MET ÉIREANN CLIMATOLOGICAL NOTE No. 11 ___________________________________________________________ 2008 SUMMER RAINFALL IN IRELAND ___________________________________________________________ By P.Lennon S.Walsh U.D.C. 551.577.2(417) GLASNEVIN HILL, DUBLIN 9 DECEMBER 2008 Introduction The summer of 2008 saw many parts of the country affected by heavy rain and flooding. Rainfall totals were above normal everywhere and were more than twice the average in the east and southeast of the country. This report contains an analysis of data from approximately 150 rainfall stations. For most of these rainfall stations the rain depth is measured once a day at 0900UTC, a smaller number of synoptic stations (13) record rainfall on an hourly basis or less. The locations of the stations used in this report and the length of the rainfall records considered are shown in Figure 1. The length of station records used varied between 4 and 68 years. Data for each of the stations is included in tables in Appendices I, II and III. Appendix I contains the monthly and seasonal total for each station, percent of 1961-1990 normal values (if available), the maximum daily rainfall in the given month or season and the number of rain days (a rain day is a day with >= 0.2mm of rain). Appendix II ranks the total monthly and seasonal rainfall for the length of the station record, including year of the maximum fall and most recent year when the 2008 total was exceeded. Appendix III ranks the maximum daily fall for each month and the summer season for the length of the station record, including date of the maximum daily fall and most recent date when the 2008 maximum daily fall was exceeded. The tables are arranged by province in the following order: Munster, Leinster, Connacht and Ulster. Within each province counties are listed alphabetically. The report begins with an overview of summer 2008, followed by a month-by-month analysis of rainfall. Two case studies are included, the exceptional rainfall events in the Newcastlewest area on July 31st and the north Kildare and north Dublin areas on August 9th. Rainfall recording: In this study rainfall depths are analysed from approximately 150 rainfall stations, these are divided into two categories. Synoptic Weather stations Reports from synoptic weather stations are made every hour on the hour of basic weather parameters including rainfall, wind speed and direction, temperature, humidity and air pressure. A smaller number of automatic stations record rainfall at intervals of less than one hour. Climatological and rainfall stations This is a denser network of stations which record a more limited selection of data, rainfall and in some cases maximum and minimum temperatures, usually once per day at 0900UTC. These data are communicated to Met Éireann by post at the end of each month. Note: Observations are made in UTC (Universal Coordinated Time), equivalent to GMT. This means that during Irish Summer Time, one hour must be added to UTC to get local time. UTC is used throughout this report. Rainfall is measured in millimetres (mm). Unless otherwise stated, all data used in this report is 24hr 0900-0900UTC; this can give rise to some apparent anomalies, e.g. the 0900-0900 total for Dublin Airport on 9th August 2008 is 68.3mm whereas the 0000-2400 total is 76.2mm. Report on Summer Rainfall 2008 2 Figure 1. Locations of Rainfall stations used in this study and length of record Report on Summer Rainfall 2008 3 Summer 2008 Rainfall totals were above normal everywhere and were more than twice normal in the east and southeast of the country. Except for a few parts of the west and northwest, each of the summer months was wetter than normal. There were some exceptionally heavy daily falls throughout the season, particularly in the period from late July to mid-August. Severe flooding was reported in west Limerick on July 31st, in the north Kildare and Dublin regions on August 9th and in other areas between August 12th and 16th. Rainfall was recorded over some parts of the country on each day between July 28th and August 21st. Between 49 and 78 raindays (days with 0.2mm or more rainfall) were recorded for the 3-month period, compared with the normal range for summer of between 38 and 55 raindays. This led to a situation where the soil was near to saturation for much of the time, meaning that the ground had no capacity to soak up large amounts of rainfall. The Soil Moisture Deficit (SMD) can be used as an indication of how much rainfall the ground can absorb before it becomes saturated. Soil Moisture Deficits for Report on Summer Rainfall 2008 4 Birr are shown below, compared to normal values. For much of July and almost all of August values were 20mm below normal. Soil Moisture Deficits at Birr, Summer 2008, compared to Normal 70 Summer2008 60 Normal 50 Soil Moisture 40 Deficit(mm) 30 20 10 0 -10 08 08 008 008 008 008 008 008 008 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 2 2 2 2 20 20 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ne une une une uly uly uly uly ust ust ust ust ust J J J J g g g g g Ju Ju J J J 06 13 20 27 Au Au Au Au Au 01 08 15 22 29 03 10 17 24 31 ne Notable features of Summer Rainfall A daily fall of 90mm was recorded at Castlemahon, Co. Limerick, on July 31st, while Belderrig, Co. Mayo, measured 102mm on August 13th; Dublin Airport’s 00-24hr fall of 76mm on August 9th was its second highest daily fall for summer on record, the highest having occurred in June 1993. A 60-minute fall of 38.4mm at Shannon Airport on the 6th was the highest for any month in the station’s 63-year history. Figure 2a shows the maximum daily fall during summer 2008 and its date of occurrence for the summer season where the maximum daily fall was over 25mm, while figure 2b gives the ranking for the summer total and daily maximum value. For most stations, the summer total ranked in the top 3 for the length of the station record. Example- Castlemahon in Co. Limerick had its highest summer 2008 daily rainfall total of 90.1mm on 31st July (fig 2a), this was its highest ever summer daily rainfall and its second highest summer rainfall total (fig 2b) in 27 years of record. (Where some values are not shown because of clutter, please refer to tables in the appendices) Climate change This summer’s rainfall was caused by a succession of unstable low pressure centres moving slowly across the country. The summer weather of 2008, though unusual, was far from unprecedented. Similar summers in the past were those of 1986, 1985 and 1958. Climate change predictions for rainfall in the summer season are for a 10-15% decrease in rainfall in the 2020-2060 timeframe, which might seem at odds with summer 2008; there are also predictions of more frequent intense rainfall events. The extreme rainfall experienced during the summer of 2008 cannot be attributed to climate change. The totals recorded fit within the range of natural variability, which is greater that the global warming ‘signal’ at our geographic location. Report on Summer Rainfall 2008 5 Figure 2b Figure 2(a) Report on Summer Rainfall 2008 Figure 2(b) 6 June Rainfall totals were above normal almost everywhere, with around twice the normal June rainfall measured in the south and southeast of the country. Relatively little rain was measured between the 7th and 16th, but some heavy falls were recorded at other times. Many stations recorded their wettest day of the month on the 21st, when a band of heavy rain was followed by widespread thunderstorms; 50mm of rain was measured on this day in some places. Thundery showers were again recorded on the 26th. Between 14 and 27 raindays were measured (days with 0.2 mm or more rainfall), greater than the normal for June of between 13 and 17. Notable features of June Rainfall In the northwest it was the wettest June on record in some places, with many stations recording their greatest June daily rainfall. Figure 3a shows the maximum daily fall and date of occurrence for the month where this was over 25mm, while Figure 3b gives the ranking for the June total and daily maximum value. Except in the north and east, rainfall totals for June ranked in the top 10, with some stations in the west recording their wettest ever June. Example- In Mayo, Belmullet recorded its wettest ever June day on the 21st and its third wettest June ever in over 50 years of recording, while Belderring had its wettest June day and greatest June total rainfall in 23 years of record. In Galway, Connemara National Park had its wettest June day and wettest June in 27 years of record, while Roundstone recorded its highest daily maximum and second highest monthly total in 24 years of record. (Where some values are not shown because of clutter, please refer to tables in the appendices) Report on Summer Rainfall 