainer
Though you have passed to the other side, your words, attention,
energy and generosity stay with me, fueling me forward.
Copyright © 2009 Laura C Fox, All Rights Reserved. No part of this book
may be reproduced, duplicated or transferred in any way, via any medium,
without the express written permission of the author.
Table of Contents
Message from the Author
My name is Laura Fox, and I have been mostly raw vegan for the last 8.5 years.
Much of this time I have been 100% raw vegan, and the rest I have been eating a
vegan diet with mostly raw foods. This diet proved life-changing for me. I had
severe four and five day headaches, hypoglycemia, extreme fatigue and a bad
sugar/starch addiction that had plagued me since childhood. Finally, I got sick
and tired of being sick and tired, so I went raw.
I had heard of Raw Veganism several years earier, and always thought, “Oh, I
guess if I get sick I’ll go raw!” The day finally came when I couldn’t take it
anymore and the day after I decided to go raw, a raw foodist and fitness trainer
showed up in my home town and he helped me go raw overnight. I experienced
intese detox symptoms for three months because I did not know about all the
cleansing protocols I know about now, such as colonics, enemas, juicing and
superfoods. However the journey was worth it.
With the additional help of Dr. Charles Partido, owner of Ejuva cleanse, I used
powerful rebuilding enzymes for about 6 months. Since then, my need for
supplements comes and goes. Typically, I am getting lots of dense nutrition from
the kinds of beverages mentioned in this book. Things go in phases with foods
and it is important to follow our bodies’ signals. As I pay attention to my body and
it’s changes, I want more and more liquid nutrition or blended foods, in addition
to salads and vegetables. Over the years, my need for the heavier, nuttier and
sweeter foods is diminishing. I go more for the simple pleasures of the ingredients
mentioned in this book. I also spent several years eating large amounts of cacao,
and that finally stopped working for me as well. I use cacao as a rare party treat
these days, and I do not crave it. There are a couple beverages that use cacao in
the book which are very luscious for treats.
On my personal raw path, I still feel the journey deepening. From my really bad
childhood eating habits, it is still not easy for me to lose excess fat. I am focusing
on doing a series of liver flushes this year to help address the clogged liver and
gallbladder which can throw off the endocrine system. Our bodies are a work in
progress, our health is a work in progress, and the most important thing we can
do is to keep at it, to keep learning.
As my Taoist teacher Kinja from years back always used to tell me, “Never give up
on yourself.” These words resound in my consciousness and keep me going, and so
even though Kinja has passed he left me a life line which will continue to help me
grow, heal and learn on this journey. Back when I was studying and training with
Kinja, who took me under his wing in my twenties to help me learn to get in
shape, we actually started realizing that liquids were a wave of the future. A
densely nutrified drink is powerful medicine for working out, gaining muscle,
staying hydrated and getting stronger. At that time, neither one of us had ever
heard of the raw foods movement, so we didn’t realize there were the options now
outlined in this book. We were drinking sports drinks with food dyes, fructose
and synthetic vitamins. We were doing the best we could with the limited
information available. I send a toast to Kinja in the beyond, “Hey Kinja, check it
out! Next time you come to earth, try THESE super hero drinks!”
Kinja taught me how to run like a professional athlete, how to sprint, how to ride
a road bike, how to train with weights, how to make my own K-board and use it
for strength and flexibility, and how to do some basic kung fu, qi gong and tai chi.
He was a dedicated and quiet teacher, never going out to the world to teach,
selecting only very few people to work with based on his own resonance and inner
spirit guidance. He was such a blessing in my life! I am at a point now where I
am beginning to train again, and I am remembering much of what he taught me.
I have been so busy for the last couple of years producing events that my physical
training has slipped by the wayside to a large extent. I can dance for hours and I
do spontaneous yoga, but nothing substitutes for regular workouts. Since my days
with Kinja I have grown a lot, grown into my shoes as they say, and I feel
honored to be able to hold the space I do in the awakening of consciousness
movement and the raw foods movement. The steady spiritual study I did with
Kinja including four years of celibacy while training with him really helped lay a
foundation for me that carries me to this day. I wrote my first book during that
time, called “Return To Center, That Address Now Known.” I self-published and
sold 3000 copies on my own. I believe this book will have a come back, perhaps
in 2010.
I wish you endless blessings on your personal journey to health and spiritual
growth. This is a crucial time in which we live. It is truly a gift to be alive, and to
have the opportunity to learn so much about ourselves as we awaken together to a
higher order of life and living which is harmonic, joyful, full of productivity and
Many blessings!
