Addendum to Combat - George C. Marshall Foundation
Addendum to Combat - George C. Marshall Foundation
,....---------------- --- " July 1, 1999 ADDENDUM TO COl\tlBAT By Lester O. Gluesenkamp The 1997 Holiday issue of the lOath INFANTRY DIVISION ASSOCIATION NEWS listed a letter from the W. D. Warren CONSUL.GENERAL in Liechtenstein, Germany concerning two C Company, 397 th Infantry Regiment soldiers who had been taken prisoner on May 11, 1945 (Exhibit 1). World War II officially ended on May 5, 1945, although for many, the fighting had virtually ceased about two to three weeks earlier. Therefore, the story could not be true. I was convinced at the time that no prisoners were captured on this date and neither did I recall any prisoners being taken while we were dug in near Urbach. I wrote to the CONSUL GENERAL requesting that he send me a copy of the interrogation report in German (Exhibit 2). In the meantime, I had written a letter to Dr. Foster Mitchen of Cranford, New Jersey, who was a soldier in the 2nd squad of the 2nd platoon ofC Company, 397 lh Infantry Regiment at the time (Exhibit 3). After receiving my letter, Foster telephoned me advising I me that he recalled the incident when two men were captured from his' squad. Fortunately for him, he went to a dentist this day and missed the patrol. Foster believed that the two men were recent replacements, but he could not recall their names. Subsequently, we learned that Weingarten joined the company at Fort Bragg, went overseas with the division while the Stoewer joined the company as a replacement in December 1944. I received a letter from Dick Warren, the Consul General, dated May 27, 1998, indicating his willingness to send me a copy of the report without revealing their names (Exhibit 4). On June 10, 1998 (Exhibit 5), I sent Dick Warren, the Consul Genral, a letter requesting a copy of the report along with other details known at the time. He sent me a letter (Exhibit 6) dated June 19, 1998 with details about the two prisoners and the German interrogation report (Exhibit 7). After several inquiries, I was able to locate a person, a retired Lutheran minister, Irwin Meseke, who could translate the report to English (Exhibit 8). The report revealed more information than was actually available to the prisoners or to me at the time. Our orders required that in the event we were captured to only reveal our name, rank and serial number. I sent a copy of the report to several members of the division in the hopes of learning more about the two prisoners (Exhibit 9). In the meantime, I talked to Frank Likely of Shaker Heights, Ohio, a former C Company soldier about the report. Frank conveyed to me an internet address where the names could be searched for current addresses and telephone numbers. I contacted the website, www.freeality/findt.htm. and I tentatively located the name, address and telephone number of both men. Based on my search, I printed the information for later follow up (Exhibit 10). I called Eric Weingarten in Trumansburg, New York and William Stoewer in Baltimore, Maryland. Eric Weingarten was surprised to receive my call after fifity three years. He and Stoewer were captured March 11,1945, not May 11, 1945 as indicated in the letter from the Consul General. r~.. · We had a long talk. My letter dated August 15, 1998, (Exhibit 11) included my book COMBAT, the translated interrogation report and a request to attend the upcoming reunion. I was unable to reach William Stoewer by telephone, so I sent him a letter dated August 29, 1998 (Exhibit 12). At this time, I was not certain that Stoewer was the same person who was captured on March 11, 1945 or if he was still living. According to information contained in the report, Stoewer would be about 80 years of age at this time. About three weeks later, I received a telephone call from William Stoewer. He was also surprised to hear from me. We had a long telephone conversation wherein he related their capture and harried prisoner of war experience. I infonned him that Weingarten was still living and I gave him his address and telephone number as he had lost track of him over the years. Stoewer indicated his health was not the best, in part due to the injuries sustained when the potato hand grenade exploded nearby. Fifty years later, Stoewer still has fragments of the grenade in his body. The last fragment to exude out of his skin occurred about twenty years ago. On September 28, 1998 (Exhibit 13), I sent a copy ofthe translated interrogation to Stoewer along with a copy of my book COrvIBAT. William Stoewer sent me a letter dated October 6, 1998 (Exhibit 14) wherein he related his condition and the good news that all of us survived through the war. As a result of my contacts, Eric Weingarten and his wife were able to attend the reunion. A few days later, Eric sent me a letter dated September 14, 1998 (Exhibit 15). His letter recalled some of the details of their capture. When we talked over the telephone, he related their harried , experience traveling through Germany as POW's. In some towns and cities that were recently bombed by our air force, the women would throw rocks at them or try to pour boiling water over them as they passed beneath their second floor houses. His letter of September 26, 1998 (Exhibit 16) related more details of their capture and their fortunate survival as POW's. Dick Warren, the Consul General, sent me a letter dated February.4, 1999 (Exhibit 17), asking me questions regarding interrogation report and information about the Military Personnel Records Center. I responded with my letter of February 15, 1999 (Exhibit 18). In my letter, I forgot to mention that the morning reports only list the two men as MIA's, with no subsequent details of their capture. Neither men are listed as POW's in the THE STORY OF THE CENTURY. Dick Warren's letter ofMarch 2, 1999 (Exhibit 19), expressed surprise when he - learned that I had contacted both men and that both were still living. In June of this year, I received a letters dated June 6 & 19, 1999 (Exhibit 20& 21), from Webb Salmon of Piedmont, Alabama who had been a soldier in D Company, 397 th • He was attached to C Company at various times as a machine gunner from the weapons platoon. His letters and my letter to Webb dated June 12, 1999 (Exhibit 22) reveal an interesting sidelight to our days in and about Urbach. The whole story and many more could probably be told if all the facts were known to the men involved. In any event we who survived are happy to share these stories with our readers. Lester O. Gluesenkamp 4185 Kinoka RD Alma, IL 62807 .. ,\ Exhibit 1 Holidny issue, 1997 10ath INFANTRY DIVISION ASSOCIATION r a-Notes tory Channel) and ccttainly shall comment on the great appreciation and Jespect for our efforts in France nnd even in Germany. is a good chance that I wilT not get to the Enclosed nre copies ()f ne\V~p:lper sto- hotel until after 5:00 p.m. I was wonderries on our receptions in Rimling. Bitche, ing if the reunion items (tickets, etc.) eould and Simsheim. I arrangerl with my wife, be left at the hotel registration desk given Bea. to have these trnnslated fmm french to me when I check in. (3) I also noted and German. TIle English versions also are from the reunion schedule of events that enc1o~ed. Other enclosures include the the business meeting will be held on Satphotocopy of my follow-up leHer to the urday, 6 September from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Mayor of Rimling, a letter from a German r d like to know if the meeting will be open professor who has puhlished materials on to all members or only to association omthe 100th Infantry Division, some pages . cials, past and present. fr~m the professor's book alld, for your Attached is an update of ex-K-398th infonnation, a notice of my second retire- members who have either passed away or ment-this time from academia. I have moved without leaving a forwarding adsome excellent photos of the Rirnling dress. I also enclose copies of an E-mail events. copies of which had hecn scnt to regarding the demise of Roy Curtis, as Jack Walsh. well as .the envelopes which were returned Bea and I look forward to secing you in to us due to non-delivery. Charlotte in Scptemher. With thanks for your help and best I am sending a similar lettcr to Joe Col- wishes." lie. I sent four items, including photos to Bill Young on December 31st but haven't CONSUL GENERAL 'V.D. WARheard from him." REN. "Dear Marvin, I had the pleasure of meeting you briefly at the reunion last CONSUL GENERAL \-V.ll. \VAR- year in Williamsburg and I hope we'll REN. 2, Am Schraegen Weg, FL-9490 meet again this year in Charlotte. As you Vaduz, Liechtenstein. "Dear 