Silver Lake LEADER - The McLeod County Chronicle


Silver Lake LEADER - The McLeod County Chronicle
Single copy
Vol. 112 No. 4 • Thursday, January 10, 2013 • Silver Lake, MN 55381
City Council appoints, then
debates, role of its liaisons
By Alyssa Schauer
Staff Writer
At its annual meeting and
first meeting of the year on
Monday, the Silver Lake City
Council started the evening
with swearing-in ceremonies
and reviewed city council appointments.
City Clerk Kerry Venier
swore in Mayor Bruce Bebo,
who will be starting his sixth
two-year term as mayor of Silver Lake, and Councilors Pat
Fogarty and Nolan Johnson,
who were all re-elected in November’s election.
Fogarty will be serving a
two-year term and Johnson
will be serving a four-year
Councilor Carol Roquette
also was re-elected to a fouryear term, but was absent for
Monday’s meeting. She will
be sworn in at a future date.
The City Council also discussed the liaisons appointed
by Mayor Bruce Bebo for
2013. The Council liaisons
will remain the same as 2012.
“Everything is moving really smoothly between liaisons
and departments heads. I feel
there is good, open communication, so I am proposing that
we keep liaisons as they are
for this next year,” Bebo said
during the December meeting.
Councilors agreed, and at
the Monday meeting, a resolution was passed to keep liaison
appointments. The following
were approved by the Council:
• Official city depositories:
First Community Bank and
Minnesota Municipal Money
Market Fund.
• Official newspaper: Silver
Lake Leader.
• City attorney: Gavin,
Olson, & Winters, LTD.
• Acting mayor: Councilor
Nolan Johnson.
• Deputy weed inspector:
Dale Kosek.
• Civil defense director and
emergency response coordinator: Chris Wawrzyniak.
• City administration liaison: Bebo.
• Public works liaison: Johnson.
• Public safety liaison:
Councilor Eric Nelson.
• Municipal liquor dispensary liaison: Fogarty.
• Community development
and planning commision liaison: Roquette.
• Assistant to all liaisons:
• Regular meeting dates and
times: third Monday of each
month at 6:30 p.m. and April
1, July 1, and Oct. 7 at 6:30
• Economic development
authority: members of the city
• Personnel committee:
Bebo, Roquette and Department Head Dale Kosek.
Council meeting etiquette
and liaison descriptions also
were reviewed and Fogarty
asked about including pay in
next year’s budget for councilors attending special meetings with their liaisons, such
as the quarterly meetings
scheduled for the Municipal
Liquor Store.
Venier emphasized that the
liaisons are “not supervisory.
“The liaisons were created
to provide an individual link to
each department. The goal was
that each department head
would meet with the liaison,
and give them the report,” Venier said.
He said liaisons shouldn’t
have to attend the meetings.
Venier felt that liaisons may
then “overstep their boundaries” and that the department
heads should be capable of relaying information to their employees and reporting back to
the liaisons.
Johnson disagreed. “I think
it’s good for liaisons to attend
these meetings, so we can put
faces to names, and vice
Bebo suggested that if liaisons attend such meetings,
they should serve as “an observer.”
Venier also reminded councilors that the department reports they give should also
include their own observations.
“They shouldn’t be regurgitated. It would be nice to include your observations in the
reports, also,” Venier said.
He asked that councilors
also include their observations
along with the typed reports
given by department heads.
“That was the initial intent
of having liaisons meet with
department heads,” Venier
“I agree, and I disagree with
Turn to page 2
Silver Lake leader photos
by Alyssa Schauer
The annual meeting of the
Silver Lake City Council on
Monday night began with
the oath of office for reelected members. Starting
his sixth term as mayor is
Bruce Bebo (right) and
Councilors Pat Fogarty
(above) take the oath for
their elected positions.
Fogarty was elected for a
two-year term and Johnson for a four-year term.
Councilor Carol Roquette
was absent, but also was
elected in November for
another four-year term.
She will take the oath of office at a future date.
County Board: new commissioners, chair
By Lori Copler
Staff Writer
The McLeod County Board
of Commissioners’ new year
got off to an odd start Tuesday.
Newly elected 1st District
Commissioner Ron Shimanski
was unable to attend because
of illness, and therefore was
not sworn in to his new position.
That meant that current
Commissioner Ray Bayerl,
who thought his retirement
would start with the adjournment of the 2012 business year
on Tuesday, stayed around to
vote during one more meeting.
According to County Attorney Mike Junge, state statute
says that an incumbent commissioner remains in office
until his successor is administered the oath of office.
While Shimanski was absent and unable to vote because he had not be sworn in,
the County Board kept the
new commissioner on speakerphone so he could listen in its
And 5th District Commissioner Bev Wangerin, who
also was the chair and was to
have led the current board in
finishing its 2012 business,
also was absent and Vice Chair
Kermit Terlinden led the
County Board through that
part of the agenda, until new
Paul Wright, chair
5th District Commissioner Jon
Christensen was allowed to assume his seat for the commencement of the 2013
Along with Christensen, incumbents Paul Wright, 3rd
District, and Sheldon Nies, 4th
District, who were re-elected
in November, took their oaths
of office and resumed their
seats at the table.
Shimanski will be sworn in
sometime this week by County
The County Board then
went on to elect its 2013 chair
and vice chair, with Wright,
who is starting his second
four-year term, getting the nod
as chair, while Terlinden was
re-elected vice chair.
Because of the absence of
Shimanski and because it was
Christensen’s first day on the
board, Nies suggested the
County Board table committee
assignments until its Jan. 22
meeting, adding that the newcomers should meet with
County Administrator Pat
Melvin to learn about the various committees to determine
upon which they may be most
interested in serving.
In other business Tuesday,
the County Board:
• Heard that work on a
bridge replacement on County
Road 15 has been suspended
and will resume in spring.
Highway Engineer John
Brunkhorst said the bridge is
ready for the pouring of concrete, but the weather isn’t favorable for the job.
The contractor did not complete the job on time, and has
been fined since the anticipated completion date.
Brunkhorst said the contractor could try to pour the concrete now, but the end result
may be less than desirable and
shorten the expected lifespan
of the bridge, which will cost
about $750,000.
The highway department
had hoped the bridge could be
open to traffic before Christmas, but Brunkhorst said it
will now likely not open until
the first of May.
Junge said that the daily
fines levied against the contractor are no longer in effect.
“The penalty stops with the
date of the suspension,” said
Junge. The work was suspended Dec. 20.
Brunkhorst said the county
will continue to have a priority
of plowing the detour route.
He also said that he had one
complaint from a neighbor
about the bridge not being
open to traffic on time.
“She understood the issue,”
said Brunkhorst. “She doesn’t
like it, but she understood why
we stopped the work.”
• Approved the McLeod
County Chronicle as the official newspaper for the county
for 2013.
• Agreed to buy iPads for the
commissioners to replace the
used laptop computers they are
currently using at meetings.
• Agreed to trade in a 20year-old floor scrubber for a
new one at a net cost of
Charges against
deputy dropped
Criminal charges against
McLeod County Sheriff
Deputy Mark Eischens have
been dismissed.
Eischens had been indicted by a grand jury Oct.
19 on four separate charges
that resulted from the discharge of his weapon while
he and other members of an
emergency response team
were executing a search
warrant in April 2012.
Eischens faced a felony
charge of assault in the second degree — dangerous
weapon and a felony charge
of possessing a dangerous
weapon and discharging a
firearm that endangered
He also faced a misdemeanor charge of assault in
the fifth degree — inflict or
attempt bodily harm; and a
misdemeanor charge of dangerous weapons — recklessly handle or use.
The case had been scheduled for a jury trial Monday
in McLeod County District
Court, but the trial was cancelled after the charges were
Sibley County Attorney
David Schauer, who was the
prosecutor because Eischens
is a county employee, said in
a court filing that “the state
does not believe the case can
be proved beyond a reasonable doubt.”
Schauer’s filing dismissed
the charges, with approval
from a district court judge.
According to court documents, the team had made
entry, and Eischens heard a
“thud” or a “bang” just as
Harry Lee Ondracek, 58, of
rural Glencoe, had come
around a corner and emerged
into view. Eischens asserted
that he thought Ondracek
had fired a weapon, and fired
his in return in self-defense.
It was later determined that
Ondracek was unarmed.
Ondracek was taken to a
hospital for treatment of injuries sustained, and later released and booked into the
McLeod County Jail on a
fifth-degree charge of possession of a controlled substance.
Eischens has been on paid
administrative leave pending
the outcome of the court proceedings.
Glencoe hospital imposes visitor restrictions because of flu
Glencoe Regional Health
Services has implemented visitor restrictions due to the recent outbreak of influenza-like
Visitors will be limited to
family members and to a maximum of two visitors per hospital patient. Individuals who
are ill are being asked to re-
consider their visit. If visits are
necessary and visitors are sick,
they must wear a mask. In addition, children under the age
of 5 will not be allowed to visit
patients or long-term care residents until the outbreak of influenza-like illnesses subsides.
South Central Minnesota
continues to see high volumes
of patients with influenza and
others with flu-like symptoms
prompting all hospitals in the
region to announce they are
adopting the same visitor restrictions at each of their facilities. Counties impacted by the
flu outbreak include Blue
Earth, Brown, Faribault, Le
McLeod, Sibley and Waseca.
“We realize these restrictions may be inconvenient, but
we believe they are necessary
to protect the health of our patients, residents, staff and visitors,” said Jon Braband,
President and CEO.
In addition to enforcing
these restrictions, GRHS
would like to remind the public that each of us can help reduce the spread of influenza
and other illnesses by taking a
few simple steps, washing
your hands often, covering
your cough, and staying home
if you are sick.
It is also not too late to get
vaccinated against the flu.
GRHS has both injectable flu
vaccine and flu mist available.
To schedule a vaccination-only
appointment, call 320-8647816 or 1-800-869-3116.
Page 2 — Silver Lake Leader, Thursday, January 10, 2013
SL KCs free-throw
contest set Jan. 27
Upcoming Events
Hutchinson Auxiliary to meet
The regular monthly meeting of Hutchinson American
Legion Auxiliary Unit 96 will be Monday, Jan. 14, at 7
p.m., at the Hutchinson Legion Post 96. The executive
board meeting will be at 6:15 p.m. Lunch servers are Darlene Gregor and Shirley Schloeder. Note: Unit 96 will not
have its spaghetti supper Feb. 7 because National Commander Jim Kontz will be at the Legion Post 96. For more
information about the social hour and reservations for the
6 p.m. dinner, call 320-587-2665.
Seniors to meet Jan. 14
The Silver Lake Senior Citizens Club will hold its
monthly meeting Monday, Jan. 14, at 1 p.m., in the Silver
Lake Auditorium.
Senior dining birthday party
The January birthday party at the Silver Lake senior dining site will be Wednesday, Jan. 16. The menu includes
meat loaf with catsup, whole parslied potatoes, countryblend vegetables, bread with margarine, and mandarin oranges. There will be bingo. Call Manager Pearl Branden
to order a meal at 320-327-0621.
SLBA meeting set Jan. 15
The Silver Lake Business Association will meet Tuesday, Jan. 15, at 7 p.m. The meeting is to finalize details for
the business expo set for Jan. 19. All members with questions are asked to attend.
