Deals TV Media Production FZ-LLC


Deals TV Media Production FZ-LLC
Deals TV Media Production FZ-LLC
A TV channel specialized in creative innovative advertisement
Broadcasting on NileSat freq. 12644 Vertical Polarization named Deals TV
The channel is being watched all over the world.
Affiliate Marketer Kit
Dear Partner,
Thank you for your interest in joining us in this profitable journey. We are looking for a long
term successful business relationship for both of us.
You will find as follows an explanation on how to offer different solutions to your clients.
For any query, please contact us at +971 4 514 9645 or email me at
Our Services:
In Deals Group, you can offer your client the following options:
 Advertising on our Business oriented TV Channel.
 Advertise on CROOTNA, our online discount vouchers platform.
 Advertise on our social media platforms (goes by default when you choose any of
the above options)
Added Value
It is imperative to mention to client that whatever solution they decide to opt for, they will
automatically benefit from being advertised also on the other ones without any additional
For example: a Spa in Rabat decides to send a promo to air on TV once they pay they will
be automatically marketed on all social media platforms and on the website.
Spa in Rabat: Purchase from you a 30 seconds promo ad
Ad on television & 24h online streaming = $2,500+
Social Media marketing across all platforms (FREE)
Advertisement on our website (FREE)
TOTAL= $2,500 for all services
We offer affordable pricing to develop our business fast and sustainably.
The first step to be made once you joined us is to sign up to our website as an affiliate
marketer This will help us track all posts, transaction and commissions
with payments. It’s the platform to be used for all our transactions.
Deals TV Media Production FZ-LLC | | | +971 4 514 9645 | P.O Box 502872 Dubai, UAE
TV Advertising
1. Find a client interested in advertising on TV. Always mention that all content on TV
will be marketed on social media and website (Online).
2. Check if the client has already a promo (a video) and determine the cost according to
the timing. Please refer to the rate card below:
3. If the client does not have a promo, we can create it at an additional production cost
decided upon his exact requirements starting from $500.
4. Access to your panel from the top right area in the website. Select the ‘Deal’ tab and
click on ‘Add Deal’, then fill all fields and hit the ‘SUBIMT’ button.
Deals TV Media Production FZ-LLC | | | +971 4 514 9645 | P.O Box 502872 Dubai, UAE
5. Submit to the client the Advertising Inventory contract (attached) and request it
signed back. Our CEO will be sending it signed back to you and only then it will be
6. Once agreements are made, send them the bank accounts for bank payment or use
the website for uploading content and proceed to payment.
7. We will be crediting your commission for each successful transaction via bank
transfer or PayPal account.
Crootna Discount Vouchers
1. Find a client interested in advertising on Crootna. Always mention that all content on
Crootna will be marketed on social media and Deals TV.
2. Crootna posts will cost USD 544 per post, these can wither be percentage discount
on a product or a service or a special offer e.g. buy one get one free. You will be able
to decide on number of coupons to be redeemed or duration of offer expiry.
3. Access to your panel, Select the ‘Crootna’ tab and click on ‘Add Crootna’, then fill all
fields and hit the ‘SUBIMT’ button.
4. Once agreements are made, send them the bank accounts for bank payment or use
the online payment method.
5. We will be crediting your commission for each successful transaction via bank
transfer or through PayPal account.
API Integration Option
Once you are signed to the website as an affiliate, you will see by default the API area
with the required keys and documentation in order to integrate the platform with your
You can always reach the technical team for any queries, comments or suggestions with
this regards at
Deals TV Media Production FZ-LLC | | | +971 4 514 9645 | P.O Box 502872 Dubai, UAE
Viewing posts
You and your clients can always view your posts on the website under the page “Deals and
Crootna”. This view is how the end user can see them. Yet you can see the history of your
posts in your panel from the same area where you post TV deals or Crootna vouchers.
You, your clients and the end users can always view the posts in our Android and I OS
application “Deals TV”
Deals TV Media Production FZ-LLC | | | +971 4 514 9645 | P.O Box 502872 Dubai, UAE
Deals TV Media Production
+971 4 514 9645 | +971 56 713 4577
Office 106 | Bldg. 7 CNBC Bldg. |Dubai Media City
P.O. Box 502872 | Dubai | UAE
Deals TV Media Production FZ-LLC | | | +971 4 514 9645 | P.O Box 502872 Dubai, UAE