Laura Fox
About The Recipes
The recipes in this book come straight from this year’s Twitter, Facebook and
Raw Inspirations Blog posts. As I go through my days, I am always concocting
new amazing raw vegan (or began!) beverages that surprise and delight me! I
cannot help but want to share them with you. I do hope you enjoy them! Please
feel free to correspond with me via email, on Twitter (Foxyma) or Facebook
(Visionary Culture Radio Fan Club) or on my blog at Raw Inspirations! I would
love to hear how you like the recipes!
If you are new to adding more fresh, raw fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds to
your diet, I salute you! I am here to assist you in keeping your raw intentions.
Some people like to go all raw, some people like to be vegan and mostly raw and
others like to mix it up more slowly, simply adding more raw foods to their diet.
Whatever style or approach you are using, these beverages can assist you. They
are densely packed with nutrition, and are very flavorful as well as filling.
Because of the vitamins, minerals and enzymes available in these drinks, you may
find yourself less hungry than usual when drinking them. Many of them can be
like a full on meal for you.
So just trust your instincts! Have fun with the recipes, and be sure to mix it up,
adding your own touches here and there. Why not try a beverage a day!
At the back, there is a list of all the ingredients you need to have on hand in order
to make the beverages along with resources for where to get them.
Be sure to buy everything ORGANIC and NON-GMO! It is very important to
our health to dimish the toxins and any Franken-fruit or veggie dna coming into
our systems. This also supports the farmers who are going out of their way to
provide organic foods for us.
Be sure also to tune in with Mother Earth, and really appreciate all the bounty
and health-promoting foods she gives us! Thank you, Mother!
Many blessings to you on your raw journey, wherever it takes you! May you be
blessed with perfect health, perfect wisdom, perfect love and perfect trust for your
soul’s journey on this beautiful earth.
Simple Yum Green Drink
Try three collard leaves with an inch of ginger and two fresh apples in 5 cups of
water. Blend, blend, blend. The VitaMix is your friend. You can strain this or
leave the pulp in. Very simple and refreshing! Feels clean inside!
3 collard leaves
1 inch ginger
2 fresh apples
5 cups water
Strain with nut mylk straining bag or leave pulp in.
Raw Vegan Chai Lattes
The Raw Vegan Chai Latte can be made in so many yummy ways. Here is one
variation. Try playing with different herbs, different nut and seed milks, different
sweeteners and different superfoods. The sky is the limit and it is limitless. Have
fun playing with combinations! There are two Chai Latte Recipes in this book.
Nettle-Mate Chai Latte
5 cups nettle + mate tea warm
1 cup macadamia nuts
Make Macadamia nut mylk by using the herb tea as the liquid for the nut mylk.
This makes for a richer tea. Simply blend the nuts in your VitaMix or other
blender. Then strain with a Nut Mylk Bag. My favorite bag is made by Elaina
Love of Pure Joy Planet. She designed the bag specifically for raw cheffery. The
tailored nylon bag holds up for a long time unlike its cotton or hemp counterpart,
therefore, it is more sustainable. Tell Elaina I sent you!
Once the Mylk-Tea combo is strained, place it back in the blender and add in ::
1 tsp or more raw honey (you could use agave, dates or stevia)
½ tsp. coconut oil
Additional options ::
Burdock Root (strengthening – add in a piece of burdock root when blending teas
with nuts and strain)
Sprinkle on Bee Pollen, Vitamineral Green, Cacao Butter, Cacao Powder, pinch
of Sea Salt, or Hemp Seed
This drink is super nourishing and great for winter. You can warm it very lightly
on the stove top. Be sure to continually stir, and make sure it doesn’t get too much
warmer than your finger to preserve the enzymes.
Verrrrry yum and health promoting!
Chocolate Nettle Latte
Okay, here you go! I want to see how much you love this one!
Make a batch of strong NETTLES TEA. You can do it sun-tea style by soaking
the nettles in water in a sunny spot or over night, or you can put the leaves in a
big pot of water, bring it just before boil, and let it steep. Like 1 cup nettle leaves
to like 8 cups water.
Make sure the water is not too hot. Pour about 4 or 5 cups into your VitaMix,
BlendTec or other blender.
Add 3/4 cup soaked nuts or seeds of your choosing
Add 3/4 cup raw cacao nibs
1 vanilla bean or 1 tsp. prepared vanilla (gluten free is best.)
1/8 tsp. high quality sea salt
Blend on high until smooth.
STRAIN with NUT MYLK STRAINING BAG (My favorite one is made by
Elaina Love at Pure Joy Planet!)
