the cone collector - Seashell Collector


the cone collector - Seashell Collector
#7 - July 2008
Note From
the Editor
António Monteiro
André Poremski
John Abba
Luigi Bozzetti
Jim Cootes
Bill Fenzan
Mike Filmer
Richard Goldberg
Brian Hammond
Kelly McCarthy
Don Moody
Philippe Quiquandon
Jon Singleton
Manuel Jiménez Tenorio
David Touitou
Armando Verdasca
On the Cover:
Conus eversoni Petuch,
1987, a very rare species in
collections and thought to be
endemic to the Bay Islands of
Honduras. Photo by Randy
Allamand of Sebring, Florida,
You are now in possession of issue number 7 of The Cone Collector, which is actually our eighth issue! If you follow this
newsletter from the beginning, you will know that this apparent numerical paradox – which can appear particularly
bizarre since your Editor is in fact a Maths’ teacher – result
from the fact that we started with an experimental issue,
which was identified as issue #0.
Once again we have tried to put together an interesting collection of articles, with something for everyone – you may
actually find a couple of rather surprising subjects inside…–
from beginners to the Cone world (if not even to the shell
world) to advanced collectors.
Thanks are due to all the authors who took the time to write
those articles and send them along. Surely nothing could be
done without them! And the sheer variety of subjects covered will hopefully encourage others to contribute too.
May I say that I am especially satisfied with the “Who’s Who
in Cones” column? I have always felt that shell collecting is
not only about shells, it is also about making friends. Being
in touch with people from all over the world who share our
interests is for me a major reward of collecting. And I always
felt that it was nice to have faces to go with names and to
know something about our fellow collectors. Our gallery will
grow with each additional issue and even from an historical
point of view such a register will be of some importance years
from now.
I hope that you enjoy the new TCC. Don’t forget do give us
some feedback. Your opinion does matter!
António Monteiro
Who’s Who
in Cones: Manuel Jiménez Tenorio
was born in Jerez de la Frontera, Spain, on the 28th
April 1965. My hometown is known worldwide thanks
to its finest exports, Sherry and horses, being also considered one of the cradles of genuine Flamenco. After
primary and secondary school, I went to the University
of Cádiz, where I obtained the BSc in Chemistry. Then
I moved to Brighton, United Kingdom, where I spent
three years doing research for my PhD at the University
of Sussex. Once I obtained my PhD degree, I returned to
the University of Cádiz in 1991, where I got a position as
assistant professor of Inorganic Chemistry. I gained my
tenure in 1996, and since then
I belong to the staff of the University as full-time lecturer and
researcher. I married my wife
Maribel in 1993; we have two
daughters, Claudia (seven) and
Isabel (four), and live in Jerez.
Although Jerez is not on the
seaside, it is very close, just
about 15 Km. This means that
since my very early childhood
I was in contact with the sea.
As usual, the first contact with
seashells was during summer
on the beach. My interest in
the collecting Natural History
items was born then. But my
main interests at the time were
insects, especially butterflies. I
discovered the beauty of tropical shells in our honeymoon
in Bali in 1993 and became attracted to Cypraeas. And I discovered that getting shells
in Bali was much easier than catching butterflies! When
I returned home with a bunch of more or less common
shells, I identified them with the help of a book borrowed from a friend. In this fashion, my passion for shell
collecting was born.
Thanks to frequent travels to England for professional
reasons, I met Kenneth Wye when he had a shell shop
near Covent Garden in London. I obtained from him
my first specimen shells, as well as advice and guidance.
The information gathered in this way prompted my first
shell-collecting trip to the Philippines in 1995. Shortly
afterwards I took a scuba diving course. I got in touch
with many dealers from different countries, and made
many shell friends thanks to the Internet. I kept making
diving and shell-collecting trips to many places: Mauritius, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Egypt, Canary Islands…
As my collection was growing
up (mainly Cypraeidae, Conidae, Strombidae and Volutidae),
I was becoming more and more
interested in Conidae. Being the
proud owner of one copy of the
“Manual of Living Conidae”
shortly after its publication, I
considered that the Indo-Pacific region was reasonably well
covered, but the information
on Conidae from other regions
was more scarce and scattered.
I decided to study the Cones
from these areas in detail by
myself, gathering information,
photographing specimens and
type material, etc, with the
aim of preparing a work which
could be some day of help to
other Conus collectors. One of
the most problematic groups
was the Conidae from the Cape Verde Islands. Thanks
to information kindly provided by Dr. Emilio Rolán, my
good friend Carlos Afonso from Portugal and myself
made our first field trip to the Cape Verde Archipelago
in 1999. Since then, I have been visiting these islands
yearly, and have made many interesting discoveries. All
the information collected during these trips proved to be
very useful when I joined efforts with António Monteiro
Page 2
Letters to
the Editor
and Guido Poppe for the preparation of “the West African and Mediterranean Species of Conus” for the Conchological Iconography series. Now, the “South African
Conidae” part of the Iconography will be out soon, and I
will be hopefully working on the cones from the remaining geographic areas.
Being a professional researcher in chemistry, I soon adopted a scientific approach to the study of Conus. In the
last four years I have authored 8 papers and two books
on Conus, and have described around a dozen of new
Conus species and subspecies. In recent times, I became
acquainted with geometric morphometric techniques
applied to the study of molluscs’ shells in general and of
Conus in particular. I am quite interested in the supraspecific classification of Conidae and in the study of radular
anatomy. At present, I am studying the populations of
Conus guanche from the Canary Islands, and a number of
Conus sp. from different localities. I am involved in other
projects dealing with geometric morphometric analysis
of Pleurotomariidae, and of Cerion land snails from the
Bahamas, in collaboration with Dr. Jerry Harasewych.
Finally, I must mention that apart from science and
shells, I have other hobbies. I love classical music, especially from the baroque period, being very fond of Handel’s baroque operas. I also love hiking and mountaineering, as well as skiing, and try to do all of these things as
often as I can.
From Don Moody:
Thanks for another enjoyable and informative
issue [TCC #5]. Two articles were of particular
interest to me. The first on the status of Conus
queketti. I must confess that while there are certainly similarities between some forms of C. imperialis and C. queketti, there is enough doubt for
me to at least leave it in the category of a possible
valid species (but certainly subject to a change
in opinion), and I have
added some notes about
its status to my collection
label as well. I was fortunate to recently purchase
a speciman from Alan
Seccombe. I have second
speciman in very fine condition, but with a light
yellow pattern in coloration (about 42 mm).
Conus queketti E.A. Smith, 1906,
31mm, dredged off Natal, South
Africa in 40 meters. Photo by
Alan Seccombe.
As for Conus stearnsi, this is a common species
found throughout the West Coast of Florida.
The pictures that Andre Poremski provided for
this issue are certainly the norm for the species. I
have found some variation in small isolated populations along the West Coast. Ones from the
Sanibel Island and the Ft. Myers Beach area in
open passes tend to be almost white with a trace
of white-on-white markings, larger and slightly
broader at the shoulder, while others found further back in the passes among silty sand and seagrasses correspond more closely to your figured
Tampa Bay seems to be the best spot to find specimens that are practically solid black – about one
out of every six, and the general population there
seems darker than ones further south. North of
Tampa Bay, in Johns Pass, seems to be a small
population that is off-white with only brown
speckling. From Tarpon Springs north to the
Big Bend area of west Florida the population is
generally found in thick, silty mud and thick seagrass, and taken by screening. These specimens
are very small and generally are only about 12mm
or smaller, and tend towards a reddish brown
ground color a limited speckling. Off Keaton
Beach, north of Steinhatchee, in Florida’s Big
Bend I screened small specimens at extremely
low tide about half a mile from the shoreline –
these were small (10mm or less), narrower in aspect, and a uniform glossy light grey color. I have
a dead-taken specimen from St. Andrews Bay in
Panama City, but have not been able to collect
any live specimens there or anywhere else in the
Florida Panhandle. Personal observation would
suggest a range from Cape Sable to the Big Bend,
and possibly further west. These are an interesting and variable species within a narrow range of
color and pattern, and are always a pleasure to
find popping out of the sand on the edge of a
sandbank on the incoming tide. Thanks for the
great pictures Andre!
The Editor replies:
Thanks a lot for your comments, Don! Everybody appreciates this kind of interaction, with
comments to previously published articles that
may in turn raise further discussion, for the benefit of all.
Page 8. I am surprsied that Alan Limpus does
not mention that C. advertex is a synonym
(form) of C. angasi Tryon.
Page 17. An interesting paper but I do not think
that shells mimic other shells for reasons of security. As far as I am aware predators of mollusca
are not affected by the poisons in other mollusca
– for example many native people living near the
sea in South East Asia eat all kinds of shellfish
including cones with no adverse effects, also I
have often found the remains of Cones including those known to be toxic which have been
eaten by predators with, it seems, impunity. As
for C. geographus and Melo miltonis, the later is
gigantic compared to the former, at least 3 times
the size!
Page 24. I do not think that cebuensis deserves
subspecies status – it is only a form of proximus
and this form is found not only in the Cebu area
it is therefore not geographically separated from
Octopuses are a very well known predator of
Cone shells – many fine specimens have been
found at the entrance to Octopus lairs.
The Editor replies:
Some of the instances in Al’s paper on mimicry
are of course cases of convergence rather than
actual mimicry, but they are quite striking nonetheless!
From Mike Filmer:
Thanks for issue no. 6 yet another great effort on
which I have a few comments :
Page 4
Lost Cone Holotype Recovered by
Amateur Cone Collector
Bill Fenzan
This is a brief note to inform readers of The Cone Collector that the holotype of Conus (Floraconus) lightbourni Petuch, 1986 has been located and delivered to the
proper type repository. The holotype was said to have
been deposited in the Delaware Museum of Natural History in the original description, but a 1991 type catalog
of material stored at the museum states it was never received.
