Media Data 2016 - Werbeartikel Nachrichten
Media Data 2016 - Werbeartikel Nachrichten
Media Data 2016 Efficient target group communications for the promotional products market THE EXPERIENCE OF HAPTI C ADVERTI SI NG Der Newsletter für neue Werbeartikel P ROMOTIONAL G IFT A WARD 2012 Contents Contact Details Contact partners and publishers 3 Publishing Portfolio Magazines and target groups 4 Advertisement Prices and Topics Werbeartikel Nachrichten 6 eppi magazine 8 Promotion Products 10 HAPTICA®11 Other Advertising Options Jobshop12 Product Guide 12 Distributor Guide 12 Supplements12 Accurate advertising – reader structure and target group selection for supplements 13 Technical Guidelines Advertising formats 14 Data transfer for advertisements and editorials 16 Online/Digital WA Web – our web portals 17 Newsletters: WA eLETTER, eppi newsflash & Promotion PRODcast 18 2 Contact Details Your contact partners for advertisements Jochen Thoma (National Director) Tel.: +49 / 221 / 6 89 11– 34 Austria, Switzerland and German zip-code areas 4, 5, 6 Sarah Vieten (International Director) Tel.: +49 / 221 / 6 89 11– 19 Benelux, France, Great Britain, Ireland and German zip-code area 7 Daniela Dragunova Tel.: +49 /221 / 6 89 11– 53 Czech Republic, Slovakia and German zip-code area 7 Dorothee Luberichs Tel.: +49 / 221 / 6 89 11– 33 Scandinavia, The Baltic States, Spain, Portugal, Italy and German zip-code areas 0, 1, 2, 3 Alicia Mancino Tel.: +49 / 221 / 6 89 11– 27 Eastern Europe, Turkey and German zip-code areas 8, 9 Your contact partner for online advertising Ralf Bales Tel.: +49 / 221 / 6 89 11– 21 Your contact partners for editorials WA Nachrichten – Dr. Mischa Delbrouck eppi magazine – Till Barth Promotion Products – Heike Pohl HAPTICA® – Andrea Bothe Tel.: +49 / 221 / 6 89 11– 11 Tel.: +49 / 221 / 6 89 11– 25 Tel.: +49 / 221 / 6 89 11– 30 Tel.: +49 / 221 / 6 89 11– 17 Your contact partner for advertisement data Anik Ginet Servais Tel.: +49 / 221 / 6 89 11– 14 Publishers WA Media GmbH Waltherstraße 49-51 D-51069 Cologne Tel.: +49 / 221 / 6 89 11– 0 Fax: +49 / 221 / 6 89 11– 10 Managing Shareholder: Michael Scherer Management: Ralf Bales, Dr. Mischa Delbrouck Deutsche Bank Sort code: 370 700 24 Account: 4 698 122 IBAN: DE18 3707 0024 0469 8122 00 BIC: DEUTDEDBKOE Postbank Essen Sort code: 360 100 43 Account: 140 708 433 IBAN: DE97 3601 0043 0140 7084 33 BIC: PBNKDEFF HRB 30697 District Court of Cologne VAT Identification No.: DE119998878 All of the prices stated in the Media Data exclude the applicable VAT charges. Individual consultation: Tel.: +49 / 221 / 6 89 11– 0 or 3 Publishing Portfolio Werbeartikel Nachrichten Target group: German-speaking promotional products distributors (D/A/CH) Total circulation (IVW-tested, II/2015): Pool of addresses: Frequency: Subscription prices: 10,000 copies 14,000 Monthly Germany €42, other countries €60 Newsletter: WA eLETTER eppi magazine Target group: European promotional products distributors (excl. D/A/CH) Language: English Circulation:10,000 copies Pool of addresses: 16,000 Frequency: Subscription prices: Six times per year Germany €26, other countries €32 Newsletter: eppi newsflash P ROMOTIONAL G IFT A WARD Promotional Gift Award Cross-target group offer International design competition that distinguishes innovative and trend-setting promotional products. 4 Promotion Products Target group: German-speaking end-users (D/A/CH) Circulation: 30,000 copies Pool of addresses: 60,000 Frequency: Subscription prices: Six times per year Germany €36, other countries €41 Newsletter: Promotion PRODcast HAPTICA® Target group: German-speaking marketing decision-makers (D/A/CH) Circulation: Frequency: Subscription prices: 30,000 copies Twice a year Germany €14, other countries €20 THE EXPERIENCE OF H APT IC AD VER T IS ING HAPTICA® live Cross-target group offer The HAPTICA® live unites a promotional products show, the Promotional Gift Award prize-giving ceremony, a best practice special exhibition, a lecture programme and a get-together in this unique “experiencing haptic advertising” format. In 2016, the HAPTICA® live is being