ZealndHr. TheNew FOR LONDON DIRECT. Auckland, July -0, Agents. ISiil. FOi: XAIMKK', WI-LLINGTOX. LYTTELK»\ AX D DUNEDIN. 11K ni X „ Steam Navigation Com- X. pany's Screw Steamer ' LADY BIRD,' 220 tons, F. Henner, comlnander, will be despatched from the Wharf for the above ports, on SATUROsnii'-lnvt KXT, 23rd inst., at noon. , 750 «'ii! he received v„ t.r.'Vriilay. oil board after 1 p.m. >i;\v ZEALAND MAIL STEAM SERVICE. TABLE of the INTER•i U.Jk I COLONIAL ROYAL MAIL COM FIRST CLASS STEAM ■2£iSSS5E$§& SHU'S. rpiME INTEK-COT.ONI.VL. SSO tons, 150 AUCKLAND.' ; EY I'HOM sYDN •Jvdiw ... uekland ... ]>j:u, TO h.p. OAKS CO.'S LINE OF PACKETS Between- London' and Auckland. WILLIS, 1 H '- •• I.vttelton ... Nelson v*\linev !i ••• arrive ... Ipfri'sH-g X ' 20 cargo, ... Picton Nelson Melbourne ... ••• .> ... 27 „ arrive 4 INTEE-PKOVINCIAL. ■ LORD ASHLEY",' 500 tons, 100 h.p. From AUCKLAND to PORT CHALMERS and back, rid EAST COAST. 3 leave Auckland 6 Napier y ji WelUnnton H I.yttelron 20 Chalmers Port 22 Lvttelton 25 AVellinston 2/ >i Napier arrive 29 Auckland ... ... .. 1564. ... ... ' » ... ~ ... » ... » ! leave » „ ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... „ ... „ ... arrive leave ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... 23 ~ arrive 21 'AIREDALE,' 500 tons, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 9 „ Bluff Bluff Canterbury ~ I'J 20 „ ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... arrive leave 22 25 ~ ... 27 ~ Wellington Pieton Nelson Nelson Taranaki Manukau 29 30 „ . . ... ~ ... ... arrive leave ... ... ... ... ... ... ... tfSI 30 2 lIOHSE, CAVENDISH TOP 5 do. do. do. do. (C. [BY A I'I'OI NTM I:st] For the Sale of GENUINE JEAU MARTE FARINA COLOGNE. at HARRIS'S, TOP OF SHORTLAND-STREET. CH URCH SERVICES, BIBLES, AND PRAYER BOOKS, from one Shilling each. Five Thousand to select from, at £f&\ h 'SURPRISE,' Wallace, Master, ivill ~0 tons burthen, -i-fSSSZ* sail us . (ljove on 21st EXTENSION OF TIME TILL THURSDAY next, the instant. I'or ir.'i:r!:l or passage, apply to Mr. .T. BOULTER, nr to Mr. T. W. BROWN, Queen-street Wharf. July 18th, I Mi. Ist AUCKLAND AND DRURY RAILWAY. S, » ** '* "' :| 18(54, and must bo i rnilM ship 'DAY DA WN,' Captain L P. ,[ones, will sail for the above I'"rt "ii SATURDAY next. b'or freight or passage, apply to •T. S. MACFARLANE CO., i—«\ "Tender endorsed—■ for Works on Auckland and Drury lIAEEIS'S Railway." A 11 Q U K J'NOVELTY,' 1-'aptain Austin, will sail on THURSDAY, 2lst instant. i 'iri-A Ap]>lv to HENDERSON _ o.A T\7"ANTED, Ar",.' ,be 'ovc*'"'L v MACFAIILANE., FREIGHT OR FOR CHARTER, a VESSEL of about to 150 tons, with either a large port or hatchway, to carry baidk timber from _> "0 '° TWENTY POUNDS B Constunt employment will Apply to ': " " | ■ t RATTRAY & MATHESON. 20 10 10 10 10 5 10 10 AUCKLAND. FOR SYDNEY. rn II E HOUSE, SIIOETLAND STREET. Queen-street. i do. Ground Rice tlo. Macaroni do. Vermecillc do. Plaid Veatas (Bell sizes 5 tins Vestas, (do.) 50 tins CoUa. Oil 2 0 3 5 TOP OF THOMAS CHEESEMAN, Chairman of Railway Board. & CAVENDISH Attorney-General's Oflico, Auckland, Stli July, 1861. quantities of Oats and Maize have time lately stolen WHEREAS Commissariat Transport Corps, been from to time from the at or stores of the near Drury, notice is hereby given that a. reward of bo to who paid any person give shall such £20 will information as shi-ll lead to tho conviction of the -vho have been of persons guilty stealing person or and any such property, or of receiving tho person giving such information against his accom- same; plice will, besides the reward, receive a pardon for his.ofl'encj. " - ~ ' ' . OPPOSSUM J 111 G STOIIE. REWARD. FRED. WHITAKER. BE IN TIME. HUGS! A BE FUGS! IN TIM E. EUGS! Now on hand, SPLENDID ASSORTMENT of OPOSSUM RUGS, not to be equalled in the Colony. Price GOs. each. OHIO, SIG-NOK The Swiss War is leu, And Wonderful Imitator of all Birds and Animals in creation, and is also a skilful performer upon the Cymbal. His equal has never appeared before the New Zealand public. This Extraordinary Exhibition will be open each Evening (Tuesday excepted) from 7 to 10. Prices of Adm;stion :—Front Seals, 35.; back do. 2s. NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE COMPANY. B.) 10 eases W. J. Arrowroot (in tins) 100 do. Island do. (141b. tins) 20 do. Sago (loose) 5 do. do. (141b. tins) ' ,4 WANTED— A situation as GOVERNESS, by a respectable Young Lady,, lately arrived in colony; good references can be given. Address, G. 111.at the Oflice of this Paper. ; the TX/-ANTED—A SIX-ROOMED HOUSE, within 10 minutes' walk of thePost Office. Addlv TT V., lleuai.i> Oflice. COOK and T\/" ANTED—A to S. P. JAMES SON, ' & i street. WAITER—AppIy Q.C.E., Shortland- d—a "married couple, Waste General House. Servants.—Apply to Mr. Hi. ELLIS, Epsom. as ~V\TANTED—A SITUATION as CLERK in a Merchant's Office or elsewhere.—Address TT X.N.R., Herald Office. WANTED— ASITUATIONaBBOOK-KEEPBR, by a young man who thoroughly understands his business, and has had considerable experience in a large mercantile house for several years in Melbourne. Good testimonials can be given. Address 0., Herald Office. July .7, 1864. HOUSE SERVANTS. YOUTH wait and make himself generally WANTED Kitchen. in DAVID GRAHAM CO. to at table, useful the —A . & July 18th, 1864. HOUSE SERVANTS. Y\r II ANTED—A GENERAL FEMALE SERA'ANT. Reference required, and highest wages given to a competent person. Also, a stout active YOUTH, toJtjiake himself generally "useful.— Apply to Herald Office. SUBSTITUTE WANTED. Accompanying these there is 5 casks do. 10 casks Oatmeal (2 cwt. each) 20 do. do. (1 cwt. each) 20 do. Pearl Barley (do.) 10 do. Split Peas (each 2 bushels) 5 cases Patent Groats 5 do. do. Barley 5 do. Corn Flour (Brown and Poison's) 20 boxes do. (Oswago) Commissioners' Office, Council Chambers, Auckland, J tine 30, 18G4. FIRST CLASS MEERSCHAUM PIPES, are invited by the Commissioners of Myall Wood, Brier Root, and every description THE Clipper Brigantine the Auckland and Y,' Drury Railway, f'or (he pers V RA of Fancy Pipes ami Tobacconist goods are sold baring been chartered to proceed to formance of various Works in the construction of At HARRIS'S, Top of Shortland-street. 1 TWENTY-FOUR MILES of RAILWAY from A ratapa Steam .Saw Mills, Wairoa, Kaij ra. to loa'i with timber, will sail from the Manukau AUCKLAND to DRURY, with a BRANCH JIIIS I).\ , Wednesday, the 20th instant. LINE to ONEHUNGA. l'ur ireiidn or passage a]j[)lv to Plans and Specifications will be ready for inspection at the above Office, on and after the Ist of GENUINE SOUTHERN TOBACCO, Taddy's W. J. YOUNG, Smilf of every description, in original packages. AUGUST, 18G4. Queen-street. Choice Havanah, Swiss, and Manila Cigars are Tenders for the Works will be received until sold at FOR SYDNEY. NOON of THURSDAY, Ist of SEPTEMBER, ' sober man, a SITUAcither as Storekeeper or or would take ckax'ge of a number of men it required. Can give satisfactory references.— Address to A. F., Office of this paper. TION of 1R in length. A SUBSTITUTE for the 2nd Regt. early. WANTED— \Y aikato Militia. year of expired.—Apply Hebald Oflice. N one or address to J. 8., the time £10 REWARD. .. LOST ONE POUND REWARD. J uno 20, 18G 1. ' \ containing Afternoon—A Heal, Key, LOST —Thisfound and leaves them this 2 RING, Lockets and one and a small Coin. the same at Vi hoever hus reward. oiliee shall receive the above JL Auckland, July 14, ISU4. • LOST &IRORTLAND assorted BOOTS? mHE Executive Committee for this fund are now JL holding their Meetings weekly, vizi, on every THURSDAY, at -1 p.m., in the Council Room of the Chamber of Commerce. By'order, 1. W. vmY, AT M lIARROP, Secretary and 11 A Treasurer. THE NIXON MEMORIAL FUND. and Black's), WHERE DO YOU BUY YOUR RELIEF FUND FOR THE SOLDIERS' WIVES AND CHILDREN. ' S K QUEEN STREET, rp ARCHITECT AND BUILDING SURVEYOR. casks Whiting do. W T ashing Soda i hhds. Vinegar begs to inform the public of Auckland, that he has THIS DAY comin this as an ARCHITECT and BUILDING SURVEYOR, and from his long practical experience as such in the Home Country, ay also in the Colony of Victoria, Australia, he feels confi- dent that any business entrusted to liis care will givo Also Sole Agent for M. Somervillo's celebrated satisfaction to those honouring him with their favour. Coll'ee, Roasted and Ground by Steam. Ollices at Messrs. ARTHUR. & SON. WALTER GRAHAM, Queen-street, City Mart. July, 1864. 12 th July 18th, 1864. TO SURVEYORS. : BRAIDS'. BRAIDS! _ _ E. .LEI.GHTON, COMMISSION * AOSRCHANT' '" :1 ' '1' ■ ANP *J- ' THOMAS. MR. T. B. CAMERON eity menced business octaves tlo. euses Jar Salt do. Bottled do. tons Course do. tlo. Fiue do. • '• * COLONIAL PRODUCE BROKER, ; QI?EE2S-STREET, . A U C K L A/N D / ; ::: |;CAMB RID Q- E has ' London House. a , ■ H ; OU S : E. P. L. PRIME,"' RETAIL WHOLESALE' AND . • , FAMILY .GROCER,: ■■-.p. y THEODOLITE by Troughtou China, Eakthenwaee, akd Glass WAREHOTTffI ( and Sims, and a Ten-inch Plato Theodolite, new, SIBEIT, TON just opened LARGE HASH ASSORTMENT of NEW BRAIDS, per ]7URST-CLASS sights, &c., Avulancho.' with . . HE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN AUCKLAND mHE Committee of tlio abovo Fund have agreed for BOOTS akd SHOES. J_ to extend the time for receiving subscriptions till MONDAY, the Bth August next, when a Meetthe Councd will in Committee take placo ing of the Room of the Chamber of Commerce at 2 p.m. I. \V. HARROP, N..B.—Every.7 description of Boots aid Shoes Hon. Sec. Made to Order ~, Note the address— LEVY'S CLOTHING MART, (Opposite the Auckland Savings Bank.) ' U .. —A Small Wlute Calico Bag, containing £70 in gold, between the lower end of Queensuvet and Grey-street. Anyone who will bring the same to this oilice will receive theabove reward. mHE -0 bags Patna Rice 20 do. Java 20 cases Bath Brick FOR KAIPARA. 1 —By a steady, WANTED LiST, Manager, Has I'ORTMONIES, CARPET, AND LEATHER BAGS, in great variety, on sale At HARRIS'S, Top of Shortland-street. PERAMBU L A T O R At HARRIS'S, Top of Shortland-street. WANTED, ) SEPTEMBER. PROVINCE OF AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND. Her Son, better known as YOUNG- ESAU. This boy's body is entirely covered with thick black hair, and his face is encircled with Whiskers 2 inches .. .... ut the Misses Bradley! s, Shortland Orescent, thoroughly quaiiticd LllitdrfMAKERS; none other need apply. Also, a few respectable A pprentices. July 20, lijli-1. .. PURSES, niHE clipper schooncr M) A General Servant and a Nursemaid. T Apply to II US. ROBERTON, Cotola House, upper Syinonds-street. With a splendid Beard B.V inches long. The only lady ou record thus udorncd. A HARRIS'S, Top of Shortland-street. of either Puriri, Rata, ICauri, Blue Gum, Box, or Iron Bark, for the AUCKLAND and DRURY RAILWAY. CHILDREN'S DELIGHTS— Toys in endless Specifications may be seen and every other inforvariety, at mation obtained from the Engineers at the above HARRIS'S CAVENDISH HOUSE, Office. Top of Sliortland-strect. Tenders to be sent in not later than Ist AUGUST, per 1804, and to state the rate thousand, whether sawn or split timber, and endorsed WEDDING AND BIRTII-DAY PRESENTS, Tender for Railway Sleepers." Large and varied assortment of goods suited to THOMAS CIIEESEMAN, every age, on sale at Chairman of Railway Board. HARRIS'S, Top of Shortland-street. FOR TAL'iiANGA DIRECT. TirAVi T ALL AND FANCY STATIONERY, Large FjAIN Choice, and varied Stock on sale " arrive 4 JOHN VINE HALL, General Manager. .. IMMEDIATELY—A FIRST-KATE WANTED COOK.—Apply'at the CAFE BE PARIS. ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING OF —Between the Brunswick Buildings .and THE SHAREHOLDERS of the NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE COMPANY will be held at the Queen-street Wharf a RED POCKETthe Ollice of the Company THIS DAY, tlio i>UOK., no use to any person but the owner.. Any person leaving it at the Herald Office will receive 20th instant, at li p.m., to receive the HALF' YEARLY REPORT and BALANCE SHEET, One Pound. 20 do. ■}, do. and elect two Auditors in accordance w it.li Clause 20 do. Hora's Hair Oil 13?, Articles of Association. CLEANING CLOTHES. 15 casks Canary, Hemp, and Rape Seed GEORGE P. PIERCE, 10 cases {lb. Soluable Chocolate Manager. kinds of Woollen Clothes Cleaned. Ladies' 5 do. Fancy French do. July 20, ISG4. antics, Shawls, &c., cleaned on the. shortest A 1 notice, 5 do. Soluble Hexagon Cocoa bv JAS. CAKLAYV; Vincent-street. possible 5 do. Iceland .Moss do. AUCKLAND GAS COMPANY (LIMITED.) 5 do. llomceopathic do. HOUSE SEMINARY; Auckland. 5 do. Orange and Lemon Peel GENERAL MEETING of the Shareholders 5 —Dancing Class every FRIDAY, at 2 o'clock. 30 do. Column's Starch of this Company will be held in the Com21) do. Blue Ringing Class SATURDAY'S, 3 o'clock. pany's Otliees, llardington's Buildings, Queen2 do. Black Lead 10 do. Bottled Blacking, Is. Gd. street, on THURSDAI' next, the 21st instant, at A N E YEN ING GLASS 2 p.m. 10 tlo. do. do., Is. FOR, FRENCH AND BOOK-KEEPING, Business —To consider the Annual Report. 10 do. do. do., Gil. Elect two Directors. 5 do. Paste Blacking (in gross and half-gross ISY SINGLE ANU DOUBLE ENTRY. Elect two Auditors. boxes) HUGH REID, "VTOUNG Ladies and young Gentlemen desirous of 15 bales paper | Secretary. joining the same will please forward their 1 ease Brushwarc (assorted) 2 do. Twine, do. numes to Mr. Walter Guode, No. 10, WilliamsJuly I I, 18G4. 2 do. Harper Twelvetrecs' Soap Powder street Wellington-street, or Messrs. Ali'e and HemCHAMBER OF COMMERCE. jusus, (Jlmpel-strcet, on or before THURSDAY, the 3 do. Baking Powder (in tins) 10 do. Mixed Biscuits 2Sth instant.p.m. till 9 p.m., Hours: Young Ladies; from*7Young riIHE Usual Monthly Meeting will be held at the 20 casks Dried Apples Gentlemen, evenings. JL rooms, Fort-street, on THURSDAY next, Tuesdav and Thursday 10 do. Currants till 9 p.m., Monday, Wednesday, and at p.m. 7'iiO p.m. boxes Raisins 3 Iroiu 40 lIARROP, evenings. I. W. I'riday 10J do. Sultanas do. (small boxes) Secretary. 2 cases Imperial Plums, 41b. jars 5 do. Jordan Almonds B . . C A Ji .T E R, 5 casks Prunes WAIT AKARE I EAST. KYBER PASS, 3 do. { and V boxes Figs . (Opposite Seccoube &. Son's Brewery), 10 boxes Muscatells "VTOTICE is hereby given to all persons claiming 5J A-boxcs do. JL\ laud in the District of Waitakurei East, that on sale, the following- garS:J eases China Ginger, &g. APPLICATION for dunning to vote at au election den arid FIELD SEEDS, in great variety, 5 casks Ginger said district must which lie cuu rcoonimend, having grown the most of to ibrui a Board of Trustees for the 2 cases Mixed Spice be sent in to Francis White, Auckland, between this them himself. 5 i-asks Can-away Seed date and 21st July instant. Printed forms can be. Cabbages," Turnips, Raddish, Lettuce, Onions, 2 cases Licquorico had on application to said Francis White. Claimants Leeks, Caulillowers, Broccoli, Carrots, Peas, 2 do. Nutmegs at a distance can have the forms forwarded to their < Scarlet Runners, French Beans, Zebra and 2 tlo. Cloves address by enclosing a postage stamp. Dwarf Beans, Broad Beans, and other arti1 do. Isinglass FRANCIS WHITE, cles connected with the Trade. 2 do. Gelatine Upper West Queen-street. 10 barrels Carolina Rico Auckland, July 1, 1804. SIIOETLAND STREET, OF &. LADY, Also, 15 do. lib. Bottled Mustard (Superfine) 10 do. Alb. do. do. (do.) 10 do. lib. do. do. (Fino London) 10 do. Alb. do. do. (do.) 5 cases Mustard (in 7lb. tins) 3o do. .{ -Sardines — 3 ~ ... For the Sale of RIMMELL'S TOILET REQUISITES. BEAIIDED i 10 do. lib. Soups 5 do. 21b. do. 2 do. Gib. Meals 20 do. lib. Tins Oysters (American) 5 do. do. do. do. (Morton's) Superior Stock of HAND-BAGS on Sale at 30,000 SLEEPERS, 10 ~ AUCKLAND AND DRURY RAILWAY. BTEEET, Ai'l'oixtmest] HARRIS'S, Top of Shortland-Strcet. Commissioners' Otliee, Council Chambers, Auckland, June 30, ISO4. rjIENDERS are invited for the SUPPLY of about LADIES are invited to inspect the Largo and 12 13 14 „ „ Canterbury Otago EXTENSION Or TIME TILL IST AUGUST. AIL.) leave Nelso;, Picton Wellington SSB3 EXTENSION OF TIME FOR RECEIVING TENDERS FOR SLEEPERS. 100 h.p. THE ENGLISH SIi'I'LEMENTAitI' Manukau Taranaki I j 17 19 20 arrive 20 leave 22 ... Taranaki Manukau Superintendent. ~ ... Nelson ! ... ~ ; ... >i I j 1 ... 2 3 4 0 9 10 12 15 n ... i ... ... | ... ... ... j ... ... Wellington (c.iKKYINO 2'J j ... via 2S „ Pictoti Nel.-on &c. SI IOF TLA ND . Auckland, June 30, ISG-1. for information, that on Lauds, to and payment of the customary fees, be granted to the parties whose tenders may be accepted for the supply of SLEEPERS or other timber for the Service of the Auckland and Drury Railway only, on entering into a bond to that effect, on any Government Land ; especially those lots immediately on and adjacent to the proposed Mauku Tramway. ROBERT GRAHAM, ! ... Taranaki Chalmers Lvttelton OF [By notify general application the Commissionerof Crown I HEREBY LICENSES will ! -Manukau j 120 h.p. From MAN UK AC to tlie BLUFF aiul back, COOK'S STRAITS. Port 2 do. do. (small do.) do. 111.), tin Jams (Copland's-) 5 do. lib. do. (.Morton's) 5 do. lib. do. (C. & B.) 5 do. lib. Jars, do. (do.) 5 do. lib. do. do. (Morton's) 2 do. lib. Jellies 5 do. lib. Tins Marmalade (Morton's) 5 do. lib. Jars do. (C. it B.) 20 do. UobartTown Jams (in Jars) 20 do. do. do. (in Tins) 10 do. lib. Tins Salmon (C. & B.) 10 do. lib. do. do. (Morton's) 5 do. 21b. do. do. (do.) 5 do. 21b. do. do. (C. & B.) 5 do. lib. do. do. Lobsters (C. & B.) 5 do. lib. do. do. (Morton's) 2 ) do. lib. do. do. (American) 5 do. 21b. do. do. (Morton's) 5 do. 21b. do. do. (C. & B.) 5 cases lib. Meats 5 do. 21b. do. CAVENDISH HOUSE, TOP do. Chutney (large bottles) - 3 TO EXCAVATORS, SWISS 5 do. lialf-do. do. do. 5 do. [lints Essence Coffee 5 do. half-do. do. do. Architect. Superintendent's Office, ... I PHCEBE,' 050 tons, Blu'i' Biun for the erection of a Customhouse-street. Plans and be seen at my ollice, until TUES- specifications may DAY, the 2Bth instant, when the tenders are to be delivered at -l- o'clock precisely. JAMES WRIGI.KY, MATHESON. XOTIFIC A T I O Is > ... Chalmers in ! ... ... .rt & tsss ... ••• I.yttelron RATTRAY >> ... ... !'• Building I are required for excavating in SliortFOR SALE, X land-street. Plans anil specifications may be seen at my ollice until WEDNESDAY, 20th inst., VESSEL, nearly A completed, hull ./L.T and spars; faithfully built ; well where the tenders will be opened al I- o'clock preS\. cisely. suited for carrying, especially cut tie in JAMES WRIGLEY, the coast trade. Her proportions will Architect. ensure good sailing qualities, being as folio vs :—■ Shortland-street. Length, 74 feet; beam, 20 feet; depth of hold, 8 feet 3 inches. For terms, apply to ... Nelson Pii-ton Wellington rPENDKRS are required ... ... ... p.m. until 3 TO CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ! 21 >> ... ... -0 !i ... ... Wellington be received by the undersigned on MONDAY, the 25th July, for making additions to a house in llobson's Bay. WOOD i ISABER, Architects, Shortland-street. _1_ ~ ... Picton TO BUILDERS. niKNDERS will ANNIE LAURIE,' GEoEG 'WEBSTER, Queen-street Wharf. ! Juno 10, ... & HOUSE at l'arnell. BARER, WOOD Architects, Shortlaud-street. !•: ... ... by the undersigned, the 25th July, for 3 p.m. on MONDAY, & now on the passage from Glasgow to Auckland, expected here about the end of tilis month. She is of 27(! tons register, hut lias 520 tons cargo on board. Has had very extensive repairs before leaving Glasgow, sails fast, shifts without ballast, and carries a large cargo on a light draught. I'or particulars and price applv to CLAUD HAMILTON,' SOO tons, 120h.p. From .MELBOURNE to COOK'S STRAITS and PORTS and hack, (transhipping passengers trrtiihts for Napier and Auckland on fhe 23rd). leave about II ".Melbourne 17 New Plymouth iy Nelson ' ... will be received until 1LENDERS erecting DWELLING j O'jat'o 1 rpnii Clipper Brig *' m ••• rp MAEINE BOAED OFFICE. a mi-IE clipper schooner ' .MARY 'J'HOjMSON, L 70 tons register, carries a large j. »> ••• ... Superintendent Stores. & •> Wellington Lvttelton ISDWD. KING, Militia S'ore Department, Auckland, July G, 1861. LENDERS arc requested for the carriage of the material of a Lighthouse and Stores, at rrniE Undersigned, Agents for the per ton, from tlio beach to theTower site at Tiri-Tiri Is.1. above, are authorised to make ar- land. -v?jl?rangemenf with Settlers who may be Tenders to be at this OOice not later than noon on desirous of bringing out their friends to Thursday next, where further information may be this Colony. obtained. 'J lie Passage Money can cither be paid in advance, R. JOIINSON. (Signed) or satisfactory security will bo taken for its payment July IS, ISGL on arrival of'tlie vessel. BROWN, CAMPBELL CO. TO BUILDERS. ••• ... Plans will be on view, and conditions limy be obtained upon application to the undersigned, on and after MONDAY next. & OTAGO,' SOO tons, 150 h.p. . -■? and has just undergone a thorough reto Cook's Straits, proceeding to pair. From SYDNEY reaching SYDNEY in time for For particulars, apply to (tM-'o ami tiacK. COMBES & DALDY, tV P. and 0. Company's Mail Steamer, which leaves Agents. ou tiii' 22nd ot each month. 25 leave Svdnev 2 Nelson FOE. SALE, 4 ■■■ 20th ruawiihia. ' FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER TO ANY PART OF NEW ZEALAND. AUCKLAND AND hack. leave 15 arrive 22 leave 1 ill duplicate will be received at this until NOON of WEDNESDAY', the for Building au HOSPITAL at Nga- ] Agents. TENDERS Ollice instant, & MESSRS. ONE TENDERS FOR THE ERECTION OF HOSPITAL AT NGARUAWAHIA. A 1 clipper Barque gicorge grey/. tons burthen, P. Oiipen, Com- 'SIR niander, having the whole of her cargo engaged and now in course of shipwill sail ment, punctually as above. The Vessel is now ai.oxosit>e the Queen Stk eet A\ hake, and intending Passengers are invited to inspect her Cabin accommodations, which are of the best class. l'or pns.-age oitlv, carlv application is necessary to GILFILLAN CO., Agents. July 4th, 18G4.- \ COMBES k DALDY. 20th Ixstant. j BROWN, CAMPBELL & CO., THE X i—p. the • To Satl ox ' LL claims against this vessel must bo rendered in duplicate by 2 p.m. TUTS DAY, at the oilico of the undersigned, Otherwise they will not bo 10i [DAILY, O N SALE, PRINCE OF "WALES THEATRE. BY THE UNDERSIGNED, HUNDRED CHESTS TEA 150 half do. do. BRUNSWICK HALL. 125 boxes do. 20 do. Gunpowder do. TO-NIGHT (WEDNESDAY), July 20, 200 boxes Price's Belmont Sperms 20!) do. Neva Sterine do. (lib. packages) 1 (BY DESIRE,) Price's Night Lights, 6 and 8 hours Reproduction of the Great Operatic Drama of 150 bags C'ompauy's Sumir R O B 100 do. Y do. ROY, GO do. Snowdrop do. With its popular Songs, Duetts, &c., and supported 40 do. Crystal do. tlio whole strength of the L>.v 10 casks Crushed Loaf Sugar double company. ■") tierces Leaf do. 3 casks do. do. II E Performance will commence with the 20 casks Prime York Hams J_ .10 cases do. do. do. great Scotch Drama of 20 do. do. Breakfast Bacon ROB li O Y. 30 do. Cheddar Loaf Choeso 10 do. North Wilts do. To conclude with the laughablo farce of 30 do. pint Pickles (C. & B.) 20 do. do. do. (Cameron's) A IvISS IN THE DAEK. 10 do. quart do. (do.) 10 do. pint Imperial Picklcs Stalls 55.; Back Seats, 2s. 6d.5 do. do. "West Indian do. 5 do. do. Oriental do. tgfg" Doors open at half-past 7 ; curtain rises at 8 10 do. half-pint Assorted Sauces precisely. 5 do. do. Anchovy do. 5 do. do. Mushroom Catsup 2 do. do. Harvey Sauce TO-NIGHT, "Wednesday, July 20, 10 do. do. Worcester do. 2 do. pint do. do. 10 do. Bottled Fruits (C. B.) 25 do. half-pints Salad Oil GItAND EXHIBITION 20 do. pint do. do. 5 do. quarter-do. Curry 5 do. half-do. do. OF 0 do. do.