I recognized the shell as the missing holotype when it
was offered to me for sale by a shell dealer. Once identity of the specimen was confirmed as the missing holotype, the Curator of Mollusks at the Delaware Museum
of Natural History, Dr. Elizabeth Shea, was notified of
the discovery. The shell was delivered to the museum on
14 March 2008, 22 years after it was accessioned by the
This recovery of a missing name-bearing type was only
possible because of the generosity of the many people
who helped me pursue knowledge of concerning cone
type specimens over the last few years. A fuller account
of this fortunate recovery will be submitted to the editor of American Conchologist magazine later this year for
Photo caption:
Conus lightbourni Petuch, 1986, holotype (text figures
from the original description). Copyright © 2007 Biological Society of Washington. From Proceedings of the
Biological Society of Washington, reprinted by permission
of Allen Press Publishing Services.
Note from the Editor:
Naturally, we thank Bill for this note, anticipating his
longer paper on the subject. We also thank the author
and the publisher of the original description for permission to use the photo of the holotype.
During the recent Shell Show held in Antwerp. the Netherlands, a number of Cone collectors had the opportunity to meet – and obviously to discuss Cones and Cone problems! Here is a photo of a happy foursome!
From left to right: Bill Fenzan, Gabriella Raybaudi Massilia, Paul Kersten and Onno Roep.
The kinoshitai Story in Australia
Jon Singleton
Most of the deeper water cones
which were originally discovered
and named from the N. W. Pacific
region have since proved to range
extensively down to West Pacific,
and a few even into the Indian
Ocean. One such species is Conus
kinoshitai Kuroda, 1956, and the
first living specimen from Australian waters was collected in July
The kinoshitai story begins with
two live cones being found in the
Gloucester Passage, which is off
Bowen on the central Queensland
coast. These were tentatively identified as C. kinoshitai, and one was
illustrated within the 1964 Cone
Shells of the World on Pl. 22, fig. 20.
This hand drawn illustration does
not match the kinoshitai shape familiar to collectors today, and even
the authors seemed uncertain as
they likened it to C. anemone, a species not occurring in Queensland
waters. To me, the nearest match
for their illustration is a dark form
of C. achatinus, an uncommon species in Queensland waters and rarely found alive. The whereabouts of
the two Gloucester Passage cones is
On to the late 1960s and new prawn fishing areas were
opened for trawling. The older technique of prawn
trawling produced a lot of by-product such as shells, and
it was a boom time for collectors. A large percentage of
the shells were long dead and eroded, and from a box
of such junk shells which had been in storage for a few
years, I discovered a faded but intact C. kinoshitai. All
this material had been trawled off Cape Moreton, just
north of Brisbane, from a depth of
160 metres. The only other possible
Queensland kinoshitai is shown
within the 1995 Cone Manual as a
C. trbblei on Pl. 25, fig. 15. This is
an eroded cone without any colour
or pattern, but the shape to me is a
far better match for a C. kinoshitai.
Over on the other side of the continent, research vessels were also
seeking new fishing grounds, and
in the early 1980s many areas of
the N. W. Shelf to the north of
Port Hedland, Western Australia,
were sampled and many unusual
shells surfaced in the dredge. One
large cone 72.7 mm × 32.2 mm was
identified as a C. kinoshitai, though
it was long dead, but still with some
dorsal pattern.
It was to be another 25 years before the first live taken kinoshitai
surfaced from N. W. Australia. A
survey vessel sampling between
Broome and the Kimberly coast
trawled a live 60.3 mm × 29 mm
specimen with the standard lavender and brown markings.
The illustrations show the old 1964 specimen at fig. 1;
fig. 2 is a matching achatinus: fig. 3 the old Cape Moreton cone; and fig. 4 the recent live-taken specimen.
Marsh, J. A. & Rippingale, O. H.
1964: Cone Shells of the World, first edition.
Röckel, D., Korn, W. & Kohn, A. J.
1995: Manual of the Living Conidae.
Page 6
A Fine Find!
John Abba
It was a moonless, drizzling night in March. Been raining
on, and off, for over a week. Habitat of the Conus abbas's
are known to be in mud-sand, and up to a depth of 20
This night I went to 30 meters, and and dropped " Tangle
Nets " 15 sets in all, towards the village where the mud
sediments were higher than sand..
3 days later it was pick up time, and " Bingo." Specimes
of Conus abbas in the 70 mm uncommon, and 80 mm
rare, all tangled up trying to get at the decaying pieces of
fish I used as bait.. Well the one that stood out was the
91.5 mm. Never has a 90mm plus known to date been
The Conus hyaena measuring 80.5 was another BIG one.
Again no specimen known over the WRS of 76.5 mm.
So was it the moonless night? Was it the time of year, as
I have been noticing this cone species for years. Was it
the more muddy bottom than usual? OR was it the rain
lasting for over a week that lowered the salinity of the sea
water? I did measure the salt in the water with a gauge,
I use to measure salt in my live lobster tanks. It was .090.
Usually at this Pangandaran Bay its .092 and near the
Equator in North Sulawasi, Manado its .093. Should be
.093 in the Philippines, but could be wrong.
Whatever it was, that prompted these Conus abbas and
Conus hyaena to crawl out, well, guess we'll have to wait
'till next year. Seasons's over..But its definatly same time,
same spot next year..for further studies.
An Exceptional
Philippe Quiquandon
As we are well aware of, our friend Philippe Quiquandon
specializes in exceptional shells, particularly in World
Record Sizes. This time he has sent photos of a truly
giant C . vicweei Old, 1973: no less than 100.6 mm in
length! The specimen was trawled alive by a Thai boat
off Burma, from a depth of about 400 m.
Page 8
The spectrum complex in Australia
Jon Singleton
Conus spectrum is a reasonably common species around
the subtropical coasts of
Western Australia and
Queensland. Although I have
no record myself, it must be
around the offshore islands
of the Northern Territories.
A specimen from Darwin is
illustrated within a major article on Conus radula study.
The West Australia coastal
spectrum is the "stillatus"
form and can be found living intertidally on sand flats
which can be covered by 10
metres of water at high tides.
This coastal form ranges
along the N. W. coast from
the N. W. Cape to just north
of Broome. At some far N.
W. offshore islands a C. spectrum can be found living between 10 to 20 metres depth.
These are heavier in weight
compared to similar sized
coastal specimens.
The C. spectrum from Queensland waters show a lot more
variety in colour and pattern.
A large form which can attain
a length of 80 mm occurs in
Keppel Bay, just accessible to
divers, but more commonly
trawled. It has a standard
pattern of chocolate brown
on white. Similar colour
specimens also occur at locations up to off Townsville,
but do not appear to reach
the length of the Keppel Bay
specimens. The most common form which is spread
over the whole Queensland
eastern coast to as far south
as the Swain Reefs, are usually white with thinner brown
stripes and small blotches. A
yellow to orange form occurs
at a few isolated locations. As
with all cone species, amongst
a large population, the odd
unusually marked specimen
will occasionally be found. I
have sighted a uniform medium brown coloured spectrum
within a private collection,
but never an all white specimen.
The illustrated specimens
from West Australia are 35
to 57 mm in length: figs. 1 &
2 are the offshore form; the
figs. 3, 4 & 5 are the coastal
C. stillatus form. The Queensland illustrations are 43 to
73 mm in length: fig. 1 from
Keppel Bay, fig. 2 the orange
form, fig. 6 the commoner
standard form, and figs. 3, 4
& 5 just odd variations.
Rolán, E. & Raybaudi, G.
1994: New Investigation on
the radular teeth of Conus.
Argonauta VIII (7-12)
December, Part II.
Rediscovery of Conus boivini in
Luigi Bozzetti
After its description dating back as far as 1845, all traces
of Conus boivini Kiener were lost, the little information
available in written works is controverted; Walls (1978)
writes about a second specimen, the picture of which is
referred to as C. conspersus Reeve,1844 by Marsh and
Rippingale (1964), such attribution is quite doubtful
and not worldwide accepted. Röckel, Korn and Kohn
(1995) do not include this shell among valid species,
and set it apart in Appendix 1, among nominal species
of doubtful validity. Coomans, Moolenbeek and Wils
(1982) consider it as a teratologic specimen of C. gubernator Hwass,1792. Richard (1990) acknowledges its
specific validity.
The specimen in the picture hereby was found in Toliara area, South-western Madagascar, in November 2007,
size is 65 x 33mm; the dimensions and morphological
features (depressed spire, spiral sculpture under shoulder
and on the basis, lateral sides constricted on the posterior area) fully match with the description of C. boivini
as well as with the holotype picture. The location where
it was found, the colour and the pattern remind of C.
gubernator, therefore, should this specimen turn out to
be conspecific to Kiener taxon, this would confirm the
hereabove quoted hypothesis made by Coomans et al..
Comans, H.,E., Moolenbeek, R.,G., & Wils, E.
1982: Alphabetical revision of the (sub)species in
recent Conidae 5. baccatus to byssinus, including C.
brettinghami nomem novum. Basteria, Leiden. 46:
Marsh, J.,A., & Rippingale, O.,H.
1964: Cone Shells of the World. Jacaranda: Brisbane.
Richard, G.
1990: Revision des Conidae du Museum National
d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris. Ecole Pratique des Hautes
Etudes, Perpignan Cedex. 1-231.
Röckel, D., Korn, W. & Kohn, A.,J.
1995: Manual of the Living Conidae. Volume 1 IndoPacific Region. Verlag Christa Hemmen: Wiesbaden,
Germany. 1-517.
Walls, J.,G.
1978: A Synopsis of the Living Conidae. TFH
Publications: Neptune City, New Jersey. 1-1009.
Note from the Editor:
Personally I have no doubts whatsoever that this specimen is indeed a teratological specimen of C. gubernator
Hwass in Bruguière, 1792 and in fact this is not the first
such specimen that I saw. For this reason I concur with
the author’s opinion that it confirms the hypothesis by
Coomans et al.
Page 10
Conus gubernator from the West Indian Ocean:
An Iconographic Syntheses
Armando Verdasca & António Monteiro
Conus gubernator Hwass in Bruguière, 1792 has always
captivated the interest and curiosity of cone collectors
because of its great diversity of patterns and forms.
