Breathe, Stretch, Shake Spin Mix (44 minutes),Rock `n Roll Spin Mix
Breathe, Stretch, Shake Spin Mix (44 minutes),Rock `n Roll Spin Mix
Breathe, Stretch, Shake Spin Mix (44 minutes) My apologies for being AWOL for the last month. I’ve had family visiting and just got back from summer vacation on Prince Edward Island. It was a wonderful week on the beach, riding, and golfing – a sport I just might be getting the hang of, in a double-bogey, multiple-mulligan sort of way. This is a mix of new, never-before-seen-on-the-blog tunes. It veers from dance to pop to hip hop to rock, and showcases two Canadian artists – Beast, and K’naan. The profile includes an intense 17 minute climb, followed by some surges and lifts. It winds up with some sprints to the finish. I cribbed the lengthy climbing idea from reader Tim, who posted a great playlist with a quad-busting 23 minute climb on the Reader Playlists page. If you’re mulling over a Michael Jackson tribute class, readers Denise and Judy both posted all-MJ playlists on the Reader Playlists page. (Thanks to all three of you for covering with new material – much appreciated!) Before we get into today’s mix, I have to give a shout-out to another Canuck, Gabriela, the Toronto spin instructor who blogs over at SpinDJ. I visited her blog last night and downloaded a whole bunch of new music based on her suggestions. We have very similar musical tastes, and Gabriela uses to make her music available to listen right from the blog – a nice touch. I added a link to her blog under Other Sources for Spinning Music – surf on over and check it out. I bet you’ll like it, too. The photo? Canadian readers will recognize the Tim Hortons sign for the Canadian cultural icon that it is. For those of you who aren’t familiar with Timmies, it’s a chain of coffee shops named after the NHL player who started the business in the 1960s. Tims has over 2,800 locations across Canada and 400 in the United States, including some brand new locations in NYC. Okay, here we go: I Gotta Feeling – Black Eyed Peas (4:49): What an upbeat song. I’ve got a feeling that this is going to be a good, good ride. Take the resistance up to 3/10 and give me some fast, strong legs. We’re headed for a 17 minute hill, folks, so we have to be ready for it when we get there. E-Pro – Beck (3:22): Oh, frig. We’re at the base of this hill, and it’s the biggest one we’ve ever tackled. We’re going to need breaks… water…. and fortitude, but we can do it. Just take it at your own pace, and dial back the tension for a break when you need to. (Advanced riders, skip one or more of the breaks between songs.) Keep your cadence at no less than 60 RPM to protect your knees. that, dial back the tension a bit. If you’re slower than The songs naturally encourage the proper cadence – just let the beat drive you up the hill. We’re starting seated, resistance around 5/10 with progressive increases every 60 seconds. Finger Prints – Beast (4:33): This tune from Montreal band Beast has been on heavy rotation since I heard it on the CBC Radio Show, “Q.” Wicked, wicked, wicked. You didn’t dial the tension back, right? Good. Settle in at 8/10. Around 2:00, take it to 9/10 and stand for the rest of the song. It’s like riding through mud, a slog all the way. Pace yourself – we’re not even half way. If you prefer, you can coach the whole climb seated, standing only for LoveGame. Breathe Stretch Shake – Mase (3:17): Break time! Take 30 seconds of easy spinning, then roll the tension back to 5/10. More progressive tension increases. Don’t come out of the saddle – yet. LoveGame [Chew Fu Ghettohouse Fix feat. Marilyn Manson] – Lady GaGa (5:21): Finally, a chance to pull out the stops. Come out of the saddle and finish the slog to the top with a standing climb. Sure, the beat is fast, but we’ve got the energy for it. Fine Without You (Radio Edit) – Armin van Buuren (3:18): We did it! Time to spin out all that tension we’ve accumulated over the course of the 17 minute climb. Drop the tension back to 3/10 and go back to fast legs, alternating 30 second surges with 60 seconds of active recovery. The 60 seconds should still include strong legs and a purposeful cadence. Bang Bang – K’naan (feat. Adam Levine) (3:07): Such a clever song, with clever lyrics and a hummable chorus. Let’s do some lifts, low tension (4/10). It’s a fast beat so we’re going to