-pints do. Capers 5 do. half-pints do. do. LIVING WONDERS! 2 do. Cayenne Pepper 3 do. Potted 11am, Tongue, &c. (in jars) 5 do. do. do. (in tins) FOR ONE WEEK, AT 2 do. Anchovy Paste 2 do. Bloater do. ODD EEL LOWS' HALL, 2 do. quarts White Wine Vinegar 1 2 do. Lemon Cream (in bottles) 2 ) do. French Olives 5 do. Spanish do. Museum consists of MADAME GITIO, 5 do. Arrowroot (in lib. bottles) rpHIS JL therenowned 10 do. pints Raspberry Vinegar 1 TIAIiBURO.' I ' 1864. j BARQUE AUCKLAND, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, : I.—NO. 214.] Vol. _ DVERTISE R. double &c. . •.» JOSEPH COCHRANE. QUEEN .'> ■ AUCKLAIffI. *" 2 THE NEW ZEALAND'HERALD/ WEDNESDAY, JUL]? 20, 1864. [DAILY. "'" T &c. ic. JONES & CO, THIS ICASE FANCY TWEED SUITS do. 3k.cs 2 do. Heavy 2 do. . Cheviot do. do. and Suits 1 do. Diagonal Tweed Sics, Chesterfields, &C. 1 do. Scotch Tweed Sacs 1 do. Diagonal Tweed Sacs, Birdseye Suita, &C. X. do. Chtfriot io. Trousers, Vests and i do. do. do. Trousers 1 do. Scotch Tweeds 3 bales Blankets, 11-4 do. S do. 10-4 J3 do. do. 9-4 do. Red do. 10-4 2 • c Also, &c., &c. do. Neck Ties, &c. 1 do. Superior White Shirts Fancy Prints, Felt Hats &c. &c. &c. 1 case Pipe Licorice 3 boxes Mould Candles 6 do. Melbourne Soap, 1 ewt. each THOSE each superior pale, Rutherford, Drury, & Co. G NOTICE OF REMOVAL. and holi.owware, EARTH KNW'AIIE, English and Foreign Cut Wine Glasses Cut mid Moulded Decanters, pints an Glassware, — quarts Carroffand Sop's Cut Tumblers, Salts Candle Ornaments, Glass Dishes, ojin. to 10in. Slurry, Tort, and Champagne Glasses Butter Coolers, Cruet Bottles Sugars, Creams, Tea pots Round Nappies, and Haters' Dishes Patent Saucepans, Kettles, Boilers, sizes Enamelled Saucepans, Kettles, Boilers, sizes. STATIONERY,— Rulud and Plain Foolscap, Note Papers Blue and Cream Laid Letter Paper WILLIAMS & FREER, COACH AND HERALD HAVE REMOVED from New Premises in PAINTERS Durham-Street to n, at Now Landing, ex ' Osprev.' BOOTS stant, at 12 o'clock, 91 nnn —jJLjVyvyV/ EEET OF SAWN TIMBER, consisting of— 11.705 feet, 9 x J, 1/) to 22 boavds fi x2.TOto 22 joists 5.027 to 0, and 10 „ 3,00H Half Wellingtons Patent Elastic Side Seal 500 702 " Napolions „ „ f! X3,12t0 22 f)x 12 to 22 x3,12t0 22 ~ ' „ ~ scantling The trade arc invited to this fine lot of seasonable timber. Men's Boot Grafts 1 case Hemp 100 pair Fisherman's Boots 100 ditto Indiarubber Napoleon ditto 2 cases Army Bluchers Artistic, Scenic, Ornamental, and Sign Paiutin* Writing in all its various hands and stvles. = Blotting Paper, Envelopes. BLANKETS,— o.], 10}, and 11] "White Super Blankets SHIRTS, CLOTHING, ETC. S. Twill, Regatta, White, and Crimean Shirts Doe and Tweed Clothing Military Half Hose . Blue Serge Shirts and Coats Brown Grey Cotton Half Hose Ladies' Under Clothing. SUNDRTKS,— Bound, Plaid, and Tin Vestas, Paraffin© Matches, Paste and Liquid Blacking I Saddles, Bridles, Spurs ' Tray and Box Looking Glasses Patent Slates Hair, Nail, and Tooth Brushes, Combs &c., <tc., &C. Cakulaoes Repaired in- all tiielu sevei>ai, Bijanch.es. ON SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED. Ex PRIME ' Alice Cameron,' SYDNEY MAIZE. Ex 'Reliance'and 'Frederick,' iiobart town skkd potatoes Early Ash l.i:\f Kidney teed Potatoes Silver Skm Fox's Seedlings Superior Seed Potatoe Oats 8 3 Globe Onions (the best for keeping Real „ „ ~ „ „ 'SCIMITAR.' CLOTHING, HOSIERY, SHIRTS,— Also, ) Pilot Coats, Jackets, Trousers, and Vests A large assortment of new Gardenand Flower Doeskin Sac Ceats, Trousers, and Yests Tasmanian Seeds, grown !J cases, a superior light Portugal Wine Tweed Suits, Bedford Cord Trousers MADETRIA— Inverness Capes, in sealskin, pilot tweed, and 50 eases Ex ' Claud Hamilton', (g Melbourne, cloth CLARET— Blue Serge Coats and Trousers Parr's Life Pills 50 oases Black Cloth, Sac, and Doe Trousers and Perry Davis' Pain Killer HOCK— Vests Steadnian's Teething Powders 50 cases Milit;iry Worsted, Lambs-wool, Merino, and Morrison's Pills, No. 1 and 2 LIQUEUR!; Shetland Half Hose Blair's Gout Pills 10 Buses, assorted French Ladies', Girls', and Children's Fancy and Dr. Robert's Ointment, the poor man's frieud CHERRY BRANDY— Plain Winter Hosier* Keating's Cough Lozenges 50 cases Lambswool Shirts Drawers Worm Tablets SYRUPS— Blue .Serge, Regatta, Twill, and Crimean Du Barry's Revalenta Arabica 150 cases Current, Raspberry, Cherry, and Shirts Pulvermaeher's Hydro Electric Chains Orgeade Plaiding and Flannel Drawers Holloway's l'ilis and Ointment BITTERS— India Rubber Clothing ic." A:e. &c. Leggings, Napoleons, and Buckskin Albert 20 cases, Dutch, Boonekamp J. A. DRCRY, 20 cases, stomach Cloaks Queen-street. Talmer's SELTSiKII WATER— Ladies Leggings, Scu'westers, and Oil Coats 50 cases DRAPERY,— FI N E SALT. BUCIIOLZ & CO., Plain Winseys, Knickerbockers, and Nor Fort-street. weigan Cloths, Union Galas PER 'FLYING FO A M.' Alluvial Plaids, Shepherd's Gala Longs THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE ON SALE, Cordova Saxony Wool Shawls (•TAA BAGS OF FINE SALT Ex Wincey Shirts Uranus' and Duke ' of Rothsny,' from L/liU 1 1 cvrt. each. Fancy Striped Druggels Hamburg. (Oil Sale by the Undersigned.) Union and Wool liarnusks OA A CASKS SPIRITS AND CORDIALS Loom Diapers, Camlet Mohairs 4UU 200 cases Sherry Black and Coloured Cobm-gs and Alpacas 6 Colouring MORRIN & CO., Hemmed Cambric Handerchiefs 25 Solt/.er Water While and Brown Turkish Towels AVliolesale and Retail Grocers, Wine and Spirit 2t>o casks Loaf Sugar, in pieces Gents' Homespun Vests and Pants 11 Treacle Merchants, Body Belts 10 cases Chocolate Cocoa Elastic Braids, 1 cord to 16 H0 chests Congou Tea Street, Auckland. Queen Elastic Braids, 1 cord to 16, white 50 half-chests ditto July 10th, 18G4. Lutestring and. Velvet. Ribbon, 2 to 140 100 boxes ditto Black and Coloured Silk Dresses and Velvets 81 cases Starch Railway Rugs, 9j, 10}, 11}, 12} 1 cask Nutmci^n Plain and Fancy Haberdashery of every !i Moderator Lamps description. 4 China Ornaments BLANKETS,— 4 Dolls and Fancy Articles 9}. 10k 11}, and 12} White Whitney Blankets NOTICE. 2 kegs Wire Nails HATS, CAPS, AND MANTLES, 4 Fireproof Iron Safes Ladies' and Untrimmed Felt Hats Trimmed 1 Piano Girls' and infants' Trimmed and Untrimmed SOMERVILLE, in RETIRING from the 20 cases Soap and Perfumery Felt Huts, of every style Hi Mutiul'iiclured Goods Cloth, Mantles GROCERY BUSINESS, Tweed, Silk, in and Sealskin 50,000 llavannah Cigars Trimmings BUCIIOLZ & CO., Mens' Oxonion Felt which has so long been conducted by liini at the Hats, dish-brim Fort-street. Tweed, and Gloucester Tweed Hats Establishment known as the Citv M art, begs most Military rnd Navy Cloth Caps JUST LANDED. EX 'AVALANCHE,' AND respectfully and sincerity to tender his best thanks Surrey Riile Caps. 'QUEEN OF THE DEEP.' BOOTS AND SHOES,— to his numerous customers, friends, and the public CASKS UNITED PROVINEYARD Kip Wellingtons Glen's Calfand 1IUU AH I'IiIKTOKS COMPANY'S BRANDY, generally, for the liberal patronage he has experiMen's Calfand Kip Half Wellingtons enced for tlie last 16 years, and in doing so, would Dolpljin Brand Men's Balmorals, Spring Sides, and 100 casks .Jcilrey's Bottled Alo introduce his successor, Napoleons 300 Porter Blueher, and Watertight Boots 50 Sparkling Ale, in stone Ladies' Kid, Cloth, and Cordovcn Boots MR. WALTER GRAHAM, bottles Children's Leather Boots, Otrpet Slippers. SIN DRIES,— 10 quart rrs-tierccs Ncgrohcad Tobacco to whom he has disposed of his Gkoceby Besikess, 2n lases Red Herrings Jewellery, Courier Bags, Ladies' Bags and by whom it will be carried on, on and after the 0 Bell & Black's Vestas, 250 and Race Glasses, Meerschaum Pipes 500 tins Mount's Pipes Ist J ULY' ENSUING. 150 boxes C'ay Pipes Tobacconists' Goods, Cutlery, Table and BUCIIOLZ Pocket CO., Mr. Giiaham having been so long in the Estab Electro-plated Spoons and Forks Fort-street-. lishmcnt, and knowing so well the requirements of Spirit Flasks, Tin Tlates, Pencils the Customers, M. S. has every confidence in introCombs and Brushes, Perfumery TO ARRIVE PER 'GABALVA' AND 'FLYING Saddles, Bridlis, Spurs ducing him to their notice, and oil his behalf most FOAM.' Cusii i- (his, Pikles, .lams, Salad Oils' respect fully solicits a share of that liberal support -1 r\ nHDS. TALE ALE ) Vinegar, Capers, Mustaid, Sardines JLVj 50 casks Bottled do. , Jeffrey's so long ati'orded to himself. Cork Butter, Teas 50 XX Porter ] Ncgrohead and Cavendish Tobacco (in bonfl). 50 casks P.oltied Ale ) r r< u M. SOMERVILLE, ie. vV'' Aic. Marzetti s 150 Bottled Stout. I City Mart, Auckland. LEWIS BROTHERS, }0 hbds. mid ]5 qr.-ensks Rum June 27, 1801. Queen-street Wharf. 50 cases Superior Port and Sherry 15 Scotch Confectionery In connection with the above the Undersigned 11 tons Galvanized Corrugated Tron begs to inform those who have so long patronised BUCJIOBZ it CO., Fort-street. COKl'' EE ! CO FKEE ! ! COFFEE !!! the Establishment, and the public generally, that he will continue to conduct the business ill the same O N HAL E, NOTICE TO THE PUISLIC, ARMY CONsatisfactory manner in which it has heretofore been BY THE UNDERSIGNED, TRACTORS, COUNTRY STOREKEEPERS, carried on by Mr. Makk Someuvi j.i.e, and by the TOXS CHILIAN FLOUR, GROCERS, & CONSUMERS GENERALLY. same attention to the wants of his customers, hopes IHA in 100 lb. bags. iUU to rcceivc a continuance of their favours. O. J. STONB & SON. undersigned is now i'Heimhed to supply the Queen-street. WbaiT, WALTER GRAHAM. 1 sth .1 uly, 1 t>(i 1. City Mart, FINEST COFFEE June 27, ISG 1. S.MAI J, FARMS AT 110 WICK. in any quantities, at the shortest not ice. Roasted or Ground by Patent Steam Machinery erceted on fo i; aa l ! ■;, the Premises in Victoria-street, near the new Union rjTIJ K FA KM of .JOSEPH ITA KG REAVES, Esq., Bank of Australia. JL adjoining the village of llowiek, containing THOMAS BELL, yoO acres. STEAM BISCUIT MANUFACTORY. ."reUters desirous of securing land in this neighObserve the Addressjgg) bourhood can purchase live acres, or any portion of F. PARTINGTON :in returning the properly, aL tin; rate ol' £1(J per acre. J3ELL, thanks for past favors, begs to intimate to his Apply to public that he lias now reduced the iriends and the war. AITKEN, V I C T O R I A S T REE T, price of the best Cabin Biscuit £o per ton lower than Land Agen'. Near the new Bank. Sydney current rates, and has on hand all kinds ot .bANCY BISCUITS at a great reduction in price. FOR SALE OR LEASE, C. F. P. would invite his friends and customers to SMALL FARM containing nearly 50 acres, inspect the new machinery which cannot be sursituati d within a mile of Waiuku, known bv passed, if equalled, in the colonies, being most comthe name of Jngluwooil, villi dwiHiiifr, orchard, anil FOR SALE, plete, and requiring only three men to work the same, enelosxd paddocks. anil is capable of turning out from 25 to 30 tons Cab r Likewise an improved Farm of 00 acres near EX 'ALICE CAMERON,' the per week. Biscuit Hermitage. Cabin Biscuit packed in cases for shipment or IiOXES r spr^' S( Na 1 r,ELMO>;T Apply to \\ OOD i BABER, or to the proprietor, family use, if preferred. Cases and bags charged WM. GORDON, for at cost rices. 2« boxes line llonevdew, 10's Onohuiiga. S Gold Leaf 8 Zouave Wholesale Pkicf.s Curhext at the Bakebv, FARM FOR SALE. Syhojtds-stkeet. Springtime S a« kegs Very Superior Woollongong Butter Best Cabin Biscuit (11 A ACRES OF LAND, situate to the North 30s. per 100 lbs4 cases Homoeopathic Cocoa jU Jl\J of Auckland, with good water communicaPilot or Navy 225. do. do. Red Herrings, 2 doz. tins 0 Ship tion to within a short distance of theFarm. The aqil is ISs. do. do. 3 Huntley and Palmer's Biscuits of good quality, 15 acres of which liave been cleared Wine, Motto, Abernethy, Fancy, 3 Harper Twelvetrees' Washing PowLunch, Pic-nic, Fancy Wine, and laid down to grass. For particulars apply to der R.S., otlice of this paper. Plain Wine, Nic-naes, and all 5 Currio Powder, } and \ lb. kinds Fancy Sweet Biscuits Bd. per lb. 5 Fresh Herrings, in 1 lb. and 2 lb. Butter Biscuits, Fancy Butter BisFOR SALE OR LEASE, tins cuits, Plain Lunch do 6d. per H>. American Brooms 1 One of the most Valuable Farms on the Island 10 Hams and Bacon of Waiheke, consisting of 10 Lea and Benin's Worcestershire is hereby given that Thomas Smart and orro ACRES. The improvements include George Lankham, both of Mangarei, in Sauce O l O a good weather board house and out-buildSardines Province of Auckland, in the Colony of New Zealand 10 ings. The land is partly in grass and there is most Fanners, Copartners, following that calling under 10 Lobsters valuable timber upon it, easily accessible by good the firm of Smart and Lankham, did by Deed, bearmats Manilla Refined Sugar 150 roads. The farm is well watered by numerous ing date tho 6tli day of July, ISG4, Assign unto 50 Cofl'eo streams, and is altogether one of the finest cattle 100 half-chests Fine Congou Thomas Sliephard, of Mount Eden, near Auckland runs in the country. THOMAS aforesaid, farmer, and John Hall of Otahuliu, in tlw BELL. For further particulars apply to Victoria -street, said Province and Colony, merchant, all the personal STEPHENSON & WARDELL. Near the New Bank. Estate and Effects of tho s;dd copartnership upon trust, for the benefit of the Creditors of the saia Thomas Smart and George Lankham, as such c0" TO LET, as aforesaid. partners re,r containing Seven Rooms, situated at GARDEN CHAIRS AND FLOWER STANDS. The said Deed now lies at the office of Sir. And Glenburii.—Apply to W. LEPINE, Beveridge, Solicitor for Execution by the Credit01"3 Upper Queen-street. IRON GARDEN CHAIRS, of tho said Copartnership, who are requested to sga with Wood Seats, Bronzed Iron Flower Stands the same before the oth dav of Augusts-Next, atw mO LET—A HOUSE and SHOP in Wyndham- and Hall Tables. which date, any Creditors who have not executed tn JL street,—Apply to PETER GRACE. OWEN FENDELOW, same, will be debarred from any participation 1 : Queen-street, Auckland. July 16, 1564. benefits arising therefrom. EX ton . „ > * * " SAMUEL COCHRANE, " Auctioneer. FRIDAY, JULY 22. " FRIDAY, JULY 22. BOOTS. WA NG A RET BUTTER. ON ACCOUNT OF WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. " Wi sell by Auction, at his Stores, in Shortland-streot, RIDINGS & DOWDEJS sell by auction on Friday Next, 22nd. inst-, at 11 o'clock, Will sharp, FINE ' FRIGATE-BUILT 223— $ BRIG CASE containing ftbout S4O tens English Register, sheathed with 30 $ To be Sold by Pulil-'c Auction on Monday, the 25th July next, nt, 12 o'clock, at S. Cochrimc's Sale Rooms. (Land Department) unless previously disposed of by private bargain, § 225— OA ACRItS OF LAND, in 1 or 2 T.ots at tho 1 case containing doz. 24 lliiima, being part of Section 172, at the Women's Kid—Military Heels, Side yv Spring junction of the three Government Roads leading to Atickund, Wailcatoand Waiku, and not far from tlie $ 226— proposed terminus of the Auckland and Drurv 1 case containing Knilway. 1here is tine '1 linlier on a portion of the 90 pair Men's and Boys' Slippers estate, and a plentiful supply of water. 2/ cloz. Women s and Children's Cashmere, For further particulars, apply to. Cloth, and Kid Boots § 227— S. COCHRANE, 1 case containing Auctioneer. 170 pair Men's and Boys' watertight Blucher and Leather Lace Boots J 228— lIOUSE WI EE'S SATJ NG S' I3A N Iv, oa. puxa copper, and coppor fastened. Built in 1864, at Valparaiso, for on 18-Gun Brig, by the Chilian Government. IIU.VUA. 224— 1 case containing 40 doz. Men's and Women's Carpet and Felt fclippors This Vesselis as strong as -wood and copper can make her, sails remarkably fast, and carries an enormous cargo, having delivered tons Coals. Has a flush deck fore and aft, well adapted for carrying Cattle or Sheep, and good accom- .600 modation. 1 case containing 1 pair Gent's Shooting Boots 3 Calf Balmorals 48 Women's Cordovan Ri\oiled Bal- Inspection of this really superiQr ciaftis requested. on HOW " " morals, T.P.H. ditto ditto. 18 Terms at Sale. More or lc-sa A Damaged. Terms—Cash. S T FBIDAY, JULY 22. O R E, TOOLS, E T ■ On Account of whom it may concern. Also, FAT CATTLE AND SHEEP. .ON J DAILY EXPECTED, :• 10.0 REALLY FAT bull °CKS ■And 5 0 O SHE EP, In first-rate condition. uoon, DOa. MEN'S SHETLAND LAMBSWOOL HALF-HOSE ' NEWMAIIKET A It S Jv I)! ' SHIL- ,rr ASItERSS T O 11 OIIKOX-STUEKT. E R " & - JUST ]{KCEI VED, A l'lh'L'OLS, No. and SHARP' Doublo S REPEATING Guns, Daniiiscus Stubs in Double Guns, Twist barrels and Patent brccche: 2 barrels, do.- cases do. Double action Revolvers Cano Loading Rods Wad Punches Shot Pouclios Powder Flasks, from 10 oz. to 2 oz. Dram Bottlos, newest patterns Nipple Wrenches Dog Calls Eley's Wire Cartridges, Green, Royal and Universal Eley's Double Waterproof Conteral Fire Caps Walker's Patent Shot, all sizes Low, &.C., &c. EVITT SON, 100 „ „ ~ 1 ~ „ 1 ~ ~ ...... & Wakefield-street. For sale on Thursday next, July 21st, at 1 o'clock, O QUIET COWS, broken to bad, from Mongonui. p* t) i ™ jILFRED BUCKLAND. THURSDAY, JULY 21. THE NEWMARKET YARDS. For f/als on Thursday next, July 21st, at 1 o'clock, " gOA HEAP BUSH FATTED CATTLE, from Pukekohe. ~ „ „ EX 'BELLA MARY.' YARDS. ALFRED BUCKLAND. " CHARLtS S, EX MiUEEN OF THE DElilV Single Guns, < HUNTER THE M . T]• PATICNT I' THURSDAY, JULY 21. " & Will gell by auction ARRIVAL, THE CARGO OF THE STEAMER 'ALFORD,' J - ' S, Al)-l,(H'!vS FOR TWO LINGS A.M) SI A.PEN CIS. } ~ ' .Miscellaneous—Pumps, Cabin Fittings, Engineer. and lireman's Galley Stove, complete. Tools, complete, A quantity of Mareg COnßlatin S of Oils, Paints, New Also, ''About g tons Coals, and 3 Water Casks. BTYAK .J } I 150 pr. Trousers 12 doz. Crimean Shirts 40 Tweed Suits Coats 24 117 Cliilds' Tunics 4 cases Sundries, consisting of— Alliance Shirts Plush Waterproof Garabaldi Hats Reps Lustres Wincey Calicos Scotch Tweeds Selina Vests Also, 35 doz. Scotch Twill Shirts. standing Spare-lines, Warps, r &c„ FAT CATTLE AND SHEEP. «« 9/tfl complete r ®'gg' i and.Boom, ng—New Wire Rigging, Canrað | TO CLOSE CONSIGNMENTS. J. S. MACFAIiLANE & CO. sell by auction, on Monday, 25tli July, at w 12 ' Spam—Fore-mast, Topsail-yard, Fore-yard, Gafi' ' 1' R YEN now? WIIV, BV BL'VINO ONR OK ' MONDAY, JULY 25. Will ; the!jjBURG LA R Y the TOOLS used in Auctioneer can rt'couuiii iiti iJie prumiM><i and suitable for a Workshop, Coal yard, or General Store. 4 -Th» following it a description and inventory of »bovenamed steamer:— Hull—lron Engine—Single, 40 horße-power, in perfect working order Boiler—Tubular, 136 Tubes, new Sails—A Suit, half-worn complete and central THE Kugging Gear-Blocks, fcTOCK, j & o'clock, PADDLE STEAMER BALLARAT,' now • Bay. lying at Long Point, Hawke's . premises, yard and forge. their the Trade. GRAHAM Hare received instructions to sell at tho New Zealand Auction Rooms, on Friday, the22nd instant, at 12 . Interest in the leash of x " " " iM K " " CLOSED ON SATURDAYS. j MABIN ... sell | • WRECK OF STEAMER. •MiTE Tin: ai>iu:i:sh II En' S S T O R E J 1OBSo.N -STHKET, A I CKI.AN I). A S SIB BI N instiuetions from Messrs EyM-; and and Tool-maker?, V uleau-la'ne, to ! | ' n " " iV ii ks, GKOC'EH AND GENi:KAL DEALEB, At 11 o'clock, in Vtilcau'lane. received Sydle, fcaw SAVE MONEY ! \Vhy, by dealing at the far-famed II E R' S S T O R E S, IIOIISOX-STKEET, every article for luimily use is sold at tlic Wholesale Price. Jo C. GEORGE Hns TO WIIEKE THIS DAY. .. S jyjP " MONDAY, JULY 25. 32 doz. women's black and brown Cashmere Bouts PAPEETE,' — SAMUEL COCHRANE, Auctioneer. i H E 20 " ( rp ; 11 a.m " " „ „ „ " 15,000 Shingles 28 tons Oaten Hay 250 cases Apples C. J. STONE & SON. AIIOUSE PILOT BREAD. THORNTON, SMITH FIRTH, MESSRS. Sale shipment of MELBOURNEPILOT BASE & havo on MADE a AD. NOTICE ~ ON SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED, WOODEN HOUSE S, 21 xl2 13,000 feet Hard Wood Timber 3700 feet Posts and Rails 5375 6 feet Box Palings 15,000 o feet i : at ■ The subscriber will sell at his Slores, Fort-street, on Friday, the22nd ins-taut, at 11 o'clock, KEGS WANGAREI BUTTER—very prime. Queen of the Deep.") i >■ Thursday next, tho 21st instant, " I on : (Ex " V> AKEF IE L D STREET, Three doors below Cosieii's Soda 'Water Mauufaetorv ~ The subscriber will sell on Tlutrsday, the 21st in- • r \ „ FEET KAURI timber, to 13 DAVID NATHAN the corncr TWENTY-ONE THOUSAND Military Heeled CARPENTERS AND CAPITALISTS. Enicsl, Irroy & Co., THE UNDERSIGNED. - TRUNKS FOURTEEN twiisisting of— Ladies' Kid Elastic Side SHIP- c By CITY OF MANCHESTER.' — on Friday next, 22nd inst, 11 o'clock, " & PORT— Also, DOWDEN Women's Leather Ditto Cloth Children's Leather Boots, Gm ' qr -casks, double and r, ,-e, treble diamond n „(, , & Co. Bruno, Suva T1® octaves, ve:v super- ( ' THURSDAY, JULY 21. Will Bell by auction SHIP-OWNERS, at stone bottles 10 qr.-easks common ditto. 100 eases 15 BOOTS. & SHERRY— 10 qr.-casks } 20 octaves J YEARS, FRIDAY, JULY 22. RIDINGS MERCHANTS, 40 eases, quurts, The BUILDING immediately in the rear of the above, tenanted by Mr. Williams, and used by him as a Painter's shop. For further particulars applv to SAMUEL COCHRANE, Auctioneer. THURSDAY, JULY 21. TO PEKFbD OF 21 PRICMISES j CHAMPAGNE— CITY. Company's, Dolnhin Brand. I J 10 quarlrr-casks of Durham and Queen-streets, (opposite to the "British" ior, old Hotel,) lately occupied by Mr. P. Levy. LAVRADIO— Teims—Cash. Men's Men's Men's Men's 1 case o0 cases GINGER WINE— TIIE pinetors 50 canes, containing 1 dew., sens api'S— 50 cases, Wolfe's 50 cases, ICuinmel WIIISK ICY— 100 eases Mountain Dew") 12 quarter casks | GINGER CORDIAL— lease, by public auction, at his Land street, This Day, Wednesday, 20tli instant, at 12 A J .000 cases, sundry brands the for Mart, Fort- o'clock, FOR CO., United Vineyard Pro- GENEVA— Tho subscriber hns received instructions from proprietor, John CampuelT;, Esq., to otl'er Screws, More or Less Damaged. WITHOUT RESERVE. IN LEASES 19 do. Fancy do., cwt, each. Shoe Brashes, Shingle Hatchets, Turn- Terms Under £30 Cash; above that amount Approved Bills at 3 months. " nARBURG,' FROM SAN FRANCISCO. A 8 Douglas Pumps 5 dozen Sorbv's Hand Saws 3 eases Fresh Herrings, 5 doz. "1 200 Cases ) -20 Qr.-casks Pule Dark) 10 do. THIS DAY. M P OVENS 10 kegs Nails 8 boxes Belmont Sperm Candles 25 bags Victoria Sugar Co.'s Sugar 10 do. Mauritius Sugar 15 cases Axe Handles, each 10 doz. 50 gross Nettle Fold Screws 20 do. Cast Butts O BRANDY— Witauf, SAMUEL COCHRANE, Auctioneer. ' 1 the RIDINGS'& DOWDEN Shirts 1 do. Mantles, Skirt Linings, &c., &c. do. Children's Frocks, Fancy Trimmed, ■ ' TIMBER. Having received instructions to Soil by Auction, This Day, Wednesday, 20th July, ut 11 o'clock, at th« Large Store, Durham-street, corner of Iliglistreet, >< & ON SA liR BY TTTE UNDERSIGNED, Ex late Arrivals, 6 Concern. may BUCnOLZ Fort-strcct. Terms—Cash. 3 cases Superior Hea-vy . DAY. On Account of whom it nuartcr-casks a«d cases. Tho subscriber has received instructions from Capt. Thomson to sell bv auction, This Dav, at 12 o'clock, on tho Q OK RN-STREET WIIARF, AAA FEET (more or less) RAFTERS, 1, 2, and 3 inch. jUUU. IRONMONGERY, &c. QUEEN OF THE DEEP," Gold Diggers' Shirts 1 do. Boys', Men's, and Youth's Angola EX EX Terms—Comi. o'clock, , On damaged. Will sell by auction &t their mart, Brunswick Build. ings, This Day, Wednesday, 20th instant, at 11 tliirs Company, liave on lmiul a constant supply vit.y .