Subject to alterations in specifications and other technical information. 06/2012. 1 ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING OF BLISKS USING LASER MATERIAL DEPOSITION 22 using zoom optics so that a near-net-shape can be produced even with a single-layer design, e.g. of the turbine blade. To check the material properties, blade-like test structures are being manufactured for tensile and fatigue tests on a BLISK demonstrator (see figures). In another step the process is tailored to an OEM component. Task Result BLISKs are currently manufactured using a great deal of Deposition rates of up to 3.5 kg/h can be achieved with track material (material loss approx. 80 percent), energy and time by widths of between 2 and 4 mm, and with material properties means of 5-axis milling, which results in very high production (investigated to date: tensile strength) close to those of cast costs given the high-quality materials used. The aim is to IN 718. A model blade can be built up with near-net-shape develop a new manufacturing technology that significantly within 2 minutes. The deposition rate achieved supports a reduces the aforementioned losses as well as production costs. tolerance of +/- 200 μm with a selected allowance of 500 μm The additive manufacturing of BLISKs reduces these losses in relation to the geometry for the final machining process. and offers a promising solution: material savings of around 60 percent and a reduction in the manufacturing time of some Applications 30 percent are predicted over conventional processes. The availability of the new additive manufacturing process ensures Aerospace, in particular engine technology, is one application (a) manufacturing that saves resources and, in turn, time and area. Another area relates to wear and corrosion protection money, (b) new design opportunities with no geometrical for applications requiring high deposition rates coupled with restrictions – designed for function, only – and (c) development exacting shape-retention requirements. of new, shorter, more efficient process chains. Contacts Method Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Witzel, M. Eng. Initially, process diagrams are being developed which Phone +49 241 8906-535 document parameter windows for significantly increased deposition rates for a selected material (e.g. IN 718). To this end, parameter studies with laser output powers up to 10 kW Dr. Andres Gasser are being conducted. The track widths can also be varied by Phone +49 241 8906-209 1 Material deposition of test blades on a BLISK demonstrator. 2 Innovative shielding of atmospheric gases in material deposition. 82 Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT, DQS certified by DIN EN ISO 9001, Reg.-No.: DE-69572-01