'Vall, At the will see, I have attached a copy of my last top of the June issue of the Association letter to Walt Backus (a cc will also go to newsleltcr. you wrote that you have no Stan Posess) mainly because I do not want record of a 11m IJnulshaw c1l1d I will no- to burden Walt unduly with my questions tify the fellow who asked ahoutthis in due and you and Stan will no doubt know to course. I appreciate your doing the re- whom such queries should be directed. search on.this and I hope I won't have to Thanks in advance to you and Stan for any bother you with this kind of query in the help you may be able to give. future: In another malter, I noticed in the June I have a few questions ahout the news- newsletter a contribution by association letter and because these should perhaps be member, Willis Wahl, fonnerly of Co. C, . directed to other Divh;ion Association of- 397th, in whiCh he mentioned a Lt. Denficials, I'm sending a copy of this letter to ning who was apparently his platoon Stan Posess and Marvin Alpert in the hope leader. The name, Lt. Denning, rang a bell that it can be passed on to the appropriate . with me and after looking through the person. My questions are as follows: (1) 100th Division files I have here, I uncovThe article in column I on the front page ered a strange document. It was given to states that this year's reunion will be the me by a member of a military club near 52nd while the President's Report calls it, Bitche on my last visit there in May of 'The fiftieth Anniversary Reunion.' I have this year. The document is a six-page rethe feeling that Joe Collie i!; right but I port of the interrogation of two members can't help wondering why the other article of Co. C, 397th, who were captured in call!' it the 52nd. Plcn~e clnrify. (2) I note Urbach (near Bitchc) on 11 May 1945 by from Ihe !;chcdule of evr.nt~ thilt the re- members of the 17th 55 Panzer Gren. Diunion registration desk at the Adams Mark vision 'Gotz von Berlichingen.' The reHotel will close at 5:00 p.m. 011 Thursday, port contains a great deal of infonnation 4 September. My flight does not get in about the 100th Division an I'lljust quote until 4:20 p.m. <if it's on time) and there a few lines here, translating from the Ger- 15 man text, which reads as follow~: 'Regimental Commander (of the 397th) replacing Col. Ellis who was killed in action in November (1944) is Col. Single~. Company Commander of C. Co., 397th is Capt. Roe. Platoon leaders of platoons I to 3 of Co. C, 397th, are Lt. Mouyica (1), Lt. Horley. and Lt. Denning.' Because oCthe vast amount of information the Gennans obtained from these two soldiers and which is included in the interrogation report, I'm reluctant to give their names. As we all know, our instmctions were, elf captured, give only your name, rank, and serial number.' The document is nonetheless interesting and Imay ask the Army IIi:-;torical Center in Carlisle, Pa., if they would want a translation." CONSUL GEN. W.D. WARREN. To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alcorn. "Dear Friends, I thought you might like to have copies of a few of the photos I took at the reunion. Unfortunately. I did not write down the name of the Gen. Barron's comely partner but I suppose there will be something about in the next Divi-· sion Association News. I do re r nl1 ~hnt the General mentioned she had won the title of 'Anny NCO of the Year' and I assum~ she is from the I omit Division (IT). I was very pleased that we were able to field 16 ex-Kl398th members (including wives) and, as far as I know, this was the largest contingent ever to attend a reunion. I'm sorry to say that Pittsburgh, Pa., has . never had a high priority on my list· of places I want to visit but the fact that our next reunion will be held there may push it up a few notches. In any event, I look forward to attending as many reunions as I can before the good Lord calls me to that big staging area in the sky. It would be nice if I could make it to the year 2000 in which year I shall celebrate my 75th birthday and 50th anniversary of my college graduation. With warm regards." To Mr. & Mr~. Marvin Alpert. "Dear Friends, I rc~lIly like thi$ photo of you! You seem to be bursting with energy and good cheer, giving a fine example to the attending ex-Centurymen and their wives. Continued on Ihenexl page. Exhibit 2 12 GEORGE TYREE, 316 Mercer St. Elizabethtown, KY 42701. Letter to Commander, 1 DOth Division (Training), 360 Century Division Way, Louisville, Ky. "With your permission and at your convenience I would like to present to. you on behalf of myself and my comrades of Company c/\, 1st Battalion, 398th Infantry Regiment, 100th Infantry (Century) Division, an Ike jacket with regimental insignia, Division patch, awarded Distinguished Service Cross attached (picture enclosed), plaque and framed citation awarding the D.S.C., in memory ofT! Sgt. Frank B. Bujnowski, our platoon sergeant and beloved comrade to be placed in the 100th Division (Training) Museum for remembrance and posterity. If at all possible I would like to present to you the above mentioned items on the morning or afternoon of the 8th of April, 1994, the 49th anniversary of his death. . Accompanying me on this presentation will be representatives of Chapter 567, Military Order of the Purple' Heart, Radcliff, Ky." ROBERT G. TESSMER, 32 Shady Hollow Dr.,Dearborn.,MI 48124. "I just received my copy ofthe Division News.letter and wanted to go on record with you that it is absolutely the best. You have a wonderful collection of letters, articles, photos, etc., that make for fascinating reading. I thought the proof copies· that we received in Philadelphia were good, but the final article is much bette.r. Please make a correction in my address as listed in the column ofTrustees. I no longer have a P.O. Box and it, confuses the post office when that number appears so please delete it. I was especially pleased to see the dues envelope and the reference to the fact that they would be removed from the mailing list for non payment. I am a strong believer that dues notices should be made only once a year, with full expectation that remittance follows. Follow up notices for non payment can then be sent to delinquents. I found that a notice in every newsletter was, confusing and many times in the past, Ijust passed it over. I'm sure others did the same thing. 100th INFANTRY DIVISION ASSOCIATION C-Notes I hope you are well 01.1 the road to a full recovery and that the holiday season finds you and Selma and your family in good health and spirits." RUSSELL W. SOLOVEY, '494 Willowbrook Lane, Box A-5, Roanoke, VA 24012-8842. "Today I received my new Association Newsletter. Wowt Plenty news to read about our Association. Marv, we'll be looking for our next issue with anticipation. Good luck with your publication. I'm proud .to have had you in our section." . ALDEN SMALL, Apt. 9, 5 Davis Mountain Rd., Hendersonville, NC 28739. "Enjoyed talking with you over the phone yesterday and pleased to hear from you. Congratulations on the splendid edition of the Division Association Newsletter. It was great to see you·presented so much ofthe style instigated by those who began the letter years ago. We should be ever grateful to Jack Walsh and his colleagues who.faithfully delivered the news, stories and plans for , future activity. The chronology treatment is important as we learn. of the passing of so many good buddies. Am enclosing addresses of Stegmaier and Reinecke, G4 and G2 respectively. Also news ofloss ofJohn MacCauley of Columbia, S.C.