Many will remember countless articles that appeared in
Hawaiian Shell News from late 1970s to early 1980s discussing Conus pramparti (a nomen nudum, since it was
never published with a proper description), Conus leehmani Röckel & daMotta, 1979, (presently considered
as a mere form of Conus gubernator, which means that
C. leehmani is a synonym of C. gubernator) and Conus
frauenfeldi Crosse, 1865 (which some consider a form of
Conus magus). The subject is still controversial nowadays
It should be stressed right from the start that the subgenus Strioconus, first introduced by Thiele in 1929, which
includes Conus gubernator and some of its nearest cousins, such as Conus striatus Linnaeus, 1758, Conus barthelemyi Bernardi, 1861 and Conus gauguini Richard &
Salvat, 1973, is known to allow for many forms and local
variations, as well as subspecies.
In Röckel et al, the description of Conus gubernator reads
as follows:
“Medium-sized to large[2], moderately solid to
moderately heavy. Last whorl conical to ventricosely conical in form leehmani, also narrowly
conical and narrowly conoid-cylindrical to
conoid-cylindrical in typical form and intermediate shells; outline slightly to sometimes
strongly convex at adapical fourth to third,
straight below; adapical fourth often bulbous
and central area slightly concave in form leehmani and intermediate shells… Spire of low
to moderate height; outline slightly convex or
slightly sigmoid to concave, concave to deeply
concave in form leehmani… Teleoconch sutural
ramps flat in early whorls, concave to deeply concave in late whorls, with 0- 1 increasing to 5- 10
spiral grooves; spiral sculpture weak to obsolete
on latest ramps. Last whorl with several shallow
spiral grooves on basal fourth to third and variably broad ribbons between; fine spiral threads
extending from shoulder to base, occasionally
coarser on basal ribbons."
When it comes to pattern, the authors add, about the
typical form of the species:
“Ground colour white, often suffused with violet and less commonly with grey or brown. Last
whorl with separate or confluent tan, reddish
or blackish brown axial markings. Each marking may have two different shades of brown;
surface often with underlying yellowish brown
to violet background pattern. Violet tints more
pronounced in specimens from Mozambique,
Madagascar and Aldabra Is. than in shells from
more northern localities. Axial markings variable
in size and shape, ranging from irregular flecks
to large, often zigzag flames. Pattern elements
evenly distributed across last whorl or clustered
in spiral rows on both sides of centre; rows may
partially fuse into solid bands. Shells lacking surface pattern elements intergrade with shells with
a heavily blotched and banded last whorl. Siphonal fasciole white, occasionally tinged with yellowish brown. Larval whorls and first 1-4 postnuclear sutural ramps white to orange, or light
pink. Following sutural ramps with yellowish to
reddish or dark brown radial blotches, streaks or
lines. Aperture white to bluish white; occasionally bright orange deep within.”
Things obviously get more complicated when we abandon the typical form and face form leehmani, which is
described by Röckel et al in the following terms:
“Ground colour white to cream. Last whorl with
a yellowish brown spiral band on each side of
centre; an additional spiral band may be present
below shoulder. Spiral colour bands separate or
connected by a variable number of identically
coloured axial streaks to broad bands. Dark or
reddish brown spots or axial streaks or blotches
mostly over spiral bands; markings usually sparse
and irregularly spaced, occasionally absent. Siphonal fasciole white or tinged with yellow. Larval
and first 1-4 postnuclear sutural ramps orange.
Following sutural ramps with reddish brown radial blotches. Aperture white, pale orange deep
within in some specimens.”
From a morphometric point of view, the form leehmani
is characterized by a relatively wide shoulder (very wide
in populations from the Maldive Islands, with RD of
Archipelagoes and occasionally in Mozambique.
Specimens from Chagos, Seychelles, Amirantes,
and Mascarenes (Pl. 45, Figs. 15-19) are intermediate in shell morphology, colour pattern,
and apex colouration between typical C. gubernator and form leehmani. The species originally
described as C. veillardi (Pl. 45, Fig. 6) differs
from C. gubernator only in its smaller adult size.
Colour pattern of the last whorl, aperture colour
and sculpture of the shell agree with C. gubernator and we regard C. veillardi as a local variant.
Shells of smaller adult size but otherwise not
separable from typical C. gubernator are known
also from the nearby Aldabra Is.”
When it comes to habitat, populations from Mozambique and Madagascar usually live intertidally, normally
not deeper than 6/8 metres, on sandy bottoms covered
with algae. Both forms terminus and leehmani can be
found together. Populations are also known from greater
depths, both in South Mozambique and in Southern
Madagascar (Bozzetti, pers. comm., 2007); in such instances the habitat tends to be somewhat richer, under
coral slabs or buried in sand in crevices of the coral platform.
Fig. 1 Detail of Conus gubernator f. leehmani’s spire.
After a close examination of the specimens of Conus
gubernator in our collections and bearing in mind its
provenance, as well as the morphometric parameters and
pattern, we share the opinion expressed by Röckel et al
“Conchological similarities in size, sculpture of
last whorl and spire as well as colour pattern suggest that C. gubernator and the form originally
described as C. leehmani are conspecific. The latter occurs mainly in the Maldive and Laccadive
From a morphometric point of view, the intertidal populations of the form terminus from Mozambique and
Madagascar are very close to each other: RD about 0.50
with high spires, RSH above 0.15.
When it comes to deep water (20 metres depth or more)
populations from Mozambique and Madagascar, the
specimens found usually present an orangish or brownish ground colour usually with two white spiral bands.
When we consider morphometric parameters, RD ranges from 0.51 to 0.52 in specimens from Madagascar and
is of about 0.55 in the ones from Mozambique. The spire
is high in Mozambique specimens (RSH of 0.20-0.25),
whereas specimens from Madagascar tend to have lower
spires (RSH of about 0.15).
Page 12
When we come to form leehmani, specimens from Mozambique normally present a high spire (RSH of about
0.20) and RD ranging from 0.57 to 0.60, whereas the
specimens from Maldives have a medium high spire
(RSH of 0.10-0.12) and a wide shoulder (RD above
0.50). On the other hand, specimens from Reunion Islands have low spires (RSH less than 0.10) and are narrower (RD from 0.55 to 0.57); maximum diameter of
the shell is located more anteriorly than in specimens
from either Maldives or Mozambique.
Plate 1.2 & 1.3: Specimens of Conus gubernator terminus form Lamarck, 1810, from Kiener.
Plate 2.1: Holotype of Conus gubernator leehmani form
Röckel & Da Motta, 1979 and examples of specimens of
this colour form, from Maldives Islands Archipelago.
Plate 2.2: Examples of Conus gubernator leehmani, from
Reunion Island population photos 1, 2 and 3 (“Conus
”), and from Mozambique, photos 4, 5 and
6. The photos
phot 7, 8 and 9 are albinistic variants of
onus gu
gubernator, close to C. leehmani colour
Plate 33.1: Holotype of Conus gubernator veillardi dda Motta, 1990 from Glorieuses Islands
aand ex
examples (photos 2 and 3). The photo
number 7 shows the holotype of Conus boivini
Kiener, 1845, for us an aberrant (freak) speciK
en with a reversed spire, going inwards instead
of oout th
the shell. Other photos show albinistic
ants of C. gubernator.
Fig. 2 Outlines of Conus barthelemyi (left) and Conus gubernator f. leehmani (right).
On the next plates we show several colour forms and
variants in the West Indian Ocean.
Plate 1.1: Lectotype of Conus gubernator Hwass in Bruguière, 1792 and examples of specimens of this colour
We thank the
t Professor
Alan Kohn for permission to reproduce the
he photo
pho of the Holotype of Conus leehmani,
and Miche
el (Mik
(Mike) Filmer for the correspondence, the
kind and h
hopeful words and the photos of some specimens from
m your collection and photos of the Lectotype
of Conus gubernator
and Holotype of Conus veillardi
and Conuss boivin
boivini too. We would like thank Luigi Bozzetti ffor the
h cor
correspondence and permission to work
i h some ddeep water specimens of Conus gubernator,
from Madagascar.
Plate 1.1:
1. Lectotype (photo Mike Filmer) of C. gubernator,
Hwass, 1792; 76,5x34,0mm. MHN of Geneve.
2. 80,3 x 38mm, Tulear area, Madagascar, lobster nets
(60-100mt depth). Armando Verdasca collection
3. 70,2 x 34,8mm, Nacala Bay area, North of Mozambique, shallow water. António Monteiro collection
4. 81,0 x 40,0mm (with periostracum), Pointe aux Pimentes, Mauritius, on reef flat in shallow water.
5. 103,8 x 43,5mm, Tulear area, Madagascar, lobster nets
(60-100mt depth).(AV).
6. 72,5 x 34,8mm. Nacala Bay area, North of Mozambique, shallow water. (AM).
7. 75,10 x 35,55mm. Ternay Bay, Mahe Islands, Seychelles, shallow water. Mike Filmer collection (MF).
8. 56,70 x 25,50mm, Off. Inhaca Island, South of Mozambique, dived about 24-27 mts. (AV).
9. 91,25 x 44,15mm. Black River, Mauritius, shallow water. (MF).
Page 14
Plate 1.2:
1. 79,3 x 33,8. Nacala Bay area, North of Mozambique,
shallow water. (AV).
2. 73,8 x 30,9. Nacala Bay area, North of Mozambique,
shallow water. (AM).
3. 68,1 x 27,0. Nacala Bay area, North of Mozambique,
shallow water. (AV).
4. 68,9 x 32.0mm. Cabaceira Pequena, North of Mozambique, shallow water. (AM).
5. 80,9 x 35.4mm. Tulear area, S.W. Madagascar, shallow
water. (AM).
6. 72,0 x 31,7mm. Zanzibar, Tanzania, shallow water.
7. 81x38mm. Tulear area, Madagascar, shallow water.
