Gippsland Historical Automobile Club Inc.


Gippsland Historical Automobile Club Inc.
Gippsland Historical Automobile Club Inc.
April 2015
Edition 521
Exhibit of the Year, the Nicholas Family and friends
April 2015
May 2015
June 2015
Depart 9.30am Delvine Hall for coffee, nibble & natter run. Lakes Golf Club, $8.50 pp
Pleasant Saturday morning, 9.00am to 12 noon, Toners lane Club rooms. Contact Joe
0412842257. (last one, until daylight saving starts)
Robert Cowie Veteran & Vintage Rally. Members without veteran or vintage cars who wish
to participate are invited to join in as passengers. Meet clubroom at 9.00 am for coffee/tea
prior to departure by about 10.30 am. Lunch at venue to be decided. Period costume for
those wishing to do so
Federation Picnic, Scoresby
Trip to Bairnsdale area. Resthaven Caravan Park, Paynesville. See details in Newsletter
Melbourne by train – “Shifting Gear – Design, Innovation and the Australian Car”
Exhibition at National Gallery of Victoria, Federation Square. Numbers required by 25th
March – Contact: Rutter 51346516 or Cawcutt 51918262
Baw Baw Engine Club. Invitation to Club Display and Tractor Pull. Pedder Street, Darnum.
Meet Main Street Trafalgar for a 9am departure
Contact W Rutter 51346516 or W Cawcutt 51 918262
Baw Baw Engine Club. Invitation to Club Display and Tractor Pull. Pedder Street, Darnum.
Club only event. Start 9:00am, food and drinks (BBQ) available.
Shannons American Motoring Show at Flemington Racecourse (Note change of venue)
Yakkerboo Parade, Pakenham, details to follow
Coffee morning at Cafe 61 at Korumburra. Meet at Clubrooms at 9.00 am for a 9.30 am
departure. BYO BBQ lunch to be hosted by Herman & Maureen Rip, 3 King Street,
East Gippsland Field Days at the Aerodrome, same site.
Mother's Day Run. Meet at Clubrooms at 9.30 am for 10.00 am departure. Bring plate of
morning tea to share at Len Hanks' and view his collection en route to the Meeniyan Hotel
for lunch. Numbers required at April meeting..
National Motoring Heritage Day
National Motoring day, run to Heyfield.
National Heritage Motoring Run to Foster with morning tea at Wilson's Promontory Motel,
Station Street, Foster. Meet at Clubrooms at 9.00 am for 9.30 am departure.
Casserole night at the Clubrooms from 6.30 pm. BYO casserole and small sweet to share.
Lunch then boil the jug. Meet Stockland Plaza Traralgon for coffee. Leave 10.30am for
Blue Gables Vineyard Maffra West. Wood fired pizza lunch at winery (meal partly
subsidized for LV members). After lunch we visit private Jug Collection. Numbers required.
. Contact W Rutter 51346516 or W Cawcutt 51 918262
Winton - Classic Car Show, Historic Commercial Vehicle Show, Historic Cars, Motor Bikes
& Side cars from 1920’s – 1980’s, Historic Ford Fest – 90 years of Ford Australia presented by the Austin Seven Club Inc at Winton Motor Raceway via Benalla
Coffee morning at RACV Club at Inverloch. Meet at Clubrooms at 9.00 am for 9.30 am
Host the annual outing with West Gippsland Vehicle Restorers Club. 10am morning tea
provided Club Rooms Toners Lane. 11am leave for drive to Mirboo North. Lunch BYO or
purchase. 1.30pm visit 4C’s Motor Museum at Mirboo North. Contact: Rutter 51346516 or
Cawcutt 51918262
Pie night at the Clubrooms from 6.30 pm. BYO pies. Also small sweet to share.
July 2015
GHAC Newsletter No. 521
April 2015
October 2015
24/25 EG
Benambra Machinery Rally at Hinnomunjie Reserve
31 –
3 Nov
Melbourne Cup weekend away to Ararat region. Bookings to Max & Chris Grigg (5659
6264) by March meeting with deposit of $50.00 per room.