2008 7 June 2008 Rainfall as Percentage of Normal June 2008 Rainfall Report on Summer Rainfall 2008 8 Figure 3a Figure 3b Report on Summer Rainfall 2008 9 July July rainfall totals were near normal in parts of the northwest, but it was an exceptionally wet month over most of Leinster and Munster, where rainfall totals for the month were more than twice the July normal. Heaviest daily falls this month were in the periods 1st to 6th and 28th to 31st. Late on the 31st, exceptionally heavy rain caused significant flooding in parts of County Limerick. Between 15 and 23 raindays were recorded (days with 0.2 mm or more rainfall), greater than the normal for July of between 13 and 18. Notable features of July Rainfall The most notable aspect of the rainfall in July was the extreme rainfall which occurred between the 28th and 31st. Figure 4a shows the maximum daily fall and date of occurrence for the month where the daily rainfall was above 25mm, while Figure 5b gives the ranking for the July total and daily maximum value. Except in the west and northwest, rainfall totals for July ranked in the top 10. From Figure 4b it is clear that many stations in Munster and south Leinster recorded their highest ever July daily rainfall values, and for many stations the month of July was also the wettest on record. (Where some values are not shown because of clutter, please refer to tables in the appendices) Report on Summer Rainfall 2008 10 July Rainfall as Percentage of Normal July Rainfall Report on Summer Rainfall 2008 11 Figure 4a Report on Summer Rainfall 2008 Figure 4b Figure 4b 12 Case Study- July 31st 2008 Early July was cool and unsettled, a period of warmer and relatively settled weather developed in mid-July, but the weather became unsettled again towards the end of the month. Rainfall totals for the 27th, 28th and 29th were between 25mm and 35mm in the Limerick area, bringing soils close to saturation. The overall result is that there was little or no capacity in the soil to absorb excessive amounts of rainfall. During the evening of the 31st, an extreme rainfall event took place in the Newcastlewest area of County Limerick, which caused severe flooding in the Arra Catchment. A depression moved northwards over Ireland during the afternoon and evening; the associated occlusion initially moved northwards, and then became slow-moving over the midwest, bringing exceptionally heavy falls of rain to the west Limerick area. Arra Catchment Figure 5 Rainfall totals 31st July 2008 Report on Summer Rainfall 2008 13 Analysis of rainfall totals on July 31st 24-hour rainfall totals from rainfall stations in the area surrounding Newcastlewest are shown in figure 5. Coverage in the Arra catchment is poor. However, it was possible to combine the rainfall measurements with data from the weather radar at Shannon Airport, and using geostatistical methods to produce an estimate of rainfall totals on a 1km grid; this is shown in figure 6. Figure 6 Rainfall totals Derived from radar data 31st July 2008 From the data used to generate figure 6, the maximum 24-hour grid point rainfall was 111mm, with 11 grid points having rainfall totals over 100mm, 28 having values between 90 and 100mm, 68 between 80 and 90mm, 164 between 70 and 80mm, 191 between 60 and 70 mm and 455 between 50 and 60mm. Report on Summer Rainfall 2008 14 Estimation of rainfall rates Most of the stations in the main study area take rainfall readings once every 24 hours. The station at Freemount Water Works is equipped with a tipping-bucket rain recorder. From this it has been possible to estimate the start and end time of the most intense rainfall and to apportion the 24-hour rainfall totals to sub-24 hour durations. Freemount recorded 67mm in the 09-09 period, all of which fell in a 14-hour period from approx 1115UTC on 31st to 0115UTC on August 1st; the period of most intense rainfall lasted 7 hours, from 1730UTC until 0030UTC approx, during which time it is estimated that 63mm fell. This leads to the following estimates of rainfall for 7-hour and 14-hour durations for rainfall stations nearest the flooding event, and for the maximum rainfall depth from the gridded rainfall field, Table 1. Location Athea Castlemahon NewcastleWest Freemount Springfield Ballyhahill Grid Point Maximun Easting 115100 131500 127500 139300 134600 118100 127000 Northing 135900 131200 133800 113900 122600 140600 132000 Rainfall 14-hour 63.3 90.1 84.9 67.0 63.9 71.0 111 Rainfall 7-hour 59.5 84.7 79.8 63.0 60.1 66.8 104.4 Table 1 Estimation of extreme rainfall return periods and rarity estimates Met Éireann have recently completed a study, Estimation of Point Rainfall Frequencies, funded by the OPW as part of the Flood Studies Update. This enables the production of estimates of rainfall depths for various return periods and duration for any location in Ireland. This depth duration frequency model can be used with confidence for return periods of 250 years for durations of less than 24 hours, and return periods of 500 years for durations of 24 hours or more. The model can also be used to calculate rarity estimates, i.e. with a given rainfall and duration, calculate the return period. Note: The return period is the average number of years between years with one or more rainfalls exceeding a specified value of the rainfall. Rainfall return periods for the actual rainfalls recorded and those calculated are shown in Table 2 for durations of 7, 14 and 24hrs. As previously stated, the model can be used with confidence for return periods up to 250 years for durations of less than 24 hours. In some instances the model return periods exceeded this value, but nonetheless it was considered that some use could be made of the data. The following approach was adopted: if the model gave return periods between 250 and 350 years, it is indicated by >250yr, between 350 and 600 years by >>250yr, and for model results greater than 600 years by >>>250yr. Report on Summer Rainfall 2008 15 Location Athea Castlemahon NewcastleWest Freemount Springfield Ballyhahill Max GridPoint Easting 115100 131500 127500 139300 134600 118100 127000 Northing 135900 131200 133800 113900 122600 140600 132000 Duration 24hrs 63.3 90.1 84.9 67.0 63.9 71.0 111 Return Period 10yrs 241yrs 45yrs 9yrs 13yrs 28yrs 198yrs Duration 14hrs 63.3 90.1 84.9 67.0 63.9 71.0 111 Return Period 25yrs >>250 >>250 19yrs 34yrs 74yrs >>250 Duration 7hr 59.5 84.7 79.8 63.0 60.1 66.8 104.4 Return Period 56.0 >>>250 >250 38.0 80.0 166.0 >>>250 Table 2 Conclusions: The analysis of the data has shown that rainfall totals in the order of 60-100mm occurred over an area of approximately 450km2 in west County Limerick and northwest County Cork, with approximately 95% of the rain falling in a 7-hour period. Return period analysis suggests that totals for 24 hours had return periods up to 250 years, while amounts for 7-hour durations had return periods of well in excess of 250 years for totals in excess of 70mm, which are estimated to have occurred over an area of approx 175 km2. Report on Summer Rainfall 2008 16 August August rainfall totals were above normal everywhere, the third successive month of wetter than normal weather. More than twice the normal August totals were recorded in parts of the east, northeast and midlands, while some stations recorded over three times the normal. The number of raindays recorded during the month (days with 0.2mm or more rainfall) was also well above normal; there were between 20 and 30 raindays at stations this month compared with the August average number of between 14 and 19. Notable Features of August Rainfall It was the wettest August on record at a number of stations, including Dublin (Phoenix Park), where rainfall records began in 1837. Birr had its wettest August since 1917, while Dublin Airport had both its highest monthly total (190mm) and highest one-day (0024hr) fall (76.2mm on the 9th) for August since the station opened in 1941. Among other exceptional rainfall events this month, a 60-minute fall of 38.4mm at Shannon Airport on the 6th was the highest for any month in the station’s 63-year history. Flooding was reported in many areas. The heavy rain in the north Kildare and north Dublin areas is the subject of a separate case study. On the 13th, the highest recorded rainfall in the summer months occurred at Belderrrig in Co Mayo (102mm), with many other locations in the northwest reporting in excess of 50mm. There were widespread media reports of flooding. Flooding was also reported from Carlow on the 16th, but amounts of rainfall around that date, while large, were not particularly excessive. Figure 7a shows the maximum daily fall and date of occurrence for the month where the daily rainfall was above 25mm, while Figure 7b gives the ranking for the August total and daily