ws 8 ak
ws 8 ak
WS 8:The Valance Bond iiodel and Hybridizotion The Lewis theory of the chemicol bond ond its extension VSEPR, ossume thot eoch bonding electron poir is locoted between the two bonded otoms. From chopter 6,we know thot electrons ore not locoted at precise positions but ore spraod over o region defined by the atomic orbitals they occuPy. Our tosk is to see how to combine the Lewis opprooch with the description of o molecule in terms of orbitols. We will use volence bond theory (VBT) for this. Volonce-bond theory is o description of bond formotion in terms of merging of otomic orbitsls in the volence shells of neighboring atoms ond of poiring of the spins of the electrons lhot occupy these orbitqls. Types of bonds in VBT: There are two types of bonds thot we consider in volence bond theory: the sigmo bond (o) ond the pi bond (n). Lets consider overlap between pure otomic orbitols, for example, ls orbitols ond 2p orbitals. The sigma bond (o), or sigma type overlap occurs when the orbitols lie along the internuclear axis, the line thot joins two atoms. The following overlops form s o bond: s-p, s-s, p-p (end to end). The sigmo bond is usually a single bond or o skeletol bond. I A multiple bond consists of o o bond ond one or two n bonds. Tha side-to-side overlop of two p orbitols forms o n bond. The two lobes of o n bond lie an either side of the axis. To achieve side-to-side overlop, the p orbitols must be oligned. This meons thot the molecule is not free to rotote obout o multiple bond oxis os it is about a single bond axis. A a bond is weoker thot o o bond becouse its overlop is not os efficient. A single bond consists of one o bond between two atoms; a double bond consists of a o bond ond one n bond between two otoms; o triple bond consists of a o bond and two n bond between two otoms. Toble 1; DrowirE the bond: Drow a Zpx orbitol oo Drow o 2pz orbitol Drow o ls orbital. B o@ Draw o Zpx orbitol with 1 electron overlapping o ls Drow two Zpx orbitols with 1 electron each showing o bond Drow two ?pz orbitols with one electron eoch showing r bond orbital with 1 electron forming a o bond Notice that the two 2px orbitals overlop on the inter-nucleor oxis, while fhe two Zpz orbitals form of electron density obove ond below the inter-nucleor oxis. o plane 1 Atkins page337 ws I vbt.doc Page 7 of 11 Alscher Port 2: The fundomental bosis of volence Bond Theoqy; Volonce bond theory states thot o bond forms when two otomic orbitols come close enough together thot they overlop. Actuolly orbitals inter-penetrote, but the term overlop is commonly used' Overlop implies that the atoms shore electrons. Eoch bond contoins of most fwo electrons with their spins poired (opposed). A high degree of overlap means that o strong bond is formed. Atomic orbitols with directionol chorqcter (those thot point in q certain direction) overlap better thon those with no directionol chorocter. We soy they overlop more efficiently or there is s greater degree of overlop. An ottempt to explain the bonding in the CHa(methane) molecule provides on exomple of the need f or hybridization. The promoted, or excited, conf igurotio n of C permits the formation of four eguolC-H bonds. C: lHelzs??p2 tu I ?s C[promotedl; zsrzp3 t-rl 2s t ?p t t 2p Tf we examine the un-hybridized orbitols of carbon, we seea problem. A bond that would result from the overlap of o holf-f illed 2p orbitol on corbon with o half-f illed orbitol on the hydrogen (1s) would hove o bond cngle of 9O". The filled 2s orbitol on cqrbon would not form o bond ot oll. These bonds would disogree in two woys crrith the experimentol resutts for the bonding on methone. In methone, the four bonds arethesome; the bonds we hove just formed differ from each other becouse they use diff erent orbitol overlop to form the bonds. One-bond forms vio Zs-1s overlap while three other bonds form vio 2p-1s overlop. Also, the just predicted bond ongles ore 9o", compored to the bond angles of 109.5". However, we can .rmbin. the four pure otomic orbitols to produce four eguivolent hybrid orbitols. Notice that hybridization is used after we know the bond angles, which VSEPR theory con often predict. In the Process of hybridization, pure atomic orbitals ore combined to produce hybrid orbitols thqt hove the correct geometry for the resulting molecule. The hybridizotion of o species con be predicted by starting from the Lewis structure. Ther e o?e as rnony hybrid orbitols os there ore totol electron poirs on the centrol otom. This implies thot there is conservotion of orbitals. Whot goes in must come out. Recoll thot the total numbe r of electron poirs is found by odding the number of lone poirs to number of bonding poirs. The pure otomic orbitols ore used in order of increosing energY- Thus, if the totol number of electronpoirs is two, ond one s ond one p orbitol are combined or hybridized to form two^sp hybrid orbitols. If on s ond two p orbitols hybridize (three otomic orbitols), they form three sp2-hybridized orbitols . When hybrid orbitals are ormed, f those thot ore to hold lone poirs are tull, while those that ore to form bonds hove one electron. The exception is the coordinate covolent bond. Whenever we consider the origin of bonding, we must ossess whether the overoll outcome of aseries of changes is o net lowering of energy. fn corbon, not only is the energY of promotion or formation of hybridized orbitols very smoll ond for bonds ore tormed in ploce of the two bonds of the un-promoted electrons in the pure orbitols, but the sigmo bonds ore stronger thon in the obsence of hybridization becouse the hybrid orbitots ore strongly directional ond hove a large overlap urith the orbitols of the neighboring otoms. The properties of hybrid orbitols depend on the properties of the pure atomic orbitals thot were combined to form them. Consider the direction of the orbitol. A p orbitol points olong o line on an axis (xyz). Thus, if on s orbitol is combined nrith o p orbitol the tnro sp rryurids formed must ws 8 vbt.doc PageZ of ll Alscher olso point olong o line. In similor foshion, sp2 orbitols are confined to o plane; they are made from ? orbitals interocting with on s orbitol oll in the some plone; they must be flot. When three p orbitals qnd qn s orbital interoct, the result is o three-dimensional structure becouse eoch of the p orbitols lies on a diff erent oxis orthogonol to each other. Therefore, the four sp3 orbitols are three-dimensional. When the number of bonds pairs fotals five or six, d orbitals must be included in the hybridizotion scheme, since the mixing orbitols are s, p, ond d otomic orbitals. This mokes the hybrid orbitals sp3d ond sp3d2 respectively. p Selecting a hybridization scheme: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7- 8. 9. Drow the most plousible Lewis structure for the species. For each centrol otom, count the totol number of bonds ond lone poirs. Thesearetheregions of electron density or electron domoins. The total number of electron domains determines the electron domoin geometry bosed on VSEPR ond the number of hybrid orbitols needed for thot geometry. Use the following informotion to determine the hybridizotion of the centrol atom: Write the ground stote orbital diogram of the centrol otom (subtrocting or adding electrons to occount for the chorge, if ony, of the species. Each electron domoin represents one hybrid orbital needed. For eoch hybrid orbifol need,one atomic orbifol is used. 2 electron domoins = 2 hybrid orbitols 2 atomic orbitals. = Consider the n-level for the centrol otom. All n=2 atoms hove only s ond p orbitols to hybridize, while n=3 ond obove hove s, p, and d orbitols to use. Form the hybrid orbitols needed- Fill with the valence electrons, one electron per orbitol. Keep in mind that if the otom has lone pairs, those lone pair electrons must go in hybrid orbitols. Overlap two half-filled orbitols , onz froma ierminol (out side) otom ond one from the centrol otom for eoch bond. overlop