Information Kit
Information Kit
Easy Access to Reimbursement Information and Support Information Kit This kit offers helpful information for successfully using PROCRITline®, a service that takes the guesswork out of the PROCRIT® (epoetin alfa) reimbursement process for physicians and billing professionals. The information in this kit, along with the links below to the Business Associate Contract and Benefit Investigation Form, provides the basic support needed to initiate services through PROCRITline®. And, if you have any questions, your personal PROCRITline® Site Coordinator is ready with answers via phone, fax, or e-mail through PROCRITline® Provider eSupport. The PROCRITline® team looks forward to working with you! Additional Information and Forms PROCRITline® Business Associate Contract (BAC) PROCRITline® Benefit Investigation Form (BIF) The BAC is an agreement between your office and LASH Group, Inc., the administrator of PROCRITline®. Read ahead to learn more about the BAC. The BIF requests patient information that allows PROCRITline® to research and verify patients’ eligibility for PROCRIT® treatment. PROCRITline® will then issue a Summary of Benefits to the office within 48 hours, saving time in the insurance reimbursement process. Read ahead to learn more about the BIF. Please click here to read the Prescribing Information, including Boxed Warnings and MEDICATION GUIDE, for PROCRIT® (epoetin alfa). Business Associate Contract (BAC) Understanding the BAC A BAC is an agreement between your office, Janssen Products LP, and LASH Group, Inc., the administrator of PROCRITline®. With an executed BAC on file, PROCRITline® can complete a benefit investigation without requiring individual patient authorization. Additionally, with a BAC, your office will be able to sign up on PROCRITline® Provider eSupport—a fast, online, easy way to verify insurance benefits for your patients who use PROCRIT® (epoetin alfa). Read ahead to learn more about PROCRITline® Provider eSupport. Getting started is easy our office can call PROCRITline® to Y request a BAC or download one from The executed BAC will need to be faxed to 1-800-987-5572. Once you’ve returned the BAC, you’re ready to take advantage of the support services of PROCRITline® without requiring patient signature on the BIF. Benefit Investigation Benefit investigation made easy Understanding the insurance reimbursement process can be difficult, which is why PROCRITline is here to help you understand when you have questions. ® etting answers to your reimbursement questions starts with calling PROCRITline G and completing a BIF, which initiates the research and identification of a patient’s specific health insurance policy and specific product or treatment coverage. ® etermining your health insurance D coverage for PROCRIT ® (epoetin alfa) F ill out a BIF with your patient, have him/her sign the patient authorization, and fax the form to PROCRITline at 1-800-987-5572. You may also call PROCRITline at 1-800-553-3851 to fill out a BIF over the phone with a PROCRITline site coordinator. If registered on PROCRITline Provider eSupport (, you may log in and complete a BIF online. ® ® ® ® PROCRITline will fax back to you a Summary of Benefits within 48 hours outlining the details of your patient’s health insurance coverage for PROCRIT . ® ® Benefi t Investi gation Form for PROCR IT ® (epoet in alfa) Please complete and fax this form to 1-800-987-5572 or mail to PROCRITLine® Is this patient on dialysis? , PO Box 220247, Charlotte, NC 28222-0247. If yes, do not complet e this form. Call PROCRIT Patient Informat ion Line ® at 1-800-5 53-3851 . PATIENT NAME NAME OF GUARDIAN (IF PATIENT ADDRESS PRIMARY PHONE CITY Insuranc e Informat ion SECONDARY PHONE [ ] MALE [ ] FEMALE STATE PRIMARY INSURANCE PHONE SECONDARY INSURANC CARDHOLDER SECONDARY INSURANC E PHONE CARDHOLDER CARDHOLDER DOB (MM/DD/ YYYY) RELATIONSHIP TO CARDHOL DER POLICY # E CARDHOLDER DOB (MM/DD/ YYYY) RELATIONSHIP TO CARDHOL DER POLICY # GROUP # PROVIDER ID # FOR INSURANC E GROUP # PROVIDER ID # FOR INSURANC Patient Authoriz ation E for PROCRIT Line ® Services My signature below certifies that I have read, understan Janssen Products, LP, d, and