-upenor li KANij V, pule and dark, in THIS DAY. TIMBER. .Agents for Undersigned being appointed THE ofthis ALFRED BUCKLAND. DOWDEN Will Soli by Auction, This Day, Wednesday, 20th instant, at 11 o'clock, at the Large Store, Durliamstmet, corner of High-street, £j(\ TONS ADELAIDE and MELBOURNE SILK I)KISSSED FLOUR, slightly CLOCKING-, BLANKETS, CRIMEAN SHIRTS, <fco. & WEEKLY SALE OF CATTLE, AND PIGS, on TUESDAY'S, at KEGULAR SHBEP, 2 o'dock. may Concern. DOLPHIN BRAND. EX ! RIDINGS THIS DAY. , whom it THE TRIANGLE. O.N-.SALE j Jane 20, 1864. On Aocount of CO. & UNITED VINEYARD PROPRIETORS COMPANY'S BRANDT. • | JONES . j I «f jx>no 20th inst. I. ' - FLOUR. • j now to post- of we will into our , to a to \ \ / i.jSiljlis"bu 1-: THIS DAY. FLOUR large quantity being OWING Icon bo obliged Mart, Drapery until THIS DAY, tho tho Sale '■ ' Sales bs Ruction. bn / ! jsalcs " ~ ORNAMENTAL ' & THE NEtV ZEALAND HERALD, AUCKXAJSTD, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1864. daily.] Shipping Intelligence. Commercial. terms of equality with the natives, and. who carry out in practice that which they profess. Mr. Gorst on the contrary preserved in his demeanour to the Maoris the same "d d nigger" style of condescension which he is the first to accuse the settlers oi using, and was consequent |y ns a-rule even more unpopular with the Natives than he Knowing the real ■was with the Europeans. facts of the case—all that really did and did not occur before Mr. Govst left Xew Zea- In our issue of yeuterday we drew attention to tbe pleasing fact that no less a sum than £11,923, received from 1050 depositors of men of these regts., had been invested in the Auckland Savings' Bank siiic'e the Ist of January last. This gives an average of £11 per head, and if contimicd even at this rate duriug the continuance of their term, will enable the careful and frugal to settle successfully on such excellent land as that allotted* to them. We trust that the officers of the several regiments will nse their utmost, endeavours to inculcate a spirit of thriftincss and saving amongst the men, and confirm those til ready imbued with these feelings in the necessity of practising selfdenial and rest raint for a time, as a present means to a more independent and affluent state b}'-aiid-bye. It will be for their own interest to do so. At any rate, in the case of those who intend settling on their own lands, to have an industrious, sober, thriving population around them, will enhance the value of their own grant. The good of the community will, in fact, to men and officers alike, he the good of the individual. The Savings' Eank report;, as a whole, is a most satisfactory one. It shows an increase of deposits of £25,197 3s. lOd. over those of the last half-year, the actual amount of moticy deposited since the Ist of January last being £r>7,554 1-Jw. 3d., that for the previous half-year having been £32,007 10s.7d. We need hardly say that the Institution is a most, flourishing one, nor that it is well conducted. It speaks, too, most favorably for the prosperity of the working classes of this province. There is no rottenness here. on by the natives through 3 the assistance of City Board.—At the meeting of the rCiLy Board yesterday, some very important matters were settled, which when carried out, will go SOUTHERN MARKETS. pOll J- OF AUCKL AN D. far to abate certainnuisances now complained of. [From the Otago Daily Times," July 9.] The Engineer iu liis clear and business like • ARRIVALS. -Report, which showed a decided appreciation of Oamaru.—Tlie Oamnrn Times of the 7tli instant South. T-uU T!ird, s *■ from the the duties to beleft to his charge, and which met says:— Susannah C'uthbert, s.s. from Tort Waikato via with the approval ofall men)bersof thebonrd, adi luring the past week we have had delightful Moim'-nui. vised rt-e purchase ui' another stone breaking went and to her, this alone cause we can attribute the from Kussell. schooner, Breeze. -I numbers of country people that have visited the i: a -.'sine. ilnis showing that some decided action Hel'en, schooner, from Wangarou. going is to be taken in making the present quagtown, and the animated appearance of the various EXTKUIiD TNWAR-IJS. places ot business. For some time past business in mire roads real bona fide highways ; it also sug.in.r every department of trade has been dull in the gested the widening of the patliway in Queenable, all lias land, occurred, we Are that since Maliurany;i, with 4000 extreme, and very trying to the entire community. 00tons,Dam,from street, and expressed the opinion that the sower in— Francos. -30.000 shinies. I cwt. onions—G j>as- Other winters the population was smaller, and more as we read paragraph after paragraph of his should have been in the centre of the road, ot and which .V Paldy, never would have occurred nant, —O'tnbcs to detect the untruthfulness once circulation, at book, was in but this have money winter •ien"ers. we a former suggestion led to the diseuj-sion of had the government of the natives all along liie l.'i tons, Kasper, from Mahurangi, with larger population, and less means to support them. his assertions and conclusions. the necessity i'oi instantly abolishing the nuilooked to the for ' t i t.<ns firewood. , Government, help been made e in the initiaa charge upon the colony. To say that the whole native population sance to the public, and in fact the danger to ui-tfwallow, -7 tons. Oatclipole, from the Great tion of public Works in the district; that failed, howThe Li/ttelton Tiiiirs of the 12th takes a life, caused by the permission to every shopof New Zealand is made to atone for the Punier. with -3(• tons lirewood—3 passengers. ever, and the storekeepers and merchants are obliged fairer view of case keeper to have a cellar trap opening up the from Jlatacrimes of be believed the when it Tiller, says llavclock, IS tons, Ngatiinaniapoto may to give almost unlimited credit. We think, however, i.i—llenr'v pathway, in some cases to the entire width of No southern settler will 1 o sorry tliat tho "Suptons firewood. in England, where it is iiHed to hamper the that, while Oamarit is at this moment passing through "kana. with I'i;i<' tons, Owen, from Cabbage liny, with pression of Rebellion Act,*' has been referred, to the the path, thereby compelling foot passengers to I'ilc'ii. a time of commercial depression and dilliculty, she is working of the "New Zealand Settlement law officers of tho will ; surprised timber. Crown bo not proportionately in the furnace v.ith her more or if it pursue their way through the mud of the kennel, ;;j 00H feet Act," but in New Zealand it just passes for .Tones, from the Fast Coast, ambitious rivals. is declared to be unconstitutional. The in'—Hose Ann. tons. New Zc;i- whenever the trap door is open. The Board We have had only one failure, and that which it is worth—milling at all. In heen •vi-l; :'l casks pork. .)■" hags wheat, 100 do. maize, liind Settlement Act" has referred tho to sime generally recognised the necessity, and seme that but a trifling affair, amounting to a 'sum not -i icissfnirer—J. Piilnion & Co.j agents, further steps will be taken with regard to the authorities, hut we trust it will pass through the orover £100, while our credit is still as good as it ever no case has the war been carried into the 33 tons', Scott, from Julia, From the of Mr. and of fttllv deal. Caldwell's tenor observaNatives who have not lirsfc latter subject. Mr. Wrigley gave notice of was. We think, therefore) that the storekeepers and territory j.i'-\ViUiam" tions, ho appears to bo aware of tho danger <if repu"if'lhui'iiniri, with 2(i tons firewood, 500 feet timber merchants of Oaniaru have room for congratulation at the next sitting of the Board, for the committed themselves to the rebellion. The motion diating tho policy which has been publicly announin that they have escaped thus far the scorching fangs natives at sewer to be diverted to the centre of the road Mangarei, and other l'atamahoe, tons, Morgan, from Coroman; and we seo no reason to complain of the limitaced pi for the of a general commercial crisis. settlements close into Auckland, who were so tions laid down in his letter, provided they do not remarksremainder of its course, and upon some in ha'last —t passengers. The sipiatting section of the community are, in a being made as to the injustice to the 30 tons, Stuart, fromWantrarei, cause such delay as would frustrate the policy anI'i.*..\unii l.aurie,timber, commercial of view, sull'erirg perhaps more clearly proved to be involved in the wide point householders on the opposite side of the way to firewood—3 2") passentons nounced to tho natives. u;h 70s' t.' t bum and spread conspiracy to Auckl.'tnd or at than either the merchants the the retailers, present sewer, where at present completed, in being I'ruickshatik. Smalt Co., agents. This is the very view we took of the matter f.i-rs. time, because of a diminished consumption in station murder the white population are not Ngaticompelled to drain right across the road, while pil-Orpheus, 21 tens, Innes, from Jlatakana, with produce, and ourselves. We saw no reason to complain those on the same side as the sewer were saved a sudden cheek thereby put on the mad inaniapoto— neither are the natives of the —2 passengers. tireweod •l.i t"ns speculations in store cattle and sheep which have Thames, of the limitations, for tho reason that tuey that expense, it was suggested by the Engineer 1011-. McGechie, from Mahuranj;i, to whom was committed the special p)- Sea lu !ie. 2S been carried on for some lime past, and which we were just such as the Colonists would im- that an inexpensive brick culvert- should bo run charge of burning the City of Auckland itwith el tons firewood—2 passengers. must as cause upon look the of the present absolutely llenner, from Xapier pi—l :i,|v Hint. s.s., 22>l tons, F. pose upon themselves—for there is more real down the street 011 the opposite side to the high prices of butchers' meat. Over speculation in self. The ranks of the rebel army were reboxes ' tobaeeo, Mouller; K. and t!ie Smith, with t regard felt for the Maori by the settlers, es- sewer, and that instead of separate openings department, must, sooner or later, work out its cruited, from the first, with men of almost; being made in the main sewer to receive the do.. J. S. MeKarhtne: 42 firkins butler, any pi rapidly doing And this it is own cure. in case so. pecially t hose of this Province, than there is drainage New south of AuckZealand, do.. in : tribe Co. 300 do. 20 eases every of every individual house, only one C r:;i'*ksh:mk, Smart Those who indulged largely in this folly are now, by in all England, including Exeter Hall itself. here and we do not believe that a-single tribe Son : 2 land, b:i,■..!!. W. Hole: 2 bales drapery, Clark and there should be made receive the reason of liabilities incurred in this manner, obliged From Jlawke's Bay there is 110 news general drainage of the culvert.to This neutral F. A. Hutler; 1 bale do., Kattray ; 2 loyal would have remained or even l a-r.-ilo..hoots, appears to rush their fat stock into market. Thus, by a law ; 5 do. do., Keren ; A Co. JlcKcrras but learn whatever, trunks from Wellington we about the most sensible suggestion that has oeen which governs all speculative enterprise, the poor from the North Cape to Cook's Straits if 1 case d»'.. K. >e..tt ; 1 parcel, Lock : 2 tons tlnx, man will soon be enabled to place before bis children our focres had met with serious disaster at that the Provincial Council was to be pro- made yet, and as it. will have to be done sooner THE SOUTHERN PROVINCES. K,in:"iids : I ease. Archdeacon Williams; and a rogued on the 13th. The Advertiser of the or later, it would bo surely better to be done at the tirst otV-set. landed at Xapier. Passen- a joint of meat at a price within his income. qua!it it vof earuo sliort By 1:1)0 ' Lnrlv Bird,' which arrived in harproduce during The wholesale market the past 12th, gives the following short resume of the once, than when the Engineer has established ■ (SuperHis HonorW. Harris It has been that at took Taurauga we saiil Lieut. Kussell, what he hopes to be a permanent road, that if month has been almost at a standstill. liour yesterday morning, we arc placed in business of the Session for the past month. intendent of Otano). Mr. .T. Hall. Mr. tSeddan, Mr. yarn of the 4th possession of tlio country and so drove the Southland InVEiiCAHou.L.—The broken up after once formed could, as he says, of laic southern files. possession P iiti'i-son Mrs. Marks and family (f>), Mr. Marsden, the Summary SuperintenIt be Wo J'ist gave our into must rememrebellion. says :—The business of theweek opened with a degree rebels never be propcrtyrefornied. Energy and activity, Mr. Howe. Mr. l'owell, Mrs. Dixon and 2 children, Tlio Cardwell despatch lias but just been dent's speech on opening tho fourth and last session of briskness which has not been for some time bered, however, that parts of the East Coast certainly seems to be among the virtues of the M> ?si's. Halfour. K. I'arker. .T. Smith, 11. Young, experienced in Since that date the markets; ami during Monday tribes had some time been openly in the field, received and published by the southern of tho Provincial Council. our 1). Garrey, S. newly L. l?ose, appointed City Engineer, and we hope family (I), S lYf\- and no Legislative measession, Council has been but in in .Press, activity much observable the and the Press enemies, was our streets, conse- and that it; was not until the European setCanterbury • that he will show as much energy in carrying J. llenvv, A. Dawson, 1). lVlf, J. l'orbes, sures have been passed that possess even local indespatch drays of Well) on the ftnd and loading ntient and the loud arc Spectator, nylon Miss his in terest. The Government estimate the revenue for out Voor, Mr. J. proposed improvements, as he has extlers were obliged to tly for their lives that 1!. Mcl.eod, F." S. Vickers. Mrs. Rohinson, Mrs. other Vehicles from the merchants' stores. Doubtless their expressions of delight at what they tho present financial year at about £100,000, of hibited clearness in discovering and explaining Kdmoston. Mr. Hailiil', the military Taurauga movement towards in be traced might this the great a measure to £35,000 have been voted for roads. A the right things to be done. He expressed a O'Shaiirennesey and child.—Combes and Dnldv, anticipated resumption of the railway works, which, took place. It is quite true, as remarked by conceive to be the overthrow of the coiitis- which some also been voted for the erection of a wish to make Queen-street, the Regent-street of Like the JSeir Zealnnder, guarantee hasand when they are in full operation, will give a great a cotomporary, that Archdeacon Jirown re- cation polity. .£IOOO for a public market in Welpatent slip, Auckland, which wish we hope to see realised ID- Sea Breeze, 70 tons, Wheeler, from Knssell, with impetus when the trade of the Province. come to read down the lington. however, they During the to after his 1 000 is precipitous mini, pork, spikes, lbs. iron turned ton to Tauranga It a singular and significant fact that in its way. ;;:i iens kauri Passengers—Mr. Bnrstow, Mr. Davis remaining part of the week, the weather has been of flight", and that he is still there— but so are despatch a, little less hurriedly, they will t He Superintendent in the first year of his administra12 kits Farewell Dinner to Captain P. G-ilfen, a very boisterous character, almost, putting a stop to (ind out that they commenced holloaing be- tion proposed to expend tiie like sum, and now coni.i:.! son. Mr. lieaseley. Mr. Jlaxstraw, Mrs. Spencer Barque Sir George Grey.'—A number of the ; and the state of the roads is such as to the troops, and it was not until the troops the of carry his effect on eve proposal into sents to aa.l o chihlven. Kev. J. Gregory, and 5 natives.— business tore of wood and if the merchants and leading men of this city assem; Then, too, were sent down that Archdeacon Brown effectually preclude up country trade. I hey were out his probable from nllice. It was distinctly S. .1. Edmonds, a^'ent. of the money marthey do not altogether become candid enough stipulated in retirement returned. the first Loan Bill that £1000 should bled at the Duke of Marlborough Hotel, last p,l—Susannah Cuthbert. s.s., 375 tons. Dixon, from there is the excessive tightness ; the banks here, doubtless acting on instructions doubtless the it, ket to own will they agree with he devoted towards the erection of a market-house at evening, for the purpose of meeting Captain. Passengers—Mr. Pert Waikato, via Mongonui. Mr. Uorst is ono of those who sees, or Wellington, hut tho Government negotiated tho loan Prince Gilpen at a complimentary dinner given Co., agents. from head-quarters, are extremely chary of discountJFellinyto/i Independent when it says : ami Mrs. Lnsk. Mr. Levy.—Gilfillan to see, in 1 lie earryin:: out: of the professes ing without other this paper, any and alone, cause, expended the money without any regard to the on the occasion of his approaching departure for pi o.eUw. [-3 tons, Kiimdon, from Kikowakarere, would lite exter"The 1 in]'orisil liovuriunont only demands what and IN'ew Zealand .Settlements .Vet" considerable check as a commerupon stipulation operate firewood. in question. The very Act which was London. At 7 o'clock the assembly sat down with lti.j feet house blocks, 15 tons the colimints of New Zealand will themselves insist what business mination of the natives false is upon pretencial operations. Still, however, passed in the tirst session, now more than ten years to a sumptuous repast, to which full justice was on." CLE AH K »—O L'TWAK DS. transacted, is done upon a far more healthy footing ago, only at was the other day brought into operation. (< the cost of the .British the cloth being removed the overmnent, ees. The Press of the I.2th instant goes wildly In fact, those provincial laws which did not confer done. Upon Jt"LY than formerly ; the ruinous system of almost unfollowing toasts were proposed:—"The Queen," "and for the brnrfif of the voloiuxtxlie Superinteninto the and the and pi ponces. 20 tons, Bam, for Mahurangi, witli limited credit, which only a short time since prepowers patronage ease as on being puts additional tho ion, quest The Governor," Army and Navy," on to slate that the propounders of the one of "a or which would not replenish the Provincial "Militia and Volunteers," "Commerce of 1 ;en il'-ur, J cwt. guano, o bags maize, 4 cases— vailed, has been pui an end to; and there is reason reluctant Governor, a divided dent, it he but agents. ieahie, to imjiraet Daldy, —Combes scheme knew A: have, rule, hope turning point Treasury hy that the of the financial crisis been treated the Governpissoncers 2 to as a Auckland," "Agricultural Interests of Auckopinion in the colony, a. cause hatelii—Clvilf." l."> tons, Kasper, for Mahurangi, with has been reached, and that shortly the commerce of wished for the continuance of Ihe military public ment as but little better than waste paper. land," "The Press," "A Prosperous Voyage ftil to the army, and a Home Ministry uusundries. will be established upon a linn and perSouthland is so prolithe states. From Cronicle of which, expenditure, JVamjanui the the 7th Home to the 'Sir George Grey,'" "Our Guests," Gpromandel, lc, —Wanderer, 23 tons, Morgan, for in manent basi:?. friendly. - ' The Governor may be reluctutile to New Zealand colonists."' ]Sow to wo take the following. and several others, all of which were duly "?.j:.,si. hut he is a dead weight—not a instant, simply ant. readers, whose idea of English the colony motive power. Tho Maori-prisoners, taken at thebattle of Moutoa, responded to in appropriate speeches. The 10—Swallow, 27 tons, Catehpole, for the Barrier, in We deny that opinion in were to-day given up to the care of Ifori King. festivities were kept up till a late hour, when, GENERAL POST OFFICE. ballast. may even lead them to suppose that Dunecolony the be said to be divided. fairly may 10—5,.; l lk-lle. Until their case is adjucated on, they will receive the company dispersed, evidently well pleased tons, MeGechie, for Mahurangi, in Mait.S close as follows :— din is a rising suburb of Auckland, till this The division, such it so is, as resembling rations The recovery of with the evening's enjoyment. Though Captain from tho Government. ballast. For Russell, per Sylph, this day, at 4 p.m. may appear very convincing: hut Mr. (rorst nearly 11!—-Vision, IS tons, "McKenzie, for Little Omah, some of those on Mr. 'Fit/.Gerald's some of them fiom their wounds is extraordinary Gilpens stay here has been but a short one, he For Tatiranga, per Surprise, to-morrow, 21st inst., wrote with the intenwords they have not a palpable —Kattray passengers. with sundries —7 tliese and raises the question whether lias, it appears, won the well-wishes and esteem at noon. own chimerical ideas in the House of RepreMathcson, agf ts. of a numerous circle of friends, and we heartly Osprey, to-morrow, 21st, tion of deceiving—he must have known that sentatives, all on one side. Neither is the lower nervous organisation than Kuropoans. Fitzroy, per For Port l'J—Orpheus, 21 tons, Inncss, for Matakana, with the lie was in his licit ft while his pen traced there is lit news. wish him a quick and prosperous passage to the inst., at noon. From lie Canterbury a few Except army. hateful to the to cause iiinlries—2 passengers. style For Svdnev, per Novelty, to-morrow, —Ist inst.. at this false accusation against the colonists, Some little excitement seems to prevail, con- white cliffs of old England. The first-rate biassed soldiers of the Robin Redpolitically IP—Willian and Julia, 33 tons, Scott, for Mahttthe p.m. 2 lie knew that the authors of litis bill, in which the dinner was placed on the table cerning the recent disclosure ot the dis- reflects raniri. in ballast. and Southern Provinces, per s.s. Lady liepresentat ives of the House of Assembly, breast school and a few carpet knights, and Napier For credit the host. on great the Orphan 19—CoralQueen, schooner, 02 tons, Trayte, for the these hitter, we are proud for the honor of graceful manner in which Bird, on Saturday next, 23rd inst., at 10 a.m. Gas C'ojri'Aj.Y.