-a great help with our contacts at Ft. Jackson. Knew all the folks who made place tick. Hopefully, Rabinowitz will make contact with me. Should you have a way I may contact him. I shall be delighted to do so. Trust you will have a good new year and that you and Selma have an opportunity to represent the Division on occasion. You both have demonstrated how much you care for the good and welfare of this fine organization." SISGT. CHARLIE SMITH, Co. H, 399th. "I was notified of the death of former 1st Sgt. Herb Turner. He passed away last August at his home in Roanoke, Va. He was 1st Sgt. ofa Headquarters Company in either the 397th or 398th. Funny how life is, we have stayed in April, 1998 touch each Christmas by sending cards of cheer. This it was not so cheerful. Herb retired from the service (30 yrs.) as a Colonel. He was a damned good soldier and his wife Hilda, was a wonderful Army wife. With deep regret I submit this to TAPS. Just got a card from Tony Victor, said . Andy Victor died also. Best regards to my Co. cH' buddies." LESTERO.GLUESE~,C Compan)', 397th Inf., 4185 Kinoka Rd., Alma, IL 62807. " Your latest newsletter must be a first for the Association and the greatest ever. I enjoyed reading all the tidbits of information and stories that you covered. I suspect that your wife was a great help in getting out to the members. Anyway, thanks for your efforts. On page 15, center, was a copy of a letter from the Consul General W.D. Warren regarding two C Company POW's who gave a great amount of information to the enemy. The story intrigued me since the company did not go into Urbach, although a patrol may have gone into the area between January 1 and March 15. I am not aware of any C Company prisoners that were captured during this period. In addition, the names of Col. Ellis and Capt. Roe are.correct, but the other names appear to have been deliberately misspelled. Most likel~ any other information would also have been distorted or possibly made up. Whatever the case. I see no harm in divulging their names and the contents of their interrogation to all members of the division. There were two C Company soldiers who were. captured in the hole next to mine on December 1, 1944, but they were both executed shortly after they left our area. ' I would appreciate your efforts to secure the translation ofthis document and the pubiishing ofthe translation." LESTER O. GLUESENKAMP, (letter to FOIAJPA Division, Freedom Office). "I request permission to have access to Company C, 397th Infantry Regiment, 100th Infantry Division, 7th Army, morning reports with personnel changes for the period of October 6, 1944 through April 30, 1945. This was the period' of my combat experience j: I .. I ·' .\ April,1998 100th INFANTRY DIVISION ASSOCIATION with the Division. I have written a book of my recollections and I would like to add this record to my story. Enclosed are copies of letters addressed to the National Personnel , Records Center in St. Louis and a copy of their response. The records do exist at the NPRC and I would like to set up an appointment to enable them to pull the records and provide space for copy and review." . ALFRED E. SCHEY, 3214 Paces Mill Road, Atlanta, GA 30339-3787.. "Just a quick note to let you know that I've had two responses to my letter you had published in the 100th Infantry Newsletter. One was from a Mrs. Costello (Ohio) whose deceased husband had served with the 100th Inf. Div. near Stuttgart. Another was from a Charles Bodenhammer who was in the CIC attached to the 100th Inf. Div. and who lives here in Atlanta. We're planning on getting together in the near future. Please, can you arrange for a copy of that newsletter to be mailed to me? I tried to call you, but the number (215) 695-1772 is not working?!? Maybe I copied it wrong (and I can't find your original letter.) . For now, let me wish you happy and successful New Year!" Editor's note: My correct phone number is (215) 698-1772. a DAVID A. CHILD, 606 Third Street Ext., Manchester, GA 31816."1 am interested in locating members of the 398th football team that stayed in Waiblingen in the fall of'45. We won the Division championship at the stadium in Esslingen. Bob Hope came to visit at the stadium also." JACK POINTER, 105 Erie Drive, Naples, FL 34110. (Letter written to Michael Colalillo). "Enclosed are some pictures taken on September 12, 1997 at the Minnesota ANG hangar at Duluth, 1A. I plan to send a copy of the one that you and I are in to Marvin Alpert for the 100th Newsletter. Also I will send a copy to Jerry (Bong) and' Lyle Fechtelkotter at Poplar, Wis., where the P-~8 is t9 be housed in a memorial building in the future. I C-Notes 13 historian, are certainly the best candidate. stopped by to visit them after this picI am attempting to put together a ture was taken. newsletter for my' old company, Hdq. T/Sgt. Charles Carey received the Co., 2nd Btn., 397th Regiment. The CMH posthumously for his heroic search engines available on the deeds done while with the 100th Inf. internet make it possible to locate, in Div. in France in WWII. At Louisville, many cases, the men in various outwhere you have been, the 100th Divi- fits for whom addresses have been lost. sion museum has a bronze plaque com- I've located many in my company this memorating CMH recipients: Sgt. way and many more in the division for Care:y, Lt. Silk, and you. There is no Bill Young-who, by the wa:y, is in the picture of Sgt. Care)'. I finally got in hospital after a heart attack. One of touch with Mrs'. Eva Carey, Sgt. the things I want to obtain is a list of Carey's widow. She still lives in Chey- the men in my company who were capenne, Wyo. Mrs. Carey is going to sup- tured. We lost quite a few in the ply us with a picture of Sgt. Carey so Rimling battle. it can be placed with Lt. Silk and your Our division book 'The Story of thepictures at the museum in Louisville. Century' contains a list ofthe captured Mrs. Carey is' 78 years old now and Sgt. for most of the battalions, but for some Carey would have been 82 years old. reason, the list was omitted for the 2nd It so happens that the man who wit- Battalion. Can you supply this for me nessed Sgt. Carey's' deeds lives here or, if not, can you suggest where I in Naples, Fl. Mrs. Carey plans to get might obtain such a list? I really need in touch with him as she has never had this and would appreciate any help you a full accounting of how he died. are able to give." Mike, the memorials that exist for the 100th Division bring back the FRANKLIN L. GURLEY, 1626 memories of incidents, which at the Romanens, Fribourg, Switzerland. time, may have not been the best, but "Dear Doc, replying to your Nov. 7 letwith the passing of time, that which is ter, our new secretary Marv Alpert remembered is only the best. happened to phone me yesterday just At the entrance to the Air Force after your letter arrived, so I asked for Museum at Dayton, Ohio, the follow- his advice. I explained that; the Diviing is on a plaque-"For those who .sion history omits a list of 'captured' fight for them, life and liberty have a for the 2nd Btn., 397th. flavor the protected and the indifferMarv said he would be glad to \yrite ent never know-Anon." We who the to St. Louis and I agreed to send him Lord has permitted to live thes'e 50 or your letter. I suppose he would need more years, last past, know this to be whatever names you have before proa great truism. ceeding further. On May 1 and 2, 1998, at DeLand, I leave the initiative to you and Marv Florida, near Daytona, the Florida on the exact next steps. Chapter of the 100th Inf. Div. Assoc. of Good luck on your plan to put out a WWII will have their annual reunion. newsletter for Hq. Co., 2nd Bn., 397th. If you are in the area at the time, you Enclosed is the latest newsletter (page are always welcome to attend. 16) of Co. A, 398th, with the editor's Thanks for inviting me to see the P- address in case you want to see his 38 that is planned for Maj. Richard approach. With all good wishes." Bong's memorial building in Poplar, JOHN C. ANGIER, III, #338, NaWis. Also, Happy Birthday, December 1, tional Adjutant, 67 Ocean Drive, St. Augustine, FL 32084. Mike." "Dear Bill Correll, read your letter LEWIS "DOC' EMERSON, 101 with interest in the C-NOTES in the Calvin Lane, Oak-Ridge, TN 37830. 100th Newsletter. You are correct in (Letter to Frank Gurley). "I have a re- your knowledge ofCharlie Compton. quest and don't quite know to whom it As you know, he was an All-American should be addressed, b.ut you, as our Continued on the next page. Exhibit 3 May 17, 1998 Dr. Foster Mitchem 4 Woods Hole Rd Cranford, NJ 07016 Dear Foster; I am sorry that I missed you call the other day. Maybe we can talk more about Urbach at the reunion. Enclosed are pictures that Bill Adams took while visiting Urbach in 1996 along with his letter. In thinking back to 1945, I recall going on patrols into a small town in a valley between our positions and the enemy. Nothing happened on these patrols. The town must have been Urbach. Please bring these pictures to the reunion for all to see. Enclosed is a memo prepared for me by the company clerk in stuttgart at the time I was writing my diary of combat experience. The memo indicates that we were positioned in or near Urbach for several weeks, but not on March 11, 1945. Whatever may be the facts, I hope that more information comes to light at our next reunion. Adell and I plan to attend. Sincerely, Lester O. Gluesenkamp " -- -- --------------------, Exhibit 4 CONSUL GENERALW.D.WARREN, KHS 2. AM SCHRAEGEN WEG FL-9490 VADUZ LIECHTENSTEIN TEL: (075) 232 21 92 FA.)