insideHarper - Harper College


insideHarper - Harper College
December 5, 2008
From the President’s Desk:
Living Our Mission:
Harper Board of Trustees Appoints
Dr. John Pickelman as Interim College President
Nursing Students Benefit From Deposition Video
Posted 11/13/2008 06:32AM
The Harper College Board of Trustees has appointed
Dr. John E. Pickelman, chancellor emeritus of the North
Harris Montgomery Community College District (NHMCCD)
in Houston, Texas, as interim president following the early
resignation of President Dr. Robert L. Breuder.
Pickelman held
the position of chancellor at NHMCCD for nearly 17 years until his
retirement in 2007. NHMCCD is a public community college district in
the greater North Houston, Texas area, serving a resident population
of over one million. The district comprises five comprehensive
colleges with a total fall 2007 credit student headcount of 46,245.
It is the third largest community college district in Texas. “Dr. Pickelman brings years of experience and successful
leadership at the community college level,” said Laurie Stone,
Chair of the Harper College Board of Trustees. “We are delighted
to have Dr. Pickelman at the helm while our presidential search
process continues.” “I am honored to serve Harper during this
important transition period,” said Dr. Pickelman. “Harper is a
dynamic community college committed to educational excellence
and I look forward to helping position the institution for continued
success.” Pickelman will serve as interim president of Harper College
until a permanent replacement for Breuder is named next year.
Harper’s presidential search is well underway and the current
timeline calls for the new president to be appointed in the
spring 2009. As Senior Consultant with Academic Search, Inc.,
a firm specializing in assisting higher education institutions fills
presidential and other senior administrative leadership vacancies,
Pickelman has been supporting Harper with its current presidential
search. Since September, a presidential search advisory committee
made up of College faculty, staff and community members have
been holding listening sessions with Harper faculty members, staff,
students, donors and community leaders to gather input on qualities
they would like to see in Harper’s next president. The committee
also received input online and has held two open forums to receive
comments and feedback. The Harper College Board of Trustees Monday approved a request
from President Dr. Robert L. Breuder to be released from his contract
seven and a half months early in order to pursue the presidential
appointment at the College of DuPage in Glen Ellyn, Illinois. Dr.
Breuder was scheduled to retire from Harper June 30, 2009.
Although nurses account for only two percent of medical malpractice
lawsuits, the number of nurses being sued individually or as part
of a medical facility is on the rise. Karen Chandra, assistant
professor, Health Careers, is living the College’s mission of “providing
an educational opportunity that enables students to acquire the
knowledge and skills necessary to enter a specific career,” by
developing and creating a video which demonstrates how nurses
may be questioned during a legal deposition, which precedes a
malpractice trial.
According to Karen, one of the most important aspects of
nursing is documentation or charting. If there is a malpractice
lawsuit, “they always go back to the documentation to see what was
or wasn’t done for the patient.” Karen says charting is important for
other reasons, too: charting serves as “communication between team
members; documents services for bill purposes; a means of patient
assessment; can be used for research purposes; auditing information
for completeness of patient care; and legal documentation should a
lawsuit be initiated.”
Karen initially videotaped a mock malpractice trial during her charting
workshop, but then felt “it would be more beneficial if we changed
it to a deposition,” she said. “What can I do to get nursing students’
attention, to make them understand that documentation is so vital
for their careers,” says Karen. “Many people are deposed but few
cases actually make it to trial,” she says. “Depositions are key to any
Karen portrayed the nurse being deposed by the attorney in a
conference room, which is typical for a deposition. The video,
which was made with a fellowship from the Department of
Instructional Technology, and filmed by Tom Knoff, coordinator,
Media Productions, Department of Instructional Technology, is 35
minutes long. Karen’s determination to complete the video became
complicated when she was diagnosed with cancer during its
Although she had to take a medical leave, Karen returned to Harper
and completed the filming wearing a wig. “This was something I
needed to do,” she says. “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” Karen
says the Nursing students, faculty and staff were supportive and
encouraging. Not only did they present her with “a beautiful quilt” with
each square representing something she taught them, they also sent
a “large donation” in her name to the American Cancer Society.
