international women pilots - Ninety


international women pilots - Ninety
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May/June 2000
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(ISSN 0273-608X) 99 NEWS
Published by
International Organization of Women
Pilots A Delaware Nonprofit Corporation
Organized November 2, 1929
Box 965, 7100 Terminal Drive
Oklahoma City, OK 73159-0965, USA
405-685-7969 or 800 994 1929
Fax: 405-685-7985
Street Address: 4300 Amelia Earhart Drive
Oklahoma City, OK 73159-1140
Lu Hollander, Executive Director
Carolyn Carpp, Lois Erickson,
and Lu Hollander
Betty Rowley, Editor
Tom Hutchinson, Assistant Editor
Jim Simpson, Art Director
807 N. Waco, Suite 22, Wichita, KS 67203
Fax: 316-263-7350
N I N E T Y - N I N E S ®
May/June 2000
Volume 26, Mo. 3
C O V E R : A stron au t P a m ela M elroy. S e e story on P a g e 6.
P R E S I D E N T ’S P A G E
By Bev Sharp ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
By Lt. Col. Pamela M elroy
By Mandy Chambers Vaughn
................................................................................................................. 7
By Susan L a r so n ................................................................................................................................................... 9
By Marilyn C o p e la n d ....................................................................................................................................... 1 0
John Shoemaker, Village Press
PO Box 968, Traverse City, Ml 49685-9969
1-800-773-7798, Ext. 3317
By Nancy Lowe-Clark .................................................................................................................................. 11
By Jeanne Burkland ..........................................................................................................................................1 3
Beverley Sharp
By Clarice B ellino ......................................................................................................................................... 1 4
RETURN TO ROOTS .................................................................................................................................. 12
Vice President W
Carolyn Carpp
Jody McCarrell
Elaine Morrow
.............................................................................................................................................. 16
NEW M EMBERS A N D R E T U R N E E S ................................................................................................... 17
J i
Directors: Mardell Haskins, Elizabeth
Jogtich, Vicki Lynn Sherman, Mary Wunder
Past President: Lois Erickson
By Karen K a h n ................................................................................................................................................... 1 8
By Mardell Haskins ..........................................................................................................................................1 9
I N S U R A N C E ................................................................................................................................................... 19
INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS .................................................................................................. 2 0
Arabian: Verna B. Allen
Australian: Lee McKerracher
British: Aileen Egan
East Canada: Anna Pangrazzi
West Canada: Mary Lee Burns
Caribbean: Francesca Davis
Far East: Rikako Sugiura Carpenter
Finnish: Leila Maria Jylanki
German: Andrea Moeller
India: Chanda Sawant Budhabhatti
Israeli: Alona Knaan
New Zealand: Ena Catherine Monk
United States:
Mid-Atlantic: Marilyn Alderman
New England: Katharine Barr
New York/New Jersey: Mae Smith
North Central: Nelda Lee
Northwest: Betty Prakken
South Central: Bonita Ades
Southeast: Eileen Malan
Southwest: Diane Pirman
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to:
International W om en Pilots
The N inety-N in e s* Inc.,
Box 965, 7100 Terminal D rive
O klahom a City, O K 731 59 USA
C opyright 2000
G RASS ROOTS: Section and Chapter N ew s, Air Races
Touch & G o’s, N ew Horizons, Letters, Ratings, W ings, Scholarship, Books ................................. 21
CLASSIFIEDS ...................................................................................................................................................2 7
T h e o p in io n s e xpresse d in the a rtic le s p re sen ted in th is m a g a zin e are tho se o f the a u th o rs and s h a ll n o t be co n s tru e d to
re p re se n t th e p o lic ie s o r o p in io n s o f T h e N in e ty -N in e s ® In c . D e a d lin e : 9 th o f m o n th p r e c e d in g d a te o f p u b lic a t io n : D e c. 9,
F e b . 9 , A p r i l 9 , J u n e 9 , A u g . 9 a n d O c t . 9 . S p e llin g o f p ro p e r n am es is p ro o fe d a g a in st in fo rm a tio n s u b m itte d . A l l p h o to ­
g ra p h s s u b m itte d are re tu rn e d to 9 9s H e a d q u a rte rs in O k la h o m a C ity .
In te rn a tio n a l W om en P ilo ts/9 9 News is p ublished b im o n th ly by The N inety-N ines, Inc., the International O rgan izatio n o f W om en
Pilots, at 4 30 0 A m e lia Earhart Rd, O klah om a City, O K 73159. The price o f a yearly subscription o f $9 is included in the annual
dues o f The N in ety-N in e s' members. N o n p ro fit second class postage perm it at O klah om a City, O K, and add itio na l m a ilin g offices.
Ne ith e r The N in ety-N in e s* Inc., nor the Editor n o r the Publisher can accept any responsibility fo r the correctness o r accuracy o f the
matters printed herein o r fo r any o pin io n s expressed. O p in io n s o f the E ditor o r co ntributors do not necessarily represent the
p osition o f The N inety-N ines, Inc.
Publisher reserves the rig ht to reject any m aterial subm itted fo r p u b lica tio n . Copy subm itted fo r p ub lica tion shall becom e the
p roperty o f The N in ety-N in e s and shall n ot be returned. A rticles subm itted w ith a ccom panying pictures w ill receive p ub lica tion
preference. Pictures w ill be returned to N in ety-N in e s H eadquarters in O klah om a C ity fo r its Archives.
N o n-m e m b er subscrip tion rates:
A nn u al Dues:
U.S. - $20
U.S. - $55
and o th e r countries - $30 (U.S. dollars)
Canada and the C aribbean - $47
Overseas -$44 (U.S. dollars)
A cadem ic and Future W om en Pilots - $20
A d d a one lim e $ 10 in itia tio n fee fo r n ew m em bers in a ll categories o f memberships.
To list your 99s events on
this calendar page, send
information to:
Carolyn Carpp
Internation Date
14401 NE 30 PLace #24B
Bellevue, WA 98007
Fax 425-861-9994
Please indicate the name
and location of the event
and the name, phone and
fax numbers of the
contact. Deadlines are :
Dec. 9, Feb. 9, Apr. 9,
June 9, Aug. 9 and Oct. 9.
Some of your fellow
pilots from around the
world are participating in
the Pen/Key Fbl program by
sharing their flying and life
experiences through the
written word. Others have
signed up for the Aviation
Adventure Exchange
program and are taking up
visiting 99s on a flying tour
of their home area.
These tw o programs
have been designed to
foster connectivity of
women pilots around the
world, to educate pilots of
the local phenomena
related to flight outside of
their home territory, and to
bring pilots together to
share their love o f flying.
We are looking for your
participation in one or
both of these programs.
Should you wish to join
us or want more informa­
tion, please contact Fran
Strubeck, 7632 W. Starry
Night Lane, Tucson, AZ
85743 or at
If you are going to
Oshkosh AirVenture and
can help in The 99s tent,
please call Rita Adams at
22-24 — North Central Section Fall Meeting, Columbus Ohio.
Hosted by All-Ohio Chapter
23 — New England Section Poker Run. Hosted by Eastern
New England. Claire Wilson, 508-385-4105, fax 508-385-4289
18-21 — North Central Section Spring Meeting. Sheraton Suites,
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. Hosted by the Women With Wings Chapter.
Co-chairmen are Mary Ann Abbott and Donna Moore, 330-832-8593
19-21 — Southwest Section Meeting, Reno, Nevada. Hosted by
Reno High Sierra Chapter. Lynn Meadows, 916-587-7281 or fax
10 — 28th Annual Garden State 300 Proficiency Air Race,
Flying W Airport (N14), Lumberton, New Jersey. Sponsored by
the Garden State Chapter. Racquel McNeil, 732-446-9759
(Entry deadline, May 15)
16-18 — Forest of Friendship, Atchison, Kansas
20-23 — 2000 Air Race Classic, Tucson, Arizona, to Hyannis,
Massachusetts, 520-721-0099
23-25 — Air Race Classic Terminus Festivities, Hyannis,
Massachusetts. Katharine Barr, 978-664-2636
24-25 — Evelyn Sharp Days 2000, Ord, Nebraska. Chairman
Judy Welniak, 308-728-5727 or e-mail Heloise Bresley at
12-16 — The Ninety-Nines International
Conference, San Diego, California. Hosted by the Southwest
Section. Susan Larson, 408-274-9152, fax 408-274-9182,
15-16 — 8th Annual Torrance Air Fair, "Reach for the Stars,”
Zamperini Field, Torrance Municipal Airport, Torrance,
California. Nancy Clinton, 310-325-7223, fax 310-325-1248 or
22-23 — United States Air and Trade Show, Dayton
International Airport, Dayton, Ohio. Call 937-898-5901, fax 937898-5121
24-8/05 — World Precision Flying Championships (WPFC),
Sweden. Jody McCarrell, 870-642-2508
26-8/01 — EAA AirVenture, Oshkosh, Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
Rita Adams, 847-913-0490
11-12 — All-Ohio 99s Buckeye Air Rally, Fremont Airport,
Fremont, Ohio. Sue LeMaitre, 419-334-3085 or e-mail
11-13 — Palms to Pines Air Race, Santa Monica, California, to
Bend, Oregon. Claire Walters, 310-397-2731
18-19 — 21 st Annual Okie Derby Proficiency Air Race,
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Phyllis Miller, 405-844-9011
19 — Maple Leaf Chapter Poker Run. Jane Atkinson-White,
519-644-2374 or e-mail
24-27 — Northwest Section Meeting. South Center Best
Western, Seattle, Washington. Hosted by Mt. Tahoma and
Western Washington Chapters. Marilyn Moody, 360-678-6341
2-4 — Cleveland National Air Show, Burke Lakefront Airport,
Cleveland, Ohio. Call 216-781-0747, fax 216-781-7810 or
15-17 — South Central Fall Section Meeting, Sheraton Old
Towne, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Hosted by the Albuquerque
Chapter. Anna Taylor, 505-898-4987 or e-mail
22-24 — Southeast Section Meeting, Clearwater Beach
Hilton, Clearwater, Florida. Jeanne Burklund, 727-791-0035
9-13 — Powder Putt Derby Convention, Resorts Casino
Hotel, Atlantic City, New Jersey. Clarice Bellino, 41 Brighton
Ave., Seaside Park, NJ 08752, phone 732-793-9260. E-mail
Barbara Evans at
13-15 — Southwest Section Meeting, Monterey Beach Hotel,
Monterey California. Hosted by Monterey Bay Chapter.
Contact Pamela O’Brien, 831-658-0500 or e-mail
10-12 — NBAA Annual Meeting and Convention, New
Orleans, Lousiana
20-21 — Florida 400 Air Race, Albert Whitted Airport (SPG),
St. Petersburg, Florida to Florida Keys and back to Albert
Whitted. Sponsored by Florida Suncoast Chapter. Cheryl Finke,
727-581-3987 or e-mail
20-22 — AOPA Expo 2000, Long Beach, California
TBA — NY/NJ Section Meeting, Hudson Valley, New York.
Susan Sullivan-Bisceglia, 914-462-4622
7-9 — 3rd World Aviation Education and Safety Congress
“ WAESCON 2000,” Khatmandu, Nepal. Sponsored by The
99s, Inc. and organized by the India Section. Chanda
Budhabatti, 520-326-4597, fax 520-325-7243 or e-mail
4-6 — Southwest Section Meeting, Queen Mary, Long Beech,
California, Hosted by the Long Beach Chapter. Mary Jane
McNeil, 562-430-5442 or e-mail
17-22 — The Ninety-Nines International Conference, The
Westin Hotel, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
25-31 — EAA AirVenture. Oshkosh, Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Rita
Adams, 847-913-0490
4-6 — Southwest Section Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Hosted by the Las Vegas Valley Chapter. Mardell Haskins, 702394-4130 or e-mail
16-21 — The Ninety-Nines International Conference,
Kansas City and Atchison, Kansas
TBA — The Ninety-Nines International Conference,
Kitty Hawk, North Carolina
TBA — The Ninety-Nines International Conference,
Seventy-fifth Anniversary, Long Island, New York
Promote world fellow ship through flig h t
I missed my Section meeting to be on hand for
the ribbon-cutting ceremony for our new building
at Sun ‘n Fun in Lakeland, Florida, and to help Vicki
Sherman with her presentation on The 99s and Cock­
pit Cool seminar. What an exciting and proud occa­
sion! The Florida Suncoast gals deserve loud kudos
for their persistent efforts— an outstanding achieve­
I got home to find a message from my Gover­
nor, Marilyn Alderman, that in my absence, a bunch
of my Section mates decided to propose me for in­
duction into the Forest of Friendship. I was quite
flabbergasted, but deeply honored, because the For­
est means so much to my dear dear friend, Fay Gillis
I am seldom speechless, but Marilyn will attest
that I was at least breathless for a few moments. As
the King or Jimmy Durante might have said, “Thank
you, thank you, whoever and wherever you are.”
Provide networking and scholarship opportunities and
aviation education in the community
Remember feeling that the perfect flare was a
figment of your sadistic CFFs imagination? Did you
know that every student pilot goes through the same
frightful experience? Have you any idea how com­
forting it is to know that you are not the only one in
this circumstance? Are you willing to share your
experience with a novice pilot-to-be?
The Ninety-Nines, Inc. is a founding member
of the Be A Pilot Program. Recently, I distributed
through the Governors the names, addresses and
phone numbers of more than 1,600 participating
flight schools. You guessed it— there is at least one
near you in the United States and Canada. I requested
that the appropriate information be sent to Chapter
Chairmen to share with their members. But, alas,
we know that Chapter Chairmen tend to be very busy
people. So don’t wait for them to spread the word.
Take the initiative and call your Chairman. Tell her
that you are ready to mentor some student(s) and
99s Headquarters W ish List
Fresh paint, new carpet, scrubbing and
polishing, creating rental space, reorga­
nizing files— these are just some o f the
tasks accom plished or ongoing at Inter­
national Headquarters. Some tasks still
need to be accom plished in the b u ild in g
and on its grounds.
If you or your Chapter w ould like to
contribute to the fo llo w ing projects, here
is a partial wish list o f w hat is needed:
Our mission statement has three “Ps
get the necessary information. If that doesn’t work,
call 1-800-BEAPILOT.
Preserve the unique history o f women in aviation
In recent times, I’ve been telling the story of
the conception of our organization under the bleach­
ers at the end of the Cleveland Air Races in the spring
of ’29. This simple tale captivates most audiences.
In this manner I have sold many commemorative
posters, with proceeds supporting our new 99s Mu­
seum of Women Pilots.
A local Zonta Club has secured a sizable dis­
play case at Baltimore Washington International
Airport and has invited us to share the space. Our
new museum director, Nancy Lowe Clark, has
agreed to serve as the required designer.
Does this collaboration sound like “World fel­
lowship through flight?” The more events I partici­
pate in with The 99s, the more I believe that most of
our activities cross over more than one of our mis­
sion areas. When you think about it, it makes sense
that our special camaraderie would have multiple
advantageous outcomes— the simplest and most pro­
found being the unduplicated smiles and hugs.
Embrace our mission as you enjoy our unique
association and warmth.
— B lu e S k ie s, B e v
• M em bership files are bulging at the
seams and show ing the w ear and tear o f
many years o f use. O u r plan is to retire these
cabinets to Archives, where they can con­
tinue a useful life o f ho ld in g the mandatory
10 years o f financial records. They w o u ld
be replaced w ith seven new heavy-duty
cabinets at an approxim ate cost per unit o f
• The 99s portion o f the parki ng lot needs
to be resurfaced. An estimate o f a p p ro xi­
m ately $3,500 was obtained last year.
