sfl floristry training package v1.0 case for endorsement


sfl floristry training package v1.0 case for endorsement
JUNE 2015
About Service Skills Australia
Service Skills Australia supports skills and workforce development in the service industries. These include
retail and wholesale, sport, fitness, community recreation, outdoor recreation, travel, tourism, meetings and
events, hospitality, accommodation, restaurants and catering, holiday parks and resorts, hairdressing,
beauty, floristry, community pharmacy and funeral services.
Service Skills Australia is a not-for-profit, independent organisation to support skills development for our
Our primary aim when developing nationally recognised training is to ensure that training is in step with the
needs of employers and industry as a whole. To achieve this, we consult and engage with as broad a range
of stakeholders as possible. Our key stakeholder groups are: industry, both representative organisations and
individual businesses; training professionals, including registered training organisations and
trainers/assessors; industry regulators; and a range of state/territory and federal government bodies.
Level 10, 171 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
GPO Box 4194, Sydney NSW 2001 Australia
P +61 2 8243 1200 F +61 2 8243 1299 E info@serviceskills.com.au
Table of Contents
About Service Skills Australia ........................................................................................................................ 1
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................................ 2
Overview ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
The SFL Floristry Training Package submission ........................................................................................... 4
Industry rationale ........................................................................................................................................... 4
The process ................................................................................................................................................... 5
Declaration ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
Section 1: Responsiveness and recognition quality principles ................................................................. 6
Reflects contemporary work organisation and job profiles ............................................................................ 6
Driven by industry’s needs............................................................................................................................. 6
Responds to government broad policy initiatives .......................................................................................... 7
Recognises convergence and connectivity of skills ...................................................................................... 8
Supports movement of skills within and across organisations and sectors .................................................. 8
Promotes national and international portability ............................................................................................. 8
Reflects licensing and regulatory requirements ............................................................................................ 8
Report by Exception ...................................................................................................................................... 8
Section 2: Flexibility and functionality quality principles ......................................................................... 11
Meets the diversity of individual and enterprise needs ................................................................................ 11
Supports equitable access and progression of learners ............................................................................. 11
Supports learner transition between education sectors .............................................................................. 12
Supports implementation across a range of settings .................................................................................. 12
Supports sound assessment practice .......................................................................................................... 12
Supports implementation through compliance with National Register requirements .................................. 12
Section 3: Impact of changes ....................................................................................................................... 13
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Impact of changes for stakeholders ............................................................................................................. 13
Industry imperatives and expectations ........................................................................................................ 14
Systemic issues ........................................................................................................................................... 14
Appendix A: Components for endorsement ............................................................................................... 15
Qualifications ............................................................................................................................................... 15
Skill Sets ...................................................................................................................................................... 15
Units of Competency ................................................................................................................................... 15
Advice on occupational and licensing requirements ................................................................................... 16
Credit arrangements .................................................................................................................................... 16
Mapping information .................................................................................................................................... 17
Modification history ...................................................................................................................................... 22
Appendix B: Quality reports ......................................................................................................................... 23
Appendix C: Industry committees and expert groups ............................................................................... 51
Appendix D: Stakeholder involvement ........................................................................................................ 52
Appendix E: Letters of support .................................................................................................................... 54
Appendix F: Enrolment and other data ....................................................................................................... 62
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The SFL Floristry Training Package submission
This Case for Endorsement provides the evidence and industry rationale to support the proposed
components of the SFL Floristry Training Package. These components (Appendix A: Components for
endorsement) have been developed to reflect current industry trends and practices in the floristry industry
and address industry needs in a flexible and accessible way. A wide range of stakeholders, including
industry, training providers and state training authorities, were involved in the consultation process to ensure
the quality of the final product, and ensure successful implementation.
An important focus of this review has also been to transition the current training package components to
meet the Standards for Training Packages (2012) in compliance with the Training Package Development
and Endorsement Process Policy and Training Package Products Policy. This has been confirmed by the
independent quality assurance panel member (Appendix B: Quality Reports).
The proposed training package components comprise:
Four revised qualifications
Ten new and twenty revised units of competency and associated assessment requirements
Credit arrangements for the SFL Floristry Training Package.
The SFL Floristry Training Package includes fifty nine imported units of competency and is supported by a
Companion Volume Implementation Guide, which will be available on the Service Skills Australia website
upon endorsement.
Industry rationale
As identified in the Service Skills Australia Environmental Scan 2015, the floristry industry is characterised by
intense and increasing competition, which is making design, creative and construction skills, as well as
customer service, a key point of difference for businesses. Additionally, business management has become
ever more critical.
In response, the proposed SFL Floristry Training Package has a range of measures to strengthen the skills
in these areas, as well as ensure a higher standard of skills for graduates generally.
New units of competency have been developed in design and construction; service and sales; and business
management and operations to address these areas of need. In some existing units of competency, the
knowledge and skills in these areas have been strengthened.
The proposed SFL Floristry Training Package has also been updated to reflect changes in industry practices,
such as listings and terms for products and resources, the greater use of technology and sustainable
practices in the workplace, and workplace health and safety requirements.
Given a broadening of industry environments within the floristry industry to non-retail environments (for
example, the increase in warehouse and studio businesses), floristry-specific units have been developed to
replace SIR07 Retail Services Training Package units of competency contained within the core of SFL
Finally, in order to more appropriately reflect the expectations of employers, and therefore boost the
employability of graduates, entry requirements into higher-level qualifications (the Certificate IV and Diploma)
now incorporate prior qualifications and demonstrated industry experience.
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The process
The development of the SFL Floristry Training Package commenced in late 2013. The consultation and
development process was overseen by the Floristry Project Reference Group (PRG) who ensured the quality
of the training components and their responsiveness to industry need (Appendix C: Industry committees and
expert groups).
Consultation with industry was undertaken in two stages: consultation and validation. Draft 1 consultation
took place over nine weeks from March to May 2014 and involved a number of avenues for stakeholders to
provide feedback on the revised training package components. These included a series of workshops in
capital cities, individual meetings with stakeholders, and presentations to industry and registered training
organisations (RTOs). Draft 1 was also available for stakeholder feedback on the Service Skills Australia
Feedback Register for a period of nine weeks. This variety of consultation methods ensured that a broad
range of business types and geographical locations across Australia were able to be involved in consultation.
Service Skills Australia communicated the progress of the review and encouraged participation through
project updates on a regular basis via email and the monthly Service Skills Australia e-newsletter.
Stakeholder feedback was collated, analysed and discussed with the floristry PRG and then incorporated
into a second draft.
During the validation period, the second draft of qualifications and units were circulated to industry and RTO
stakeholders nationally and made available on the Service Skills Australia Feedback Register for a period of
five weeks from March to April 2015. The second draft addressed stakeholder concerns relating to the
tightening of the entry requirements of the Certificate IV in Floristry and Diploma of Floristry Design. To
further inform this consultation, a targeted short survey was sent to industry stakeholders to gain feedback
regarding their ability to facilitate workplace assessment. The details of stakeholder involvement in the
consultation and validation periods is outlined in Appendix D: Stakeholder involvement.
Following extensive internal quality assurance, the proposed training package components underwent an
independent quality assurance review to ensure compliance with the Standards for Training Packages, and
to ensure the components are fit for industry purpose and ready for implementation (see Appendix B: Quality
Key stakeholder support was secured prior to submission to the Commonwealth Department of Education
and Training. Evidence of stakeholder support can be found in Appendix E: Letters of support.
Service Skills Australia declares that the proposed components of the SFL Floristry Training Package meet
the requirements of the Standards for Training Packages.
The SFL Floristry Training Package Companion Volume Implementation Guide will be available on the
Service Skills Australia website at the time of endorsement and has been quality assured following the
publicly documented process described on our website at serviceskills.com.au/companion-volumes.
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Section 1: Responsiveness and
recognition quality principles
The SFL Floristry Training Package meets the quality principles of responsiveness and recognition, as
summarised in the following section.
Reflects contemporary work organisation and job profiles
The SFL Floristry Training Package has been developed to ensure the qualifications, units of competency
and associated assessment requirements reflect current work requirements for all sectors of the floristry
industry. This has been confirmed through extensive, national consultation with industry stakeholders that
was undertaken in an open and inclusive manner.
The revised training package includes four qualifications which align to the floristry industry job outcomes
identified and confirmed by industry throughout the consultation and validation phases of the review.
Consultation suggested that the current training package largely continued to reflect contemporary work
organisation and job profiles; however, the following revisions were made to reflect developments in the
skills required for different job roles.
The core of the SFL20115 Certificate II in Floristry (Assistant) has been updated to include the unit
of competency, SFLDEC001 Maintain floristry tools and equipment, as industry feedback indicated
that the maintenance of floristry tools and equipment is an essential skill for a floristry assistant.
Within the SFL30115 Certificate III in Floristry, feedback indicated that the skills identified in the unit
of competency, SFLDEC012 Interpret a design brief, were too high for the role of florist and the
content has subsequently been revised to a more appropriate level.
At the senior florist level, an additional unit, SFLMGT001 Coordinate floristry work teams, has been
included in the core of the SFL40115 Certificate IV in Floristry. Industry identified this skill as
essential for learners at this level.
Entry requirements for the Certificate IV and Diploma qualifications have been revised to include
prior qualifications and demonstrated experience, which reflects industry expectations of the skills
and experience of graduates at this level.
Driven by industry’s needs
As identified in the Service Skills Australia Environmental Scan 2015, the floristry industry is characterised by
intense and increasing competition, which is making design, creative and construction skills, as well as
customer service, a key point of difference for businesses.
Consequently, the following new units of competency have been developed to address the need for greater
creative design and construction, and service and sales skills:
SFLDEC012 Interpret floristry design briefs
SFLDEC013 Plan floristry designs with clients
SFLDEC014 Research theories of creativity
SFLDEC015 Research global floristry trends
SFLSOP007 Interact with floristry customers.
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In the unit of competency, SFLSOP008 Provide quality service to floristry customers, additional knowledge
regarding customer service has been added to strengthen skills in this area.
In an increasingly competitive environment, management and operations is also ever more important to
business sustainability. In response to this, the following units of competency have been developed:
SFLMGT001 Coordinate floristry work teams
SFLSOP002 Work effectively in the floristry industry
SFLSOP012 Maintain and order floristry stock
SFLWHS001 Participate in safe work practices
SFLWHS002 Provide a safe work environment.