agree to the patient and companies working authorization to release on their behalf, including PROCRITLine® as defined my protected health informatio vendors, other affiliates, on the patient copy (collective n to specialty pharmacies, and ly, “Janssen”). other service providers PATIENT SIGNATURE supporting If patient cannot sign, patient’s DATE legally authorized representa PATIENT NAME tive must sign below. PATIENT NAME BY Signature of person legally authoriz ed to sign for patient NAME OF PERSON LEGALLY AUTHORIZED TO SIGN Physicia n Informat ion NAME OF FACILITY RELATIONSHIP MEDICARE PROVIDER ID NAME OF PHYSICIAN ADDRESS # SPECIALTY PHONE CITY OFFICE CONTACT FAX TAX ID # PREFERRED SITE OF SERVICE PHONE MEDICAID PROVIDER ID STATE # ZIP CODE OFFICE CONTACT PHONE (CHECK ONE): [ ] PRESCRIBING MD’S OFFICE [ ] HOME INFUSION/INFUSIO Drug Therapy NPI # [ ] NONPRESCRIBING MD’S OFFICE [ ] HOSPITAL OUTPATIENT N PROVIDER COMPANY [ ] OTHER PATIENT DIAGNOSIS PROCRIT ® ONLY: HAS PATIENT STARTED ICD-9 CODES PROCRIT® THERAPY? [ ] YES [ ] NO - IF YES, START DATE FOR CANCER PATIENTS , IS THE PATIENT ON CHEMOTH INITIAL HCT INITIAL HB ERAPY? [ ] YES [ FOR NEPHROLOGY PATIENTS ] NO , WHAT IS THE PATIENT’S : SERUM CREATININE IS THE PATIENT TAKING CREATININE CLEARANCE PROCRIT® PRE-OPERATIVELY? [ ] YES [ ] NO - IF Prior Authoriz ation: YES, SURGERY TYPE If you would like PROCRIT appropri ate box(es). Line ® to provide support for the prior authoriz ation process, please check the [ ] PRIOR AUTHOR IZATION FORM PREPAR ATION By checking this box, I [ ] PRIOR AUTHOR IZATION request STATUS MONITO RING requirements of this patient’s that PROCRITline® assist my office in providing the health plan related to prior By checking this box, I PROCRIT®. I understan authorization for treatment request d that assistance includes with the status of the prior authorizathat PROCRITline® actively monitor obtaining the health plan-spec authorization form, and tion submission. I request providing it based upon PROCRITline® provide status the patient-specific informatio ific prior that this form. I understand updates to my office with that the n provided on patient’s respect to this to my office by PROCRITl ® partially complete prior authorization form prior authorization for treatment will be provided ine for possible completio with PROCRIT®. n and submission to the health plan. NG INFORMATION, INCLUDING BOXED WARNINGS, AND MEDICATION GUIDE, FOR PROCRIT® (EPOETIN ALFA) AVAILABLE AT WWW.PRO Patient co-payment requirements (such as co-payments, deductibles, and out-of-pocket maximums) Coverage restrictions Benefit restrictions ZIP CODE PRIMARY INSURANCE PLEASE SEE FULL PRESCRIBI Summary of Benefits includes: 1-800-5 53-3851 DOB (MM/DD/YYYY) APPLICABLE) Other insurance requirements specific to a patient’s health insurance policy CRIT.COM. Prior Authorization Assistance Benefit Investigation Form for PROCRIT ® (epoetin alfa) 1-800-553-3851 Please complete and fax this form to 1-800-987-5572 or mail to PROCRITLine®, PO Box 220247, Charlotte, NC 28222-0247. Is this patient on dialysis? If yes, do not complete this form. Call PROCRITLine ® at 1-800-553-3851. Patient Information PATIENT NAME Understanding prior authorization DOB (MM/DD/YYYY) [ ] MALE [ ] FEMALE NAME OF GUARDIAN (IF APPLICABLE) PATIENT ADDRESS CITY STATE PRIMARY PHONE SECONDARY PHONE ZIP CODE Insurance Information Prior authorization is the process by which an insurance plan determines whether a product or service is medically necessary for a particular patient, and whether the plan is likely to pay for the product or service provided. Prior authorization by an insurance company is not a guarantee of payment for a product or service but is one requirement for payment if a product or service provided actually satisfies the plan’s requirements. PRIMARY INSURANCE SECONDARY INSURANCE PRIMARY INSURANCE PHONE SECONDARY INSURANCE PHONE CARDHOLDER CARDHOLDER CARDHOLDER DOB (MM/DD/YYYY) CARDHOLDER DOB (MM/DD/YYYY) RELATIONSHIP TO CARDHOLDER RELATIONSHIP TO CARDHOLDER POLICY # GROUP # POLICY # PROVIDER ID # FOR INSURANCE GROUP # PROVIDER ID # FOR INSURANCE Patient Authorization for PROCRITLine ® Services My signature below certifies