July Evangelist - St. Mark`s Cathedral
July Evangelist - St. Mark`s Cathedral
A Monthly Magazine July 2015 • Volume 55 • Issue 7 The ST. ST. MARK’S MARK’S CATHEDRAL CATHEDRAL SHREVEPORT, LOUISIANA www.stmarkscathedral.net 2015! The Cathedral welcomed forty-five youngsters from across the city for this year’s week-long choir camp. The children also sang during the 10:30 a.m. Sunday service on June 7 and attended a reception in the honor to culminate the week! Anglican Heritage Trip to Scotland and England SUNDAY WORSHIP 8:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. Sunday Holy Eucharist Holy Unction offered at 10:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Friday Holy Eucharist (uses the Sunday Propers) A number of members and staff from St. Mark’s spent a week in Scotland and Northern England last month. The journey began in Edinburgh and included stops at Stirling, Durham and York with stops along the way at the Holy Island of Lindisfarne, Whitby Abbey and Hadrian’s Wall. Sunday morning worship was at York Minster. JULY 5, 2015 The Sixth Sunday after Pentecost Ezekiel 2:1-5 Psalm 123 2 Corinthians 12:2-10 Mark 6:1-13 JULY 12, 2015 The Seventh Sunday after Pentecost Amos 7:7-15 Psalm 85:8-13 Ephesians 1:3-14 Mark 6:14-29 JULY 19, 2015 The Eighth Sunday after Pentecost Jeremiah 23:1-6 Psalm 23 Ephesians 2:11-22 Mark 6:30-34, 53-56 From top: Marybeth & Bob McVie, Fr. Wayne Carter and Bess Maxwell walk in Edinburgh, Scotland. JULY 26, 2015 The Ninth Sunday after Pentecost 2 Kings 4:42-44 Psalm 145:10-19 Ephesians 3:14-21 John 6:1-21 The cave of St. Cuthbert on the holy island of Lindisfarne Weekday Worship at the Cathedral The ruins of Lindisfarne Priory Hexham Abbey, Durham England York Minster, York England Wednesdays 7:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist Fridays 5:30 p.m. Holy Eucharist (This service is an option for those who cannot attend Sunday worship.) Oblationers Needed The Altar Guild invites parishioners (families, adult singles, siblings, friends) to serve as oblationers (gift bearers) at the 10:30 a.m. Sunday service. This is a meaningful way to serve the faith community. For more information please contact Lynn Yancey at lynnyancey@comcast.net. 2 MEMORIAL FLOWERS July 5 The flowers on the High Altar are given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Donald William Van Doorn and in remembrance of those who have fought so that we may enjoy freedom. The flowers on the Chapel Altar are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Paula Minor Coleman. July 12 The flowers on the High Altar are given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Mr. & Mrs. James Curtis Stevens, Mr. & Mrs. John Davis Boyd, William Michael Boyd, Lewis Sleeper Robinson, M.D. and Jean Walker Robinson Great works are happening in the Ministry Building! The flowers on the Chapel Altar are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Mr. & Mrs. Henry Restarick and Dr & Mrs Jack Pou. July 19 The flowers on the High Altar are given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Lori Leigh Leatherman. Mrs. Beth’s room and the atrium will be getting a facelift this summer. Please have all the little ones (3-6 year olds) report to the 3rd 7 is the same floor. Everything as usual, with the exception of room change. The flowers on the Chapel Altar are given to the glory of God and in honor of John Peter Koellen and in loving memory of Mr. & Mrs. George G. Koellen. July 26 The flowers on the High Altar are given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Rutledge Holmes Deas and Mamie Jordan Deas Ratzburg. The flowers on the Chapel Altar are given to the glory of God and in honor of the birthday of Jack Berg. DEATHS Rest Eternal grant to her, O Lord; and let light perpetual shine upon her. See you Sunday upstairs! Elizabeth Louise Scheel, mother of John Scheel, on June 3, 2015. Martha Ann Evans, on June 22, 2015. May her soul, and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. WEDDINGS Those whom God has joined together, let no one put asunder. Kayla Malynne Klaus & Christopher Allen Marsalis, on May 23, 2015. 