B everley Sharp
THE 99s
Promote world
through flight.
Provide networking
and scholarship
opportunities for
women and aviation
education in the
Preserve the unique
history of women
in aviation.
• A re stricte d fu n d to a ccu m u la te
m oney fo r a ne w ro o f w h ic h w ill be
needed several years from now has been
established. It is estimated to cost between
• O u r conference room w o u ld really
benefit by having a newTV-VCR unit (with
a 20-inch screen m inim um ).
W e very m uch appreciate the co n tri­
butions that have already been received
and w ill continue to update this list.
BY PA M E LA M ELROY, A ntelope Valley C hapter
United States Air Force Lt.
Col. and NASA Astronaut
Pamela Ann Melroy was born
September 17, 1961, in Palo
Alto, California, but she
considers Rochester, New York,
to be her hometown. She is
married to Christopher Wallace
of W ilton, Connecticut.
Ram received her bachelor
of science degree in physics
and astronomy from Wellesley
College in 1983 and a master of
science degree in earth and
planetary sciences from
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology in 1984, where she
was commissioned through the
school's Air Force ROTC
She attended undergraduate
pilot training at Reese A ir Force
Base in Lubbock, Texas. She
flew the KC-10 for six years at
Barksdale A ir Force Base in
Bossier City, Louisiana. Pam is a
veteran of ")ust Cause" and
"Desert Shield/Desert Storm,"
w ith more than 200 combat
and combat support hours.
In June 1991, she attended
the Air Force Test Pilot School at
Edwards A ir Force Base,
California. Pam was assigned to
the C-17 Combined Test Force,
where she served as a test pilot
until her selection for the
astronaut program. She has
logged over 4,000 hours flight
time in over 45 different
Pam was elected as an
astronaut candidate by NASA in
December 1994, and reported
to the Johnson Space Center in
March 1995 where she
completed a year of training
and evaluation.
ello to all my friends in The 99s! This is a great
time to update all my sisters in the sky about
the next 99 to go to space. I will be flying my first
space shuttle mission, STS-92, in September. The
launch has been changed from No. 99 to No. 100 due
to launch on September 21. They say that good things
are worth waiting for. If that’s true, my first flight to
space should be really incredible!
I was originally assigned
to this flight more than two
years ago. It usually takes
about a year to prepare for a
shuttle m ission. Since our
mission is to the International
Space Station (ISS), w e’ve
had a few delays to contend
with. We hope that Russia
will launch the next piece of
the ISS, a m odule called
Zvezda (“Star,” in Russian),
this summer. Once that is in
place, we can finally get go­
ing. I am very eager, as you
can im agine. As the only
“rookie” (first-timer), I feel
anxious to get my first flight
u n d er my b e lt so I can
progress to becoming a leftseater.
My mission is the next Lt. Col. P am ela M elroy
assembly flight to the ISS,
meaning that we are bringing up pieces to attach and
leave behind. I will be the pilot, and my primary
responsibilities will be keeping all the shuttle sys­
tems operating perfectly, and helping the commander
to fly the rendezvous with the station. I also will be
commanding the berthing mechanism we use to attach the pieces to the station through a laptop com-
puter. This is the first time we will use this berthing
mechanism, which will eventually become standard
for attaching pieces to the station. Having a test pi­
lot background has been handy as we test and pre­
pare for all possible contingencies. It will be so ex­
citing to see the station grow before our eyes.
The first piece we are bringing up is called the
Z1 truss. It’s going to be berthed on the zenith, or
top, of the Unity module (hence its name). It’s ex­
tremely important because it’s the structural truss
that the solar arrays will rest on. The solar arrays
will provide most of the power for the station, and
they will be sent up and attached on the flight right
after ours. The truss is a really essential element in
preparing for a crew to live aboard full time.
The second piece we are bringing up is called
Permanent Mating Adaptor 3 (PM A 3), and we will
be attaching it to the nadir, or underside, of the Unity
module. It will functionally become another door
into the station; currently there is only one place for
a shuttle to dock. PMA 3 will become the side door.
Once we have both pieces attached via the berthing
mechanism, we will send our
mission specialists out on
spacewalks (a total of four)
to hook up equipment and
Right now, my training
is very heavily focused on
shuttle systems. Every week
I have at least one four-hour
simulator session with the
commander, myself and two
mission specialists who act
as flig h t e n g in e e r and
backup. The training team
gives us increasingly diffi­
cult scenarios as we get bet­
ter at w orking procedures
and at w orking together.
Som etim es it seem s like
they’re always trying to kill
us! But there’s nothing like
the great feeling you get
in her pressure suit.
when you survive a tough
scenario, like landing with limited flight instruments
and flight controls and multiple electrical shorts. Can
you tell I love my job?!
I have always felt I will take a little bit of every­
one I’ve ever met to space with me. So I hope that you
will watch when Discovery rockets up to space in September and know that you are there, too!
M A N D Y CHAM BERS VA UG H N , South Central Section
A ntelope Valley C hapter m em bers at lunch with Pam M elroy
are LaD ell Sim m ons, C arol R eukauf, Leigh Kelly, D iana
Tanner, Pam Melroy, B eth Triplat, Flora B elle Reece. Patricia
M cD uffee, B everly Vanderwall, E lsie G ravance, N ell Justice
and E llen Coussens.
On February 26, Ram Melroy was in town and several
of us had lunch w ith her at W.|. Fox Airport in Lancaster,
California. Ram was at Edwards AFB to do some practice
landings for her job as pilot o f the STS-92 shuttle flight,
now scheduled to launch on September 21. W ith 10
women sitting around a table talking, you can imagine I
didn't get all the conversation, but here are some tidbits:
There is a seven-member crew and she says they all
get along and work w ell together. Each o f them has enter­
tained all the others and their spouses in their homes.
Pam is the only one who hasn't been up before. She w ill
be the medical person aboard and w ill dispense medica­
tions if necessary. This is a new field for her and she is
learning lots of new stuff.
She hopes to make other flights in the future and maybe
command one, but it would not be w ith the same crew.
She is just tall enough to act as pilot. When they are mak­
ing design changes to the pilot's seat, they get her and the
tallest pilot (6'4") to try them out.
Ram is a great gal; smart, hard-working and ambi­
tious— and still just as thoughtful and nice as ever. We
are so proud to know her.
— Patricia McDuffee, Chairman
It was so good to meet Pam at our luncheon in Califor­
nia. She is such a neat person. Great job/career, crew,
family and friends. She recently went to Russia with her
crew to see how they were coming along with their part
of the space mission. She also mentioned that after the
mission, she is concerned about leaving her "crew " be­
cause they are so very close— like fam ily— and it w ill be
difficult to be separated.
Many of us in the Antelope Valley Chapter are plan­
ning on attending the launch. Pam w ill be sending us
vehicle passes so we can get in.
— Diana Tanner
You can check on the progress of Ram's flight on the
NASA website:
have always wanted to become an astronaut. As I was growing
up, I wanted toy space shuttles and airplanes— not the typical
dollhouse. I was exposed to airplanes and flying at a young age by
going to airshows with my parents in the Dallas area. I loved every­
thing— even the sound and feeling of the wind during the drive to
the airports in the family convertible. The vision of a shuttle launch
and imagining the first view of the earth from orbit is what has
really captured my imagination.
I first flew an airplane at a g e ll. It
was my birthday present and I logged an
hour in a Cessna 152. I wanted to fly
again, but my father had a rule that you
couldn't leam to fly an airplane until you
were old enough to drive yourself to the
airport. Since it was my father, I followed
that rule as if it really was the law, and
left the prospect of earning a pilot’s li­
cense until I could prove that I could be
responsible with a car.
Meanwhile, I was still in love with Amanda Chambers with
space and the shuttle program. At the age J-3 Cub
of 1 4 ,1 attended the US Space Academy
in Huntsville, Alabama. It was there my
dream was confirmed. I didn’t just love the allure of the space pro­
gram; I loved the engineering, the problem solving, the teamwork,
the creativity and the challenge. 1 learned about aerodynamics, rock­
etry, propulsion— even mapping DNA! Not to mention getting to
play in the 1/6 gravity chair, the multi-axis trainer and the SCUBA
tank to simulate neutral buoyancy the astronauts experience. I at­
tended Huntsville two more times and walked away with the “Out­
standing Trainee” award once and the “Right S tuff’ award another
time. I wanted to be a part of the space program— and I had barely
started high school.
At 16, it was time to leam to fly. Cost delayed my effort until I
found a place to rent a Cessna reasonably and a new CFI willing to
charge half the going rate because he had never taught before. My
parents were far from thrilled, but they let me begin lessons.
B alan cin g fly in g lesso n s w ith a ty p ical high school
overachiever’s activities— tennis, orchestra. National Honor Soci-
ety, classes and the barrage of college entrance exams— was hard, NASA’s Reduced Gravity Student Opportunities Program— the first
but it was worthwhile. My CFI (who turned out to be a phenomenal team from MIT to do so.
I was lucky to fly twice, a total of 45 minutes of zero-gravity
instructor) warned me before I took my checkride that my exam­
iner was going to be tough. She was an NTSB investigator who time— and I was never sick! The crew allowed me to sit in the jump
would not allow anyone to fly if she thought she might someday seat on takeoff and landing, so I also logged some “crew” time on
the flights. I presented the findings from the experiment at the Ameri­
have to investigate an accident he or she was involved in.
I passed my grueling nine-hour checkride at 18 with one se­ can Astronautics Society Convention where 1 spent time with people
mester of high school left. It was this woman who told me how to who work in the field I love (and looking at the newer projects at
join The 99s; I’ve been a member ever since. She was the first fe­ NASA like the X-38).
After completing all the follow-up work with the zero-gravity
male pilot I had ever met and she was also one of the best pilots I
experiment, I began working with the Lean Aerospace Initiative (LAI)
have ever met.
Career day— a day off school to follow anyone we wanted in at MIT, conducting research through LAI that I used for my senior
the career field that interested us the most— found me in Houston thesis on the success and failure of the implementation of lean manu­
where I met my heroes, Dr. Story Musgrave, Catherine Thornton, facturing in the aerospace industry.
Over four years time, I balanced the rigor of MIT course work,
Sergi Kirkalev, and even Eileen Collins— less than 48 hours after
she had completed her first mission!
weekends at the Hanscom Aero Club or the drop zone and the de­
As a senior, another career day was spent with an F -14 squad­ mands of ROTC. I learned technical and analytical skills in my
ron where I was introduced to the world of the military that I knew classes, but I learned leadership through ROTC. The most impor­
tant award I have received was the Leadership Award for a senior. I
nothing about except what I had seen in the movie “Top Gun.”
I opted for an Air Force ROTC scholarship at the Massachu­ led a flight that received the Honor Flight award and helped a group
of new freshmen believe they
setts Institute of Technology in
were good at what they were
Boston and kept up my flying
doing in ROTC. I learned how
skills at the Hanscom AFB Aero
to be a member of a team.
Club. During my freshman year,
By June 2000, 1 will have
another aviation fancy hit me:
completed my bachelor’s degree
in mechanical engineering at
I had n ev er c o n sid e re d
MIT and received my commis­
jumping out of a perfectly good
sion as a second lieutenant in the
airplane since I was perfectly
content flying them. But the op­
Air Force. I have been classified
as an aerospace engineer and my
portunity to earn my Basic Para­
first assignment will be with the
chutist Badge while I was a ca­
Air Force Institute of Technol­
det and have something real and
ogy (A F IT ) to o b tain my
shiny to wear on my uniform
master’s degree in aerospace en­
caught my interest. I was se­
gineering at MIT. I will be con­
lected to attend the Air Force’s
R educed G ravity Student O pportunities Program.
ducting research for the Lean
Free Fall program in the summer
of 1997 at the Air Force Academy— and my view of flying changed Aerospace Initiative and studying math, product design, propul­
sion and fluid mechanics.
forever. 1 made five jumps and earned my wings.
Through all of this, I have always kept my sights on the space
I eventually graduated from the Accelerated Free Fall (AFF) pro­
gram and earned the coveted “Novice” license. I have since made program. When I need to make a decision, 1 always focus on what
more than 400jumps and logged more than six hours of free fall time. I want to do, and what would give me the best background to be­
I have rejuvenated the MIT Skydiving Club and have given dozens of come a future part of the space program. I keep a model of the
students the opportunity to experience the sport I fell in love with. The orbiter Endeavor over my desk and a picture of the J-3 Cub that I
best benefit of learning to skydive was meeting Chris Vaughn. We got my tailwheel sign-off in. These remind me of where I have
met at a drop zone in Texas and, I guess you could say that we “fell” been and where I want to go. I also think about what the minimum
requirements are to be able to apply for a slot with NASA, and I am
for each other—and were married last year.
While I was learning the basics of skydiving, and starting to excited that I am slowly starting to check them off one at a time.
My team’s name in formation skydiving is “Expedition.” We
feel more comfortable flying in the airspace around Boston, I worked
on a project with two other mechanical engineering students out­ chose this name because we were intrigued by the definition: A
side of classes. We built an experiment which studied the effects of journey undertaken by an organized group of people with a definite
gravity on inert gas-shielded arc welding. We were able to fly the objective. Our skydiving journey has the objective of winning at na­
experiment on board NASA’s KC-135 “Vomit Comet” through tionals, but I am also on another expedition: to become an astronaut.
ur “Flight to the 21 st Century” is still on target
to take off at San Diego, California, July 12
and continue through July 16. If you haven’t made
your reservation to get on board, there’s still time.
Registration m aterials were included in the
March-April issue of 99 NEWS. What! You can’t
find it! Then call 408-274-9152 and we’ll send you
another one. O r dow nload it from our w ebsite
The conference hotel is the Doubletree Mission
Valley, situated in an ideal location just minutes from
both Lindbergh Field (the air carrier airport) and
Montgomery Field (general aviation airport). It is
also just minutes from an absolutely fantabulous
shopping mall with great stores and restaurants!
If our 99s room block is already filled up, then
ask the reservation agent to recommend another spe­
cific overflow hotel located nearby. “Commuting”
to the Doubletree will be easy on San Diego’s in­
credible trolley system!
If you must wait to make your decision to join
us until after July 8, you will need to check with me
at 408-274-9152 to make sure our “Flight" can still
accommodate you.
And if you simply cannot make it to the Con­
ference, then be sure to order the conference video,
(VHS, PAL or C-CAM) so you’ll know what you’ve
missed (especially the highlight of each year, the AE
Banquet which will be held this year at night!).
You can order the video on Page 4 of the regis­
tration materials or send $15 (includes postage) to
Virginia Harmer, 8627 Banyan St., Alta Loma, CA
91701 by August 1.
San Diego, California
SU SA N L A R SO N , C onference Chairm an
La Jolla, California, coastline near San Diego. Photo courtesy o f San D iego C onvention &
V isitors Bureau.
I’m betting that after you’ve seen the video— and perhaps shared it with friends
in your Chapter or Section— you’ll begin making plans to attend next year’s confer­
ence in Calgary, Canada, July 17-22.
Aviation Education
BY CA RO LY N CARPP. W estern W ashington C hapter
or the thirteenth year, members o f the Ben Franklin Space
Eagles, a Young Aviators club fo r students in Grades 3-6,
attended an overnight "ca m p -in " at the Pacific Science Center
in Seattle on A pril 28-29. Formerly called Young Astronauts,
this year's club focused on aviation and learning to fly, ca llin g
themselves Young Aviators.
