April 2016 - Old Capitol Quilters Guild


April 2016 - Old Capitol Quilters Guild
A PRIL 2016
Monthly Meeting
April 11, 2016
Kansas Troubles Quilts — Moda and Beyond
By Lynne Hagmeier
Lynne Hagmeier, author, quilter, and fabric designer of Kansas Trouble Quilters, began quilting more
than 20 years ago after taking a class at her local quilt shop, The Quilting Bee in Salina, Kansas.
Kansas Troubles Quilters (KTQ) was born the next year when she and two friends collaborated to make
and sell small quilts at craft fairs. After a few years, Lynne and one of the other women decided to
publish their original patterns and attended their first wholesale market.
In 2000, Lynne took the next step and partnered with Moda Fabrics to design fabric collections based
on her signature warm, country colors and nature-inspired motifs. For seven years, Lynne and her
husband, Robert, shared their passion for quilting by hosting retreats at KTQ's homebase in
Bennington, Kansas.
Now she's traveling and sharing her quilts and their stories with quilters all over the country. Lynne has
designed and written a series of six Quilter's Journal quilt patterns based on historical events, more than
two dozen books and 75 patterns, and 30 fabric collections to date. She's looking forward to many more
years of creating cozy, comfortable quilts using simple techniques and beautiful KTQ fabrics.
Workshop — April 11, 2016 9am-4pm
Lynne Hagmeier will lead her workshop entitled
Twisted. The workshop uses a jelly roll, a few
extra fabrics, and Lynn’s KT Wedge Template to
create a lap quilt using her unique layered
patchwork technique that mimics curved piecing
without the stress! Simply layer and topstitch
wedges for a quick, colorful quilt in a day.
The workshop is $35. A complete supply list is
on the OCQG website.
Twisted Quilt Kits are also available for $90.
To sign up, email or call Linda Alberhasky
linalb65@aol.com OR 319-430-0306
Hostesses for April
Twila Meder and Sue Moffitt
“Twisted”: A Kansas Troubles Quilt
April 2016
Page 2
There are times when I sew that I get so excited I can’t
sleep. I go to bed and the fabrics I’ve been using or the
blocks I’ve been stitching flash before my eyes and I
can’t wait to get up and work with them again. But
there are also times when sewing helps me slow down,
relax, and feel comforted.
Quilters are wonderful about making things for others,
about using their skills to soothe people in shelters,
hospice, and NICUs. But when we sew, we give
ourselves something, too. On one hand, stitching can
be madly, passionately invigorating, but it can also
enable quiet and reflection. I’m grateful for them both.
Recently, that calming aspect of stitching has been
important to me. Two deaths have left our family
feeling shaken—both of the people who passed away
died far too soon. After the memorial services were
over and the cards and flowers sent, getting back on
track hasn’t been easy. Focusing on work is hard, but
I’m not very good at doing nothing. I thought knitting
might be just the thing, but my lack of concentration
meant I kept making mistakes. Handwork seemed like
a good possibility, but I didn’t have any quilts that
needed binding. Then I remembered English paper
piecing; it’s proven to be perfect for a time like this.
I’ve seen and admired those beautiful millefiori paperpieced designs, where fabric is fussy cut to
kaleidoscopic effect, but I needed
something that didn’t require a lot
of thought. Luckily, I had a bunch
Central Iowa Shopping Spree
of 2.5-inch precut squares in my
Holiday Inn Conference Center Ames, Iowa
stash and they are just the thing
I-35/US Hwy 30, Exit 111 West OR US Hwy 30, Exit 146
for sewing hexagons. Creating
them demands no real thought,
Friday, April 29, 10-5 & Saturday, April 30, 10-4
and so I sit and stitch on autopilot.