8. 99,0 x 42,0mm. Inhaca Island, South of Mozambique,
shallow water. José Rosado collection. ( JR).
9. 70,0 x 28,0mm. Nacala Bay area, North of Mozambique, shallow water. (AV).
Plate 1.3:
1. 71,5 x 30,7mm, Nacala Bay area, North of Mozambique, shallow water. (AM).
2. 66,0 x 28,9 mm, Nacala Bay area, North of Mozambique, shallow water. (AM).
3. 64,2 x 27,5mm, Nacala Bay area, North of Mozambique, shallow water. (AV).
4. 68,0 x 31,0mm, Nacala Bay area, North of Mozambique, shallow water. (AV).
5. 78.3 x 38.7mm, Nacala Bay area, North of Mozambique, shallow water. (AM).
6. 75,2 x 32,0mm, Nacala Bay area, North of Mozambique, shallow water. (AV).
7. 66,1 x 28,5mm. Tulear area, Madagascar, shallow water. (AV).
8. 78,1 x 30,8. Tulear area, Madagascar, shallow water.
9. 64,3 x 28,3mm, Nosy Bay, Nosy Be Island, northern
Madagascar, shallow water. (MF).
Page 18
Plate 2.1:
1. Holotype (photo A. Kohn) of C. leehmani, Röckel &
da Motta, 1979; 65,5x34,0mm. MHN of Geneve.
2. 61,1 x 31,2, Maldives Islands. (AV).
3. 85.40 x 45.10 mm, Gan Island, Maldives Arquipelago,
in sand from 20 meters. (MF).
4. 55.5 x 32.8mm, Maldives Islands. (AM).
5. 69,3x36,0mm, Maldives Islands (?). (AV).
6. 61.7 x 33.5, Maldives Islands. (AM).
7. 81.15 x 42.35 mm, Gan Island, Maldives Arquipelago,
in sand from 20 meters. (MF).
8. 63.9 x 37.0 Maldives Islands. (AM).
9. 59.6 x 32.8 mm. Kilakari, southern India, dived about
10 meters.(MF).
Plate 2.2:
1. 100,0 x 49,9mm. Reunion Island, dived about 50-60
mts. (AM).
2. 99,1 x 51,5mm. Cap Lahoussaye, Reunion Island,
dived about 50-60 mts. (AV).
3. 78.9 x 39.0mm. St. Gilles, Reunion Island, dived about
50-60 mts. (AM).
4. 64,1 x 30,8 mm, Nacala Bay area, North of Mozambique, shallow water. (AV).
5. 58,1 x 28,2mm. Off. Inhaca Island, South of Mozambique, dived about 30 mts. ( JR).
6. 65,4 x 31,6mm, Nacala Bay area, North of Mozambique, shallow water. (AV).
7. 70,2x30,0mm. Tulear area, Madagascar, shallow water.
8. 66,5 x 30,2mm, Nacala Bay area, North of Mozambique, shallow water. (AV).
9. 62,5 x 28,0mm, Nacala Bay area, North of Mozambique, shallow water. (AV).
Page 16
Plate 3.1:
1. Holotype (photo Mike Filmer) of C. veillardi, Da
Motta, 1990; 52.5 x 25.3 mm in MHN of Geneve.
2. 65.1 x 29.6mm. Glorieuses Islands (11 30 S ; 47 20
E). (AM).
3. 61.3 x 29.4mm, Nacala Bay area, North of Mozambique, shallow water. (AM).
4. 65,0 x 30,0mm. Chocas, North of Mozambique, shallow water. (AV).
5. 60.8 x 26.6 mm Cabaceira Pequena, North of Mozambique shallow water. (AM).
6. 66,8x30,0, Nacala Bay area, North of Mozambique,
shallow water. (AV).
7. Holotype (photo Mike Filmer) of Conus boivini
(Kiener, 1845); 60.0 x 29.1 mm in MNHN.
8. 69.3 x 34.4 mm Nacala Bay area, North of Mozambique, shallow water. (AM).
9. 42,2x21,0mm. Off. Inhaca Island, South of Mozambique, dived about 30 mts. (AV).
[1] The whole discussion began in November 1976 in
an article by Elmer G. Leehman (Hawaiian Shell News,
page 8), in which two photos were shown, of something
then named “Conus paramparti”; they were compared
with C. barthelemyi (Elmer apparently had acquired
them as such), and C. gubernator, which they also resembled. Later, in an article dated March 1977, Mike Filmer
suggested that the specimens coming from the Maldives
could be a hybrid of gubernator and barthelemyi!
[2] Usual length between 55 and 80 mm.
[3] In Hawaiian Shell News, June 1980, page 5, da Motta
suggests a way of separating C. gubernator from C. leehmani: if the ratio between length and width of the
shell is less than 2.1, we would have leehmani; otherwise
it would be gubernator! Such criterion appears to us as
quite artificial and hence unacceptable.
Leehman, Elmer G.
1976: Two Offbeat Conus barthelemyi. Hawaiian Shell
News, page 8, November.
Leehman, Elmer G.
1977: “Conus pramparti” – a Valid Species? Hawaiian
Shell News, page 6, March.
Leehman, Elmer G.
1977: Similar but different. Hawaiian Shell News, page
9, December.
Leehman, Elmer G.
1977: Still more about “Conus pramparti”. Hawaiian
Shell News, page 5, May.
Leehman, Elmer G.
1982: Do scientists care about shell names? Hawaiian
Shell News, page 3, September.
Bentley-Buckle, M.
1980: Conus leehmani – Or something else? Hawaiian
Shell News, pag. 14, March.
Martin, Roger.
1982: Pramparti – Leehmani – Frauenfeldi. Hawaiian
Shell News, page 8, July.
da Motta, A. J.
1979: A New Cone from Indian Ocean. Hawaiian Shell
News, pag. 3, November.
Röckel, D., & da Motta, A. J.
1979: New Cone from Indian Ocean. La Conchiglia: 11
(122-123): 17-18.
da Motta, A. J.
1980: The question of Conus leehmani. Hawaiian Shell
News, pag. 5, June.
Röckel, D., Korn, W. & Kohn, A. J.
1995: Manual of the living Conidae. Vol. 1. IndoPacific region. – 517 pp., Wiesbaden (Verlag Christa
Filmer, R. M.
1977: “Conus pramparti” – a Valid Species? Replay
of Leehman article. Hawaiian Shell News, pag. 6 and
10-11, March.
Filmer, R. M.
2001: A Catalogue of Nomenclature and Taxonomy
in the Living Living Conidae 1758-1998. – 388 pp.,
Leiden (Backhuys Publishers).
Hayes, Joe.
1982: R.I.P. “Conus pramparti” and C. leehmani?
Hawaiian Shell News, page 14, February.
Richard, Georges.
1981: Révision systematique des Conidae. Xenophora,
nº. 3, Mai.
Touitou, David.
2007: Conus gubernator f. leehmani, Da Motta &
Röckel, 1979, in the Seychelles, The Cone Collector #3,
Tucker, John K.
1984: The species described by da Motta and coworkers. Hawaiian Shell News, pag. 5, February.
Page 20
Australian Corner
Jon F. Singleton
Cone News from Australia - 19
Conus chiangi was named by Azuma in 1972 and given
a type locality of South China Seas. The likely source of
the type was from Taiwan boats seeking red coral for the
jewellery trade. Sadly for the marine environment, but
fortunately for cone collectors, this destructive smash
and grab fishing for coral was the only source of this species for many years.
The range of C. chiangi slowly grew as specimens were
discovered from the Philippines and south to New Caledonia. Nearly all colonies were found at depths from 200
to 400 metres.
Surprisingly, there is also a record of a live
C. chiangi being found in Western Australia waters. It was dredged from off Hibernia
Reef, on the edge of the N. W. Shelf to the
north of Broome. This specimen is slightly
sub-adult at 10.1 mm × 5.7 mm, and from
only 80 metres depth, which is shallow in
comparison to other W. Pacific locations.
ing trawler. This was likely the standard brown pattern,
though the specimen was paler and appeared faded. A
few years later, in the mid 1970s, a deep water prawner
operating off Port Hedland landed a few smaller and
paler specimens which had been live taken. These were
an off-white with very pale brown/green markings. I was
in the right place at the right time, and a dozen cans of
beer brought me some nice shells including a couple of
there praecellens.
After many years of being a rare item in Australian waters, a fisheries research vessel sampling near the Rowley
Shoals in the N. W. brought up some 20 large specimens
averaging 45 mm in length. Only one specimen appeared
to be fresh dead, the remainder looking very greyish from
being buried in a silty seabed.
Cone News from Australia - 20
Conus praecellens is a well-known species and not regarded in any way to be a rare cone, but within Australian
waters it is a difficult species for collectors to obtain. It
has not been recorded as being within safe scuba depths,
and the few specimens known are all trawled from deeper waters.
Up to a few years ago it was a rare item with only two
known specimens trawled from prawn trawlers operating off Cape Moreton on the Queensland coast. I was
fortunate in obtaining one of these two found in the early 1970s. These two were of the common medium brown
and white pattern of regular blotches and dots in bands.
The first record of C. praecellens from Western Australia was a dead specimen landed by a Carnarvon fish-
The illustrated specimens range in length from 29 to 43
mm. Figs. 1 & 2 are the pale N. W. form, and fig. 3 a
Queensland specimen.
A most distinctintive specimen of
Conus regius…or beginner’s luck !
David Touitou
In the rainy season of 2001 – I was living in Martinique
at the time – a few friends and I profited from a sunny
day to go snorkelling off a beach in the northern Caribbean, a place where few tourists went at all.
Fortunately it had been kept in a refrigerator all along so
he had not ruined it in any way. The following pictures
were taken immediately after cleaning:
At 11:00 hours, having just arrived and parked our cars,
we went directly into the sea. I was the only shell collector in the group. I had already spotted a few empty shells
of Cypraea cinerea Gmelin, 1791 as well as a few promenading Strombus, when we reached a zone where I felt
that I was entering a regius area.
