2006-2007 Annual Report - Minneapolis Institute of Art


2006-2007 Annual Report - Minneapolis Institute of Art
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts is dedicated to national leadership in bringing art and
people together to discover, enjoy, and understand the worldÕs diverse artistic heritage.
Above and back cover: A lively calendar of community activities surrounding ÒA Mirror of Nature: Nordic Landscape Painting 1840Ð1910Ó
connected visitors to Nordic arts and culture.
Back cover, inset: Kids love to paint in MIA studio classes.
Opposite page: Asian art chair Bob Jacobsen leads a tour in the Target Wing rotunda.
Below: Members of The Circle, a new membership group of arts enthusiasts ages 21 to 44, enjoy a party at the museum.
Enriching the Community
Building the Collection
Presenting Important Exhibitions
Expanding Our Impact
Looking Forward
Strengthening Our Foundation
Bring Art to Life Campaign Commitments
Director’s Circle
Gifts of Art and Funds for Art Acquisition
Corporate and Foundation Grants
Exhibition and Project Sponsors
Friends of the Institute Sponsors
Patrons’ Circle
Contributors’ Circle
Matching Gift Companies
Memorials and Tributes
Named Endowment Funds for Operations and Programs
Friends Endowment Fund for Education
Named Endowment Funds for Works of Art
New Century Society
Honor Roll
Board of Trustees
Museum Staff
Financial Statements
Museum Information
This annual report is for the period from July 1, 2006, through June 30, 2007.
Please note: Artworks appearing in this report may not always be on public view;
many of these works and more are always on view on the museumÕs Web site, www.artsmia.org.
Artwork credits begin on page 49.
Engaging Visitors with Works of Art and Innovative Programs
Five years ago, the Minneapolis Institute of Arts forged a new strategic plan that
would elevate the stature of the collection and make our holdings even more accessible to the community.
Since that time, we have achieved the following critical objectives:
• We have built the Target Wing, adding dozens of new galleries, in addition to new
study rooms for prints, drawings, and photographs; the Friends Community Room;
and our new Reception Hall.
• We have nearly doubled the amount of our endowment designated for accessions,
enabling us to purchase such highly important works of art as the great bronze
Memorial Head from the ancient kingdom of Benin, illustrated on the facing page.
• We have successfully reached out to new audiences, launching a new brand identity
and new programs for visitors and members under the age of forty-five.
• We have obtained national and international attention—for the collection and
our acquisitions, and for our new facility.
I am proud to report today that the MIA is flourishing, and that we are now poised
to achieve new levels of greatness.
One of the most noteworthy accomplishments of 2006–7 was the completion in
January of the Bring Art to Life campaign. This multi-year campaign set out to
raise $100 million for the museum’s expansion and acquisitions. In all, more than
2,100 individuals, corporations, and foundations contributed an astounding $103.2
million to the campaign. On behalf of our Trustees, staff, and visitors, I would like
to express our profound gratitude to everyone who helped make this possible.
We also implemented a number of organizational changes, bringing to the museum
a new Assistant Director for Collections and Programs, Mikka Gee Conway, who
has demonstrated insightful leadership in curatorial administration. More recently,
Ann Benrud has joined us as Director of Membership, and she brings new thinking
to a vitally important aspect of our work.
On a personal note, as I prepare to leave the MIA to direct the Morgan Library
and Museum, in New York, I would like to take this opportunity to reiterate my
gratitude for having had the chance to lead this extraordinary institution. It has
been a privilege to serve one of the most vibrant, culturally aware, and philanthropic
communities anywhere in the United States.
It is a pleasure to welcome my successor, Kaywin Feldman, who joins the MIA in
January 2008. Kaywin has led the Memphis Brooks Museum of Art since 1999 and
brings energy, enthusiasm, and experience to her new post.
One of America’s finest museums, the MIA is positioned for a glorious future.
William M. Griswold
Director and President
Opposite page: Benin, Nigeria, Memorial Head, c. 1550Ð1650, The John R. Van Derlip Trust Fund
Acquiring Objects of Outstanding Significance
Safeguarding and strengthening the permanent
• A landscape that evokes the colors and textures
collection in the service of the public are at the
of the American Southwest, Canyon Portal,
core of the museum’s mission. During the past
by Edgar Payne, c. 1935 (see page 52).
year, hundreds of objects have entered the collec-
• A seemingly spontaneous biomorphic abstrac-
tion (a complete listing starts on page 49). What
tion in oil and charcoal on canvas, c. 1946, by
follows are a few highlights.
the American Surrealist painter Arshile Gorky,
We are committed to expanding the museum’s
a gift of Mr. and Mrs. James T. Wyman (right).
holdings of American paintings and postwar art.
• A painting by Dorothea Tanning, who was
New additions to the Department of Paintings
married to Max Ernst and whose work reflects
and Modern Sculpture include:
a similar preoccupation with subconscious
• A magnificent landscape near Chaska,
thought. Created in 1956, Tempest in Yellow was
September, made by Minnesota painter Alexis
acquired with funds from Regis Foundation.
Fournier in 1889, a gift of Don and Diana
Lee Lucker (below).
Above: Alexis Jean Fournier, September, 1889, Gift of Don and Diana Lee Lucker
Opposite page, top: Arshile Gorky, Untitled, c. 1946, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. James T. Wyman
Opposite page, bottom: Paul Frankl, Skyscraper Bookcase, c. 1926, The Robert J. Ulrich Works of Art Purchase Fund
Fascinating and important objects that have
enriched the Department of Architecture,
Design, Decorative Arts, Craft, and Sculpture include:
• A wonderful sheet-metal sculpture
of a rooster, Chanticleer, by William
Hunt Diederich, c. 1918 (see cover,
lower right).
• An exceedingly rare plaster model
of an Art Nouveau doorway in
Paris, created in 1901 by architect Jules Lavirotte (see page
• A skyscraper bookcase, created
by modernism pioneer Paul Frankl,
about 1926, and acquired with
funds from Bob Ulrich (right).
The Department of Prints and Drawings acquired
The Department of Photographs enjoyed an excep-
important prints by Jacob Matham, Giovanni
tional year. The museum purchased a number of
Battista Piranesi, Odilon Redon, and Francis
outstanding photographs with funds from Alfred
Bacon (below), among others. The museum also
and Ingrid Lenz Harrison. Among them is a stun-
purchased several major drawings, including a
ning 1930 photograph by Man Ray of Lee Miller
trenchant 1923 sketch by George Grosz, Salute
and Honor (see page 50), and a 1807–8 pastel
We also received the most important single dona-
landscape by French painter Elisabeth Louise
tion of photographs in the museum’s history. Over
Vigée-LeBrun, a favorite of Marie-Antoinette,
a period of 40 years, Frederick B. Scheel of Fargo,
which was acquired as a gift of the Friends of
North Dakota, assembled a collection of more
the Institute (above).
than 600 photographs by masters such as Paul
Strand, Ansel Adams, Berenice Abbott, Henri
Cartier-Bresson (top right), and André Kertész,
among many others. The significance of this benefaction—and its impact on the collection—cannot
be overstated.
Above: Elisabeth Louise VigŽe-LeBrun, Vue du lac de Challes
au Mont Blanc, c. 1807Ð8, Gift of funds from the Friends of
the Institute
Left: Francis Bacon, Study for Self-Portrait, c. 1982Ð84, Gift of
Ruth and Bruce Dayton
Opposite page, top: Henri Cartier-Bresson, Hyres, France, 1932,
Gift of Frederick B. Scheel
Opposite page, bottom: Man Ray (Emmanuel Rudnitsky), Lee
Miller, 1930, The Alfred and Ingrid Lenz Harrison Fund
The excitement generated by the
Scheel donation was, however,
tempered by the sudden death of
Carroll Theron “Ted” Hartwell in
July 2007.
Hartwell, who became Curator of
Photographs in 1972, was responsible
for assembling the museum’s great
collection of photographs. Indeed, it
was his leadership in this area that
attracted the Scheel collection to
the MIA.
Thus, the exhibition celebrating this
extraordinary donation, “The Search
to See: Photographs from the Collection of Frederick B. Scheel,” also is a
celebration of Hartwell’s remarkable
life, career, and vision.
The museum’s holdings of non-Western art have notably expanded
as well. Most important is a rare bronze Memorial Head, cast in the
early 1600s for a royal shrine in Benin City, in what is now Nigeria
(see page 3). We als0 purchased an outstanding
Native American dance blanket, c. 1840–50,
with funds from Bob Ulrich (see page 54).
Furthermore, we acquired several significant Chinese objects,
many as gifts from Ruth and Bruce Dayton. They include a
magnificent marble statue of a bodhisattva (right), carved
during the Tang dynasty (618–707), and a carved lacquer
box, dating to the early Ming (above).
Several splendid Japanese artworks entered the collection, including a set of five mukozuke ceramic dishes
potted between 1615 and 1630 in the manner of the great
tea master Furuta Oribe (see page 58), and a sublimely
beautiful two-panel screen, Mori (Forest), painted by
Katayama Bokuyō in 1928 (far right).
We acquired numerous textiles from Africa, Asia,
Latin America, and Europe, further expanding this
distinguished collection. Among them is an unusual
tapestry pillow-cover woven in Sweden about 1820,
one of remarkably few objects in the collection created
in the Scandinavian countries before 1900 (below).
Each department has benefited from endowment support, purchase
funds, and the extraordinary generosity of individual collectors.
In the years to come, we’ll continue to build upon the
masterpieces we are so fortunate to hold, making
more great works of art publicly available for
future generations.
Top clockwise: Two acquisitions made possible by the Ruth
Ann Dayton Chinese Room Endowment Fund: China, Box with
cover (detail), 15th century; and China, Torso of a Bodhisattva,
7thÑ10th century.
Sweden, Pillow, 19th century, The Paul C. Johnson, Jr. Fund
Acquisitions enhance our capacity to tell the story
of human creativity. But loans also have great value,
elucidating aspects of art history that are otherwise
underrepresented in the permanent collection.
Loans recently on view include:
• Franz Marc’s Large Blue Horses, from Walker
Art Center
• Japanese works of art from collectors Mary Griggs
Burke and John C. Weber
• Major works from the contemporary art collection
of Gordon Locksley and George T. Shea (right)
• Large-scale photographs by Andreas Gursky and
Thomas Struth, thanks to Geri and Dar Reedy
• Alfred Leslie’s Location Shooting, lent anonymously
ø Mori (Forest), 1928, The William Hood Dunwoody
Top: Katayama Bokuyo,
Bottom: Andy Warhol, Portraits of the Locksley Shea Gallery, 1975,
synthetic polymer paint silkscreened on canvas, extended loan courtesy
of George T. Shea and Gordon Locksley © 2007 Andy Warhol Foundation
for the Visual Arts/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York, N.Y.
Enlivening the Galleries with Original Scholarship and Touring Shows
For the first time since construction of the new
• “A Mirror of Nature: Nordic Landscape
wing began, the museum presented a full slate
Painting 1840–1910,” an exhibition of master-
of exhibitions, ranging in scope from major
works from the national galleries of Norway,
loan shows to highly focused installations from
Sweden, Denmark, Finland, and Iceland.
the permanent collection. (A complete listing
appears on page 48.)
The expanded Target Gallery held:
• “A Passion for Paintings: Old Masters from
the Wadsworth Atheneum,” which featured a
range of paintings from the nation’s oldest
public art museum, including the first authentic
Caravaggio to have been acquired by any
American museum.
• “An American Vision: Henry Francis du Pont’s
Winterthur Museum,” featuring the nation’s
greatest collection of American decorative arts
and antiques from du Pont’s country estate.
As the sole American venue for “A Mirror of
Nature: Nordic Landscape Painting 1840–
1910,” the MIA served as the lively centerpiece
of Nordic Summer, a summer-long Twin Cities
celebration of Nordic arts and culture. An
impressive calendar of events drew visitors to
Nordic films, lectures, and classical concerts,
Scandinavian folk and dance performances,
drawing workshops, hands-on art activities,
and more.
Opposite page, top: Curatorial Assistant Erika Holmquist-Wall leads a May Day celebration in honor of Nordic Summer and the
special exhibition ÒA Mirror of Nature: Nordic Painting 1840Ð1910.Ó
Above, top: Akseli Gallen-Kallela, Lake Keitele, 1905, oil on canvas, Lahti Art Museum, Finland, on view in ÒA Mirror of Nature.Ó
Opposite page, bottom: Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, Saint Francis of Assisi in Ecstasy, c. 1594Ð95, oil on canvas,
The Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford, Connecticut, featured in ÒA Passion for Paintings: Old Masters from the
Wadsworth Atheneum.Ó
Above, left: Associate Curator Sue Canterbury leads a PatronsÕ Circle tour of ÒA Passion for Paintings.Ó
High points of the year also included the
following exhibitions, each accompanied by a
catalogue featuring new scholarship:
• “San Francisco Psychedelic,” featuring photographs and posters of late-Sixties Bay Area
• “Vermillion Editions Limited: Prints, Multiples, Artist’s Books, 1977–1992,” highlighting
the local studio that helped shape the resurgence of collaborative printmaking in the
United States.
Opposite page: Bob Seidemann, Janis Joplin, 1967, on view in
ÒSan Francisco Psychedelic,Ó an exhibition of portrait photographs and poster art. © Bob Seidemann
Top: Members of The Circle get an insiderÕs tour of ÒSan
Francisco Psychedelic.Ó
Above: China, set of 20 bronze bells, 5th century B.C., featured
in the exhibition ÒSacred Sounds: The Bells of Ancient China,Ó
thanks to an anonymous lender.
Left: John Newman, Fold-Out (detail), 1985, from First
Artists Portfolio, 1986, The Fiduciary Fund, on view in
ÒVermillion Editions Limited: Prints, Multiples, ArtistÕs Books,
• “Uzbek
Tradition: The Jack A. and Aviva Robinson
Collection,” presenting selections from an
extraordinary gift of 97 embroideries made
by the nomadic peoples of Uzbekistan.
The Minnesota Artists Exhibition Program
continues to present stimulating artist-curated
exhibitions of contemporary Minnesota art. In
2006–7, we opened five such shows featuring
seven local artists—including, for example,
Rollin Marquette, whose dramatic site-specific
installation transformed the MAEP galleries
Above: Rollin Marquette, Untitled, 2007; steel, burlap bags,
charred balsa wood, aluminum, and hardware; installed in the
Minnesota Artists Exhibition Program (MAEP) galleries.
Right: Jantje Visscher, Dancing Wall, 2004, clear glycolised polyester strips and pins, from the MAEP exhibition ÒDrawing in Light.
Opposite page, top: Plate, attributed to George HŸbener, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, c. 1789, on view in ÒAn American
Vision: Henry Francis du PontÕs Winterthur Museum.Ó
Opposite page, bottom: Gallery panels tell the story behind
the fascinating exhibition ÒUzbek Embroidery in the Nomadic
Tradition: The Jack A. and Aviva Robinson Collection.Ó
Connecting Visitors through Arts Education and Activities
Attendance from July 2006 through June 2007
30, 2007, the museum had 23,534 member
numbered 465,654 visitors, up 15 percent over
households, representing more than 40,000
the preceding 12 months. Free general admission
individuals. Initiatives to attract new members
every day is, as always, a remarkable community
also have proved fruitful. Successful launches
benefit made possible by generous member and
of The Circle, a membership group created for
community support.
art enthusiasts ages 21 to 45, and the Director’s
What’s more, the museum’s Web site received
5 million visits from audiences near and far.
Circle, our highest-level support group, far
exceeded our expectations.
This figure has swelled in the past year as we’ve
Another new effort to engage young adults is
enhanced the site with compelling exhibition infor-
MIA Third Thursdays. Since January, this free
mation, greater interactive content, and dynamic
monthly evening event has attracted nearly
tools for searches, ticketing, and purchases.
7,000 visitors.
Membership remains strong, and we’re grateful
for every member’s generous support. As of June
• More than 140,000 people discovered the MIA
through tours led by highly trained volunteers
or through self-guided tours.
• 3,668 students took part in youth classes.
• 7,215 adult visitors attended adult classes,
The MIA plays a vital role in the arts education
of students statewide. As schools struggle with
reduced funding for the arts, we continue to
provide crucial arts experiences not offered by
any other resource.
• 73,756 K–12 students visited the museum,
chaperoned by 5,281 parents.
• 100,667 students were served by the museum’s
Art Adventure program in local schools, and
nearly 3,300 teachers and Art Adventure
volunteers received training.
The MIA’s reach now extends far beyond the
region, thanks to our educational Web initiatives.
ArtsConnectEd.org, produced in partnership
with Walker Art Center, attracted 2.3 million
visits last year—up more than 800,000 over the
year before. A free monthly online newsletter for
teachers, Teaching the Arts, also gives instructors ideas for using art in the classroom.
Another collaboration is Art in the Park, organized in partnership with the Minneapolis Park
and Recreation Board. Last year, this free
summer program attracted more than 4,300
young people, who engaged in art-making activities in the city’s parks.
Opposite page: Students from the Lincoln Adult Education
Center of Minneapolis take a free, self-guided tour of the MIA
collection, stopping at the Portrait of George Washington by
Thomas Sully, c. 1820.
Top: Hands-on workshops bring out the artist in everybody.
Bottom: Docent Patrick George leads ÒPicture PersonÓ training
for volunteers of the Art Adventure program, which brings art
into local schools.
symposia, lectures, and other museum events.
• 26,313 people participated in programs
designed for families—especially Family
Days, which remain among the museum’s
most successful and best-attended programs.
The museum’s tour guide programs—Collection in Focus, Art Adventure, and the Docent
program—train dedicated volunteers to illuminate the museum’s collections for visitors and
classroom students alike. Our programs rely
on the extraordinary gift of time and energy
devoted by, in 2006-7, 358 dedicated Museum
Guide Program volunteers, who contributed an
astonishing 10,000 hours of service.
And, as always, the museum offered an enticing
array of opportunities for the community to
connect with art. Family Days, classes, lectures,
seminars, hands-on activities, performances,
and other special events captivated audiences
throughout the year.
To a Vibrant Future Together
The MIA is on sure footing. Museum finances
• Collaborate with Twin Cities organizations
are sound, both for daily operations and for the
—including Walker Art Center and the
continued acquisition of significant works of art.
Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board—to
The galleries are filled with visitors engaged in
foster a greater understanding and enjoyment
understanding the world’s cultural heritage. And
of the visual arts.
our ability to expand the MIA’s educational
impact among increasingly diverse audiences
has never been better.
By year’s end, visitors and researchers will be
able to enjoy a new handbook of the permanent collection, the first publication produced
In the years ahead, we will continue to:
in years to highlight the exceptional strength
• Build and steward the collection for the long-
of the museum’s holdings. This volume will
term benefit of the community.
• Develop an exciting calendar of exhibitions of
all sizes, including major loan shows as well as
describe and reproduce more than 350 of the
finest and most important objects in the MIA’s
smaller, focused presentations of the perma-
We’ve got an exciting future, and we have you
nent collection.
—our members, supporters, partners, colleagues,
• Enhance our offerings of dynamic programs
and events that bring new insight to the MIA’s
world-class collections and exhibitions.
• Refine our interpretive strategies, maximizing
the quality and consistency of information
provided to those who come to the museum
or visit us online.
and friends—to thank for the privilege of
expanding our service to this remarkable
Opposite page: During a Family Day in May celebrating MotherÕs
Day and Tibetan culture, a visitor contemplates the Yamantanka
Mandala , made by Tibetan monks from the Gyuto Tantric
University in 1991.
Below: Museum-goers enjoy more opportunities to view art in
the newly expanded galleries.
Top, left: Bill Kiffmeyer, Target FoundationÕs Laysha Ward, and MIA Director and President William Griswold celebrate the opening of
ÒA Mirror of Nature: Nordic Landscape Painting 1840Ð1910.Ó
Top, right: Kevin OÕRiordan and Marissa McGuire, a member of The Circle Steering Committee, enjoy a Circle event at the MIA.
Middle, left: John and Ester Fesler at the opening for ÒA Mirror of Nature: Nordic Landscape Painting 1840Ð1910.Ó
Middle, right: Gordon Locksley (center) and Wayne Boeck (right) celebrate loans of contemporary art by Locksley and George T. Shea
with Elliot and Eloise Kaplan.
Bottom, left: DirectorÕs Circle members Beverly Grossman, Pat Jaffray, Sheila Morgan, and Barbara Longfellow on the groupÕs inaugural
trip to Dallas-Fort Worth.
Bottom, right: Al and Mary Agnes McQuinn (left) and Flo and Sandy Grieve at the opening of ÒA Mirror of Nature: Nordic Landscape
Painting 1840Ð1910.Ó
Through Donor Support and the Completion of the Capital Campaign
We are grateful to all of you who have committed this year to support so many
critical museum priorities: strengthening the museum’s operations, building its
world-class collection, and reaching, even surpassing, the $100 million goal for
the Bring Art to Life campaign—to date, the largest fund-raising campaign of any
cultural institution in Minnesota history.
The generosity of Minnesotans is legendary, and the reputation well earned. More
than 2,100 people contributed to the campaign, which was conceived and completed
without government funding. Moreover, we received 35 individual gifts of $1 million
or more, and Target Corporation alone gave more than $10 million. Together,
we raised $103.2 million to expand and renovate our building, and to fortify our
endowment for art acquisition. The outpouring of support was both historic and
humbling, and we thank you.
At the same time, some 23,500 individuals and families recognized the museum as
a community priority through their gifts and memberships, resulting in dynamic
growth in annual levels of commitment to the MIA. During fiscal year 2006–7,
contributed revenue, including special gifts and project grants, rose to $6.9 million,
an 11 percent increase over the prior year. Such investment sustains the MIA’s
daily operations, making possible the full range of activities described on the
previous pages.
We’re also pleased to acknowledge an additional $1.4 million in gifts of funds for
the purchase of art. Capping a record year, our endowment reached an all-time high
of $191.5 million on June 30, reflecting many generous gifts and a strong market
that delivered a 16.3 percent return.
For this and so much more, we extend our thanks to the museum’s members, and
also to corporate sponsors and foundation partners who have given unstintingly in
support of the MIA during the fiscal year.
We especially wish to acknowledge the citizens of Hennepin County through the
Park Museum Fund; the Minnesota State Arts Board, supported by an appropriation
by the Minnesota State Legislature and a grant from the National Endowment for
the Arts; and the Institute for Museum and Library Services.
It’s both a privilege and a pleasure for all of us at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts
to work with people who are passionate about art and dedicated to the work of
the museum.
To a robust future!
Joan Grathwol Olson
Director of Development
9 I @ E > 8 IK KF C @ = < :8 D G8 @ > E :F D D @ K D < E KJ
Target Corporation
The James Ford Bell Foundation
Anonymous (5)
Best Buy Children’s Foundation
3M Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. W. John Driscoll
Anchor Bancorp
C. Curtis Dunnavan
Martha and Bruce Atwater
Ford and Amy Bell
Sydney P. Anderson
Jay F. Ecklund
Ruth and Bruce Dayton
Jane and *Jim Emison
Carol Burton in memory of
M. Boyd Burton, Jr.
Betty and Marvin Borman
N. Bud and Beverly Grossman
Geren and Hap Fauth
The Bush Foundation
Blythe A. Brenden
The Cargill Foundation
Marney and Conley Brooks
Doug and Wendy Dayton
Sandra M. and David M. Brown
Dolly J. Fiterman
Sandra and Peter Butler
Alfred and Ingrid Lenz
*Miles and Shirley Fiterman and
the Miles and Shirley Fiterman
Charitable Foundation
Kim and Gloria Anderson
*Mr. Kenneth Barry
The Kresge Foundation
General Mills Foundation
Friends of the Institute
Nivin and *Duncan MacMillan
Pierson M. and Florence B.
Grieve Family Fund of
The Saint Paul Foundation
Penny and Bill George
Carmen and Jim Campbell of
the Campbell Foundation
Groves Foundation
Joan and Gary Capen
Leo and Doris Hodroff
The Herberger Foundation
Joanne and Benton Case, Jr.
Ruth and John Huss
Patricia and Benjamin Jaffray
Rusty and Burt Cohen
Mary Ingebrand-Pohlad
Elliot and Eloise Kaplan
Mrs. Thomas M. Crosby, Sr.
Dr. and Mrs. William E.
Barbara S. Longfellow
Edward Dayton Family Fund
Don and Diana Lee Lucker
Dorsey & Whitney LLP
Whitney and Betty MacMillan
The Manitou Fund in tribute to
Marjorie McNeely
Dr. James J. Duffey and
Maureen O. Duffey
Siri and Bob Marshall
Faegre & Benson LLP
The McKnight Foundation
Marguerite Streater McNally
Margene and David Fox
Sheila C. and John L. Morgan
The Medtronic Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Hadlai A. Hull
Carl and Eloise Pohlad Family
Robert and Carolyn Nelson
J.E. Dunn Northcentral, Inc.
Douglas and Mary Olson
Allen and Kathy Lenzmeier
Darwin and Geri Reedy
Linda and Lawrence Perlman
R.C. Lilly Foundation
U.S. Bancorp Foundation
David Lubben and
Nancy Kwam
Mary Ruth Weisel
Anonymous (2)
Susan and Edwin McCarthy
and Alexandra O. Bjorklund
Donna and Cargill MacMillan, Jr.
Mary Agnes and Alvin E.
Sit Investment Associates, Inc.
and Eugene C. and Gail V. Sit
Bob Ulrich and Jill Dahlin
Ted and Roberta Mann
Star Tribune Foundation
Wurtele Family Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
*Mr. Charles H. Bell
The Curtis L. Carlson Family
Mary Lee Dayton
Julia W. Dayton
Patricia and Peter Frechette
Leo Hodroff
Mary Livingston Griggs and
Mary Griggs Burke Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley H.
Murphy, Jr.
Kate Butler Peterson
Walter and Harriet Pratt
Douglas J. and Victoria
Galloway Holmen
Frances and George Reid
James A. Johnson and
Maxine Isaacs
Robins, Kaplan, Miller &
Ciresi L.L.P.
Constance and Daniel Kunin
John and Lois Rogers
Martin and Brown Foundation
The Burton G. Ross and
Cynthia Rosenblatt Ross
Fund of The Minneapolis
RBC Dain Rauscher
*Deceased as of June 30, 2007
William W. McGuire and
Nadine M. McGuire Family
Kevin and Polly Hart
Patricia and Samuel
Jane Emison
Walt McCarthy and Clara
Sharon and Bill Richardson
St. Paul Travelers Foundation
Clifford M. Roberts
Joan and Arthur Schulze
Anne Larsen Simonson
The Shared Fund
Wells Fargo Foundation
Dr. Richard L. Simmons
Margie and Woody Woodhouse
The Southways Foundation
Laurie and Michael Snow
Deborah A. Davenport and
Stewart R. Stender
Jerry and Kathie Grundhofer
Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund
of the HRK Foundation
*Alpha M. Gustafson
David and Randy Lebedoff
Dudley and Val McLinn
Martha B. Stimpson
Roger Hale and Nor Hall
Mary D. Keating
Strangis Family Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
John and Karen Himle and
Himle Horner, Inc.
Miriam and Erwin Kelen
Arline Lee
Glenda and Richard Struthers
Walter F. and Joan Mondale
Orville C. Hognander
Sue and Bob Macdonald
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon S. Sturgis
Hunt Greene and Jane Piccard
Kathleen A. Jones
Tom Morin and John Skogmo
Louisa H. Richardson
Chris and Jack Morrison
Securian Foundation
KPMG Foundation
Jane and John Morrison
Marcy and Bruce Shilling
Mary and Mac Lewis
Barry Murphy and
Rosemary Dunbar
Margot Siegel
Supervalu Foundation on
behalf of Supervalu Inc. and
Cub Foods
Thrivent Financial for
Joanne and Phil Von Blon
Phil Von Blon
*Henry R. Kinsell
Winston Lindberg and
Larey Lindberg Swanson
Jane and Thomas Nelson
Barbara Sill
Tennant Foundation
Marbrook Foundation
John and Shirley Nilsen
Lucy and Robert Mitchell
Jim and Linda Mitchell
Brian and Julia Palmer
Clinton and Mary Morrison
Michael and Gloria Plautz
National Endowment for the Arts
James and Jo Ann Nordlie
Ruth and David Waterbury
Catherine Webster in honor of
Martin M. Roessler
Tamrah Schaller O’Neil
Helen and J. Kimball Whitney
Wenger Foundation
Karl-Thomas Opem
Patricia C. Williams
Betsy and David Weyerhaeuser
Helen and Leo Wolk
The Wallin Foundation—
Maxine and Winston Wallin
Jeannine M. Rivet and
Warren G. Herreid, II
Frederick and Eleanor C.
Winston in honor of Ella P.
Irving and Marjorie Weiser
Patty and Barney Saunders
Charles and Julie Zelle
Mr. and Mrs. F.T. Weyerhaeuser
Emily Anne and Gedney Tuttle
*John R. and Renata Winsor
Jeffrey C. Meehan
*Jeanne E. Michener
*Raymond A. and Ruth A. Reister
John Sandbo and Jean Thomson
Helen S. Waldron
Fred and Alice Wall
Jack and Connie Wallinga
Dennis Albrecht
*Thyrza Tyrrel
Mary Ellen and Peter Alden
Mary W. Vaughan
Anonymous (2)
Jo and Gordon Bailey
Mike and Penny Winton
Mary and Gordon Aamoth
Mr. and Mrs. David
The Victor Foundation on behalf
of Linda and Robert Barrows
The Whitney Foundation
*Michael H. Baker
Steve and Linda Ahlers
Fred C. and Katherine B.
Andersen Foundation
Jo and Gordon Bailey
Craig Bentdahl and Stephanie
Simon in honor of Al and
Ingrid Lenz Harrison
*Ruth B. Anderson
Leslie Miller Altman
Walter and Jane Barry
James and Megan Dayton
Barbara Forster and Larry
Carole and Roger Frommelt
Bergren Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. K.J. Gardner
David and Shari Boehnen
Michael Boardman and
Kate Tabner
Bernard M. Granum
John E. Andrus III
Peter and Sally Anson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Bress
Mary Morse Cargill
Marilyn and Frank Beddor
Carolyn Foundation
Margaret P. Cost
Ron Hovda in honor of Agnes
A. Hovda
Darlene and Richard Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. David Crosby
Ms. Diane Robinson Hunt
Carol and Ray Bergeson
Myra Chazin
Lisa Dayton
Michael and Ann Birt
Tom and Phyllis Colwell
Joan Duddingston
Mary S. Bowman
Jeanne and Burt Corwin
*Mrs. Dorothy Fobes
David and Mary Maas
Mary J. and Bradley C.
Bowman II
John and Mary Lou Dasburg
John and Martha Gabbert
Jack and Cathy Farrell
Michael and Susan Burnett
Lisa A. Ferris
Goldner Family Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
John G. Ordway, III and
Marla B. Ordway
Mary and *Robyn Campbell
Norman Gabrick
Ann and David Heider
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Pflaum
Dave and Margaret Christenson
Linda and Jack Goldenberg
Elie and Bob Reid
Anne and Art Collins
Clark and Sima Griffith
Susan and Duane Hoff in
memory of Sandra J. Schulze
Patricia and Thomas Holloran
Susan S. Tasa
Hubbard Broadcasting
Archie D. and Bertha H. Walker
*Mrs. Judson Bemis, Sr.