maximum value. For many stations the monthly total ranked in the top 5, with many having their wettest August on record, and some also their highest daily fall. (Where some values are not shown because of clutter, please refer to tables in the appendices) Report on Summer Rainfall 2008 17 August Rainfall as percentage of Normal August Rainfall Report on Summer Rainfall 2008 18 Figure 7b Figure 7a Report on Summer Rainfall 2008 19 Case study- August 9th 2008 Development of Heavy Rainfall on 9th August 2008 A cold front moved eastwards over Ireland on August 9th, a very unstable airmass immediately behind the cold front facilitated the development of thunderstorms in the east of Ireland following the frontal passage. Outbreaks of rain had affected the area earlier in the day from approx 0300 to 0800 UTC, bringing estimated totals of 6-8mm. During the early afternoon, convective rain developed in the midlands. From about 1330UTC onwards, a thunderstorm cell developed over west Offaly, then spread to north Kildare and eventually covered most of county Dublin and south Meath. By 1600, Met Eireann stations at Dublin Airport and Casement Aerodrome were reporting thunderstorms with very heavy rain. Further bursts of heavy rain continued in the Dublin-Kildare-south Meath area until about 2230. Large rainfall amounts were recorded, with Dublin Airport recording its largest daily fall for August (76.2mm) and its second highest daily fall ever. There were widespread reports of flooding in the north Kildare and north Dublin areas. The weather conditions leading up to the heavy rainfall event were unsettled, with spells of rain or showers most days. This led to a situation where soils were saturated or close to saturation. Heavy rainfall (25-35mm) occurred on August 6th. Analysis of rainfall totals on August 9th The spatial coverage of rainfall stations is shown in Figure 8, along with the 24-hour totals from 0900UTC on 9th to 0900UTC on 10th. Figure 8 24hr Rainfall accumulations 9th August 2008 Report on Summer Rainfall 2008 20 This coverage is not sufficient to provide for a spatial analysis, as rainfall totals varied considerably over relative short distances. However, further information on the spatial rainfall distribution can be obtained from the weather radar at Dublin Airport. This is then combined with the actual rainfall readings to produce the gridded rainfall field shown in Figure 9: Figure 9 Rainfall totals Derived from radar data 9th August 2008 Recorded rainfall intensities Met Éireann stations at Dublin Airport, Casement Aerodrome and Phoenix Park report rainfall totals every minute. At other locations, rainfall values are recorded once per day at 0900UTC. From analysis of the minute-by-minute readings at the three Met Éireann locations, the major rainfall episode began at 1500UTC approx and ended at 2000UTC approx. Rainfall amounts Report on Summer Rainfall 2008 21 recorded outside of this period amounted to less than 1mm, and are regarded as not significant in terms of the overall rainfall amounts. Analysis of the rainfall patterns from 0900UTC on the 8th to 0900UTC on the 9th show that all of the rainfall during this period fell between 0000 and 0900UTC on the 9th, and was sufficient to bring the Soil Moisture Deficits of all soils to saturation before the major rainfall event. The total rainfall for the 00-24hr period on the 9th is effectively the sum of the rainfall totals for the two 24-hour periods ending at 0900UTC on the 9th and 10th. Further analysis of the data led to the conclusion that the totals recorded in the 0900-0900 period actually fell within a 5-hour period, and the totals recorded in the 0000-2400 period fell within an 18-hour period. Table 3 shows the 5-hour and 18-hour rainfall amounts corresponding to the 24-hour rainfall totals ending at 0000UTC on the 10th and 0900UTC on the 10th respectively. Location Duration Naas Celbridge (Ardglass) Naas CBS Straffan (Turnings) Dublin Botanic Gdns Casement Aerodrome Leixlip (Water Works) Glenasmole Enfield Dublin Airport Phoenix Park easting 289600 294300 287300 291700 315000 304100 300700 309200 275700 316900 310000 northing 219500 230900 220000 227000 237000 229500 235800 222200 241600 243400 236100 5hr (total 09-09) 26.5 73.6 22.3 45.3 50.6 35.8 77.8 41.7 20 68.3 52.6 18hr (total 00-24) 36 81.6 30.3 53.3 57.4 40.9 85.8 48.6 29.3 76.2 58.8 Table 3 The figure of 76.2mm recorded at Dublin Airport is the highest 24-hour total in August at that station since records began there in 1941, having previously been exceeded only once, in June 1993. Table 4 gives a breakdown of shorter-duration rainfalls for three Met Éireann weather stations, together with a recording station operated by South Dublin County Council near Lucan. Maximum Rainfall (mm) for different durations 9th August 2008 Location Dublin Airport Phoenix Park Casement Aerodrome 1min 5min 10min 15min 30min 1hr 2hr 3 hr 4hr 5hr 6hr 12hr 18hr 24hr 1.4 4.9 8.3 12.4 19.0 35.9 44.3 48.0 53.8 67.6 67.7 67.7 76.2 76.2 1.6 6.7 12.5 15.4 20.6 33.5 38.8 42.8 45.4 52.1 52.3 52.3 58.7 58.7 1.7 5.2 8.0 10.2 13.9 19.6 23.5 27.5 28.6 33.5 33.5 33.5 40.9 40.9 Lucan 1.9* 8.9* 17 23* 28 43 56 63 70 84 85 86 93 93 Table 4 Report on Summer Rainfall 2008 * estimated values 22 From the sub-hourly readings it was possible to estimate a maximum rainfall rate of between 100 and 130mm/hr, which was sustained for a period of approximately 5 minutes between 1515 and 1530UTC, depending on the location. Estimation of extreme rainfall return periods and rarity estimates. Estimates of return period rainfalls were calculated using the methods previously discussed Naas Celbridge (Ardglass) Naas CBS Straffan (Turnings) Dublin Botanic Gdns Casement Aerodrome Leixlip (Water Works) Glenasmole Enfield Dublin Airport Phoenix Park Lucan easting 289600 294300 287300 291700 315000 304100 300700 309200 275700 316900 310000 304000 northing 219500 230900 220000 227000 237000 229500 235800 222200 241600 243400 236100 238000 Duration 18hrs Return Rainfall period 2 36 48 81.6 2 30.3 8 53.3 14 57.4 3 40.9 59 85.8 2 48.6 2 29.3 43 76.2 12 58.8 104 92.8 Duration 5hrs Return Rainfall period 3.3 26.5 156 73.6 2 22.3 36 45.3 49 50.6 7 35.8 190 77.8 4 41.7 2 20 237 68.3 40 52.6 >>250 84 From analysis of the gridded rainfall fields, it is apparent that rainfall amounts varied greatly over short distances. Return periods were also calculated for maximum rainfall totals as derived from the gridded fields, in some cases the return periods were greatly in excess of 250 years. Conclusions: The analysis of the data has shown that rainfall on August 9th varied greatly over short distances. Intensities to 120-130mm/hr were recorded over durations of 5 minutes approximately, 20-30% of the rain fell within the first 15 minutes of the event, 30 to 40% of the rain fell within the first 30 minutes and 50 -60% of the rain fell within the first 60 minutes. Maximum rainfall totals of 100+mm occurred over small areas. Return periods became larger after 30 minutes duration and increased up to the most extreme return periods which were for the 5-hour duration, which in some instances exceeded the 250-year outer limit of the model. Report on Summer Rainfall 2008 23 Appendix I Monthly and summer season total rainfalls, % of normal, day of maximum monthly and summer rainfall, number of rain days MUNSTER Total mm CORK Mallow Rockchapel Ballyvourney Gouganebarra Sherkin Fermoy Cork Airport Roscarbery Cork (Clover ) Bandon Watergrasshill Freemount Ballincurrig Cloyne Banteer Little Island Millstreet CLARE Shannon Airport Doolough Tulla Ennistymon Carron Quilty Killaloe LIMERICK Patrickswell Castlemahon Mount Russell Castleconnell Shanagolden June 2008 % Max Day 6190 daily Rain days Total mm July 2008 % Max Day 6190 daily Rain days Total mm August 2008 % Max Day 6190 daily Rain days Total mm Summer 2008 % Max Day 6190 daily Rain days 101.3 180.0 150.2 236.5 113.6 98.2 138.5 122.0 113.0 126.1 127.4 93.2 133.3 110.3 129.2 103.1 154.2 169 n/a 203 204 186 158 204 n/a 192 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 17.5 29.0 26.8 33.1 26.2 22.1 24.1 30.5 22.7 26.6 26.1 21.1 24.7 27.4 20.5 26.7 56.1 26 21 20 26 20 21 21 20 20 20 21 21 18 18 26 18 22 20 24 16 20 14 18 16 15 16 14 16 19 16 13 19 9 16 148.6 185.7 181.9 185.8 147.4 120.1 148.1 140.5 157.0 143.1 136.4 186.0 153.7 124.6 191.0 147.6 223.6 270 n/a 256 159 254 218 228 n/a 275 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 35.0 35.0 55.2 42.9 28.5 41.4 29.8 34.8 33.9 32.5 28.6 67.0 33.6 27.2 53.8 36.0 89.2 31 31 31 31 4 28 4 31 4 31 28 31 28 28 31 28 31 14 21 19 18 13 18 18 10 15 17 17 17 16 18 19 13 21 117.0 329.8 133.7 215.6 115.9 107.4 163.6 132.3 110.8 122.8 150.2 116.0 159.0 142.8 142.2 116.4 138.9 158 n/a 132 134 130 141 182 n/a 144 