East Gippsland Hub Rally
Presidents Report: Once again display day has come and gone, a very successful day weather
perfect. Not as many entries as l though we might get on such a beautiful day. Thankyou to all GHAC
members that helped on that weekend be on the Saturday or Sunday catering, registering or parking or
doing the scores to find the winners of each section. Congratulations to all class winners but there were a lot
of very nice cars on show that did not win a trophy but keep coming also remember please still show you
vehicle or machinery as it gives you exposures to other members to see what you have, and who knows they
ight have the bit of info you are looking for.
.Happy motoring, Max Wise President GHAC Inc.,
Editors Comments: Thank you to those who made contributions to this edition: Branch secretaries,
Frank Hill and Bill Rowley. A special thanks to Gerard Bruning for the excellent series of Display Day photos.
Do any members have ‘old’ photos of their early family cars? If so scan and send to me for inclusion in the
Newsletter with a short note as to who, what, where and when.
Management Committee Meeting held 17th March 2015
Meeting opened President Max Wise opened
the meeting at 7:40 pm.
Present: Delegates from all branches.
Visitors: Bill Cawcutt, Myra capes and Maree
Apologies: Nil
Minutes of last Management Committee
The minutes of the last meeting, as published in
the February Newsletter were deemed to be a
correct record and adopted. Moved Daryl
Coleman, seconded Ken Davidson, Carried
Business Arising:
 CPS M Plates, deal with in
General business
 Roller door supplier ad. Bill
Cawcutt to provide info to editor.
Correspondence: Ken Davidson moved that the
correspondence be dealt with as read. Seconded
Hazel Wise carried.
The following accounts were presented for payment
Mower parts
Postage October
Printing Feb newsletter
Payment to Westenders, Bendigo Swap
Trophies and engraving, display day
Printing March newsletter
Fuel for mower
Petty Cash for Treasurer
R & V Bird
Energy Aust
Triangle Trophies
R & V Bird
R Fulton
member subscription rebate to each Branch, an
additional $4.00 per member be allocated from
revenue. Monies to be paid based on Branch
membership at 18th March 2015. Carried
Bob Fulton moved that the report be received and
accounts passed for payment, sec Rick Cove,
It was moved by Ian Nicholas and seconded by
Rick Cove that in addition to the $1.00 per
GHAC Newsletter No. 521
 Various event advertising
 Club newsletters
 Email AOMC re CAV update, online
 Thankyou card from Bob Fulton
 VicRoads re approval of permit for sign.
 Letter to VicRoads re permit for display
day sign
 Email to AOMC re CPS
 Email to AOMC thanking Mark Fenton for
articles in AOMC Newsletter.
Treasurer’s Report:
Opening balance
$ 20,834.68
$ 620.00
$ 1,757.16
Closing balance
$ 19,697.52
April 2015
Membership Secretary’s Report
Applications for membership were received from:
Robert L and Robin McDowell
South Gippsland
Bruce and Christine Harris
South Gippsland
Jack and Elaine Miller
South Gippsland
Eamon and Roberta Hatley-Smith Westenders
Sylvester Finbarr Nagle
David and Karen O’Farrell
Ian McConville moved that the applicants be
admitted as members. Seconded Ian Nicholas,
Including these new members we have 484
Editors Report. More contributions from
members. Only one activity report this month.
Delegate Reports:
 Federation: Report from delegates Frank
and Robyn Hill. Included in Newsletter
 AOMC. Rick and Jill unable to attend the
last meeting and read points from draft
 Branch Reports:
All branches represented gave a report on their
activities over the preceding two months and
future events.
General Business:
 CPS:
o Booklet updated and Draft issued for
o Letter to be sent to AOMC and
VicRoads re the transfer of CPS vehicle
to spouse in deceased estate
Haydn and Elizabeth Smith
Bart Graham & Melissa Foster
Joe Padula
David Smith
Malcolm and Dorothy Thorne
East Gippsland
Latrobe Valley
Latrobe Valley
Latrobe Valley
o Permit Officer Handbooks to be
returned to Secretary for update
o M Plates. Some discussion re whether
GHAC should sponsor M Plates.