The floristry industry is adopting new technologies in order to broaden the range of services offered to
customers particularly in the area of online sales. Units of competency related to technological and digital
literacy skills can be imported from other training packages and accredited courses in order to allow these
skills to be addressed as required by the floristry industry. Such units of competency include BSBITU305A
Conduct online transactions, CUVACD302A Produce computer-aided drawings in addition to a suite of ebusiness units available in SFL40115 Certificate IV in Floristry and SFL50115 Diploma of Floristry Design.
Additionally, required technology skills that are not embedded in the performance criteria are clearly
identified in the foundation skills field, for example the unit SFLSOP001 Source information of floristry
products contains the foundation skill: ‘Technology skills to: use a computer and keyboard and the Internet to
search for information.’
The development of six floristry-specific units to replace the core SIR07 Retail Services Training Package
units of competency enable greater applicability to the variety of floristry environments such as warehouses
and studio businesses.
The proposed SFL Floristry Training Package has also been updated to reflect changes in industry practice,
such as listings and terms for products and resources, the greater use of technology in the workplace, and
workplace health and safety requirements.
Another floristry industry trend is the increased awareness of environmentally sustainable practices such as
water usage and appropriate waste disposal. The SFL Floristry Training Package addresses sustainability
skills by embedding them within appropriate individual units of competency. In the unit SFLDEC001 Maintain
floristry tools and equipment, the knowledge evidence states the learner is required to identify
‘environmentally sound disposal methods for hazardous waste.’ This is evident in the performance criteria,
performance evidence and knowledge evidence, as appropriate. In addition, three imported units specific to
sustainability remain as elective units for each qualification.
Responds to government broad policy initiatives
The SFL Floristry Training Package has been developed to meet the Standards for Training Packages.
Consequently, the SFL Floristry Training Package has addressed key principles of these Standards by
Easier use. This has been achieved by transferring supporting information to the Companion Volume
Implementation Guide and including only information that relates to qualifications, competency
standards and assessment requirements in the training package. Language has been simplified and
repetitive and unnecessary information removed within the proposed units of competency and their
associated assessment requirements.
Foundation skills are explicitly addressed. The foundation skills which are required in the workplace,
and which encompass both the Core Skills (reading, writing, oral communication, numeracy and
learning) described by the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF), and Employability Skills are
clearly defined within the performance criteria for every unit of competency or are identified in the
foundation skills field.
Clear articulation of assessment requirements, including the volume and type of evidence, scope of
required knowledge, assessment conditions and assessor requirements.
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Recognises convergence and connectivity of skills
To acknowledge and support the convergence and transferability of skills, the SFL Floristry Training
Package addresses essential transferrable skills and knowledge for the floristry industry with fifty nine
imported units of competency from other training packages. These relate to transferable skills such as:
management and business skills (including small business management)
product diversification
provision of products and services for special events/occasions
digital and e-commerce skills
To further ensure this, the packaging rules for each qualification within the SFL Floristry Training Package
allow a greater number of imported units to be selected from any training package or accredited course.
Supports movement of skills within and across organisations and sectors
Movement within and across organisations is enhanced through the greater flexibility of qualifications. The
flexibility of the current packaging rules in the SFL10 Floristry Training Package qualifications has been
maintained, allowing elective units to be chosen from any training package or accredited course in the
proposed qualifications within the SFL Floristry Training Package. Advice about appropriate elective
selection will be provided in the Companion Volumes.
Furthermore, the qualification structure, which allows a pathway from qualifications commencing from
Certificate II through to Diploma level, facilitates and enables career pathways and progression from lower to
higher levels. This is represented within the qualification pathway diagrams in the Companion Volume
Implementation Guide.
Promotes national and international portability
The SFL Floristry Training Package is based on national consultation to ensure relevance across states and
territories, and both metropolitan and regional areas. The SFL Floristry Training Package contains nationally
recognised qualifications that meet the training needs of industry in each jurisdiction. The proposed
qualifications also meet AQF levels criteria and type specifications set out in the AQF Second Edition,
January 2013.
Reflects licensing and regulatory requirements
The floristry industry has no national licensing requirements.
Work Health and Safety regulation has been addressed through the development of two dedicated floristryspecific units of competency, SFLWHS001 Participate in safe work practices and SFLWHS002 Provide a
safe work environment, and are also embedded within relevant units of competency.
Relevant regulatory requirements such as consumer law, environmental protection, anti-discrimination or
equal employment opportunity law, liquor licencing, copyright, intellectual property and design laws are
embedded in appropriate units of competency in the current SFL10 Training Package and have been carried
through to this SFL Floristry Training Package submission.
Report by Exception
Throughout the process of reviewing the SFL Floristry Training Package, Service Skills Australia made every
effort to engage with a range of stakeholders, including industry associations, unions, industry practitioners,
state training industry advisory bodies, training providers and State Training Authorities.
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This section outlines concerns raised by the Retail and Personal Services Training Council (RAPSTC) during
final stakeholder signoff, concerning:
SFL40115 Certificate IV in Floristry
RAPSTC has been approached for feedback throughout the project, beginning in December 2013. No
specific comments or concerns were provided during Draft 1 or Draft 2. The final draft was circulated via the
State Training Authorities (STAs) and Service Skills Australia were advised the Entry Requirements in the
Certificate IV in Floristry would not be supported by Western Australia.
The following summary highlights how Service Skills Australia has responded to the feedback provided by
RAPSTC in order to address the concerns.
Issue raised by RAPSTC
Service Skills Australia
Final Draft of SFL40115
Certificate IV in Floristry: Entry
Service Skills Australia values
the input of the Western
Australian Industry Training
Advisory Body.
No consensus was able to be
reached between Service
Skills Australia and the
Service Skills Australia believes
that the Entry Requirements are
appropriate; consultation and
validation has confirmed that it
meets industry need.
The following paragraph has
been included in the
Companion Volume
Implementation Guide:
 Restricts entry of persons
already working in the industry
with skills, knowledge and
experience equivalent to the
Certificate III in Floristry but
without a formal qualification
 Poses a barrier and disincentive
for graduates of the Certificate
III in Floristry to continue their
 Inequality between Certificate III
in Floristry graduates. If
completed via an institutional
pathway (as opposed to a
traineeship), graduates are
required to provide extra
evidence of 12 months industry
experience and application of
the skills and knowledge listed
in the Certificate III.
 No clear definition or advice on
what constitutes the 12 months.
e.g. 1 day a week for 12
months, full-time employment
for 12 months etc.
 Detrimental effect on the
Floristry industry and RTOs
delivering the Certificate IV in
Floristry as it will be too difficult
for students to meet entry
The strengthening of the entry
requirements into SFL40115
Certificate IV in Floristry ensures
that individuals commencing
training in the higher
qualification have the skill base
and experience that industry has
identified as required to
undertake this level of training.
Service Skills Australia entered
into further dialogue with the
RAPSTC to clarify the intent of
the Entry Requirements.
Responses to feedback are
provided below.
 The Entry Requirements are
not restrictive to those already
working in the industry.
Individuals are able to enter
the Certificate IV in Floristry as
long as they demonstrate the
skills, knowledge and
experience obtained in the
Certificate III in Floristry.
 Compliance with the
Standards for Training
Packages requires
specification of mandatory
entry requirements and
precludes the inclusion of
‘advice’ in the qualification
component. Advice is provided
in the mandatory Companion
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To be considered as having
achieved the entry
requirements for this
qualification, learners may
have completed the Certificate
III in Floristry via an Australian
Apprenticeship pathway. This
provides direct entry to the
SFL40115 Certificate IV in
If they have not completed
an Australian Apprenticeship
pathway, they may also
enter by having completed
the Certificate III in Floristry
via an institutional pathway
and also having 12 months
post qualification industry
experience. This would be
demonstrated by evidence of
ongoing and regular
participation in the Floristry
industry over a 12 month
period via paid work with an
employer or volunteer work
with external parties.
A learner may also enter the
SFL40115 Certificate IV in
Floristry by providing a
portfolio of evidence which
shows that they have applied
the skills and knowledge
gained in the Certificate III in
Issue raised by RAPSTC
Service Skills Australia
Volume Implementation
 Options for learners to meet
the Entry Requirements are
not viewed as difficult by other
stakeholders. A portfolio of
evidence of their application of
the skills and knowledge
gained from, work can be
compiled from work they may
have completed before the
Certificate III, work they
completed while undertaking
the qualification and work they
complete following completion
of the qualification.
Floristry in an industry
context. This portfolio may
contain evidence of work
completed before, during or
after the completion of the
Certificate III qualification.
There is no time period
applied to the collection of
evidence. For example, an
individual who has
completed a Certificate III in
Floristry via an institutional
pathway may collect a
portfolio of evidence of their
application of the skills and
knowledge gained in
subsequent months following
the completion of the
Certificate III and may then
apply for entry to the
Certificate IV. This portfolio
may contain work they may
have completed before the
Certificate III, work they
completed while undertaking
the qualification and work
they complete following
completion of the
qualification, as long as it
demonstrates application of
the skills and knowledge in
an industry context.
No further action to be taken.
Extensive consultation and
validation has occurred with
industry during the review
which has reiterated the need
for the Entry Requirements to
the Certificate IV in Floristry.
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Section 2: Flexibility and
functionality quality principles
This section provides evidence that the SFL Floristry Training Package submission meets flexibility and
functionality quality principles.
Meets the diversity of individual and enterprise needs
The SFL Floristry Training Package meets the diversity of individual and enterprise needs—regardless of
their location or skill level, or the distribution method utilised, the SFL Floristry Training Package provides the
competencies and qualifications for florists involved in the design and construction of floristry products. This
is particularly important in the context of a shifting industrial landscape, with the emergence of online
businesses and other formats without a shop front presence.
In order to ensure this broad applicability, consultation was undertaken nationally and reflected the diversity
of the industry, including representatives from different business sizes and locations, as well as emerging
business formats and distribution methods.
Furthermore, proposed qualifications have the flexibility to meet the diversity of enterprise and individual
needs through the use of flexible packaging rules. This enables qualifications to be tailored to the specific job
roles and work practices across enterprises of varying size, location and distribution method within the
floristry industry.