Kay and Gerald Erickson
Rebecca and Ben Field
Richard and Beverly Fink
Kelly and Geoffrey Gage and
the Curtis L. Carlson Family
Gary L. Gliem
Tom and Pat Grossman in
loving celebration of Beverly
Andrew M. and
Carole T. Hunter
Liz and Van Hawn
Don and *Arlene Helgeson
*Frank E. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Howard
Emily and Charles M. Kelley
Aref and Barbara Jabr
*Paul and *Gisela Konopka
Jerry and Mary Jo Gruidl
Marilyn Kelly
*Ruth Kincaid
Julie and Don Morath
Joan T. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Webster
Mr. John Windhorst, Jr.
9 I @ E > 8 IK KF C @ = < :8 D G8 @ > E :F D D @ K D < E KJ
Carol Cook
David Cooley and
Catherine DeMars
Mrs. Edythe Abrahamson
Mrs. Marvel Anderson
Liz Anderson
Debbie Anderson
Betty Anderson
Mary and Robert Archer
Linnea L. and Jonathan P. Asp
Doodee Backstrom
Mr. and Mrs. George Bailey
Kay and George Balch
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Banks
Karen Barstad
Grant Beggs
Mick Benson and Jessie Harper
Amanda and James Birnstengel
Barbara Hamilton-Sustad and
Gary Sustad
David and Ann Louise Koppe
Mr. and Mrs. Jule Hannaford IV
Spencer Kubo and
Adele DellaTorre
Douglas and Ann E. Cooley
David and Miriam Hanson
Jim and Lorraine La Roy
Barry and Susan Cosens
John Harrer and Kate Ellis
Mary O’Neal Lambin
Todd and Kate Cravens
*Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Harris
Carole Landis
Joan B. Curtis
William and Barbara Harrison
Kathleen Dahl
William and Karen Harrison
Tim Larson and
Kathy O’Donnell
Linda and John Danielson
LeRoy and Doris Hart
Ms. Corinne Larson
Dr. Tom E. Davis
Ms. Betty J. Lassen
Lynne and Hans Dekker
Eileen Harwood and
Shelly Campbell
Susan and Paul DeNuccio
Joan and Donald Hawkinson
Carol Donahue
Dr. E. Sharon Hayenga
Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin
Sara and John Donaldson
Michael Henley and Randi
Sally and Ernest Lehmann
Sara and John Henich
Laurine Lewis
Lesley and Trevor Heron
Peggy and Richard Lidstad
David and Mary Doty
Mrs. Roberta M. Herrell
Mrs. Drake J. Lightner
Mary Carroll Linder
Mrs. Stan D. Donnelly
Ernest F. Dorn III and
Mary L. Dorn
Billie Lawton
Dr. Michael and Diane Levy
Ms. Michele Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hoeschen
Victor Bloomfield and
Elsa Shapiro
Gephard Durenberger and
Jeff Ducharme
Jerald and Cherie A. Holm
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Linder
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Horn
George and Rae Bly
David and Suzanne Edwardy
Dr. Patricia L. Hutinger
William and Patricia Bomash
Kent and Katherine Eklund
Gail Jackson
Helen E. and Daniel T. Lindsay
Family Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Brian and Marsha Borgeson
Ms. Barbara L. Eldridge
William Boulger
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne D. Ellison
Josie R. Johnson in memory of
Patrice R. Johnson
Linda G. and George L. Bounds
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Erickson
Ms. Leslie A. Johnson
Jim and Leanne Erickson
Dr. and Mrs. O. Guy Johnson
Mrs. Sheldon V. Brooks
Kim Erwin
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johnson
Don and Jan Bruns
Tom and Amanda Falloon
Margel and Douglas Johnson
Barbara and Michael Byrne
Mary Ann and Bill Fellman
Dian Joralmon and Allen Tighe
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Cafarelli
Raymond and Linda Ferris
Dr. Charles R. Jorgensen
Mr. Edward J. Callahan, Jr.
Gary and JoAnn Fink
Joann Jundt
Maria Calvo and
Steve Rosenstone
Gerald Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kanne
Dr. and Mrs. Martin Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. E. Jerome Carlson
Bill and Katherine Fox
Michael Karn
Joanne C. Carlson
Jeannine McCormick and
Stanley Trollip
Barbara A. Fritz
Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas Karolides
Scott Carlson and
Susan Engebretson
Jane Austin McGrath
Gene and Catherine Gaines
Virginia Kass
Ms. Lorna E. McMillan
Marjorie Carol and
Nancy Walker
Susan and David Gaither
Mary and Alan Merrick
Greta and Robert Gauthier
Steven Kelley and
Arla Carmichiel
Judy and James Gaviser
Daniel and Mary Jo Kelly
John Michel and
H. Berit Midelfort
Patricia and Daniel Gerhan
Denise Kettelberger and
Clarence Smith
Marlene Miller
Wendy and Karl Blomseth
*Mary Stewart Brink
Jerry and Mitzi Carroll
David and Mary Choate
Bernadette Christiansen
Nancy Gisvold
Kay Fredericks Cisek and
Richard Cisek
Gary and Pat Good
Jon Grady
Edith R. Clark
Jim Grantman
Haines Clausen and
Barbara Duncan
Olive C. Grose
Ed and Cheryle Clausman
Audrey Grote
Prof. and Mrs. Roger Clemence
Brian Guidera
Michele Cohn and
Edward Cassidy
Kathryn Klibanoff and
Jeremy Pierotti
Carrie Gutbrod-Herrera and
José Herrera
Mr. John Kluznik
Mrs. Mary Sue Comfort
Earl Gutnik
Jane and O.W. Confer
Jerold and Kathleen Hahn
Philip and Virginia Kilpatrick
Mrs. Janet L. Kilton
Marla Kinney and Jeff Kelley
Andy and Jenn Kiorpes
*John Harold Kittleson
Erwin and Arlis Grossman
Karen Kletter
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Conkey
*Deceased as of June 30, 2007
Bruce Little and Cheryl
Margaret Lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Longlet
Nancy-Dell Lund
Lisa and Peter MacDonagh
Mr. and Mrs. Don Mains
David Maitland
Ms. Marcia Marshall
Jerry Martin
Maureen and Jerry McCarter
Debbie and Tom Minneman
Randall and Melanie Minobe
Mr. James R. Moore
Mr. Morey Mueller
Rita and Tim Mulcahy
James and Melissa Murphy
Maurice NcNeil and
Carmen Forcier
Mark Nelson
Elisa and Scott Knudson
Karen Nimchik and
Tariq Samad
Gary H. Knutson
Laura and Kurt Nisi
John S. and Jean Kolles
Moe and Lois Nozari
Robert and Teresa Oden
Susan Spray and Edward Lee
Stephen Oesterle
Karl Starr and
Christopher Haug
John and Cynthia O’Halloran
Susan O’Kasick and
Jessi Erickson
Ray Stawarz
Eldon and Valerie Oldre
Dr. and Mrs. Jolyon A. Stein
Ms. Mary A. Olsen
Michael Steinberg and
Jorja Fleezanis
Joan Grathwol Olson and
Stephen Olson
Kathleen Steiger
Mary Agnes and Al McQuinn
Medtronic Gallery
Robert and Carolyn Nelson
Douglas and Mary Olson
Linda and Lawrence Perlman
Dr. Scott and Carol Strand
Jim and D’Arcy Secord
Michelle Streitz
Karyn Penn
Robert Striker and Patrice Tetta
Lois Steer and Larry Peterson
Michael L. Summerfield
James Ford Bell Foundation
Otis Elevator presented in
memory of Burton G. Ross
by Cynthia Rosenblatt Ross
Kathleen Pfleghaar and
Patrick Sullivan
John and Sandra Sutter
3M Gallery
The Sit Galleries
George and Julia Sutton
Star Tribune Atrium
Ann and Felix Phillips
Voni and Dale Swenson
Carlson Family Foundation
Educational Classroom
Norma B. Pierson
Mr. and Mrs. James Swenson
Louise Benz Plank
Beverly and Edwin Thiede
Sally Boyd Polk
John and Anne Polta
Dr. Robert D. and
Marilyn Thompson
Marian Rae Porter
Julie Timm
Sam and Ms. Bette-Rae Preus
Edward and Janet Toomey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Price
Ricardo and Donni Torres
Mary and George Raymond
Frank and Carol Trestman
Mrs. Patricia Ringer
Cindy and Michael Triggs
Edis and Laurence Risser
John and Nina Tuttle
Elizabeth M. Ritman
Jane and Gary L. Tygesson
Dorothy Robb
Tom Van Housen
Darla Robeck
Kris and Bill Veeneman
Mr. and Mrs. J. Rogoff
Mr. Carston R. Wagner
Dave Rompa and Willie Grant
Ms. Nancy Walton
Sara Rouner
Dr. James Walton
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Ryan
Catherine Sallas
Dr. Robert and
Mrs. Barbara Warner
Ms. Julie Sanders
Marcus Waterbury
William and Barbara Harrison
Mary Schaffner and Robert Lee
Mr. Howard Weisskopf
Leo and Doris Hodroff Gallery
Libby and Paul Scheele
Ann E. Wendel
John and Ruth Huss Gallery
Allan and Deborah Schneider
Elizabeth Wexler
Mary Ingebrand-Pohlad Gallery
William Seely
Ellen and Greg Weyandt
Howard and Millie Segal
Mr. and Mrs. John Whaley
Patricia Dorn Jaffray and
Benjamin Jaffray Gallery
Ms. Miriam A. Seim
John and Sandra White
Winton Jones Gallery
Susan and Jackson Sell
Debra and John M. Wilkinson
Jean Shaw
Mary Williams
Don and Diana Lee Lucker
Daniel W. Shogren
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wilson
Elizabeth Short and
Kirkland Cozine
Rosemary Wislofsky
Heather and Chris Worthington
Cargill and Donna MacMillan
Galina Shteyman
Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Wyatt, Jr.
Ted and Roberta Mann Gallery
Laura Silver and Jeff Hertzberg
Mrs. Jean M. Wylie
Siri and Bob Marshall Gallery
Scott and Yin Simpson
Ms. Toni Yeamans
Mr. Ommund Skaar
Samuel D. and Patricia N.
McCullough Gallery
Vanessa Smith
Gloria Smith
Frank J. Sorauf
Douglas and Wendy Dayton
C. Curtis Dunnavan Gallery
Darwin and Geri Reedy Gallery
Target Special Exhibition
U.S. Bank Atrium
Jay F. Ecklund Gallery
Bob Ulrich and Jill Dahlin
Jane and James Emison Gallery
Wells Fargo Galleries
Geren and J. Hap Fauth Gallery
Miles and Shirley Fiterman
Dolly Fiterman Gallery
Friends Community Room
Bill and Penny George Gallery
Pierson MacDonald and
Florence Brogan Grieve
Mary Griggs Burke Galleries of
Japanese Art
Carolyn and Franklin Groves
and Groves Foundation
Grand Salon
Whitney and Elizabeth
MacMillan Gallery
Mary Olson
Curtis Dunnavan
Marguerite Streater McNally
The McNeely Family in tribute
to Marjorie McNeely
Louise and Curtis Speller
Marguerite Streater McNally
9 I @ E > 8 IK KF C @ = < :8 D G8 @ > E :F D D @ K D < E KJ
Anonymous (5)
Ruth B. Anderson Memorial
Endowment for Asian Art
David and Margaret
Christenson Endowment for
Art Acquisition
Hadlai and Anne Hull
Endowment for Art
Mary Agnes and Alvin E.
McQuinn Endowment for
Decorative Arts
Dandelion Endowment for
John and Ruth Huss Fund for
Decorative Arts
Friends of Bruce Dayton
Art Acquisition Fund
Susan Jacobsen Endowment for
Art Acquisition
Sheila C. and John L. Morgan
Endowment for Art
William C. Dietrich Endowment
for Nineteenth Century
Winton Jones Endowment Fund
for Prints and Drawings
Eloise and Elliot Kaplan
Endowment for Judaica
Driscoll Art Accessions
Endowment Fund
Shirley Mahowald and Henry
Kinsell Endowment for Art
Marilyn and Frank Beddor
Endowment for Asian Art
James and Maureen Duffey
Endowment for Prints and
Ford and Amy Bell Endowment
Fund for Decorative Arts
C. Curtis Dunnavan
Endowment for Asian Art
Allen and Kathy Lenzmeier
Endowment for Art
James Ford Bell Foundation
Endowment for Art
Jane and James Emison
Endowment for Native
American Art
Mary and Mac Lewis
Endowment for Art
Michael Bennes Endowment for
Art Acquisition
Jane and James Emison
Endowment for South Asian
and Indian Art
Larey E. Lindberg and Larey
Swanson Endowment for
Art Acquisition
Rebecca and Ben Field
Endowment for Art
Barbara S. Longfellow Fund for
Works on Paper
Marilyn C. Benson Endowment
for Art Acquisition
Carol and Ray Bergeson
Endowment for Art
Michael and Ann Birt
Endowment for Art
Mary S. Bowman Endowment
for Art Acquisition
Blythe A. Brenden Endowment
for Art Acquisition
David and Sandra Brown
Endowment for Paintings
Mary Griggs Burke Endowment
for Art Acquisition
Michael and Susan Burnett
Endowment for Art
Carol and M. Boyd Burton
Mary and Robyn Campbell
Fund for Art Books
Joan and Gary Capen
Endowment for Art
Barbara S. Longfellow Fund for
Twentieth Century Paintings
and Sculpture
Richard and Beverly Fink
Endowment for Art
William and Harriet Ludwick
Endowment for Western Art
Patricia and Peter Frechette
Endowment for Art
The Manitou Fund in Tribute to
Marjorie McNeely
Norman Gabrick Endowment
for African Art
Ted and Roberta Mann
Foundation Endowment Fund
Kelly and Geoffrey Gage
Endowment for Art
Siri and Bob Marshall
Endowment for American
Gary L. Gliem Endowment for
Japanese Art
Martin and Brown Endowment
Bernard and Fern Granum Fund
for Art Purchase
Walter McCarthy and Clara
Ueland Endowment for
Beverly Grossman Endowment
for Art Acquisition
Samuel and Patricia
McCullough Endowment
for American Furniture and
Folk Art
Hognander Family Endowment
for Scandinavian Art
Douglas J. and Victoria
Galloway Holmen
Endowment Fund
Sheila C. Morgan
*Deceased as of June 30, 2007
º Donor for ten consecutive years or more
James and Jo Ann Nordlie
Endowment for Art
Karl-Thomas Opem
Endowment for Art
Linda and Lawrence Perlman
Photography Endowment
Plautz Family Endowment
Mary Ingebrand-Pohlad
Endowment for Twentieth
Century Paintings
Raymond and Ruth Reister
Endowment for Art
Sharon and Bill Richardson
Endowment for Art
Suzanne S. Roberts Endowment
for Asian Art
The Shared Fund
Simmons Family Endowment
for Textiles
Deborah Davenport and
Stewart Stender Endowment
for American Folk Art
Glenda and Richard Struthers
Endowment for Art
David and Ruth Waterbury
Endowment for
Contemporary Craft
Mary Ruth Weisel Endowment
for Africa, Oceania and
The Americas
John R. and Renata Winsor
Endowment for Art
Margie and Milton Woodhouse
Endowment for Art Acquisition
Marguerite S. McNally
Endowment for Art
Joe Hognander
Sharon Richardson
Gary Capen
; @ I <:KF I ËJ : @ I : C <
N\ i\Zf^e`q\ n`k_
Pete and Margie Ankeny°
Susan and Richard Anderson°
Linda and Steve Ahlers°
^iXk`kl[\ k_\ ]fccfn`e^
Sandra and Peter Butler°
Martha and Bruce Atwater°
Marilyn and Frank Beddor
`eXl^liXc d\dY\ij f]
Mrs. Wallace C. Dayton°
Jay F. Ecklund°
Martha M. Bennett°
k_\ ;`i\ZkfiËj :`iZc\#
Jane Emison°
Blythe Brenden
n_fj\ XeelXc jlggfik
Dolly J. Fiterman°
Mr. Kevin Ingram Hart and
Mrs. Polly Dix Hart
i\gi\j\ekj k_\ _`^_\jk
Kathy and Al Lenzmeier°
Susan S. and Duane D. Hoff
Richard and Theresa Davis
c\m\c f] Zfdd`kd\ek kf
Ruth and John Huss°
David and Vanessa Dayton°
k_\ d`jj`fe f] k_\ D@8%
Dr. and Mrs. William E.
Mary Ingebrand-Pohlad°
Elisabeth J. Dayton°
Mary Agnes and Al McQuinn°
Nivin and *Duncan
Eric Dayton
Darwin and Geri Reedy°
Whitney and Elizabeth
Julia W. Dayton°
Ruth and Bruce Dayton°
N. Bud and Beverly Grossman
Alfred and Ingrid Lenz Harrison°
Susan and James R. Cargill II°
Elizabeth and W. John Driscoll°
Ted and Roberta Mann
C. Curtis Dunnavan°
Sheila and John Morgan°
Miles and Shirley Fiterman
Charitable Foundation°
Beverly and Richard Fink°
Mr. and Mrs. C. Angus Wurtele°
David and Margene B. Fox°
Bob Ulrich and Jill Dahlin°
Berit and Michael Francis
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Frechette°
Geoffrey and Kelly Gage
John and Karen Himle°
Patricia and Benjamin Jaffray°
Myron and Anita Kunin°
The Larsen Fund°
R. C. Lilly Foundation°
Barbara S. Longfellow°
Cargill and Donna MacMillan°
Siri and Bob Marshall°
Samuel and Patricia McCullough°
William W. McGuire and
Nadine M. McGuire Family
Barry Murphy and
Rosemary Dunbar°
Marilyn and Glen Nelson°
Katherine D. and
Stuart A. Nielsen°
Dr. and Mrs. Moe. S. Nozari
Douglas and Mary Olson°
Steve and
Tamrah Schaller O’Neil°
Linda Peterson Perlman and
Lawrence Perlman°
John and Lois Rogers°
Gene and Gail Sit°
Roger J. and Michele M. Sit
Laurie and Michael Snow°
Martha B. Stimpson°
Strangis Family Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation°
Ingrid Lenz Harrison
*Deceased as of June 30, 2007
º Donor for ten consecutive years or more
Dar Reedy
Martha M. Bennett
Ellen Wells°
Alan and Leanne Zeppa
>@=KJF=8IK 8E;=LE;J=FI
Mr. Clifford M. Roberts, Jr.
James Henkel
Katherine Weeks Middlecamp
Anne Pierce Rogers
Peter and Sally Herfurth
David M. Miller
Daniel and Jacqueline
Sahco Hesslein
William and Fern Miller
Mary Abbe Hintz
Maurice Milsten
Fred and Virginia Scheel
Douglas and Victoria Galloway
Christopher Monkhouse
Dr. Richard L. Simmons and
Dr. Rosa Lynn Pinkus
Steven Sorman
Frank Altman and Leslie Miller
Vicki L. Berg
Terrence D. Curley
John Bradford Davis Family
Sheila and John Morgan
Karin Muchemore
Kenji Nakahashi
Bob Ulrich and Jill Dahlin
Lance Neckar and Carole Zellie
Walker Art Center
Connie S. Nelson
Kathleen and William F.
Wanner, Jr.
Jane and Thomas Nelson
John and Shirley Nilsen
Martin and Lora Weinstein
Mr. and *Mrs. James T. Wyman
Victoria Holmen
J.S. Nordlie Bay View
Investments, Inc.
Anonymous (2)
Jonathan Holstein
Jennifer Komar Olivarez and
Enrique Olivarez, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R.
Charles J. Hudgins
Douglas and Mary Olson
C. Curtis Dunnavan
Tom and Dee Dee Hull
Karl-Thomas Opem
Jack and Kay Dunne
John and Kay Alsip
Ruth and John Huss
Lynelle Osgood
*Mrs. Eunice L. Dwan
Aref and Barbara Jabr
Timothy and Regan Palmer
Austen Erickson
Ameriprise Financial
Emily and George R.A. Johnson
Robert and Rebecca Patient
Friends of the Institute
Jon and Linnea Asp
Tim and Jane Johnson
Stephen and Linnea Peterson
The Greystone Foundation
Patricia Beaver
Kathleen Jones
Carolyn T. Groves
R. J. Beckel and S.D. Lyle
Mamta Kapoor
The Jay and Rose Phillips
Family Foundation
Alfred and Ingrid Lenz
Antay S. Bilgutay
Helen Kelley
Marilyn Bockley
Dr. Evelyn Payne Hatcher
Ann Kenefick
Charlotte Bonniwell
The Hawthorne Advised Fund
of The Saint Paul Foundation
Roger G. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley C.
Bowman II
Ronald Kinney Foundation
Mary Hunt Kahlenberg and
Robert T. Coffland
Barbara and *Edwin Braman
Ruth and Bruce Dayton
Decorative Arts Curatorial
Eloise and Elliot Kaplan
Virginia F. Kremen
Peggy and Leonard Lindborg
Paul and Julie Kollitz
Ted Kotsonas
Pam Brennan
Virginia Kremen
Phillip and Judith Brothman
Agatha Kretzman
Mona Burns
Jean and Charles V. Krogness
Sally Boyd Polk
Elizabeth Powers
Walter and Harriet Pratt
Donald B. and Shirley Ramstad
Charley and Peg Rich
Norton and Bert Rockler
Michael and Tamara Root
Andrew and Kathleen Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Kei Kubo
Roxanne Shanedling and
*Stanley Shanedling
Sue Canterbury
Anita Kunin Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Larry E. Simon
Frederick R. McBrien III
Jennifer Carlquist and Chad
Koichiro Kurita
Mary Agnes & Al McQuinn
Darlene J. and Richard P. Carroll
Dr. Michael B. Miller
Mark and Reiko Clark
Dr. Alfred Moir
Anne Grinager Colby
Muschenheim Family
Alan and Dena Naylor
Janis Conner and Joel
Paintings Curatorial Council
Gloria Curran
Wayne R. Lazorik
Family of Esther Parada
Julia W. Dayton
John and Susan Lentz
David and Mary Parker
Ms. Laura DeBiaso
Diane and Michael Levy
Print and Drawing Curatorial
Cy and Paula DeCosse
C.M. and Mary Lewis
Deluxe Corporation Foundation
Kathleen Lewis
Darwin and Geri Reedy
Cathers and Dembrosky
Mrs. Drake J. Lightner
Alice and Fred Wall Family
The Regis Foundation
Richard and Barbara Edin
Mike Lynch
Michael Warrick
Dolly J. Fiterman
Jim Marshall
Ruth and David Waterbury
Gus Foster
Frank Edgerton Martin
Paul and Corine Wegener
Gayle Fuguitt and Thomas Veitch
Gail Martin
Wells Fargo Bank, Minnesota
Edith and Norman Garmezy
Jennifer L. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Kazushige Yabashi
Mrs. Dorothy Geis
Susan and Edwin McCarthy
Toshi Yoshida Family
Kathryn Glessing
Samuel and Patricia McCullough
Michael Ziomko
Gary L. Gliem
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W.
Don and Diana Lee Lucker
Siri and Bob Marshall
Jane and Arthur Mason
Carol Burton
Plaza Antiques
Sandra and Peter Butler
Ka-Yin Kwok
Roberta Laird
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Lannan
Dr. and Mrs. James Lawton
Sally and Ernie Lehmann
Guido Goldman
Myron Kunin
The Regis Foundation
Julia Meech
N. Bud and Beverly Grossman
Fran Megarry
MIA Docents
Dr. E. Sharon Hayenga
*Deceased as of June 30, 2007
º Donor for ten consecutive years or more
Scott and Patricia Simpson
Margaret and Eugene Skibbe
Constance Sommers
Dr. Donald and Mrs. Sue Spicer
Deb Davenport and Stew Stender
Glenda and Richard Struthers
Greta Stryker
Antoine Terrasse
Frances W. Tobian
Twin Cities Heart & Lung, P.A.
Walter W. Walker
Hammel Green and
Abrahamson, Inc.
Fred C. and Katherine B.
Andersen Foundation
American Security Corporation,
The Betsy Johnston Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
The James Ford Bell Foundation
Dorsey & Whitney Foundation°
Elmer L. and Eleanor J.
Andersen Foundation°
Midwest Sign & Screen Printing
Faegre & Benson Foundation°
Berkley Risk Administrators
NCS Pearson
B. C. Gamble and P. W. Skogmo
Fund of The Minneapolis
Best & Flanagan, L.L.P.
Piccadilly Valet, Inc.
The Curtis L. Carlson Family
Red Wing Shoes Company
Haworth Marketing & Media
D’Amico and Partners
St. Croix Foundation°
Dellwood Foundation, Inc.
J. E. Dunn Northcentral, Inc.°
Schall, Lyman & Company
Deloitte & Touche L.L.P.
Summit Brewing Company°
Dolphin Staffing
The Pentair Foundation
UMI Company, Inc.
Ernst & Young L.L.P.°
Carl and Eloise Pohlad Family
Fair Oaks Apartments
Archie D. and Bertha H. Walker
Robins, Kaplan, Miller &
Ciresi L.L.P.°
First Commercial Bank
Faribault Foods
The Fredrikson & Byron
Room & Board
RSP Architects Ltd.
Gray Plant Mooty Foundation°
The Southways Foundation°
Interdyn-Business Microvar, Inc.
Supervalu Foundation on
behalf of Supervalu Inc.
and Cub Foods°
Leonard, Street and Deinard°
Little & Company
TCF Bank°
Macy’s North
Thrivent Financial for
Lutherans Foundation°
Malt-O-Meal Company
Maslon Edelman Borman &
Marshall BankFirst
The Valspar Foundation
Grace B. Wells Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
The Mendon F. Schutt
Foundation of the
Minneapolis Foundation
Michaud Cooley Erickson°
3M Foundation°
Alice M. O’Brien Foundation
Frey Foundation
Onan Family Foundation°
G & K Services, Inc.°
Patterson Dental
RBC Dain Rauscher Foundation°
Paulson Family Foundation
Wenger Foundation°
Elizabeth C. Quinlan Foundation°
Ameriprise Financial Foundation°
Cargill Foundation°
Friends of the Institute
R. Chase Financial
Margaret Rivers Fund°
Rosemount, Inc.°
The Medtronic Foundation°
Northwest Airlines, Inc.°
Andersen Corporate Foundation
Schwegman, Lundberg,
Woessner and Kluth, P.A.
Star Tribune Foundation°
Burlington Northern Santa Fe
Sebesta Blomberg and
Associates, Inc.°
C. H. Robinson Company°
SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
Harris Companies°
Tennant Foundation°
Lindquist & Vennum P.L.L.P.
The Toro Company°
Mansfield, Tanick, & Cohen P.A.
Walter G. Anderson, Inc.
Patrick and Aimee Butler
Family Foundation°
Marbrook Foundation°
Western Petroleum Company
Deluxe Corporation Foundation°
Peregrine Capital
Management, Inc.
U.S. Bancorp Foundation°
Travelers Foundation°
Wells Fargo Foundation
Minnesota on behalf of
Lowry Hill, Wells Fargo
Bank Minnesota, Wells
Fargo Brokerage Services,
Wells Fargo Institutional
Investments, and Wells Fargo
Private Client Services°
Mayo Clinic°
Hiawatha Lumber Company°
Zelle, Hofmann, Voelbel,
Mason & Gette
American Engineering
Testing, Inc.
Aspen Waste Systems, Inc.
Brock White Company°
Après Party and Tent Rental°
Barry and Sewall Industrial
Supply Company°
Aaron Carlson Corporation
Christos Greek Restaurant
Crown Ironworks
Elliott Contracting Corp.
Fast Print, Inc.°
General Casualty
Liberty Diversified Industries°
McLaughlin Gormley King Co.
Minnesota Monthly
Padilla Speer Beardsley
The Singer Family Foundation
Smith Foundry Company
Twin City Fan Companies, Ltd.
Cobb, Strecker, Dunphy and
Zimmerman, Incorporated°
Crystal Lake Automotive Inc.
Lyman Lumber Company
Rahr Foundation°
Mars Company
Securian Foundation°
Rupp Industries, Inc./Temp-Air°
U.S. Trust Company
Access Financial Services, Inc.
William Beson Interior Design°
Damon Farber Associates
Federated Insurance Companies°
Xcel Energy Foundation°
Steinwall, Inc.°
Twin City Hardware
Robert W. and Carolyn Nelson
Herman J. Birnberg°
Roger and Violet Noreen
Charitable Trust
Michael and Ann Birt°
Best Buy Children’s Foundation
Design Guys
Dorsey & Whitney Foundation
Alfred and Ingrid Lenz Harrison
Hognander Family Endowment
for Scandinavian Art
Institute of Museum and
Library Services
Jerome Foundation
Anonymous (2)
Piper Jaffray
John and Catherine Agee°
Robins, Kaplan, Miller &
Ciresi L.L.P.
Brad and Janet Anderson°
Jack A. and Aviva Robinson
Fund of the Community
Foundaton for Southeastern
Mr. John E. Andrus the III°
Fred and Virginia Scheel
Donna and Warren Beck°
Mimi and David Sanders
The Melvin R. Seiden Fund
of the Fidelity Charitable
Gift Fund
Ford and Amy Bell
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Sherman
Nancy and John Burbidge
Family Fund of The
Minneapolis Foundation
David and Shari Boehnen°
Fred and Alice Wall
Linda and Tim Burkett
Betty and Marvin Borman°
Sit Investment Associates
Mrs. Frederick O. Watson
Carol Burton°
Mr. and Mrs. Conley Brooks, Sr.°
Mary Ruth Weisel°
Rodney and Barbara Burwell
Kathy and Tim Burns
Marjorie and Irving Weiser°
Ellen Butler
Daniel and Christine Buss
David A. Wilson and
Michael J. Peterman
Barbara Byrne
Ted and Roberta Mann
Thrivent Financial for
Lutherans Foundation
Donald G. and Beverly J. Oren
Charitable Gift Fund of
the Fidelity Investments
Charitable Gift Fund
Carolyne Bisson and
Richard R. Miller°
Olivia Haines Blackburn°
Charles and Sandra Blackman
Sue Ann Pirsch
Philip and Linda Boelter
Mrs. Patricia Ringer°
Susan and Rod Boren°
Jeannine M. Rivet and
Warren G. Herreid II°
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley C.
Bowman II°
Jeff and Kim Rugel
Kimberly J. Bowman
Carole and Norlin Boyum
G. M. Bradley°
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bress°
Arnold and Judith Brier
Lucile Adams Brink°
Mrs. William R. Anderson, Jr.°
Delores W. Brooks
Sandra M. and David M. Brown°
Richard G. and
Mary Lyn Ballantine°
Kim Rugel
Robert and Gail Buuck, Buuck
Family Foundation°
Virley and Forrest Brown°
Joan and Gary Capen°
Catherine R. Carlsen
John and *Susan Camp°
Jane Carlson and Chuck Madhav°
Joanne Carlson°
Ann C. and Michael V. Ciresi
Anonymous (6)
Rusty and Burt Cohen°
Mary and Gordon Aamoth°
Walter and Elsa Carpenter
Family Fund of The
Minneapolis Foundation°
Julie Corty and Richard Erickson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Adams°
Darlene J. and Richard P. Carroll°
John and Mary Lou Dasburg°
Adrian and Sally Almquist°
Joanne and Benton Case, Jr.°
Deb Davenport and Stew Stender
Frank and Leslie Altman
Helen L. Cashman°
Arlene and John Dayton°
Myra Chazin°
Best Buy
Bob and Joanie Dayton°
Julianne Amendola and
Dan Jensen
Briggs and Morgan, P.A.