I have been the advisor for 15 years, and about 30 to 50
children attend each year. Young Aviators meets every other week
after school for an hour and a ha lf and always ends w ith a rocket
launch and a pizza party in June.
O ther activities include guest speakers w h o are pilots and
trips to M cC hord AFB and The Museum o f Flight. Students are
challenged to learn more about aviation and are encouraged to
participate in Young Eagle flights. I have flo w n m ore than 50
students over a period o f years w h ile w o rkin g w ith our Chapter
members and the local EAA chapter.
The h ighlight o f each year is our cam p-in when approxim ately
500 children from various area schools participate in an overnight
w h ich consists o f science workshops, laser show, IM AX theater
and "brow se tim e," w here students are allow ed free tim e through­
out the entire museum.
Twenty-three Young Aviators attended this year's event along
w ith nine parents. C arefully planned and supervised, most a ctivi­
ties are hands-on, giving the illusion o f total freedom o f explora­
tion. Parents and leaders remain in the background, w h ile p artici­
pants are eagerly involved in scientific experiments and exhibits.
Breakfast, snack and dinner is provided, and all o f us sleep on the
flo o r under the exhibits.
It usually takes me several days to recover, but the excitement
generated in the students is w orth it. Several form er students have
earned their p ilo t licenses and one is w o rkin g for NASA. The pro­
gram generates aviation enthusiasts and fu lfills one ofThe 99s three
mission objectives: "P rovide education in the com m unity."
BY M A RILY N C O P E L A N D , C hairm an
The N in ety-N in es
20 0 2 In ternation al
C onference w ill be
h eld in K an sa s C ity
an d A tch ison on
Ju ly 16-21.
group of Greater Kansas City and Northeast
Kansas 99s had an unexpected opportunity to
admire the 800 engraved bricks that enhance the front
and side walks of the AEBM. A joint poker run was
postponed due to weather so they gathered instead
to take a tour of the museum. These two Chapters
have been d ilig e n tly w o rk in g to g e th e r on
airmarkings and plans for our 2002 International
Conference which will be held in Kansas City and
Atchison July 16-21.
Bob Davidow, owner, CEO and team leader of
Benchmark Furnishings, visited the AEBM a couple
Tax d eductible
c o n tributions f o r
A E B M m ay be
sen t to M arilyn
C opeland, 117
S. W. W interpark
Lane, L e e ’s
Sum m it, M O
64081; o r to
A E B M , P O B ox
,2 8 ' A ,c h lso n ’ K S
of years ago and became an enthusiastic supporter.
Bob and his camera crew made a fine video of the
museum and arranged to have it shown during halftime of a Kansas City Chiefs’ football game. He has
also authorized some excellent discounts on furnish­
ings for the museum. Most recently, he gifted a beau­
tiful wood inlaid tum-of-the-century chest with a
marble top. The three-drawer Hooker chest enhances
the northeast parlor under the large oil painting of
George Putnam and Amelia, a gift of portrait painter
Steve Childs.
R ecent in-kind o r m a jo r g ifts: B ob Davidow, V irginia Tonsing, Byrd
M em orial, W aco-C entex Chapter. M em orials: Frank Spatz (A tchison
airport m anager for m any years) and E ugene and M axine C opeland.
B ricks a n d o th er fin e c ontributions: F rances A k erlund, S tep h an ie
Robers, Lisa and G eorge M ixon, M ichele Stauffer, M arilyn C opeland,
Sharleen Jahner, Beverly Sherrell, Joseph H aegelin Trust, R ichard Bell,
D eborah K aeder-C arpenter and Ronnie Q uin and from Texas D ogw ood,
M ichigan and N ortheast K ansas C hapters.
Inform ation regarding the A E B M m ay be o btained by calling Lou
Foudray or Jan C oyle at 913-367-4217 o r checking the A E B M w ebsite:
< w w w .am eliaearhartm useum .org>
For a friend or a loved one, think about giving a brick with
his or her name on it for the front walk for $ 100 or for the side
walk for $50. Send orders to Carolyn Mohler, Brick Chairman,
PO Box 128, Atchison, KS 66002.
Make checks payable to AEBM.
Brick(s) in front w alk at $100 each
$ ________________
Brick(s) in sidew alk at $50 each
$ ________________
L im it is three lines p e r brick, 13 ch aracters per line (including
spaces). Please type o r print very clearly.
N ortheast K ansas a n d G reater K ansas C ity 99s, 49 172s a n d fu tu re 99s
adm iring the m ore than 800 e ngraved bricks, the proceeds o f which benefit
the A E B M restoration. F ront row: N icki a n d H unter Smith, Caroline, Louie
a n d K atie Kalman. Seco n d row: D ottie M artin M argaret D aflucas, M ary
A nn LeP age a n d fia n c e , E laine Lueders a n d Karol Kliewer. Third row:
M arilyn C opeland, Judy Benjam in, K ate Johnson a n d D iane Forbes. Back
row: A nn Shaneyfelt, D ick M artin, Loren Sm ith and B ob Lueders.
ataloging a collection is like discovering bur­
ied treasure. Just ask Sonie Liebler, our Mu­
seum docent who recently completed the first step
in processing Charter Member Ruth Elder’s collec­
tion. Sorting through a suitcase full o f treasures,
Sonie discovered newspaper articles, one-of-a-kind
photos, a beautiful portrait, letters and numerous
other objects relating to Ruth’s life.
Identifying each of the 347 individual items on
a “Deed of Gift” required the better part of five days
work—and that’s just the beginning. The Deed of
Gift transfers ownership to the Museum and is only
one of nine forms that must be completed on each
artifact. The remaining eight forms document his­
torical information about the object, describe its
physical composition and condition, classify it and
establish a tracking system for research and exhibi­
tion purposes. Each artifact is assigned an individual
identification number called an accession number.
Once the artifact is properly cleaned, the accession
number is then applied.
The Museum continues to receive calls concern­
ing objects for donation. To meet the Museum’s mis­
sion of preservation and education, a Collections
Policy approved by the Board of Trustees governs
what objects may be taken into the collection. No
museum has enough money, space or time to take
objects that do not support its mission.
As time goes by, we will be working to fill gaps
in the collection. If you hear of historically signifi­
cant items in your area, please encourage the asso­
ciated parties to consider donating them to the Mu­
seum. We now have an opportunity to concentrate
the history of all women pilots in one facility for the
education and enjoyment of the public.
BY N A N C Y L O W E -C L A R K , E xecutive D irector
M useum docent Sonie L iebler a n d N ancy L ow e-C lark
p rocess artifacts o f C harter M em ber Ruth Elder.
Every artifact donation that goes elsewhere di­
minishes our ability to present an accurate picture
o f this fascinating area of history. Anyone interested
in donating objects to the Museum should contact
me at 405-685-9990.
Won't you jo in us a s we
p re se rv e the h isto ry o f
M e m b e rs h ip A p p lic a tio n
w om en p ilo ts,
a n d h elp us edu ca te
fu tu re g en era tio n s?
Family $50
Individual $25
Corporate $500
G o ld D onor $250
Check inclosed.
Charge my
Make your check payable to 99s Museum o f Women Pilots and send to
Box 965, 7100 Terminal Drive, Oklahoma City, OK 73159-1929
D onor $100
At the new Cradle of Aviation Museum on Long
Island, New York, a spectacular collection of air/
space history is the result of a world-wide search
n November 2,1929, the organizational meet­ and restoration project lasting more than 25 years.
From the bottom of Lake Michigan to the woods
ing of The Ninety-Nines was held at Valley
Stream, Long Island, New York. To celebrate the of Pennsylvania and the deserts of California, from
organization’s 70th anniversary, several dozen 99s Turkey and Russia and the shores of Guadalcanal,
representing 99s Chapters all over the United States have come 65 historic planes that had been associ­
met in October 1999 at the Cradle of Aviation Mu­ ated with or were built on Long Island. Some are
the only ones of their type in existence.
seum at Mitchel Field, Long Island.
This international technological treasure incor­
One of those attending was Charter Member Fay
Gillis Wells from Alexandria, Virginia, who flew in porates Long Island military and civilian air and
with President Bev Sharp and her 49 1/2, Ed. The spacecraft representing all key periods in aerospace
group donated $1,000 to help fund exhibits at the history exhibited in the 60,000 square feet of two
pre-World War II military hangars at Mitchell Field
new Cradle of Aviation Museum.
The M useum’s Golden Age Gallery will fea­ and the atrium of the adjacent Reckson Center.
C harter M em ber F ay G illis
Eight permanent galleries provide a chronologi­
ture the history of The 99s, beginning with its found­
Wells sharing early aviatrix
tales with D oris Abbate, Long
ing at Curtiss Field at Valley Stream, Long Island, cal walk through the development of American avia­
Island C hapter C harter Member.
and following up as it grew to an international venue tion, beginning with 19th century ballooning to con­
temporary aviation and space exploration. All col­
for women pilots.
The 99s 75th International Conference will be lections, exhibits and interior design have been pro­
vided through citizen contributions of more than
held on Long Island in 2004.
$45 m illion. N inety-N ines
D eborah B o nnard, M ary
Anne Katsulas and Bozena
Syska o f the Long Island
Chapter are members of the
Cradle of Aviation Museum’s
Air/Space Committee.
One of the most impor­
tant displays in the Museum
will be the Aerospace Honor
Roll, in the visitor’s center, an
engraved list of thousands of
women and men who made
Long Island America’s cradle
o f a v ia tio n and space
For m ore inform ation
about the museum and the
Aerospace Honor Roll, call 1Several dozen 99s m et to celebrate the 70th anniversary o f The 99s at the C radle o f A viation M useum . Show n here
8 8 8 -4 3 3 -0 0 8 0 (to ll free)
are Long Island C hapter m em bers: (standing) M adeline LaC arrubba, N a n cy N eum ann. E ileen Wild, Joyce
v isit th e ir w ebsite
M alkm es, Luz B eattie. D oris A bbate. N ancy Weeks, F ay G illis Wells, Jill Hopfenmuller, M argaret Lliam ido, B ozena
Syska a n d D orothy Cam pbell: (seated) M ae Smith, Joan Scarpinato, S ister M ary Loretta M cLaughlin, B etsy
M atthes a n d P atricia Ohlsson.
he Sun ’n Fun Fly-in 2000 is now a memory.
But what a week it was! Not only were we par­
ticipants in the regular festivities, we also dedicated
The 99s new build­
ing on April 8. Presi­
dent Bev Shaip was
on hand for the rib­
bon-cutting, along
with Sun ’n Fun of­
ficials, our own Bar­
bara S ierch io and
Nancy Wright and 50
other well-wishers.
We heard speeches Barbara Sierchio, Bev Sharp and
from Bev S harp, Nancy Wright poised fo r the
Barbara Sierchio and ribbon-cutting on new building
at Sun ‘n Fun.
Sun 'n Fun Execu­
tive D irector John
Burton. There were enough cameras on hand to
qualify as a press conference. After the ribbon-cut­
ting, we all enjoyed cake and lemonade. It was so
exciting to see our dream come true— we finally have
a permanent home at Sun 'n Fun.
Sun 'n Fun has become the second largest flyin and airshow in the world. This year’s unofficial
attendance topped 700.000 people. The week was
filled with airshows, vendor booths and many types
of planes. One of the highlights of the week was
seeing performer Bob Hoover fly his Shrike Com­
mander for the last time in an airshow. The next stop
for his plane is the Smithsonian.
We greeted more than 400 Ninety-Nines and
225 other guests. We had visitors from many coun­
tries, including Canada, Portugal, Brazil and Swe­
den. During the week, we signed up 11 new 99s,
four new Future Woman Pilots and gave informa­
tion to 10 others. The completed applications were
sent to International, and the information was also
sent to the appropriate Chapter Chairman.
The WASPs shared our building for two days
and invited us to their luncheon again this year. As
usual, we enjoyed hearing their interesting stories.
JE A N N E B U R K L U N D . Florida S uncoast C hapter
# |V
The WASPs also presented a seminar at the new
Sun ’n Fun Museum addition.
To help raise money for our new building, we
raffled off a beautifully framed numbered lithograph
of the 1929 Women’s Air Derby. The second prize
was a gorgeous quilt made by Denise Rosenberger.
You can still help us pay for the building. Our
fundraising efforts are ongoing. Please contact Bar­
bara Sierchio if you would like to help. Any amount
will be appreciated.
Many thanks to our volunteers for the week:
Nancy Wright, Elinor Kline, Genie W illiamson,
M arge M cK eever, M onique H arnetty, Jeanne
Burklund, Jane O parow ski, Rita DeBeer, Alice
Cutrona, Elinor Kline and Barbara Sierchio.
“It w as so excitin g
to see o u r dream
com e true— w e
fin a lly h ave a
p erm a n en t hom e
a t Sun 'n Fun.
— Barbara Sierchio
Australian Women Aviators Exhibit Opens
A n e x h ib itio n at Sydney's
P o w e rh ou se M u s e u m a b o u t
A u s tra lia n w o m e n a v ia to rs
ope ned on M a y 13 and w ill
run throug h January 30, 2 0 0 1 .
The e x h ib itio n showcases 33
A ustralian w o m e n p ilo ts from
all areas o f aviation across Aus­
tra lia — th o se in th e m ilita ry ,
c o m m e rc ia l, business and rec­
reation through a series o f c o n ­
te m porary c o lo r and b la ck and
w h ite p h o to g ra p h ic portraits.
The e x h ib itio n celebrates
the achievem ents o f A ustralian
w o m e n p ilo ts d u rin g the 2 0th
century. O n e o f the re m a rk­
ab le w o m e n in the e x h ib itio n
is 9 9 N a n c y -B ird W a lto n w h o
fo u n d e d
th e A u s tr a lia n
W o m e n Pilots' A sso cia tio n in
1950 and is a w e ll recognized
p io n e e r o f fly in g in A ustralia.
N ancy B ird Walton
BY C L A R IC E B E LL IN O , R eunion C oordinator
id you fly in an All-Woman Transcontinental Air Race or a
Powder Puff Derby? Did you help on the ground in any way?
Or would you like to meet and visit with some of the people who
did? You are all invited to come to a PPD Reunion October 9-13 at the
recently renovated Resorts Hotel in Atlantic
City, New Jersey.
This reunion will be a great opportu­
nity to rekindle friendships, relive the ex­
citing experiences of our racing together and
enjoy the camaraderie of women who love
to fly.
Our keynote speaker at the banquet on
Thursday evening will be Patricia Keefer,
daughter of now deceased racer Marion
C larice B ellino
Night-time activities include top comedians, musicians and
dancers, and the gourmet restaurants are phenomenal! And then, of
course, there's the gambling. For more information on Atlantic City,
visit their website <>.
So don’t delay. Get your reservation in right away. Hotel reg­
istration is on your own. A block of rooms has been set aside for the
PPD Reunion at the Resorts Hotel. It is imperative that decisions
w om en pilots, not ju st 99s.
