mountain dulcimers for sale
mountain dulcimers for sale
1 REVELS MUSIC MOUNTAIN DULCIMER CATALOGUE 2012: ITEMS FOR SALE OR LOAN (ISSUE 3) Section 1 ² Dulcimers for Beginner/Intermediate players Section 2 ² Dulcimers for Intermediate/Professional players Section 3 ² Historic or Unusual mountain dulcimers Section 4 ² Coming Soon/In the Workshop 2 Introduction ,¶YHDOZD\Vrather liked dulcimers. 7KH\¶UHpretty things, not exactly run-of-the-mill, easy to play DQGWKH\¶UHUHlatively low cost. I bought a cheap, locally-made one, then fell for a Yank ± inlaid, over sexy and over here! A few years ago, I began to get itchy instrument-buying fingers and imported a couple of dulcimers from the USA. It felt scary and complicated at first. As I became more confident, ,EHJDQWREX\LQVWUXPHQWVZKLFK,ZDVQ¶WVXUH,ZDQWHGWRNHHSEXWZKLFKMXVW seemed too good to miss. When they threatened to take over the house, my wife understandably insisted I must get rid of some. So I started to buy and sell in a more coherent way. My basic philosophy is to buy and sell quality instruments at an affordable price ± allowing beginners to have a go and more experienced players to trade up at low risk. I set up every instrument myself and usually play them for an extended period to ensure WKH\¶UHZRUNLQJSURSHUO\ Note: VSL = Vibrating String Length, i.e. the scale length of the dulcimer. Longer scale lengths often give better tone, but playing is a little more difficult because the fingers have to stretch further. ---- {} ----- Section 1 ² Dulcimers for Beginner/Intermediate players 1.10 Oct 1993 Folkcraft Teardrop 4 String £150+case Model T-W (Teardrop-Walnut) No. 1636 made by Folkcraft Instruments, Winsted, Connecticut. Budget model from one of the biggest craft makers in the US, still in as-new condition. One piece solid walnut back and walnut sides. Walnut fingerboard (with no overlay) made from a long, single piece of wood, one end of which forms the shallow headstock. Fitted with simple open-geared tuners. Walnut top with f or s-shaped soundholes. Comes complete with what appear to be original Folkcraft picks, dowel noter and non-slip mat. Hardshell case is extra (£20). Overall length 36´lower bout 6¾", VSL 28¾" (medium/long scale). Complete with 6½ fret. Nearperfect condition with attractive walnut grain. A well-made instrument with an easy action and pleasant, balanced, if not distinctive sound. 3 1.14 1990s? Folkcraft Teardrop 4 String £160 Almost identical all-walnut teardrop made for Pigeon Forge Instruments, Tennessee by Folkcraft. Nice walnut grain and slightly better nut/bridge. A few minor scuffs, but generally pretty good condition. Well played in with a bright, even sound. 1.15 Early 80s? HOURGLASS 5 STRING, 3 COURSE £160 Anonymous, unlabelled hourglass ± well made by a good craftsman, but possibly not an instrument builder. Sold from, and possibly made in, Ohio. Solid walnut two-piece (but not bookmatched) back, walnut sides. Sassafras or poplar (?) top with four, slightly angled, elegant hearts, tails pointing to tailpiece. Top and back overlap sides in traditional manner. Nicely made, elegant walnut scroll and pegbox. Walnut single piece fingerboard. Mechanical friction, rather than violin-style, tuning pegs suggest late 70s. No 6½ fret. 2YHUDOOOHQJWKó´XSSHUERXWò´ORZHUERXWò´96/ORQJ/medium scale). 4 Broad, quite heavy instrument, nicely constructed (except for a slight bending flaw on one side) and good-looking. Light tone, but (after some work) accurate and responsive. A nice instrument with a decent dulcimer sound. 