3 Especially if we are still mourning all those old plans that we “knew” we wanted. This is where we once again find ourselves looking to Christ for clarity about our lives. We look to Christ for answers to make it all make sense. Which we may not get, or maybe we do, but not the answers we seek or that we hoped for. During Bible study and Ale and the Almighty this spring, both the youth and the young adults have found ourselves looking at this exact aspect of our lives and seeing how God’s plan for us isn’t always the plan we thought we wanted, and also how we live into this plan. We see that every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice-versa, the bad things don’t necessarily spoil the good things and make them unimportant. What we have to remember is to always try to add to others’ pile of good things. Even if they aren’t necessarily adding to ours. It may not solve their problems nor rectify their hardships, but that’s how we know that we are at least trying to live as Jesus teaches us to, by his example. To do what we can so that we have shared that light, and add good things. In this, we start to see why we are on the path we are on... In this we grow up. From child or stalled adulthood to adults, with purpose and direction. Where our great gifts are used for a greater good, in God’s greater plan. But how do we know we are even on God’s path? What if we made a wrong turn and now we are just stuck? It is here we have to remind ourselves to really look at the piles we have collected. Mainly our pile of good things – all the things, no matter how small or seemly insignificant, that have brought some amount of joy, or hope, or peace into our lives. These are the things that remind us God has never left us. That although we don’t always see God’s plans and more often have trouble understanding it – It’s right there before us. And we are not alone. Collecting Piles while Taking the Long Way Around... by Brooks Boylan brooks@stmarkscathedral.net Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. – Robert Frost The fastest way between two points is a straight line. This is a fact that we all learn at a early age. A fact that unfortunately gives us wrong ideas about life. We tend to believe that that fastest, easiest way, is the best for us. Clearly the most convenient path is the right one, and any deviation is not: we look for the path of least resistance... It, this path, becomes the plans, the life, the idea of perfection that shapes us – that we put all of our efforts and energies in. It becomes the basket that holds all of our eggs. It becomes our life, or at least the life we think we want – the specific way we want it. And we want it soooooo bad, don’t we? Now the problem is that that fastest, best, thoroughly planned out path isn’t always the path we actually get to travel. Sometimes some of those plans work out; sometimes we get part of what we think we want. And sometimes, most times, we end up taking the long way around. Our journey usually reveals to us a path, a plan, a life that we never counted on and yet, despite the frustration of being not wanted or expected, hardly is there ever an occurrence where we regret that path which had been taken. Because it did make all the difference But this is never so easily done; it takes so much to see the blessings of the “long way around” road. We are left wondering what we did wrong and if there is anything we can do to get back to where we began. Then there is the question we have to ask ourselves: was it all worth it? Was everything we went through: the joy and pain, the failures and surprise successes, the lost dreams and the nearly built ones… Was the journey, the one we traveled or are traveling, all worth it? This is where the questions of “whys,” the “what ifs,” the “isn’t fairs,” and the doubt creep in to our lives. Especially if we haven’t seen the results of this “new” path yet, The truth is, most of us (if not all) know what this is like, and for the most part, we would never trade what we now know, what