Members - Cape Cod Antique Dealers Association
Members - Cape Cod Antique Dealers Association
2015 Members Directory Mill race, looking towards Lower Mill Pond, Brewster, c. 1912 CCADA, Inc. CALENDAR OF CCADA EVENTS FOR 2015 Board Meetings: 3rd Tuesday of every month at 9:30 A.M. Tues., April 14th – Annual Antique Seminar Cultural Center of Cape Cod Open to the Public (see page 2 for deatils) May/June – CCADA Members Social Get-Together May 27th – CCADA Scholarship awarded at Cape Cod Community College July 1st – Sept 30th – Applications for 2015 CCADA Cultural Grants accepted Fri. July 31st – Sat. August 1st CCADA Indoor Antiques Show Nauset Middle School Gymnasium, Orleans Fri. 5–8 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m.–8 p.m. Wed., Oct. 21st: Annual Meeting & Dinner Olde Yarmouth Inn, 223 Route 6A, Yarmouth Port 5:30 Annual Meeting – 6:30 Social and Dinner Dec 1st– Cultural Enrichment Grant recipients will be announced Mailing Address:CCADA P.O. Box 335 Eastham, MA 02642 Single copies of this Directory may be obtained by sending a businesssized self-addressed stamped envelope and $1.00 to: CCADA, P.O. Box 335, Eastham, MA 02642. Bulk Quantities available on request. Email or call 508-760-3290. On the cover is a “real photo” postcard of a man boating on Stoney Brook in Brewster, sent by Gertrude B. to her friend in Landesville, PA. in 1912 OFFICERS PRESIDENT TREASURER RECORDING SECRETARY CORRESPONDING SECRETARY PAST PRESIDENT DIRECTORS Charlene Dixon 508-240-7726 James McCormick 774-392-2215 Barbara Adams 508-760-3290 Patricia Anderson 508-362-3049 Charles E. Adams 508-760-3290 Michele Kittila 508-398-8303 Stan Godwin 508-385-3189 James Long 508-394-5258 Jerrilyn Mayhew 781-799-8871 Mary McCormick 774-392-2215 COMMITTEES DIRECTORY Charles E. Adams 508-760-3290 MEMBERSHIP Charles E. Adams 508-760-3290 Charlene Dixon 508-240-7726 HOSPITALITY Patricia Anderson 508-362-3049 EDUCATION/ Jerrilyn Mayhew 781-799-8871 CULTURAL ENRICHMENT PUBLICITY Marie Forjan 774-722-3648 COORDINATORS Michele Kittila 508-398-8303 SEMINAR Barbara Adams 508-760-3290 COORDINATORS Charles E. Adams 508-760-3290 SUMMER SHOW Charlene Dixon 508-240-7726 SCHOLARSHIPS James McCormick 774-392-2215 WEBSITE Stan Godwin 508-432-1797 COORDINATOR Visit the CCADA website at for membership news and announcements and a current calendar of events. – 1 – Our Annual Spring Antique Seminar April 14, 2015 • 8:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. CCADA presents A DAY OF EDUCATION, ENRICHMENT, AND ANTIQUES at the Cultural Center of Cape Cod Seminar Schedule 8:30 a.m. Registration coffee and pastries will be served 9:00 a.m. Opening Remarks Robert Nash, Executive Director, Cultural Center of Cape Cod Charlene Dixon, President, CCADA 9:15 a.m. Hooked Rugs: An Enduring Art Form Laura McCarthy 10:15 a.m.How to Recognize, Collect and Value Rare Books Jim Visbeck 11:15 a.m.Watching the Weather: The History of Weather Instruments Parke Madden 12:15 p.m.Lunch provided by Riverway Lobster House 1:15 p.m. Welcome to the Wonderful World of Decoys Bill Bourne $25 Fee includes morning coffee and lunch. Advance registration required by April 10. Call the Cultural Center at 508.394.7100, or mail payment (made out to CCADA) to Barbara Adams, 289 Old Main St., So. Yarmouth, MA 02664. Cultural Center of Cape Cod 307 Old Main Street South Yarmouth, MA 02664 – 2 – ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF MEMBERS BY NAME Name Listing Adams, Barbara Adams, Charles Anderson, Pat Anderson, Wayne Arre, Steve Aylmer, Kerry Baecker, Gregory Bakeman, William Bakeman, William Bergfors, Carl Bistany, Susan Blank, Peter H. Borsari, Joseph A Breuel, Charlie Breuel, Lori Bronsdon, Diane Brown, Linda C. Busch, Patricia Callan, Henry T. Carey, Tom Carlson, Dawn Carpiniello, Linda Chamberlain, Joshua Claflin, James W. Cobb, Justin Courcier, Suzanne Davidian, Betty Davidian, Peter Davinis, Edythe DeSimone, Elizabeth DeSimone, John Diamond, Ralph DiCarlo, Kenneth Dixon, Charlene Dixon, Edward Doscher, Chris Doscher, Karen Dunn, Edward Dunn, Eleanor Ehret, Christine Ferrara, Patricia Forjan, Marie Freundlich, Linda Gilbert, Dolores Godwin, Sandra Godwin, Stan Goode, Patricia Goveia, Carl Goveia, Patricia Grant, Barbara Hall, Sandra Baylis Harden ASID, Charles M. Hargrave, Rita Harmon, Judy 74 74 2 2 43 80 70 16 87 47 97 79 11 95 95 7 91 9 65 83 34 23 94 101 90 81 25 25 62 99 99 46 14 35 35 113 113 27 27 1 107 36 64 10 12 12 67 38 38 8 52 5 6 3 – 3 – ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF MEMBERS BY NAME (cont) Name Listing Harmon, Ted Harris, Marianne Hayes, Laurie Hayes, Stephen Heller, Julie Herman, Alan Hewlett Lessig, Betsy Hinkley, Clark Hinkley, Jane Hopper, Kathy Hutchinson, Priscilla Jacobson, Mark Jeanloz, Danielle R. Kahn, Richard Kelly, Suzanne C. Kerber, Arthur A. Kittila, Michele Kmetz, Donna Knowles, Barry Kostulias, Jim Kozub, Bob Kozub, Sue Lavery, Robert Lavin, Nancy Leavenworth, Maureen Lessig, Jim Liberty, Linda Lindholm, Ron Linkkila, Kay Long, James MacDonald, Fred MacDonald, Suzanne Madden, Parke Mayer, Nancy Mayhew, Jerrilyn Mayhew, Michael McCarthy, Laura McCormick, Jim McCormick, Mary McCulloch, Judith McCulloch, Norm McNamee, Diane McNamee, Frank Meguerdichian, Deborah Mennell, Roy Mennell, Sheila Mercer, Harold Mercer, Sydney Mosser, Betsy Moss, Stephen Nee, Tracy Nickerson, Ann Nickerson, William Nolan, Hilary 3 16 21 21 63 111 73 105 105 76 30 89 19 18 4 100 82 96 49 13 98 98 80 77 59 73 78 22 57 32 106 106 68 110 71 71 88 55 55 86 86 104 104 37 45 45 50 50 17 54 22 61 61 40 – 4 – ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF MEMBERS BY NAME (cont) Name Listing Nolan, Paulette Northern, Cliff Northern, Maureen Nuccio, Jackie O’Connor, Clayton Opacki, Paul Peterson, Carl Peterson, Mary Lou Potts, Rushton Power, Michael Robbins, Mary Ann S. Russell, Anne B. Sachs, Harold Sachs, Marilyn Schwartz, Melissa S. Scranton, Lewis W. Skiba, Barbara Smith, Peter Snyder, Alan Snyder, Amelia Stark, Virginia Stidsen, Andrew Stidsen, Deborah Stiffler, Beth Stiffler, Harold St. Jacques, David Stutzman, Barbara Stutzman, Ron Szeglin, Charles Szeglin, Frances Thatcher, Carl Thatcher, Doreen Thompson, Carolyn Thompson, David Thompson, Richard Turano Thompson, Jane Tyng, Steve vanEsselstyn, Pete Visbeck, Jim Walsh, Nanette G. Warner, Rick Westock, Carlese Mott Wibel, William H. Wilkins, Robert W. Wood, Bruce Young, Christine Zaremba, Robert E. 40 39 39 41 14 66 42 42 15 29 48 85 53 53 64 103 44 69 84 84 51 26 26 28 28 72 108 108 33 33 92 92 56 24 56 24 58 43 20 102 112 93 60 81 109 75 19 – 5 – ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF MEMBERS BY BUSINESS NAME Name Listing ACUSHNET RIVER ANTIQUES CO. G-1 ALAN SNYDER & DAUGHTER 84 ANNE B. RUSSELL 85 ANTIQUES AT HINGHAM 86 ANTIQUES BY THE BAY 7 ANTIQUES CENTER OF CAPE COD G-2 ARVAAM; DBA HARWICH ANTIQUE CENTER 43 AURORA BOREALIS ANTIQUES 39 BACK IN TYME 44 BAKEMAN ANTIQUES AT CHATHAM 16 BAKEMAN ANTIQUES AT WILBRAHAM 87 BARBARA GRANT – ANTIQUES & BOOKS 8 BAYBERRY ANTIQUES 56 BAYBERRY ANTIQUES 88 BETSY HEWLETT LESSIG & JIM LESSIG 73 BETSY MOSSER – ANTIQUE PRINTS 17 BITTERSWEET ESTATE SALES 9 BITTERSWEET ESTATE SALES E-1 BRADFORD TRUST ART & ANTIQUES 45 CAPE COD PICTURE FRAMING & RESTORATION 22 CAPEDUX ANTIQUES 89 CAPTAIN’S QUARTERS 90 CARGILL COLLECTION 91 CARL & DOREEN THATCHER – ACUSHNET RIVER ANTIQUES CO. 92 CARLESE MOTT WESTOCK 93 CHAMBERLAIN ANTIQUES LLC 94 CHARLES AND BARBARA ADAMS ANTIQUES 74 CHARLES BREUEL ANTIQUES 95 CHARLES & FRANCES SZEGLIN ANTIQUES 33 CHRISTINE EHRET ANTIQUES 1 CHRISTINE YOUNG ANTIQUES 75 COUNTRY MOUSE ANTIQUES 23 CUMMAQUID FARM ANTIQUES 2 davidian-americana 25 DAVID THOMPSON ANTIQUES & ART 24 DAWN CARLSON 34 DECOYS UNLIMITED, INC. 3 DIAMOND ANTIQUES & FINE ART 46 DIAMOND PERFECTIONS, INC 53 DOLORES GILBERT ANTIQUES 10 DONNA KMETZ-American Paintings 96 EARLY BIRDS ESTATE SALES 76 EARLY BIRDS ESTATE SALES E-2 EAST CHESTERFIELD ANTIQUES 97 EDWARD & CHARLENE DIXON 35 EDYTHE & CO. ANTIQUES 62 ESPRIT DÉCOR 4 ESTER GILBERT ANTIQUES 98 FEATHERED STAR ANTIQUES 26 FREEMAN’S REACH FINE ART 27 GOOSEFARE ANTIQUES & PROMOTIONS 99 GREEN RIVER GALLERY 100 HARBETH ANTIQUES 28 HARDEN STUDIOS 5 – 6 – ALPHABETICAL LISTING BY BUSINESS NAME (cont) Name Listing