<: (075) 2320301 Internet (E-mail)consgenw@warren.LOL.1i Mr. Lester O. Glusenkamp 4185 Kinoka Road Alma, IL 62807 U.S.A. 27 May 1998 WDW/ul Dear Fonner Centuryman, In your letter to the Division Association News which was printed in the April issue, you mentioned my letter concerning a report of the interrogation of two POW's from C h Company, 39t which appeared in the Holiday issue. My letter was originally sent to Marvin Alpert but I unfortunately have not been able as yet to locate a copy in my files. There is at least one error in my letter as it appears in the Div. Assoc. News, viz. that the two POW's were captured on 11 May 1945". This, of course, should .read, "11 March 1945". . Because you yourself mentioned in your letter that the information contained in the report of interrogation might have been "...distorted or possibly made up",. and the chances of ever setting the record straight after so many years is so unlikely, I am still reluctant to divulge the names of the soldiers who were allegedly involved. If you wish, I would be willing to send you a copy of the six pages of the report of interrogation which, as I mentioned in my letter to Marvin, is in German~ I look forward to hearing from you and hope you can understand the position I am taking in this matter. Sincerely yours, Dirk Warren Exhibit 5 , . June 10,1998 Consul General W.D. Warren, KHS 2,AM SCHRAEGEN WEG FL-9490 VADUZ LIECHTENSTEIN Dear Consul General, Thank you for letter of May 27, 1998 regarding the two POW's from C Company 397th. I would be pleased to receive a copy of the interrogation report in German. My wife and I can still read some German. If we need help, I know a relative who is very familiar with translating German handwriting. After my letter was published in the Century . newsletter, t received a call from a former member of C Company. He remembers the prisoner incident, but since he was at the dentist, he did not recall their names. He did remember that both were recent replacements. The published division and regiment records do not reflect any C Company prisoners. I hope to visit the Personnel Record Center later this month to review the personnel changes. My visit has been delayed because of my recent open heart surgery operation. Sincerely, Lester O. Gluesenkamp Exhibit 6 CONSUL GENERAL,W.D.WARREN, KHS 2. AM SCHRA~'GEN WEG FL-9490 VADUZ LIECHTENSTEIN TEL: (075) 232,2" 92 F~: (075) 23203 01 Internet (E-mail)consgenw@warren.LOL.1i Mr. Lester O. Glusenkamp 4185 Kinoka Road Alma, IL 62807 U.S.A. 19 June 1998 WDW/ul Dear Lester, In response to your letter of 10 June 1998, I enclose the six pages which comprise the ND report of interrogation conducted by an SS-Untersturmfiihrer (2 Lt.) by the name of Hornung and countersigned by an SS-Hauptsturmfiihrer (Capt.) named Ebert. Both of these officers were members of the 17 SS Panzer Grenadier Division "Go/z von Berlichingen ", You will note that the six pages are numbered 1. to 6. by hand over the printed numbers 19. to 23. and page 6. does not have a printed number. I have no idea why the numbers were written by hand nor do I know who did this. You may also have a problem, as I did, with the numbers and letters used in the report, e.g. on page 5. paragraph 12.) is missing and between paragraph 15.) on page 5. and paragraph 17.) on page 6., paragraph 16.) is missing. . There are other difficulties I ran into in connection with the numbers and letters used in various paragraphs but, it seems apparent that the report concerns primarily two U.S. prisoners who were captured in Urbach on 11 March 1945, viz. - Pvt. Eric Weingarten, 42130731 of New York, 19 years old, single, student of engineering, jewish by birth and religion and - Pvt. Wil~iam Stoewer, 33890434 of Maryland, 26 years old, married, 1 child, welder, Lutheran and of German descent. . Both of these soldiers were menlbers of C Company, 397 Regt. 100th Division. Several other officers of the' 100th Division were named as follows: - Col. Singles allegedly replaced Col. Elles (Ellis?) as Regimental Commander h of the 39i when the latter was killed in action in November 1944. h st - Lt. Col. King was commander, 1 Battalion, 39i • h - Capt. Roe was C.O. orco.c, 39i • S nd rd - The following officers are named as Platoon Leaders of the 1 t, 2 and' 3 th Platoons, Co. C, 397 : - Lt. Mouyica (?) lie - Lt. Horley - Lt. Denning * the question mark is in the printed text. ' -2At the top of page 1., described as ErfolgsmelJjung (Report of results) you will see that three prisoners were taken, three were killed and one was seriously wounded and these are U.S. troops. ·After Eigener Ausfall (German casualties) one seriously wounded is mentioned. In the report itself, I could find no mention of the three U.S. soldiers K.LA. or the one seriously wounded and only two prisoners are mentioned.. Here are some abbreviations which may cause you some problems: - J.D. Infantry Division Infantry Regiment company - F.P. Nr APO number - Kg{. Prisoner of war - Panzer Btl. Tank battalion - MG. Machine gun - z. T at this time - Div. GelS/d. Division Headquarters - Lkw Truck - J. Regt. - Kp. As I mentioned in my letter to you of 27 May 1998, because I have no idea how accurate the information continued in the ,German report may be, I would appreciate it. if you would not mention me as the source of this perhaps fabricated documentation. Good luck with the translation of the report. This is printed 'so it will be easier than doing the job from a hand-written text. I hope you have a speedy and complete recovery from your open-heart surgery. I had a cor~nary artery occlusion in 1995 and was treated again in March of this year for angina pectoris. In both case an angiographic examination was perfonned but other heart surgery was not deemed necessary. Sincerely yours, ~-- . ... Exhibit 7 ." l: Erfolgsme1dung: Eigener Ausfall: 2 Gefangene, 3 Tote, 1 Schwerverwundeter. 1 Schwerverwundeter. a.B. gez. Hornung SS-U nterstunnfiihrer " wurden sofort zur Division gehracht Die heiden gefangenen Amerikaner umI don vernommen. Nacqitehend das Vemehmungsprotokoll: 17. SS-P~mzer-GrenaJier-Division Div.Gef.Std., den 12. 3. 1945' 7tGotz yon BerlichungenNL Gefangenenvemehmung Nr. 21 Bet...: 100. a.J. D., 397. J. Rgt. C-Kp., F.P.Nr. 447 Gefangennahme in Urbach am 11. 3. 1945 1 1) a Gefr. Weingarten, Eric h 42130731 New York, 19 Jahre aIt, ledig, Student des Masch.-baus, jiid. Abstammung und Religion. II ~ , • I I l' ~' Ii, ~ : \ I. J --~;I volkerung in Frankreich (Raon l' Etape, Senones) ickenden Amerikaner lebhaft begriiBt, gekiiBt und etzigen Einsatzraum ist die Haltung der Bevolke~ geisten aber auch nicht unfreundlich. Kgf. denen di.e K~. b,egegnet sind, seien gut n. 1m,Lazarett m Dleuze. hat der Kgf. zu A) mit 2 im gleichen Raum gelegen. echer werden nach Ansicht des Kgf. zu A) in den ten b~opders Adolf Hitler und Heinrich Himmler deutsche Zivilbevolkerung solI gerecht aber streng n. .......... .... Fiir das Divisionskommando ~l" Der 1. Generalstabsoffizier · 1. A. gez. Ebert 1: SS-Hauotsturmfiihrer 'I .. l !' 11 I Lf -l: dII . j I ~. \; k I! I Erfolgsmeldung: Eigener Ausfall: Exhibit 7 '"\.. a. B. gez. Hornung SS-Untersturmfiihrer 2 Gefangene, 3 Tote, 1 Schwerverwundeter. 1 Schwerverwundeter. ,t' AIL ss_panzer-Gr~nadier-Division Gefangenenvemehmung Nr. 21 Div.Gef.Std., den 12. 3. 1945- Die heiden gefangenen Amerikaner wurden sofon zur Division gebracht und dort vemommen. ~~c¥tehend das Vemehmungsprotokoll: . 17. "Gotz von BerlichungenBett.: 100. a.J.D., 397. ].Rgt. C-Kp., F.P.Nr. 447 Gefangennahme in Urbach am 11. 3.1945 1) a Gefr. Weingarten, Eric b 42130731 New York, 19 Jahre alt, ledig, Student des Masch.-haus, j,iid. AbstamIDung und Religion. 11) b • , Kg£. nimmt an, daB es sich um ein . oche 8 Panzer auf der.StraBe in Bining merikanische, einige franz. Besatzung horigkeit unbekannt. 13) a 15) d c 14) a d b c d e n der Front eingesetzten Kp. uglich 2 werden mit einem Jeep etwa in die und von dort in Essentragern nach n etwa 08.00 Uhr u. 14.00 Uhr. Da einer Nachbarkomp. 