PDF - San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy
PDF - San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy
IMPACT REPORT 2015 Photo: Chris Hoover We Have A Place for You CONNECTING COMMUNITIES. PROTECTING NATURE. The mission of San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy is to protect and restore the resources of San Elijo Lagoon Ecological Reserve, its watershed, and related ecosystems for the benefit of current and future generations. 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Doug Gillingham, President Water Supply Engineering Consultant Susie Hedrick Lab Manager, Salk Institute for Biological Studies Linda Jones, PhD, Vice President National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA (retired) Kevin K. Johnson, Esq* Managing Partner, Kevin K. Johnson, PLC Matthew Adams, CPA, Secretary Certified Financial Planner, Aspiriant David Kramer Founder, Oakhurst Builders Ed Quinlivan, Treasurer Senior Vice President, Union Bank Nicolle Selby-Thomas Procurement/Supply Chain Consultant Sally Foster Dean Emeritus, MiraCosta College San Elijo Campus Elizabeth Venrick, PhD Biological Oceanographer Emeritus, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD Scott Griffiths* President, R&F Products Bill Harman, ThM Retired Pastor, Grauer School Teacher Ambassador @sanelijo San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | Impact Report 2015 | Page 2 Aaron Weiss Vice President/General Manager, Hewlett-Packard *Directors whose terms ended FY 2015 @sanelijolagoon @sanelijoconservancy THANK YOU, FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR How can nature be saved now when we need it most? True, the lagoon is a protected ecological reserve. But our mission— as a community-supported nonprofit land trust—is all about connecting you and making nature better. You are the reason schoolchildren encourage their families to conserve resources and to enjoy being outdoors. Your support is the reason that sensitive species, such as saltmarsh birds and coastal marine layer-dependent plants, have a secure home in San Elijo Lagoon. “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” Because of your support, we are enhancing the serenity of unspoiled nature for all generations. We invite you to continue and broaden your dedication for cleaner lands, water, and long and winding trails. Protecting the resilience of San Elijo Lagoon is my passion. It’s my goto-sanctuary and I’m reminded every time I run its trails. And I want this for our future. I encourage you to see through our children’s eyes the wonders of wetlands opening up—and how this generation will carry on our collaborative spirit of conservation, now and forever. —Dr. Seuss, The Lorax Sincerely, Doug Gibson, Executive Director | Principal Scientist Doug Gibson at the State Capitol during Watershed Day, an annual symposium on the future of watershed restoration. San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | Impact Report 2015 | Page 3 WILDLIFE HOTSPOT We all live in a watershed. Escondido Creek watershed begins in the headwaters in Bear Valley above Lake Wohlford. From here, the creek flows more than 26 miles to meet the coast at San Elijo Lagoon. The 979-acre San Elijo Lagoon Ecological Reserve is an oasis of nature nestled in burgeoning north San Diego. It isn’t huge, when compared to vast swaths of protected lands and waters, such as Yosemite. But look closely. All around you is a rich fabric of microhabitats supporting more than 700 species of native plants and animals. Reserve Partners San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | Impact Report 2015 | Page 4 PATHS OF IMPACT Ready. Sweat. Go! More than 75,000 seekers of serenity, inspiration, and a good workout hit the trails in 2015—counted at Rios Avenue trailhead and the nature center. Every accomplishment is inspired by you. Thank you for creating rising tides of positive change. Healthy Communities Wetlands provide a variety of ecosystem services. It’s why you’re drawn to love this place. They protect our coastlines, filter water, provide fish nurseries, jobs and recreation, and so much more. Discovering What’s Possible Students took pledges on field trips to conserve resources. Their conservation actions included watershed cleanups, creating educational videos and brochures and designing art murals made from recycled materials. What a View As a land