1.16 1985 Medlin 3 String Teardrop £160 Three string dulcimer made by Keith Medlin, Morristown, Tennessee, marked PTD (or PTO) 147. Medlin (apparently still going strong in his early 90s!) is described as a craftsman, engineer and entrepreneur who built some 1300 dulcimers between 1965 and 2003, selling them mainly at craft fairs in Morristown and Gatlinburg, Tn. Everything Dulcimer notes that his lutherie began in 1965 when his daughter Sue, who was studying for a degree in music therapy in Ohio, asked for his help in building a mountain dulcimer. He bought a kit, then decided he could improve upon the design. Medlin apparently believes a proper mountain dulcimer has three strings, but felt compelled to start building four-string models in the 1970s to compete. Medlin also made guitars, mandolins, banjos and fiddles, for which he still accepts orders on his website. A very compact and light dulcimer made largely of walnut (solid top, sides and back). Unusual, bulkhead-style internal bracing. Walnut top has 4 melting heart-style soundholes. Back is not bookmatched but has an attractive, well-chosen grain pattern. Neat, question-mark shaped headstock. Single piece, hollow walnut fingerboard with 6½ fret. Ball end string anchor, ebony nut and bridge. Replacement open geared gold tuners with koa buttons. 2YHUDOOOHQJWKó´ORZHUERXWòKHLJKWǩ´9SL 25 ¼" (short scale). This is a well-made instrument with a short scale, easy action and a surprisingly loud voice, even slightly strident. Ideal for finger-style playing or for dulcimer starters. 5 1.2 2009 Tennessee Music Box 4 String Now reduced £160 ono Handmade by Scott M Cowan (?), USA. This looks odd to modern eyes, but as the name suggests, it was a style of dulcimer quite common in parts of SW Tennessee. This modern interpretation of the old design has the front and back made out of book matched Alder. The sides, ends and peg box are quarter sawn White Oak. The fret board itself is made from Hard Maple. 2YHUDOOOHQJWK´lower (and upper!) bout 9", VSL 25¾" (short/medium scale). Open-geared guitar tuners. 6½ fret. /LNHPRVW70%VLWGRHVQ¶WKDYHJUHDWILQHVVH but is very playable, having accurate intonation and a pleasant tone. It is surprisingly light sounding, but with a slight edge to the bass. All the advantages of a modern dulcimer, but in an unusual package. 1.11 March 1980 Magic Mountain Model 5110 4 String £180 0DJLF0RXQWDLQGXOFLPHUIURPEDWFKPDUNHG³+DQGFUDIWHGE\-&6KHOOQXWWDQG&RPSDQ\´ and made at his San Rafael, California, shop - just before he sold the business to Saga Music. This is a large, intermediate quality dulcimer with good, highly-figured mahogany laminate sides and back; red fir (like cedar) fine-grained top with heart soundholes; and a pierced scroll headstock 6 and fingerboard, both probably made of alder. The fingerboard overlay is, unusually, made of a formica-like laminate, printed with a rosewood grain. It has four Kluson Deluxe tuners with plastic buttons. 6½ fret installed as original. 0DUNHGDV³6HFRQG´RQWKHODEHOSHUKDSVEHFDXVHLt has a small bending flaw in one side between bouts. More recently, a loose strut has caused a short, almost imperceptible crack in the top leading from one of the soundholes. Strut and crack have now been stabilised and affect neither looks, sound nor integrity. 2YHUDOOOHQJWK´XSSHUERXW´ORZHUERXWKHLJKW´96/YHU\ORQJVFDOH This is a good quality instrument from one of the early west coast pioneers and, despite having been neglected in the past, is looking good again and playing well. It has a long scale with high tension strings on a large body and is duly impressive sounding ± loud, ringing and strong on mid and bass registers. 