HARWICH ANTIQUE CENTER G-3 HARWICH FRAME SHOP 47 HAYDEN MFG CO., INC. 72 HENRY T. CALLAN FINE ANTIQUES 65 HILARY & PAULETTE NOLAN ANTIQUES 40 ISAIAH THOMAS BOOKS 20 JENI’S ANTIQUES 77 JOSEPH A. BORSARI, ANTIQUES 11 JULIE HELLER GALLERY 63 KAHN FINE ANTIQUES 18 KAY LINKKILA ANTIQUES 57 KEEPERS OF THE PAST ANTIQUES 41 KENRICK A.CLAFLIN & SON 101 LA PETITE MAISON 102 LEWIS SCRANTON ANTIQUES 103 LINDA LIBERTY ANTIQUES 78 MAIN STREET ANTIQUE CENTER G-4 MAPS OF ANTIQUITY, INC. 19 MARIE’S MEMORIES 36 MARION ANTIQUE SHOP 104 MARSH HAWK ANTIQUES 37 MARY ANN ROBBINS ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES 48 MAYPOP ANTIQUES G-5 MAYPOP ANTIQUES 66 MICHAEL POWER – ANTIQUES CENTER OF CAPE COD 29 NAUSET ANTIQUES LLC dba NAUSET ANTIQUES 38 OLD CAPE ANTIQUES 49 OLD POST ANTIQUES 15 PACKET GALLERIES 12 PARTRIDGE HOUSE 105 PAUL MADDEN ANTIQUES 68 PETER H. BLANK 79 PETER SMITH – SANDWICH ANTIQUES 69 P. J. GOODE ANTIQUES 67 PLEASANT BAY ANTIQUES 58 PRISCILLA HUTCHINSON ANTIQUES 30 PROVINCETOWN ANTIQUES 64 R.C. ELDRED CO., INC. (ELDRED’S) 31 SANDWICH ANTIQUES CENTER G-6 SHERMAN ALDEN ANTIQUES 42 SOW’S EAR ANTIQUE COMPANY 21 STEM TO STERN ESTATE SALES 80 STEM TO STERN ESTATE SALES E-3 STEPHEN MOSS ANTIQUES & ACCENTS 54 SUNDERLAND ANTIQUES 70 SUZANNE COURCIER & ROBERT W. WILKINS 81 SUZANNE’S 106 SYD’S A & J – MAIN STEET ANTIQUES 50 TEN-MILE ANTIQUES 107 THE ANTIQUES CENTER OF YARMOUTH G-7 THE BOOK LADY 82 THE KEEPING ROOM 108 THE MEWS AT BREWSTER ANTIQUES G-8 THE ODD CHAIR AND THE OLD CROCK 55 – 7 – ALPHABETICAL LISTING BY BUSINESS NAME (cont) Name Listing THE WOODSHED GALLERY LLC 109 TYMELESS ANTIQUES 13 VINTAGE IN VOGUE 59 VINTAGE LADY LINENS 110 VIRGINIA STARK 51 WEST DENNIS ANTIQUES 32 WHALING DAYS ANTIQUES 111 WHEN PIGS FLY ANTIQUES 112 WILLIAM H. WIBEL ANTIQUES 60 WILLIAM NICKERSON ANTIQUES 61 WINDSONG ANTIQUES, INC. 52 WISTERIA ANTIQUES ETC... 14 WITT’S END ANTIQUES 113 WOODSVIEW ANTIQUES 71 YANKEE’S-INGE-NEWITY 6 YARD SAILOR OF BARNSTABLE 83 YARD SAILOR OF BARNSTABLE E-4 ESTATE SALE SERVICES E-1. BITTERSWEET ESTATE SALES Email: http:\\ 508-241-6410 E-2. EARLY BIRDS ESTATE SALES Email: Website: 508-237-0524 E-3. STEM TO STERN ESTATE SALES Email: Website: 508-362-6570 E-4. YARD SAILOR OF BARNSTABLE Email: Website: 508-364-4203 GROUP SHOPS G-1. ACUSHNET RIVER ANTIQUES CO. 50 Kilburn Street, New Bedford, MA 02740 508-992-8878 G-2. ANTIQUES CENTER OF CAPE COD 243 Main Street Rt. 6A, Dennis, MA 02638 508-385-6400 G-3. HARWICH ANTIQUE CENTER 10 Route 28, West Harwich, MA 02671 508-432-4220 G-4. MAIN STREET ANTIQUE CENTER 691 Route 28, Dennisport, MA 02639 508-760-5700 G-5. MAYPOP ANTIQUES 1 61 Route 6A, Sandwich, MA 02563 508-888-1230 G-6. SANDWICH ANTIQUES CENTER 131 Route 6A, Sandwich, MA 02563 508-833-3600 G-7. THE ANTIQUES CENTER OF YARMOUTH 325 Route 28, West Yarmouth, MA 02673 508-771-3327 G-8. THE MEWS AT BREWSTER ANTIQUES 2926 Main Street (Rt. 6A), Brewster, MA 02631 508-896-4887 – 8 – LISTINGS BY TOWN BARNSTABLE: Cummaquid, Barnstable, W. Barnstable 1. CHRISTINE EHRET ANTIQUES Christine Ehret Showing at: Antique shows and by appointment 508-362-2025 (Mail: P.O. Box 463, Barnstable, MA 02630) Email: 19th C. naturalist prints, Staffordshire, Chinese and Japanese export.Pewter brass and other interesting early smalls. 2. CUMMAQUID FARM ANTIQUES Wayne Anderson Showing at: Sandwich Antiques Center* & shows Pat Anderson (Mail: P.O. Box 14, Cummaquid, MA 02637) 508-362-3049 Email: From Country to Classic: 18th & 19th C. furniture, china, glassware, and decorative accessories. Featuring memorabilia related to the Cape and the Islands. Also marine items including prints and paintings. 3. DECOYS UNLIMITED, INC. Ted Harmon (Mail: P.O. Box 206, West Barnstable, MA 02668) Judy Harmon Email: 508-362-2766 Website: Decoys, sporting art, folk art, baskets, miniature bird carvings. 4. ESPRIT DÉCOR Suzanne C. Kelly 3941 Main Street (Rte 6A), Barnstable, MA 02630 508-362-2480 Email: From “Folk to Federal” - furniture and all manner of decorative accessories including silver, porcelain and fine art. High quality consignments welcomed. Since 1972. Open daily 10-5 Memorial Day-Columbus Day. 5. HARDEN STUDIOS Charles M. Harden ASID 3264 Main Street (Rte. 6A), Barnstable 508-362-7711 (Mail: P.O. Box 1238, Barnstable, MA 02630) Email: Website: 18th & 19th C. formal and country furniture, paintings, rugs, lighting, glass, china, pottery, porcelain, pewter, etc., displayed in the historic (circa 1690) Deacon Robert Davis home. Open by appointment. 6. YANKEE’S-INGE-NEWITY Showing at: Antique shows 16 Lothrops Lane, West Barnstable, MA 02668 Email: Specializing in country primitives in old paint and original surface with additional focus on antique quilts and regional folk art. Rita Hargrave 508-375-0968 BREWSTER 7. ANTIQUES BY THE BAY 1424 Main Street, Brewster, MA 02631 Email: Offering a fine selection of furniture, glass, china, sterling silver, decoys & paintings. We are also buying, selling, and consigning. * See Group Shops at beginning of list Diane Bronsdon 508-896-3766 HIGHLIGHT INDICATES OPEN SHOP – 9 – BREWSTER (cont) 8. BARBARA GRANT – ANTIQUES & BOOKS Barbara Grant 1793 Main St. (Rte. 6A), Brewster 508-896-7198 (Mail: P.O. Box 1223, Brewster, MA 02631) Email: BOOKS (rare, used, & out-of-print), small furniture, primitives, antique kitchenware, glass, pottery, porcelain, linens, decorative accessories, collectibles and nostalgia. Open daily 10 to 5 June through October. 9. BITTERSWEET ESTATE SALES Patricia Busch 1580 Main Street, Brewster, MA 02631 508-241-6410 Email: Website: We sell anything that the homeowner wishes to sell, including furniture, glass, sterling, collectibles. Every sale is different. We have sold it all: coins, books, jewelry, art, Oriental linens and more. 10. DOLORES GILBERT ANTIQUES Dolores Gilbert Showing at: Antiques Center of Cape Cod* 508-280-7405 (Mail: P.O. Box 502, Brewster, MA 02631) Email: Offering an ever changing variety of antiques and collectibles with a specialty in antique dolls, bears, vintage clothes and textiles. 11. JOSEPH A. BORSARI, ANTIQUES Showing at: Acushnet River Antiques Co.* & shows (Mail: P.O. Box 583, Brewster, MA 02631) Email: 18th & 19th C. antiques of quality. Joseph A Borsari 774-722-0814 12. PACKET GALLERIES Stan Godwin 311 Stony Brook Road, Brewster, MA 02631 Sandra Godwin Email: 508-385-3189 An eclectic gallery of fine antiques, vintage items, textiles, contemporary photography and other fine arts housed in a circa 1770 barn. Included is the Cape’s largest collection of antique cameras, equipment and photographic images. Winner of the 2013 Cape Cod A-list “Best Antiques Store.” 13. TYMELESS ANTIQUES Jim Kostulias Showing at: Stringe Gallery Art & Antiques 508-896-5946 2896 Main St. (Rte. 6A), Brewster, MA 02631 Website: Specializing in early country furniture and accessories, primitives, farm tables, blanket boxes, chests, bowls, trenchers and stoneware. Open Daily 10-6. Off Season 10-5 (closed Tues.) 14. WISTERIA ANTIQUES ETC... Kenneth DiCarlo 1199 Main Street-Rt. 6A, Brewster, MA 02631 Clayton O’Connor Email: 508-896-8650 Website: Award winning shop-magnificent array of handpainted porcelainlimoges; venetian glass; paperweights; stemware. Vintage handpainted sealife plates, oyster plates & table top. Accessories from every period, including mirrors & chandeliers. * See Group Shops at beginning of list HIGHLIGHT INDICATES OPEN SHOP – 10 – CENTERVILLE 15. OLD POST ANTIQUES Rushton Potts Showing at: Antique Center of Cape Cod,* 508-709-0810 Acushnet River Antiques Co.* & Sandwich Antique Center* 191 Old Post Road, Centerville, MA 02632 Email: Specializing in Fine Art, by known & unknown artists. Complete generalist in all areas, including: small to medium furniture, glass, porcelain, metal, woodware, including decoys & shorebirds. CHATHAM: Chatham, N. Chatham, W. Chatham 16. BAKEMAN ANTIQUES AT CHATHAM William Bakeman Showing at: Antique shows and by appointment Marianne Harris 211 Countryside Drive, Chatham, MA 02633 508-945-4375 Email: 18th & 19th C. Antiques bought and sold. 17. BETSY MOSSER – ANTIQUE PRINTS Betsy Mosser Showing at: Antique shows and by appointment 508-523-3871 274 Cedar St., Chatham, MA 02633 Email: 18th & 19th C. prints, specializing in botanicals, shells, birds, butterflies, fish, quadrapeds, children, views, and maps. Custom framing. 