trust, we work to save open space. One of the biggest threats to land is people losing their connections with it. It’s why we’re partners together in the future of protected lands within urban settings. San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | Impact Report 2015 | Page 5 A YEAR OF CELEBRATIONS We Saved This View Together Because of your community-supported gifts, the coastal overlook will be restored. The late Betty and George Harbaugh Undeveloped coastal land is rare to save these days. Joseph Balla, a former Solana Beach resident, used to bring his kids to see sunsets from Harbaugh Seaside Trails (former Gateway property). Through years of watching construction story poles play out across the views, Joe always hoped it would stay natural. He bridged these wishes with San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | Impact Report 2015 | Page 6 those of the late George and Betty Harbaugh, who had established a charitable foundation to give back to the betterment of our communities. On behalf of The George & Betty Harbaugh Charitable Foundation, Joe Balla’s $1.1 million gift secured the property, its new name, and its protected future. A YEAR OF CELEBRATIONS Growing Future Stewards Eveny’s insightful remarks in our gala feature film, and live onstage at Birds of a Feather, gave a rising voice to youth leadership. Eveny visited the lagoon last spring on a field trip. This visit increased her connection to nature. She began to wonder how she could prevent so much trash from ending up in our watershed. As a freshman now, she’s a leader of her school’s ecology club and recently returned to the lagoon to share her knowledge with younger students. Your support for kids in nature creates leaders. Eveny thanks you—and so do we. San Pasqual High School Ecology Club performs a Lorax play at Family Discovery Days (Eveny is 3rd from right). Your gala participation raised more than $200,000 for conservation education, with special recognition to Presenting Chairs Carol Childs and Peter House. CONSIDER A LASTING GIFT Join our Legacy Circle members who have generously included the conservancy in their estate plans. These are special gifts that support San Elijo Lagoon’s lands, waters, wildlife and personal enjoyment in perpetuity. San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | Impact Report 2015 | Page 7 MORE THAN A FIELD TRIP Joshua is in elementary school. During his recent visit to the lagoon he learned about food chains in the reserve. He made the connection of how trash makes its way into the food chain. He declared he would go home and teach his little brother. His enthusiasm bubbled over. He wants “to teach the grownups that no longer remember” to recycle. Joshua is one of thousands of school children who explored the lagoon last year. The lagoon field trip allowed for real world application of lessons learned in the classroom. Each student took pledges to reduce, reuse, and recycle. It takes a community. Schoolteachers, parents, and our dedicated naturalists are leading these kids down the trail of life and expanding discovery. Your generosity connects today’s children with love and care for our world. Students learn about the impacts of trash in the food chain during trail and beach cleanups. “I know I have some sort of impact on how garbage gets there, but I begin to think how I can prevent that.” –Eveny, High School freshman San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | Impact Report 2015 | Page 8 MORE THAN A FIELD TRIP Welcome Back. Kids don’t come just once. The conservancy’s field trips are about making lasting connections with youth in nature. We work with partner schools whose students, especially in grades 3-5, engage in field trips multiple times, even in a single year. Repeated exposure to nature builds on concepts learned in the classroom and applied in real life through outdoor exploration. It’s more than a field trip. Students have expanded their conservation actions by hosting beach and trail cleanups. It’s encouraging that many students return with their families to experience seasonal family events together. Our curricula meets Next Generation Science Standards and Common Core State Standards by grade level. Advanced Placement Environmental Science students explore their outdoor classroom. More Than 7,000 Explorers School Field Trips 3,169 youth Public Tours/Events 3,902 all ages With special