Additionally, qualifications include a range of transferable business skills such as customer service, sales,
finance, marketing and e-business that can be applied across job roles and environments. The proposed
SFL Floristry Training Package also ensures greater applicability to the variety of floristry workplaces through
the replacement of the SIR07 Retail Services Training Package units of competency within the core of
qualifications with floristry-specific units. For example, the existing imported unit, SIRXINV002A Maintain and
order stock is intended for the supervisory level, where the individual follows pre-determined procedures and
reports any difficulties and involves the dispatch of stock goods to other departments. However, these are
not applicable to a floristry environment. The replacement unit SFLSOP012 Maintain and order floristry stock
is aimed at the more-relevant small business management level, which is in keeping with the intention of the
SFL40115 Certificate IV in Floristry, and reflects a higher level of autonomy and decision-making, such as
responsibilities for making purchasing decisions rather than just processing orders.
Supports equitable access and progression of learners
SFL20115 Certificate II in Floristry (Assistant) and SFL30115 Certificate III in Floristry qualifications in the
SFL Floristry Training Package allow for direct entry and enable pathways into higher qualifications within
and outside of the SFL Training Package. Additionally, no SFL units of competency contain pre-requisite
The strengthening of the entry requirements into SFL40115 Certificate IV in Floristry and the SFL50115
Diploma of Floristry Design ensures that individuals commencing training in higher qualifications have the
skill base and experience that industry has identified as required to undertake this level of training.
As indicated in the Equity Report (see Appendix B: Quality Reports), there are no discriminatory barriers in
the SFL Floristry Training Package that could impede entry to training and employment or career progression
within the industry.
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Supports learner transition between education sectors
The proposed SFL20115 Certificate II in Floristry (Assistant) has been identified as suitable for delivery to
secondary students, and would provide an introduction to the industry and entry-level skills and knowledge.
Although there are no formal credit arrangements with higher education qualifications, SFL40115 Certificate
IV in Floristry incorporates small business skills which provide a foundation for higher education business
programs. In addition, SFL50115 Diploma of Floristry Design, which contains higher-level design skills, may
lead to tertiary studies in design. Advice about pathways has been provided in the Companion Volume
Implementation Guide, in accordance with the AQF Pathways Policy.
Supports implementation across a range of settings
There are no barriers to the implementation of the units of competency or qualifications. The qualification
packaging maximises use of units of competency imported from other training packages or accredited
courses. This flexibility allows RTOs to include a range of units of competency to develop the skills
participants require in workplaces and to support progression into higher level qualifications. This enables
organisations with particular areas of operation and specialist job roles to import units of competency
relevant to that context.
Prerequisites have been minimised to improve the portability and flexibility of the units of competency within
the SFL Floristry Training Package and for importing into other training packages. The units of competency
can be delivered and assessed in the workplace or a simulated environment. The assessment conditions
have been written to ensure rigour and consistency of assessment in either the workplace or a simulated
To further support implementation, advice has been provided in the Companion Volume Implementation
Guide as to how the training package components can be implemented flexibly across a range of settings,
including in a workplace environment, simulated environment and institutional environment. Implementation
activities to support the new qualifications are proposed for the post-endorsement period.
Supports sound assessment practice
In accordance with the Standards for Training Packages, assessment requirements have been developed for
each unit of competency, which specify the required evidence and conditions for assessment. To ensure
sound assessment practice, the assessment requirements detail:
required performance and knowledge evidence that is valid, reliable, and assessable
appropriate assessment environments, including a simulated environment
the appropriate context including assessor requirements and specific resource requirements.
Supports implementation through compliance with National Register requirements
The training components have been loaded on the National Register through the Training Package Content
Management System (TPCMS). Prior to the validation stage, both the pre-published content and metadata
were checked as part of the Service Skills Australia internal quality assurance process. After feedback from
validation was incorporated, the components were updated in TPCMS and both a pre-published content and
metadata report were completed.
An independent review of the proposed SFL Floristry Training Package submitted for endorsement was
undertaken by Caitlin Harris. The Quality Report (Appendix B) confirms that the proposed training package
components meet the requirements of the Standards for Training Packages (2012). Prior to the completion
of the Quality Report, all qualifications, units of competency and assessment requirements were reviewed
against the Standards for Training Packages.
The Editorial Report was completed by Joy Harris; The Equity Report was completed by Karee Gurtman.
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Section 3: Impact of changes
Impact of changes for stakeholders
The proposed components of the SFL Floristry Training Package will replace and supersede the
corresponding current components of the SFL10 Floristry Training Package. All components have been
developed to comply with the Standards for Training Packages and Training Package Products Policy. The
implications for the implementation of the SFL Floristry Training Package are described within this section.
New format of the training package
The most significant change for RTOs will be gaining familiarity with the format of the components of the
training package and the location of supporting information for implementation in the Companion Volumes.
This includes:
unit coding no longer reflecting AQF levels or version identifiers
changes in the structure of units of competency, particularly the removal of range statements,
required skills and knowledge and the evidence guide, and the addition of foundation skills
the creation of assessment requirements including the frequency and volume of performance
evidence, required knowledge evidence and specification of assessment conditions.
Service Skills Australia will undertake considerable work, supported by the states and territories and the
RTOs themselves, to educate trainers and assessors as to how to interpret and use the new training
package components. Based on the consultation for this review, Service Skills Australia has determined the
set of issues to be addressed in both the Companion Volume Implementation Guide and other support
resources and activities.
To facilitate a smooth implementation process, State Training Authorities, RTOs, ASQA and industry
stakeholders have not only been consulted during the development process, but also kept fully informed of
the changes.
New and updated codes
Coding of the units of competency has been revised in the following ways:
unit codes no longer include an AQF level to identify the level at which the unit is first packaged and
qualification packaging rules do not refer to the ‘AQF level’ of units that may be selected as electives
unit codes no longer include a version identifier; rather, the cover page of the component on
training.gov.au identify version changes and the Modification History will provide details of the
Consequently, RTO administration and enrolment systems, as well as marketing materials, will require
The updated qualifications and units of competency include some components that are deemed not
equivalent. RTOs wishing to deliver and assess the new units of competency and qualifications may need to
apply to ASQA to update their scope of registration, as automatic update of scope may not apply.
Resource requirements
RTOs that are considering delivering the SFL Floristry Training Package will need to carefully assess
whether they have the required resources to support the delivery and assessment of the training package.
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The resources, which are detailed within the assessment requirements, include access to the required
assessment environments, equipment and assessors with the relevant competencies and practical industry
application of the skill. RTOs will also need to determine the most appropriate delivery strategies for their
target learners.
Assessor Requirements
Industry values assessors who maintain currency in training and education skills and the relevant vocational
skills. Currency of vocational competence is crucial to the success of assessment outcomes for the floristry
industry. It ensures that those involved in assessment processes have current industry knowledge, expertise
in current operational practice and knowledge of what workplace equipment is currently used so that
assessments reflect up-to-date workplace practice. Requirements specific to individual units of competency
are outlined in the related assessment requirements.
The SFL Floristry Training Package defines the requirements to be met by assessors on a unit by unit basis.
Information is found in the assessment conditions field within the assessment requirements document for
each unit of competency.
Industry imperatives and expectations
The continuous improvement of the SFL Floristry Training Package has been driven by industry stakeholders
and reflects current industry job roles and practices. Speed to market is important as it contains a range of
updated and new units of competency that reflect current technologies and trends. The timely and
appropriate implementation of these qualifications is a high priority to address industry needs.
Industry has an expectation of quality delivery and assessment and that RTOs develop and maintain strong
links with their local industry and relevant industry bodies or associations to assist in the development and
validation of effective delivery and assessment strategies for achieving the outcomes required by industry. It
also expects in most cases to be directly involved in training and assessment of the components through
work placements and through on-the-job assessment. Industry expects that assessment is either conducted
in the workplace or in a simulated industry environment, with access to the appropriate equipment, and with
industry realistic clients. The new competencies and assessment requirements represent a clearer
articulation of performance criteria, performance evidence and knowledge evidence for candidates, which
will provide trainers and assessors with greater confidence in developing learning and assessment
processes, products and experiences that will meet the new competencies and assessment requirements.
Systemic issues
Although the new components address quality concerns through tighter assessment requirements, the
following measures will need to be put in place to address systemic issues and ensure the effective
implementation of the SFL Floristry Training Package:
strong and ongoing relationships between industry/businesses and training providers and industry
involvement in the validation of learning and assessment materials/activities
robust and reliable assessment by RTOs, including in relation to prior recognition practices
the creation of new and improved training and assessment resources to reflect the new and revised
units of competency, particularly in relation to the specification of foundation skills and assessment
ongoing negotiations with higher education authorities to ensure RTOs and relevant institutions are
able to enact suitable mutual recognition and credit transfer for participants.
Page 14 of 64
Appendix A: Components for
SFL Floristry Training Package contains four qualifications, as outlined in Table 1.
Table 1: Qualifications in the SFL Floristry Training Package
Qualification Code
Qualification Title
Certificate II in Floristry (Assistant)
Certificate III in Floristry
Certificate IV in Floristry
Diploma of Floristry Design
Skill Sets
The SFL Floristry Training Package contains no skill sets.
Units of Competency
The SFL Floristry Training Package contains 30 units of competency, as outlined in Table 2.
Table 2: Units of competency in the SFL Floristry Training Package
Unit Code
Unit Title
Floristry Design and Construction - DEC
Maintain floristry tools and equipment
Design floristry products
Design complex floristry products
Design and produce innovative floristry products
Assemble floristry products
Construct hand tied floristry products
Construct wired floristry products
Construct floristry products with a base medium
Construct complex floristry products
Coordinate floristry products for special occasions
Style and manage floristry for events
Interpret floristry design briefs
Page 15 of 64
Unit Code
Unit Title
Plan floristry designs with clients
Research theories of creativity
Research global floristry trends
Management - MGT
Coordinate floristry work teams
Floristry Sales and Operations - SOP
Source information on floristry products and services
Work effectively in the floristry industry
Recognise flower and plant materials
Receive and store floristry stock
Prepare and care for floristry stock
Display and merchandise floristry products
Interact with floristry customers
Provide quality service to floristry customers
Sell floristry products
Prepare quotations for floristry products
Develop a floristry product range
Maintain and order floristry stock
Work, Health and Safety - WHS
Participate in safe work practices
Provide a safe work environment
Advice on occupational and licensing requirements
There are no specific occupational and licensing requirements impacting on the SFL Floristry Training
Credit arrangements
At the time of the submission of this Training Package, no national credit arrangements exist.