Winner’s Circle:
December 5, 2008
Degrees and Certificates Awarded
Bachelor’s Degree
Employee Day
During Employee Day last month, the College recognized Harper
employees who are veterans of America’s armed forces. The
National Anthem was sung by Diane Carter-Zubko, workforce
career coordinator, Career and Technical Programs, who won last
year’s Employee Karaoke Contest.
Imazul Garcia
Health Careers, received a Bachelor of Science in Business
Administration in Management and Business Administration in
Human Resources Management from Columbia College, Columbia,
MO, December 2007.
The nominees for the Exceptional Service Award were
recognized with the revelation of the winner, which was the
coordinating team of the Student Information System (Banner)
Implementation. Winners received a $500 U.S. Savings Bond.
Associate Degree
Mark Hawkins, mail clerk, Marketing Services, treated employees
to a custom designed “Harper Magic” show with assistance from
Festus Johnson, business development assistant, Harper College
for Businesses. The keynote speakers, Peter and Susan Glaser,
award-winning communication consultants, spoke about techniques
to navigate a range of communication challenges.
Employee Day also featured a free continental breakfast,
luncheon and a free copy of the Glaser’s book, Be Quiet, Be Heard:
The Paradox of Persuasion. In the afternoon there were several
workshops and wellness activities.
Sally Griffith
Career and Technical Programs, received Certification as a Higher
Learning Commission Peer Reviewer, November 2008.
Harper Veterans Honored During Employee Day
Air Force
Dennis Coonich
John Smith
Tom Gibbons
David Broucek
Joseph D’Agostino
Earl Dowling
Nui Duong
Thomas Foley
Jerry Goff
Joseph Greten
Royzell Hutchins
David Joplin
Michael Knutson
Tammie Mahoney
Brian Stark
Joanne Walker
Dennis Weeks
Juvenal Aguinaga
Terry Engle
James Forssander
Richard Geary
David Lauerman
Larry Olson
Christopher Prebe
Kenneth Ward
James Balsamo
Alexander DeLonis
Student Development, Center for New Students and Orientation,
received an Associate in Arts from Harper College, July, 2008.
Sara Gibson
Physical Plant, received Certification as Associate in Risk
Management (ARM) from the Insurance Institute of America,
January 2008.
Karen Horner
Business and Social Science, received a Paralegal Studies Certificate
from Harper College, May 2008.
John Kieca
Career and Technical Programs, received Radio Frequency
Identification A+ Certification from Harper College, October 2007.
Darby Lanpher
Continuing Education, received a Management Development
CE Certificate from Harper College, September 2007.
Debby Sampson
Access and Disability Services, received Certification from the
Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID), Certified Deaf Interpreter,
July 2008.