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 20.5 71.1 26.7 39.6 19.3 20.6 18.9 31.1 13.5 24.5 23.1 19.6 32.0 27.8 29.2 20.3 26.2 6 12 12 15 8 15 15 8 17 15 15 12 15 15 12 15 12 20 30 24 29 21 22 28 16 22 22 23 23 20 22 22 19 27 366.9 695.5 465.8 637.9 376.9 325.7 450.2 394.8 380.8 392.0 414.0 395.2 446.0 377.7 462.4 367.1 516.7 194 n/a 189 162 181 169 202 n/a 197 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 35.0 71.1 55.2 42.9 28.5 41.4 29.8 34.8 33.9 32.5 28.6 67.0 33.6 27.8 53.8 36.0 89.2 31-Jul 12-Aug 31-Jul 31-Jul 04-Jul 28-Jul 04-Jul 31-Jul 04-Jul 31-Jul 28-Jul 31-Jul 28-Jul 15-Aug 31-Jul 28-Jul 31-Jul 54 75 59 67 48 58 62 41 53 53 56 59 52 53 60 41 64 110.8 106.4 116.0 149.1 126.3 102.5 127.6 176 n/a 163 n/a 134 n/a n/a 22.1 17.4 15.4 22.1 20.3 19.6 25.9 18 26 21 21 21 21 18 22 19 20 22 22 18 20 100.8 137.3 115.3 118.0 98.0 81.4 116.7 177 n/a 158 n/a 101 n/a n/a 38.0 35.3 49.7 37.9 17.0 20.5 26.5 31 31 31 31 31 9 31 18 18 18 18 22 21 19 176.6 188.3 161.8 195.2 256.4 168.7 208.0 215 n/a 169 n/a 184 n/a n/a 51.0 30.0 16.6 21.0 31.9 38.0 30.5 6 12 9 9 16 12 9 25 30 27 27 30 28 27 388.2 432.0 393.1 462.3 480.7 352.6 452.3 192 n/a 164 n/a 146 n/a n/a 51.0 35.3 49.7 37.9 31.9 38.0 30.5 06-Aug 31-Jul 31-Jul 31-Jul 16-Aug 12-Aug 09-Aug 65 67 65 67 74 67 66 96.8 100.4 122.3 105.3 100.0 n/a n/a n/a 146 n/a 23.3 16.0 17.8 21.0 22.0 21 18 1 18 18 16 16 25 22 24 133.9 182.8 183.7 103.7 119.2 n/a n/a n/a 144 n/a 48.4 90.1 39.6 40.4 38.2 31 31 31 7 31 16 17 25 17 20 101.5 110.5 171.9 151.7 144.5 n/a n/a n/a 158 n/a 11.3 16.7 24.6 22.0 22.7 15 12 12 8 13 28 22 26 27 27 332.2 393.7 477.9 360.7 363.7 n/a n/a n/a 150 n/a 48.4 90.1 39.6 40.4 38.2 31-Jul 31-Jul 31-Jul 07-Jul 31-Jul 60 55 76 66 71 Report on Summer Rainfall 2008 24 Appendix I Monthly and summer season total rainfalls, % of normal, day of maximum monthly and summer rainfall, number of rain days MUNSTER Total mm KERRY Valentia Kenmare Killorglin Kilgarvan Ardfert Cloone lake NorthKerry Listowel Killarney Glencar Castleisland WATERFORD Cappoquin Fenor Tramore Dungarvan Stradbally Tycor Tallow Silvermines Bansha Clonmel Nenagh Mullinahone Cahir CarickonSuir Fethard June 2008 % Max Day 6190 daily Rain days Total mm July 2008 % Max Day 6190 daily Rain days Total mm August 2008 % Max Day 6190 daily Rain days Total mm Summer 2008 % Max Day 6190 daily Rain days 147.8 174.3 134.1 150.6 101.0 212.9 154.1 100.4 150.2 186.0 145.1 185 183 192 184 n/a 157 n/a n/a 190 n/a n/a 23.7 29.2 26.7 24.1 27.0 29.2 27.1 23.0 25.0 31.8 22.2 30 20 26 26 18 24 26 18 26 26 18 18 20 20 21 20 19 21 20 19 22 22 92.8 146.4 113.9 135.3 101.1 104.3 160.4 124.2 142.3 108.6 171.7 127 157 152 167 n/a 79 n/a n/a 185 n/a n/a 26.8 38.6 38.5 35.6 31.3 17.1 41.6 31.0 37.7 40.3 36.6 29 28 29 29 29 10 29 28 29 29 29 22 21 19 18 19 27 19 20 18 20 21 181.7 162.8 158.0 155.0 156.2 225.2 257.0 204.3 152.8 181.4 206.1 164 122 170 140 n/a 119 n/a n/a 154 n/a n/a 25.5 29.1 31.0 26.2 32.7 46.6 62.4 37.5 41.5 25.7 42.7 17 9 12 12 12 17 12 12 12 12 12 28 26 24 24 26 29 24 27 26 27 28 422.3 483.5 406.0 440.9 358.3 542.4 571.5 428.9 445.3 476.0 522.9 160 151 171 161 n/a 118 n/a n/a 175 n/a n/a 26.8 38.6 38.5 35.6 32.7 46.6 62.4 37.5 41.5 40.3 42.7 29-Jul 28-Jul 29-Jul 29-Jul 12-Aug 17-Aug 12-Aug 12-Aug 12-Aug 29-Jul 12-Aug 68 67 63 63 65 75 64 67 63 69 71 154.9 109.9 117.4 112.3 126.9 111.8 119.3 149.8 151.6 99.4 95.5 100.8 100.8 110.7 106.4 180 n/a n/a n/a n/a 186 n/a 158 178 171 177 n/a n/a n/a n/a 27.5 33.6 40.1 27.4 35.5 27.7 23.2 29.9 29.5 28.1 27.1 21.0 24.5 22.3 22.1 21 20 20 18 20 18 18 21 21 26 18 26 26 20 21 16 14 16 15 19 15 16 22 16 17 22 16 14 16 17 163.4 159.6 170.7 149.2 193.2 139.1 129.5 173.8 145.5 148.0 90.7 149.9 84.1 166.2 145.8 197 n/a n/a n/a n/a 248 n/a 185 187 251 171 n/a n/a n/a n/a 35.8 44.9 41.4 31.4 53.0 23.9 27.9 43.9 37.9 41.9 29.6 19.7 23.8 35.7 28.0 28 28 28 28 28 31 4 31 5 31 31 2 31 4 4 20 18 19 16 16 18 17 25 21 20 13 17 16 18 21 241.1 165.1 173.3 127.1 177.3 155.2 112.5 230.0 219.6 139.6 171.8 173.6 115.6 156.7 150.3 206 n/a n/a n/a n/a 196 n/a 190 209 189 253 n/a n/a n/a n/a 47.3 26.9 22.9 22.0 27.5 24.6 30.5 28.0 33.5 26.4 43.8 42.3 26.7 39.4 44.0 15 8 8 15 15 11 15 8 15 20 6 15 15 15 15 23 22 24 20 25 20 23 27 23 22 23 20 22 24 25 559.4 434.6 461.4 388.6 497.4 406.1 361.3 553.6 516.7 387.0 358.0 424.3 300.5 433.6 402.5 196 n/a n/a n/a n/a 208 n/a 179 193 203 205 n/a n/a n/a n/a 47.3 44.9 41.4 31.4 53.0 27.7 30.5 43.9 37.9 41.9 43.8 42.3 26.7 39.4 44.0 15-Aug 28-Jul 28-Jul 28-Jul 28-Jul 18-Jun 15-Aug 31-Jul 05-Jul 31-Jul 06-Aug 15-Aug 15-Aug 15-Aug 15-Aug 59 54 59 51 60 53 56 74 60 59 58 53 52 58 63 Report on Summer Rainfall 2008 25 Appendix I Monthly and summer season total rainfalls, % of normal, day of maximum monthly and summer rainfall, number of rain days LEINSTER Total mm CARLOW Hacketstown DUBLIN Dublin Airport Malahide Phoenix Pk Casement Merrion Sq KILDARE Naas Leixlip Athy KILKENNY Coon Thomastown Mullinavat LAOIS Clonaslee Slieve Bloom LONGFORD Granard LOUTH Dundalk Ardee Mellifont Castlebellingham Riverstown June 2008 % Max Day Rain 6190 daily days Total mm July 2008 % Max Day 6190 daily Rain days Total mm August 2008 % Max Day Rain 6190 daily days Total mm Summer 2008 % Max Day 6190 daily Rain days 98.2 147 24.3 21 13 170.9 280 39.2 4 14 138.5 156 29.1 16 18 407.6 188 39.2 04-Jul 45 76.4 67.7 72.4 70.5 82.8 136 130 127 133 162 14.9 16.3 14.4 15.9 23.9 21 18 21 18 18 17 18 18 17 17 111.5 92.3 102.7 101.7 107.8 223 196 205 216 251 26.9 20.1 22.1 22.1 21.6 5 5 5 5 5 19 20 18 15 16 192.4 211.6 189.7 175.0 149.0 271 326 260 254 233 68.3 75.3 52.6 36.0 29.5 9 9 9 9 9 23 23 23 20 22 380.3 371.6 364.8 347.2 339.6 215 227 203 205 215 68.3 75.3 52.6 36.0 29.5 09-Aug 09-Aug 09-Aug 09-Aug 09-Aug 59 61 59 52 55 91.7 65.2 84.7 150 123 n/a 23.5 15.6 19.6 18 21 21 21 16 17 99.4 90.5 159.4 184 181 n/a 24.5 18.6 61.0 30 30 31 18 16 13 154.3 215.1 134.1 220 307 n/a 32.7 87.4 22.6 16 9 16 21 18 19 345.4 370.8 378.2 187 214 n/a 32.7 87.4 61.0 16-Aug 09-Aug 31-Jul 60 50 49 104.1 116.1 108.4 153 n/a n/a 18.6 25.4 23.4 18 26 18 17 16 12 186.2 137.8 141.8 286 n/a n/a 36.6 20.4 25.5 4 30 31 19 17 15 147.8 110.2 200.4 176 n/a n/a 35.6 22.5 33.9 15 15 16 22 19 21 438.1 364.1 450.6 202 n/a n/a 36.6 25.4 33.9 04-Jul 26-Jun 16-Aug 58 52 48 113.3 115.4 n/a 152 26.4 28.0 21 18 20 20 147.0 141.0 n/a 186 33.4 35.7 4 31 18 19 244.5 224.4 n/a 224 35.1 58.1 6 15 25 28 504.8 480.8 n/a 191 35.1 58.1 06-Aug 15-Aug 63 67 92.9 n/a 17.2 21 26 117.5 n/a 21.7 2 24 172.7 n/a 35.8 15 27 383.1 n/a 35.8 15-Aug 77 62.3 56.9 84.3 55.2 64.9 92 98 126 n/a n/a 15.5 20.8 23.1 17.8 16.2 21 21 21 21 21 16 14 18 14 16 94.5 125.8 98.4 68.5 148.8 155 237 154 n/a n/a 15.7 18.7 22.6 14.4 27.2 3 30 30 30 10 19 19 19 17 22 196.7 166.9 185.6 133.4 217.3 237 226 213 n/a n/a 46.7 31.6 24.9 24.3 38.8 11 6 16 16 11 24 21 22 22 28 353.5 349.6 368.3 257.1 431.0 167 189 169 n/a n/a 46.7 31.6 24.9 24.3 38.8 11-Aug 06-Aug 16-Aug 16-Aug 11-Aug 59 54 59 53 66 Report on Summer Rainfall 2008 26 Appendix I Monthly and summer season total rainfalls, % of normal, day of maximum monthly and summer rainfall, number of rain days LEINSTER Total mm MEATH Warrrenstown Kingscourt Navan Moynalty OFFALY Derrygreenagh Birr Edenderry WESTMEATH Coole Rathwire WEXFORD Foulkesmills Johnstown C Cahore Gorey Bunclody JFK Park Boolavogue Wx Wildfowl Clonroche WICKLOW Arklow Roundwood Glenmacnass Glen Imall Ashford June 2008 % Max Day Rain 6190 daily days Total mm July 2008 % Max Day 6190 daily Rain days Total mm August 2008 % Max Day Rain 6190 daily days Total mm Summer 2008 % Max Day 6190 daily Rain days 90.7 63.7 77.9 70.9 144 97 n/a n/a 28.9 21.3 27.8 22.1 18 21 21 21 20 17 17 21 128.8 117.4 123.9 138.5 230 186 n/a n/a 29.6 22.5 25.4 24.3 29 29 3 30 18 20 18 19 175.6 185.7 175.2 206.6 225 221 n/a n/a 35.6 37.0 39.9 32.8 16 11 16 16 21 22 19 22 395.1 366.8 377.0 416.0 201 172 n/a n/a 35.6 37.0 39.9 32.8 16-Aug 11-Aug 16-Aug 16-Aug 59 59 54 62 102.3 90.2 112.0 165 161 n/a 24.1 18.4 31.0 21 18 21 19 18 23 146.0 100.6 157.2 252 171 n/a 21.7 19.9 33.9 2 31 2 18 16 19 210.7 171.6 260.6 267 220 n/a 40.8 17.9 60.9 15 16 16 25 26 21 459.0 362.4 529.8 231 188 n/a 40.8 19.9 60.9 15-Aug 31-Jul 16-Aug 62 60 63 71.5 93.3 n/a n/a 17.7 23.3 21 21 21 22 119.7 143.1 n/a n/a 21.4 22.5 5 30 20 21 137.0 199.0 n/a n/a 36.0 43.8 15 16 20 20 328.2 435.4 n/a n/a 36.0 43.8 15-Aug 16-Aug 61 63 129.7 137.0 115.5 128.1 149.6 115.4 115.7 139.4 140.5 216 225 n/a n/a n/a 196 n/a n/a n/a 44.7 37.2 31.1 45.3 37.9 27.0 25.5 38.6 30.2 21 20 21 21 26 20 26 20 20 17 18 17 13 17 17 13 18 17 143.5 160.6 128.2 192.7 213.5 160.8 168.5 150.3 184.9 247 282 n/a n/a n/a 282 n/a n/a n/a 31.4 37.5 29.0 60.1 40.4 29.0 34.8 32.3 41.1 30 30 30 30 30 30 4 30 30 15 16 18 13 16 16 14 17 20 139.6 144.8 128.4 160.1 144.0 153.0 189.6 135.2 194.6 