one holf-filled p orbitol on a bonding otom with one half filled p orbitol on o centrol m bond. a bonds ore mode from un-hybridrzedorbitols. otom to form eoch Toble 2: Electeon-Poir Eln. Pairs No. Lineor L o-L b9 LE +o uc)ctr q) o-.4 3 4 5 6 Trigonol plonar Tetrohedrql, tetrohedron Trigonal bipyromidol Octahedron o ? I ca\ lrt Bond ongles of electron 190" 109.5" L?O" t20" 90" eguotorial 90o qxiol ws 8 vbt.doc Page3 of ll Alscher Toble 3:Possible Shopes of AX6EI x----+-X AXz xx -'\'/^ AIA XO X- -X \./ AX: AXzE x -A V l x,l\, {l\* Ax+ AXsE x AXzEz x X *'yic *,,,,i x/l"-n X x. D4x X l X Axa X D+-" I Ax+E AXsEz AXzEz *,,"f,,o -r0\ *,,,,],,,,o ,,,.9,,n,.,1-* *-&* AXo AX5E AXaE2 Tqble 4 2 Concepts Eguivolent To Bond Order Lewis theory Single bond Double bond 3 Triple bond Bond order 1 Valencebond theory One o bond One o bond ond one zr bond One o bond ond two n bonds Table 5 Number of lone poirs ond bonds ieometry of hybrid orbitols Geometry of hybrid Hybridizction 2 sp 3 sP2 4 sps 5 sP'd linear triongulor tetrohedrol trigonal bipyromidal sp'd' octahedrol Bond ongels 1900 L20" 109.5" L20" 90" ws 8 vbt.doc Page 4 of 11 900 Alscher fn the toble below, fill in the types of atomic ond hybrid orbitals used for electrondomoin geometry. Formuta Exampre ffi*r Electrondomoin geometry AX, BeCl.. lineor Central otom s n ond types of orbitols Use RED for regions of electron density Use AO for otomic orbitals Use HO for hybrid orbitols a w=2, a Two R.ED = 2 Ao wsed, to n*ake 2 t+o a rhe *o n*ad,e are two esp orbLtaLs o I *se the cs awd owe of the three z1 orbltaLs , &vo tto orbltal* weeded-to w"a4e twa 2s? orbltaLs; &vo r,twused z7 orbltaLs rey,*alw for n overLap (doubLe or trr,TLe bawds, or wot l+sed at aLL. AX. BF, 3 trigonol plonar lrr=L J tr,FD . t IO r*u-As SO, 3 trigonol plonar 3rE.f t\ =7 3leeD Do w{/L\}fic2 AXo CFo 0 4 tetrohedrol 4 <fhe^M<otts 4??M h=Z 4 onD 25?' t+O "v!4Lo 4' ws 8 vbt-doc Page5 of lt Alscher Formuta Exomple t*ffit ErectrondomOin geometry AX3E NF. 1 3 4 tetrahedrot + AxzE? oF, ? z 4 centrarotom,s n ond types of orbitors Use RED for regions of elec,tron density Use AO for otomic orbitals Use HO for hvbrid orbitols 4<6D= 4,Aro = 4rl. L zs + sz?-s eSt= ot\,; k& terrohedrot 4RfD = +A'Sa*+O 4?-s t-3 2# 4 2'?3 AXu PCts O 5 5 !o'*A{ 6r+0 trigonol SREID =Erro= bipyromidol {s, + 3 3qi + 4 3"1 ffi 4- =*1*P 5 rsfl)*" Frb:[4,[J *-'l. Ax4esFoL45''il'fl'l"|5{?f-D*5*o-FBtdD 4 as r B SPts + + 3d-arb,(*IJ + uu\ Ax3E" crF3- d s--l 5 s. rsf d *.. ti k-0s 1 3'l J 2 3 5 o,lffili", Sersu = fro = BL+o 3s+3*Rb +,{ ts/ t 4 3r\o.\r) \r^b )C U ws 8 vbt.doc ,tc\s<y' Page 6 6 of 1l i Sp *n Li+rr,L Alscher t^rL No. of reg)ons Formulo Example lone bonding totql Electron- Central otom's n ond 'types of orbitols Use RED for regions of electron density Use AA for otomic orbitols Use HO for domoin geometry XeF.. AXzE3 trigonol bipyramidol 3 6 SP,Fb sFu AX5E octohedro sf d I 6Ri€lO a SLfD r srLuL'Qs -"'-&' (srtO *- 6 [i'O 6fl.f0: G*a 3 UW 4s + s 4Fb + 6 * sf d,' ,r"r,*U XeFo AX4Ez octohedrol GEtrJ ? 6r+ G How 4,c4 Ls .t- 3)e'' + 2 3dJ G 3sfd'- t'""& octohedral BrFu =. 6's f 3 6ft G AX, =$ 2 ?- 6Jo =- 61fr + zcas 3 cf' 6 sgsd'*4 to do o hybridizotion scheme for o molecule. Consider the nitrite ion NQ Following the steps listed obove, I o-,t<- I ws I nitrite. resonanceforma I o:+rr--O: I resonance form b 1. Drow the best lewis structure 2. determine the regions of electron density oround the otoms of interest For example, nitrogen hos three regions of electron density: 2 bonding regions ond I lone poir. vbt.doc for PageT of 1l 4)r Alscher 3. 4. 