Wendy and Douglas Dayton°
Lucille and Bob Amis°
Dr. John I. Coe°
Carol Burton
Pat and Lisa Denzer
Art and Anne Collins°
Bruce Dayton and Eric Dayton
Mr. Harry M. Drake°
William and Suzanne
Jane Emison
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hap Fauth°
General Mills Foundation
Penny and Bill George
Lakewood Cemetery
Pierson M. and Florence B.
Grieve Family Fund of
The Saint Paul Foundation°
U.S. Trust Company
Carmen and Jim Campbell°
Dr. John C. Weber
Nicky and Tom Carpenter°
Kathy and Allen Lenzmeier
Sheila Morgan
Mary and Douglas Olson
Glenda Struthers
Elizabeth A. Anderlik°
Sarah J. Andersen and
Christopher A. Hayner°
Clifford and Nancy Anderson
Tom and Phyllis Colwell°
Ed and Joann Conlin
Kristen Copham
Dr. James E. and Gisela Corbett
Peter and Sally Anson°
Susan and Lloyd Armstrong°
Robert and Kim Griffin
Daniel Avchen
Jennifer Gross and Jerry LeFevre
Fern Badzin°
Sue and Bill Hodder Family
Fund of The Minneapolis
Jo and Gordon Bailey°
Kent and Maria Bales
Leonard and Mary Lou Hoeft°
Gretchen and Mark Banks
Elliot and Eloise Kaplan Family
Fund of The Minneapolis
Walter and Jane Barry°
Gisela Corbett
Edward R. Bazinet Foundation°
B. John and Sarah Lindahl, Jr.
Don and Diana Lee Lucker
Dusty and George Mairs°
Jane and John Morrison°
*Deceased as of June 30, 2007
º Donor for ten consecutive years or more
Helen Cleveland°
Sue A. Bennett°
Judith and Richard Corson°
Marilyn C. Benson°
Jeanne and Burt Corwin°
Larry and Barbara Bentson
Mr. and Mrs. David Crosby
Nathan and Theresa Berman
Family Philanthropic Fund°
Mrs. Thomas M. Crosby, Sr.°
Tom and Ellie Crosby, Jr.°
Dr. James H. Cupery
and Mr. John Wittgraf
Jim and Mary Gilbert
Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund
of the HRK Foundation°
Donna C. McRoberts
Barbara M. Kaerwerº
David Mealman
Jeffrey C. Meehan
Linda and Jack Goldenberg°
Sam and Sylvia Kaplan Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation°
Barbara and Mike Goldner°
Dr. Markle Karlen°
Susan Ginder
Dr. Stanley M. and
Luella G. Goldberg°
*Mrs. Stephen F. Keating°
Michael and Elizabeth Gorman
John Wittgraf
Kenneth and
Betty Jayne Dahlberg°
Merrie and David Dahlgren°
Bonnie and James D’Aquila
M. D. and Mary McVay°
Drs. Mary and Joseph Meland
Mary and Bob Mersky°
William F. Messerli
Christine Gasparovich and
Brian Gould
Glenn and Laurel Keitel
Margot and Paul Grangaard
Emily and Charles Kelley
Lee R. Mitau and
Karin J. Birkeland°
David A. Gutzke and
Jeanette Colby
Thomas and Janice Kelley
Charitable Fund
Charles and Nancy Mitchell
Rehael Fund—Roger L. Hale
and Eleanor L. Hall Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation°
Warren and Patty Kelly°
Miriam and Erwin Kelen°
Gary H. Knutson
Beth Koepke
Marlene and Marshall Miller°
Jim and Linda Mitchell°
Lucy and Robert Mitchell°
Leni and David Moore, Jr.
Mrs. Julius E. Davis°
Rosalie Heffelfinger Hall
Fund of The Minneapolis
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Dayton
Betsy and Jule Hannaford
Skip and Sarah Krawczyk
Adrienne and
Truxtun Morrison
Edward and Sherry Ann Dayton°
Bev and Hal Harris°
Jean and Charles V. Krogness°
Angus T. Morrison°
Mary H. Dayton
Liz and Van Hawn°
Mr. and Mrs. Tonu Lang°
Clinton and Mary K. Morrison°
Megan and James Dayton
Ann and David Heider°
Mr. and Mrs. Neil N. Lapidus
Cy and Paula DeCosse Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation°
Don Helgeson°
David and Randy Lebedoff°
Oak Grove Foundation—
John L. Morrison°
HenPhil Foundation
LeJeune Family Foundation°
Sally A. Mullen
Dr. and Mrs. Francis Denis
John and Diane Herman°
Harry and Sandra Lerner
William E. and Chouhei Mullin
Charles M. Denny, Jr. and
Carol E. Denny Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation°
Mrs. Helen M. Hocker°
Dorothy and Morris G. Levy
Charitable Fund°
Kathy Murphy and
Norman Rickeman
C. M. and Mary Lewis°
Nicolai and Ronald Lewis°
Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley H.
Murphy, Jr.°
Ward B. and Susan E. Lewis°
Elizabeth B. Myers°
Sheila and Stephen Lieberman
Alan and Dena Naylor°
Peggy Liemandt
Timothy J. Naylor and
Laura C. MacLennan
Dr. and Mrs. John B. Davis, Jr.°
William and Janice Dircks
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Dixon°
Rod and Linda Dolan
Carol Donahue°
Mike and Kathy Dougherty
Drs. Laurel Krause and
Ross Collins°
Diane and Tony Hofstede°
Orville C. Hognander°
Patricia and Thomas Holloran°
Douglas and Victoria Holmen
John and
Jean McGough Holten°
The Janice Sarah Hope
Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Betty Jeanne Lillehei°
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Driscoll
Joan R. Duddingston°
Emily and Brandon Hopkins
Bob and Lisa Erickson°
Ken and Linda Hopkins
Kristine S. and
Ronald A. Erickson°
Dorothy J. Horns, M.D., and
James P. Richardson°
John and Nancy Lindahl Family
Fund of The Minneapolis
Sheryl and David Evelo°
Bill and Kathy Farley°
Jack and Cathy Farrell
Dr. John C. and Searcy T. Lillehei°
Thomas M. Morin and
John G. Skogmo
Connie S. Nelson°
Jane and Thomas Nelson°
Patricia J. Nelson°
Christie and Win Neuger°
Lois Kay Litin
Sheryl and Steve Newman
Ron Hovda
M. A. and Karen F. Lund
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Nichols°
James and Ann Howard Family
Fund of The Minneapolis
Neilan B. and Judy Lund°
John and Shirley Nilsen°
Susan and Jeff Lundgren°
Jenny Nilsson and
Garrison Keillor
Benjamin and Rebecca Field°
Richard L. and
Meredith E. Howell
Leland T. Lynch and Terry
Saario Fund of The
Minneapolis Foundation
Mary Goff Fiterman°
Dr. and Mrs. William Hueg, Jr.°
David and Mary Maas°
Mr. and Mrs. George Flannery°
Mr. and Mrs. Hadlai A. Hull°
Bob and Sue Macdonald°
William Forsberg and
Jennifer Peterson
Andy and Carole Hunter°
Reid and Ann MacDonald°
The Dan and Sallie O’Brien
Fund of The Saint Paul
Joan and Dean Hutton°
Rosalee MacFarlane°
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Oesterle
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Isaacson
Stephen and Kathi Austin Mahle
Aref and Barbara Jabr
Jennifer L. Martin
Joan Grathwol Olson and
Stephen Olson
Ann Rockler Jackson°
Jeremy and Amy-Ann Mayberg
Richard and Sandra Jacobson
Emily and George R. A. Johnson
Robert W. Maynard Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation°
Josie R. Johnson°
Susan and Edwin McCarthy°
Ross and Joann Paden°
Ron and Kristi Johnson
Susan and Thomas McCarthy
Brian and Julia Palmer°
Ray and Sue Johnson
Walt McCarthy and Clara Ueland
Allegra W. Parker
Sally and Rodger Johnson
Bob and Polly McCrea
Mrs. James R. Paul
Tim and Jane Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. McFarland°
William B. and Suzanne Payne
Janet N. Jones°
Terrence McGann and Jean Burke
Kathleen Jones°
Dudley and Val McLinn°
Jeanne E. Pemble and
Joel Poeschl°
Lucy Jones°
Deborah and Pierce McNally
Lisa A. Ferris
Vickie and Anthony Foster
Bill Fox
B. J. and John French°
Jack and Melinda Fribley
Sally and Gerald H. Friedell°
Mrs. Pamela Friedland
Mrs. Marna W. Fullerton°
Rob and Ann Furst
Jim and Barb Gabbert°
John and Martha Gabbert°
Skip and Barbara Gage°
Ellen and Jerry Gallagher°
Jacqui Gardner
Charles A. Geer Family Fund
Marguerite S. McNally°
Renée and Robin Gibson°
David and Sheryll Norback
James and Jo Ann Nordlie°
Valdemar and Marilyn Olson°
Gillian and Thomas Osborn
Harriet and Bowen Osborn°
David Perlman and
Erica Norris Perlman
Nancy McGlynn Phelps and
James J. Phelps
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon S. Sturgis
Jane Piccard and R. Hunt Greene°
Karen Tracy Sutherland°
Sally and George Pillsbury°
Donald F. and Virginia Swanson°
Michael and Gloria Plautz°
Ross and Doris Taylor
Michelle and William Pohlad
Forbes W. Polliard
Dr. Robert D. and
Marilyn C. Thompson
Walter and Harriet Pratt°
Patricia Tilton
Stephanie Prem and Tom Owens
Ricardo and Donni Torres
Mark and Christine Rasmussen
Emily Anne and Gedney Tuttle°
Harvey and Barbara Ratner
Lawrence M. Redmond°
Mary W. Vaughan Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation°
Sharon and Bill Richardson
Victoria K. Veach°
Marcia and Robert Rinek
Kris and Bill Veeneman°
Elizabeth M. Ringer°
General and Mrs. John Vessey°
Nat and Mary Robbins°
Joanne and Philip Von Blon°
Jack A. and Aviva Robinson
Bernie and Janet Wagnild°
John and Sandra Roe
The Wallin Foundation—
Maxine and Winston Wallin°
Beverly J. and John A.
Rollwagen Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation°
Kenneth and Soni Styrlund
Michael and Tamara Root°
Abigail Rose and Michael Blum
Ruth and David Waterbury
Cynthia Rosenblatt Ross°
Jo and Howard Weiner°
Jean C. Rowland°
Martin and Lora Weinstein
Robert L. and Sharon G. Ryan
Karen E. Welke°
Nancy Saliterman
Robert and Christine Salmen
Dr. William and Judith Stephens°
Ruth Spiegel Usem
Todd and Allyson Aldrich°
Elizabeth H. Andrus
Edward and Eleanor Asplin
Mary Atmore and
James Baldwin
Michael Boardman and
Kate Tabner
Mark and Karie Cloutier
Mrs. Muriel Wexler°
Mrs. David S. Williams°
Frances G. Williams
Susan and Steve Wilson°
Winslow Family Foundation
Kathleen and Douglas Drake°
Joy H. Erickson°
Dan and Ruth Haggerty
Thomas Erickson and
Katherine Solomonson
Tim Smith and Karen Miller
Martha and Douglas Head°
Sam D. Heins and Stacey Heins
Jack and Kate Helms°
Kathrine Hill
Joseph and Gail Hoey
Cleo and Charles Zalk°
Charles and Julie Zelle
Harriet and Edson Spencer
Fund of The Minneapolis
Lynne and Howard Stacker°
Mrs. George Steiner°
Evelyn T. Struthers°
*Deceased as of June 30, 2007
º Donor for ten consecutive years or more
Mrs. Dorothy Geis°
Drs. William and
Susan Gerberich
Deanne and John Greco°
Michele and Rob Keith°
Amy and Julie Gudmestad°
Margee and Bob Kinney°
Marguerite Harvey
Philip Koether and
Marc Curyer
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hedberg
Mr. and Mrs. William
Johanna Maud Hill
Walter F. and Joan Mondale
Martha Benton Flom°
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F.
Robert and Elizabeth Melamed°
Glenda and Richard Struthers°
Sheldon and Terry Fleck°
Frank and Lucretia Jesse
*Aileen and George
McClintock Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Barbara H. Steiner°
Mary Sue Comfort
Robert and Susan Greenberg°
Lucy Hartwell
Joan T. Smith°
Haines Clausen and
Barbara Duncan°
Mr. and Mrs. David Delaney°
Jim Wittenberg and
J. Pamela Weiner
Margie and Woody Woodhouse
Mrs. Edward F. Cina
Wayne and Meg Gisslen
Katie and Ken Searl°
Adine and Thomas Skoog°
Mr. and Mrs. David Choate
John and Laura Crosby
Ruth E. Hanold°
Marjorie A. Wood
Mary Janet Cargill°
Eugene and Mary Frey
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Winston°
Helen and Leo Wolk°
Michael and Susan Burnett°
Val and Kathleen Coppo
Doug and Mary Scovanner
Elayne and Marvin Wolfenson°
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Bromer°
Gerald T. Flom°
Ronald and Janet Schutz
Jane E. Wolf
The Betsy Johnston Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
John and Ester Fesler°
John and Renata Winsor
Fund of The Minneapolis
Mrs. Helen Silha°
K. M. Ansbaugh and
S. F. Holbrook°
Mark Westman and
Christopher Duff
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A.
Marcy and Bruce Shilling
Woodbury H. and
Cynthia Andrews
Laird H. Barber
Frances and Frank Wilkinson°
Denise and Richard Sheehy
Ruth M. Anderson°
Violet M. Werner°
Joe Dowling and
Siobhan Cleary
Dr. Sidney Shapiro°
Rainey Anderson°
Daniel and Barbara Balik°
Wheelock Whitney and
Kathleen Blatz
Beth Ann and Saul Segal
Barbara Ali
Squam Lake Foundation—
Charles A. Cleveland°
Diane K. Sannes
Joan and Arthur R. Schulze°
Rob and Carolyn Albright
J. T. and Terry Bumgarner
Bright M. Dornblaser
Claire and Jim Schoenwetter
Richard Antone and
Kirsten Sonbuchner
Helen and J. Kimball Whitney°
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh K. Schilling
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Brooks
Fran Davis°
Fred and Virginia Scheel°
Judith and Steve Shank
Nancy and Ted Weyerhaeuser°
James A. Scarpetta
Nancy and Eric Schned
Betsy and David Weyerhaeuser
Professor and Mrs. Stephen B.
Joanne and Jonathan Rogoff
Stanislaw and
Krystyna Skrowaczewski°
Earl S. and Barbara Flanagan
Sanford Fund of The
Minneapolis Foundation°
Patricia and Barney Saunders°
Laurie Rahr
Douglas and Sands Coleman
Fund of The Minneapolis
Sampson Family Charitable
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Ogden, Jr.°
Jack and Connie Wallinga°
Kathleen and
William F. Wanner, Jr.°
Thomas G. Morgan and
Concepcion C. Morgan
Richard and Carrie Higgins
Fred and Collette Ibeling°
James Jelinek and Marilyn Wall
Edward Juda
Joy and Sidney Kaplan°
Jane and Jim Kaufman Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation°
Thomas P. Anderson°
Richard P. Goblirsch°
Ron and Kay Bach°
Marvin E. Goldberg, M.D.
Donald McNeil and
Emily Galusha
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kirby
Ruth and Dale Bachman°
David F. and Rosemary Good
Joan Mellen
Patricia and Peter Kitchak°
Karen Bachman and
*James Read°
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Gould°
James and Laura Miles°
Mr. Jim Grantman
Dr. and Mrs. James H. Moller°
Chad and Rafina Larsen/Larsen
Erna and *Walter Bachtold
Max B. Green°
Laura K. and Craig L. Mollet
Dr. Richard and Kay Bendel
Olive C. Grose
Paul O. Monson
Winnifred A. Larson
Dr. and Mrs. David Benditt
James and Catherine Benjamin
Frances H. Graham and
Dr. Robert J. Gumnit
Jonathan and Ginny Morris
Kirsten Laurer
James and Mary Lawrence
Helen and Gary Bergren
Sandra J. Hale
Louis and Jean Nelson
Weiming and Caroline Lu°
Madeline Betsch°
M. Patricia Nelson°
Robert and Sara Lumpkins°
Jonathan Bishop°
Mary Tuss McEvoy, D.D.S.
Robert and Gail Blake
Philip M. and Margaret S.
Harder Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation°
Carla McGrath and Cole Rogers
Paul and Helen Bowlin°
Michael and Susan McKinney°
Eric J. Meester
Ila June Brown-Pratt and
James Pratt
Alida Messinger
Martin and Donna Bruhl
Byron and Beverly Meyer
Ann and Glenn Buttermann
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Miller°
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kunin°
Jacqueline Mithun°
Sandy and Bob Morris
Jeri Norbeck
Nancy C. Novak and
Peter Nyhus
Lawrence M. and
Elizabeth Ann O’Shaughnessy
Charitable Income Trust
Constance S. Otis°
Sotirios Parashos and
Christina Phill
Lorraine R. Hart
Mr. and Mrs. William F.
Hartfiel, Jr.
Elaine and Roger Haydock
Jan J. and Jeri J. Norbeck
Paula B. Nordhem and
Jim Calkins
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A.
Karl-Thomas Opem
David and Margaret
Mary Hicks
Dr. Fred Clary
Susan M. Hoel
David and Mary Cost through
The Charles Piper Cost
Shelley Holzemer°
Peggy Ann Hoeft
Sally and John Cuningham
Mrs. Ardis H. Nier°
Mr. James O’Hara and
Mrs. Marjorie O’Hara°
Alan and Mary Boyd Hesdorffer°
Sage and John Cowles°
Deborah Newhall
John and Elizabeth Heefner
Douglas and Anne Hepper
June S. Cavert and
H. Mead Cavert°
Ted and Judy Nagel
Margaret Palaskas
Roger Peters and Lorna Reichl
Alan and Jane Peterson
Roy and Faye Peterson°
Addison Piper
David and Susan Plimpton
N. D. and J. M. Honnigford°
Mr. and Mrs. William R.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Huff
Mary and Clyde Reedy°
Warren and Mary Ibele
Louisa H. Richardson
Mary and Jim Jetland
Darin and Laura Rinne
Marjorie A. R. Johnson
Heather Rocheford
Marjorie and Richard Roth°
Mr. David L. Peach
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Curtin°
Mrs. Edmund Phelps, Jr.
Sharon Dalmasso
Marjorie Pihl
Ardell B. Davis°
Richard Johnson and
Mary Kalish-Johnson°
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pitschka°
Kelly R. Davis°
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Jones
Verna Rausch°
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dekko
Dr. Markle Karlen°
Norton and Bert Rockler
Mary Elise Dennis
Caroline Kelm°
Paul and Pat Sackett°
Diana Devereaux
Ms. Patricia Kinne
Dianne and Jim Safley
David and Mary Doty°
Helene M. and Robert Kisch°
Michael and Shirley Santoro°
David and Pat Drew
Sieff Family Foundation°
Sylvia F. Druy°
Alison Krupa-Parks and
Fred Parks
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Sivertsen
Sally Economon°
Kurt and Connie Larson°
Lee Schacht°
Emil and Emily Slowinski°
Hugh and Joyce Edmondson
Don and JoAnn Leavenworth°
Linda Shaw and Jeff Bakken
Mark and
Wendy Stansbury-O’Donnell
Carol and Mark Engebretson
David and Sharon Lentz°
Katie Sidenberg
Phyllis Ericksen and
Gayle Ericksen°
Jeanne and Albert Levin°
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Siess
Delores and Sheldon Levin°
Artice and Morton Silverman
Polly Erickson°
Annalisa and Jonathan Lewis
Paul Simons°
John and Nancy Strom°
Dr. Donnell and Helen Etzwiler
Peg and Dick Lidstad°
Debra A. Sit and Peter Berge
H.R. and Elaine B. Swanson
Dr. Jeffrey and Dawn Felt
Debra Linder
Mrs. Harriet Smith
Larey and Craig Swanson
David and Helen Fitzgerald
Thomas and Martha Link
Edward and Anne Sovik°
Michael Symeonides°
Carolyn Fors
Gerald and Rose Linnihan
Daniel J. Spiegel and Family
Betsy and Paul Von Kuster
Norman M. Gabrick°
Debi Lipkin°
Frances and Leonard Spira°
Steve and Diane Wold
Mohrghaine Gaia and
Gary Gable
Bruce Little and
Cheryl Sullivan-Little
Karl Starr and Christopher Haug
Charles R. and Jean E. Gallo
R. W. Lyons°
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Stolee°
Kennon J. and Diane S. Gardner°
Mary Ann and
Everett MacLennan°
Ingrid R. and Lars O. Svensson
Michaelynn McCarron and
Mike Stapp°
Susan Rottunda and Tim Vaughn
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis L. Roy°
Mr. and Mrs. Dudley M. Ruch
Leah and Scott Rued
John Sandbo and Jean Thomson
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sanders°
Carol Mae Sandstrom°
Sharron Steinfeldt°
John and Janet Gendler°
Anonymous (2)
Dr. and Mrs. Elias Mahigel°
Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Sweatt°
James and Elaine Allen
Lin Summerfield and
Stan Gibson°
Marv and Ruth Mandery°
David and Kristy Gigerich
George and Beverly Tesch
Philip and Sandra Allen
Pat McCartin and Paul Luttio
Doug and Gretchen Gildner°
Brian W. Thomas°
Mr. Joe Andersen
Malcolm McDonald
Nora and Paul Gill
Mr. and Ms. W. Trenda
Marianna G. Anderson°
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. McGough°
Scotty and Peter Gillette
Carol and Lynn Truesdell
Bob and Nancy Anderson°
Marjorie A. Swanson°
Dale and Judy Tucker
Howard M. Bard
David R. and Irma L. Brink
Dr. Paul and Mary Cederberg
Noelle and Jeff Turner
Robert and Linda Barrows
Carolyn Britton
Ms. Nancy R. Chakrin
John and Susan Vawter°
Kristin Bartel
Kathie and Carl Challgren
Donovan and Rachel Walsh
Vincent and Susan Barton°
David E. Broden and
Lonnie Broden
Mr. and Mrs. Charles
McIntyre Webster°
Kay Barzen°
Lawrance and Elizabeth Brown
Mary Chase
A. Kathrynne Baumtrog
Lynn S. and Charles Brown
Nancy Werner-Azarski and
Jim Azarski°
Mr. and Mrs. Glen A. Bean
Mona W. Brown
Kristen Nelson and
Richard Cheeseman
Fran Beard
R. J. Beckel and S.D. Lyle
Sally Brown and
Chad Breckenridge°
Mr. Horng-Shiong Chen
Deborah Wexler and
Michael Mann
Nicholas and Susan Brown
Sheldon and Lili Chester°
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M.
James L. and Julie Knox Chosy
John and Katha Chamberlain
Jean and Frank Chesley°
W. Joseph White
Mary and Keith Bednarowski
Mrs. Bernard (Kiki) Wien
Deborah and Bill Begin
John and Diana Windhorst, Jr.°
Mrs. Lanelle C. Beil°
Pat Wuest°
Ron Beining and Mark Perrin
James C. and Kathlyn R. Wyman
Catherine A. Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Zelle°
Donna and Mike Bell
Robert Bruininks and
Susan Hagstrum
Patricia E. Benn°
Pamela Brunfelt
Laurie A. Chu
Elisabeth Bennett
Theresa and Lester Brunker
Betty and Ed Clapp
Cynthia and Klaus Clark
Thomas L. and Joyce E.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Imogene Christian°
Julia Christians and Ray Lallier
Mrs. Margaret Benson°
Robert and Lucy Brusic°
Dominique and David Bereiter
Richard and Jean Clarke°
Anonymous° (2)
Barry Berg and Scott Ellingboe
Stephen W. and
Elizabeth M. Buckingham
Kristine and Tor Aasheim
Diane Clayton and Stephen Metz
Jay R. Addy
Nancy and David Bergerson
Tyrone and Delia Bujold
Michael S. Bundul
David and Donna Clemenson
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart Adler
Ray and Carol Bergeson°
Mr. Jim Burbeck
Hiram and Liz Cochran°
Dr. and Mrs. N. John Akimoto°
James and Mary Berman
Timothy A. Burns°
Jan and Tom Collett
Dr. and Mrs. John F. Alden°
Fred and Sylvia Berndt, Jr.°
Ms. Sharon Brown
Jonathon D. Coltz
Mary Ellen and Peter Alden
Dale and Susan Berns
Linda and Laurence Burstein
Mr. and Mrs. James Colvin, Jr.°
Patrice and Gary Alkire°
Randy and Marcy Betcher°
Julianne Bye
Rosemary and Jerry Conroy°
Mr. Richard A. Allison
Sondra Beuning
Mary C. Cade
Margaret E. Cain
Frederick Cooper and
Helen Foster
Richard Allyn
Dr. and Mrs. Richard H. Bick
Margaret and Jim Bird
Gretchen and Bob Amis
David Bjork and Jeff Bengtson
Mary Cajacob and
Peter Eisenberg°
Page and Jay Cowles
Diane Laura Amell°
Cathy and Frank Crescioni
F. M. B. Amram and S. A. Brick°
Richard and Gail Bliss°
Charles Calhoun°
Frank C. Blodgett°
Raymond and Mara Croissant
Ms. Gail Amundson and
Mr. Peter Rothe
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J.
Callahan, Jr.°
Richard and Bette Ann Bloom°
Mr. John Callen
Nancy Anderly
Victor Bloomfield and
Elsa Shapiro°
Robert and Gretchen Crosby
William and Elna Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Crowther°
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E.
John Cullen
E. Viktoria Anderson°
George and Kristine Anderson
John C. and Alice A. Anderson°
Lloyd L. Anderson and
Christian O. Fritzberg
Ms. Mary Blowers and
Mr. Michael Eckhardt
Janet Cardle°
Dr. Paul and Carlyn Blum
Susan and Janis Blumentals
Lynne Clay
Steve Craney°
Denise and Steve Cronin°
Mr. Todd Cunningham
Marsha Cargill
Edward and
Karayn Cunnington
Katie Czukas and Brian Safyan
Nancy L. and Evan A. Anderson
Terri and Paul Bly
Catherine Carlson and
Mr. Kluznik
Quentin and Mary Anderson
Jerome J. and Dolores M. Bock
Mari and Richard Carlson
Victor and Marianne Anderson
Virginia L. Boehme°
Nancy and Mark Carlson
Robert Andrews Jr.
Janet and John Bohan°
Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Carnes°
Dr. Howard Ansel
Angela M. Bohmann and
Jonathan Riehle°
Mr. and Mrs. H. David
Dr. Alan E. and Ruth A. Carp
Linda Danielson°
Emmett F. Carpel, M.D. and
Katherine Meehan°
George and Nancy Danko
Phyllis Appelbaum
Gordon Apple and
Susan Thornton
George and Connie Aram°
Terri E. Bonoff and
Matthew J. Knopf
John P. and Anne S. Caruso°
Rich and Jane Borchers
Sarah R. Caruso and
Jerry Caruso
Laurie Dahl
John and Jackie Dahler°
Mary Davidson°
Joy Davis°
Diane L. Armitage
Anthony Bosca and
Tracey Fletcher
Catherine and Frederick Asher°
Linda and Andrew Boss
Jon and Linnea Asp
Linda G. and George L. Bounds
June J. Aspenson°
Susan and Paul DeNuccio
Mary Bradley and
Garrett Bradley
Marie Deputat
Annette Atkins and
Thomas Joyce
Howard B. Austin
Collins and Barbara Cavender°
Mrs. Barbara Bach°
Thomas E. Bailey
Susan Brickley
Otto and Mary Bang
Dava and David Briggs
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Banks
Neil Bright and Judy Cowden°
Ms. Janna P. De Lue
Liz DeMarais
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Desnick
Robert Bras and Julie Matonich
Nancy Ann and
David Earl Brasel°
Tom E. Davis°
Dirk deVries
Dave Diehl and Rebecca Murray
Thomas and Kathleen Diffley
Collins Cavender
Eugene DiMagno
Joseph and Eugenia Dixon°
Grant M. Dolezal°
*Deceased as of June 30, 2007
º Donor for ten consecutive years or more
Keith M. and Linda Donaldson°
Richard and Pamela Flenniken
Edward and Laurie Greeno
Barry and Kristi Holden°
Sara and John Donaldson°
Jane and David Gregerson
Mrs. Nan Holland°
Ruth S. Donhowe°
Andrew Flesher and
R. Thomas Gunkelman
Larry and Zylpha Gregerson
Phyllis and Donald Holm
Tom and Maggy D’Onofrio°
Donnie and Jerry Flora°
Kathleen Grendahl°
Michael and Kris Holmquist
Mr. F. Edmund Donoghue
Joan and David Floren
Mr. and Mrs. Einar Grette°
Renee Holoien and Holly Morris
James and Dee Dorsey°
Florence Flugaur°
Roger and Marilee Griffin
Denise Holtz
Lou Ann Dressen
Frances Foley
H. Theodore Grindal
Touby and Leigh-Ann Drew
Dr. and Mrs. William Foley°
Ray Gritche°
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur J.