166 174 n/a n/a n/a 187 n/a n/a n/a 20.5 28.8 28.9 43.2 20.4 31.5 27.5 31.9 32.2 11 11 16 16 16 11 11 11 16 20 20 20 19 18 21 17 20 23 412.8 442.4 372.1 480.9 507.1 429.2 473.8 424.9 520.0 204 220 n/a n/a n/a 217 n/a n/a n/a 44.7 37.5 31.1 60.1 40.4 31.5 34.8 38.6 41.1 21-Jun 30-Jul 21-Jun 30-Jul 30-Jul 11-Aug 04-Jul 20-Jun 30-Jul 52 54 55 45 51 54 44 55 60 146.9 87.2 113.0 100.7 97.8 258 136 128 126 n/a 43.0 26.3 34.2 21.1 22.9 21 21 21 21 21 14 16 16 21 19 156.1 199.1 240.1 170.4 121.9 295 406 312 216 n/a 44.2 47.4 55.5 34.6 29.7 30 30 4 30 30 17 14 17 22 16 184.7 156.0 246.1 212.4 154.8 240 184 210 202 n/a 39.1 40.3 44.9 43.0 41.1 16 16 16 16 16 22 20 20 27 21 487.7 442.3 599.2 483.5 374.5 261 223 212 183 n/a 44.2 47.4 55.5 43.0 41.1 30-Jul 30-Jul 04-Jul 16-Aug 16-Aug 53 50 53 70 56 Report on Summer Rainfall 2008 27 Appendix I Monthly and summer season total rainfalls, % of normal, day of maximum monthly and summer rainfall, number of rain days CONNACHT Total mm GALWAY Cloosh Connemara NP Roundstone Gort Ballygar Ballinasloe Glenamaddy UCG Maam LEITRIM Drumshambo Manorhamilton Aughnasheelan MAYO Newport Belmullet Mulrany Bangorerris Doolough Straide Laherdane Belderrig Tourmakedy Knock ROSCOMMON Drumsna Lecarrow Boyle Elphin Frenchpark Lanesboro June 2008 % Max Day Rain 6190 daily days Total mm July 2008 % Max 6190 daily Day Rain days Total mm August 2008 % Max Day Rain 6190 daily days Total mm Summer 2008 % Max Day Rain 6190 daily days 162.1 209.0 173.5 148.6 102.2 92.1 85.6 194.7 224.1 178 218 n/a 169 153 n/a 121 260 n/a 39.5 54.7 45.7 20.8 30.5 16.4 15.2 29.6 52.9 21 30 21 25 21 21 21 21 21 22 24 24 22 23 20 21 20 23 96.4 60.6 68.7 105.1 103.4 94.4 82.1 84.2 93.8 113 66 n/a 118 167 n/a 126 124 n/a 30.5 8.8 15.0 24.9 16.4 23.9 15.8 29.6 30.2 9 1 9 31 3 6 4 9 9 21 16 22 19 20 13 17 17 26 277.6 292.8 211.8 220.0 136.1 136.3 138.1 240.2 374.7 212 222 n/a 183 148 n/a 148 238 n/a 57.1 47.6 29.8 48.0 21.3 18.6 35.1 36.4 50.8 15 13 15 16 15 8 15 15 13 28 28 28 31 25 26 26 27 29 536.1 562.4 454.0 473.7 341.7 322.8 305.8 519.1 692.6 175 176 n/a 159 155 n/a 134 213 n/a 57.1 54.7 45.7 48.0 30.5 23.9 35.1 36.4 52.9 15-Aug 30-Jun 21-Jun 16-Aug 21-Jun 06-Jul 15-Aug 15-Aug 21-Jun 71 68 74 72 68 59 64 64 78 109.3 95.4 129.8 132 104 135 14.9 9.9 21.8 21 22 21 21 26 21 96.4 103.0 93.2 129 110 115 14.1 20.8 15.9 5 9 9 19 28 22 175.5 171.4 181.1 169 134 148 33.4 33.0 36.7 15 13 15 29 30 29 381.2 369.8 404.1 145 118 135 33.4 33.0 36.7 15-Aug 13-Aug 15-Aug 69 84 72 127.3 127.6 142.3 137.8 227.3 106.3 155.2 138.4 150.9 153.3 145 190 n/a n/a n/a 154 n/a n/a n/a n/a 35.0 38.9 57.4 35.9 53.9 21.8 44.2 36.0 46.6 23.3 21 21 21 21 30 21 21 21 21 21 25 19 21 25 26 25 22 27 17 27 62.0 44.3 80.3 58.5 106.5 74.4 64.2 80.2 79.1 80.0 70 65 n/a n/a n/a 118 n/a n/a n/a n/a 15.0 12.7 22.0 9.5 17.5 22.9 19.5 13.6 26.1 16.2 31 29 31 21 1 31 31 31 31 9 21 22 22 20 26 20 14 24 19 22 218.9 192.1 214.7 170.1 402.8 159.1 183.7 250.8 207.4 178.0 179 204 n/a n/a n/a 158 n/a n/a n/a n/a 47.0 49.5 46.6 33.6 79.6 34.6 37.5 102.2 45.5 36.7 13 13 13 13 13 13 15 13 13 13 27 25 28 25 31 25 25 28 26 28 408.2 364.0 437.3 366.4 736.6 339.8 403.1 469.4 437.4 411.3 137 159 n/a n/a n/a 146 n/a n/a n/a n/a 47.0 49.5 57.4 35.9 79.6 34.6 44.2 102.2 46.6 36.7 13-Aug 13-Aug 21-Jun 21-Jun 13-Aug 13-Aug 21-Jun 13-Aug 21-Jun 13-Aug 73 66 71 70 83 70 61 79 62 77 91.8 91.9 108.9 96.3 104.3 88.1 128 141 147 n/a n/a n/a 17.1 25.0 26.5 11.6 18.7 20.5 19 21 21 21 21 21 24 26 22 25 21 20 56.8 95.7 57.0 64.3 94.3 79.9 92 154 81 n/a n/a n/a 13.7 25.5 9.4 11.1 19.3 20.0 5 9 5 3 31 3 21 18 15 22 20 15 160.4 127.3 195.3 145.9 152.0 152.3 172 150 203 n/a n/a n/a 30.7 17.5 37.7 22.7 28.5 22.9 15 15 6 11 15 15 28 26 24 29 27 27 309.0 314.9 361.2 306.5 350.6 320.3 136 149 151 n/a n/a n/a 30.7 25.5 37.7 22.7 28.5 22.9 15-Aug 09-Jul 06-Aug 11-Aug 15-Aug 15-Aug 73 70 61 76 68 62 Report on Summer Rainfall 2008 28 Appendix I Monthly and summer season total rainfalls, % of normal, day of maximum monthly and summer rainfall, number of rain days CONNACHT Total mm SLIGO Ardtarmon Cloonacool Coolavin 106.3 164.7 83.4 June 2008 % Max Day 6190 daily n/a 168 114 22.9 33.9 11.3 5 21 21 Rain days Total mm 21 25 22 84.2 125.3 90.2 July 2008 % Max 6190 daily n/a 129 141 25.2 22.8 26.5 Day Rain days Total mm 9 31 31 21 26 17 106.6 214.3 133.7 August 2008 % Max Day 6190 daily n/a 153 136 19.1 56.5 29.1 15 13 15 Rain days Total mm 25 31 27 297.1 504.3 307.3 Summer 2008 % Max Day 6190 daily n/a 151 131 25.2 56.5 29.1 09-Jul 13-Aug 15-Aug Rain days 67 82 66 ULSTER CAVAN Bailieboro Lough Gowna Cavan Cavan(Loreto) DONEGAL Glenties Greencastle Malin Head Termon Letterkenny Crolly Fintown Dunfananaghy Glenveagh Ballyshannon Ardnawark Bruckless Ballyshannon MONAGHAN Monaghan June 2008 Max Day daily Total mm % 6190 84.0 69.1 66.7 60.2 115 100 n/a n/a 22.3 13.4 17.3 11.5 21 21 21 21 132.2 89.1 74.8 116.5 88.5 143.2 115.3 78.3 169.8 67.2 104.6 121.9 70.9 150 125 115 151 126 165 n/a n/a n/a 91 94 n/a 90 21.4 15.8 18.9 19.0 19.6 24.6 15.5 26.9 21.5 8.7 12.5 18.7 8.7 65.2 102 15.1 July2008 Max daily Day August 2008 % Max Day 6190 daily Summer 2008 % Max Day 6190 daily Total mm % 6190 16 24 20 24 126.6 95.2 115.3 110.0 181 151 n/a n/a 42.8 16.1 18.5 22.6 31 2 2 3 21 22 20 23 236.3 154.2 166.1 167.9 257 177 n/a n/a 45.1 28.0 25.2 25.9 16 15 16 16 27 27 25 25 446.9 318.5 348.1 338.1 190 145 n/a n/a 45.1 28.0 25.2 25.9 16-Aug 15-Aug 16-Aug 16-Aug 64 73 65 72 21 22 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 24 24 21 21 27 24 24 26 24 26 26 16 26 22 25 26 23 74.9 137.9 125.8 95.5 70.6 105.4 131.9 96.5 123.5 77.5 129.9 83.5 85.8 77 189 175 115 105 97 n/a n/a n/a 106 112 n/a 111 25.1 26.1 27.7 15.4 11.7 30.2 32.5 25.0 26.2 17.4 22.6 19.0 17.5 16 9 16 16 9 16 16 16 16 9 16 9 9 15 23 20 21 22 22 22 21 23 25 27 22 22 159.0 170.8 123.2 171.1 130.6 204.9 221.1 130.5 185.6 159.9 243.3 163.3 139.9 130 178 134 166 163 161 n/a n/a n/a 162 159 n/a 133 26.1 20.4 19.5 20.7 19.7 20.7 28.5 28.7 20.6 37.3 34.1 27.8 24.2 15 3 11 15 12 12 11 12 15 11 13 15 11 28 26 23 25 25 30 28 25 25 28 30 25 30 366.1 397.8 323.8 383.1 289.7 453.5 468.3 305.3 478.9 304.6 477.8 368.7 296.6 119 166 141 146 134 140 n/a n/a n/a 124 126 n/a 114 26.1 26.1 27.7 20.7 19.7 30.2 32.5 28.7 26.2 37.3 34.1 27.8 24.2 15-Aug 09-Jul 16-Jul 15-Aug 12-Aug 16-Jul 16-Jul 12-Aug 16-Jul 11-Aug 13-Aug 15-Aug 11-Aug 70 73 67 72 71 78 76 62 74 75 82 73 75 21 21 96.5 166 22.7 30 20 162.2 198 27.2 16 27 323.9 159 27.2 16-Aug 68 Total mm Report on Summer Rainfall 2008 Total mm 29 Appendix II Station record length, rank of monthly and summer rainfall totals, year of maximum total and most recent year 2008 total exceeded MUNSTER name CORK Mallow Rockchapel Ballyvourney Gouganebarra Sherkin Fermoy Cork Airport Roscarbery Cork (Clover H) Bandon Watergrasshill Freemount Ballincurrig Cloyne Banteer Little Island Millstreet CLARE Shannon Airport Doolough Tulla Ennistymon Carron Quilty Killaloe Foulkesmills LIMERICK Patrickswell Castlemahon Mount Russell Castleconnell Shanagolden Record length rank 68 27 61 61 37 48 48 24 34 9 21 25 14 13 24 10 23 9 3 2 2 4 6 3 3 3 3 4 7 3 4 2 3 1 68 27 66 22 35 10 26 68 28 27 25 30 15 June 2008 Last exceeded Max year rank 2007 1998 1982 1998 1998 2007 2007 1998 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 1955 1985 1982 1998 1982 1982 1982 1987 1982 2003 1990 1991 2003 1997 2007 2003 2008 2 2 1 12 1 2 2 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 10 8 2 9 2 5 7 1966 1998 1987 1998 1998 2007 1997 2007 1966 1982 1947 1998 1982 2007 1987 1947 8 4 13 3 19 3 5 2 7 4 7 7 4 2003 1997 2007 1998 2007 1997 1997 1997 1987 1997 1 1 1 6 2 July 2008 Last exceeded August 2008 Last exceeded Max year rank 1956 1988 2008 1950 2008 1980 1975 1988 1975 2008 1992 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 11 1 14 16 11 11 6 9 8 3 5 6 4 4 7 3 3 1995 2007 2007 1998 2007 2003 2007 1988 1995 1988 1960 1988 1988 2003 1988 1988 3 4 6 2 2 1 2 10 1997 1997 1997 1992 1985 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 1988 2007 6 6 4 4 2 1956 1988 1994 1980 1975 1988 1975 1994 Report on Summer Rainfall 2008 Summer 2008 Last Max exceeded year Max year Ra nk 1946 2008 1986 1985 1986 1997 1997 1997 1997 2004 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 2004 1997 3 1 2 5 2 3 1 4 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 3 2 1997 1985 1985 1998 1988 1985 1997 1997 1985 1985 1992 1985 2008 1985 1946 1997 2007 1997 1985 1985 1998 1985 2008 1985 2007 2007 2004 2004 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 3 2 2 3 2 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1985 1997 1997 1985 1997 2004 2004 2004 1999 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 1997 1997 1997 1986 1997 1998 1997 1997 1997 1946 2008 1997 1950 1986 1986 2008 1986 2008 2008 1997 