T he first mother-daughte
he A ll-W o m an T ra n s c o n tin e n ta l A ir R a ce
cam e apparent, 99s C harter M em ­
team to race w as Betty Gillie
(AW TAR) becam e the largest speed a ir race for
ber Jacqueline C ochran rallied to
w ith her daughter Pat, age It
w om en in the w orld. It w as conducted under the
the need and the 1948 and 1949
w ho had 200 hours at the cor
sporting code o f the N ational A eronautic A ssocia­
races w ere called the Jacqueline
trols o f their N avion. The ne)
tion (N A A ). A six-to-nine-w om an board evaluated
C o c h ra n A ll-W o m a n T ro p h y
year, any passenger under 1
and revised the specific rules o f the cross-country
Race. A bout this tim e, the honor
w as ruled out and only pilot
race over its 30-year history.
system for tim ing w as changed
c o u ld p a rtic ip a te , w ith th
The route o f the first race in 1947 w as laid out
and tim e clocks at check-in air­
youngest age being 17. Eigl
betw een tw o cities w hich had bid for and w on the
ports w ere set up by race officials
m o th er-d au g h ter team s flei
route o f 2,242 m iles— Palm Springs, C alifornia, to
w ho m ade “trail blazing” flights.
the ra ce in 1966 and 16 i
Tam pa, Florida, site o f the first Florida All W oman
In 1950, T he 99s A ir Race
1976, an in d ic a tio n that ai
A ir Show organized by the Florida Chapter. It w as
drew 33 entries, and m oney w as
education begins at home.
The fir s t m other-daughter team to
an all "honor system ” race for tim e and there w ere
provided by O dessa, Texas, and
T he unique gold PPD pi
w as B etty G illies w ith her
no designated stops. T here w ere tw o entrants.
O live A nn Beech, o f B eech A ir­
designed by M arion Andrew
d aug h ter Pat, age 16.
craft. L ate in 1950, the race b e­
T he second race route in 1948 was from Palm
w a s a l a ttic e d h a lf-g lo b
Springs to M iam i, Florida, the site o f the second
cam e the All W om en T ransconti­
encrested w ith a m ap o f th
Florida A ll-W om an A ir Show . B asic ru les w ere
nental A ir R ace, Inc. (AW TAR), a non-profit corpo­
U nited States and the w ords Pow der Puff Derb;
draw n up for the six planes that entered: W omen
ration with a four-m em ber board o f directors: C hair­
It w as to be w orn only by those w ho had flow
only; planes up to 300 HP, only
m an M ardo Crane, Betty G illies,
this challenging race.
daylight VFR flying; m inim um o f
Ethel Sheehy and A rlene D avis.
O ne o f the great honors paid the racers an
a private pilot’s license w ith 25
T h e l o o k - a lik e d r e s s tre n d
officials occurred in 1969 w hen Pat Nixon, wif
started at that tim e as team s b e ­
hours in the type o f plane being
o f U.S. President R ichard N ixon, graciously en
flown. Pilots w ere on the honor
gan to w ear com plete m atching
tertain ed the rac
system fo r tim in g , v e rified by
outfits specifically designed for
ers at a receptio
tow er operators. Racers w ere per­
the race, and the race becam e
m itted to refuel, wait out w eather
a f f e c ti o n a ll y k n o w n a s th e
which w as not VFR and to remain
“P ow der P u ff D erby,” a nam e
overnight, since only sun-up to
W ill Rogers had coined w hen re­
w ith 102 entries w as not w ithout problem s. A dis
sun-dow n flying was perm itted.
f e r r in g to th e e a r l ie r 1929
crim ination suit w as filed by a m ale applicant wh
Tim ers, qualified by the N A A and
W om en’s A ir Derby.
was denied entry by the rules that had goveme
th e F e d e ra tio n A e r o n a u tiq u e
In 1951 and 1952, during the
the race for 28 years. T he day before takeoff, how
Internationale(F A I) rep re se n ta ­
K orean War, the race w as called
ever, a U.S. D istrict Judge ruled the race woul
tive in the U nited States, clocked
O peration TAR and operated as
continue f o r w om en only.
the contestants in and out o f des­
a training m ission; the objective
D ue to new levels o f air traffic congestion, di
ignated airports so that tim e on
w as to provide stim ulation as a
m inished corporate sponsorship and rising costs
the ground w as not counted in the
refresher course in cross-coun­
the 1976 race was to be the last race. It was th
try flying for w om en w hose ser­
longest in its history— 2,926 m iles from Sacra
W hen funding for telephone
vices as pilots m ight once again
m ento, C alifornia, to W ilm ington. Delaware. Tw>
Charlene F alkenberg a n d Jeanine
calls, w ires, travel, publicity and
be needed by their country. The
hundred racers w ere perm itted to enter. They cam
Tellekson dressed a like f o r PPD.
m ost im portant, prize m oney, b e­
ra c e w as a ls o o p e n e d to all
from as far aw ay as South A frica, A laska, the Ba
a mm
be made early. The tour operators and hotel man­
agement have deadlines that are cast in concrete
because of the renewed popularity of this famous
A m e r ic a 's Fa v o r it e Pl a y c r o u n d
B a rb ara E v a n s, L iv erm o r e V alley C h ap ter,
is m a k in g a o n e -tim e-o n lv m a ilin g o f a r e g istr a ­
tion form w ith sp ecific in form ation ab ou t the PPI)
R eu n ion to ev ery o n e in terested in a tten d in g .
S o if you h ave n ot a lrea d y se n t h er y o u r cu r­
June 16-18
If you plan to attend, request registration information from Kay Baker,
Executive Director, as soon as possible (913-367-1419). After May 15, the
fee for meals, local transportation, tours, etc. increases from $70 to $75.
This fee must be paid in advance of your arrival and covers a buffet
dinner and cocktail party on Friday; the luncheon on Saturday at 1 p.m.
immediately follow ing the usual celebration at the Forest, and Saturday
night's banquet at 7 p.m. The 99s reception w ill be held at the AE House at
223 N. Terrace on Saturday afternoon from 2-4 p.m.
Rental car service is available at Kansas City International Airport.
Transportation w ill be provided at no cost from the ATCHISON AMELIA
rent a d d ress, sh e n eed s to h e a r fro m y o u rig h t
aw ay. S h e d o e sn ’t w a n t to lea v e a n y o n e o u t, b u t
sh e m u st h a v e a cu rren t a d d ress.
Charter Member Mary Goodrich Jenson,
Connecticut Chapter, has been inducted into the
Connecticut Women's Hall of Fame. At the age of
20, she was the first woman in Connecticut to
earn a pilot's license. W hile learning to fly, she
wrote o f her experiences for the H artford Courant.
She continued to write on aviation, the first
woman to have a bylined column for that paper.
Mary was a director o f the Betsy Ross Corps, a
group of female pilots organized to assist in
national defense during emergencies. She piloted
her own bi-plane, a KR-21, making history as the
first woman to make a solo flight in Cuba.
C o n t a c t h e r a t 4 3 0 7 Q u a il R u n L a n e ,
D an ville, C A 94506; p h on e: 9 2 5 -7 3 6 -1 7 9 5 ; fax:
9 2 5 -7 3 6 -1 2 7 0 ; e-m ail: q u a ilr@ a o m .
imas. C anada and Rhodesia,
lie start was adjusted to allow
ster planes to depart first.
Late in 1976, AW TAR ofcials M arian Banks. W anda
um mings and Kay B rick vissd the unfinished N ational
ir and S p a c e M u seu m in
Washington, D.C., to check the
inners’ nam es on the PPD
ophy ensconced there. At that
Pin designed by
me. Jack W hitelaw , deputy
M arion Andrews.
irector o f the m useum , connced them to have ju st one
lore race, the 30th, and have it follow the first route,
hus, the 30th C om m em orative Flight took place. Greatly
tanged rules perm itted a broader spectrum o f pilots and
lanes. Passengers w ere allow ed if they had ev er held
Hot status. E ntry re sp o n se w as o v erw h elm in g . T he
lanned planes lim it o f 99 w as increased to 150. For
auline G lasson, Pat G ladney and G ini Richardson, it
as their 24th PPD.
You can read a m ore com plete history o f this race in
le H istory o f The 99s, available from 99s H eadquarters
>r $40, plus $6 s/h.
November 7-9, Khatmandu, Nepal
The W orld Aviation Education and Safety Congress— sponsored by The
Ninety-Nines, Inc. and organized by the India Section— has received
tremendous response: More than 150 inquiries.
India Section Governor Chanda Budhabhatti is WAESCON's chairperson
o f the Executive Board of Directors, 99s International President Bev Sharp,
Past President Marilyn Copeland and India Section Vice Governor Mohini
Shroff serve as co-chairpersons. Bev w ill be The 99s speaker at the Con­
gress as well as actively participate in the Congress to promote the image
o f The 99s. She w ill introduce aviation awareness at the school level in
The Executive Board of Directors consists of members of The 99s from
different parts o f the world. There is also an International Board of Advisors
that consists of outstanding men and women from the w orld of aviation
and space.
Moya Lear has accepted our invitation to be chief patron for the
Congress. A few of the renowned speakers who have reconfirmed their
support are Barbara Barret, president o f International's Women's Forum and
former deputy administrator of FAA; Linda Finch, W orld Flight 1997; Capt.
Suzanna Darcy, first woman test pilot of Boeing; N. P. Ghimire, director
general of C ivil Aviation of Nepal; Lt. Col. N.S. Poon, member o f Parlament
and assistant minister of Tourism and Civil Aviation o f Nepal; Nadia
Roberts, president o f Flight Research; Vishwabandhu Gupta, India's first
ballonist; Kamal Naguib, chairman ofW AEO, Egypt; Ruth Stafford, ferry
pilot; Capt. Ratty Mitchel, United Airlines; and Capt. Nivedita J. Bhasin,
Indian Airlines.
For information and/or registration, contact Chanda Budhabhatti, World
Aviation Congress Secretariat, 1051 N. Columbus Blvd., #101, Tucson, AZ
85711. Fax 520-325-7243 or e-mail
S ta rt a ca llin g
co m m ittee in y o u r
Chapter, i f yo u don 't
a lrea d y h a ve one,
a n d keep in touch
w ith th ose m em b ers
yo u don 't see very often.
You m a y b e su rp rise d
h ow ea sy it is to keep
m em b ers w ith ju s t a
little extra effort.
he most frequent cause of delay in processing a
new member application is missing informa­
tion. Even though the new application form very
clearly states that a copy of the airman certificate,
student pilot medical or proof of full-time student
status (or equivalent documentation if non-U.S.)
must accompany an application, these items are of­
ten not included. (At any given time. Headquarters
may be holding 25-50 applications with missing in­
Not only does this slow bringing the prospec­
tive new member into your organization, it also con­
sumes staff time for follow-up that could otherwise
be spent more productively. Please help us by mak­
ing sure your new members include the necessary
The second type of delay in processing appli­
cations falls in the financial arena. Either an incor­
rect check amount is enclosed (because an old, old
membership form was used) or incomplete or incor­
rect credit card information is provided. (To process
cards, we must have both the card number and the
expiration date.)
We love receiving and processing new mem­
berships and renewals— but we would appreciate
your help to minimize delays. A current member­
ship application form appears in the March/April
issue. Please dispose of any previous forms you are
using (especially those with outdated dues amounts).
Current dues are $65 US, $57 Canada and the Car­
ibbean, $54 Overseas, $30 for Academic or Future
Women Pilots, all paid in US funds. Renewals are
$10 less than the above dues amount.
One of the challenges with any membershipdriven organization is keeping the members they
already have. Start a calling committee in your Chap­
ter, if you don’t already have one, and keep in touch
with those members you don’t see very often. You
may be surprised how easy it is to keep members
with just a little extra effort.
The future of the entire 99s organization is here before us in the form of our
young motivated women. O f course, you have heard this a m illion times I'm sure.
But think again... what has your Chapter really done to make this a reality for these
young women? How well does your Chapter support and motivate these young
women? How flexible is your Chapter in accommodating young women who have
If there is not a baby-sitter available for mom; Is her 1-year-old daughter welcome
on the fly-out or at a meeting/event? This mom may be a future pilot— future 99. And
her daughter may be a future student pilot! Even a little 49 1/2" could one day be an
encouraging and supportive factor in the life of a 99.
One of our favorite "little 49 1/2s" is Beau. Beau's mom is Toni and I can tell you
that if Beau doesn't go, Toni doesn't go. So guess what? Beau is a regular at our
meetings, our fly-outs and our lunches. Whatever we do, Beau does it w ith us, and
we all love him.
I have seen Chapters dwindle because the wonderful women who formed their
Chapter became inflexible over the years. Chapters sometimes be­
come stagnant, or worse, dissolve due to lack o f new member­
ship growth.
So embrace the "little ones" who go with the package.
In doing so, you w ill create a more positive and vibrant
g Chapter. Your Chapter w ill flourish because your flexibility
and acceptance w ill give your Chapter a chance. After all,
they are our future!
— Margaret Siedschlag
Brazos River Chapter
Texas Slate Tech student p ilo t M ary Long, Skytar
W oodward (daughter o f B razos R iver C hapter
m em ber Karen Woodward) and Toni A nderson and
h e r son Beau.
The 99s Welcome these 151 New Members and Returnees
Rebecca L. Anderson, Santa Barbara • Margaret
Janet Armstrong, Eastern Ontario • Lynn D. Avery,
Connecticut • Shelley Ann Barron, Brazos R iver •
Janice E. Beattie, Maple Leaf • Geraldine Stephanie
Beccavin, Reno Area * Nadine Anne Beliveau,
Ventura County • Katrina S. Bentler, North Central
Section • Jeanine M. Bernard, South Central Sec­
tion • Daleen Renee Berry, Mid-Atlantic Section •
Megan Black, M.D., Kitty Hawk • Rachel BlackWood, British Section • Lara Blair, Dallas • Linda
K. Bock, Garden State • Marilyn Arlene Bolton, Kitty
Hawk • Dr. AnnLouise Borella, Williamette • Bar­
bara Nafis Bormes, Southeast Section • Deanna L.
Bowles, Central New York • Linda Bradley, Kansas
• Rachel C atherine Brooke, M ontana • Jill T.
Brookhart, San Fernando Valley * Robin Elizabeth
Broomfield, Alaska • Kimmie Rae Brown-Graehl,
Antelope Valley • Summer Christine Buckland, Co­
lumbia Cascade • Deborah L. Bulkeley, Utah • Janis
C. Bulkeley, Utah • Barbara C. Burgess, First Ca­
nadian • Casey Owen Calkins, A m bassador •
Patricia Doud Cameron, South Central Section •
M yriah L. C a rre iro , K a ta h d in W ings • Leslie
Simonson Chaze, Mid-Atlantic Section • Pamela
Ann Collings, New Zealand Section • Natalie Denise
Corrao, Colorado • Carlin E. Counihan, Greater
Seattle • Christina Creamer, All-Ohio • Kathleen
Joy Creveling, Southwest Section • Dawn L. Dar­
ling, San Diego • Michelle Rose Davis, Antelope
Valley • Saudamini Madhav Deshmukh, India Sec­
tion • Carol M. Duby, Columbia Cascade • Catherine
Elizabeth Duggan, North Jersey • Pamela T. Dycus,
Southeast Section • Julie A. Early, New England
Section • Meghan Shea Earthman, C olorado •
Vanessa Lyn Ess, Mem bers A t Large • Lori A.
Ferguson, Orange County • Bette Bach Fineman,
Sedona Red Rockettes • Eve O. Fitzpatrick, E l Paso
• Paula Foster, Eastern New England • Ellen A.