18. KAHN FINE ANTIQUES Richard Kahn 582 Main Street, Chatham, MA 02633 508-945-6450 Email: Website: Dealer in museum quality antiques and works of art from the 18th & 19th centuries. Specializing in nautical antiques including weapons, scrimshaw, ship models, maps, export porcelain and instruments. 19. MAPS OF ANTIQUITY, INC. Robert E. Zaremba 1409 Main Street, Chatham, MA 02633 Danielle R. Jeanloz Email: 508-945-1660 Website: Over 15,000 maps and charts from 1600–present from all over the world, with a focus on Cape Cod and the Northeast. Also, natural history prints, historical and city engravings, and postcards. Custom framing, reproductions, appraisals, and restoration. COTUIT 20. ISAIAH THOMAS BOOKS Jim Visbeck 4632 Falmouth Road (Rte. 28), Cotuit, MA 02635 508-428-2752 Email: Website: Used/rare books bought and sold. 70,000+ books in all fields, especially Art Books, Local History, Miniature Books. Member: Antiquarian Booksellers Association of America; Intl. League of Antiquarian Booksellers; Mass. and R.I. Antiquarian Booksellers. * See Group Shops at beginning of list HIGHLIGHT INDICATES OPEN SHOP – 11 – COTUIT (cont) 21. SOW’S EAR ANTIQUE COMPANY Stephen Hayes 4698 Falmouth Road, Cotuit Laurie Hayes Also showing at: Antique shows 508-428-4931 (Mail: P.O. Box 535, Cotuit, MA 02635) Email: Website: Our award winning 18th C. home/shop offers antiques for home & garden including country & formal furniture, nautical items, oriental rugs, folk art, decorative accessories & other unique pieces to enhance any decor. May-Nov.: open daily. Dec.-April: by chance or by appt. DENNIS: Dennis, Dennisport, E. Dennis, S. Dennis, W. Dennis 22. CAPE COD PICTURE FRAMING & RESTORATION Ron Lindholm 780 Main Street, Dennis, MA 02638 Tracy Nee Website: 508-385-5482 We are a full service business restoring for clients, musems and dealers since 1953. 23. COUNTRY MOUSE ANTIQUES Linda Carpiniello Showing at: The MEWS at Brewster Antiques* 508-896-4887 & Maypop Antiques* 508-760-2720 19th C. Primitives and early paint – American pine furniture, baskets, stoneware, and other counry accessories. 24. DAVID THOMPSON ANTIQUES & ART David Thompson Showing at: Antique shows Jane Turano Thompson (Mail: P.O. Box 1495, South Dennis, MA 02660) (cell) 802-238-6987 Email: 19th C. Americana general line. Special interest in historical items, particularly early photography, prints, maps, ephemera. Always purchasing; one item or entire estate. 25. davidian-americana Peter Davidian Also showing at: Sandwich Antiques Center* Betty Davidian & shows 508-385-1341 311 Scargo Hill Road, South Dennis, MA 02660 Email: Fine New England antiques since 1969. Original surfaces and condition emphasized. Quilts, baskets, stoneware, painted furniture and early children’s toys are displayed within our 18th C. half-cape. Visits encouraged by appt. Call ahead is necessary. 26. FEATHERED STAR ANTIQUES Showing at: The MEWS at Brewster Antiques* & shows (Mail: P.O. Box 1113, East Dennis, MA 02641) Email: We specialize in hooked rugs, quilts, baskets, hand tools, quality smalls, and decorative items. Deborah Stidsen Andrew Stidsen 508-385-9238 508-385-9238 27. FREEMAN’S REACH FINE ART Eleanor Dunn (Mail: P.O. Box 87, West Dennis, MA 02670) Edward Dunn Email: 508-394-6119 Specializing in museum quality 19th C. American art – ship paintings, Hudson River and N.E. landscapes, some British and American – 19th & 20th C. prints. All items guaranteed as represented. Please call for an appointment. * See Group Shops at beginning of list HIGHLIGHT INDICATES OPEN SHOP – 12 – DENNIS (cont) 28. HARBETH ANTIQUES Showing at: Antiques Center of Cape Cod* Email: Woodworking and other tools, vintage linens, books, ephemera and primitives. Harold Stiffler Beth Stiffler 508-398-9134 508-385-6400 29. MICHAEL POWER – Michael Power ANTIQUES CENTER OF CAPE COD 508-385-6400 Showing at: Antiques Center of Cape Cod* 508-385-5133 243 Main Street Rt. 6A, Dennis, MA 02638 Email: Website: The area’s largest showrooms of antique furniture, art, clocks, dolls, books, china, silver, pottery and glass. 4 buildings on 3.45 acres. 26,000 sq. ft. of antiques and collectibles, lots of parking. Open Daily. 30. PRISCILLA HUTCHINSON ANTIQUES Priscilla Hutchinson Showing at: Antique shows and by appointment 508-694-6288 (Mail: P.O. Box 903, East Dennis, MA 02641) Email: Specializing in 18th & 19th century well selected American furniture, folk art and appropriate accessories of the period. 31. R.C. ELDRED CO., INC. (ELDRED’S) 1483 Rte. 6A, East Dennis (Mail: P.O. Box 796, East Dennis, MA 02641) Email: Website: 508-385-3116 32. WEST DENNIS ANTIQUES James Long 259 Rte. 28, West Dennis, MA 02670 508-394-5258 Email: Website: Americana 18th-19th C. furniture, fine accessories, fireplace equipment, paintings, silver, Oriental rugs and historical prints: Currier & Ives, A.B. Frost, Gordon Grant, John Cook, John Hare. We offer estate liquidation services and single purchases. Open Daily. EASTHAM 33. CHARLES & FRANCES SZEGLIN ANTIQUES Charles Szeglin Showing at: Sandwich Antiques Center* & shows Frances Szeglin (Mail: P.O. Box 2839, Orleans, MA 02653) 508-255-1567 Email: American country antiques: specializing in fine early lighting, wrought and cast items for the hearth, painted furniture, tinware, redware, American School paintings and drawings. 34. DAWN CARLSON Dawn Carlson Showing at: Antique shows 508-240-1936 (Mail: P.O. Box 455, Eastham, MA 02642) Early American furniture and accessories. Lamps, porcelains, and decorating items. 35. EDWARD & CHARLENE DIXON Edward Dixon Showing at: Antique shows Charlene Dixon 660 Samoset Rd., Eastham, MA 02642 508-240-7726 Email: Specializing in country pieces, stoneware, nautical items. * See Group Shops at beginning of list HIGHLIGHT INDICATES OPEN SHOP – 13 – EASTHAM (cont) 36. MARIE’S MEMORIES Marie Forjan Showing at: Antique shows 508-255-8720 690 Hay Road, Eastham, MA 02642 (cell) 774-722-3648 Email: Website: Antique and vintage glassware, pottery and jewelry. Showing locally at Cape shows and online at Ruby Lane. 37. MARSH HAWK ANTIQUES Deborah Meguerdichian Showing at:The MEWS at Brewster Antiques* 508-255-8819 & shows 42 Indian Way, Eastham, MA 02642 Email: Country items, tinware, chocolate and ice cream moulds, small furniture, wireware, woodenware, primitives, Turkey Red Linens. 38. NAUSET ANTIQUES LLC dba NAUSET ANTIQUES Carl Goveia Showing at: Antique shows Patricia Goveia (Mail: P.O. Box 1667, No. Eastham, MA 02651) 508-255-2298 Email: Website: Specialize in Americana and Primitives-country. FALMOUTH: Falmouth, E. Falmouth, W. Falmouth 39. AURORA BOREALIS ANTIQUES Maureen Northern Showing at: Antique shows Cliff Northern 194 Lakeview Avenue, Falmouth, MA 02540 508-548-8280 Email: Featuring a diverse selection of 19th C. American and British antiques: Staffordshire, Orientalia, marine prints, ephemera, books, lamps, silver, mirrors, bottles, photographs, etc. By appointment only. 40. HILARY & PAULETTE NOLAN ANTIQUES (Mail: P.O. Box 583, Falmouth, MA 02541) Dealing in folk art, furniture (American), maritime and appraisal services. By appointment only. Hilary Nolan Paulette Nolan 508-548-0127 41. KEEPERS OF THE PAST ANTIQUES Jackie Nuccio East Falmouth, MA 02563 508-540-5488 Email: Fine and vintage jewelry, art, hand-painted porcelain, glass, lamps, mirrors, 18th-20th C. furniture. 42. SHERMAN ALDEN ANTIQUES Carl Peterson Showing at: Antique shows Mary Lou Peterson 32 Pershing Drive, East Falmouth, MA 02536 413-626-3436 Email: 508-524-1227 The best from 18th-19th C. rural New England. Specializing in primitive furnishings in original surface. * See Group Shops at beginning of list HIGHLIGHT INDICATES OPEN SHOP – 14 – HARWICH: Harwich, Harwich Port, W. Harwich, S. Harwich 43. ARVAAM; DBA HARWICH ANTIQUE CENTER Steve Arre Showing at: Harwich Antique Center* Pete vanEsselstyn (Mail: P.O. Box 11, Harwich Port, MA 02646) 508-432-4220 Email: Website: We search for the old, odd, cool and collectible. 45 dealer group shop offering a wide range of vintage antique and primitive furniture, pottery, glass, jewelry. Coin and Train dealers, postcards, ephemera. Open Daily. 