Winner’s Circle: Employee Day
Nominees—Exceptional Service Award
Individual Nominees
Marie Eibl – Area Math Tutor, Resources for Learning
(nominated by Patricia Setlik, Sarah Stark, David Dwyer)
Donna Groselak – Secretary, Business and Social Science
(nominated by Nancy Savard, Kathy Schmitz & Chris Buck)
Tom Knoff – Coordinator, Media Productions, DoIT
(nominated by Karen Chandra and Kate Kniest)
Steve Liggio – Police Officer, Harper College Police Deparment
(nominated by Mark Neubecker, Chad Mower, David Dwyer)
Jodie Olsen – Human Resource Assistant, Human Resources/
Diversity and Organizational Development
(nominated by Angela Bowling)
Mitesh Shah – Desktop Integration Analyst, Information Technology/
Technical Services
(nominated by Carol Blotteaux)
Team nominees:
Maintenance Construction Group (Nancy Savard, Jerry Goff and
Team), Physical Plant Department
(nominated by Diana Sharp and Michelé Robinson)
Physical Plant Department
(nominated by Sally Griffith)
Service Desk, Information Technology/Client Services
(nominated by Carl Dittburner)
Maintenance Mechanics, Helpers and Painters, Maintenance
(nominated by Beth Younglove)
December 5, 2008
Coordinating Team of the Student Information System
(Banner) Implementation Project:
Matt McLaughlin – Manager Admissions Proc & Tech Lead,
Ron Serio – Information Analyst, REG OFF
Sue Skora – Manager of Registration & Student Records,
Adrienne McDay – Coordinator of Registration, REG OFF
Becky Rizzi – Enrollment Services Project Lead, REG OFF
Tanya Bergman – Assessment/Testing Manager, TEST
Kate Johnson – Financial Aid Associate, OSFA
Deb Sada – CE Operations Manager, CE
Darlene Niebuhr – Schedule & Curriculum Specialist, AVPAA
Beth Younglove – Supervisor Student Accounting, BURS OFF
Bo’Lynne Modzelewski – Manager Project Management
Office, IT/ES
Linda Mueller – Manager Application Development, IT/ES
Bob Brown – Supervisor of Operations, IT/TS
Hazel Rilki – Business Information Analyst 5, IT/ES
Karen Streu – Business Information Analyst 5, IT/ES
Tasnim Kazi – Business Information Analyst 2, IT/ES
Ursula Youngwith – Project Manager, IT/ES
Susan Alderson – Desktop Integration Analyst, IT/CS
Foram Patel – Project Communications Assistant, IT/ES
(nominated by Sheryl Otto, Maria Moten, Diana Sharp, Mark
Mrozinski, Tammy Rust, Mike Babb)
Outlook Conversion Team:
John McManus – Manager of Enterprise Systems and
Network, IT/TS
Sue Nowakowski – Manager of Enterprise Desktop Systems,
Mitesh Shah – Desktop Integration Analyst, IT/TS
David Broucek – Desktop Support Assistant Manager, IT/TS
Mike Gleissner – Senior Local Area Network Specialist, IT/TS
Mike Swier – Network Specialist, IT/TS
Rick Kellerman – Local Area Network Specialist, IT/TS
Tammie Mahoney – Manager, Client Support, IT/CS
Susan Alderson – IT/CS
(nominated by Regan Myers)
The winners were the members of the Student Information
System (Banner) Implementation. Each member of the
winning team received a $500 U.S. Savings Bond prize.
Congratulations to all the nominees and to the winners!
December 5, 2008
Winner’s Circle: Employee Day
Karaoke Contest
Festus Johnson—Harper College for Business,
Living In America, James Brown
Doug Peterson—Events Management,
Suspicious Minds, Elvis Version
Darrell Riley—Dining and Conference Services and Shirley
Shanhan—Continuing Education,
I’ll Be There, Mariah Carey
Victoria Mineo—Accounting Services,
Killing Me Softly, The Fugees
Jason Ferguson—Student Affairs,
Let’s Stay Together, Al Green
Winona Patterson—Resources for Learning,
Word’s of Love, The Mamas and the Papas
Cheryl Kisunzu—Human Resources/DOD,
You Are the Sunshine of My Life, Stevie Wonder
Employee karaoke contestants on stage with emcee Marge Skold,
vice president, Academic Affairs, receiving applause from the
Festus Johnson, Harper College for Businesses, and Doug
Peterson, Events Management,
wait for the results.
Darrell Riley, Dining and Conference Services, and Shirley
Shanahan, Continuing Education, team up for a duo of Mariah
Carey’s version of “I’ll Be There.”
Jason Ferguson, Student Affairs, sings
an Al Green classic “Let’s Get Together.” The winners: Third Place, Festus Johnson;
Second Place Victoria Mineo;
First Place Jason Ferguson.
Focus on Faculty:
Chad Taylor uses TurningPoint Audience
Response System (Clicker)
Chad Taylor, instructor, Mathematics and Sciences,
participated in a pilot program for the TurningPoint Audience
Response System (Clicker) in his Mathematics 060 Class,
Beginning Algebra.