that I have read, understand, and agree to the patient authorization to release my protected health information to Janssen Products, LP, and companies working on their behalf, including vendors, other affiliates, specialty pharmacies, and other service providers supporting PROCRITLine® as defined on the patient copy (collectively, “Janssen”). PATIENT SIGNATURE DATE PATIENT NAME If patient cannot sign, patient’s legally authorized representative must sign below. PATIENT NAME BY Signature of person legally authorized to sign for patient NAME OF PERSON LEGALLY AUTHORIZED TO SIGN RELATIONSHIP PHONE Physician Information NAME OF FACILITY MEDICARE PROVIDER ID # NAME OF PHYSICIAN ADDRESS Request prior authorization support Check the appropriate box(es) on the PROCRITline® BIF to take advantage of prior authorization support services. Prior Authorization Form Preparation Prior Authorization Status Monitoring MEDICAID PROVIDER ID # SPECIALTY Benef it Invest igatio n Form for PROCR IT ® (epoe tin alfa) CITY Please complete and fax this form to 1-800-987-5572 or mail to PROCRITLine® FAX Is this patient on dialysis , PO Box 220247, Charlotte , NC ? If yes, do not comple te this form. Call PROCRI OFFICE CONTACT OFFICE CONTACT PHONE 28222-0247. Patient Informa tion TLine ® at 1-800-5 53-385 1. TAX ID # NPI # PATIENT NAME PHONE PREFERREDNAME SITE OF OF SERVICE (CHECK ONE): GUARDIAN (IF APPLICA PATIENT ADDRESS BLE) STATE ZIP CODE 1-800-5 53-385 1 [ ] PRESCRIBING MD’S OFFICE [ ]DOB NONPRESCRIBING MD’S OFFICE [ ] HOSPITAL OUTPATIENT (MM/DD/YYYY) [ ] MALE [ ] FEMALE [ ] HOME INFUSION/INFUSION PROVIDER COMPANY [ ] OTHER PRIMARY PHONE Drug Therapy CITY STATE SECONDARY Insuran ce PATIENT DIAGNOSIS Informa tion ICD-9 CODESPHONE PRIMARY CE PROCRIT ® ONLY: INSURAN HAS PATIENT STARTED PROCRIT® THERAPY? [ ] YES [ ] NO - IF YES, START DATE PRIMARY INSURANCE PHONE FOR CANCER PATIENTS, IS THE PATIENT ON CHEMOTHERAPY? [ ] YES CARDHOLDER FOR NEPHROLOGY PATIENTS, WHAT IS THE PATIENT’S: CARDHOLDER DOB (MM/DD ZIP CODE INITIAL HCT SECONDARY INSURANCE INITIAL HB [ ] NO SECONDARY INSURANCE PHONE CARDHOLDER SERUM CREATININE CREATININE CLEARANCE /YYYY) IS THETOPATIENT TAKING PROCRIT® PRE-OPERATIVELY? [ ] YES CARDHO [ ] NO - IF YES, SURGERY TYPE RELATIONSHIP LDER DOB (MM/DD/YYYY) CARDHOLDER POLICY # RELATIO NSHIP Prior Authorization: If you would likeGROUP PROCRITLine ® to provide support for the prior authorization process, please check the TO CARDHO LDER # appropriate box(es). PROVIDE POLICY # R ID # FOR INSURAN CE GROUP # PROVIDER ID # FOR [ ] INSURAN PRIOR CE AUTHORIZATION STATUS MONITORING Authori zation FORM [ ] PRIORPatient AUTHORIZATION PREPARATION for PROCRI ® TLine Service s My this signatur By checking box,e below I request thatthat PROCRITline® assist my office in providing the By checking this box, I request that PROCRITline® actively monitor certifies I have read, understand, Janssen and agree to for Products requirements of this patient’s health planesrelated to prior authorization with the status of the prior authorization submission. I request that , LP, and the treatment patient authoriza compani working on their behalf, tion to release my protecte Line® as that including d health defined . I understand assistance includes obtaining the health plan-specific prior status updates PROCRIT®PROCRIT PROCRITline® provide vendors, other informat on the patient ion toto my office with respect to this affiliates, specialty copy (collectiv ely, “Janssen”). pharmacies, and other ®. authorization form, and providing it based upon the patient-specific information provided on patient’s prior authorizationservice for treatment PROCRIT PATIENT providers with SIGNATU supporti RE ng this form.If Ipatient understand that the partially complete prior authorization form will be provided cannot sign, patient’s legally DATE ® for possible PATIENT NAME authorize to my office by PROCRITline completion and submission to the health plan. d represent ative must sign below. PATIENT NAME BY Sign the form and fax to 1-800-987-5572 Signature of person legally authori NAME OF PERSON LEGALLY zed to sign for AUTHORIZED TO SIGN patient Physici an Informa tion RELATIONSHIP PHONE PLEASE SEE FULL