The hexagon sewing has been a
It’s a shop hop all under one roof! Visit 14 shops from
constant as my mind ping-pongs
across the state and have a fantastic shopping day.
between remembering the good
the latest and best they have in kits, fabrics, patterns,
times and wondering “Why?” I
and sewing machines. What a great way to spend a spring day!
have no idea what I’ll do with the
finished hexagons, which now
Rainbows & Calico Things, Williamsburg
number several hundred, and it
Cedar Creek Quilts, Ankeny
doesn’t really matter. Folding the
Seams to Me, Algona
Tillie’s Quilts, Fort Dodge
fabric over the paper, running the
The Crazy Redhead Quilt Shop, Newton
thread through the little blue
Shop & Gifts, Osagem
Washtub Quilts, Klemme
container of thread conditioner,
Iowa Falls Sewing Machine Company, Iowa Falls
and creating the six tack stitches
Forest Mills Quilt Shop, Postville
that keep the hexagon intact has
Hearts Quilting & Boutique, Ellsworth
become a comforting routine. I’m
pretty sure I’ll keep making
Block Party Studios, Inc., Nevada
The Cottage Rose, Marion
hexagons of every color until I
Nolting Long Arm Quilter, Hiawatha
once again feel ready to do
The Quiltmaker’s Shoppe, Manchester
something that requires more
For more information call: Barb 319-668-1977 or Kathy 563-927-8017
thought and planning.
April 2016
Page 3
Service Committee for April
Service Project Quilt Sizes:
After two months not collecting or delivering items, in
March we delivered 12 quilts to the UIHC Children’s
Hospital, 16 burp cloths and 4 bags to 4C’s, 16 burp
cloths to the Visiting Nurses, and 9 bibs to Home Ties
Child Care Center. Thanks to all who created and
donated these items.
Guidelines for Donations:
University Hospitals (UIHC) - 36" x 36" stillborn
(okay to be cheerful, to celebrate life)
UIHC and Domestic Violence—45" x 45" colorful
children’s quilts
VA Hospital—48" x 60" (or smaller but not larger)
Domestic Violence—75" x 98" twin/single
Visiting Nurse Association & 4 C’s—Burp Cloths
4 C’s—Tote Bags
Home Ties Child Care Center—Bibs
We really appreciated those of you who took quilt kits
home to quilt and/or bind, giving us many more quilts
to deliver to the groups who need them.
However, we have many more tops with batting and
backing, ready to be quilted. Please consider taking
home one or two more at the April meeting. Great
projects to practice free motion quilting stitches that
Deb showed us at our March meeting.
If you have leftover batting that the guild has provided,
please return to us and we’ll recycle for future projects.
Hope to see lots more quilts and items ready for
delivery in April. You do a great job for the
community, and it’s greatly appreciated.
Other Opportunities to Quilt
Senior Center needs hand quilters! Contact Jody
Wiley, jkw147@southslope.net for details.
Hospice Home of Johnson County: Hospital bed
topper quilts (~60”x80”) of bright, cheery fabrics,
and/or patriotic theme.
Quilts of Valor Visit www.qovf.org for details.
Raffle Quilt
Ticket sales are on!
We hope ticket sales are going well. If you
did not pick-up your ticket packet at the
March meeting please stop by the ticket
table at our April meeting to get yours.
If you need additional tickets contact
Meredith Sewell, at 621-6206 or
m57sewell@gmail.com and we will have
them ready for you at the April meeting or
get them to you before.
Remember money and ticket stubs must be
returned on or prior to the June 13 meeting
where the winning ticket will be drawn.
82” x 82”
"Stars for a New Day", designed by Susan H. Garman,
created by Karen Miller, and quilted by Kym Ward
Janet Abbas, Mary Hall Reno, Meredith Sewell,
and Barb Yoder, your Raffle Quilt Committee
April 2016
Page 4
July 2016 Challenge Rules
Iowa—from River to River!
This year’s challenge will be Iowa inspired. What does Iowa mean to you? Corn and prairie grass? The Old Capitol
Building? Family and friends? In 2016, Iowa will be 170 years old and we thought we should show everyone what
Iowa means to us through our quilts. There is no size or technique limit to this quilt. Explore your mind and your
state and come up with a totally unique quilt. You will be asked to explain how your quilt fulfills the Challenge in
the form below. Your completed form will be attached to your quilt. Have fun and let your creativity show.