1997 2008 2008 1997 2008 2008 30 Appendix II Station record length, rank of monthly and summer rainfall totals, year of maximum total and most recent year 2008 total exceeded MUNSTER KERRY Valentia Kenmare Killorglin Kilgarvan Ardfert Cloone lake NorthKerry Listowel Killarney Glencar Castleisland TIPPERARY Silvermines Bansha Clonmel Nenagh Mullinahone Cahir CarickonSuir Fethard WATERFORD Cappoquin Fenor Tramore Dungarvan Stradbally Tycor Tallow Record length rank 68 68 68 40 29 60 12 8 41 26 11 3 6 1 2 7 7 4 3 4 4 1 56 54 47 38 29 28 26 25 7 7 7 7 7 6 7 5 65 28 28 26 16 68 23 7 5 6 8 4 8 5 June 2008 Last exceeded Max year rank 1998 2003 2008 1998 1982 1985 1998 2002 1997 1998 2008 30 16 15 5 5 42 2 1 3 10 1 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 1982 1955 1982 1982 1982 1982 1986 1986 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 1106 1107 1207 1407 1807 1812 6406 2007 2007 1998 2002 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 July 2008 Last exceeded Max year rank 2006 2003 2007 1995 1995 2007 2007 1985 1995 2007 1950 1994 1960 1995 1980 1950 2007 2008 1995 1988 2008 6 16 8 9 4 19 1 1 9 6 1 5 6 1 4 1 5 1 1 1988 1953 1960 2008 1980 2008 1988 2008 2008 3 6 6 2 3 8 3 3 6 1 1 2 1 2 4 1995 1956 2008 2008 1988 2008 1988 1988 4 2 3 7 2 7 9 2007 2007 1988 1988 2007 Report on Summer Rainfall 2008 August 2008 Last exceeded Max year Ra nk 1985 1986 1992 1986 1985 1986 2008 2008 1985 1985 2008 3 7 1 3 3 14 1 1 3 7 1 1997 2004 2004 1997 1997 2004 1997 1997 1985 1958 1986 1997 1986 1985 1986 1986 2 3 2 2 1 4 2 2 1997 1997 1997 2004 1997 1997 2004 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1 1 1 4 2 2 4 1997 2004 1997 2004 1992 2004 2004 1997 Summer 2008 Last Max exceeded year 1985 1998 1998 1992 1998 1997 1998 1997 1997 1997 1997 2007 1997 1997 1997 2007 1997 1997 2007 1950 1945 2008 1988 1985 1950 2008 2008 1992 1985 2008 1997 1958 1997 1997 2008 1986 1997 1997 1997 2008 2008 1986 1997 1997 1986 31 Appendix II Station record length, rank of monthly and summer rainfall totals, year of maximum total and most recent year 2008 total exceeded LEINSTER CARLOW Hacketstown DUBLIN Dublin Airport Malahide Phoenix Pk Casement Merrion Sq KILDARE Naas Athy Leixlip KILKENNY Coon Thomastown Mullinavat LAOIS Clonaslee Slieve Bloom LONGFORD Granard LOUTH Dundalk Ardee Mellifont Castlebellingham Riverstown MEATH Warrrenstown Kingscourt Navan Moynalty Record length rank Last exceeded Max year rank 60 13 2007 1998 1 68 44 68 55 61 19 11 20 15 11 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 1958 1993 1958 1993 1958 4 2 5 4 4 54 16 60 11 5 20 2007 2007 2007 1993 1998 1958 5 1 8 34 19 25 9 2 7 2007 2007 2007 1998 2007 2007 1 1 4 24 56 6 13 2003 2007 1997 1998 2 3 4 2 2007 2007 68 41 34 24 24 34 20 13 12 13 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 58 28 23 8 15 13 8 4 2007 2007 2007 2007 Last exceeded Max year rank Last exceeded Max year Rank Last exceeded Max year 2008 9 1997 1985 2 1958 1958 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 1960 2007 1960 2007 1960 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 3 3 1958 1986 2008 2008 2008 2008 1986 1958 2008 1958 1958 1958 2007 2007 2008 1958 1 2 1 1997 2008 1997 2008 3 1 2 2008 2008 2008 5 4 3 2004 2007 1997 1997 1997 1997 1 1 2 2007 2000 2007 1960 1 2 1985 2008 1985 1 1 2008 2008 2 2007 2007 1 2008 1 2008 1958 1998 2007 1998 1998 20 1 4 6 1 2007 1993 2008 2007 1985 2008 2 1 1 1 1 1956 2008 2008 2008 2008 4 1 2 3 1 1958 1982 2007 2007 2 2 2 1 1960 1985 2007 2008 1 1 1 1 2008 2008 2008 2008 2 1 1 1 2007 2007 2007 1960 2007 Report on Summer Rainfall 2008 1956 2007 2007 2007 2007 1958 1958 2008 1958 1997 2008 2008 1997 2007 2007 2007 1958 1956 2008 2007 1985 2008 1958 2008 2008 2008 32 Appendix II Station record length, rank of monthly and summer rainfall totals, year of maximum total and most recent year 2008 total exceeded LEINSTER OFFALY Derrygreenagh Birr Edenderry WESTMEATH Coole Rathwire WEXFORD Johnstown C Cahore Gorey Bunclody JFK Park Boolavogue Wx Wildfowl Clonroche WICKLOW Arklow Roundwood Glenmacnass Glen Imall Ashford rank June 2008 Last exceeded Max year rank 54 55 19 6 11 4 1998 2007 1998 1982 1998 1998 2 5 1 1960 1980 1960 1960 2008 1 2 1 10 25 5 9 2007 2007 2007 1998 2 2 2007 2007 2007 2007 4 1 68 25 24 25 44 22 17 6 4 2 4 2 7 4 1 2 2007 1997 2007 1998 2007 2007 2007 2007 1997 2007 1998 1982 2007 2008 2007 1 2 1 1 2 11 1 1 2008 2007 2008 2008 1988 2008 2008 2008 6 3 3 5 3 2 2 1 60 68 44 58 8 4 20 14 21 2 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 1958 1958 1982 1958 2007 1 1 1 2 1 2008 2008 2008 1953 2008 3 6 3 2 1 Record length July 2008 Last exceeded 2007 1988 1953 Max year August 2008 Last rank exceeded Report on Summer Rainfall 2008 Summer 2008 Last Max exceeded year Max year Rank 2008 1985 2008 1 1 1 2008 2008 2 1 2007 2007 2008 1997 1997 1997 2004 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 2008 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1997 1997 1997 1997 2008 2008 1997 2008 1997 2008 1997 1997 1986 1985 1997 1986 1986 1985 2008 1 3 1 2 1 1985 2008 2008 2008 1997 1997 1986 1958 2008 1958 2008 1958 2008 33 Appendix II Station record length, rank of monthly and summer rainfall totals, year of maximum total and most recent year 2008 total exceeded CONNACHT GALWAY Cloosh Connemara NP Roundstone Gort Ballygar Ballinasloe Glenamaddy UCG Maam LEITRIM Drumshambo Manorhamilton Aughnasheelan MAYO Newport Belmullet Mulrany Bangorerris Dhulough Straide Laherdane Belderrig Tourmakedy Knock ROSCOMMON Drumsna Lecarrow Boyle Elphin Frenchpark Lanesboro rank July 2008 Last exceeded Max year 1998 1998 2007 2007 2007 1998 2007 1998 2008 1998 1998 1998 1998 1955 1998 1998 20 23 22 5 5 3 26 16 22 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 1980 1994 1994 1988 1988 1988 1950 2007 1988 2 2 3 2 3 4 4 1 2 1985 1985 1992 1985 1986 1997 1992 15 12 6 2004 2004 1998 1945 1985 1986 30 15 13 2007 2007 2007 1942 1981 1974 6 1 4 50 53 25 23 23 46 26 23 22 21 5 3 3 1 4 7 1 1 3 2 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 1993 1980 2002 1998 2008 2002 1991 2008 2008 2002 1993 37 42 20 19 21 20 17 17 13 16 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 1988 1988 1988 1988 1997 1998 2001 1988 1997 68 57 38 25 23 13 15 13 6 9 7 6 2004 2007 2004 2007 2007 2007 1955 1955 2002 1998 2002 1998 46 12 28 16 7 4 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 1950 1953 2007 2007 2007 2007 Record length rank 46 27 24 27 40 24 65 44 26 3 1 2 2 6 9 22 2 6 68 28 38 June 2008 Last exceeded 1998 Max year August 2008 Last rank exceeded Summer 2008 Last Max exceeded year Max year Rank 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985 2008 1985 1 1 2 2 2 2 10 1 2 1992 1992 1942 1985 1985 7 8 6 2007 2002 1950 1985 1985 3 3 6 4 1 5 3 1 3 2 1998 1992 1999 2000 1985 1992 1998 1992 2008 1985 1985 2008 1992 1992 5 2 5 3 3 2 2 1 2 1 1998 1992 1998 1998 1998 1985 1985 1961 1992 1985 1992 1988 1985 1985 2008 1992 2008 2 6 2 4 3 1 1985 1992 1985 1992 1992 1985 1985 1985 1985 1986 2008 11 5 3 5 2 2 1992 2007 1986 2007 2007 2007 Report on Summer Rainfall 2008 1985 1992 1986 1992 1992 1998 1985 1986 1985 2007 1998 1985 1992 2008 2008 1998 1985 1986 1985 1945 2008 1985 1943 1956 1985 1985 2007 2007 34 Appendix II Station record length, rank of monthly and summer rainfall totals, year of maximum total and most recent year 2008 total exceeded CONNACHT SLIGO Ardtarmon Cloonacool Coolavin Record length 24 57 46 rank June2008 Last exceeded Max year 4 5 20 2002 2004 2007 2002 1955 1982 rank July 2008 Last exceeded Max year 12 22 11 2007 2007 2007 2007 1960 2007 August 2008 Last rank exceeded 8 6 7 2000 1992 1992 Max year Rank 1992 1985 1985 5 4 7 Summer 2008 Last Max exceeded year 2007 1985 2007 1985 1958 1967 ULSTER CAVAN Bailieboro Lough Gowna Cavan Cavan(Loreto) DONEGAL Glenties Greencastle Malin Head Termon Letterkenny Crolly Fintown Dunfananaghy Glenveagh Ballyshannon Ardnawark Bruckless Ballyshannon MONAGHAN Monaghan rank June 2008 Last exceeded Max year rank 36 36 25 24 13 17 12 13 2007 2007 2007 2007 1998 1998 1998 1998 4 6 2 1 2007 2007 1997 1974 2007 1997 2008 1 4 3 1 68 61 52 37 31 37 25 13 13 64 27 24 55 9 18 19 7 10 2 11 7 3 40 12 4 35 2002 2007 2007 2007 2007 2002 2004 2004 2004 2007 2004 2002 2004 2002 1990 1958 2004 1991 2002 2002 2002 2002 1965 2002 2002 1965 56 8 6 11 18 25 13 5 7 39 11 18 33 2007 1998 1998 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 1950 1950 1985 2007 1998 1985 1993 1997 1998 1954 2007 1997 1960 39 17 2007 1971 7 2007 1985 Record length July 2008 Last exceeded Max year August 2008 Last rank exceeded Summer 2008 Last Max exceeded year Max year Rank 1999 1992 1985 2008 1985 1985 1985 1 5 1 1 17 5 12 2 3 5 5 2 2 4 3 7 9 1998 1992 2005 1985 1992 1998 1998 1998 1998 1992 1992 2000 2005 1985 1992 1985 