A clicker is a hand-held, wireless device that is used by a student to
submit a response in a classroom. Classroom presenters typically
use a modified PowerPoint presentation to ask questions and to
register the responses and/or gather data from students for a variety
of situations. Students can reply to questions with “Yes” or “No,”
numerical input, or by submitting text
The Clicker device was used for short five-question quizzes
at the beginning of class, according to Chad. “I used the Clicker
at the start of class to re-enforce the previous lecture,” he says.
“This way I can monitor what kind of work is being done out of the
classroom. If a large percentage of the class gets the question wrong,
I can re-visit the math problem in real time.”
The device brings a different classroom experience to the students.
“The Clicker allows for student interactivity and also uses technology
to their benefit,” says Chad. “Classroom participation is on their
shoulders and this device seems to make participation more
interesting to them.”
Chad and Tushar Patel, desktop integration specialist,
Information Technology Client Services, spoke to a meeting
of the campus Bites and Bytes group about the Clicker
pilot program. Participants were able to try out the Clickers by
participating in a hands-on activity.
Harper’s Information Technology Department has updated all
college faculty workstations so that each station now contains
a copy of the software to use the Clicker technology, according
to Kevin Crow, instruction curriculum specialist, Department of
Instruction Technology. In addition, IT is in the process of updating
each classroom on the main campus with the Clicker hardware.
You can learn more about the Turning Point Audience Response
System by visiting their Web site at For
more information regarding the implementation of this system at
Harper College, please contact: Tushar Patel at (847) 925-6387 or at
December 5, 2008
Other faculty, besides Chad, participating in the Clicker
pilot program:
David Clydesdale, associate professor,
Mathematics and Sciences;
Leslye Hess, assistant professor, Health Careers;
Angela Miraglio, adjunct faculty, Health Careers;
Kathleen Hock, professor, Health Careers.
Benefit’s Corner:
Diabetic Supplies to be Assigned Formulary Status
Blue Cross Blue Shield Illinois is changing how coverage
is determined for diabetic supplies. Effective January 1, 2009,
diabetic supplies will be assigned a formulary status (i.e. generic,
name brand-formulary, and name brand-non-formulary). The benefits
will be paid based on that status. Targeted mailings will be sent to
members affected by the addition of this coverage before the end of
the year.
If you have any questions please contact Blue Cross Blue Shield
customer service at the (800) phone number printed on the backside
of your membership card.
Harper Trivia:
October 24 question:
How many people visit the Harper Dental Hygiene Clinic
on an annual basis?
The clinic averages about 1,500 to 2,000 visits a year.
December 5 question:
How many holiday pies were baked by Harper’s culinary students
for holiday orders?
December 5, 2008
New Humanities Class:
Stories of Diversity:
Exploring Women’s Role in Food
by Katharine (J.J.) Pionke
International Education Week:
The idea for a new Humanities class exploring the theme of
the role that women play in food was hatched as J.J. Pionke,
an adjunct faculty member in Liberal Arts, was preparing to
celebrate Thanksgiving.
“When I got the assignment, my family and I had started discussing/
prepping for Thanksgiving which got me thinking about how
important food is in our lives and how much of a role that women
play in food and voila!, says Katharine Pionke, who is known as J.J.
“A theme was born. I checked with the chairperson and he felt that
it was a wonderful idea. I worked up a rough draft of a syllabus, he
signed off on it and now I will be teaching it next semester, provided it
makes enrollment of course.”
The class is Humanities 110 Women and Creativity and the
reading list includes: Julia Child (Penguin Lives); Julie and Julia by
Julie Powell; Chocolat by Joanne Harris; Aphrodite: A Memoir of the
Senses by Isabel Allende; and Like Water for Chocolate by Laura
“We’ll also be watching the film version when available as well as
Julia Child’s first TV episode, an episode from Two Fat Ladies, and
a foreign film called Babette’s Feast,”says J.J. Students will do the
standard papers but will also be required to complete a project
wherein they do a presentation on a food important to their families
as well as bring in a sample of said food for everyone to try. I think it
is going to be a lot of fun and we are going to be discussing many
aspects of food from its sensuality to its role in the family to what
happens when there is a lack of food.”