Business Expo set Jan. 19
Save the date! The Silver Lake Business Association is
hosting the annual Silver Lake Business Expo on Saturday, Jan. 19, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. All businesses and organizations interested participating should contact Chris
Brecht at 320-510-1567 or Alyssa Schauer at 715-5792154.
Pageant info meeting set
An informational meeting for the Miss Czech Slovak
Minnesota Pageant is set for Sunday, Jan. 13, at 1 p.m., at
the Montgomery Oil Co. and David’s Diner in Montgomery. All interested contestants, parents and family are
welcome to attend. The 24th-annual Miss Czech Slovak
Minnesota Pageant will be held April 6 at the American
Legion Club in Montgomery.
Liaisons Continued from page 1
you. I can honestly say that I
thought the liaisons and department heads did an excellent job this year,” Bebo said.
He said department heads
shared their written reports,
and councilors added their
concerns and observations to
the reports.
Nelson agreed. “I saw
everybody had a report, but
everyone also had their personal thoughts and concerns.
That told me we were doing
our jobs,” Nelson said.
The Council also discussed
the duties of the community
development liaison. Bebo
said part of the duty is to
“work with county boards,
township boards and other development boards to ensure
that growth and development
opportunities are capitalized
“I’d like to see somebody
keep a pulse on things. I think
the county is moving on that
county shed. Something we’ve
never really had is a constant
dialogue with a county repre-
sentative,” Bebo said.
Councilors agreed and Johnson thought it would be a good
idea to invite Commissioner
Ron Shimanski to attend
Council meetings.
Bebo also suggested that
Roquette be put on an e-mail
list with the county and township boards if possible, so she
may receive updates and agendas of future meetings to have
an idea of upcoming projects.
In open discussion, Bebo reported that the Silver Lake
Civic Association is working
on improving the auditorium.
“They started taking steps
last year, when they replaced
the ceiling tiles, and this last
Saturday, they went to the
Lake Marion Ballroom auction
and purchased tables and
chairs to replace the booths,”
Bebo said.
He said the goal is to update
and remodel the auditorium.
He added that the Silver Lake
Lions are also working to
make improvements to the facility.
Silver Lake Leader
Established Dec. 20, 1901 by W.O. Merrill
Postmaster send address changes to:
Silver Lake Leader,
P.O. Box 343, 104B Lake Ave., Silver Lake, MN 55381
Phone 320-327-2216 FAX 320-327-2530
Hours: Mon. 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Tues. 8 a.m.-Noon,
Wed. Closed, Thurs. 11 a.m.-4 p.m., Fri. Closed.
Published Every Thursday at Silver Lake, MN 55381.
Periodicals paid at Silver Lake, MN.
Subscription Rates: McLeod County and Cokato, MN
– $30.00 per year. Elsewhere in MN – $34.00 per year.
Outside of state – $38.00.
Submitted photo
Putting Christ back into Christmas
The Silver Lake Knights of Columbus Council No. 1841
hosted its annual “Put Christ Back Into Christmas” poster
contest for the Church of the Holy Family religious education students in first through sixth grade. Each student
was given specific criteria for his or her poster, and they
were judged at the Dec. 18 by KC members. Each student
received a goodie bag and monetary awards were given
for first, second and third place winners. In the front, from
left, is second place winner Sawyer Ardolf (second grade);
third place, Ella Nowak (second grade); first place,
Chyanne Pawlicki (second grade); first place, Blake Hahn
(first grade); second, Braylon Loeschen (first grade); and
third, Jake Ondracek (first grade). In the middle row, from
left, are third place, Keara Baumgarten (fourth grade); second, Jacob Stifter (fourth grade), first, Katy Lacy (fourth
grade); third, Jacob Baumgarten (third grade); second,
Riley Butcher (third grade); and first, Max Davis (third
grade). In the back, from left, are Deputy Grand Knight
Paul Davis; first, Savannah Ardolf (sixth grade); second,
Megan Fehrenbach (sixth grade); third, Jared Lokensgard
(sixth grade); first, Alexa Alberts (fifth grade); second,
Kaitlyn Popp (fifth grade); third, Zach Mohr (fifth grade);
and Grand Knight Joey Ebert.
drive set here
for Jan. 29
The Silver Lake blood drive
is set for Tuesday, Jan. 29,
from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m., at the
Silver Lake Legion.
Due to Hurricane Sandy,
blood is in short supply and is
greatly needed.
Volunteers will be calling
shortly to set up an appointment or call Margaret Benz at
320-327-2249. Walk-ins are
January is National Blood
Donor Month, a time when the
American Red Cross recognizes and thanks the millions
of dedicated blood donors
across the country for helping
ensure a stable blood supply
for patients in need.
Since 1970, National Blood
Donor Month has been celebrated in an effort to educate
Americans about the importance of regular blood donation and the impact it can have.
Every day, around 44,000
pints of blood are needed in
hospitals to help treat trauma
victims, surgery patients,
organ transplant recipients,
premature babies, cancer patients and more.
January can be an especially
challenging month to collect
blood donations because of inclement weather and seasonal
Throughout the month, the
Red Cross is honoring the contributions of those who roll up
their sleeves to help save lives,
one donation at a time.
Submitted photo
Donates to Cedar Crest
Degree of Honor Lodge 182 presented a
Christmas wall hanging to Cedar Crest Estate in Silver Lake. The wall hanging was
made by lodge member Dodie Chalupsky.
In the front, from left, are Laura Kacz-
Business & Professional Directory
Putting you in
touch with the
right business.
Aeration notice
for Swan Lake
An aeration system, creating
open water and thin ice, is tentatively set to begin in January
2013, weather permitting.
The system will be on Swan
Lake in McLeod County,
Township 117, Range 28, Sections 28-31.
Weather conditions may
cause the area of thin ice and
open water to fluctuate greatly.
Stay clear of marked areas,
and watch for future notices.
Sounds like
It’s newspaper talk for a
one column by 2 inch ad.
Too small to be effective?
You’re reading this one!
Put your 1x2 ad
in the Silver Lake
Leader today.
Call: 320-327-2216
Bill and Joyce Ramige, Publishers;
Rich Glennie, Editor; Brenda Fogarty,
Sales; Alyssa Schauer, Staff Writer/Office.
marek, Alice Paul, Martha Wilkins, Dodie
Chalupsky, Alice Carol Totusek and Margaret Benz. In the back are Bernie Kaczmarek, Milton Totusek and Donald Benz.
115 Olsen Blv
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Gerry’s Vision
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“Your Complete
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Call for Appoin
1234 Greeley
Tire Service
*Paul G. Eklof
, O.D.
*Katie N. Tanc
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Kid’s Glasses $
Evening and Sa
appts. availa
The Business and Professional
Directory is provided each week
for quick reference to businesses
and professionals in the Silver
Lake area — their locations,
phone numbers and
office hours.
Call the Silver Lake Leader
(320-327-2216) or
McLeod County Chronicle
offices for details on how you can
be included in this directory.
Check out
our website:
, Glencoe
719 Chandler
(320) 8 -3
• 5” Seamless
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free guarante
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ners progressing through
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All boys and girls 10 to 14
years old are eligible to participate and will compete in their
respective age divisions.
Last year, more than
344,000 sharpshooters participated in over 4,700 local
For more information,
please call Ray Bandas at 320327-3115.
1 column x 2 inches
The Silver Lake Knights of
Columbus Mother Cabrini
Council No. 1841 is sponsoring a free-throw contest for
boys and girls ages 10-14 as of
Jan. 1, 2013.
The contest will be held
Sunday, Jan. 27, at 1:30 p.m.,
at Lakeside Elementary
School in Silver Lake.
Entrants may compete in
only one local competition.
Parents must sign an authorization form verifying birthdate.
The Knights of Columbus
Free Throw Championship is
sponsored annually, with win-
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Wk 2,3,4,5
The Silver Lake Leader welcomes letters from readers expressing their
opinions. All letters, however, must be
signed. Private thanks, solicitations
and potentially libelous letters will not
be published. We reserve the right to
edit any letter.
A guest column is also available to any
writer who would like to present an
opinion in a more expanded format. If
interested, contact the editor,
The editorial staff of the Silver Lake
Leader strives to present the news in a
fair and accurate manner. We appreciate errors being brought to our attention. Please bring any grievances
against the Silver Lake Leader to the
attention of the editor. Should differences continue, readers are encouraged to take their grievances to the
Minnesota News Council, an organization dedicated to protecting the public from press inaccuracy and
unfairness. The News Council can be
contacted at 12 South Sixth St., Suite
940, Minneapolis, MN 55402, or
(612) 341-9357.
Press Freedom
Freedom of the press is guaranteed
under the First Amendment to the U.S.
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
or abridging the freedom of speech, or
the press…”
Ben Franklin wrote in the Pennsylvania Gazette in 1731: “If printers were
determined not to print anything till
they were sure it would offend nobody
there would be very little printed.”
Deadline for news and advertising
in the Silver Lake Leader is noon,
Tuesday. Deadline for advertising in
The Galaxy is noon Wednesday.
Silver Lake Leader, Thursday, January 10, 2013 — Page 3
Down Memory Lane
Compiled by Margaret Benz
Silver Lake Leader photo by Rich Glennie
Top spellers
The annual Glencoe-Silver Lake area
schools spelling bee was held last Friday
with 25 students in from fifth through
eighth grades. Besides public school contestants, there also were contestants from
First Lutheran School and St. Pius X
Catholic School. After less than 45 minutes, the top two spellers emerged in Maddie Dressel, left, a seventh grader, who
finished second, and Cora Kuras, an
eighth-grader, who was crowned the new
champion. It took six rounds for Kuras to
win. McLeod Publishing, Inc., parent company of the Silver Lake Leader and the
McLeod County Chronicle, sponsored the
annual spelling bee and presented the top
spellers new hard-bound Miriam-Webster’s College Dictionary (first) and Theraurus (second).
How are the resolutions coming?
50 YEARS AGO - JAN. 10, 1963 — A
youth dance, sponsored by the Youth Group,
will be held on Saturday, Jan. 12, at the Silver
Lake Auditorium. Music will be by Whirl
Winds Rock ’N Roll. Admission is 50¢.
Joe Gehlen of Gehlen’s Farm Services will
hold his annual Purina Dairy meeting on Thursday, Jan. 17. The big event will get under way
at the Silver Lake Auditorium. A free lunch and
the awarding of door prizes will climax the affair.
Mrs. Frances Urban, 76, passed away on
Thursday morning, Jan. 10. Funeral services
will be held on Saturday, Jan. 12, at the St.
Joseph Church.
Mrs. Albert Horejsi, 84, passed away on Saturday, Jan. 5, at her home in Silver Lake. Funeral services were held Tuesday, Jan. 8, at the
St. Joseph Church.
Joseph Nowak, 57, died on Friday, Jan. 4,
while fishing at Lake Henry. Funeral services
were held on Monday morning, Jan. 7, at the St.
Adalbert’s Church.
A son was born on Jan. 3 to Mr. and Mrs.
Bernard Koktan, the first baby of the New Year
born at the Glencoe Hospital
25 YEARS AGO - JAN. 14, 1988 — The
Silver Lake Fire Department “He & She
Party”will be held on Saturday night, Jan. 16,
at the Silver Lake Auditorium. Two $5 prizes
will be given away each hour starting at 9 p.m.
to 12 midnight. Admission is $3, which includes
A Unity Prayer Service will be held on
Wednesday, Jan. 20, at the Presbyterian Church.