stick to 16 counts. This was a free songs on iTunes. K’naan is a Canadian hip hop artist. He was born in Somalia and lived there during the civil war. He comes from a musical family – his aunt is one of Somalia’s most famous singers. K’naan and his mother fled Somalia and joined his father in New York City. The family later moved to Toronto, Ontario. New Divide – Linkin Park (4:30): You didn’t think we were going to get away without sprinting, did you? Two sprint songs, back to back here, to take us through to the cool down. There are four sprints here, of 15/40/60/30 at 0:19 – 0:34, 1:08 – 1:48, 2:21 – 3:18, 3:35 – 4:05. Love Drunk – Boys Like Girls (3:47): Is it just me, or does this song remind you of something by Avril Lavigne? Ashlee Simpson? Kelly Clarkson? While we figure it out, let’s do one more set of sprints to take us to the cool down: 30/45/50 at 0:48 – 1:20, 1:45 – 2:28, 2:38 – 3:28. (It’s actually from this Boston band’s eponymous debut CD.) Her Diamonds – Rob Thomas (4:40): This single from Thomas’s latest CD is charting right now. Slow down and enjoy the pace while we cool down and stretch. New York New York – Ryan Adams (3:47): Some extra stretching and goodbye music. I’ll admit it…. I love to go out for dinner. I live downtown with all sorts of restaurants nearby: Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, Japanese, Italian, Latin, Indian, Turkish, Lebanese, English, Mexican, Greek… all within a 10 minute walk. But according to CBC’s Marketplace, eating at sit-down restaurants can be far worse for your waistline than chowing down at McDonalds. If you only go out for dinner a few times a year, no big deal, have whatever you want. But what if you go out for dinner once or twice a week? Here are some strategies for coping with restaurant food: 1. Have a snack before you arrive at the restaurant. sit down ravenous, you’ll make bad choices. If you 2. If you can’t have a snack beforehand, start with a broth soup or salad with dressing on the side. 3. Decide on your priorities. Do you want to have an alcoholic drink? Dessert? An appetizer? Some bread? Pick one only. (This rule seems particularly unfair.) 4. Ask about half orders and lunch sizes, even if they’re not mentioned on the menu. Try ordering an appetizer as your main course. (I tried this on vacation and was served a child-size bowl of soup as an appetizer, even though it wasn’t listed anywhere on the menu. Perfect!) 4. Consider eating until you’re full and leaving the rest of your meal behind. It’s wasteful, but if you take half the meal home to eat another day, you’re essentially eating out twice as often. (If you can’t bear to leave it, bring the leftovers home as a treat for another family member, or even your pet.) 5. Whenever possible, share the portion with your dining companion(s). (Another way to ensure no leftovers to take home.) This trick works particularly well with desserts. Rock 'n Roll Spin Mix (43 minutes) It’s fair to say that Spinning attracts more men than any other group exercise class, but the majority of riders in my classes are women. This mix is for my regular male riders, who’ve been asking me for more rock ‘n roll, please. The photo accompanying this post is of my favourite male cyclist – my brother in law, James. Fortunate Son – Creedence Clearwater Revival (2:22): Warm up your legs, here we go! Break on Through (To the Other Side) – The Doors (2:30): Still warming up. Pick up your cadence by 10% for the verses, 20% for the choruses, then back to 10% for the verses. Sympathy for Big. Hill. Jack up the settle in for the Devil – The Rolling Stones (6:19): Great. One of the most iconic rock songs of all time. tension to 7/10, come out of the saddle, and the grind to the top. Rock ‘n Roll – Led Zeppelin (3:41): The whole song is one big, juicy sprint. Starting at 0:06, do 15/30/45 seconds on/off, then sprint out the last 41 seconds to the end. The sprints are at 0:06 – 0:21 (15 sec), 0:36 – 1:06 (30 sec), 1:36 – 2:21 (45 sec), 3:06 – 3:41 (35 sec). Get Up – James Brown (2:50): You heard the man, get up. going to do some lifts, high tension around 8/10. We’re Born to Be Wild – Hinder (3:59): Steppenwolf (another Canadian band!) released this song in the summer of 1968. Hinder’s version came almost 40 years later, in 2007 – now there’s a song that’s stood the test of time. Adam Lambert did a dance version on this season’s American Idol and it’s not bad at all, but we’re in a rock ‘n roll mood today. We’re going to do some standing sprints: 15 on/off, 30 on/off, 45 on/off/on. The fun starts at 0:15. Thunderstruck – AC/DC (4:53): I have to give a big shout out to Fabia, another cycling instructor at my gym. Thunderstruck and Saturday Night’s Alright for Fighting are two of her signature songs, and they’re both fantastic to spin to. Fabia is one of those instructors who has such a devoted following that riders are typically lined up a half hour before the class begins, just to make sure they get a bike. Take 30 seconds for some well-deserved recovery, then take the tension to 4/10 and come out of the saddle for a climb. Alternate between aggressive and regular stance every 60/45/30 seconds. Saturday Night’s Alright for Fighting – Elton John(4:56): This is a mixed drill: climbs and sprints: Start with a fast, out of the saddle climb for 60 seconds, then sit down and sprint for 60, then 45 seconds, 30 seconds. Copperhead Road – Steve Earle (4:30): Last climb of the day. Start seated with the tension around 7/10 increasing every 45 seconds. At 2:37, when the music picks up, decrease the tension to 4/10, get up out of the saddle, and go! Race to the finish line two minutes away. Go! Go! Go! Sweet Home Alabama – Lynyrd Skynyrd (4:45): Cool down. When I was in my early 20’s I played keyboards in a band and often followed friends in other bands around to local shows. This song will always remind me of a night at a not-very-fancy bar in Hamilton, Ontario, called the Carrot Club. My friend’s band was opening for another act. The headliners performed this song with some of the most astonishing guitar playing I’ve ever heard. The two guitar players in the band threw the solo back and forth between them. I no longer remember the name of the band, or the guys in it, but the song was unforgettable. For What It’s Worth – Buffalo Springfield (2:41): Some extra cool down and goodbye music. This single was released in January, 1967 and peaked at #7 on the Billboard Charts. Many people think the song was written about the Kent State shootings, but in fact the shootings occurred on May 4, 1970, more than three years later. This is another song that’s stood the test of time. In 2003, my spouse and I rented a row house in central Halifax, right on the edge of the ‘hood. We shared a back yard with our neighbours, a group of early 20something students. We were all in the back yard one afternoon, enjoying the sun. A couple of the students had guitars and were entertaining the group. One of them said, “Hey, I heard the coolest song the other day – listen to this!” and started picking the intro to For What It’s Worth. What do you think? Do your riders prefer to spin to rock and roll, Top 40, dance, electronica/house music, or a mix of all of them? Where are we Runnin' Spin Mix (43 minutes) I’ve got a ton of new music to sort through for new playlists. This eclectic mix features virtually all new never-before-used-on-the-blog material. It leans heavily on electronica, with a bit of rock, hip hop, and folk music thrown in. I have used other versions of Ride Like The Wind and Black Betty in previous playlists; everything else is new. Got two outdoor rides in this weekend. The first was from the Armdale Roundabout out Purcell’s Cove Road to Ferguson’s Cove Road and up to York Redoubt and return. The ride takes you past two yacht clubs, through a fishing village, and offers stunning views of Halifax harbour. All you need to know about this one is hills. Big hills. I hadn’t done this ride since last summer and I was expecting to be sucking wind, but all that time spent indoors on the bike paid off – I actually found the ride easier than last year. Sunday, we did an easy 26km ride out the Beechville Lakeside Timberlea (BLT) trail. This trail is part of the local rails to trails project and passes by several pristine lakes and a waterfall before connecting up with the 36km St. Margaret’s Bay trail. We decided to do the St. Margaret’s Bay trail later this summer. It’s a decent 72km return, and rises to a metric century if you start at the beginning of the BLT trail. I’ve never done a century – it’s definitely on my list of goals, first the metric one, then the Imperial. Ride Like the Wind (54 Remix Edit) – Fab (4:01): This is