The College’s annual International Education Week celebrated
other cultures by programming several events in four days that
ran the gamut from a Mexican mariachi band, free German
and Turkish food, Middle Eastern dancing plus discussions,
films and lectures.
“We want to amp up global awareness on many different levels—
educationally, culturally, socially,” says Jacquelyn Mott, a member of
the International Studies Committee, who sponsored the festivities.
The following faculty and staff made presentations during
International Education Week:
Helmut Publ, professor, Business and Social Science;
Patricia Hamlen, a
ssistant professor, Business and Social
Bobby Summers, assistant professor, Business and Social
Veronica Mormino, instructor, Business and Social Science;
Antonio Iacopino, instructor, Liberal Arts
Janet Friend-Westney, (Retiree)
Kimberly Nichols (Jaeger), instructor, Liberal Arts
Karen Patterson, instructor, Liberal Arts
Elke Weinbrenner, instructor, Liberal Arts,
Persian Santur Music concert
Geography Awareness Week:
December 5, 2008
Organized by Veronica Mormino, instructor, Business and
Social Science, the event included interactive trivia games, talking
geographical globes, books, maps, posters, cookies and prizes.
Also participating in the event were Mark Healy, professor, Business
and Social Science, and chair Geography Department chair of the
Geography Department, along with adjunct faculty members Ray
Brod, Robert Gorcik, Sheila Daniels and Elizabeth Sofronas and
the Developing World Honors class, along with other students.
“Geography Awareness Week was a total success. By making this
day fun and interesting, we are hoping to engage faculty, student
and others in celebrating Geography,” says Veronica. For more
information about National Geography Awareness Week, go to:
News On Campus
Harper Student Senate Wins Award
The 2007-08 Student Senate, led by President Victoria
McClellan, was awarded Harper College’s ninth straight Illinois
Community College Student Activities Association (ICCSAA)
Ed Snyder Merit Book award. Harper College is in a class by itself,
as no other community college in the state has won the award more
than four times.
This year’s award-winning schools were: Harper College, Joliet Junior
College, Kishwaukee College, and John A. Logan College.
The ICCSAA Merit Book Committee acknowledged Harper College
for their “solid student voice on campus as indicated by a high level
of involvement in campus committees, and impressive leadership
training opportunities.”
Mock Presidential Debate
with John Garcia and Bobby Summer
The College celebrated Geography Awareness Week, which
was initiated in 1987 by the National Geographic Society’s
Geography Education Program, is an annual celebration to
promote geographic literacy. Geography Awareness Week occurs in
every November with a new theme selected each year .
Just before the recent presidential election, John Garcia, instructor,
Liberal Arts, played Barack Obama, and Bobby Summers, assistant
professor, Business and Social Science, played John McCain in a
mock presidential debate that attracted approximately 200 students.
The mock debate was sponsored by Phi Theta Kappa and Honors
Society student clubs.
December 5, 2008
More News:
Harper College Library:
A Musical Reading:
M. Glenn Taylor, Rich Johnson and Brian Cremins
Edible Book Contest
M. Glenn Taylor, assistant professor, Liberal Arts, and author of the
highly acclaimed debut novel The Ballad of Trenchmouth Taggert,
read passages from his novel and answered questions from the
audience in the Drama Lab/Black Box Theatre. A twist was added to
Glenn’s reading: he was joined by faculty members Rich Johnson,
associate professor, on banjo, and Brian Cremins, assistant
professor, both also of Liberal Arts, on guitar.
“We had a blast,” said Rich. “Brian is a very accomplished guitar
player. Unlike me, he can play anything he wants—I’m stuck in the
old timey, bluegrass realm. We were just fooling around, using chord
progressions that sounded appropriate to the readings Glenn had
picked out.” No word on whether this will be made into a regular gig.