I dived to the bottom in order to search the base of the
big rock boulders. My first specimen was right in front of
me. On that day I found no less than 14 specimens.
After a few hours of searching we decided to go back to
the beach to rest under the sun. Only my friend Cyril
chose to carry on his search, so I lent him one of my pots
(coprology recipients used in laboratories for medical
analysis), so that he can bring back any shells he may
chance to find. It must be said that Cyril was a beginner;
in fact that was one of his very first snorkelling expeditions ever.
One hour and a half later he rejoined us. His plastic pot
was full to the brim and he proudly hands it to me, so
that I can examine his catch. The plastic material of the
container deformed its contents, but I soon noticed that
a large shell was occupying some 80% of its total capacity. It was bright red and, judging from the size, I immediately believed it to be a specimen of Strombus pugilis
Linnaeus, 1758. I turned the pot around and surprise! I
saw the opening of a shell thath did not ressemble that of
a Strombus at all; what was more, the living animal was
clearly visible and it was certainly not a conch! It was
a coronated cone shell! A monster cone of an amazing
colour. I took it from the container and it was wonderful, a true gem at about sixty millimetres, of an orange
colour so rich that it seemed almost red! In a single outing, Cyril had outdone several months of searches with
only one specimen. Since he did not actually collect
shells, he simply gave it to me a few weeks later.
Its colour should be compared with that of other specimens of C. regius citrinus:
Page 22
And here is the same specimen today. Its length is
of 57,2 mm:
Harry Potter & the Poisonous
Orange Snails
Brian Hammond
In the famous Harry Potter series of books by J K Rowling there
are references to Poisonous Orange Snails. In The Prisoner of Azkaban p. 58, they are described as “oozing slowly up the side of
their glass tank” in the Magical Menagerie shop, Diagon Alley.
What might these snails be? Well in his book The Science of Harry Potter Roger Highfield, Science Editor of the Daily Telegraph,
has suggested they might have been Cone shells. Roger goes on
to suggest a number of possible candidates:
Conus textile suzannae, C. regius citrinus, C. capitaneus,
C. magus, C. consors and C. spurius
It has certainly lost something of its original brilliancy but its orange colour is still quite distinct
from what one usually finds on typical Caribbean
specimens. Here are a couple other specimens of C.
regius citrinus for comparison purposes:
Could Harry Potter’s snails have been Conus textile suzannae
Van Rossum, 1990 (fig. 1)? Certainly this is one of the more
poisonous species from the genus Conidae. Maybe they were the
orange form of Conus magus Linné, 1758 (fig. 2). I think this
shell would be the ideal candidate because after all magus is the
Magician’s Cone. Magus is not only a poisonous orange snail it is
also a curer of pain as it was from the venom of Conus magus that
the pain killing drug PRIALT was synthesised.
Another possible candidate could be Conus aulicus aurantia
Dautzenberg, 1937 (fig. 3) certainly a very poisonous species, the
venom of which might be very useful in Professor Snape’s Potion
classes, or in a potent spell for dealing with “He who must not be
Roger’s suggestion of Conus regius citrinus Gmelin, 1791 (fig.
4) was not high on my list of candidates as it is rarely found in
a true orange form, however reports on the internet show that a
toxin from the venom of regius has been used in research on effective ways of treating chronic pain and may lead to future drugs
being available. Another species used in a similar way and resulting in the drug code named ACV1, currently in clinical trials is
Conus victoriae Reeve 1843 (fig. 5). An orange form of victoriae
is known.
Conus capitaneus cecillae "Chenu" Crosse, 1858 (fig. 6) is undoubtedly an orange snail. However I find it difficult to see how
this small cone could be very effective as an ingredient in a lethal spell but you never know perhaps it has magical properties
Muggle scientists have yet to discover.
Conus consors
Sowerby, 1833
is closely relat5
ed to magus and
shares the magician
cone’s magical properties in treating morphine
resistant pain. The form poehlianus Sowerby III, 1887 (fig. 7)
is often orange/brown in colour.
Conus spurius arabaensis (fig. 8) is an orange spotted
cone and a possible candidate, but if we are considering
orange spotted cones then why not the common Tessellate Cone Conus tessulatus Born, 1778 (fig. 9).
Some other possible candidates not mentioned by Roger
might be Conus bengalensis Okatuni, 1968 (fig. 10) (in
it’s orange form), Conus amadis castaneofasciata arbonatalis da Motta, 1978 (fig. 11), Conus princeps apogrammatus Dall, 1910 (fig. 12), Conus neptunus colorovariegata Kosuge, 1981 (fig. 13), Consus sazanka Shikama,
1970 (fig. 14), Conus cordigera Sowerby II, 1866 (fig.
15), Conus crocatus Lamarck, 1810 (fig. 16), Conus
kinoshitai tamikoae Shikama, 1973 (fig. 17) (tends to be
more yellow than orange), Conus tinianus Hwass, 1792
(fig. 18), ...
I am sure the
list of candidates
for Harry Potter’s
Poisonous Orange
Snails is much larger
than this. However if
we knew whether they
were used for lethal spells to
8 try and kill your opponent, or as
part of a cure at St Mungo’s Hospital
for Magical Maladies and Injuries to treat the
victims of clashes with Voldemort, we might be able to
reduce the list.
If I was betting man then I’d put my money on the Magician’s Cone. Maybe not knowing is part of the magic?
No one a few years ago would have thought that a series
of children’s fairytales could provoke discussion within
the cone shell world. I would be interested in any other
cone collector’s views on likely candidates for these magical creatures.
I would like to offer my sincere thanks to Roger Highfield for his kind permission to reproduce information
from his fascinating book which is a must for all Harry
Potter fans.
Page 24
An aberrant specimen
from Madagascar
Our friend Richard Goldberg has just sent a picture of
an interesting, aberrant Conus specimen from Tulear,
It is a small Conus betulinus. The shell is 41mm in length.
The pinched-in body whorl most likely was the outcome
of sustaining and surviving a crab attack with injury to
the animal and significant damage to the shell. The scar
is at a point on the body whorl is just inside the aperture
(somewhat visible in the extreme right photograph). This
mollusc's survival has lead to a rather unusual outcome;
almost as if it grew with an overly tight belt around its
midsection leaving a significant constriction!
Conus aurisiacus Linnaues, 1758
Jim Cootes
Here are a couple of images of a granulose form of Conus aurisiacus Linnaeus, 1758. This shell was taken in
tangle nets at about 70 metres depth in the Sulu Sea in
the southern Philippines. The illustrated shell is about
45 mm long by 22 mm in diameter. In my over 40 years
of collecting cone shells this is only the second granulose
form of this species I have ever seen.
What has always puzzled me is what causes a normally smooth-shelled species to become granulose? Any
thoughts by other cone shell lovers would be of great
LSPD: Live Seashells
Picture Database
David Touitou
I write to introduce the new version of Live-seashells.
Thanks to the cooperation of Jean-PierreBarbier and his
computer scientist Tony, I am proud to announce the
birth of a new free online database dedicated to live seashells. It allows, like the one about Philippine seashells
( to appreciate the beauty of the
live animals. At the moment, this site focuses on only
two Families, cowries and cone shells.
This site currently hosts 271 images of live cones and 226
cowries. I would like to thank all those who have contributed their amazing photographs and especially to my
mates Laurent Kbaïer and Serge Rolland. I hope that
you will be able to add to this great resource. For more
information, please contact
Conus ammiralis Linnaeus, 1758
Serge Rolland (New Caledonia)
Conus bengalensis Okutani, 1968
Somwang Patamakanthin (Thailand)
I hope you enjoy the latest version of this web site:
Conus thailandis da Motta, 1978
Somwang Patamakanthin (Thailand)
Page 26
Conus howellii and Conus raoulensis
One or Two Species?
R.M. (Mike) Filmer*
In 1981 B.A. Marshall of the National Museum of New
Zealand published, in the New Zealand Journal of Zoology (Vol. 8, pp 493 – 501), an extremely interesting
article entitled “New records of Conidae (Mollusca:
Gastropoda) from the New Zealand region.” In this
article Marshall records Conus kermadecensis Iredale,
1912 (now regarded as a subspecies of C. lischkeanus
Weinkauff, 1875), C. teramachii Kuroda, 1956 and C.
smirna Bartsch and Rehder, 1943 as all having been
found off northern New Zealand.
However the most interesting records, relevant to this
article, refer to C. howelli Iredale, 1929 and C. raoulensis
Powell, 1958 because, until the publication of Marshall’s
article, these two species were little known and rarely figured.
Early in 1985 Bruce Marshall was kind enough to lend
me some of the specimens collected off the north-east
coast of New Zealand and adjacent islands and covered
by the article referred to above. Included were four, possibly three, specimens of C. howelli and three possibly
four specimens of C. raoulensis. I studied these specimens, made detailed notes and took colour photographs
of each one. This data has remained in my files for over
twenty years. I had expected more specimens and much
more information on these two species to materialize but
very little has happened therefore I have now decided to
publish my data and colour photographs together with
details of the types. I also include in this study two specimens of C. howelli which are in the AMS general collection and one specimen which is in my collection.
My thanks Bruce Marshall for the loan of the specimens and to Ian Loch of AMS and Dr. Tom Schiotte of
ZMUC for permitting me to photograph and study the
relevant holotypes.
I hope that the information contained herein will be
of use to those interested in these two very rare species,
their relationship to each other and to some other Conus
Conus howelli Iredale, 1929
Published in Records of the Australian Museum 17 (4): p.
182, pl. 40, figs 1 & 8. Holotype in AMS (27 x 13.3 mm).
Type locality Montague Isl. N.S.W. Australia, trawled in
50 – 60 fths. Nomenclatural status, an available name.
Mentioned In:
1) Garrard, 1961: Family Conidae p. 29, pl. 182, figs 1
& 8.
2) Marsh & Rippingale, 1964: p. 142, pl. 20, no. 13.
Moreton Bay, Queensland.
3) Hinton, 1978: p. 66, no. 3.