Gerald and Linda Brooks received a letter
from the American Red Cross telling them that
the kidneys donated from their son, who recently died from injuries, were successfully
transplanted in two recipients.
Sons were born to Bruce and Kathy Exsted
on Dec. 31 and Tom and Mary (Gehlen) Quiring
on Jan. 9.
By Alyssa Schauer
Each year, I promise myself
I’m going to be more healthy,
and every year, I work at this
in spurts. Summers are usually
productive, with the warmer
weather, and I’m outside doing
something active nearly everyday.
But when the colder weather
comes around, in October or
so, I find comfort in staying on
the couch and eating obscene
amounts of potato soup.
Then of course, Thanksgiving and Christmas are right
around the corner, and I indulge in pecan pie, sweet potato casseroles, and all
varieties of cookies on the holiday treat table.
It’s embarrassing, really.
And so, in order to keep up
a routine of healthy habits
throughout the entire year, and
not just spring and summer,
I’ve decided to register for a
few 5K races.
Lucky for me, there are
Thanksgiving “turkey trots”
and “polar dashes” in the winter, so that my indulgences
may be offset by physical activity.
I think I should maybe tell
my goals to my grandmothers,
so that they are more inclined
to send me home with carrots
and apples instead of pudding
and pies.
Another favorite resolution
of mine is to organize my finances.
Each year, I tell myself I’m
going to put away a little bit of
each pay check and build up
my savings account, but then I
see the cutest pair of shoes at
Target or I find summer
dresses that I just have to have,
2 snowmobilers hurt;
airlifted by Life Link
2006 Artic Cat Crossfire, was
owned and driven by Joshua
Scott Jeppesen, 30, of Brownton.
Both individuals were transported by ambulance to the
Regional Health
Services and then airlifted by
Life Link Air Ambulance.
The snowmobiles were removed from the scene, and the
deputies cleared with reports.
Also responding were the
Minnesota State Patrol, Glencoe Police Department, the
Glencoe Fire Department and
the Glencoe Ambulance Service.
and my savings go to pot.
Most of you know this about
me, and as the title of this column suggests, I love to travel.
And so, I have opened a savings account at another bank
specifically dedicated for a
travel fund, so that I can adventure off to a new place this
year. And I can use this column as accountability to report
My final resolution this year
revolves around organizing
my belongings. As I dug
through boxes upon boxes
stacked in my closets and
under my bed looking for
check blanks, I realized I keep
everything. I mean, EVERYTHING.
I found a movie ticket receipt from 2009 for the movie
“Avatar,” an unopened box of
fish hooks, bobby pins, broken
pencils, a Christmas ornament,
corroded pennies, a clothespin,
an empty white-out bottle,
photographs from high school,
and yarn in a small cardboard
box, filled with other miscellaneous junk.
Talk about a hoarder.
So I’m going to ring in the
New Year by cleaning up and
getting rid of junk. I think I’ll
start by taking down my
Christmas tree and putting
away the Christmas decorations. And I should probably
get rid of the box of cookies on
the table and put all loose
change I find into a glass jar
labeled “Travel Fund.”
Check back with me in July
and we’ll see how everything
is coming. Good luck to all on
their own resolutions!
ECFE Plus!
to start soon
ECFE Plus! is a new option
for children ages 3 to 5 years
old who are toilet trained and
ready for a school experience
without mom or dad.
Beginning in late January,
families attending another
ECFE parent-child class may
add a day of child-only school
each week for the winter/
spring session.
The child-only class will be
held on Monday mornings
from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
For registration or more information, call ECFE at 320-8642681.
Submitted photo
Silver Lake High School class of 1967 reunion
The Silver Lake High School class of 1967
gathered for its 45-year reunion Nov. 24,
2012, at the Silver Lake American Legion
Club. Twenty-two of the original 46 in the
graduating class were present. In the front,
from left to right, are Ken Tupa, Larry
Cacka, Emmy (Mikkelsen) Perrizo, Bonnie
Sustacek and Diane (Schultz) Horstmann.
In the middle row are Roy Vorlicek,
Paulette (Navratil) Slanga, Linda (Koktan)
Fleischman, Linda (Hoem) Prochaska,
Gary Piehl, Bruce Svanda, Roger Korista
and Larry Prochaska. In the back are
David Kaczmarek, Harvey Mikolichek, Ray
Slanga, Cathy (Mackedanz) Plath, Dianne
Ruzicka, Pat (Smoley) Wischnewski,
Lorelei (Trnka) Line, John Vokal and Bob
Shimanski. Roses were displayed in memory of Robert Hlavka, James Pavlish, Dale
Mikesh and Russell Dolezal.
Silver Lake Area
for Duane Yurek
28+ years at
Littfin Lumber Co.
Come and help celebrate!
Silver Lake Legion Club
Saturday, Jan. 12
7:00 p.m.
No invitations sent.
No gifts please.
Saturday, Jan. 19, 2013
10am-3pm • Silver Lake Auditorium
Lunch available • Door Prizes • FREE Admission
The Phoenix Drumline will perform
on stage at 1 p.m.
Silver Lake Fire Department will have a
demonstration at 11 a.m.
Something for everyone!
Join us for the day & see what
Silver Lake Area Businesses have to offer.
Sponsored by the following:
Thank You
To my family and
all who joined
them on Dec. 16,
thank you for helping make my 90th
Birthday so special.
With love,
Bernice Gehlen
Plumbing & Heating, Inc.
• Central Air Conditioning
• Air Duct Cleaning
• Service Work
at Lakeside
Silver Lake
Sundays • 1-420:3&027p.m.
January 13,
February 3 & 10
or Gaylord 507-237-2330
2110 9th St. E. • Glencoe
A two-snowmobile accident, reported at 3:17 p.m.,
Saturday, injured two people
seriously enough to call in the
Life Link Air Ambulance to
transport the injured to the
Twin Cities.
According to the McLeod
County Sheriff’s Office, the
two snowmobiles crashed into
a drainage ditch in the area of
Highway 212 and Hilton Avenue, west of Glencoe.
One snowmobile, a 1999
Polaris XC700, was owned
and driven by Thomas Anthony Hedin, 33, of Glencoe.
The second snowmobile, a
The Travel Section
How are the New Year resolutions coming?
I read this quote once that
said, “May the New Year bring
you courage to break your resolutions early! My own plan is
to swear off every kind of virture, so that I triumph even
when I fall!”
I had to laugh at that one. It
sounds like something I could
live up to.
I don’t make resolutions that
are unattainable, but inevitably, it seems that every
January of a new year is strong
and successful, as I plow into
the year full steam ahead, but
by Feb. 10 or so, my schedule
gets busy with meetings and
meetings and meetings, and
some weather disaster like a
blizzard sets in and then I have
no motivation to do anything.
Oh, who am I kidding? By
Jan. 10 I am pooped out from
trying so hard to accommodate
my resolutions into a busy
schedule that I forget what
they even were.
This year, I’ve been so sidetracked with the holiday
schedules and deadlines and
family get-togethers, that I
didn’t even get the chance to
make any New Year’s resolutions.
I know it’s not yet too late to
make a few resolutions, as we
round off our second week in
January, and a few goals for
2013 have crossed my mind.
And you know what? I think
writing them down and putting
them in print will hold me
more accountable. Not to mention, it gives the few of you
who read this section the
power to hold me to them
throughout the year, so I better
work at them.
But this year, I’m going to
try something a little different
with my resolutions. I usually
make promises to myself that
surround the popular subjects,
like health and finance and organization, but I need to be
more specific.
75 YEARS AGO - JAN. 15, 1938 — Starting Monday, Jan. 17, a new mail service becomes available to Silver Lake by the
inauguration of the Minneapolis and Hutchinson Star Route, which will give Silver Lake a
forenoon and afternoon mail in addition to the
service now available on the Minnesota-Western Railroad. According to the schedule of the
new route, Silver Lake will receive a forenoon
mail at 10:05 a.m. and an afternoon mail from
Hutchinson at 3:40 p.m. Mail will also be dispatched from Silver Lake at that time. Silver
Lake will continue to receive and dispatch mail,
morning and evening, over the MinnesotaWestern Railroad.
The Silver Lake Fire Department held its annual meeting last Saturday evening and reelected Will Halva as chief. Also re-elected
were Alfred Nuwash as secretary and Alfred
Halva as treasurer. W.O. Merrill was elected
A Hobby Show will be sponsored by the
sophomore class of the Silver Lake High School
starting Wednesday, Jan. 19, and continuing
until Friday, Jan. 28. Anyone wishing to contribute their hobby to the show may do so by
bringing it to the English room on or before
Monday, Jan. 17.
At the annual meeting of the stockholders of
the Citizens State Bank of Silver Lake held
Wednesday afternoon, it was voted to increase
the capital stock of the bank by $5,000, which
increases its capital stock from $20,000 to
$25,000. The directors also voted a stock dividend of 25 percent to stockholders on record as
of Jan. 12, 1938.
The Quality Food Store, Joseph Lowy proprietor, is giving away a bushel basket of groceries
on Saturday, Jan. 15, to some lucky person. His
One Day Sale on Saturday, Jan. 15, includes:
old-time mixed candy, 3 pounds 25¢; chocolate
drops, 2 pounds 17¢; peanuts, 3 pounds 25¢;
Softasilk cake flour, 4-pound bag 25¢; 49pound bag of I.G.A. flour $1.69; Red A coffee,
3 pounds 43¢; navy beans, 5¢ a pound.
Subscribe to the Silver Lake Leader for
2.00/person or 7.00/fa
Page 4 — Silver Lake Leader, Thursday, January 10, 2013
Church News
A check for $50 was presented to Genny
Lhotka, president of the Silver Lake Senior
Citizens Club, by the GFWC Silver Lake
Women’s Club. From left to right are Dodie
Chalupsky, Mary Jaskowiak, Genny
Lhotka, Margaret Benz, Laura Kaczmarek,
Mercedes Nowak and Delores Goede.
Submitted photo
GFWC donates to Senior Dining
The GFWC Silver Lake Women’s Club presented a check for $50 to Silver Lake Dining Site Manager Pearl Branden (far right).
From left to right are Dodie Chalupsky,
Mary Jaskowiak, Mercedes Nowak and
Margaret Benz.
Kitchen Delights
& Other Things
Pumpkin Roll
Submitted by Stacy Miska
1/4 cup powdered sugar (to sprinkle on towel)
3/4 cup flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 large eggs
1 cup granulated sugar
2/3 cup pumpkin
1 package cream cheese, room temperature
1 cup powdered sugar, sifted
6 tablespoons butter, softened
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Powdered sugar (optional for decoration)
California Chili
1 tablespoon butter
1/2 pound ground lean turkey
1 medium onion, diced
1 medium green bell pepper, diced
2 large tomatoes, seeded and diced
1 can (15 ounce) pinto beans, rinsed and drained
1 can (15 ounce) kidney beans, rinsed and
1 can (8 ounce) tomato sauce
1/2 tablespoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon chili powder
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 cup prepared barbecue sauce
Salt and pepper to taste
Melt butter in large saucepan over medium heat.