staged at the World Conference Center in D-Bonn on March 16. Individual consultation: Tel.: +49 / 221 / 6 89 11– 0 or 5 Werbeartikel Nachrichten: Advertisement Prices and Topics Format Target group: German-speaking promotional products distributors (D/A/CH) Total circulation (IVW-tested, second quarter): Frequency: Price b/w Price 4c 1/1 page €1,900 €2,770 1/2 page €1,370 €2,240 1/3 page €1,220 €2,090 10,000 copies Monthly 1/4 page €900 €1,770 14,000 JobShop Pool of addresses: €550 Advertisement formats see page 14-15 Advertisement price list No. 34, as of 2016 Edition 346 February 2016 347 March 2016 348 April 2016 349 May 2016 350 June 2016 6 Main Topics Editorial/Advertisement Deadline Print Materials for Adverts Publication Date • Promotional Gift Award 2016: The Winners • Sweets & Snacks • 2016 Football European Championships and 2016 Olympic Games • Review: PSI 2016/Novelties 2016 19-01-16 22-01-16 29-01-16 • Made in Germany • Hot Times: Summer, Vacation, Barbecues • Kids Promotion • Showroom: Trends & Classics 29-01-16 05-02-16 29-02-16 • Promotional Textiles & Headwear • Office, PC & USB Accessories • Nature & Environment: Plants, Wood, Jute, Felt & Co. • Showroom: Trends & Classics 26-02-16 04-03-16 30-03-16 • Digital Infotainment: Music, Movies, Apps, QR codes… • Event & Catering Items • Outdoor Activities: Hiking, Climbing, Cycling, Golf, Sailing… • Showroom: Trends & Classics 24-03-16 01-04-16 27-04-16 • Sport, Games & Fun • Reminders & Notes • Drinking Culture: Cups, Glasses, Mugs, Bottles & Drinks • Showroom: Trends & Classics 22-04-16 29-04-16 25-05-16 Edition 351 July 2016 352 August 2016 353 September 2016 354 October 2016 355 November 2016 356 December 2016 357 January 2017 Main Topics Editorial/Advertisement Deadline Print Materials for Adverts Publication Date • Time Management: Watches & Calendars • Oktoberfest • Money Matters: Promotional Products for Banks & Insurance Firms • Showroom: Trends & Classics 20-05-16 27-05-16 22-06-16 • Christmas • Key Fobs, Lanyards, Badges and Magnets • Cars, Travel and Tourism • Showroom: Trends & Classics 17-06-16 24-06-16 20-07-16 • Sustainable Products: Green & fair • Winter & Weatherproof: Umbrellas, Clothing, Reflective Items • Motivation and Rewards: Brands, Premiums & Incentives • Showroom: Trends & Classics 15-07-16 22-07-16 17-08-16 • Writing Instruments • Al Gusto: Food, Cooking, Baking, Serving • Packaging, Print & Decoration, POS Marketing • Showroom: Trends & Classics 12-08-16 19-08-16 14-09-16 • Knives, Tools, Lamps • Beauty, Wellness, Healthcare • Leather, Bags, Fashion Accessories • Showroom: Trends & Classics 09-09-16 16-09-16 12-10-16 • Last Minute Gifts • Mobile World: Accessories for Smartphones, Tablets & Co. • Plastic • Showroom: Trends & Classics 07-10-16 14-10-16 09-11-16 • Preview PSI 2017/Novelties & Trends 2017 • Fired Up: Lighters, Matches, Candles, Grills • Mailing Boosters & Give-aways • Do-it-yourself: From the Sewing Kit Through to the Brewing Set 11-11-16 18-11-16 14-12-16 Individual consultation: Tel.: +49 / 221 / 6 89 11– 0 or 7 Europe-wide Combine the placement of your advertisements in the Werbeartikel Nachrichten and eppi magazine, in order to achieve a Europe-wide response. Werbeartikel Nachrichten is sent out to promotional products distributors in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. In all other countries across Europe the promotional products distributors read the English-language eppi magazine. Reach of Werbeartikel Nachrichten Reach of eppi magazine 8 eppi magazine: Advertisement Prices and Topics Format Target group: European promotional products distributors (excl. D/A/CH) Circulation: Frequency: Language: 10,000 copies Six times per year English Pool of addresses: 16,000 Price b/w Price 4c 1/1 page €1,900 €2,770 1/2 page €1,370 €2,240 1/3 page €1,220 €2,090 1/4 page €900 €1,770 Showroom Ad €900 Advertisement formats see page 14-15 Advertisement price list No. 19, as of 2016 Edition Main Topics Editorial/Advertisement Deadline Print Materials for Adverts Publication Date 109 • Promotional Gift Award 2016: The Winners • Digital