Unresolved. More discussion at
Branch level before a position can be
Display Day:
o Val Bird moved that the Branch
catering for the Display day receive
reimbursement from GHAC for meals
provided to ‘workers’ of the host
Branch on the day. Seconded Daryl
Coleman, carried.
o The attendance and exhibits was down
on previous years which was
disappointing. Members to discuss at
branch level ways that attendance
could be improved. Discuss at a later
o Thankyou letter to Ken Finlay for
arranging trophies.
Meeting closed 9.40 pm.
Thank You:
Dear GHAC and Friends. Thank you all for your thoughtfulness in supporting me with your kind wishes
during my illness.-.they are greatly appreciated by Maggie and myself. Bob Fulton
Report of Federation’s February meeting by delegate Frank Hill
The Federation meeting was held at Geelong
Showgrounds, hosted by Western District Historic
Vehicles Club Inc., on 14th February, 2015.
Federation Picnic Days:
Mortlake 29th March, 2015. Wunghnu, 29th March
2015. Scoresby 12th April, 2015.Marong 30th
August, 2015. Maffra Shed 11th October, 2105.
Club Permit Scheme:
H Plate covers vehicles coming onto the scheme
modified up to VSI 8 and the new VSI 33
The new “M” plate is for vehicles not meeting VSI
8 or VSI 33 and must be VASS inspected.
All cars built after 1st January 1949 coming onto
the system must now have a full R.W.C. and 5
dated photos (front, back, both sides and engine
All cars already on the scheme will remain as is.
Federation is recommending (tongue in cheek as
some clubs now have a lot of cars) that we return
to annual inspections as we have signed with Vic
GHAC Newsletter No. 521
Roads that we accept responsibility and a club
with members breaking the rules COULD GET
STRUCK OFF THE LIST. This would cause
serious inconvenience and expense to all our club
Federation will be printing books @ $25 each
containing all 3 forms x 25 for CPS application
with carbon copies. Should be available next
Federation meeting on 2nd May.
Bendigo Swap Meet:
Didn’t return as good a profit this year so
Federation will be tightening the purse strings on
all Trophy Grants and Capital Grants –
applications must be submitted by a delegate at
the Federation meeting. It also looks like site fees
and gate charges may go up – there hasn’t been
an increase for quite awhile.
We were reminded that all Federation member
Clubs must send in their newsletters – either by
mail or electronically to
April 2015
Annual Display Day at Toners Lane, 1st March. Contribution by the Editor
and photos by Gerard Bruning
There were 85 exhibits by GHAC members at the
Annual Display Day. This was down on recent
years which is disappointing as this day is
GHAC’s primary event and the host branch, South
Gippsland, put a lot of effort into organising the
day for members to enjoy.
There were members present representing all
branches and a wide range of vehicle of various
makes and ages and the standard of preparation
of the exhibits was to be commended. The Ford
make took the honours for the most cars and the
oldest, John Austin’s 1912 Model T, which won
the Veteran Car award, The 1939 Ford truck
owned by Joe Beaumont took out the Light
Commercial award. Daryl Coleman had his 1950
Prefect there and there were three mustangs, ‘67,
‘68 and ‘69 models.
There was a good representation of the Holden
make also, John Dunkin’s 1976 Monaro taking
the award for Historic 70’s/80’s cars, and the
earliest Holden model was Bob Fulton’s 1948 FJ
There were several rarer cars: A 1938 Hawker
was exhibited by Len Hanks, and this car won the
Classic 30’s award, a 1953 Kaiser Manhattan
owned by one of our early members Ian
Dickason and Vin Slee’s 1959 Ford Edsel. There
were numerous other vehicles of interest, too
many to list here. Peter Randall brought along a
nice reproduction teardrop caravan and John Lee
a restored wooden boat.
GHAC Newsletter No. 521
Ian and Maree Nicholas exhibited three 1929
Oakland cars, a sedan, a tourer and a utility. The
1929 tourer won both the Vintage and Vehicle of
the Year awards and the ‘Trio of Cars and
Memorabilia’ was awarded the Best Exhibit. A
truly great effort on the part of Ian and Maree.
Other awards were presented to:
Classic 40’s, Ross Evans, 1948 Morris 8 Series E
Historic 50’s, Colin Kiel, 1957 Chevrolet Corvette.
Historic 60’s, Ray Dupain, 1965 Datsun Fairlady
Motor Cycle, Colin Rutter, 1970 JAWA.