Page 16 of 64
Mapping information
Table 3: Qualification mapping for the SFL Floristry Training Package
Qualification Mapping – SFL10 V1.0 to SFL V1.0
Previous Qualification
SFL10 V1.0
Comment in relation to previous version
E = Equivalent
SFL V1.0
SFL20110 Certificate II in
Floristry (Assistant)
N = Not Equivalent
SFL20115 Certificate II in
Floristry (Assistant)
SFL30110 Certificate III
in Floristry
SFL30115 Certificate III
in Floristry
SFL40115 Certificate IV
in Floristry
SFL40110 Certificate IV
in Floristry
Page 17 of 64
Number of units required for completion
remains at 12. Core units increased by one
and elective units decreased by one.
New floristry specific units replace SIR units
in the core:
o SFLSOP002 Work effectively in the
floristry industry replaces SIRXIND101
Work effectively in a customer service
SFLSOP007 Interact with floristry
customers replaces SIRXCOM001A
Communicate in the workplace
SFLWHS001 Participate in safe work
practices replaces SIRXWHS101 Apply
safe work practices.
Number of units required for completion
remains at 21. Core units remain at 16 and
elective units remain at five.
Core unit replaced by more relevant unit:
o CUVCOR07B Use drawing techniques to
represent the object or idea replaced by
CUVACD201A Develop drawing skills to
communicate ideas
New floristry specific units replace SIR units
in the core:
o SFLSOP002 Work effectively in the
floristry industry replaces SIRXIND101
Work effectively in a customer service
o SFLWHS001 Participate in safe work
practices replaces SIRXWHS101 Apply
safe work practices
New floristry specific unit replaces imported
unit in the core:
o SFLDEC012 Interpret floristry design
Number of units required for completion
decreased from 15 to 12. Core units
increased by one and electives decreased by
Qualification Mapping – SFL10 V1.0 to SFL V1.0
Previous Qualification
SFL10 V1.0
Comment in relation to previous version
E = Equivalent
SFL V1.0
N = Not Equivalent
SFL50110 Diploma of
Floristry Design
SFL50115 Diploma of
Floristry Design
Page 18 of 64
New floristry specific units replace SIR units
in the core:
o SFLMGT001 Coordinate floristry work
teams replaces SIRXMGT001A
Coordinate work teams
o SFLSOP012 Maintain and order floristry
stock replaces SIRXINV002A Maintain
and order stock
o SFLWHS002 Provide a safe working
environment replaces SIRXWHS403
Provide a safe work environment
Entry requirements changed.
Number of units required for completion
remains at 12. Core units increased by one
and elective units decreased by one.
Three new floristry specific units:
o SFLDEC013 Plan floristry designs with
o SFLDEC014 Research theories of
creativity replaces BSBCRT601A
Research and apply concepts and
theories of creativity
o SFLDEC015 Research global floristry
trends replaces BSBDES602A Research
global design trends
BSBDES701A Research and apply design
theory deleted from core.
Entry requirements changed.
Units of Competency
Table 4: Unit of competency mapping for the SFL Floristry Training Package to SFL10 V1.0
Unit of Competency Mapping – SFL10 V1.0 to SFL V1.0
Previous Unit Code and
Replacement Unit Code
and Title
Comment in relation to previous version
E = Equivalent
N = Not Equivalent
Design and Construction- DEC
SFLDEC201A Assemble
floristry products
SFLDEC005 Assemble
floristry products
SFLDEC302A Design
floristry products
SFLDEC002 Design
floristry products
SFLDEC303A Maintain
floristry tools and
SFLDEC001 Maintain
floristry tools and
SFLDEC304A Construct
hand tied floristry products
SFLDEC006 Construct
hand tied floristry products
SFLDEC305A Construct
wired floristry products
SFLDEC007 Construct
wired floristry products
SFLDEC306A Construct
floristry products with a
base medium
SFLDEC008 Construct
floristry products with a
base medium
SFLDEC407A Design
complex floristry products
SFLDEC003 Design
complex floristry products
SFLDEC408A Construct
complex floristry products
SFLDEC009 Construct
complex floristry products
SFLDEC409A Coordinate
floristry products for a
special occasion
SFLDEC010 Coordinate
floristry products for a
special occasions
SFLDEC510A Design and
produce innovative floristry
SFLDEC004 Design and
produce innovative floristry
SFLDEC511A Style and
manage an event
SFLDEC011 Style and
manage floristry for events
SFLDEC012 Interpret
floristry design briefs
Page 19 of 64
Updated to meet Standards for Training
Updated to meet Standards for Training
Updated to meet Standards for Training
Updated to meet Standards for Training
Updated to meet Standards for Training
Updated to meet Standards for Training
Updated to meet Standards for Training
Updated to meet Standards for Training
Updated to meet Standards for Training
Title changed to reflect workplace
application to multiple special occasions.
Updated to meet Standards for Training
Updated to meet Standards for Training
Title updated to better reflect industry
New unit.
Covers interpretation of customer needs and
product preferences for custom made
floristry products.
Unit of Competency Mapping – SFL10 V1.0 to SFL V1.0
Previous Unit Code and
Replacement Unit Code
and Title
Comment in relation to previous version
E = Equivalent
N = Not Equivalent
SFLDEC013 Plan floristry
designs with clients
SFLDEC014 Research
theories of creativity
SFLDEC015 Research
global floristry trends
SFLMGT001 Coordinate
floristry work teams
New unit
Covering skills and to organise staffing
levels to meet operational requirements,
effectively communicate workplace
requirements to team members, informally
train team members in workplace skills and
procedures and motivate team performance.
Updated to meet Standards for Training
Significant change to elements and
performance criteria.
Better identification of breadth and depth of
required knowledge.
Knowledge of consumer law removed; more
applicable to selling and quoting units.
New unit.
Covers skills to integrate knowledge of
workplace rights and responsibilities,
organisational policies and procedures and
use effective team and individual work
practices to plan and organise daily work
Updated to meet Standards for Training
Elements one and two merged to streamline
unit and remove duplication.
Updated to meet Standards for Training
Better identification of breadth and depth of
required knowledge.
Knowledge added:
◦ computerised stock control systems
◦ safety data sheet information.
New unit.
Covers working proactively with a client to
develop and refine their design requirements
for floristry products.
New unit.
Covers skills to research and critically
evaluate theories of creativity and creative
thinking techniques.
New unit.
Covers skills to research and critically
evaluate global floristry design trends and
practice at a strategic level.
Management- MGT
Sales and Operations- SOP
SFLSOP201A Source
information on floristry
products and services
SFLSOP001 Source
information on floristry
products and services
SFLSOP002 Work
effectively in the floristry
SFLSOP202A Recognise
flower and plant materials
SFLSOP003 Recognise
flower and plant materials
SFLSOP203A Receive
and store floristry stock
SFLSOP004 Receive and
store floristry stock
Page 20 of 64
Unit of Competency Mapping – SFL10 V1.0 to SFL V1.0
Previous Unit Code and
Replacement Unit Code
and Title
Comment in relation to previous version
E = Equivalent
N = Not Equivalent
SFLSOP204A Prepare
and care for floristry stock
SFLSOP005 Prepare and
care for floristry stock
SFLSOP205A Display and
merchandise floristry
SFLSOP006 Display and
merchandise floristry
SFLSOP007 Interact with
floristry customers
SFLSOP306A Provide
quality service to floristry
SFLSOP008 Provide
quality service to floristry
SFLSOP307A Sell floristry
SFLSOP009 Sell floristry
SFLSOP308A Prepare
quotations for floristry
SFLSOP010 Prepare
quotations for floristry
SFLSOP509A Research,
assess and develop a
floristry product range
SFLSOP011 Develop a
floristry product range
Page 21 of 64
Updated to meet Standards for Training
Updated to meet Standards for Training
Skills and knowledge removed as not
directly relevant to unit outcomes and
covered in other closely related units:
o manual handling
o handling techniques for flower and plant
o care requirements for flower and plant
o flower and plant pests and diseases
New unit.
Covers fundamental communication and
customer service and skills for floristry
Updated to meet Standards for Training
Knowledge added :
o appropriate voice tonality and volume;
body language for customer service
o attitudes expected by the industry
o types of internal & external customers
o essential features, conventions and
usage of types of communication media
Updated to meet Standards for Training
Selling component in Element three has
been split into an additional element to
reduce large content.
Some knowledge removed as duplicates
content of Source information on floristry
products and services:
o features of floristry products
o laws relating to sale of prohibited
Updated to meet Standards for Training
Updated to meet Standards for Training
Title simplified.
Unit of Competency Mapping – SFL10 V1.0 to SFL V1.0
Previous Unit Code and
Replacement Unit Code
and Title
Comment in relation to previous version
E = Equivalent
N = Not Equivalent
New unit.
Covers skills to establish and implement
effective floristry stock purchasing and
control practices.
SFLWHS001 Participate in
safe work practices
SFLWHS002 Provide a
safe work environment
New unit.
Covers skills to incorporate safe work
practices into day-to-day activities, follow
health, safety and security policies and
procedures and to participate in
organisational work health and safety
management practices.
New unit.
Covers skills to develop, implement and
sustain effective work health and safety
management practices for a floristry
SFLSOP012 Maintain and
order floristry stock
Work Health and Safety- WHS
Modification history
Table 5: Modification history for the SFL Floristry Training Package
Release Date
Primary release of the SFL Floristry Training Package.
SFL replaces SFL10 Floristry Training Package.
Page 22 of 64
Appendix B: Quality reports
Page 23 of 64
MAY 2015
Details of Draft Training Package Components
Information required
Training Package title and code
SFL Floristry Training Package
4 qualifications:
Number of new or revised qualifications
Number of new or revised units of
Confirmation that the draft endorsed
components meet the requirements in
Section 2
SFL20115 Certificate II in Floristry (Assistant)
SFL30115 Certificate III in Floristry
SFL40115 Certificate IV in Floristry
SFL50115 Diploma of Floristry Design
30 units of competency
I confirm that the draft endorsed components meet the requirements specified in Section 2.
Joy Harris
Person completing the Editorial Report and
organisation. 1
Policy and Quality Assurance, Service Skills Australia
Member, National Quality Assurance Panel
Persons not a member of the panel are required to provide the following additional information: demonstrated experience in editing technical and industry publications, preferably including education and/or
training; demonstrated commitment by the applicant to ongoing professional development; details of relevant qualifications and/or professional membership(s).