Pour liquid BACK into the blender.
Add in 3 tbs. raw honey (this is my preference. you can use stevia, dates, agave,
yakon as desired instead or have it bitter w/out sweets.)
Blend until warm. It may be still warm from the nettle tea, or you can transfer it
into a ceramic coated pot, and put on very low heat, stirring until warm to the
Top with ::
a. nothing!
b. sprinkle of cinnamon!
c. sprinkle of raw chocolate powder!
d. sprinkle of grated cacao butter!
e. sprinkle of hemp seeds!
f. dash of sea salt!
g. dash of your favorite green powder!
h. bee pollen!
i. a combination of these!
How To Eat A Raw Nettle Leaf Without Getting Stung
Nettles are very highly mineralized and a great part of your regular herbal
cornucopia! They grow wild in many parts of the country. Eating them Raw feels
really energizing! You have to fold back the edges on the nettles and fold them
into little squares so the little stingers won’t touch your mouth. You pop in that
little square and chew it up!
Blueberry- Yerba Mate Bee Beverage
1 lemon peeled
1 inch ginger
2-3 cups cold yerba mate tea
1 tbs raw honey
1 tbs bee pollen
1 cup ice
1 tbs non-gmo organic lecithin
½ cup blueberries
Orange Silk Shake
Wow this one is a real palette pleaser.
4 very very ripe Hachiya persimmons, peeled
1 orange, peeled
2 frozen bananas
1 handful fresh mint
1 fresh basil leaf
1 stalk fresh dill
1 tsp. raw honey
1 tsp. fresh lemon juice
3 slices fresh ginger
1 cup water (or more if you want it thinner)
Blend in your VitaMix or other blender until smooth. Serve in a beautiful glass
with fresh mint sprigs and a dash of VitaMineral green or other green powder.
The herbs really make this awesome orange silk shake “pop” with flavor! The
persimmons were grown in my friend Joey’s back yard. Joey and I started the
Sound Nourishment Experience together as a way to inspire us in new pathways
for connection with our foods.
Creamy Fall Spice Shake
Wow this is good.
Yum, yum, yum.
Inspiration was soaring high this afternoon at Grace Grove Retreat Center near
Sedona where I created this concoction.
Serves 1-2
Water from one young coconut
2 ripe organic bananas
1 organic lemon, peeled
1 tbs. raw honey
1 healthy dash Allspice
1 healthy dash Cinnamon
Any of the pumpkin pie spices would be great!
Blend it in your VitaMix or other blender. Oh my! Yum heaven.
Amayea Rae’s Raw Shake
Founder and creator of the Holographic Living Model Amayea Rae just made me
a delicious raw vegan shake.
One of the beautiful things about teaching and inspiring people to make raw foods
is that they eventually start turning their newfound talents on me! Thanks,
1 young coconut, meat and water
6 big strawberries
1 frozen banana
1 tsp. Vitamineral Green
1 tsp. Merlin’s Roots Elixir
1 capsule acidophilus or other probiotics
1 heaping tablespoon raw cacao powder
2-3 cups water, until you get it the thickness or thinness that you want
Blend in your VitaMix or other blender until smooth, creamy and delicious!
The Holographic Living Model is an organizational and personal development
tool which uses a sacred geometry expression with words and transformers from a
basis of Wholeness and Oneness to assist in transforming our organizations and
personal lives from heirarchical to collaborative ways of operation and sharing.
For inquiries around the Holographic Living Model, contact me at
Berry Lemon Superfood Drink
I had been working late preparing for 2012 Quantum Leap and for ExpoWest and
so I spontaneously created a citrus-y refresher drink. I of course posted this recipe
on Twitter and Facebook. A new friend named Jonathan asked why I added the
bee pollen and Vitamineral green. Here’s my reply, and the recipe follows!
The bee pollen has b vitamins (go figure) which is super important especially
when eating raw. It also enhances the immune system and has lots of great
enzymes. Also it’s important I feel to support people in helping create homes for
bees by creating bee products – as we do need the bees to survive and they are
such dandy creatures. Vitamineral green is my favorite superfood powder. It has
every green thing known to man or woman and also includes lots of probiotics,
and is LIVE! This makes the drink super potent for remineralization and balance
of intestinal flora. :)
Ingredients ::
1 lemon, peeled
2 oranges, peeled
1 inch of fresh ginger
1 handful frozen berries
1 tbs raw honey
1 tsp bee pollen
1 tsp. vitamineral green
4-5 cups water
Blend and put it in a pretty glass just for fun!
Super Yum!
