ffi$r Sletllobist $Uilrcfi. - Crewe by Farndon Methodist Chapel
ffi$r Sletllobist $Uilrcfi. - Crewe by Farndon Methodist Chapel
Jan.2014 ffi$r Sletllobist $Uilrcfi. CffRtE.fr.FAf,XOON CHAffi" Jcsr*s Ms (asd tl,rl ns s6fnc rzitfi &prnre c&lar &tfrt, tifra a futta *errd[, furvrl** t?J tfu *figfit. I* tfiis *or{d is {ar*,lrresE, so *c nmrri sf;tne Utu lrt goxr smeff aottt;*,- f,rr{ I ** **ltw* - rll. -rE flrp SERYICES - SI.]NDAYAFTERNOON -2.30 P.M. PREACHERS FOR JA}IUARY Sun Jan 5e...Rev. Neville Pugh. Covenant l2ft...Rev N eville Pugh. 19d'...Mr Michaet Valentine Service Holy Communion. 266...Rev.Robbie Bowen. All our services are prepared with ohitdren in mind so there is always to interest them.We have music sessions with various instruments and tuition is givento anyone who wants to leam more to enable them to fullyake part Everyone is welcome to join us. :;l Our carol service on Dec22nd was well attendeii and for those of you wtro didnt oome, you missed a wondprful time. lvlake a resolution to visit us next year. In a few days time the oribs and mangers will be put auay for another year Decorations are packed away , but there ar€ weys we can carry some of those special moments of Chrisunas into the New Year. It would be great to think that the '?eace and Goodwi[ to all men" that &e angels sang about could flow into 2014 and that the hopes for Bethlehem and the other trouble spots in the world could be fulfilled TIIAR TIIE CAT,I, OF TIIE zlst Century U$orship At Cnmrc by Femdon , FRIDAY JAN. 10e.at 7.00 pm f0rorrrlcry cvafptc trufmm anru|rllra - ootllG aN tdn rr,brun evenrng af ntpdi;nn vrrprrhlo songs Less than a couple of wee*s ago we were all singrng 'oAnd so this is Christmas and a Happy New Year.......etc.and now in wlrat seems a few short days it's nearly over. Did you see in the shops folks selling Xmas trees? On Christmas Eve they were beginning to pack up any unsold tees to discard them of no importance. Doing maths at school, often'problems'had to be solved. Many were in the form of eqrutions and the question would often end'Find the value of X; X was an unknown. It would seem tlnt for a lot of people the X in Xmas is still unknown. Christ has been replaced by X How very sad that the Christ we read about in the Christmas story the babe born in a manger seems to be dicsarded too and pushed into the backgroundjust now as 2000 years ago. Wb live in an uncertain world and we can nsver remove uncertainty. We have to have courage to progress even in the midst of it. As we t egrn a new year we know that Ood, in His son Jesus Christ is the only thing we can be sure about. He is not an unknown.He's what Chrisbnas, just a little while ago was really all about, Somebody once wrote that'Christsnas is tenderness for the past, courage for ttre present and hope forth€ future.' IvIay the year 2014 bring God's Peace and Joy to everyone. GOOD WISI{ES FROM EVERYONEAT CREWE CHAPEL Who is He in yonder stall At whose feet the shapherds fafl f 'tis ttre Lord, O wondrous story 'tis the Lord, the King of Glory. At His feet we humbly fall Crown Him, Crown Him Lord of al[. Let's praise the man who comes to light The church stove on an icy night. Let's praise that hard'worked he or she, the freasurer of the P.C.C. Let's praise the cleaner of the aisles The nave ,the candlesticks and tiles. Let's praise the organist who tries To make the choir increase in size Or if that simply cannot trejust to improve its quality. Let's praise the rir,rgers in the tower Who come to ring in cold and shower. But most of all,let's Praise the few Who are seen in their accustomed pew Throughout the year, whate'erthe weather That they may worship God together. These, like a fire of glowing coals, Strike warmth into each others souls. Andtho'they be but two ortlree They keep the chwch for You and me. John Betjeman. Lord of all pots and pans and things, since I've no time to be A saint by dorng lovely things or watching late with Thee Or dreaming in the davrn liglrt or storming heaven's gates Make me a saint by getting meals and washing up the plates. Although I must have Martha's hands,I have a Mary mind: And when I black the boots and shoes, Thy sandals Lord I find, I think of how they trod the earth each time I scrub the floor; Acceg this meditation, Lord, I havent time for more. Warm all the kitchen with Thy love andlight it wittt Thy peace Forgive me atl my worrying and make my grumbling cease. Thou who didst love to give men foo4 in room orby the sea Accep this service that I do* t do it unto Thee.