we have learned about ourselves and life, where we have now found ourselves, and what this unexpected path has brought into our lives. I hope when we find ourselves at a low point, struggling to understand the chances and changes of our life, we take the time to remember our pile of good things and may we trust God’s plan for us. And may we appreciate the blessings of the long way around road. 4 EYC Calendar Mondays Coming This Month... Caddo Parish High school art teachers Holli Hennessy and Shirlene Alexander are offering an art camp in the Parish Hall on July 6-10 for little artists age 7-14. The camp is from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. daily and will include drawing, painting, printmaking, clay, batik and sculpture. For more information call Shirlene Alexander at 218-4380. Coffice at Rhino 4:00-5:00 pm Girls’ Bible Study – Wednesdays at 5:00 pm July 1 (Wednesday) – Cinematic Adventure Day July 10 (Friday) – EYC Camping July 20 - 24 – VBS July 24 – Glow in the Dark 5K July 27 - August 2 – Youth Week July 30 - August 2 – Summer Trip: Dollywood and Rafting Highland Kids Need School Help! Several children in the Highland Community Renewal program need help preparing for the upcoming school year. They need backpacks and supplies for 24 kids. Supplies include: a box of tissues, loose leaf paper, pencils, erasers, scissors, composition books, folders, 3 subject notebooks, glue-sticks, colored pencils, and highlighters. These items are needed by July 14. Please see the signup list at the church office for specifics. Contact Jennifer Beruvides at jennifer@stmarkscathedral.net for more information or questions. Lost Anything at Church? Or maybe you’re just missing some item and have no idea where it might have gone. Drop by or call the church office and check into our lost and found! We have everything from sunglasses to scarves to cell phones to jewelry (including some very nice pieces.) Check and see what you’re missing! Monday – Friday July 20-24th Spaces are limited; please sign up by July 5th HAPPY BIRTHDAY JULY 1 Susie Collier Austin Reed 2 Amanda Clingan Brenda Giles Daniel Clarke Kevin Payne Brooks Boylan Penn Brightwell 3 Paul Winder Gregg Sellers 4 Tom Reed Kennon Comegys Tom Needham Chris Aymond Shana Jump Meg Willett McKenzie Pugh 5 Edward Leatherman Mike Schofield Elissa Larremore 6 Frances Simpson Marty Whatley Bickham Dickson Leah Horn Dana Milner 7 Beth Allen Ashley Nader Chris Cottingham Michael Schimpf Sydney Smith 8 Bill Teague Dodie Billingsley Bob Williamson Loyd Comegys 9 Pam Comegys James King, III 10 Gene Snell Connie Emmons Carol Peterson Sherry Ward Joanne Russell Tina Strong Elise Crockford Mae Hargrove 11 Barbara Qualey Lauren Florsheim Sam Crichton Kellie Kilcline Sam Powell 12 Priscilla Claflin Kelsey Turnage Trigg Erwin 13 Tuck Ingersoll Clyde Hargrove Kathy Brodnax Natalie Bartle Kate Davis 14 Eleanor Armstrong Amy Lewis James Mayeaux Jennie Jamerson 15 Nancy Cosse Marie Toles Benny Popwell Susannah Poljak Christian Hall 16 Lynn Massad Sandra Miller 17 Katharine Knicely Ellen Erwin Danielle Hilario Alex Hall William Hardtner 18 Roger Hammett Judy Storer Thomas Poljak 19 Darrell Rebouché John Atkins 20 Campbell Jones Clayton Simmons Caitlyn Hinkie 21 Laura McLemore Barbara Johnson Rob Gilchrist Scott Soignier Randolph Smith Marissa Kane John Kamphuis 22 Gayle Labor Beverly Reeves Morgan O’Brien Micah Strong 23 John Peter Koellen Bennett Herndon Ellis Prince Parker Byles Sarah Elizabeth Larremore 24 Debbie Smith Margaret Badgley Glay Collier Teresa LeBleu Toni Sellers Stephanie Young Rosalyn Fisher RachaelMillen 25 Marguerite Allen Michele Q=Petersen Jane Shea Lisa Hargrove 26 Barbara Dossett Elizabeth Peterson Warren Graves 27 Dicksey Sanders Tommy Broome Bob FitzGerald Joe Ketner Kathy Lowe Susan Falbaum Clay Stroud 28 Roger Naus Jack Berg Pepper Lang Stuart Dubin Oliver Jenkins Lauren Ewing Evelyn Margaret Little 29 Chloe Thornton Tom Thompson Diane Long Frank Harris, IV Molly Manno Tammy Arnold Wes Arnold Ann Nuckolls Samuel Cooper J.J. Fortiz 30 Laura Boyd Jan Glass Matt Woodard Patrick Caraway Chris Skrivanos Jaden Allen Thomas Siskron 31 Mickey Prestridge Nancy Kate Hargrove Rick Newell Annual Fine Arts Camp to be Held at Cathedral St. Mark’s Please help us with the history of St. Mark’s weddings! If you were married by a clergy of St. Mark’s, either at the cathedral or another location, please submit a photograph to be included in the album. The earliest photograph in the album at this point is from the early 1920’s. Contact Martha Cooper if you have questions. 523-9136 or sug63@aol.com 8 On July 27-31, St. Mark’s will host the 26th annual Fine Arts Camp for grades 1 through adult. The mission of the camp is to provide ShreveportBossier children and adults with the opportunities to explore and learn various forms of fine arts with the best and brightest, highly qualified and trained professional artists from around the United States during one week in the summer. There is a fee to cover the costs and expenses associated with running such a program. Classes range from music and voice lessons to dance, theater and art. Registration and information can be found at their website, www. summerfineartscamp.org. July Vacation Bible School St. Mark’s at ge) (the fridge pa St. July 20-24 . 8:00 - 11:30 a.m Ma rk Mo ’s Ph nd ysic ay a At 5 the :30 a -Frid l Trai Ca .m. ay ning the dra l Kids Art Camp July 6-10 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. d the Ale anighty Alm .m. 7:00 p tering ke ca at Dra esson for L ’s Place rilynn at Ma oly Spirits for H p am C ts r eA .org Fin -31 rtscamp 7 2 ea ly Ju rfin e mm u w.s ww EYC Calendar n atio orm F n a isti A Chr dult s Clas 1 y r a 10 ion Lect er Room s ’ n Dea try Cent is Min .m. a 9:30 Mondays Coffice at Rhino 4:00-5:00 pm Girls’ Bible Study – Wednesdays at 5:00 pm July 1 (Wednesday) – Cinematic Adventure Day July 10 (Friday) – EYC Camping July 20 - 24 – VBS July 24 – Glow in the Dark 5K July 27 - August 2 – Youth Week July 30 - August 2 – Summer Trip: Dollywood and Rafting 9 Members of the Vestry of St. Mark’s Cathedral Scott Deupree, Senior Warden – Lad Shemwell, Junior Warden – Patrick Caraway, Treasurer – John Reeks, Chancellor 2015 Scott Crichton Bob FitzGerald Kathryn Gaiennie Patrick Harrison Jonathan Hardtner The Rt. Rev. Jacob W. Owensby (Bishop of Western Louisiana) bishopjake@diocesewla.org The Very Rev. Alston Johnson (Dean) alston@stmarkscathedral.net The Rev. Dr. Rowena White (Canon) rowena@stmarkscathedral.net The Rev. Dr. Wayne Carter (Associate Clergy) wayne@stmarkscathedral.net The Rev. John Raish (Assisting Clergy) Lois Maberry (Ministerial Intern) lois@stmarkscathedral.net 2016 Rick Beruvides Rosemary Cole Bill Kalmbach Anne Lasseigne Pat Viser 2017 Laura Boyd Bonnie Dubin Bill Reyenga David Roberts Patrick White Bryan T. Mitnaul (Canon for Cathedral Music) bryan@stmarkscathedral.net Christopher Lynch (Associate Organist & Choirmaster) christopher@stmarkscathedral.net Brooks Boylan (Lay Canon for Parish Family Ministries) brooks@stmarkscathedral.net John Scheel (Facilities Manager) john@stmarkscathedral.net Katie Baker (Assistant Youth Minister) katie@stmarkscathedral.net Becky Deverts (Financial Office Manager) becky@stmarkscathedral.net Bess Maxwell (Administrative Assistant) bess@stmarkscathedral.net 2018 Caffery Brown Amy Lewis Kevin Payne Darrell Rebouché Mike Schofield Ashley Jackson (Director of Children’s Formation) ashley@stmarkscathedral.net Jennifer Beruvides (Coordinator for Events and Hands-on Outreach Ministry) jennifer@stmarkscathedral.net Judy Austin (Receptionist) judy@stmarkscathedral.net Marguerite Allen (Receptionist) marguerite@stmarkscathedral.net Beth Reeks (Minister for Pre-K Children’s Programs) preschool.beth@gmail.com Katie-Beth Davis (Nursery Coordinator) smcnursery1@gmail.com Address Service Requested (318) 221-3360 Fax: (318) 424-8427 www.stmarkscathedral.net _________________________ 908 Rutherford Street Shreveport, LA 71104 St. Mark’s Cathedral (Episcopal) Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Shreveport, LA Permit No. 15
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