5. Determine the electron geometry: Triangulor planor for the oxygen and nitrogen, one oxygen could be considered sp3' Now we consider the electron conf igurction and how electrons ore distributed in hybridizotion. spz hybr;dizqtion on N 6round state N: [He] 2s sp2 hybridized N [Hel: spz zp ro tr E E oround stsre o: t{el2s N zp ro tr n o [He]: spz ru |T| Fl zp ffl o: LHells E-+-EEn sp2hybridizedo [He]:sp3ro M E E spz hybridized Ground state o Bond Descriptions structure a= N (spz)-o (2p) N (sp2)-o qsp21 structure A= N (spz)- o (sp,) N (sp,)-o (ep1 fn Structure A,the r bond forms between N ond O#2-Tn Structure B, the n bond forms between N and O #t. Volence bond theory, strictly opplied, still does not exploin resononce structures. The problem is tronsfered from lines between otoms to pictures of p orbitols. Notice also thot the number of boxes (or lines) rep?esents the numbers of orbitols and the grouping of the boxes represents their relotive energies. fn the un-hybridized otom, the boxes form distinct groups for the s, p (ond d-but not for these otoms) orbitols. After hybridizotion, the boxes form two groups consisting of hybridized orbitols at an energy that is broadly the average of the contributing orbitols, ond the unused P- (or d) orbitals. These orbitols cqn hove electrons, or con be un occupied. Structure A Structure oFt 6/c *J*'l*iWl / '1w ,y, ''r-q, B , S?' ' ',1,',4 4' +EED s?*r lO-N:O a- e Qgestions 1. 0:N-0, e ,,i,-fus to help you think. For the following molecules (OFz,XeFz, BrF3): ws 8 vbt.doc o) Drow the Lewis structure. b) Determine the electron domains obout the centrol otom. c) What is the e-lcpected hybridizotion of eoch molecule. PageB of 1l Alscher d) e) Whqt is the moleculor geomelry? Predict the bond ongle(s). Put your onswers in the chort on the below XeFz OFz BrFs Lewis structure tl ', ,a ? sl ,' tt -o,' -.Y', iF: .t 1r $,"t; 1,, -^ (ijg. ul -t:,: , -*l tl J t, #f of #of RED AO l* of HO Hybridization of centrol otom 5 4 5 + a r, 4 5 5 J10 s pt4 at ry"4 Moleculor geometry tl*u*t'"rl +ber&d It'q/ brgY'ro' L\'V'r )/l't' ndrl TEr""4,1 Bond angles oround central otom ws 8 vbt.doc \04 \90 Page9 of ll q0 Alscher OFz Hybridizotion &lVLL for scheme XeFz centrol otom BrFs lL 1,t/ fu Sro LL s g'A 5 2. s.+P it-Sr -l{ .]. t r t+ P'4 Which type of otomic orbitsls of the centrsl atom mix to form hybrid orbitols in SiClH3 (which is central, 5i or ClZ) and ClzO (one Cl is c.entrol) # l, I H I i-! 1v L lv a- Y(, r's b"A 3. ,i-frf * +3 i+ ct is cewhrql ur-vr i, si ,t- -gr--H t 3f @l',*tJ**'( Ll gf3 For the molecule hydrogen sulfide: o) Draw the Lewis structure. b) Determine the electron domoins about the sulfur otom. c) Predict the bond angles ZHSH. d) Whot is the molecular geometry? e) Whot is the expected hybridization of hydrogen sulfide. t) d q) t;-fi ) Drow o bonding description for hydrogen sulfide. Show the hybridization scheme for the molecule. \r) 1 €,D. c)t 1,0+^*o lo1, tr* w' o. fu 1L 3,t' 75 4. IL I UP Use portiol orbitol diagroms to show how the otomic orbitsls lF' ''lO ;r =-)Ell r%- * 'l-,gFf,' t-l .t 6,tL€Q _1! t l' / l*,P ws 8 vbt.doc T 1v tt t ro of .. I r', \, rrM9 e uH-to$e*/ pase 'rQl \ " f,P3 lqika: LLL L sfl=d' of the centrol otom leod to eet,, b^d {o -4 (tr tl/ l'o ,/ hybrid orbitols in IF+- and GeCl+. rf o=rr't- !-a,t -r* t{ d) L^tu+ e) rP= l'osskaan to a & +t Cli yl €b,A d L LL! Alscher 5. Predict the shape, stote the hybridization of the centrol atom and givetheideol bond ongle(s) ond ony acpected deviotion for: fFa*, BiF:z-, BrOs-, AsClq-. E* 'sp'd ,'!., 'rl ' lot [?n ,, :!',h!'Y,: LossVfc W-B? \r " \- ntpu.I u-rdA lr.) 6. ,,1, ( n* t The compound 2,6'dimethylpyrozine gives chocolote its odor and is used in f lavorings. A valid Lewis structure is shown below. a) Which otomic orbitols mix to for the hybrids of N? b) fn whot type of hybrid orbitol does the lone poirs of N reside? fs the hybridization l -* S 1:5 T' c) d) d H ;*T[';::i:;r1T:^*".,il:";#' How many delocalized m bonds are present? How many o bonds arepresenl? c) +1M 1..J s ,', s p* jT-E{ H #rJ -c of eoch c in the rins? Exproin? 4Ye 1F L/, t"F+ o$4 I .-c t) sf \-t-, nz LP ."qtL(- A.irt\L 3rt-r-o=3rro=3lYO z gqtr ^4-t'o 4 nsn -toa #,1r s =6 ws 8 vbt.doc *d z+ h br.i{ \A/'$\^'t,t4 w a.L J Q)s \-e, P u'lE\="9 , Ll\e C i r, -t*b i: is \,1-I,"', [,u- C N^ ru ] C,r$ M St3 Sp 5P' z sP' 2v 3 ++ kl+.15 | 4 3re ct-b c-c = lb d brdJ )b Page 11 of ll Alscher c--t/ $