Climate of Coastal Cooperation
Climate of Coastal Cooperation
Climate of Coastal Cooperation “Sharing 20 years of experiences in integrated coastal cooperation is sharing our trust in long term, sustainable development of coastal resources and in finding resilient, adaptive responses to climate change for valuable and vulnerable coastal areas” Robbert Misdorp – Editor 2011 List of contents Message Joop Atsma - State Secretary of Infrastructure and the Environment, the Netherlands 7 Preface 8 Foreword 9 Wim Kuijken - Delta Government Commissioner, the Netherlands Ursula Schaefer-Preuss -Vice President of the Asian Development Bank, Philippines Statements Cees Veerman - Chairman Second Delta State Committee Jeroen van der Sommen - Director Netherlands Water Partnership Albert Salman - Director Coastal & Marine Union - EUCC 10 10 11 12 Executive Summary 14 Part I - Coastal cooperation in Europe 19 I-1 I-1-1 I-1-2 I-1-3 EU – Integrated Coastal Zone Management Initiatives Introductory Statement Jacqueline McGlade - Executive Director European Environmental Agency Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the European Union Birgit Snoeren, Niels Roode, Hugo Niesing Examples of ICZM practices in Europe Albert Salman, Alan Pickaver Conclusions 20 21 I-2 I-2-1 I-2-2 I-2-3 I-2-4 I-2-5 I-2-6 The Netherlands - coastal planning and implementation Introductory Statement: “Vision, ingenuity and leadership” Seen van der Plas - former Permanent Secretary of the Netherlands Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management The Netherlands: flood, erosion and management Niels Roode, Tjark van Heuvel, Robbert Misdorp Rotterdam: sustainable harbour development Robbert Misdorp Marine Spatial Planning Leo de Vrees River pollution and coastal sediment quality Remi Laane, Jos van Gils, Robbert Misdorp, Kees Kramer Challenges for the 21st century Marcel Stive, Mark van Koningsveld, Robbert Misdorp Conclusions 27 29 I-3 I-3-1 Romania - ICZM planning in an initial stage Introductory Statement Ana Lucia Varga - former State Secretary of the Romanian Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development ICZM in Romania Claudia Coman 43 45 Robbert Misdorp 22 24 26 32 34 36 38 40 42 46 I-3-2 I-3-3 The Danube Delta: back to nature Adrian Stanica Conclusions 48 I-4 Synthesis Part I - Europe Gerrit Baarse, Robbert Misdorp 51 50 Part II - Coastal Cooperation in Asia and Island States 53 Introduction Asia: a highly dynamic continent Robbert Misdorp 54 II-1 II-1-1 II-1-2 II-1-3 II-1-4 II-2 II-2-1 II-2-2 II-2-3 II-2-4 II-2-5 II-3 II-3-1 II-3-2 II-3-3 II-3-4 II-3-5 II-3-6 Bangladesh - Hazards, Vulnerabilities and ICZM, Institutions and NGOs Introductory Statement Md. Abu Tahar Khandakar - Director General Water Resource Planning Organization Bangladesh’s Vulnerability to Climate Change Saleemal Huq, Mozaharul Alam The stimulating role of NGOs Mohiuddin Ahmad, Atiq Rahman Bangladish’s ICZM efforts in practice Rafiq Islam Conclusions 57 59 China - Rapid rate of change in the coastal zone Shanghai: from ‘Black and Stink’ to clean Suzhou Creek Peter Kerssens, Chen MeiFa Yellow River Delta - support for sustainable development Leo de Vrees, Wang Zheng Bing, Marcel Marchand ICZM and application Geosciences in the Chinese coastal zone Yin Ping, He Qixiang, Jun Li, Cees Laban, Marit Brommer Coastal urbanization and creating Eco-cities Dick Kevelam, Peter Head, Frank de Graaf, James Wu Conclusions 67 68 India - Integrated Management: concepts and practices Interdisciplinary approach to water management Jayanta Bandyopadhyay Decision support system for ICMAM B.R. Subramaniam, Saskia Werners, Joop de Schutter, M.V. Ramana Murthy Artificial reefs J.K. Patterson Edward, Rob J. Leewis Tropical cyclones and the added value of ICZM Marcel Marchand, Peter Winchester Coastal protection guidelines Kees Dorst Conclusions 77 78 II-4 II-4-1 Indonesia - Sustainable restoration Sustainable, post tsunami restoration of Aceh- Indonesia Odelinde Nieuwenhuis, Ibrahim Salwa, Jeroen Alberts 89 90 II-5 Seychelles - The pearl of coastal conservation and sustainable development Introductory Statement Rolph Payet - Special Advisor to the President of the Seychelles 93 60 62 64 65 70 72 74 76 80 82 84 86 88 