Franklin, Tucson • Shelly Diane Funk, Southwest
Section • Patricia Gabris, A ux Plaines • Pamela
Lea Gallina, Lake Michigan • Kimberly K. Gillette,
Brazos River • Kelly Knight Gonzales, Tip o f Texas
• Viola P. Goodbee, N ew Orleans • Stephanie
M artha Gray, N o rth J e rs e y • M ich e lle M arie
Grossglauser, Intermountain • Margot Hauke-Mielck,
German Section • Barbara C. Havens, Santa Clara
Valley • Ruth J. Hawks, All-Ohio • Linda Campbell
Haynes, Michigan • Kimberly Kathleen Hoffbeck,
Minnesota • Ruth Richter Holden, Santa Maria Val­
ley • Elizabeth Dorothy Holtman, Manitoba • Linda
Mary Hooker, Oklahoma • Linda S. Jackson, South
Central Section • Caroline A. Jacobson, A ux Plaines
• Doris Sumiko Jeffery, M aple L eaf • Judy K.
Johnson, Reno Area • Jennifer Elaine Jones, Ala­
bama • Janet F. Kaiser, Southwest Section • An­
gela Therese Kovacs, North Jersey • Emily Chris­
tine Krokosz, Chicago Area • Maria Kirsten Krueger,
Santa Clara Valley • Sharon H. Laird, Eastern Idaho
• Alison J. Liddell, First Canadian • Kathy Faye
MacKenzie, South Central Section • Mamie Lynn
Madden, Sedona R ed Rockettes • Carole Ann
Maddox, Southeast Section • Angela Gail Magney,
Northwest Section • Deborah Francine Magnin,
Antelope Valley • Ruth Carol Martens, M.D., Chi­
cago Area • Sheila Catherine Mattos, Greater Se­
attle • Catherine A. McClamrock, Memphis • Sandra
Ann M cClinton, H am pton Roads • Deborah A.
McGlauflin, M aryland • Cheryl P. McLeskey, Hamp­
ton Roads • Lorri Lynn Megonigal, Orange County
• Kathleen Marie Meilahn, Austin • Alma J. Miller,
Women With Wings • Hannah Lorraine Mitson,
Alaska • Kaisa Mollari, Finnish Section • Deborah
Marilyn Moran, Space City • Margaret Edna Muente,
Columbia Cascade • Joy Marie Nelson, Western
Washington • Betty L. Nicks, Wichita Falls • Janice
M arie Orr, M innesota • Gina Dawn Ovendorf,
Women With Wings • Terry D. Paine, British Co­
lumbia Coast • Dolores Vivian Pasierb, Oklahoma
• Elisabeth H. Pelon, Texas Dogwood • Stacey
Evelyn Philtower, Chicago Area • Tricia Marie Pierce,
Santa Clara Valley • Dale Jean Pizzo, Reno Area •
Bridget T. Rathjen, Pikes Peak • Andrea Beatrice
Read, Santa Barbara • Kathleen Reiley, Wisconsin
• Faith B. Richards, North Jersey • Michelle Leah
Ridlehoover, R edwood Coast Flyers • Avona P.
Russi, Idaho • C harina G. Sabal, P h o e n ix •
Shrestha Sabina, India Section • Ann Haile Sanchez,
Monterey Bay • Juanita M. Sanchez, Albuquerque
• Elizabeth A. Saunders, Maryland • Rose A. Sayre,
Florida G oldcoast • Judy Schmidt, C olorado •
Karola Schmorde, German Section • Carolyn Jones
Schorer, Mid-Atlantic Section • Mary Ann Senft,
Southwest Section • Jan M. Shakespeare, Florida
Goldcoast • Victoria L. Skold, South Central Sec­
tion • Janelle Slivinske, New England Section •
Sarah Louise Smartt, Florida Gulf Stream • Rebekah
Marie Snyder, North Jersey • Jonna Catherine
Sotelo, Tucson • Kelly Leigh Staels, Ventura County
• Sylvia Stockdale, Greater Detroit Area • Elizabeth
B. Sutherland, South Central Section • Sue Lynda
Symons, Montana • Elizabeth Eyre Taylor, Con­
necticut • Edna Marie Thompson, Oklahoma •
S erena Jane Townsend, C olum bia C ascade •
Connie SueTroyer, Northeast Kansas • Ann Rose
Urich, Phoenix • Stacia M. Valentine, Houston •
Diane Lynn Vanderhoeven, Colorado • Susan J.
Victor, Chicago Area • Patricia Volkerts, Tucson •
Sandra Anne Wark, Canadian Rockies • Jo-Elle
Long Warner, Lake Michigan • Brandi Lynette Watts,
Tennessee • Monica Faye White, Florida Suncoast
• Ellyn Williams, Palomar • Kimberley Dawn Winsor,
A tlantic • Genevieve Diane Woods, Alabama •
Valdeen C. Wooton, E l Paso • Barbara Jean Wright,
Delaware • Penny Jo Wyatt, South Central Section
• Cheryle Ann Wyers, Canadian Rockies
A IRLINE PILO T hiring con­
tin u e d at re c o rd le v e ls in
M arch w ith 1,643 new jobs
for the month. AIR, Inc’s hir­
ing forecast p redicts 5,976
new jo b s at the m ajors, 6,948
at the nationals and 19,740
n e w p ilo t jo b s o v e ra ll in
EM BRY-RID DLE A eronau­
tical U niversity will operate
its Sum m er A cadem y at its
D a y to n a B e a c h , F lo rid a ,
cam pus from June 22 to A u ­
gust 18. T he Sum m er A cad­
em y offers educational pro­
gram s for students ages 12 to
18 who w ant to learn about
aviation and aerospace in a
fu n , re la x in g a tm o sp h e re .
A p p licatio n is req u ired by
June I.
F or re g is tra tio n and a
brochure, call 800-359-4550
o r lo o k on th e w e b s ite :
< w w w>.
S T U D E N T S in te re s te d in
E A A A viation F o u n d a tio n
scholarships can now apply
fo r th e a w a rd s o n lin e at
< w w w .e a a .o rg /e d u c a tio n /
FLY IN G N etw ork Inc. has
lau n ch ed a new ly updated
f lig h t tr a in in g w e b s ite
< w w w >.
T H E N A TIO N A L Business
A v ia tio n A s s o c ia tio n h a s
la u n c h e d a n e w p ro g ra m
called AvKids to teach c h il­
dren in grades tw o through
five about business aviation.
T h e p r o g ra m in c lu d e s a
w ebsite < ww >.
A teach er’s activity package
w ith 20 to 3 0 c la s s ro o m
project ideas is being tested
and should be w idely avail­
able by the tim e you read this.
FO R D IRECT access to of­
f ic ia l w e a th e r, c h e c k o u t
< w w w .nw> .
Accelerated training: Is it for you?
BY KA REN M. K A H N , Santa B arbara C hapter
uick, quicker, quickest. Those seem to be some of the promi­
nent buzzwords for flight training in recent years. During our
career counseling sessions, we’re frequently asked about “quickie”
or accelerated training programs, and whether they can do the job
as effectively as a regular, full-term course. The answer, of course,
depends on you, your situation and the flight or ground course in
question. It can often be the solution to an immediate problem when
you need a multi-engine rating right now. Or it can be an ongoing
curse that is, itself, the underlying problem caused by your quickie
“fill-in-the-blank” training that has left you with no firm founda­
tion in the basics, thus hampering your future learning abilities.
sider when investigating a new license or rating. First of all, con­
sider where the training fits into your overall career plan. (You do
have a plan, don’t you?) If it’s an integral pillar, like an Instrument
Rating, make sure that you receive a good solid foundation in the
basics. This skill is one you’ll be asked to demonstrate over and
over again. Each time you take a checkride, your instrument skills
will be tested, be it during your Commercial, Multi, CFI, ATP or a
specific type rating ride. So it’s imperative that you develop good
IFR skills to assure your timely progression up the career ladder.
A concentrated 10-day instrument course may work well for a
busy executive who’s tired of taking one lesson every other week,
while forgetting everything he’s learned in the meanwhile. But it
may well prove to be too intense for a 100-hour pilot who needs
time to assimilate the new material and integrate it into his/her ex­
panding aviation knowledge base. All candidates need to do their
homework to determine how suitable such a course may be for them
and their needs.
The IFR written test, however, is a different matter. Since the
instrument written encompasses a wide variety of material, a twoor three-day written test prep course can frequently help the new­
comer with a good introduction to the world of instrument flying.
Backed up by other learning sources, such as your instructor, refer­
ence books and tapes, safety seminars and just plain hangar flying,
the weekend ground school approach can frequently be your impe­
tus to start, continue or finish up your “Life Insurance Training,” as
I like to call the Instrument Rating. Just remember, the material
you learn for the written is meant to be combined with your flight
and ground data from your instructor to make the material appli­
cable to the real world.
The Multi-Engine Rating is a frequent candidate for the Quickie
School of Learning. It can be accomplished in a number of differ­
ent ways, again depending on your particular situation. If you have
an opportunity to do some multi-engine flying with other pilots,
then it’s certainly to your advantage to get the rating as soon as
possible so you can log the flight time during which you are sole
manipulator of the controls.
If you need a minimum number of hours to meet insurance
requirements, so you can borrow your friend’s twin, you may want
to get your rating in the same type as you’ll be flying, so you’ll be
that much closer to meeting the PIC “time-in-type” requirements
once your training is complete.
With no specific type twin in mind, you should look for the
school with the best equipment, maintenance and training avail­
able at a price that meets your budget, and a time frame that fits
your schedule. Keep in mind that once you’re done, you’ll find few
operators willing to rent you a twin without further time in type.
You might want to purchase some additional multi-engine IFR train­
ing to complete the time requirements and— to receive the most
bang for your buck— complete an Instrument Competency Check
at the same time.
Remember that any of the “quickie” courses require you to do
the book work in advance of your flight training and show up well
versed in the “numbers” for your specific aircraft. That translates
into knowing the limitations, normal, abnormal and emergency
operating procedures before you arrive at the training facility.
Virtually the same advice applies to the Airline Transport Pilot
Certificate, which is actually an IFR checkride in a twin (or some­
times a single) given to very tight tolerances. Unless you have some
definite reason for attending a particular school (perhaps they guar­
antee you an interview with their airline if you train with them),
you can save time and money by taking an accelerated course, pro­
vided, of course, you’ve done your homework and have completed
your written test.
Your home study will require you to be very current on instru­
ments. Start with a simulator (PC, desktop or whatever is available
to you) and then move on to a single-engine trainer. Follow this
with several hours in a light twin to re-familiarize yourself with
basic multi-engine procedures, if you’re not current on what’s re­
quired for this specific type. Then try to get some cockpit time in
the actual ship you’ll be flying so you can practice the various pro­
cedures and checklists before the Flobbs meter starts to turn. This
kind of familiarity with the twin you’ll be flying will cut your mon­
etary outlay to a minimum and help you arrive prepared for accel­
erated learning.
By the way, remember that an ATP in a light twin is nothing
but a paper credential that most airlines like to see. When you are
checked out in the left seat of a large aircraft (over 12,500 lbs.),
you’ll also have to take type-specific training and pass another ATPlike checkride in the specific make/model you’ll be flying.
There are other ratings that can be obtained by the Quickie
Method, such as MEI (multi-engine instrument instructor) and SES
(single-engine seaplane). Just be sure that you've done your home­
work thoroughly before you take the plunge and then, arrive pre­
pared to absorb the maximum amount of knowledge in the mini­
mum amount of time.
Karen Kahn is a Captain fo r a major US airline and author o f
“FLIGHT GUIDE FOR SUCCESS— Tips and Tactics fo r the As­
piring Airline Pilot. ” Type-rated in the MD-80 and Lockheed JetStar,
she holds an ATP, Gold Seal CFI:AIM and is rated in gliders, sea­
planes and helicopters. She is an FAA Aviation Safety Counselor
a n d runs A via tio n C a reer C o u n selin g (8 0 5 -6 8 7 -9 4 9 3 or, a pilot career guidance and airline
interview counseling firm based in Santa Barbara, California.
ur o rg a n iz a tio n has m ade a n u m b er o f m ajo r
achievements in the past two years. We still have a little ways
to go to get HQ running smoothly the way we would like it. How­
ever, we have made significant progress. Listed here are some of
the major achievements we have accomplished.
The current Board of Directors would like to hear your ideas
for new challenges to fulfill.
• In a little m ore than three years, C.J. Straw n, C laire W alters and a h ost o f
volunteers raised the m oney, designed, built and opened our beautiful 99s
M useum o f W omen Pilots. In addition, bylaw s w ere w ritten and a board o f
trustees is being elected.
• A professional m useum curator w as hired. N ancy L ow e-C lark is a w on­
derful addition to our H eadquarters staff.
• A second very large 99s m useum display w as installed and dedicated at
the Finnish Aviation M useum in H elsinki, Finland. It w as aw arded the
Finnish Sports H istory Award for 2000 on M arch 21. A portion o f the dis­
play will be exhibited at the E uropean W omen & Sports C ongress June 711 in Helsinki.
• M ajor needed
ings. including
paired but will
with new paint
repairs w ere com pleted on both o f our H eadquarters b uild­
new heating and air-conditioning. T he ro o f has been re­
eventually need to be replaced. O ffices w ere spruced up
and carpet for the M useum G rand O pening.
• A com plete com puter system w as purchased and installed under the d i­
rection o f M innesota 99 E laine M orrow. M ost o f our records have been
transferred to it. E laine has nam ed the com puter “ L ouise" after our first
secretary, Louise T haden.
• A long-range plan has been updated to ensure continuity and im plem enta­
• A budget has been developed and o u r investm ents exam ined to ensure
that w e are earning the m ost for our money.
• Bylaws w ere w ritten and a board o f trustees elected for the N inety-N ines
Endow m ent Fund.
• An accountant w as hired and a receptionist/m em bership coordinator is
currently being sought for H eadquarters.
• Job descriptions w ere developed for four H eadquarters em ployees and an
em ployee’s handbook is in the process o f being w ritten.
• A Future W oman Pilot category o f m em bership has been added. A lim ited
num ber o f tem porary brochures are available w hile a new m em bership
brochure is being developed. Five $1,000 A E S cholarships have been cre­
ated for this m em bership category.
BY M A R D E L L H A SK IN S, International D irector
• Two new Sections, Brazil and N epal, are anticipated.
• N inety-N ines m em bership is increasing and retention is up.
• T he A m bassador Chapter, a cyberspace C hapter, has been added. For
inform ation, contact Janet Patton at stinson@ .
• A new perm anent 99s building w as built at Sun ’n Fun under the direction
o f the Florida S uncoast Chapter. D onations to finish paying the $20,000
cost for the construction o f this building are w elcom e.
• L ouise T h ad en ’s airplane that w on the first W om en’s A ir D erby has been
• We becam e a founding m em ber o f the BE A PIL O T Program .
• T he 99s currently exhibit at five trade show s: AOPA, W omen in A viation,
O shkosh and Sun ’n Fun and the U niversity Aviation A ssociation.
• A Pen Pal and Vacation E xchange program w ith international m em bers
has been created. To sign up, contact Fran Stuback at stubeck@ .
• A video featuring N orthw est Section 99s is now available from H ead­
quarters for $15 (includes postage).
• O ur PR packet has been revised. C opies are available from H eadquarters
for $5 each.
• T he m em bership roster form at has been revised and is being prepared inhouse this year on our new com puter. M em bership data has been entered
on the new com puter.
• A sales catalog w ill soon be available.
• Specific guidelines on the use o f our logo and graphics are being devel­
oped. A d isk o r C D w ill be developed soon for C hapters to use.
• A Speakers B ureau is currently being developed. A C hairm an is needed
for this com m ittee. To sign up or subm it speaker’s nam es, contact PR C hair­
m an Sue H alpain at 405-789-0272 o r e-m ail halpain@ .
A CO M PLETE IN SU R A N C E inform ation book­
let is currently being revised and updated and will
be sent to all C hapters as soon as it is com plete.