1.17 2007? Cripple Creek 4 String Hourglass £190 Instrument # 09007 made by Bud and Donna Ford of Cripple Creek Dulcimers, Manitou Springs, Colorado, probably early in 2007 or 2009 (however you interpret the serial number). Originally set up as a left-handed instrument and little used. $PRGHUQGXOFLPHUZLWKDYHU\ZLGHǫ´VLQJOHSLHFHZDOQXWILQJHUERDUGDQGVROLGZDOQXWVLGHV (bookmatched) back and big scroll headstock. Quality, close-grained spruce top with elaborate, computer-cut rosettes depicting a mythical (?) animal. Single pin string anchors and mahogany tailblock; composite bridge and replacement bone nut (NB original LH nut available if wanted); 6½ fret with inset wood markers on 3rd, 7th and 10th frets; opengeared guitar type tuners. 2YHUDOOOHQJWKò´XSSHUERXW´, ORZHUERXWǫ96/ô PHGLXPVFDOHGHHSLVKERG\ǩ´ A handsome, well-made instrument with an easy action. Despite its size, exhibits quite a light sound, but with some depth of tone. Likely to improve further with age and playing. 7 1.2 Mid-70s ´%DUQVWDSOH3DQQLHU0DUNHW6WULQJ Loan only ,ERXJKWWKLVLQWKHVIURPVRPHRQHZKRKDGDVWDOOLQWKH%DUQVWDSOH3DQQLHU0DUNHW,W¶VPDGH of walnut with a cedar top. The fingerboard is very shallow and appears to be oak. I used to be rude about it, because it had a laughably low action and poorly fitting tuning pegs. 6WLOOLWJRWPHLQWRGXOFLPHUV«$QGQRZWKDWWKHDFWLRQKDVEHHQZRUNHGRQDQGWKHSHJVSURSHUO\ seated, it turns out to have a lovely sound ± both loud and mellow. Overall length 33´XSSHUERXW5¼´lower bout 8", VSL 29" (long VFDOHVKDOORZERG\ò´1R 6½ fret. Still has a low action (thus easy to play), but has violin tuners (thus a little fiddly). Nevertheless, a really good introduction to the instrument. ----- {} ----- 8 Section 2 ² Dulcimers for Intermediate/Advanced players 2.18 May 1972 HOURGLASS 4 STRING, 3 COURSE £Sold 0RGHO³2´1RIURP7KH'XOFLPHU:RUNV6DQWD0RQLFD&DOLIRUQLD The Dulcimer Works was established in Santa Monica by Carmi Simon and the brothers Fratti, in SDUWQHUVKLSZLWKWKHWRZQ¶VIDPRXVJXLWDUVKRSDFRXVWLFPXVLFYHQXH0F&DEH¶V7':SURGXFHG over 1000 dulcimers of good quality between 1968 and 1975, including more elaborate models with exotic woods and LQOD\V$QLQGLDQURVHZRRGPRGHOLVWKHGXOFLPHUKHDUGRQ-RQL0LWFKHOO¶V ³%OXHDOEXP 6DZ$QG\5REHUWVRI³3ODLQVRQJ´XVLQJRQHRIWKHVHRQO\DIHZPRQWKVEDFN The body is light, with thin sides and bookmatched back, constructed ± unusually ± from oak. It has a nicely carved walnut scroll headstock, one piece walnut fingerboard and spruce top. There DUHIRXU³VTXDVKHG´KHDUW-shaped soundholes, with their tails facing the tailpiece. Bone nut and bridge (latter a replacement to raise action and improve intonation). Brass fret-type string guide on tailpiece. New geared banjo pegs with real ebony buttons. Neat guitar-style rosewood cap on the ³KHHO´RIWKHKHDGstock where it meets the body. 2YHUDOOOHQJWKô´ORZHUERXWôXSSHUERXWô´96/ôPHGLXPORQJVFDOHERG\GHSWK ´New 6½ fret. Easy to play and responsive, with an attractive, bright, silvery sound. An interesting, pretty and unusual, but very playable, mountain dulcimer. 9 2.16 Aug 2011 -RKQ.QRSI´3UDLVHµ 4 String Hourglass £190 Custom design from John C Knopf, Westland, Michigan, USA, dated August 2011 and numbered ,QVWUXPHQWLVQDPHG³3UDLVH´DQGKDVDQaccompanying text from Psalm 150, Verse 6. The design is a classic hourglass with rounded tail, based on the Scott Antes pattern (plans from the early 80s, sold by many US luthiers/music shops). Body made from solid black walnut with a (quite wide-grained) Sitka spruce top. Back is bookmatched and the neat scroll headstock is also walnut. Fingerboard is hollow and made from two pieces of walnut, with smart wenge, black, streaked overlay. Pretty, circular rosettes/soundholes, made from burr walnut (reminiscent of early Folkroots models?). Good quality mini-Schaller type Gotoh sealed tuners. Nut and partially compensated bridge are made from ebony. Originally $325 + shipping and import duty. Overall length 36", ORZHUERXWXSSHUERXWó´GHSWKô´, VSL 28¾" (longish scale). Has 6½ and 12½ frets. Sound is still developing, but is already full and loud. Should grow more responsive with added harmonics and greater vibrato. Complete with soft slip cover. 