1985 1992 1985 1985 1998 1998 1985 1985 1985 1985 23 7 3 2 5 3 6 3 2 14 5 6 15 2007 1998 1998 2007 1992 1998 1998 1998 1998 2007 1998 1998 1998 1942 1950 1985 2007 1985 1985 1985 1997 1998 1946 1985 1985 1956 2 1985 1985 3 2007 1985 Report on Summer Rainfall 2008 2007 2008 1985 2008 2008 35 Appendix III Station record length, rank of monthly and summer daily maxima, date of highest maximum, most recent date 2008 maximum exceeded MUNSTER CORK Mallow Rockchapel Ballyvourney Gouganebarra Sherkin Fermoy Cork Airport Roscarbery Cork (Clover H) Bandon Watergrasshill Freemount Ballincurrig Cloyne Banteer Little Island Millstreet CLARE Shannon Airport Doolough Tulla Ennistymon Carron Quilty Killaloe LIMERICK Patrickswell Castlemahon Mount Russell Castleconnell Shanagolden June 2008 Last Exceeded Date Max July 2008 Last Rank Exceeded Record Length Rank 68 27 61 61 37 48 48 24 34 9 21 25 14 13 24 10 23 23 10 17 30 8 14 19 5 16 7 8 9 7 3 16 5 1 19-Jun-07 22-Jun-04 19-Jun-07 25-Jun-04 29-Jun-03 29-Jun-05 19-Jun-07 29-Jun-03 19-Jun-07 19-Jun-07 19-Jun-07 20-Jun-07 19-Jun-07 25-Jun-04 30-Jun-07 19-Jun-07 17-Jun-82 30-Jun-88 17-Jun-82 30-Jun-73 17-Jun-82 11-Jun-93 17-Jun-82 17-Jun-98 17-Jun-82 09-Jun-03 09-Jun-03 22-Jun-04 09-Jun-03 09-Jun-03 09-Jun-03 19-Jun-07 22-Jun-08 3 3 3 17 9 2 10 8 4 3 7 1 5 5 1 2 1 23-Jul-05 23-Jul-05 23-Jul-05 08-Jul-06 23-Jul-05 13-Jul-68 23-Jul-05 23-Jul-05 23-Jul-05 23-Jul-05 23-Jul-05 68 27 66 22 35 10 26 12 24 38 13 23 4 10 22-Jun-04 20-Jun-07 19-Jun-07 22-Jun-04 19-Jun-07 20-Jun-07 19-Jun-07 17-Jun-82 17-Jun-82 02-Jun-87 17-Jun-98 22-Jun-04 20-Jun-07 04-Jun-85 5 2 2 1 31 5 5 27-Jul-00 17-Jul-99 13-Jul-45 28 27 25 30 15 9 15 24 14 9 30-Jun-03 22-Jun-04 19-Jun-07 09-Jun-03 20-Jun-07 20-Jun-97 17-Jun-82 30-Jun-92 05-Jun-87 29-Jun-03 1 1 2 1 1 23-Jul-05 23-Jul-05 23-Jul-05 08-Jul-06 08-Jul-06 16-Jul-03 23-Jul-05 August 2008 Last Date Exceeded Max Date Max Rank 23-Jul-05 17-Jul-95 23-Jul-05 29-Jul-94 11-Jul-97 04-Jul-08 10-Jul-75 23-Jul-05 23-Jul-05 23-Jul-05 23-Jul-05 31-Jul-08 23-Jul-05 23-Jul-05 31-Jul-08 23-Jul-05 31-Jul-08 31 1 24 32 34 29 52 14 53 6 21 9 9 9 14 6 5 13-Jul-45 17-Jul-99 13-Jul-45 31-Jul-08 17-Jul-95 17-Jul-99 17-Jul-95 2 6 58 13 12 1 9 11-Aug-46 02-Aug-98 04-Aug-07 23-Aug-05 02-Aug-98 31-Jul-08 31-Jul-08 05-Jul-88 07-Jul-08 31-Jul-08 41 20 21 16 4 Report on Summer Rainfall 2008 04-Aug-07 Rank Summer 2008 Last Date Exceeded Max 11-Aug-46 12-Aug-08 05-Aug-86 05-Aug-86 30-Aug-98 02-Aug-71 16-Aug-64 30-Aug-98 22-Aug-99 04-Aug-07 03-Aug-97 03-Aug-97 03-Aug-97 22-Aug-99 05-Aug-86 14-Aug-01 03-Aug-97 12 1 5 52 27 11 38 19 15 10 25 1 14 15 4 7 6 04-Aug-07 23-Jul-05 04-Aug-07 08-Jul-06 04-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 05-Aug-07 30-Aug-97 11-Aug-46 12-Aug-08 17-Jun-82 05-Aug-86 30-Aug-98 17-Jun-82 10-Jul-75 30-Aug-98 23-Jul-05 23-Jul-05 23-Jul-05 31-Jul-08 23-Jul-05 22-Aug-99 05-Aug-86 23-Jul-05 31-Jul-08 04-Aug-97 11-Aug-46 05-Aug-86 11-Aug-46 22-Aug-98 04-Aug-97 12-Aug-08 03-Aug-97 2 11 2 4 21 3 17 22-Jun-04 20-Jun-07 04-Aug-07 23-Aug-05 19-Jun-07 20-Jun-07 19-Jun-07 11-Aug-46 17-Jun-82 13-Jul-45 17-Jun-98 04-Aug-97 17-Jul-99 03-Aug-97 14-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 11-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 03-Aug-97 03-Aug-97 04-Aug-97 20-Aug-83 03-Aug-97 2 1 12 4 3 14-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 11-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 03-Aug-97 31-Jul-08 04-Aug-97 20-Aug-83 03-Aug-97 04-Aug-07 09-Aug-04 04-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 05-Aug-07 30-Aug-97 36 Appendix III Station record length, rank of monthly and summer daily maxima, date of highest maximum, most recent date 2008 maximum exceeded MUNSTER KERRY Valentia Kenmare Killorglin Kilgarvan Ardfert Cloone lake NorthKerry Listowel Killarney Glencar Castleisland TIPPERARY Silvermines Bansha Clonmel Nenagh Mullinahone Cahir CarickonSuir Fethard WATERFORD Cappoquin Fenor Tramore Dungarvan Stradbally Tycor Tallow June 2008 Last Exceeded Date Max July 2008 Last Rank Exceeded Record Length Rank 68 68 68 40 29 60 12 8 41 26 11 27 28 5 15 9 45 7 4 14 10 3 20-Jun-07 30-Jun-07 22-Jun-04 25-Jun-04 22-Jun-04 30-Jun-07 22-Jun-04 22-Jun-04 22-Jun-04 30-Jun-07 22-Jun-04 09-Jun-03 20-Jun-85 17-Jun-82 17-Jun-82 17-Jun-82 08-Jun-96 22-Jun-04 22-Jun-04 17-Jun-82 09-Jun-03 22-Jun-04 25 17 3 7 1 100 1 1 3 4 1 08-Jul-06 23-Jul-05 04-Jul-72 23-Jul-05 25-Jul-07 25-Jul-07 56 54 47 38 29 28 26 25 17 23 8 3 10 10 15 10 19-Jun-07 20-Jun-07 19-Jun-07 19-Jun-07 19-Jun-07 19-Jun-07 19-Jun-07 19-Jun-07 05-Jun-97 29-Jun-05 19-Jun-07 19-Jun-07 09-Jun-92 20-Jun-86 22-Jun-04 19-Jun-07 2 5 3 4 12 6 1 5 28-Jul-56 25-Jul-78 16-Jul-03 22-Jul-05 23-Jul-05 16-Jul-03 65 28 28 26 16 68 23 23 5 3 10 5 11 13 19-Jun-07 19-Jun-07 19-Jun-07 19-Jun-07 19-Jun-07 19-Jun-07 19-Jun-07 16-Jun-83 19-Jun-07 19-Jun-07 02-Jun-84 22-Jun-04 30-Jun-89 09-Jun-03 10 2 4 4 1 21 6 16-Jul-03 16-Jul-03 24-Jul-05 16-Jul-03 23-Jul-05 23-Jul-05 16-Jul-03 23-Jul-05 23-Jul-05 August 2008 Last Date Exceeded Max Date Max Rank 06-Jul-57 29-Jul-94 04-Jul-72 23-Jul-05 29-Jul-08 29-Jul-94 29-Jul-08 28-Jul-08 23-Jul-05 23-Jul-05 29-Jul-08 20 37 9 21 3 26 1 1 4 24 1 20-Aug-01 21-Aug-04 05-Aug-86 04-Aug-07 21-Aug-92 07-Aug-04 28-Jul-56 11-Jul-61 16-Jul-03 26-Jul-80 16-Jul-87 21-Jul-96 04-Jul-08 25-Jul-85 23 22 16 4 3 10 4 3 01-Jul-95 16-Jul-03 24-Jul-05 16-Jul-03 28-Jul-08 27-Jul-88 16-Jul-03 12 13 19 21 7 33 14 Report on Summer Rainfall 2008 Rank Summer 2008 Last Date Exceeded Max 05-Aug-86 05-Aug-86 28-Aug-53 05-Aug-86 05-Aug-86 05-Aug-86 12-Aug-08 12-Aug-08 05-Aug-86 05-Aug-86 12-Aug-08 60 47 8 17 8 45 1 1 9 10 2 20-Jun-07 30-Jun-07 22-Jun-04 04-Aug-07 22-Jun-04 25-Jul-07 22-Jun-04 22-Jun-04 23-Jul-05 30-Jun-07 22-Jun-04 05-Aug-86 05-Aug-86 28-Aug-53 05-Aug-86 05-Aug-86 05-Aug-86 12-Aug-08 12-Aug-08 05-Aug-86 05-Aug-86 22-Jun-04 04-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 18-Aug-04 04-Aug-97 03-Aug-97 04-Aug-07 31-Aug-98 03-Aug-97 03-Aug-97 03-Aug-97 03-Aug-97 03-Aug-97 03-Aug-97 04-Aug-97 03-Aug-97 03-Aug-97 10 35 11 4 4 22 1 4 04-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 19-Jun-07 19-Jun-07 19-Jun-07 04-Aug-07 19-Jun-07 19-Jun-07 03-Aug-97 03-Aug-97 03-Aug-97 03-Aug-97 03-Aug-97 04-Aug-97 03-Aug-97 03-Aug-97 14-Aug-01 04-Aug-07 05-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 11-Aug-46 03-Aug-97 25-Aug-86 25-Aug-86 03-Aug-97 03-Aug-97 05-Aug-86 21 4 8 20 4 42 18 19-Jun-07 04-Aug-07 05-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 11-Aug-46 03-Aug-97 25-Aug-86 25-Aug-86 03-Aug-97 03-Aug-97 05-Aug-86 17-Aug-99 07-Aug-04 37 Appendix III Station record length, rank of monthly and summer daily maxima, date of highest maximum, most recent date 2008 maximum exceeded LEINSTER CARLOW Hacketstown DUBLIN Dublin Airport Malahide Phoenix Pk Casement Merrion Sq KILDARE Naas Athy Leixlip KILKENNY Coon Thomastown Mullinavat LAOIS Clonaslee Slieve Bloom LONGFORD Granard LOUTH Dundalk Ardee Mellifont Castlebellingham Riverstown MEATH Warrrenstown Kingscourt Navan Moynalty June 2008 Last Exceeded Date Max July 2008 Last Rank Exceeded Record Length Rank 60 15 02-Jun-07 25-Jun-58 2 68 44 68 55 61 40 24 45 31 16 22-Jun-07 19-Jun-07 22-Jun-07 22-Jun-07 02-Jun-07 11-Jun-93 11-Jun-93 11-Jun-93 11-Jun-93 11-Jun-93 54 16 54 13 6 13 19-Jun-07 02-Jun-07 19-Jun-07 34 19 25 18 4 15 24 56 8 7 4 1 68 41 34 24 24 42 12 16 12 25 58 28 23 8 6 14 3 4 August 2008 Last Date Exceeded Max Summer 2008 Last Date Exceeded Max Date Max Rank 12-Jul-61 12-Jul-61 14 18-Aug-06 25-Aug-86 10 30-Jun-89 25-Aug-86 6 7 11 12 11 28-Jul-05 16-Jul-07 28-Jul-05 28-Jul-05 29-Jul-05 15-Jul-45 15-Jul-73 03-Jul-92 15-Jul-73 27-Jul-58 2 1 3 5 11 25-Aug-86 25-Aug-86 09-Aug-08 25-Aug-86 25-Aug-86 25-Aug-86 3 1 6 8 20 30-Jun-03 16-Jul-07 22-Jun-07 11-Jun-93 30-Jun-03 11-Jun-93 09-Aug-08 25-Aug-86 11-Jun-93 25-Aug-86 11-Jun-93 02-Jun-07 11-Jun-93 7 1 7 06-Jul-07 6 9 1 04-Aug-07 05-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 05-Aug-01 09-Aug-08 15 1 15 04-Aug-07 05-Aug-07 06-Jul-07 25-Jul-85 31-Jul-08 25-Jul-85 11-Jun-93 31-Jul-08 09-Aug-08 19-Jun-07 19-Jun-07 19-Jun-07 22-Jun-04 19-Jun-07 29-Jun-03 2 8 10 25-Jul-85 18-Jul-03 23-Jul-05 25-Jul-85 13-Jul-95 30-Jul-00 7 13 9 25-Aug-86 03-Aug-97 03-Aug-97 25-Aug-86 21-Aug-92 13-Aug-85 9 16 12 19-Jun-07 19-Aug-07 19-Jun-07 25-Aug-86 03-Aug-97 03-Aug-97 22-Jun-04 22-Jun-04 22-Jun-04 11-Jun-93 2 3 31-Jul-91 03-Jul-00 31-Jul-91 03-Jul-00 5 3 14-Aug-01 25-Aug-86 14-Aug-01 02-Aug-84 9 5 22-Jun-04 22-Jun-04 22-Jun-04 02-Aug-84 21-Jun-08 1 02-Jul-08 1 15-Aug-08 1 14-Jun-07 22-Jun-04 13-Jun-07 13-Jun-07 14-Jun-07 09-Jun-66 20-Jun-97 22-Jun-82 20-Jun-97 12-Jun-98 44 6 8 9 4 27-Jul-07 20-Jul-03 28-Jul-05 13-Jul-07 31-Jul-06 02-Jul-55 25-Jul-85 10-Jul-87 25-Jul-85 18-Jul-93 2 5 11 7 7 15-Aug-70 05-Aug-96 