World: Mobile Phone & USB-Accessories, Powerbanks • Bags & Travel Accessories • Review: PSI 2016/Novelties 2016 22-01-16 29-01-16 17-02-16 110 • Promotional Fashion: Textiles, Headwear & Co. • Made in Europe • Showroom: Trends & Classics 11-03-16 18-03-16 13-04-16 111 • Office Accessories, Notebooks, Calendars • Key Pendants, Event Items & Give-aways • Showroom: Trends & Classics • Country Report: Belgium, Part I 06-05-16 13-05-16 08-06-16 112 • Christmas • Weatherproof: Umbrellas, Winter Clothes & Accessories • Showroom: Trends & Classics • Country Report: Belgium, Part II 22-07-16 29-07-16 24-08-16 113 • Writing Instruments • Dining & Drinking • Showroom: Trends & Classics 02-09-16 09-09-16 05-10-16 114 • Preview: PSI 2017/Novelties & Trends 2017 • Sustainable Products: Green & Fair • Knives, Tools, Lamps 28-10-16 04-11-16 30-11-16 Individual consultation: Tel.: +49 / 221 / 6 89 11– 0 or 9 Promotion Products: Advertisement Prices and Topics Target group: German-speaking end-users (D/A/CH) Format Price 4c 1/1 page €2,970 Circulation: 30,000 copies Frequency: Six times per year 1/2 page €2,390 Pool of addresses: 1/3 page €2,090 60,000 Advertisement formats see page 14-15 Advertisement price list No. 10, as of 2016 Edition 10 Main Topics Editorial/AdverPrint Materials tisement Deadline for Adverts Publication Date 53 • Promotional Gift Award 2016: The Winners • 2016 Football European Championships and 2016 Olympic Games • Made in Germany • Hot times: Summer, Vacations, Travel, Barbecues • Novelties & Trends 2016 22-01-16 29-01-16 17-02-16 54 • Textiles, Bags & Fashion Accessories • Office, PC & USB Accessories • Sweets & Snacks • Kids Promotion • Novelties 18-03-16 24-03-16 20-04-16 55 • Time Management: Watches & Calendars • Money Matters: Promotional Products for Banks & Insurance Firms • Drinking Culture: Cups, Glasses, Mugs, Bottles & Drinks • Outdoor & Sport • Novelties 13-05-16 20-05-16 15-06-16 56 • Christmas • Promotional Products for Car Manufacturers, Car Dealers & Transport Companies • Sustainable Products: Green & Fair • Motivation and Rewards: Brands, Premiums & Incentives • Novelties 08-07-16 15-07-16 10-08-16 57 • Writing Instruments • Beauty, Wellness, Healthcare • Winter & Weatherproof: Umbrellas, Clothing, Reflective Items • Al Gusto: Food, Cooking, Baking, Serving • Novelties 26-08-16 02-09-16 28-09-16 58 • Last Minute Gifts • Knives, Tools, Lamps • Events, Trade Fair & POS Marketing • Music, Movies, Mobile World • Novelties & Trends 2017 14-10-16 21-10-16 16-11-16 HAPTICA®: Advertisement Prices and Topics Format Target group: German-speaking marketing decision-makers (D/A/CH) Circulation: Frequency: 30,000 copies Twice a year Price 4c 1/1 page €3,400 1/2 page €2,950 1/3 page €2,500 Advertisement formats see page 14-15 Advertisement price list No. 6, as of 2016 Edition Advertisement Deadline Print Materials for Adverts Publication Date 10 18-03-16 24-03-16 20-04-16 11 26-08-16 02-09-16 28-09-16 HAPTICA®. Concrete advertising. The magazine for the successful implementation of haptic advertising. HAPTICA® demonstrates how important haptics are in the field of corporate communications, what huge impact promotional products can have as messengers and how they can be lucratively implemented in the marketing mix. 30,000 marketing decision-makers and advertising agency creatives are supplied with current best practice examples and success stories from the world of haptic advertising twice a year. Launched in 2011 by the Cologne-based publishing company, WA Media, with its rubrics IMAGE, DIALOGUE and SALES the publication takes a targeted look at the implementation of promotional products in the various marketing disciplines – from events, to 1-to-1 marketing, through to sales promotion. Interviews show how big players, hidden champions, middlesized companies, cultural institutions or agencies deal with haptic advertising. Specific target group reports examine the viewpoints of the addressees and USERS of haptic advertising. And the rubric KNOWLEDGE shows new survey results while at the same time building a bridge to other disciplines