4) Walls, 1979: p. 588 & p. 360, figs top 25.9 mm.
Off Terrigal, N.S.W. & bottom 22 mm. Moreton
Bay, Queensland [latter dubious, this is probably a
juvenile C. amadis ss castaneofasciatus Dautzenberg,
1937]. Compared to C. teramachii Kuroda, 1956]
Incorrectly mentions spiral ridges on the spire whorls,
[probably taken from the dubious specimen].
5) Paul, 1982: page. 4, fig. (c).
6) Moolenbeek, 1986: p. 214.
7) Hart, 1993: p. 50, fig top left.
7) Wilson, 1994: p. 207, pl. 48, figs 12a & 12b. Off
Stanwell Park, N.S.W. 135 meters.
8) Röckel et al, 1995: p. 276, no. 277, pl. 58, figs 25 –
28 [all figures on this plate are photographically
elongated and fig. 25 is the same as pl. 1B figs 1 – 5
herein and figs 26 and 28 are the same as pl. 1A figs 8
& 5 herein].
9) Röckel et al, 1995: (2) p. 573, fig. 35. Ten dead
specimens were dredged in 230 – 280 meters off New
Caledonia largest specimen 26 mm. [these are very
small for this species].
New Description:
C. howelli is an attractive, small, solid, broadly conical
shell. It is from 20 to 40 mm. in length and from 10 to
20 mm. in width.
The spire is low to medium in height and slightly concave to straight in outline. There are 3 shiny, convex and
flesh coloured nuclear whorls, which are often eroded. The 6 to 8 concave
to flat post nuclear whorls have the outer edge raised. The whorls which are
slightly stepped are vaguely beaded or nodulose at the outer edge. There are
no spiral grooves or cords on the spire whorls but there are fine axial striae.
The colour is cream to flesh with some fine brown to orange radial streaks,
some specimens also contain a few tan brown bars or blotches.
The sides of the body whorl are straight to barely concave, the shoulder is
acute and undulate to barely nodulose. The body whorl sculpture varies from
occasionally smooth and shiny to, more often, with some fine spiral cords
which may be vaguely beaded. The body whorl has a cream through very
pale pinkish or even brown base colour. Some specimens have fine tan to
orange-tan wavy axial lines which sometimes merge to form two or three
bands. Other specimens have no axial lines but have stronger orange-brown
The aperture is medium to broadish in width, the anal notch is fairly deep
while the columella is barely noticeable. The lip is rather thin and sharp and
the interior is pale pinkish-white to bluish or dull white.
The periostracum is very thin, pale tan to chestnut in colour and transparent. The operculum and the animal are unknown to me and have not been
described elsewhere.
The habitat is reported as on a shell or hard substrate bottom from 50 to
almost 300 meters. All known specimens have been trawled or dredged.
The range is restricted to N.S.W., where it found quite far South, southern
Queensland, northern New Zealand, the offshore islands between Australia
and New Zealand and New Caledonia.
Specimens Studied (Figs. 1-8):
1. Holotype 27.00 x 13.30 mm.
2. No. M 59571, 40.5 x 20.7 mm. in collection New Zealand National Museum, dredged, dead, on shell bottom in 64 – 69 meters off White Island,
N.Z. in January 1979, “r.v. Tangaroa”
3. No. P 82, 21.8 x 10.65 mm. in collection New Zealand Oceanographic
Institute, dredged, dead in 78 – 84 meters off Lord Howe Island in May
1977, “r.v. Tangaroa”
4, 5. Two specimens 39 x 20 mm. (fig. 4) and 31 x 15 mm. (fig. 5) in collection Australian Museum, trawled off Stanwell Park, N.S.W.
6. One specimen 30.7 x 16.4 mm in collection author, trawled live off Narooma, N.S.W. (very close to Montague Island), in the early 1970’s.
Page 28
7. No. M 59572, 20.7 x 11.3 mm. in collection New Zealand National Museum, dredged, live, on hard substrate in 94 meters on Ranfurly Bank,
East Cape, N.Z. in January 1975 “r.v. Tangaroa”.
8. No. M 59568, 27.5 x 13.9 mm. in collection New Zealand National Museum, (figs. 8a & 8b) dredged dead, on shelly bottom in 64 – 69 meters off White Island, N.Z. in January 1979, “r.v. Tangaroa”. [see page 10
Conus (Kermasprella) raoulensis Powell, 1958
Published in Records Auckland Institute and Museum no. 5 (1/2); p. 83, pl.
9, fig 1. Holotype in ZMUC, (18 x 9.4 mm). Type locality off Raoul Island,
Kermadec Islands, (off New Zealand), (75 – 85 meters). Nomenclatural status, an available name.
There were in the late 1970’s some twenty specimens in New Zealand Institutions of which I was able to study three possibly four specimens.
Featured In:
1) Cernohorsky, 1976: p. 3, figs 2 – 5.
2) Wagner & Abbott, 1978: no. 26-394. states “possibly a very pustulate
form of C. acutangulus Lamarck, 1810” [erroneous].
3) Walls, 1978: p. 824, & 572 top figure is a paratype from Auckland Institute and Museum, 19.6 mm.
4) Cernohorsky, 1978: p. 144, pl. 50, fig. 7.
5) Marshall, 1981: p. 495, figs 3 (A – C).
6) da Motta, 1982: p. 3. A brief comparison with C. rogmartini da Motta,
7) Paul, 1982: page 5, fig. b.
8) Hart, 1993: p. 50, fig. top right.
9) Röckel et al, 1995: p. 261, no. 256, pl. 55, figs 9 – 12. [fig 10 is pl. 2, fig.
10, fig. 11 is fig. 3 & fig. 12 is fig. 5 herein]
10) Röckel et al, 1995: p. 582, fig. 42. 1 specimen 14.5 x 6.0 mm. dredged
dead from 280 – 295 meters, [a rather dubious C. raoulensis this shell
may be another species].
11) Brook, 1998: p. 227, mentions one dead specimen found in 44-146 meters, northern Kermadec Islands.
12) Ferguson, 1999: p. 2. [an error as the cone pictured is C. floridulus Adams & Reeve, 1848].
13) Evans, 1999: p. 4.
New Description:
A small (15 to 20 mm), solid and biconic shell with straight to slightly convex sides and with a dull texture.Spire high, concave in outline and stepped.
The apex is papillose. The protoconch flesh coloured to opaque. The early
whorls are beaded and the latter whorls flat to barely concave and strongly
nodulose. The sutures are carinate. The spire whorls are sculptured with axial
threads. The colour is white to salmon with axial tan to orange-brown bars
between some of the nodules which are white.
The shoulder is acute to carinate with very pronounced nodules.
The body whorl is sculptured with irregular rounded spiral cords, some of
which are pronounced and others weak, Some specimens have numerous
close set cords while others have less numerous well separated cords. Most
of the cords bear regular nodules of varying sizes from large and pronounced
to small and beadlike. Some axial striae may be present between the spiral
cords. The colour is pale salmon to off white with orange-tan blotches which
may be sparse in some specimens but numerous in others. Sometimes the
blotches form two or three irregular bands.
The aperture is narrow and straight, the anal notch is on the deep side. The
columella is small and straight. The interior is pinkish to bluish white and the
lip is thin but firm.
The periostracum, operculum and animal are unknown to this author. Cernohorsky and Hart report the periostracum as “straw coloured and thin”.
The habitat is from 45 to 300 meters, probably on hard substrate.
The range is restricted to northern New Zealand and the offshore islands and
possibly New Caledonia.
Specimens Studied (Figs. 9-12):
9. Holotype 18.00 x 9.40 mm.
10. No. P.18, 22.40 x 11.30 mm. in collection New Zealand Oceanographic Institute, Off Norfolk Island, 86 - 90 meters, (ex “R.V. Tangaroa”,
11, 12. No. MF.25632, 20.60 x 11.50 mm. in collection National Museum
New Zealand, (fig. 11) East of Dayrell Island, Herald Islets, Kermadec
Islands, 135 – 146 meters (ex “R.J. Acheron”, 10.09.1976). 4) No. P.5,
17.55 x 9.35 mm. in collection New Zealand Oceanographic Institute,
(fig. 12) Wanganella Bank, New Zealand, 126 meters (ex “R.V. Tangaroa”,
Page 30
Comparison of C. howelli and C. raoulensis:
C. howelli
C. raoulensis
20-40 mm
15-20 mm
More elongate
More stout
- Height
- Outline
- Sutures
- Striae
Slightly concave
Faintly beaded
Fine axial threads
More concave
Strongly nodulose
Fine axial threads
Acute undulate to
Acute to carinate &
strongly nodulose
Body Whorl
- Cords
Usually shiny
- Fine at base, often
- Small & beadlike,
often absent
- Cream to pinkish or
even tan
- Fine wavy brown
axial lines, may be
absent, and orange to
tan blotches
Usually dull
- Strong & irregular,
never absent
- Varying from small to
- Pale salmon to
pinkish or off white
- Orange to tan
blotches, may form 2
or 3 bands or be almost
Pale pinkish white to
bluish or dull white
Pale to pinkish white to
bluish white
Medium to broadish
Small & straight
Small & straight
- Nodules
- Colour
- Pattern
Periostracum Thin, transparent, pale
tan to chestnut
Thin & straw coloured
Shelly or hard substrate
50-300 meters
Unknown, probably
hard substrate
45-300 meters
Eastern Australia
New Zealand
Offshore Islands
New Caledonia
New Zealand
Offshore Islands
Possibly New Caledonia
Comparison with Similuar Species:
Apart from some small Conus species found only in the
Caribbean Sea C. howelli and C. raoulensis can be compared to:
C. acutangulus Lamarck, 1810. A rather variable species
which may resemble C. raoulensis in shape but has spiral
cords on the spire whorls and regular spiral cords on the
body whorl which are never nodulose.