Level 10, 171 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
GPO Box 4194, Sydney NSW 2001 Australia
P +61 2 8243 1200 F +61 2 8243 1299 E info@serviceskills.com.au
Date completed
12 May, 2015
Level 10, 171 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
GPO Box 4194, Sydney NSW 2001 Australia
P +61 2 8243 1200 F +61 2 8243 1299 E info@serviceskills.com.au
Editorial Checklist of Draft Training Package Components
Editorial requirements
Provide brief commentary on the whether the draft
endorsed components meet each of the editorial
requirements/standards for training packages
Draft endorsed components have been proofread
and edited against the Standards for Training
Packages and the NSSC Training Package policies
by the ISC/developer prior to the formal Editorial
All draft endorsed components have been proofread
and edited. This was undertaken in-house on more
than one occasion and by more than one individual.
This included a member of the Training Package
Quality Assurance Panel.
The components were prepared to the templates for
the Standards for Training Packages and have
undergone continuous quality assurance checks to
ensure compliance with the Standards for Training
Packages and the Training Package Products Policy.
The Standards for Training Packages
Training Packages - products
Level 10, 171 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
GPO Box 4194, Sydney NSW 2001 Australia
P +61 2 8243 1200 F +61 2 8243 1299 E info@serviceskills.com.au
ISC comments
Editorial requirements
Provide brief commentary on the whether the draft
endorsed components meet each of the editorial
requirements/standards for training packages
Standard 1: Training Packages consist of the
NSSC endorsed components:
 units of competency;
 assessment requirements (associated with
each unit of competency);
 qualifications; and
 credit arrangements.
One or more quality assured companion
Standard 1 is met. The Training package is
comprised of:
4 qualifications
30 units of competency and associated
assessment requirements
credit arrangements.
In addition, a Companion Volume Implementation
Guide has been prepared that is consistent with the
Standards for Training Package template.
It has followed a quality assurance process as posted
on the Service Skills Australia website.
The Companion Volume Implementation Guide is
linked through TGA to this website. The Metadata
Report from TPCMS confirms this.
Training Packages - policy
Level 10, 171 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
GPO Box 4194, Sydney NSW 2001 Australia
P +61 2 8243 1200 F +61 2 8243 1299 E info@serviceskills.com.au
ISC comments
Editorial requirements
Provide brief commentary on the whether the draft
endorsed components meet each of the editorial
requirements/standards for training packages
Standard 2: Training Package developers comply
with the NSSC Training Package
Products Policy.
Standard 2 is met.
A review of all proposed components indicates that
the Training Package Products Policy has been
adhered to:
Coding and titling of all components are
AVETMISS compliant
Foundation skills are either explicit in the
performance criteria or clearly identified in the
context of the work in the foundation skills field of
the unit of competency template
Mapping information is provided and is consistent
between the components, the Companion
Volume Implementation Guide and Case for
All qualifications are packaged to include core
and elective groupings, clearly and consistently
Qualification pathways advice is provided in the
Companion Volume Implementation Guide – both
text and in diagram format.
Level 10, 171 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
GPO Box 4194, Sydney NSW 2001 Australia
P +61 2 8243 1200 F +61 2 8243 1299 E info@serviceskills.com.au
ISC comments
Editorial requirements
Provide brief commentary on the whether the draft
endorsed components meet each of the editorial
requirements/standards for training packages
Standard 3: Training Package developers comply
Standard 3 has been met.
with the NSSC Training Package
Evidence shows:
Development and Endorsement Process
 links in development of training package
components to the 2014 and 2015 Service Skills
Australia Environmental Scan
 links to the Continuous Improvement Plan
 formal briefing and regular updates on scope and
timetable of work provided to the
Commonwealth, states/territories and VET
 a Quality Management System (QMS) and
ongoing quality assurance checks including the
completion of external quality assurance
 extensive national consultation and industry
Training Packages – components
Units of competency
Standard 4: Units of competency specify the
standards of performance required in
the workplace.
Standard 4 has been met.
Standard 5: The structure of units of competency
complies with the unit of competency
Standard 5 has been met.
The units of competency have been loaded in
TPCMS and pre published from TGA.
Level 10, 171 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
GPO Box 4194, Sydney NSW 2001 Australia
P +61 2 8243 1200 F +61 2 8243 1299 E info@serviceskills.com.au
ISC comments
Editorial requirements
Provide brief commentary on the whether the draft
endorsed components meet each of the editorial
requirements/standards for training packages
Assessment Requirements
Standard 6: Assessment requirements specify the
evidence and required conditions for
Standard 6 has been met.
Both performance and knowledge evidence is clearly
and consistently articulated across the suite of
assessment requirements.
The required conditions for assessment, whether in
the workplace or via simulation, clearly specify
equipment, consumables, documentation, people to
be involved in assessment as well as the required
assessor standards.
Standard 7: Every unit of competency has
associated assessment requirements.
The structure of assessment
requirements complies with the
assessment requirements template.
Standard 7 has been met.
The assessment requirements have been loaded in
TPCMS and pre published from TGA.
Standard 8: Qualifications comply with the Australian Standard 8 has been met.
Qualifications Framework specification
The qualifications reflect the knowledge, skills and
for that qualification type.
application appropriate to the AQF criteria.
Standard 9: The structure of the information for the
Australian Qualifications Framework
qualification complies with the
qualification template.
Standard 9 has been met.
The qualifications have been loaded in TPCMS and
pre published from TGA.
Credit Arrangements
Level 10, 171 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
GPO Box 4194, Sydney NSW 2001 Australia
P +61 2 8243 1200 F +61 2 8243 1299 E info@serviceskills.com.au
ISC comments
Editorial requirements
Provide brief commentary on the whether the draft
endorsed components meet each of the editorial
requirements/standards for training packages
Standard 10: Credit arrangements existing between
Training Package qualifications and
Higher Education qualifications are
listed in a format that complies with the
credit arrangements template.
Standard 10 has been met.
No credit arrangements currently exist and this is
reflected in the credit arrangements component.
The credit arrangement component has been loaded
in TPCMS and pre published from TGA.
Companion Volumes
Standard 11: A quality assured companion volume
implementation guide produced by the
Training Package developer is
available at the time of endorsement
and complies with the companion
volume implementation guide
The Companion Volume Implementation Guide has
been developed incorporating all mandatory
components of the template.
Standard 12: Training Package developers produce
other quality assured companion
volumes to meet the needs of their
stakeholders as required.
Other Companion Volumes will be developed to meet
identified stakeholder needs when the full SIS Sport,
Fitness and Recreation Training Package has been
This guide will be available at the time of
endorsement on the Service Skills Australia website.
Level 10, 171 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
GPO Box 4194, Sydney NSW 2001 Australia
P +61 2 8243 1200 F +61 2 8243 1299 E info@serviceskills.com.au
ISC comments
Editorial requirements
Provide brief commentary on the whether the draft
endorsed components meet each of the editorial
requirements/standards for training packages
Unit codes and titles and qualification codes and titles
are accurately cross-referenced throughout the
templates including mapping information and
packaging rules, and in the companion volume
implementation guide.
A cross check has been completed between the
components, the Appendix A of the Case for
Endorsement and the content of the Companion
Volume Implementation Guide to ensure consistency.
A meta data report and pre published content report
have also been run through the TPCMS.
Units of competency and their content are inserted in This has been completed as part of the TPCMS build
full, including any imported units of competency
and confirmed by the pre published version of the
Training Package.
Level 10, 171 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
GPO Box 4194, Sydney NSW 2001 Australia
P +61 2 8243 1200 F +61 2 8243 1299 E info@serviceskills.com.au
ISC comments
DATE 12 MAY 2015
Details of Draft Training Package Components
Information required
Training Package title and code
SFL Floristry Training Package
Number of new or revised qualifications
Four revised qualifications
Number of new or revised units of competency
Ten new and 20 revised units of competency and
associated assessment requirements.
Confirmation that the draft endorsed components
meet the requirements in Section 2
I have reviewed SFL Floristry Services Training
Package from an equity perspective and confirm
that the equity principles of responsiveness,
flexibility and functionality are met.
Person completing the Equity Report and
Ms Karee Gurtman, Equity Consultant
Date completed
12 May 2015
Persons not a member of the Training Package Quality Assurance panel are required to provide the following additional information:
demonstrated experience in analysis of equity issues in the training or educational context; demonstrated understanding of vocational education
and training; demonstrated commitment by the person to ongoing professional development; details of relevant qualifications and/or professional
Level 10, 171 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
GPO Box 4194, Sydney NSW 2001 Australia
P +61 2 8243 1200 F +61 2 8243 1299 E info@serviceskills.com.au
Equity checklist of Draft Training Package Components
Equity requirements
Equity reviewer comments
Do the draft endorsed components comply
with the NSSC Access and Equity Policy?
Provide brief commentary on whether the draft
endorsed components meet each of the Equity
(see Training Package Standard 2)
ISC comments
Relevant Training Package Quality Principles
Quality Principles 1 Ensures RESPONSIVENESS to the needs of contemporary industry and its workforce
Relevant key features: Reflect contemporary work organisation and job profiles incorporating a futures orientation
Example of evidence: Open inclusive consultation and validation commensurate with scope and impact is conducted
Is there evidence that the consultation and
validation processes included underrepresented groups and that consideration
has been given to their advice on how
diverse learning and skill development
needs can be addressed?
For example, through lead agencies,
individuals and groups in workplaces.
Are there other examples of evidence that
demonstrate the equity aspects of Training
Package Quality Principles 1?
The available process documentation for SFL,
including scoping, consultation and validation reports,
demonstrates solid consultation and validation
Meeting notes with a stakeholder from May 14
indicate regional challenges were discussed and
In light of the above points and ISC comments,
consultation and validation is commensurate with
scope and impact of the draft components.
Stakeholder feedback indicates an appreciation of the
fact that the units are now written in plain English.
Level 10, 171 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
GPO Box 4194, Sydney NSW 2001 Australia
P +61 2 8243 1200 F +61 2 8243 1299 E info@serviceskills.com.au
Service Skills Australia Feedback Register was
made available as a tool in order to enable all
regions (city, rural and regional) to review the
proposed components and provide feedback.
Additionally, the ‘peak industry associations’
which have provided letters of support for this
proposed submission represent and
communicate with their membership across the
breadth of regions in Australia.