one of my favourite warm up songs right now. The beat takes you effortlessly into the groove. Magnificent – U2 (5:24): In honour of Ferguson’s Cove Road, we’re going to start off with a 5.5 minute seated hill climb. A big shout out and thanks to reader Tim for suggesting this song. Start with the resistance around 6/10 and increase it every 60 seconds. Where are We Runnin’? – Lenny Kravitz (2:41): I don’t know if it’s true, but I’ve heard that when Kravitz’s marriage to Lisa Bonet was unravelling, she accused him during an argument: “You love your guitar more than you love me!” To which he thought for a moment, and replied, “actually, I do.” Divorce was inevitable. Mix it up a bit by doing some lifts here: 4 counts through the verse, 2 at the chorus. Black Betty – Spiderbait (3:26): this ride, it’s time to sprint. We’re twelve minutes into I love the beat in this Aussie band’s version of the song. Pick up your feet for a surge starting at 0:12 – about 80% of your maximum effort. At 0:50 when the music really kicks in, go to an all out sprint for 12 seconds, to 1:02. Recover until 1:48, and when the music kicks in again, go for a second 30 second surge to 2:20. Recover until 2:58, then head straight into an all-out 15 second sprint to 3:13. Sugar (feat. Wynter) – Flo Rida (4:13): Darn that Flo Rida. I didn’t want to like this song that borrows heavily from Blue for the background vocals, but after hearing it on the radio for the nth time, I can’t get it out of my head. And when I can’t get a song out of my head, it usually ends up on a spin playlist. We haven’t really been out of the saddle much so far today, so let’s do a standing climb. Start with medium tension and alternate between regular and aggressive stances. Throw in a couple of tension increases to keep people on their toes. Ya Mama – Fatboy Slim (5:38): More speedwork here. Push the tempo! The fun starts at 0:17 – 0:47 (30 seconds); rest for 30, then sprint for 30: 1:13 – 1:43, rest for 60, sprint again for 30 seconds from 2:42 – 3:12, recover for 60 seconds. Around 4:20 come into a standing climb and get ready to push it out. At 4:51 go! Standing sprint to the end of the song (about 30 seconds). Emerge – Fischerspooner (4:48): One more song for lifts. This NYC duo named their band after their last names: Fischer, and not surprisingly, Spooner. The challenge here is the fast beat – you’ll need the tension around 4/10. Start with 16 counts, then move to 8, then 4. I think the beat is too fast to take it to 2 counts – riders wouldn’t be able to sit down completely. iTunes gave this song an explicit label, but I haven’t found the curse word(s) in it yet. Gallows Pole (feat. Hawksley Workman and Eccodek) – Great Big Sea (5:45): Rock fans will recognize this as a Led Zep classic. Great Big Sea did a gorgeous job covering it for the Canadian Juno awards in 2009 (our version of the Grammys). As they say on American Idol, “They made it their own.” We started with a seated climb, let’s finish with one. Start at 6/10 and increase the tension every 45 seconds. at 2:18? An out of the saddle sprint? You bet. What’s this Sprint from 2:18 – 3:18. The crowd will give you a cheer (it’s a live version) but wait it out – there’s more. Get back into the saddle and keep climbing, with tension increases every 45 seconds. Here and Now – Great Big Sea (3:40): We made it to the top! Cool down and stretch with a second song from Newfoundland folk rockers Great Big Sea. This one’s an original. Love the inspiring lyrics. All the Things You Never Wanted – Pierson Ross (3:29): This was the free single of the week on iTunes a few months ago, and I’ve been wanting to use it as a cool down song ever since. Some extra stretching and goodbye music. . I love fruit smoothies, but so many of the commercially available ones amount to a very large portion of ice cream. Here’s a smoothie recipe I use at home for desserts. Add a scoop of protein powder and it becomes a meal replacement. When I’m teaching, I have one for lunch after I teach my noon spin classes and have to get right back to the classroom. It tides me through until class finishes around 4:00 p.m. and a small snack gets me through to dinner time. The secret to a great smoothie? Frozen fruit. Healthy Fruit Smoothies Serves 2 1 banana 1 cup plain, unsweetened yogurt (go for the one with the fewest additives) 1 cup frozen fruit – berries work well, as do peaches and mangoes 1-2 packets Splenda 1/2 cup juice, milk, or water 2 scoops whey protein powder (if using as a meal replacement) Put all the ingredients in a blender and blend well. I like my dessert smoothies thick enough to eat with a spoon, so I don’t add a lot of liquid. If you’d prefer to drink yours, increase the juice, milk, or water to 1 cup. Revolution 2009 Spin Mix (30 minutes) I’m psyched about teaching at the Revolution 2009 fundraiser tomorrow – 8 hours, 80 riders at a time, one hell of a day. It’s all in support of the charitable foundation of a local hospital. I’m riding for an hour with another instructor, each of us teaching for 30 minutes. We have a third instructor on the stage to thank the sponsors as we go. We were told to expect riders of all ages, experience levels, and abilities (people don’t have to ride the full 8 hours, most are riding for 30-60 minutes). My primary goal for this ride is to make it fun and energetic. Jumpin’ Jack Flash – The Rolling Stones (3:43): Let’s get our legs warmed up and our bodies moving. Love Shack – B-52’s (5:25): When you feel ready, come into a standing climb using a comfortable tension, sufficient to support your weight. We’re going to do a pyramid here – increasing the tension every 45 seconds until it gets really tough, then decreasing the tension. Mony Mony – Billy Idol (5:01): Time for some sprints! Four of them 20/20/20/20 with nice long 40-50 second breaks for recovery in between. They go like this: 0:40 – 1:00, 1:43 – 2:03, 2:55 – 3:17, 3:58 – 4:18. Stayin’ Alive – N-Trance (4:05): Okay, let’s do some lifts: alternating between 16, 8, and 4 counts. Just Dance (RedOne Remix) – Lady GaGa and Kardinal Offishall (4:19): Second hill coming up. Alternate between regular stance for the verses and aggressive at the chorus. Mari Mac – Great Big Sea (3:19): Wind it up with some more sprints. Split the riders into two groups while they recover for 0:45 seconds. Group 1 goes: 0:45 – 1:15, 1:45 – 2:15. Group 2 goes 1:15 – 1:45, 2:15 – 2:45, everybody joins in for the last 15 seconds from 2:45 – 3:00. When you get to the end, I want everyone to give yourselves a big cheer: you did it, and you raised a lot of money for a great cause. I’m Yours – Jason Mraz (4:03): Cool down and stretch. I’ll add a post script after the event to let you know how it goes. Back from Revolution. The energy was just fantastic, with everyone singing along to Love Shack and really giving ‘er for Mony Mony and Mari Mac. It was great to be part of the day. Here’s a pic of me and the two instructors I rode with (Lindsay and Sandy), plus a couple of other pics from the event: C'mon 'n Ride It Spin Mix (45 minutes) This playlist is a collaboration with my grasshopper, Nancy, who is learning to become an indoor cycling instructor. She chose the warm up, cool down and songs for the first two drills. They give the playlist a real R&B feel. I added Duffy’s remix of Mercy (thanks to reader NT for suggesting it, and to Amy and Denise for their ideas for drills to go with the song). I also threw in some alt rock from Franz Ferdinand and Linkin Park. The profile is a simple one: three hills with bumpy terrain between them. Spring has finally come to Nova Scotia and I got another outdoor ride in today, just a short one of 15kms but lots of time on trails in Hemlock Ravine Park and a nearly vertical hill. We coasted down the same hill on the way home and I couldn’t believe we’d climbed it – this monster was STEEP. After the ride, we rewarded ourselves with breakfast at a cafe. Saturday Night – Whigfield (3:44): It sounds like it should come from the 80s, but this chirpy tune was a hit for Danish singer Whigfield in the summer of 1994. Warm up your legs and get ready to ride. C’mon ‘n Ride It (The Train) – Quad City DJs (7:31): We’re headed into 1996 for this song that peaked at #3 on the Billboard Hot 100 Chart. Alternate between a standing climb for 30 seconds, move into an aggressive stance for 30 seconds, then climb in the saddle for 30 seconds. Increase the resistance and repeat. There’s time for four sets. Spiderwebs – No Doubt (4:29): Okay, we’ve got 45 seconds to recover, then it’s time for some sprints. This song offers three: 15/30/60 seconds at 0:45 – 0:58, 1:29 – 1:55, and 2:36 – 3:44, with a pleasant 30 seconds for recovery at the