Add turkey and cook until browned, stirring frequently, about 5 minutes. Add onion and bell
pepper and cook until softened, stirring occa-
Easy Skillet Lasagna
1-1/2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 large onion, chopped
1 cup mushrooms, chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
2 cans (14.5 ounce) Italian diced tomatoes,
1/4 cup tomato sauce
3 basil leaves, chopped
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 cup skim ricotta cheese
1/2 cup part skim mozzarella cheese
3 tablespoons Parmesan cheese
6 ounces lasagna noodles, broken into thirds
and fully cooked
2 tablespoons parsley
Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over mediumhigh heat. Add onions and cook until softened,
about 4 minutes. Add garlic and mushrooms
and cook until garlic is fragrant, about one
minute. Add in diced tomatoes, tomato sauce,
basil, salt and pepper. Cook mixture until it
thickens up a bit, around 5 minutes. Add noodles to skillet and stir into the mixture well. Add
scoops of ricotta cheese over the noodles; add
in mozzarella and Parmesan. Stir in parsley.
Cook about 2 minutes, or until mixture is thick.
Serve immediately with additional basil or parsley.
Pina Coloda Cupcakes
1 box (18.25 ounces) yellow cake mix
1 can (20 ounces) crushed pineapple in juice (do
not drain)
1 block (8 ounces) cream cheese
1 can (20 ounces) crushed pineapple juice, completely drained
1 cup sweetened coconut flakes
1/4 cup sugar
Combine cake mix and 1 can crushed pineapple
in juice (not drained). Mix on medium speed
with electric mixer. Pour into lined cupcake tins
about two-thirds full. Bake in accordance with
cake mix directions or until toothpick inserted
comes out clean. Set aside to cool. To make the
frosting, combine cream cheese, crushed
pineapple (drained), sugar, and coconut flakes
in a medium bowl and mix with a hand mixer
until combined well. Spread on cooled cupcakes
and refrigerate until ready to eat.
20924 State Hwy. 7 W.
E-mail: assembly@
Dr. Lee Allison, pastor
Sun., Jan. 13 — Worship, 8:30
a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
Wed., Jan. 16 — Family night
activities, 6:30 p.m.
31 Fourth Ave. S.W.,
Sun., Jan. 13 — Sunday school,
9 a.m.; worship, 10:15 a.m.
1014 Knight Ave.,
Anthony Stubeda, Pastor
Thurs., Jan. 10 — Mass at
GRHS-LTC, 10:30 a.m.; no worship and spiritual life committee
Fri., Jan. 11 — No Mass, no
Spanish Mass.
Sat., Jan. 12 — Moms’ group
rosary, 9 a.m.; Moms’ group meeting, 9:30 a.m.; reconciliation, 4
p.m.; Mass, 5 p.m.
Sun., Jan. 13 — Mass, 9:30
a.m.; KC free-throw contest after
Mass; Spanish Mass, 11:30 a.m.;
Spanish religious education
classes, 12:45 p.m.; take down
Christmas decorations, 1 p.m.;
Mass at Holy Family, Silver Lake,
700 W. Main St.,
Silver Lake
Anthony Stubeda, Pastor
Fri., Jan. 11 — No Mass.
Sat. Jan. 12 — Mass, 6:30 p.m.
Sun., Jan. 13 — Mass, 8 a.m.
and 8 p.m.; take down Christmas
decorations, 8 a.m.
Tues., Jan. 15 — Mass, 8 a.m.;
adoration, 8:30 a.m.-10 p.m.;
quilting, 9 a.m.; KC meeting, 7
Wed., Jan. 16 — No Mass; firstthrough sixth-grade religious education classes, 5:30 p.m.; sevenththrough 11th-grade religious education classes, 7:15 p.m.
Thurs., Jan. 17 — Mass at
Cedar Crest, 10:30 a.m.; staff
meeting, 1 p.m.
Fri., Jan. 18 — No Mass.
950 School Rd. S.W.
E-mail: infor@
Jim Hall, Pastor
Sun., Jan. 13 — Worship, 9:30
a.m. and 6 p.m.
ECFE gym
activities set
for Jan. 11
Got infants, toddlers or
preschoolers? Get ECFE-Early
Childhood Family Education!
January is a busy month for
ECFE. Do your kids need an
outlet at the end of the week?
Come to “Jumping in the
Gym” Friday, Jan. 11, 6 p.m.
to 7:30 p.m., in the Helen
Baker Gym.
The gym will be set up with
a bounce house, mats, climbing structure, bowling and
other cool stuff. You are also
welcome to bring a favorite
wheel toy to ride inside.
Other Friday gym nights are
set for:
• Feb. 8, 6 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
• March 1, 6 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
• April 5, 6 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
Please register one week before the event. There is a small
charge to attend, but if you are
participating in the 1,000
Books Before Kindergarten
program, you can ask for the
ECFE Gym Night Reward
coupon and redeem it for a free
gym night. Families who are
redeeming coupons must still
register one week before the
event. For more information,
call ECFE at 320-864-2681.
Silver Lake
1215 Roberts Rd. S.W.
Rick Stapleton,
Senior pastor
Adam Krumrie,
worship pastor
Tait Hoglund,
Student ministries
Thurs., Jan. 10 — Senior high
free lunch, 11 a.m.; worship team,
6 p.m.
Sun., Jan. 13 — Worship, 9
a.m. and 10:30 a.m.; Sunday
school for all ages, 9 a.m.; Griefshare, 2 p.m.
Mon., Jan. 14 — Women’s discipleship, 6:30 p.m.
Tues., Jan. 15 — Women’s discipleship, 9 a.m.
Wed., Jan. 16 — Release time,
9 a.m.; AWANA, 6:30 p.m.; middle school youth group, 6:30 p.m.;
senior high youth group, 7:30
Thurs., Jan. 17 — Senior high
free lunch, 11 a.m.; worship team,
6 p.m.
77 Lincoln Ave.,
Lester Prairie
Bethany Nelson, pastor
Sun., Jan. 13 — Communion
worship, 9 a.m.; coffee and fellowship, 10 a.m.; Sunday school,
10:15 a.m.
Wed., Jan. 16 — Office hours,
3 p.m.; choir, 7 p.m.
Plumbing & Heating
Brian Mikolichek: Owner • Bonded-Insured
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Cokato, MN
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Furnace Check and$ Clean
Special as low as 6900
Call for details. Valid until Jan. 31, 2013.
GLENCOE Plumbing & Heating, Inc.
GLENCOE Plumbing & Heating, Inc.
or Gaylord 507-237-2330
2110 9th St. E., Glencoe •
Call us to advertise your booth at the
Silver Lake Expo held January 19th
at the Silver Lake Auditorium.
Silver Lake Leader deadline:
Tuesday - Noon
Glencoe Advertiser deadline:
Wednesday - Noon
Silver Lake LEADER
104B Lake Ave., Silver Lake
Glencoe Advertiser
716 E. 10th St., Glencoe
Brenda Fogarty-
Karin Ramige Cornwell-
Sue Keenan-
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Grease 15x10-inch
jelly-roll pan; line with wax paper. Grease and
flour paper. Sprinkle a thick, cotton kitchen
towel with powdered sugar. Mix flour, baking
powder, baking soda, cinnamon, cloves and salt
in small bowl. Beat eggs and granulated sugar
in large mixer bowl until thick. Beat in pumpkin. Stir in flour mixture. Spread evenly into
prepared pan. Bake for 13 to 15 minutes or until
top of cake springs back when touched. Immediately loosen and turn cake onto prepared
towel. Carefully peel off paper. Roll up cake
and towel together, start with narrow end. Cool
on wire rack. For filling, beat cream cheese, 1
cup powdered sugar, butter and vanilla extract
in small mixer bowl until smooth. Carefully unroll cake. Spread cream cheese mixture over
cake. Re-roll cake. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate at least 1 hour. Sprinkle with powdered
sugar before serving.
sionally, about 5 minutes. Add tomatoes and
cook 5 minutes. Stir in all remaining ingredients
and simmer until thickened, at least an hour.
108 W. Main St.,
Silver Lake
Fax 320-327-6562
E-mail: faithfriends
Mark Ford, Pastor
Carol Chmielewski, CLP
Office hours: Tuesdays and
Thursdays from 1 p.m. to 5
p.m. and Sundays
from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Sun., Jan. 13 — Communion
service, 10 a.m.; coffee fellowship
after worship.
Wed., Jan. 16 — Light supper,
5:30 p.m.; WOW classes and
adult Bible study, 6 p.m.; choir
practice, 7 p.m.
Thurs., Jan. 17 — Presbytery
Women Bible study, 2 p.m.
Sun., Jan. 20 — Worship service with fellowship after, 10 a.m.
8 p.m.
Mon., Jan. 14 — No Mass;
scheduling of liturgical ministers
begins; Mission Club, 1:30 p.m.;
Schoenestatt girls’ group meeting,
3 p.m.
Tues., Jan. 15 — No Mass; junior choir practice, 2:50 p.m.; KC
meeting, 7:30 p.m.
Wed., Jan. 16 — No evening
prayer; Mass, 6 p.m.; kindergarten
through 10th-grade religious education conferences; no religious
education classes.
GFWC donates to Seniors
770 School Rd.,
Kenneth Rand,
Branch President
Sun., Jan. 13 — Sunday school,
10:50 a.m.-11:30 a.m.; priesthood, relief society and primary,
11:40 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Submitted photo
300 Cleveland Ave.,
Silver Lake
Dr. Tom Rakow, Pastor
Sat., Jan. 12 — Men’s Bible
study, 7 a.m.; women’s Bible
study, 9 a.m.
Sun., Jan. 13 — “First Light”
radio broadcast on KARP 106.9
FM, 7:30 a.m.; pre-service prayer
time, 9:15 a.m.; worship service,
9:30 a.m.; Sunday school, 10:35
a.m.; open shooting for Centershot graduates, 11:45 a.m.
Wed., Jan. 16 — Confirmation,
discipleship class, 6 p.m.; prayer
time, 7 p.m.
Sat., Jan. 19 — Men’s Bible
study, 7 a.m.; booth at Silver Lake
Business Expo, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
Sun., Jan. 20 — “First Light”
radio broadcast on KARP 106.9
FM, 7:30 a.m.; pre-service prayer
time, 9:15 a.m.; worship service,
9:30 a.m.; Sunday school, 10:35
a.m.; all-church potluck; annual
meeting, 1 p.m.
Dial-A-Bible Story, 320-3272843.
Silver Lake Leader, Thursday, January 10, 2013 — Page 5
Panther wrestlers repeat at Ogilvie
By Kevin Simonson
Special to The Leader
On the strength of seven individual champions and 20
total pins, the GSL/LP
wrestlers have brought home
the championship trophy from
the Ogilvie Lions Invitational
for the second straight year.
Panther wrestlers went 27-10
in matches wrestled and scored
20 pins while giving up only 4.
Only seven teams participated in the 33rd annual event,
and GSL/Lester Prairie was
the only team to fill all 14
weights. Second-place SartellSt. Stephen used 13 wrestlers.
Panthers earning championship medals were Jacob
Jewett (106), Michael Donnay
(120), Brandon Richter (126),
Nate Tesch (138), Mitchell
Hartwig (152), John Williams
(170) and Dalton Clouse
Jewett, a second seed, won
his first two matches each by
fall; then jumped out to an 111 lead against top-seeded
Caleb Kreitter of Crosby-Ironton in the championship
match. Jewett, who settled for
a 13-2 victory, also was recognized as being the tournament’s outstanding wrestler.