Equity requirements
Equity reviewer comments
ISC comments
Quality Principle 3 Provides FLEXIBILITY to meet individual, enterprise and learner needs meet the diversity of individual and enterprise needs
Key features:
Meet the diversity of individual and enterprise needs
Support equitable access and progression of learners
Support learner transition between education sectors
What evidence demonstrates that the draft
components provide flexible qualifications
that enable application in different contexts?
Flexibility is demonstrated through the recognition of
the broadening of the floristry industry to non-retail
environments, such as warehouses and studio
Another way that SFL meets diversity of individual
and enterprise needs is by increasing the choice of
electives across qualifications, whilst maintaining the
integrity of the qualifications.
Is there evidence of multiple entry and exit
The qualification structures create pathways from
qualifications commencing from Certificate II through
to Diploma level, facilitating career pathways and
progression from lower to higher levels. However,
there are entry requirements now that require the
whole Certificate III to be completed before moving to
the Certificate IV and Diploma levels, which could
potentially impact on the progression of learners.
Industry consultation indicates that these entry
requirements ensure that individuals commencing
training in higher qualifications have the skill base and
experience that industry has identified as required to
undertake this level of training.
Level 10, 171 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
GPO Box 4194, Sydney NSW 2001 Australia
P +61 2 8243 1200 F +61 2 8243 1299 E info@serviceskills.com.au
Equity requirements
Equity reviewer comments
The reviewer notes that the Certificate IV is more
flexible than the Diploma as it provides an option of
either the qualification OR equivalent experience,
whereas the Diploma requires both Certificate III AND
industry experience in the application of the skills and
knowledge of the core units of the Certificate IV in
Floristry, however, as stated earlier, these
requirements have been included by industry to
ensure minimum skill requirements are satisfied
before progressing to these levels.
Have pre requisite units of competency
been minimised?
No SFL units of competency contain prerequisite
What evidence demonstrates pathways
from entry and preparatory level as
appropriate to facilitate movement between
schools and VET, from entry level into work,
and between VET and higher education
The Certificate II is suitable for a part-time school
based program. However, the implementation guide
indicates that industry does not support the delivery of
qualifications above Certificate II level in schools.
Are there other examples of evidence that
demonstrate how the key features of the
Flexibility principle are being achieved?
In response to increasing presence of online sales,
units of competency related to technological and
digital literacy skills can be imported from other
training packages and accredited courses, allowing
these skills to be addressed as required by the
floristry industry. Such units of competency include
BSBITU305A Conduct online transactions, and
CUVACD302A Produce computer-aided drawings.
The SFL40115 Certificate IV in Floristry incorporates
small business skills which provide a foundation for
higher education business programs. In addition, the
Diploma of Floristry, which contains higher-level
design skills may lead to tertiary studies in design.
Level 10, 171 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
GPO Box 4194, Sydney NSW 2001 Australia
P +61 2 8243 1200 F +61 2 8243 1299 E info@serviceskills.com.au
ISC comments
Equity requirements
Equity reviewer comments
ISC comments
The availability of imported units in
marketing/promotion; management and business
skills (including small business management); product
diversification; provision of products and services for
special events/occasions; technology; digital and ecommerce skills; and sustainability is a key aspect of
SFL’s flexibility.
The SFL Floristry Training Package contains no skill
Quality Principles 4 Ensures FUNCTIONALITY through ease of understanding, clever design and consistency with policy and publication requirements
Relevant key features:
Support implementation across a range of settings
Support sound assessment practice
Does the companion volume
implementation guide include advice about:
Access and equity
Foundation skills?
(See Training Package Standard 11)
The Companion Volume provides detailed
descriptions of the various workplace contexts, and
foundation skills. A pathways diagram is included and
information on access and equity, including
reasonable adjustment, although generic, is succinct
and easy to find. Pathways information is descriptive
and supported by diagrams explaining pathways into
and from qualifications.
No national credit arrangements exist, however, the
companion volume provides detailed information on
pathways from floristry to other industries such as
business management, marketing and events.
What evidence demonstrates that the units
of competency and their associated
Given the increasing variety of sales environments in
the floristry industry to non-retail environments (for
Level 10, 171 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
GPO Box 4194, Sydney NSW 2001 Australia
P +61 2 8243 1200 F +61 2 8243 1299 E info@serviceskills.com.au
Equity requirements
Equity reviewer comments
assessment requirements are clearly written
and have consistent breadth and depth so
that they support implementation across a
range of settings?
example, the increase in warehouse and studio
businesses), floristry-specific units have been
developed to replace core SIR07 Retail Services
Training Package units of competency. These
changes enable greater applicability to the floristry
Application statements are broad, encompassing
retail floristry shops, studio or online businesses and
those that specialise in corporate or special events.
The Assessment Conditions have been written to
ensure rigour and consistency of assessment in either
the workplace or a simulated environment.
Components within the assessment requirements
also demonstrate Plain English principles (e.g.
SFLSOP002 Work effectively in the floristry industry).
Are there other examples of evidence that
demonstrate how the key features of the
Functionality principle are being achieved?
The assessment requirements across all units of
competency are clear and succinct, enabling effective
implementation across various settings.
Level 10, 171 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
GPO Box 4194, Sydney NSW 2001 Australia
P +61 2 8243 1200 F +61 2 8243 1299 E info@serviceskills.com.au
ISC comments
Quality Report
Training Package title and code
SFL Floristry Services Training Package
Number of new or revised
Number of new or revised units
Confirmation that the draft endorsed
components meet the Standards for
Training Packages
I have directly examined draft endorsed components of the SFL
Floristry Services Training Package and confirm that they meet the
Standards for Training Packages.
Panel member completing Quality
Caitlin Harris
Statement that the reviewer is
independent of development and/or
validation activities associated with
the Case for Endorsement, has not
undertaken the Equity and/or
Editorial Report, and (if an ISC staff
member), is from an ISC independent
of the Training Package or Training
Package components being reviewed.
I confirm that I am a member of the Training Package Quality
Assurance Panel and am independent of the development and
validation activities associated with the Case for Endorsement. I did
not undertake the Equity Report or the Editorial Report components
of this review.
Date completed
19 May 2015
Quality Report – SFL Floristry Services Training Package
Standards for Training
met – yes
or no
Comments (including any relevant comments
from the Equity and Editorial Reports)
Standard 1
All components for endorsement and a Companion Volume
Implementation Guide were provided by the Developer. The
Developer has declared that the Companion Volume has
been quality assured and provided the panel member with
the publicly documented process undertaken for quality
assurance. There were no credit requirements in this training
Package and this has been recorded within the Training
The Training Package developer has complied with all
aspects of the NSSC Training Package Products Policy.
Access and Equity
Consideration of anti-discrimination legislation has been
taken in the development of this Training Package and
embedded within units of competency. The Equity Report
provides evidence of flexibility and guidance to enable
reasonable adjustment.
Foundation Skills
Foundation skills are explicit and recognizable in every unit
of competency. All foundation skills have been directly
examined and I consider them to be appropriate and not
exceeding the requirements of the workplace. This is
supported by the Equity Report which does not identify any
concerns with the Foundation Skills, and evidence that were
part of the industry validation of the units of competency,
assessment requirements and qualifications and no specific
comments questioning their content.
Coding and titling
Coding of units of competency and qualifications comply
with the standards.
Pre-requisites of imported units
The draft Training Package provided was built through the
Training Package Content Managements System and
therefore the prerequisites of imported units have not been
changed in any way.
Units of competency and qualifications mapping table and
descriptions are compliant with the standards.
Entry requirements
Entry requirements are compliant with the standards and
justified in the Companion Volume Implementation Guide.
Packaging rules
Packaging rules are clear and useable for the purposes of
implementation and are correctly labelled according to the
standards. Developer has provided advice in the Companion
Volume Implementation Guide as to how the Training
Training Packages
consist of the
1. NSSC endorsed components:
 units of competency;
 assessment requirements
(associated with each unit of
 qualifications; and
 credit arrangements.
2. One or more quality assured
companion volumes.
Standard 2 Training Package
developers comply
with the NSSC Training
Package Products
Quality Report – SFL Floristry Services Training Package
Standards for Training
met – yes
or no
Standard 3
Training Package
developers comply
with the NSSC Training
Package Development
and Endorsement
Process Policy.
Standard 4
Units of competency
specify the standards of
performance required
in the workplace.
Quality Report – SFL Floristry Services Training Package
Comments (including any relevant comments
from the Equity and Editorial Reports)
Package components can be implemented flexibly across a
range of settings. Industry stakeholders have provided
letters of support for the training package including the
packaging rules.
Pathways Advice
Pathways chart and tables are provided in the Companion
Volume Implementation Guide.
Skill Sets
There are no skill sets in this Training Package.
The Developer provided evidence that demonstrates
compliance with each step of the NSSC Training Package
Development and Endorsement Process. Evidence consisted
Copies of the 2014 and 2015 Environmental Scans
for the Wholesale, Retail and Personal Services
Copy of the Service Skills Australia’s 2014-2015
Continuous Improvement Plan.
Evidence of briefings to government on the
continuous improvement plan in the form of
correspondence and 6 monthly meetings.
Evidence of extensive national consultations and
development with stakeholder input.
The register of feedback gathered indicating
validation of units of competency and qualifications
with industry has occurred.
Letters of support indicating industry have been
given the opportunity to express their needs and
those needs have been appropriately responded to
in the revised Floristry Training Package.
A copy of the Draft Case for Endorsement.
Completed Editorial Report indicating that all draft
endorsed components have been proofread and
edited in-house and reviewed by a member of the
Training Package Quality Assurance Panel.
Completed Equity Report indicating that the
Training Package has been reviewed from an equity
perspective and requirements of the standards have
been met. Evidence was provided of the reviewer’s
expertise to undertake the review.
Evidence of the Training Package’s compliance with
the Training Package Quality Principles was
provided in the Draft Case for Endorsement and was
supported by the Equity Report.
Each of the units of competency has been directly examined
to confirm that they specify the standards of performance
required in the workplace. This determination is supported
within the Draft Case for Endorsement which indicates the
Training Package has been developed to ensure the
qualifications, units of competency reflect current work
requirements for all sectors of the floristry industry and that
Standards for Training
Standard 5
met – yes
or no
The structure of units
of competency
complies with the unit
of competency
requirements specify
the evidence and
required conditions for
Every unit of
competency has
associated assessment
requirements. The
structure of
requirements complies
with the assessment
requirements template.
Qualifications comply
with the Australian
specification for that
qualification type.