44. BACK IN TYME Barbara Skiba 55 Rt. 28, West Harwich, MA 02671 774-237-0019 Email: The Shop is filled with antique dressers, commodes, clocks, oriental rugs, vintage jewelry, nautical items, architectural pieces. SUMMER HOURS: OpenThurs-Mon 11-5pm. Closed Tues & Wed. WINTER HOURS: Thurs-Sun 11-5pm or by appointment. 45. BRADFORD TRUST ART & ANTIQUES Roy Mennell Showing at: Antique shows Sheila Mennell 66 Miles Street, Harwich Port, MA 02646 508-237-1104 Email: Website: Specializing in 19th & 20th C. American art emphasizing Cape Cod and coastal New England. Buying, selling and brokering. By appointment. 46. DIAMOND ANTIQUES & FINE ART Ralph Diamond 103 Main St. (Rte. 28), West Harwich, MA 02671 508-237-2024 Email: Website: Actively buying and selling American and European art on Cape Cod for three decades. All paintings, prints, watercolors, sculpture and frames, 18th–20th centuries considered. Hours by appointment. 47. HARWICH FRAME SHOP Carl Bergfors 820 Rte. 28, Harwich Port, MA 02646 508-430-1767 Email: Website: A full service frame shop with special focus on serving antique dealers and artists. Also dealing in ephemera including post cards; trade cards; stereoviews; books and photography of early Cape Cod. 48. MARY ANN ROBBINS ANTIQUES Mary Ann S. Robbins & COLLECTIBLES 508-432-2449 Showing at: Sandwich Antiques Center* & shows (Mail: P.O. Box 454, West Harwich, MA 02671) Email: 18th & 19th C. American furnishings and appropriate accessories. 49. OLD CAPE ANTIQUES Barry Knowles Also showing at: Antique shows 508-432-8885 1006 Main Street (Rte. 28), South Harwich (Mail: P.O. Box 143, South Harwich, MA 02661) Email: 19th C antiques specializing in early American Pattern Glass, whale oil lamps and other early flint glass. Hours by chance or appointment. Call First. * See Group Shops at beginning of list HIGHLIGHT INDICATES OPEN SHOP – 15 – HARWICH (cont) 50. SYD’S A & J – MAIN STEET ANTIQUES Sydney Mercer 32 Glenwood Drive, Harwich, MA 02645 Harold Mercer Email: 508-432-3007 Over 30 years experience in buying & selling antiques & collectible glassware including Heisey, Imperial, Fostoria & Depression era. Also jewelry, Griswold, silver and other smalls. Open Daily. 51. VIRGINIA STARK Virginia Stark Showing at: Antiques Center of Cape Cod* 508-430-2632 & Harwich Antique Center* (Mail: P.O. Box 869, South Harwich, MA 02661) Email: Concentrating on small treasures, including elegant glass and porcelain, silver, decorative lighting and fine designer vintage costume jewelry 52. WINDSONG ANTIQUES, INC. Sandra Baylis Hall 346 Rte. 28, Harwichport 508-432-1797 (Mail: P.O. Box 426, S. Harwich, MA 02661) (cell) 508-280-9654 Email: Website: A family tradition since 1959 specializing in English and American antiques including blown and pattern glass, 18th/19th C. ceramics & Staffordshire, silver, ephemera, postcards, art, furniture and more. 11-5 daily, May-October. Off season hours may vary. HYANNIS 53. DIAMOND PERFECTIONS, INC Marilyn Sachs 422 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 Harold Sachs Email: 508-771-6463 Website: Estate jewelers, featuring vintage diamond jewelry, fine pocket & wrist watches, glass & porcelain, some silver. Open: Tuesday thru Saturday 10–5pm. Closed Sun. & Mon. MARSTONS MILLS 54. STEPHEN MOSS ANTIQUES & ACCENTS Stephen Moss 156 Sandy Valley Rd., Marstons Mills 508-428-0389 (Mail: P.O. Box 556, Marstons Mills, MA 02648) Email: Art work, etchings & prints; folk art, hooked rugs, primitives, doorstops, period toys, early tole, lighting, wicker, beds, orientalia, stoneware, quilts, textiles. MASHPEE 55. THE ODD CHAIR AND THE OLD CROCK Mary McCormick Showing at: Acushnet River Antiques Co.* Jim McCormick & shows 774-392-2215 8 Executive Drive, Mashpee, MA 02649 Email: 18th & 19th C. country pine furniture & primitives; quilts & other textiles; stoneware, tree ware & folk art. * See Group Shops at beginning of list HIGHLIGHT INDICATES OPEN SHOP – 16 – ORLEANS: Orleans, S. Orleans 56. BAYBERRY ANTIQUES Richard Thompson Showing at: Antique shows Carolyn Thompson (Mail: P.O. Box 157, Orleans, MA 02653) 508-896-6748 Email: Smalls, decoys, doorstops and bookends, nautical items, chocolate and ice cream molds, post cards, paperdolls, and ephemera. 57. KAY LINKKILA ANTIQUES Kay Linkkila Showing at: Antique shows and by appointment 508-240-2179 188 Rock Harbor Road, Orleans, MA 02653 Email: Specializing in Country, Vintage and Decorative antiques. 58. PLEASANT BAY ANTIQUES Steve Tyng 540 South Orleans Rd. (Rte. 28), South Orleans 508-255-0930 (Mail: P.O. Box 382, South Orleans, MA 02662) Email: Website: Early American furniture and accessories, decoys, paintings. 59. VINTAGE IN VOGUE Maureen Leavenworth 37A Main Street (Lower Level), Orleans 508-246-2559 (Mail: P.O. Box 1925, Orleans, MA 02653) Email: Website: Antique and vintage ladies’ and men’s clothing and accessories, costume jewelry. Vintage Bridal Collection and custom tailoring. Open Daily June through October, Wednesday thru Saturday 10-5 and by appointment remainder of year. 60. WILLIAM H. WIBEL ANTIQUES William H. Wibel Showing at: The MEWS at Brewster Antiques* 774-316-4411 61 Keziah Lane, Orleans, MA 02653 Email: Specializing in Material Culture from the 18th and 19th Centuries, Fine Art, Nautical and Folk Art. 61. WILLIAM NICKERSON ANTIQUES William Nickerson Showing at: The MEWS at Brewster Antiques,* Ann Nickerson shows & by appointment 508-237-5659 Email: 18th and 19th Century American furniture and accessories. OSTERVILLE 62. EDYTHE & CO. ANTIQUES Edythe Davinis Also showing at: Antique shows 508-420-2400 805 Main Street, Osterville, MA 02655 Email: Uncommon antiques and decorative furnishings for the home and garden. Also shows. Please call for schedule. * See Group Shops at beginning of list HIGHLIGHT INDICATES OPEN SHOP – 17 – PROVINCETOWN 63. JULIE HELLER GALLERY Julie Heller 465 Commercial Street (across from PAAM); 508-487-2169 2 Gosnold St. (across from Adams), Provincetown (Mail: P.O. Box 915, Provincetown, MA 02657) Email: Website: A large collection of gems of early Provincetown Art. Representing several important artists’ estates add to its uniqueness. An eclectic mix of art, estate jewelry, folk art, Americana, and objects. 64. PROVINCETOWN ANTIQUES Melissa S. Schwartz Showing at: Antique shows and by appointment Linda Freundlich (Mail: P.O. Box 1834, Provincetown, MA 02657) 508-487-5555 Email: Website: Our shop is now our website. We always feature an ever changing unusual collection of handpicked quality antiques. You can find us on the internet. SANDWICH: Sandwich, E. Sandwich 65. HENRY T. CALLAN FINE ANTIQUES Henry T. Callan Showing at: Antique shows and by appointment 508-888-5372 2 Old Farm Lane, East Sandwich, MA 02537 Specializing in American samplers, Canton, and other Chinese Export; also Staffordshire figures, animals, and plates, soft paste, early glass, colored glass and 18th C. Battersea boxes. 66. MAYPOP ANTIQUES Paul Opacki 161 Rte. 6A, Sandwich 508-888-1230 (Mail: P.O. Box 2245, Sandwich, MA 02653) Website: General merchandise including silver, copper and brass. Also glassware, China, furniture, jewelry, decoys and collectibles. Open May-Dec. daily 10-5; Jan.-Apr. Saturday-Sunday 10-5. 67. P. J. GOODE ANTIQUES Patricia Goode Showing at: Antique shows 508-566-5106 24 Van Buskirk Way, Sandwich, MA 02563 Email: Specializing in late 18th C. & early 19th C. American furniture and accessories. Showing at the Milford Antiques Center in Milford, NH. Does shows around New England and the Cape. 68. PAUL MADDEN ANTIQUES Showing at: Sandwich Antiques Center,* The Weather Store & shows (Mail: P.O. Box 729, Sandwich, MA 02563) Email: Website: Does shows around NE and the Cape. Parke Madden 508-888-6434 69. PETER SMITH – SANDWICH ANTIQUES Peter Smith Showing at: Sandwich Antiques Center* 508-833-3600 334 Route 6A, Sandwich, MA 02563 508-888-6658 Email: Website: Owner of Sandwich Antiques Center. Specializing in furniture and fine art. * See Group Shops at beginning of list HIGHLIGHT INDICATES OPEN SHOP – 18 – SANDWICH (cont) 70. SUNDERLAND ANTIQUES Gregory Baecker Showing at: Sandwich Antiques Center,* 774-413-5266 shows & by appointment (Mail: P.O. Box 1170, East Sandwich, MA 02537) Email: Specializing in 19th C. Staffordshire figures, lustre ware, Sunderland jugs, moonlight lustre and pink lustre. I purchase as well as sell these items. 71. WOODSVIEW ANTIQUES Jerrilyn Mayhew Showing at: Antique shows and by appointment Michael Mayhew 4 Academy Rd., Sandwich, MA 02563 781-799-8871 Email: Specializing in 18th & 19th C American country furniture and garden antiques. We also offer appropriate period accessories, folk art, and textiles to complete the country home. Give us a call to come browse the carriage house. WAREHAM: Wareham, Onset 72. HAYDEN MFG CO., INC. David St. Jacques 50 Carver Road, West Wareham, MA 02576 508-295-0497 Email: 508-341-5057 Website: Specializing in antique cranberry collectibles of all types incl. scoops, labels, photo copies, postcards, cranberry boxes, hand tools, separators and barrels. Also various Ocean Spray, Decas, Beaton and Eatmor memorablia. Mon.- Fri. 10-5 and by appt. YARMOUTH: Yarmouth Port, S. Yarmouth, W. Yarmouth 73. BETSY HEWLETT LESSIG & JIM LESSIG Betsy Hewlett Lessig Showing at: The MEWS at Brewster Antiques* Jim Lessig & shows 508-896-4887 1 Gingerbread Lane, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 508-776-9098 Email: 301-924-2293 Email: Early American pattern glass, European & American art glass, whale oil lamps. 74. CHARLES AND BARBARA ADAMS ANTIQUES Barbara Adams Showing at: Antique shows Charles Adams 289 Old Main Street, South Yarmouth, MA 508-760-3290 02664 (cell) 508-633-6119 Email: (cell) 508-364-6119 Early American antiques, Bennington pottery our speciality. Also furniture, paintings, hooked rugs, baskets, redware and Indian items. 75. CHRISTINE YOUNG ANTIQUES Christine Young Showing at: Antique shows 508-375-9335 (Mail: P.O. Box 155, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675) Email: We carry a general line of antiques and decorative arts as well as sterling silver, antique jewelry and women’s dresser items and perfumes. * See Group Shops at beginning of list HIGHLIGHT INDICATES OPEN SHOP – 19 – YARMOUTH (cont) 76. EARLY BIRDS ESTATE SALES Kathy Hopper 18 Blueberry Path, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 508-237-0524 Email: Website: Early Bird Estate Sales has been conducting top quality home sales for over 25 years throughout the Cape. We are proud of our A+ rating by the Better Business Bureau. 77. JENI’S ANTIQUES Nancy Lavin Showing at: Shows only 508-744-7495 12 Forest Gate, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 Email: Early American antiques, Chinese porcelain, lighting, Canton and country furniture. 78. LINDA LIBERTY ANTIQUES Linda Liberty Showing at: Shows only 913-226-0007 96 Standish Way, W. Yarmouth, MA 02673 Email: Specializing in antique prints, sterling silver flatware and hollowware, boxes, folk art as well as transferware and smalls. 79. PETER H. BLANK Peter H. Blank Showing at: Antique shows 508-760-1516 7 Barkley Street, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Email: Early American pattern glass of the flint and non-flint periods from New England and the Midwest. 80. STEM TO STERN ESTATE SALES Kerry Aylmer Showing at: Acushnet River Antiques Co.* Robert Lavery 92 Barnacle Road, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 508-362-6570 Email: 508-737-5032 Website: Celebrating 20 years in business. We sell all types of antiques found throughout the homes where we conduct our estate sales, almost weekly. Our business covers all of Cape Cod as well as Southeast Mass. 81. SUZANNE COURCIER & ROBERT W. WILKINS Suzanne Courcier (Mail: P.O. Box 395, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675) Robert W. Wilkins Email: 508-362-5420 Antique American decorative arts with 508-280-2547 specialties of Shaker, painted and decorated furniture and accessories, textiles, and Nantucket baskets. Original condition emphasized. By appointment only. 82. THE BOOK LADY Michele Kittila Showing at: Antique shows 508-398-8303 14 Fox Hollow Road, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Email: A collection of antique and pre-loved books and related artifacts. 83. YARD SAILOR OF BARNSTABLE Tom Carey 19 Driving Tee Circle, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-364-4203 Email: Website: We provide complete disposal of house furnishings from nuts to fine antiques. We are a trustworthy and reliable service with 23 years of experience. * See Group Shops at beginning of list – 20 – OFF-CAPE MEMBERS 84. ALAN SNYDER & DAUGHTER (Mail: P.O. Box 7055, Watchung, NJ 07069) Email: Americana, estate jewelry, coins, paintings, American and English silver, early lighting, books, folk art and fine memorabilia. Since 1979. Alan Snyder Amelia Snyder 908-756-5599 908-756-2069 85. ANNE B. RUSSELL Showing at: Antique shows 24 Jefferson Street, Newburyport, MA 01950 Email: Website: American country antiques, folk art and decoys. Anne B. Russell 978-499-7659 86. ANTIQUES AT HINGHAM Norm McCulloch Also showing at: Antique shows Judith McCulloch 20 Broadcove Road, Hingham, MA 02043 781-749-5882 Email: 781-706-1887 Over 40 years experience in the antique & auction business. Specialize in fine china, Staffordshire, Pink Lustre, Sprigware, silver & glass. Do many On- & Off-Cape Shows. Open Mon.- Sat. 10-5, Sunday 12-4pm. 87. BAKEMAN ANTIQUES AT WILBRAHAM William Bakeman Showing at: Antique shows and by appointment 413-599-1700 755 Glendale Rd., Wilbraham, MA 01095 Email: 17th, 18th & early 19th C. furniture in as-found condition. Appropriate period accessories & hearth iron. 88. BAYBERRY ANTIQUES Laura McCarthy Showing at: Antique shows 781-789-8385 925 Liberty Street, Rockland, MA 02370 Email: American country antiques and textiles. Specializing in hooked rugs. 89. CAPEDUX ANTIQUES Mark Jacobson Showing at: Acushnet River Antiques Co.* & 781-934-1424 Folk Art Antiques, Duxbury 508-364-8802 PO Box 1357, Duxbury, MA 02331 Email: Wide variety of nautical, folk art, early painted furniture and smalls, whaling-related, vintage lighthouse artifacts, ephemera, local /Cape Cod/Eastern MA trade signs and similar Americana, Southeastern MA art. 90. CAPTAIN’S QUARTERS 6 Wildwood Lane, Amherst, MA 01002 Specializing in nautical items: marine paintings, ship models, scrimshaw, sailor folk art, Eskimo & Inuit Art & Artifacts. Justin Cobb 413-549-6860 413-575-7204 91. CARGILL COLLECTION Linda C. Brown Showing at: Antique shows 802-558-3773 307 Remick Road, White River Junction, VT 05001 802-295-6329 Email: American country, stoneware, furniture, baskets, quilts, doll and children’s furniture, ceramics and glassware. By appointment. Find us on Facebook: CargillAntiquesCollection Coninued on page 25 * See Group Shops at beginning of list HIGHLIGHT INDICATES OPEN SHOP – 21 – 2015 Antique Shows, Auctions, and Events on Cape Cod Below is a list of all the shows and events on Cape Cod where you will find members of the CCADA for 2015. CCADA coordinates “The Indoor Summer Antiques Show” in Orleans. Additional information about this event may be found on our website at For information about other events please contact the individual sponsors or one of our dealer members. Thurs. Jan.1: 6th Annual “WINTER MAGIC” Antiques Show and Sale, Cultural Center of Cape Cod, Yarmouth. 10-4. Sat. Jan. 24: “Cabin Fever” Antiques and Accessories Auction, Eldred’s Auction House, East Dennis, Route 6A ( Sat. Feb. 14-Sun. Feb. 15: 39th Hyannis Public Library Antiques Show, Barnstable Intermediate School, Falmouth Rd., Hyannis. Sat. 10-5, Sun. 11-4 Sat. Feb. 28-“Winter Market” Antiques and Accessories Auction, Eldred’s Auction House, East Dennis, Rt 6A ( Sat. Mar. 14: Antiques & Acessories Auction, Eldred’s Auction House, East Dennis, Route 6A. ( Tues, Mar. 25: Benefit Appraisal Day, Eldred’s Auction House, East Dennis, Rt 6A ( Thurs. Apr. 2-Sat. Apr. 4: Americana & Marine Auction, Eldred’s Auction House, East Dennis, Route 6A ( – 22 – Tues. Apr. 14- CCADA Annual Seminar, Cultural Center of Cape Cod, Yarmouth. Includes 4 speakers and lunch. Public welcome. Sat. Apr. 18: 11th Annual Wheldon Library Indoor Spring Antiques Show and Sale, Barnstable Elementary School, Rte. 6A, Barnstable. 10-4 Wed. Apr. 29-Oct.14: Every Wed.-Sandwich Weekly Free Outdoor Flea Market, Oakcrest Cove, Quaker Meeting House Rd., Sandwich. 6-1 Thurs. May 1st & Fri.-May 2nd: Asian Arts Auction, Eldred’s Auction House, East Dennis, Route 6A ( Sat. June 6-3: Annual Orleans Historical Society Antiques Show, Orleans Historical Society Museum grounds, on Road to Nauset Beach. 9am-3:30pm (Rain or shine) Sat. June 7: Collectibles, Antiques and Accessories Auction, Eldred’s Auction House, East Dennis, Rt 6A ( Sat. June 20: Post Card Show at Carlton Hall, 1006 Old Bass River road, Dennis. 9am to3pm Thurs. June 25-Fri. June 26: Eldred’s Marine Fine and Decorative Art Auction, Eldred’s Auction House, East Dennis, Route 6A ( Sat. June 27: 41th Brewster Historical Society Annual Outdoor Antiques Show, Drummer Boy Park, Rte. 6A, Brewster. 9-4 (Rain or shine) Sat. July 4: 38th Annual Outdoor Antiques Show. Village Green, Main Street, Wareham. 8-2 (Rain or shine) Thurs. July 9:Summer Market Auction, Eldred’s Auction House, East Dennis, Route 6A ( Sat. July 11: 7th Annual Chatham Community Center Antiques Show and Sale, Chatham Community Center, 702 Main St., Chatham. 10-4 Sat. July 25-Mon. July 27: Ted Harmon’s Decoy’s Unlimited Annual Decoy Sale and Auction at the Cape Codder Hotel in Hyannis.Preview Sat. night 6-9 Weds. July 29-Fri. July 31: Eldred’s Annual Americana and Sporting Auction, Eldred’s Auction House, Rte. 6A, Dennis. ( Fri. July 31-Sat. Aug 1: CCADA’S “Summer Indoor Antiques Show” in Nauset Middle School Gym-featuring 45 premier dealers. Fri. 5pm-8pm. Sat. 10am4pm. Wed. Aug. 12: “Contemporary Art,” Eldred’s Auction House East Dennis, Route 6A ( Thurs. Aug. 13: 24th Annual Osterville Historical Society Outdoor Antiques Show, grounds of the Historic Society, 155 West Bay Road, Osterville. 9:30-3:30 (Rain date Fri.) Fri. Aug. 14-Sat. Aug. 15: 40th Annual Barnstable Indoor Antiques Show, Barnstable Elementary School, Rte. 6A, Barnstable. Fri. 10-5, Sat. 10-4 Tues. Aug. 25-Sat. Aug. 29: Asian Art Week Auction, Eldred’s Auction House, East Dennis, Route 6A ( Sat. Aug. 29: 45th Falmouth Historical Society Outdoor Antiques Show, grounds of Falmouth Historical Society, Palmer Ave., Falmouth. 10-4 (Rain or shine) Sat. Sept. 5:2nd Annual Harwich Historic Society Antiques Show, Harwich Community Center, 9:30-4 Sat. Sept. 12 & Sun. Sept. 13: 28th Annual Cape Cod Glass Show and Sale sponsored by Sandwich Glass Museum Sat Sept. 19- Annual Chatham Community Center Antique Show, Chatham Community Center, 702 Main St., Chatham, 10-4 Wed. Oct 14: Final Sandwich Outdoor Flea Market of the season. Coninued on page 24 – 23 – Fri. Nov. 20-Sat. Nov. 21: Eldred’s Annual Americana and Marine Auction. Eldred’s Auction House, East Dennis, Route 6A ( Fri. Nov. 27-Sat. Nov 28: 38th Annual Holiday Antiques Indoor Show, Church of the Holy Spirit, Rte. 28, Orleans. Fri. 10-4, Sat. 10-3 Fri. Jan. 1, 2016: 7th “WINTER MAGIC” Antiques Show and Sale, Cultural Center of Cape Cod, Yarmouth. 10-4 The information in this listing was believed to be accurate at the time of publication, and is not intended to be a complete list of all events. CCADA is not responsible for errors or omissions. Please check with sponsors or the local media for last minute changes. 28 th ANNUAL CAPE COD GLASS SHOW & SALE SEPTEMBER 12 & 13, 2015 Saturday 10 am – 5 pm Sunday 11 am – 4 pm Corpus Christi Church 324 Quaker Meetinghouse Rd East Sandwich, MA Sponsored by the Sandwich Glass Museum – 24 – OFF-CAPE MEMBERS (cont) 92. CARL & DOREEN THATCHER – Carl Thatcher ACUSHNET RIVER ANTIQUES CO. Doreen Thatcher Showing at: Acushnet River Antiques Co.* 508-992-8878 50 Kilburn Street, New Bedford, MA 02740 A 18,000 sq. ft. group shop featuring 100 dealers in an old mill setting minutes from Rte.195 at Exit 16 east or Exit 17 west. The best selection of antiques from the 19th Century to mid-century modern. “This shop should not be missed.” 93. CARLESE MOTT WESTOCK Carlese Mott Westock Showing at: Shows & Group Shops 973-279-5715 22 Weasel Drift Rd., Woodland Park, NJ 07424 Email: 19th C. American glass and decorative arts as well as fine antique glass of all periods. 94. CHAMBERLAIN ANTIQUES LLC Joshua Chamberlain 5 Northern Blvd., Suite # 7, Amherst, NH 03031 603-769-3390 Email: 603-493-6885 Website: Buying and selling all fine antiques and works of art, including Chinese, Japanese and Asian works of art; Continental porcelains; early glass and more. By appointment. 95. CHARLES BREUEL ANTIQUES Charlie Breuel Showing at: Antique shows Lori Breuel 49 West Bayberry Rd., Glenmont, NY 12077 518-439-6717 Email: Eclectic offering of 19th C. antiques including furniture, paintings, and appropriate accessories. Specializing in clocks. 96. DONNA KMETZ-American Paintings Donna Kmetz Also showing at: Antique shows 508-476-2214 1 Common, Douglas, MA 01516 Email: Website: We specialize in late 19th-mid20th century works by listed American artists, with an emphasis on New England impressionism. We do shows, maintain a website and are open by appointment. 97. EAST CHESTERFIELD ANTIQUES Susan Bistany Showing at: Antique shows 978-443-9269 (Mail: P.O. Box 109, Sudbury, MA 01776) Email: Chinese Export porcelain including Canton and Rose Medallion, Quimper and other French faience, Imari and miscellaneous decorative items. Fine crystal: Lalique, Baccarat, Waterford, Daum, etc. 98. ESTER GILBERT ANTIQUES Bob Kozub Showing at: Antique shows Sue Kozub (Mail: P.O. Box 59, Southampton, MA 01073) 413-527-8650 Email: Offering 18th & 19th C. furniture and decorative accessories. General interesting merchandise. * See Group Shops at beginning of list HIGHLIGHT INDICATES OPEN SHOP – 25 – OFF-CAPE MEMBERS (cont) 99. GOOSEFARE ANTIQUES & PROMOTIONS John DeSimone (Mail: P.O. Box 45, Saco, ME 04072) Elizabeth DeSimone Email: 207-646-0505 Website: 800-641-6908 Specializing in fine 18th, 19th & early 20th C. furniture, Americana, fine glass and china, paintings, prints, silver, quilts, decoys, and folk art. Also promoters of quality antique shows in ME & MA including W.Barnstable, Hyannis, Chatham and Falmouth shows on Cape Cod. 100. GREEN RIVER GALLERY Arthur A. Kerber 1578 Boston Corners Rd., Millerton, NY 12546 518-789-3311 19th and 20th C American art, with emphasis on art of the American west and ERIC SLOANE. Paintings, bronze sculpture and early American furniture. OPEN YEAR ROUND. 101. KENRICK A.CLAFLIN & SON James W. Claflin Also showing at: Antique shows 508-792-6627 1227 Pleasant Street, Worcester, MA 01602 Email: Website: Fine nautical antiques, china, photos, engravings, ephemera, books, souvenir china. We specialize in Lighthouse Service, lightship, LifeSaving Service, Revenue Cutter Service, US Coast Guard. 102. LA PETITE MAISON Nanette G. Walsh 142 North St., Hingham, MA 02043 781-741-8393 Email: (fax) 781-741-9875 Website: Antique porcelain, English Staffordshire, pink lustre and sprig ware. Also antique and Estate sterling silver and jewelry. Owner travels to France for unique decorative pieces. 103. LEWIS SCRANTON ANTIQUES Lewis W. Scranton Also showing at: Antique shows 860-663-1060 38 Fire Tower Road, Killingsworth, CT 06419 17th, 18th & early 19th C. American antiques. Primarily New England furniture, redware, painted tin, silhouettes and hearth iron. By appointment at our shop. 104. MARION ANTIQUE SHOP Diane McNamee 335 Wareham Rd., Rte. 6, Marion Frank McNamee (Mail: P.O. Box 1147, Marion, MA 02738) 508-748-3606 Email: 508-748-0962 Website: Website: One of the oldest and most active antique shops, offering a fine selection of antiques at reasonable prices including a large selection of antique wicker furniture. Complete appraisal services, auction services and on-site estate sales. Open daily: Thursday-Monday 10-5. 105. PARTRIDGE HOUSE Clark Hinkley Showing at: Antique shows Jane Hinkley 549 Bay Road, Duxbury, MA 02332 781-934-7020 Email: We specialize in folk art, furniture, paintings, prints and drawings. We also offer porcelain, pottery and ceramics. HIGHLIGHT INDICATES OPEN SHOP – 26 – OFF-CAPE MEMBERS (cont) 106. SUZANNE’S Fred MacDonald Showing at: Antique shows Suzanne MacDonald Newport, RI 02840 401-847-0331 Email: Eclectic mix of furntiure, architectural and garden items; specializing in vintage American pottery. 107. TEN-MILE ANTIQUES Patricia Ferrara Showing at: Antique shows and by appointment 508-222-7161 72 Verndale Ave, Attleboro, MA 02703 Email: Specializing in jewelry, Wedgwood and other English pottery and porcelain, and silver. 108. THE KEEPING ROOM Barbara Stutzman Also showing at: Antique shows Ron Stutzman 7 Spinnaker Circle, Marshfiled, MA 02050 781-536-8384 Email: Lighting repair,restoration and custom shades – specializing in silk and antique restoration. 18th & 19th C. American Antiques – appropriate accessories. Interior Design. By Appointment. Pick up and delivery available. 109. THE WOODSHED GALLERY LLC 1243 Pond Street, Franklin, MA 02038 Email: Website: Art auction house/art dealer (auctioneer). Bruce Wood 508-533-6277 312-330-5215 110. VINTAGE LADY LINENS Nancy Mayer Showing at: Antique shows 203-214-1020 9 Governors Ave., Milford, CT 06460 203-877-1342 Email: Vintage and antique linens, fine European to American mid-century for table and boudoir, laces, sewing items, ladies’ accessories, glass & porcelain, tableware. 111. WHALING DAYS ANTIQUES Alan Herman Showing at: Acushnet River Antiques Co.,* 508-997-8525 New Bedford Antiques Center & shows 508-294-0468 357 Bedford St., New Bedford, MA 02740 Email: Nautical antiques, scrimshaw items, primitives, furniture and smalls. 112. WHEN PIGS FLY ANTIQUES Rick Warner Showing at: Acushnet River Antiques Co.,* The 508-252-3703 Parson House Gallery, Assonet & shows 508-542-7342 67 Cameron Way, Rehobeth, MA 02769 Email: Primitives, Americana, Country, Stoneware and Redware. 113. WITT’S END ANTIQUES Chris Doscher Showing at: Antique shows Karen Doscher 180 Aumick Rd., Wallkill, NY 12589 845-895-8257 Email: 18th & 19th C. country and formal furniture, paintings and appropriate accessories. * See Group Shops at beginning of list HIGHLIGHT INDICATES OPEN SHOP – 27 – Visit the CCADA website for the latest information about our members and events: – 28 – About the CCADA The Cape Cod Antique Dealers Association, Inc. (CCADA) is a community of antique and fine arts dealers dedicated to bringing to the public an awareness of and an appreciation for antiques. Our aim is to increase and enrich the knowledge of our clientele while offering a wide range of fine quality antiques for sale. The CCADA is engaged in a number of activities that support these two goals of increasing knowledge and making fine antiques available for sale. CCADA’s knowledge-related efforts include the following: • Holding an annual Spring Antiques Seminar, open to the public, providing education and enrichment on specific topics in the world of antiques. • Providing support through the CCADA Cultural Enrichment Fund to Cape Cod’s historical societies and other cultural organizations to preserve their history and promote a better understanding of the Cape’s history and heritage. • Awarding two scholarships annually to Cape Cod Community College graduates who are continuing their education in history, fine arts or decorative arts. CCADA activities that support the buying public include the following: • Hosting a premier Summer Cape Cod Antique Show in early August. Many of the organization’s members can be found at other shows and events throughout the region as well. • Hosting the website,, to facilitate antiquing on Cape Cod. The site includes a calendar listing all the shows/auctions being held throughout the Cape, and a complete listing of member-dealers with contact information. • Publishing a print directory of all CCADA dealers and businesses, and making it available at local shops and tourist information centers. – 29 – Recent recipients of CCADA Cultural Enrichment Grants: 2014 1717 Meeting House in West Barnstsble —Funds toward restoration of the 1806 Paul Revere bell clapper Harwich Historical Society —The purchase of the duplicate wood burning stove used by Elmer Crowell. It will be placed in the Crowell barn currently under construction. Orleans Historical Society —Partial funding for the preservation of 6 early scrapbooks containing 19th and early 20th Century ephemera 2013 Cape Cod Maritime Museum —Funds toward the restoration of a Bigelow “Kitten” catboat. Centerville Historical Museum —Funds to complete a project utilizing tablets for the 6th Grade History Program the Barnstable School System. Dennis Historical Society —A grant to purchase TV/DVD equipment to be installed at The Manse to support ongoing educational programs. Harwich Historical Society/Brooks Museum —The means to restore an oil on canvas portrait in their permanent collection to be exhibited in the spring of 2014. Orleans Historical Society —A grant towards the restoration of ship portrait captained by a local sailing master. Sandwich Public Library/Friends of the Sandwich Town Archives —Funds to properly frame six watercolors by Dodge Macknight to be permanently displayed in the Macknight Room at the library. Sandwich celebrates its 375th anniversary and these paintings will be part of a special exhibit commemorating this artist. Wellfleet Historical Society —Funds to conserve an ongoing project to conserve and preserve selected documents and photographs in their collection. West Dennis Free Library —The purchase of a collection of books that will be helpful to readers who are preserving, conserving and organizing family history and artifacts. – 30 – 2012 Historical Society of Old Yarmouth —conserve a 1795 town map Harwich Historical Society —clean and restore a Charles D. Cahoon painting, Ice Boating on Long Pond Osterville Historical Society —purchase digital frame for digitized postcard collection Truro Historical Society —purchase display cases for Native American artifacts Wellfleet Historical Society —support the “Treasure Chest” project 2011 Pilgrim Monument and Provincetown Museum —conservation of a Civil War banner used by Provincetown volunteers Historical Society of Santuit/Cotuit —preservation of glass plate negatives, 1890–1900 Falmouth Museum on the Green —partial funding for articles to complete restoration of a bedroom in the 1790 Dr. Francis Wicks House Yarmouth Port Library —conservation of the ship model, City of Bath, donated by the Simpkins family 2014 Scholarship Recipient FOSTERING A LOVE OF HISTORY: CCADA AWARDS ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIP Each year, the CCADA provides funds to the Cape Cod Community College Educational Foundation to provide a scholarship to one or more Cape Cod Community College graduates who will be pursuing additional studies in the field of art, history, and the decorative arts. This year, the entire CCADA Scholarship was awarded to a single graduate, Ms. Jennifer Howard of Yarmouth, for her accomplishments during her studies at Cape Cod Community College. Ms. Howard has been accepted at Salem State University, where she will pursue a degree in Public History — a discipline that is focused on the many and diverse ways in which history is put to work in the world. In her thanks to the CCADA, Ms. Howard indicated that her hope is to enlighten current and future generations to the importance of history and preservation. To that end, her goals are well aligned with those of the CCADA. – 31 – NOTES – 32 – NOTES – 33 – NOTES – 34 – NOTES – 35 – INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Auctions Decoys Unlimited, Inc. 41 J. James Autioneers & Appraisers 37 Robert C. Eldred Co., Inc. 45 Sandwich Auction House 40 Collectables Sunderland Antiques 43 Destinations Village of Wiscasset, ME 40 Estate Sale Services Bittersweet Estate Sales 42 Stem to Stern Sales 37 Folk Art Decoys Unlimited, Inc. 40 Framing and Art Restoration Cape Cod Picture Framing & Restoration 38 Exit 5 Gallery 42 Harwich Frame Shop 37 Furniture Restoration Dennis W. Lawton 43 General Antiques Windsong Antiques 44 Graphic Design Services Peter Spier Graphic Design 44 Jewelry Adrene Jewelers 38 Multiple Dealer Locations Acushnet River Antiques 43 Antiques Center of Cape Cod 39 Main Street Antique Center 41 Sandwich Antiques Center 39 The Antiques Center of Yarmouth 42 The MEWS at Brewster Antiques 38 The Sandwich Bazaar 43 – 36 – Harwich Frame Shop We deliver quality and economy A full-service frame shop with special focus on serving artists and antique dealers. CARL BERGFORS Custom Framer 820 Route 28 (Behind 820 Main Galleries) Harwich Port, MA 02646 508-430-1767 Celebrating our 20th year! Stem to Stern SaleS On-Site Estate Sales • Appraisals • Auctions • Purchases Kerry Aylmer 508-362-6570 Robert Lavery – 37 – Adrene Jewelers Stephen A. Albright; GG, PG, AJP Specializing in Antique and Estate Jewelry, Quality Diamonds, Colored Stones, Jewelry & Watches. Expert Repair & Restoration • Estate & Insurance Appraisals Buying Gold and Silver 1198 Rte. 28, South Yarmouth, MA 2664 • 508-394-0470 Cape Cod Picture Framing & Restoration Restoring for Clients, Museums & Dealers since 1953 Full Service Oil Painting Restoration Before After 780 Main Street, Dennis, MA (Behind Dennis Post Office on Rt. 6A) 508-385-5482 ask for Ron or Tracy MEWSAtBrewster_AntDir14:MEWS 3/5/15 2:08 PM Page 1 Celebrating our 25th Season MEWS at Brewster ANTIQUES CHOCOLATE MOULDS AMERICANA FOLK ART COUNTRY FURNITURE TEXTILES EARLY PAINT AMERICAN & EUROPEAN ART GLASS TIN&WIREWARE QUALITY SMALLS HAND TOOLS EARLY AMERICAN PATTERN GLASS A unique and exceptional selection of interesting and attractively displayed ANTIQUES in a group shop setting. SPRING AND FALL HOURS: Friday-Monday 11-4 SUMMER HOURS: Monday-Saturday 10-5, Sunday 11-5 ALWAYS OPEN BY APPOINTMENT. 