C. floridulus Adams and Reeve, 1948 has sides which are
more convex. The spire is barely stepped and the spire
whorls have some spiral striae. The body whorl may possess sharp pustules which form spiral rows but which are
not obviously on cords. The columella has a slight twist
in it and all specimens have a purple basal stain. It is
found in shallower water and from 5 to 80 meters.
C. muriculatus Sowerby, 1833 is a heavier and stouter
shell although like C. otohimeae and C. floridus it has a
smooth (forma sugillatus Reeve, 1844) and a pustulate
form. It always has brown to yellow bands on the body
whorl, a purple basal stain and blue to purple blotches in
the interior of the aperture. It is found intertidally and
down to 70 meters.
C. otohimeae Kuroda & Ito, 1961 is quite close to C. howelli but differs in its stouter shape, less stepped spire, flatter spire whorls, and brown dots on the spire. The body
whorl has fine spiral lines of brown dots interspersed
with white, these are occasionally absent. There are no
axial brown lines matching those found on C. howelli.
The forma rogmartini da Motta, 1982 has strong even
spiral cords which are nodulose and similar to but stronger and much more regular than those found on C. raoulensis. The normal (non nodulose) form of C. otohimeae
may have spiral grooves instead of cords at the base of
the body whorl. Both species live in 50 – 300 meters. C.
otohimeae occurs in the Philippines and Japan but is not
known to occur south of the Philippines. In Walls, 1978:
page 189 bottom right, is an illustration captioned C.
capitanellus Fulton, 1938 but I believe this is a specimen
of C. otohimeae as suspected by Marshall.
Conclusions and Remarks:
One of the specimens, which I studied (no. M 59568.
BS 706. R 64) in the Marshall article (fig. 2, no. F) and
(pl. 1B, figs 4 – 8) herein is, in my opinion, C. raoulensis and not C. howelli. There may be other specimens in
the New Zealand collections which are perhaps wrongly
This may well have led to the impression that strongly
nodulose specimens of C. howelli exist which this author
does not think is the case. One of the main differences
between howelli and raoulensis is the presence or absence
of strong nodules another is that howelli is more slender
and has a lower spire.
I conclude as did Cernohorsky (1976), Marshall (1981),
Hart, 1993 and Röckel et al, 1995 that C. howelli and C.
raoulensis are both valid species. Both appear to be very
rarely collected but being deep water shells this is not too
surprising. I have not found it difficult to separate these
two species (see table).
However I found it rather more difficult to separate C.
howelli from C. otohimeae and conclude that while I believe them to be distinct species it is possible that they are
geographically separated subspecies. If this were the case
C. otohimeae would become a subspecies of C. howelli. It
is significant that C. otohimeae was not found during the
deep water dredging by French research vessels off New
Caledonia and elsewhere in the South Pacific, whereas
C. howelli was (see Röckel et al, 1995). Until we know
more about C. howelli I believe that it should be retained
as a valid species as should C. otohimeae.
AMS = Australian Museum, Sydney, N.S.W. Australia.
N.S.W. = New South Wales, Australia.
ZMUC = Zoologisk Museum, Copenhagen, Denmark.
* R.M. (Mike) Filmer,
Winterbourne House,
Surrey, GU24 8AL,
Tel: (0) 1276 858646
Brook F.J.
1998: “The coastal molluscan fauna of the northern
Kermadec Islands, South West Pacific Ocean” in Journal
of the Royal Society of New Zealand, vol. 28, no. 2, June
1988. pp 185-233.
Cernohorsky W.O.
1976: “Cones from the Kermadec Islands” in Hawaiian
Shell News (vol. XXIV, no. 9), Sep. 1976.
1978: Tropical Pacific Marine Shells.
da Motta A.J.
1982: “A magnificent New Conus species found in the
treasure Islands of the Philippines” in Carfel Philippines
Shell News, vol 4, no. 2.
Evans R.
1999: “C. raoulensis Powell, 1958 (The real McCoy)” in
Keppel Bay Tidings.
Ferguson J & L.
1999: “Conus raoulensis Powell, 1958 in Australian
Waters” in Keppel Bay Tidings.
Garrard, T.A.
1961: Family Conidae, Journal Malacological Society of
Australia (vol. 5).
Hart M.
1993: “Conidae from the New Zealand region” in
World Shells, no. 7.
Field Notes:
Boasts & Best-Laid Plans
Kelly McCarthy
Hinton, A.
1978: Guide to Australian Shells.
Marsh J.A. & Rippingale O.H.
1964, 1968 & 1974: Cone Shells of the World.
Marshall B.A.
1981: “New Records of Conidae from the New Zealand
region” in New Zealand Journal of Zoology, vol. 8, [the
article referred to in the introduction herein].
Moolenbeek R.G.
1986: Conidae of the Chesterfield Islands etc, Bulletin
Zoologisch Museum, Universiteit van Amsterdam.
Paul W.J.
1982: “Cone Shells in New Zealand” Australian Shell
News no. 40, October.
Röckel D. Korn, W & Kohn, A.J.
1995: Manual of the Living Conidae (vol. 1).
Röckel D. Richard, G & Moolenbeek, R.G.
1995: “Deep Water Cones from the New Caledonia
region”, Résultats des Campagnes Musorstom, Vol. 14,
Mémoires du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle,
167: 1995.
Wagner & Abbott R.T.
1978: Standard Catalog of Shells.
Walls, J.G.
1979: Cone Shells a synopsis of the living Conidae: 1979.
Wilson, B.
1994: Australian Marine Shells (vol. 2): 1994
It was certainly one of those moments of disbelief, when I
had to pinch myself to check that I was not narking out.
Could that object at the end of my torch-light really be
what I think it is? Pinch. Ow! Yes, I am still sane and it
sure is…
One Month Prior
My husband, André Poremski and I had been planning our shelling trip to Utila – one of the Bay Islands
of Honduras – for several months now. We were at our
usual Sunday morning neighborhood hang-out, a quaint
pastry-coffee shop called Natalie’s. André had his customary triple-shot espresso and blueberry marzipan tart,
while I had my slightly less intense double-shot espresso
and vanilla bean panna cotta. It was a gorgeous spring
day so we decided to take our treats outside and get some
much-needed sun on our skin. Before launching into
our typical frenzied conversation about our next expedition, we took a moment to enjoy the gentle breeze in the
air, a couple of territorial cardinals bickering somewhere
in the tree above us, and this fearless chipmunk who was
looking for crumbs at our feet.
Some of our greatest adventures had been planned at
Natalie’s and if everything went to plan, Utila would
not disappoint. André had been doing a lot of research
on the cone species that could be found around the island, their last known localities, habitat and depth information. He also had been developing an inventory
of substrate information about several of the dive spots
from stories carried back by divers that frequented the
area. Meanwhile, to aide in my relatively amateur ability
to identify the marine habitats of the cones we sought
to find (my three years to his twelve-plus years), I had
been pulling together water-proof flash cards of the species’ habitats with as much detailed information as André could provide. For my untrained eye, this was the
best way to learn how to quickly identify the environs
in which I should look for our elusive cones. Today was
the day we would put all of this information together on
a large map of the island that contained clearly marked
dive spots and underwater terrain in order to plot out
our cone-hunting strategy.
The moment had passed and after a couple sips of our
espressos, André grabbed another table and shoved it
next to ours. He then unfurled his “map-of-maps” and
pulled out several different colored pens for each of us.
And there the quiet ended and our caffeine-induced,
frenzied conversation began.
The Map-of-Maps
André had been building this map-of-maps since we decided to make the journey to Utila to hunt for cones that
may not have been collected off this island in over a decade. It was truly a beautiful work of art: a map built
from satellite imagery complete with very detailed reef
overlays. We set to work plotting the known and possible locations of cones recognized to be found off Utila.
We matched substrate information with data labels and
came up with a pretty impressive composite to predict
the best areas for diving with the greatest probability of
surfacing with some molluscan treasures. By the end of
our map session we agreed on our priority species and
locations. To make the hunt even more exciting, we assigned a rough estimate regarding the likeliness of collecting worthy specimens based on the assumption that
we would be in the correct habitat. For example, we
determined that C. cardinalis (cf. kulkukan) would be
likely, whereas C. granulatus and C. eversoni would be
rare to unlikely.
So, when André highlighted the territory for C. granulatus on that map-of-maps and I compared it with my
handy-dandy flash cards, well, it was at that moment
that I got a little cocky. My birthday was coming up in
a month and on that evening I would be taking my very
first night dive. I told André that not only would I find
the best cone on my first night dive – on my birthday
– but that it would be the one and only Glory of the Atlantic, C. granulatus.
…and a HUGE one too! At that moment I also realized
that my excited breaths were working against me: instead
of moving closer to it, I was floating upward and away…
The Adventure Begins
Best-Laid Plans
André and I had recently returned from a month-long
trip to Belize during which we were hyperconscious of
making sure that everything we needed was in our carryon packs – to the extent that our packs were so heavy that
it made traveling overly cumbersome and quite a pain to
go through security. So, this time around, our brilliant
plan to travel light included checking everything we
could through to Utila. In those checked bags: all of our
diving equipment, dive logs, everything that was needed
to hunt the elusive cones off Utila. Or so we thought.
The Map Mishap
(An important little aside here: When André introduced
me to the world of cones several years ago, it was C. granulatus – the famous “Glory of the Atlantic” – that got
me hooked. Maybe it was the name and the mystique
or maybe it was when I discovered that the adventure to
find these exquisite, living works of art was such an exciting one, who knows, but there was no turning back
for me and ready or not, André had found a partner for
It was the eve of the departure and the moment when all
best laid plans are supposed to start to come together.
With our gear and packs waiting anxiously by the door
we both turned to go to bed in order to make our 2 am
taxi ride to the airport. All the sudden André stopped
halfway up the stairs and, back facing me said slowly,
“did you pack the map we put together? I haven’t seen
it in a while.” He turned to around, smiled a knowing
smile, “You had it last, right?” Ah, yes. I did have it last.