2.3 February 2007 Sweet Wood Custom Teardrop 6 String £200 10 Pretty, cXVWRPPRGHOIURP86OXWKLHU'DYLG³+DUSPDNHU´/\QFKDQGKLV6ZHHW:RRG,QVWUXPHQWV company. Made for a customer in Australia who designed the soundholes, it comprises a standard cherry teardrop body, bookmatched on the back; cherry headstock with ebony veneer and high quality Gotoh tuners; cherry fingerboard with highly figured ebony facing and mother of pearl markers; spruce top with heron soundhole on one side and bullrushes on the other. It has three paired strings with drop pins so you can temporarily remove one string from each outer pair. Overall length 34½´lower bout 8", VSL 25¾" (short/medium scale), deepish body (2¼´As a modern instrument has the complete set of extra frets: 1½, 6½, 8½ and 13½. Must have been subject to extremes of humidity somewhere, because the fingerboard has humped, requiring considerable fret levelling. With new bridge and new action sounds a different instrument ± rich, jangly, the kind of dulcimer equivalent of a 12 string guitar. Unique, exciting to look at and play. 2.8 1970 McSpadden M12W Hourglass 4 String £220 Early (September 1970 #777) Model 12 all walnut instrument from the Dulcimer Shoppe, Forrest City, Arkansas. This one was signed by the individual craftsman (and founder of the business) Lynn McSpadden, who built it. He began making dulcimers full-time in late 1967 or early 1968. This instrument has a high quality laminated walnut back and sides with sold walnut top. Walnut single-piece (non-overlaid) fingerboard, with zero fret for accurate intonation and 6½ fret. Brass frets. Rosewood nut (?) and bridge. Original, wooden rosewood tuning pegs. McSpadden are perhaps the best known and most consistent craft maker of mountain dulcimers in the world. They continue to produce well-made, reliable and great-sounding instruments. This is no exception. The equivalent modern instrument is available over here at around £360. 2YHUDOOOHQJWK´ORZHUERXWóXSSHUERXW´96/òORQJPHGLXPVFDOHGHSWK´ZLWK zero fret. Has a 6½ fret. A lovely instrument. Has an easy action, despite its longish scale. The hardwood construction and large volume body give this a sweet, clearly-articulated and balanced sound ideal for fingerpicking. It also projects well, with a clear, attractive tone for strumming. 11 2.17 Feb 1994 Mastertone Hourglass 5 String £250 incl case $WWUDFWLYHGXOFLPHU³)LQHVWLQ4XDOLW\DQG6RXQG´-0076, dated 2/12/94, handmade (and signed) by Jim and Brenda Good in Gandeeville, West. Jim has been playing and making dulcimers for over 40 years in this rural, musical area north of Charleston, West Virginia. This is a handsome beast! It has rich purpleheart bookmatched back and sides with chequered handmade binding on top and bottom edge between walnut strips. The bookmatched top glows red and brown with a highly figured grain, and is made from some species of native American hardwood (tulipwood, butternut, paulownia?). Walnut flathead, walnut one piece fingerboard, black Grover guitar tuners, stainless endpins. Typical Mastertone 5 string layout, arranged in 3 courses with doubled melody string and doubled bass course (octave wound/unwound). Original hardshell case included. 