and researchers that occupy themselves with the theme of haptics. Always under focus: the new desire for tangibility. Individual consultation: Tel.: +49 / 221 / 6 89 11– 0 or 11 Other Advertising Options Jobshop (Werbeartikel Nachrichten + eppi magazine only) • Promotional products suppliers and distributors can place “job offer”ads for the special price of €550 (format: ¼ page vertical). Prices for larger advertisements are available on request. Cost for advertisement design (standard layout): €50. A box number costs €50. • One “employment wanted” ad (format: ¼ page b/w vertical) is free of charge per calendar year. The prices for larger advertisements or colour ads are available on request. A box number costs €50. Product Guide Magazine Werbeartikel Nachrichten/ eppi magazine Format mm/price Sample Prices: 20 x 57 mm 50 x 57 mm 100 x 57 mm b/w €1.50 4c €3.00 Info Width: 57 mm, min. height: 20 mm, max. height: 100 mm €30 €75 €150 €60 €150 €300 Min. placement: 6 consecutive issues It is not possible to change rubrics for a minimum placement of advertisements. Distributor Guide Magazine Promotion Products Format 114 x 60 mm 4c €200 per entry Furthermore, your entry will be published under for the duration of one year for just €50. Info Min. placement: 6 consecutive issues Supplements Germany All Objects Price per insert up to 20 g €0.40 Price per insert up to 50 g €0.50 Price per insert up to 20 g €0.95 Price per insert up to 50 g €1.20 Other countries All Objects 12 Info Further prices and target group selections are available on request Partial supplements: Flat-rate handling fee of €250, min. quantity: 3,500 pieces Target groups Accurate advertising – reader structure and target group selection for supplements If you want to address a precisely defined target group with a supplement, we can select them for you according to countries, zip code areas or specific branches. If you have other selection criteria, just let us know. Benelux 5% Switzerland 6% Advertising Agencies (sales promotion, POS, promotion, full-service, etc.) 29% Austria 10% Pool of addresses: 14,000 Promotional Products Suppliers 17% Organised Promotional Products Distributors 11% Promotional Products Distributors 22% Scandinavia 11% Overseas 6% Great Britain 10% magazine for the european promotional products industry Pool of addresses: 16,000 Eastern Europe 17% France 17% Southern Europe 10% Sales & Marketing 16% Italy 14% Benelux 15% Management & Owners 19% Personal Assistance 1% Production 1% Das Magazin für neue Werbeartikel Pool of addresses: 60,000 Marketing & Communications 41% Promotional Products Purchasers 20% Product M anagement 2% Individual consultation: Tel.: +49 / 221 / 6 89 11– 0 or 13 Technical Guidelines: Advertisement Formats Full-format advertisements Type area advertisements do not need a bleed, because they are fitted into the type area within the page and are thus not affected by the cut. are to be designed with a bleed of 3 mm all the way around them, so that no undesired white areas appear should the pages happen to be cut inaccurately. Register marks and page information are not needed. magazine for the european promotional products industry 1/1 page 1/3 page vertical 1/2 page horizontal 1/3 page horizontal 216 x 303 mm 106 x 303 mm 76 x 303 mm 216 x 146 mm 216 x 91 mm (visible: 210 x 297 mm) (visible: 100 x 297 mm) (visible: 70 x 297 mm) (visible: 210 x 140 mm) (visible: 210 x 85 mm) 182 x 260 mm 90 x 260 mm 60 x 260 mm 182 x 130 mm 182 x 75 mm 1/4 page vertical 90 x 130 mm 14 1/2 page vertical 1/4 page horizontal 182 x 60 mm Panorama 1/2 Panorama 426 x 303 mm 426 x 146 mm (visible: 420 x 297 mm) (visible: 420 x 140 mm) Das Magazin für neue Werbeartikel 1/1 page 1/2 page vertical 1/3 page vertical 1/2 page horizontal 1/3 page horizontal 236 x 296 mm 123 x 296 mm 81 x 296 mm 236 x 151 mm 236 x 101 mm (visible: 230 x 290 mm) (visible: 117 x 290 mm) (visible: 75 x 290 mm) (visible: 230 x 145 mm) (visible: 230 x 95 mm) 190 x 234 mm 100 x 234 mm 64 x 234 mm 190 x 117 mm 190 x 78 mm 1/2 page vertical 1/3 page vertical 1/2 page horizontal 1/3 page horizontal