Raspberry-Fennel Refreshing Cleanse Drink
Aloha! I enjoy creating new beverages. As I’m in a ‘cleansing’ mode, I chose some
items that help me cleanse while still tasting good.
All ingredients are ALWAYS organic, no exceptions. Sooo important!
JUICE the following ::
2 apples
1 chunk of daikon (make this larger or smaller depending on how cleansing and
strong tasting you want the beverage)
1/2 fresh fennel stalk
1/2 to 1.5 inches of fresh ginger (again, add more or less depending on how spicy
and cleansing you want it to be)
Juice you just made, above, plus ::
10-15 mint leaves
1 pint fresh raspberries
1 tbs. non-gmo organic lecithin
1 tbs. bee pollen
Superfood Sylk
Ingredients ::
5 cups purified water
1 cup soaked raw organic cacao beans
1 cup soaked raw organic nuts or seeds (or 1 cup raw organic hemp seed)
Instructions ::
1. Discard soak water. The nuts and cacao beans can be soaked together.
2. Blend until smooth. Strain with a Nut Mylk Bag into large bowl. Save the
nut/cacao pulp for another batch later.
3. Return the cacao-nut liquid to the VitaMix or whatever blender you are using.
4. Add to blender and cacao-nut liquid ::
1 tsp. organic maca powder
1 tsp. Merlin’s Roots Elixir
2 tsp. Green Powder*
1 tbs. +,- extra virgin organic coconut oil
1-2 tbs. raw honey (you could use agave, dates, or stevia if you prefer)
1 tsp. bee pollen
1 whole vanilla bean (or 1 tsp. alcohol-free vanilla)
3-4 capsules probiotics such as acidophilus
1 pinch unheated sea salt
5. Blend this Superfood concoction until Silky Smooth! It has kind of an odd
color, but don’t worry about it…
I LOVE this drink! This is one way to supercharge your day and your bod. Enjoy
and let me know how you like it!
*Try Vitamineral Green or this rawsome new product, Lydia’s Green Power
Supergreens Mix, I like them both! I know you can now get this at Natural Zing.
I’m very excited for Lydia creating this rawsome new product.
Awesome Rawsome Juicey Favorites
I LOVE juicing! Juicing is the best. Try a juice feast or a juice fast! They will
help you feel so clean, energized and empowered inside! Here are a few of my
favorite recipes. My favorite juicer is the Breville because it is easy to clean and
easy to use. However, the Green Star is an amazing, high quality juicer that will
rawk your world if you have more to spend and don’t mind cleaning up for a very
high quality juice, especially when working with greens.
Appley Mint Tonic #1
6 apples
2 stalks burdock
5-10 stalks celery
2 inches fresh ginger
1 large handful fresh mint
Juice all together. O what a lucky girl I am to have such goodness in life! :)
Appley Mint Tonic #2
6 apples
2 stalks burdock
5-10 stalks celery
1 large bunch parsley
1 large handful fresh mint
Juice all together, yes yes yum! Try drinking with a glass straw. They are
available at Pure Joy Planet also.
Spicy Orange Blast
2 oranges, peeled
1 lemon, peeled
1 handful fresh mint
2 inches fresh ginger
1 head of fennel
2 apples
1 daikon daikon radish
5 stalks celery
Juice it up!
Kitchen Sink Juice
Oddly this is very good! Juice all ingredients and blend in fresh strawberries!
1 lemon
2 inches fresh ginger
1 medium piece red onion
1 cucumber
5 or 6 stalks celery
Asian Raspberry Pleaser
Make juice from the following ingredients ::
2 apples
2 inches fresh ginger
1 head fennel
1 daikon radish
Place in blender and blend with ::
2 cups fresh or frozen raspberries
a couple sprigs of fresh mint
1 tsp. non-gmo lecithin
1 tbs. bee pollen!
Cleansing, fortifying, refreshing!
What You’ll Need for the Recipes
Here are the tools and foods you’ll need or want to make some of the beverages in
this book. I have live-linked some of them to online stores where you can
purchase them for your convenience.
These simple things really make a difference in every day life. Having the supplies
on hand makes it easy to grab what you need and go for ultimate creativity in the
kitchen! Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about these
Nut Mylk Straining Bag
Glass Straw
Mason Jars with Lids
Green Star Juicer
Breville Juicer
Cacao Powder
Cacao Nibs
Cacao Butter
A Variety of Raw Nuts + Seeds
Raw Honey
Bee Pollen
Merlin’s Root Elixir
Green Powders
Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
Agave, Dates, Stevia as alternative sweeteners
Sea Salt
Non—GMO Soy Lecithin
Burdock Root, Ginger Root, Daikon, Fennel—usually available at local
• Fresh Fruits and Vegetables – make sure to go ORGANIC + NON-GMO! Try
your local farmer’s market for best freshness!