2YHUDOOOHQJWKò´XSSHUERXW´ORZHUERXWòKHLJKW´96/VKRUWVFDOH1HZ6½ fret. This is a classy dulcimer with a striking appearance, made from high quality materials. Solidly built and in as-new condition, although the purpleheart has a few natural flaws (shakes). Easy to play (short scale) with a bright but balanced tone across the range. It has a big sound with good projection and clarity. Would work well with mic or pick up. 2.5 Mid 1970s? ´.HLVWHUµ+RXUJODVV6WULQJ Loan Only Unknown maker, but purchased in North Carolina by Don Keister of Washington DC. 12 Unusual large, hand-carved, open scroll headstock with elegant, tapering shallow peg box and replacement gold banjo geared tuners. Heart-shaped soundholes (pointing to tail), inlay down middle of non-bookmatched back. Walnut peghead, back and sides with spruce (?) top. Softwood fingerboard with nicely figured walnut overlay and brass frets. Right hand end of fingerboard, from strum hollow to end pins, is undercut ± i.e. cantilevered over the soundboard/top. Woodworking is generally good but the fretting is not perfect and the original finish poorly applied and uneven. Overall length 34½´ORZHUERXWXSSHUERXWò´96/VKRUWPHGLXPVFDOHZLWK]HURIUHW 'HHSHUWKDQDYHUDJHERG\DWǪ´2ULJLQDOO\ZLWKVWDQGDUGviolin/viola ebony tuners. Newly fitted 6½ fret. Light construction, deepish body and cantilevered bridge/saddle result in a warm, attractive, loud tone, emphasising the bass, but with a short decay. Less dulcimer, more mix of guitar and banjo. 2.6 March 1982 Fellenbaum Hourglass 4 String Loan Only No. 314. handcrafted by Tom Fellenbaum, Black Mountain, North Carolina. (DUO\H[DPSOHRI)HOOHQEDXP¶VFODVVLFXQGHUVWDWHGVW\OH(OHJDQWPLQLPDOLVWZDOQXWKHDGVWRFN with handcarved, matching walnut paddle-shaped pegs (now replaced with geared banjo tuners). Walnut sides and back (single piece, not bookmatched). Walnut fingerboard and nickel frets. Spruce top with elegant f-holes (diamond centres). Light, compact, unshowy instrument. Badly damaged on the far side when purchased but neatly repaired by Tom himself in 2011. 2YHUDOOOHQJWKô´ORZHUERXWǪXSSHUERXWǫ´96/òPHGLXPORQJVFDOH6½ fret. Very easy to play. Light, responsive construction gives a bright, loud tone with an attractive depth of sustain and colour. A classic dulcimer sound. ----- {} ----- 13 Section 3 ² Historic or Unusual mountain dulcimers 3.3 1980s (?) Galax-style Hourglass, 3 String £160 Unknown maker. Looks like a replica of early Virginian dulcimers made around the Galax area. Has three hand-carved wooden tuning pegs for three unwound, unison strings. Sides, back and top are walnut, stained a reddish colour. The body is large and shaped with the equal sized bouts and reversed curve at the headstock end which are typical of some earlier Virginian dulcimers. The fingerboard is one piece of walnut without overlay. Simple scroll head, like Fellenbaum. Unusual brass tailpiece and distinctive D-shaped end block made from laminated strips of wood. Both nut and bridge are chunky plastic. 2YHUDOOOHQJWKò´XSSHU ERXWORZHUERXW´GHSWKó´96/PHGLXPVFDOHNo 6½ fret. High action and unison strings give a distinctive whining, trebly sound typical of the Galax and ideal for fast, noter playing in a string band/dance music context. An interesting but useable rarity. 