July 2016 Challenge Quilt Entry Form
Member Name: ____________________________
Quilt Name: __________________________________
What does Iowa mean to you and how does your quilt convey this? ______________________________
Debra Wykert Eases Us Out of our FEAR of Machine Quilting!
Our March speaker, Deb Wykert from Muscatine, gave us a “hands-on” lesson on how to move beyond those nasty,
lingering fears that our machine quilting won’t be “good enough.” She nudged us past the need for immediate
perfection, by reminding us that EVERYTHING takes practice. On a large white board, Deb drew examples (see
next page) of patterns which work well for quilting on domestic sewing machines (and even ones with small harp
space). We then practiced drawing in the “Be Fearless” notebooks she provided. She showed us her quilts as
examples of how practice makes you better with every hour spent at the machine, and reminded us not to be
stumped by our first efforts. Thank you, Deb, for an inspiring and riveting presentation!
Deb’s Dos & Don’ts:
Practice compassion with yourself; if you wouldn't say it to your friend, don’t say it to yourself!
If a job is worth doing it's worth doing poorly—got to start somewhere.
Ask yourself how you are improving.
Strive for excellence (like 90%) not perfection (100%).
Fear is temporary but regret is forever.
Remember to breathe.
Make practice fun.
Practice 15 minutes each day, till it feels natural. Within 2-3 hours you’ll notice a difference.
April 2016
Page 5
Deb Wykert Nudges us Past the Fear of Free-Motion Quilting!!!
Below are some of the sketches of free-motion quilting Deb showed us at our wonderful March meeting.
Swirl w/Feather
Leaf Spiral
Leaf on Vine
Another Flower
Evergreen Trees
Leaf Paisley
Triangle Paisley
Below are three close ups of Deb’s free motion
quilting and interesting photos of Deb as she
shared her wisdom!
April 2016
Page 6
Library News
The following books have been added to the OCQG
Library collection:
Easy Paper-Pieced Keepsake Quilts by Carol Doak:
This book is another in Carol Doak’s series of paperpiecing books.
Square Dance, revised edition by Martha Thompson:
Use a Twister template or make your own template to
cut out pieces for these quilts, including variations on
the basic twister pattern.
If you are looking for a particular book, check the lists
of the library books listed alphabetically by title,
author, and subject on the guild website.
At the May and June OCQG meetings, the Library
Committee will sell used quilting books removed from
the Library collection and donated by members. Books
will be priced at $2 each, and the proceeds will go to
the Guild. If you have any books you would like to
donate for the sale, please drop them off at the Library
table at the April meeting.
OCQG Quilt Frames
The Old Capitol Quilters Guild owns 4 frames on which
quilts can be hung. We use them to hang presenter's quilts
as well as at our quilt shows. Members are welcome to
request the use of these. There is some black velvet-type
material in the storage cabinet for use with the quilt
frames. This would make a good background when
displaying blocks and small quilts. You can contact
Debbie Grundstad at 319-512-6046 or email:
dag2671@gmail.com to borrow a frame.
Old Capitol Quilters Guild, Iowa City Area, NQA
Chapter #IA603 Old Capitol Quilters Guild is a nonprofit organization open to anyone interested in quilts or
quilting. Monthly meetings are held the second Monday
of each month, September through July, at 7 p.m. at Our
Redeemer Lutheran Church on 1st Ave. and Court St. in
Iowa City. Dues are $25/year, renewable September 1.
Guests are always welcome.
May Newsletter — Submit by April 18
Please submit articles, announcements, etc. to
Sondra, newsletter editor, sblewis@mchsi.com on
or prior to Monday, April 18. Thank You!