Donnay opened his title run
with a 15-0 technical fall —
his 60th career win at the varsity level. He won his final two
matches by fall, in 24 seconds
and 49 seconds.
After receiving a bye in the
GSL Panther
December Watertown-May.. W,80-63
11 Bl. Jefferson.....L,64-57
13....Hutchinson .........W,65-64
15....New Ulm.............W,77-67 Waconia...........L,91-69
21....Rocori .................W,67-60
........GSL tourney:
28....vs. Spectrum ......W,86-36
29....vs. HF Catholic ...W,72-59
05....Jordan .................L,66-55 Dassel-Cok.....W,74-60
11 Mound-Wtka. ........6:30
12....NYA Central ..............7:30
18....Orono........................7:30 Faribault................7:30 Litchfield ...............7:30 Hutchinson............7:30 Annandale.............7:30
Silver Lake Leader photo by Rich Glennie
GSL/LP 195-pounder Dalton Clouse, top, muscled his way
to a pin of Waconia’s Zach Christians last Thursday in
Glencoe. Clouse helped seal a 42-30 Panthers’ victory over
their conference and section rivals.
quarterfinals, Richter won 160 in the semifinals — for his
50th career win. In the finals,
Richter prevailed 8-6.
Also going 2-0 on the day
and winning their weight
classes were Tesch, Hartwig
and Williams. Tesch won by
fall in 1:20 and by a 3-1 decision in his title match. Hartwig
won by fall in 1:33 before disposing of Bryce Ortloff from
Deer River 9-1 in the title bout.
Williams pinned both of his op-
1-1 record. Sell won his semifinal by fall; the first contested
victory of his varsity career.
Finishing in third place were
Aaron Donnay (113), Kyle
Polzin (132) and Nick Jenkins
(160). Donnay and Polzin each
finished the day 2-1 with two
pins. Jenkins was also 2-1 with
one pin. Polzin was recognized
at the end of the tournament for
having the fastest fall (13 seconds) on the day. That came in
his match for third place.
ponents to win his title. Times
of the falls were 1:09 and :58.
Clouse hardly worked up a
sweat on the day, as he wrestled
a total of 2 minutes, 33 seconds
— his pin times were 1:02,
1:15 and :16. His quick pin in
the finals propelled him to
being named the wrestler with
the most pins in the least
amount of time.
Filling in for the Panthers at
220 was eighth-grader Peyton
Sell, who placed second with a
Fourth-place finishers for the
Panthers were Dalton Kosek
(145) and Martin Lezama
(182). Each went 1-2 on the
day with the wins being by fall.
Chris Lemke, (285) finished
fifth after going 1-2. The highlight of the day for Lemke was
winning his first competitive
varsity match. This was in the
match for fifth place. Lemke
had lost by pin to this same
wrestler earlier in the day.
01....HF Catholic ...............7:30
08....Dassel-Cokato ..........7:30
09....Mound-Wtka. ............7:30
11 Sibley East............7:30 N.London-Sp. .......7:30
19....Litchfield ...................7:30
22....Delano ......................7:30
26....Annandale ................7:30
Section 5(AA) Tourney
07....1st Round
November St.Peter............L,69-48 Jordan .............L,69-35
December Belle Plaine .....L,58-54
11 ....New Prague.........L,59-45 Annandale .......L,55-42
20....Mayer Lutheran ..W,46-37
28....vs. Luverne.........W,39-26
GSL girls’ team tops Luverne, New Ulm
By Lee Ostrom
Sports Editor
After starting the season with
six straight losses, the GlencoeSilver Lake girls’ basketball
team now operates with a
three-game winning streak.
The Panthers got to 2-6 by
downing Luverne, 39-26, Dec.
28 in Marshall; then won again,
51-29, last Saturday at New
Defense was a key factor in
each victory. GSL limited Luverne to only eight second-half
points. Eight days later, GSL
outscored New Ulm 30-6 in the
first half of the teams’ Jan. 5
As a result, the Panthers took
a 3-6 mark into last night’s
Wright County Conference
home date with Dassel-Cokato.
GSL is at Mound-Westonka on
Friday, home against NYA
Central (6 p.m. tip) Saturday,
and at New London-Spicer on
Tuesday, Jan. 15.
Decorated forwards Clarissa
Ober and Stephanie Klockmann led Panther scorers and
rebounders in GSL’s most recent games.
Against Luverne, Ober tallied 16 points and grabbed 16
boards, while Klockmann, a
junior, added 13 points and 11
At New Ulm, Klockmann
topped all scorers with 18
points. She also took down six
boards. Ober added eight points
and 11 rebounds.
A 6-1 senior, Ober also
blocked five shots and got
credit for seven steals in the
two games.
Against Luverne, GSL had
an 11-to-11 ratio of assists and
turnovers. Klockmann and
guard Maddie Monahan were
charted for three assists apiece.
At New Ulm, Monahan
added six points, six boards, six
steals and four assists, while
Samantha Lange also tallied six
In all, no fewer than 10 Panthers tallied at least two points
against the Eagles.
Panthers 39
Luverne 26
GSL ................ 19-20 — 39
Luverne.......... 18-08 — 26
PANTHERS — Clarissa
Ober 16; Steph Klockmann 13;
Maddie Monahan 2; Madison
Kalenberg 2; Alex Stensvad 2;
Taylor Breidenbach 2; Samantha Lange 2.
CARDINALS — K.Wohnoutka 11; T. Sudenga 9; M.
Schilling 3; L. Rust 3.
Panthers 51
New Ulm 29
GSL ................ 30-21 — 51
New Ulm ........ 06-23 — 29
PANTHERS — Clarissa
Ober 8; Steph Klockmann 18;
Maddie Monahan 6; Madison
Kalenberg 2; Taylor Breidenbach 3; Samantha Lange 6;
Kelly Beneke 2; Brooke Kaczmarek 2; Erin Nowak 2.
EAGLES — H. Ahlness 3; M.
Shaul 1; K. McDonald 2; E.
Schneider 7; T. Bolduan 3; A.
Grejtak 4; K. Anderson 3; E.
Rummel 4. New Ulm.........W,51-29
11 Mound-Wtka. ........7:45
12....NYA Central ..............6:00 N.London-Spicer...7:30 Orono....................7:30
22....Litchfield ...................7:30
29....Annandale ................7:30
February HF Catholic...........7:30
05....Spectrum ..................7:30 Dassel-Cokato ......7:30
09....Mound-Wtka. ............6:00
12....N.London-Sp. ...........7:30
15....Waconia....................7:30 Litchfield ...............7:30 Delano ..................7:30
Section 2(AAA) Tourney
26....1st Round
Section 2(AAA) Tourney
02....2nd Round
GSL boys fall 66-55 at home
By Rich Glennie
lagued by foul trouble,
missed scoring opportunities, turnovers and
poor free throw shooting, the
Glencoe-Silver Lake Panthers
dropped a 66-55 non-conference decision to the visiting
Jordan Hubmen Saturday afternoon.
Ethan Masss and Travis
Rothstein, the Panthers starting
guards, were both in foul trouble midway into the first half.
In a foul-plagued game, Jordan was having the same trouble. It was a matter of whose
depth would prevail, or whose
star would stay in the game. It
also boiled down to who could
make free throws. Jordan won
on all counts.
In the end, it was Jordan’s
Brian Hartman who propelled
the Hubmen to victory.
Maass, who sat out a large
portion of the first half and
picked up his fourth foul early
in the second, re-entered the
game and pulled GSL within
51-50 with a basket with 4:04
left to play.
But Hartman and the Hubmen came right back. The junior guard hit a three-point shot
at the top of the circle to give
Jordan a 54-50 edge.
Later, Hartman drove the
lane for a basket and two free
throws in a span of 29 seconds
that sealed Jordan’s victory.
The physical game was
closely called. Both teams
were in the bonus early in each
half. Jordan simply made more
free throws down the stretch.
— GSL made 23 of the 77
shots it attempted from the
field, an icy 29 percent. The
Panthers were 3 of 14 (21 percent) from beyond the 3-point
Greg Ober, a senior guard,
was 6-for-11 and senior forward Trenton Draeger 4-for-6.
But Maass was 5-for-13, Reed
Dunbar 4-for-18 and Keaton
Anderson 2-for-13.
— At the free-throw line,
GSL went 6 of 16 (37.5 percent). Ober was 4-for-6 and
Brandon Ebert was 2-for-2.
Collectively, everyone else was
Jordan made 16 free throws
and missed 16 free throws.
Rebounds went 41-37 in Jordan’s favor. Anderson led GSL
rebounders with 11 boards.
Dunbar pulled down seven. He
also got credit for four assists
and a couple of steals.
Ober finished with a Panther-high 16 points, to go with
three steals, two assists and
four boards.
December Becker Inv. ................... Northfield Inv................ WM triangular .............. St. Peter.......................
21....Orono............................... Litchfield ...............6:00
11 ....Dassel-Cokato ..........6:00
19....GSL Invite................noon
24....Delano ......................6:00 Northfield Inv.......10:30
01....Mound-Wtka. ............6:00 NL-Spicer..............6:00
Section 2(A) Meet Watertown.............TBA
01....GSL-Don Hall Inv. .......4th
08 Andover Inv. ...........2nd Litch: vs.DC....W,42-30
........vs. Litchfield .......W,53-14 Richfield Inv. ....2nd,2-1 Hutch: vs.NLS ...L,66-9
........vs.Ann/ML .............L,60-8
03....GSL: Waconia ....W,42-30
........vs.Hutchinson......L,52-23 Ogilvie Inv ...............1st WM .................L,36-28
........vs.LeS-Hend. ....W,60-12
10....GSL 2D (with Delano,
Orono)...............................6:00 Zimmerman Inv.. ...9:00 LCWM Invite .......10:00
22....St.Peter (at LP).........6:00
24....GSL 2D (with MoundWtka., Hutch) ....................6:00 N.Prague 2D.........5:00 HLWW...................6:30
Jordan 66
Panthers 55
30-36 — 66
33-22 — 55
HUBMEN — Brian Hartman
29, Jake Andersen 14, Daniel
Gutzmer 9, Nate Beckman 8,
Nick Heitkamp 5, Jack Gray 1.
PANTHERS — Greg Ober
16, Ethan Maass 11, Reed
Dunbar 8, Trenton Draeger 8,
Keaton Anderson 5, Teddy Petersen 2, Travis Rothstein 2,
Brandon Ebert 2.
01....WCC. at Delano........3:30 MW Invite..............5:00 DC Invite.............10:00
Section 2(AA) Tourney
14....Teams, 1st rounds ....TBA
22-23..Indys, at Waconia ..TBA
Silver Lake Leader photo by Rich Glennie
Glencoe-Silver Lake senior forward Trenton Draeger wheels to the basket against
Jordan. Draeger finished with eight
points and five rebounds. But the Panthers lost at home for the first time this
Page 6 — Silver Lake Leader, Thursday, January 10, 2013
Donna Hartmann, 77, of Hutchinson
Funeral services for Donna
Lu Hartmann, 77, of Hutchinson, were held Tuesday, Jan. 8,
at the Dobratz-Hantge Funeral
Chapel in Hutchinson. The
Rev. Cindy
Mueller officiated.