3.4 Early 70s A W Jeffreys Hourglass 3 String £180 (inc soft case) 14 Classic model from A W Jeffreys, Jr, Staunton, Virginia with Serial No. 2883. The Jeffreys formed the Appalachian Dulcimer Corporation as a genuine family business from the early 60s onwards. A W and his son Jay made most of the bodies; daughter Jan pasted the labels and sanded the soundholes; mother JRKQQLH9LUJLQLDUDQWKHEXVLQHVVVLGHRIWKLQJVVHH-DQ¶VSRVWVRQ for more details). This dulcimer appears to be signed JCJ, presumably therefore put together by Jay. The dulcimer is plain, almost austere in design, with a high quality laminated walnut back and sides and solid spruce top; rounded heart soundholes pointing towards the tail end. The peghead is also walnut, with a stylised scroll and standard rosewood violin pegs. The fingerboard is walnut without an overlay. Walnut nut and bridge with zero fret (indicating a later model). Broad frets with no 6½ fret. Simple wooden dowel as string anchor. Overall length 32¼´XSSHU bout ´, lower bout 6½´GHSWKò´, VSL 27¼" (medium scale). Relatively low action and medium scale length make for a dulcimer that is easy to play ± and started many people off with the instrument. A soft, trebly voice that is archetypical old-style dulcimer. Typically, it has a meantone or natural temperament which sometimes sounds odd to modern ears, especially on frets 1 and 3. But its soft, mellow overtones particularly suit 1:5:5 tunings (i.e. DAA, CGG, GDD or similar) and old time music ± better also with noter playing than finger chording. This one is in perfect condition, having been little played ± a very collectable classic. 3.1 1968 ´)airportµ)rank Bond Hourglass 4 String NFS Created by the once fashionable English maker Frank Bond ± a favourite of Roger Nicholson ± DQGSXUFKDVHGIRUWKH)DLUSRUWKRXVHKROGE\)DLUSRUW&RQYHQWLRQ¶VILUVWIHPDOHVLQJHU-XG\'\EOH Chosen (and presumably used by) Richard Thompson (her then boyfrLHQGDQGRU³7\JHU´ Hutchings. Elegant headstock like the prow of a boat, with a heart cutout on the underside. Slim, elegant outline with softwood (spruce) top AND back, (brazilian?) rosewood sides. Heart-shaped soundholes (pointing to tail). Mahogany neck with rosewood (?) overlay and nickel frets. Light construction and softwood back give this a light, transparent and sweet sound. An attractive and historic instrument. 15 3.9 1977 Bill Wasel Hourglass 6 String NFS Handcrafted 6 string by Bill Wasel (1938 ± 2007), St Petersburg, Florida. Bill was an established 12 string guitarist and instrument repairman who opened a store called The First National Guitar Workshop in 1975 and immediately started building dulcimers ± his then wifH¶VIDYRXULWHLQVWUXPHQW+LVDLPZDVDPELWLRXV³7KHGXOFLPHUZDVDSDUORULQVWUXPHQWMXVWIRU VLQJLQJE\\RXUVHOI3HRSOHWULHGPDNLQJWKHPKXJHIRUPRUHYROXPHEXW,GLGQ¶WWKLQNWKDWZDV necessary. So I made some modifications of my own [including a hollow fingerboard, guitar-type bracing and guitar tuners]. My dulcimers are unique. They follow the traditional design but are set up as a contemporary playable instrument so that they can play with other instruments and be KHDUG´ This is a well-built, almost sunburst-coloured shallow 6 string with spruce top, decorated with dove and cross soundholes. Sides, fretboard and back are walnut, the back in particular being beautifully figured and bookmatched with a central line of purfling. It has (well ahead of its time) a neat guitar-style flat headstock and 6 high quality Grover machine heads; thick bone nut and bridge; and a fret between tailpiece and bridge to give the right break angle on the strings. The bass course is strung as an octave pair, i.e. with low D and high D strings like a mandolin or 12 string guitar. 2YHUDOOOHQJWK´XSSHUERXWó´ORZHUERXWò´KHLJKWô´96/VKRUWVFDOH1R6½ fret. A very modern dulcimer, well ahead of its time (compare with the traditional Glenn dulcimer below, which is actually newer). This is very easy to play with a buttery action and clear note articulation ± nothing like as jangly as 6 strings usually are. It is loud with a well-balanced sound and clear treble - perhaps more guitar than dulcimer? Basically, it sounds as distinctive as it looks! 