Harper Football Team to play in
Valley of the Sun Bowl Tomorrow
Congratulations to the Harper Hawks football team, who
finished in 4th place nationally among Division III junior
colleges with a 10-1 record, which resulted in an invitation to the
Valley of the Sun Bowl in Phoenix Arizona on Saturday, December
6. The Hawks will oppose No. 8 Phoenix College, which has a 7-3
record. This is the oldest continuous post-season bowl game in the
National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA).
In addition, two Harper players, Garrett Banas, quarterback,
and Kyle Jenkins, defensive end, have been, named Region IV
offensive and defensive players of the year, capping off the best
Harper showing in football since 2003.
What would your favorite book look like if it were a main dish? Think
Seuss’ Green Eggs and Ham? Or, maybe A Catcher in the Rye by
J.D. Salinger with a baseball mitt holding a rye bread? “We just
thought it would be something a little more fun; a little different, says
Michele Ukleja, coordinator, User Services, Resources for Learning.
“We wanted avid readers to sue their imagination, and cook up a
book so good you’ll literally want to devour it.”
Marie Eibl, area tutor coordinator, Mathematics, entered the contest
with her entry entitled: Oh, the Places You’ll Go! by Dr. Seuss. Judges
were Patrick Beach, professor, Business and Social Science; Marge
Skold, vice president, Academic Affairs and Njambi Kamoche, dean,
Resources for Learning.
Marie Eibl, area tutor coordinator, Mathematics, shows off her entry
in the Library’s Edible Book Contest.
Marie submitted a cake to go along
with Seuss’ Oh, the Places You’ll Go!
All 100+ pictures are on the Library Flickr
account too. The winners in each category :
Most Edible
Rainbow Fish
This was a group of 10 duel enrollment students
in the FSM program
Most Literary
The Giving Tree
Table 10—a group of three FSM students
Most Creative
The Old Man and the Sea
Community member
Grand Prize
A Night to Remember
Four FSM students
“This event was a huge success,” says Michele. “We will definitely do
it again next year.”
Update on the New
Student Information System:
Tammie Mahoney
The New Student Information System (SIS) is now LIVE!!!!
Students have been registering online and faculty are able
to view their teaching schedule and will be able to get their
own roster. Online grading will also be available in the New Year for
faculty! If you have any questions or need assistance with the SIS
please feel free to contact the Service Desk at ext. 4357.
Watch our progress!
Employees can sign up
for Emergency Text Alerts
Employees can sign up for emergency text alerts. The
College is adding cell phone text messages to the communications
plan when there is an emergency on the main or satellite campuses.
Participation is voluntary; all you have to do is go to the Harper Web
site to sign up. Names and phone numbers are confidential and will
not be shared outside the system.
New Harper Employees:
Jennifer Bell, box office assistant, p/t, Events Management;
Sebastian Brozek, computer testing specialist, Assessment and
Testing Center;
LeShae Hayes, clerk/receptionist, Student Recruitment and
Monica Kirsch, library assistant I, Library Services;
Danilo Dauz, custodian, Physical Plant;
Richard Pernice, custodian, Physical Plant;
Leslie Bieler, coordinator, CE Career & Safety, p/t.
December 5, 2008
Au Revoir:
Jan Jacobson, Office of Scholarships and Financial
Assistance, 25+ years of service
Jan Jacobson, the veteran’s certifying official in the Office of
Scholarships and Financial Assistance, who retires at the end
of December, has spent a lot of the last 25+ years at Harper
helping administrate the Illinois Veteran’s Grant program at
the College. Illinois pays the tuition and certain fees for residents of
Illinois who lived in the state six months prior to at least one year of
active service and return to Illinois within six months of discharge.
“I’m the liaison between the federal and state governments for
military education benefits,” says Jan, who also oversees the benefits
distributed through the G. I. Bill, a federal entitlement program that
pays stipends to veterans and their children who are going to college.
“You become familiar with these veterans,” says Jan, who calls them
“my vets.”
“You keep in touch with some of them and you can get attached.”
Jan states seeing students getting re-deployed is especially heart
wrenching. “Some of them are on their second or third deployments,
and I’m seeing this more frequently.”