M r s .
died Saturday, Jan. 5,
Cedar Crest
Estates in
Silver Lake. Donna Lu
The or- Hartmann
ganist was Jacquelyn Frerichs,
and congregational hymns
were “Amazing Grace,” “On
Eagle’s Wings” and “In the
Pallbearers were Jason
Pawlicki, Chad Eggert, Brian
Plath, Jason Kaczmarek, Jeff
Pokorny and Jeremiah Clark.
Interment was in Ripley
Cemetery in Litchfield.
Donna Lu Dascher was born
March 5, 1935, in Hutchinson,
to John and Margaret (Trutna)
Dascher. She was baptized as
an infant on June 21, 1936,
and confirmed in her faith as a
youth, both at First Congregational United Church of Christ
in Hutchinson. She received
her education in Hutchinson
and was a graduate of the
Hutchinson High School class
of 1953. She was salutatorian
of her class and played clarinet
in the Hutchinson High School
On Sept. 5, 1953, Donna
Dascher was united in marriage to Gordon Hartmann at
their cabin on Lake Washington in Meeker County. This
marriage was blessed with two
daughters, Shelly and Susan.
The Hartmanns resided in
Hutchinson and shared 59
years of marriage.
After high school, Mrs.
Hartmann was employed at
3M Company in Hutchinson
and also worked on a farm in
the Hutchinson area. After
3M, she was employed at the
Hutchinson Leader office and
later at Crow River Press,
which was part of the Hutchinson Leader, for 27 years as a
bookkeeper. She also had her
own income tax service for
many years.
Mrs. Hartmann was a member of First Congregational
United Church of Christ in
Hutchinson. She also was a
member of Road Runners, Extension Group and the Bag
Lady Travelers (BLTs).
Mrs. Hartmann enjoyed gardening and always had huge
flower and vegetable gardens.
She also enjoyed sewing, knitting, painting and crafts. She
cherished spending time with
her family, grandchildren and
When she developed major
health problems, Mrs. Hartmann became a resident of
Burns Manor Nursing Home
in Hutchinson in September
2009. On Dec. 31, 2009, she
moved to Cedar Crest Estates
in Silver Lake.
Survivors include her husband, Gordon Hartmann of
Hutchinson; daughters, Shelly
(Steve) Eggert and Susan
(Daniel) Clark, both of rural
Hutchinson; grandchildren,
Brandi (Jason) Pawlicki, Chad
(Loriley) Eggert, Amber
(Brian) Plath, Jackie (Jeff)
Craft, Sara (Jason) Kaczmarek, Lisa (Jeff) WilliamsPokorny
(Lauren) Clark; great-grandchildren, Chyanne Pawlicki,
Kayson Pawlicki, Lily Eggert,
Gavin Eggert, Bianca Plath,
Keira Plath, Kaela Schober,
Karie Schober, Carter, Alyssa
and Preston Kaczmarek,
Courtney, Ella and Jayden
Pokorny, and Estelle Clark;
sisters-in-law, Sharon Dascher
of Mound, Lenore Hartmann
of Roseville; nieces, nephews
and many other relatives and
Preceding her in death were
her parents, John and Margaret
George and Nellie Hartmann;
brother-in-law, Les Hartmann;
and nephew, Steven Hartmann.
Arrangements were by the
Dobratz-Hantge Chapel in
Hutchinson. Online obituaries
and guest book are available at Click on
obituaries/guest book.
Felix Leo Juncewski, 86, of Winsted
A concelebrated Mass of
Christian Burial for Felix
Juncewski, 86, of Winsted,
will be held today (Thursday,
Jan. 10), at 11 a.m., at Holy
Church in
The Rev.
Paul Schumacher and
the Rev. Eugene Brown
will be the
c o n c e l e - Felix
Mr. Juncewski died Monday, Jan. 7, 2013, at the
Hutchinson Health Care.
The reader for the Mass will
be Daryl Kiefer. Gift bearers
will be Lauri Shamla and Darlene Kiefer.
Pallbearers will be Kenny
Wraspir, Alan Juncewski,
Mike Cacka, Paul Poko-
rnowski, Joey Wraspir and
Blake Ogle. Interment will
follow at Holy Trinity Cemetery.
Mr. Juncewski was born
was born on March 8, 1926, in
Silver Lake to Steven and
Irene (Bugner) Juncewski. He
was confirmed at St. Adalbert’s Catholic Church in Silver Lake.
On Oct. 21, 1947, Mr.
Juncewski and Sophie M.
Fiecke were joined in holy
marriage. God blessed their
marriage with three sons.
They lived and farmed in
rural Silver Lake. He also had
a trucking business and a sod
business. They moved and
semi retired in their new home
in Winsted in 1990. From
there, he continued to drive
truck and worked with his
He was a faithful member of
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
in Winsted.
Survivors include his loving
wife, Sophie M. Juncewski;
sons, Kenneth Juncewski of
Silver Lake, Leonard “Lenny”
(Linda) Juncewski of Winsted
and David Juncewski of Silver
Lake; 11 grandchildren and 28
great-grandchildren; many
other relatives and friends.
Preceding him in death were
his parents, Steven and Irene
Juncewski; stepmother, Stella
Juncewski; sister and brotherin-law, Clifford and Lucinda
Pilarski; daughters-in-law,
Bernadine Juncewski and Sandra Juncewski; twin grandsons, the Shamla babies; and a
nephew, Leonard Pilarski.
The Chilson Funeral Home
in Winsted is serving the family. Online condolences may
be made at
Jan. 14-18
Silver Lake
Senior Nutrition Site
Monday — Swiss steak, baked
potato, corn, bread with margarine,
pineapple, low-fat milk.
Tuesday — Roast turkey,
mashed potatoes, green beans,
cranberry garnish, bread with margarine, apple cake, low-fat milk.
Wednesday — Meat loaf with
catsup, whole parslied potatoes,
country-blend vegetables, bread
with margarine, mandarin oranges,
low-fat milk.
Thursday — Pork steak, rice,
applesauce, carrots, dinner roll
with margarine, lemon angel food
cake, low-fat milk.
Friday — Minestrone soup,
meat salad on a bun, peaches,
crackers with margarine, cookie,
low-fat milk.
GSL Schools
Elementary/Jr. High/Sr. High
Monday — Breakfast pizza or
Kix Berry cereal and yogurt, apple
juice cup, low-fat milk (breakfast
burrito at junior high and high
Tuesday — Pancake on a stick
or Cheerios and apple-cinnamon
muffin, diced peaches, low-fat milk.
Wednesday — Egg and cheese
omelet or reduced-sugar Coco
Puffs cereal and string cheese,
apple wedges, low-fat milk. (Breakfast pizza at junior high and senior
Thursday — Breakfast pizza or
reduced-sugar Fruit Loops cereal
that a meeting of the McLeod County
Board of Adjustments will be held
on Thursday, the 24th day of January
2013 at 9:30 A.M. in the County
Board Room on the lower level of the
Courthouse at 830 11th Street East in
Glencoe, Minnesota.
MEETING is to consider the following application located in the County
of McLeod and filed with the County
Zoning Asst. Adm. All requests are
subject to modification during the
hearing process.
A Variance Application by Dallas
Yurek requesting the following: 1.)
Reduce required setback from 130’ to
60’ from Swan Lake Rd (CR 79) to
construct an attached garage addition
on to the dwelling; 2.) Reduce required setback from 100’ to 53’ from
Killdeer Ave. to construct an attached
garage addition on to the dwelling; 3.)
Reduce required setback from 10’ to
8’ from rear yard property line and to
reduce required side yard setback from
10’ to 6’ to construct an addition on to
a rear yard accessory bldg.; 4.) Reduce
required setback from 125’ to 70’ from
the right of way of Swan Lake Road
to construct an access driveway for the
attached garage addition.
PREMISE UPON WHICH said request is located is described as follows: .94 AC of Lot 2, Sec 30, Twp
117-028 (Hale.)
held by the McLeod County Board of
Adjustment at which time you may
appear in opposition to or support of
the proposed application.
Marc Telecky,
McLeod Co. Asst. Zoning Adm.
(Published in The Silver Lake
Leader January 10, 2013)
Helen Baker/Lakeside Lunch
Monday — Chicken nuggets,
fun lunch, mashed potatoes, jicama slices with dressing, apple
wedges, pineapple tidbits.
Tuesday — Italian meat sauce
over whole-grain rotini pasta, bread
stick, deli combo sub, seasoned
green beans, caesar romaine
salad with dressing, petite banana,
chilled applesauce.
Wednesday — Cheeseburger
on a whole-wheat bun, ham and
cheese on a whole-grain bun,
coleslaw, kiwi wedge, chilled
Thursday — Chicken-andcheese quesadilla, fiesta rice,
turkey and cheese on whole-grain
bread, seasoned carrots, broccoli
florets with dressing, orange
wedges, chilled pears.
Friday — Tony’s cheese pizza,
tuna salad on whole-grain bread,
seasoned corn, baby carrots with
dressing, apple wedges
High School Lunch
Monday — Chicken nuggets,
mashed potatoes and gravy, dinner
roll, seasoned carrots, sweet-corn
salad, celery sticks with dressing,
orange wedges, pineapple tidbits.
Tuesday — Mexican bar with
chicken tacos or beefy or chicken
taco salad, brown rice, refried
beans, kidney bean salad, baby
carrots with dressing, petite banana, cinnamon apple slices.
Wednesday — Pancakes with
syrup, potato o’browns, scrambled
eggs, jicama fruit salad, cucumbers
with dressing, sliced strawberries,
chilled peaches.
chicken, dinner roll, mashed potatoes with gravy, seasoned carrots,
apple crisp, confetti coleslaw, red
pepper strips with dressing, cranberry sauce, chilled pears.
Friday — Pasta bar with chicken
alfredo or marinara sauce, meatballs, steamed broccoli, caesar romaine salad, baby carrots with
dressing, apple wedges, chilled
mixed fruit.
Girl dies
in sledding
The Dassel-Cokato Enterprise
Dispatch reported that a 10year-old North Carolina girl,
visiting her grandparents, died
as a result of a sledding accident Dec. 27. The Meeker
County Sheriff’s Office reported that the girl was sledding with other children in the
back yard when she hit a
stump and was ejected from
the sled. She was transported
to Meeker County Hospital in
Litchfield, where she died of
her injuries.
Fire destroys
rural home
Arlington Enterprise reported
that a house owned by Mark
Neils was destroyed by fire on
Sunday, Dec. 30, in Faxon
Township, Sibley County. The
house was fully engulfed in
flames when fire departments
from Green Isle, Hamburg,
Gaylord, Henderson and Belle
Plaine arrived. Neils escaped
with minor injuries, and the
cause of the fire was not released.
Legal Notices
Public Hearing
and blueberry muffin, orange juice
cup, low-fat milk (egg and cheese
omelet at junior high and high
Friday — Pancakes with syrup
or reduced-sugar Cinnamon Toast
Crunch cereal and yogurt, diced
pears, low-fat milk. (French toast
sticks with syrup at junior high and
high school).