appreciation to our collaborators: County of San Diego Department of Parks & Recreation, and our partner schools. Your investment helps cover bus transportation for many schools and for seasonal Family Discovery Days. INSPIRE YOUR COMPANY’S SUPPORT Check to see if your employer matches charitable donations. Many large corporations encourage matching gifts. San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | Impact Report 2015 | Page 9 SPROUTING COMMUNITY CONSERVATION The idea was grounded with a basic thought. What if we could source the native plants here and reduce our dependence on outside nurseries? With the initial “seed” investment placed by a donor, others joined in to create a native plant nursery in the reserve. Lagoon Platoon habitat restoration stewards helped create a plan. Volunteers built the shade structure and installed fencing. Construction on the shed was donated, as were cultivation tools. In late 2015 the nursery became operational. Welcome, dirty hands! Alongside staff biologists, volunteers collect seeds and nurture seedlings that replenish habitats throughout the reserve. This is the new way of habitat restoration, made possible by your gifts to restore the native diversity upon which wildlife depends. We’re saving transportation and nursery sourcing costs. We’re improving our carbon footprint. Because of your gifts, volunteers of all ages can join together in community habitat conservation. “This nursery will allow volunteers working with conservancy staff to maintain and enhance native plant populations in this important coastal ecological reserve.” —John Leonard, The John and Elizabeth Leonard Family Foundation San Elijo Nursery unveiling October 2015. By Bill Wechter San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | Impact Report 2015 | Page 10 SPROUTING COMMUNITY CONSERVATION When you give to the conservancy, you’re also investing in future community leaders. Most Saturdays, you might not expect to see teens shoveling soil in the Great Outdoors. Meet Teen Volunteers in Action, an organization of young men in grades 7–12, who participate in community volunteer events. They sweat it out—installing native plants and removing non-native species. There’s no App for getting outside and breathing fresh air. Your gifts unplug us from our daily routines. 2015 Lagoon Platoon Actions Number of Restoration Events Native Plants Installed Acres Monitored* *Restoration, seed collection, and debris removal. 64 1,830 190 Restoring lands + volunteers = healthier communities LOYAL LAGOON MONTHLY GIVING Your monthly tax-deductible gift helps ensure that we have dependable resources in response to urgent habitat concerns. An automatic monthly amount is the easiest way to give. San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | Impact Report 2015 | Page 11 GIVING TO THE FUTURE Jim Dietz is a retired engineer. With time to give back to his passions, he graduated from our naturalist training two years ago. Early in training he took his nine-year old granddaughter out for a hike. She didn’t seem as interested in his “trivia facts” as she was in observing the world around her. Jim quickly realized that just providing information was not going to cut it. “You have to make sure to connect with the kids, guide them to make their own observations and discoveries, and always be enthusiastic and engaging,” said Jim. He’s often seen in the lagoon surrounded by eager students begging to stay longer on their field trips. Jim and his granddaughter take a closer look at life in the lagoon. San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | Impact Report 2015 | Page 12 Volunteers in service for community and nature contributed more than 5,355 hours, or a donation value of approximately $110,000. “If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder, he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement, and mystery of the world we live in.” —Rachel Carson, The Sense of Wonder 1% 2% Individuals Individuals (Harbaugh Seaside Trails) Corporatge Sponsorship STRATEGIC INVESTMENTS Government Foundation Since 1987 the conservancy has strategically invested membership, 70% donor and grant funding into its core program areas. Your taxdeductible gift is invested efficiently and effectively. At least 85 cents of every dollar is used for programs, projects and services. 