II-5-1 Tsunami mitigation - Nature conservation pays off Rolph Payet, Alain de Comarmond 94 II-6 II-6-1 II-6-2 II-7 II-7-1 II-7-2 II-7-3 II-8 II-8-1 II-8-2 II-8-3 II-8-4 II-8-5 II-8-6 II-8-7 II-9 96 96 Sri Lanka - The Asian country with the longest ICZM history Sri Lanka: Decades of ICZM Experience Dianeetha Sadacharan Conclusions - Indonesia, Seychelles and Sri Lanka 98 Thailand - Aquaculture and fisheries in an ICZM frame Thai aquaculture: lessons for shrimp farming Somsak Boromthanarat, Rob Leewis, Robbert Misdorp Fisheries and co-management in practice Yves Henocque, Sanchai Tandavanitj Conclusions 99 100 Vietnam - Holistic approach for coastal problems Introductory Statement Pham Khoi Nguyen - Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Vietnam: two decades of coastal cooperation Hua Chien Thang, Robbert Misdorp, Harrie Laboyrie, Hans Pos, Rien van Zetten, Nguyen Ngoc Huan Remote Sensing applications in the TTHue Province Tran Dinh Lan, Tom Bucx, Robbert Misdorp Awareness raising through an educational programme Marta Vahtar, Le Van Thu, Le Thi Anh Dao, Pham Toan, Robbert Misdorp Integrated knowledge for quality advise in the TTHue Province Mindert de Vries, Ton That Phap, Le Van Thu, Thi The Nguyen, Robbert Misdorp Capacity building: Hydraulics and Coastal Engineering Gerrit-Jan Schiereck, Vu Minh Cat, Marcel Stive, Robbert Misdorp Capacity building and training for ICZM Marcel Marchand, Ho Thi Yen Thu, Henk Jan Verhagen Conclusions 105 107 Synthesis Part II - Asia Gerrit Baarse, Robbert Misdorp 122 102 104 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 Part III - Concepts, Tools and Measures 125 III-1 What is ICZM? Basic elements of Coastal Cooperation Robbert Misdorp 126 III-2 Why ICZM? Triggers, impacts and long time series Robbert Misdorp 130 III-3 How ICZM: Planning and Implementing ICZM programmes III-3-1 Introductions III-3-1-1 UNEP Statement Ibrahim Thiaw, Director UNEP III-3-1-2 Introduction Robbert Misdorp III-3-2 Downloadable Management Planning Tools III-3-2-1 The role of Geospatial Technology for ICZM Henk Scholten, Tjark van Heuvel III-3-2-2 The COSMO-line: interactive tools for ICZM Marcel Taal 133 134 134 136 137 142 142 I II-3-2-3 III-3-2-4 III-3-2-5 III-3-2-6 III-3-2-7 CoastLearn: a training tool facilitating international cooperation Maria Ferreira, Carolina Perez, Hugo Niesing RAMCO: an integrated assessment tool for CZM Hedwig van Delden, Roel Vanhout DR-EIA: Document Retrieval and Expert System for E.I.A Joop L.G. de Schutter STREAM: a spatial tool for analyses in river basins Jeroen Aerts, Hans de Moel Capacity building essential for management of Marine Protected Areas Carien van Zwol, Julius Francis 144 147 150 152 155 III-3-3 Examples of innovative adaptive coastal measures III-3-3-1 Building with Nature: principles and examples Ronald E. Waterman III-3-3-2 Sand Nourishment Tjark van Heuvel III-3-3-3 Flood proof architecture Johan van der Pol III-3-3-4 Bangladesh - adapting to cyclone storm surges: shelters and schools Atiq Rahman, Rafiq Islam III-3-3-5 Solar energy: desalinating sea water into fresh water Hugo Niesing III-3-3-6 Innovative Home Sanitation: saves water, lives and money Daniel Vandy III-3-3-7 Mangrove replanting Dang Van Tao, Nguyen Hung Ha III-3-3-8 Floating vegetable bed cultivation Atiq Rahman 159 160 III-4 181 Conclusions on concepts, tools and measures Gerrit Baarse, Robbert Misdorp 164 167 169 172 174 176 179 Part IV - Coastal Cooperation: Join the action 185 IV-1 Learning experiences and recommendations for actions Gerrit Baarse and Robbert Misdorp IV-1-1 Main learning experiences IV-1-2 Recommendations for actions 186 186 188 IV-2 Perspectives and addresses for coastal cooperation IV-2-1 The key for adaptation is development Luitzen Bijlsma IV-2-2 A call for action and cooperation Pier Vellinga 193 193 Part V - Appendices 197 V-1 198 List of downloadable documents V-1-1 Four training manuals – PDFs V-1-2 Five ICZM Planning tools – Demos of CCC III-3-2 tools V-2 Alphabetic list of the 101 CCC - Authors and their e-mail addresses V-3 Acknowledgements - The country conclusions of Part I and II are written by Gerrit Baarse and Robbert Misdorp 195 199 205
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