Lake School Board
School Board Proceedings
ISD #2859
Glencoe-Silver Lake, Minnesota
December 10, 2012
The School Board of Independent
School District #2859 met in regular
session on December 10 at 7:03 p.m.
in the Lincoln Meeting Room (Room
124). Board Chair Christianson called
the meeting to order. Members present: Lindeman, Alsleben, Kuester,
Schreifels, Christianson, and Twiss. In
addition, Superintendent Sonju; Business Manager Sander; Principal Butler; Auditor Kim Hillberg; teachers
Teri Windschitl and Teresa Kuester;
Student Government/Student Activities representatives Emily Popelka,
Kelly Beneke (also Girls’ Basketball
Team representative), and Chantelle
Wolf; Girls’ Basketball Coach Cullen
Ober and Team representative Clarissa
Ober; Donna VonBerge; Mike and
Crystal Dahlke; Technology Staff
Morris; and Superintendent’s Secretary Peterson were in attendance.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Announcements, Acknowledgements, and Reports: Announced the
next regular School Board meeting
will be on January 14th at 7:00 p.m. in
the Lincoln Meeting Room (Room
124) and it will be the annual organizational meeting of the School Board;
Outgoing Board Member Schreifels
was acknowledged by Superintendent
Sonju with the presentation of an engraved brass bell; Board Chair Christianson thanked Director Schreifels for
his service; Auditor Hillberg from
CliftonLarsonAllen, LLP, provided an
overview of the audit summary and financial statements for the school district for the 2011-2012 school year;
Ms. Windschitl, GSL High School
Spanish Teacher, gave a presentation
on the proposed 2014 trip abroad to
Peru; Business Manager Sander reported to the School Board; Principal
Butler reported to the Board; Superin-
tendent Sonju gave Principal Sparby’s
report to the Board; Student Government/Student Activities representatives Wolf, Popelka, and Beneke
reported to the Board; Superintendent
Sonju reported to the Board; and
Committee reports were given by Director Twiss and by Director Alsleben.
No action taken.
1. Public Input: Girls’ Basketball
Coach Ober and Team members Ober
and Beneke provided information
about a cancer fundraiser to be held
during the January 12th Girls’ Basketball home game against Norwood
Young America.
2. Alsleben/Kuester to approve the
agenda (6-0).
3. Twiss/Alsleben to approve the
consent agenda: November bills; regular Board meeting minutes of November 13, 2012; the hiring of Tricia
Schilling as 9-hour-a-week Paraprofessional in the Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Program at
GSL Lakeside Elementary School; the
resignations of Deb Rudy as 6.75hour-a-day Paraprofessional in the
Special Education Program at GSL
High School, effective December 3,
2012; Brea Wiblemo as Head Cheerleading Coach; and Lisa Eischens as
Junior High Gymnastics Coach; the
extracurricular assignments of Rebecca Haddad as 7th Grade Girls’ Basketball Coach; David Prehn as 8th
Grade Boys’ Basketball Coach; Carrie
Chap as Co-Head Cheerleading
Coach; Mona Ewald as Co-Head
Cheerleading Coach; and Jeff Delwiche as Junior High Wrestling; and
approval to designate the January 12th
home Girls’ Basketball game against
Norwood Young America a “Cancer
Game” in order to hold a cancer
fundraiser (6-0).
4. The school district held its annual Truth in Taxation Hearing at 6:01
p.m. Information was presented at the
Truth in Taxation Hearing about the
levy by Business Manager Sander.
Schreifels/Lindeman to set the final
2012 levy payable 2013 at
$2,323.663.11, or a decrease of 3.765
percent (6-0).
5. Kuester/Twiss to to accept the
audit summary and financial statements for the 2011-2012 school year
as prepared by CliftonLarsonAllen,
LLP (6-0).
6. Alsleben/Lindeman to approve
the Review and Comment document
for the proposed ECFE/ ECSE/SR addition project that is being submitted
to the Commissioner of Education (60).
7. Twiss/Kuester to bring back Policies 104 School District Mission
Statement, 202 School Board Officers,
and 206 Public Participation in School
Board Meetings/Complaints about
Persons at School Board Meetings and
Data Privacy Considerations for adoption at the next School Board meeting
8. Lindeman/Schreifels to approve
the Crisis Plan as revised for the 20122013 school year (6-0).
9. Alsleben/Twiss to approve the
contract with Business Manager
Sander from July 1, 2013 through June
30, 2016 (6-0).
10. Kuester/Twiss to accept the donations from the following groups
and/or individuals with appreciation:
Silver Lake Lions Club, GFWC of Silver Lake, New Auburn VFW Post
#7266, PRI Robotics, Inc., Silver Lake
Knights of Columbus, Glencoe Lions
Club, Silver Lake American Legion
Auxiliary #141, and New Auburn
VFW Post #7266 (6-0).
11. Director Schreifels expressed
his thanks to the people he has worked
with during his time on the School
12. Schreifels/Alsleben to adjourn
at 8:30 p.m. (6-0).
Complete minutes and all documents relating to this meeting are on
file and available for review at the Superintendent’s Office, 1621 East 16th
Street, Glencoe.
Glencoe-Silver Lake
School District #2859
By: Anne Twiss, Board Clerk
These minutes are unofficial until
approved by School Board action.
(Published in The Silver Lake
Leader January 10, 2013)
2013 Bride & Groom Guide
Sunday, Jan. 27
ur 29th annual Wedding
Guide will be published
January 27. This is a
great opportunity to show all
newly engaged couples in the
Glencoe Advertiser circulation
area just what you have to offer
them. This section is handed out
all year with our wedding and
engagement information. Plus,
any couple that has their
announcement printed in the
McLeod County Chronicle or Silver
Lake Leader is eligible for a drawing for
a pair of gift certificates for any business
that advertises in this section!
You can be sure they’ll use the Bride & Groom Guide when they
begin shopping for their wedding. Call today to reserve advertising
space in this popular special edition! The Wedding Guide will also
be posted on our website at
The Glencoe Advertiser
716 E. 10th St., Glencoe, MN 55336
Contact: Karin Ramige Cornwell:,
Sue Keenan:, or
Brenda Fogarty: CALL YOUR
Call 320-864-5518 • Fax 320-864-5510
Ashley Reetz at the Sibley Shopper: • 507-964-5547
Silver Lake Leader, Thursday, January 10, 2013 — Page 7
ONE WEEK: $1580
The McLeod
County Chronicle
Silver Lake Leader
The Glencoe
The Sibley Shopper
Arlington Enterprise
The Galaxy
Silver Lake Leader
For 20 words, one time in
ANY TWO PAPERS and on the internet.
30¢ per word after first 20 words.
2nd Week 1/2 Price
(based on first week pricing)
To place an ad: Call: 320-327-2216; Fax: 320-327-2530; E-Mail:; Mail: P.O. Box 343, Silver Lake, MN 55381
All ads appear online
All Six Papers Reach Over 50,000 Readers Weekly in over 33 Communities
The McLeod County Chronicle Mondays at Noon
The Glencoe Advertiser, The Sibley Shopper
Deadlines The Arlington Enterprise & The Silver Lake Leader Tuesdays at Noon & The Galaxy Wednesdays at NOON
Misc. Farm Items
Heating/Air Cond.
Misc. Service
Newly remodeled apartments for
rent in Renville. Water, heat,
garbage included. New appliances,
air conditioners. (320) 564-3351.
Available February 1st. 3BR, washer/dryer, dish washer, new furnace,
finished basement. Large yard with
deck. Utilities not included. Call
(763) 843-1345.
Trucks, Vans
1988 International S2500 semi truck.
148,000 one owner miles. Cummings
370hp, excellent condition. $10,000.
Call Mark (507) 964-2327.
Help Wanted
Lifetime career in marketing, management and applying “Green” products made in America. Full time/ part
time. For a free catalog, call Franke’s
Conklin Service now at (320) 2382370.
Minnesota Twins season tickets for
2013 season. Section 121 seats.
Package includes 2 seats. 5, 10 or
15 game packages available. Contact Rick at (952) 224-6331 for
more information.
Wanted To Buy
We buy used batteries and lead
weights. Paying top dollar for junk
batteries. Paying $8 to $24/battery.
We pick up. Call 800-777-2243. Ask
for Dana.
Want To Rent
2013 and beyond. Contact Jay
Gass, (320) 522-0273 or (320) 5231116.
Want to rent farmland for 2013 and
beyond. (320) 510-1604.
Young farmer looking for productive
farmland for 2013 and beyond.
Competitive rates and references.
Call Austin Blad at (320) 221-3517.
You have a friend! Call
Free Pregnancy Test
Hobby Farm
Misc. Service
You must see it to appreciate it!
11798 155th St., Glencoe. Hobby
farm for sale. 6 +/- acres, beautiful
4BR home. Very new outbuildings.
MLS# 4177963, $300,000. Contact
me for a private showing. Paul Krueger, Edina Realty, (612) 328-4506,
Send us your info.
or Phone: 320-327-2216
104B Lake Ave.
P.O. Box 343
Silver Lake, MN 55381
13071 Hwy 212, west of Glencoe
Printed in 11 publications
for 5 weeks!
Work Wanted
HANDYMAN: Will do remodeling of
kitchens, bathrooms, hanging doors
and windows, painting, sheet rocking,
texturizing or any minor repairs inside
or outside. Will also do cleaning of
basements/garages. Call (320) 8482722 or (320) 583-1278.
Dina (612) 940-2184 to reserve bus
today. Two buses available for wedding, business, bachelor(ette)’s,
sporting, etc. Glencoe business,
DOT 375227.
Plastic repair. Don’t throw it. Let me
weld it. Call Mike, Bird Island, anytime (320) 579-0418.
New 95% Goodman gas furnace
with new Focus Pro 6000 thermostat installed for only $2,100. J&R
Plumbing, Heating, AC, Lester
Prairie, MN. Licensed, bonded, insured. (320) 510-5035.
Got a
Story Idea?
We are in need of an
experienced auto
mechanic. Someone that is
able to complete
maintenance, diagnostics,
engine failures,
mechanical and electrical
repairs and much more.
Please respond by
sending your resume to
larsenautomotive@ or speaking
with Josh at 320-864-3503.
Wanted: Your OLD TRACTORS,
any condition, make or model. We
also specialize in new and used
Call Kyle. Located west of Henderson. (612) 203-9256.
The McLeod County Chronicle
Renville County Shopper
Renville County Register
The Glencoe Advertiser
Arlington Enterprise •
The Sibley Shopper • The Galaxy
Silver Lake Leader • Western Peach
place or ours. Give Virgil a call.
Schauer Construction, Inc. (320)
this ad for
Firewood for sale. 100% Ash, split
and dry. Any quantity. Delivery is
available. Call (320) 583-1597.
500 Off
a Photo Plus Classified.
(Regularly $50,
$45 without a photo.)
Classifieds are 15 words, 50¢ each
additional word. Photo cannot
be a company logo.
Offer expires 1-31-13.
To place your ad, contact any one of our three locations:
716 E. 10th St.
(320) 864-5518
402 W. Alden St.
(507) 964-5547
Silver Lake
104B Lake Ave.
(320) 327-2216
or email our Classified Department
Here are a few tips on writing a good classified word ad:
1. Do not use the fewest words possible.
ence? Let the prospect know you’re talking to him.
3. Remember, the classified section plays to a parade,
not an audience. Each time you run an ad, different
readers come into the needs are developed between weekly editions by readers.
4. Is the lead word or words aimed at a specific audi-
6. Make sure that your copy is complete with enough
details so that the reader can pick up the phone and
call you.
7. Make your ad read like a conversation. Read it
aloud to see how it sounds.
15.80 for 20 words one time
and on the internet.
30¢ per word after first 20 words.
(based on first week pricing)
Second week half price,
Third week FREE!