6 Mann 'beim huB verwundet wurden, besteht jetzt 2-3 Mann beim Essen[assen zusam- huB sind bei dem Essenfassen wahnie eingetreten. Zustand befindlichen franz. StraBen ausgebessert. B) im Ersatzlager: 15603 ndwo in Frankreich befindlichen er 78. J.D.: Feldpostamt 78. volle Starke und fUhrt die im USAneten Waffen mit. die Kp. seit Mitte Januar folgende 12 Verwundete und etwa 20 FuB- all umgehe~d durch Ersatz au~gegl. csche MG. 42 wird ebenso wie die lak sehr gefiirchtet. B diedeutschen Panzer z. T. mit der (! als .,8,8" offenbar das richtige r 100. a.J. D. muBte vor Monaten er jetzt getragen werden. s im November gefallenen Oberst bersdeutnant Kin'g. mann Roe. ZugfUhrer: 1-3 Zug C-Komp. 397 Leutnant Mouyica (?), Leutnant Horley und Leutnant Denning. Die Gasausriistung muB am Mann mitgefUhn werden, wurde jedoch bei dem Unternehmen, das zur Gefangenschaft fiihrte, im Stellungsloch zuriickgelassen. Ausstattung 1000/0. Erganzung sofon und ohne Ersatzleistung. Letzter Gasunterricht in den Vereinigten Staaten, insgesamt etwa 10 Stunden, dabei 2 Gasraumproben. Gute Moral, gutes Verhiltnis zu Offizieren und Unteroffizieren. Jeweils darf 1 Mann der Komp. fUr 4 Tage nach Paris in Urlaub. Politische Belehrung wahrend der Ausbildung in den Vereinigten Staaten, nicht jedoch in Europa; Grundtendenz: Deutschland hat den Krieg begonnen, urn die Welt zu erobern und ihn auBerst brutal gefiihrt. Sowohl bei der politischen BeIeh~ng wie in der allgemeinen WertSchatzung wird der deutsche Gegner mehr geschatzt und geachtet als der japanische. Beide Kgf. rcchnen mit dem siegreichen Ende des Krieges, verzichten aber mit Riicksicht auf haufige friihere Fehlschatzung auf irgendwelche Zeitangaben. Innere Unruhen werden fUr den Fall befiirchtet, daB den demobilisierten Soldaten nicht die aIten Arbeitsplitze offenstehen. Der Kgf. zu B) haBt die Juden, die am Kriege verdienen und sich vorwiegend" bei den riickwartigen Diensten aufhalten. Der Kg£. zu A) gibe zwar den starken jiidischen EinfluB in den Vereinigten Staaten zu, meint aber, daB er keineswegs ausgereicht habe Amerika zum Kriegseintritt zu veranlassen. Boischewistische Zersetzungsarbeit unbekannt. Der Kg£. zu A) meint: Wir haben den BoIschewismus nicht gem, aber RuBiand ist nun einmal unser AlIiiener und ....wir. kommen eher nach Hause, wenn er gewinnt. ' Auch der Kgf., zu A) gibt einen empfindlichen Antisemitismus in den Vereinigten Staaten zu, dessen Verringerung er von einem jiidischen Palastina mit Einwanderungsmoglichkeit erhofft. Die Negerfrage ist im Heer niche akut, da die Farbigen in getrennten Einheiten dienen, die meist im riickwartigen Gebiet Verwendung finden. ~~ tJ m 26 Jahre alt, verh., 1 Kind, Schweisser, luth., ng wanderten 1920 aus Wien nach New York aus. esitzt in Manhattan ein Schokoladengeschaft. acheinander Public School, High School und er sich als M~chineningenieur vorbereitete. 1944 nach Camp Wheeler, Ga, wo er zum 18. September 1944 nach Fort Bragg, N.C., zur Rgt. 21. 10. 44 Landung in Marseille. n den Raum Baccarat. November 1944 3 WoVogesen - geringe Verluste. Dezember 1944 aum Mutterhausen - Unterbringung in BunLkw.~Transport in die Nwe des jetzigen tellungen der abgelosten 44. a.J.D. bezogen ar bis 11. 3. im Lazarett Dieuze. l, 1 Jahr Oberschule, Handelsschule, 7 Jahre weisser in der Bethlehem Steel Corp. Werft in " 1944 nach Fort Meade, Md. dann nach Fort 17-wochigen Grundausbildung. Zuriick nach November 1944 Einschif~ in New York 9000 Mann auf der "Varnavon Castle". 1m Boote) mit, 4':"5' Zerstorem nach Glasgow. 4. Don Aufteilung in Waffengattungen. Lkw·nach Southampton am 5. 12. 44 Einschiffung chter-Landung am 7. 12. 44 iiber Nacht in satzlager 25 km entfemt. Zur C-Kp. am 17. mmen mit 11 1v1annem. Einheit lag s.Zt. im ung. Nach 4 Tagen nach Muttershausen, dann tWeiler, Epping-Urbach. Seit 22. Februar bei Am 1. Man zum Rastlager Saarburg. Nach 5 ben Stellung. 1. Btl. liegen in selbstgebauten Bunkerstelluneinem Schiitzenloch liegen mehr als 3 Mann. wechseln von etwa 10 bis etwa lQO m. Tiefenn Angaben der Gefangenen nicht vorhanden, her der Zugfiihrer und der Kp.-Gefechtsstand . ... _... _--. 3. nach riickwartS abgesetzt, letzterer fast' 1000 m. AuBerdem sind die Stellungen der jeweils in Reserve befindlichen Komp. des Btl. etwa 2 km weiter riickwartS in gleicher.Weise aufgebaut, wie die Stellungen der beiden Front-Komp. Die Angehorigen der ReserveKomp. wohnen ebenfalls in den Feldstellungen, nur wenige Manner durfen zur Korperpflege jeweils eine nahegelegene Onschaft (wahrscheinlich Bining) aufsuchen. In etwa 4 Monaten haben die Angehorigen nur etwa 3-4 x in Hausem geschlafen. Gegen 12.00 Uhr wurde zwischen den beiden HKL. durch die links neben der C-Kp. eingesetzte A-Kp. ein deutscher Spahtrupp bemerkt. Darauf erhielt eine Gruppe bestehend aus 2 Offizieren, 1 Uffz. und 4 Mann den Kampfauftrag, den deutschen Spahtrupp abzuschneiden und nach Moglichkeit gefangenzunehmen. Ohne Feindberiihrung gelangte die Gruppe bis Urbach, iiber dieLage ·des durchquenen Minenfeldes wuBten nur die fiihrenden Leutnante Bescheid. In Urbach teilte sich die Gruppe, urn die Hauser der Ortschaft von der StraBen- und Feldseite aus zu durchsuchen. Sie gingen hierhei langsam und vorsichtig zu Werk, weil zwar bekannt war, daB einige Hauser vermint waren, aber nicht welche. Aus einem der Hauser erhielt die aus einem Offizier und 3 Mann bestehende Halbgruppe der Kgf. Feuer, durch das einer der Minner schwerverwundet wurde, wahrend der Kgf. zu B) durch Handgranatensplitter 1eicht an der rechten Hand verletzt wurde. Der Offizier hefahl ihnen, dort zu bleiben, entfernte sich selbst in unbekannter Richtung. Durch aus dem Haus herauskommende deutsche Soldaten wurden die Kgf. gefangengenommen. 4) a Soweit die Kgf. unterrichtet sind, entspricht die Gliederung ihres Rgt. der Au£stellung im USA-Taschenbuch Seite 18£. b Von den Schiitzenkom·p..4er Btl. liegt stets 'eine in Reserve, im vorliegenden Fall die B.-Kolnp. 'Cher die Divisions-Reserve sind die Kgf. nicht unterrichtet..... ., " c Uber die Nachbam des I. Btl. sind die Kgf. nicht unterrichtet. Geriichtweise wurde ihnen bekannt, daB links neben der A-Kp. die 44. a.J. D. liegen solI. d Kgf. zu B) gibt an: Div.GeL Std. in Saarburg, Btl. Gel. Std. in Bining. e Kgf. IU A) hat am 11. 3. auf dem Weg zur Front an der StraBengabel etwa 1 km O. HottWeiler 3 amerik. Panzer gesehen, Trup- ------_. --_. _. I Exhibit 8 REPORT OF INTERROGATlON by SS-Untersturmfuhrer (2nd Lt.) Countersigned by SS-Hauptsturmfuhrer (Capt. 17 SS Panzer Grenadier Division . "Gotz von Berlichinger" English Translation: Report of results: 2 prisoners, 3 dead, 1 seriously wounded German casualties: 1 seriously wounded The two captured Americans were taken to the Division Headquarters at once and registered there. The report data follows: . 17 SS-Tank Infantry Division "Gotz von Berlichungen" Division Headquarters; March 12, 1945 NL Capture No 21. Betr. IOOth Infantry Division, 397th Infantry Regiment Company C, APO No. 447 Captives taken in Urbach on March.ll, 1945. 1. a. Prisoner Pvt. Eric Weingarten . b. 42130731 ofNew York, 19 years old, single, student of mechanical engineering. Jewish by birth and religion. 2. a. Prisoner Pvt. Wtlliam Stoewer b. 33890434 ofMaryland, 26 years old, married, one child, a welder, Lutheran of Gennan descent. 1. a. (Refers to Weingarten) The war prisoner's parents emigrated·from Vienna to New York in . 1920. His father has a chocolate business in Manhattan. He attended public elementary and high school and City College where he trained to be a mechanical engineer. b. He was called into service and reported at Camp Wheeler, GA on April 6,1944 where he belonged to the 18th Aush.(Training?) Battalion. To Fort Brag, NC on September 6, 1944, into Company C of the 397th Infantry Regiment. Landed at Marseille on October 10, 1944. c. He served in Truck Transportation in the Baccarat area. In November J944 he served in battle in the Vosges Mountains with minimal losses. A reserve in the Mutterhousen area in December 1944, quartered in bunkers. On December 15 he served in truck transportation near the current operational area where the 44th were released from the Infantry Division. In military hospital at (Lazarett Dieuze) Diewze from mid-February until March 11. 2. a. (Refers to Stoewer) Attended public school eight-"years, high school one year and then in occupational school. Employed as a welder in the ship yards of Bethlehem Steel Corp. at Sparrow Point. b. Entered the service at Fort ~Ieade, MD. on June 7, 1944, then to lVlacClellan, AL. for 17 weeks of basic training. Back to Ft. Meade. Embarked on the "Varna von Castle" with about 8000-9000 men on November 20, 1944. Crossed the·ocean in a convoy of about 20 ships with 4-5 destroyers. Landed at Glasgow on December 3, 1944, and were separated into branches of service there. Traveled by truck across England to . Southhampton on December 5, 1944. Embarked for LeHarve by barge and landed there during the night ofDecember 7, 1944, in staging area and on to an operational area 25 km. away. To Company C together with eleven men. The unit at that time had its position in the Bitsch area On to Mutterhausen after four days and then to Hottweiler, Bettweiler, Epping-Urbach. Stationed at Urbach since February 22. To rest area at Saarburg· on March 1 and back to the same position after five days. 3. The companies of the 1st Battalion are in self-constructed bunkers south of Urbach, not more three men in on defense hole. Areas between varied from about 10 to 100 m. According to the irifonnation from the prisoners· the depth of the detachment was not