Jan has a “sense of pride and privilege to be able to help our
veterans who have done so much for us and to help get them reacclimated to civilian life.”
“I’m going to miss that,” she says, adding she hopes to find a
veteran’s organization that she can volunteer at. She estimates she
assists 200 to 300 veterans every year.
Already an active volunteer for the last 15 years with the Kenneth
Young Center, a social service agency that assists individuals and
families who need counseling, in Elk Grove Village, Jan is on the
committee that plans and executes the agency’s annual fashion
show. “This year the theme was ‘Generations of Fashion’” and Jan,
her daughter Kristin and granddaughter Julia modeled coordinated
holiday outfits.
Besides spending more time with her local grandchildren, Jan will
travel to Alabama to see her grandchildren there. She also loves the
theatre, and plans to enjoy many theatrical productions in the area.
Special Feature:
Harper Pitches In for Holiday Cheer
For those who have less than others or may need more holiday
cheer this year, Harper employees are pitching in to help. Even
though not every person or group who is helping out this season
may be mentioned below, everyone is honored by the contributions
you make.
For instance, tomorrow, Saturday, December 6, a Deaf Santa
will visit campus to communicate in sign language so that deaf and
hard-of-hearing children can share their Christmas lists at the annual
Winter Party sponsored by the American Sign Language Club.
“Someone as popular and in-demand as Santa needs to relate to
everyone,” says Bob Paul, associate professor, Liberal Arts. “Sharing
family memories and traditions are important, and this party makes
that happen. It brings families and friends together for a memorable
and unique holiday experience.”
Moon walk at last year’s
Winter Party sponsored
by the American Sign
Language Club.
Today, Friday,
December 5, is the last
day to bring new,
unwrapped coats, hats,
gloves, pajamas and
toys to the home of
Terry Engle, inventory
and logistics specialist,
Information Technology
Client Services. All of the
items will be taken to the
World Vision Storehouse
in Elgin, where they items
will be made available for
children in the community.
If you have something to drop
off, call Terry at ext. 6212.
Holiday Food Drive
The holiday food drive being sponsored by Phi Theta Kappa
has been extended until Friday, December 12. There are boxes
for canned or boxed food in Buildings L (near the bookstore); Building
J (in front of J143); D Building (in the D Knuckle); and in Avanté.
InsideHarper wishes everyone a Happy Holiday!
December 5, 2008
Tuition Waivers
Effective November 25, 2008, Harper has a new process
for Tuition Waivers. The new process coincides with the
implementation of the new SIS Banner System, and applies to both
Credit and Continuing Education Tuition Waivers.
There is no longer any Tuition Waiver form that needs to be
completed and taken to HR for approval. Class tuition will
automatically be waived upon registration. You will need to pay any
fees associated with the class according to the established student
payment timelines.
Part-time Regular Employees, Adjuncts, and CE Instructors:
If your registration exceeds your eligible waiver amount, you will be
required to pay the difference.
Tuition Waivers are still required for dependents, but now follow a
two-part process:
• Employee must complete an on-line Tuition Waiver for their
dependent using the Employee Self-Service function of Oracle.
• Upon email confirmation of approval, the dependent may
register for classes.
Participation in any course utilizing a tuition waiver shall not permit
such course to be conducted if it would otherwise be terminated for
lack of sufficient enrollment.
Regular employees working 30 or more hours per week, their spouse
and dependent children 24 years of age and under are eligible to
enroll in credit courses without tuition charges. CE course tuition is
100% waived for the employee. CE course tuition for Dependents is
waived at 25% in FY 2008/09 and no waiver beyond that. Dependent
children tuition for the summer INZONE program shall be waived at
Regular part-time employees working between 19-30 hours per week
are eligible for two courses (credit or CE) each semester without
tuition charges. This benefit is limited to employee only.
Adjuncts and CE Instructors are eligible for one credit course
tuition waiver each semester, provided they are working during that
December 5, 2008
December 5, 2008