Clip and mail to:
Silver Lake LEADER
5. Benefits are what make people buy things. Give the
reader a good reason to buy your merchandise.
104B Lake Avenue • P.O. Box 343
Silver Lake, MN 55381
320-327-2216 • Fax 320-327-2530
2. Keep in mind that the more you tell, the more you
Be sure to include your name and address
or telephone number in ad.
1.____________2. _____________3. ______________4._____________5. _________
6.____________7. _____________8. ______________9.____________10. _________
8. Most newspaper readers are interested in price.
Make sure that your prospect knows what your
prices are.
9. Each ad should encourage the reader to take action.
It’s the main part of closing your sale.
Address ________________________________________
City ___________________________________________
Phone _____________________State _____Zip ________
11. __________12. ____________13. _____________14.____________15. _________
16.__________17. ____________18. _____________19.____________20. _________
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tell the
26.__________27. ____________28. _____________29.____________30. _________
Arlington Enterprise
Glencoe Advertiser
The Sibley Shopper
McLeod County Chronicle
The Galaxy
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Page 8 — Silver Lake Leader, Thursday, January 10, 2013
GSL Knowledge Bowl teams in top 4
On Saturday, Jan. 5, Glencoe-Silver Lake Knowledge
Bowlers competed at Lac qui
Parle Valley High School in
western Minnesota, and
placed in the top four at the
“It had been a month since
the last meet for the junior varsity and varsity, and they were
ready,” said GSL coach Vicky
“Lac qui Parle Valley had
decided to add some unusual
‘nerdy’ questions about science fiction series like ‘Star
Trek’ and ‘Doctor Who,’ TV
shows like ‘The Big Bang
Theory’ and video games.
This, and an invitation to wear
costumes, made the meet interesting,” Harris added.
There were 13 teams in the
varsity division from nine
schools. The two GSL teams
placed in the top four.
Willmar and Hutchinson
started in first and second
places with written scores of
49 and 45 and competed for
the whole meet in Room 1.
Willmar won the meet with
104 points.
GSL’s teams began the meet
in Room 2 with slightly lower
written scores (44 for GSL 1,
40 for GSL 2). After round 1,
GSL 1 moved up to Room 1.
It competed in Room 1 for the
next two rounds, while GSL 2
stayed in Room 2.
However, the scores of the
top four teams remained similar, and for round four the two
GSL teams traded places.
GSL 2 finished in second
with 100.5 points, while
Hutchinson and GSL 1 ended
tied for third with 100 points,
“so these three teams were extremely close,” Harris said.
The members of the second
place GSL 2 were Lindsey
Becker, Patrick Fehrenbach,
and Jacob Wawrzyniak. Third
place GSL 1 members were
Broderius and Chandler Swift.
The junior varsity division
included 13 teams from 10
GSL’s team began in Room
3 with a written score of 31,
but steadily moved up during
the meet. For rounds two and
three, it was in Room 2, where
it won each round, then went
to Room 1 for the final round.
Harris said the Atwater-Cosmos-Grove City (ACGC)
People News
Girl born to Glencoe family
Jeannette Arroyo and Jorge Manuel Noyola of Glencoe,
are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Kiana
Monique Noyola, on Dec. 17, 2012. Kiana weighed 8
pounds, 1 ounce, and was 20 inches long. Grandparents
are Norma Arroyo and Fernando Arroyo of Eagle Pass,
Texas, and Barbara Noyola-Salas and Jorge Noyola-Garcia
of Lester Prairie.
Hutch couple welcomes girl
Nathaniel Harris and Sara Miller of Hutchinson are
proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Hailey
Marae Harris, on Jan. 2, 2013. Hailey weighed 6 pounds,
14 ounces, and was 19 inches in length. Grandparents are
Vicky Miller of Aitkin and Ronny Miller of Locust Grove,
Dettmans welcome daughter
Daniel and Ann Dettman of Hutchinson are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Jordyn Marie, on Dec.
20, 2012. Jordyn weighed 6 pounds, 10 ounces, and was
193⁄4 inches long. Grandparents are Tony and Vonnie
Schmit of Wyndmere, N.D., and the late Kevin Dettman
and the late Deb Dettman.
Son born to Glencoe couple
Vanessa George and Dan Kohout of Glencoe are proud
to announce the birth of their son, Cole David Kohout, on
Dec. 20, 2012. Cole weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces, and
was 201⁄2 inches long. He is welcomed home by sister
Nevaeh. Grandparents are Dave and Deb Kohout of Glencoe and Roxanne George of Buffalo.
Daughter born to local couple
Chantel Deserae Ross and Jonathan Christopher Robb
are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Maia Deserae Robb, on Jan. 5, 2013. Maia weighed 7 pounds, 5
ounces, and was 19 inches in length. She is welcomed
home by big sister Hailey Marie. Grandparents are Robin
Abrams of Glencoe and Judy Robb and Lisa Robb, both
of Cleveland.
team in Room 1 was quite
dominant for the whole meet
and ended with 96 points.
GSL finished second with 79
points, while Benson teams
finished in third and fourth
places with 74.5 and 74 points.
The GSL team included
Cedric Winter, Kyle Beck,
Brent Duenow and Oakley
The junior high division
was quite large, with 25 teams
from 14 schools. The meet
was won by Hutchinson with
129 points. Willmar ended in
second with 112.5, and GSL 1
finished third with 110.5
GSL 1 had never competed
in Room 1, but stayed in
Room 2 for most of the meet,
“doing quite well there,” Harris said.
This team included Kaitlyn
Arthur, Mitch Beneke, Maddie
Kuehn, Jake Vasek, Alexis
Sanchez and Theresa Siers.
GSL 2 began in Room 2,
dropped to Room 3, then
moved up to Room 2 and finally Room 1. But in the final
round the team earned the
fewest points. It finished in
seventh with 104.0 points.
GSL junior high
Knowledge Bowl
teams all advance
On Friday, Jan. 4, three
Glencoe-Silver Lake Knowledge Bowl teams traveled to
Marshall to compete in the 45team Region 6 meet for students up to ninth grade. The
three GSL teams finished
fourth, 10th and 16th, and all
three teams will move on to
the next competition on
Wednesday, Jan 9, according
to GSL coach Vicky Harris.
The meet was won by Ortonville’s first team, with a
score of 122, while Willmar’s
second team earned second
place with 109 points. Canby
1 finished third with 107.5.
“GSL 1 was tied with
Canby until the strength-ofschedule points were added,
but GSL finished fourth with
106.5 because Canby had been
in higher rooms more often,”
Harris said.
GSL 1 team members were
Kuehn, Jenna Lokensgard,
Lindsay Wedin and Robin
GSL 3 finished in 10th with
Man guilty of
stealing corn
WINTHROP — The Gaylord Hub reported that Kyle
Grams, 35, of Winthrop,
pleaded guilty in Sibley
County District Court to unlawfully taking corn from his
employer, selling it at United
Grain Systems in Winthrop,
and keeping the money. The
thefts were valued at over
$13,000 and occurred between
March and July.
ECFE family bowling night set for Jan. 19
Calling all family bowlers!
It’s time to register for Cosmic
Bowling Family Night. ECFE
is planning a trip to Lano
Lanes on Saturday, Jan. 19, at
5:45 p.m.
Dance music and “starlight”
will make this a bowling night
to remember! Bumpers in the
gutters will help make your
child successful in hitting the
If you or your child(ren)
haven’t bowled, this is a great
opportunity to give it a try
with other novices; most kids
Harris said the fourththrough seventh-place teams
were within one and a half
points of each other.
The team members of GSL
2 were Jenna Lokensgard.
Lindsay Wedin, Jake Fehrenbach, Robin Swift, Katie
Twiss and Jack Gepson.
GSL 3 competed in Room 3
for two rounds, then dropped
to Room 5 and finished the
meet in 18th with 81 points.
This team included Connor
Heuer, Cora Kuras, Marisa
Luchsinger, Maggie Petersen,
Rachel Reichow and Dini
Several GSL Knowledge
Bowlers won prizes for unusual costumes. Robin Swift
won gold for being dressed as
a pencil.
Knowledge Bowl will continue its busy schedule with a
meet in Willmar on Saturday,
Jan. 12, and another at Dawson-Boyd on Saturday, Jan.
19. In addition, the junior high
teams will be competing at
Marshall on Wednesday, Jan.
9, in a Region 6 and 8 meet.
just roll the ball between their
legs. Families will bowl for up
to two hours.
For registration information,
call ECFE at 320-864-2681.
All families must be registered
to attend.
90 points. The team members
were Jake Fehrenbach, Maggie Petersen, Rachel Reichow
and Theresa Siers.
GSL 2 came in 16th with
84.5 points. That team included Connor Heuer, Marisa
Luchsinger, Dini Schweikert,
Jake Vasek, and Jack Gepson.
Other McLeod County
teams which will move on to
the Region 6 and 8 meet on
Wednesday include: Hutchinson (seventh with 96.5 points
and 15th with 85 points),
Lester Prairie (eighth with
95.5 points), New Century
Academy (21st with 79
points), and Winsted Holy
Trinity (24th with 78 points).
Weather Corner
By Jake Yurek
This week’s forecast will be quite difficult as a warm,
then active, weather pattern sets up over the upper Midwest. Warning: forecast confidence is low as computer
models are having a very tough time deciding what is actually going to happen.
We’ll start the week out very warm, producing a not-toooften-seen January thaw. Highs should make it well into
the 30s, with some areas of southern Minnesota pushing
perhaps to 40. This is all ahead of what basically amounts
to a double-barreled storm system sliding its way into the
area late week.
The first impulse will come Thursday into early Friday.
Right now, computers are keeping most of the precipitation
in the form of rain as things will be too warm in all layers
of the atmosphere to get snow. As the precipitation moves
on, there could be a mess, however, with rain, freezing rain,
sleet and snow not out of the question.
The second, and possibly more powerful storm for us,
should enter the area by very late Friday into Saturday.
There will be enough cold air with this one to make everything snow, but it’s hard to pinpoint almost a week out who
the bullseye will be on.
My advice about the end of this forecast … stay tuned
to more up-to-date forecasts, especially if you have weekend plans!
Behind the storms, COLD air will move back in so get
out and enjoy the warmth while it is here. There is a very
cold pool of air building in northern Canada and a piece is
wiggling its way free, so we could be in for some of the
coldest air of the season by late next week if things pan
Have a great week!
Ma dobry weekendem
Mit dobry vikend
Wednesday night — Lows 18-24, clear.
Thursday — Highs 32-38; lows 26-32; rain, then freezing rain/snow/sleet.
Friday — Highs 29-36; lows 12-18; early mix/clouds,
snow late.
Saturday — Highs 16-24; lows 0-8, snow.
Sunday — Highs 12-18; mostly clear.
Weather Quiz: What were the top five weather stories
for 2012 in Minnesota?
Answer to last week’s question: It was a year of ups and
downs. We started out near normal and then went very
warm and wet early. We proceeded to end the year warm,
but the rain faucet turned off, and we are currently in the
middle of a moderate to severe drought. In the end, the
Twin Cities tied for the warmest year on record, with St.
Cloud coming in with its second warmest year ever. Can’t
wait to see what this year brings!
Remember: I make the forecast, not the weather!
E-mail us at:
to know?
When is the game?
What happened
at the meeting?
How is the team doing?
Who is the Student
of the Month?
Find the answers
in the
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