known, however, the holes of the platoon and the company command post were back as far as 1000 m. Besides that, at times the reserves of a company of the battalion are to be· found further back than 2 km. with positions constructed in the same way as both companies in the front. Those who belong to the reserve companies also live in field positions. Only a few men at a time are permitted to look up a place for personal hygiene. During about four months the members slept in houses only possibly three or four times. Approaching 12:00 o'clock, a Gennan patrol was seen between the HKL (two compames?) to the left next to Company C and Company A. Then a group consisting of two officers, one officer and fOUf men as a unit received the combat mission ~rder to cut off the patrol, and, if possible, take it captive. The group got to Urbach without disturbing the enemy; only the leading lieut.enants knew the way through the minefields. The group divided itself in Urbach in order to check the houses of the village from the streets and the fields. They worked at this slowly and carefully since they were aware that a few houses were mined, but they didn't know which ones. One group consisting of an officer and three men was fired on from one of the houses. One of the men was injured so that he wasn't able to throw hand grenades with his right hand. The officer ordered him to stay there and hide in a secret place. The prisoners of war were captured by Gennan soldiers who came out of the houses. 4. a. As far as the prisoners know, their regimental headquarters agrees with page 18t: of the USA pocket manual. . b. There's a rifle company of the battalion in reserve, in this case Company B. The prisoners have no knowledge about Division reserves. c. The prisoners know nothing about neighbors of the 1st Battalion. Via a rumor they are aware that possibly the 44 th Infantry Division is at the left of Company A. d. Prisoner (B) says: Division Headquarters are in siarburg and battalion headquarters are in Bining. e. Prisoner (A) on the way to the front saw three American tanks at the fork of the road about one knl. East ofHottweiler on March 11. He doesn't know their unit attachment, but feels that it's likely an independent tank battalion. Prisoner (B) saw eight tanks on the street in Bining about a week ago, some American and some French. Unaware of further troop affiliation. g. Food storehouse in Bining. k. For some time now those serving at the front get two warm meal a day. These are brought to the Hottweiler area by jeep and from there they are brought forward by food carriers. Serving times are about 8:00 and 14:00 o'clock. When six men at the food center were wounded by neighboring company shelling about one to two weeks ago, the order was given that not more than two or three men are to be at the food containers at one time. I. Apparently sorties of enemy fire never occured. at the food ves~els in the daytime. Long distance roads in France have been repaired by German war priso~ers. 5. e. 15603 is the army postal service number for the (B) prisoner. The army postal service number for friends of prisoner (B) anywhere in France is No. 78 at the Infantry Division field post office 78. 6. a. The prisoners company is close to full strength and carries the weapons listed on page 19 of the USA pocket manual. 7. a. Since mid-January, the Company, currently in the replacement area, has lost about three or four dead, about twelve wounded and about twenty unable to walk. b. In recent time, every drop-out passed by the replacement area. 8. a The German machine gun 42, identified as "Bm" is feared greatly even as the ground battle launched anti-aircraft artiller "88". d. Prisoner (A) knows that at the present time the Gennan tanks are armed with anti-aircraft artillery "88"; "88" is obviously the right ammunition. 9. a. The well known sleeve insigna of the 100th Infantry Division had to be kept out of sight for months, but may be worn again now. 10.0. Colonel Singles replaced Colonel Elles, a war casualty in November, as Regimental Commander. Lt. Col. King was commander of ]St Battalion, 39~. Capt Roe was company commander of Company C of the 397th• The following officers are named as Platoon Leaders ofPlatoons J, 2, and 3, Co. C., 397dt., -Lt. Mouyica (?), Lt. Harley and Lt. Denning. II.b. The soldier is to carry the gas mask with him. However, in the activity which led up to the capture, it was left in the fox hole. c. Equipment, 100%. . d. Completion at once without suppliment from supply. e. The last instruction in the use ofgas masks was in the United States totalling ten hours, two hours of which was actual practice. 13.a. Morale was good, also relationship with officers and non-commissioned officers. From time . to time, one person could go to Paris for a four day vacation. b. Political instruction was included during training in the United State; not Europe. The basic that Gennany started the war in order to conquer the world and carried out emphasis the war extremely brutally. At the same time, the German enemy was given a more respected and higher rating than the Japanese. b.. Both prisoners of war anticipate a victorious end ofthe war, but reject any effort to set dates as in the past as well as now. There is considerable concern among the troops that their old employment will not available for the demobilized soldiers. was 14.a. War prisoner (B) hates the Jews who benefit from the war and will claim and hold o'n to their earning roles. 'War prisoner (A) agrees that there is a large influx of Jews in the U.S., but feels that this had nothing to do with drawing America into the war. c. The number ofreplacements by Bolschevics is UnknOwt:l. Prisoner (A) feels; We don't like Bolschevism much, but Russia is now really our ally and we'll get home sooner if she wins. IS.d. Prisoner (A) also admits to a minimum of anti-semirism in the U.S. but feels that this will decrease with a large emigration to Jewish Palestine. The Negro question is not a problem in the anny since the colored serve in separate units mostly in areas in the rear. 17.b. The arriving American were actively greeted by civilians in France, kissed and gifted. Their attitude is not quite so spirited in operational areas, but also not unfriendly. I8.a. All German war prisoners with whom our prisoners have met have been treated well. Prisoner (A) was in the same same room with two German war prisoners in the arnty hospital in Dieuze. ." b. In the view of prisoner (A) AdolfHitler and Heinrich Hirnmler especially are considered war criminals in the United States. The German civilians should be dealth with justly but also strictly. For the Division Commander General Staff Officer # 1. I A (Signed): Capt. Ebert Footnote 8-3-98 The numbers and characters do not follow in sequence possibly due to editing by unknown persons. Neither is there any reference to the three dead or injured soldiers. The "Story of the Century" only lists the two prisoners as members ofC Company. The morning report of March 12, 1945 reports the two as &UA with no further listing. Lester O. Gluesenkamp, C Company. Exhibit 9 4185 Killoka RD Alma, IL 62807 August 5, 1998 To: Marvin Alpert Dr. foster Mitchem Paul Mosher Cal Norman Enclosed is a copy ofthe German interrogation report ,translated into English, on the two C Company soldiers taken prisoner on March 11, 1945 at Urbach. The report leaves many unanswered questions. Did they survive? If they did, what is their current address. I wrote to William Young with the hope that they are members ofthe association. I wonder what we would have revealed had we been captured? Cal, you are one who has gone through the prisoner ordeal. Maybe you or the others who were captured, could share your thoughts with the nlel11bers! I plan to bring extra copies ofthe report to the reunion as well as the morning reportsfrom October 1994 throughApril/945 on C Company39'rh• See you in September, Lester O. Gluesenkamp aI,. -( t Database America People Search Resul(s • · /)J III w. j r (~ (;,(1 It ./ /~ • d ~ '. J I" '(, /1 tm "Page 1 of 1 Exhibit 10 US IM888~ENABLED International 1...201..476..2000 The Marketing Infonnation Company If you have questions regarding privacy, please read this. Search Again Your response returned 1 matches. Disl 18 in matches 1-1 of 1 Name ~ric Wein arten 39 Ca Address a 8t, Trumansbur ,NY 14886-9113 [ Displaying "matches 1-1 of 1 ] Go to SalesLeadsUSA o 1996 Database America Companies, Inc. ~ mail - Phone (607) 387-5963 Exhibit 11 August 15, 1998 Dear Eric: I was happy to learn that you survived your POW ordeal. After reading the interrogation report, you never know. Your name is not listed as MIA or POW in