2926 Rte. 6A, Brewster, Cape Cod, MA 508-896-4887 CAPE COD ANTIQUE DEALERS ASSOCIATION MEMBERS – 38 – ANTIQUES CENTER OF CAPE COD Michael Power (508) 385-6400 243 Route 6A Dennis, MA 02638 FAX (508) 385-7344 The Areas Largest Showroom of Antique Furniture Art Clocks Books Dolls Jewelry Silver Pottery Glass China Ephemera Primitives and Collectibles. Appraisal Service sandwich antiques center Voted “Best Antiques Store” for over 16 years Over 100 of the region’s best dealers & consignors Open year round, seven days a week, 10-5 131 Rte 6a, Sandwich MA 02563 508-833-3600 or visit to our sister shop, The Exchange, at 44 Main St, Plymouth – 39 – Wiscasset THE WAY ANTIQUING SHOULD BE 20+ Quality Dealers in One Charming Location If you live in New England or just visiting and looking for “true” antiques, you owe it to yourself to visit Wiscasset, Maine. The village features more then 20 quality, individual shops operated by many nationally recognized dealers. They offer antiques for everyone from the occasional buyer to the advanced collector and professional decorator! You will find furniture, Americana, folk art, fine art, Asian antiques, oriental rugs, china, glass and all the appropriate accessories. Most shops are open 10-5 daily, May through October. The winter hours are more relaxed and a call ahead is advised. Wiscasset is conveniently located 1 hour north of Portland on US Rte 1 in the mid-coast region of Maine. WWW.SHOPWISCASSETANTIQUES.COM Sandwich Auction House 15 Tupper Road, Sandwich, MA 508-888-1926 OVER 2500 AUCTIONS SINCE 1974 Full Service – Entire estate or single items. Donald and Duncan Gray Owners and auctioneers. BUY SELL Decoys Unlimited, Inc. Theodore S. Harmon P.O. Box 206, West Barnstable, MA 02668 Phone/Fax 508-362-2766 Email: ANTIQUE DECOYS & AMERICANA BROKER AUCTION – 40 – MAIN STREET ANTIQUE CENTER A Multi-Dealer Shop 691 Main Street / Rte. 28 Dennisport, MA 02639 508-760-5700 - Antiques - Collectibles - Pottery - Glass - China - Primitives - Post Cards - Silver - Jewelry - Furniture We always welcome new dealers. Very competitive rates with no commissions charged. Located on Cape Cod in beautiful downtown Dennisport. Take Rte. 6 to Exit 9A to Rte. 134 South, take left on Rte. 28. Go approx 1.3 miles, we are on the right hand side next to town parking lot, front and rear entrances for your convenience. Open Year Round: Monday-Saturday 10-5; Sunday 12-5 Closed Tuesdays November-May Theodore S. Harmon Decoys Unlimited, Inc. Ted and Judy Harmon of DECOYS UNLIMITED, INC. presents Our AnnuAl SuMMEr DECOY AuCTIOn Monday & Tuesday,July July 30-July 31, 2007 Saturday – Monday, 25 – July 27, 2015 at the Cape Codder atResort the and Hotel Hyannis, MA Cape Codder Resort and Spa Telephone: -888-297-2200 Hyannis, MA Telephone: 1-888-297-2200 e-mail: SALE: Monday, July 30 • Noon Tuesday, July 31 • 11am e-mail: theodores.harmon PREVIEW: Sunday, July 29 • 6-9pm AUCTION: Sunday, July 26 • Noon Monday, July 30 • 9am - noon Tuesday, July 3 • 9am - am Monday, July 27 • 10 am Phone and Absentee Bidding Information PREVIEW: Saturday, July 26 • 6 – 9 pm See Directions in Back of Catalog Sunday, July 26 • 9 am – noon For absentee or phone bidding please call Ted Harmon – (508) 362-2766 Monday, July 27 • 8 am – 10 am TERMINOLOGY: XOP - Excellent Original Paint For more information contact: XOC - Excellent Original Condition Ted Harmon, P.O. Box 206, West Barnstable, MA 02668 For more information contact: Ted Harmon, P.O. Box 206, West Barnstable, MA 02668 • (508) 362-2766 508-362-2766 OP - Original Paint T/U - Touch Up See Conditions of Sale – Back of Catalog – 41 – EXIT 5 Gallery » Framing and Frame Repairs » Painting Restorations » Dealers Welcome – Reasonable Rates Ask a friend about our service… Junichi‘Jimmy’Sawayanagi • 508-648-8555 1085 Main Street, West Barnstable, MA The Antiques Center of Yarmouth 325 Route 28 West Yarmouth 508-771-3327 Browse our extensive inventory from antiques to collectibles including: *Paintings and Prints *Glass, China and Pottery *Nautical *Antique Tools *Books and Ephemera * Jewelry *Sterling Silver *Rugs *Furniture * SO MUCH MORE! Looking to Sell? We buy and take items on consignment one item to entire estates. Just contact us for additional information. 508-771-3327 OPEN YEAR ROUND – 42 – ACUSHNET RIVER ANTIQUES Open 7 Days: Mon-Sat 10-5, Sun 11-4 100 Dealers ~ 18,000 sq. ft. 50 Kilburn St., New Bedford, MA 02740 508-992-8878 Also Buying Antiques and Estates Dennis W. Lawton Furniture Restoration BREWSTER, CAPE COD P.O.BOX 85 02631 508-896-5436 SUNDERLAND ANTIQUES Specializing in English Lustreware and Staffordshire Figures Gregory H. Baecker 774-413-5266 By Appointment – 43 – WINDSONG Antiques, Inc. Sandra Baylis Hall, Proprietor Continuing a 50 year tradition of offering quality antiques, furniture, American & English glass & ceramics, postcards, ephemera, paintings, silver, jewelry & more. 346 Route 28 • Jct. Routes 28 & 124 • Harwichport, MA 508-432-1797 • Email: Peter Spier Booklet production by Peter Spier Graphic Design 320 Run Hill Road, Brewster, MA 02631 508.896.8329 ; Printing Services by Print Cape Cod Ken O’Brien • • 508.362.9737 The CCADA would like to thank our advertisers for their support! However, we do not represent these advertisers and are not responsible for services rendered. – 44 – Eldred’s, Cape Cod’s leading auction and appraisal firm for over 60 years, is expert in antique and fine art sales with specialities in Asian art, Americana, European art, paintings, marine art, and many other fields. Quality consignments are accepted throughout the year. In addition, we will be pleased to discuss your insurance or estate appraisal needs, or provide you with free verbal estimates of individual antiques and fine art at our galleries. Hours are Monday-Friday, 8:30 am-4:30 pm. Please call for an appointment. Tentative 2014 Auction Schedule* February 22 Antiques & Accessories April 3 - 5 Americana & Paintings May 1 & 2 Asian Arts June 7 Collectibles, Antiques & Accessories June 26 & 27 Fine & Decorative Arts July 17 & 18 Marine Art and Export July 30 & 31, August 1 Sporting & Americana August 12-16 Asian Week August 21 (p.m.) Cape Cod Contemporary Art November 21 & 22 Americana & Marine TBA Asian Arts * Unless you have read an advertisement or seen a brochure to confirm this schedule, we urge you to call our office or check our website for additional and/or revised dates. ROBERT C. ELDRED CO., INC. Auctioneers & Appraisers P.O. Box 796 • 1483 Rt. 6A East Dennis, MA 02641 (508) 385-3116 FAX (508) 385-7201 MA License No. 155 – 45 – 40 plus Exhibitors 45th Annual Summer Antique Show in Orleans Foo Availadb Premier Indoor Show Friday Evening and Saturday Nauset Middle School Gymnasium Route 28 in Orleans Ample Parking Admission $6.00, $5.00 with card Children 18 and Under and Students with ID FREE Friday Saturday July 31, 2015 Aug. 1, 2015 5pm-8pm 10am-4pm Admissions Benefit CCADA’s Cultural Enrichment and Scholarship Funds Sponsored by Bank of America Home Loans 30 South Orleans Road, Orleans, MA Steve Ricciardi Mortgage Loan Officer NMLS ID:48622 • PHONE: 508-221-5590 Life’s better when we’re connected le