The structure of the
information for the
qualification complies
with the qualification
Standard 10 Credit arrangements
existing between
Training Package
qualifications and
Higher Education
qualifications are listed
Standard 6
Standard 7
Standard 8
Standard 9
Quality Report – SFL Floristry Services Training Package
Comments (including any relevant comments
from the Equity and Editorial Reports)
this was validated through extensive, national consultation
with industry stakeholders.
All units of competency are presented in the correct
template. The Editorial Report also confirmed that the units
have been loaded on the National Register through the
Training Package Content Management System (TPCMS) and
All assessment requirements specify the evidence and
required conditions for assessment. This determination is
supported within the Draft Case for Endorsement which
indicates the Training Package has been developed to ensure
the assessment requirements support sound assessment
practice. This is supported by evidence that assessment
requirements were validated through extensive, national
consultation with industry stakeholders. Evidence provided
in the feedback register indicates that extensive feedback
was gathered from stakeholders on the appropriateness of
assessment requirements in order to complete this
All assessment requirements are presented in the correct
template. The Editorial Report also confirmed that the
assessment requirements have been loaded on the National
Register through the Training Package Content Management
System (TPCMS) and validated.
Each qualification has been directly examined to determine
that they meet AQF levels criteria and type specifications set
out in the AQF Second Edition, January 2013. This
determination is supported by statements with the Draft
Case for Endorsement and the Editorial Report that the
qualifications reflect the knowledge, skills and application
appropriate to the AQF criteria. Examples of qualifications
being revised to better reflect the level of skills required is
provided in the Draft Case for Endorsement. The
determination is further supported by evidence of industry
support for the qualifications in their revised format.
All qualifications are presented in the correct template. The
Editorial Report also confirmed that the qualifications had
been loaded on the National Register through the Training
Package Content Management System (TPCMS) and
No credit arrangements exist for this Training Package.
Standards for Training
in a format that
complies with the
credit arrangements
Standard 11 A quality assured
companion volume
implementation guide
produced by the
Training Package
developer is available
at the time of
endorsement and
complies with the
companion volume
implementation guide
Standard 12 Training Package
developers produce
other quality assured
companion volumes to
meet the needs of their
stakeholders as
met – yes
or no
Comments (including any relevant comments
from the Equity and Editorial Reports)
A draft Companion Volume Implementation Guide was
provided and complies with the appropriate template. A
copy of Service Skills Australia’s Companion Volumes Quality
Assurance Process was provided as evidence of it having
been quality assured. Correspondence was provided as
evidence that the Project Reference Group had reviewed the
draft Guide and supported it in its current form.
The Editorial Report indicates that further Companion
Volumes will be developed to meet identified stakeholder
needs. The Developer also advised that they were in the
process of developing a suite of companion volumes with the
assistance of RTOs to provide contextualised advice on
learning, assessment and knowledge.
Quality Report – SFL Floristry Services Training Package
Provide brief commentary on how the draft endorsed components
meet the
Quality Principles with specific reference to the evidence provided,
including any evidence provided by the Equity and Editorial Reports
Ensures …
Reflect contemporary work
organisation and job profiles
incorporating a futures
1.1 Open and inclusive consultation
and validation commensurate
with scope and impact is
Evidence was provided of national consultations with industry,
government and training provider representatives. The Service Skills
Australia Feedback Register was made available as evidence that
feedback had been collected on draft components. Letters of
support from industry stakeholders indicate that opportunity was
been given the floristry industry to express their needs, and that the
needs have been appropriately responded to in the revised Training
Be driven by industry’s needs
2.1 Changes demonstrate a clear link
back to the drivers for skills
identified in the Environmental
Scan and the key elements of the
Continuous Improvement Plan or
demonstrate other evidence of
industry needs
There is a clear link between the development of new units of
competency in the revised Floristry Training Package and the
floristry industry’s need for new skills and changing industry practice
as identified in the Service Skills Australia Environmental Scan 2015.
Evidence, including specific examples of this link, was provided in the
Draft Case For Endorsement.
Respond to government
broad policy initiatives
3.1 Evidence of clear linkage
between broad policy initiatives
and proposed changes in the
Training Package
There is clear evidence that the Training Package has been
developed to meet the broad policy initiatives of government, most
… to the needs of
industry and its
Quality Report – SFL Floristry Services Training Package
development to meet the new Standards for Training
strengthening and clear expression of Foundation Skills;
clear articulation of assessment requirements.
Provide brief commentary on how the draft endorsed components
meet the
Quality Principles with specific reference to the evidence provided,
including any evidence provided by the Equity and Editorial Reports
Enables …
Recognise convergence and
connectivity of skills
4.1 Incorporation of cross industry
units and qualifications
The Training Package meets the requirement to recognise the
convergence and connectivity of skills between industries. Evidence
of this is the inclusion of fifty nine imported units of competency
from other Training Packages. Evidence also shows that packaging
rules within qualifications have been broadened to allow a greater
number of imported units to be selected from any training package
or accredited course.
Support movement of skills
within and across
organisations and sectors
5.1 Packaging rules, qualifications
framework, and pathways
support movement within and
across sectors
Evidence was provided that the packaging rules for the qualifications
exceed the requirements for flexibility in the current policy. The
Draft Companion Volume Implementation Guide provides evidence
of the pathways from Certificate II through to Diploma level enabling
career pathways and progression from lower to higher levels.
5.2 Identification of Skill Sets that
respond to client needs
The SFL Floristry Training Package contains no skill sets.
6.1 Other national and international
standards for skills are
Evidence was provided that the SFL Floristry Training Package is
based on national consultation and extensive feedback to ensure
relevance across states and territories, and both metropolitan and
regional areas. The 2015 Environmental Scan 2015 took into
consideration the potential for industry expansion internationally.
… of an individual’s
competence across
industries and
Promote national and
international portability
Quality Report – SFL Floristry Services Training Package
Provide brief commentary on how the draft endorsed components
meet the
Quality Principles with specific reference to the evidence provided,
including any evidence provided by the Equity and Editorial Reports
Provides …
Reflect licensing and
regulatory requirements
7.1 Solutions to incorporate
licensing and regulatory
requirements are brokered and
there is clear evidence of support
from licensing and industry
regulatory bodies
The Draft Case For Endorsement indicate that the floristry industry
has no national licensing arrangements. Evidence was provided that
regulatory requirements such as Work Health and safety were been
addressed through the inclusion of dedicated units of competency,
and are also embedded within other units. Other regulatory
requirements such as consumer law, environmental protection, antidiscrimination or equal employment opportunity law, liquor
licencing, copyright, intellectual property and design laws have been
embedded in appropriate units of competency.
Meet the diversity of
individual and enterprise
8.1 Provide flexible qualifications
that enable application in
different contexts
Evidence of extensive national consultations demonstrate that the
Training Package reflects the needs of the industry across regions
and businesses of different sizes. The packaging rules for the
qualifications in this training package allow for flexibility and exceed
the requirements of the current policy.
Support equitable access and
progression of learners
9.1 Provide multiple entry and exit
The pathways diagram in the Companion Volume Implementation
Guide provides evidence of multiple entry and exit points into the
SFL qualifications .The Equity Report provides evidence that there
are no discriminatory barriers in the SFL Floristry Training Package
that could impede entry to training and employment or career
progression within the industry.
9.2 Pre -requisite units of
competency are minimised
No SFL units of competency contain pre-requisite units.
… to meet individual
enterprise and
learner needs
Quality Report – SFL Floristry Services Training Package
Provide brief commentary on how the draft endorsed components
meet the
Quality Principles with specific reference to the evidence provided,
including any evidence provided by the Equity and Editorial Reports
Ensures …
… through ease of
clever design and
consistency with
policy and
10. Support learner transition
between education sectors
10.1 Provide pathways from entry and
preparatory level as appropriate
to facilitate movement between
schools and VET, from entry level
into work, and between VET and
higher education qualifications
11. Support implementation
across a range of settings
11.1 Advice is provided on
implementation via a Companion
Volume Implementation Guide
ready for publication at the same
time as the Training Package
12. Support sound assessment
12.1 Units of competency and their
associated assessment
requirements are clearly written
and have consistent breadth and
Quality Report – SFL Floristry Services Training Package
The Draft Case For Endorsement indicates that the SFL20115
Certificate II in Floristry (Assistant) is suitable for delivery to
secondary students, providing entry into the industry and facilitate
movement between schools and VET. The pathways diagram in the
Companion Volume Implementation Guide indicates the potential for
pathways into higher qualifications within and outside of the SFL
Training Package.
Evidence was provided that indicates that national consultations
gathered feedback on draft components from RTO stakeholders. A
Feedback Register was also provided as evidence that feedback on
implementation was provided by stakeholders. A draft Companion
Volume Implementation Guide was provided and contains guidance
on how the Training Package components can be implemented
flexibly across a range of settings.
All units of competency and assessment requirements have been
directly examined and are clearly written and consistent in their
breadth and depth. The Editorial Report indicates that all draft
endorsed components have been proofread and edited. The Equity
Report provides evidence that stakeholder feedback indicated
appreciation of the fact that the units are written in plain English.
13 Not impose structural
barriers to implementation
13.1 Compliance with the
TGA/National Register
requirements for publication
13.2 Implementation advice is
provided in a Companion
Volume Implementation Guide
that is ready for publication at
the same time as the Training
Quality Report – SFL Floristry Services Training Package
Provide brief commentary on how the draft endorsed components
meet the
Quality Principles with specific reference to the evidence provided,
including any evidence provided by the Equity and Editorial Reports
The endorsed components provided for this review had already
been loaded on the National Register through the Training Package
Content Management System (TPCMS) and validated. Prior to the
validation stage, both the pre-published content and metadata were
checked as part of the Service Skills Australia internal quality
assurance process. The Equity Report indicates that equity principles
of functionality is met within the Training Package.