Edward and Jo Anne Driscoll
Mr. Chris R. Foster
Ms. Anne Marie Gromme
Dr. and Mrs. Keith A. Horton
Mrs. Carol Duff
Carolyn Fox
Miss Audrey M. Grote
Jonathan Howard
Mary and John Duffy°
Sue Freeborg
William and Aimee Guidera
Peter A. and G.L. Howell°
Mrs. Robert R. Dunlap and
*Mr. Robert R. Dunlap°
Carol Freeman°
Mr. and Mrs. Jerold T. Hahn
Ms. Nancy Huart
MaryJo and Mark Hallberg
Tim Huebsch
J. A. Durades°
Hillary J. Freeman and
Carol J. Mork
Tom and Dee Dee Hull°
Dr. L. Ronald French
James and Dorothy Halverson
Michael and Anna Durham
Rodney and Sally French°
Anne Hanley and
George Skinner°
Diane Robinson Hunt
Frank and Sarah Earnest
John and Mary Easley
Sheryl Fried and Owen Carlson
Ruth and Harlan S. Hansen
James Eastman and
Cynthia Kriha
Cindy and Perry Fuerniss
Frank J. Indihar, M.D. and
Anita Pampusch°
Gayle Fuguitt and Thomas Veitch
Barbara Hanson and
Kent Hanson
Ron and Rhoda Ebersole
Xavier G. Gagnon
Nancy Hanson
Suzanne and Thomas Inman°
Colleen and Michael V. Eckman
Bonnie and Phillip Gainsley
Paul David Hanson°
Candice Jackson
Rev. Michael L. Edwins
Mary Ella Galbraith°
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Hart°
Guy and Nancy Jackson°
Genelle and Miles Efron
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Gardner
Rosamond and Bernard Jacob
James Egbert and Helen Preddy
Edith and Norman Garmezy
Ellen Hart-Shegos and
Dennis Shegos
Ms. Catherine Egenberger and
Mr. Paul Halverson
Jeffrey R. and Holly Gatesmith°
Ruth and Ruby Hass
J.W. Jaglo Family°
Charles H. and Joyce M. Gauck
Mani Hassan
Pam and Robert Jamma
Maria K. Eggemeyer
Richard and Suzanne Geise
Dan Hathaway°
Ms. Zoe Jenkins°
Nicholas and Janet Eian
Jim Geisler
Elizabeth and Jeffrey Hattara
Mr. Andrew Jensen
Joanne B. Eicher
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gelb
Kristina and Thomas Hauschild
Jean and Craig Jentz
David B. and Mary Jo Eide
Mr. Michael J. Gelking
A. E. Hauwiller°
Martin and Nicole Jerome
Neal Eisenbraun
Mary Genz
Bernelle L. Hay
Sylvia Johanneson
Katherine and Kent Eklund°
David Gerdes
Janice Heasley
John and Sue Elsinger°
Dan Gerhan
Carol Heaton°
Eric Johansen and
Molly Murphy Johansen
Tim and Rebecca Emory
Lois D. Gernbacher°
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon E. Hed°
Jim and Kati Johanson
Miss Ardes Johnson
E. Duane and Marlene Engstrom
Susan Gerstner and
Dan Carlsen°
Mr. Mark Hedin
William and Deidre Hedrick°
Beverly and Jerry Johnson°
Michael Dai and Gail Engstrom
Mr. and Mrs. James Gesell°
Anne and Peter Heegaard°
Brian and Susan Johnson
Beth Erickson
Ms. Sally Gibson
Roger and Marge Heegaard
Bonnie and Mario Esposito
David and Gerry Giese
Max and Kari Herrman
David Johnson and
Cecilia Motzko°
Dr. Robert and Virginia Etem°
A. M. and Jackie Gimse
Karen and Jon Helgason
Ken and Jill Ewald°
Mrs. Jane Carlson and
Mr. Thomas D. Carlson
Stefan and Lonnie Helgeson
Michelle Ewald
Kyle Falconbury and Julie Joyce
Ms. Kathryn L. Glessing
Jayne Helgevold and
Bob Bledsoe
Ms. Ann Fankhanel
Dr. and Mrs. Fredarick Gobel
Joan and Steven Heller
Roger and Peggy Johnson
Damon and Becky Farber
Marie and David Goblirsch°
Terry and Sarah Henderson
Alice and Bruce Faribault
Ramsis and Norma E. Gobran°
Frank and Jane Hennessy°
Norma F. Johnson and
*Robert Johnson
Nancy Farnes and Fred Bruntjen
Ursula and Ralph Goebel
Doug Henry
Dr. Charles Johnston and
Dr. Dyanne R. Drake
Jeff and Pat Farni°
Ray and Judith Goebel
Sean and Teresa Henry
Julie and David Jones°
Diane and Michael Feldman°
Phyllis Rawls Goff and
Robert E. Goff
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Herbst
John and Marcia Jones°
Mrs. Roberta M. Herrell
Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Goldfarb
Mark and Judie Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Herringer°
Mary and Steven Goldstein
Gayle Jorgens and Stanley Wai°
Dale and Linda Herron°
Robert and Katherine Goodale°
Lila Hertzberg°
Dr. and Mrs. Charles R.
Charles and Anne Ferrell
Lynn and John Goodwyne
Mr. Frederick J. Hey, Jr.
Carol Joyce and Neal Luebke°
Basil and Lidia Filonowich°
Jon K. Gossett
Arthur and Frances Hibbs
Phyllis and Don Kahn
Mrs. Harold B. Finch
Karen Grabow
Dick E. and Anne Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Kalm
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Finkelstein
Sara K. Graffunder
Faith Higham
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kanne°
Cathie and Jerry Fischer°
Candy and David Gray
Richard Himes°
Mr. John O. Fitch and
Ms. Jane E. Schuldt
Susan Gray and Paul H. Waytz°
Gordon and Lou Hirsch°
Raye Kanzenbach and
Joni MacDonald
Sandra Pillsbury-Gredzens°
Birdie Hix-Carter
John Fitchette°
Cliff and Karyn Greene
Ms. Bette Englund
Mr. Matt B. Fellner
Ms. Barbara J. Felt
Suzanne Fenton and
Daniel Lieberman
David B. and Patricia Huseth
Allan Ingenito
John and Barbara Jacoby°
Gary M. Johnson and
Joan G. Hershbell°
Gary Johnson°
Mr. H. Allen Johnson°
Elisabeth Kaplan and
Robert Horton
Dr. and Mrs. Martin Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E.
Dr. Robert L. Kriel and
Dr. Linda E. Krach°
Dr. John and Evodia Linner
Dan and Mary Beth Liska
Marlene J. and
James J. McKeown°
Janet and Richard Krier
Ms. Ricky Littlefield°
Michael T. McKinney
Jane Kasiske
Fritz Kroll
Jon and Deborah Ljungkull
David and Laura McLean°
Virginia P. Kass°
Linda and Paul Krueger
Lindsay Kruh°
John Loban and
Jean Kummerow
James McMenemy°
Gina and Kurt Kastel
Gail and Richard Katz-James
Mr. Spencer Kubo and
Ms. Adele DellaTorre°
Ann Longfellow and Dave Bryan
Mary B. McMillan°
Ms. Ellen Longmire
Maureen Kucera-Walsh
Prof. and Mrs. Harold
McNabb Jr.°
Harsohena Kaur and
Jasjit S Ahluwalia
Julie and Jim McMerty
Thomas and Marlene Kayser
Charles Kuefler
Barbara Lorinser and
Emily Jackson
Jasmine Keller
Dorothy Kuether
Mike Loushin
Fran Megarry
Marilyn S. Kuipers and
Dr. Peter W. Kuipers
Mari L. Lowe
Peter and Catherine Meier°
William and Pamela Lowe
Robert and Kristine Meller°
Alexandra Kulijewicz
Ann Lowry
Velia R. Melrose
Jerome E. Kyllo°
Dr. and Mrs. Richard R. Lund
Kathleen Menard°
Pat Laberge°
Barbara and Thomas Lundgren
Stephen Mendrzychowski
Jim and Lorraine La Roy
Catherine and Peter Lupori°
Ron and Kim Meshbesher
Albert and Catherine LaFreniere°
Keith and Barbara Lurie
David and Susanna Meyer
Dr. and Mrs. James Lakin°
Sarah Lutman and Rob Rudolph
William and Fern Miller°
Ann and Paul Laliberte°
Nancy and Wade Lykkehoy
Liz Miller
Robyn and David Lamm
James and Anita Lynn°
Robert and Rosemary Miller
Thomas A. Keller III
Ernest and Susan Lampe
Sandra and John Mitchell°
Daniel Kelley
Christopher M. Landergan
Richard W. Hannah and
Dustin J. Macgregor
William and Patricia Kelly
Judith and W. F. Landreth°
Susie and John Mackay
Mary K. and Steven C. Kennedy
Laura Beth Landy
Raymond Mohr and
Paul Semmer
Paul R. Kenworthy
Mrs. Deborah Lantz°
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W.
Bruce A. Kessel°
Eric and Connie MacRostie°
Michael J. and
Judith H. Mollerus
James Kickul
Marcia Cheney and
Arthur Larsen
Robert Madoff and Jane Korn°
Alfred and Ann Moore
Brian and Kathryn Kieser
Martha C. Larsen, M.D.
Sylvia Moore°
Carole and Joseph Killpatrick
Randi Larson
Steven G. Mahon and
Judy Mortrude
Philip and Virginia Kilpatrick°
Alan K. and Peggy Lathrop
Rhoda and Donald Mains°
Elizabeth and Charles Mooty
Jay and Tricia Kim
James C. Lau°
Diane and John Malone°
Julie and Don Morath
Yul Kim
Ruth and Herbert Lauritzen°
Mary Ann Mancini
M. J. Kimrey
Ellen Lavin
Anthony and Sarah Manzara
Patricia Penovich and
Gerald Moriarty
Ann Kincaid
Dr. and Mrs. James Lawton°
Paul and Nelda Marecki°
Catherine and Spence Morley
Ms. Sam King and
Mr. James Gertmenian
Ruth and Ben Leadholm
Beverly Markis
Ed and Beth Morsman°
David and Elizabeth Lee
John and Lizabeth Marshall
Nina and Gordon Mosser°
Jeannine Lee and Roger Finney°
Frank E. Martin°
J. Dudley Moylan°
Mary Reid Kinney
Alyce and David Lees
Richard and Susan Muench
Karen Kirby°
Sally and Ernie Lehmann
Mr. and Mrs. James P.
Virginia Kirby and
Neal Viemeister
A. Patrick and
Katherine M. Leighton
A. Thomas and Nona Mason
William A. Myers°
Cal and Mary Mathieson
James and Jacqueline Neilson
Drs. Lee and Tillie Kitzenberg
Maria Lemcke
Mary Lou Mathison°
Jeanette Klauder
Dr. John and Joyce Matsuura°
Averial Nelson and
Catherine Polasky
Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Kleiman°
Ms. Dawn Lemke and
Mr. Joseph Homrich
Nancy and Grant P. Mattson
Marybeth Nelson°
Lorraine Ziegler Kleiner
John and Genell Lemley
Lucia May and Bruce Coppock
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Nelson
Thomas Kleinschmit
Kathleen Lenarz°
Daniel M. Mayer
John Kluznik
Wally Lentz and Susan Nixon
Carolyn and Charles Mayo
Karen Nemchik and
Tariq Samad
Joan Kneeskern and Bryan Rossi
David and Mary Jo Lenzen
Elizabeth Mayotte
Merritt Nequette
Bob Knuth and Mary Thompson
P.A.M. and Robert Lesch
Stacey and Chad McAnelly
Martin and Barbara Nergaard
Doris L. Knutson
Virginia Levy
F.H. and Judy Neufeld
Mr. and Mrs. James Kochiras°
Norbert P. Lickteig
Mr. James McCarthy and
Ms. Gloria Peterson
David Koenig°
Kevin M. Lienau
Dean and Julie McCarty
Mary Newby-Elder
James and Betty Koerner°
Boyd Ratchye and
Mary Susan Light°
Anne McCaw
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Newhall
Kevin and Gwen McCune°
Ardelle Nicoloff
Mrs. Drake J. Lightner°
Jennifer M. McDaniel
Katy and Mark Lindblad
Lisa McDaniel°
Dennis and
Catherine Niewoehner
Jill and Chuck Koosmann
Stacy Lindbloom
T. Jeanne McGahee
Diane L. and Bruce Nimmer
David and Ann Koppe
Rebecca Lindholm
Mrs. Jennifer McIntosh°
Laura and Kurt Nisi°
Lori and David Krieger
Ellen Lindseth and
Ward Andersen
Mr. and Mrs. J. Lawrence
Chris Nolan and
Katherine Slaikeu
Jasmine Keller
Laura Kingbay°
Ted and Marjorie Kolderie°
Anita Sue Kolman and
Marvin L. Marshak°
Helen R. McNulty°
Saralee and Neil Mogilner°
Mrs. Michael Moormann
Paul and Alexandra Muller
Carol Neumann
Donald H. Nordstrom
*Deceased as of June 30, 2007
º Donor for ten consecutive years or more
Lowell and Sonja Noteboom
Rebecca Planer°
Michael and Toni Rosen
Kathleen R. Novak and
Michael R. Niedenfuehr
Mrs. Lawrence Platt
Bob Rosenbaum and
Maggie Gilbert
David and Billie Novy
Patty Ploetz and
Edward Matthees
Ms. Anne T. Obermeyer
Mrs. Norma O’Callaghan
Ms. I-ming Shih and
Mr. Arnold Chu
Frank and Mitsue Shindo°
Anne M. Rosenberg
Phil and Barbara Shively°
Ed and Peggy Pluimer°
John and Julie Roth
Mr. Kevin Shores
Richard Downing Poey and
Heidi Poey°
Meghan Rothenberger and
Craig Eckfeldt
Carolyn and Scott Shrewsbury
Dr. Susan Poirot and
Mr. Ken Bateman
Jay and Barbara Rothmeier
Warren and Kim Rottmann
Margaret L. Simpson and
Steve Tsai
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Policinski
Sara Rouner°
Craig and Nancy Sinard
Eldon and Valerie Oldre
Marge and John Pollack
Miss Brynhild Rowberg
Bonnie and Peter Sipkins
Dee Oliveira and
Dr. Robert Oliveira
Joseph and Wendy Postier
Dave Rugg
Mary Jo and Ommund Skaar°
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry C. Powell
James and Sandra Rummel
Ms. Mary E. Skelley
Mr. Dennis R. Olson
Heidi and Greg Preslicka°
Harold and Elaine Rushton
Bonnie Skelton°
Frederick and Sharon Olson
Jonathan Pressley
Cathy Ryan
James and Jenella Slade
Gen Olson
Heather and Daniel Price
Ms. Patricia Ryan°
Dr. William O’Neill
Connie and Jim Pries
Ralph Rye
W. Yale Smiley and
*Mrs. W. Yale Smiley
Judy and Burton Onofrio
Kris Ann and S. Steven Prince
Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Ryerse, Jr.°
Mark Otness
James and Nancy Proman
Louise Otten
Beverly S. Proulx°
Mr. Richard Sachs and
Dr. Geneva Middleton
Nancy F. Owen and
John M. Lavander
Wilma Pryor
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Salib
Marilyn and Wes Smith°
James and Lauiva Puffer
Susan and David Sanborn
Dr. James and Joanne Smith°
Drs. Steven and Robin Pachuta°
Donald J. and Joyce Pusch
Jean and Richard Sanford°
Katherine Smith
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Page
Laura and Jeff Putnam
Paula C. Sanford°
Gene and Catherine Gaines
Howard and Kathy Page°
Philip and Dora Quanbeck°
Ellen Mary Saul
Frank J. Sorauf
John and Mary Pagnucco°
Paul and Sharon Quast
Ms. Mary Savina
Nancy Speer
Joyce and Mike Palazzotto°
Charles Rader and
Deborah Curtis
Timothy and Sally D. Sawyer
Louise and Curtis Speller
Bonnie Palmquist°
H.L. and Jo Ellen Saylor
Dr. Michael and Sherry Spence
David and Mary Parker
Roshan Rajkumar
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Sayre
Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Spencer
Tonya Paro
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Schaefer°
Ms. Sarah Spencer
Edward Paster
Meredith R. and
Adam C. Rambow
Mrs. Charles E. Spevacek°
D’Ann Ranheim°
Joseph Schierl, Jr.
Jeff and Edie Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Spiegel°
Susan and Gary Rappaport
Peter and Denise Schlesinger°
Mary Pawlcyn and
John P. Byrnes°
Timothy Schmidt
Jack and Charlene Spindler°
Kit and Dick Schmoker°
Julie Sprau and Joe Kelly
Betty M. Ockuly°
James Odland
Mickey A. O’Kane and
Richard Rosenberg
Mark and Mary Sigmond°
Anthony M. and
M. Heather Smith°
Mr. and Mrs. D. William Smith
Maureen and Gerald F. Pearo
Catherine L. Rashid and
Alfred J. Rashid II°
Kevin and C. Reichard
Allan and Deborah Schneider
Susan Spray and Edward Lee
Carol and Michael Pedersen°
Ed and Dorothy Reid
Mary Schneider
Mary Ann and Thomas Stark
Richard Peeler and
Joanne Prillaman
Charles and Susan Reinhart
Carole Starr
Paula Peinovich-Sippel and
Leonard Sippel
Denise and Erik Rekstad
Ralph Schneider and
Margaret M. McNeil
John H. Schomaker
Angela Stehr and Mark Friedl°
Louise and Jerry Ribnick°
Christian G. and
Mary H. Schrock
Kathleen Steiger
Ede and Jack Rice
Grace H. Schroeder
Martin and Dorothy Richmond
Paul and Sheila Steiner°
Jane and John Schulzetenberg°
Philip and Mary Rickey
Mr. Alan L. Schwartz°
Mark Steinhauser and
Leslie Kopietz°
Patrick Riley and Natalie Rohlt
Mr. and Mrs. James Schwarz°
Verla and Jeff Ring°
H.A. Schwind
Laurence and Edis Risser
Mr. Rick Scott and
Dale Vandenhouten
Prof. Hazel S. Stoeckeler°
Mr. Clifford M. Roberts, Jr.
Jean Roberts
Carolyn C. Seaton°
Bill and Lee Strang
Miss Joanne Robson°
William H. Seely°
Michael and Marlene Streitz
Gretchen Rocheford-Boman
Bruce and Julianne Seiber
Michelle Streitz
Sheldon and Shawn Rockler
Jonathan and Susan Seltzer
Jan and Janet Phillips
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Rocknem
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Serres°
Mr. Robert Striker and
Ms. Patrice Tetta°
Sydney and William Phillips°
Jim and Sheren Rogne
Herbert and Suzanne Sewell°
Kim Strobel
Walter Pickhardt and
Sandra Resnick
Thomas D. and
Nancy J. Rohde°
Mr. Mats Sexton
Tim and Beth Sullivan°
Dr. Irving and Janet Shapiro
Wendy Svee
Jeremy Pierotti and
Ms. Kathryn Klibanoff
Jerome D. and Jean Rokke
Richard and Mary Shapiro
Richard Sveum
Mr. Daniel Rolf°
Lynda B. Sharbrough
Arlene and Tom Swain°
John and Norma Pierson
Ronald and Glenda Rooney
Catherine Sheehan
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Swanson°
Kolean A. Pitner and
Richard G. Wilson°
Doris Rose
Mary D. Shepherd°
Dorothy Joy Swanson°
Jean Pendray Logan and
George Logan
Richard G. Pepin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Paul Pesek
Donna and Gerald Peterson
Doris L. Peterson
Earl A. Peterson°
James and Joan Peterson
Paul Peterson and Jill Galles
Cecily Hines and Thomas Pettus
Nancy and Richard Pflager
Gloria Phillips and
*Reuel Phillips°
Mrs. Burt W. Ribnick°
Marian and Kenneth Rose°
Lois Steer and Larry Peterson
Mrs. Donna H. Stein°
Mr. Richard Stiefel and
Ms. Lisa Vanvalkenburgh°
John and Marcia Stout°
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Swanson°
Wesley Swanson°
Mr. and Mrs. Parke Weaver, Jr.
Sarah B. Swarts
Susan L. Webster°
Dr. and Mrs. Richard V. Swenson°
Margaret Weglinski
Anita and Robert Tabb
Mary Jane Weible°
Steven and Connie Tallen°
Cass Weil
Cynthia Tambornino
Ms. Judith A. Weinig
Robert and Ana Martinez-Tapp°
Howard and Janet Tarkow
Ms. Miriam Weinstein and
Ms. Amy Ollendorf
Lawrence and Elizabeth Tempel
Dr. and Mrs. Irwin D. Weisman
Kaimay and Joseph Terry, M.D.
Janet and Gerhard Weiss
Dorothy Thalhuber°
Gloria and Howard Weisskopf
Richard and Dorothy Thews
Phyllis Welter
Edwin and Beverly Thiede°
Jeffrey Wepplo and
Lisa Deutsch
C. Scott Thiss°
Frank and Claire Thoen Levin
Daniel and Trudy Thompson
Margaret and Michael Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.
Glenn Wertheim
Elizabeth Wexler
John and Annette Whaley
Mrs. Claralouise Wheeler
Mainstreet Bank
The McKnight Foundation
Microsoft Giving Campaign
Mobil Retiree Matching Gifts
MoneyGram International, Inc
The NCR Foundation
Pfizer, Incorporated
ACE Foundation
Pioneer Hi-Bred
International, Inc.
ADC Telecommunications
Piper Jaffray
Adobe Systems Incorporated
PPG Industries Foundation
The Prudential Insurance
Company of America
Thomas A. and Jean L.
John and Mary Wheeler
Mary Ida Thomson°
Maureen and Terry White
Lowell A. Thornber°
Susan and Rob White
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Thorpe°
Peter and Michele Timmons°
Mrs. Nedra M. Wicks and
Mr. John Wicks°
Frances W. Tobian°
Carole and Richard Wiederhorn
BCS Financial Corporation
Orton and Karen Tofte
Caroline Wilbrecht
Bemis Company Foundation
Frank D. Trestman
John M. and Debra C. Wilkinson°
Scimed Life Systems, Inc.
Stephen and Julie Troutman
Marion and Dave Williams°
The Capial Group, Inc.
Robert D. and Marie Tufford
Audie J. Willis°
Charles Schwab
Ms. Kathy Tunheim
Philip Willkie and Jimmy Dogg
Charthouse Learning
Thomas Tuttle and
Elizabeth Durfee
Kenneth L. and Nina L. Wise
The Curtis L. Carlson Family
Deera and Albert Tychman
Molly and William Eoehrlin°
Mrs. Jane and
Mr. Gary L. Tygesson
Warren Woessner and
Iris Freeman
Katy and Dewayne Ullsperger°
Alliant Techsystems, Inc.
Ameriprise Financial
Archer Daniels Midland
BAE Systems
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Witte°
Macy’s North
Merrill Lynch & Co.
Foundation, Inc.
Alliant Energy Foundation, Inc.
Nancy and Bill Whitaker
Larkin, Hoffman, Daly &
Lindgren Ltd. Foundation
3M Foundation
Lisa Wersal and Louis Asher°
Johnson & Johnson
Deluxe Corporation
RBC Dain Rauscher
Red Wing Shoes Company
Rockwell Automation Trust
Matching Program
Securian Foundation
Star Tribune Foundation
Tapemark Company
TCF Bank
Tennant Foundation
Thomson West
Thrivent Financial for
Lutherans Foundation
Tiffany & Co. Foundation
Dow Corning
The Toro Company
Lori Wohlrabe
Fannie Mae Foundation
Travelers Companies Inc.
Sheila Marie and Jim Untiedt°
Anne and Oscar Woods
U.S. Bancorp Foundation
James and Ruth Van Meter°
Julia S. Workinger°
Federated Department Stores
Marilyn L. Van Ornum and
D. Bradford Johnson°
Jean M. Wylie°
GE Foundation
Wachovia Foundation
General Mills Foundation
Xcel Energy Foundation
Karen Viskochil°
Joy Yoshikawa and
Mark Christensen
Jeanne M. Voigt
Clement and Ephie Volpe°
Ann L. Yates
James J. Wade°
Sarah Youngerman and
Paul Cassidy
Denise Wagner
Mimi C. Yu
Mike and Jody Wahlig
Will J. Zalaznik°
Dr. Kyla Wahlstrom and
Dr. Richard Wahlstrom°
Dr. and Mrs. V. Richard Zarling
David Waldemar
James A. Zeese, M.D.°
Dr. and Mrs. Fred Walker
Peter Zenner
Ursula Walsh and John Halloran
David E. and Janet Zens
Kim F. Walter
Hallie E. Wannamaker
Mr. and Mrs. Chester A.
Zinn, Jr.°
Charles and Susan Ward°
Mr. Boris and Mrs. Sara Zuk
Robert and Susan Warde°
Mr. Lee A. Zukor and
Ms. Laura Zimmermann
Mary Ann and David Wark°
Nancy and David Warner
Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse E. Zecca°
Ellen Luger
General Mills Foundation
SmithKline Beecham
GMAC-Residential Funding
Goodrich Corporation
Guidant Corporation
H.B. Fuller Company
Dr. and Mrs. D. A. Zydowicz°
Harcourt, Inc.
Marcus Waterbury
IBM Corporation
Dennis Watson°
ING Foundation
John and Janet Watson
*Deceased as of June 30, 2007
º Donor for ten consecutive years or more
Jim Garness
Xcel Energy Foundation
In memory of Chloe Ackman
Nancy Anderly
Mr. John E. Andrus III
James and Rexanne Clinite
Rusty and Burt Cohen
Doerr Family Fund
In memory of Ida Berc
Earl S. and Barbara Flanagan
Sanford Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
The Holland Group, Inc
Mackie & Associates
Northern Cap and Glove
C.O. Lunch Enterprise, Inc
Mary K.G. Britton
Mary W. Vaughan Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Jane Costain
In honor of Jennifer Carlquist
In honor of Steve Hemsley
Daniel Grone
Gabberts Furniture &
Design Studio
Rusty and Burt Cohen
Sally Kail
Lenore Kelner
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Burt
Cohen’s anniversary
Carol Lipschultz and
Steve Niedorf
Richard Brown and
Shirley Rivkin
Ellen Lipschultz
Marilyn and Martin Lipschultz
In honor of Bruce B. Dayton
Vicki Londer
Mrs. Wallace C. Dayton
Craig and Debra Spencer
Michael Boardman and
Kate Tabner
Harry and Muriel Weinstein
Rusty and Burt Cohen
In memory of Marilyn Bockley
Jane and *Jim Emison
Mr. and Mrs. George Flannery
John and Helen Ackerman
Carroll and Robert Flaten
J.G. Mcginnis
Alfred and
Ingrid Lenz Harrison
Mrs. Barbara Freeman
James and Carolyn Schwantes
Ramona L. Johnson William
Darlene J. and
Richard P. Carroll
Wendy and Douglas Dayton
Mr. and Mrs. George H.
* Mrs. Stephen F. Keating
Richard Kelley
Herman W. Laue and
Shirley J. Laue
Barbara S. Longfellow
Nancy McGuiness
Jane and John Morrison
Beatrice and Melvin Orenstein
Sally and George Pillsbury
Elizabeth M. Ringer
Mrs. Erle B. Savage, Jr.
W. Yale Smiley and
*Mrs W. Yale Smiley
Greta Stryker
Mrs. William Tenney
Ms. Elsie Turnquist
Wells Fargo Investments, LLC
In honor of Sid and
Lorraine Applebaum’s
Noah and Susan Eisenberg
In memory of Edward Baker
Theodore Hanson
In honor of Ms. Maureen Beck’s
70th birthday
Marilyn Henken
In honor of Mike Bennes
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Castor
Imogene Christian
Jackie Maas
Michael Summerfield
Ms. Leah Stich and
Mr. Robert Stich
Lenord Goldreyer
Leonard and A.T. Weinberg
Ruth and Bruce Dayton
Helen Atcas
Barbara and Hugo Swan
Ruth and David Waterbury
Joseph Girgen
In memory of Ruth Marie
Hultkrans Hastings
Barbara S. Longfellow
Brian and Julia Palmer
In honor of Bruce and
Ruth Dayton
William D. and Barbara
Rusty and Burt Cohen
In honor of Kim Bowman
In honor of Bruce and Ruth
Dayton’s 18th anniversary
Minnesota Planned Giving
Alan and Mary Hogg
In honor of Pat Hui
Rusty and Burt Cohen
In honor of Patricia Jaffray
Woodhill Country Club
In honor of Robert and Ann
Jackson’s anniversary
Monica Little and
Mark Abeln
In honor of Kate Johnson
Margaret Ligon
In memory of Charlotte Karlen
Mona Burns
Darlene J. and
Richard P. Carroll
In memory of John Knutson
Marnie R. Donnelly
In memory of Dr. Arnold Kremen
Virginia F. Kremen
Dr. Sidney Shapiro
In honor of Jason T. Busch
In memory of Elaine Dennett
Emily and George R.A.
Elizabeth Biorn
In honor of Sylvia Druy
In honor of Carol Burton
Ms. Abigail Rose
John Lockhart
In memory of Marjorie
In memory of Mary Campbell
Bill Bertram
In memory of Bill Laird
Samuel and
Patricia McCullough
Christopher Monkhouse
In memory of Pauline Lambert
Merritt Nequette
Jim Geisler
Kimberly J. Bowman
In memory of Herbert and
Janice Galloway
Frances P. Campbell
Darlene J. and
Richard P. Carroll
In honor of Diane Levy’s
Ann and Felix Phillips
Ms. Victoria Holmen
Julia W. Dayton
In honor of Linda and
Jack Goldenberg’s anniversary
Mr. Harry M. Drake
E. Duane and
Marlene Engstrom
In honor of Tres and Jennifer
Lund’s Marriage
Rusty and Burt Cohen
Cynthia Rosenblatt Ross
In honor of Tom Lundholm
In honor of Linda Goldenberg
Tom Gessner
Alfred and
Ingrid Lenz Harrison
Lander McCarthy
Patricia Grossman
In memory of
Adelaide W. Gordon
Doug and Gretchen Gildner
Barbara M. Kaerwer
In honor of Cargill MacMillan’s
80th birthday
Warren Keinath Jr.
Barbara M. Kaerwer
Robert and Rita Kasper
In loving celebration of
Beverly Grossman
Terry Kujawa
Mary Jane Lenox
Patricia Grossman
Ms. Barbara H. Madsen
Patricia A. Nasby
In memory of
Duncan MacMillan
Samuel and
Patricia McCullough
In honor of Nivin and
Duncan MacMillan
Eleanor H. Nickles
Rusty and Burt Cohen
John and Shirley Nilsen
Linda C. Odegard
In memory of Robert McClure
Douglas and Mary Olson
Greta Stryker
In memory of Marjorie McNeely
Mr. Donald McNeely
In memory of Dulcy B. Miller
Dr. Michael B. Miller
In memory of Frederick
Christopher Monkhouse
In honor of Christopher
Gabberts Furniture &
Design Studio
In memory of John O’Keeffe
In memory of Majorie Richards
John and Kay Alsip
Mr. John E. Andrus III
Jon and Linnea Asp
Margaret Ehr
Patricia Beaver
James and Jean Haverstock
Marilyn Bockley
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Huff
Charlotte Bonniwell
John and Marjorie Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley C.
Bowman II
Richard Kelley
Mona Burns
Mrs. Julia C. Peterson
Carol Burton
Bill and Jo Ann Rich
Darlene J. and
Richard P. Carroll
Ms. Elsie Turnquist
Meredith Olson
Mary W. Vaughan Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
In honor of Christopher
Monkhouse’s 60th birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R.
Richard and Barbara Edin
In memory of Keith M. Robinson
Mrs. Dorothy Geis
Dr. E. Sharon Hayenga
Elizabeth Robinson
DXib\kmXcl\jXjf] R.J. Beckel and S.D. Lyle
Tom and Dee Dee Hull
Willialm and Janice Robinson
Pam Brennan
Paul and Julie Kollitz
Darlene J. and
Richard P. Carroll
Ted Kotsonas
Agatha Kretzman
Linda and Jack Goldenberg
Gloria Curran
Lorraine Winnerman
Julia W. Dayton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W.
Ms. Laura DeBiaso
Sally and Ernie Lehmann
In memory of Burton Ross
Gayle Fuguitt and
Thomas Veitch
Diane and Michael Levy
Cynthia Rosenblatt Ross
Bud and Beverly Grossman
Kathleen Lewis
Ruth and John Huss
Mrs. Drake J. Lightner
Aref and Barbara Jabr
William and Fern Miller
George R.A. Johnson &
Lynelle Osgood
In honor of Cynthia
Rosenblatt-Ross’s birthday
C.M. and Mary Lewis
In honor of Earl and Barbara
Sanford’s 40th anniversary
Rusty and Burt Cohen
In honor of Richard Simmons
Phillip and Judith Brothman
Tim and Jane Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W.
Ann Kenefick
Fran Megarry
Roberta Laird
Katherine Weeks Middlecamp
James C. Lau
Connie S. Nelson
Susan and Edwin McCarthy
Karl-Thomas Opem
Samuel and
Patricia McCullough
Timothy and Regan Palmer
Robert and Rebecca Patient
In memory of Gretchen L. Snyder
Sheila and John Morgan
Stephen and Linnea Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Hadlai A. Hull
Jennifer Komar Olivarez and
Enrique Olivarez, Jr.
Sally Boyd Polk
In memory of
Roberta Grodberg Simmons
Dr. Richard L. Simmons
In honor of Mickey Smith
Rusty and Burt Cohen
In memory of Elizabeth Straiton
Douglas and Mary Olson
Donald B. and
Shirley Ramstad
Norton and Bert Rockler
Larry Simon
Patricia A. Jones
Michael and Tamara Root
Scott Simpson
Sara Sarid
Roxanne Shanedling and
*Stanley Shanedling
Greta Stryker
J.H. Straiton
Constance Sommers
Deb Davenport and
Stew Stender
Glenda and Richard Struthers
Ruth and David Waterbury
Paul and Corine Wegener
In memory of Margaret Morris
Barbara S. Longfellow
Bette Goodman
James W. Straiton and
David Straiton
In memory of Katharine Pillsbury
Barbara S. Longfellow
Corinne M. Young
Wanda S. Zych
In memory of Charles Parnell
In honor of Matthew Welch
Greta Stryker
Julia Meech
In memory of Harold P. Peterson
In honor of Cori Wegener
Carlotta Marshall
Mr. David Jordan Harris
Kimberly J. Bowman
Ralph Whelan Trust Fund
The Patrick and Aimee Butler
Fund for the Curatorship
of Paintings
Ruth Ann Dayton Rooms Fund
The McKnight/Members’ Fund
for Community Programs
Putnam Dana McMillan Fund
Lily S. Place Fund
Target Foundation Special
Exhibitions Fund
James Ford Bell Foundation,
and the Bell Family Fund for
Decorative Arts
The Bush Foundation Fund
Friends Endowment Fund for
Richard P. and Isobel R. Gale
Fund for the Curator of
Asian Art
Mary Joann and James R.
Jundt Fund
In honor of Clyde and Mary
Reedy’s 60th anniversary
Guilford A. Morse Fund
Rusty and Burt Cohen
Rhodes Robertson Fund
Earl S. and Barbara Flanagan
Sanford Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
*Deceased as of June 30, 2007
Ruth and Bruce Dayton Fund
Linda Gram
Ronald Richardson
In honor of Barry Murphy and
Rosemary Dunbar
John R. Van Derlip Trust Fund
William Randolph Hearst
Foundation Fund
Margaret E. Morris Fund
Margaret Washburn Hunt Fund
Clinton Morrison and Mary K.
Morrison Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M.
Hunter III Fund
The Herberger Foundation
Endowment Fund
Jane and Thomas Nelson Fund
Grace M. Jefferson Fund
Marion and John Andrus III
Prints and Drawings Fund
Joan H. Herried Memorial
Docent Lecture Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Richardson Okie
Inga M. Holstad Fund
Augustus L. Searle Fund
Mrs. Blair Jenness Fund in
memory of Mr. and Mrs.
James B. Lindsay
Samuel H. Kress Foundation
Ruth Mackoff Shapiro Docent
Education Fund
Josephine J. Jensen Fund
Florence S. Lasher Fund
Mary R. Slater Fund in memory
of Wallace and Lillian
Josie Johnson Fund
Ella Sage Little Fund
Lund Food Holdings, Inc.,
Lunds and Byerly’s Fund
John Andrus III
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Bell
Fund for Decorative Arts
Harold and Mickey Smith
Endowment Fund
Marbrook Foundation Fund
Anne Morrison Snyder
Memorial Fund
Ella S. Martin Fund
McClurg Fund
Alice Johnson Fund
Charlotte Karlen Lecture Fund
Dorothy Kincaid Fund
Ruth Kincaid Fund
Elizabeth Washburn King Fund
Roman and Alice Verostko Fund
D. Kenneth and Patricia A.
Lindgren Fund
Weesner Charitable Trust Fund
Emily C. Lineburg Fund
Elsie and Mauritz Westmark
Martin Foundation Fund
Louis W. Hill, Jr. Memorial Fund
The McKnight Foundation
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
The Medtronic Foundation
The St. Paul Companies Fund
Alida R. Messinger Fund
Star Tribune Fund
Ellen J. Nelson Fund
Margaret M. Mull Fund
Surdna Foundation Fund for
the Curatorship of Prints and
Frances Norbeck Fund
Endowment Fund for Museum
Guide Education
The Fred R. Salisbury II Fund
Sweatt Foundation Fund
James R. Thorpe Fund
Agnes Lynch Anderson and
Roger Lewis Anderson
Lecture Fund
Donald Weesner Charitable
Trust Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Wells
and Mrs. John Roller Fund
Minnesota Natural Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Nordlie
Eugene and Virginia Palmer
Harold P. Peterson Endowment
for Books
Donald and Betty Winston
Exhibition Fund
Frances V. Anderson Fund
Mildred Bird Fund
Robert and Lois Bowen Fund
Carol and Conley
Brooks, Jr. Fund
Margaret Boldt Anderson Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Conley
Brooks, Sr. Fund
Emily L. Pyke Fund
Apache Foundation Fund
Judy and Kenneth Dayton Fund
for the Purcell-Cutts House
Mary Ann Butterfield
Textile Fund
Sandy Family Fund
Folwell W. Coan Fund
Ann Dietrich Endowed Lecture
Margaret Schweizer Fund
Rusty and Burt Cohen Fund
Irene Donaldson Fund
Mrs. Benton J. Case, Sr. Fund
in memory of Benton Janney
John Cowles Family Fund
Frances V. Doneghy Fund
Thirza Cleveland Fund
Charles Silverson Fund
Mrs. Thomas M. Crosby, Sr.
Esther Donovan Fund
Community Endowment Fund
for Jewish Arts and Culture
Dr. Werner and Elizabeth Simon
Music Fund
Cornelia Coultrap Fund
Skoglund Trust Endowment
Anne S. Dayton Fund
Loring M. Staples, Jr. Fund
Bemis Company Foundation
Atherton and Winifred Bean
James Ford Bell Foundation
Fund in honor of Charles H.
Bell and Lucy W. Bell
David Winton Bell Foundation
The Bridgman Foundation Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard G.
Carpenter Fund
Marion Cross Fund
Elsie Boosalis Fund
Clarence G. Frame Fund
Louise R. Phelps Fund
Piper Family Fund of The
Minneapolis Foundation
John and Katharine Pillsbury
Russell A. Plimpton Fund
Alice Pommer Fund
Sara Rutz Fund
Joan and Arthur Schulze Fund
The Shared Fund
Anson Cutts Trust Fund
Friends Endowment for
Mike and Kathy Dougherty
G & K Services Fund
Rosamond Dols Fund
Ruth Bovey Stevens Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore S.
Gary Fund
Dorathea Drotning Fund
Alan and Evelyn Struthers Fund
Sylvia Druy Endowment for
Museum Guide Education
John and Patricia Telfer Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A.
Erickson Fund
Helen and J. Kimball Whitney
Mrs. Merrill H. Gibbs Fund in
memory of Merrill H. Gibbs
Richard and Beverly Fink Fund
Ruth E. Wilson Fund
Barbara Forster Fund
Charles J. Winton, Jr. Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard
M. Granum Fund for
Gertrude Gieseke Fund
Mrs. Frederick Winston Fund
Lois Hall Fund
Helen and Leo Wolk Fund
Irene V. Grayston Fund
Henry Hanson Fund
Helen Winton Jones Fund
Josephine O. Hanson Fund
Frances E. Jordan Fund
Charles M. Harrington
Trust Fund
Mary and Mark Fiterman
Lecture Fund
Mary Fiterman
Merrill H. Gibbs Family Fund
N. Bud and Beverly Grossman
Bill and Penny George Fund for
Education and Community
The James and Faeth McGowan
Denie Harris Memorial Fund
Philip B. Harris Fund
Rudolph Miller Fund
Barbara Benton Wescoe Fund
Jane and James Emison
Endowment for Native
American Art
The Douglas and Mary Olson
Frame Acquisition Fund
Richard Lewis Hillstrom Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Lauress V.
Ackman Fund
John and Ruth Huss Fund for
Decorative Arts
Simmons Family Endowment
for Textiles
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Amis
Brian and Mary Sue Anderson
Winton Jones Endowment Fund
for Prints and Drawings
Katherine Kittredge McMillan
Memorial Fund
Jo and Gordon Bailey Fund
The Bergerson Family Fund
Jane Robertson Blanch Fund
Sheila and Michael Bonsignore
Carolyn Foundation Fund
Walter H. and Valborg P. Ude
Memorial Fund
Thomas and
Phyllis Colwell Fund
Mrs. Thomas M. Crosby, Sr.
Mary Agnes and Alvin E.
McQuinn Endowment for
Decorative Arts
Suzanne S. Roberts Endowment
for Asian Art
Margaret W. Case Fund
The Docents of the Minneapolis
Institute of Arts Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Hadlai A. Hull
Ethel Morrison Van Derlip
Trust Fund
Jacqueline Nolte Jones Fund
Don and Helen Knutzen Fund
Mary Maurer Fund
Samuel and Patricia
McCullough Fund
Walter C. and Mary C. Briggs
Trust Fund
McVay Foundation Fund
Driscoll Art Accessions
Endowment Fund
Merrill Lynch & Company
Foundation, Inc. Fund
Sheila and John Morgan Fund
David and Ruth Waterbury
Endowment for
Contemporary Craft
Mary Ruth Weisel Endowment
for Africa, Oceania, and the
Robert C. Winton Fund
Julia B. Bigelow Fund
John R. Van Derlip Trust Fund
Richard Simmons
Tess E. Armstrong Fund
Dean and Joan Hutton Fund
Patricia and Benjamin S. Jaffray
The Shared Fund
William Hood Dunwoody Fund
Walter Bollinger Fund
Mary and Robyn Campbell
Fund for Art Books
Joan and Gary Capen
Endowment for Art
David and Margaret
Christenson Endowment for
Art Acquisition
Mary Griggs Burke Endowment
for Art Acquisition
Michael Bennes Endowment for
Art Acquisition
David Draper Dayton Fund
Dandelion Endowment for
William C. Dietrich Endowment
for Nineteenth Century
C. Curtis Dunnavan
Endowment for Asian Art
Rebecca and Ben Field
Endowment for Art
Putnam Dana McMillan Fund
Jane and James Emison
Endowment for South Asian
and Indian Art
Jane and Thomas Nelson Fund
Dolly J. Fiterman Fund
Hognander Family Endowment
for Scandinavian Art
Mrs. Patricia J. Nelson Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Olson
Peter and Patricia Frechette
Endowment for Art
William and Harriet Ludwick
Endowment for Western Art
Anne and Hadlai Hull
Endowment for Art
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard M.
Granum Fund
Ted and Roberta Mann
Foundation Endowment Fund
Paul C. Johnson, Jr. Fund
Shirley Mahowald and Henry
Kinsell Endowment for Art
Sheila C. and John L. Morgan
Endowment for Art
Eloise and Elliot Kaplan
Endowment for Judaica
Virginia Myers, Martha Head,
Mary McVay Fund
Daniel E. and Marjorie J.
Peterson Fund
Mrs. Ruth Bovey Stevens Fund
Glenda and Richard Struthers
Ellen Tracy Inc. Fund
Mary Ann and Ron Weber Fund
Charlotte Griffin Weld and
Eleanor Weld Reid Fund
Helen Jones Fund for Asian Art
Allen and Kathy Lenzmeier
Endowment for Art
Mary Ingebrand-Pohlad
Endowment for Twentieth
Century Paintings
Barbara S. Longfellow Fund for
Works on Paper
Christina N. and Swan J.
Turnblad Memorial Fund
The Manitou Fund In Tribute to
Marjorie McNeely
Siri and Bob Marshall Fund for
American Paintings
Glenda Struthers
Martin and Brown Endowment
James Ford Bell Foundation
Endowment for Art
Walter McCarthy and Clara
Ueland Endowment for
Friends of Bruce Dayton Art
Acquisition Fund
Marguerite S. McNally
Endowment for Art
Larey E. Lindberg and Larey
Swanson Endowment for Art
Linda and Lawrence Perlman
Photography Endowment
Sharon and Bill Richardson
Endowment for Art
Fred S. Salisbury II Fund
Deborah Davenport and
Stewart Stender Endowment
for American Folk Art
Robert J. Ulrich Fund
*Mary Livingston Griggs
and Mary Griggs Burke
Michael and Susan Burnett
Carol and *M. Boyd Burton
Ruth B. Anderson Memorial
Endowment for Asian Art
Barbara J. Byrne and
Michael D. Byrne
Ford and Amy Bell Endowment
Fund for Decorative Arts
Carol and Ray Bergeson
Endowment for Art
Blythe Brenden Endowment for
Art Acquisition
*Mary and *Robyn Campbell
Joan and Gary Capen
*Arleen Carlson
Kristine A. Cecil
*Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Harris
Judith Christensen
*Ms. Lucille Hvass Clark
Dr. John I. Coe and
*Mrs. John I. Coe
Judith and Richard Corson
Ms. Margaret Coudron
Karen L. Andrew
Mr. and *Mrs. John E. Andrus III
Rosalyn Amdur Baker and
*Michael Baker
Reverend Richard L. Hillstrom
Leonard and Mary Lou Hoeft
*Kenneth Barry
Richard and Beverly Fink
Endowment for Art
*Mrs. W. R. Royce Beamish
Norman Gabrick Endowment
for African Art
*Mr. and *Mrs. Charles H. Bell
Kelly and Geoffrey Gage
Endowment for Art
*Kathleen B. Belzer
*Margaret Deal
Virginia E. Dehn
*Elaine Dennett
*Frances V. Doneghy
Dr. Kjeld O. Husebye and
Mrs. Karen Husebye
C. Curtis Dunnavan
Dr. Robert and
Mary Beth Eagan
Samuel and Patricia
McCullough Endowment
for American Furniture and
Folk Art
Louisa Richardson Endowment
for Art Acquisition
Hadlai and Anne Hull
Dr. James J. Duffey and
Maureen O. Sullivan Duffey
Paul and Gisela Konopka
Endowment Fund
Raymond and Ruth Reister
Endowment for Art
*Rosamond Dols
*Dorathea B. Drotning
Susan Jacobsen Endowment for
Art Acquisition
Jane and *Jim Emison
Ray Bergeson
Frank J. Indihar, M.D.
Suzanne and Thomas Inman
*Ms. Mary Young Janes
*Grace M. Jefferson
Mrs. Blair Jenness
Betty and *Frank Jewett, Jr.
*Dr. Frank E. Johnson
Kathryn C. Johnson and
Scott R. Berry
E. Duane and Marlene
*Mary Elizabeth (Mimi) Johnson
Sally Jane Enstrom
*Paul C. Johnson, Jr.
*Katharine Eustis
Carolyn Evans
Victoria K. and
*Gerald W. Johnson
Michael and Ann Birt
Sheryl and David Evelo
Charmaine H. Jones
Robert and Varley Bodsgard
John and Ester Fesler
*Miss Mildred V. Bird
Robert E. Boldt
Dolly J. Fiterman
*Mrs. Walter R. Bollinger
Mary Goff Fiterman
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley C.
Bowman II
*Mrs. Dorothy Fobes
*Clarence G. Frame
Kimberly J. Bowman
Mary S. Bowman
Earl and Barbara Sanford Fund
for American Art
C. Andrew Fuller and
*Priscilla Paine Fuller
*Mary C. Briggs and
*Walter C. Briggs
*Don and Louise Gabbert
Leon and Anna Schaar Fund
*Mary Stewart Brink
Glenda and Richard Struthers
Endowment for Art
*Ethelyn J. Bros
Norman M. Gabrick
Ms. Jennifer R. Gage
Edith and Norman Garmezy
Sandra M. and David M. Brown
David Gerdes
Mary Burich
*Deceased as of June 30, 2007
Shelley K. Holzemer
*G. Sidney and
*Dorothy W. Houston
Charles J. Hudgins
Judy Driscoll
Ray and Carol Bergeson
Peggy Ann Hoeft
*Inga M. Holstad
*William C. Dietrich
Sue Doty and *George Doty
*Grace Virginia Benz
*Gareth Heibert and
*Janet Hiebert
Mary H. Dayton
Mr. Harrison C. Deal
Marilyn C. Benson
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A.
Ruth and Bruce Dayton
*Mr. Stephen R. Baker
Joseph Bellows
Charles P. Helsell
*Edward Lees Henderson
*Hazel Hermanson
Janna P. De Lue
John and Ardy Becklin
Elaine and Roger Haydock
*Miss Amy Herman
James and Maureen Duffey
Endowment for Prints and
*Winifred and *Atherton Bean
Evelyn Payne Hatcher
Kathleen Coy
Mrs. Julius E. Davis
R. Patrick Atherton
Lois Hall
*Marion Cross
David and Amber Dapkus
*Mrs. Tess E. Armstrong
Plautz Family Endowment
Rose O. Gustafson
*Musa Guston
Barbara A. Aman and
William R. Easton
Rolf L. Andreassen, M.D., and
Norma Neumann
James and Jo Ann Nordlie
Endowment for Art
Beverly N. Grossman
*Alpha M. Gustafson
*Lenore Hannon
Ruth M. Anderson
John and Shirley Nilsen
Endowment for Art
Gregory Grinley and
Raymond Terrill
Helen L. Cashman
*Ruth B. Anderson
Douglas J. and Victoria
Galloway Holmen
Endowment Fund
*Irene V. Grayston
Darlene J. and Richard P. Carroll
*Mrs. Frances V. Anderson
Michael and Grace Bress
Endowment for Art
*Maxine and
*Kalman Goldenberg
Anonymous (6)
Dennis Albrecht
E. Viktoria Anderson
Blythe Brenden
Gary L. Gliem
Cora Ginsberg
Sara Jones
*Charlotte Karlen
Marilyn Kelly Cramolini
*Ruth Kincaid and
*Dorothy Kincaid
Helen M. King
Shirley Mahowald Kinsell and
*Henry Kinsell
*Mr. Kemper E. Kirkpatrick
*John Harold Kittleson
*Dr. I. M. Kolthoff
*Dr. Gisela Konopka
Liz and James Krezowski
Felice Kronfeld and
*Mervin Kronfeld
James and
Martha Abbott Ladner
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pitschka
*Alan and Evelyn T. Struthers
*Ruth A. Plane
*Dr. Betty J. Sullivan
Michael and Gloria Plautz
Michael L. Summerfield
Karen and Richard Ploetz
*Edward O. Swanson
James C. Lau
Heidi and
Richard Downing Poey
*Charles B. and
*Margaret L. Sweatt
Jim Lawser and Duane Bandel
Forbes W. Polliard
*Mrs. Floyd E. Lasher
Mr. and Mrs. Roth S. Leddick
*Alice B. Pommer
Ward B. and Susan E. Lewis
Harriet and Walter Pratt
Patricia and
D. Kenneth Lindgren
Ms. Eleanor Ralston
*Ms. Emily C. Lineburg
Barbara S. Longfellow
Patricia Lund
David and Mary Maas
*Wayne and Rosalee MacFarlane
*Gladys H. Margolis
Siri and Bob Marshall
*Felix A. Martucci
*Mr. Samuel H. Maslon and
*Mrs. Luella R. Maslon
Robert W. Maynard
*Mildred Carter McAdams
*Mrs. James McGowan
Mary E. McKinsey
Dr. Duncan McNab
Marguerite S. McNally
Jerald E. Swenson
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Telfer
Kaimay and Joseph Terry, M.D.
*Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Thacher
Ronald D. Reavis
Dr. Charles Thiesenhusen
Darwin and Geri Reedy
Mrs. Inga Thompson
Dorothy L. Renn
*James Tigerman
*Mrs. Georgiana Slade Reny
*Mrs. Clarence O. Tormoen
Louisa H. Richardson
Ugyen Tshering and
Patrizia Franceschinis
*Dr. and *Mrs. Dean K. Rizer
Clifford M. Roberts, Jr. and
*Suzanne S. Roberts
*Thyrza Tyrrell
David L. Rodum
*Mr. and Mrs. Vernon S. Vendel
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Urista
*Adele H. Roller
Roman and Alice Verostko
John and Julie Roth
*Ceil T. Victor
Barbara Rubin-Greenberg
Jack and Connie Wallinga
Burton and Berneen Rudolph
*Sara Rutz
*Marianne Baird Wallman and
*William Wallman
*Mr. Fred R. Salisbury
*Joseph E. Walton
*Lucille B. Webster
Jim and Cheryl Samples
Don McNeil and Emily Galusha
Earl S. and
Barbara Flanagan Sanford
Dr. Gabriel P. and
Yvonne Weisberg
Jeffrey C. Meehan
Diane K. Sannes
Mary Ruth Weisel
*Jeanne E. Michener
*Mauritz Westmark and
*Elsie B. Westmark
*Rudolph W. Miller
Steven and Mindy Wexler
Patricia M. Mitchell
*John R. and Renata R. Winsor
Dr. Alfred Moir
Margie and Woody Woodhouse
Gunilla Adner Montgomery
Caroline A. V. Woods
*Margaret Morris
Margaret B. Woodworth and
*Robert C. Woodworth
Clinton and Mary K. Morrison
Arnold W. Morse
Diane K. Sannes
Sally A. Mullen
Alan and Dena Naylor
Judy Neiswander and
William Gleason
Rodney Nelson
*Mrs. Frances M. Norbeck
*Mrs. Stanley Norris
Marcia Henry Yanz
*Dr. Frances E. Schaar
*Steven and *Rita Zellmer
Kathryn E. Schenk and
Allan W. Mahnke
*Margaret J. Schweizer
Ale\*'#)''. n_fj\
*Winifred and *Atherton Bean
Citizens of Hennepin County—
Park Museum Fund
Ruth and Bruce Dayton
Elizabeth and W. John Driscoll
Friends of the Institute
General Mills Foundation
N. Bud and
Beverly N. Grossman
Alfred and Ingrid Lenz Harrison
Cargill and Donna MacMillan
The McKnight Foundation
U.S. Bancorp Foundation
Bob Ulrich and Jill Dahlin
Ralph Whelan Trust
3M Foundation
Dale and Kay Schwie
Gail and Henry See
Ameriprise Financial
Regis and Ruth Seidenstricker
Sydney Peppard Anderson
*Mr. and *Mrs. Richardson B.
*Mr. and *Mrs. Charles T.
*Mary H. Campbell
Dr. Richard L. Simmons
*Alpha M. Gustafson
Mr. and *Mrs. John E. Andrus III
*Elaine V. Dennett
*Elizabeth Strawn Simon
Mr. and *Mrs. Murray
Olyphant, Jr.
Dr. Werner Simon and
Madeline Simon
Karl-Thomas Opem
Anne Larsen Simonson
*Hendrik and Marri Oskam
*Ruth M. Shipley
Douglas and Mary Olson
Allan and Deborah Schneider
*Marjorie I. Nutter
Charlotte and Raymond Olson
Penny Lorraine Wuerth
J. Dudley Moylan
*Margaret M. Mull
*G. Sidney and
*Dorothy W. Houston
*Mildred Carter McAdams
*Margaret Morris
Athwin Foundation
*Mr. Charles H. Bell and
*Mrs. Charles H. Bell
The James Ford Bell Foundation
*Theodore W. Bennett Charitable
Best Buy Children’s Foundation
*Mrs. Lee H. Slater
*Susan Mary Shuman Okie
*Mr. and *Mrs. James H. Binger
Constance S. Otis
*Kenneth R. and Lillian Smith
*Ruth A. Plane
*Mr. Mickey Pallas
Leonard and Frances Spira
*Mary C. Briggs and
*Walter C. Briggs
Martha and Roger R. Palmer
Terry and Mary Patton
*Ruth M. Shipley
Richard and Carol Stahl
Cargill Foundation
*Loring M. Staples, Jr.
Mrs. James R. Paul
Elsie Stephens
Donna L. Pauley
Mrs. Sibley F. Stewart
*Deceased as of June 30, 2007
º Donor for ten consecutive years or more
The Bush Foundation
*John Cowles and
*Elizabeth Bates Cowles
The Croixwood Trust
Star Tribune Foundation
Barbara S. Longfellow
*David M. Daniels
Curtis Galleries, Inc.
*Mr. and Mrs. George R. Steiner
Nivin and *Duncan MacMillan
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Dixon
The Curtis L. Carlson Family
*Charles B. and
*Margaret L. Sweatt
Whitney and Elizabeth
Judy Driscoll
Elisabeth Jackley Dayton
*Kenneth and Judy Dayton
Siri and Bob Marshall
Travelers Foundation
Samuel D. and
Patricia N. McCullough
Mary Goff Fiterman
The Sumner T. McKnight
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Frechette
Deluxe Corporation
Martin and Lora Weinstein
Mr. Harry M. Drake
Wells Family Foundation Trust
The Driscoll Foundation
Wells Fargo Foundation
C. Curtis Dunnavan
Jay F. Ecklund
Jane and *Jim Emison
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hap Fauth
Dolly J. Fiterman
Miles and Shirley Fiterman
Charitable Foundation
Mary Ruth Weisel
Western and F.A. Bean
Carl A. Weyerhaeuser
Charitable Trust
The Herberger Foundation
Ruth and John Huss
Mary Ingebrand-Pohlad
James R. and M. JoAnn Jundt
The Kresge Foundation
Myron and Anita Kunin
Clinton and Mary K. Morrison
Robert W. and Carolyn Nelson
Northwest Area Foundation
Linda Peterson Perlman and
Lawrence Perlman
The Jay and Rose Phillips
Family Foundation
Martha and Bruce Atwater
Blandin Foundation
*Mary Livingston Griggs
and Mary Griggs Burke
*Dorothy Millett Lindeke
Burlington Northern Santa Fe
Don and Diana Lee Lucker
Carol and *M. Boyd Burton
Dr. and Mrs. William E.
Pierson M. and
Florence B. Grieve
*Mr. and *Mrs. John M. Musser
Honeywell Foundation
Mr. and *Mrs. Charles B.
Patricia M. Mitchell
Xcel Energy Foundation
Carolyn and Franklin Groves
Mr. and Mrs. Leo A. Hodroff
Grace B. Wells Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
The Minneapolis Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. C. Angus Wurtele
*George and *Margret Halpin
Margaret W. Harmon
Charitable Trust
Mr. Kevin Ingram Hart and
Mrs. Polly Dix Hart
Douglas and
Victoria Galloway Holmen
ING Foundation
International Multifoods
Charitable Foundation
James and Maxine Johnson
Roger G. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Kennedy
RBC Dain Rauscher
The Levitt Foundation
Clifford M. Roberts, Jr. and
*Suzanne S. Roberts
Sandra and Peter Butler
*Musa Guston
Qwest Foundation
*Mrs. Georgiana Slade Reny
*Patrick and *Aimee Mott Butler
The Ford Foundation
Donald McNeely
The Andrew W. Mellon
Ford Motor Company Fund
*Mr. and *Mrs. Louis W. Hill, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A.
T. B. Walker Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. John E. Larkin
R. C. Lilly Foundation
The Henry Luce Foundation
*Wayne and Rosalee MacFarlane
Jack A. and Aviva Robinson
Marbrook Foundation
Anne Larsen Simonson
Jennifer L. Martin
Alan and Dena Naylor
Chadwick Foundation
Consulate General of Sweden
Ted and Roberta Mann
Thrivent Financial for
Lutherans Foundation
Ella P. Crosby
The Wallace Foundation
Anson B. Cutts, Jr.
Ellen and *Fred Wells
*Mrs. Frances M. Norbeck
Wheelock Whitney III
Northern Pump Company
Margie and Woody Woodhouse
Northwest Airlines, Inc.
Mr. and *Mrs. James T. Wyman
Northwestern Foundation
Mary Livingston Griggs
and Mary Griggs Burke
*Samuel and *Luella Maslon
Marguerite S. McNally
Mary Agnes and Al McQuinn
The Medtronic Foundation
Minnesota State Arts Board
Sheila C. and John L. Morgan
National Endowment
for the Arts
National Endowment
for the Humanities
Douglas and Mary Olson
Patrick and Aimee Butler
Family Foundation
*Mr. and *Mrs. Donald C.
Wendy and Douglas Dayton
Mary Lee and *Wallace C.
Dorsey & Whitney Foundation
Faegre & Benson Foundation
Freeman Foundation
*Don and Louise Gabbert
Regis Foundation
Institute of Museum and
Library Services
Sit Investment Associates
Ankeny Family Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Bemis Company Foundation
Penny and Bill George
Mr. and Mrs. Hadlai A. Hull
Dr. Richard L. Simmons
Kim and Gloria Anderson
B. C. Gamble and P. W. Skogmo
Fund of The Minneapolis
Darwin and Geri Reedy
Fred and Virginia Scheel
Mr. and *Mrs. Richard P. Gale
The Groves Foundation
Anne Pierce Rogers
Piper Jaffray
Decorative Arts Council
Carl and *Eloise Pohlad
Katherine D. and
Stuart A. Nielsen
*Mary and *Robyn Campbell
Carlson Companies,
Carolyn Foundation
*Mr. and *Mrs. Leonard
Patricia and Benjamin Jaffray
The JDR 3rd Fund
Mrs. Olive C. Case
Jerome Foundation
Helen L. Cashman
Winton Jones
Gene and Gail Sit
Elliot and Eloise Kaplan
Squam Lake Foundation—
Charles A. Cleveland
The Southways Foundation
Constance and Daniel Kunin
Rusty and Burt Cohen
Sara and David Lieberman
Elizabeth C. Quinlan
George Rickey
Robins, Kaplan, Miller &
Ciresi L.L.P.
*Kenneth R. and Lillian Smith
Mickey and Harold Smith
Laurie and Michael Snow
Strangis Family Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Supervalu Foundation on
behalf of Supervalu Inc. and
Cub Foods
*Charles B. and
*Margaret L. Sweatt
TCF Bank
*Mr. and *Mrs. John R.
Van Derlip
The Shared Fund
Anonymous (3)
Alliss Educational Foundation
AmeriPride Services, Inc.
Anchor Bank
Andersen Corporate
*Dr. Roger L. Anderson
*Mrs. Frances V. Anderson
*Mrs. Tess E. Armstrong
Calvert Barksdale
Ford and Amy Bell
Mr*. and Mrs.* Judson Bemis, Sr.
Betty and Marvin Borman
J.E. Dunn Northcentral, Inc.
Lloyd and *Rosie Johnson
*Mr. and *Mrs. Carl W. Jones
Lucy Jones
*Mrs. Lyndon M. King
*Mrs. Floyd E. Lasher
The Toro Company
Carol and Judson Bemis, Jr.
John F. and Susan B. Ullrich
Martha M. Bennett
The Valspar Foundation
Marilyn C. Benson
Joanne and Philip Von Blon
Ray and Carol Bergeson
Waldorf Corporation
Michael and Ann Birt
David and Shari Boehnen
*Mrs. Walter R. Bollinger
Patricia Lund
Lunds, Incorporated
Nancy and Ted Weyerhaeuser
Mr. Andrew A. Lynn
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley C.
Bowman II
Windgate Charitable
Mary S. Bowman
John and Renata Winsor
Fund of The Minneapolis
Blythe Brenden
National City Bank Foundation
Ashland Inc.
Susan and Edwin McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Conley Brooks, Sr.
Alida Messinger
Carmen and Jim Campbell
Mrs. Samuel H. Bell and
*Mr. Samuel H. Bell
WEM 2000 Foundation Fund
of the Dorsey & Whitney
Lieberman-Okinow Foundation
Dr. David and *Helen Bradford
*Ethelyn J. Bros
Tennant Foundation
The Wallin Foundation—
Maxine and Winston Wallin
Kathy and Al Lenzmeier
William W. McGuire and
Nadine M. McGuire Family
Ronald Bourgeault
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon S. Sturgis
*Ms. Mary Young Janes
Joanne and Benton Case, Jr.
Reliant Energy Minnegasco
Boss Foundation
Ruth and Elliot Brebner
Briggs and Morgan
Mike and Penny Winton
Allen Brookins-Brown
Wheaton Wood
John H. Buelow
Michael and Susan Burnett
Asian Arts Council
Print and Drawing Curatorial
Sheila and Michael Bonsignore
Mr. Paul Butler
Robert and Gail Buuck, Buuck
Family Foundation
Jim and Linda Mitchell
Joan and Gary Capen
Mr. Lynn L. Charlson
Jane and John Morrison
Anonymous (4)
Susan and James R. Cargill II
David and
Margaret Christenson
Munsingwear, Inc.
Joanne Carlson
*Mrs. Folwell W. Coan
Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley H.
Murphy, Jr.
Julia Thorpe Cote Trust
Pierro Mussi
Marguerite and Russell Cowles
Marilyn and Glen Nelson
*Marion Cross
Jane and Thomas Nelson
Anne Dayton
James and Jo Ann Nordlie
Eric Dayton
Steve and Tamrah Schaller O’Neil
Mr. Harrison C. Deal
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Ordway, Jr.
*Margaret Deal
David and Mary Parker
Donaldson Company, Inc.
Peavey Company
*Mrs. Eunice L. Dwan
Ernst & Young L.L.P.
F. R. Bigelow Foundation
Beverly and Richard Fink
David and Margene B. Fox
Fred C. and Katherine B.
Andersen Foundation
Gabberts Furniture &
Design Studio
Edith and Norman Garmezy
GE Capital Fleet Services
Kate V. Gibbs
*Mrs. Gordon W. Gieseke
Rehael Fund—Roger L. Hale
and Eleanor L. Hall Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
*Mr. and *Mrs. Stanley Hawks
William Randolph Hearst
Richard L. Herreid
Reverend Richard L. Hillstrom
Leonard and Mary Lou Hoeft
*Inga M. Holstad
The Hubbard Foundation
*Deceased as of June 30, 2007
*Elizabeth C. Adams
ADC Telecommunications
The Advance Foundation, Inc.
Linda and Steve Ahlers
Paintings Council
Deloitte & Touche L.L.P.
*Virginia Doneghy
*Chloe Ackman
Mrs. Hall James Peterson and
*Mr. Hall James Peterson
Myra Chazin
CME-KHBB Advertising
Alliance Capital Management
Art and Anne Collins
Allianz Life Insurance Company
of North America
Jill Collins and John Thillman
The American Federation
of Arts
Ed and Joann Conlin
Steven M. Andersen
Harriet and Walter Pratt
Margaret W. Anderson
Gerald Rauenhorst and Alpha
& Omega Family Foundation
Mrs. William R. Anderson, Jr.
Susan and Richard Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. George McKay
*Bob and Janet Andrews
*Sewell D. Andrews
The Rockefeller Foundation
Pete and Margie Ankeny
John and Lois Rogers
Walter C. Annenberg
*Adele H. Roller
Cynthia Rosenblatt Ross
Peter and Sally Anson
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rubin
Edward and Eleanor Asplin
*Mr. Fred R. Salisbury
Jo and Gordon Bailey
Joan and Arthur R. Schulze
The Baillon Foundation, Inc.
Dr. Werner Simon and
Madeline Simon
Baker Foundation
Richard G. and
Mary Lyn Ballantine
Harriet and Edson Spencer
Fund of The Minneapolis
Robert and Linda Barrows
*Mrs. Lyman Barrows
Deb Davenport and
Stew Stender
*Kenneth Barry
Helmut Stern
Donna and Warren Beck
Martha and *Harry Stimpson
Marilyn and Frank Beddor
Walter Stremel
*Elinor Watson Bell
*Mr. C. M. Case, Jr. and
*Mrs. C. M. Case, Jr.
Alice M. O’Brien Foundation
*Ruth B. Anderson
*Mrs. John S. Pillsbury, Sr.
Darlene J. and
Richard P. Carroll
Alden C. Buttrick Trust
Andersen Foundation
The Pew Charitable Trusts
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S.
Tom and Phyllis Colwell
Jeanne and Burt Corwin
Ms. Margaret Coudron
Sage and John Cowles
Mr. and Mrs. David Crosby
Tom and Ellie Crosby, Jr.
*Mrs. Elizabeth L. Crosby
Kenneth and
Betty Jayne Dahlberg
Martha and John Daniels
John and Mary Lou Dasburg
David Winton Bell Foundation
Mrs. Julius E. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Dayton
David and Vanessa Dayton
Edward and Sherry Ann Dayton
Bob and Joanie Dayton
Dellwood Foundation, Inc.
Ann and Jack Dietrich
*William C. and
*Corrine Dietrich
Mr. Jim Dine
Donald Weesner Charitable
Mrs. Irene S. Donaldson
*Frances V. Doneghy
Mike and Kathy Dougherty
IBM Corporation
McQuay-Perfex, Incorporated
Dr. James J. and
Maureen O. Duffey
Irene Hixon Whitney Family
Fund of The Minneapolis
M. D. and Mary McVay
*Mr. Norman B. Mears
Patricia and Barney Saunders
Commemorative Association
for the Japan World
Exposition (1970)
MetLife Foundation
*Mr. and *Mrs. John R. Savage
Dr. Michael B. Miller
Mrs. Hannes Schroll
Lucy and Robert Mitchell
Max R. Schweitzer
Knight Foundation
Dr. Alfred Moir
Securian Foundation
Emily and George R.A. Johnson
Sassan Mokhtarzadeh
Mrs. Robert Semsch
*Anne de’Uribe Echebarria
Elmer L. and Eleanor J.
Andersen Foundation
Enron Foundation
Fannie Mae Foundation
Bill and Kathy Farley
Ferndale Foundation
Lisa A. Ferris
Benjamin and Rebecca Field
Mr. James A. Johnson and
Ms. Maxine Isaacs
*Dr. Daniel Moos and
*Mrs. Catherine Moos
*Paul C. Johnson, Jr.
*Margaret Morris
Mrs. Edwin M. Johnston
*Mr. and *Mrs. Israel D. Fink
Kathleen Jones
Dr. and *Mrs. Angus W.
*Clarence G. Frame
Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund
of the HRK Foundation
Oak Grove Foundation—
John L. Morrison
Nobuko Kajitani
MSP Communications
Dr. Markle and
*Charlotte Karlen
Barry Murphy and Rosemary
The Fredrikson & Byron
G & K Services, Inc.
Skip and Barbara Gage
Geoffrey and Kelly Gage
Elizabeth B. Myers
*Mrs. Stephen F. Keating
*Mrs. Winston B. Newell
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gelb
Michele and Rob Keith
Gary L. Gliem
Miriam and Erwin Kelen
John and Shirley Nilsen
Linda and Jack Goldenberg
Kidder, Peabody & Co.,
Jack and Gretchen Norqual
Goldman, Sachs and Company
Barbara and Mike Goldner
Mr. Alan Goldstein
Gerald and Virginia Gordon
Mr. and *Mrs. Bernard M.
Gray Plant Mooty Foundation
Stanley B. Gregory Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Greystone Foundation
Jerry and Kathleen Grundhofer
Jack and Beverly Grundhofer
*Alpha M. Gustafson
Lois Hall
Norstan, Inc.
Dr. Mark K. Kim
*Mr. and *Mrs. Richardson B.
*Mrs. Preston King and
*Mr. Preston King
Old Dutch Foods, Inc.
Sarah-Maud W. Sivertsen
Charitable Trust
Dr. Sidney Shapiro
Silicon Graphics
Roger J. and Michele M. Sit
*Margaret H. Skoglund
*Mrs. Lee H. Slater
Ella and Dick Slade
Mae L. Smith
*Loring M. Staples Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Helmut F. Stern
*Mrs. Ruth Bovey Stevens
Glenda and Richard Struthers
Donald F. and Virginia Swanson
James Tigerman
Touche Ross and Company
Emily Anne and Gedney Tuttle
*Thyrza Tyrrell
Margee and Bob Kinney
John and Cindy Olson
U.S. Trust Company
Shirley Mahowald and
*Mr. Henry Kinsell
Onan Family Foundation
Mary W. Vaughan Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Drs. Lee and Tillie Kitzenberg
Constance S. Otis
Karl-Thomas Opem
Mrs. Theodora H. Lang
Park Dental
Joan and Joe Lapensky
Mrs. James R. Paul
Leonardo Lapicirella
*Mrs. George T. Pennock
David and Randy Lebedoff
Wellington Lee
Kiyoko Lerner
Von Blon Family Charitable
Archie D. and Bertha H. Walker
Fred and Alice Wall
The Pentair Foundation
Jack and Connie Wallinga
Nancy McGlynn Phelps and
James J. Phelps
Ruth and David Waterbury
Edward D. Pierson and
*Nancy Rogers Pierson
Television, WLTE FM
Mrs. Frederick O. Watson
Rosalie Heffelfinger Hall
Fund of The Minneapolis
C.M. and Mary Lewis
Winston R. Lindberg M.D.
*Corinne G. Pillsbury
Marjorie and Irving Weiser
Ruth E. Hanold
Patricia and D. Kenneth
*Kitty and *John Pillsbury
Wenger Foundation
*Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Harris
Ward B. and Susan E. Lewis
Sally and George Pillsbury
Clarke Wescoe
Dr. Evelyn Payne Hatcher
Lindquist & Vennum P.L.L.P.
Michael and Gloria Plautz
Lowry Hill
Betsy and David Weyerhaeuser
Haworth Marketing & Media
Sally Boyd Polk
David Lubben and Nancy Kwam
Whitney Foundation
Dr. Robert John Poor
Don and *Arlene Helgeson
Kathleen and Kenneth Macke
Helen and J. Kimball Whitney
The Principal Financial Group
Hersey Foundation
Malt-O-Meal Company
Wheelock Whitney and
Kathleen Blatz
William R. Hibbs Family
Mardag Foundation
The Prudential Insurance
Company of America
John and Karen Himle
Asher and Vera Margolis
Gene Quintana
Gerald D. Hines Interests
Marquette Bancshares, Inc.
Rahr Foundation
*Mr. and *Mrs. Donald Winston
Sue and Bill Hodder Family
Fund of The Minneapolis
Marsh USA Inc.
Elie and Bob Reid
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Winston
The Martin S. Ackerman
Ruth and *Raymond Reister
Winterthur Museum, Garden
and Library
The Martin Foundation, Inc.
Sharon and Bill Richardson
Jane and Arthur Mason
Mrs. Patricia Ringer
Jim and *Chloe Massie
Jeannine M. Rivet and
Warren G. Herreid, II
Susan S. and Duane D. Hoff
Orville C. Hognander
*Mr. John M. Hollern
Patricia and Thomas Holloran
John and Robyn Horn
Hubbard Broadcasting
Hella Mears and
William Hueg, Jr.
Allan Rhoades
Dennis and Gail Mathisen
Beverly J. and John A.
Rollwagen Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Mayo Clinic
Walt McCarthy and
Clara Ueland
RSP Architects Ltd.
*Mrs. James McGowan
Andy and Carole Hunter
Joan and Dean Hutton
McKinsey & Company, Inc.
Samuel H. Kress Foundation
Earl S. and
Barbara Flanagan Sanford
Deborah and Pierce McNally
Frances and Frank Wilkinson
Mrs. David S. Williams
The Charles J. and Henrietta
McDonald Winton Fund
*Mr. and *Mrs. Robert C. Winton
Elayne and Marvin Wolfenson
Zelle Charitable Trust
Ann and *Louis Zelle
Charles and Julie Zelle
*Steven and *Rita Zellmer
Ziegler Inc.
The Surreal Calder
Jun. 11–Sep. 10, 2006
Organized by the Menil
Collection, Houston, Texas.
A Passion for Paintings: Old
Masters from the Wadsworth
Oct. 8, 2006–Jan. 7, 2007
Organized by the Wadsworth
Atheneum Museum of Art,
Hartford, Connecticut.
An American Vision:
Henry Francis DuPont’s
Winterthur Museum
Feb. 18–May 6, 2007
Organized by Winterthur
Museum & Country Estate,
Winterthur, Delaware.
A Mirror of Nature: Nordic
Landscape Painting 1840–1910
Jun. 24–Sep. 2, 2007
Organized by the Nordic
National Galleries, and
supported by an indemnity
from the Federal Council on the
Arts and the Humanities.
From Dürer to Cassatt: Five
Centuries of Master Prints from
the Jones Collection
May 20–Sep. 17, 2006
Vermillion Editions Limited:
Prints, Multiples, Artist’s Books,
Oct. 14, 2006–Jan. 7, 2007
Judging by Appearance: Master
Drawings from the Collection
of Joseph and Deborah Goldyne
Feb. 10–Apr. 29, 2007
Organized by The Fine Arts
Museums of San Fransisco
Uzbek Embroidery in the
Nomadic Tradition: The Jack A.
and Aviva Robinson Collection
Jun. 2–Aug. 26, 2007
Sacred Sounds:
The Bells of Ancient China
Aug. 26, 2006–Apr. 8, 2007
Pride on the Plains:
Art of the Apsaalooka
Jun. 2–Oct. 21, 2007
The Genius of Rembrandt:
Selected Etchings from the
Jones Collection
May 20–Dec. 10, 2006
Energy Palimpsest: New Work
by Daniel Kaniess and The 3rd
Megaton: New Paintings by
Yang Yang
Apr. 7–Jul. 23, 2006
Arms and Armor from the
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Jan. 31, 2006–Dec. 30, 2007
Papier Moderne
(Modernist works on paper)
Jun. 11, 2006–Jan. 21, 2007
Unicorn in Captivity:
Alexa Horochowski
Jun. 11–Aug. 13, 2006
Improbable Impressions:
Jack Lenor Larsen’s
Psychedelic Prints
Jun. 11, 2006–Jan. 28, 2007
Freddy Muñoz:
Paintings 2002–2006
Sep. 1–Oct. 29, 2006
Chris Larson: Crush Collision
Nov. 17, 2006–Jan. 7, 2007
The Jack Lenor Larsen Design
Studio: Win Anderson
Jun. 11, 2006–Jan. 28, 2007
Rollin Marquette
Jan. 26–Mar. 18, 2007
Iroquois Whimseys:
The Art of Innovation
Apr. 12, 2006–Feb. 11, 2007
New Skins: Jim Denomie and
Andrea Carlson
Apr. 6–May 27, 2007
Marks of Intention: Abstract
Art on Paper, 1945–2005
Jun. 11, 2006–Mar. 4, 2007
Drawings in Light: Jantje
Visscher and Anastylosis:
Drawings by Mary Griep
Jun. 15–Aug. 12, 2007
Mechanically Inclined:
Selections from the Katherine
Kierland Herberger Collection
Mar. 30, 2006–Mar. 25, 2007
Fresh from the Studio: Craft
in Twin Cities Collections
Jun. 11, 2006–Apr. 22, 2007
Dance of the Faithful
(Leonard Freed photographs)
May 21, 2005–Aug. 6, 2006
Our Mother Mary Found
Aug. 19, 2006–Apr. 29, 2007
Cupid and Psyche:
Neoclassical Visions of Love
Feb. 11–Aug. 20, 2006
Masterpieces from the
Permanent Collection
(Japanese prints)
Sep. 9–Dec. 3, 2006
Masterpieces from the
Permanent Collection
(Japanese prints)
Jun. 11–Sep. 3, 2006
Maya Dreams: Textile Traditions
from the Guatemala Highlands
Oct. 28, 2006–Apr. 8, 2007
Highlights from the
Harrison Collection of Fine
Photographs, 1992–2006
Jun. 11–Oct. 8, 2006
Print Me Once, Print Me Twice
Nov. 4, 2006–Jan. 21, 2007
Woven Splendor:
Kente Cloths from West Africa
Mar. 4–Oct. 15, 2006
Saints and Sinners in
Renaissance Prints
Nov. 11, 2006–Apr. 29, 2007
Utility to Ostentation:
Textiles in Our Life
Mar. 4–Oct. 15, 2006
Holiday Traditions:
Designed for Dining
Nov. 24, 2006–Jan. 18 , 2007
From William and Mary
to Modernism: Boston
Seating Furniture
Mar. 1–Nov. 5, 2006
On the Same Page: Artist’s
Books New to the Collection
Dec. 2, 2006–May 20, 2007
Monsters and Mayhem:
Renaissance Prints from the
Jones Collection
May 20–Nov. 5, 2006
Masterpieces from the
Permanent Collection
(Japanese prints)
Dec. 9, 2006–Mar. 4, 2007
Matisse / Jazz
Jun. 11–Nov. 26, 2006
Sir Francis Seymour Haden:
Physician and Printmaker
Dec. 16, 2006–Jun. 17, 2007
At the Water’s Edge:
19th-Century Prints from
the Jones Collection
May 20–Dec. 10, 2006
William Blake: Illustrations
of The Book of Job
Dec. 23, 2006–Jun. 17, 2007
The Jack Lenor Larsen Design
Studio: Lori Weitzner
Feb. 10–Aug. 5, 2007
Is Bigger Better? A Question of
Scale in 20th-Century Fiber Art
Feb. 10–Aug. 5, 2007
San Francisco Psychedelic
Feb. 10–Jun. 10, 2007
San Francisco Psychedelic
Feb. 10–Jun. 10, 2007
Today’s Warrior-Artists
Feb. 24–Aug. 12, 2007
Masterpieces from the
Permanent Collection
(Japanese prints)
Mar. 10–Jun. 3, 2007
The 1960s: Prints and Editions
Mar. 17–Sep. 2, 2007
Playing it Safe: Selections
from the Katherine Kierland
Herberger Collection (banks)
Mar. 31, 2007–Mar. 23, 2008
Silk and More:
Central Asian Textiles
Apr. 28–Oct. 14, 2007
The Genius of Martin
Schongauer: The Engravings
May 5–Nov. 4, 2007
From Clay to Bronze: Selected
Works by Peter Voulkos
May 19, 2007–Mar. 2, 2008
Edward Ruscha: Stains
May 26–Nov. 25, 2007
Masterpieces from the
Permanent Collection
(Japanese prints)
Jun. 9–Sep. 9, 2007
Don Harley Presents:
Product Design Concepts
Jun. 23, 2007–Mar. 9, 2008
Papermade Modernism
(paper sculpture)
Oct. 10, 2005 – Sep. 29, 2006
Streamline Design:
The Essence of Speed
Oct. 9, 2006–Sep. 28, 2007
Objects listed in order
of accession
Tiled arch, 18th century
Slip covered earthenware with
underglaze painted cobalt blue
and turquoise décor
233∕ Õ 4513∕ Õ 1∕ in.
(58.9 Õ 116.21 Õ 4.29 cm)
The Katherine Kittredge
McMillan Memorial Fund
Textile fragment, 12th century
Cotton, pigment
8⅞ Õ 13¼ in.
(22.54 Õ 33.66 cm)
Gift of Walker Art Center
and Eugene Schwarz, 2006
Andes region (Peru)
Vessel, 900–1400
8∕ Õ 6 Õ 4 ∕ in.
(21.75 Õ 15.24 Õ 10.48 cm)
Gift of Walker Art Center; Art
Center Acquisition Fund, 2006
West Africa region (CÔte
Dance mask, 19th-20th century
Wood, pigment, metal
30½ Õ 11¼ Õ 20½ in.
(77.47 Õ 28.58 Õ 52.07 cm)
Gift of Walker Art Center and the
T. B. Walker Foundation, 2006
2006.36.3 (pictured here)
Baga ar Nalu
West Africa region (Guinea)
Mask, 19th-20th century
Wood, pigment
56½ Õ 17½ Õ 15½ in.
(143.51 Õ 44.45 Õ 39.37 cm)
Gift of Walker Art Center and the
T. B. Walker Foundation, 2006
William Hunt Diederich
American, 1884–1953
Chanticleer, c. 1918
Sheet metal, wire, wood
25∕ Õ 20 Õ 7¼ in.
(65.09 Õ 50.8 Õ 18.42 cm)
The Driscoll Art Accessions
Endowment Fund 2006.37
Mark Hewitt
American, b. 1955
Leaping Lizards, 2006
Glazed stoneware
43 Õ 25 Õ 25 in.
(109.22 Õ 63.5 Õ 63.5 cm)
Gift of funds in memory of
Frederick Monkhouse from the
Decorative Arts Council, Jennifer
Carlquist and Chad Lemke,
Susan and Edwin McCarthy,
Patty and Sam McCullough,
Christopher Monkhouse, and
Ruth and David Waterbury
Yoshida family artists
Two color woodblock prints on
paper, 20th century
Various sizes
Gift of the Toshi Yoshida family
Yoshida family artists
Nine color woodblock prints on
paper, 20th century
Various sizes
Gift of the Yoshida family
Eva Zeisel
American, b. 1906
Eight-piece cordial set,
various sizes, 1927–28
Glazed ceramic, cork
Gift of Antay S. Bilgutay
Votive stele, 6th century
The Ruth Ann Dayton Chinese
Room Endowment Fund
Russel Wright
American, 1904–76
Lemonade pitcher, bun warmer,
two carafes, c. 1935
Various materials, various sizes
Gift of Antay S. Bilgutay
Five paintings, various artists,
various sizes, 17th–18th century
Ink on paper
Gift of Ruth and Bruce Dayton
Four hammock standards,
18th century
Various sizes
The Ruth Ann Dayton Chinese
Room Endowment Fund
Eva Zeisel
American, b. 1906
Marmite (individual covered
casserole), 1947–55
Glazed ceramic
3 Õ 7∕ Õ 5¾ in.
(7.62 Õ 18.89 Õ 14.61 cm)
Gift of Antay S. Bilgutay
Gahu amulet box, 19th century
Gilt metal, gold, turquoise,
lapis, mother-of-pearl and other
3∕ Õ 2¾ Õ 1∕ in.
(8.1 Õ 6.99 Õ 2.7 cm) (closed)
The Suzanne S. Roberts Fund for
Asian Art 2006.46
Imperial Seal, 18th century
Jade, silk
3∕ Õ 3½ Õ 3∕ in.
(7.94 Õ 8.89 Õ 8.73 cm)
The William Hood Dunwoody
Fund 2006.40
Kuo Shang-hsien
Chinese, 1785–1832
Wrist rest in the shape of a chin
(lute), early 19th century
Dragon’s eye wood
(lung yan mu) and ivory
1 Õ 9∕ Õ 1∕ in.
(2.54 Õ 24.61 Õ 4.76 cm)
Gift of Ruth and Bruce Dayton
Box with cover, 18th century
3∕ Õ 12½ Õ 12½ in.
(9.05 Õ 31.75 Õ 31.75 cm)
The Ruth Ann Dayton Chinese
Room Endowment Fund
Buddhist Reliquary (Nyoihōju),
16th–17th century
Gilt bronze, rock crystal
7¼ Õ 3½ Õ 3¾ in.
(18.42 Õ 8.89 Õ 9.53 cm)
The Louis W. Hill, Jr. Fund and
gift of funds in memory of John
Austin O’Keeffe 2006.42
Cricket box, 18th century
Hung-mu hardwood
1∕ Õ 3 Õ 3 in.
(4.92 Õ 7.62 Õ 7.62 cm)
Gift of Ruth and Bruce Dayton
Takehisa Yumeji
Japanese, 1884–1934
Sheet music: Kimigasugata
(Ihr Bild), 1919
Color lithograph and offset
12¼ Õ 9 in.
(31.12 Õ 22.86 cm)
(folded, closed)
Gift of Julia Meech in honor of
Matthew Welch 2006.50
Pair of woman’s shoes for bound
feet, late 19th century
Cotton, silk, satin, paper, wood
Gift of Kathryn Glessing
Three Lamaist ceremonial
objects, late 19th–early
20th century
Various mediums, various
Gift of Kathryn Glessing
Furniture cover or hanging,
c. 1775
Satin, silk
101½ Õ 85½ in.
(257.81 Õ 217.17 cm)
Gift of Kathryn Glessing
Hiroshi Sugimoto
Japanese, b. 1948
Joe 2072, 2005–6
Gelatin silver print
59 Õ 47½ in.
(149.86 Õ 120.65 cm)
The Ethel Morrison Van Derlip
Trust Fund 2006.52
Jerome Liebling
American, b. 1924
Three photographs,
20th century
Color coupler prints,
various sizes
The Alfred and Ingrid Lenz
Harrison Fund 2006.53.1–3
Esther Glaser Parada
American, 20th century
66 photographs, various dates
Gelatin silver prints,
various sizes
Gift of the family of Esther
Parada: Adam Wilson, son;
Margo Davion and Susan Peters,
sisters; and Benjamin Glaser,
brother 2006.54.1–66
Jim Marshall
American, b. 1936
Three photographs,
various dates
Gelatin silver prints,
various sizes
Gift of Jim Marshall 2006.55.1–3
Edward S. Curtis
American, 1868–1952
Tablita Dancers Returning to the
Kiva, San Ildefonso, 1905
5∕ Õ 7½ in.
(14.13 Õ 19.05 cm) (image)
9∕ Õ 12∕ in.
(24.29 Õ 31.27 cm) (sheet)
Gift of David M. Miller 2006.56
Kenji Nakahashi
American, b. 1947
Good Morning Empire, 1987
Dye coupler print
12¾ Õ 8∕ in.
(32.39 Õ 21.75 cm) (image)
14 Õ 11 in.
(35.56 Õ 27.94 cm) (sheet)
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Kazushige
Yabashi 2006.57
Kenji Nakahashi
American, b. 1947
Autopsy, 1984
Dye coupler print
12∕ Õ 9∕ in.
(32.54 Õ 23.18 cm) (image)
14 Õ 11 in. (35.56 Õ 27.94 cm)
Gift of the artist 2006.58
13 stripweave cloths,
20th century
Cotton, various sizes
Gift of funds from Regis
Foundation 2006.66.1–13
Tunic, 20th century
39 ½ Õ 55 ½ in.
(100.33 Õ 140.97 cm)
Gift of funds from Regis
Foundation 2006.66.14
Kenji Nakahashi
American, b. 1947
My Left Hand, 1991
Gelatin silver print
12∕ Õ 8∕ in.
(30.64 Õ 22.38 cm) (image)
13∕ Õ 11 in.
(35.4 Õ 27.94 cm) (sheet)
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Kei Kubo
Arshile Gorky
American, 1904–48
Untitled, c. 1946
Oil on canvas laid on canvas
13∕ 5/16 Õ 6 in.
(33.81 Õ 15.24 cm)
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. James T.
Wyman 2006.61
© Artists Rights Society (ARS),
New York, N.Y. (see page 5)
A. L. Eidemiller
American, 19th–20th century
Hello, c. 1894
Albumen print
4∕ Õ 7∕ in.
(12.54 Õ 19.84 cm)
(image, sheet)
Gift of Anne Grinager Colby
George Grosz
American (b. Germany),
Ehrenbezeugung (Salute and
Honor), 1923
Pen and black ink on paper
23½ Õ 18⁄ in.
(59.69 Õ 46.83 cm)
The Richard Lewis Hillstrom
Fund and the Edith and Norman
Garmezy Prints and Drawings
Acquisition Fund 2006.62
© Estate of George Grosz/
Licensed by VAGA, New York,
N.Y. (pictured below left)
Alexander Grinager
American, 1865–1945
Three studies for Boys Bathing,
c. 1894
Graphite on paper
8 ⁄ Õ 4⅞ in. (each, varies)
(20.48 Õ12.38 cm)
Gift of Anne Grinager Colby
Max Beckmann
German, 1884–1950
Der Ausrufer (The Barker), 1921
13¼ Õ 10 in.
(33.66 Õ 25.4 cm) (plate)
20⁄ Õ 15 in.
(52.39 Õ 38.1 cm) (sheet)
Gift of Ruth and Bruce Dayton
© Artists Rights Society (ARS),
New York, N.Y./VG Bild-Kunst,
Bonn (pictured above)
Pierre Bonnard
French, 1867–1947
Three sketches for Dining Room
in the Country, 1913
Graphite on paper
5 Õ 8∕ in. (each, varies)
(12.7 Õ 21.11 cm)
Gift of Antoine Terrasse
Steven Sorman
American, b. 1948
12 prints, various dates
Various mediums, various sizes
Gift of the artist in memory of
Shelly Ross 2006.65.1–4
Jacob Greenvurcel
Israeli, b. 1952
Havdalah set, 1982
Silver, wood
4∕ Õ 6∕ Õ 6∕ in.
(10.48 Õ 16.83 Õ 16.83 cm)
The Eloise and Elliot Kaplan
Endowment for Judaica
Siegfried Wagner
Danish, 1874–1952
Tzedakah box for the
Copenhagen Society for the Care
of the Sick, 1901
4∕ Õ 2∕ Õ 2¼ in.
(11.75 Õ 7.14 Õ 5.72 cm)
The Eloise and Elliot Kaplan
Endowment for Judaica
Johann Samuel Beckensteiner
German, 1713–81
Havdalah candle holder and
spice box, 1760
7¾ Õ 3∕ Õ 3∕ in.
(19.69 Õ 8.57 Õ 8.57 cm)
The Eloise and Elliot Kaplan
Endowment for Judaica
George Washington Maher
American, 1864–1926
12-piece place setting from
Rockledge, 1912
Silver, various sizes
Gift of funds from the
Decorative Arts Council with
proceeds from the 2005 Antiques
Show and Sale 2006.68.1–12
Alexander Petrie
American, active 1735–75
56 pieces of flatware, c. 1770s
Silver, various sizes
Gift of funds from the Greystone
Foundation 2006.69.1.1–56
Alexander Petrie
American, active 1735–75
Flatware box, c. 1770s
Wood, velvet, metal
2∕ Õ 11∕ Õ 7¼ in.
(6.67 Õ 30.32 Õ 18.42 cm)
Gift of funds from the Greystone
Foundation 2006.69.1.1-56
Alexander Petrie
American, active 1735–75
Flatware box, c. 1770s
Wood, velvet, metal
2½ Õ 9∕ Õ 6∕ in.
(6.35 Õ 24.61 Õ 16.19 cm)
Gift of funds from the Greystone
Foundation 2006.69.1.58a,b
Robert Adam
Scottish, 1728–92
Pair of serving platters, 1773
⁄ Õ 13⁄ Õ 13⁄ in.
(2.38 Õ 33.18 Õ 33.18 cm)
Gift of funds from Mary Agnes
and Al McQuinn 2006.69.2.1–2
(pictured above)
Michael Warrick
American, b. 1950
Vessel #4, 2006
4∕ Õ 32 Õ 13½ in.
(12.38 Õ 81.28 Õ 34.29 cm)
Gift of the artist in honor of
Annika and Phillip Warrick
Betty Woodman
American, b. 1930
Cup with Gondola, 1982
Glazed ceramic
3∕ Õ 5∕ Õ 5½ in.
(9.21 Õ 14.13 Õ 13.97 cm)
(a [cup])
5¾ Õ 20¼ Õ 7¾ in.
(14.61 Õ 51.44 Õ 19.69 cm)
(b [gondola/tray])
Gift of Sandra and Peter Butler
Ka Yin Kwok
Chinese, b. 1944
Lake with Mist in Clear Summer,
Watercolor on paper
29 Õ 55∕ in.
(73.66 Õ 141.45 cm) (image)
38∕ Õ 68¼ in.
(96.84 Õ 173.36 cm) (mount)
The Ruth Ann Dayton Chinese
Room Endowment Fund
Brad Sells
American, b. 1969
Number 8, from the Bridge
Series, 2002
Maple burl
15¼ Õ 29½ Õ 8¾ in.
(38.74 Õ 74.93 Õ 22.23 cm)
Gift of Dr. Donald and Mrs. Sue
Spicer 2006.75
12th century
Ink stone with cover, 1192
1∕ Õ 3¾ Õ 6∕ in.
(2.86 Õ 9.53 Õ 16.99 cm)
The Ruth Ann Dayton Chinese
Room Endowment Fund
Yoshida Kiso
Japanese, 1919–2005
Wave and Moon, 1987
Color woodblock print
9∕ Õ 14∕ 5/8 in.
(23.97 Õ 37.15 cm) (image)
11∕ Õ 16¼ in.
(28.26 Õ 41.28 cm) (sheet)
Gift of Margaret and Eugene
Skibbe 2006.81.2
Ka Yin Kwok
Chinese, b. 1944
White Winter by the River, 2005
Watercolor on paper
24∕ Õ 33∕ in.
(61.12 Õ 86.04 cm) (image)
30 Õ 40∕ in.
(76.2 Õ 102.39 cm) (mount)
The Ruth Ann Dayton Chinese
Room Endowment Fund
Tsuki no hutsemei-Hōzōin, from
the 100 Aspects of the Moon
Series, 1885–92
Color woodblock print
13 Õ 8∕ in.
(33.02 Õ 22.38 cm) (image)
14¼ Õ 9∕ in.
(36.2 Õ 24.61 cm) (sheet)
20½ Õ 15∕ in.
(52.07 Õ 40.16 cm)
(outer frame)
Gift of Gary L. Gliem 2006.82
8th century
Dvarapala (Guardian Figure)
26¾ Õ 12 Õ 8½ in.
(67.95 Õ 30.48 Õ 21.59 cm)
The Ruth Ann Dayton Chinese
Room Endowment Fund
Hayashi Yasuō
Japanese, b. 1928
Untitled, 1988
Stoneware with black slip, white
slip inlay, pigments, glaze
15∕ Õ 12∕ Õ 12 in.
(39.05 Õ 31.91 Õ 30.48 cm)
Gift of Alfred and Ingrid Lenz
Harrison 2006.83.1
Four ceramic objects
Glazed ceramic
Various sizes
Gift of Frank Edgerton Martin
Hayashi Yasuō
Japanese, b. 1928
Prelude 96-B, 1996
Stoneware with black slip,
pigments, glaze
17∕ Õ 14¼ Õ 14 in.
(44.13 Õ 36.2 Õ 35.56 cm)
Gift of Alfred and Ingrid Lenz
Harrison 2006.83.2
Alexis Jean Fournier
American, 1865–1948
September, 1889
Oil on canvas
27∕ Õ 49∕ in.
69.69 Õ 126.05 cm
Gift of Don and Diana Lee
Lucker 2006.71.1
United States
Pier table, c. 1835
Mahogany, marble, mirror glass
36¾ Õ 44 Õ 23 in.
(93.35 Õ 111.76 Õ 58.42 cm)
Gift of Don and Diana Lee
Lucker 2006.71.2a,b
George Grant Elmslie
American, 1871–1952
Main building cornice panel
from the Oliver P. Morton
School, 1936
13¾ Õ 30∕ Õ 3¾ in.
(34.93 Õ 77.79 Õ 9.53 cm)
Gift of Cathers and Dembrosky
United States
J. & J. G. Low Patent Art
Tile Works
Tile, c. 1881
Glazed ceramic
4¼ Õ 4¼ in.
(10.8 Õ 10.77 cm)
Gift of Lance Neckar and Carole
Zellie 2006.7
China (Miao people)
Various dates
22 items of jewelry and clothing
Various mediums, various sizes
The Suzanne S. Roberts
Memorial Fund for Asian Art
2006.77.1–14 (pictured above)
Yoshida Kiso
Japanese, 1919–2005
Moon and Plum Tree,
20th century
Color woodblock print
14∕ Õ 19¾ in.
(36.04 Õ 50.17 cm) (image)
16∕ Õ 21 in.
(41.12 Õ 53.34 cm) (sheet)
Gift of Margaret and Eugene
Skibbe 2006.81.1
Lampo Leong
Chinese, active 1891–present
Spiritual Forge, 2002
Ink and colors on rice paper
25¾ Õ 44∕ in.
(65.41 Õ 113.98 cm) (image)
78¾ Õ 45∕ in.
(200.03 Õ 114.78 cm)
(without roller)
The Ruth Ann Dayton Chinese
Room Endowment Fund
Hayashi Yasuō
Japanese, b. 1928
Untitled, 1998
Stoneware with black slip,
pigments, glaze
10∕ Õ 12¼ Õ 12½ in.
(26.35 Õ 31.12 Õ 31.75 cm)
Gift of Alfred and Ingrid Lenz
Harrison 2006.83.3
Alec William Soth
American, b. 1969
Bonanza Motel, 2005
Chromogenic print
60 Õ 48 in.
(152.4 Õ 121.92 cm) (image)
70 Õ 58 in.
(177.8 Õ 147.32 cm) (sheet)
The McClurg Photography
Purchase Fund 2006.85.4
(pictured below left)
Lee Miller
American, 1907–77
12 photographs, various dates
Gelatin silver and platinum
prints, various sizes
The William Hood Dunwoody
Fund 2006.86.1–12
Edgar Payne
American, 1882–1947
Canyon Portal, c. 1935
Oil on canvas
24½ Õ 29½ in.
(62.23 Õ 74.93 cm)
Gift of Dr. Evelyn Payne Hatcher
and the Julia B. Bigelow Fund
2006.84 (pictured above)
Alec William Soth
American, b. 1969
Misty, 2005
Chromogenic print
40 Õ 32 in.
(101.6 Õ 81.28 cm) (image)
48 Õ 40 in.
(121.92 Õ 101.6 cm) (sheet)
The Tess E. Armstrong Fund
Man Ray (Emmanuel Rudnitsky)
American, 1890–1976
Lee Miller, 1930
Gelatin silver print
11∕ Õ 9 in.
(28.89 Õ 22.86 cm)
(image, sheet)
The Alfred and Ingrid Lenz
Harrison Fund 2006.85.1
© Man Ray Trust/Artists Rights
Society (ARS), New York, N. Y./
ADAGP, Paris (see page 7)
Alec William Soth
American, b. 1969
Falls Manor, 2005
Chromogenic print
32 Õ 40 in.
(81.28 Õ 101.6 cm) (image)
40 Õ 48 in.
(101.6 Õ 121.92 cm) (sheet)
The Tess E. Armstrong Fund
David Parker
American, b. 1951
64 photographs, 1993–2004
Gelatin silver prints, various sizes
Gift of Jack and Kay Dunne
Wayne R. Lazorik
American, b. 1939
Five photographs, 1964–5
Gelatin silver print,
various sizes
Gift of the artist 2006.92.1–5
Koichiro Kurita
Japanese, b. 1943
Dark Cloud, 1987
Platinum print
22⁄ Õ 34⁄ in.
(57.47 Õ 86.84 cm) (image)
26⁄ Õ 38⁄ in.
(66.99 Õ 96.84 cm) (sheet)
The Robert C. Winton Fund
2006.87.1 (pictured below)
Ellen Gilbert
American, 19th century
Untitled, 19th century
Watercolor, pencil and ink
on paper
16∕ Õ 21∕ in.
(42.07 Õ 53.66 cm) (sight)
Gift of Barbara and Edwin
Braman 2006.93
Koichiro Kurita
Japanese, b. 1943
Flood in Forest, 2006
Platinum print
20¼ Õ 32∕ in.
(51.44 Õ 82.07 cm) (sight)
Gift of the artist 2006.87.2
Sam Francis
American, 1923–94
Tokyo, 1970
Acrylic on paper
43¼ Õ 31∕ in.
(109.86 Õ 79.06 cm)
Gift of Vicki L. Berg 2006.94
© Samuel L. Francis Foundation,
California/Artists Rights Society
(ARS), New York, N. Y.
(pictured p. 53, top)
Mike Smith
American, b. 1942
Johnson City, TN, 2005
Two chromogenic color prints
Various sizes
The Robert C. Winton Fund
Bernice Ficek-Swenson
American, b. 1951
12 photographs from the Pyre,
2001–2006 Series
Photogravures, various sizes
The Robert C. Winton Fund
Gilles Peress
French, b. 1946
10 photographs, 1974–86
Gelatin silver prints,
various sizes
Gift of David and Mary Parker
Pillow, 19th century
Wool, cotton, animal hide, down
45¼ Õ 20 Õ 5¾ in.
(114.94 Õ 50.8 Õ 14.61 cm)
(without pompons)
The Paul C. Johnson, Jr. Fund
Tile with flower bouquet, c. 1850
Glazed porcelain
7∕ Õ 7∕ in.
(18.73 Õ 18.73 cm) (sight)
11∕ Õ 11∕ in.
(28.26 Õ 28.26 cm)
(outer frame)
Gift of Charles J. Hudgins
Henry Stacey Marks
English, 1829-1898
Tile with man and pig, c. 1870s
Glazed porcelain
8∕ Õ 8∕ in.
(22.07 Õ 22.07 cm) (sight)
11∕ Õ 11∕ in.
(29.69 Õ 29.53 cm)
(outer frame)
Gift of Charles J. Hudgins
Five-piece coffee service (coffee
pot, teapot, creamer, sugar bowl,
and tongs), 1940s
Various sizes
Gift of Aref J. and Barbara A.
Jabr 2006.104.1.1–5
Three-piece Jaipur royal outfit,
c. 1900
Cotton, metallic threads
26¼ Õ 49¼ in.
(66.68 Õ 125.1 cm)
Gift of funds from Douglas and
Victoria Holmen, the Hawthorne
Advised Fund, in memory of
Herbert and Janice Galloway
2006.96.1–3 (pictured below)
Turban, 19th century
Cotton, metallic threads
700 Õ 9∕ in.
(1778 Õ 24.29 cm)
Gift of funds from Regis
Foundation 2006.97
Uzbekistan or Tajikistan
Hat, late 19th–early 20th century
Silk, cotton, glass beads;
embroidery, quilting
4¾ Õ 7½ Õ 7½ in.
(12.07 Õ 19.05 Õ 19.05 cm)
(without fringe)
Gift of Guido Goldman 2006.98
Woman’s vest and skirt,
20th century
16½ Õ 15∕ in.
(41.91 Õ 38.89 cm)
Gift of Helen Kelley 2006.99.1–2
Michelle T. Holzapfel
American, b. 1951
Pilgrim’s Bottle, 1987
Spalted birch
9∕ Õ 11∕ Õ 5¼ in.
(23.97 Õ 28.42 Õ 13.34 cm)
Gift of Jane and Arthur Mason
Various countries, including
Bolivia, France, Guatemala,
India, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Pakistan,
Syria, Tajikistan, Thailand,
Turkey, Turkmenistan, Vietnam,
19th-21st centuries
118 textiles
Various fibers, various weaves,
various sizes
Gift of Richard L. Simmons in
memory of Roberta Grodberg
Simmons, 2006.100.1–84
Gift of Dr. Richard L. Simmons
and Dr. Rosa Lynn Pinkus,
Gift of Richard L. Simmons,
Giles Gilson
American, b. 1942
Walnut Luster and Graphics,
Walnut, sapwood
11∕ Õ 5 Õ 5 in.
(28.73 Õ 12.7 Õ 12.7 cm)
Gift of Jane and Arthur Mason
Angelique Merasity
Canadian, b. 1924
Bitten birch bark transparency
Birch bark
2∕ Õ 2∕ in.
(6.83 Õ 7.14 cm)
(sight, recto and verso)
9∕ Õ 9∕ in.
(25.08 Õ 25.08 cm)
(outer frame)
Gift of Jonathan Holstein
West Africa region (Nigeria)
Warrior Chief, c. 1800
11¾ Õ 7∕ Õ 4∕ in.
(29.85 Õ 18.57 Õ 11.75 cm)
Gift of Darwin and Geri Reedy
2006.102a, b
Mark Lindquist
American, b. 1949
Chainsaw Series, 1986
Maple burl
12¾ Õ 10¾ Õ 10¾ in.
(32.39 Õ 27.31 Õ 27.31 cm)
Gift of Jane and Arthur Mason
Architect: Greene and Greene
Designers: Charles Greene
(1868–1957) and Henry Greene
Doorplate, c. 1900
9∕ Õ 2∕ Õ ∕ in.
(23.65 Õ 7.3 Õ 0.48 cm)
Gift of Roger G. Kennedy
Ink container with praying
mantis, 19th century
Jade, wood
2 ∕ Õ 4 ∕ Õ 2 ∕ in.
(5.24 Õ 12.38 Õ 7.46 cm)
Gift of Walter W. Walker
Eight drawings on paper,
18th and 19th centuries
Ink, watercolor, pencil,
pigment on paper
Various sizes
Gift of Mamta Kapoor
Myanmar (Burma)
Standing Buddha, 19th century
Lacquered wood, glass or
gemstones, gilt
67 Õ 30¼ Õ 10 in.
(170.18 Õ 76.84 Õ 25.4 cm)
(without base)
Gift of Peggy and Leonard
Lindborg 2006.109
Leo Friedlander
American, 1890–1966
Heroism, Victory, Salvation,
Peace, Aspiration, Memory, 1950
Graphite on paper
12∕ Õ 37∕ in.
(31.27 Õ 96.36 cm) (sheet)
Gift of Janis Conner and
Joel Rosenkranz, N.Y.
Head of Satyr, 1st century
Rosso antico (red marble)
13¼ Õ 8∕ Õ 9¼ in.
(33.66 Õ 20.64 Õ 23.5 cm)
24½ Õ 8∕ Õ 9¼ in.
(62.23 Õ 20.64 Õ 23.5 cm)
(overall, with base)
10∕ Õ 8∕ Õ 8∕ in.
(25.72 Õ 20.64 Õ 20.64 cm)
Gift of Daniel and Jacqueline
Rosenthal 2006.110
Yoshida Hodaka
Japanese, 1926–95
Red Wall (From My Collection),
Photoetching and color
woodblock print on paper
44 Õ 67∕ in.
(111.76 Õ 172.4 cm) (image)
47¾ Õ 71½ in.
(121.29 Õ 181.61 cm) (sheet)
Gift of Margaret and Eugene
Skibbe 2006.111
Fritz Eichenberg
American, 1901–90
In Praise of Folly, 1972
Ten wood engravings
17⁄ Õ 11⁄ in.
45.56 Õ 30.32 cm)
(image, each, varies)
21⁄ Õ 15 ⁄ in.
(55.4 Õ 40.48 cm) (sheet)
Gift of John and Susan Lentz
Pierre Alechinsky
Belgian, b. 1927
Figural Composition, 1963
Etching and aquatint in blue and
black inks
19 Õ 13∕ in.
(48.26 Õ 34.13 cm) (plate)
Gift of Austen Erickson
Carol Summers
American, b. 1925
Machha Puchhare
Color woodcut
24¼ Õ 24∕ in.
(61.6 Õ 61.28 cm)
(image, sheet)
Gift of Terrence D. Curley
Max Beckmann
German, 1884–1950
Christ and Pilate, plate 15 from
Day and Dream, 1946
13¾ Õ 11 in.
(34.93 Õ 27.94 cm) (image)
15¾ Õ 11¾ in.
(40.01 Õ 29.85 cm) (sheet)
Gift of Austen Erickson
Beverly Pepper
American, b. 1924
Untitled, c. 1960s
Color monotype
25∕ Õ 19∕ in.
(65.72 Õ 48.58 cm)
(image, sheet)
Gift of Terrence D. Curley
Glen Mitchell
American, 1894–1972
The Great Sphinx, 1926
14∕ Õ 20 in.
(37.78 Õ 50.8 cm)
Gift of Terrence D. Curley
Jud Fine
American, b. 1944
Ayer’s Rock, Location/
Displacement, 1970
Graphite and ink, with collage
19 Õ 24¼ in.
(48.26 Õ 61.6 cm)
Gift of Mary Abbe Hintz
David Walter McDermott
American, b. 1952
La Grande Odalisque: Anh
Duong 1911, 2001
Palladium print
16∕ Õ 21½ in.
(42.23 Õ 54.61 cm) (sight)
Gift of Martin Weinstein
Fratelli Alinari
Italian, 1854–1920
Firenze, David de Michelangelo,
c. 1850s
Albumen print
12∕ Õ 8∕ in.
(31.43 Õ 21.43 cm) (sight)
Gift of Martin Weinstein
Paul Manship
American, 1885–1966
Architectural Arch Study with
Five Figures, c. 1935
Graphite on paper
15∕ Õ 29∕ in.
(40.32 Õ 74.45 cm) (irregular)
Gift of Janis Conner and Joel
Rosenkranz, N.Y. 2006.113.1
Robyn Denny
English, b. 1930
Pink, from Heavenly Suite, 1971
Color screenprint
31∕ Õ 28∕ in.
(79.22 Õ 72.07 cm)
(image, sheet)
Gift of Terrence D. Curley
Malcolm Morley
American, b. 1931
Miami Silver, 1973
Color screenprint
23∕ Õ 34∕ in.
(59.21 Õ 86.52 cm)
(image, sheet)
Gift of Terrence D. Curley
Rosso Fiorentino
Italian, 1495–1540
Moses Striking the Rock and
Bringing Forth Water
Pen and brown ink, brown wash
on cream laid paper
9∕ Õ 5∕ in.
(23.18 Õ 13.49 cm)
Gift of Dr. Alfred Moir
12 ceremonial cloths (tampan,
palepai), 18th–19th century
Various sizes
Gift of Mary Hunt Kahlenberg
and Robert T. Coffland
18 articles of clothing,
20th century
Cotton, silk, metallic threads,
Various sizes
Gift of Richard L. Simmons
and Rosa Lynn Pinkus
NUNO Limited
Japanese, 20th century
24 woven structures
Various fibers
Various sizes
Gift of Richard L. Simmons and
Rosa Lynn Pinkus
(pictured p. 54, top)
Ottoman Empire
Covered tasse and saucer,
19th century
6∕ Õ 5∕ Õ 5∕ in.
(16.03 Õ 13.49 Õ 13.49 cm)
Gift of George R. A. Johnson
and Emily Johnson in honor of
Jason T. Busch, Associate Curator,
Decorative Arts
(2000–2006) 2006.125a–c
Pierre-Phillippe Thomire
French, 1751–1843
Model for a bronze mount
(chariot scene), c. 1808
Wax on slate
13⁄ Õ 23⁄ in.
(34.77 Õ 60.64 cm) (sight)
16 Õ 26 in.
(40.64 Õ 66.04 cm)
(outer frame)
Gift of funds from the Decorative
Arts Council with proceeds from
the 2005 Antiques Show and Sale
2007.4 (pictured below)
Stephen Dupont
Australian, b. 1967
Raskols, 2004
Gelatin silver prints, ink;
artist’s book
6½ Õ 5∕ Õ 2∕ in.
(16.51 Õ 13.65 Õ 6.51 cm)
Gift of funds from the Print and
Drawing Curatorial Council
Great Lakes Woodlands region
(United States)
Dance blanket, c. 1840–50
Wool, silk, beads
53 Õ 62 Õ ⁄ in.
(134.62 Õ 157.48 Õ 2.22 cm)
(without backing)
The Robert J. Ulrich Works of Art
Purchase Fund 2007.1
(pictured p. 54, bottom)
Ken Ferguson
American, 1928–2004
Teapot, c. 1980–81
Glazed porcelain (wood
12½ Õ 8∕ Õ 6∕ in.
(31.75 Õ 21.27 Õ 17.3 cm)
Gift of Karin Muchemore
Stephen Dupont
Australian, b. 1967
Sing-Sing 2004, 2006
Gelatin silver prints, block prints,
ink; artist’s book
7∕ Õ 5∕ Õ 2∕ in.
(18.26 Õ 14.76 Õ 6.19 cm)
Gift of funds from the Ronald
Kinney Foundation 2007.7.2a,b
Seven articles of clothing,
20th century
Cotton, silk, metallic thread
Various sizes
Gift of Richard L. Simmons and
Rosa Lynn Pinkus
Central Asia
Nine articles of clothing,
19th century
Silk, cotton
Various sizes
Gift of Richard L. Simmons and
Rosa Lynn Pinkus
Uzbekistan and Russia
Five embroidered Uzbek belts,
two printed Russian ikat panels,
late 19th century
Silk, cotton, wool
Various sizes
Gift of Gail Martin
Portrait of a Man, Probably
Gaius Caesar, early 1st century
Greek marble
15 Õ 8½ Õ 9 in.
(38.1 Õ 21.59 Õ 22.86 cm)
18¼ Õ 8½ Õ 9 in.
(46.36 Õ 21.59 Õ 22.86 cm)
(overall, with base)
2 Õ 6∕ Õ 6∕ in.
(5.08 Õ 17.62 Õ 17.62 cm)
Gift of Frank Altman and Leslie
Miller Altman 2006.122
Paul Bril, follower of
Flemish, 1554–1626
Imaginary Landscape,
c. 1600
Oil on copper
6∕ Õ 10∕ in.
(17.62 Õ 25.88 cm)
Gift of the Muschenheim Family
Eduard Friedmann
Austrian, est. 1877
Basket (or tray), c. 1904–06
7∕ Õ 15 Õ 5∕ in.
(18.57 Õ 38.1 Õ 14.76 cm)
Gift of Dolly J. Fiterman
Ch’eng Ming
Chinese, early 1670s–mid 1740s
Landscape, c. 1730s
Ink and colors on silk
67∕ Õ 18∕ in.
(171.13 Õ 46.83 cm)
Gift of Ruth and Bruce Dayton
Edison Cummings, b. 1962
Diné (Navajo)
Southwest region (United States)
Teapot, 2004
Silver, wood
6∕ Õ 14¾ Õ 6∕ in.
(16.19 Õ 37.47 Õ 16.99 cm)
Gift of funds from Mary Agnes
and Al McQuinn 2007.2
Ch’en Kuan
Chinese, 1563–1639 or later
Landscape, 16th–17th century
Ink and colors on silk
72∕ Õ 16½ in.
(183.67 Õ 41.91 cm)
Gift of Ruth and Bruce Dayton
Paul T. Frankl
American, 1886–1958
Skyscraper bookcase, c. 1926
Lacquered wood, brass
95½ Õ 43 Õ 13 in.
(242.57 Õ 109.22 Õ 33.02 cm)
The Robert J. Ulrich Works of
Art Purchase Fund 2007.3a–d
Ts’ao Hsi
Chinese, active 1600–37
Crippled Chang Meets
Hunchback Li, 17th century
Ink on paper
41∕ Õ 11½ in.
(106.52 Õ 29.21 cm)
Gift of Ruth and Bruce Dayton
Bertha Lum
American, 1869–1954
Key block for Two Sisters, 1907
17∕ Õ 5¼ in.
(44.13 Õ 13.34 cm)
Gift of the Print and Drawing
Curatorial Council 2007.8
Monogrammist G. E. F.
Italian, 16th century
The Sacrifice of Isaac, 1527
Niello print
2¼ Õ 1¼ in.
(5.7 Õ 3.2 cm) (plate)
Gift of Gus Foster 2007.9
Turban, c. 1900
Cotton, metallic pigment, and
837∕ Õ 7∕ in.
(2126.78 Õ 18.57 cm)
Gift of funds from Regis
Foundation 2007.10.1
Jennifer Lee
English, b. 1956
Bronze Specked Pot, 2003
9∕ Õ 12∕ Õ 12∕ in.
(23.34 Õ 31.91 Õ 31.91 cm)
Gift of Frederick R. McBrien III
Torso of a Bodhisattva,
7th–10th century
32 Õ 12½ Õ 11½ in.
(81.28 Õ 31.75 Õ 29.21 cm)
The Ruth Ann Dayton Chinese
Room Endowment Fund
Jar, 11th–13th century
Glazed stoneware
14½ Õ 10⁄ Õ 10⁄ in.
(36.83 Õ 25.88 Õ 25.88 cm)
The Alan and Dena Naylor
Southeast Asian Art Fund
2007.19.1 (pictured below)
Turban, c. 1900
Cotton, metallic threads
483∕ Õ 4∕ in.
(1227.3 Õ 11.75 cm)
Gift of funds from Regis
Foundation 2007.10.2
18th century
52 pieces of needlepoint
Wool, silk
Various sizes
Gift of Carolyn T. Groves
Jasmine Roy
Indian, 20th–21st century
Dupatta, 2004
107 Õ 47¾ in.
(271.78 Õ 121.29 cm)
3 in. (7.62 cm) (object part,
fringe at both ends)
Given in honor of Sita Anne
Pawar 2007.11.1
West Africa region (Nigeria)
Memorial Head, 1550–1650
11½ Õ 8∕ Õ 8∕ in.
(29.21 Õ 22.07 Õ 21.11 cm)
The John R. Van Derlip Trust
Fund 2007.13
Jasmine Roy
Indian, 20th–21st century
Yardage for garment, 2004
Cotton, synthetic metallic silver
thread (silver zari)
44¾ Õ 36½ in.
(113.67 Õ 92.71 cm)
(uneven width)
Given in honor of Sita Anne
Pawar 2007.11.2
Jasmine Roy
Indian, 20th–21st century
Yardage for garment (WS #2),
Cotton, synthetic metallic silver
thread (silver zari)
40 Õ 46 in.
(101.6 Õ 116.84 cm)
Given in honor of Sita Anne
Pawar 2007.11.3
Yuhuchunping (bottle vase),
late 15th century
Glazed stoneware
10∕ Õ 5∕ Õ 5∕ in.
(26.99 Õ 14.45 Õ 14.45 cm)
The Suzanne S. Roberts Fund for
Asian Art 2007.19.2
Yue Hongqing
Chinese, 19th century
Suanzhi (paper smoother), 1850
Huang hua li, hardwood
8∕ Õ 1∕ Õ 1¼ in.
(20.64 Õ 4.29 Õ 3.18 cm)
The Ruth Ann Dayton Chinese
Room Endowment Fund
Pat Hui
American, b. 1943
Set of 24 poems, 1989
Watercolor and ink on paper
Various sizes
Gift of funds from Virginia
Kremen in memory of
Dr. Arnold Kremen
Andes region (Peru)
Vessel, 14th–15th century
6∕ Õ 5∕ Õ 5∕ in.
(16.03 Õ 14.45 Õ 14.45 cm)
Gift of funds from an
anonymous donor in honor
of Scott Goldsmith and Lynn
Schwie 2007.14
Pat Hui
American, b. 1943
Setting sun, flying catkins
descend the flat plain, 1993
Watercolor and ink on paper
56∕ Õ 35 in.
(143.03 Õ 88.9 cm) (image)
68∕ Õ 38∕ in.
(174.31 Õ 98.11 cm) (mount)
Gift of funds from Virginia
Kremen in memory of
Dr. Arnold Kremen 2007.21.2
Ka Yin Kwok
American, b. 1945
Across the Prairie, 1999
Watercolor, gouache and ink on
38∕ Õ 70∕ in.
(97 Õ 180.18 cm) (image)
48∕ Õ 84∕ in.
(122.4 Õ 213.68 cm) (mount)
Gift of funds from Virginia
Kremen in memory of Dr. Arnold
Kremen 2007.21.3
Katayama Bokuyō
Japanese, 1900–37
Mori (Forest), 1928
Ink and mineral pigments on silk
74½ Õ 93½ in.
(189.23 Õ 237.49 cm) (image)
77 Õ 95¼ in.
(195.58 Õ 241.94 cm)
(overall with frame)
The William Hood Dunwoody
Fund 2007.22
Matsuda Yuriko
Japanese, b. 1943
Cherry Blossoms, Pine Trees, and
Mount Fuji, 2006
Porcelain with overglazed
enamel design
19 Õ 18 Õ 7½ in.
(48.26 Õ 45.72 Õ 19.05 cm)
The Louis W. Hill, Jr. Fund
Takehisa Yumeji
Japanese, 1912–26
Sheet music: Akita Obako, 1926
Color lithograph and offset
11∕ Õ 9∕ in.
(30.32 Õ 23.02 cm)
(folded, closed)
Gift of Julia Meech in honor of
Matthew Welch 2007.24
Rosalie Gwathmey
American, 1902–2001
Charlotte, North Carolina,
c. 1946
Gelatin silver print
7 Õ 9∕ in.
(17.78 Õ 24.29 cm) (image)
8∕ Õ 10 in.
(20.48 Õ 25.4 cm) (sheet)
The Walter R. Bollinger Fund
Jules Marie-Aimé Lavirotte
French, 1864–1924
Model of a doorway, 1901
Plaster, mirror, pigment
41 Õ 24 ½ Õ 5 in.
(104.14 Õ 62.23 Õ 12.7 cm)
Gift of funds from the Decorative
Arts Council with proceeds from
the 2005 and 2006 Antiques
Show and Sale 2007.15 (pictured
Leon Levinstein
American, 1913–88
Untitled, c. 1950s
Gelatin silver print
13∕ Õ 10∕ in.
(35.4 Õ 27.78 cm)
(image, sheet)
The Walter R. Bollinger Fund
Leonard Freed
American, 1929–2006
On Street in Mea Shearim, Israel,
Gelatin silver print
10¼ Õ 14∕ in.
(26.04 Õ 37.62 cm)
(image, sheet)
Gift of funds from David and
Mary M. D. Parker 2007.26.1
Cameron Martin
American, b. 1970
Conflation, 2006
Color screenprint
30∕ Õ 40∕ in.
(76.52 Õ 101.92 cm) (image)
38∕ Õ 48∕ in.
(98.11 Õ 122.4 cm) (sheet)
The Richard Lewis Hillstrom
Fund 2007.30
Leonard Freed
American, 1929–2006
In a Brooklyn Hassidic Jewish
School, Young Students, 1954
Gelatin silver print
8∕ Õ 11∕ in.