• Fresh Mint, Basil, Dill—consider growing these in a container or in your back
yard! They add so much zest to raw foods!
• Most important ingredient :: Your Love!!
I hope you enjoy the recipes in this book and share them with friends. Here’s to
your health, your taste-bud scintillation and your agreement with LIFE that you
are at one with creating harmony, peace, prosperity and plenty on earth.
Many blessings!
Laura Fox
Current Creations
I often produce events for the Raw Foods Movement, such as the 2007 Raw Spirit
Festival, the Raw Games, 2012 Quantum Leap’s Soul Nourishment Experience,
Eco Village at Harmony 2008 featuring many raw foods leaders, and RawUnion,
the wedding of Matt Monarch and Angela Stokes.
I am also the host of Visionary Culture Radio. Initiated at the 2007 Raw Spirit
Festival as the Raw Spirit Show, the show was then called Raw Inspirations and
now brings you raw vegan leaders, visionaries, artists, musicians, permaculturists,
ecologists, green solution makers, social architects, physicists, healers, teachers
and authors in a dynamic weekly show filled with inspiration and ideas for the
You can catch the show Wednesdays at 7 PM pst online at, or listen to the ARCHIVES at your
convenience, also at that website.
I am also working on a book on the topic of Collaborative Visioning, a new
paradigm model which will help groups to co-create at a higher octave of
harmony through the resonant field.
In personal sessions, I am delighted to be offering several modalities in the various
cities I travel to. I am blessed to be a conduit of healing energy from Source for
personal, mental, emotional, physical and spiritual healing. I am frequently in Los
Angeles and Richmond, Virginia. I also frequently visit Mt. Shasta, the Bay Area
and Boone, North Carolina.
~ Core Star Activations (phone, skype or in person)
Designed to help people who are awakening spiritually and growing at a fast pace
in releasing some of the final remnants of non-aligned energies, patterns,
emotional trauma and past life issues, as needed by the individual. A profoundly
centering and healing modality.
~ Manna Touch (in person)
Bringing in Cosmic Manna or Divine Energy Substance through her hands,
Laura helps to strengthen the aura, clear the chakras and bring balance back to
the entire system allowing the body the space and assistance to heal itself.
~ Traditional Thai Yoga Massage (in person)
Utilizing palm presses, acupressure and yogic stretches, this invigorating massage
is called The Dancing Massage because of the fluid movement of the floor work.
Very relaxing, energizing and deep, this form clears out and brings fresh energies
to all the energy lines called “Sen Lines” of the body.
~ Spiritual Healing + Core Star Activation (phone, skype or in person)
Core Star Activation is a modality which we can do over the phone. It is a
powerful tool to assist you in shifting through rudimentary and tenacious energies
of old patterns, emotional trauma, and anything keeping you stuck in any way.
This stuckness can show up as emotional pain, feeling like you are repeating
unpleasant patterns in relationships without knowing how to fix it, the energies of
despair, anger, jealousy, fear, and any type of stress related disharmony in your
life. This can also help if you are simply wanting to take your life and
manifestation of your highest destiny path to the next level.
In addition I also am a practitioner of what I call simply Spiritual Healing.
Student of famous healer Howard Wills, I embark upon this work with great
gratitude. Deep, profound, and lasting changes can occur in the space of spiritual
healing with a direct connection to God/Source/Love for perfect restoration of
peace on all levels. Often the body resets itself in such a space.
I have dedicated my life to the energies of spiritual, physical, mental and
emotional healing. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve and assist as a
conduit of light and love. Please let me know if an in-person or phone session will
help you!
You may contact me at to set up a session. It is my
honor and pleasure to hold space for us to grow, heal and thrive in the energies of
the new paradigm which are emerging. Many of us have old patterns that are
lifting off and some assistance is required and desired to shed the past and embrace
our new possibilities.
Additionally I hope you can join me at an upcoming Collaborative Visioning
and/or Anchor The Dream event! Check out for
more information.
As of signing up for this e-book, you will be receiving Weekly Updates from me.
Be sure to White List the email address
Please feel free to support this work financially by making a contribution.
Contributions may be sent to PayPal at Thanks in
advance to all who wish to encourage Visionary Culture, Anchor The Dream and
my teaching/writing/healing work through financial contributions of any size! All
contributions are graciously received and all contributors are gratefully blessed.