A draft Companion Volume Implementation Guide was provided and
contains guidance and advice on implementation of the Training
Appendix C: Industry committees
and expert groups
Table 6: Project Reference Group members
Ian Blandthorn AM
National Assistant Secretary
Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees’
Jodie Calwell
Business Development Consultant
Mark Pampling
Owner/ Proprietor
Flower Thinking
Page 51 of 64
Appendix D: Stakeholder
This section includes a list of all stakeholder organisations involved in the Industry and RTO consultation and
Table 7: List of consultation participants
New South Wales
Barbara Pollock
Pearsons School of Floristry
Cathy Bahari
David Berger
TAFE NSW South Western Sydney Institute
Debra Dwyer
Pearsons School of Floristry
Elzbieta Wakeham
TAFE NSW Northern Sydney Institute
Jeff Smith
Flowers for Everyone
Jo Dickens
Kingswood Florist and Creative Balloons
Joanne Hynard
TAFE NSW South Western Sydney Institute
Katina Callas
TAFE NSW Sydney Institute
Lee-Ani Hewson
Education & Communities- Office of Education
Lynda Coburn
TAFE NSW Hunter Institute
Mark Pampling
Alstonville Florist/ Flower Thinking
Natasha Hattersley
TAFE NSW Northern Sydney Institute
Samantha Harper
TAFE NSW Northern Sydney Institute
Steven Tuinenburg
TAFE NSW Northern Sydney Institute
Wendy Delve
TAFE NSW Sydney Institute
Carolyn Williamson
TAFE QLD Brisbane North Institute
Irene Brockwell
TAFE QLD Southbank Institute of Technology
Lyn Philip
TAFE QLD Brisbane North Institute
Shauna Larsen
Daisy's Florist
South Australia
Julie Guala
Flowers by Definition
Grant Collins
Page 52 of 64
Alan Randell-Smith
Alan Randell-Smith Florist
Carmel Giarratana
TAFE VIC Holmesglen Institute
David Palmieri
Niddrie Flowers
Dot Humphries
Gollings the Florist
Elisa Caughey
Begonia Florist of Chelsea/TAFE VIC Gordon Institute
Euan MacKenzie
P & E Floral Consulting
Greg Block
Freelance florist
Gregory Milner
Marjorie Milner College
Jan Williams
TAFE VIC Northern Melbourne Institute of Technology
Jodie Calwell
Jenny Bailey
Jen's Flowers
Lyn Sutton
Freelance florist
Malcom Blake
Blake's Florist
Myhanh Rutledge
Floral Accent
Natalie Raffaelle
TAFE VIC Gordon Institute
Renae Monument
TAFE VIC Northern Melbourne Institute of Technology
Sandra Luetke
Western Australia
Diamond Valley Learning Centre
Annita Bokobli
Floral Army
Beverley Milling
Leonie Joss
Challenger Institute of Technology
Lucinda Pita
WA Department of Training and Workforce Development
Pascaline Owers
Challenger Institute of Technology
Page 53 of 64
Appendix E: Letters of support
This section includes the following letters of support
Annita Bokobli, Floral Army
Barbara Pollak, Pearsons Florist
Gregory Milner, Australian Association of Floral Designers
Jodie Calwell, Interflora
Mark Pampling, Flower Thinking
Page 54 of 64
Floral Army
Shop 1, 37 Sewell Street
East Fremantle
WA 6158
14 May 2015
Miss Liz Petrovic
National Industry Skills Development Coordinator
Service Skills Australia
GPO Box 4194
Re: Endorsement of the SFL Floristry Training Package
Dear Liz
Floral Army is a relatively new floristry Studio and retail outlet, established by proprietors
with broad floristry industry experience over many years. Floral Army is a small business
with a focus on maintaining high levels of quality products, craftsmanship and customer
Floral Army believes that stakeholders in the Australian Floristry sector have been given the
opportunity to express their needs and those needs have been appropriately responded to in
the revised Floristry Training Package.
Floral Army believes that the needs of the floristry industry have been addressed in the
revised Floristry Training Package with the inclusion of identified skill gaps that reflects
current industry practice. Industry’s concerns for achieving quality outcomes with clearer
assessment requirements that form part of the new streamlined format have been met, along
with the revised qualifications allowing both outcomes for meeting specific industry needs
and clearer career pathways for individuals across the floristry industry.
Floral Army will continue to support the SFL Floristry Training Package and Service Skills
Australia through ongoing continuous improvement processes to ensure that the Training
Package maintains industry currency.
Annita Bokobli
Floral Army
Australian Association of Floral Designers (AAFD)
Head Office: 401 Canterbury Road, Surrey Hills, 3127.
Ph. 03 98807257 Fax. 03 98807267
e. membership@aafd.org.au
ABN: 37 258 484 130
02 June 2015
Miss Liz Petrovic
National Industry Skills Development Coordinator
Service Skills Australia
GPO Box 4194
Re: Endorsement of the SFL Floristry Training Package 2015
Dear Miss Petrovic,
The Australian Association of Floral Designers (AAFD) is a non for profit organisation
representing the Floristry Industry. Its forerunner was the Australian Florists’ and Allied
Trades Association (AFA) founded in 1976. The AFA amalgamated with AAFD in 2012.
AAFD is independent of floristry relay companies and acts impartially representing the
floristry industry as a whole.
The national members of the AAFD have been given the opportunity to express the need for
the view of positive change in the revised Floristry Training Package.
The AAFD believes that the needs of the floristry industry have been sufficiently addressed
in the revised Floristry Training Package with the inclusion of identified skill gaps that reflects
current industry practice. The AAFD still has minor concerns in regard to some units.
Industry’s concerns for achieving quality outcomes with clearer assessment requirements
that form part of the new streamlined format have been primarily met, along with the revised
qualifications allowing both outcomes for meeting specific industry needs and clearer career
pathways for individuals across the floristry industry.
Australian Association of Floral Designers (AAFD)
The AAFD will continue to support the SFL Floristry Training Package and Service Skills
Australia through ongoing continuous improvement processes to ensure that the Training
Package maintains industry currency.
Yours sincerely,
Gregory Milner
AAFD President
Australian Association of Floral Designers
ACN 004 328 974
ABN 33 004 328 974
Miss Liz Petrovic
National Industry Skills Development Coordinator
Service Skills Australia
GPO Box 4194
Re: Endorsement of the SFL Floristry Training Package
Dear Liz,
I believe ample opportunity has been given to Members and participants in the floristry industry to
express their needs and those needs have been appropriately responded to in the revised Floristry
Training Package.
Working for Interflora Australia gives me the opportunity to talk to many Florists on a daily basis and I
believe that the needs of the floristry industry have been addressed in the revised Floristry Training
Package with the inclusion of identified skill gaps that reflects current industry practice. Industry’s
concerns for achieving quality outcomes with clearer assessment requirements that form part of the
new streamlined format have been met, along with the revised qualifications allowing both outcomes
for meeting specific industry needs and clearer career pathways for individuals across the floristry
I will continue to support the SFL Floristry Training Package and Service Skills Australia through
ongoing continuous improvement processes to ensure that the Training Package maintains industry
Jodie Calwell
TELEPHONE: +61 3 8517 1500 FACSIMILIE: +61 3 8517 1588
flower thinking
mark pampling
floral designer
Flower Thinking Pty Ltd
415 Pearces Creek Road
NSW 2477
Tel 02 6628 6293 / 0412 402 740
8 May 2015
Miss Liz Petrovic
National Industry Skills Development Coordinator
Service Skills Australia
GPO Box 4194
Re: Endorsement of the SFL Floristry Training Package
Dear Liz
Alstonville Florist and Flower Thinking are small businesses operating in the floristry
and floral consultancy sectors, each with a small workforce and a strong dedication
to maintaining high standards of floristry design and craftsmanship.
Alstonville Florist and Flower Thinking believe that the stakeholders within the
Australian Floristry sector have been given the opportunity to express their needs
and those needs have been appropriately responded to in the revised Floristry
Training Package.
Alstonville Florist and Flower Thinking believe that the needs of the floristry industry
have been addressed in the revised Floristry Training Package with the inclusion of
identified skill gaps that reflects current industry practice. Industry’s concerns for
achieving quality outcomes with clearer assessment requirements that form part of
the new streamlined format have been met, along with the revised qualifications
allowing both outcomes for meeting specific industry needs and clearer career
pathways for individuals across the floristry industry.
Alstonville Florist and Flower Thinking will continue to support the SFL Floristry
Training Package and Service Skills Australia through ongoing continuous
improvement processes to ensure that the Training Package maintains industry
Mark Pampling
Creative Director
Alstonville Florist
Flower Thinking Pty Ltd
Appendix F: Enrolment and other
A total of 31 RTOs had SFL10 qualifications on scope.1
Table 8: RTOs with floristry qualifications on scope, 2015
Code and Title
SFL20110 Certificate II in Floristry (Assistant)
SFL30110 Certificate III in Floristry
SFL40110 Certificate IV in Floristry
SFL50110 Diploma of Floristry Design
There was a total of 1,581 floristry qualification commencements in 2013.2
Table 9: Floristry qualification commencements, 2013 3
Code and Title
SFL20110 Certificate II in Floristry (Assistant)
SFL30110 Certificate III in Floristry
SFL40110 Certificate IV in Floristry
SFL50110 Diploma of Floristry Design
training.gov.au, 12/01/2015
VOCSTATS, National VET Provider Collection, 2009-13, Students and Courses, as at 30/03/2015. N.B.VOCSTATS data only includes
publicly funded enrolments.
NCVER VOCSTATS, National VET Provider Collection, 2009-13, Students and Courses, as at 30/03/2014. N.B.VOCSTATS data only
includes publicly funded commencements.
Page 62 of 64
Apprentices/ Trainees
There was a total of 124 floristry trainees in 2013. 4
Table 10: Proportion of apprentices/ trainees of total floristry enrolments, 2013 5
Code and Title
Number of
Share of enrolments (%)
SFL20110 Certificate II in Floristry (Assistant)
SFL30110 Certificate III in Floristry
SFL40110 Certificate IV in Floristry
SFL50110 Diploma of Floristry Design
VOCSTATS, National VET Provider Collection, 2009-13, Students and Courses as at 30/03/2015. VOCSTATS data only includes
publicly funded enrolments.
VOCSTATS, National VET Provider Collection, 2009-13, Students and Courses, as at 30/3/2015. The stated proportion is the share of
VET students that have ‘apprentice/trainee status’, which are apprentices and trainees enrolled in the public VET system for off-thejob training. This data does not have direct concordance with the number of apprentices and trainees detailed in the separate National
Apprentice and Trainee Collection, which is based on data submitted by State Training Authorities relating to an apprentice or trainee
contract and generally records a higher number of apprentices and trainees as some apprentices and trainees may not have been
enrolled with a training provider. The Students and Courses data is based on data submitted by training providers and therefore is a
more appropriate data set to determine the share of students that have an apprentice or trainee status.
Page 63 of 64