INFORMATION, INCLUDING BOXED WARNINGS, AND MEDICATION GUIDE, FOR PROCRIT® (EPOETIN ALFA) AVAILABLE AT WWW.PROCRIT.COM. NAME OF PRESCRIBING FACILITY MEDICARE PROVIDER ID NAME OF PHYSICIAN ADDRESS CITY OFFICE CONTACT FAX TAX ID # PREFERRED SITE OF SERVICE Research of the patient’s health plan for prior authorization requirements and forms Prepopulation of the Prior Authorization Form with patient-specific information provided on the BIF for review and possible submission to the health plan Active monitoring of the status of the prior authorization submission MEDICAID PROVIDER ID STATE # ZIP CODE OFFICE CONTACT PHONE (CHECK ONE): [ ] PRESCRIBING MD’S OFFICE [ ] HOME INFUSION/INFUS Drug Therap y Prior authorization support includes: # SPECIALTY PHONE NPI # [ ] NONPRESCRIBING MD’S OFFICE [ ] HOSPITA L OUTPATIENT ION PROVIDER COMPAN Y [ ] OTHER PATIENT DIAGNOSIS PROCRI T ® ONLY: HAS PATIENT STARTED ICD-9 CODES PROCRIT® THERAPY? [ ] YES [ ] NO - IF YES, START DATE FOR CANCER PATIENTS, IS THE PATIENT ON CHEMOT INITIAL HCT INITIAL HB HERAPY? [ ] YES [ FOR NEPHROLOGY PATIENT ] NO S, WHAT IS THE PATIENT ’S: SERUM CREATININE IS THE PATIENT TAKING CREATININE CLEARANCE PROCRIT® PRE-OPERATIVEL Y? [ ] YES [ ] NO Prior Authori zation: IF YES, SURGERY TYPE If you would like PROCRI ® to approp riate box(es) TLine provide support for the prior . authori zation process , please check the [ ] PRIOR AUTHOR IZATION FORM PREPAR ATION By checking this box, I [ ] PRIOR AUTHOR IZATION request STATUS MONITO RING requirements of this patient’s that PROCRITline® assist my office in providing the health plan related to prior By checking PROCRIT®. I understand this authoriza box, I request tion for treatment with that assistance includes the status of the prior authorizathat PROCRITline® actively monitor obtaining the health plan-spe authorization form, and tion submission. I request providing it based upon PROCRITline® provide status the patient-specific informat cific prior that this form. I understand updates to that the partially complete ion provided on patient’s prior authorization form to my office by PROCRIT prior authorization for treatmenmy office with respect to this will be provided line® for possible completi t with PROCRIT®. on and submission to the health plan. PLEASE SEE FULL PRESCRIB ING INFORMATION, INCLUDIN G BOXED WARNINGS, AND MEDICATION GUIDE, FOR PROCRIT® (EPOETIN ALFA) AVAILABLE AT WWW.PR OCRIT.COM. Additional Services for You and Your Patients Appeal process and procedure research In some cases, the insurance provider may deny insured patients coverage for a specific drug treatment. If a patient chooses to appeal the denial, PROCRITline® may be able to help identify the procedures and processes necessary for filing an appeals claim with the insurance company. Alternative sources of payment If you have a patient who cannot afford the out-of-pocket costs of treatment, PROCRITline® may be able to help. PROCRITline® can identify alternate sources of funding, such as a patient assistance program. A comprehensive list of programs is also available at General billing and coding questions Answers to general billing and coding questions are available by calling PROCRITline®, and online at Single point of contact Because ease of use and positive relationships are important to us, PROCRITline® offers the convenience of a single point of contact for you related to access and reimbursement. Providers will be assigned a Site Coordinator and can speak with the same representative each t ime they call PROCRITline®. Online Tools Provider eSupport PROCRITline® Provider eSupport is an online tool to help you manage your patients enrolled in PROCRITline®. The portal helps you with: Efficiency – review the status of all your PROCRITline® patients online, and submit enrollment forms electronically Timeliness – real-time access to patients’ enrollment status and alerts Flexibility – 24-hour access to patient accounts Secure messaging Register online at or call PROCRITline® today. .com n easy-to-navigate resource and support site offering many tools such as billing and A coding information. Information about PROCRITline® services and forms Access to