the "The Story of the Century". Your name is listed as a member ofC Co. I am enclosing a copy of the morning report listing you as MIA on March 11~ 1945. I secured permission to copy the reports at the Personal Records Center in St. Louis. I was delayed due to my by-pass operation in January ofthis year. Enclosed is a copy of my story. !fyou want to keep a copy, the cost is $17.00. You can send me a check, pay me at the reunion or return the copy at that time. About 75 members ofthe division have written a story oftheir experience. A listing should be out in the next newsletter. See you in September, Lester O. Gluesenkamp Exhibit 12 August 29, 1998 William Stoewer 4322 Parkside Dr Baltimore, :MD 21206-6425 Dear Mr: Stoewer, I was a Staff Sergeant in Company C, 397th Infantry Regiment of the 100th Infantry Division in France and Germany during World War II. I was one of the few men who went over and came back with the division. You name has recently come to my attention as one who was captured on March 11, 1945 near the village Urbach in A1sac~orraine. If you read this letter, I would like to talk to you and send you info~ation about the lOOth Infantry Association that has its annual reunion this year in Pittsburgh on September 10 throught the 13 th at the Double Tree Hotel. About 500 members attend the reunions out of a me1l1:bership of about 5000. . of Sincerely, Lester o. Gluesenkamp : /"' ,. ,', Exhibit 13 September 28, 1998 William Stoewer 4322 Parkside Dr Baltimore, :MD 21206-6425 DearBiII: I was glad to receive your telephone call. Weingarten told me that you survived, but said he lost track ofyou. Now that you have been found, maybe you can make the next reunion. If you join the association, you will be put on the mailing list to receive a newsletter about four times a year. I am enclosing a copy from last year. I am enclosing the interrogation report that I had translated from German to English. I would like to get you reaction to the report. Weingarten said that he did not remember all the information that you all revealed. Regardless I see no harm to 'anyone from reading the report and the near end to the war. You may find my story of interest. I could not write the story until 1990-too many bad memories. Sincerely, 1//0-i ' e r O. Gluesenkamp f//- fr.f~ f'/~- J'(~'''';' 6>$ 7/ Exhibit 14 ~322 Parkside Drive Baltimore, Md. 21234 October 6, 1998 Lester O. Gluesenkamp 4185 Kinoka Rd. Alma, Illinois Dear Lester: I have been reading your book and find it very interesting. Glad you made it thru the war o.k., and also that my foxhole buddy, Eric Weingarten, is still alive and living inNew York. Maybe one d~y I'll give him a call. Lester, since my health is·not very good--my arthritis limits my ability to walk and be on my feet, and so I would not be able to attend any of the reunions. Enclosed is my check for the $15.00 you mentioned for the book. Hope you continue to improve from your surgery. Sincerely, William Stoewer Exhibit.IS Eric Weingarten 39 Cayuga Street Trumansburg, New Vork 14886 September 14, 1998 Dear Lester: I am sorry we were not able to meet at the reunion but it was certainly understandable under the circumstances. Please accept my condolences on your loss. Hopefully, we will meet next year in Mclean, Virginia I did have a chance to talk to Merv Jacobsen, Frank Ukly and Foster Mitchem. Foster was in my squad and vividly remembers the events on the day I and Bill were captured and Fred Akers was killed. On Friday evening John Bacos sat down at our dinner table an introduced himself. He was my platoon commander at Fl Bragg and in France, until he traJ:1sferred to B company. We had a long, interesting talk. My wife and I had a great time at the reunion. Without exception every one we met was friendly and caring. Unfortunately we were not able to stay for the Saturday banquet. We will try to plan better next year. . I certainly want to keep the copy of your story; it Is gripping. Vour ability to recall specific dates and events is amazing. I hope you are planning to publish it. I am trying to write my memoirs which certainly will include my experiences in the 1oath. . . . Thank you for the interrogation report which, as you anticipated, I found very interesting. To my surprise it was straightforward, without Nazi propaganda. The casualty report is wrong. I am quite sure that Bill, Fred and I were the only casualties in that specific incident. I think they may have inflated the figures to impress their higher ups. I understand it happens in other armies also. I don't remember saying some of the things which they attribute to me, but I may have. Obviously I did not confine myself to name, rank and serial number. I hope that nothing I said was hurtful to our side. Best wishes ~~ .. Exhibit·16 Eric Weingarten 39 Cayuga Str..eet Trumansburg, New York 14886 September 26, 1998 Dear lester: When your letter came I had been reading your "Story". Among other things it makes me appreciate that while being a POW was not exactly a quality experience, there is a good . chance that it saved my life, by making me miss some of the battles you were in, especially Heilbrunn. I also need to say that all your modesty , candor and even cynicism can not hide the fact that you were an excellent soldier and leader. I guess it is OK to publish the interrogation report. My comments would be essentially the same as in my previous letter. I had half expected the SS to weave some Nazi propaganda into the report, based on my being Jewish but they did not do so. The report was generally straightforward, except for the casualty count, which was inflated. I don't remember saying most of the things which are attributed to me but that doesn't mean that I didn't say them. Fifty years plus' have passed, after all. I want to correct one item: It is not true that I was born in New York. I was actually born in Vienna, Austria and came to the US in 1939 as a refugee from Nazi persecution. I didn't know how my captors would take this and decided to conceal it from them. The account of our capture is incomprehensible, and I also had some questions about that at the reunion. What happened was this :. The three of us, Bill Stowers, Fred Akers, and myself were clearing houses in the abandoned town, Urbach. I don't remember that we were looking for mines; we were looking for Germans. We had gotten ahead of the rest of the patrol. They saw us coming from afar and when we reached their house they fired one shot. We took cover pressing against the outer wall of the house from which the shot had come. Bill, who was the tallest, cautiously raised his head over the wall. There was another shot which wounded Fred, fatally, as it turned out. Simultaneously a hand grenade was thrown from a window and landed practically at our feet. It went off but apparently was of faulty manufacture and did no damage. But at that point we had had it and surrendered. Period. Please feel free to use as many or as few of these comments as you wish, and don't hesitate to ask any questi~s which occur to you about this. Sincerely 4 CONSUL GENERAL: W.D.WARREN, KI- 2. AM SCHRAEGEN WEG Exhibit 17 FL-9490 VADUZ LIECHTENSTEIN TEL: (075) 232 21 92 Ei\X: (075) 232 03 01* Internet (E-mail)consgenw@warren.LOL.1i Lester o. Gulsenkamp 4185 Kinoka Road Alma, 11 62807 U.S.A. 4 February 1999 WDW/ul Dear Lester, In the Holiday Issue of the 1 DOth Division News, I saw your note on page 21 regarding your search efforts to locate Pvt. Eric Weingarten und Pvt. William. Stoewer. I was quite surprised that you located Eric Weingarten. Because William Stoewer's age would now be about 80, it is entirely possible that he has passed away in the meantime. I also saw the letter sent to you by the National Personnel Records Center. In reviewing all the correspondence I have in this matter, I have come up with a number of questions I'd like to pass on to you and I look forward to hearing from you whenever your time and health permit. My questions are as follows: 1.) Were you able to translate the report of interrogation I sent to you? 2.) Did you mention any parts of the report of interrogation to Eric Weingarten and, if yes,' did he make any comment as to the accuracy of the report? 3.) You mentioned that you obtained the addresses and phone numbers of Eric Weingarten and William Stoewer from an Internet source, and I would like to know the name of the organization behind this address. 4.) The Military Personnel Records Center gave you the address of the U.S. Army Center for Military History in Washington. Did you contact them and, if yes, did you receive any information relating to this inquiry? 