18-Aug-06 22-Aug-04 22-Aug-04 15-Aug-70 05-Aug-96 25-Aug-86 25-Aug-86 25-Aug-94 4 6 25 15 12 27-Jul-07 22-Jun-04 13-Jun-07 13-Jul-07 14-Jun-07 15-Aug-70 05-Aug-96 25-Aug-86 25-Jul-85 25-Aug-94 27-Jun-03 22-Jun-04 22-Jun-04 12-Jun-07 11-Jun-93 22-Jun-04 11-Jun-93 11-Jun-93 4 5 3 1 25-Jul-85 28-Jul-96 03-Jul-92 31-Jul-72 28-Jul-96 10-Jul-87 30-Jul-08 3 4 4 1 04-Aug-99 18-Aug-04 04-Aug-99 25-Aug-86 18-Aug-04 05-Aug-89 16-Aug-08 7 5 4 3 27-Jun-03 18-Aug-04 22-Jun-04 12-Jun-07 25-Aug-86 28-Jul-96 05-Aug-89 12-Jun-07 Report on Summer Rainfall 2008 25-Aug-86 25-Aug-86 17-Aug-04 Rank 15-Aug-08 38 Appendix III Station record length, rank of monthly and summer daily maxima, date of highest maximum, most recent date 2008 maximum exceeded LEINSTER OFFALY Derrygreenagh Birr Edenderry WESTMEATH Coole Rathwire WEXFORD Foulkesmills Johnstown C Cahore Gorey Bunclody JFK Park Boolavogue Wx Wildfowl Res Clonroche WICKLOW Arklow Roundwood Glenmacnass Glen Imall Ashford June 2008 Last Exceeded Date Max Rank Rank 54 55 19 11 19 3 22-Jun-04 22-Jun-04 20-Jun-97 11-Jun-93 11-Jun-93 11-Jun-93 16 19 1 08-Jul-07 22-Jul-98 10-Jul-60 31-Jul-91 02-Jul-08 3 32 1 10 25 3 9 12-Jun-07 22-Jun-04 22-Jun-04 28-Jun-86 2 7 10-Jul-01 18-Jul-07 10-Jul-01 20-Jul-03 1 3 68 68 25 24 25 44 22 17 6 2 3 3 2 1 12 6 1 3 26-Jun-86 02-Jun-07 22-Jun-04 10-Jun-93 7 5 2 1 1 8 3 1 1 13-Jul-01 13-Jul-01 27-Jul-88 02-Jun-07 26-Jun-86 25-Jun-58 10-Jun-97 10-Jun-93 26-Jun-08 22-Jun-04 22-Jun-04 20-Jun-08 22-Jun-04 25-Jul-78 13-Jul-01 27-Jul-88 30-Jul-08 30-Jul-08 30-Jul-00 05-Jul-06 30-Jul-08 30-Jul-08 60 68 44 58 8 2 23 12 24 4 25-Jun-58 22-Jun-04 19-Jun-07 02-Jun-07 02-Jun-07 25-Jun-58 25-Jun-58 22-Jun-04 25-Jun-58 29-Jun-03 1 2 2 6 2 30-Jul-08 15-Jul-73 15-Jul-73 31-Jul-91 28-Jul-05 19-Jun-07 02-Jun-07 Date Max July 2008 Last Rank Exceeded Record Length 24-Jul-05 05-Jul-06 15-Jul-73 15-Jul-73 20-Jul-00 28-Jul-05 Report on Summer Rainfall 2008 August 2008 Last Date Exceeded Max 05-Aug-96 14-Aug-07 Rank Summer 2008 Last Date Exceeded Max 02-Aug-84 02-Aug-84 16-Aug-08 4 52 1 08-Jul-07 14-Aug-07 20-Jun-97 02-Aug-84 02-Aug-84 16-Aug-08 25-Aug-86 15-Aug-08 02-Aug-84 1 4 12-Jun-07 18-Jul-07 15-Aug-08 02-Aug-84 43 19 7 3 19 13 9 3 2 19-Aug-07 22-Aug-04 08-Aug-02 03-Aug-97 14-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 05-Aug-97 22-Aug-04 03-Aug-97 03-Aug-97 03-Aug-97 25-Aug-86 03-Aug-97 03-Aug-97 03-Aug-97 03-Aug-97 22-Aug-04 7 12 9 3 5 23 8 3 1 19-Aug-07 02-Jun-07 22-Jun-04 03-Aug-97 14-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 05-Aug-97 02-Jun-07 03-Aug-97 07-Aug-42 25-Aug-86 25-Aug-86 13-Aug-85 09-Jun-66 31-Aug-88 03-Aug-97 22-Jun-04 6 12 9 5 1 05-Aug-97 22-Aug-04 22-Aug-04 18-Aug-06 25-Aug-86 25-Aug-86 25-Aug-86 16-Aug-63 16-Aug-08 5 17 9 9 1 05-Aug-97 22-Aug-04 19-Jun-07 02-Jun-07 02-Jun-07 25-Aug-86 25-Aug-86 25-Aug-86 16-Aug-63 16-Aug-08 39 Appendix III Station record length, rank of monthly and summer daily maxima, date of highest maximum, most recent date 2008 maximum exceeded CONNACHT GALWAY Cloosh Connemara NP Roundstone Gort Ballygar Ballinasloe Glenamaddy UCG Maam LEITRIM Drumshambo Manorhamilton Aughnasheelan MAYO Newport Belmullet Mulrany Bangorerris Dhulough Straide Laherdane Belderrig Tourmakedy Knock ROSCOMMON Drumsna Lecarrow Boyle Elphin Frenchpark Lanesboro Record Length Rank 46 27 24 27 40 24 65 44 26 4 1 1 15 7 15 48 5 2 68 28 38 June 2008 Last Exceeded 22-Jun-04 Date Max July 2008 Last Rank Exceeded 18-Jul-07 August 2008 Last Date Exceeded Max Summer 2008 Last Date Exceeded Max Date Max Rank 2 2 6 2 22 14 6 6 7 05-Aug-86 05-Aug-86 31-Aug-98 05-Aug-86 04-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 05-Aug-86 22-Aug-94 08-Aug-00 05-Aug-86 05-Aug-86 19-Aug-87 05-Aug-86 15-Aug-70 05-Aug-96 25-Aug-49 15-Aug-70 05-Aug-88 4 1 3 2 18 11 11 10 10 18-Jul-07 25-Jul-07 15-Jul-07 21-Jul-07 04-Aug-07 04-Aug-07 21-Jul-07 19-Jul-07 18-Jul-07 29-Jun-92 30-Jun-08 19-Aug-87 05-Aug-86 15-Aug-70 05-Aug-96 25-Aug-49 19-Jul-07 05-Aug-88 Rank 22-Jun-04 13-Jun-07 22-Jun-04 20-Jun-07 19-Jun-07 08-Jun-91 29-Jun-92 30-Jun-08 21-Jun-08 21-Jun-85 28-Jun-86 28-Jun-86 03-Jun-44 26-Jun-66 08-Jun-91 7 72 31 3 17 1 38 4 16 21-Jul-07 19-Jul-07 18-Jul-07 22-Jul-80 22-Jul-97 29-Jul-94 17-Jul-95 31-Jul-78 06-Jul-08 27-Jul-56 19-Jul-07 25-Jul-98 46 54 13 28-Jun-07 28-Jun-07 28-Jun-07 28-Jun-86 28-Jun-86 28-Jun-86 54 10 23 26-Jul-07 17-Jul-03 09-Jul-07 05-Jul-76 11-Jul-84 10-Jul-84 7 5 6 05-Aug-96 17-Aug-05 25-Aug-99 15-Aug-70 18-Aug-85 05-Aug-96 15 6 9 26-Jul-07 28-Jun-07 09-Jul-07 05-Jul-76 11-Jul-84 28-Jun-86 50 53 25 23 23 46 26 23 22 21 3 1 1 2 2 15 3 1 2 7 22-Jun-04 22-Jun-04 22-Jun-04 22-Jun-04 22-Jun-04 47 40 14 51 52 8 11 26 7 15 25-Jul-07 08-Jul-06 18-Jul-98 25-Jul-07 25-Jul-07 18-Jul-98 16-Jul-07 31-Jul-07 18-Jul-07 08-Jul-07 13-Jul-61 11-Jul-61 18-Jul-98 12-Jul-97 27-Jul-91 10-Jul-97 18-Jul-98 10-Jul-01 18-Jul-98 18-Jul-98 5 2 4 3 1 7 5 1 3 1 02-Aug-98 25-Aug-77 25-Aug-99 02-Aug-98 22-Jun-04 20-Jun-07 22-Jun-04 21-Jun-08 21-Jun-08 22-Jun-04 22-Jun-04 30-Jun-88 22-Jun-04 21-Jun-08 22-Jun-04 09-Jun-93 02-Aug-98 25-Aug-77 25-Aug-99 21-Aug-92 13-Aug-08 15-Aug-70 05-Aug-86 13-Aug-08 21-Aug-92 13-Aug-08 7 2 2 5 1 9 4 1 5 3 25-Jul-07 08-Jul-06 25-Aug-99 25-Jul-07 25-Jul-07 22-Jun-04 16-Jul-07 31-Jul-07 18-Jul-07 08-Jul-07 13-Jul-61 25-Aug-77 25-Aug-99 12-Jul-97 13-Aug-08 15-Aug-70 15-Nov-86 13-Aug-08 21-Aug-92 09-Jun-93 68 57 38 25 23 13 26 10 5 35 12 5 22-Jun-04 22-Jun-04 22-Jun-04 20-Jun-07 19-Jun-07 13-Jun-07 16-Jun-55 12-Jun-66 25-Jun-87 12-Jun-07 22-Jun-04 13-Jun-07 44 9 56 32 9 4 16-Jul-07 28-Jul-79 25-Jul-07 20-Jul-07 19-Jul-07 18-Jul-07 05-Jul-76 13-Jul-67 28-Jul-96 10-Jul-01 19-Jul-07 20-Jul-03 12 33 2 10 5 2 05-Aug-96 04-Aug-07 05-Aug-86 23-Aug-04 22-Aug-04 05-Aug-96 05-Aug-96 15-Aug-70 05-Aug-86 05-Aug-86 05-Aug-86 05-Aug-96 24 28 4 25 10 7 16-Jul-07 04-Aug-07 25-Jul-07 20-Jul-07 19-Jul-07 18-Jul-07 16-Jun-55 15-Aug-70 28-Jul-96 05-Aug-86 05-Aug-86 05-Aug-96 15-Jul-07 21-Jul-07 25-Jul-07 Report on Summer Rainfall 2008 06-Aug-99 06-Aug-99 24-Aug-99 40 Appendix III Station record length, rank of monthly and summer daily maxima, date of highest maximum, most recent date 2008 maximum exceeded CONNACHT SLIGO Ardtarmon Cloonacool Coolavin Record Length Rank 24 57 46 7 6 52 June2008 Last Exceeded 24-Jun-97 22-Jun-04 19-Jun-07 Date Max 28-Jun-86 22-Jun-04 25-Jun-82 July2008 Last Rank Exceeded 2 22 7 10-Jul-97 09-Jul-07 10-Jul-01 Date Max Rank 10-Jul-97 13-Jul-67 14-Jul-67 14 2 9 August 2008 Last Date Exceeded Max 11-Aug-07 15-Aug-70 12-Aug-89 02-Aug-98 15-Aug-70 15-Aug-70 Rank 11 2 19 Summer 2008 Last Date Exceeded Max 11-Aug-07 09-Jul-07 19-Jun-07 28-Jun-86 15-Aug-70 15-Aug-70 ULSTER CAVAN Bailieboro Lough Gowna Cavan Cavan(Loreto) DONEGAL Glenties Greencastle Malin Head Termon Letterkenny Crolly Fintown Dunfananaghy Glenveagh Ballyshannon Ardnawark Bruckless Ballyshannon MONAGHAN Monaghan June2008 Last Exceeded Date Max July2008 Last Rank Exceeded Record Length Rank 36 36 25 24 12 30 18 34 22-Jun-04 13-Jun-07 29-Jun-05 13-Jun-07 22-Jun-04 28-Jun-86 11-Jun-93 11-Jun-93 2 15 7 4 68 61 52 37 31 37 25 13 13 64 27 24 55 24 38 17 12 9 4 27 2 7 80 48 12 86 29-Jun-05 27-Jun-07 23-Jun-04 12-Jun-07 12-Jun-07 23-Jun-04 12-Jun-07 23-Jun-04 21-Jun-06 28-Jun-07 28-Jun-07 29-Jun-05 18-Jun-06 29-Jun-05 23-Jun-04 23-Jun-04 10-Jun-87 23-Jun-04 28-Jun-86 19-Jun-99 23-Jun-04 23-Jun-04 22-Jun-85 22-Jun-04 13-Jun-02 12-Jun-64 39 29 14-Jun-07 12-Jun-07 August 2008 Last Date Exceeded Max Summer 2008 Last Date Exceeded Max Date Max Rank 27-Jul-85 02-Jul-07 28-Jul-06 28-Jul-00 27-Jul-85 07-Jul-77 28-Jul-00 28-Jul-00 4 7 9 8 11-Aug-07 18-Aug-06 18-Aug-04 18-Aug-06 06-Aug-99 05-Aug-96 05-Aug-96 05-Aug-96 5 11 14 11 11-Aug-07 02-Jul-07 28-Jul-06 13-Jun-07 06-Aug-99 05-Aug-96 05-Aug-96 05-Aug-96 14 15 3 22 25 8 5 4 8 36 18 20 31 16-Jul-95 21-Jul-03 09-Jul-87 12-Jul-07 15-Jul-07 08-Jul-06 24-Jul-04 09-Jul-02 09-Jul-07 15-Jul-07 08-Jul-07 25-Jul-07 15-Jul-07 12-Jul-68 13-Jul-50 09-Jul-87 01-Jul-97 28-Jul-00 21-Jul-75 26-Jul-87 09-Jul-02 01-Jul-97 31-Jul-79 03-Jul-07 17-Jul-03 31-Jul-79 25 31 23 16 17 33 11 3 9 2 7 10 19 09-Aug-00 06-Aug-07 17-Aug-05 08-Aug-00 17-Aug-05 28-Aug-05 07-Aug-98 31-Aug-97 28-Aug-05 15-Aug-70 13-Aug-01 16-Aug-00 11-Aug-07 15-Aug-70 24-Aug-60 05-Aug-96 15-Aug-85 05-Aug-86 15-Aug-87 23-Aug-94 05-Aug-96 31-Aug-97 15-Aug-70 15-Aug-87 15-Aug-87 15-Aug-70 39 35 10 30 28 18 13 6 17 3 10 15 36 29-Jun-05 06-Aug-07 17-Aug-05 12-Jul-07 15-Jul-07 08-Jul-06 12-Jun-07 23-Jun-04 09-Jul-07 15-Jul-07 08-Jul-07 25-Jul-07 11-Aug-07 15-Aug-70 13-Jul-50 05-Aug-96 10-Jun-87 28-Jul-00 15-Aug-87 26-Jul-87 09-Jul-02 23-Jun-04 15-Aug-70 15-Aug-87 17-May-02 15-Aug-70 7 03-Jul-05 25-Jul-85 9 31-Aug-05 05-Aug-96 16 14-Jun-07 25-Jul-85 Report on Summer Rainfall 2008 Rank 41
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