Medicare Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) in PDF format Payer guidelines Sample claim forms Reference guides to diagnosis codes Links to useful resources, such as Medicare Carriers and Fiscal Intermediaries, government agencies, advocacy sites, and clinical sites PROCRITline FAQs for physicians ® Q. How do I obtain a BIF? A. You can obtain the form by visiting and downloading an application. You can also obtain an application by calling PROCRITline at 1-800-553-3851. If you are a registered user of PROCRITline® Provider eSupport, you may log on to and submit an electronic form. ® Q. How can I receive a copy of the Summary of Benefits once a BIF has been submitted? A. PROCRITline will fax your office a copy of the completed Summary of Benefits. ® If you are a registered user of PROCRITline® Provider eSupport, you may log on to and view the Summary of Benefits online. Q. Where can I find updates regarding coverage for Medicare? A. Updates regarding Medicare coverage for PROCRIT (epoetin alfa) can be found ® at or by calling PROCRITline at 1-800-553-3851. ® Q. Is there someone who can explain the benefits to me? A. Yes. You can reach out to your PROCRITline® Site Coordinator to discuss the benefits and answer reimbursement-related questions. Q. Can PROCRITline provide assistance regarding insurance denials? A. Yes. PROCRITline can review the Summary of Benefits and denied claims ® ® to help you understand denials. PROCRITline can also help you with the Exceptions and Appeals process to help your patient receive coverage for PROCRIT . ® ® Q. Is there any assistance if a patient has insurance but cannot afford the co-pays, co-insurance, or deductible? A. PROCRITline can provide you with information regarding alternate sources of ® funding such as co-pay foundations. For a comprehensive list of affordability options, visit Patient insurance benefit investigation is provided as a service by The Lash Group, Inc., under contract for Janssen Products, LP. In this regard, The Lash Group, Inc., assists healthcare professionals in the determination of whether treatment could be covered by the applicable third-party payer based on coverage guidelines provided by the payer and patient information provided by the healthcare provider under appropriate authorization following the provider’s exclusive determination of medical necessity. This reimbursement support service has no independent value to providers apart from the product and is included within the cost of the product. Importantly, insurance verification is the ultimate responsibility of the provider. Third-party reimbursement is affected by many factors. This document is presented for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide reimbursement or legal advice and does not promise or guarantee coverage, levels of reimbursement, payment, or charge. Similarly, all CPT® and HCPCS codes are supplied for informational purposes only and represent no promise or guarantee that these codes will be appropriate or that reimbursement will be made. It is not intended to increase or maximize reimbursement by any payer. Laws, regulations, and policies concerning reimbursement are complex and are updated frequently. While we have made an effort to be current as of the issue date of this document, the information may not be as current or comprehensive when you view it. We strongly recommend you consult with your counsel, payer organization, or reimbursement specialist for any reimbursement or billing questions. While The Lash Group, Inc., attempts to provide correct information, they and Janssen Products, LP, make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. In no event shall The Lash Group, Inc., Janssen Products, LP, or their employees or agents be liable for any damages resulting from or relating to the service provided. All providers and other users of this information agree that they accept responsibility for the use of this service. Please click here to read the Prescribing Information, including Boxed Warnings and MEDICATION GUIDE, for PROCRIT® (epoetin alfa). Janssen Products, LP © Janssen Products, LP 2014 11/14 021161-140910
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