Page 34
I remembered. I was studying the north eastern coast –
the “Iron Shore”. I really wanted to find a C. regius and
there were some reports that this was a pretty good spot
to look, especially for f. citrinus. But shoot - where did I
put it? This map-of-maps that we so excitedly worked on
in order to organize the most strategic cone-hunt ever,
this work of art – darn it, I had misplaced it and we were
both too tired to search for it now. André just laughed,
shrugged his shoulders and said that we would surely remember the most important information, anyway. Well,
I thought, maybe he’ll remember, but will I?
Little did we realize that that mishap may have set off a
crazy chain of events that almost prevented us from finding anything on that trip at all.
The Baggage Blunder
The flight to San Salvador was smooth and perfect. We
couldn’t have been more pleased with our choice to travel
light. We arrived in San Salvador right on schedule and
rendezvoused with our dear friend, Randy Allamand,
just as planned. We chatted a bit about what we were
going to do that day once we arrived in Utila. Then, as
sure as the sun rises, our plane arrived right on time and
we set off for our next stop: San Pedro Sula.
According to our itinerary, we would have about 30
minutes to get off the plane and walk to the gate for the
last leg of the flight portion of our journey. Once on the
ground at San Pedro Sula we walked the short distance
to our new gate. Destination: La Ceiba. The airport
was pretty small and we quickly realized that it was also
pretty disorganized. We commented briefly on this, but
once again, our conversation turned to what our plans
would entail on that evening. We thought maybe, just
maybe, we would be able to squeeze in an afternoon and
night snorkel depending on how quickly our ferry would
take us from La Ceiba to Utila island.
Ah yes, best laid plans. It was at that moment that every
one of those plans unraveled.
A woman started calling our flight number, but was asking only people flying to Roatan to get in line. Strange.
Then, all the sudden, several people started running for
the line. We overheard the frenzied passengers saying
something about this slot actually being a first-come, firstserve flight with priority for Roatan visitors. We glanced
at the board. The next flight to La Ceiba wouldn’t be until late afternoon, by which time we would have missed
the last ferry to Utila. If we didn’t run too, we would
have to find last minute lodging in La Ceiba. Now, this
wouldn’t be so bad, except Honduras was celebrating its
annual Carnaval that weekend and lodging would be
next to impossible to find. So we ran. In fact we hauled.
We were about 2 or 3 ahead of the last people to be allowed seats on that flight. Breathing heavy with satisfied
smiles across our faces we sat down, scattered in random
spots across the plane. We made it. Thank goodness we
were traveling light.
It only took a moment to sink in. André looked back at
me and I glanced at Randy, smiles fading. We were all
thinking the same thing: if this flight was a priority flight
for Roatan, and we literally had to do the 200 meter dash
to get a seat, what were the odds that our luggage made it
as well? This wasn’t a large plane, maybe 40 seats max.
… I quickly slowed my breathing and signaled for André
to come have a look at this beautiful creature in its natural
habitat. He swam over and before I knew it, he was floating upward and away as well…
We arrived at La Ceiba on time, but just as we feared, our
baggage was nowhere to be found. I speak a little bit of
Spanish, so did my best to describe the bags to the woman at the counter. She said it was possible that the bags
could actually still make it to Utila that night. Relief.
Apparently, there was a late plane flying from La Ceiba
to Utila at around 6pm. If the next flight in from San
Pedro Sula delivered our bags, they had a good chance of
being on that evening flight to Utila. For a moment we
considered waiting at the airport for the evening flight,
but we were satisfied enough with her answers that we
decided to just get ourselves on that ferry to Utila instead
of leaving more things to chance and possibly missing
our ride there altogether. Regardless, she said, we should
be reassured that they would do everything they could to
make sure our bags got there swiftly.
for free as long as we were diving with them. Though we
weren’t able to snorkel that night, it looked as though our
luck was taking a slight turn for the better. The equipment was top notch; this was, incidentally, the cheapest
dive shop around; and our dive master, Richard, and our
captain, Calvin, were awesome. Yes, things were looking
The Arrival
Utila Island
Despite a couple of hiccups we had finally arrived. We
immediately reported our loss to Miss Tonya, our hostess
for the week. She told us that this happens “all the time”
and not to worry, our bags should get there in “3 or 4
days maximum.” THREE or FOUR days! Wait a minute here. All of our equipment, everything was in those
bags. How were we supposed to dive for cones without
our gear? The moment of panic passed and we all agreed
we would each buy cheap swimsuits and flip-slops, a bottle of sun screen, and set out to find the cheapest dive
shop around that would also have equipment that we
could use.
We didn’t have to travel too far. Our hostess took pity
on us and said that we could use their dive equipment
…André looked down at me as he was beginning to regulate
his breathing. His eyes were enormous with excitement.
As he swam toward me I snatched the creature off its rock,
grasped it tightly in my hand, and held it up for him to
Cone Hunting
Day 1
We woke early on the first day. We slathered ourselves in
sunscreen, dressed in our new swimsuits, threw on our
day-old travel clothes, and headed off to the infamous
Iron Shore. I was determined to find a C. regius. We
spent much of the morning there, to no avail. We gently
peaked under every rock in the area – where were those
guys hiding? Maybe we weren’t in the exact rumored lo-
Page 36
cation – the Iron Shore was pretty long, in fact. It would
have been nice to have that map right about then. We
walked back to our lodge empty-handed.
We had a night dive confirmed for the following evening
– my first – but we really wanted to go out this night.
Unfortunately, it was Sunday – the day of rest on the island – therefore very difficult to arrange much of anything. André and Randy wouldn’t be thwarted though.
Once the sun set, they strapped on their borrowed snorkel gear and headed for the reef just offshore from our
lodge. Again, no luck. We would just have to wait until
…I couldn’t keep my torch still as pesky swarms of copepods
and red worms attacked my light. We gave up looking at it
for the moment and I tucked it into my vest. In our excitement we had to literally force ourselves to slow down on our
way back up to the boat…
Day 2
It’s my birthday! We had three dives planned for that
day. I threw on my swimsuit and now 2-day old travel
clothes (crossed my fingers that we would hear good
news about our bags) and headed down to the dive shop.
André and Randy were already up discussing the dive
strategy for the day with Richard and Calvin. Richard
pulled out a map of dive sites and pointed to our destinations. I immediately recognized the area to be part
of the key region along the southern shore that André
had circled on our map. I guess he was right, we would
remember the most important information after all. We
would scout two different areas by day dive, then dive
our favorite (the more promising of the two) that night
and the other the following night.
The day dives did not disappoint. The scenery off Utila
was incredible and we couldn’t help but be constantly in
awe of the magnificent terrain: endless caverns, finger
channels, drop offs, underpasses, black coral gardens,
pillars; and diverse bottoms: coralline sand to silt, rock,
and rubble. We found many hints that we were in prime
cone habitat.
That night we headed to the farther of the two reefs. It
was a perfect evening for my first night dive. The stars
were blazing in a pristine sky and shooting stars were
falling everywhere. I couldn’t believe how calm I was
feeling. We jumped in at 7pm on the dot. After Calvin
handed each of us our torches, Richard signaled for us to
descend into the inky depths.
Except it wasn’t really that inky. I was amazed at how
bright the torch really was. I could see just fine. I had
told the guys earlier that I might not look actively for
anything, as I assumed I would have to adjust to this new
sensation. Yet, I found that my adjustment period was
over as soon as it began. For those reading this story that
have yet to take their first night dive, let me briefly emphasize just how amazing it is. The darkness is oddly serene – meditative. The creatures that come out at night
are unlike anything you could see in the day time. And
the cones are hunting for their dinner.
I descended along the ridge lost in the wonder of it all;
5 meters gave way to 20 meters before I knew it. Then,
after what seemed like only seconds, we began our ascent
to return to the boat. At this time, I began wondering
if André and Randy had found anything. Up to that
moment, I was preoccupied (just as I thought) with the
macro view of this new underwater world to notice any
of the micro creatures. I circled back to the guys to see if
they found anything: nothing yet. We were almost done
with our dive and my chances for making good on my
“best cone birthday boast” were quickly diminishing.
We had planed off at 10 or so meters and were almost
directly under the boat when I scanned my torch beam
across the broad coral shelf for the last time before surfacing. It was then that I spotted it: a large object at the end
of my torch beam was like a flashing red light begging
for my attention. It was unbelievable. I pinched myself,
gulped air in excitement and almost lost my chances all
together. I signaled to André to look and he nearly floated to the surface as well. There it was as though someone
placed it there, my birthday C. granulatus, waiting for
me right under the boat.!
To this day, I can’t help but think that some higher power had
something to do with this find. It really was unbelievable and
against a lot of odds. We didn’t find another C. granulatus
on that trip – this was the only one – and true to the boast I
found it on my birthday, on my first-ever night dive.
One bit of personal advice for future cone hunting boasts:
make sure to specify not only to find the best cone, but that
it is going to be a live cone. When I snatched it from the reef
the red worms and copepods were so prolific and annoying
that I had to quickly put it in my vest and surface. When
we got back to our room, we took it out and realized it was
just fresh dead. Though, I am not complaining. It is large
(49mm) and in great condition – it has a very special place
in our collection.
We will be heading off to Roatan in a few weeks excited and
a little wiser. Top lessons from this trip:
1) When making a boast about finding the best shell (which
I did already), be extremely clear about its condition, size,
and any other details…just in case “someone” happens to
be listening. I will be sure to let you all know how this
works out for me this time around.
2) Resist the urge to check all your bags through to your destination. Pack as much as possible into a carry-on. This
will save a lot of unnecessary anxiety.
(By the way, in case you are wondering about those bags
and that map: we didn’t receive our luggage until 2 days
before we left to go back home. Unfortunately, our diving gear wasn’t included. We didn’t end up receiving our
equipment until we got to the airport and found it still
sitting, waiting for us at the baggage counter. And as for
that map, we never did find it – I think I may have accidentally thrown it away! )
So, for my last lesson:
3) Forget about those best laid’s better to just go on
an adventure and see where it takes you!
We hope to see
your contribution
in the next TCC!

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