Stationary Engine Bill Cawcutt, 1942 Autologger.
Tractor, David Rickard, 1942 Farmall.
President Max Wise selected Karen Potter’s Mad
Max Ford for his award and Xavier Saulle
received the Junior trophy for the pedal car.
Another enjoyable Display Day.
Thanks to Max Wise and his team of helpers
from South Gippsland Branch for organising the
day, Westenders for the excellent job they did on
the catering, Jill Cove and Lesley McConville
for tallying the votes, Ken Findlay for selecting
and organising the trophies, Aron and Ron Bird
for mowing the grass over many weeks, LV
members and helpers for setting out the facilities
and to those who may have played a part and I
have missed.
A big thankyou to all GHAC members who made
the effort to participate and prepare their exhibits
for others to enjoy. I trust next year will be bigger
and better.
April 2015
Veteran Car, John Austin, 1912 Ford Model T
Vintage Car, Ian Nicholas, 1929 Oakland
Classic 30's, Len Hanks, 1938 Hawker
GHAC Newsletter No. 521
April 2015
Classic 40's, Ross Evans, 1948 Morris 8
Historic 50's, Colin Kiel, 1957 Corvette
Historic 60's, Ray Dupain, 1965 Datsun Fairlady
GHAC Newsletter No. 521
April 2015
Historic 70's/80's, John Dunkin, 1976 Monaro
Light Commercial, Joe Beaumont, 1939 Ford
Motor Cycle, Colin Rutter, 1970 JAWA
GHAC Newsletter No. 521
April 2015
Stationary Engine, Bill Cawcutt, 1942
Auto Logger
Tractor, David Rickard, 1942 Farmall
GHAC Newsletter No. 521
April 2015
Vehicle of Year, Ian Nicholas, 1929 Oakland Tourer
Exhibit of Year, Nicholas Family, Trio of Oaklands
Junior Award, Xavier Saulle
GHAC Newsletter No. 521
President’s Award, Karen
April 2015
GHAC Newsletter No. 521
April 2015
Around the Branches
Westenders Branch
Monthly General Meeting held 3 March 2015
President - Sam Capes opened the meeting to a
large number of Members present.
He welcomed the Members & Visitors present.
Visitors were Malcolm & Dorothy Thorne, David
O'Farrell, Sylvestor Finbarr Nagle, Ian Gawler &
Beverly Long.
Out - Minutes to Editor,
In - A.O.M.C. newsletter, Email from Ian
McConville L.V., Letter from Sylvestor Finbarr
Nagle, & Cardinia Shire Council - A Certificate of
thanks re our cars attending the Australia Day
Delegates Report:
Frank Hill reported on the Federation Meeting
held at the Geelong Show Grounds. The Bendigo
Swap takings were down this year, so less money
for Clubs for coming years expenditures. A
decision to be made re alterations of C.P.S.
Scheme "M" plate etc.
Past events:
Secretary- John Marsh reported on the successful
day, to look over the new Pakenham Race Course
at Tynong. Approx 138 people turned up in about
50 cars. Thank you to all who came & especially
the other G.H.A.C. branches. Hayley Conn, their
Events Co-ordinator from the Racing Club who
gave us a very interesting talk about the Club.
They had 60 acres at Pakenham, & now have 600
acres at Tynong. They have 3 Tracks - grass,
synthetic, sand and 2 smaller tracks.
Frank Hill gave a full report in last month's
Newsletter. Well done Frank.
Sam Capes spoke on the Club Display Day, at
Morwell. Good weather, but attendances were
down from previous years.
Coming Events:
As per Newsletter.
12-19th April - trip to Paynesville.
19th April - Yakerboo Parade.
19th April - BawBaw Engine Club - Display day &
Tractor Pull.
A vote was taken for new Members - Malcolm &
Dorothy Thorne and David O'Farrell.
Secretary spoke on Malcolm & Dorothy's behalf, &
Robyn Hill spoke on David's behalf.
They were voted in by all Members.
Frank Hill then spoke on the proposed
amendment to the C.P.S. scheme. The
introduction of the "M" Plate for mildly Modified
Vehicles. After discussions, it was moved by
Frank Hill, & seconded by Ken Davidson, that it be
approved - the introduction of the "M" Plate.