—A general meeting of the of them men who repremanaged. Canter- shareholders South Sea Islands. —Combes Daldy, agents. S\". Cokbett, Chief Postmaster. wero the majority will the British army to say, are few indeed, Asylum in that city is of the Auckland Gas of constituencies, which, gainsented instead themselves to be the he held to-morrow, at their olHce, Company ENTERED OUTWARDS. Hardington's there is no particular dislike for the service. bury men arrogate to Jl'I.Y ing one fraetioii by any military expenditure, It would he, no doubt, more of refinement education, Buildings. profitable were very quintessence IB—Louis and Miriam, brig, for Sydney. NOTICES OF SALES, MEETINGS, &c. however great, would, on the contrary, be there an Kaffi.i>'g foe a Yopxg WOMAN IX Ajieeica. of looting, or were and respectability, but the disgusting state midst Tins Dat. large losers by the war. Had this and other there feweropportunity EXPORTS FOREIGN. —The best part of the following tale is the in existing of their and less the this institution during rain swamps, Per Coral Queen, for the South Sea Islands: —GO an instance Sale of Clothing, Pdankets, Crimean Shirts, fee., by bills been passed only by Auckland, Taranak', winter mouths, or it might be rendered still would be a disgrace to the savage barbarism prime horror of the narrator, at such Dnldy. empty casks, 2 bales prints, Combes of profligacy:—"'The Tori) Whir say" tuat Messrs. Jones it Co., at 11 o'clock. Jurists. or even byltawkc's J3ayand Wellington memHear Ihe Island of Maoridom itself. less disagreeable were the Middle several young men, fascinated with the j ersonal Sale of Flour, Ironmongery, &c., at the large Store bers there would have been some semblance to vote a sum for providing additional Then: are now some thirty-seven or thirty-eight charms of a female attached to the sanitary mir Durham street, corner of High street, by Messrs. The s.s. Susannah Cuthbert, Captain Dixon, arrived reason for making such nil accusation. willing of are condition in In Asylum. this what & orphans o'clock. the believe the now being held in that city, have made compiet-o regular troops, as we Ridings Dowden, at 11 pay for in harbour yesterday morning, from Port Waikato now'r We say with Sale of Timber, Leases in the City, Ac., by Mr. S. The people of the middle island, however, Northern members would gladly do, if the thev or have thev been until p.m., via M'.ngf.nui. She left on Thursday last at arrangements to have her set up in a raffle, and of cruel missadder scene the"greatest lose and regret, that a nothing pecuhave all to whatever Cochrane, at 12 o'clock. Mini v.as off the North Cape at 0 p.m., on the next were one at their own disposal and at management has never been seen in this country, and have lier transferred to the holder ot the lucky female who ■lav.after a rapid run of 2-3 hours. Here she expeiiGeneral Meeting of the New Zealand Insurance niarily to gain in the process of the carrying matter their own sole cost —but it cannot be said we hope never iuav again. The children are co\cicd prize ticket. The parents of the Companv at 2 p.m. •■m fil a heavy gale from the eastward, accompanied measures;. Jn the establishment respectable posiout ot ti.ese the army. with sores, arising from poor and insufficient food; have hitherto sustained most that the is hateful to To cause liv a terrific sea ; lay-to under the lec of the North Prince of Wales Theatre—" Rob Roy" and "A Kiss the to arrangeof a sound and solid peace they have much to their feet are covered with chilblains, which nothing tions in society, have consented Cape lor 12 hours, sent down all yards and topmasts. say so is to throw an undeserved slur upon in the Dark," in the .Brunswick Hall, at half-past could have magnified to such ment—so has she, with a coolness and nonchagain. Thev were willing to vote ;l>3,000,0(j0 men who are lighting not only the battles of but dirt, and neglect T.-.ik a fresh departure at S a.m. on Saturday morn7 p.ui. remarkable whose is from. In one case in one beauty lance suffering now most they us are isiur. the wind still blowing fresh from the eastward, Grand Exhibition of Living Wonders, at the Odd of monev, of which they will bear the larger the Northern settlers but of Middle Island sores unfortunate childhave actually rotted most charming, whose character has hitherto aTi'l tii'' sea increasing in height ; at 4 p.m. that day Fellows' Hall, at 7 p. m. portion of the charge, to settle these Maori men also. It was Middle Island men, and the toes of the with stamprd been and whose iace is spotless, arK-hored in Mongonui, where she remained until barbarities once and for ever ; they desire Canterbury ]>i such a building, nothing but cruel neglect con Id the purity of an angel. TVlien spoken toon men in particular, who, in LSliO, n"--n on Monday, when she again sailed for this port, MARRIED. to preserve from disgrace the Uritish honour, were the loudest in crying out for vigorous possibly have rallied! them to tlio condition from this subject, there is no visible emotion maniand anchored oil'the North Head at a.m. yesterday they are beginning to recover. The Governfested beyond that deep and indescribable look m.irniiej (17 hours). A barque and schooner wer<; Leaning—Engl ink.—On July 10th, at St.Matthew's and as good subjects to assist in <]ue!ling prosecution, and we thank Messrs. Stafford, which ment use this .Asylum for the maintenance 01 those of resignation which we have rarely seen Church, by the Kev D. Jones, John, eldest son of rebellion, within the colony. seen oil' "_'apu Brett. All this they of public chanty. and Cracroft Wilson and others .10; left the lie, support Mr. J. to children who are to Victoria-street, Elizabeth, Leaning, of Weld, The s.s. Lady I'ird, Captain F. Rentier, arrived equalled hitherto in the lineaments of thehuman have to gain by carrying the war to a sucfor the manly stand they then took, but Does tho Government know wliat a slate it has been youngest, daughter of Mr. Joseph England, of frotn the Southern Provinces yesterday morning-, liavfue. The committee of arrangements have it indeed, enquiry but in public, cessful not one call for ; termination, kept \\"i: a sixpence Waiitku. sailed from Dunedin on the 9th iust. She left Thus far the we must tell tlx; editor of the Press, and all seemsin? e 1 to the arrangement. lo be a case in which the Magistrates would be assent the shape of commissariat expenditure, not \V'.-;lin:.'t..'n on Friday last at tio"ii, arrived at Napier those who having put their hand to the quite justilied in holding an enquiry, and wc are not matter has been kept rather quiet, very little DEATHS. p.m., on Saturday, and left again on Sunday at one local improvement in the construction of plough may wish to look back again, that at held having strange probe been to this given publiciU' all sure that the late matron might not nt noon : a heavy swell was experienced throughout. O'BeiiiNß. —On July 13th, Mary Ann, third daughter roads, or location of settlers, will result, to miserably ject, except those who "had chauccs to obtain the is as much theirs as ours, inasamenable at law. The dietary lias been The Lady liird brings a full cargo and several pasof Patrick O'Jk'irne, aged I t years and G months. the matter island. have till They the people of the middle Three or four ounces ot raw meat, ot fact from an "inside view of the committee and sengers. She leaves again on Saturday next. The funeral will leave her late residence, Chancerymuch" as unless this bo made the last of insutlieient. with no potato pay and nothingdirectly, and as Mr. Gorst the their doings." The female is to be at the absocourse considerably less when cooked, street, on Wednesday (this day), at 3 o'clock. The schooner hioindie, Captain Proctor, was loadbe will they Zealand wars, responNew food enough lor growing lute and unconditional will of those who draw ing at Dunedin for this port on the 9th inst. Friends please accept this invitation. accuses them, pecuniarily to receive, and sible for a perhaps stdl larger expense in toes and a little bread is not starved. literally have been children. The children her—her lot in life to be determined and disThe brig Louis and Miriam entered outwards at Cai!adi"». —On July llHh, at Napier-street, David, these arc the men, and Mr. Gorst well knew who is responA"ain wo sav, we do not know or rare putting down the next rebellion. posed of absolutely by tlie person who holds the the Customs yesterday for Sydney. we depublic fourth son of James and Elizabeth Caradus, aged it when he wrote, who passed the ?sew Zeapart the of the sible for this". But on winning ticket, \Ve don t know the exact age The schooner Coral Queen, Captain Trayte, sails It is idle (says tlio Press, writing 011 the bearing 3 years and 8 months. land (Settlements Act," an Act which Mr. mand an enquiry into the condition and management of the female whose future is .thus to be literally for the South Sea Islands this morning. of the ' Ciirdwull despatch, 1) for tlio colony to comThe funeral will leave flio residence of his father, Asylum. It is not a public institution Orphan Gorst affirms was propounded for the pnrof the The schooners Sea 3reeze, from Russell, and determined by the hazard of the die." Judgplain. Jt is useless to urge that the management, of in one sense, this day (Wednesday), the 20tli. Friends will it is so in another, lor it takes publlellen, from Wangaroa, both arrived yesterday pose of involving the British Government jN'ativc all'airs was confided to us; that wo adopted lic money to but ing from her face we should not take her to bo please accept this invitation. do public service. "\V e call on the Goafternoon. The Sea Dreeze left Kussell at 8 a.m. on tor an over Lwenty years old, and perhaps younger. in an undertaking which will rctjuire the llu» line we thought best; ivnd that tlio Jlome Government on behalf ot' these pool' children Monday last. She is a native of the genial clime ot Italy— presence of a large body of troops, thus vcrninent lias now broken faith by turning round enquiry into the lUets. The ship Day Dawn, Oapt. P. Jones, came alongwhieh insisted resuming tlio it. 011 transpower having been, as we learn, bom there—but is of anil which thai; continuing military expendit tire side the wharf yesterday, and commenced disIn Otago the weather during the hint American parentage. We have been put in ferring to us only a year ago. There was ail element, is so profitable to New Zealand colonists." of incongruity in the rain, hail charging. She is announced to sail for Sydney on programme of proceedings to three weeks has been very severe, possession of her name, but now only disclose •Saturday next. whieh our colonial politicians, in spito of warning, sleet, and snow being the order ot things, the initials —P. N. B. Her father is a native of lakes ot St'KCTEUI'It AGJJ.YDO. chose to shut their eyes. They insisted on the preas described and the streets are Pompey. Onondaga county, and is now a most A CYCLONE AT THE FI.TI ISLANDS. They had sence and assistance of JJritish troops. Give every mail tliino ear, but Tow thy voice: THE WAIKATO MILITIA. mud." Diptheria is very prevalent; in respectable looking gentleman with a flowing Take eaoli man's vousuro, but reserve tby judgment. not. the pluck and independence to say we demand Loss Of Tilt: SCIIOOXEB MkCHAXIC AND EIGHT ot elnldien He was number has been said and written and beard, whose age borders on fifty This above all,—To tliine owuself be true; A Git eat deal a great Dunedin to be allowed 0 tight this fight out ourselves. They Livks.—iiv the arrival of the Native Lass from the And it must follow, as the night tlie day, origiuall}' a carpenter and joiner, and formerly about the men of these regiments, as to their crawled 011 their bellies to Knglainl in the most ab- lnive died from its effects. A daily Smith Sen Islands we have news of (he wreck of the Thou canst not thenbe fake to any man." was a cameo he uselessness as settlers—that tliey would in- ject petitions that, her military power might be used paper has been started in Dunedin under worked ill Utica. Subsequently schooner Mechanic, Captain Malcolm, and the loss The escort ar- cutter. His fortunes rose as he grew older, and of all on board. The Friendly and Fiji group of is plain nonsense to carry out their policy. with crime and Jt to pauperundate the title Mail. 1864. WEDNESDAY, 20, Olmjo country JULY the of the AUCKLAND, lie went to Europe some time since, spending I-' 11'i' i were visiledon the 30th and 31 st March with a that the assistance of British arms did not. ism, that they would neither settle down suppose rived on the 20th ulfc. with 10,-111 ozs. 1/ considerable time in Italy. S'jvi-rc cyclone. The Mechanic was lost the 31st March, carry with it the right and the necessity of imposing dwts. emigraand least Gorst crcd.it lor the lands The at Mr. immigration give upon any We must allotted to nor to them, gold, Tue Goveenor and the Assembly.—We on the N.W. reefs of Tonga, and all hands perished. the conditions 011 whieh, and the cause in which, lor the quaitei take the following from the Wellington IndeThe first notice of the wreck was the light things t!ic display of a considerable amount of other useful occupation and employment. those arms should he used. The result has now come. tion returns for that province departures ot Immediately after their lirst introduction Iter Majesty's Government, has given its decision just ended, show a balance pendent. It may be taken as a fair expression 11uit were washed on to the main island of Tonga, .Jesuitical cunning in his work of the and al J'nuyhi Mot a. The wreck was fonnd in fifteen 41 Maori King." Jt is clearly written wc find that a cotcmporary did not hesitate that the troops shall not be used to carry out the against arrivals of -1,283, It was reported of opinion in the South as to the course which the Ministry, fathoms of water, with both masts gone. The two of misleading the British to stigmatise them in its summary number confiscation policy of last Session. that native silver and copper had been dis- the Assembly will expect from would heels were on shore, so it was concluded that the for the purpose It; is quite clear that the wish is father to and the small chance Sir George Grey near Quecnstown. covered vessel must have ran on the reef on the night of the Parliament and people, and contains just for England as a useless and worthless body conclusions to enough he bold were try have r et to bj that Auckland of truth fullness for have learn to Amongst men in playing thought, upon much of semblance of the tlio we the word, villein," a passengers gale, and rolled over into deep wafer and sank inside so 3 with either one or the other :—" It is satisfactory 1 1n* reef. She left Afeva—a place about seventy as to enable him to do so, where, as a manner anything but complimentary to the management of native affairs has been the ' Lady Bird' is Mr. Harris the Superin- to be assured that Ministers will not give way, miles to tlie'northward from where she was wrecked necess irily be the case, the reader is them. Oil the floor of the Provincial Coun- resumed by the Imperial Government. The tendent of Otago. The Lyttleton limes, in or relinquish the power' they possess—and will must "*i tlieljdth March, it was then blowing very heavy ill-informed on the subject of which he cil chamber itself, they were spoken of by a. accusation that the colonists had not the alluding to this,"has the following in its issue continue to possess, till the Constitution is susfnnii the northward. The following persons were but pended. Mr. CardwelTs instructions will not known lo be on board the ill fated ves.-el : —Captain reads, and where Mr. Gorst's academical prominent leader of the peace-at-any-price pluck and independenceto say Wc demand of the 7th:— Asothkr Emuassy.—AVe learn th.it His Honor warrant Sir George Grey in disregarding •lames Malcolm, jur., .Tames Piper, first mate, Anionosiiiou is likely to bo taken as a set-oil" to party as the scourings of the streets of to be allowed to fight this light out ourof Otugo, has visited Superintendent Mr. the nic, a nut ive of the Western Island, second mate, which arise the mind of of is reducfio ad abstirdinn. of Harris, in altogether the wishesof his responsible advisers. Dunedin and Melbourne —and the organ selves," the very may anv doubts ia bis way to Auckland. Should he do so there will be a struggle in the the euok, and four seamen. About five toils of the the reader. contained inuendos against them t!ie very absurd remarks which proceed from this province on (lie this be we caim U say ; party may mission object of oil from the Mechanic washed on shore oil the Cabinet, in which the Ministry are likely to be of Auckland Mr. Gorst is from time to time, which we need not now the pen of a realty clever man blinded by exact is someTo the settlers that it 1 tit it would not be a bad guess to say i-land of Malinva (Tonga Group) and with other They have the whole colony on their lias victors. Does Government and Southland as a thoroughly unpractical political jealousy. well known hatred local Tho man, repeat. thing about mnnev. affirmed and approved portions of 1],,, wreck was sold. a loan ol tIo.UUO side, the Assembly has How signally the men of our AVnikato the wildest vigorous prosecitt ionist amongst; got from the General Government I.'.s-; (11- the ScHOO.VKIt CIUKLOITE.—The Fiji a wild theorist, to whom unfortunately was their policy, and it now remains with them, dislabile i'or three months to finish her mam schooner Kli/.a Ann reports thn loss of the Hama most important trust, in the regiments have practically given the lie t.> us ever dream that the British Government, a month to carry it out visit oi opposition, committed regarding viceregal : and this arrangement followed upon a burg schooner, Churolotte, on the L'ocatafanoa Auckland, J. ho boldly and firmly. execution of which he signally and disgrace- their calumniators, we have only to refer to with its Exeter Hall predilections would tlworks 10 Southland Superintendent to lo'el. to the eastward of Lukeir bit. Some of the and then hurried from the the police sheet, the savings' bank returns, give us carte blanche to sweep the island. Of ago monarch may bo /iv/rf-gomg instead ot boriov. all IxEFOIiJIATOHY ESTABLISHMENTS. In wivi-k was on shore at Lakemba, but the crew and fully failed, are to the civilised and mortified, in ill and their services in the field and in the When Mr. Cracroft Wilson said ill the ing for aught wo know ; but tho chances towns, when the population has inpasrenjifrs had not been heard of when the Eliza country, chagrined rumour is lloating about indistinct is contrary. an so ne provision and three And certain extent, with every one camp. Considering the number of these House of Assembly that with thousand creased to a Ann Iffr homo I.ouio, fin the 30th March. humor with himself, of this Government is northward reformation, as well as .the punishThe brig Jy.illah Rookh had to put into Viiuvh, to- here. He is reported to have said at the men, it is astonishing how few of them have resolute men lie would clear the island ol that a memberventure visit made for the suggest that such any to bo bound, too, we Whatever may I'efit, she having been severely handled in the cyclone. moment of his leaving for Melbourne, when been arraigned for crimes committed against rebellion, ho said, we believe, nothing more should be postponed for the present, ior it might be ment, of juvenile criminals. ■Most ot her bulwarks, st-inchions, ire., were lost, but the crime of a child it is only with the slncerest asked bv a friend if lie intended to return, the civil law, and we believe also that the ; than what he and they were perfectly imagined that Canterl u y wants money as well as pity the crime, she afterwards sailed for Fiji. punish that we the criminal for llie Cheetah, Captiiin Sustenance, had the cyc- that lieVould give the people of Auckland same remark applies to delinquencies against capable of doing, but these three thousand Otago and Southland.the Canters will take a and it is usual to found establishmentssinwhere tlie If our friends lone to the west of Fiji, from the S.K. to S., but she leave to hang him if lie returned among them the military law. The fact is that among men must have been settlers, and the war ot the Aucks" they elfects of the neglect and hardened in the poor weathered it without damage, and put into Anitani again. II is work on the Maori King may be them arc several of the sous and relatives of made against all those who refused at once word of advice from the careless parents may be counteracted affect them. fur supplies. allow fear to not such any littlelaw-breakingchild,;byproper training, steady looked upon as the ebulition of a revengeful our most respectable country settlers—many to deliver up their arms and swear allegiance, would all is Ihe 2ii_tive Lt ss was in latitude 16 deg. S. longithat a feeling shows are Many hesitation discipline, and Cnristiau teaching. and unchristian spirit, which ever seeks to are small freeholders themselves—and the The youngest novice in political matters here, The very tude 171 degrees K., and had nothing more than an it should be. Canterbury lias in these establishments saved from destruction, ordinary gale of wind l'rom jSWV. to N.N.W., carry- iii|uro those from whom it has received kind- very fact that they enlisted for such a service, however, knew that this course, the not quite as world ing close reefed topsails to the N.E., without any ness and whose kindness it has once abused. as they did, proves them to be men of energy cheapest and the best which could have all along been living on both income ami mental and bodily, and returned to the has been distress. The wind at Lifuka, during the cyclone Mr. Gorst has not even the virtueof sincerity and will, whose eilbrts, directed rightly, will been adopted, would never have been capital, and we very much fear that more only when the evil ot their childhoodreformatory We have no such wrs the severest, from E.iS'.E. to N.E. and at Tonga which is possessed by some of the Philg- place them bye and bye in a position of f sanctioned at home. The colonists were not southern prouiuccs will not be the only ones eradicated. necessity or to X.N.E. returned establishment here, and that the The tide rose at Tonga Sir George social and political importance in this Proiii. so foolish as to undertake a war 011 anyf whose cheque will some day exists was painfully demonten feet higher than usual, and flooded much of the Maori party, Bishop Selwyn, institution an such effects;." no Grey, and others who mix freely and on vince. other terms—for the war is now being carried with the endorsement island. " < ;; ],)— —\Va\uleivr, -•"> & \ " t J ! 1 t J ' ' < 1 & Imperial mismanagement which cramps, through its representative, the. energy of the General, and the efforts of the Ministry, and places the army and the colony in the position ol n hesitating man in a plaec of danger, vrh<> ahvn.ys mines off -\vorse than does one of dash ami bravery. No wonder then that the colonists never asked to be placed in so fhlse a position, and left the Imperial Government to fight out their oicn quarrel-—a cjuarrel induced by the incompeteney, bad faith, and moral weakness of the Imperial lieute- \ * i ' £ — ! •• ! " " " ; ; " " " '• " ? | &. j & •) •) ! " '' " " " " The New Zealand Herald. " " " " news- - " — ! I ' " ! I I - • ! | I L r " s ; " - 1 ' ■ I i • , : 3 t 11 •' 4 THE NEW. ZEALAND HERALD, AUCKLAND, WEDNESDAY, JTTLY 20, 1864. I propose makbig the permanent' foot paths road-start from the pier at the end of QueenBoard was nod The. street i,«vi "sf-'reiay afternoon, at their offices, Canada The first tiling that requires due attention is the Buildings. permanent drainage of each separate house and prePresent—Mr. Graham, (Chairman) ; Messrs. mises, at once, i*l the sewer, from each side of the George, Swanson, Darby, Webster, Sheehan, "YVrigroad. ii.Ji p" letier drainage cm lie shown to exist. ley, and Turnbull. Peri'iitii.. , arrange at oitr with the Gas and The minutes of the previous meeting were read Water Coir-peny to liv their permanent mains or and confirmed. pipes, reservoirs, and hraneh pipes. All this is reI.ETTKBS. quired to he doiii; piopeHv before tlie road is perL. O'Brien, on the subject- of employing military manently made, labour in the repair of Grafton Bond. ohe Lieut.With re""r'l to tho sewer, I advise that every General declines to allow it. street runnimr into Qurcn-strtet have a proper inlet Mr. Webster moved, Mr. Darby seconded, that the /""l ined in tin: sewer or receive the same when made. part of the road complained of should bo put in Why is the sewer put in en one side of the street, and repair at once. not in the centre 2nd.