5% 10% How Total Revenue is Invested Conservation Programs & Projects Fundraising & Member Services Organizational Support 70% Revenue Individuals464,335 Individuals (Harbaugh Seaside Trails) 45,454 Corporate Sponsorship 59,385 Government2,188,228 Foundation331,990 Investment Earning (net) 31,611 3,121,003 Expenses Programs & Projects Fundraising & Member Services 2,363,989 144,213 Support293,571 2,801,772 Endowments: View Portfolio and Form 990: Guidestar.org /profile/33-0358660 San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | Impact Report 2015 | Page 13 FALLING IN LOVE WITH NATURE What was your first Aha moment in nature? These are some of your memories from Birds of a Feather. We’re all big kids— connecting today’s youth to those sparks of imagination shared with friends and family outdoors. How will you share your passion for connecti ng com and protecting nature, for all g munit eneratio ies ns? WE NEED YOU! Join the naturalist team to share your love of nature in guided tours. Dig in with a shovel at restoration events. Explore a funded Sage Environmental Leadership internship. Contact us to get connected. San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | Impact Report 2015 | Page 14 the e in ous i sh y h wf m cra hind ing be tch ver Ca r i h is is your lea T f. FALLING IN LOVE WITH NATURE Fishing with grandfather on Great South Bay n r ope . e w o fl gic lory was ma G g t rnin ught i o o M g a es. I th n i See y ey re m o f be gS rin plo Ex D an Watching fireflies in Pe o ieg nnsylva nia rw ve Ri ad S D my ith ping rocks in La ke Su kip peri or It is natural to protect what we love. To fall in love with nature we need the personal connection of our senses—we need to be physically involved. —Ann Dunne, The Anthony Cerami and Ann Dunne Foundation for World Health San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | Impact Report 2015 | Page 15 TRAILBLAZERS Together, we’re making 2016 an even greater success. You made an impact with gifts to connect communities and to protect nature. LEGACY CIRCLE The Benson Family Trust (realized) Bob & Lois Chaddock Patty Cornelius Janie DeCelles Ilse Epprecht Marc & Lynne Friedmann Doug & Lauren Gibson Bill Gish Tom & Donna Golich Margaret Griffith Pastor Bill & Patti Harman Tom Heywood & Stephanie Wilde Robert Jensen & Erin Thomas Mayme Kline Peter & Marge Kohl James Lauer M Alberta Kruger Declaration of Trust (realized) Andy & Kathleen Mauro William E Miller & Ida Houby Brys & Rita Myers Craig & Jeanne Olson Mariette Pinchart Janet Placido Ann Pogue Martin Staubus & Elaine Dodge Dave & Denise Stillinger Elizabeth Venrick Paul Worthington Retired Colonel Harold Wright (realized) Art & Sandy Yayanos LEGEND Jewish Family Foundation The San Diego Foundation $100,000+ Anthony Cerami & Ann Dunne Foundation for World Health $20,000–$50,000 Carol Childs & Peter House Ilse Epprecht San Diego Gas & Electric The Escondido Charitable Foundation The John and Elizabeth Leonard Family Foundation The San Diego Foundation The Seeley Foundation $10,000–$19,999 Anonymous John DeBeer & Mona Baumgartel The Timmstrom Family Fund David Welborn & Ann Hunter-Welborn Frances Hamilton White $5,000–$9,999 Anonymous Magie Biehl Tom & Donna Golich Blayne & Carrie Hartman Mike & Dawn House Elizabeth Keadle Ki’s Restaurant Jim & Veronica Larsen Las Olas Mexican Restaurant James Lauer Brys & Rita Myers Oakhurst Builders Rancho Santa Fe Garden Club Redfern & Company Cindy Siler Denise & Dave Stillinger San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | Impact Report 2015 | Page 16 Turnkey Operations David & Sherry Winkler $1,000–$4,999 Gladys Baird Benson Family Trust Beverly J Gepfer Charitable Foundation Rennie & Debbie Block Boeing Company Jack Ross & Barbara Bolton Mark & Ellen Bramson Ellsworth & Mary Burwell Cappetta Family Foundation Cardiff Consulting Bob & Lois Chaddock Chevron Humankind Dr Hugh & Margaret Chivers Steven & Norma Chodos Warren & Barbara Cobb Joan Davis Janie DeCelles Mark & Jenny Dowling Dudek David & Peg Engel Robert & Mary Jane Engman Tom & Mary Evers Paul & Cheri Fleuelling Douglas Gillingham & Dana Friehauf Steve Dinkin & Tara Fuad Karen Gleason Bruce Green Renita Greenberg Jim & Carrie Greenstein Carol Hart Susan & Stephen Hedrick Dr Bert Edelstein & Dr Karen Helrich David & Heidi Hodges Bill & Susan Hoehn Neil & Clarice Hokanson Hokanson Associates Hunter Industries Kathie Jackson Georgia Jenks Jocelyn Jenks Gordon & Janell Johns