This motion was passed by all Members.
Sam closed the Meeting & introduced Ed Walker
(Bush Poet), to entertain us. We all enjoyed his
Bush Poetry. Thanks to Sam for organizing Ed.
Next meeting in April, a new Member - Eamon
Hatley Smith will tell us about the time when he
was in the Police Force.
East Gippsland Branch
Monthly General Meeting held 11 March 2015
President Rick Cove opened the meeting at
BUSINESS ARISING - Gazebo purchased, will
need to modify the Club trailer.
Rally Meeting – members welcome to come
Tuesday 31st March at 2pm at Rick & Jill Cove’s
Elizabeth Wright- Mediation 4th May in
REPORTS: 13th February- Club BBQ- Reported
by P.O' Connor- Lovely night, a little cool. Good
turn up of members and all enjoyed the night. A
few members attended that we don't often see.
Big thank you to Lindsay & Lindy Crawford and
Steve Slater for cooking the BBQ, very well
Keith thanked members for making it such a good
night for Vicky as she had a great time (and her
new look).
1st March- GHAC Display Day- reported by K.O'
Connor- Better temperature this year, West
Enders did a great job of the BBQ, South Gippy
ran it this year. Karen Potter won a trophy with
GHAC Newsletter No. 521
the Mad Max interceptor, which was President’s
Encouragement Award.
5th March- CNN run to Lake Tyers- reported by K.
Merrilees- 17 cars and 29 members. Rex Roberts
was in his 1924 Alvis, on the way home he had a
flat tyre, it is an open car and it rained. All enjoyed
the run.
7th March - Marlay Point-reported by N. HardyGreat drive there, lots of interested onlookers.
Thanks to Hal for organising the BBQ. The sun
gave a great look to the yachts with the black sky
behind them. Neville H. broke a speedo cable on
the way home. Rick had a malfunction with the
Plymouth wheel bearing.
Alan Potter spoke about a recent accident at a
Mad Max event in Silverton.
Rally Committee meeting reported by M. Gaffneyneed more assistance from members. Some
bookings have been made. Next meeting Tuesday
31st March at 2 pm at the Cove’s, all welcome.
Combined Car club meeting- reported by Alan
Potter- the group wants to form a combined
Motorplex. Motion moved by J. Duffy that the
April 2015
Club thank them for the invitation, but no thanks,
we would be happy to be on the mailing list to
support events. 2nd K Merrilees carried
GENERAL BUSINESS: E. Edwards- attended an
auction recently at Newry were there was a
vintage 1948 Land Rover, bidding started at
$5000, and ended selling for $8000, but it still
needed a total restoration.
Pat Jacques -The newsletter cover recently had a
picture of the Big Garage in Bairnsdale, dated the
1940's, members discussed the picture and, think
the 1930's more likely.
Ann Amey told a funny story about Merv bringing
a small horse home in his Mercedes Benz car, he
pulled the back seat out to fit it in. Bruce Densley
gave a report on the Thorpdale Festival with
approx 25 cars attending. It was a great day.
President Rick spoke about the Club accepting
"M" plates as the Central Committee meeting is
next week, discussions continued, confirming the
motion from last meeting.
P.Smolenaars was presented with his and Rose’s
name badges from the Club, (only about 36 years
late). 15th April 2016-Vintage Motor Cycle Club Club has agreed that the Club cater for them on
this date.
Motion moved by N.Hardy 2nd by
Meeting closed
South Gippsland Branch
Monthly General Meeting held 5 March 2015
Chairman Max declared the meeting open at 8.02
pm and welcomed 50 members and 1 visitor to
the meeting. There were 11 apologies.
Business arising from the Minutes: Nil
Correspondence – Outwards – 1). Emails
newsletter report to GHAC. 2). Letter to Lynne
Nicholas Swap Secretary. 3) Letter to Lions Club
of Leongatha enclosing receipt for swapmeet
catering. 4). Email letter of thanks to Barrie
Inwards - 1). Email Ian McConville GHAC
Secretary enclosing letter from Federation of
Veteran, Vintage and Classic Vehicle Clubs inc re
CPS. 2). Email Val Bird of Latrobe Valley Branch
– Morwell VicRoads has as at 11 February red
plates but no log books. 3). Email Toora Post
Office Centenary – Sunday 15 March, 2015 –
10:00 am – 3:00 pm – 15 Stanley Street, Toora
seeking car display.