Following is some general inform ation. Com plete
details and appropriate insurance form s m ay be
obtained by calling International H eadquarters at
Non-ownership aircraft liability insurance pro­
vides legal liability coverage for bodily injury,
including passengers, and property dam age in a
total com bined lim it o f $2 m illion. C overage is
extended to C hapters by request subm itted to and
approved by International H eadquarters p rio r to
sponsoring and/or conducting a flying event.
• Flying events eligible for sponsorship and cov­
erage u n d e r this p o lic y in clu d e th o se w here
m oney is solicited from sources outside the indi­
vidual C hapter, o r w hen entry fees are required,
o r o ther flying events sponsored by a C hapter
for w hich no m oney is solicited or fees required.
(N o airshow s o r aerobatics)
• A prem ium o f $73 is charged for each official
day o f the e v en t; an a d d itio n al fee o f $46 is
charged for each im pound day for the races, der­
bies, etc.
• In addition to the flying event insurance cover­
age, a Certificate o f Insurance is required for each
aircraft participating in an air tour, air race, air
derby, proficiency race, cross-country air rally,
airplane rides, penny-a-pound or charity airlift.
Participants m ust provide these certificates prior
to the event start.
• W ithin five days after the event, all o f the C er­
tificates o f Insurance collected from participants
m ust be m ailed to International H eadquarters,
along w ith a com pleted Flying E vents Report.
(A ppropriate insurance form s m ay be obtained
from H eadquarters.)
Comprehensive general liability insurance is in
place and covers custom ary C hapter functions,
including m eetings, breakfasts, luncheon, din­
ners. hangar parties and various aviation sem i­
nars, safety m eetings/w orkshops, fear-of-flying
clinics, flying com panion sem inars (excluding
flying, if any), ground school for BFR clinics,
aviation education sem inars and sim ilar nonflying
B odily injury and property dam age cover­
age is for the prem ises where an event takes place.
N o charge is m ade for this coverage unless addi­
tional insurance is required, such as legal liquor
liability coverage w hen alcoholic beverages are
sold by the Chapter. (N ote: no coverage is avail­
able for plane w ash events.)
H eadquarters and
the 99s M useum
o f Women P ilots
received a visit
fro m A ustralian
99 Dr. H eather
Parker, w ho cam e
to the U.S. to
a tten d a weeklong sem in a r at
the F A A ’s Civil
A ero M edical
Institute in
O klahom a City.
N ew graphics a dd sparkle to the refurbished 99s
trade show booth, thanks to the efforts o f M W P
Director N ancy Low e-C lark a nd Executive
Director Lu Hollander.
The AEMSF Trustees w ill be
funding five $1,000 scholarships to
go to future women pilots to aid
them in completing their training
for a Private license. The applicants
must have 24 hours, have soloed
and passed the FAA written test.
Application forms for both FWP
and Career Scholarships w ill be
available at the conference in San
Diego and thereafter by request
from Headquarters. A ll contribu­
tions to both scholarships are
greatly appreciated.
—Charlene Falkenberg
AEMSF Permanent Chairman
A group o f 99s attending the Women in A viation in A viation C onference in M emphis,
Tennessee, jo in P resident B ev Sharp in w elcom ing b ra n d new 99 Vanessa Ess fro m
Singapore. D uring the event, B ev p in n e d a n um ber o f new m em bers in fro n t o f The 99s
Yes! I want to help other 99s move along in their careers.
My tax deductible contribution is
Payment: Check
Credit Card: V IS A
AM EX______
Card N o ._______________________________________ Expires____________
Name ____________________________________________________________
Send y o u r tax deductible c o n tr ib u tio n to C h a rle n e F alke n b e rg , P e rm a n e n t Trustee,
6 1 8 S outh W a s h in g to n Street, H o b a rt, IN 4 6 3 4 2 -5 0 2 6 . For m o re in fo rm a tio n ,
p h o n e /fa x 2 1 9 -9 4 2 -8 8 8 7 o r e -m a il C h a rF @ P ro d ig y.n e t
M a k e c h e c k s p a y a b le to A m e lia E a rh a rt S c h o la rs h ip F u n d
The annual “witches m eeting” o f the
Germ an female glider pilots took place the
w e e k e n d o f Ja n u a ry 2 9 -3 0 in O lp e /
Biggesee (Germany). A bout 140 m em bers
were present at this 25th anniversary.
As G overnor o f the G erm an Section,
I reported on m y career as a w om an pilot
w ith an im p o rta n t a irlin e , D e u tsc h e
Dr. A ngelika M a chinek
At their first m eeting held in 1975,
is recognized by G er­
26 m em bers o f the G erm an A ero clu b
m an A eroclub a s the
(D A eC) intended to dem and equal rights
m ost su ccessfu l w om an
and recognition for them selves. In addi­
g lid e r p ilo t in 1999.
tion, they also w anted to draw attention
to the fact that fem ale pilots are equal to
their m ale colleagues.
T he founders never im agined that the m eeting at S iegerland’s
airport 25 years ago w ould develop into the yearly highlight o f the
fem ale glider pilots program som etim es attended by as m any as 200
T he "w itches" m eeting has established itself in G erm any and takes
place in different locations around the country. In the year 2001, this
m eeting w ill take place in D resden, m aking it the second tim e that the
“w itches” will m eet in the new ly form ed states.
Isolde W oerdehoff. also a m em ber o f T he 99s and the vice-presi­
dent o f D A eC. participated in the m eeting. Dr. A ngelika M achinek
received an aw ard for her extraordinary perform ance as the m ost successful G erm an w om an glider pilot in 1999.— A ndrea M oeller______
The C hapter is m oving forward!
With currently alm ost 20 m em bers,
the C h a p te r is c re a tin g sp e c ia l
“C rew m em ber" positions piloted by
our m ore e x p e rie n c e d m em b ers.
T hese include m en to rin g , c a re e r
planning and recruiting. The m em ­
bership includes a w ell-rounded mix
o f aviation professional pilots and
student/aspiring professional pilots.
This m akes for an extrem ely helpful
and rewarding atm osphere for all.
For exam ple, A ndrea Solsona,
H e a th e r P a e rs o n a n d M a y rie
Richards are aspiring professional
pilots working on additional licenses
under the guidance o f newsletter con­
tributors Sue G renier and Jeannie
Dismukes. Sue’s aviation education
section and Jeannie's m entoring sec­
tion— along with Jessie B rightm an's
thought-provoking articles o f flying
as a career— inspire us all.
If you w ould like additional in­
form ation ab o u t the A m b a ssa d o r
C hapter— the all e-m ail C hapter—
c o n ta c t C h a irm a n J a n e t P a tto n
(stinson9@ ). M em bership
C h a ir m a n
W endy
(w paver@ ) or Recruiting
C h a ir m a n
Jen n y
B e a tty
(A viatrix@ com ).
T he G reater Seattle and W est­
ern W ashington C hapters presented
their Flying C om panion Sem inar on
F e b ru a ry 26 at th e 17th a n n u a l
N orthw est Aviation C onference &
T rade Show , held at the W estern
W a s h in g to n
F a ir g r o u n d s
Puyallup, W ashington. T his y e a r’s
sem inar had 80 enthusiastic attend­
ees, ages 15 and up, from W ashing­
ton and O regon.
C o-chairm en N ancy Jensen and
Anita T aylor w ere joined in present­
ing inform ation on chart reading,
aerodynam ics o f flight, W X , FAA
regulations, radio procedures, and
e m e rg en c y p ro c e d u re s by M arie
F o x , N ic h o le K e g e l, L in d a
M o rris o n , P am S c h u e rm a n a n d
Suzanne Alexander. O ther 99s helpin g o u t w e re D o ris W o lfs to n e ,
T eresa O akley, G e o rg ian n e Ray,
M arian H artley, L iz L u n d in and
Sonya Steiner. N inety-N ines Vice
President C arolyn C arpp w elcom ed
participants with a brief overview o f
The N inety-N ines, Inc.
A O P A P re sid e n t P h il B o y e r
graciously stopped by follow ing his
talk at the pilo ts’ sem inar and drew
tickets for the door prizes AOPA had
provided.— M arian H artley
A ccepting the invitation o f the Z onta organization in our region
to a tte n d th e ir a n n u al A m e lia E arh a rt F e llo w sh ip L un ch eo n in
W altham , M assachusetts w ere C ynthia Taylor, Z onta R egional G ov­
ernor; M artha D unbar, Past N.E. G overnor, Eastern New England;
L aurence V igeant-L anglors, 99s recipient o f Z onta A.E. Fellow ship
for second year; Pat T heberge, E astern N.E. C hapter C hair; Katharine
Barr, N.E. G overnor; and H elen L aw rence, Z onta Vice Governor.
— K atharine B arr
A flying com panion sem inar
in W ichita, K ansas, on M arch 25
w a s w e ll- a tte n d e d w ith 19
people. It w as held on the cam ­
pus o f Friends U niversity with an
hour spent at W ichita M id-C on­
tinent A irport for hands-on expe­
rience in preflight and instrum ent
fam iliarization.
L inda B lack w as chairm an
a n d K aren T ucker, K ay A lley,
B o n n ie J o h n s o n , M a u re e n
M c M a s te r, Jo y H a tc h , Ja n a
Jadaborg and I w ere the present­
ers— Jackie Sauder
A t a M ath & Science C onfer­
e n c e h e ld a t S h a s ta C o lle g e ,
Redding, C alifornia, on April 1,
Sue K e rr and S uann P rig m o re
presented a program on the oppor­
tunities available to young ladies
for a career in aviation. T he 90
students w ere divided into four
classes o f an h our each.
Sue K err brought tw o sim u­
lators, and Sue Hill brought great
visual props o f the com pass and
m ain panel instrum ents.
D onna T aylor and Sue K err
g a v e b r ie f d e m o n s tra tio n s on
w hat the tow er does. Suann re­
vealed the contents o f w hat pilots
carry in their briefcases. Barbara
C rocker w orked w ith the girls on
the sim ulator in the m orning ses­
sions, and D iana W ard w orked
w ith them in the afternoon.
It w as a great opportunity to
tell them about T he 99s and the
C ivil A ir Patrol. The m ost popu­
lar question was: “W hat does an
airline pilot earn?”
— D onna Taylor
Mt. Shasta C hapter m em bers Suann Prigm ore, Susan Hill, D onna
Taylor, B arbara C rocker a n d Sue K err presenting a program on
"A viation C areers f o r Women ” a t Shasta College.
Susie Sew ell g uides a to u r o f
guests a t the O klahom a
C hapter's m em bership brunch at
99s M useum o f Women Pilots.
O n S u n d a y , M a rc h 19, th e
C hapter held its annual m em bership
brunch at International H eadquar­
ters. M arge R ichison received both
the C hapter Service Award and the
C h ap ter Pilot o f the Year Award.
E ach person at the lunch g ave a
thum bnail bio o f herself and w hy or
how she learned to fly. Follow ing
this w arm , funny program , form er
International President Susie Sewell
led a to u r o f the 99s M useum o f
W omen Pilots.— C arol Sokatch
C h a p te r m e m b e rs D ia n n e
Fredrick, Judy Kras, Kathy Malinsky,
Penny M oynihan, Bonnie Naas and
Virginis H arm er helped with judging
at the Pacific C oast Intercollegiate
Flying Association SA FECON 2000.
Heidi Southw orth. San G abriel
V alley C h a p te r, w on th e F ed E x
Scholarship at the recent W om en in
Aviation C onference in M em phis.
She will be w orking on her m ultiengine ratings.— Judee Wilson
T he Florida G oldcoast C hap­
ter had a gala 60th anniversary
celebration to com m em orate its
f o u n d in g . R u th F le is h e r , a
W om en's A irforce Service Pilot in
WW1I, led the evening with a his­
torical overview o f our C h ap ter’s
developm ent. As one o f the e arli­
est m em bers o f our Chapter, her
m em ories are part o f o ur collec­
tive legacy.
R uth grew up w atching avia­
tion d ev elo p around her as the
dau g h ter o f an airport m anager
and has served both as a m ilitary
and civilian air traffic controller.
She is an in sp iratio n to fellow
C hapter m em bers w ho gathered
to be part o f the event held in the
hom e o f C hapter Secretary Judy
R uth’s retrospective glim pse
o f the C h a p te r’s history— often
sprinkled w ith her ow n brand o f
hum orous recollections and com ­
m entary— provided for a d elight­
ful evening.
The Florida Chapter, forerun­
n e r o f th e F lo rid a G o ld c o a s t
Chapter, w as founded in January
1940 w ith 14 m em bers. In M arch
1947, it sponsored the first “All
W o m e n ’s A ir S h o w ” a n d th e
‘T ranscontinental A ir Race" (later
called the P ow der P u ff D erb y )
from Palm Springs, C alifornia, to
Tam pa, Florida.
T h e n a m e o f th e U n ite d
States N avy M unicipal A irport in
M iam i w as ch an g e d to A m elia
Earhart Field. By June 1948, the
Second A nnual A ll W om en’s A ir
M em bers o f our C hapter co-sponsored an FAA Safety-E ducation Sem i­
nar on “ Survival” at the FAA T echnical Center, A tlantic C ity International
A irport in M arch. T here w ere theory sem inars and hands-on survival skill
building, such as planning w hat to put in a survival kit, building a shelter,
signaling fundam entals and fire-starting. B arbara Para, L orraine Jordan,
potential FW P R honda G oodw in, A ndrea Shreni, N orm a B egley and Judy
Johnson are show n resting on the sym bol for First A id. N ot pictured w ere
Rita L ew andow ski, D iana D ade and K aren H opson— Karen H opson
Show and the se c ­
ond T ranscontinen­
ta l A ir R a c e to o k
p la c e a t A m e lia
E arhart Field. June
1950 was the fourth
la s t
A ll
W om en’s A ir Show.
F lo r id a
C hapter grew and by
1965, Florida m em ­
bers established the
W est C oast C hapter,
Chairm an B obbi Lichtiger, M ara B ooth-M iller
n o w c a lle d th e
and R uth F leisher a t 60th anniversary
F lo r id a S u n c o a s t
celebration o f the F lorida G oldcoast Chapter.
C hapter, as w ell as
the Spaceport C hap­
Anyone w ho has been in the au­
ter and our Florida G oldcoast C hap­
ter. The Florida G oldcoast C hapter
dience when Fay Gillis Wells speaks
had approxim ately 40 m em bers at
knows what a lively and fun-filled
evening transpired.
the tim e, including those in the Fort
L au d erd ale and M iam i areas. By
O ur gatherings are alw ays filled
1 9 7 5 , m e m b e rs h ip h a d g ro w n
w ith inform ative presentations on a
enough that the south Florida m em ­
w ide variety o f subjects. Lt. M ara
b e rsh ip d iv id e d in to the F lo rid a
B ooth Miller, U .S. C oast G uard, is
G oldcoast fo r the M iam i area and
a private pilot w orking on her in­
the Florida G ulfstream C hapter for
strum ent rating. She sees her work
those in the Fort L auderdale area.
as a great w ay to earn m oney for her
O ur 60 years have seen a lot o f
flying. She gave a presentation to
cam araderie and special events such
o u r C h ap ter d iscu ssin g h e r w ork
as o u r “N in e -N in e-N in e ty -N in e .”
with endangered m arine m am m als.