WE RB UN G KO N K RE T HAPTICA DAS MAGAZIN FÜR DEN ERFOLGREICHEN EINSATZ VON WERBEARTIKELN 1/1 page 236 x 296 mm 118 x 296 mm 84 x 296 mm 236 x 151 mm 236 x 102 mm (visible: 230 x 290 mm) (visible: 112 x 290 mm) (visible: 78 x 290 mm) (visible: 230 x 145 mm) (visible: 230 x 96 mm) 200 x 260 mm 97 x 260 mm 63 x 260 mm 200 x 130 mm 200 x 81 mm Das Magazin für neue Werbeartikel Panorama 1/2 Panorama WE RB UN G KO N K RE T HAPTICA DAS MAGAZIN FÜR DEN ERFOLGREICHEN EINSATZ VON WERBEARTIKELN 466 x 296 mm 466 x 151 mm (visible: 460 x 290 mm) (visible: 460 x 145 mm) Individual consultation: Tel.: +49 / 221 / 6 89 11– 0 or 15 Technical Guidelines: Data Transfer Advertisements Print material must be provided in digital quality and must comply with the following guidelines: 3 mm bleed, without register marks and page information. File types Illustrator: AI (CS5), PDF, CMYK, incorporate images (300 dpi, CMYK), convert fonts into paths InDesign: Open document (CS5 or CS5-IDML document) imports, supply fonts Minimum resolution 300 dpi (not interpolated) Data media CD-ROM, DVD Please note Please send in addition a legally binding 4c print or a legally binding digital proof to: Photoshop (CS5): Format : PSD, TIF or JPG Modus: CMYK Resolution: 300 dpi PDF: “PDF-X4“ or “print output quality“. Export specifications for the creation of PDFs, as well as preflight profiles are available at: as a download. WA Media GmbH Anik Ginet Servais Waltherstraße 49-51 D-51069 Cologne E-mail (max.20 MB per mail) Profile and Settings The profile and settings are available as a download at: FTP-Upload Please ask for access data via: Important We cannot be held legally responsible for faulty printing results if the digital advertisement data is supplied w/o proof(s). Advertisements can be created on special request. The costs for this service and/ or for carrying out corrections will be invoiced (separately). Please always state the programme in which the document was created. Editorial Please send text and images separately (please don’t integrate graphics/images into Word or Quark documents). Text editing and layout is carried out at the publishers. Due to the tight schedules it is not possible to send proofs of PR articles. Image formats (for digital material): Minimum width: Minimum resolution: Text formats: PSD (preferred) TIF, JPG, PDF (please state type) 15 cm 300 dpi (not interpolated) .docx, .doc, .pdf, .odt or .rtf Please forward photos, product samples, etc.: WA Media GmbH Heike Pohl · Waltherstraße 49-51 · D-51069 Cologne E-Mail: The editorial deadline must be respected, editorial contributions, which arrive too late, might not be included in the corresponding issue. 16 Online/Digital WA Web – our web portals Our print magazines have comprehensive web portals that are available at:,, and, where in addition to current news, you will also find further interactive features (i.e. photo galleries of recent events, e-paper and further services). Page impressions per year: approx. 2 mil Visits: approx. 580,000 Page impressions per year: approx. 600,000 Visits: approx. 210,000 Page impressions per year: approx. 630,000 Visits: approx. 168,000 Page impressions per year: approx. 650,000 Visits: approx. 178,000 Advertising options on all portals • • • • • Banners, animated banners in established sizes, sub-banners Showroom entry (product promotion with product photos) Individual forms of advertising Search Engine Marketing/SEO Banners, Backlinks, Content-Ads Free publication of editorial material (non-product promotion) You would like to carry out content marketing activities or launch new online shop projects? Don’t hesitate to contact us on +49/221/68911-21 or for individual advice. Internet prices per portal (prices for an advertisement running-time of 12 months) Banner Skyscraper (exclusive) Leader board/Super banner (rotation) Button banner (exclusive) Button banner (exclusive) 150 x 600 Pixel 728 x 90 Pixel 250 x 250 Pixel 140 x 140 Pixel 2,700.00 € 1,300.00 € 1,300.00 € 1,000.00 € Further banner formats are available on request. Backlinks Backlink/year 3 Backlinks/year