(21.27 Õ 29.05 cm)
(image, sheet)
Gift of funds from David and
Mary M. D. Parker 2007.26.2
Ker-Xavier Roussel
French, 1867–1944
Six color lithographs from
Paysages, 1898
Various sizes
Gift of funds from the Print and
Drawing Curatorial Council
Mike Lynch
American, b. 1938
Watchtower, Union Railyard,
Southeast Minneapolis, c. 1986
Gelatin silver print
6∕ Õ 9½ in.
(16.19 Õ 24.13 cm) (image)
6∕ Õ 9¾ in.
(16.83 Õ 24.77 cm) (sight)
Gift of the artist 2007.27
James Henkel
American, b. 1947
Grove No. 4, 1999
Gelatin silver print
14 Õ 14∕ in.
(35.56 Õ 35.88 cm) (image)
19∕ Õ 16 in.
(50.64 Õ 40.64 cm) (sheet)
Gift of James Henkel 2007.28.1
James Henkel
American, b. 1947
Grove No. 4, 1999
Pigment ink print
20 Õ 20∕ in.
(50.8 Õ 50.96 cm) (image)
30∕ Õ 24∕ in.
(76.52 Õ 61.28 cm) (sheet)
Gift of James Henkel 2007.28.2
Lori Weitzner
American, 20th–21st century
Eight woven panels, 2006
Cotton, silk, viscose, nylon, linen,
polyester, modal
Gift of Sahco Hesslein
Various countries,
19th–21st century
Group of 604 individual
photographs (some in portfolios),
various dates, various media,
various sizes, including works
by photographers:
Berenice Abbott (10)
Ansel Adams (11)
American, 1902–1984
Moonrise, Hernandez, New
Mexico, 1941 (printed 1961)
Gelatin silver print
15⁄ Õ 19⁄
(39.21 Õ 49.37 cm)
Collection Center for
Creative Photography,
University of Arizona
© The Ansel Adams Publishing
Rights Trust (pictured below)
Jean-Eugène-Auguste Atget (1)
Morley Baer (4)
Bruce Barnbaum (2)
Ruth Bernhard (2)
Werner Bischof (2)
Edouard Boubat (2)
Margaret Bourke-White (3)
Samuel Bourne (3)
Bill Brandt (11)
Brassaï (1)
Francis Bruguière (1)
Wynn Bullock (6)
Robert K. Byers (25)
Harry Callahan (7)
Julia Margaret Cameron (1)
Cornell Capa (1)
Paul Caponigro (7)
Lucien Clergue (1)
Alvin Langdon Coburn (1)
Van Deren Coke (1)
Linda Connor (2)
Imogen Cunningham (2)
Ker-Xavier Roussel
French, 1867–1944
Nymphe assise sous un arbre
(Nymph Sitting under a Tree),
c. 1900
Color lithograph with hand
coloring; trial proof
10½ Õ 13¼ in.
(26.67 Õ 33.66 cm) (image)
13½ Õ 17∕ in.
(34.29 Õ 44.61 cm) (sheet)
The Richard Lewis Hillstrom
Fund 2007.31.2
Louis Comfort Tiffany
American, 1848–1933
Design for a lamp, c. 1905
Watercolor on paper
12∕ Õ 8∕ in.
(31.91 Õ 20.64 cm)
Gift of Sandra and Peter Butler
Bath towel, late 19th-early
20th century
Cotton, silk; embroidery
73 Õ 42½ in.
(185.42 Õ 107.95 cm)
Gift of Richard L. Simmons and
Rosa Lynn Pinkus 2007.33
Cy DeCosse
American, b. 1929
Anemone, Lily of the Field, 2005
Gum bichromate print
20∕ Õ 20 in.
(50.96 Õ 50.8 cm) (image)
29¾ Õ 22 in.
(75.57 Õ 55.88 cm) (sheet)
Gift of Cy and Paula DeCosse
Cy DeCosse
American, b. 1929
Anemone, Lily of the Field, 2005
Platinum print
12 Õ 12 in.
(30.48 Õ 30.48 cm) (image)
20∕ Õ 15∕ in.
(51.28 Õ 40.48 cm) (sheet)
Gift of Cy and Paula DeCosse
Henri Cartier-Bresson (15)
© Henri Cartier Bresson/
Magnum Photos
(pictured p. 7, top)
Robert Dawson (1)
Robert Doisneau (4)
Harold E. Edgerton (2)
Peter Henry Emerson (2)
Frederick H. Evans (3)
Walker Evans (17)
Andreas Feininger (2)
Lee Friedlander (1)
Francis Frith (4)
William A. Garnett (10)
Henry E. Gilpin (8)
Milton H. Greene (1)
Philip Jones Griffiths (1)
Ernst Haas (2)
Philippe Halsman (2)
Charles Harbutt (4)
Rex Hardy (1)
David Octavius Hill (1)
Lewis W. Hine (1)
Gyorgy Kepes (1)
William Klein (1)
André Kertész (41)
Jacques Henri Lartigue (5)
Martin Munkácsi (1)
Félix Nadar (1)
Dorothy Norman (2)
Gordon Parks (1)
Alexander Rodchenko (1)
George Rodger (1)
Albert Renger-Patzsch (8)
Sebastião Salgado (4)
August Sander (10)
Frederick B. Scheel (107)
Charles Sheeler (2)
Aaron Siskind (3)
W. Eugene Smith (9)
Paul Strand (18)
Josef Sudek (1)
Jerry N. Uelsmann (7)
Roman Vishniac (1)
Carleton E. Watkins (1)
Brett Weston (58)
Edward Weston (16)
Minor White (13)
Marion Post Wolcott (2)
Max Yavno (2)
Gift of Frederick B. Scheel
Diagrams of the Eight
Formations, late 17th–
early 19th century
Ink and colors on paper
178∕ Õ 19∕ in.
(452.6 Õ 50.32 cm)
The Ruth Ann Dayton Chinese
Room Endowment Fund
Kita Genki
Japanese, 1747–97
Turtles, from a pair of six-fold
screens, 1796
Ink and colors on paper
65∕ Õ 141∕ in.
(166.21 Õ 359.57 cm) (image)
72∕ Õ 148∕ in.
(183.83 Õ 377.35 cm)
The John Cowles Family Fund
15th century
Round box with cover, 1403–27
Red lacquer (cinnabar)
2 Õ 5½ Õ 5½ in.
(5.08 Õ 13.97 Õ 13.97 cm)
Gift of Ruth and Bruce Dayton
and the Ruth Ann Dayton
Chinese Room Endowment Fund
William Fairbourne and Sons
English, 19th century
Four-piece coffee and tea set,
c. 1875
Silver, ivory
Various sizes
Gift of funds from the friends
of Christopher Monkhouse
in honor of his 60th birthday
United States
18th century
Side chair, c. 1750
Mahogany, modern upholstery
41¼ Õ 21 Õ 21 in.
(104.78 Õ 53.34 Õ 53.34 cm)
Gift of the John Bradford Davis
family 2007.37
Chicken-headed ewer,
6th century
Glazed stoneware
18⁄ Õ 9⁄ Õ 8¾ in.
(47.94 Õ 23.18 Õ 22.23 cm)
The Ruth Ann Dayton Chinese
Room Endowment Fund
2007.38 (pictured above)
17th century
Set of five Mukozuke (food
dishes), c. 1615–30
Glazed ceramic (Oribe ware)
1⁄ Õ 6⁄ Õ 5⁄ in.
(4.13 Õ 17.3 Õ 13.65 cm)
Gift of funds from the Friends
of the Institute 2007.43.1–5
(pictured below left)
Late 3rd century
Fragment from a monumental
sarcophagus with male head,
c. 250–275
10 Õ 8 Õ 7½ in.
(25.4 Õ 20.32 Õ 19.05 cm)
14¾ Õ 8 Õ 7½ in.
(37.47 Õ 20.32 Õ 19.05 cm)
(overall, with base)
3∕ Õ 5¾ Õ 5¾ in.
(9.84 Õ 14.61 Õ 14.61 cm)
Gift of the Miller Family
Collection in memory of
Dulcy B. Miller 2007.41.1
Dorothea Tanning
American, b. 1910
Tempest in Yellow, 1956
Oil on canvas
38¼ Õ 57½ in.
(97.16 Õ 146.05 cm)
Gift of funds from Regis
Foundation 2007.44
Alfred Stevens
Belgian, 1823–1906
Portrait of Mademoiselle Dubois,
Oil on canvas
27½ Õ 21∕ in.
(69.85 Õ 54.45 cm)
Gift of funds from the Paintings
Curatorial Council 2007
Germany trip members, the
Paintings Curatorial Council’s
George S. Keyes Discretionary
Fund, and the Ethel Morrison
Van Derlip Trust Fund 2007.45
Head of Young Man (or Satyr?),
6∕ Õ 6∕ Õ 6½ in.
(17.62 Õ 15.56 Õ 16.51 cm)
(without mount)
Gift of the Miller Family
Collection in memory of
Dulcy B. Miller 2007.41.2
George Chickering Munzig
American, 1854–1908
Portrait of a Young Girl, 1881
Oil on canvas
43∕ Õ 25∕ in.
(110.65 Õ 64.45 cm)
Lent by Mr. James H. Giddings
in 1922, title acquired through
the Minnesota Museum Property
Act 2007.46
Kita Genki
Japanese, 1747–97
Cranes, from a pair of six-fold
screens, 1796
Ink and colors on paper
65½ Õ 141∕ in.
(166.37 Õ 360.36 cm) (image)
72∕ Õ 148¾ in.
(183.83 Õ 377.83 cm)
The John Cowles Family Fund
Walter Elmer Schofield
American, 1867–1944
Mining Village in Cornwall,
c. 1912
Oil on canvas
19∕ Õ 23½ in.
(48.58 Õ 59.63 cm)
Lent by Mrs. Robert F. Pack in
1935, title acquired through the
Minnesota Museum Property Act
Charles Sheeler
American, 1883–1965
Chartres, St. Piat Chapel from
the Street, 1929
Gelatin silver print
13∕ Õ 10∕ in.
(34.45 Õ 26.35 cm) (image, sheet)
20 Õ 16∕ in.
(50.8 Õ 40.8 cm) (mount)
The Alfred and Ingrid Lenz
Harrison Fund 2007.48
Jacob Matham
Dutch, 1571–1631
The Seasons, engravings, 1589
11⅜ Õ 10¾ in.
(28.89 Õ 27.31 cm)
(sheet, each, varies)
The Richard Lewis Hillstrom
Fund 2007.49.1.1–4
Giovanni Battista Piranesi
Italian, 1720–78
Tempio detto volgarmente di
Giano (The Temple of Janus),
c. 1756–78
18∕ Õ 27∕ in.
(47.47 Õ 70.96 cm) (plate)
21∕ Õ 31∕ in.
(55.56 Õ 80.33 cm) (sheet)
Gift of Ruth and Bruce Dayton
Giovanni Battista Piranesi
Italian, 1720–78
Venduta degli avanzi del Tablino
della Casa aurea di Nerone detti
volgarmente il Tempio della Pace
(Ruins of the Neronian Dining
Room), c. 1756–78
19∕ Õ 28∕ in.
(49.05 Õ 71.44 cm) (plate)
21∕ Õ 30¾ in.
(54.45 Õ 78.11 cm) (sheet)
Gift of Ruth and Bruce Dayton
Anders Zorn
Swedish, 1860–1920
Self Portrait, 1916
6∕ Õ 4∕ in.
(17.62 Õ 11.11 cm) (plate)
12∕ Õ 10 in.
(32.54 Õ 25.4 cm) (sheet)
The Barbara Longfellow Fund
for Works on Paper 2007.50
Elisabeth Louise Vigée-LeBrun
French, 1755–1842
Vue du lac de Challes au Mont
Blanc, c. 1807–8
Pastel on paper
8∕ Õ 13∕ in.
(22.7 Õ 33.81 cm) (sight)
Gift of funds from the Friends of
the Institute 2007.51
Jacques Villon
French, 1875–1963
Le Parisienne, tournée a droite,
Color etching, soft-ground
etching, and aquatint; trial proof
17⁄ Õ 13⁄ in.
(45.24 Õ 33.81 cm) (plate)
26⁄ Õ 19⁄ in.
(66.83 Õ 50.64 cm) (sheet)
Gift of Ruth and Bruce Dayton
Herschel V. Jones: The Imprint
of a Great Collector
Author: Christian A. Peterson
Author: Lisa Dickinson Michaux
with Marla J. Kinney and
Jane Immler Satkowski
isbn: 0–8166–4904–9
Library of Congress catalogue
card number: 2006921635
This book surveys the collection
of fine-art prints built by
Minneapolis newspaper publisher
Herschel V. Jones (1861–1928),
who subsequently donated the
collection to the MIA. Published
in conjunction with the exhibition
“From Dürer to Cassatt: Five
Centuries of Master Prints from
the Jones Collection,” on view from
June 11 through September 17,
2006, in the U.S. Bank Gallery.
The Harrison Collection of
Fine Photographs, 1992–2006
Odilon Redon
French, 1840–1916
Le Buddha (The Buddha), 1895
12⁄ Õ 9¾ in.
(31.59 Õ 24.77 cm) (image)
22⅝ Õ 16⅞ in.
(57.47 Õ 42.86 cm) (sheet)
Gift of Ruth and Bruce Dayton
(pictured above)
Kyra Markham
American, 1891–1967
Sleep, 1945
9⁄ Õ 13⅜ in.
(23.97 Õ 33.97 cm) (image)
11⁄ Õ 16⅛ in.
(30.32 Õ 40.96 cm) (sheet)
Gift of Ruth and Bruce Dayton
Francis Bacon
British, 1909–92
Study for Self-Portrait, 1982–84
Color lithograph
32¼ Õ 24 in.
(81.92 Õ 60.96 cm) (image)
37 Õ 25⁄ in.
(93.98 Õ 64.93 cm) (sheet)
Gift of Ruth and Bruce Dayton
© The Estate of Francis Bacon/
Artists Rights Society (ARS),
New York, N. Y./DACS, London
(see page 6)
Luigi Rossini
Italian, 1790–1857
Veduta delle antiche sostrurioni
del Monte Aventino, 1823
14⅜ Õ 19⅞ in.
(36.51 Õ 50.48 cm) (plate)
18⅝ Õ 24⁄ in.
(47.31 Õ 61.44 cm) (sheet)
Given in memory of Mildred
Light Lohmann 2007.54.1
Giuseppe Vasi
Italian, 1710–82
Panoramic View of Rome, 1765
39⁄ Õ 27½ in.
(101.12 Õ 69.85 cm) (plate)
40⁄ Õ 27⁄ in.
(101.76 Õ 70.64 cm) (sheet)
Given in memory of Mildred
Light Lohmann 2007.54.2
Werner Jeker
Swiss, b. 1944
Papier: Un Nouveau Language
Artistique, 1983
Color screenprint (poster)
49⁄ Õ 35⅝ in.
(126.52 Õ 90.49 cm) (image)
Gift of Wells Fargo Bank,
Minnesota 2007.55
19th century
Man’s waist sash (patka), c. 1875
Cotton, gold leaf, metallic threads
130⁄ Õ 46 in.
(332.26 Õ 116.84 cm)
The Tess E. Armstrong Fund
Introduction by
Carroll T. Hartwell
isbn: 0–912964–95–2
This sampling of works from
the MIA’s Department of
Photographs demonstrates the
range and depth of a collection
acquired through the Alfred
and Ingrid Lenz Harrison Fund,
established in 1992. Published in
conjunction with the exhibition
“Highlights from the Harrison
Collection of Fine Photographs,
1992–2006,” on view in Harrison
Photography Gallery, from
June 11 through October 8, 2006.
Vermillion Editions Limited:
A History and Catalogue
Author: Dennis Michael Jon
with Kristin Makholm and
Marla J. Kinney
isbn: 978-0-8166-4972-3
Library of Congress catalogue
card number: 2006050926
This history and catalogue of
Vermillion Editions Limited,
a Minneapolis fine-print
collaborative press active from
1977 through 1992, documents
the work of Vermillion founder
Steven Andersen and the artists
with whom he collaborated.
Published in conjunction
with the MIA exhibition
“Vermillion Editions Limited:
Prints, Multiples, Artist’s Books,
1977–1992,” on view October 14,
2006–January 7, 2007, in the
U.S. Bank Gallery.
San Francisco Psychedelic
isbn: 978–0–912964–96–6
Library of Congress catalogue
card number: 2006937783
Accompanying the exhibition
by the same name, on view in the
Harrison Photography Gallery
from February 10 through
June 10, 2007, this catalogue
presents a context for a selection
of iconic photographs depicting
rock music bands of the 1960s.
Uzbek Embroidery in the
Nomadic Tradition:
The Jack A. and Aviva Robinson
Collection at the Minneapolis
Institute of Arts
Authors: Kate Fitz Gibbon and
Andrew Hale, with a Preface by
Lotus Stack
isbn: 1-58886–094–9
Library of Congress catalogue
card number: 2006038926
Jack A. and Aviva Robinson
provided the funding support
for scholarly research and
collaboration among individuals
and institutions to produce
this new volume. Published in
conjunction with an eponymous
exhibition of the collection
donated by the Robinsons, on
view from June 2 through
August 26, 2007 in U.S. Bank
Linda Ahlers
John E. Andrus III
Leslie Altman
Marvin Borman
Alfred Harrison,
Kim Anderson
Sandra K. Butler
Michael Boardman
Burton D. Cohen
Blythe Brenden
Bruce B. Dayton
Richard Davis
W. John Driscoll
Eric Dayton
Al Harrison
Curtis Dunnavan
Myron Kunin
William Griswold,
Director & President
Brian Palmer,
First Vice Chair
Burton Cohen,
Vice Chair
Siri Marshall,
Jane Emison
David M. Lebedoff
Lisa Ferris
Clinton Morrison
Margene Fox
Bob Ulrich
Samuel McCullough,
Michael Francis
Michele Callahan,
Assistant Secretary
Beverly Grossman
Patricia J. Grazzini,
Assistant Treasurer
John Himle
Kelly Gage
R. T. Rybak,
Minneapolis Mayor
Scott Dibble,
State Senator
Gen Olson,
State Senator
Margaret Anderson Kelliher,
State Representative
Erik Paulsen,
State Representative
Randy Johnson,
Hennepin County
Mary Merrill Anderson,
Minneapolis Park & Recreation
Board Commissioner
Kevin Hart
Glenda Struthers,
Friends President
Susan Hoff
John Huss
Mary Carroll Linder
Barbara Longfellow
Nivin MacMillan
Lucy Crosby Mitchell
Sheila Morgan
Barry Murphy
Moe Nozari
Stephen N. Oesterle
Tamrah Schaller O’Neil
Linda Perlman
Mary Pohlad
Dar Reedy
Roger Sit
Michael Snow
Stewart Stender
Ralph Strangis
Rich Torres
William M. Griswold,
Director and President
Patricia J. Grazzini,
Associate Director and
Chief Operating Officer
Mikka Gee Conway,
Assistant Director for
Collections and Programs
Mikka Gee Conway,
Assistant Director for
Collections and Programs
Laura DeBiaso,
Administrator of Curatorial
Affairs & Exhibitions
Janice Lurie,
Head Librarian
Brian Kraft,
Sarah Quimby,
Associate Librarian
Tanya Morrison,
Associate Registrar
Jessica McIntyre,
Assistant Librarian I
Thomas Jance,
Supervisor, Works of Art Crew
Heidi Raatz,
Visual Resources Librarian
John Buss
Roxann Ballard
Jonathan Hamilton
Jane Satkowski,
Research Associate
Philip Barber
Mike Judy
Stewart Turnquist,
MAEP Coordinator
Teresa Lenzen
Shawn Holster
Kenneth Krenz
Lisa Vecoli,
Director of
Community Relations
Rurik Hover
Tamatha Sopinski Perlman,
MAEP Program Associate
Patricia Landres
Donna Kelly
Lana Klick
Karen Paraday
Janette Nash
Lisa Ranallo
Patrick Noon,
Chair of Paintings and Modern
Sculpture and Patrick and
Aimée Butler Curator
William Skodje
Sue Canterbury,
Associate Curator
Stallion Valentine
Michele Callahan,
Corporate Secretary
DeAnn Dankowski
Joseph Horse Capture,
Acting Curator
Molly Hennen Huber,
Assistant Curator
Nicole Anderson,
Office Administrator
Danielle Brousseau
Erika Holmquist-Wall,
Curatorial Assistant II
*Ted Hartwell,
Christopher Monkhouse,
James Ford Bell Curator
Christian Peterson,
Associate Curator
David Ryan,
Curator of Design
Caroline Wanstall
Jennifer Komar Olivarez,
Associate Curator
Dennis Michael Jon,
Acting Co-Curator
Corine Wegener,
Assistant Curator
Lisa Dickinson Michaux,
Acting Co-Curator
Jennifer Carlquist,
Curatorial Assistant I
Kristin Lenaburg,
Curatorial Assistant I
Robert Jacobsen,
Chair of Asian Art and
Curator of Chinese, Indian
and Southeast Asian Art
Susan Jacobsen,
Director of Public Programs
Sheila Bianchi,
Associate—Family Center &
Youth Programs
Erin Threlkeld
Luke Erickson,
Associate—Adult Programs
Julia Modest, Associate—
Family Programs
Matthew Welch,
Curator of Japanese
and Korean Art
Krista Pearson, Associate—
Art in the Park
Peggy Linrud
Yuiko Kimura,
Research Assistant
Devin Matticks
Michael McCann
Kurt Nordwall
Leslie Ory Lewellen
Kathleen Scott
Karl Shapansky
Jennifer Starbright
Brian Stieler
Lotus Stack,
Patricia Martinson,
Curatorial Assistant I
Christine Lien
Patricia Grazzini,
Associate Director and
Chief Operating Officer
Joan Grathwol Olson,
Director of Development
Julianne Amendola,
Associate Director of
DiAnne Pappas
Elizabeth Berg
Brian Crist
Christine Gregory
Patricia Grazzini,
Associate Director and
Chief Operating Officer
Aaron Petersal,
Director, Visitor Services
Elizabeth Jones,
VMS Manager
Sheila McGuire,
Director of Museum Guide
Kathleen Barber,
VMS Phone Supervisor
Debra Hegstrom,
Coordinator, Docent Program
Michael Bennes
Dawn Fahlstrom
Sean Breininger
Karen Gehrke
Ann Isaacson,
Coordinator, Art Adventure
Guide Program
Kate Gallagher
Amanda Thompson Rundahl,
Coordinator, Collection in
Focus Guide Program
Emily Glaser
Margaret Grill
Ernesto DeQuesada,
Director, Membership &
Development Operations
Kathryn Johnson,
Chair, Education Division
Treden Wagoner,
Coordinator of Education
Technology Programs
Daniel Forslin
Margaret Johnson
Althea Lamb
Amy Braford Whittey,
Director, Corporate &
Foundation Support
Hannah Searle
Bryan Bradford
Carol Hill
Jennifer Curry
Steven Lang
Kristine Harley
Jeanne Platt
Paula Warn
Brian Shuey
Heather Smith
Anne-Marie Wagener,
Director of External Affairs
Kaylen Whitmore,
Associate Director
of External Affairs
Garnette Kuznia
Gayle Jorgens,
Director, Design &
Jodie Ahern,
Senior Editor
R. Patrick Atherton
Jill Blumer
Elizabeth Mullen
Diane Richard
Elisabeth Sovik
Amanda Stolle
Cheryl Storevik
Barbara Skrivanek,
Operations Gifts Supervisor
Elizabeth Tjepkema
Elena Vetter
Lori Erickson
Andria Wiedman
Cori Quinn,
Manager of Teacher Resources
Keith Pille
Marya Larson
Channadda Virasih
Christine McKigney
Kristin Prestegaard,
Marketing Manager
Virginia O’Neill
Kim Bowman,
Director, Endowments &
Planned Giving
Lynette Nyman,
Press & Public Relations
Tamara Pleshek
Emily Hopkins,
Director, Individual Giving &
Patrons’ Circle
Emily Clausman
Jamie Van Nostrand
Rachael Walker
Patricia Grazzini,
Associate Director and
Chief Operating Officer
Matthew Cisler
James Ockuly,
Director of Interactive Media
Patrice Cyriacks
Damon Dalton
Michael Dust
Melika Dhital
Patrick Edwards
Dave Digre
Jennifer Jurgens
Brian Engel-Fuentes
Willy Lee
James Farrar
Kristen Davidson,
of Accounting
Benjamin Glaros
Desmond Griffin
Jan Blanchard,
Janitorial Lead
Steven Hanson
Katherine Hearth
Peter Brady
Michael Hirabayashi
Theodore Hewes,
Accounting Supervisor
Robert Butler
Raighne Hogan
Robert Cable
Emily Kaplan
Barbara Duncan
Nathan Janes
Gail Kern
Peter Luttrell
James McConico
Matthew Kessen
Elizabeth Young
Maurice Overton
Timothy Kiser
Michael Roy
Mark Kuno
Dan Sorenson
John Laughlin
Gerald McCabe
Matthew McGorry
Jerome DuBord
Michael Duenow,
Office Services &
Facilities Supervisor
Gerald Hensel
Russell Elden
Tracy Christenson,
Assistant Controller
Michael Newman,
Director of Facilities
Patrice Cyriacks
Larry Danielson
Michelle Layland
Micah Lux
Scott King
Shawn McCann
Jeanne Partlow
Bruce Morrow
Dwayne Nevels
Todd Newman
John O’Donoghue
Thomas Olson
Nicholas McDonough
Fabio Pavolini
Thomas Myers
Nathan Phillips
Gary Peterson
Chanthara Phonthipsavath
Alyn Silberstein
Dan Dennehy,
Chief Photographer
Stephen Wrzos
Heidi Quicksilver
Timothy Piotrowski
Mona Pougiales
Charles Walbridge
Debra Duffy,
Director of Human Resources
Bonnie Koran
Dianne Magras
Katherine Riste
Samuel Rowan
Luke Rusch
Mary Hele,
Director of Retail and Events
Davu Seru
Christine Teel,
Operations Manager/Buyer
Greta Stryker
Scott Stromberg
Buckner Sutter
Adrienne Bockheim
Daniel Veverka
Maggie Davis
John Bedard,
Director of Information
Projects & Services
Amy Gaetz
Stephen Scidmore,
IS Manager
Kristin Kolich
Sheila Wheeler
Timothy Wheeler
Christine Jones
Michael Williamson
Calvin Winkelmann
Whitney Maack
David Wollin
David Miller
Dennis Zillhart
Michael Stange
Theodore Thorson
Ross Guthrie,
Director of Security
Thor Eisentrager,
Assistant Director of Security
Kimberly Supple,
Director of Special Events
Brooke Aldridge
Brad Jacobson
David Anderson
Jeffrey Kearns
Chad Augustin
Ann Kellogg
Paul Benton
Jim Metzger
Anthony Carchedi
This publication is produced
by the Development, External
Affairs, and Curatorial divisions
of the Minneapolis Institute
of Arts.
William M. Griswold,
Director and President
Patricia J. Grazzini,
Associate Director and
Chief Operating Officer
Joan Grathwol Olson,
Director of Development
Anne-Marie Wagener,
Director of External Affairs
Mikka Gee Conway,
Assistant Director for
Collections and Programs
Gayle Jorgens,
Director, Design & Editorial
Diane Richard,
Project Editor
Jodie Ahern,
Project Copy Editor
Elizabeth Mullen,
Graphic Designer
R. Patrick Atherton,
Production Technician
Amanda Stolle,
Production Coordinator
Cheryl Storevik,
Administrative Assistant
Dan Dennehy,
Chief Photographer
Donna Kelly,
Assistant Photographer
Charles Walbridge,
Heidi Quicksilver,
Digital Imaging Specialist
Shapco, Inc., Printer
Minneapolis Institute of Arts
is an Equal Opportunity/
Affirmative Action Employer.
© 2007 Minneapolis Institute
of Arts
= @ E 8 E : @ 8 C JK8K < D < E KJ D`ee\Xgfc`j@ejk`klk\f]8ikj
As of June 30, 2007
As of June 30, 2006
Cash and cash equivalents
Accounts receivable
Inventories and other assets
Restricted cash
Loan escrow fund
Pledges receivable
Investments and funds held in trust
Land, buildings, and equipment, net
Total assets
$ 303,396,428
$ 283,978,326
Liabilities and Net Assets
Deferred revenue
Notes payable
Total liabilities
Total net assets
Total liabilities and net assets
$ 303,396,428
$ 283,978,326
For the year ended
June 30, 2007
June 30, 2006
Operating Revenue
Private contributions
Government support
Program activities
Endowment draw for operations
Other income
Net assets released from restrictions for operations
Board-designated transfer for strategic initiatives
Total operating revenue
$ 24,298,742
Curatorial, exhibitions, and programs
Administration and development
$ 17,672,274
Total operating expenses
$ 24,272,875
Net income from operations
Operating Expenses
The condensed statement of financial position and the condensed statement of operations are derived from the MIA’s financial statements as of June 30, 2007,
which have been audited by KPMG LLP, independent auditors, whose report expressed an unqualified opinion on those financial statements. A copy of the full
audit report is available from the MIA’s finance department.
Minneapolis Institute of Arts
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Front cover credits
Top: Uzbekistan, Kungrat or Durmen people, Ilgich (detail), late 19thÐearly 20th century, featured in ÒUzbek Embroidery
in the Nomadic Tradition: The Jack A. and Aviva Robinson CollectionÓ; Chris Larson, still image from the Þlm ÒCrush
Collision,Ó 2006, shown in the Minnesota Artists Exhibition Program show ÒCrush CollisionÓ; Bob Seidemann, Janis
Joplin (detail), 1967, on view in ÒSan Francisco Psychedelic,Ó © Bob Seidemann.
Middle/top: Eilif Peterssen, Summer Night (detail), 1886, The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Oslo,
on view in ÒA Mirror of Nature: Nordic Landscape Painting 1840Ð1910Ó; John Heaten, American, active 1730Ð45,
Magdalena Douw (Mrs. Harme Gansevoort)(detail), c. 1740, oil on canvas, Gift of Henry Francis du Pont, Winterthur
Museum & Country Estate, featured in ÒAn American Vision: Henry Francis du PontÕs Winterthur MuseumÓ; China,
Box with cover (detail), 15th century, The Ruth Ann Dayton Chinese Room Endowment Fund.
Middle/bottom: Reiko Sudo, Nuno Limited, Tanabata Fabric #9-434 (detail), 2005, Gift of Richard L. Simmons and Rosa
Lynn Pinkus, shown in ÒNUNO: Textiles of the 21st CenturyÓ; Albrecht DŸrer, The Great Horse (detail), 1505, engraving,
bequest of Herschel V. Jones, on view in ÒFrom DŸrer to Cassatt: Five Centuries of Master Prints from The Jones
CollectionÓ; John Newman, Fold-Out (detail), 1985, from First Artists Portfolio, 1986, The Fiduciary Fund, featured
in ÒVermillion Editions Limited: Prints, Multiples, ArtistÕs Books, 1977Ð1992.Ó
Bottom: Benin, Nigeria, Memorial Head, c. 1550Ð1650, The John R. Van Derlip Trust Fund; Japan, set of Þve mukozuke
(food dishes) (detail), c. 1615Ð30, Gift of funds from the Friends of the Institute; William Hunt Diederich, Chanticleer,
c. 1918, The Driscoll Art Accessions Endowment Fund.
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