O n Septem ber 9, 1999, the Florida
T h e G o ld c o a s t C h a p te r has
G oldcoast and Florida G ulfstream
h e lp e d m any an asp irin g av iato r
C hapter jo in e d forces to put on a
through its scholarships, such as the
spectacular celebratory event featur­
B arbara C hapm an M em orial and
ing one o f T he 99s founding m em ­
G riner Scholarships.
bers, Faye G illis W ells. T he dinner
M e m b e rs in th e F lo r id a
evening capped out at 99 guests and
G oldcoast C hapter range from stu­
w a s h o s te d a t th e f a c i li t ie s o f
dent pilots, aviation educators, avia­
B ro w a rd C o m m u n ity C o lle g e ’s
tion professionals and even aviation
A viation Institute, w hich interest­
legends. We are a happy and proud
ingly enough, and by pure coinci­
group that continues to grow in our
dence is B uilding 99!
60th year!— Jan Shakespeare
A ll seven m em bers o f the B orrego Springs C hapter a n d their 8 0 guests
celebrated the 16th birthday o f the chapter on A pril 15. The celebration
included a fly -in , p o tlu c k d in n er a n d perfect weather. Show n here are
M ary Egarr, June M cC orm ack, Jan M cC orm ack, Jen n y Wright, Louise
Phillips, Joan Loob a n d A drienne Parker.
O ur C hapter hosted a highly
su c c essfu l o p p o rtu n ity fo r o u r
m em bers to becom e N ight C ur­
rent as w ell as take their annual
p ro fic ie n c y tra in in g (A P T ) on
M arch 15 at John W ayne A irport.
F ood w as su p p lie d by S h irley
M cF all. V ice C h a irm a n V icky
A nderson set up the venue and
alerted the JW A Tower. She ar­
ranged for the use o f fo u r new
172s accom panied by four CFIs
supplied by FBO s Sunrise Avia­
tion and L enair Aviation. She also
arranged fo r in su ra n ce and the
prom otion o f the event— a truly
professional job.
C F Is
w e re
D e b o ra h
K asparoff, Je n n ife r F le m m in g ,
Jerry C o and O .C m em b er Sue
T he 16 m em bers w ho becam e
N ight C urrent w ere B renda Ja c k ­
so n , M a rie H o e fe r, L in d a
E ld rid g e , C y n th ia S h o fe r, C .J.
Rietz, Laura C rosson. H ilda Hill,
O ur Future W omen Pilots pro­
gram is m oving right along. Jo in ­
ing us in M a rch w e re M ic h e lle
Davis o f Lancaster (Elise G ravance,
m entor); Deb M agnin o f Rosam ond
(Jan Tomeny, m entor), and K im m ie
B row n-G rachl o f R idgecrest (C har
Spencer, m entor). We had our first
informal m eeting o f the FW Ps, their
m entors and the scholarship com ­
O N M A R C H 4, a
lo v ely p e rfo rm a n c e
o f th e “ 1929 A ir
R ace” w as presented
a t S a n ta M o n i c a ’s
M u seu m o f F ly in g .
A ctresses played the
p a r ts o f M a rv e l
C rosson, R uth Elder,
B a rn es,
A m e lia E arh a rt and
Bobbi Trout. T he real
h i g h li g h t w a s th e
C F I Jerry Co p a sses O range
C ounty m em ber Sabrina B each
on h e r N ig h t Currency.
T erry O ’C o n n ell, N onie D ietz,
B onnie Shanks, M elinda L uthin,
B rid g e t
O ’C a llig h a n - H a y ,
G re tc h e n L in d e lo f , S a b r in a
Beach, Tami F olger and C hapter
Chairm an C olleen H andrahan.
— M ary Van Veltzer
m ittee in M arch.
O n Sunday, A pril 2, a roadside
m onum ent w as d e d ic ate d to F lo­
rence “ Pancho" B arnes at the Cantil
Post O ffice. M em bers o f E C lam pus
Vitus, a historical society, took tim e
out to honor the C harter 99s flying
ace w ith this roadside m onum ent.
Pancho’s sense o f adventure, integ­
rity and independence is an exam ple
for all o f us.— D iana Tanner
. . „
c h a rter M ember Bobbi Trout receiving,flowers
guest ap p earan ce o f fmm casl memher °f "1929A ir Race. "
Bobbi T rout herself— the one surviving contestant o f that race and
also a C harter M em ber o f T he 99s. As alw ays, it w as delightful to
listen to B obbi’s exciting recollections and w onderful wit.
— D oris R obertson, Los A ngeles C hapter
T hanks to the generous offer o f
the A viation Speakers B ureau, we
had the opportunity to provide avia­
tion education in o u r com m unity.
The bureau gave us 20 copies o f Rod
M acado’s Private P ilo t’s H andbook
w ith the stipulation that we place
these in local ju n io r and high school
libraries. T hey w ere distributed in
C o lo rad o S p rin g s and P u eb lo by
M arita D rag ten , Jan R ooche and
C arol Krutzke.
O ur C hapter has a lending li­
b ra ry o f a v ia tio n re la te d b o o k s,
m any about w om en pilots. We also
h ave a C e ssn a slid e/tap e ground
school for C hapter m em bers and the
equipm ent to run it. T he library is
m a in ta in e d by o u r c o -c h a ir and
new sletter editor, P hyllis W ells.
— O nita Winfrey
O ur FAA Safety S em inar was
held in M arch at Ashland, Ohio. The
speakers w ere from FSD O and air
traffic controllers. Pilots in atten­
dance cam e from six counties, with
five student pilots. T he youngest
w as 11 years old.— M arge H azlett
Betty Rowley, editor
99 News
807 N. Waco, Ste 22
Wichita, KS 67203
Fax 316-263-7350 or e-mail
Seven m em bers and tw o student pilots (Ceci Barker, D onna
O 'N eal. Shirley L eatherw ood, Shirley W einbaum , C arol A ndrew s,
M ary Ann Foster, E laine C hase, M arcell L eak and H elen M artin)
attended our m eeting in M arch. We are show n here at H elen M artin’s
hangar view ing her Tacod M agnum U ltralight w hich she built in
1994. She shared her story o f her dead-stick off-airport sa fe landing
in it in February.— C arol A ndrew s
D espite heavy fog, som e o f our m em bers m ade it to El C holo
R estaurant in Santa M onica in M arch to celebrate the 68th anniver­
sary o f our Chapter. Show n here are Jim and B em ie Stevenson, Pin­
kie W eiss, Rachel B onzon, D oris Robertson, Pat O lson, T heres Lee,
Sally LaForge, D orothy L im bach and Eugenie Rohrberg.
— D oris R obertson
T he O kie D erby is an annual
proficiency air co m petition spon­
sored by the O klahom a Chapter. It
is the w orld’s largest proficiency air
rally. It is not only fun for pilots, but
tests piloting skills and know ledge
o f the capabilities o f the airplanes
they fly.
T his com petition is open to all
licensed pilots flying standard gen­
eral aviation airplanes. E ach crew
consists o f a pilot and a navigator.
The latter need not be a licensed pi­
lot, but m ust be at least 16.
E ntrants set their ow n h andi­
caps on the entry form by listing the
ground speed they intend to m ain­
tain o v e r a cro ss-c o u n try course.
The course (not to exceed 225 sm )
is not revealed until a m andatory
p ilots’ briefing the evening prior to
the derby.
C om petitors com e from all over
O k lah o m a and from neig h b o rin g
sta te s. C o lle g ia te tea m s p ro v id e
keen com petition to both veteran
and first-tim e racers.
The O kie D erby w as begun to
generate funds for aviation scholar­
ships. $13,000 has been aw arded
since 1990. E ntry fees do not com e
close to netting sufficient funds to
m eet the scholarship am ount; there­
fore, the O klahom a C hapter relies
on friends and supporters o f avia­
tion and education to help. Sponsor­
ships start at $25 w ith m any people
contributing $99 in keeping w ith the
nam e o f the organization. T hrough
the scholarship program , w e encour­
age interest in aviation and upgrad­
ing o f pilot skills for young people.
T his year the derby will be held
o n A u g u s t 1 8 -1 9 . C h a ir m a n is
M ichelle G reen. T he starting and
T h e P a lm s C h a p te r w a s
form ed in 1978 by C laire W alters
for the express purpose o f run­
ning the annual Palm s to Pines
A ir Race from Santa M onica to
Oregon. Its first race w as in 1970;
its 31st will be held A ugust 1113. U sually the race has about 35
planes enter, but occasionally has
reached 60 or m ore. C laire is the
race chairm an.
C hapter m em bers help with
various functions. Vice C hairm an
R obin B ecker and her com m ittee
gather raffle item s and each year
this race has been a great m oney-
ending is at W iley Post Airport. R eg­
istration fee is $35 if received be­
fore A ugust 11.
F or further inform ation, contact
R e g is tr a tio n C h a irm a n P h y llis
M ille r , 1 9 2 4 R e d P r a ir ie D r.,
Edm ond, O K 73003; 405-844-4011;
fa x :4 0 5 -8 4 4 -4 0 1 2 .
— Carol Sokatch
Oklahottia C hapter
E ntries open M ay 1 and close
A ugust 5 for the 25th A nnual B uck­
eye A ir R ally to be held at Frem ont
A irport (14G ) at Frem ont, O hio, on
A ugust 11 and 12. T his is a profi­
ciency air rally, sponsored by the
A ll-O hio 99s. It is open to any pi­
lot. A tw o-person crew is required.
T he navigator (copilot) need not be
licen sed , but m ust be at lea st 16
years old. Passengers are not perm it­
ted. C ash aw ards and prizes.
T he o b jec t o f this rally is to
dem onstrate the ability o f the pilot
to fly a cross-country course in such
a m anner as to m ost closely equal
his or her chosen speed. C ontestants
set th eir speed by indicating on the
e n try form the g ro u n d sp e e d at
w hich they plan to fly. Scores are
d e te r m in e d by m a tc h in g e a c h
contestant’s perform ance against the
chosen speed.
A irp lan e s are im p o u n d ed b e ­
tw e en 12 a n d 6 p.m . on F riday.
T here w ill be an FAA Safety Sem i­
nar at 7 open to the public. T here is
a m andatory pilot briefing at 8 p.m.
and the rally starts at 9:30 a.m . on
Saturday. T he rally is follow ed by a
banquet Saturday evening.
F or further inform ation, contact
S u e L e M a itr e , 4 1 9 - 3 3 4 - 3 0 8 5 .
E-m ail: glam aitre@ nw
raiser for the C h a p te r’s o ther suc­
cessful activity: The 99s M useum o f
W om en Pilots.
A t race tim e, various C hapter
m em bers m ove from jo b to j o b inspecting papers and each plane,
registering race crew s, transporting
people to and from the hotel, doing
w hatever there is to be done. C hap­
te r T re a s u re r C e c ilia W eld o n is
C laire’s assistant and Jeff, C e cilia ’s
husband, is the start’s radio com m u­
nicator w ith the tower.
T he San Fernando Valley C hap­
ter m em bers help, as does L os A n­
g e le s C h a p te r m e m b e r N o rm a
Futterm an and her friend M aribel
O ur 10th annual Poker R un w as the best ever! We had m ore than
150 poker players, at least 160 g uests for lunch and gave aw ay prizes
w orth m ore than $2,000. T he w eather w as perfect. O ur anniversary
shirts looked great. I think this is a very w orthw hile event in that it
e n co u ra g es flying, fe llo w sh ip am ong o u r m em bers and provides
m oney for our scholarships, all at the sam e time.
— P atricia M cD uffee
A n telo p e Valley P o ke r R un particip a n ts: B ack row: D eb M agnin
(F W P), Jan Tomeny, C arol R e u k a u f M elissa Cliffe, P alom ar
C hapter; K im m ie B row n-G raehl (F W P), A nne R oberts, P alom ar
C h a p ter; Ja n ice Payne, L a D ell Sim m ons, R osem ary JensenC oonrod, R osan M onaghan, M ich elle D avis (FW P), C onnie
F a rm er (Long B each C hapter); a n d N e ll Justice. F ront row: N ikki
Lion, C athy H ansen, C oncha Trippensee, B ev VanderWall, P atricia
M cD uffee, C har Spencer, E lle C oussens, F loraB elle R eece and
E lise G ravance.
C om e jo in us for E A A AirV enture, July 26-A ugust 1. The 99s
Tent w ill be in the sam e location— near the W est R am p w here the
featured planes are parked and ju st outside o f H angar B. Volunteers
are needed to g reet and m eet other 99s and recruit other w om en pilots
o r student pilots. T his is a high-visibility opportunity for The 99s.
Join us for a casual breakfast at the tent on Friday or Sunday m orn­
ings. If you w ish to volunteer or need further inform ation or assis­
tance w ith accom m odations, please call 847-913-0490.
— Rita A dam s
EAA A irVenture Coordinator
L lorens. T hey clim b to the tow er to
handle “ start tim ing.” A long the 750
m ile V F R flig h t, o th e r C h a p te rs
pitch in. We are proud that so m any
do it each year, such as San Joaquin
Valley w ith its delicious buffet at
m id-tim ing point, Mt. Shasta at the
over-night point, and C rater Lake
Flyers helping at the finish. M any
C hapters over the years have helped.
Entry fees pay all race costs, tro­
phies and prize money. Race kits are
a v a ila b le in M a rch fro m C laire .
Races are held usually in August and
alw ays after T he 99s annual confer­
T here are no form al SO Ps, but
we invite you to race with us, then
discuss details w ith C laire if you
w ant to start your ow n fun-filled
w eekend event. In C laire’s m em ­
oirs, This F lying Life, chapters 18
and 19 fully discuss the race and
the new 99s M useum o f W omen
O ur Chapter meetings are held
the first Tuesday o f each month at
7 :30 p.m. at Santa M onica Airport,
Barker Hangar Conference Room,
3021 Airport Ave. Guests are wel­
com e. Call C hapter Chairm an D.J.
Nellis at 310-394-4486 if you have
— B etty Loufek, P alm s C hapter
W inners o f the 22nd Indiana D unes Proficiency A ir R ally (a 132 nm
course) at LaPorte M unicipal A irport w ere ( L to R) John and pilot M arilyn
Horvath in their 172 Skyhaw k, 2nd place; Joy Valek and pilot Janice W elsh
in a Piper 140, 1st place; and Jan T opp and pilot L inda M attingly in a Piper
W arrior, 3rd place.
L inda also w on the Spot L anding C ontest. She w as no farther than one
foot from the line. D ee and Bob N usbaum , w inners o f last y e a r’s rally,
were hosts. — C hristine M urdock
• C a p t. N iv e d ita J a in B hasin. India Section, o f Indian A irlines, w as pre­
sented the R ashtriya E kta Award for outstanding achievem ent in the field
o f aviation.
• G o v e r n o r C h a n d a B u d h a b h a ti. India S e c tio n , w as p re sen te d the
“W oman o f the Year" aw ard by the Pan Asian C om m unity A lliance in F eb­
ruary in Tucson, A rizona. T suneo N ishida, consul general o f Japan in Los
A ngeles, w as the keynote speaker for the cerem ony attended by m ore than
600 people.
• W ally F u n k . D allas C hapter, is going to R ussia in June to train with
their cosm onauts and U.S. astronauts at Star City.
• Jo y H a tc h , K ansas C hapter, received her doctorate in inform ation sys­
tem s and services. H er dissertation w as on the effects o f student pilots in
em ergencies.
• K a re n M o n te ith . K ansas C hapter, has been hired by Ryan International
A irlines. She w as in M inneapolis for B oeing 727 flight engineer ground
school and M em phis for sim ulator training.
• P a tric ia N oyes P re n tiss, O range C ounty C hapter, has upgraded her rat­
ings to fly the B eech H aw ker H S -125s.
• W a n d a S tra s s b u rg , San Luis O bispo C hapter, has been appointed as
designated pilot exam iner servicing the San Jose, C alifornia, FSD O .
T H E A L A SK A C H A PT E R is once again offering flight training scholar­
ships for w om en. T his year, a $ 1,000 career scholarship will be aw arded
to a fem ale licensed pilot in the pursuit o f a career in aviation. A $1,000
scholarship is set aside for a w om an pilot pursuing an advanced rating and
a $500 scholarship w ill be aw arded to a soloed student pilot.
Eligibility; Scholarships will be aw arded to A laska residents. Fem ale
student pilots m ust subm it a copy o f their solo endorsem ent. A pplicants
for the advanced rating scholarship m ust have at least a private pilot li­
cense and current m edical, and subm it a com pleted application.
A pplications m ust be received by June 30. 2000. Send applications
to: A laska 99s, PO Box 91962, A nchorage, A K 99509— N ancy M errim an
IL A F O X L O E T S C H E R , C har­
ter M em ber, R io G rande Valley
C hapter, age 95, died in her sleep
January 4. She received her pilot’s
license #7739 in S eptem ber 1929
at C urtis Flying Service in M oline,
Illinois, and w as Iow a’s first li­
censed w om an pilot.
Ila w as contacted by A m elia
E arhart about form ing a new or­
ganization for w om an pilots and
becam e a c h a rte r m em ber. She
lived in the N ew York area in the
‘30s w here she m et A m elia at nu­
m erous 99s functions. “She was
an inspiration I shall never forget,”
Ila frequently said o f the noted
W hen Ila visited South Padre
Island. Texas, on a fam ily picnic
in 1959, she d ecided to build a
house there. A docum entary film
a b o u t e n d a n g e r e d se a tu r tle s
caught her interest and she began
w hat becam e her life’s work: sav­
ing the turtles, w hich eventually
caused her to becom e affection-
EN A A Y E R S B R O W N . Bay C it­
ies C hapter, a 99 fo r clo se to 50
years, died M arch 4 in D enver o f
c o m b in atio n pneu m o -p u lm o n ary heart illness.
—G ay M cC auley
B ay C ities C hapter
JE A N R . B U S T O S , San G abriel
Valley Chapter, friend and long-time
active C hapter m em ber, died Feb­
ruary 7 in a m id-air collision over
Sylm ar, C alifornia. Jean received
her pilot’s license in 1985 and has
w orked tirelessly for T he 99s since
—Judee Wilson
San G abriel Valley C hapter
D O R O T H Y M A R IE “ T O R G Y ”
R E G A N , K eystone C hapter, died
D ecem ber 4, after a tw o-year battle
w ith cancer. Torgy d id n ’t start fly­
ing until she w as in her 50s but she
rapidly progressed through instru­
m ent, com m ercial and flight instruc­
tor ratings, and soon becam e an ac­
tive and w idely respected m em ber
Charter M ember Ila Fox Loetscher
ately called “The T urtle Lady.”
W ith the goal o f protecting
m arine turtles and educating the
public about these en dangered
creatures, in 1978 Ila started Sea
T urtle, Inc., a refuge for injured
sea turtles and a stop for m any
tourists w ho cam e to see them
and listen to presentations by Ila
and her m any volunteers.
o f the local aviation community. She
served as an FAA aviation safety
counselor, and flight instructor at
E aston A irport.
Torgy served as Secretary, new s­
letter editor and Vice C hairm an and
w as instrum ental in developing our
C h a p te r’s educational program for
fourth grade children.
Torgy was a role model for us, in­
spiring us to aim high, strive to do
m ore, be better— and never give up.
— Sally H iestand
K eystone C hapter
R O S A L IE B R A C H T W Y S E , AllO hio Chapter, passed aw ay in Feb­
ruary at the age o f 93. A Life M em ­
ber, R osalie started flying on a bet
a fter a ride in a Ford T rim otor in
1936. She got her license and joined
T he 99s in 1943. She kept the love
o f flying and her friends in her heart
long a fter she could no longer be
active w ith our Chapter.
— M arge H azlett, A ll-O hio C hapter
N in e ty -N in e s : Please try to p a rto n iz e the advertisers in this
m agazine. If you c a n 't use th e ir p ro d u c t right away, then
w rite a le tte r o r e -m a il a note o f a p p re cia tio n fo r th e ir sup­
port. W e need them to c o n tin u e h e lp in g us.
MY BEST W ISH ES from w hite Fin­
land. O ur 99s Exhibition w as open
for 158 days and 12,000 visitors saw
it. W hen I dism antled the exhibition,
I also counted all the things. There
w ere 428 p h o to g rap h s, 487 texts
and/or nam es and 301 other things.
N ow all is over, and I can sleep very
We have here in H elsinki a con­
gress June 7-11, 2000, “ European
W omen and Sport” and they asked
me to have a part o f the exhibition
in the congress hall. O f course, it will
be nice to take part. It will be a big
—K. A n n eli K okkola
F innish Section
JU ST R E C EIV ED m y M arch/A pril
issue o f 99 News. T hanks very m uch
for including the article on “BE A
PILOT.” W e’ve already had an in­
quiry about the kiosk (w hich is still
being developed)!
— C yndy Brown, executive director
issue there w as an article featuring
several w om en in different areas of
a v ia tio n . O n e o f th e s e w o m e n ,
A ileen Jost-W atkins, has a special
m eaning for me.
In 1999 I attended one day o f the
W omen In Aviation C onference in
Orlando, Florida. A t that tim e I had
put my private pilot’s training on hold
because I w as frustrated w ith my
progress and concerned about m y fi­
nancial situation.
D uring the course o f this day,
how ever, I happened to overhear a
very enthusiastic professional pilot
giving som e advice to several other
w om en w ho w ere thinking about a
career change into aviation. M y in­
terest definitely peaked.
I w aited over an hour ju st to talk
to this w om an. W hen I finally did
get a chance to speak to her and I
learned her nam e w as A ileen JostW atkins, we talked for m ore than an
hour. She gave me som e very help­
ful h in ts w ith reg ard to a c are er
change. She also gave me the e-m ail
address o f another pilot (w ho once
practiced in m y profession). A t the
end o f our conversation, she handed
m e her business card and told m e to
call o r e-m ail her any tim e I needed
any help or encouragem ent.
I returned hom e from that oneday affair in O rlando and picked up
w ith m y private pilot training. Dur­
ing the course o f that training, I w as
having difficulty w ith m y second
instructor, so 1 e-m ailed A ileen and
explained som e o f the difficulties I
w as having. T hanks to her and tw o
o th er significant individuals, I d e ­
cided to change flight schools and
d riv e 3 0 m in u te s so u th to P u n ta
G orda, Florida, to finish m y private
p i lo t ’s lic e n s e . (I w a s liv in g in
Venice, Florida, at the tim e.)
I obtained m y private p ilo t’s li­
cense on A ugust 31, 1999, and was
scheduled to return to Long Island,
N ew York, for a jo b tw o w eeks later.
A fam ily m em ber w ho w as to pro­
vide tem porary housing for m e un­
til I found m y ow n place found at
the last m inute they could not ac­
c o m m o d a te m e. I w as fra n tic . I
e-m ailed a n u m b er o f people, in­
cluding A ileen, w ho I had kept in
touch w ith throughout the course o f
my training for m y private. She em ailed m e back, “W here on Long
Island?” I replied: “ B rentw ood.”
T he next day I received a m es­
sage on m y answ ering m achine in
Florida w ith the new s that her high
school frien d ’s m other m ight have
a place for m e in Brentw ood.
Now, six m onths later, I am still
living in Brentw ood and flying on
Long Island. A t the W omen In Avia­
tion Conference in Memphis, Tennes­
see, this year, I finally had a chance
to m eet again with this pilot w ho had
Sue Ballew
Orange County
Sabrina Beach
Orange County
Kimberly Blair
O ld Dom inion
Nancy Daugherty
Carol Levine a n d A ileen JostWatkins at the Women In Aviation
Conference in M emphis, Tennessee
helped steer a course for me. I was
a m a z e d to se e ho w m an y o th e r
wom an were draw n to her enthusi­
asm and her w ealth o f knowledge.
D uring the four-day conference,
I noticed how m any people A ileen
w as able to help w ith her advice and
encouragem ent, ju s t like she did for
m e about a y ear ago. I am truly in­
debted to this talented and very spe­
cial person w ho not only encouraged
m e to go forth and obtain m y pri­
vate license but helped me in other
areas o f m y life. She is a great asset
to the aviation profession.
— C arol S. Levine
L ong Island C hapter
Alisa Hagerty
Greater Seattle
Sethany Houseknecht
O ld Dominion
Allison Laird
Eastern Pennsylvania
Susan Laskos
Josefine Schuhmann
German Section
Jann Thompson
O ld Dom inion
Rhonda West
San Luis Obispo
)udy Bergman
O ld Dom inion
Phase III
Jann Thompson
O ld Dominion
Phase III
Chris Creamer
All-O hio
Phase IV
Marge Shaffer
O ld Dominion
Phase IV
Cyd Busko
A ll-O hio
Phase VIII
U nited A irlin es n ew hire class o f M arch 2000
AN UP-DATE on m y article in last issue: In M arch, I started at United
A irlines. U SA irw ay w as a great place to w ork. But since U nited has
alw ays been m y ultim ate goal, w hen the opportunity cam e m y way,
I ju m p ed at it. I start as a 727 Flight E ngineer based in Denver. (Back
hom e again!)—B ev Sinclair, C olorado Chapter
Nancy Kyle
Eastern Pennsylvania
Phase VIII
W ally Funk
TO FLY: A Flight Instructor’s
Nightmare - by E arline A m es is the
sto ry o f a 7 5 -y e a r-o ld w o m a n ’s
struggle to fulfill a lifelong dream :
earning her Private p ilo t’s c ertifi­
cate. It’s a story for the young-inheart. Softcover. C heck or m oney
order for $14 to L eap Frog Press,
PO Box 1256, R ocklin, CA 95677.
AIRPLANE QUILT RAFFLE Sponsored by T ucson C hapter 99s
as fund-raiser for hosting the begin­
ning o f A ir Race C lassic in Tucson,
A rizona, in June. C o n tac t G loria
T ornbom , 5964 W. R after C ircle,
T ucson, A Z 85713. Phone
5 2 0 -5 7 8 - 2 9 3 1
e -m a il
gloriatom @j
FUTURE AIRLIN E PILOTS m ilitary and civilian. We offer a top
quality com plete airline pilot career
developm ent system delivered on
tim e by experienced professionals.
G et all the hiring inform ation you
need to land one o f the 12,000+jobs
in '99! Service includes: M onthly
m agazine and new sletter detailing
2 0 0 + a ir lin e s - M a jo r s /N a t’ls /
R egionals/Pax & Cargo. Plus Sal­
ary Survey, A pplication H andbook,
C areer G uide - hiring forecast/job
search p lan n in g & in te rv iew in g .
Airline A ddress, Fleet & Sim direc­
tories, unlim ited 800 career coun­
seling. O ptional - Lifetim e resum e
service. N ational career sem inars/
jo b fairs. Interview prep by phone
for all M ajors, N ationals & m any
m ore. Plus a full range o f books to
prepare you for your airline inter­
view s, testing, sim check & m edi­
cal. N ew A irline Pilot Starter Kit,
start right & reach your goal fast.
S atisfaction guaranteed. D iscount
offered to ALPA, AOPA. APA & 99s
m e m b e rs . V isit o u r w e b s ite at
w w w .a ir a p p s .c o m o r c a ll K it
D arby’s A IR, Inc. today: 800-A IR APPS.
ALIVE - V irginia B reed’s autobi­
ography, includes stories o f flying
her ow n plane 23 years, racing in
the PPD , C algary to Baton Rouge,
a 99 since 1969, travels and 20th
century life. C heck for $15 to Vir­
ginia Breed, 35 L ocust Street, N or­
w ich, NY 13815
GUIDANCE - C apt. K aren Kahn
N inety-N ines helping N inety-N ines.
P ersonalized career guidance, tim ebuilding tips and practice interview s
from experienced airline captains.
In-person o r phone consultations to
accelerate your progress and avoid
expensive m istakes. 25% discount
for 99s. C ontact K aren K ahn, A via­
tio n C a r e e r C o u n s e lin g , 9 3 3
C heltenham R oad, Santa B arbara,
8 0 5 -6 8 7 -9 4 9 3 ,
fa x 8 0 5 -6 8 7 - 6 2 2 6 o r e - m a il
pilotcnslr@ .
100% C otton (S ea Island o r E gyp­
tian). C hoose style and fabric, over
50 co lo rs. M a n u fac tu rer D irect $75-$95. F irstC lassF ashions, 6178 0 3 -1 3 1 4 o r v is it o u r w e b s ite
w w w .
$1 per w ord M inim um charge:
$20. E nclose check with ad. No
charge for nam e, address, tele­
phone/fax. Send to T he NinetyN ines, Box 9 6 5 ,7 1 0 0 Term inal
D riv e , O k la h o m a C ity , O K
73159, USA.
A m elia Earhart, The M ystery S o lved , by E lgen M. L ong and M arie K.
L ong, is a m eticulously researched and in-depth presentation o f A m elia
E arhart’s around-the-w orld flight w ith an analysis o f navigational chal­
lenges and shortcom ings. The conclusion shoots dow n m any o f the m yths
perpetrated through the years. It w as published in hard cover N ovem ber
1999 by Sim on & Shuster and is available at any bookstore for $25.
M other Flies Hurricanes, by M ary Singer, is about wom en ferry pilots in
E ngland’s A ir Transport Auxiliary. A brief history o f the A ir Transport Auxil­
iary appears at the end o f the book. W ASPs get mentioned a few limes. The
book is available at am and through Bookm asters at 1-800-2476553. M ary will donate $3 to The 99s for each book ordered with the source
code o f “9 9" w hich you should give at the tim e o f ordering.
C A L L IN G A LL 99s B O O K A U T H O R S - B etty Loufek, Palm s Chapter,
has b egun a new project since co-authoring C laire W alters’ book, This Fly­
ing Life. She is gathering inform ation about other 99s w ho are authors o f
b o o k s and p re p a rin g it fo r Pam O ’B rien to add to T he 99s w ebsite
< w w w>.
If you are a 99s book author a n d have not already been contacted by
P am o r Betty, please w rite to B etty L oufek, AirW om an Press, PO Box 7 2 1,
C am arillo, C A 93011-0721. If you have an extra book jac k et or advertis­
ing show ing the cover, send that along as well.
B e tty m ay b e c o n ta c te d b y p h o n e ( 8 0 5 -4 8 2 - 6 7 9 1 ) o r e -m a il
airw om an@
Please m ake sure that In tern atio n al
Headquarters has your correct address,
phone/fax and e-m ail.
99 News display
advertising is handled
by John Shoemaker
at Village Press in
Traverse City, Michigan,
where the magazine
is printed and mailed.
To place an ad or to request an advertising
rate sheet, call John at 1-800-773-7798, ext. 3317
W ilem an Service
Pilot & A ircraft Supplies
Send your business card and $50 check made out to
The N inety-N ines to 99 News, 807 N. Waco,
Ste 22, Wichita, KS 67203. Ads w illl run as submit­
ted first-come, first run where space is available.
w w w .w ilem
Hangar 42 Eagle Way
Mohave Valley, Az 86440
Fax (520) 346-1197
(877) 81 PLANE
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