Sheila Johnson Kevin Johnson Peter & Margaret Kohl Leichtag Foundation David & Jayne Lesley Mark Levin & Carol Levin Kim MacConnel & Jean Lowe Dick & Jill Marrs Peggy Martin Dr Jack & Mrs Jack Martin Andy & Kathleen Mauro Sheila Mergeanian Chris Metzler Jennifer Moores Bill Gish, III & Andra Moran North County Advocates Diane & Dennis Nygaard Olivenhain Municipal Water District Stephen Ostrow Kevin Parra Daniel Powell Pritchett Siler & Hardy, PC Qualcomm Foundation Jack & Patty Queen Ed & Janet Quinlivan Jim & Elizabeth Ralston Rancho Santa Fe Foundation Ned & DeeDee Reynolds Tony & Liz Salant William & Kathryn Scripps John & Patricia Seiber Darrell & Jill Shrader Janet, Joy Marie & Peter Simon Corporation & Foundation Investments $10,000+ TRAILBLAZERS Greg Sisson Adelaide Sloboda Sandy Somerville Elaine Dodge & Martin Staubus Alan & Steve Tarkington Audrey Terras The Scott Group at Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Jeff Thomas & Nicolle Selby-Thomas Robert Weisgrau Jan Wier Tom Heywood & Stephanie Wilde Willis & Jane Fletcher Family Fund Leonard & Martha Blane Wittwer Paul Worthington John & Valerie Zagara Peter & Rachel Zahn David & Diane Zeiger $250–$999 Alexander z”l & Valerie Viterbi Fund Nicholas Alston Joseph & Patricia Amshey Anonymous (2) Jon & Clemencia Appel Bank of America Foundation Alan & Cheryl Barnebey Don & Teresa Barth Belly Up Tavern/Wild Note Cafe Ellen Bevier James Beyster Dave & Kathy Billings Gerald & Shela Bordin Albert & Cathleen Bourdon Matthew Sweeney & Joseph Bradley Jonathan Kies & Kristine Brady Jennifer Bright Sally Buffington Gregory M Bullock Cheryl & Thomas Burns James & Joanne Callan Libby Campbell Coastal Community Foundation Mike & Sheila Cole Wayne & Barbara Coleman June Collins Andrew & Suzanne Concors Susan Steele & Mike Conley Patty Cornelius & Joe Cooke Dennis Cramer & Robin RadlauerCramer Susan Crane Gary & Denise David Steve & Cherylann Deering Caroline DeMar Steve & Jane Dempsey Louis Montrose & Caroline Ding Gordon & Cathie Dixon Mark & Lisa Doliva Glenn & Karen Doshay Peter La Dow David & Vickie Driver Frank & Penny Dudek Jeffrey & Stacey Eaton James & Jewel Edson Judd Westover & Jill Ellis Todd Elvins & Lisa Ackerman Morgan & Christi Ensberg Harry Ettinger Sally Foster Charles Freebern Karen Freeman Twhylla Frye Ellen Fujikawa Hal & Pam Fuson Sharon Gardner Don Geiger & Emmy Garnica Bernhard Geierstanger Doug & Lauren Gibson Dan & Cathy Gill Norman & Lynn Ginsburg Scott & Eileen Griffiths Lloyd Guth & Sharon Gardner Pastor & Mrs Bill Harman George Hoover William E Miller & Ida Houby Jamie Henson & Robert Housekeeper HP Inc Mark & Davi Huffman Carl & Lisa Hulle Deborah Iannizzotto James Gilmore & Cameron James Janssen Mark Jenne Donald Jones & Debra QuickJones Linda Jones, PhD Carol Kane Aleck Karis & Karen Hirschfeld Joe & Mary Kellejian Mike & Lisa Kelly Sachiko Kohatsu John & Joan Kroener John LaGrange Farmer Leo’s Dr Tilman Oltersdorf & Dr Leah Levi Barry & Roberta Lindgren Linkedin Peter & Ann Linz Kris & Dayle Van Lom Sean & Dahvia Lynch Randall & Constance Malin Michal & Eli Margalith Richard & Kristin Markell, DVM Sharon Marshall Eve Martin Robert Farber & Kelley Martin Sara Matta Craig & Suzanne McAllister Marilyn McCurdy Kevin & Margaret McGinnis Steve & Cristina McSkimming Jane Reldan, MD Byron Swift & Valeria Merino Gioia Messinger Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Graham & Linda Milner A Fenner Milton Barbara Moore Ron & Jill Morris David Varner & Carla Nappi Dat Nguyen & Hien Nghiem Karen & Rick Noble Gary Omori Walter Rusinek & Katherine Patterson Robert & Shauna Patton Cindy Pedersen Pete Pettigrew Todd J Plastino Wayne & Carol Pletcher Ann Pogue Dr Pamela Polcyn William Popp Joe & Keren Ramsdell Paul & Dianne Saber Burt & Sonya Sandberg Lori Schick Marcia Schofield Sea Coast Exclusive Properties Tom & Veronica Seay Fred & Jean Sebold Michael & Sheila Sharpe Ashleigh Sheehy Patti Koger & Patrick Shipley Cecelia Skrukrud Pemberton & Jean Smith Mark Stabb William & Mandy Stallcup Joe & Diane Steinberg Debby & Barry Strauss Rita Svec Barbara Swanson Michael & Jennifer Tillman Norman & Patricia Walker Weatherly Asset Management Kevin & Michele Weiss Aaron & Carla Weiss Charles & Judith Wheatley Katherine White Art & Sandy Yayanos Sandra Zarcades Dave & Brenda Zito Bradley Zlotnick Jack & Dayle Zwart $1–$249 Agnes Abola Matthew & Danielle Adams Dominic & Marie Addario Charles Ades Donna Agnew David Ahlgren Cheryl Alden Lannie Allee David Allen Michael & Marilyn Ames Bill Wechter & Michele Amesen Barbara Anderson Barbara Anderson Richard & Barbara Anderson Charles & Katherine Anderson Susan Andrea Dale & Sharel Andrews Anonymous (12) Elaine Antoniuk Judith & Richard Arendsee Keith Marzullo & Susie Armstrong Artefact Design Patricia Astier Dennis & Margo Astroth James & Nancy Austin Diana Axelsen Eileen Ayars Dan Doyle & Maryann Bache Ron Baer John & Elizabeth Bagby Leo & Carole Baggerly Michael & Susan Banks Ralph & Dorothy Banks Steve & Bernice Baran Daniel Barger Kaveh & Elaine Barjesteh Steven & Eva Barnes Betsy Barnhart Christy Barwick Laurie Baum Scott & Anne Baumgartner BD Jeffrey & Barbara Beaupain Michael Beck Gary Danielsen & Anthea Beletsis Hazard Benedict Alan & Toni Benner Bruce & Mary Berend Elisabeth Berendsen John & Margot Berg Bill & Barbara Berrier Bonnie & Gunnar Biggs Mike & Janice Blanco Lindsey Block Richard & Jan Block Trish Boaz Bob & Sue Bobbitt Benjamin Bohl The Bokser Family Helen Bourne James & Doris Bower Daniel Boyd Bianca Brahamsha Breathflow Wellness George & Tanya Bredehoft Janice Brehm Kathleen Brooks Gary Martin & Nancy Brown Sean & Michelle Buchanan Peggy Budd Cathy Bullock Richard & Twink Bumann Walter Burkhard Cristina Burlem Ed & Sandy Butler Robert Byrnes Adrian & Laura Caddick Catherine Caldes Colleen Campbell Craig Campion Scott & Dinah Carl Peter & Debbie Cavanagh Bill & Willi Caylor Michael Davidson & Lori Chamberlain Chapman Construction Co., Inc. Lea Corkidi-Cherbowsky Will & Bette Childs Christina K Cohen & Family Michael Christman Pat Churchland Holly McMillan & James Chute Julianne Clark Shirley Pounders Clement Donald & Jeanette Cleveland Bob & Linda Coale Robert Friedman & Claudia Comins John & Barbara Conrad San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | Impact Report 2015 | Page 17 TRAILBLAZERS Karl Rudnick & Jill Cooper Chris & Shirley Cordner Sean & Maureen Coveney Curious Fork Richard & Lynn Cusac Charles & Marilyn Dashe William & Prudence Davison Paul & Linnea Dayton Mary Deans James & Lynn DeBoo John & Gail DeLalla Giacomo Delaria Nick & Cristina DePolo Barbara Derrick Rahul Deshpande Jim Determan Fred & Kathleen Dickey James Dietz Dean & Alexa Dilley Bruce & Kay Dillon Paul & Melinda DiPerna Betty Dobler William Doerrer Donna Todd Yoga Edward & Edith Drcar Inge Bisconer & Pam Drew Mr & Mrs William Driscoll Helen Driver Daniel Drogichen Lee & Kazumi Duran Julian & Leslie Duval Ames & Beryl Early Bruce Ehlers Richard & Jeri Eimers Franklin Eller Jim & Susan Elliott Tom & Vera Emrick William & Annmarie Engfelt James & Diane Eriksen Alfred & Karin Esser Daniel Essig Mike & Nancy Evans Roderick Evans Nancy, John & Chris Everett Peter Gourevitch & Celia Falicov Sandra Farrell Meryl Faulkner Steven & Karen Feitelberg Dave & Peg Ferguson Margaret Fillius Edith Fine Robert & Jan Fisher Katrin & Phyllis Flechsig Carolyn Fox Stephen & Lynda Fox Warren Fox Vernon Francis Mark & Lisa Franovich Dick & Lynn Freeland William French & Peggy Duggan French Hillary Friedberg Marc & Lynne Friedmann Alex & Nancy Friehauf Friendship Garden Club Tanya Fuad George & Kathy Furgerson Ann Gaarder Jim & Ann Gable Sam & Joan Gabriel Diane Gage Tracy Garber Dianne Gardner R Darrell Gary & Janice Brooks-Gary Bill & Holly Gastil Casey & Hilary Gauntt James & Elizabeth Gautsch Dennis Geiler Gary Geisler & Anne PetersenGeisler John & Lis Georgeson Stacy Gidcumb Jason & Jesse Giessow Carla Gilbert Elizabeth Gilpin Dorothy M Gish Marc Gittelsohn Iris Godbout Sandra Goetz Bill & Janet Goff Bea Gold Cheryl Golich San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | Impact Report 2015 | Page 18 Steven Reich & Constance Gonczy David & Sona Goodblatt Goodsearch Jane Goodwin Rosemary Goodyear Jeanne Gordon Michael & Jane Gordon Joseph Gordon June Gottleib Henry & Catherine Graham Tandora Grant Dorothy Green Brad & Lauren Greider Thomas & Margaret Greubel Courtney Griffith Margaret Griffith Robert & Virginia Grigg Don & Joan Grine Erik & Irina Gronborg Inga Grove Heather Grove Donna & Donald Gruol Debra Hager Sally Van Haitsma Edward & Stephanie Hall Terrence & Martha Hallaren Tony & Christie Hamel Lisa Hamilton Patrick Hamilton Dr Dorit Hanein Christopher & Kristy Harden James & Diane Hardison William T & Anita Harless Jerry Harmon C. Harris Gary R Johnson & Florence Harrod Leonard & Frances Hart Bill& Elaine Hartleb Salah Hassanein Marjorie Hatcher Geoffrey Miller & Karen Haubrich Chuck & Lee Hawley Georgia Ann Hayashi Woody & Connie Hays Dave Shaw & Anita Hayworth Jim Healy Yoko Fujimoto Heath Donald Davis & Lesa Heebner Robert Hemphill Herb Henderson Christy Hendrickson Steven & Sarah Henriksen Daniel & Susan Henry Dr James Michelsen & Dr Mary E Hensler Peter & Elizabeth Hergesheimer Marsha Herman Michael & Mary Hetz Jennifer Hewitson Richard Hicks Kimberly & Steven Higgins Dennis & Joan Higgins Robert Higuchi Tony Hilgers Helen Hill Matt Shaughnessy & Pamela Hinchcliffe J William Hinchy Hirsch Pipe & Supply Patricia Hogan Colin & Vicky Holman Stanley & Annette Hook Mark & Jane Hoppe Ken & Chris Hornback Estil & Margaret Hoversten John Howard William & Pam Howe Mr Jang Hsu Mark Huber Michael & Jeannie Huse Robert Hyman Michael Imrich Debra Inada Genentech Bob & Sandy Irwin Donald & Charlotte Jackson Mary Jane Jagodzinski Linda Joerden Frances Johnson Duane Johnson Mr & Mrs William Johnson Douglas & Cecilia Jolly Herschel & Mary Ann Jones Jennifer Jones Todd K & E Tracy Jones Jim & Louise Julig Jim & Mary Lou Kaae Thomas & Rena Kaiser Sidney Karin Carol Katayama Merry Lynn Katis John & Deborah Kaufman The Keenan-Rivers Family Cliff & Karin Keller Kern Kenyon Michael & Jeanne Kew Ray & Mary Anne Kieffer Elsa Jane Killermann Chrissy King Dana & Nancy King Linda King Judith Kinsell Linda Kitchens Sharon Klein Robert Beasley & Mayme Kline William & Sandra Knowles Terry Knox Adam & Lisa Kommers David & Leigh Kramer Hugh Lawrence & Daina Krigens Mitchell Kronenberg Peter & Melissa Kuhn Richard & Cynthia Kumlin Andy & Pam Kurz Artun Kutchuk Mark Leggett & James Kyle Jessica Laemmle David Daymude & Lisa Lane F. Lane Wells & Betty Lange Alan & Linda Langhorn Steve & Karen Larsen Gordon Peter Laszlo Terry & Kathy Lathrum Larry & Joyce Laveman George & Carol Law William & Elizabeth Lawson Mr & Mrs Thomas Lawton Frank & Shirley Layton Jean Leamy Thomas Leathem Dennis & Kathleen Lees Greg & Deb Lefevre Ellen Lefkowitz Charles Leighton Jon & Judy Lelevier Richard Forsyth & Katherine Leonard Russell & Jill Levan David Checkley & Lisa Levin Michael & Shea Levin John Denton & Nancy Levin Nick & Lorraine Levy Mark & Meg Levy Stephanie Lie James & Nancy Likins Kathleen Lindemann Allie Liu Michael Newhouse & Rose Lochmann Eric & Suellen Lodge Elly Lomberg Dave & Barbara Loskutoff Brian & Sharon Loveman Mara Sundu Loveman Jennifer Luce Michael & Julie Luther Susan Lux Jeff Lyle & Quentin Lyle Clay Macleod Dr & Mrs Stuart MacPherson Anne Magoffin Patrick Maher Vilma Malmberg Jackie Malone Frank & Chana Mannen Edward Marks Jim Clark & Pam Marrett John & Jane Martin Jeremy & Jill Martin Kevin & Julia Martin Carol M Mason TRAILBLAZERS Alanson & Janet Mason Barbara Mathis Ken Matsumoto & Diane Dufresne-Matsumoto Alan Maxwell Christopher McBee Lise McCarty Michael & Karen McClune Bud & Jan McClure Bob Sauers & Alis McCurdy John & Vernie McGowan Penelope McIlwaine John & Mary McIsaac Wendi & Neil McKenna Janet McLaughlin Marilee McLean Wendy McWethy Salman Mehboob Dr Richard Gomez & Lina Mendenhall Sarah Meno Mary Meyers Arnold Markman & Elizabeth Michel Eric & Betty Milne Bonnie Minamide Robin Mitchell Beverly Moazed Gary Moinet Richard & Frances Moore Bob & Cindy Moore David Moreno Dordi Moriel Dierdre & Greg Morris April Mosebrook Kent & Amy Moser Bill & Mary Moser Bill Pultz & Maureen Moss Anne Murphy Abe Ordover & Eleanor Musick Joseph Musser George Nakamura Rick Schlesinger & Judy Nakatomi Alex & Natalie Neal Thomas & Mary Nee Josephine Neeb Paul & Nancy Nelson Michael & Eren Nemiroff Network For Good Marianne Nicols Mark & Suzanne Nims John & Barbara Nommesen Nordson Corporation North American Taiwanese Women’s Association Sally Norvell J Lloyd O’Connell James & Gretchen O’Connell George & Dudney O’Dell Ryan & Jenny Oehler John & Sally O’Hara The Ohman Family Stephen & Kathleen O’Leary Dave Roberts & Walter Oliver Robert Olson Mary O’Neil Oracle Gary & Julia Orso Lawrence & Terri Palinkas Thomas Parker Rosalie Parkinson Barbara Patterson Copper & Catherine Pavnic John Payne & Susan Rae Milner Payne Michael G Peeler Trudy Kohout & Stephen Perry Jim & Ann Peter Annkatrin Petersen Iris Peterson John & Rosemary Pfanner Wendy Pierro Eric Slater & Marcia Pilatti Mariette Pinchart Ryan Pingree Janet Placido Ralph Plender Charles & Cecilia Plost J Steven Poceta Kenneth & Sheila Poggenburg Jon & Patti Polikoff Mary Poniatowski Nancy Gordon & Barb Potts Quentin Powers Jennifer Price Carl Provder Carla Pryor Lindsay & Debra Quackenbush Alan Schmidt & Alby Quinlan Robert & Susan Rantzow Robert & Jennie Ratliff Donna Raub Carol & John Rayes Freda Reid Ray & Kathy Jean Reinhard Tad Reynales Karen Rhiner Lawrence & Carol Rhyne Gary & Rebecca Rice Robert Murashige & Marsha Richards Sarah Richmond Laurel Roberts Sue Ann Robinson George & Carol Rodriguez Harry Roesener Lawrence & Joy Rogers Steve Rose & Sharon Clay Rose Barbara Rosen Patricia Roskowski Marion Ellen Ross Gloria De Rouen Michael Kalichman & Linda Roux Peter & Winona Rowat Jean Rowland Alan Russell Janis Ryan Randall Ryti San Diego Botanic Gardens Josiah & Abbie Sand Jerry & Lynn Sandlin Harold Feder & Gloria Sandvik Mary Sasso Richard & Alexa Saxon Rich & Lindy Schermerhorn Dana Schierenbeck Roger & Louise Schmitt Jeff Bada & Margaret Schoeninger Judy Schramm Ken & Mary Lou Schultz Melanie Schwab Cheryl Schwaebe Richard Schwartzlose David & Pamela Scott Kenneth & Lynn Selzer Ann Shackley Sid Shapira Genie Shenk Jon & Dr Sabine Kurtz Sherman James & Susan Sherman Jim Dyjak & Susan Sherry Jerry & Frieda Shiller Jane & Dean Shimizu Tom & Linda Shipman Sharla Short Glenn Silverman William & Ellen Simms William & Joan Simon Jim & Gretchen Simpson Enid V Singer Lissa Skiles Edward Slater Steve Lightner & Marc Smith Mary Jean Smith Robert & Nancy Sonnhalter Ross Ridder & John Spencer Skye Spencer Milton & Zita Spinner Mark & Barbara Spiro Springbrook Insurance Agency John & Jane Springer Michael White & Jerre Stallcup Alexander & Barbara Stanculescu John & Marilyn Steckert Stuart Steinfeld James & Kathleen Stiven Mr. & Mrs. Ross and Nancy Stockwell James & Ruth Stoffel Sally & Al Stoffel Martin & Maryann Stone Kevin Stout Douglas Belden & Debbie Stranton Erika Streuer Barbara Stroud Shirley Strum Valetta Sueppel Cliff & Pam Surko Bruce & Marge Sutherland David & Judie Swinington Robert & Cindy Switzler Trudy Synodis Ronald Tabor Angela Terry The Zenith Dan & Mary Thomas Julianna & James Thomas William Thompson Ian Thompson Judy Thum Mike Tice Stephen Tillett Donna Todd Toro Nancy Tougaw Truist Roger Tsien & Wendy Globe Tsien Jerry Tuler Wendy Turner Jeff & Chris Tyner Diane & Robert Tyson Robert & Ayse Underhill Dana Upton Rankine & Mary Van Anda Lucy Velazquez Steve Vico Stanley & Judith Vignos Frank & Theresa Villaire Dave & Dawn Voss William & Ann Wachtler Stephan Miller & Elisabeth Walcott Julia & Tom Walker Pamela Walker Livia F Walsh Timothy Adams & Michelle Walter Diane Walters Waters Corporation Thomas & Molly Webb Paul Weddle Jim Weinberger John G Wells Mark & Gayle Wells Robert & Rosalie Weston Paul Nyerges & Lynn Weston Allen White & Julie Haugsness-White Billy Stern & Carolyn Whitehouse Mark & Deborah Whitehouse Antony & Barbara Widgery John Wigmore Lilly Wilcox John & Christine Willems Norman Williams Joan Williamson Anna Willis Willis Allen Real Estate Ed & Janet Willson Elizabeth Wilson Russ Wilson Elizabeth & Clint Winant Karen & Fred Wise Carol Wolf John & Patricia Wolfe Francisco & Toni Wong Steve Davis & Amy Wrench Andy & Bridget Wright Margaret Wurster Robert Blumberg & Andrea Yates Harry & Elsie Yip Jeffrey & Karen Young Stanley & Eleanor Zahler Sholeh & Bijan Zayer Judith Zibbell Zoological Society of San Diego Stephen Zug PHOTOGRAPHY BY: Al Butler, Chris Hoover, Peggy Martin, Todd Nordness Jennifer Bright Development Director (760) 436-3944 x 705 jennifer@sanelijo.org San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | Impact Report 2015 | Page 19 Photo: Chris Hoover San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy | WE HAVE A PLACE FOR YOU — Impact Report 2015 | SanElijo.org | (760) 436-3944
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Winter - San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy
Carol Childs & Peter House
Christina & Carl Fredericks
Denise & Dave Stillinger
Elizabeth Keadle & Nicholas Leibham
Joy Marie & Janet Simon
Las Olas Mexican Restaurant
Mary & Robert Engman
Noreen K...
2009 Annual Report - San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy
who have committed themselves further by participating in our extensive docent training and education
program. Such programs instill in the public the importance of the biosphere, that complex tape...