Treasurer's Report The Treasurer presented his
report and the accounts for payment. Term
deposit due 13/3/2015 to be renewed with part of
the TD transferred to the club account. Treasurer
reported that presently all payments are made by
cheque – wishing to investigate payment by BPay.
Processes available with password from two
authorised signatories. Treasurer to research with
bank and report back.
Past Events - 1). GHAC Display Day. Max
thanked the members who helped with admission
and parking and thanks also to those who
displayed their cars on the day. Thanks also to
Westenders who did the catering and supplied
lunch to the helpers. It was moved seconded and
carried that we send a letter of thanks to
Westenders for providing us with lunch. Max
reported that there were not a lot of entries. We
had 22 entries from our branch and won 7
trophies. Total number of entries was 86 or 87.
Trophies won by our members as follows – John
Austin – Veteran – T Model Ford; Ian Nicholas –
Vintage – Oakland Tourer; Len Hanks – 30’s –
Hawker; Colin Kiel – 50’s – Corvette; David
GHAC Newsletter No. 521
Rickards – Tractor Section – Farmall A; Ian
Nicholas – Vehicle of the Year – 1929 Oakland
Tourer; Nicholas Family – Exhibit of the Year –
1929 Oaklands – Tourer, Sedan & Utility.
President Max reported that there were many very
good cars there which did not win trophies.
President Max felt that with the number of cars in
our club the attendance was disappointing with
only 1 in 5 attending at the Display Day. One of
our members felt that there should be a modified
class at the Display Day. Max stated that views
were being sought for consideration by the GHAC
management committee. President Max
foreshadowed that he will propose at the next
AGM that members who have cars on club plates
will need to attend two events per year (excluding
meetings) to have their CPS renewals signed.
This is now common with many other clubs.
President Max advised that members are able to
participate with motor bikes or even with modern
cars. He asked members to give consideration to
this proposal. 2). National Machinery Rally in
Tasmania attended by John Mackie. Excellent
rally. Rally sites were expensive - $25 per square
metre. Our member Stuart Landry exhibited one
of the oldest tractors in the world – one of only 6.
3) Foster Show – 8 of our cars were on display.
4) Leongatha Show ‘n Shine – Some members
attended and others went to the coffee morning at
the Rusty Windmill at Leongatha. 4) Pakenham
Racecourse open day hosted and organised by
Westenders. Excellent event. $72 million spent
of stage one. Complex consists of 600 acres.
Forthcoming Events: As per newsletter.
Additions - 1). Inverloch Jazz Festival Street
Parade 7/3/2015 - Assemble at 9:30 am. 8 or 9
members indicated that they would be attending.
2) Meet ‘n Natter will be held in March. Max
reported that the attendance has been
disappointing with 3 or 4 members mostly
attending. 3) March coffee morning – propose to
go to Mirboo North. Max to contact In Line Café.
4) The Robert Cowie Veteran & Vintage Rally on
April 2015
12/4/2015. Ian Nicholas and the late Rob Cowie
had spoken about having a rally with as many
Veteran and Vintage cars as possible
participating. 9:00 am start with morning tea at
clubrooms. Pair up as many people as possible in
older cars. Have booked a hotel for lunch about
35 – 40 kms away. Ian Nicholas is running he first
Rally. Hoping to be an annual event. Participants
could dress in period costume. 4) 10/5/2015 –
Mothers Day run to Meeniyan. 9:30 for 10:00 am
departure. Bring morning tea to share at Len
Hanks’ and view his collection. Numbers
attending required next meeting.
General Business – 1) Portable PA System:
Secretary Rob gave demonstration of the system
which has been purchased by the club. It was
used with great effect at the Display Day. 2)
GHAC Membership Booklets: available for
collection at the clubrooms. 3) Rubbish
Collection – Clubrooms & Swap Meet: Country
Cart have been collecting our bins from the
Clubrooms and at the Swap Meet. South
Gippsland Bin Hire (Ray Evison) was contacted
by Max. They are prepared to collect bins for the
Swap Meet at a cheaper rate and match Country
Cart for the bins at the Clubrooms. It was
suggested that seek quotes from both prior to the
next Swap Meet. 4) Donation Sandra Rickards
donated to the club a framed and inscribed
photograph of Robert Cowie restoring her Nash.