3.5 1983 Clifford Glenn Hourglass 4 String NFS Dated January 10th 1983 and made by Clifford Glenn, Sugar Grove, N Carolina for the husband of Louisa M Douglass from Chapel Hill, NC. Clifford Glenn and his father Leonard kept the flame alive in the Appalachians between the traditional makers and the coming of the folk revival in the VDQGV7KH\UHSUHVHQWDYHU\LPSRUWDQWSDUWRIWKHGXOFLPHU¶VKHULWDJH7KHVHDUHWUXO\ KDQGPDGHEHDXWLIXOO\FUDIWHGLQVWUXPHQWVDVGHVFULEHGLQ5DOSK/HH6PLWK¶VIDPRXVERRN ³$SSDODFKLDQ'XOFLPHU7UDGLWLRQV´ 16 This instrument is made entirely of wormy chestnut, except for the nut, bridge and large, handcrafted tuning pegs which are made of walnut. A letter from Clifford to Mrs Douglass, which accompanies the instrument, runs in part as follows: ³7KHUHDVRQ,PDGH it from Chestnut is that not long ago I made another one just like it except that it was a three stringer, and it was one of the best singing ones I ever made. I have made but very few like this (all chestnut wood) and it has probably been 20 years since I made the last one. One RIWKHUHDVRQVKDVEHHQWKDWZHGLGQ¶WKDYHWKHFKHVWQXWZRRGXQWLOFRPSDUDWLYHO\UHFHQWO\«, thought your husband might appreciate the fact that this wood is becoming increasingly rare, as it is not growing anymore, for the bliJKWNLOOHGWKHQDWLYHDPHULFDQFKHVWQXWWKHVHPDQ\\HDUVDJR´ Overall length 36ò´XSSHU bout 5¾", lower bout 6¾´GHSWKǫ´, VSL 28" (medium/long scale). Unexpectedly, has a 6½ fret. This is a delightful dulcimer. Long, light and elegant, with an inscribed purfling mark round the top, it has a beautiful, natural golden finish. Intonation is meantone (see description of the Jeffreys above), but it has a gorgeous, big and attractively mellow voiceHQGRUVLQJ&OLIIRUG¶V closing comments in his letter to the new owner: ³$Q\ZD\WKHGXOFLPHUGLGWXUQRXWWRVRXQGDERXW DVJRRGDVWKHWKUHHVWULQJHUDQG,GRKRSH\RXUKXVEDQGOLNHVLW´ Jan(?) 1977 Ben Stone Teardrop 6 String NFS +DQGFUDIWHG³$UWLVW¶V0RGHO´VWULQJE\%HQMDPLQ6WRQH'LPRFK3$0DUNHG³0DGHIRU5H[ %URZQ´ (bought from his sister). 7KHLQVWUXPHQWFDPHZLWKD³6WRQH)DPLO\'XOFLPHU&DWDORJ´SUHVXPDEO\FRQWHPSRUDQHRXV offering a choice of teardrop and hourglass and two levels of TXDOLW\7KH$UWLVW¶VPRGHORIIHUHG³D choice of rarer woods, more exquisite embellishments and more opportunity for the customer to FKRRVHGHWDLOV´,QGLDQURVHZRRGZDVDWH[WUDFRVW%HQ¶VZLIHZDVDQRUQLWKRORJLVWKHQFH frequent use of bird motifs in the customised designs. Ben might have been better known as a dulcimer maker had he not died prematurely in a kayaking accident in April 1999. Well-known US player 0DUN*LOVWRQKDVD%HQ6WRQH³DEHDXWLIXOFXVWRPLQVWUXPHQWZLWKDORYHO\VRXQG- a mix of EULJKWDQGPHOORZZLWKHQRXJKULQJWREHKHDUGRYHUDIDLUO\IXOOMDP´+HUHJDUGV%HQDVRQHRIWKH great, unknown dulcimer makers. 17 This dulcimer has a rich-coloured, bookmatched Indian Rosewood back and sides with herringbone purfling up centre of back. Fine-grained spruce top, with mirror image heron soundholes. Mahogany fingerboard with (?) rosewood overlay and 6½ fret. The elegant headstock with shamrock-shaped cutout is made from a rosewood/mahogany sandwich. The thin, elegant rosewood pegbox sides house 6 german-made ebony violin pegs. Mother of pearl markers at frets 3, 5, 7, 10 and 15 with the double-marked octave ± significantly ± at the 10th fret. Bone nut, bridge and endblock protector. Comes in its own, custom, very light wooden case. 2YHUDOOOHQJWK´ORZHUERXW´KHLJKWó´96/PHGLXPVFDOH6½ fret. A handsome instrument with an elegant outline, even though it is much wider than most teardrops. Fine choice of woods and well-constructed. From the string slots in the nut, it seems clear that it was intended to be strung in 3 octave