end. No You Girls – Franz Ferdinand (3:40): This is the second single from the Glaswegians’ latest album and it’s clever both musically and lyrically. Don’t blame me if the chorus is still going through your head days later. We’re going to work on some high tension lifts – 7/10 or 8/10. Start with 8, moving to 4 as the song heads into the chorus, then 2 counts for the chorus. Repeat. Mercy (feat. The Game) [Remix] – Duffy (3:50): 24 year old Welsh wunderkind Duffy rocks this song that evokes the best of Amy Winehouse. We’ve hit the second hill, so take the resistance to 5/10 and climb out of the saddle with a slight lean to the downstroking leg. But it’s not just a climb, folks – we’re going to do out of the saddle sprints at each chorus. Riders who don’t want to sprint can pick up the pace double-time for the choruses, or simply drop the tension a bit and speed up their cadence. It goes like this: 0:00 – 1:00 climb (resistance at 5/10) 1:00 – 1:21 sprint! 1:21 – 1:50 climb (remember to take the tension back up to 5/10) 1:51 – 2:12 sprint! 2:12 – 3:40 climb (with a tension increase every 30 seconds until we hit the top) Don’t Trust Me – 3OH!3 (3:13): Disturbing lyrics and the catchiest chorus since Katy Perry kissed a girl and liked it, this Boulder, Colorado band (the name is pronounced three-ohthree, after the area code for Boulder) is opening for Perry in Europe. We climbed the second hill, now we get to sprint down. Thirty seconds to take a drink and give your shoulders a roll, then we get back to work. Take these sprints in the saddle: 30/30/30 seconds at 0:30 – 1:00, 1:29 – 1:58, and 2:35 – 3:05. The clean version retains a badly disguised f-bomb. Welcome to the World – Kevin Rudolf and Rick Ross (3:03): More lifts: 8/4/2 counts. This is Rudolf’s second hit single, currently charting on iTunes. Palladio (Radio Edit) – Silent Nick (3:39): Third hill. it like this: Take 0:00 – 0:27 – fast out of the saddle climb tension at 4/10 0:27 – 0:54 – crank the tension to 8/10 and slog 0:54 – 1:48 – back to 5/10 and fly 1:48 – 2:35 – crank the tension to 8/10 again 2:35 – 3:03 – back to 5/10 and fly 3:03 – 3:39 – crank the tension to 10/10 – your maximum effort, and grind to the top. Faint – Linkin Park (2:42): Last drill before the cool down. We’re going to sprint to the finish: 15/30/30 seconds at 0:50 – 1:06, 1:30 – 2:00, and 2:09 – 2:39. Shy Guy – Diana King (4:19): This song from King’s debut album appeared on the soundtrack to the 1995 movie Bad Boys. It’s got a laid back reggae feel. It charted in fifteen countries and hit #1 in Finland, Japan, and Sweden. Rehab – Rihanna (4:55): Some extra cool down and goodbye music. . . If you looking for an antidote to the four-day candyfest that accompanies Easter, here are some tips from the May 2009 issue of Women’s Health magazine to help you resist temptation in the future: 1. Banish out-of-control hunger with smaller, more frequent meals. If you let yourself get ravenous, you’ll eat the easiest thing you can get your hands on, and it’s usually not pretty. 2. Control distracted eating by using your fork with the opposite hand. It will slow you down and make you focus on your food – not on the TV. (I’ve used this trick for years by eating with chopsticks at home.) Note: eating chips with the opposite hand will hardly slow you down at all. This trick works only with cutlery. 3. Keep your goal in sight by weighing yourself regularly. Yes, you’ll catch every bump and salty meal (3lbs in 24 hours? How? How?) but a University of Minnesota study of more than 1,800 dieters found the more frequently dieters stepped on the scale, the more weight they lost. Daily weighers lost an average of 12lbs, weekly weighers 6lbs. Dieters who never weighed themselves ended up gaining an average of 5lbs. Break your goal down into doable segments. Nobody can think about losing 40lbs without feeling daunted. Instead, decide to lose 5lbs. Anybody can lose 5lbs, right? That’ll take about a month. Congratulate yourself and repeat 8 times. 4. Curb emotional eating by keeping your spirits high. An estimated 75% of over-eating traces back to feeling blue. Even small doses of pleasant emotions (tea with a friend, the Youtube video of Christian the lion, the Jon Stewart show, or a dash of retail therapy) will revitalize your willpower.
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