5.) In your note on page 21 of the Holiday Issue of the 10(Jh Division News you stated at the beginning that, "this is a follow up to my memo of August 5, 1998". Did this memo appear in any issue of the lO(Jh Division News? If yes, which one? If not, I would appreciate it if you would send me a copy. The above is admittedly a rather tall order and I do not want to burden you with trivial matters. I would nevertheless be grateful for any further information you may wish to send to me. With kind regards, Dirk Warren Exhibit 18 Fehrtu.llY 15, 1999 CONSUL U/';NI'.R,II, ''''.1). ~J'~RREN, KIfS 2, AAI sellRA /'X; EN 1J'/~G 1'1.-9-190 1':-1 /)( Il 1./EC1{77~NS"l1'J N IJe"r Con\',,', I will tl}' to (1I1SlI'(''' all your questions. 11,e search jor the truth in this ordeal has been l'el)' rewarding. / was ahl(' 10 '/'ol1slale 'lie il1ler"oj!atioll repo/'t with the help (!{ a retired l.tftheron 111i"ister il1 a near"y tOU-II. "~\' ,rUt' and flun·'e knowl1 hi111 for mallY years. l';nclosed is a copy of his translatiol1 Ihal he ",role out il1 longhalld Copies (!{ tITe 1'c!J0lt1f'ere sent to J'Veil1garten and Stoewer. As Weingarten indicated, he has 110 recollectio11 (?{ all tl1at he was supposed to have revealed StoeuJer told 111e over the phone that JVeillxartell was c1/1 en·itf talker and he ad1110nished hi111 to keep quiet. Both indicated that the interrogatio/l report ilu.:luded/njo","ationjrom other than the Iwo ll1en. Bothjelt lucky that they were lucky to 110t !la,'C' not been killed by civilians throwing boi/ing water and rocks atthell1 as . they passed 'hrough {ou'ns recently bOll1hed by our bOll1bers. Stoeu,oers kas injured by the potato 111asher grenade and the last J1iece ofll1etal came out ofhis skill ahoul twenty years ago. I/oeated the 1I11/1IeS crnd add,.es.~es (~{ the two men on afirst lIy through the internet sight. /')u:losed i.\' a (~oPJ' (?f Ihe printed report 011 U'eingarfell. I have 110 knowledge of the organizatiol1 as the report 1f·os.fh!t!. I rec:e;ved cOlllplete il!(ofll1atioll Oil viewing the records at the {IS ArnlY Record Center ill St. LOllis. 171ey ",ere extrel11ely helpfll! and it only took me about three hours to l11ake photo copies (!f the morning reports. 1~'I1c:losed are ('opies (!f leffel'S fo Marvin Alpert regarding the interrogation report. I do not know ~r the letfer ,rill he puhlished il1 the next newsletter. ! J hope the aho"£! i1!!()l'/11a!iol1 will answer yo"r question If not send 1I1e an ell1ail. Sil1cerely, CONSUL GENERAL )N.D.WARREN, Kf.J 2, AM SCHRAEGEN WEG FL-9490 VADUZ Exhibit 19 LIECHTENSTEIN TEL: (075) 232 21 92 F ~ (075) 232 03 01* Internet (E-mail)consgenw@warren.LOL.1i Lester O. Gulsenkamp 4185 Kinoka Road Alma, II 62807 U.S.A. 2 March 1999 WDW/ul Dear Lester, Thanks for your letter of 15 Feb. '99 with the various enclosures concerning your research into the capture and ~nterrogation of Privates Stoewer and Weingarten. I am still quite surprised that you not only were able to locate these two exCenturymen but that you managed to get written replies from them. Because I am presently quite busy with various projects, I will not have time to study the tran~lation of the interrogation report. but I hope to do this within the next week or so and get back to you with my comments. As I already mentioned, I am not sure that the publication of the report in the . Division Asssoc. News (assuming that Marv Alpert decides to do this) is a good idea, even though Stoewer and Weingarten have not expressed any objections. I'll . get back to you as soon as I can. Best regards, ·. Exhibit 20 106 Woolf Avenue Piedmont, Alabama June 6, 1999 36272 Dear Mr. Gluesenkemp-My basic purpose in writing is to ask you to please send me information about how I may arrange to purchase a copy of your book Combat. I was with C~. D, 397th, during all of the IOOth's combat time; we machine gunners were, of course, from time to time attached to your company. Your -reference in the Apr~l, 1998, issue of the Assoc. News to the possibility that Co. C may have had a patrol in Urbach calls to mind a story that may interest you. When we moved into the positions near Urbach in late (after Christmas Eve) December -1944 my best buddy, a daresome fellow, went to Urbach and took down a door with which to cover his foxhole (we'd dug in in open terrain). sometime after that, in very late December or early January, he invited me to go with him and another fellow (who was later killed in Heilbr6nn while we were attached to Co. C) to Urbach. A tr-ip into a "ghost village" lying between us and the Germans wasn't my idea of an ideal stroll; but of course I ·went with them, possibly to save face. As we entered the east (?) edge of the village, we heard a "Ps-s-st!" and saw that a GI was signaling to us. "What are you guys doing here?" As we approached him he asked One of us told him we were just looking around "and asked what he and those with him were doing. "We're on patrol," he said; "the Germans are at the other end of the street." That fellow may have saved the lives of three foolish soldiers. from your company. He very well may have been " I l<now anoth er Urba ch story that may inte rest you. It conc erns Capt . Walt er Kimb all, 1st batta lion S-3. (Kim ball also ran Co. D durin g our comb at days . He was our exec utive offic er but was made S-3 on the first day of comb at, when the 8-3 man was woun ded. Our offi cial Co. D comm ander prove d to be of no use in comb at; so Kimb all both ran the comp any and did the S-3 work .) Kimb all was a comp lete skep tic; he didn 't trus t the infor mati on patr ols were repo rting abou t Urba ch and he want ed 'to know whet her Germ an troop s were ther e. So he went to the villa ge one nigh t and shot up the place to see whet her he could draw enem y fire. (I heard this story afte r the war from a serg eant who was with him. A lieut enan t at batta lion who was conc erned for Kim ball' s safe ty some times asked a sold ier to accom pany him on his excu rsion s.) A coup le of week s ago Kimb all came south from ohio and visit ed for two days with my wife and me befo re proc eding alon e to his home in Ariz ona. It was a fine time . 'rhan k you very much for send ing me infor mati on abou t how to get .your book . I'll read it atten tivel y_ sinc erely , LJ Jt ~~ Webb Salm on " tf""" Exhibit 21 .. 106 Woolf Avenue Piedmont, Alabama 36272 June 19, 1999 Dear Les, There's no time for a letter just now--guests who are here for a family reunion and then some more visiting are finally abed and I want to thank you in the wee hours for sending your Combat and the supplementary photocopies. I stole time yesterday, when your package arrived, to read the material about the two POWs, to scan your book, and to just begin close reading of the boo~. When my time is more nearly my own I'll continue the reading and then write you. on~ ~bservation--while scanning I saw your ~ronze star disclaimer and then read that last page. I understand your motivation-~very recently, after all these years, I annotated my Bronze Star citation so that if my children and grand'children ever read it they c~n know what's true and what isn't. To read the award without the annotations, one might deduce that I crippled the German army and that half the troops ~n, the ETO were following in the wake of my machine gun fire. How I.wish that I had been half the soldier' that the award describes! Again, I thank you for sending Combat (and for the~per sanal inscriptian)--and for taking the time and expense to send the additional pages. Best'wishes, , \ . , Exhibit 22 June 12, 1999 Webb Salmon 106 Woolf Ave. Piedmont, Al36272 Dear Webb, Enclosed is a copy of the email that became part of the listing in the division website under Souveniers that lists the cost of my book. Rather than send you a separate letter, I am enclosing my book. You can send me a check if you want to keep the book. I found your stories about Urbach very interesting in view of my own recent discoveries about the place. My recollections of patrols in the town are rather vague. I had the impression at the time that such patrols were nothing by chicken shit details to keep us busy. In hindsight, they were possbile death traps. You can be glad that you were not one of those on the patrol with Weingarten and Stoewers. This whole discovery started with the letter by the Consul General in the 1997 holiday issue of the 100th Newsletter. The two men are not listed as MIA in the division history nor in the morning reports. Neither men knew of the Association and I was a doubter that the two men were captured until Foster .Mitchem remembered the event. He missed the patrol as the dentist worked on his . teeth. The enclosed correspondence may add to your interest in Urbach. Sincerely,