Page 7
Board and Committee Members for 2015-2016
Linzee McCray
338-9748 linzee.mccray@gmail.com
Barbara Yoder
321-1131 barb.yoder@gmail.com
Jill Fisher
331-1513 yellowsmoke1010@hotmail.com
Jessica Marks
937-902-4297 jessim@gmail.com
Sondra Lewis (editor) 338-3827 sblewis@mchsi.com
Meredith Sewell
337-6177 meredith.sewell@act.org
Lauren Tiffany
338-5247 LTiffany@centurylink.net
Penny Smith
337-3599 tfsmith18@q.com
Ruth Langehough
338-3449 prlang5@mchsi.com
Janice Hall
Linda Alberhasky
430-0306 linalb65@aol.com
Debbie Grundstad
512-6046 dag2671@gmail.com
Carole Knutson
338-8442 cknuts@mchsi.com
Mary Mockaitis
337-4656 mmockaitis@mchsi.com
Kristin Summerwill
337-8615 kesummerwill@msn.com
Carole Ramsey
337-9330 mcramsey@mchsi.com
Karen Albertus
341-7987 karenal13@msn.com
Kathy Becker
641-425-1956 dandkbecker@gmail.com
Sharon Halverson
321-1085 sharonhalverson@gmail.com
Nancy Johns
354-1904 njohns@q.com
Katherine Konz
341-8368 konzk@mchsi.com
Gail Wadley
614-226-6269 gmwadley@gmail.com
Sarah Yoder Parker
358-9959 sarahyoderparker@gmail.com
Membership Karen Miller
683-2612 remklm2@sharontc.net
Glenda Skallerud
337-2207 glenda-skallerud@uiowa.edu
Vicki Walch
338-6650 vwalch@gmail.com
Pam Ehrhardt
800-9428 pje281@gmail.com
The Board is here to serve you, so please contact any board member with questions.
April 2016
OCQG Website
Advertising Rates:
Year One Issue
Business Card $60 $12.50
Quarter Page $120 $25.00
Note: It is the policy of the Guild
to charge $5 to visitors attending
our monthly guild meeting when we
have a national speaker presenting.
The past few years we have been
lax in doing so. At the August 2014
board meeting this was discussed
and it was decided that at future
meetings, we will again be doing
this. This is not to deter guests from
coming to our meetings, but rather
to help with the cost of bringing in a
national speaker.
April 2016
Page 8
OCQG 2015-2016 Programs
2016 Upcoming Events (continued)
Apr. 11, 2016 Lynne Hagmeier, Workshop: Twisted
7pm Kansas Troubles Quilts-Moda and
May 9, 2016 Modern Quilt Group, Inspired by Fabric
and Shapes
June 13, 2016 Chris Clark, 9-4pm Workshop will be held
at Inspirations, Hills
7pm Art to Appliqué
July 11, 2016 2016 Challenge: Iowa-River to River
April 30, 10-5
May 1, 10-4
May 11-14
September 23-24
2016 Upcoming Events
Spring along 20 Shop Hop; for more info,
see ad on page 2 of OCQG March newsletter
2016 National Quilt Museum “Quilts for
Quilting” Campaign. More info on pg. 5
of OCQG November 2015 newsletter.
April 7, 8, 9
International Quilt Festival Chicago.
For more info, see page 6 of OCQG March
newsletter and www.quilts.com
April 28, 5-8pm
Kalona Quilt Show and Sale, for info
April 29, 9am-7pm visit www.woodinwheel.com
April 30, 9am-5pm
continued in next column...
(various dates)
American Quilter’s Society Quilt
Shows Paducah, KY (Apr. 20-23);
Syracuse, NY (July 27-30); Grand
Rapids, MI (Aug. 10-13);
Chattanooga, TN (Sept. 14-17); Des
Moines, IA (Oct. 5-8). For more info,
If you know of quilting events/dates,
please inform newsletter editor.
Old Capitol Quilters Guild
c/o Sondra Lewis
605 Holiday Rd.
Coralville, IA 52241
March 31,
April 1 &2
April 1, 2016
Central Iowa Shopping Spree, Ames
See ad at the bottom of page 2 of this
Threads of Time Quilt Show, Cedar
Rapids Convention Center Complex;
Includes quilt show, vendor mall,
classes, more. View classes & events
catalog online at www.mqsshow.org
Great River Quilt Show, Mississippi
Valley Fair Grounds, Davenport IA;
Mississippi Valley Quilters Guild;
Over 400 quilts, merchants mall,
demonstrations, appraisals, more. For
more info visit www.mvqg.org