pairs, the bass ones both being wound. It is also clearly designed for a 1-5-5 set up (i.e. DAA, CGG, GDD or similar) with the octave at the 10 th fret (see above). Checked carefully, the intonation is not equal temperament ± slightly flat on frets 4 and 6½ (the group of 4 here are oddly spaced). Yet when played, these caveats disappear. It sounds loud, but without stridency; rich toned with plenty of mid and bass; clear notes with plenty of separation; soft and mellow in intonation, rather than sharp-edged and precise. A lovely, and finesounding, historic instrument. 18 Section 4 ² Coming Soon/In the Workshop 1.18 1984 Folk Roots Walnut Hourglass 4 String £TBA Model D50 in original condition, complete with case. Previous Folk Roots instruments have been strong voiced and well made, with modern guitar tuners. This one appears to have the original labels still attached. 1.19 1977 Sam Carrell 5 String £TBA Wormy chestnut top/walnut back, fiddle-sided dulcimer in almost unused condition by Sam Carrell, Townsend, Tennessee. Sam worked as an apprentice with Bill Davis (previous Catalogue 1 # 1.3) who created this body style, now kept alive by the well-known luthier Mike Clemmer. Sam is apparently semi-retired and living in Florida. This is an older-style dulcimer with five wooden tuning pegs, strings in four courses, D A d dd. It should have a big, mellow sound. 2.19 2006 McSpadden Cherry Hourglass 4 String £TBA Model 4SHCR (4 string Scroll head, Hourglass, Cherry sides/back and Redwood top) McSpadden #49687 ± in as new condition, complete with original protective case. McSpadden are perhaps the best known and most consistent craft maker of mountain dulcimers in the world. They continue to produce beautifully-made, reliable and great-sounding instruments. 4.2 Mid 70s Magic Mountain Model 5400 ´.LWµ6WULQJ NFS An exciting project ± which has not progressed too far at the moment because of the pressure of set-up work etc in the workshop. 7KLV³NLW´ZDVDGYHUWLVHGLQ(YHU\WKLQJ'XOFLPHUODVW$XWXPQE\Jim Shellnutt who designed and built high-end Magic Mountain dulcimers in the 1970s. This was the last set of parts from the original workshop, still unassembled after nearly 40 years and left over when the business was sold and he turned to antique restoration. 19 Made of beautiful curly maple and sitka spruce, this is a work-in-progress instrument, unfinished, in three parts - a completely assembled body, a completely assembled neck, and a completely assembled "elephant trunk" scroll headstock. It comes straight out of the Magic Mountain dulcimer production of the mid-1970's. 32" long x 7 ¾" wide x 2" deep, 4 "C" shaped sound holes, top edges routed for 1/16" violin purfling and 1/16" edge binding, back edges routed for 1/16" edge binding, highly figured curly Broadleaf maple back and sides (book matched), extremely tightgrained book matched Sitka spruce top. The figure in the maple runs the entire length of the sides and back (not just a few curls on one end); it is exceptional. This instrument body was designed and built for high-tension strings. It has full interior bracing for the Magic Mountain "box beam" construction. Neck - American Cherry with black fiber fretboard, fretted, sanded and ready to use. Mother-ofpearl position dots (6 total), 32"L x 1 ½"W x ǫ"D, 30" scale length, diatonic with "extra" fret. The first picture is of a contemporary 5400 from Jim¶VSHUVRQDOFROOHFWLRQWKHVHFRQGWKHIXOO\ DVVHPEOHGERG\DZDLWLQJVXLWDEOHELQGLQJIXOO\IUHWWHGILQJHUERDUGDQGKHDGVWRFNIURPWKH³NLW´ Geoff Black Tel: 01989 720242 or 07817 310083 Email: reeve-black_revells[at] GB/gb 30/09/12
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