—TT. ITohbs. complaining of the rating of Your Engineer proposes making the footpaths on some pro| eity in Alb- rt-street, the property never each sido of the street, three or tour feet wider, so yet having been occupied. as to form a sufficient width of gangway when in tlie Mr. Darby moved that rating beyond £2CO be day time the cellar /laps are open, and the width of deferred until the bouses now in course of erecpavement or fool path is truly dangerous to the pubtion be occupied. lic. On Sundays and holidays, in the fine weather, Mi*. Shcchan seconded, and the resolution was I hope and expect that Queen-street will become the passed. liegent-street of Auckland. This alteration will be 3rd.—A letter from the Superintendent, demanda saving of outlay inasmuch as the footpath will not ins; the inspection of the books of the Board, from cost more than one-half per yard area that the road sth Angus! next. will.—l am, &c., 4th.—l.ee, directing attention to the foot-path in G. Bit amah Fuazi." Mr. Wrigley suggested that before printed forms Eden Crescent, which requires raising to the level of the road, and offering if the path were raised to of notice were ordered that some copies of the Building Act should be provided, and he moved that 50 cover it with scoria at his own expense. The Chairman remarked that, he thought that, the copies of the Building Act and 200 copies of the roadway at this spot having remained in its present printed forms should be supplied. STOMS BHEAK'NtJ MACHINE. condition for the last 25 years, it might be left to the engineer, as there was a considerableamount of engiThe Board next discussed the suggestion of obneering required in order to make the road level. taining another Stone Brcahing Machine. It. was movod by Mr. Darby, and seconded by Mr. 11r. Darby moved tbatthat part, of the report George, and carried unanimously. should he referred to and that the Bates collected to this date—£2,29o 15s. 3d. Hoard should consider after knowing the I'NINTINCI 111 K REPORT. price, &c., and should e||p|§£witli tlie Provincial GoThe only tender received was from the jVew Zmvernment as to the adafSiF'liry of combining with fmiifer, at .t'2 per sheet, and the cost altogether would them in the purchase of yonc capable of breaking 50 be about £30. The report was now in course of tons a day, which woul.t .-tillice for the wants of both printing. the Provincial Government and the City Board. ITEMS 01- EXVENDITURE. Mr. Wrigley seconded the motion," and it was Mr. Swanson objected that theitems of the sums of carried. money paid away in cheques had not been given in TUK MAIN' SEWER. the Report. Mr. Webster next spoke upon the subject of the The Secretary explained that the details would be Sewer, and said that there could not be a more imgiven in the appendix. portant subject, for the consideration of the Board UPI'Kli QUEEN-STREET. than that of the drainage, and he thought it should sth.—A letter from an Inhabitant in Upper at once be asked of the Provincial Law Adviser wheQueen-street, complaining of the stoppage of the ther thev had the power to compel (ho proper drainworks. age of the houses into the sewer. The Foreman explained that the ground was now •The Chairman thought that a bye-law might be so soft that the carts could not get up to the works. framed for compelling occupiers of houses to drain, The Clmiiman thought that there could not be a and then the question might be left afterwards to the more favourable time, for if the contractors waited Provinoial Council. Lpon some remarks being made as to the injustice till the summer, there- would then bo complaints thatthe ground was too hard. to those on the further side. The engineer suggested Mr. Darby moved, Mr. Sheehan seconded, that the that a brick culvert, should be carried along on the question be referred to the engineer. opposite side, into which the inhabitants should drain HKVOItT OF FOIIE.MAN OV WORKS. and five or six openings be made into the Sewer inThe Beport of the Foreman of the Works was stead of forty or fifty. then read as follows :— lhe Engineer suggested the use of (lap inlet pipes, Gentlemen,—I beg to submit the following re- and tho I hairnutn thought that some should be ; port for the information of the Board, on tins various obtained as a sample. works let by contract, also the work (lone bv the CIvU.AU KNTUANCE3. Hoard's labourers during the last week. The conMr. Swanson objected to the universal use of the tracts for the most part have had littlo done to thom, cellar entrances in the public streets and remarked although the weather has been fine, tiie surface of upon the danger of tho practice, and instanced tho the eait-h being soft, and still retaining a quantity lives that had been lest, and tho inconvenience to the of water, the carters would not bo induced Uj make passers by. There was no necessity for house-holdThe contractors for the fascines in Welling- ers to havo them, and to intrude upon public- proit start. ton-street and Freeman's Bey have been at work ; perty, why should not a shop-keeper have the goods the quantity required for Freeman's Bay lias been delivered within his premises, and a trap made inside laid on the road, and I have commenced to cover it his own door. He would stop tho pivictice completely. It was decided that tlie question should with gravel. I understand the quantity required for bo brought Wellington-street Ims also been cut, and is beintr before the Committee of the whole Board, upon the consideration of tho framing of bye-laws. carted on to the ground : but as considerable fillingiWr. Swanson thought that that portion of tlie in is required before they can bo put on the road, Report referring to tho alteration of the footpath, owing to the banking having slipped, or rather setshould bo rejected, as though it was very desirable, days tled down, it will bo a few before they can bo laid on the road. Mr. Brown is making tho ground perhaps, thero should he some improvements also made in Freeman's Bay, and other places of equal good fortius purpose, but I am afraid tho last night's rain will cause it to lie delayed a littlo longer. importance with Queen-street. Tho Chairman said that all latitude wouldbe given Albert-street contract and the filling-in of the upper side of Kl)i<'t-s1 net are being proceeded with. to the engineer, if the Report were adopted as a whole, to use his own discretion in improving other Stanley-street drain is all but completed. Tho footplaces besides Queen-street. path between West Quein-stnet and WvndhamSome remarks were made upon the sewer being on street has been completed ; also a new crossing at one side of the street, and .M r. Wrigley asked why if tho foot of Shortland-street has been laid ; tho contract for these crossings is now finished. Nothing the engineer thought it improper ho was not empowered to continue it from this time, up the middle has been done in Upper Queen-streot by tho conof the street. tractors last week. ]\h\ "Wrigley gave notieo tlmt at tho ordered The works to be done by the Board last next mooting of tho Board he should move that tho sower should meeting have been attended to ; the portion of Highbe carried up the middle of 'he street. street damaged by the Gas Company has been reTho sitting of the City Board then terminated. paired Tho following is the amount and cost of tho material and labour expended on it yards of gravel, 43, at 4s. 6d. ..£!) 13 0 Cubic PRESBYTEHIAN CHURCH, 110BRON-STBEET. Labour and Cai t-ago INDUCTION OF THE REV. JAMES HIDE. 2110 A meeting of tho above Church (and of the PresTot:-l. . ..£l2 4 6 bytery) took place yesterday evening, at seven o'clock-, This is the smallest amount of labour and matefor tho purpose of inducting the Rev. James Hill rial that I could use to make it passable. I may (lato of St. Andrews) into the pastoral otlice in conalso mention that an arrangement has been made nection with this church. with Mr. Smart, for certain repairs to be done to the Ihe proceedings of tho evening were commenced streets and crossings damaged by tho Gas Company. by singing a part of the GStli after which the This arrangement, will enable me to repair a few of Rev. T. Noi lie (Moderator ofpsalm, tho Presbvtery) read the worst and most dangerous places, which I have the 132nd psalm, and offered prayer. commenced to do. During the favourable weather Tho Kev. the Moderator then preached an imlast week tho following quantities of gravel and pressive sermon from the chap, of Matthew. metal from the stone breaker were brought 35—38 verses, urging upon oth tho Church their duty into town and distributed amongst tho and responsibility in assisting to extend the principles different streets:—Gravel, loads, spread of Christianity amongst tho surrounding 225 population, in Queen, Victoria, Albert, High, Nolson, and especially in the out-settlements. Barrack, and Dmham-streets. Melal, 240 loads, A part ot the 132iul psalm was then sung, and the spread in Queen, S)iortland, Wakefield, VictoriaKev. W. P.rown (rlerk of tin! Prei-byterv) read a All the metal broken last statement of the street, and Alton Koad. which had led to the week, besides the largo heap that was on the ground, call ot the Lev.circumstances J. lliil to tho pastorate of the brought has been into town. lam sotrv to say the Church. machine was stopped yesterday, owing to a part of Die Kev. ,T. (Tuductor), having put the the machinery of the breaker having givjm way, but- usual questions Macky, to tho pastor elect, then gave the no time was lost in having the damage repaired ; it charge, solemnly and forcibly pointing out the recipis again at work to-day. 1 also find' that the road rocal duties ot minister and people—urging upon the that goes down to the tone-breaker will have to be former his responsibility for a faithful discharge of altered, inasmuch as tho ground is being pegged olf the solemn duties of his office ; and upon the latter to ho sold. If tho Board will be allowed to make the the duty of affording all needful encouragement and road through a part that is to lie reserved by Govassistance to llie minister of their choice in his ernment, which is the way I intended t.o make it, work. arduous very little deviation will be required ; if not, a porThe benediction having been pronounced bv the tion of our labour will be lost —but nothing to Rev. X. Norric, tho meeting (at, which there was a of, as no metal has been put on that part of tho road. attendance ot members of other denominations The slwd over the engine has been finished, which illlarge addition to those connected with the church) was makes it more secure. Spoutings ought to bo carried round this .--hod and info Die tanks, whi<li would save brought, to a conclusion. carting wafer; this would pay itself in a few weeks j and save a de'il of trouble and expense. f| THE RANGITIKI MURDER. I have, ice., Wk gave an account, in our last Summary of the Wiu.iam Anheeson, trial aud conviction of Waiter Trickor, for tlio wilful | Foreman of Works." murder nf'Mr. Kayner, at Kangitiki, in CITY BOARD.—Tuesday. usual weekly meeting of the " • .. . " ' yosterday by the charge in the Police THE ROYAL ARTILLERY. {Jourt, of two mere children, the eldest not ten The battery of artillery new under orders to emvearg of age, with the crime of stealing. Mr. Veckham evidently deplored the necessity which bark for Sydney arrived in New Zenlind on the obliged him to send these two children into the 17th April, 1800, under tlie command of Captain, company of hardened villains in the common now Major. Stroveranddisenibarkedat Taranal;i. and begged of Mr. Commissioner JN'aughton Tliey brought four guns and a large supply of to keep them apart from the others and very ammunition with them which were very acceptproperly lie administered a lecture to the father nble, as there was only a very limited supply of which it is to be hoped he will remember. With field guns and ammunition ilien in the colony. Mr. Beckham we regret that we have no place As the Waitara dispute had just commenced, the in which to reform juvenile offenders ; we battery found immediate employment in the should hesitate to commit a poor child field, where, under the command of Major to the loathsome sink of iniquity which a gaol Rlrover nnd the late Lieutenant Maonngliten, the onlv two officers of artillery then in New presents. Pbince op Walks Theatre.—By special /■jealand. they took part in every allair that occurred from the commencement to the termidesire, the operatic drama of Rob Rov" was The total again placed on the boards of the Prince of nation of the Waitara campaign. Wales Theatre, and was received with applause strength of the battery in the field was two owing oiKeers and and the number men. fifty to by a full house. On a former occasion we noticed that this piece was not only well put upon of positions occupied on both sides of the town of Taranaki this small force was always broken the stage, as in fact are all the pieces produced into several detachments, and in no single by this company, but that the acting of the up affair did the battery ever muster stronger than characters was far above the average principal of provincial theatres. On the present occasion 30 of all ranks, and. to show that they were well generally up to the front, we may state that Mr. Barry's Rob Roy" was a splendid piece the easualities in the battery were one officer of acting, on which he had evidently bestowed and three men killed and fifteen men wounded, great care, and had fullv realised the conception of the part. Wr. "West, who plays Scotch and although tliej' will return to Sydney after an characters admirably, was loudly cheered as absence of three and a-half years without anyBaillie Nicol .larvie, and Mr. O'Brien made an thing to shew the arduous and dangerous duties they have been engaged in, they will carry with excellent Dongal, looking and acting the Highland Gillie of those days. As Major Galbraith, them the knowledge of having performed their •Mr. Daniels of courso lcept the company duties at all times and under all circumstances, both in the field and in quarters, to the entire in merriment, constant on As a sstisfaction of their immediate commanding former occasion wo had to pvaiso the ollicers, and although there may have been Vicof Mrs, pcting Helen Twight as McGregor, so on the present occasion, we may toria crosses and medals for distinguished service Again compliment the managers on so talented in the field awarded to those less entitled to them than the brave artillerymen who nt the attack by un addition to their company. The performance the rebels on No. 3 Redoubt, threw loaded shells concluded with the farce of a "."Kiss in the "We perceive that the favourite drama from tlio parapet into the diteli among the rebels, of the Colleen Bawn," a piece which, where- and cut the fusos to three-tenths of an inch in ever it has been acted, has met with unbounded order to prevent'the possibility of the attacking puccess, is in course of preparation, and will party either throwing the shells out of the ditch or getting out of the May before they burst—it shortly be produced with new scenery, &c. lessen the gratification afforded to them Chamber of Commence.—The tisual monthly cannot mooting of the Chamber of Commerce will be of having performed a meritorious act which held at the rooms, Fort-street, to-morrow after- contributed so much towards defeating the rebels in their rash but determined attack on a redoubt poon, at three o'clock, manned by British troops. ' Tendebs will be received by Mr. James On the termination of the war in ISCI the Wrigley, architect-, until 4 p.m. of Tuesday, the head of the battory proceeded to Auck26th inst., for the erection of a building in land quarters and were emplo3'ed with the other troops Custom House-street. Tiig New Govehnme.vt Buildi>-os.—Some during the summer of 1802. extending the Great of the dosigns for the new Government Build- South Road, for which service thov received the allowance from the Colonial Governings are nearly ready for the inspection of the most, liberal of .)d. a day for every eight hours' actual Commissioners on the 27th instant, and tlioso we ment, labour they performed. havo seen we can fairly say are fit to defy any A large portion of the battery went to Taracompetition—whether for chaste beauty of naki when the present war broke out, last year; design, or for the completeness of their internal when the Waikato campaign commenced arrangements, and whether accepted or not, they and nonethe less afford conviction that we have the liead-quarters of the battery moved up to the architects here, who, if they wore permitted, Queen's Redoubt, from which place they were could erect buildings that would be an ornament detached to Tuakau, ICoheroa, and other posts, where artillery were stationed, on the Waikato. to auy city in the world. Owing to the field operations in the Waikato • New Zealand Insurance Company.—Tlie general half-yearly meeting of the shareholders district being conducted principally by Captain Mercer's field battery the greater part remained of this Institution will be lield to-day, in the Ngaruawahia until the liend-quurters.of the Company's office, Fraser's Buildings, to receive below field force.arrived before Maungatautari. where, tho half-yearly report and balance-sheet. ; " " " " " ( '' " " " " " MAGISTRATE'S COURT.—Tuesday. (Before Thomas Beckham, Esq., 11.M.) I)IiUXKARI>K. John Andrews, Henry Jackson, and Maria Kearnc. were each fined 20s. and costs, or IS hours' hard LAUCENV. . " " " " °1 ' ; , J ; (l»Y " " SPECIAL 12. Virginia was so called in 1554, after Elizabeth, the virgin Queen of England 13 and 14. Carolina (North and South) was so called by the French in 1504 in honour of King PERMISSION.) Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen,—The absurd requireot the Constitution Act oblige me to call you together. It is very distressing, but. I really cannot help it. I could carry on the Government capitally ments without, you. If must be a s-aitrcc Charles IX. of France. 15. Georgia was so King George 11. 10. Alabama was so cipal river. of great satisfaction to you to know that T have done everything I possibly "can to retard the progress of this Province, so as to secure our runs from the Gothic invasion of small holders, called in called 1(72, in honour in 1817, of from its prin- 17. Mississippi was so called in ISOO, from its western boundary. Mississippi is said to denote thu whole river; that is, the river formed by the union of tho many. IS. Louisiana was so called in honour of Louis XVI. of France. 11*. Tennessee was so called in 1795, from its principal river. The word Tennessee is said to signi'y a and such like breeders and bringers of popi lition. 1 am happy to say that the war has not vet. extended to this Province, and it gives me equal gratification to say also that I have succeeded, in conse- quence, in obtaining the assistance of a large body of men, who are found to be brave and devoted customers for those commodities with which this Province abounds, which, while tliey afford sustenance to the consumer, affords also large profits to the producer. The war indeed has, under these encouraging circumstances, thus far proved a great blessing to this Province, and you will admit that in the present state of the Provincial finances it would be difficult to get on without it. 1 he present state of the Natives contrasts favourably with tlieir condition some two vears a<*o. We can now get runs from them without anv trouble; for the etlieient. manner in whii-h justice has always been administered in this Province between the two races has so embued the Maories with respcct for outlaws and institutions, that it is picking to see how very easily they arc now managed in all matters relating to "grass money." I have succeeded, after a hard struggle, and with greater difllculty than T at first anticipated, in etlec- curved spoon. 20. Kentucky was so called in 1782, from its principal river. 21. Illinois was so called in ISO9, fromits rincii id river. The word is said to .signify the river of men. 22. Indiana was so called in 1802, fiom tho American Indians. 23. Ohio was so called in 1802, from its southern ] boundary. 21-. Missouri was so called in IS2I, from its principal river. 2-;. Michigan was so called in ISO6, from the lako on its borders. 20. Arkansas was so called cipal river. in in ISI9, from its prin- 27. Florida was so called by Juan Ponce do Leon 1572, because it was discovered on Easter Sunday; in Spanish "Pascus Florica." 28. Texas was so called by the Spaniards in 1690, tually eradicating small holdings in this Provinco. Agriculture, I am happy to say, is rapidly on the who that year drove out a colony of French, who had established Matagorda ; decline. and made their themselves at first permanent settlement. 29. Wisconsin was so named in 1836, from tho river of the same name, when u territorial govern- country overrun by small farmers. The Provincial share of the customs revenue has 30. lowa was so called in IS.'iS, after a tribe of Indians of the same name, and a separate territorial A few more years of my government, and such a thing as a small farmer'will not be found within our borders. Yon will admit that a coimtrv overgrown by Scotch thistles is far better than a nearly doubled. This is exceedingly cheering, and may be accounted for by the fact that, whereas, the principal quantity of liquor drank in tile Province August, 18G3. up to a recent date was consumed by yourselves and The verdict, surprised evutv one conversant Sl'l'ri.Y OF WAT 1:11. with the the Hettch of Magistrates, whom you will allow to Upon (he enquiry of tin- Chairman, it was staled tacts ot the case, and numerous petitions were at have done their best in that regard. Now, I am glad to say, that you and your colleagues have been that there were now two tanks holding gallons once sent to the Governor praying him not to conof wulcr. firm the .sentence of death pas.-ed upon the prisoner. relieved from their onerous duties by the addition of about 300 hard drinkers, whom I'liave The Chairman thought it was desirable to '1 he Kev. A. Stock, the gaol chaplain, has been unsucccded have remitting in his enquiries as to the real circumstances in getting together from the adjacent colonies, irretwo more. Mr. Darby moved, and Mr. Webster seconded the of the case, and the result has produced a conviction spective of some additional hundreds of repular motion to that effect. in his mind that Tricker is not guilty. At the time troops or topers scut hither specially by the General of the murder there were two lads, about sixteen Government at my earnest request. KW'OJtT np ment was formed. government formed. " The Inspector read. IXril'Kf.-fOK oi- 1 itrn.m.vcs. oi i-< i;ii.i it i s Koport "was then The Engineer's report from 11th to 18th Juiv, was afterwards laid before the Board, and road us follows .■»— "Engineer's Oflice, Auckland, July 19, 1864. To the Chairman and the Board. Gentlemen, —On Thursday, .inly 11, your En"ineer inspoctod at Mount Edoii, the steam'engine and stone-breaking maehine (both of which your Em*incur fully approves); the engine was doing good work, breaking on an average from 28 to 30 tons of stone in eight hours with 12 horse-power j the fuel consumed about lOOlbs. per hour, i.e., produce, 3.V tons of stone broken against lOOlbs. of coal consumed. Immediate provision must bo made to supply the boiler with clear water. At present the boiler is bein" suppliedjwith water highly charged with clay and other matters in solution,' the ellbet of which "is the deposit of injurious matter upon the surface of the ;md tubes boiler. I have considered the important value of the machine by its production, and I am afraid that large as it is, it would be very prudent to immediately procure another, and fix it at onco so that in the'event (which is certain) of delay at times, it would not interfere with our power of supply of the stone required for the city of Auckland. With regard to Queen-street, and all the streets ot Auckland, I intend, when I tako the levels, to place ' bench marks' showing all that can be required. At present I am unable to do so for want pickets of staves, vnd off-set rods, which are now being made by Messrs. Coombes and Son. After I have the survey of Queen-street and the iunction ofthe adjoining streets, and made plans and sections of the same, I shall bo able to lay before you plainly my intended,mode of operation more fully tiiaa at present, but, howover, I will now make some shore observations. " " " " " i " " '• Mortality from shot in Battle.—lt has been questioned -whether, without the invention of the bayonet, the musket of the lust century, would have permanently superseded the crosibow "of the middle ages. Ami it admits of no doubt that, often in our own times, the consciousness of the defects of the firelock, impelled our men to resort to the strong and certain thrust of the bayonet, rather than to rely for their safety on the chance performances of the clumsy and capricious Brown Bess." Nor was there wantThe export of wool continues satisfactory. ing authoritative testimony to sustain this mistrust. The Provincial Treasurer has prepared'a financial At the battle of Salamanca, only 8,000 men were put statement, which will be laid before you, and from /iorx dc combat, although 3,-500,000 cartridges were which you will perceive that, considering that the tired, together with 6,000 canncn balls (besides which Provincial Treasury has long been empty, we have there were charges both of cavalry and the line); s» succeeded in disbursing a very respectable sum of that, as regards the line, only one shot in -137 took I labour. William Smith, on bail, did not appear. , " " " Alexander Rogers and William Theobald, two lads about 10 and 8 years of age, were charged by Henry Jacobs, with stealing some basins. Henry Jacobs, sworn, a general stilted: HeHewas dealer, residing in Queen-street. did not know the prisoners by sight, he missed some crockery yesterday, and had done so on previous occasions. basins produced corresponded exactly with thoseThe lie had lost, on Friday last. James Lyndon," being sworn, stated That ho lived in West Queen-street, and was a general dealer he knew the boys. He saw the younger of the boys enter his shop with the two basins in two his hand, the elder bolted directly he saw him the younger lad said he wanted to sell the basins' and said that he had bought them on Saturday ni"-ht He told him ho must show where he had bought them, before he would be allowed to go. then kept the boy till some other boys brought He the elder prisoner back. He then handed the basins over to the police, and then gave them in charge. Thomas Scott, Sergeant of the Police, being sworn that he had found the last witness with two Paddy," said a gentleman to a son of theEmerald stated ; boys in Queen-street, and the basins in his hand. Isle, your coat ia too short for you." Arrah, sure, He then brought them down to Mr. Jacobs' shop, and honor, it'll be your long enough ere I getanother." ' found that they corresponded exactly with those Bye Laws.—A witty gentleman, speaking of a which the prosecutor had shop. his The in prisoner friend who was prostrated by illness, remarked that liogers said he found them in Jacobs' back yard he could hardly recover, sincehis constitution was all Mr. Naughton informed the Bench that the father gone. "If his constitution is all gone," said a byng e boy was in Court he worked as a ? stander, Ido not see how he lives at all." "Oh carter. The elder boy's father loft his family some responded the wag, "he lives on the bye-laws." year s ago. A judge being present at the representation of Mr. Beckham up tho father, and rebuked Pizzaro," fell asleep in the midst of Holla's spoech him severely for called his neglect of the boy. Ho hoped to his troops. Mortifying as this must have been, that the Commissioner would, as ho had done before, Sheridan said, with his' usual good humour, "Let keep them separate from other prisoners in gaol. is ho thinks he him sleep; on the bench." There was unfortunately no reformatory here to If you cannot inspire a woman with love of you, which he could send them, and tho evidence was so fill her above the brim with love of herself; all that conclusive that he must punish them. Tliev were runs over will be yours." It must have be< n a crusty then sentenced to 14 days' imprisonment, wi'th hard old bachelor who said this. " " •' " years old, one a Maori and the other a half-caste, residing with Mr. Kayner, and the. latter of whom alleges that he left the premises after the deed had been perpetrated. The first, of these was not prothe trial, hut the other was the principal witness against the prisoner, and swore positively te his being the murderer. The Maori lad has since, duced at been privately examined by the counsel for the prosecution, and it is understood that his evidence contradicts that given by the half-caste at the trial on several material points, though both persist in the assertion that TJayner was alive on the Friday morning, although the other evidence would lead to the conclusion that ho was killed on the preceding night. The officers of justice appear to labor under the impression that it is not their duty to discover the real murderer, but to bring, if possible, the deed home to the man charged with the crime, or it is more than probable that this important matter would not now ho involved in so much mystery. Nearly the whole ot the settlers at Rangitiki disbelieve that the murder was committed by Trickor at the time stated in the evidence of the half-caste. If the accused had not been convicted a charge would have been made against the half-casto for perjury, but the verdict of the jury prevented this course from being taken, though there can be no question that lie is a perjurer, and, according to his own evidence, an accessory after the feet. 'Die affair, taken altogether, certainly reflects no credit upon the authorities, but the manner in which the leading gentlemen and the public generally of the Provinco of Wellington have exerted themselves to prevent a man they believe to be innocent from being hanged speaks volumes in their favor. If the convict had been wealthy, or had influential connections, the matter would have worn another and a very different aspect. There are individuals who hlame Mr. Stock for takinir so deep an interest in the case, but in o\xr opinion ' lie words of Our Lord to the lawyer, Go thou ard do likewise," could be very appropriately addressed to such individuals.— Wellington Advertiser, " ! ; " " " I the police discovered the mail that should have gone to Coromandel on the 38th instant, sunk in one of the tanks by the wharf. The number of the letters and newspapers was considerable. It is not known yet who was the culprit. Dbake-street —We perceive that this long neglected street is receiving, at last, some share of attention from the City Board, scoria ash being placed on some of the worst holes. The fearful bog, nicknamed "No. 2 Swindle," has been laid with fascines, we trust to be speedily covered with broken stone, or at the least with scoria—not with yellow clay, the metal too frequently used in Freeman's Bay. There is yellow clay enough below the fascines without putting any above them. We believe, however, that the City Board Engineer is an Engineer, and have some hopes that the old rules will be no longer applied. Scarcity of Meat in Mablborough.—The following quotation from the Marlborvutjh Press ; does not offer a very brilliant picture of the amount of comfort to be expected in that part of tho world : —"Yesterday, with the exception of . one or two carcasses of very attenuated mutton, there was not a pound of butchers meat in the market, and to make matters still worse for a bill of fare, every description of fish had kept a.most respectful distance from the nets. There were neither fish nor flesh, and we may make the same remark of fowl, unless purchasers were willing to pay 12s. a pair for birds, which at this price would average something like 2s. 6d. per pound. The reason assigned for such a scarcity of meat is that the flockmasters are at present too busily engaged in the lambing to muster their flocks. A consignment of mutton in carcass, from Wellington, or any near market, at the present time would prove a profitable speculation to the shipper, and certainly a convenience to the inhabitants of Pieton. Kissing Conjugated.—We dedicate the following, with profound respect and sympathy to our lady readers, to whom such matters are of never ceasing interest" To the ticklish verb s there is, of course, a ". proportionately ticklish grammar, and the conjugation is as follows: Buss, to kiss ; rebuss, to kiss again; plunbus, to kiss without regard to number; sillybus, to kiss the hand instead of the lips ; blnnderbus, to kiss the wrong person ; omnibus, to kiss everybody in the room ; erebus, to kiss in the dark. Kissing one's own sister has been aptly likened to eating a veal sandwich ; carrj'ing out the comparison, kissing one's cousin unless she be a particular cousin, or coming under the denomination of dangerous"—may be considered equivalent to discussing a beef sandwich ; and the chaste salute, snatched from the lass we love, to the piquante, appetiteprovoking combinatipn of ham, mustard, and ; I Monday night " ! Post-Office Kobbeby.—On " i I Cantek- to have hand, of very superior quality, very shortly. The addition to our adult population within the last year; in the shape of Justices of the. Peace and Militia otli.-ors amounts to about SOO. I have hee c-m lii', in making this selection, to get none but out and uut supporters of my administration, and have not entered into the superfluous question of their unifications. (j The loads are progres.'ing favourably. "\Ve MENDF.Z PINTO, CAGLTOSTRO AND COMPANY keei at work on them Peg to call the nften lion of the Trade in Auckland as many as ton men constantly our disposal. It is no other at having hands ti u,' a"d I lie adjoining provinces, to the various a'l vantages there are some two or tlirce hundred gentlemen with which they are enabled to offer to t-hosj favouring nothing particular to do at present, receiving public them with orders. in the Province, who might be usefully employed Mendez Pinto resides in r.O'M'in :!'ll h pm'ficfly pay the public works, but, upon representations and acquainted -with colonial requirements. "In con- on overtures in that direction hcing made to them th-v sequence of information received" lie is about to declined, alleging that they had an aversion to work send out. a large assortment of Ihc following articles, and had accepted Government employment in order chiefly for the use of the Natives. to avoid that objectionable contingency ; which Larso minded benevolence"—a neat thing in resolution I entirely concur, as being so with admirablv cloaks A la Tartu fie. accordance with the nature of our service, and in designed by A fools can, for the use of Ministers, showing so excellent n spirit of subordination. The Mr. Cardwell. importance of a tramway is becoming mine and more A gross of green spectacles, much used in England evident, and while we import large quantities of for viewing colonial subjects—a Maori seen through timber from Australia and other places, we find the them appears white and spotless, a colonist quite greatest difficulty in procuring posts enough to fence black. in the Apostolic Plains. For this purpose, I propose A Janus hat, suitable to any double faced personthat you do authorise the making of a Uamwav age high in office. from some convenient bush near my homestead direct Ministers, to Napier, by which means I hope that the Brummagem buttons, for gre; t who will wear the new Imperial Livery. difficulty of getting timber will be entirely obviPrunella shoes, adapted to kick honest men out of ated. office ; t'lev conceal nil malformations, such as cloven As regards thistles, I invite your earnest attention. hoots, and will fit all elderly ladies. They ale the emblems of my country, and I respect Corset s, warranted to impede all freedom of move- them. Uut I shall certainly hiing in a bill to eradiment and produce Atrophy. Invented by the Colonial cate all small iarmers, and another bill to drain otf Oflice, and much admired by weak persons in their all that surplus and unnecessary population which id i.l -i;ei;.-i'aniiing, to second childhood. not required for the Also, Secret Despatch Boxes, for the use of both of which bills I feel sure \ou will give your Political Sneaks, with the motto Huctc Virltrte" in cordial suppoit. gilded brass. Whether regard be had to the present salisfactoiy We call particular attention to onr fine assortment slate of the Province or not, I can only add that 1 of moral pocket handkerchiefs, suitable for presents feel quite sure that my Kxeeutivu and myself have to rebel natives. Those beautiful articles hare been done the best we can for ourselves ; and 1 can osdv manufactured under the Superintendence of Professor say, that if the result of tur exertions has fallen Goldwin Smith, acting on behalf of the Aborigines short of our expectations, it is to be attiibutcd to Protection Society. Each handkerchief contains a circumstances over which I have no control, such, short verse in sympathetic ink. We give a few speci- for instance, as tho atrocious attacks of that vagabond who w rites for the Thiivs, hut whom 1 have vet mens, and can assure the public that, all express sentiments which it is well known JTcr Majesty's hopes (D. V.) either to convert or to obliterate. Ministers are extremely anxious to impress on the Native mind. The ground color of these handkerNAVIES OF THE UNITED STATES. chiefs is red, as it is thought desirable to call to the recollection of the Natives the red coats they have At the present day, when so much interest is taken riddled. The white feather over each verse, followed in American affairs, the following list ol' the States, by tl e word Cession, will be understood bj' every with the way in which they came by their ii-itne.-, Maori. will be of use :— road in We have a book 1. Maine was so called as early as IG3S, from Or heard Pakclias sh.v Maine in France, of which Henrietta Maria, yu«.-u That those who would dance, The piper must pay ; of England, was at the time proprietor. Hut we, havia;; judsemats decidedly riper, 2. New Hampshire was tile name given to the Will dance when wo please and make you pay tlio territory conveyed by the Plymouth Company to pi per Captain J. Mason, by patent, November 7th, 163-1, Till we were told, we didn't knowwith reference to the patentee, who was Governor ot How badly wc were used Portsmouth, in Hampshire, England. Hut now we know it, hang it'. blow it ! ! Rebellion's quite excused. 3. Vermont was so called by the inhabitants ia their declaration of independence, January iGtli, The Pakeha's Queen, Is exceedingly sreen. from the French word verd," green, a:ul 1777, And knows nothing at all about UTU; mont," mountain. So when you choose. Massachusetts derived its name from a tribe of For you're sure not to lose, 4. Anything more than may suit you. Indians in the neighbourhood of Boston. The tribe is thought have derived its name from I lie Blue away your to pahs Send from Your revered prand-mammas. Hills of Milton. "I have learned,"' says R-gur Who eat. though too tough to be eaten. Williams, that Massachusetts was called from trie And when the war's over. Blue Hills." You shall all live in clover, As payment for having been beaten. 5. Rhode Island was so called in 1644, in reference to the Island of Khodes, in the Mediterranean. As a large demand for flour and sugar" is antici(i. Connecticut was so called from the Indian name pated, .a branch establishment for this department of of its principal river. business may be opened at Government House. A Great Clearing-off Sale at a ruinous sacrifice," 7. New York (originally called New Nethei lands) (of colonial interests) will probably take place shortly. was so called in reference to the Duke of York aud For further particulars apply at the oflice of the Albany, to whom this territory was granted. S. _S e\v Jersey (originally called New Sweden) -Vvw y.ealander, or at Government House. Is .15.— A large quantity of strong incense always was so named in ICG4 in compliment to Sir Geoigu on haiul—its composition is similar to that offered up Carteret, one of its original proprietors, who had before the Golden Calves, who, according to Dr. C'o- defended the Island of Jersey against the Long Parlenso, wore much pleased with it. Persons having liament during the civil war of England. 9. Pennsylvania was so called in 1681, attar heads like those of the images referred lo will proWilliam Ponn, the founder of Philadelphia. nounce it excellent. 10. Delaware was so called in 1703, from Delaware Bay, on which it lies, and which received its name from Lord De la Warr, who died in this hay. NAPIER. 11. Maryland was so called in honour of Henrietta (From tho "Hawke's Bay Times," July 11.) Maria, Queen of Charles 1., in his patent to Lord A CORRECT VERSION OF lIIS HONOR'S STEECH. Baltimore, June 30, 1032. ; in 3'HTLO-MAOEI NOSTRUMS. The following nrospectns, issued by the PhiloMaori agents, Messrs. Monde;? Pinto, Cagliostro and Compwv, appears in the Wi'fhngftm Ti'dcpcntlcnt. YY o -oroei ve tliit a branch establishment lias boon opened at the office of our cotemporary in Short land-street. i Coaches | line of Cobb & Co., are household words in other Provinces of New Zealand than Auckland:—Yesterday was An important day for Ivaiapoi ; the largest- public meeting ever known in the town was held, and the first of Messrs. Cobb & Co's toadies started for that place. Two journeys wero made from Christcliurch and back with a coach and sis horses, the journey being accomplished in about eighty minutes, including stoppages. Messrs. Cobb ifc Co. seem determined to constitute themselves tho Bianconis of tho Australian Colonies, and have generally been the first to provide a really comfortable and speedy means ofinland travelling for the public. We understand that at the end of the month the line will extend through to the Huranui, the communication between Puuedin and that river will then be complete. The road from Inveroargill to Dunedin is in such a state in winter as to render it perfectly impassable, but in tlie summer that reute will also be available by the same jneatis. The company have erected vory capacious stables at Kaipoi and seem detertninecfto leave nothing undone that may ensure their success, which, if we may judge from previous attempts, seems pretty certain. | Co.*B jjuky,—We perceive that the name and fame of the strong fortified works of the rebels justified the supposition that they intended making a determined stand. The head-quarters under Captain Smith, who succeeded Major St rover, on promotion, was assembled at I'ukerimu, with the heavy ordnance. «&e.. required to reduce the rebel stronghold. In April last.the}- accompanied the head-quarters of the army to Tatiranga, taking with them two 8-inch mortars, two 24-pound howitzers, and a number of eohorn mortars, and were present at the attack on the Gate Pa. They returned to Auckland in May, whore tliey have been since stationed. The number that will return to Sydney is under 50, and it is very probable that a man-ofwar will convey them across. Now. our readers might very naturallv imagine that the men of this battery of artillery after their three years and a half road-making and campaigning will return to Sydney richer than thov were when they left it in ISOO.'Tf, however, they so think, thov are greatly mistaken. In Sydney, where they had only the daily routine of a soldier's life to perform, the noncommissioned officers received Is., and the gunners 6d., per diem colonial pav. In New Zealand, where they had nothing but hard knocks, they received nothing but their bare regimental pay, which went as soon as due for the purpose of supplying regimental necessaries consequent upon the extra tear and wear occasionedby the duties they were engaged in. This is not the first time we have had occasion to remark upon what we cannot but consider a very great oversight, to say the least of it, on the part of our Colonial Legislature. Can we be surprised if we find a journal like the Canterbury Prevx asserting that the men hate the cause they are fighting for?" This, of course, cannot truly be said of them. The cause is their Queen's and their country's. But we do sav that the liien of all arms of the regular service now in New Zealand have just causo to complain of the niggardliness of the Colonial Legislature, in the way in which they have been treated; nor can we expect that they will leave us with any feeling of regret. The legislature of this country have acted neither well nor wisely in this particular, and we trust that even yet they will do tardy justice to our brave defenders. The Rovnl Artillery will carry with them the hearty good wishes of the people of Auckland. "When tlie 58th left, us, we iravc a farewell dinner to the old Black who had done us such irood service. Shall we do loss for our brave friends of the Artillery ? Let the citizens of Auckland show that they at least can afford some more tangible expression of their gratitude than a mere vote of thanks or resolution to that effect. i Cobb & " idailt. women, a stock of which article I hope money. It is gratifying in the extreme to be able to say thai the appointment of the Wellington debt has not vet been adjusted. It was with this view that I used my influence, with success, to get a certain geutletnan well known to you appointed as one of our commissioners. I have hopes that we may yet live to see the day when our share of the £3,000,000 loan will come into my hands for administration. But upon this he.id I think it right to tell you that, notwithstanding the concessions made by the General Government thereon to the Superintendent of AVellington, I am not sanguine. It is a matter of congratulation to this Province that the facilities of Steam Communication, have been so much increased by the addition of that last boat the ' Huntress,'built in the iron pot specially for this service, that I shall not ask you to sanction the expenditure of a subsidy to other steam vessels. The I lawho's Bay Steam Navigation Company has, in that boat, vindicated its rights to rank amongst the most enterprising and prosperous undertakings afloat, and will, I make no doubt, when the proper time arrives, be quite ready for any emergency. The system of assisted immigration to this Province is going on swimmingly. We have already imported no less than two entire families, and I think it not unlikely that we may possibly get two or tliree more in the course of a year or two. As the unmarried male population of this Province is considerable, I have availed myself of the generous and disinterested efforts in the cause of immigration of a highly estimable lady, with a view to supply the deficiency of females by the introduction of a large number of good-looking young eltect. "An officer engaged at "Wuteiloo says that lie could not see more than three or four saddles cmpt-hd by the fire of one side of a square of British infantry upon a body of l-'reneh cavalry clo<e to them ; yet Buonaparte complimented our men on the superior steadiness of their aim. During the Continental campaigns, he and his marshals held that 450 yards was a safe distance from all small arms, the ritle included." Colonel "Wilford, in the course of lecture delivered at the United Service Institution w London, in November, 1859, stated that during the Caflfre war, SO,OOO cartridges were fired in a singte * engagement in which only twenty-five of the enemy fell. An engineer officer, who, in one of the gvc.it battles of the last war, had an opportunity of witnessing theeffect of musketry upon cavalry charging a square, states that a volley "at thirty paces br< uu:l t down only three men. The French admit that dtt(f ing the Crimean war they fired away upwards 25,000,000 cartridges, and certainly did not hit 'Jo,ooo men, nor kill one-half that number by musketry fire. "\Ve believe," says tlie Times, writing about that period, that the calculation used to be that one bullet in 250 carrieddeath ; and that estimate is probably not far from the truth."—The Stoiy oj tins Guns, by Sir E. J. Tennant. It appears by the Parliamentary return just issued, that in Great Britain, the annual average amount of property and income-tax contributed per head ot population in the quinquennial period ending March. 31, 1358, was 10s and in Ireland, 2s !0;ti• Ih<s - " " annual average in ftreat Britain in the quinquennial period ending March 31, ISG3, was 7s llrjd. lld m Ireland, 2s 43,(1. Fikst-choi' cooks give themselves a good man} airs, but we don't object to their miiui'ig ways« DAILY.] DIRECTORS: Cjiaitimak —Jamks "Williamson, newest and most The WORKS received by every mail and added this popular ARRIVAL OF Library. to SEVEN SHILLINGS PER QUARTER. The following works, consisting of Esq., ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY VOLUMES, 7)kitty Chaiujiax—S. Browning. Hon. Russell, Have br'i'Ti added during the past three months:— Ton* II ij.vuv HntxsiDK, |I C. J. Thomas Stone. CrK.utASi, Hard Cash, by Charles Reade, 3 vols., 2 copies mviu J C. Wilson. Trials W. of the Tredgold, 3 vols , 2 copies case AUDITORS : Austin Elliott, by Kingslcy, 2 vols., 3 copies John Marchmont's George Eliott Eliott. GENEVA— Legacy, 3 vols., 2 copies Fkaseu IMPORTANT NEWS I FROM SYDNEY. rtroHGE Largo and small cases, Anchor and Key Rachel Ray, by Anthony Trollope, 2 vols., 2 copies MARINE SURVEYOR : Brand .Recommended to Mercy, 1 vol., 2 copies M. T. Clayton. WHISKEY— Held in Bondage, by Onida, 3 vols., 1 copy RANKERS : Campbeltown Hazel Combe, 3 vols., 1 copy Bank or New Zea*land. Royal Gleimury Thyra Gascoigue, 3 vols., 2 copies in lihds., (Saueel), Stewart and Co.'s Speke's Journal of the Discovery of tho Source of the Printed Forms J• Bates, of of Proposals, m.ABLES & quarter-casks, and JENKINS SANFOKD octavoes cases Nile, 1 vol., 3 copies may be obtained from I and all other information GINGER CORDIALS— WINE, AND Wait lor the End, by Mark Lemon, 3 vols., 2 copies the Otllee of the at Company, or ten to four daily, In eases, from the best English Exporters. Old House in Crosby Square, 3 vols., 2 copies Directors. the of from anv Lost and Saved, by Mrs. Norton, 1 vol., 3 copies GEORGE P. PIERCE. WINES. the honour to announce the return of Picked up nt- Spa, 3 vols., 1 copy Manager. The King's Mail, 3 vols., 1 copy SHERRY, IN WOOD AND CASE— June, ISM. Dull' Gordon's, Burdon's, Spencer, Budden, their Mit. Sanfoiid from tlio Soutlieni Metropolis Sam Slick's Life in a Steamer, 1 copy Colenso's Co.'s, Gmhaui's and Work on tho Pentateuch, 3 vols., 1 copy OTAGO FIRE AND MARINE TUK Ned Locksley, the Etonian, 1 vol., 3 copies SHERRY, IN CASE— INSURANCE COMPANY. where, in consequenco of the great depression of Trafl'ord's The Moors and the Fens, 1 vol., 3 copies Di.tr Gordon's Manzanilla (very suporior) Sylvia's Lovers, bv Mrs. Gaskill, 1 vol., 3 copies PORT, IN WOOD AND CASE— CAPITAL, £100,000. Ofllov's Double, Treble, and Quadruple trade and an over stocked market, ho has made some liuhvcr Lvtton's Caxtoniana, 2 vols., 1copy Eleanor's Victory, by Miss Braddon, 3 vols., 1 copy Grape Head Office: Stavfokd-stiiekt, Dcnedin. Mr. and Mrs. Faulconbridge, 2 vols., 1 copy Hunt's Double, Treble, and Quadruple Vomer's l'rido, by Mrs. Henry Wood, 3 vols., 1 copy Diamond TRUSTEES: la hoi- cash runciiASES ov new and fashionable Ravenshoe, by Henry .Kingslcy, 3 vols., 1 'Ofv Sancleiuan and Graham's Thomas Dick, Esq. | E. 15. Civr*;ill, Esq-, SPARKLING MOSELLE, CHAMPAGNE, BurAnnie Warleigh's Fortunes, by Holme Lee, 3 vols. 1 copy DIRECTORS: Sparkling nundv, Still Hock, Hoek Oood Society, by Mrs. Grey, 3 vols., X copy CLARET— ' FiirPKRiCK J. Moss, Esq., Chairman. DRAPERY GOODS, MEN'S MERCERY, Many Lvndsay, by Lady Ponsonbv, 3 vols., 1 copy Henry Haughton, Esq., St. Julian (very superior), St. Estophe, John Carcill, Esq., Next Door, by Mrs. Thompson, 3 vols., 1 copy Worthington and Sons' Edward M Glashan, Esq., I'nmeis Cooke. Esq., Alex. M'Kinnon, Esq., Left to Themselves, by Mr. Sinythies, 3 vols., 1 copy Thymus Pick. Esq., LADIES' UNDERCLOTHING, The Queen Maries, by W. Melville, 2 vols., 1 copy ENGLISH ALE IN WOOD— W. W. Tick]", Esq. Will. Hepburn. Esq.. AUDITORS :_ Bass's No. 3 Sackville Chase, by C. J. Collins, 3 vols., t copr A. W. Morris, Esq. Kilsorrel Castle, by A. Canning. 2 vols., 1 copj Dawson's No. 3 export, new shipment, | C. 11. Street. Esq.. Leo, a Novel, by Dutton Cook, 3 vols., I copy MANAGER: &.c. &.c. See. sound and in line condition Veronia, an Anonymous Novel, 3 vols., 1 copy Henry Haughton, Esq. Which they aro new shewing at their Establish- The Cream of a Life, 3 vols., 1 copy ENGLISH BOTTLED ALE AND STOUT— The Successful Exploration of Australia, 1 vol., 1 Various brands. FIRE. copy ment in against Loss by FIRE effected on The Rev. Alfred Hoblußh and his Curacies, 1 vol., & C Sir K A N Buildings Farm RUIC Tv, SMART, CO., evrrv di s. ription of Property. 1 copy Stork. Mills, Breweries, Ac. ; Dwelling-houses, WINE AN 11 SI'IKIT MERCHANTS AND IMI'OUTF.IIK, .•in.l Border and Bastile, by tho author of Guy LivingWarehouses. Shops, Stock-iu-Tradc, See., Ac. Queen Sthkkt, stone, 1 vol., 1 copy High-street, Auckland. MARINE. The Secrets of my Otlice, hy a Bill Broker, 1 vol., 1 copy TIME risks 011 First-class VESSELS at rates CRT7ICKSIIANK, SMART, & CO., (Opposite Mr. S. 11. Smith's.) Breakfast in Bed, by G-. A. Sala, 1 vol., 1 copy cinvnt in Melbourne and Sydney. Templo Bar Magazine, vol. 9, 1 copy Seroiul-rlass Vessels subject to arrangement. QUEEN-STREET, St. .lames's Magazine, vol. 8, 1 copy A re-adjustment of Rates for Coasting Trade of June 22, ISGI-. FOR SAL E, Loudon Society Magazine, vol. 3, 1 copy II AV E New Zealand. We.il and Gold to England at London Rates. Cornhill Magazine, vol. 8, 1 copy and BRASS BEDSTEADS, CHILDREN'S Sunday at Home, vol. 1863, 1 copy* Farms of proposal, and all necessary information, COTS, STRETCHERS, Ac., in variety Autobiography of Leigh Hunt, 1 vol., 1 copy Agent. O'i'.i be obtained from the REGISTER GRATES— Thackeray's English Humourists, 1 vol., 1 copy T. li. HALL, Ornamental, Plain and with Oromolu OrnaHarriet Deerbrook, bv Martineau, 1 vol., 1 copy Queen-street, Auckland. ment.-! NEW MAIL GOODS, Transformation, by X. Ilawthcme, 1 copy FENDERS AND FIREIRONS to match Rowcroft's Talcs of (he Colonies, 1 copy & ]N rPIIE COLONIAL LIFE ASSURANCE ENGLISH STOCK OPENED, MABKED, COOKING STOVES— CO.MP ANY. The Professor, by Currer Bell, I copy X American Cooking Stoves with utensils Against Wind and Tide, by Holme Lee, 1 copy (OF EIUNIIUKGH.) WASHING MACHINES MESSRS. JENKINS & SANEORD, A Simple Woman, by tho author of Nut-brown Hornby's with and without Patent, (OF LONDON AND SVDN'HY) Maids, 1 copy INCORPORATED BY SPECIAL ACT OF Mangles PARIJ ANIENT. GENERAL DRAPERS & IMPORTERS, Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 8, 1 copy ELECTRO-PLATED GOODS— N.B.—Novels, or nuv other works, consisting of Spoons, Forks, Desert Knives and Forks, QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND, CAPITAL—£I,OOO,OOO. two, three, or more volumes, are now Changed in Cruets. Spirit Stand, Tea Services, Ac. desirous of securing the patronage of the Sets, to prevent the inconvenience felt by many in i ALABATA PLATE— of Auckland and surrounding districts, being unable to obtain continuation volumes. Accumulated Funds—£lSl,G9o los. lOd. Ladies Spoons, Forks, Ac. by offering tir.-t-class and genuine goads at the lowest LOCKWOOD'S and .IOSEni RODGER'S CUTpossible prices. An enumeration of tremendous reHead Offices—Edinburgh and London. This Library now contains nearly LERY— ductions and enormous sacrifices is not. consistent Auckland Otlice—Fort-street. FIFTEEN .HUNDRED VOLUMES, Dinner and Desert Knives, Carvers with the principle of thier establishment, and cerAnd will receive, in the course of a few days, a Pen and Pocket Knives tainly cannot be thought desirable means to use in BOARD OF DIRECTOR IN AUCKLAND: Sporimen's, Slieepsfoot, Spring, and other building up a large and respectable connection trade. further addition of entirely new works, especially The Hon. Hkahei: Giishs Wood, M.G.A., Colonial Knives S. prefer availing themselves of the medium selected for the proprietor, comprising upwards of .1, Treasurer. Rolkiit Watkh.-T'iv, Esq., of Messrs. Brown, SPIRIT FLASKS,IN GREAT VARIETY— with or of the press to invite Cash Purchasers of New and TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY NEW BOOKS, Plated, Wicker, Glass, Leather, Ac., On the arrival of the ships Campbell A: Co. FASHIONABLE DRAPERY, ' without belts Qrki:x of Tin; Dkkp,' and 1 Maxwell,' Thomas Mactaklanf, Esq., of Messrs. Henderson Silks, Shawls, Mantles, Jackets, Furs, Ladies' UnderHOLLO'WA UKstill further addition will be made of more than .V Macfarlane. A clothing, Fancy Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, &c., &c\, to Tinned Enamelled Pots, Saucepans, TeaSIXTY NEW VOLUMES; James Wii.liam.-on, Esq., M.G.A., President of the kettles, Ac. inspect their various departments, and those who And the NEWEST and MOST POPULAR Rank of New Zealand. IRONS— honour tliem with a visit will bo politely shown WOKKS are received by every Overland Mail, and JosEi'ii Newman, Esq.. M.P.C., of Mossi-s. Newman CHARCOAL BON through their establishment and overv attention added to this Library. BRITTANIA METAL— lV Ewen. Their customers tiro particularly requested Tea and Coil'ee Pots, Table, Desert, and paid. The Proprietor, while making these constant and not to purchase unless perfectly satisfied with the Tea Spoons, Ac. important additions, confidently trusts that the exMedical Adviser—Di:. Samvei. John Stbatfoihi. & SEWING MACHINES STYLE, QUALITY, PRICE OF THE GOODS ceedingly Moderate Charge for .Subscription to this Wheeler and Wilson's very handsome with They are all marked in plain figures and only one Library, its capability for meeting the wants of all Prospe ctusos. Table of Rates, Ac., can be obtained at Ac. Needles, Cottons, Glasses, the Ofliee in Fort-street. price made. The profits aro small and tho returns classes of the community, and the liberality which COPPER PRESERVING PANS SAMUEL JACKSON, large, believing tliem to be the only true basis of characterizes its management, will result in increasBrass, Tin, and Plated Toddy Kettles ing its already extensive popularity, rendering it Agent and Secretary. trading. JAPANNED WARE— still more deserving of public support, and thus Auckland, June 2, ISO I. In Sugar Boxes, Candlesticks, Dustpans, Ac justify him in continuing the great outlay which the MUDD Y ROAD S. speculation entails. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE CRUICKSHANK SMAIIT & CO. INSURANCE COM PANY, JENKINS & SANEOKD VARTY'S CIRCULATING- LIBRARY, HIGH-STREET, LONDON AND EDINBURGH. Canada Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland. Are showing some very choice HAVE ALWAYS ON SALE, ESTABLISHED 1809. AND SPANISH LEATHER IRON ASG O W BA R LEG LETS, as worn by the Princess of Wales. W. ENEV.EK, I Round, Square, Flat, (even - size), Sheet INCORPORATED BY ROTAL CHARTER A2TD SPECIAL ACT 3 iate. and Hoop lion, spring, Blister, ' WHEELWRIGHT AND BLACKSMITH, OF PARLIAMENT. ami Cast Steel will find the stock of mercery BELLOWS, Anvils, Vyces, £2,000,000 Steblins. ' BLACKSMITHS' SrBs'K'EFP Capital Sanfokp'3 At Jenkins Knives, Files, Ac. ACCt IIrLATEU AND INVESTED FUNDS, £1,374,000 To be the choicest and best selected of any in the CAST ARMS, Mail Ailcs, Springs, Scroll Irons Province. rpilF. COMPANY Insures against FIRE nearly SCOTCH Ac.and ENGLISH PLOUGHS, Spare Cast They are now showing the ALL ENGLAND .L every description of Property in all parts of the (Parr's Team) on "White G rounds, •ELEVEN Steel Mould-boards, Skcitlis, Ac. A\ oriel, at the lowest rales of Premium corresponding Crimean Shirts, Ac., very beautiful quality; also a 1 CORRUGATED GALVANIZED IRON— to each risk. ' large of do. assortment in Sattara, Melton, Polish, Nails, Sricvs, I.'k'.gc Capping, Spouting Insurances for Seven Years cliargcd for Sis Knickerbocker, Fancy Spots, Checks, Stripes, Ac., Ac. /£/ Ac. only. Vests, Pauls, and Socks and Cotton Wool, Merino, AMERICAN BULLOCK YOKES and Bows, in White and Fan.-v, Cents' Knitted Wool spilled with prompitude and liberality. complete 'Hie Undersigned have been appointed (he ComCardigan Jackets. LORD D L'NH KEA KY, Brighton, \ fa] ,£>2*An pany's Agents, and are empowered to issue Policies DRILL PLOUGHS, Cart. Bushes, Fern Hooks, Clyde, and Eureka Scarfs, Tom Thumb and Eghugton Bullock Bells. TN %\ ?n the most favourable terms, and to settle any Ties, Fancy and White Paper Collars. I "AVE just opened above goods for the American inch Do., do., patent blocks, from to 10 common 1 2 5 6 i j j & V\ \oV fa I sTOjjocmgj Q strgXyETR u»\ A Ac. CO. (Limited.) rniiE undersigned is authorized to dispose of Shares JL in the above company, and will forward forms ol application and further particulars on request. H. 11.I 1. STARK, Share Broker, Queen-street. HAVE ON SALE JENKINS AT Til EI It BLANK ETS—Red, Wliite, and Blue, 9, 10, 11, and 12 quarters, in bales of 40 and 50 pairs i fIHIE Bank of Auckland is now opened for receiving 1 money on deposit, opening current accounts, discounting approved bills, and transacting all other usual banking business. CHARLES F. JOHNS, Manager. A BRANCH of this BANK is now open in Auckland for the transaction of usual Banking Business. GEORGE MATSON, NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE SHARES. UNDERSIGNED is a Buver. 11. P". STARK, Share Broker, Queen-street. VEW ZEALAND BANK SHARES.—The un- designed is a Cash Purchaser.—H. P. STARK. RAILWAY .MACHINERY AND PLANT. rPHE undersigned, agents for Messrs. Cornish and liuL'CEj lute Railway Contractors, Victoria, • -L sell STON E- BR K a KING MACHINES MACII INA R V, of all kinds STATIONERY A RUNNING PLANT AND lavgc qiuaitity of overv (lescrii)tion of— RAILWAY materials. ALFRED AVOOLLEY & 20,000 Countes3 Slates, 20 x 40 100 eases of Genuine American Tobacco, HASLETT, Rext and Commission Aoent, T his oilico to the room over Mr. p.-* s and Stationer, Shortland-street, iv"i'door i aboveso 'lMessrs. Brown Cumpbell's. ,' " ia-ia °^ Rr & New STOUT BLUCHERS Superior Make MEN'S Nailed Roads Do. Over Shoes Youths' first class Nailed Petersburg Kip Leather Best Sydney Kip | cases Sheet Zinc for Ship Bottoms - - '2a. 2s. Boots - Is. !)d. J. ROUT. High-streot. HAVE - lod. Gd. EMANUEL BROTHERS, Gunuual Tmi'outehs, removed to those premises in Fort-street lately occupied by James A Son. lv EROS EN K LAMPS, Ex 1 Constance.' from San Francisco. THE X Undersigned have received by the above vessel, A MAGNIFICENT ASSOItT.MENT OF AMEItICAN-MiDI! • IN KEROSENE LAMPS, G ]£ E A T V A It I E T T. CRUICKSHANK, Queen-street. May 5, lbtii. SMART A CO. CAKD. Custom COMMISSION ON TONS AND AGENT FOE AUCKLAND. WILLIAM HOBSON, BONDED STOREKEEPER CUSTOMS AND GENERAL AGENT, Shohtland Stbeet. Wool, Flax, Kauri Gum, Wheat, Maize, or other Goods Stored. ASSORTED IRON HUGH REI D, ACCOUNTANT, HOUSE AND LAND AGENT Qtteen-Steeet, OPPOSITE THE NEW HE. ALFRED BUCK LAND ID ESL'ECTEULLY informs his FRIENDS that J CATTLE can be LANDED on the East Bank of the Tamaki, about one mile from the Heads, OVER THE VESSEL'S SIDE WITHOUT Till' USE OF A BOAT, AND AT ALL TIMES OF THE TIDE, thereby saving the risk and injury to the Cattle of a second time putting them in slings, as well as the additional cost of Boating, vvifli the further advantage UNION .BANK. H. P. STARK, ESTATE, HOUSE, LAND," AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT. Office, corner of Vulcan Lane, Queen-street, Aucldand. Several sums of money to be advanced on approved security. RUSSELL, LEPINE, W. ACCOUNTANT, LAND, HOUSE & GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT, ' Upper Queen-street, Auckland. SUNDERLAND HOUSE, Custom House Street. Books Balanced and Accounts Collected. JUST ARRIVED FROM SYDNEY". GEORGE FISK, NOW ON SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED, TJRIME CIRCULAR HEAD POTATOES, (in .L quantities to suit Purchasers), and delivered SALE AND PURCHASE OP LIYE STOCK, HOUSES AND LANDED PROPERTY. ; AUCTIONEER WANGANUI. Shipping „ EATON & J. Queen-street. A. & & DEWOLF, 9th July, 18G4 WISEMAN Harness Harness ; Brass Mounted Mounted, very stroug, Dog Cart and Spring Cart ; (A cahu). TV. D. LYSNAIt, COMMISSION CUSTOM HOUSE \out-stheet. CARTWRIGHT &. HUGHES, LAND AGENTS AND ACCOUNTANTS, Canada Buildings, Queen-stbeet. HINTS AND . Ex Avalanche,' VARIETY OF SPORTSMEN'S SITES. Solid Leather Gun Cases with Looks A AND GF.NERAL WAREHOUSEMEN, Gun ' : ' AUCKLA ND, N: Z. ' gropolis RICH I D. ARC : • • ' 1 ' ' KE'ALS, ' .0 H I T E VICTOBIA-STBKET. T, 1 j E. <W; A; YTE, IMPORTER, WHOLESALE AMD RETAiL BOOKSELLER, I . O N E R, ■ S T. A; T Bookbinder, Pbinteb, Musical .iNSTMUMKrrr and . ~z Selleb, &a., 1 ; BONE" DUST.' REQUI- STYAK " . tIUNTEE ;;. • , Have for Sale, BONE DUST, either at Macky'a Wharf, at Otahuliu Bridge, or at their Stores, Durham • Sale Yards. ■ . FINE • . and Anti- - American Leather' Haversacks Boys' School Bags Brown : " . ' • Slings Tobacco Pouches and. Waist Belts . , Courier Bags. Enamelled Leather Gaiters, Leggrns, - QUIiEN-STEEET WUABF, WANTED EVERYBODY TO KNOW J O B L I N'S ' HAIR-CUTTING & SHAMPOOING ESTABLISHMENT, i ( Opposite:Newman Ewen's Newr Store, • QUEEN-STREET. . .Shot Belts • . . Shot Pouches • Patent Leather Reversible Cartridge Carriers Nets Game Bags, with Accoutrements in Brown Patent Leather . .i DRA P E R,S, WHOLESALE QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND. A. WISEMAN ' ; .UirOETEBS, and A. WISEMA Ni Saddieru, &c., Adjoining Bucklaud's Ilaymarket. & COLLECTED. J. H. BURNS IDE &■ GO., & 11AYE JUST RECEIVED, DEBTS [A CARD.] Trade. Pack Saddles and Mill Belts made to order. Plain AGENT, & ; A largo assortment of Cart Harness, Brass Mounted Plough Harness, &c. - Hours of attendance—Half-pas 9 till 5 o'clock. l'air Horse Buggy Harness; Green Hide Cape Girths; Gents Hogskin Somerset Saddles, quilted all over; Half Hussar Saddle, quilted seat, all Ilogskiu ; best Steeple Chase and llunling Saddles; Kacing do., strong Stockmen's do. ; Boys' Pad Saddles, Pack Saddles, Side Saddles with and without leaping heads; Spare heads with Sockets fitted to Side Saddles ; Victoria Stirrups with Velvet Pads; Ladies' and Gents' Bridles; Snaflles, Pclliams's aud Weymouth's, ill variety; Ladies' Twig "Whips ; Gents' Hunting and Hand; Whips; Gig Whips ; Four-horse ditto -, Gig AYhip Sockets ; Coat Straps ; Felt and Kersey Saddle Cloths ; German Silver and Galvanized Stirrup Irons; Officers' Military .Stirrups Ladies' Spurs silver-plated and japanned; Gents' Spurs in variety ; l'ancy Leather, Steel and Brass Dog Collars; Dog Chains ; Valises ; Round and Flat Saddle Bags; AVoollen Girths; Stirrup Leathers and Irons; Horso Clotliing complete ; Horse Rugs; Horse Rollers aud Sireingles; Breaking Tackle complete; Do. Bits and Cavisons; Head Collars; Manger Chains; Horse, Dandy, AVater, Spoke, Oil, and Compo. Brushes ; Hoof Pickers ; Sponges ; Chamois Skins; Horso Bandages ; Speedy Cutting Boots; Knee Caps; Harness Compo. in Paste anil Liquid. N. B.—Cheap Saddles and Bridles for the coasting : CAM). MR. J. L. M OFF ITT, SURGEON DENTIS T, Watebloo Quadhant. HAVE SADDLERY and FANCY" GOODS, Silver j Silver Mounted Gig, Buggy anil Dog Cart J. : Custom House Agent. . A just OPENED a large assortment of J. COMMISSION AG;ENT & EOll THE in Town to order, •10 Sides Prime Sydney Bacon 150 Do. Sydney Cheeses Butter 30 Kegs QuEEN-STREET. SHIPPERS OF CATTLE AUCKLAND. C0.,. & QUE EN-STEEET, 7 casks Archangel Tar 7 Do. Stockholm Pitch 5000 feet Arbroath Flags 1 bale best quality Sail Twine 2 bales do. do. Canvas 30 doz. Steel Spades 5 tons Bolt Rope aud Cordage 16 tons Smithy Coals Continuous Iron Roofing and Nails to suit. TO & AGENT. . INVEHNESB AVD LONDON. House Stbeet. THOMAS GENEBAL 31 cDOTTGrALL RUSSELL, 10 tons Pig Iron, Seetcli 20-10 Sash Weights 3 tons Genuine White Lead at the THE EAST COAST TO AND AGENT FOE.THE ' AUCKLAND SAW MILL COMPANY, LIMITED. • TO ARRIVE PER 'RANDOLPH,' And foe Sale by the Undersigned, IMPORTANT COASTING-VESSELS Mclennan, d. casks Paint Oil and Turpentine While Lead, Black and Red do. HELD BY THEM O~FV STREET, bale 72 inch Tarpauling NEWMARKET (on Mondays), Cs. Gd. Bs. 6d. 10s. Od. lQs. od. - Auckland, March, 1861. THE - - . ALE, NEW BREW. - ... Zealand Grown. 3 - - SEEDS have been carefully selected, and the subscribers have every coniidence in recommending them to their subscribers wish to intimate to such of their Customers as have boon waiting for the above, that they have, by Late Arrivals, received their usual Shipments, and are now prepared to l'ufil orders. CRUICKSHANK, SMART & Co. - - j The above DAWSON'S NO Stock for OFFICE—DtTBIIAIt-STRKET, - for Bad Ladies' Best Town Kid Do. Lasting Slippers grass, CRUICKSHANK, SMART & Co. sons COMMISSION AGENTS, & SUNDERLAND nOUSE, sending tlisposal WOULD REGULAR WEEKLY SALES READY MONEY PRICES. , customers. MESSRS. STYAK AND HUNTER, STOCK AUCTIONEERS NEW EX 'JOHN DUNCAN', AND 'CITY OF MANCHESTER'. rye CATTLE, SHEEP, HORSES, Ac., THE EAST COAST AND ELSEWHERE. OTAIIUHU, and the DURHAM HORSE SALE YARDS, JENKINS & (SANEORD Dukham-Sthket, that every care and attention will be paid to their Respectfully announce tho oponing'of their safe Landing, within a short distance of the Market, SHOW ROOMS, with all the Leading and being placed in good and secure Paddocka until Novelties in Silks, Shawls, Mantles, Fancy disposed of to the best advantage. CASH Dresses, Ladies', Children's, and Infants' Under ADVANCES, if required, on Stockintended, for Sale, Clothing, Thompson's Patent Crinoline, Quilted and Account Sales rendered after Sales immediately Skirts, Ac. are effected. Auckland. AND FROM SYDNEY. ST O. CK, Auckland. kegs Nails to suit THOMAS 6 •> -■ OE QUEEN 5 to 12 in. Stockholm and Coal Tar Iron, Blister, Cast and Shear Steel Ewbank's Nails all sizes Copper N ails and Roves from Ito 3 inches, @ 2s. 6d. per lb. GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, respectfully direct tho attention of per- OPENING- OE NEW SHOW ROOMS. - perennial -Jf*. 1, And BIUCKFIELI) HILL, SHIPPING Engine Packing and Cotton Waste AND SANEORD, Auckland. Invoices of Drapery (Woollens) Ac. &e. <fcc. CRUIC.KSHANK SMART & CO. IMPORTERS H I G II S T R E E T , ON SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED, CLOVER SEED -TTTII I T E SEED YV RED CLOVER COW GRASS SEED & HUEEN-STREE T, CO., Queen-street. CAllll, 500, GEORGE-STREET, opposito Police Oflico, JENKINS order citn LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES . them with a visit. Paper Quantity of Square Iron Tanks, in good Manager. -*- will be House, one of decided to all those who will favour For the convenience of Ladies in the country, Elastic, Choviet, JENKINS A SANFOKD will be happy to forSingle, Double, and Treble Milled ward PATTERNS, I'ost Free, on application. Boots and Slices Linen Duck OPENING OF NEW SHOW ROOM, Invoices ol Glass Invoices ol' Oatmeal, Fine Scotch, in With all the Leading Novelties in the Silk, Shawls, Mantles, Fancy Dresses, Ladies' and Children's 3 packages and 1 cwt. cwt. 20 bales or Groecr.i' and Drapers' Wrapping Under Clothing, &c. various sizes THE BANK OF AUSTRALASIA, (INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER, 1835). rpilL determined spared in making their ARE advantage and economy that no effort or expense WAREHOUSE, HIGH-STREET, \yy R SANEORD & M \k -#b W# Ac. Tweeds—Saxony, THE I'.ANK OF AUCKLAND. Auckland, July 11, ISGI-. UNDERSIGNED THE NEW ZEALAND BANKING CORPORATION. Ac. SALESMEN 5 inch and . Patent Leather &c. itc. HORSE AND CARRIAGE BAZAAR. . Saddle Holsters, &c. NOTICE OF REMOA r AL. " TURRET-iL, begs to inform his customers removed to anu the public gonciTilly that he has LEWIS BRUNSWICK BUILDINGS, Queen-street,, where of being at once in a GOOD PADDOCK WITHOUT ANY' DRIVING. he has on hand a car'efullv selected stock of FIRST-' ■Vessels not drawing more than nine feet of water CLASS BOOTS and SHOES, suitable for the precan enter and leave at all times with half-tide, and at sent season. Queen-street, May 16, IS6-L full tides Vessels drawing fourteen feet of water can enter safely. ALL » ... ' ' FOR HIRE, OS E CARRIAGES AND QPEN Wagonettes, Buggies CL ' • ' , Dog Carts and Saddle.Horses , . , ; HORSES, CARRIAGES, &c., ■ : NOTICE: : .X Charts of the river, kindly furnished by Captain Buitoi;ss, can be obtained at. the Hayniarket. nod Assistance, if neccssary, can at all mes bo obwill persons indebted to the undersif tained oil the spot. plea-so pay the'iiiwuntpf tlvoir; respective debts, Stock forwarded at once to tho market or grazed at to Mil. LEWIS TUIiRELL," Brunswick: Buildings, • fixed rates until sold. .Qudcn-street.>:; November 10, 1803 GEORGE [TURRELL. . GILFILLAN . claims that may arise. A2CD Zinc \\ bite, Yellow Paint and Dryers 11 cases Castor Oil - CO., & IMPORTERS 200 bolts Canvas, Nos. 1 to 7 50 pieces Russian Duck 2 bales Roping Twine 2 bales Seaming Twiue 200 coils Manilla Rope, from 7d. per lb. 100 Ash Oars, from 13 feet @ 12s. per pair. ■ Gentlemen A. L. THOMSON FOR SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED. & GL :• HOSIER, HABERDASHER, OUTFITTER, AND GENERAL DRAPER, Queen-street, (Opposite Supreme Court House.) ARE ! out a fresh supply of th« ROBERT II ORN E, — MORROCCO MERCHANT, 1,1/ ILL hold General Sales by Auction H , . EVERY. .TUESDAY, ' : At his Stores, • PItrXCES-STREET, O>"EHUNGA. TO'UESUAY.; AKD' SATUKDAT, "„ /j At his.Stores,, t .; < i Queex-stiieet, -Auckland, Since adding a TAILORING DEPARTMENT business, my Cutter lias given the greatest satisfaction, and 1 have everv confidence in guaranteeing at al! times A Perfect Fit, and the Best Workmanship. IRON — 0 DAGNAII, T. AUCTIONEER ( & TAILORING DEPARTMENT In my business, and will be happv to take orders n?r!-nr, C 7 L UlCn re(l uirill g well made SUITS OF CLiO INSURANCES — J. ANGOLA TWEEDS, SAXOjSTY TWEEDS, COATINGS, &c. &c. are Single Subscription, THE. ENGLISH 3IAIL. L : ' CAPITAL, £250,000, LIAUIUTT TO TIIE SHAREHOLDERS. rNLIMITEU :: ■ WITlt ATTCTvIiAI^D. FRASKIt 8 o.p. 1 BRANDY— J. & F. Martcll's Dark nnd Palo, in hhds., quarter-casks and cases Jas. lleiinessy and Co.'s Dark and Pale, ill hhds., quarter-casks and eases Otard's Dark and Pale, in hhds., quartereasks and cases United Vineyard Company's Dark and Pale, in lilids., quarter-casks and cases CHAMPAGNE— V.Pin hlids., quarter-casks and cases OLD TOM— booth's Worthington and Sons', in bulk and INSURANCE. oFFrCES ' 10 to 1G VAETT'B CIECULATING LIBEAET. NELSON" TWEEDS, SYD3STEY TWEEDS, • ' ' . GENERAL ' MARINE, AND FOR FIRE, : THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE ON SALE WEST INDIA RUM, in lilids., ZEALAND INSURANCE COMPANY. j,KW 5 THE MW ZEALAND HERALD, AUCKLAND, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1864. PRIVATELY BOUGHT. AND. SOLD ON . COMMISSION. NO' BAIT OR ' LIVERY JIORSES;,TAKEN: IN. 'V ; ■' Wl! r H. HABjiINGIOW, 6 " T3X C EIiSIOR HOUSE,' >1 -1 QUEEN'STREET, ' (Adjoining the Odd "Fellows' Hall.) CAPE BE PARIS, from Sydnoy, by A LARGE LOT OF -WINTER GOODS. HANNAH FORTY-BIGHT CASES and BALES of GENESAL BRAiPERY, which are now being opened out far immediate SALE. Many Goods which cannot bo obtained in any house in town. & CO. line Faahiontible Winter Dross Materials Winceys, Plaiu and Cheobed Camlets Plain atfd'Fanoy Mohairs, Challus, and Ginghams Hoyle's best Prints Frenoh Damas, New Bro, and othor New Colours Flannels, in every quality CITY Bjjck and Glace Silks Baroy'Skirtings and Skirts Fnnoy Wool Shawls Ladies' and Gents' first elioioe French Kid Gloves "Chenille Scarfs Chenille Hair Nets AlexandraHead Dresses Braid and Silk Twist Hair Nets Black Velvet Ribbonß Plain and Fanoy Bonnet Ribbons Velvet and other New Fancy Buttons Blaok Spot Tullo and Black Silk Lace Children's Fancy Socks Gent's Hosiery, in great variety Navy Blue Prints ORDERS left at Messrs. STANFORD & French Ginghams "Oil Baiae, for Table Covers CO., or COBB & CO.'s Coach Offices, will be Huckabaak Towels Boys'"and Ladies' Linen Collars Ladies' and Children's Corsets and Stays punctually attondod to. Princess Rolls and Velvet Coronets N.B.—LADIES' UNDER-CLOTHING, very EXPRESS. ' ' cheap Gamboons, Dairy Holland Furniture Chintz, Russia Duck Railway Wrappers, Blankets Black and White Book. Muslin, and Window Mueiin White Counterpanes, Toilet Covers, Linen Sheets Sydney Tweed a»d Knickerbocker Tweed - Bcotoh Twill, Viotoria Covers Children's Picturo Handkerchiefs . Brussels Bags, and American Cloth Bags jDrab Waterproof Coats and Capes FURNITURE REMOVED ' Black Waterproof Coits and Leggings Boys' Grey Worsted and Merino Half-hose Men's Lambswool Shirts and Pants Men's CrimeanShirts Lilao Prints, and Black and ColouredPrints Madder Handkerchiefs and Corah's Handk«rHOUR OR JOB. chisfs ' Jilack Cobnig and Black Lustre MizedfAlpaca Men's tJnd Boys' Black Hide and Elastic Belts JMsn'a Tweed Srousers, Vests, and Saos, very .. cheap So«tch Twill Shirts, Men's and BY THE OLD mnbst French THOMAS » © & JJAYE FRANCIS S. CORSER, g MANAGER. . HANNAH brandy. & CO.'S EXPRESS. the above celebrated brand, in CITY wood and bottle, just arrived by the ' Ulcoats.' Orders left with Mr. J. M. H ASLETT, Commis& Co. will, in a few days, start a eion Agent, Shortland-streot, will have prompt CITY EXPRESS PARCELS DELIVERY attention. hope, by strict attention, punctuand Auckland, in Auckland. January, IRR4. ality, and moderate charges, to merit tho favour of those who may employ thom. COALS. Parcels, Luggage, Housohold Furniture and GeneMerchandizedelivered and removed to and from TXTAIHOIHOI COAL COMPANY, (Limited), ral all parts of the City and Suburbs. TT - are n»w prepared to deliver COALS in favouring them with tlieir orders will find Parties Auckland and Parnell, at 38s. per ton, Cash tho use of their Ited Signal Flag will greatly faciliAt the Depot Onehunga, at 28s. Removing and Delivery of Goods. tate tho At the Depot Great Soutli Road, at 20s. Oil'ice :— STANFORD & CO., Orders received bv Queen-street. C. ARTHUR"& SON, Agent, Queen-street, Auckland. FRANCIS S. CORSER, A Consignment of HANNAH " Red ** — BELFAST, same as supplied to the House of Lords and International Exhibition, the qua ity of which THE & White Calico gECOND " -- Managor. rpHE UNDERSIGNED, having succeeded to the tillb, and made arrangements for the large Stock- ia-Trade, will on after the JULY ENSUING, Be able to offer to tho Public QUALITY aiuiounces WORKS, NEWT OW N, Auckland, BEG :— vicir*ty that they have ■ commenced business in the Coal Trade. They have made such arrangements . as will at all times ensure a constant supply, .-ten COALS are now being delivered by Hußar and in any quantity frein their Depot in ■ Queen-street (next door to Vaile's.) Apply imme—diately. Auckland, Julyl, 1864. ORAGES, PINEAPPLES, AND COCOANTJTS. i Shorthand Stbbet. ON SALE, IN PRIME CONDITION, CARGO OF THE 'CORAL QUEEN,' from South Sea, Islands, in quantities to suit purchasers. COMBES premises occupied by Mr. Keeeing, which tliey have opened with a largo and varied assortment of ENGLISH and COLONIAL FURNITURE and UPHOLSTERY of the newest and most fashionable designsl These about to furnishare respectfully invited lo . inspect their Btock. ! FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOZEN. A SPLENDID have Ihcir orders attended to by leaving the work with us. 5,000 sorts Flower Pots. GEO. BOYD, Victoria-street. ASSORTMENT KEROSENE OF - Fobt-stbeet, M AC-HIKE REPOSITORY, YORK STREET, PARNELL. rTI.HE inhabitants of Mnngnpai, Wangarie, and I neighbouring settlements, are hereby informed that the above duly licensed premises will be opened for the transaction of General Business on and after the Ist of April next, viz. :— Board, Lodging, Sale of Wines, Spirits, Beer, and all descriptions of Wine Merchants' Goods. Sale of Drapery, Clothing, and every description of Drapers' Goods. All kinds of Stock and Produce will be received, and Sales, Purchases, and Exchanges negociatcd. LAMPS, CHANDILIEES, CHAIN, BEACKET, ILAEP AND SIDE Also, SEWING Sale of Flour, Sugar, Tea, Meats, and every description of Grocers' and General Store Goods. OPENBl), C. Q. S. P. LAMPS. TABLE, AND CHAMBER LAMPS, JAMES AND SON, KEROSENE FROM £8. STREET con- a fresh just received, signment OF SEWING MACHINES, both of American and English manufacture, of various prices from EIGHT POUNDS, adapted to Has all imaginable kinds of work, including Singer's, Thomas's, G rover & Baker's, Wheeler & ilson's, &c., direct from their respective makers. A First Class No. 2, Thomas' Machine, double action, equal to new, to be sold a bargain. To Tailors or Shoemakers thisis a very valuable machine. CLEANLINESS. SNELL'S TEMPERANCE HOTEL, Polished is Two One F.uuuixg. IT" G. NIXEVS celebrated registered BLACK Yt LEAD. A New Domestic Discovery! Cannot be wasted, and is a preservative of Furniture from the injurious elects of the common article now in use, as it creates no dust, and requires comparatively A Stove most Minutes l)i(HLr.vxTLy foh less than * • TABLE De HOTE EYERY DAY, at 1 Refrcsliments at all hours of the day. Go o OIL, ! ? . P . AUCKLAND. PRINCES-STREET, ONEHUNGA. The Largest and Finest Stock over brought into New Zealand. DOUBLE LOCK STITCH MACHINES The Machines imported by. F. STREET are too well known to require comment, and are sold at the possible advance on cost. E. — WARRANTED BEST BRANDS. ! from Tahiti, now Selling in anv ORANGES, Quantityat WEBB'S City of Auckland Stores, A A\\otLand, *T US T j ORANGES HAS • work done will OSIT E E j Fort-street. REMOVED hi» COLONIAL BOOtP MANUFACTORY te more eoauaedietu pm- i APPLES ! APPLES ! APPLES'! : the Q-. -C.- E. ■ • .r. Beeti of every description mode t» order by fin r ! SUPERIOR SAMPLE of HOBAET TOWN j eiissiworiai'en/ -APPLES, on Sale at teg BeoU aude, and rep (lira meatly executed. i H. S. MEYER'S, V FOOT OP SHQRTLAJID STREET, \ WEBB'S SCORES, — leißf4is wishing Machine DALDY. QUANTITY OF OJRAN GE S ~ WV it ILL „ MANGAPAI GENERAL STORE. MACHINES. s d p.m. Bed s. 110 labour, Sold everywhere, in Solid Blocks, Id., 2d., 4d., and Is. TASMANIAN SEED OATS. . The advantages of this Elegant Chemical Preparation are great saving of time, cleanliness of applicaPURE SAMPLE OF SEED OATS just tion, emallness of quantity required, and the prearrived per Ella Gladstone,' from Hobart vention of waste, dust, and its destructive conseTown. Also Flour on sale. quences. Further, it ultimately produces a puis A. CHRISTEY, metallic coating of a high degree of brilliancy and Onehunga. durability, reflecting both light and heat. (See speci0-, men ou the sides of each block.) MESSRS. GILFILLAN & CO. 12 SOHO SQUARE, LONDON. May 26,1864 SIX SHILLINGS PER GALLON, A to intimate to "the inhabitant* of Auckland BEGthose surrounding districts, that they have .Qflarge knd commodious • & HALL I ta£*n CO -S CELEBRATED DOUBLE LOCK STITCH SEWING DRAWING ROOM, I FURNlTni^ir^uMiyiißE,.; & & rjIHE BAZAAB, 25 do. Roman do. 5.000 feet Flagstones -,000 feet Glazed Drain Pipes 150,(100 Unglazed do. 5,0(10 Garden Edging 1L ONE YM AK", & MANGAPAI HOTEL. Connisling of — WINKS FOR SINGER RESPECTFULLY to inform tha_pjiblic of Auckland and • U. gOI/E AGENTS our Stock of Machines is invited. Visitors will always bo politely and never importuned to purchase what thi?y do not want. Ladies wishing to leitrn to work Uio Machines will he instructed gratis, no matter whether they wish to purchase a Machine or not. A private room for instruction. SHIPWRIGHT, intimates that he ha* removed to more commodious premises in Brickfield Bay, adjoining the Works of the Auckland Gas Company, where he intends carrying on the Shipbuilding and repairing business in all its tranches, and trusts "by attention and reasonable charges to merit a share of patronace and support. "GOOD FIRES AT LAST." * AX THE An inspection of WILLIAM HANSON, —WALTER- GRAHAM; City Mart, Auckland. Juno 27, 1864.. o i o': E NOW OPEN AND ON SALE the And solicits a trial to eonvince them of the fact. HTTRST-&-MtcIVEB 1 to July, 1864. UNPRECEDENTED LOW PRICES, /. FOR SALE, p 50,000 170 casks of Portland Cement the Supreme Court House.) (Opposite he is supply Drain I'ipes and Tiles RESPECTFULLY diameter, the liberal reduction of now enabled 1 to 5 inches 15 to 30 per at cent, on his former scale of prices, which he is sauguine will ensure a much larger increased demand. Also, Flower Pots, Garden Edge, &i\, at a similar reduced rate, all , being G. Boyd's own best manufacture, at STEWART. TO BUILDERS AND OTHERS. QI'KKX-STBEKT. GEORGE BOYD AT S:r. & ~ lIAY Business so long carried on by Mr. Mark Somek- Sc. BUCHANAN Men's Mercery of every description DRAINAGE REFORM!! •: Sc. great variety- NOTICE. PIRST Melton Cloth Shalls Tweed Shalls Fancy Wool Scarfs Ladies Jackets, OF REAX>Y-MADE CLOTHING, comprising— - GOODS OF THE SHIPMENT Men's Fancy Doe and Tweed Suits Men's Fancy Doe and Tweed Trousers Men's Sydney Tweed do. do. Men's Super Black Cloth Sacs Men's Blue Pilot Jackets Men's Black and Tweed Yesls Men's, Youths', and Boys' Crimean Shirts, in " " Ist BEGS . THE DTTNVELLE'S lEISH WHISKEY, is equal to the PROVISION' MERCHANT, IMPORTER, &c., &c., to announce that he has taken temporarily Cawarra Claret, Ist and 2nd Growth, quarts (OPPOSITE MR. S. H. SMI T H'S,) the Premises adjoining Messrs. Thornton, Smith and pints DalwoodRed, in pints and quarts andFirth's Steam Flour Mill, 1 QUEEN-STREET. Dalwood White, in pints aiid quarts GROCER AND GENERAL IMPORTER, AND HAS ON SALE, Who has on hand, ox Into Arrivals, BRANDY, in lilids., qr.-casks, and eases Proprietor in returning thanks to tho public Those Wines, from thirir purity and cheapness, posOLD TOM, in hhds., qr.-casks, and eases A CHOICE AND SELECT STOCK OF sess a high reputation, and command a large sale. of Auckland for past favours, begs to assure GENEVA, in large and small eases, (b The demand for them is increasing, and the entereet GROCERIES, them that it will bo his constant study to merit a GENERAL brands) are making great exertions to satisfy prising growers Comprising sharo of their patronage, ho having just added to his Irish and Scotch, in wood and casea WHISKY, their requirements the public extensive vineyards at ; Dalwood and Bakkullo are in full course of producestablishment a Private SMOicrNa Room, and Private PRIME ENGLISH BACON AND HAMS, COMPANY'S SUGARS, tion and yield annually 20,000 gallons of wine. At WINE S. Dining Room:. MAN'S STORE Dalwood the stock of fine wine 3 is upwords of 30,000 S, 0I L PORT and SIIERRV WINES, in wood and TEAS OF THE VERY FINEST QUALITY, gallons, in addition to a large supply at Sydney. CHOPS, STEAKS, CUTLETS, &c., ease LIGHT WINES, French slill and sparkling And other Articles, too numerous lo mention Always Ready. PORT, in hogsheads and quarter-casks CHAMPAGNE, MOSELLE, &c. in an advertisement. SHERRY, in hogsheads and quarter-casks :— English ALE and PORTER, in wood CHAMPAGNE SUPPERS AND DINNERS English Bottled ALE and STOUT Wholesale orders, or persons requiring large parcels, Cliquot's, in quarts and pints at the very lowest prices. PllOVIDKI) AT ANT HoUIt. IXL, in quarts and pints PROVISIONS, DRAPERY, CLOTHING, & c. 33 owry, in quarts OBSERVE THE ADDRESS. Sillery, in quarts ORDINARY EVERY SUNDAY, at 2 O'CLOCK. COMMISSIONS for SALE, and Purchasers of Goods Sillery, very dry JUST RECEIVED, EX LATE ARRIVALS, ■will receive best attention. Jaequesson, in quarts and pints Sole Pioprietor, AND ON SALE BY A IY Account Sales rendered promptly. Moselle, R. J. and Co. C O'BRIEN. J. M. FRENCH, NONPAREIL:— Victokia-stkeet, Nuits, Bolnay, Schattauge, General Merchandise, Luggage. Parcel?, Ac., will be Burgundy, ADVANCE AUCKLAND!! forwarded Daily to the Interior. Chassagne, Bi:my 496 PACKAGES AND CASES OF GENERAL Burgundy, White, Chabbs MERCHANDIZE, consisting of (&{s" Please observe the address. For particular.* apply at the Office, Queen-street Hock, Still, Reissling, quarts and pints 4 tons English and Sydney Bacon and Hams, Auckland, and at Onehunga, l'rurj, Waikato, and Claret, Pomillack, St. Estephe prime condition Raglan Stores. Finlot, Sauterne 4 tons CVimpuny'H Sugar Gusad, Sauterne Auckland, May, 1864. 70 bags Rico SO lioxes Allen's Sydney Moulds Milk Punch, pints and quarts ! ! ! !! ! 2o ewt,. Syrup, very quality Golden fine MMBER TIMBER TIMBER TO ARRIVE BY THE ' STATESMAN,' GOLPrice's No. 1 Sperm SPIRITS :— CONDA,' «AVALANCHE,' ETC. Finest Teas, in chests and halves Brandy, Pale Martell's and Hennessy's, CRAIG begs leave to hifonn Ship Finest Negrohead and Cavendish Tobacco, in hogsheads and quarter-casks Builders, House Carpenters, and the Public in CASES JAMS, choicest brands Brandy, Brown Martell's and Hennessy's OA general, that ho now in a position to supply any (1 lb.) OU Also in hogsheads and quarter-casks orders entrusted to his care. Currants 20 casks Currants, Fruits, Jams, Sulad Oil, Vinegar, Whiskey, Campbeltown, in hogsheads Office and Timber Yard, Cuetom-houso Street, 5 cases Figs Pickles and quarter-casks 40 cases Dunlop Cheese <£c. &c. &c. • Whiskey, Old Irish, in hogsheads and 7 cases Confections TIMBER, TIMBER. quarter casks 3 eases Jujubes Coffee roosted and ground on tho premises Gin, Old Tom 20 chests Sage 200 cases Geneva ROE begs leave to inform Builders, 10 cases Salmon 200 cases Brandy, Hennessy's others, that having made adP. 11. LE¥ISSON, 20 cases Red Herrings 200 cases Brandy 3 Dagger ditions to his Machinery at Cornwallis Saw 10 cases Sardines 30 cases Orange Bitter 3 Mills, (besides regular Building Timber,) he is 5 eases Huntley and Palmer's BisQueen Street, now prepared to supply Planed, Tongued, aud 400 cases Brandy, very cheap cuits (21b.) Grooved Flooring, DrSssed Lining, and Weather 5 cases Arrowroot W A T CII M A K E R. Boards, also Planed 7-inch Feather-edged WeatherBEER:— Vinegar 10 cases Boards awl Half-inch Lining, &o. 400 dozen Bass's, quarts IGO boxes Sperm Candles 100 dozen Alsopp's Vestas 20 cases 200 dozen Alsopp's, in pints Orders to any extent delivered at Auckland, Ota 22 barrels Crushed Loaf Sugar Bass's huhu, or any of the landingplaces on the Manukau, ONE PRICE, AND ALL GOODS MARKED IN tierces Loaf Sugar 4 at current rates. Worthington's PLAIN FIGURES. f in hogsheads 5 casks Golden Syrup Offices and Timber Yards, Onehunga. Dawson's J 20 casks Oatmeal April 23, ISSt. 10 casks Barley Tire Trade Supplied. 30 cases Hams 6 boxes Belfast Bacon BEST fc= OPEN-FACE TIMBER YARD, 100 half-barrels Herrings GENEVAS, Wan-anted, £2 10s. NOTIFICATION IMPORTANT . Mixed Spice, Ground Ginger O u U AT T A II H 2g Colman's Starchand Blue Baumu's best Silver Hunting Genevas, i-J g Day and Martin's Blacking undorsigned begs to inform the Public that m PT bd Warranted, £3 15. Soap Powder. ho has opened a TIMBER YARD, at OXATO THE LADIES OF AUCKLAND AND BUCHANAN STEWART. HUHU BRIDGE, where Tf.MBER, SHINGLES. 1-1 Bautnc's Gold Open-face Genevas, N SUBURBS. BRICKS, PALINGS, Stc., and every article in thr Warranted, £7. q q Building Trade can bo supplied on tiiu most reasonO IS" SALE, ! w cb able terms. Baume's Gold Hunting Genevas* war- 55 HAY & HONEY MAN V rPWEED and DOE LACE COATS, VESTS and J. WAITE. ranted, £9. TROWSERS 1 received a CHOICE SHIPMENT of Black Coats, Vests, and Trowsers C3 Lewisson's best English Hunting c| y Witney Blankets, 10x4, 12x4 GRASS SEED. Silk Shawls Levers, warranted for two years, Blue Blankets, 11 x 4, 9 x 4 i_, White and Coloured Flannels 2 fe|vi £5 10. t=J On sale at tho Haymarket, Mantles Prints t—-« o Fancy Dresses Every Watch is skilfully examined Fancy Coburgs clover E3 K and its performance guaranteed, and Alpaca and Silk Umbrellas Sq Winseys White Clover the Iversey at Draws Clovor end of the first twelve months g Alsyke And Blue Pilot Trowsers 1 undertake to adjust and clean the Cow Grass Clover Drapery General charge, Dungaree Trowsers free of Duck and m same, breakage only Cocksfoot GrHsa excepted, if it has never been in other Superior Black Cloths S Prairie Grass they Which show few will in a days. Crimean and Blue Serge Shirts Rye Grass watchmaker's hands. £ Mixed Grass White and Regatta Shirts. And— F. H. LEWISSON, lIAY & lIONEYMAN, Rape Seed. TO ARRIVE. Wholesale and Retail Jeweller, ALFRED BUCKLAND. Crimean Shirts, new patterns Qi?i:en-street, Queen-street, Auckland. Moleskin Trowsers S.-ie Coats and Pilot Jackets (Opposite the Supreme Court House.) Tweed Trowsers Men's Half-hose STANFORD & CO. Ist MART, Coknbh ok Victoria and Albert Strehts, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL VICTORIA gg Quick Rbtuhns. H O BB S QtfEEX-STBEET. Austbalian Cawarra Hock, and pints YOUNG, WINE, SPIRIT, AND GENERAL EAUME'3 Boys' Heady Money and No Abatement. R. -WINES and 2nd Growth, quarts -• bane Hata Straw Under-brim, quite new &c., &o. &c., and J. W. SALE, • Paper Co lars and Boys' Linen Collars Gonts' New Cambridge, Havelock, and Bris- Bmaxi, Pboiits ON NOTICE. tg§T MH. ~ - HATE M. FRENCH, J. JAM.ES AND SON, IMPORTERS, SHORTLAND-STREET, THE R. H.'beg* to-direct attention to the following out- • P. you purchase, an inspection is invited by BEFORE Alfred,'with • • S. COME AND LOOK! ! [DAILY. ' . KEROSENE LA MTS AMERICAN AXES, On Sale. ALFRED WOOLLEY & CO., Fort-street. SHARP'S From THREE SHILLINGS UPWARD. Next door to " & 00. Kew Zealand Heiuxd" Office. THE NEW ZEALAND HERALD." TERMS Three lilies 'OF ADVERTISEMENTS. Eight lines ls" I,ss - Four lines - And 2d. for each il" b additional line. SUBSCRIPTION. \ STANFORD " KEROSENE -J AAA J-UUU ! KEROSENE !' GALIONS - GENUINE KF OSENE-, at 6s. per gallon, On Sale. S. HAGUE SMITH. T> . 10s. per Quarter; single copies 3d. eaeh. ess- Advertisements will be received at theOffice, Queoa-atreet, every day (Sundays excepted) until tf v ia- 1 has just returned RHCfcBBS tlie-'Prince '"Trial*ALT);" AUCKLAND, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1864. THE <b4> Auckland, New Zj-.ala.nd:—Printed and Published ** W. C. Wilson and David Burn, proprietors, Gotferal Printing; Establishment Queen-street.