5) Guest speaker: Warwick Landy of Shannons
will be guest speaker at the April meeting. New
member applications: Nil. Wanted/Sell Bill Haw
has a TK Bedford 1983 registered with crate. To
supply further details for the newsletter. Joke of
the Month Nil. Announcements: Nil. Close:
The meeting was closed at 9.10 pm for supper
and guest speaker. Glen Murdoch spoke about
his job with Yooralla
Latrobe valley Branch
Monthly General Meeting held 10 March 2015
Meeting Open 8.00 P.M: Chairman welcomed
everyone and wished Alan Treadwell a happy
Apologies: Ron & Aron Bird, Colin Buckley, Ray
Smith, Tara Dickason, Bert Carrigy, Peter Reid
and David Riddell.
Attendance: 47 and one visitor Barry Aspinall,
from East Gippsland Branch.
Minutes from previous Meeting: were sent out by
e-mail and printed in Newsletter.
Correspondence In: Newsletter from Gippsland
Rotary-Centenary House. E-mail from Editor of
GHAC Inc regarding new closing date for
Correspondence Out: A thank you letter to Merv
Grinstead from Archery Club
Business Arising: Nil
Reports from Committee of Management: a
motion was carried: “That GHAC Inc will not
support a Club Permit Application for a ‘M Plate”
vehicle, with the exception of an existing GPS
vehicle CPS vehicle, recorded with the club, which
may subsequently be reassessed as an ”M Plate”
vehicle. Ian McConville suggested GHAC Inc to
put more thought to this motion.
Minutes of Building Committee held on 18th
February was read out by Secretary. Secretary
has made out a cleaning roster for the club rooms.
Volunteers are needed. 2 members per month are
required. Please contact secretary.
GHAC Newsletter No. 521
General Business: Chairman Ken Findlay thanked
everyone for their donated items for the Auction,
which was held prior to the meeting, and their
attendance; we raised $217.00. Colin Rutter
complimented Ian McConville and Ken Findlay for
rearranging the meeting table and chairs around
in the club rooms.
Past Events:
22nd February: Alan Treadwell: Moe Racecourse
“Horses & Horse Power Day”
100 Cars on display 2 cars for L.V. branch and
two vintage cars on display. It was a good day.
28th February Sat: John Dunkin: Working Bee,
Good turn up of volunteers.
1st March: John Dunkin: Display Day: The weather
on the day turned out really good and there were
4 L.V branch members who won trophies.
7th March: Peter Randall: Pleasant Saturday
Morning: Joe Beaumont put on a lovely spread for
morning tea. Only 5 members not a good turn up.
They had an enjoyable chat between themselves.
8th March: Bob Needham: Thorpdale Potatoes
Festival: 6 Trucks from Trafalgar Truck club.
17, Cars from Latrobe Valley Branch and another
40 old cars attended. 8000 people attend on the
day. It was 13 years since the last Festival was
Meeting Closed at 8.50 P.M. Then we all sat back
a listen to presentation from Jeff Boot on Niagara
massage therapy which was very interesting.
April 2015
Latrobe Valley Branch trip to Thorpdale Festival by Bill Rowley
The Thorpdale Potato Festival held on the 8th
March was a great success for the festival
committee as well as for the various car and truck
clubs that ventured out for a beautiful day. The
weather was just great. The Latrobe Valley branch
had 17 club cars turn up for the day. Some of us
met down on the corner of the Strzelecki Hwy and
the Thorpy Road and convoyed to the oval and
the others made their own way. There was quite a
few stalls to buy lots of different products as well
as the foodies which were ever popular. The
Children enjoyed the chip drop from the plane and
it was good to watch all the events of the day,
bagging spuds, carrying spud and even eating
and peeling spuds and not to forget the
entertainers performing around the oval. Yes I
think everyone should have had a good day,
The Registration Tent at Display Day
GHAC Newsletter No. 521
April 2015
GHAC is still seeking a Newsletter Editor.
After 5 years’ service as editor, Jill Cove has decided to step down and let someone else in the Club take on
the position of Editor. It is an interesting and rewarding job and not difficult to do, requiring just basic
computer skills, access to the internet and of course your time.
If you are interested, contact Ian McConville phone 51918500
If you have a business or organisation and you would like to advertise in this newsletter, prices per year
are as follows:
half a page is $ 200, quarter page is $ 110, one eighth page is $ 60
Contact Bob Fulton 5623 3878 or
GHAC encourages all club members to support our advertisers.
GHAC Bumper bar badges
$ 15.00
GHAC Lapel/hat badges
$ 5.00
GHAC Stickers
$ 1.00
Contact Treasurer Bob Fulton, phone 5623 3878 or email
DISCLAIMER – GHAC Inc. its Officers and the Committee cannot be held liable for any errors and/or
omissions in articles, reports, notices, advertisements comment and advice that are published in this
Newsletter in good faith. It should be noted that the publication of an advertisement, or expression of views in
articles and reports, does not necessarily imply endorsement by GHAC Inc. of the advertised product or
service, or the views expressed in any article or reports published in the Newsletter.
TRADING POST Advertising Requirements under the Motor Car Traders Regulations 1998.
Private Advertisers as at 1 July 1998. R22 (4) If a person (other than a motor car trader or a servant or an
agent of a motor car trader) publishes or causes to be published an advertisement offering a used motor car
for sale in a newspaper generally circulating in the whole or part of Victoria, or in a motor car specialist
magazine generally circulating in the whole or part of Victoria, the person must include in the advertisement
the cash price of the motor car, and whichever of the following is applicable –
Advertisements will be entered for two issues
 The registration number; or
*Indicates number of times ad has been entered
 The engine number of the vehicle; or
Vehicle must be more than 25 years of age.
 The chassis number of the vehicle; or
Advertisements to GHAC Editor, GHAC Trading post,
 The vehicle identification number (if any)
 last assigned to the vehicle; or
Non-member advertisements cost $5.00 per issue –
 If none of those numbers are reasonably
payment to GHAC Editor, PO Box 737 Morwell Vic
ascertainable, any other number to
3844 Cheques payable to GHAC Inc.
identify the vehicle
Parts for Avions Voisin
C4, C7 1923 to 1926, especially engine/ gearbox assembly and torque tube
diff assembly. Also need Bleriot triangular tail lamp, Jaeger amp meter,
Paris Rhone starter generator cut out, throttle linkages, clutch and brake
linkages “marked” GV, Solex side draft carburettor. The magneto can be
either Ducellier AP4 or Zenith equivalent. The engine is a 4 cylinder twin
sleeve valve motor, alloy crank case and gear box assembly, unit cast.
Any parts would be good……………..Contact Rod Rawlings 51 531 014
or email
GHAC Newsletter No. 521
April 2015
1961 Mercedes Benz 220SE. Fuel injected, 4 speed manual with power steering. Good tyres and body very
good. Motor runs clean and well. New battery and windscreen replaced. Interior and dash in good condition.
Workshop manual included. On Club Plates, 04312-H, Eng. No. 1279822015624. $8000
Contact Norm 0356624340**
Ford LTD = FC Build date 09-1979
No Rego, 301,000km, Repainted Black and White – Vinyl Roof
Chamois interior, Reco - Engine and Auto Trans. All Electrics Work Well – seats, mirrors, door locks
Back doors don’t open? Slight petrol leak at fuel pump and brakes need attention
Would make great Club car or Runabout. $1000 contact Ruby 0402 321 631 = Moe*
The Last Laugh
If my Body were a Car:
I’d been thinking it’s about time to trade-in for a newer model. I’ve got bumps and dents and scratches in my
finish and my paint job is getting a little dull. But that’s not the worst of it. My headlights are out of focus and
it’s especially hard to see things up close. My traction is poor. I slip and slide and bump into things even in
the best of weather. My whitewalls and stained with varicose veins. It takes me hours to reach my maximum
speed. My fuel burns inefficiently. But that’s not the worst of it -. Almost every time I sneeze, cough or
splutter.-.either my radiator leaks or my exhaust backfires.
GHAC Newsletter No. 521
April 2015