Content Ad €400 €1,000 €500 Showroom 1 Product 5 Products 10 Products Individual consultation: Tel.: +49 / 221 / 6 89 11– 0 or 80.00 € 300.00 € 500.00 € 17 Online/Digital Newsletters: WA eLETTER, eppi newsflash & Promotion PRODcast Make targeted use of our newsletters to announce your novelties, special campaigns and offers, for show invitations, selling off remaining stock or to announce your website relaunch. Der Newsletter für neue Werbeartikel WA eLETTER Target group: German-speaking promotional products distributors (D/A/CH) Readers: 10,000 Frequency: Weekly eppi newsflash Target group: European promotional products distributors (excl. D/A/CH) Readers: 9,500 Frequency: Two-weekly Promotion PRODcast Target group: German-speaking end-users (D/A/CH) Readers: 15,000 Frequency: Monthly The receipt of the electronic newsletters is subject to the subscription of the respective print media. Advertisement Premium/Dual Premium • Animated formats (GIF), incl. a link, are possible without a surcharge directly above the newsletter logo. 250 x 250 pixels: €500 per advertisement 500 x 250 pixels: €900 per advertisement Advertisement Standard/Dual Standard • 1 image 250 x 250 pixels, JPG format • Direct link to your shop or to the product website • As an alternative to the shop link: Showroom entry on the respective WA web portal for the presented product Standard 250 x 250 pixels: €300 per advertisement Dual Standard 528 x 250 pixels: €500 per advertisement Package offers on request Jobshop • Job advertisement, 3 months online, on the web portal with a link to the job advertisement in the respective newsletter €200 per advert €50 box number charge €200 three additional links in the following newsletter issues Tips and notes • Selection of images:Avoid non-plain backgrounds and difficult-to-read script on products, don’t use collages. We recommend a large product photo with shadows, if possible against a white background. Larger images can be linked to your website. • Selection of links:If you inform us of a valid link, a direct link can be made to the product on your web site or shop system. • Communication data:Please remember to give the e-mail and extension of your company and not that of your PR or Graphic Departments; this will enable an optimum response. 18 Newsletters: Publishing Dates The editorial and advertisement deadline for all of the newsletters is always two days before the respective publication date. WA eLETTER Edition 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 Publication Date 12-01-2016 20-01-2016 27-01-2016 03-02-2016 10-02-2016 17-02-2016 24-02-2016 02-03-2016 09-03-2016 17-03-2016 23-03-2016 30-03-2016 06-04-2016 13-04-2016 20-04-2016 27-04-2016 04-05-2016 Edition 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 Publication Date 11-05-2016 18-05-2016 25-05-2016 01-06-2016 08-06-2016 15-06-2016 22-06-2016 29-06-2016 06-07-2016 13-07-2016 20-07-2016 27-07-2016 03-08-2016 10-08-2016 17-08-2016 24-08-2016 31-08-2016 Edition 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 Publication Date 07-09-2016 14-09-2016 21-09-2016 28-09-2016 05-10-2016 12-10-2016 19-10-2016 26-10-2016 02-11-2016 09-11-2016 16-11-2016 23-11-2016 30-11-2016 07-12-2016 14-12-2016 21-12-2016 eppi newsflash Edition 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 Publication Date 12-01-2016 26-01-2016 09-02-2016 23-02-2016 08-03-2016 22-03-2016 05-04-2016 19-04-2016 03-05-2016 Edition 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 Publication Date 17-05-2016 31-05-2016 14-06-2016 28-06-2016 12-07-2016 26-07-2016 09-08-2016 23-08-2016 06-09-2016 Edition 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 Publication Date 20-09-2016 04-10-2016 18-10-2016 02-11-2016 15-11-2016 29-11-2016 13-12-2016 Promotion Prodcast Edition 78 79 80 81 Publication Date 21-01-2016 11-02-2016 03-03-2016 14-04-2016 Edition 82 83 84 85 Publication Date 12-05-2016 09-06-2016 14-07-2016 25-08-2016 Individual consultation: Tel.: +49 / 221 / 6 89 11– 0 or Edition 86 87 88 89 Publication Date 22-09-2016 27-10-2016 17-11-2016 15-12-2016 19 You also find us at: